#spooky flesh spaghetti
alleesaur · 10 months
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Entanglement of the Self
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zestysthoughts · 1 month
Tep Tons: Video Games (2024)
10: Minecraft Legitimately, a great game. Every now and then I'll return to it and it's just a good time, the grind can get pretty monotonous though. Best horror experience, would get annihilated by the Warden again.
9: Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus Everything I'd want from an RPG, and exactly what I'm looking for in a tactics game. Unfortunately pacing is really sluggish, in part because the controls and activations are kinda clunky. I'm excited for the sequel! Would replace my flesh with machine again.
8. 140 A short and sweet indie game. An abstract musical platformer with boss fights and a bumpin' soundtrack. Unfortunately Carlsen Games doesn't seem to have made any more games after this and Thoth. Would get slapped by giant blocks of static again.
7. Saints Row: The Third Few games have given me as much joyous mirth as this. It's one of those franchises where if you took elements from every game and mashed them into one, you'd have a perfect game. Would use the Penetrator again.
6. Redout 2 An improvement over the original in almost every way. The butt-clenching speed, the satisfying weight of the ships, the extensive customization, this is probably the game I'm most skilled at. The campaign is overlong and the music isn't quite as iconic as the first though. Would blow up from overheating again.
5. Portal 1 and 2 It's a twofer! Both are a delight. They're funny, spooky, clever, haunting, beautiful games. Unfortunately I haven't been able to fully experience the co-op, where apparently some real juicy puzzles are at. Would break the Aerial Faith Plates again.
4. Warframe A great game getting better and better with every update. I love the world, the story, the gameplay, the weapons, even Duviri! Probably #2 in the amount of time I've put into it. Unfortunately this is the game that killed any interest in game grinding I might've had. Would breathe Vay Hek's air again.
3. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild The first LoZ game I'd actually played, and it was so delightful! It's a cozy world I found a lot of peace and relaxation in, even the combat was pleasing. Unfortunately while TotK expanded on it mechanically, it may as well have retconned everything else for the amount of impact BotW had on it. Would hunt Lynels again.
2. Starcraft 2 My favorite game of all time. I've been in love with this world since I was a wee lad, and my teens were dominated by SC2. Definitely the game I've sunk the most time into, especially co-op and campaigns. The gameplay is buttery smooth, and I'm terrible at it lol. Unfortunately you can see the campaign was too ambitious for the time/funding they were allowed, so the quality of animation, writing, and production take some dips, as well as some of the content added toward the end of development. Still, one of the only games to make me cry even today. Would give my life for Aiur again.
1. Undertale Again, legitimately a great game, the greatest game of all time. No meme, I adore this game and my favorite character unironically is Sans. I love a character with an otherworldly understanding of what's going on. It's been dissected to death so I won't harp on it, just know that everything about it is wonderful. Hot take though, Megalovania is totally overrated. Would eat the spaghetti again.
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fuddieduddies-art · 1 year
🐷 💘 💛 🖤 🍝 🧐😞 🤔🍛 🎶 🩹 FOR TONY AND HILDEGARD
omg hiiii bestie. once more let's get some read more action cause this is a lot lol.
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
hildegard. again, certified bug liker. probably weird stuff specifically like spiders, centipedes, anything with like weird long ass legs and million eyes and pincers. tony will see a falcon and be like wooahh sick The Maltese Falcon (1941) reference.
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
hildegard. the fact i do not have a immediate answer makes me so sad. probably some people at the circus who they still write to on their travels. it will become tristen god willing. tony. steph one million heart emojis and zivah :) and also dire, yes, but he would never say that to his face lol.
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
hildegard. they speak common and elvish :] tony. english, some italian. fluent in talking shit.
🖤 BLACK HEART — has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
hildegard. somehow she hasn't lmao. definitely has caused a few accidents with their powers that have gotten people hurt, but nothing that serious. they don't strike me as a heartbreaker tho tony. iman you know this. yeah like a handful. whoops lmao. broke steph's heart with The Incident.
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
hildegard. stews and soup and meat pies and whatnot. tony. i bet his mom makes really banging risotto and It's That.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
hildegard. more logical in a way people find maybe a little cold or uncomfortably clinical. tony. ohhh he is so emotional honestly he needs to chillax.
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
hildegard. tragically their weird and off-putting swag is too much for most, and they tend to be left alone. creatures don't mind, though. monsters don't mind. tony. everyone either wants to climb him like a tree or is immediately intimidated by him. so like jury's out. until the time of the campaign he's been very reluctant to make any sort of deeper connections with people. because of the curse.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner
hildegard. since he travels around a lot, he tends to eat stuff that can last longer and that's easy to have on the road. bread, cheeses, dried meats and fruits. tony. well. he has a notable and unfortunate dietary requirement, so generally speaking he just kind of does a Snake Meal of human flesh and whatever he has on hand, either leftovers or takeout or something he makes himself, and that keeps him going for about a week. girl dinner.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
hildegard. god what music do they have in dnd. spooky music from the sims 4. i think they'd like stuff that's pretty upbeat and intense, and songs that have a story. tony. dad rock and jazz. perhaps he peeps some more musical theatre bc of zivah. he likes to have something on in the background pretty often.
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
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all of my characters are autistic even if they're neurotypical because they are made and played by me. hope this helps.
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downtoearthmarkets · 11 months
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Late October has summoned up its eerie shadows, baleful skies, creaking trees and rustling leaves. Not to mention squat pumpkins and macabre displays jumping out at you from every front yard you pass. Folks, if it feels kind of spooky out there, it’s not your imagination because Halloween will be upon us next Tuesday, October 31st! But, fear not, there’s nothing to shriek about as Down to Earth Markets has some scarily good ideas for treats that are sure to be a hit at any ghoulish get-together. 
Candy Apples Crimson sugarcoated candy apples were originally created in 1908 by William Kolb to hang as holiday ornaments in the windows of his confectionery store in Newark, NJ. When peckish patrons expressed interest in consuming the décor, Kolb realized he had accidentally stumbled upon a new bestseller and the rest, as they say, is history. Today, blood-red candy apples are an iconic and seasonally appropriate Halloween treat that is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser.
To make a batch of candy apples for your Halloween hoopla, look for apples in the farmers market that have firmer flesh and a hint of tartness to balance the sweet sugarcoating. Freshly harvested varieties such as Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Fuji and Gala will work well. Once you have your apples in hand, the remaining ingredients are easy to source and the recipe simple to follow: 
Maplebrook Farm butter for greasing cookie sheet 
15 craft sticks 
15 apples, washed and dried 
2 cups white sugar 
1½ cups water 
1 cup non-GMO light corn syrup 
8 drops red food coloring (look for red food coloring with natural ingredients or purchase beets from the farmstalls to make your own)
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Did you know that the seeds from inside every kind of squash are eminently edible and highly nutritious? You can enjoy roasted butternut, acorn and spaghetti squash seeds as a healthy standalone snack or add them as a crunchy, nutty topper to salads, soups and other autumn dishes. Of course, this includes the seeds that you scoop out from inside your jack-o'-lantern before carving it up into a spectral front stoop masterpiece. So, after you disembowel your scary pumpkin, instead of throwing its orange innards into the trash, clean off the seeds, pat ‘em dry, toss in coarse salt and DEMI Olive Oil, spread them out on a baking tray and oven roast until lightly golden brown. 
French Bread Mummy Pizzas This recipe will add a frisson of fright to your Halloween pizza party with ciabatta or French bread slices dressed to look like bandage-wrapped mummies. 
Cut open a Wave Hill Breads French baguette or ciabatta loaf the long way and then into 6-inch-long segments. 
Spread pizza sauce or SayChef marinara sauce on top of the bread. 
Cut a farmers market zucchini in half lengthways and slice it into ribbons using a vegetable peeler.
Crisscross the bread with the zucchini ribbons to replicate mummy bandages. 
Carefully lay mozzarella string cheese on top of the zucchini for some extra cheesy bandage effect but leave space in between the strings of cheese so they won’t melt together. 
Place two slices of Dr. Pickle black olives at the top of each of your mummified pizza slices to give them a pair of eyes. 
Boo! You have yourself some scary looking yet delicious pizza. 
Ghoulish Goulash Goulash is famous for being one of the national dishes of Hungary and was traditionally eaten by gulyás, meaning 'herdsmen' or 'cowboys’ in Hungarian. Goulash can be prepared from beef, veal, pork, or lamb but the Americanized version typically uses ground beef. A bowl of hot, hearty goulash will make the perfect meal to fortify yourself with before heading out on the town for a long night of trick or treating. To prepare your ghoulish goulash, pick up onions, garlic, tomatoes, fresh herbs and olive oil from your favorite vendors and follow this minimal prep, minimal cleanup recipe from The Pioneer Woman.  
We hope this gets several spooky ideas creeping into your head in time for a wicked good Halloween. Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing you – and perhaps a creative costume or two – in the farmers market this weekend!
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
27 for Bruno from JoJo's? For the spooky prompts?
27. "Am I dead?"
I got a little carried away with this. It was originally just going to be a little drabble but it escalated to almost 1000 words. Anyway, have this. Also vampire-hunter AU because I said so.
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, death mention, nothing worse than you'd experience watching the show
You let out a cry, arms shielding your face as you fell to the floor, back pressed against the cold stone. Various scrapes and cuts littered your form. Your chest heaved with every panicked breath. The menacing figure in front of you let out a low chuckle, fangs bared as he stalked ever closer. You whined, choking back a sob. Was this it? Was this how you died? Victim to a vampire, of all things? How bizarre. If you told yourself half an hour ago that’s how you’d go, you’d burst out in laughter. It was too weird to be true, and yet it was.
You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the final lashes on your shivering body.
The sound of a sword unsheathing confused you. A wet slash into flesh echoed through the abandoned alleyway, followed by two thumps of body hitting the ground.
“Are you alright?” a smooth, soothing voice asked, a warm and firm hand grasping one of your hands that still hung in the air, frozen with fear.
Hesitantly, you opened your eyes, only to be met with a completely different figure. Short black hair framed a delicate but strong face. Blood splattered on his white outfit. You noted a sword scabbard hung around his waist, among other weapons. His sympathetic blue eyes comforted you.
“Am—am I dead?” you whimpered. Was this an angel guiding you to heaven? It must be.
“You’re very much alive,” the stranger replied, crouching to your cowering form. “But you do have quite a few wounds, signora. Please, come with me and I’ll patch them up.”
Fog clouded your mind. You nodded wordlessly, thanking the stranger quietly as he helped you up and guided you out of the alley.
Before you knew it, you arrived at a quaint townhouse nestled between two larger buildings. Your savior opened the door for you, guiding you in and gesturing to a wooden chair. “Sit. I’ll grab some bandages.”
He locked the door behind him, the handsome stranger heading into another room and disappearing from sight.
You took a breath, your adrenaline wearing off, leaving you in pain and drowsy. What the hell just happened? The last thing you recalled was walking home from a party, then getting attacked, leading you to run into an alleyway. Was that thing really a vampire? Or just a weird stranger?
You froze at a sudden realization. Did your attacker die at the hands of this man? You weren’t paying attention, and your rescuer’s figure was blocking the body of the man. You supposed it didn’t matter. He did try to kill you. Maybe he deserved it.
You cringed at your own dark thoughts, instead directing your attention to your many scratches. Dozens of claw marks blemished your skin, dried blood clumping around them. You smelt like sweat and blood. Luckily, your attacker didn’t leave any wounds large enough to kill.
Your short dress was ruined—stained and dirtied by your scuffle. Without seeing your face, you knew your makeup was ruined—probably running down your face with your tears and smeared around grossly. 
You slid the spaghetti straps off your arms, the pressure hurting the wounds decorating your shoulders. You wanted to take a hot bath and sleep for a week.
The black-haired stranger entered the room once more, arms filled with various medical items. He set them all down on a table before sitting in a chair across from you.
“This will sting quite a bit, but I need to disinfect all of your wounds. Vampires can carry deadly diseases, especially underneath their nails.”
“So. . . it was a vampire then? I wasn’t imagining it?”
You let out a whimper of pain as he began dabbing at your wounds with a cotton bud and disinfectant. He gave you an apologetic look.
“There’s no easy way to tell you about all this. But yes. That was a vampire. And I hunt them.”
“If I wasn’t just eaten, I’d say you’re full of shit,” you replied. “Why was that thing after me?”
“Food, maybe,” he said, pulling his chair closer to dab at the wounds on your face. You blushed at the closeness. “Or someone to turn. It’s hard to say.”
“Well,” you began, “thank you for saving me from it. I’m lucky you were there. . . I’m (Y/N), by the way.”
“You can call me Bruno,” he said.
You let out a yawn, squirming impatiently as he finished cleaning your wounds. He set aside the cotton ball, grabbing bandages.
“I’m almost done, then you can rest, okay? You’ll have to sleep here so I can monitor your injuries and make sure they don’t get infected.”
In any other circumstance you’d never spend the night at a stranger’s house, but you figured since he saved your life he was decently trustworthy.
“Thank you, again, Bruno,” you said.
“Of course,” he replied, finishing bandaging your wounds. He nodded at his work. “I’ll lead you to a room you can stay in, and give you a change of clothes.”
It wasn’t long before you were standing in the doorway of a bedroom, an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants donning your form. You smiled sleepily at Bruno. “Good night, Bruno,” you mumbled. “And if this was all just a dream or nightmare, I want you to know you’re the sweetest thing my mind has ever thought of.”
With that, you stumbled into bed, leaving Bruno with a blush on his cheeks and a soft smile on his lips. Sometimes, he hated being a vampire-hunter, but other times, when he ran into people like you. . . it wasn’t so bad.
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bubbyleh · 4 years
pumpkin carving
monster au moments.
- - -
Gordon Freeman is new to the whole cryptic undead thing, relatively speaking. It’s been, what, a decade since he got zombified? It’s not as bad as the movies made it out to be, that’s for sure. He’s definitely still a sentient being, and the craving for human flesh is pretty easy to ignore if he distracts himself with other meats. Like, seriously, he’s retroactively offended by all the comics he read as a kid.
So much has changed since then, though. He adopted a little ghost kid named Joshua, and he never realized before then how rewarding it would be to be a father. Of course, it’s kind of weird that his son is technically older than him, but they make it work. Joshua needed a parent, and Gordon was more than willing to provide.
The two of them end up moving into a nice and dark crypt, which is where most inhuman creatures live if they don’t want to end up murdered. Honestly, despite the eccentricities of some of his cryptmates, it’s got to be one of the nicest places Gordon has lived.
There are nine of them in total, plus one dog. The more humanlike of them are able to sneak into town and bring them anything they need, but for the most part, they’re underground during the day and stick very close to the crypt during the night.
It’s one of those days where everyone who can head out already has, which means Gordon and three other undead guys are going to get the wonderful treat of discovering what tacky thing Tommy and Darnold brought back this time. Meanwhile, he’s pretty sure Gman left a while ago, and since Bubby and Coomer are nocturnal, they’re definitely still asleep right now.
Given the small pool of people currently active in the crypt, Gordon wasn’t really expecting to find anyone in the kitchen. But he finds a headless figure sitting at the table, nervously tapping his leg as a knife floats next to him.
“Hey Joshie,” Gordon greets his currently invisible son. “What are you doing with Benrey?”
With a gasp, Joshua returns to visibility, standing on a chair and holding the knife. “Daddy! I’m making Mr. Benrey a new head!”
“He does look a bit shorter,” Gordon quips, sliding into the seat next to Joshua. “What happened to the last one?”
Benrey’s headless body points towards the stove, where the smoldering remains of a jack-o-lantern lay strewn across the top.
Joshua beams, made brighter only by his ghostly glow. “Benrey promised I could carve his next face, and then he fell asleep while making spaghetti!” His eyes go blank as he stares past his father. “Burned right up.”
Gordon sighs. Sometimes Joshua slips into spooky ghost kid mode, but he’s learned that it’s best to just ignore it. “This is the third head you’ve set on fire, man.”
Benrey shrugs.
“Joshua, do you know how to carve a pumpkin?” Gordon asks his son.
The little ghost scrunches his face, before answering, “I just cut out a face, right?”
Chuckling, Gordon shakes his head. But really, he’s a bit disappointed in himself. He’s had Joshua for a few years, and judging by his excitement, he’s wanted to carve a pumpkin for a while. Damn it.
“I’ll show you, alright?” Gordon holds a hand out.
Joshua glances between his father’s hand, the pumpkin, and Benrey. Slowly, he hands his knife to Gordon, who knows he doesn’t have to be relieved that Joshua no longer has a knife. Still, some part of him left over from his life tells him that children should stay away from sharp objects.
“Alright,” Gordon smiles. Benrey, meanwhile, has crossed his arms, somehow conveying annoyance without a face. “The first thing we’re gonna do is cut a hole around the stem.”
For his first time carving a pumpkin, Joshua does pretty good. Sure, he was a little too excited by the prospect of scooping out pumpkin guts, but his design for the face is great and he rarely misses with his carving. Honestly, his precision with the knife is a bit scary to Gordon.
The jack-o-lantern is simple, though. Two glaring eyes and a big wide smile, Gordon’s seen a million like it. But the way Joshua lights up when he deems it finished and finally allows Benrey to put it on permanently sears its appearance into his mind.
“Woah,” Benrey finally speaks now that he has a mouth. He feels his new face, fingers tracing along the cut edges. “Hey, this isn’t bad! Nice!” He scoffs to himself. “I thought I was gonna go around looking stupid for a month.”
Gordon elbows Benrey, who begins cackling. “Be nice!” Gordon reminds him.
“I am! I’m being nice!” Benrey defends himself. “It’s, uh. It’s great, Joshua. Thank you.”
The two of them smile at each other, and for a split second, Gordon swears his heart starts beating again.
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tyrantisterror · 4 years
On today’s 4 Horror War double update, we’re looking at the sort of fiends only randos on the internet could conceive of with the Spooky Spaghetti Arky family!
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Then prepare yourself as we ALL HAIL THE NEW FLESH ARKIES!
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enniewritesathing · 7 years
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OC question tag - Rules: 1. Pick a character you’ve created. 2. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were that character. 3. Tag at least four people to do this meme
1. What is your name?
It’s Brian Antonio Fitzgerald.
2. Do you know why you were named that?. 
Well, I haven’t a clue. I knew that if I would’ve been born a girl, it would’ve been Brianna Antoniette. Which seems to me that they found out at the last minute and switched it on the spot. That’s lazy, huh?
3. Single or taken?
Taken by John. Or did I take him? 
4. Stop being a Mary Sue!
(sharp laugh) Do you see this face? 
5. What’s your eye color?
They look green in most light, but they’re hazel. It’s hard to tell, but they’re is brown in there. It just means I’m not full of shit.
6. How about hair color?
Brown as a tree.
7. Have you any family members?
What about them?
8. Oh, how about pets?
We adopted -- well, I found our cat, Spaghetti. Funny thing that it was sort of spur. See, we lived in the penthouse in San Myshuno -- but there was a strict no pets policy. After the policy was changed, I had an idea. I knew that John adores cats, but he was never able to have one because of the policies -- there and other places we lived and that his mom was allergic to cats. He’d always feed the strays or play with them. And for whatever reason, they loved him too.
I browsed the pet agency and there she was, a tiny kitten. I visited it and... it was one of those love at first sights. I immediately signed up for the waitlist; I waited until I got the bid to tell him. I showed him pictures of her -- and I didn’t tell him that I had already adopted her and just waiting until she was old enough. When I was going to break the news, he had news himself -- that he had saved up and he bought a house down in Brindleton Bay... our house. 
When I told him that the kitten I’d show him was ours, John cried. I cried because he cried and that we have a home together... and then we cried again when we picked her up. she was just so tiny. John carried her everywhere...
and now we have this lovely twelve pound cat that sheds way too much. Seriously, you know how many lint rollers I go through a week? But, I love her anyway. She catches bugs, she’s very polite... in the winter time, she’s a portable heater. She keeps me company when I’m studying or doing work. The only downside of Spaghetti? She snores. You can hear her across the house. 
9. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
When I’m out with John and they look at me and then back at him with a very raised eyebrow. Or when he mentions that I’m his boyfriend and they look at me like I shouldn’t be in his radar or something. It’s called differences.
10. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Back in the day, I took up fencing, cross country running, and track and field. If you wanna look at this way, I became good at running away from my problems and stabbing them every now and then. (laughs)
I don’t have much time to do either given my work. Does sleep count as an activity? I like to sleep.
11. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Yeah. I’m in no way proud of it, either.
12. Ever… killed anyone before?
Unfortuntately. It’s not something I like to think about.
13. What kind of animal are you?
Hmm... one of those birds that has an awful call. Y’know, one of calls that doesn’t sound like it should be coming out of anything, and then you hear it in the middle of the night and it’s all spooky? Yeah, that bird.
14. Name your worst weaknesses.
I push myself. I don’t take care of myself. When I was in college, studying was my life. I became so focused that once I went two days without sleep and barely ate. Didn’t even know it. I got mad at John for trying to interrupt my studying because, y’know, medical school is hard. There’s always a test, always an exam. I nearly fried myself in trying to be the top student. I may have had a nervous breakdown because of it. 
15. Do you look up to anyone at all?
I look up to myself. 
16. Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
Oh, I’m gay.
17. Do you go to school?
I’m thinking of going back for my Masters. At the same time, that’s more debt and I’m not sure if I want to go through that all of that stress again... 
18. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Of course. It’s a big step, and I think we’re in a position that it’s possible and not struggle, y’know, but we still have a lot of time. 
19. Do you have fangirls/fanboys?
I’d be very surprised if I do. 
20. What are you most afraid of?
Failure. Not living up to expectations. 
21. What do you usually wear?
Medical scrubs. I can’t remember the last time I wore normal street clothes. John says I don’t have a sense of fashion because of it. 
22. What’s one food that tempts you?
Anything that has chocolate. I love chocolate. I could bathe in it. But that would lead to a lot of unpleasant infections. Believe me, I’ve treated patients that thought that. It’s not pretty. 
23. Am I annoying you?
No -- but I do have to get some rest before my next shift...
24. Well, it’s not over!
25. What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)?
I think we’re middle class? We were in the low for a long time...
26. How many friends do you have?
Not that many, but I consider those who have stuck around me and dealt with my shit friends.
27. What are your thoughts on pie?
Euch. No thanks.
28. Favorite drink?  
Anything with vodka in it. John’s banned it from the house because of some incidents...
29. What’s your favorite place?
I love our house. It’s on this big lot; the beach is just beyond the rocks in our backyard. It’s not too hot or not too cold. I always open up the windows to let the ocean breeze in.
30. Are you interested in anyone?
Have you seen John? I highly doubt I could be interested in anyone else after seeing him. 
31. That was a stupid question.
It is!
32. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
The ocean. At least I don’t have to worry about flesh eating viruses lurking in the water. Then there’s sharks, jelly fish, seaweed, riptides... 
33. What’s your type?
I like ‘em pretty. 
34. Any fetishes?  
I have a drawer full of ‘em. Tying John up is always a fun thing to do...
35. Seme or Uke?
Boy, this is a good question... but I’m not a big fan of roles anymore. It’s too strict. John and I found that real quick. I don’t quite have the characteristics of a seme except I’m taller than him. My fashion sense is awful. And I’m not an asshole. I guess Uke. Are there any aggressive Ukes? Hm.
36. Camping or indoors?  
I prefer outdoors, actually. I guess I can chalk that up to my younger days. To be out under the stars when it’s just you and Mother Nature, and you know that if you can survive out here, you can survive anywhere else is a nice feeling to have. 
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sup @dont-forgetti-the-spaghetti it is your tddk secret santa! sorry my gift comes with a fuckton of explaining,,,, rip sorry.
so this is a kinda angst au where they somehow die young, or idk whatever it aint important, and they wake up in this otherworld, given form by the amalgamation of their traits and by their own perceptions of themselves. their goal in this spooky otherworld is to reunite, and their love for each other helps them through trials and tribulations.
izuku: - beat up and scarred -> his soul kinda inhabits an old wooden training dummy. his scars are both from his life as a himan and gained when he took that form - "always smile" - wants to hug todo like super fuckin bad my peep - spiky hair cos its more spooky than curly hair - has metal lining on the bottom/front of his feet cos he Kick™ now - death scar -> neck - eyes -> the light behind them flickers. some people say you can see a persons soul in their eyes, izuku takes that literally
todo: - wiry muscles -> his soul inhabits what was a small pile of scrap metal, old and warped with age and abuse. - ice hand and fire hand becasue his quirk is an important part of who he is - long hair cos why not - the front strands are tied together with more wire cos ive lost control over my life - his fathers scar was an important part of his self image -> it is a gaping hole, revealing to all that look closely enough his fiery (literally) spirit. - is not sure about hugs right at this moment but he fuckin loves izuku so would probs give one anyway - death scar -> chest
also important: they do find each other in the end and get that hug. angst up untill a certain point they gotta fuckin hug. like its a good thing they both nonflesh cos they Pointy™ and Sharp™, but the gay feels would soften it and make it complete. who needs flesh when u have gay souls
i hope you enjoy the spoop boys, sorry for not actually drawing them as human beings.
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paleorecipecookbook · 7 years
10 Squashes That Aren’t Butternut (Plus How to Cook Them To Perfection)
Rich, creamy, and golden-fleshed squash is abundant during winter squash season. While butternut squash is the prom queen of the squash world, there are numerous other varieties to enjoy. Don’t suffer from squash intimidation—enjoy these different varieties of squash for something other than just decorative material on your front step.
The Basics of Winter Squash
Before modern storage, monoculture, GMO fields, and hot houses, people had to rely heavily on seasons for their bounty and food supply. Fruits and vegetables were classified by how they would store. Winter squash got their name because of their thick skin and ability to store well through the colder months.
Every part of winter squashes are edible, including the skin, leaves, and blooms. High in fiber, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, B6, and beta carotene, the smooth and creamy golden squash varieties are rich in nutrients, perfectly Paleo, and a delicious must-have for your autumn and winter cooking. Plus, their high fiber/low fat content means you feel full longer, especially when you add Paleo-friendly additions like, grass-fed butter, creamy coconut oil, seeds, and nuts!
10 Squashes That Aren’t Butternut (and How to Cook Them)
These 10 less familiar golden squash varieties are perfect for satisfying your fall and winter comfort food cravings. Branch out from butternut squash alone to for delightful seasonal options.
1. Delicata Squash
With sweet, light orange flesh, the delicata squash is one of the smaller varieties and is perfect for conquering any initial intimidation you may have at branching out. My mother used to slice lengthwise, roast cut-side down until tender, scoop out the seeds, and fill with butter, maple syrup, and sea salt. She would hand my brother and I a couple of spoons and we would go to town!
You can also slice crosswise, and coat in coconut oil and sea salt, roasting at 350ºF until tender and caramelized, usually for about 30 minutes. This makes for an excellent addition to salads. Always scoop out the seeds to make more palatable, but the skin can stay! It’s pretty and decorative for the holidays, not to mention cuts down on peeling and prep work. Try tossing sturdy greens like kale with roasted delicata rings, pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, and a balsamic and honey vinaigrette.
2. Acorn Squash
Acorn squash has an orange-colored flesh with a sweet and nutty taste. For optimum sweetness, wait until two weeks after harvest to prepare. This is great halved and filled with Paleo stuffings or stuffed twice as you would a baked potato.
Make a delicious roasted acorn squash as a perfect fall or winter dinner side.
3. Fairytale Squash
Fairytale squash is a French winter squash, also known as Musque de Provence. Dark green when immature, it turns into a deep mahogany as it cures, and is great for pies. When cutting into a hefty squash like this one, use the tried and true method of a large chef’s knife to “get started,” but then removing the knife and dropping the gourd on hard ground with a bit of force to finish the job of cracking it open. Once you have two halves with flesh exposed, continue carving as needed into more manageable pieces.
Make a delicious crustless pie filling with this squash, as follows:
Break down the squash into like-sized chunks and steam until soft, about 10-20 minutes. In a food processor, puree with pie spice, maple syrup, and a pinch of salt until very smooth. Cool and set aside. Beat in 3 egg yolks. Whip the egg whites, and then fold into puree. Pour into ramekins and bake in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, until slightly puffed.
This is a rich and custardy dessert, perfect when topped with coconut whipped cream.
4. Spaghetti Squash
Delicate and slightly buttery, this squash is notorious for its pasta-like texture. This squash is a perfectly Paleo replacement for noodles and can handle any favorite sauce, whether it’s tomato, pesto, or beyond.
Make this Lamb and Spaghetti Squash dish for the perfect weeknight meal, or follow the basics and make plain spaghetti squash noodles.
5. Kabocha Squash
Kabocha squash has a thick, yellow-orange flesh with a slightly dry texture that is ultra smooth.
You can make a delicious coconut curry soup with kabocha squash.
Roast squash at 350ºF until tender, about 30 to 40 minutes. Scoop the flesh from the skin and add to a food processor. Add full-fat coconut milk to achieve the desired consistency, along with curry paste, a few tablespoons of coconut aminos, a tablespoon of honey, and a pinch of sea salt. You can also use vegetable stock, chicken stock, or bone broth to adjust the liquid balance. Serve warm or chilled.
6. Ambercup Squash
Rich with reddish-orange flesh, the ambercup squash is considered the ‘red’ kabocha. It is a touch sweeter and a bit easier to manage because it is smaller.
Ambercup is perfect when paired with maple and bacon.
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Slice the squash into 1-inch chunks and spread on a tray with chopped bacon. Drizzle with a few tablespoons of maple syrup, and sprinkle evenly with a spice blend of 2 teaspoons garlic powder, ½ teaspoon cumin, ½ teaspoon cinnamon, ½ teaspoon white pepper, and ½ to 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Roast for 30 to 40 minutes or until squash is tender. Toss with a few handfuls of fresh arugula and hazelnuts and drizzle with a blend of apple cider vinegar and olive oil. It’s perfect for a side or an entree!
7. Black Futsu Squash
With a faded, almost frosted dark grey-green skin, this Japanese squash looks rather spooky, but also beautifully whimsical! It has a bright orange flesh with a sweet potato-pumpkin-chestnutty flavor.
Roast black futsu squash with paprika, honey, and sesame for a stellar side dish.
Slice black futsu squash into thin wedges. Sprinkle with smoked paprika, sea salt, sesame oil, and raw honey. Roast at 350ºF for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender. Toss with black sesame seeds and some tahini drizzle and serve.
8. Sweet Dumpling Squash
Sweet dumpling squash is round and dainty, a perfect individually-sized squash. They’re perfect for stuffing.
Pro tip: slice off the bottom before roasting so that the surface is flat and the squash stays upright while cooking.
Stuff sweet dumpling squash much like acorn squash, for a perfect cranberry and walnut side dish.
9. Carnival Squash
Carnival squash has a colorful exterior that looks a bit tie-dyed. It’s perfect for centerpieces and porch decor, but it’s also tasty. It’s like a hybrid between sweet dumpling squash and acorn squash, with a sweet and buttery taste.
Turn carnival squash into the perfect boats for salads, but cutting bowl-like wedges and roasting at 350ºF for 30 to 40 minutes. Rub it with coconut oil or avocado oil before roasting for extra flavor. After it’s done, stuff with kale and other favorite veggies, and drizzle with your favorite vinaigrette.
10. Blue Hubbard Squash
Blue hubbard squash has a pale blue rind and a warm yellow flesh. It has a earthy, nutty taste and has a higher starch content.
Use this squash in any traditional way, or make a delicious spicy shrimp bisque.
Roast squash at 350ºF for 30 minutes or until tender. Remove skin and seeds. Puree with a few cups of cashew milk and a pinch of ginger, lemongrass, garlic, and chili powder. This bisque should be no thicker than heavy cream, so add more liquid as needed. Once ultra smooth, bring to a simmer and add sea salt to taste. Pair with cooked shrimp.
Bottom Line
Squash is a delicious autumnal and winter food that is perfect for Paleo eaters. Use this guide to jumpstart your squash exploration, because there’s so much more to life than just the butternut.
The post 10 Squashes That Aren’t Butternut (Plus How to Cook Them To Perfection) appeared first on PaleoPlan.
Source: http://ift.tt/10qRbxJ
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juniperhillpatient · 7 years
Summary: After Bill tells the story of a photograph from Georgie’s photo album winking the others share their creepy experiences as well. Eddie can’t get his encounter with the leper out of his mind. 
Pairing: Reddie 
Length: I wrote this on Tumblr so I have no idea how many words it is but it’s way longer than I originally intended and if anyone at all enjoys it I may add a part 2
A/N: Trigger warnings for the q slur, mentions of child neglect and emotional abuse and mentions of pedophilia - all only implied and taken directly from the book 
Enjoy <3 
Pictures don't wink either. 
The words kept repeating in Eddie's mind like an obnoxious alarm he couldn't shut off. Ben Hanscom was right. Pictures of dead (murdered) little boys didn't wink, and mummies weren't real, and if they were they wouldn't wear clown suits. 
So maybe Richie was right, and they had all had bad dreams and they were being silly little babies and none of it was real. 
Maybe the leper had been just that, a bad dream. Despite being the most logical answer, something about this explanation felt like the kind of comforting lie adults told to make kiddies sleep at night. 
I'll do it for a dime. I'll do it for free! Hey, Eddie, I'll blow you for free! Come on, don't you want a blowjob? 
Eddie put his hands over his ears, but it didn't help because the voice was in his head, an echo. He hated that slimy, wretched voice, the voice of the leper. He wished he could bleach it from his mind. 
Eddie shuddered. He could still see the leper with the rotted face, his nose two empty nostrils like a snake, his flaky skin covered in dried blood crumbling off, and the stench of death and vomit pouring from his oozing, wretched, flesh, reaching that rotten hand towards him - 
You'll rot! You'll rot too Eddie! 
Of course, that's not what Richie had meant when he told him about how leprosy made you rot, but it's what Eddie had heard. 
He stood up, brushing off the seat of his shorts to make sure no dirt remained because 
(What on earth did you get all over your clothes? Were you rolling around in the muck? You know better! Dirt is germy, and if you get germs you'll get sick, my god do you have any idea how much stress you put on your mother Eddie?)
because he didn't want to get dirty. 
The Kenduskeag pushed against the dam they had built a few hundred feet from him. Eddie looked around, nervous, suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling that he was not alone, that someone (the leper!) was watching from the bushes. 
He shuddered. He was supposed to meet Richie to play. Everyone else was busy, so it would just be the two of them. Richie was late though, or Eddie was pretty sure he was. He didn't have a watch, but it seemed like he had left only about twenty minutes early and it had taken him at least ten minutes to ride his bike over. He didn't know how long he had been sitting on the bank watching the water and thinking, but it felt like long enough. Maybe Richie had forgotten or gotten tied up at home. Or maybe, a worse thought crossed Eddie's mind, Richie had run into Henry and his gang on the way over. 
Eddie looked around and shrugged, deciding to head back to look for Richie in town right when something rustled in the bushes nearby, and he whipped around. 
He screamed as someone jumped in front of him, falling backward and bumping his head on a tree root, hard. He scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding. All he could think about was the leper, lurching through the bushes, bony, dead hands reaching towards him as he lay vulnerable on the ground. 
He felt himself relax and then tense up with anger as his vision cleared and he saw Richie doubling over in laughter. 
"You-" Eddie started to open his mouth to call Richie a whole slew of names but he felt his throat tighten up. He fumbled in his pocket for his aspirator, but it wasn't there. Panic was taking over as breathing became more difficult. 
Before he could go into a full blown panic mode, he felt the aspirator being pressed into his hands and raised it to his mouth to give it a pump. 
Richie was looking at him with concern. The aspirator must have fallen out of his pocket when he fell backward. Now that breathing was again an option, Eddie felt the dull pain on the back of his head getting worse and reached up to touch his hair. With some alarm, he felt that it was damp. Pulling his hand away he looked down and yelled when he saw it was covered in sticky, bright red blood. 
"Oh you complete dick!" he yelled, glaring at Richie. "Look what you made me do!" 
"I'm sorry," Richie said, looking helpless. "I was just trying to get off a good one Eds, I swear! I just wanted to make you laugh!" 
"Well, it wasn't funny. My mom is going to drag me right to the emergency room the second she sees my head." To his horror, Eddie realized that his eyes were filling with tears. 
No, no, no. I am not crying in front of Richie.
He told himself he wasn't going to cry, but the tears came anyway. He didn't know if he was crying because of the pain on his head, the dread of another trip to the emergency room, the dread of seeing his mother's face, or a combination. He had a feeling it was something else too. It was that horrible, brief moment he had believed the leper was back and it was coming to get him, coming to make him rot from the inside out. He collapsed onto the forest floor, sobbing. 
"Hey," Richie said, sitting beside him and, to Eddie's relief, no longer laughing. He was also relieved to recognize Richie's regular voice. "I really am sorry." 
"It's okay," Eddie muttered, wiping his eyes and blowing snot onto his sleeve. 
"Maybe your head will heal up after a few hours and we can rinse off the blood and your mom will never have to know." 
"Yeah," Eddie said doubtfully. "Maybe." 
They sat in silence for a few moments. "Look Eds, I really was just messing around I didn't mean to scare you so much."
"I know you didn't," Eddie said. He hesitated. He didn't know how much to confide. Would Richie laugh at him? Call him a baby (or a queer) for dwelling on the leper so much? "I was thinking about the leper before you got here. I can't seem to stop thinking about him." 
There was silence for a moment. 
Why Eddie? And why did you go back to that house in the first place after the hobo chased you the first time, huh? Why would you climb under the porch? You idiot. Did you want the leper to get you? Did you want to rot from the inside out? Your mom would love that, wouldn't she! Her fragile little boy, rotting from the inside out! 
Of course, Richie did not say any of that. He was an idiot and he rarely said the right thing, and he sure could be obnoxious, but he was not cruel in that way that Henry Bowers or Victor Criss or Belch Huggins was. One thing Richie Tozier was not was cruel and Eddie hated himself a little for being afraid his friend would say any of those things when Richie finally did reply. 
"Sorry I doubted you Eds, I guess I just didn't want to believe any of it could be real." 
Eddie paused. "I know," he said. "Me either." There was another pause, a moment of silence in which they both contemplated the terrible things that they were learning lived in the darkest corners of Derry, under the ground and in the abandoned houses and under the bridges. 
"Well look at it this way Eddie Spaghetti, at least he said he'd blow you for free! You must be hot shit, he wasn't even going to charge you a dime! I mean I'm no homo but clearly, you're desirable - isn't that something!" 
"What?!" Eddie shrieked, shoving Richie but also giggling. "Ew! What is wrong with you? And don't fucking call me Eddie Spaghetti!" 
"What's wrong with me? Now there's a question!" Richie was now attempting a voice. It was a terrible talk show host impression. He was talking very fast and in his most official tone, but he still sounded like Richie Tozier to Eddie. "There's plenty wrong with me, my buddy, my pal! Plenty! I could write you a list, hell, I could write you a novel!" 
"There's a book no one would read," Eddie teased. The dark solemnity of the mood was gone and they were both laughing. 
The rest of the afternoon they spent playing in the woods. They played guns, although neither of them had guns, sticks worked well enough for pretend, and they splashed around in the Kenduskeag and patched up the dam a little in places where it was wearing away. 
Eddie was surprised when he looked up and saw the sun was disappearing behind the trees which were casting eerie shadows around them. The crickets were starting to chirrup, and Eddie was alarmed to see the blinking lights of lighening bugs in the shadows. He and Richie exchanged a look. 
"Aw crap," Richie said. "We better get back." 
"Uh huh," Eddie agreed. "I'll be dead meat already, probably." 
They hurried back through the barrens toward the street together. 
Dead meat. Yeah you sure will be! Rotting, dead meat! After I give you a blowjob, a free blowjob! What do you say Eddie?
Eddie shuddered. He tried to focus on the reality instead of the memory of the leper, but the shadows of the trees looming over them, the soft croaking of a frog nearby, and the leaves rustling in the breeze made reality feel far away. Reality right now felt dark and spooky, and suddenly Eddie wished he had stayed home and watched television today instead of coming out to play, forgetting how much fun the day had been. 
Richie looked back at him through the tres. "You okay, Eddie Spaghetti?" Eddie realized that he had stopped walking, and hurried forward. 
He didn't mean to walk so close beside Richie, but Richie didn't seem to mind, or maybe he understood. Maybe he too felt the nervous energy of the forest, like eyes watching them from just beyond where they could see. Eddie was surprised when he felt Richie reach over and grab his hand. He looked up, his eyes wide and questioning. 
"Sorry!" Richie said, letting go. "It's just kinda CrEePy out here, huh?" Richie said the word 'creepy' in his spookiest monster movie voice, making his voice go up and down, but Eddie could hear the real fear there. 
"It's uh, it's okay Richie," he said and grabbed Richie's hand. 
As they continued walking, now hand in hand, Eddie was very grateful for the dark because he could feel his face heating up. 
They reached the road and awkwardly let go of each other's hands as they retrieved their bikes, which they had stored under a tree. 
"Hey," Richie said. "My house is closer and honestly my folks probably won't even notice I haven't come home yet. We could pretend we were playing in my room all afternoon and have my dad call your mom and let her know we lost track of time and ask if you could spend the night. She doesn't drive, right? So she can't really say no unless she wants you riding your bike home all by yourself past curfew, right?" Richie said all of this very quickly, and he sounded nervous for some reason Eddie couldn't quite figure out. 
Eddie felt relief at the offer wash over him. Now that they were out of the forest, a new fear, one that had nothing to do with clowns, or mummies, or ghosts or lepers, overcoming him. It was a familiar fear - his mother, and specifically her wailing shrieks. 
Oh Eddie, you could've died! I didn't know where you were! You could've gotten an asthma attack or fallen down and gotten hurt and those awful friends of yours would've left you behind, you know they would've! I'm the only one who cares about you, Eddie! I'm the only one who will ever look out for you! 
"Yes," Eddie said. "That's a good idea." He would still be in trouble with his mom for not calling, but he would be in a lot less trouble if she thought he had been indoors all this time. And he wouldn't have to face her as soon, wouldn't have to have her fuss over him as soon. He'd almost forgotten his bumped head, it felt fine now, but he thought happily that now he would be able to clean up and make sure she never found out. 
"Yeah! And I can show you my new Tales From the Crypt Comic!" Richie said excitedly, mounting his bike. Eddie mounted his bike as well, unclipping his helmet from the handlebars and clipping it under his chin. 
"Oh Eddie Spaghetti you and that helmet," Richie shook his head. "Cute, cute, cute!" 
Eddie rolled his eyes and began peddling towards Richie's house. "I'll race you to your house!" he called over his shoulder. He glanced back to see Richie peddling furiously to catch up to him. 
"No fair! You distract me with your cuteness than get a headstart!" 
"Can't help it if I'm desirable!" Eddie called back and laughed. 
Richie also began to laugh. They laughed all the way to Richie's house, by which point neither of them remembered why they were laughing. They quieted down as they crept into the garage to store their bikes. 
Three things occurred to Eddie as he followed Richie into his house, and played along with the lie that they had been up in Richie's room the whole time. 
The first thing that occurred to him was that he had not thought of the leper once on the bike ride home. 
The second thing that occurred to Eddie was that despite their screaming laughter as they rode their bikes at furious speeds, he had not felt his lungs close up at all on the bike ride. 
The last thing that occurred to him as Richie asked Mr. Tozier to call Mrs. Kaspbrak and explain the situation and ask if Eddie could spend the night was that Richie really did have his back. 
He followed Richie up to his room, smiling a secret smile that he didn't want Richie to see for reasons he didn't yet understand. 
I hope you guys enjoyed, I know this turned out longer than a one-shot usually is :’)
People who liked my post asking if anyone was interested: @evalocity @hair-fiber @skeletontozier @mechanicalhabits - no pressure to read though, if you don’t want to lol I know this got long oops 
If you do read, feedback is appreciated uwu 
PART 2 is now posted! <3
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danfanciesphil · 7 years
A spooky prompt where one of them ends up possessed? I leave the rest to you babe
this excites me!!
I'm gonna do the Supernatural version of possession as im a massive spn nerd fan hope that’s cool!
Prompts are temporarily closed for the time being! Thank you all for your submissions, I’ll be posting the ones I have in my inbox asap!
If it were anyone but Phil, Dan might never have noticed a difference. 
Dan can be a little self-involved at the best of times, so if one of his other friends changed their manner of speaking, or began dressing in an unusual way, or stopped eating as much, or did anything that even slightly deviated from their normal routine, Dan’s not sure he would pick up on it. 
But he spends every day with Phil. He knows every little thing about the guy, from the side of his mouth he starts brushing with the toothbrush first, to what theme song he’s most likely to be humming when he first wakes up. 
It’s honestly a little creepy, how well he knows Phil Lester. He finds himself having to play it down in front of other people, because they would undoubtedly find it more than a little odd. After all, it’s not like he and Phil are married. They’re just close friends. 
So when Phil doesn’t come back for almost three hours after he told Dan he would one evening, after a meet up with his brother in town, it’s not all that surprising that Dan begins to worry. 
He texts Phil three times. He calls him. He leaves two voicemails. 
It does nothing to quell Dan’s anxiety that Phil doesn’t respond to any of them. 
Eventually, when Phil does roll in at around nine in the evening, he expects a fantastical story and a long, detailed explanation of how Phil had been roped into a weird drama with some stranger or other, or how he’d clumsily dropped his phone into the Thames. 
Instead, Phil just gives some vague answers to Dan’s questions, rolls his eyes at Dan’s ‘dramatic overreaction’ and slinks off to his room. He doesn’t re-emerge for the whole night, even though they’d made plans to watch the next episode of Bake Off together. 
After that, it only gets stranger. 
Phil begins leaving the house for unexplained, prolonged periods, never bothering to tell Dan where he’s going. He barely speaks to Dan when he is around, and there’s something odd about his voice when he does. It still sounds like him, but the lexicon is wrong, like he’s forgotten how he used to construct sentences. He sounds too formal now, like he’s speaking with a total stranger.
Dan begins to worry that he’s hiding something big. Perhaps something has happened, some family tragedy that’s preoccupying his brain. But Dan can’t help but think that, if this were the case, Phil would surely tell him. 
They tell each other everything. They haven’t kept a secret from each other in years - it’s just easier that way. Besides, they’ve gotten to a point in their friendship where they’re pretty sure there’s nothing that could tear them apart. 
One night, Dan makes dinner, and keeps it in the oven on a low heat until Phil gets home from wherever he is. 
As soon as the door clicks, Dan jumps off the sofa, ambushing Phil in the hallway before he can disappear into his room for the night. 
“I made spaghetti.” Dan blurts at him as Phil removes his shoes. 
From the way Phil reacts to the information, it seems as though he’s never even heard of his favourite dish. “Oh.” 
“Come and eat.” Dan commands, walking back towards the kitchen before he can listen to whatever excuse he’s sure Phil is about to make. 
Phil follows after a while, a bored expression on his face as Dan hands him a hot, steaming plate of spaghetti bolognese. Phil stares down at the food, his nose crinkling in distaste. 
“I didn’t put cheese in, so don’t bitch at me.” Dan says with a chuckle. Phil raises an eyebrow, and takes the fork Dan hands to him. 
He follows Dan out to the dining room table, sitting down after some hesitation, probably because he’s not sure what else to do. 
Dan looks at him for a moment, then decides to just try and be normal. He digs in, winding the spaghetti around his fork and pushing it into his mouth. It’s delicious, he must say. He’s no Gordon Ramsay, but Dan knows how to make a damn good bolognese. 
After a while, Dan glances up at Phil to see if he’s enjoying it too. The fork lies motionless beside Phil’s plate, his food untouched. 
Dan pauses, registering this with some concern. “Don’t tell me you’re not hungry.”
Phil shrugs, glancing around the room, disinterested. “Guess not.” 
Dan places his fork down, staring at him. “Have you even eaten anything today?”
Phil smirks at him. It’s an unusual expression to see on his face. “Why would I eat if I’m not hungry?”
Dan just stares more, perplexed. “To keep you alive, for starters?” Phil laughs, shaking his head pityingly. “Besides, you love food. You’re a self-admitted ‘secret eater’. Is something wrong? Are you sick?”
Phil grins, unnaturally wide. For some reason, it sends the hairs on the back of Dan’s neck upright. “On the contrary, I’ve never, never felt this good.” 
“Right.” Dan mutters, turning his attention back to his plate. 
He picks up his fork again, at a loss for what more to say. His own appetite has dwindled though, and he just twirls the fork around, playing with loose strands of pasta. What once seemed like a delicious, sauce-covered carb-fest, now seems like a lukewarm, slimy pile of congealing worms. He lowers his fork again, disgusted. 
He’s just about to push his plate away, when he sees something move. He peers closely into the depths of the spaghetti, trying to work out if he’s hallucinating. No, there’s definitely something moving in there. 
The thought of it turns his stomach, and Dan pales. He peers closer, trying to see into the mass of spaghetti. 
All of sudden, he realises that it’s all moving, every strand, all of it wriggling and squirming about, just like-
“Holy shit,” Dan cries, clapping a hand over his mouth. He’s seconds away from puking. “Is that-”
“Wow,” Phil says, tutting. Dan glances up; he’s reclining on his chair, tilting backwards a little on the hind legs, watching him with that same smirk. “No wonder I’m not hungry. You’re trying to serve me worms.” 
Dan shoves his plate away, terrified. What the fuck is going on? 
“Is this a fucking nightmare?” He asks, feeling dizzy with nausea. 
Phil cackles, scooting his chair a little closer to Dan, moving around the side of the table so that they’re sat together. 
“You know, in a way I guess it kind of is, Dan.” Phil tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
Even through the fabric of his t-shirt Dan can feel how cold he is - unnaturally so. He flinches away, scooting backwards. 
It doesn’t make sense, but he feels scared of Phil right now. Why on earth would he be scared of his own best friend?
“What’s- what’s going on, Phil?” Dan asks, eyes flicking left and right, searching for an escape. 
“Oh, aren’t you sweet.” Phil says, picking up Dan’s discarded fork and licking the tines clean. It makes Dan shudder; how can he do that, knowing it was just covered in worms? “Philly’s not really able to answer right now, I’m afraid.” 
Dan balks at him, wondering if Phil has lost his mind. 
He glances down at the plate of spaghetti, and sees no trace of the wriggling worms from a moment ago. Which makes him wonder if it’s him that’s losing his mind. 
Phil’s left hand is splayed out on the table and his right grips the fork by its handle. In one, fast, decisive movement, he brings the fork swishing through the air, stabbing the four prongs right into the back of his own left hand. 
“What the fuck!” Dan exclaims, jumping forwards to grab Phil by his wrist. 
It’s too late though, the fork is already penetrating Phil’s flesh, pushed in so deep that Dan wonders if he’ll be able to pull it free. Blood bubbles to the surface at once, dribbling out from the holes into which the metal tines are wedged, trickling over his hand and onto the table beneath. 
“Phil, fuck, why did you-” Dan cries, flapping his own hands because he has no idea what to do. “What should we-”
Belatedly, Dan realises that Phil hasn’t made the slightest noise throughout all of this. He hasn’t so much as whimpered in pain. Warily, Dan drags his eyes up to meet Phil’s, and he immediately jumps backwards, knocking over his chair in his haste to get away. 
Phil’s eyes are jet black. From corner to corner, they are completely, opaquely onyx. Two black holes staring out from beneath his windswept fringe. 
He cocks his head to one side, smiling. He appears to be observing Dan, nothing more. 
Dan’s gaze jumps from between the fork sticking out of his skin, to the terrifying lack of Phil’s usual Bambi-blue irises in those monstrous eyes. 
“Your eyes...” Dan chokes out, feeling his own eyes start to sting in fear. 
All of a sudden, his chair is upright, facing Phil, and Dan is shoved down into it by some unseen force. He tries to move, to wriggle even, but he can’t. It’s as if he’s tied to it somehow. 
Phil pouts in mock-sadness, his lower lip jutting out, and he nods. “Scary isn’t it, Dan?” He says, then smirks at Dan’s expression. “Phil’s eyes are a little prettier than mine, I suppose.” 
He blinks then, and suddenly Phil’s eyes are normal again, that same baby blue peeping out as if it had never left. 
Dan stares at him, trying to piece together what he’s hearing. “You’re... not Phil.” 
The not-Phil smiles, toothily, and winks at Dan in a way Phil never would. 
“Caught on at last.” 
“Who are you?” Dan manages to choke out, though he’s not sure he wants to know. 
The not-Phil sighs, leaning back in his chair. “More a question of what, really.”
Dan waits, not trusting himself to speak. 
“I’m a demon, Dan.” It says, watching him carefully.
Dan struggles not to scream. His heart pounds incessantly. The demon smiles. 
“You’re possessing Phil,” Dan deduces, swallowing around his tight throat in terror. 
“Bingo,” the demon says. “He’s a very comfy vessel, too. Tight. Warm. Soft.” 
“Get out of him.” Dan spits, anger rippling over his skin. “Leave him alone. He’s never done anything wrong.” 
The demon places a hand over Phil’s heart - the one with the fork still jutting out - and sighs. “So sweet. So caring for your bestie.” The demon licks its lips, surveying Dan silently. “He’s in here, you know. He can hear what you’re saying. He’s been screaming at you to notice I’ve taken control for days.” 
“I’ll get you out, Phil.” Dan says, his voice raising. “I will, I’ll do something, I’ll-”
“Shh, shh.” The demon interrupts, and Dan’s mouth clamps shut of its own accord, not listening to him as he tries to prise it open. “All that gushy stuff is so boring. And you’ve just started to capture my interest, Danny.”
He releases Dan’s mouth, at last, and Dan gasps, rolling his jaw around. “What do you want from him?” 
The demon makes a ‘hmm’ noise, tilting back on his chair again. “Good question. You see, the thing is Dan, us demons are getting kind of... bored, as of late. There’s just not a whole lot to do nowadays. People are smarter. They know not to practise witchcraft, or use ouija boards. Sure, you get some dumb ones now and then, but mostly it’s just kind of...” The demon flaps his hands, then shrugs. “Dull.” 
“So you’re possessing a random, innocent guy for the kicks?” 
“No,” the demon sighs. “This is not a random decision, Dan. I chose your best friend very carefully. I did a lot of research before entering him. I don’t take these possessions lightly, you know.”
“So you did it because, what, he’s YouTube famous?” Dan asks. “There are tons of YouTubers. Plenty who deserve a demon inside them more than Phil. Why didn’t you climb inside Sam Pepper? I doubt anyone would even notice.” 
The demon cackles again, and Dan cringes. “How do you know Sam Pepper isn’t already possessed?”
Dan hadn’t considered this. He shrugs the thought away, deciding he can think about that later. 
“It’s not just because he’s a YouTuber.” The demon says, smiling wickedly. “Though it’s to do with that. It’s about your fans, Dan. Both of your fans. They’re so committed to you. They’d do anything either of you would say. They cling to your every word, they throw themselves at your feet, they spend thousands of dollars to wear your names on their clothes, or to play the games you invent, or to send you a message that they know you’ll see.” 
Dan listens, despising the way the demon is framing this. “You make it sound like Phil and I are the leaders of some kind of- of-”
“Cult?” The demon supplies, grinning too wide. Dan says nothing, narrowing his eyes. “Yes, that is sort of how it seems, isn’t it? And oh boy do I love a good cult.” 
It’s sickening, watching this come out of Phil’s mouth, but Dan forces himself to pay attention, to act like it’s not his best friend’s face with his eyes closed in pleasure at the idea of thousands of people being manipulated into mass suicide. 
“When cults get it right, they’re just... delicious to watch.” The demon says, licking along Phil’s lower lip. “All those people, willingly trundling to their own deaths just because of a few cleverly worded speeches, and a dash of false hope...” The demon’s eyes open, flashing black for the briefest of moments. “That’s the most dangerous thing in the world, you know, Dan. Hope.” 
“Our fans are not going to do whatever Phil tells them to do.” Dan says firmly. “You’d have to be an idiot to listen to a fucking YouTuber when making life decisions. Our fans are not stupid. They know that Phil is just a regular guy who films stupid things in his bedroom.” 
The demon laughs, that pitying look in his eyes again when he looks at Dan. 
“Oh Danny,” he sighs, the nickname making Dan’s skin prickle. “You underestimate their devotion to you. Besides, it’s already working.”
“What?” Dan asks, paling. 
“I started out small, of course.” The demon shrugs, getting out his - Phil’s - phone. “Tweeted some things. Asked them for a few favours. Look, here’s one I did today.”
He holds up the phone for Dan to see. There are two tweets on the screen, from AmazingPhil’s account. 
@AmazingPhil Hey guys! Thanks for sending all the pics of your cute dogs yesterday! I have a different request for today o.O [1/2]
@AmazingPhil Take your dogs for a walk somewhere you’ve never been! The quieter the better. Bonus round: if you see a stranger, make friends! Everyone wants to be talked to! Good luck! [2/2]
Dan’s mouth falls open, and his stomach plunges to his knees. “Oh my God. The average age of our fans are fourteen to seventeen.” 
The demon giggles, nodding excitedly. “How many teenage girls do you think will have gone missing by tomorrow?” 
“Fuck,” Dan whispers.
“I’ve done some other stuff too. Brainwashing fans on the street, encouraging them to explore old abandoned houses, or wander into dangerous parts of town, that kind of thing.” The demon sighs happily. “It’s going well, I think I’m getting the hang. I’ve worked out how to sound just like him! I’m thinking of making a video tomorrow asking for some help taking down a few of the more popular YouTubers. You know, spamming their channels with hate, spreading rumours about them sexually assaulting people, all that stuff.”
“That’s so evil.” Dan says, horrified. 
The demon looks at him oddly. “Uh, I’m a demon, Dan. Evil’s in the description.” 
“I’ll stop you.” Dan whispers, his eyes glistening. He means every word, though. “I don’t care if it kills me, I’ll stop you.” 
“Aw,” the demon says, pitying. “No you won’t, Danny. Cos I’m gonna keep you under wraps until I need you! And when I do, I can keep you from saying anything I don’t want you to, like this!” 
Dan’s mouth clamps itself shut again. He struggles, trying to open it, but it’s useless. The demon giggles, releasing him. 
“Then Phil will stop you,” Dan hisses, his jaw clicking as it unsticks itself. “You said yourself he’s in there with you. He can fight it. He can stop you from doing this.” 
The demon stands then, a slow smile spreading over Phil’s lips as it crowds into Dan’s space. Phil’s hands press into Dan’s shoulders as Phil’s face moves towards his. 
In a different context, Dan doesn’t know how this might make him feel. Being close to Phil, in a physical sense, has always been confusing. He used to think that it was because his mind didn’t know how to separate close friendship from romantic feeling, but recently he’s been wondering if it’s something more than that. 
Perhaps the real reason Dan never allows himself to linger too long in a hug with Phil, or to keep their arms linked past a brief thirty seconds or so, or let Phil sleep on his shoulder during long flights or train rides is more to do with the fact that Phil’s eyes are a sharp, penetrating cobalt blue. Perhaps it’s because Phil smells like cinnamon buns and cherry blossom trees. Perhaps it’s because Phil is witty, and he’s kind and loyal. Perhaps it’s because he’s intimidatingly clever, and everyone loves him the second they meet him in a way Dan envies. 
Suddenly, there’s a weight piling into Dan’s lap, and he holds his breath when he sees his best friend’s figure towering above him, one knee either side of Dan’s legs on the chair. 
He swallows, forgetting for a moment that this is not Phil, not really. His hands move instinctively to Phil’s hips. Then, Phil’s eyes flash black. Dan’s hands snatch themselves away. 
The demon laughs. 
“So you think Philly can fight his way out? Honestly, it’s kind of sweet how you two think of one another.” The demon says, smirking cruelly as he stares straight into Dan’s eyes. “I can read all of Phil’s thoughts, you know. D’you wanna know one of his deepest secrets, Dan?”
“Get. Out.” Dan says, wishing he could move to push the demon off him.
The demon ignores him, grinning again. “He loves you, Dan.” 
Dan’s heart stutters. His mouth parts. He tries not to react, because it’s what the demon wants, but he can’t help it. 
“He loves you with every inch of his poor little heart.” The demon continues, sighing. “A shame really. He’ll never get to tell you that himself.” 
“You’re lying.” Dan says, his eyes already stinging with tears. 
The demon shakes its head, slowly. “Cross my heart! Well, Phil’s heart. He’s loved you since he met you. Since you kissed him on the Manchester Eye, all timid and bashful.” The demon reaches out to pinch Dan’s cheek, hard. “Adorable.” 
“Phil,” Dan whispers, looking into the eyes he knows so well, trying to see through them into the depths of Phil’s soul, to find the piece of him still lurking inside. “Phil, I didn’t know...”
“Ugh!” The demon cries out. “What did I say about the gross schmaltzy stuff? Do you want me to clamp your mouth shut, Dan?” 
The demon climbs off his lap, rolling its eyes, and releases the invisible bonds tying Dan to the chair. Dan immediately stands, dumbstruck by the use of his limbs again, not sure what to do now that he has them back. 
The demon sighs at him, folding its arms. “Well, fun’s over I guess. Wanna be locked in your room till I need you? In the bathroom?” 
Dan takes a step towards him, not sure of his plan. He crowds into the demon’s space, making it frown in confusion. 
“Phil,” Dan says hurriedly, knowing he only has seconds before the demon clamps his mouth shut again. “I know you’re strong enough to beat this bitch, okay? You’re the best, bravest, most incredible person I’ve ever met. And I love you too. Obviously.”
The demon rolls its eyes dramatically, lifting its hand to do some weird demon magic, but Dan acts fast, slamming his lips into Phil’s before it knows what’s coming. The demon struggles at first, not expecting it, but Dan just kisses and kisses, trying to reach into the depths of Phil’s mind with his own - to use the strange connection that has tethered them to one another for all these years and haul him out of the depths. 
It doesn’t happen right away, but Dan can sense, even as he kisses the cold lips of his best friend - the lips that are so Phil, and yet so not-Phil that it makes his head hurt - that the demon is struggling with something internal. 
He doesn’t push Dan off, though he could, quite easily, were he at full power, Dan is sure. Instead, he seems distracted, muffled noises escaping from his mouth as he battles something unseen. 
Then, so fast it’s a little terrifying, Phil rears back, gasping. He throws his head back, and screams as a viscous stream of black smoke pours out of his mouth and disappears through the ceiling. 
A minute or so passes, Dan watching in alarm, and then Phil collapses onto the floor. Dan throws himself down beside him, taking Phil by the shoulders and trying to shake him awake. 
After a while, Phil blinks sleepily, swimming back into consciousness. 
“Dan?” He croaks.
Dan lets out a laugh of relief, but it comes out more like a sob. “Hey,” he says through his tears, his hand cradling Phil’s face. “Hey, it’s me. Is that you in there, Phil?”
Phil nods, looking exhausted. “What’s- what’s going on?”
Dan pales, realising that Phil has no idea what he’s doing on the floor. Which means... he likely doesn’t remember any of being possessed. 
Or... anything else. 
Dan swallows. It’s not important right now, he tells himself. “Nothing. It’s okay, you’re just... tired. I’m gonna take you to bed, okay?” 
Phil nods, seeming confused, but allows Dan to help him to his feet. 
After some quick, improvised first aid on Phil’s hand (the fork had fallen out somewhere in the midst of the demon exiting Phil’s body, thank God), Dan slings Phil’s bandaged hand over his shoulders. With some stumbles and unsteadiness, they make it to Phil’s room, and Dan tucks him under the covers fully clothed, not prepared to divest him of clothes after everything that just occurred. 
“Okay,” he says, switching off Phil’s bedside light. They’ll talk about it in the morning, Dan tells himself. “Night, then.” 
He turns to the door, sighing. 
“Where are you going?” Phil asks, sounding bewildered. 
Dan turns back towards him, not understanding. “To bed.” 
“You tell me you love me, then want to sleep in your own bed?” Phil asks. 
Dan’s heart skips a beat. What?
“You... remember that?” 
“Pretty hard to forget something that big.” 
“But...” Dan protests, not sure why he’s even arguing at this point. “On the floor just now, you acted like you didn’t know why you were- like you didn’t remember-”
“I only remember bits from the last few days.” Phil says, sounding confused still. “I remember not being able to move my body. Being trapped. I remember shouting at you for help but you couldn’t hear me.”
“Yeah,” Dan whispers, trying to imagine how awful that must have been. “Um-”
“I remember you kissing me.” Phil says then, a smile clear in his voice. 
Dan chuckles, shifting on the spot. “Um, yeah, that er... that happened.” 
“I couldn’t kiss you back though.” Phil tells him, sounding sad. 
Dan clears his throat. “We could... try again, maybe.” Dan cringes at his own words, wishing he wasn’t so bad at this. “I mean, if you want.” 
There’s a silence, and Dan wishes he could hoover the words back up into his mouth. 
“Come here.” Phil says at last, the urgency of it piercing through the darkness. 
Dan goes to him, obediently, clambering under the covers beside him. He lets Phil wrap his arms around his waist, lets himself be pulled in. 
Even in the darkness, there’s no doubt that it’s Phil now, Dan thinks to himself, placing a hand over Phil’s stuttering heart. 
“We should, um, get some protection.” Dan says without thinking. 
Phil laughs awkwardly. “Uh, I mean, sure. I’m kind of tired right now though...”
Dan flushes deeply, covering his face with one hand. God, he’s a twat. 
“No, no, I mean- fuck.” Dan shakes his head, marvelling at his own stupidity. “I mean like, anti-possession stuff. Sage. Little charms. Tattoos, maybe.”
“Oh,” Phil chuckles, “right. Yeah. Okay. Um, why?”
Dan pauses, realising that Phil doesn’t really know what happened, still. 
“Just trust me.” 
Phil leans in then, kissing him softly, sweetly, but so deeply, and with such intensity that it leaves Dan reeling. 
“I do,” Phil tells him, smiling. 
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ecotone99 · 5 years
How Enchated Lots of People can be with our Town?
Hi ¡ Don´t mind me, i´m just a regular person writing in a lot of internet pages sharing how wonderful Peak Town is ¡¡
First, you must know that our town is very selective, so, if you want to live here, you have to let them know all your social media accounts and passwords, just in case they wanna know your background or monitoring that you don´t browse “forbidden pages” (you, know, with lots of people behaving bad, wink) for example, my password was High.Environment.Like.Person, got it? of course you got it, you´re a smart person ¡¡
When they let you into the town, you´ll see how beatiful the place is. I came with my wife, but suddenly she felt sick, and went to the nearest hospital. We don´t know if it is something viral, so they don´t let me see her. Any man would think “They kinnaped my wife” but i know she is safe down there. It´s not like this is a bad Horror movie, ha.
In the evening, we had a “special welcoming dinner” ¡¡ Spaghetti and pork !! . Everyone was so kind, they even took my kid to a special nigthly hunt, so he can hunt our own food, doesn´t that sounds great ? i was sitting in front of a paint of Saturn, you know, the God, and it was very spooky because he was devouring his own son! Doesn´t it sounds a little violent? the guy next to me took a look at the picture and said “it´s magical, huh? How somebody can eat his own flesh without feeling remorse” chewing a big slice of meat of his plate. I wasn´t very hungry, so i started to make figures with spaghetti, and i´m not very good at it, but i made 3 of them, two worms moving foward, and one chasing his own tail, it looked like this :
Very good huh? Well, i´m not gonna lie, we have some issues here too. Since electricity can be down sometimes, you´ll need a lot of candles, so pack all the candles you can, and oh, choose red candles, so you can use them in your romantic night (wink) or give them to our church, the black building in the center of the square. Why Black? So it can absorb sunlight and be warm in the nights, i mean, it´s so warm that a lot of people are there in the midnight, totally naked and even chanting ! smart, huh?
Another issue is some weird sounds coming from the forest (¿heavy machinery i think?) But blast loud music and close your windows, problem solved! :)
So, if you wanna know a bit more about Peak Town, send me an email please, i´ll be waiting!!
submitted by /u/SirStrauss [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/c1px07/how_enchated_lots_of_people_can_be_with_our_town/ via Blogger http://bit.ly/2XSQMIP
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widowswritingweb · 6 years
Tainted Creature of The Night
On a cool stormy night as thunder echoed through out the night sky. With the wind blowing wildly, as lightning stretched across the sky reaching for its next  victim. There was a happy couple out among this wild storm, searching for a place where they could be alone. Unseen by all the other people that seemed to be out on this stormy night. Stood something no one had ever seen before, that was always searching for something but yet never finding it. However this thing wasn't the only thing out this night, for a vampire was on the prowl searching for his next victims. Ah, the young happy couple seemed good enough for him. He seemed to fade into the darkness as they made their way towards him. When the young man had his back to the unseen vampire, that was when he made his move. Grabbing the man quickly and feeding upon him, seeing her lover being killed before her made her scream in fear. And she began to flee which didn't do no good for her, for the vampire was much quicker than her. After catching her he began feeding hungrily upon her not caring that he was in the open for all to see. Unknown to the vampire the creature seemed to be amused by what the vampire had done.
This creature decided to follow the vampire hoping to see him kill yet again for this seemed to amuse her even more. She followed him within the darkness as she followed him, he seemed to just vanish within the night. She then starts to search for him within the darken woods, as she continues her search she doesn't realize that it was down and unlike her he could not prowl during the day. Her searching soon came to an end when she started to grow tired, she climbed into the nearest tree laid upon a branch and fell asleep. Day soon becomes night as the creature slept on not aware that the vampire was on the prowl yet again. She awoke to a terrifying scream, she leaped from the branch and rushed towards the sound. Curiosity got the best of her, and soon she found herself crouching upon a branch. Below her she seen a woman within a dark figure's arms the woman seemed lifeless within his arms. She gasped softly, unknown to her that the dark figure had heard her, as she looked down upon this figure he turns and looks up. She then realized that this figure's eyes were the same spooky glowing light gray eyes as she seen the following night.
This night was the very first time she laid her eyes upon him, his hair was spiked bluish silvery black, snowy white pale face and body, with a long black duster over a pitch black skin tight shirt that showed his hot sexy body, and raven black baggy jeans with black biker boots. After seeing him she couldn't keep her balance and she falls out of the tree, hitting the vampire in the balls with her clawed feet. Quickly she leaps back within the tree this time higher up. Yet again crouching upon a branch just staring down at the handsome vampire below her. After over coming the blow upon his goods he began searching the area around him looking for the thing he seen. After his searching he continued his prowling, yet again the creature followed him. She didn't know why she was so amused by him, maybe it was his dark ways or his looks. Which ever it was she seemed to find herself following him on the ground instead of by tree. Soon the vampire caught the scent of blood he's never sense before, “someone or something is following me,” he said to himself. Soon the vampire just vanished just like the night before, she leaped back into the trees letting her eyes search the area looking for him. When she couldn't find him she soon headed elsewhere, it seemed that now the creature was the one being followed.
For the vampire wanted to know what had been watching him and why. That night everything seemed different it seemed to get quiet, this made the creature uneasy. She felt as if she was being hunted but by what or whom she did not know.  She then realized that she always seemed safer within the trees, when she started to sense danger she quickly leaped high into the tree before her. As she crouched within the tree her eyes began scanning the ground around her for whatever was hunting her. Not long after she leaped within the tree, she soon heard a voice that she couldn't seem to find where it was coming from. “you've watched me for almost two nights, and you followed me for the last time. If I sense you following me again that will be the last time you'll follow anyone.” The voice said to her, her eyes quickly scanned the area hoping to find who spoke to her. No luck she couldn't find anyone around, “ it must have been the vampire” she thought to herself. The following day she decided to sleep instead of searching for the vampire, when she awoke that night she sensed fear.
Curious as she was she silently leaped from tree to tree, searching for the person or thing that had so much fear. She soon found herself looking down upon the vampire who seemed to have found two victims to please his hunger. The same scent he caught the night before over came him, he turned and searched the area around him. That was when she realized that he knew she was watching him, she thought for a moment then decided it was time to let herself be seen. She jumped down from the tree landing quietly behind him, he turned to her as if knowing when she'd appear. She stood herself from crouching and stared at him, he seemed amazed at what he saw standing before him. She looked almost like a griffin but very much different. For her face not only was of a beautiful woman but the look of a cheetah as well. Her body wasn't of an animal but a woman, all but her hands which looked half human and cheetah mixed, the look of claws even her feet were of cheetah's feet. Her eyes where a color he's never seen before, they where bluish white and her skin reddish pale. Her hair was of medium length wavy red with blond cheetah like streaks, she was dressed in a spaghetti strapped black leather top that had a ripped look at her stomach.
With her sexy black leather daisy dukes, stretched out behind her were reddish black tainted angelic wings. She was a very beautiful creature but he wasn't about to let her beauty get the best of him. “So you're the one that's been following and watching me.” he said with hatred within his voice. She understood why he was so mad she had no right to just follow and watch him like she did. After staring at him for a long time she finally spoke “forgive me, I know I shouldn't have followed and watched you like I've been doing. However you amused me by your odd skillful way of killing” she said in almost a soft whisper with a low soothing purr. He nodded understanding her actions but he still didn't know what she wanted from him. “How could you keep up with me so well? And what the hell do you want from me?” he asked as he looked her over and leaned against a tree behind him. She smiled as she thought about his questions, “the reason why I can follow you so well is because my many skills. My strength is of a tiger and as you can see my eyes are of a cheetah which gives me feline vision. As for my quickness I have vampric movements.
Now as for what I want from you well, not to be like you, a vampire isn't what I wish to be. But as you can tell I can prowl the day away, so I must wish for you to be a day walker as they call it.” she said to him then leaping within the tree he was against. He looked up at her with a questioning look “you mean you want me to feed from you, but you don't wish to be turned.” he said with a deep smooth but gentle soothing tone, a shock to her she heard a low growl with what seemed to to a a purr. She looked down at him and nodded then dropped down from the tree, then then moved her hair from her neck. “I know that you want to feed from me. Unless you fear feeding from me because of what I am.”  she said almost growling at him. He glared at her then quickly moved behind her, grabbing hold of her tilting her head then sinking his fangs deep into her flesh. Feeding upon her as that oddly tasting blood flowed through his mouth. He then pulls back giving her an odd look, she steps away from him smiling “sorry forgot to warn you about the oddly taste of my blood.”  she said laughing softly along with a purr. He smirked licking his fangs getting the rest of her blood from them.
She shook her head staring at him wondering why she wasn't asked what her name was. And why she still hadn't asked for his, she tried to guess what his name might be but they didn't seem to fit him. She sensed that she was troubled by something, “what is it that you wish to ask?” he asked her. “Just why we haven't told each other our names.” she told him purring softly. He thought for a moment then realized that she was right. “My dear your right, we seemed to wanted to harm each other. Well, maybe one of us did but all that aside. My name my dear is Slade.” he said, she nodded “pleased to meet you Slade, I'm Nkari” she said purring low and soothingly. He smiled hearing her purr then took her right clawed hand into his then placed a gentle kiss upon it. She smirked then jerked her head back quickly, “I sense something coming close.” she said then jumped within a tree letting her feline eyes scan the area. “Slade there are four people coming. What do you say to some fun or maybe killing?” she said jumping down beside him. “Hmm, so you wish to kill? It will be your first yes?” he said to her. She nodded “yes, but I'm willing to try,” she said purring and growling softly. “Then we shall, I'll take the couple on the left and you the one's on the right. Since you seem one with the trees you will hunt from them. As for me I'll do what I seem to do best.” he said to her then watched as she quickly leaped into a tree.
“Shall we hunt?” she purred loudly with a wink, he nodded then vanished into the darkness. Nkari quickly moved through the trees she seemed so swift and quiet as she moved. Her first time killing she didn't know if she could but, Slade believed she could. She finally made her way to them her bluish white feline eyes began to glow as she stared down at them.  She growled as they moved under her, she then sensed Slade under her as well. She decided that she would wait until he made his move before she made hers. He appeared out of nowhere grabbing the woman and quickly feeding. Nkari then made her swift move as well, quickly moving down hanging down from a branch by her legs as she grabbed the other man swiftly bring him among the tree. With  swift quick movements she snapped his neck into letting his lifeless body fall to the ground. Slade was already feeding upon the woman's lover when he seen the other woman flee and Nkari quickly rushing after. Nkari moved so quickly that the scared woman didn't see her standing before her with glowing eyes. Slade appeared to watch her kill this young woman, he soon became very shocked with what he seen. Nkari grabbed the woman growling loudly, as well a shock to herself fangs seemed to grow as she sank her fangs deeply into the woman's neck.
She tasted the woman's sweet blood as it flowed quickly into her mouth. Slade seemed amazed at what he just seen, she then pulled back quickly letting the lifeless body fall to the ground. As she pulled her head back she let out a very loud growl that echoed through out the darkness along with a purr that sent a chill down Slade's spine. After she looked over to him seeing the odd look upon his face. She stood there almost gearing herself as she watched him move towards her.  She licked her teeth no fangs! Tasting blood upon them, “what did I just do?” she asked Slade. He laughed then said “you fed from her. I though you wasn't a vampire?” she shook her head “I'm not one I don't think. I should only have vampric movements.” she said confused. He shook his head “Nkari it seems that you are a vampire but you just never knew it,” he said smiling. Nodding now understanding, soon the rush of her first killings over took her. With out thinking she kissed Slade passionately, shocked a bit by her action he returned her kiss. He then begins caressing her lower back pasted her soft wings, up to the back of her neck. She shutters at his soft touch, then she gently runs her claws across the back of his neck.
Then down his back sending a chill and shutter down his spine. He then kisses down to her neck were he took in her loving scent. She then tilts her head a bit as if knowing what he was about to do. He gently licks her neck, then sucked upon it softly slowly letting his fangs pierce her flesh. She moans softly as he slowly and gently feeds from her. As she feeds she leans down and gently sinks her fangs into his right shoulder. Feeding upon him ever so gently as she lets her claws caress his neck. Which they fed upon each other, he gently but softly let out a growl purr, yet again she let another soft low purr moan pass her lips. Nkari then takes her claws running them down his back, then ripping the hell out of his shirt letting it fall to the ground. Slade then steps back looking at her, then gently runs his fingertips across her breasts down to her tight stomach. And with one quick move he then ripped her leather top off, he then runs his hand down to her crouch were he rubs just a bit. Then with his long claw like nails ripped her daisy dukes off, she runs her tongue across her fangs then smirks at him as she moved closer to him. Her warm sexy body pressed against him, she moved her hands down his body stopping at his jeans with one quick move she pulled his pants ripping them off.
He grabs her pulling her even closer to him his extremely harden cock pressing against her. He kisses her yet again with great passion, she wraps her arms around his neck returning his kiss. He then lifts her up, she then wraps her legs rightly around him as he moves to a tree slamming her against it. As she starts kissing down her neck he enters her, she gasped filling him inside her, he continues kissing her neck but slowly moves down to her collarbone then down to her large breasts. She moans at his kisses and fast deep thrusts, she begins dragging her claws down his back. Fleeing her claws made him ram even deeper into her, as he pounded her he grabbed her by the waist and held her tightly. Forcing her down upon him even more as he moved back with her upper back now against the tree. She moans louder moving her hips with each of his thrusts, he takes one of her breasts into his mouth sucking upon it gently then running his fangs across it before sinking his fangs within her breast.
She moans yet again her claws digging even deeper into his back, as he sucks her blood his movements became harder and quicker, thrusting hard and deep inside her. With each of his hard, deep thrusts her movements were along with his her moans becoming louder. With each moan that passed her lips made Slade ram even harder into her. Nkari moan's soon became screams as he pulled back from feeding upon her breast.  He looked into her glowing bluish white eyes leaning down and gently ran his tongue across her lower lip. She pulled him closer to her kissing his lips softly and gently then nibbled upon his bottom lip. Feeling her nibbling made him pound her even harder making her scream even louder then she was. She tightens her legs around him, her claws almost touching his spine as she lets out a loud scream mixed with a growl. He rammed deeper inside her as they both orgasmed at once her loud scream and growl echoed through out the woods. He kissed her passionately yet again, she returned his kiss running her fingertips across the back of his neck. He shuttered then broke their kiss and removed his cock from inside her. She smiled then licked her lips realizing that she might have found what she's been looking for. She looks around then looked at him “Slade its dawn we've seem to have had to much run. And plus both our clothes are ripped.” she said purring softly, he laughed 'yes I know but my home isn't far. We can go there get dressed and sleep seeing that we are both tired.” he said with a wink, she smiled yet again “Slade there's something I must tell you.” she said very softly. He looked at her then smirked taking her right hand within his, “Nkari, I already know. I know what you've been searching for a mate. And I also know that you mate for life, I”m fine with that after all I'm not going to die or get killed anytime soon. I'm your for life as well as you to me.” He said as he pulled her close to him and they vanished together, only to appear within his mansion she looked around the place like the cat she was. Curiosity always got the best of her, she soon found herself within a beautiful room where she seemed to found cheetah's laying upon the bed. She purred happily as she walked to the closet to find something to wear.
She found just what she was looking for, a leather top that looked just like hers but, red and marching daisy dukes. After dressing herself she headed out followed by two cheetah's, looking for Slade as she petted one of the cheetah's beside her. Soon she caught his scent and began following it and headed right to his room. Along with her feline friends, he turned looking to her smiling “I see you found the cheetah room.” he said motioning her over to him. She nodded and walked towards him, he then took her hand and sat upon the bed. She joined him sitting down beside him laughing as one of the cheetah's joined them. Then Slade laid down gently pulling Nkari down beside him. She curled up close to him her back against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her, then chuckled as the cheetah laid in front of Nkari curling up to her purring softly.  Nkari was already asleep once she laid down, Slade watched her sleep for a while as he gently caressed her face and body. Then gently rubbing the cheetah laying beside her smiling as he listened to them both purring soothingly and softly within their sleep. He then leans down kissing her ever so softly upon the cheek then whispers “sleep my love for you'll always be safe within my arms. I'll always look over you keeping you safe from harm I love you Nkari.” He said knowing she couldn't have heard his words then he laid his head down and fell fast asleep holding Nkari tightly within his strong arms.
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