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pbcnita · 1 year ago
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wearwolfapparel · 5 years ago
Sis explaining ancestral nature spirits and how to pay tribute if you don't have a space set up in the home. When keeping true to your roots, it becomes crucial to acknowledge your ancestors and various spiritual guides that are recognized within the culture. They are your ancestors as well. You are the latest link in a long spiritual chain. Keep the chain strong! ------------------------------------------------------ Reposted from @designsbylwhite (@get_regrann) - #gotothesource #naturesgifts #naturesdaughter #meetthemwheretheyare #nativeblood #wearenatureschildren #africanspirituality #africangods #eshu #elegua #elegba #Orisha #Orisa #forcesofnature #awakenspiritually #findyourroots #spiritguides #spiritualcourt #indios #kichina (at Urban Shaman Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3IfmgUBU8O/?igshid=ptem5irznkt9
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Park life! #naturesdaughter #naturestherapy #grounding #centered #aje #spiritualist #starchild #brujalife #witchythings #tarot #effun #cascarilla #intuitiveguidance #gypsy #gitana #madama https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_4E37HpCg/?igshid=17oj91b3r75co
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Whatchu thought! #itsalliknow #naturesdaughter #puresoul #iammyancestorswildestdreams #weallneedtobeonthis #thisishowwewin #iammybrotherskeeper #weallwegot #unity #ittakesavillage #bethebestversionofyou #timetowakeup #callyourpowerback #reclaimyourmagic #youreincontrol #selfassessment #soulwork #everythingfromaplaceoflove #awakenspiritually #learnhowenergyworks #beopentoreceive #eggunguided #ancestorprotected https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BwTAU0OHE-S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bcfe4kbozebj
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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I claimed victory with my first breathe! Maferefun Oya! She is the first & last breathe you take. #myspiritisstrong #oldsoul #purespirit #starchild #naturesdaughter #spiritiseternal #warriorsblood #goddessenergy #melanatedmagic #ancestorprotected #eggunguided #shangosdaughter #zarabandaschild #cholaschild #daughtertoall #spirituallyconnected https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BvpkpUtnwLo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c82flvojz5hc
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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I am Uniquely & unapologetically me. Time to Get to know who you are. #ivebeenherebefore #spiritiseternal #iknowwhoiam #starchild #naturesdaughter #intuitivebeing #connectedtotheuniverse #shangosdaughter #zarabandaschild #cholaschild #daughtertoall #goddessenergy #foreverastudent #foreverevolving #iammyancestorswildestdreams #multifaceted #iammagic #spiritualist #knowledgeofself #mysoulsparkles https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BvmkVdsnEci/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13hcc7xxffdwc
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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This is a perfectly valid excuse. Lol #fullmoon #chargedup #theuniverseprovides #naturesdaughter #everythingisenergy #tapintothesource #adjustyourfrequency #openyourthirdeye #letyourguidesleadyou #learnhowenergyworks #melanatedorigins #wearemagic #brujalife #witchythings #aje https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BuDR_-XnoqJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qoz4tavrn2dc
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Lol. Lissen I am not the one to tell anyone you did it wrong. I will ask what you did and let my Eggun tell me to tell you how to tweak it, & thats only when you ask me. What works for some doesn't work for others, that's where your guides come in. Everyone's people don't do things the same & it's ok. My magic defies plenty of what people think. I ask everything and assume nothing. #ancestorsgotme #eggunguided #spirituallyconscious #lightworker #naturesdaughter #imintunewiththeuniverseandicalluponit https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BuCZczSHyb5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qqzxblra5bsy
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Bwaaahhhaaaaa You're all welcome! Hahaaaa #iamusemyself #multifaceted #authenticallyme #naturesdaughter #lightworker #laughterisgoodforthesoul #goodenergy #positivevibes #spirituallyconscious #goddessenergy #spreadinglight https://www.instagram.com/designsbylwhite/p/BtzX9OyH4PB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hxvmlyz4sv7k
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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I Live In My Truth! #freespirit #authenticallyme #puresoul #lightworker #naturesdaughter #inspiringminds #timetolifttheveil #openyourthirdeye #tuneintotheuniverse https://www.instagram.com/p/BtW0yYcHCOl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1isx7kwjmvyc4
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Lmaooooo Grand Rising! #saturdayshenanigans #aboutlastnight #weekendbehavior #naturesdaughter  #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath  #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots  #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #blackgirlmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGgRIfnGWa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xufys9trj0nx
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Lmaooooo Knock it off! #igotjokes #naturesdaughter  #reclaimyourdestiny #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath  #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots  #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHZL8Gnoho/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r0x52zyn60ok
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Life is a struggle for most, but it doesn't have to be. #timetowakeup #comeonhome #naturesdaughter #reclaimyourdestiny #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath  #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots  #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness  #africangods https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs66QTenUb8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h2yesl55p5el
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Sleep time done! Open that third eye! #changeyourfrequency #timetowakeup #intunewiththeuniverse #naturesdaughter #reclaimyourdestiny #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness #africangods https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6gmW-HFvB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10dv0lgbub6qq
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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If you can't hear them then dammit hear me! Brothers and sisters you are looking in the wrong places. The power comes through YOU! #timetowakeup #theonlywayoutisin  #naturesdaughter  #reclaimyourdestiny #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath  #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots  #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness  #africangods https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6Oirznhqo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hak801f64v1k
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pbcnita · 6 years ago
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Lmaooooo hilarious! #mlk #enjoyyourdayoff #igotjokes #timetowakeup #naturesdaughter  #reclaimyourdestiny #thirdeyeopen #findyourpath  #spiritualityoverreligion #knowledgeofself #findyourroots  #vibratehigher #ancestors #eggun #spiritguides #Ifa #Yoruba #africanspirituality #Orisha #Orisa #Ori #Lucumi #Santeria #palo #blackgirlmagic #blackconsciousness  #africangods https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6FC41Ho5R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j4gtwja2asf
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