#split leaf
3416 · 6 months
good morning, i still can't believe (yes i can) that a legitimate nhl insider is out here saying . yes the greatest goal scorer has an agreement in place with his team about WHO he plays with and it's understood that they will be longtime franchise players for the leafs as a duo. that is the plan. that is am34's plan for the leafs.
like i jsut. i.... in this sport where these men get torn apart for even Saying they have a preference bc its a team sport and they need to just accept whatever position they're put in... it's THAT important to wannabe-chill and lowkey auston matthews (read: actual control freak who Wants to appear a certain way) that he gets to play with mitch marner after being denied for a while as a rookie............ his favorite guy.... his apple tree......... his bff since rookie year....
that's part of his reason for staying a maple leaf and his longterm plan for being in toronto.......... bro. like to have theories about it vs to have an insider saying it's something that's openly discussed w the leafs org. to think about all the times auston gets bitchy with the media after being split w mitch or when they try to pry about something mitch and auston got pulled to the side for specifically.... god DAMN. im so emotional over them like they really do love each other so fucking much
i didn't realize when auston said "we would never do this without you" he meant it so seriously
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bonefall · 4 months
I originally voted for StormCherry for Moonpaw, but I think I love the idea of Honeyfur for them instead - being named after her aunt is such a cute idea. Which led me to the next potential idea - Moonpaw as a FlipBay kitten (or PlumThrift), with any canonical siblings being for the other. Perhaps, just maybe, they end up with their kits at the same time - first time parents trying to figure out how to do everything, who end up relying on each other for advice for better or worse. If you do this, I'm not sure what kind of relationship they would have, but I imagine it would be fun to play with the dynamic of Moon and the other kit(s). Or like a sort of story of their parents struggles to be well... parents, told through the kit's perspectives of themselves/each other? I don't know if any of that made sense haha
It's a lovely idea, but I think I will try to avoid giving PlumThrift kittens unless it fits Moonpaw specifically the best. If I do end up doing it and Moonpaw comes with living siblings, I might go with the thought and give the extras to FlipBay though!
It would be useful genetically, for "futureproofing" the litter. PlumThrift can't have successful grandkids without tripping Rule 2, so if the writers grab a Moon sibling to have kits in the future I'd already be covered.
In a nutshell: PlumThrift Moonpaw, with siblings given to FlipBay.
That said, I'd love to explore the dynamic of "new parents helping each other out" with StormCherry and FlipBay instead, possibly with ShellFern in there if they have their litter around the same time. Then they'd be more like friends than family.
Plus, Stormcloud and Cherryfall are senior warriors while FlipBay and ShellFern are quite young in comparison. Something about that seems cute. Cherryfall would probably be stubbornly insisting she's got it all figured out and trying to pull rank, while Bayshine and Fernstripe conspire ways to get Stormcloud in the nursery more since he's obviously a better fit as a Mi.
Shellfur barges in whenever his love, Fernstripe, seems like she has a problem. Stormcloud takes any excuse to come and take care of everyone in there, probably becoming an assistant to Daisy for a while. Flipclaw has a surprising wave of maturity wash over him, finding out he's really good at weaving wicker bases for mossballs. Lots of little things like this.
I'll see what litters canon tosses at us in the next few books. I'm hoping Changing Skies opens up with a FernShell set to play with, or if we're REALLY lucky some kind of pregnancy announcement in the last book of ASC. Who knows. We might get a NightSun litter, which I'd IMMEDIATELY zap into SunFinch kittens.
If the nursery has less than 3 queens I'll deploy Leafshade and Honeyfur as StormCherry kits, who can grow up as Moonpaw's childhood friends.
(Provided Moonpaw doesn't become a StormCherry kitten herself, of course)
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leaf4e · 6 months
do you ever wonder what happens when you open up a 1.20.1 superflat into 1.12.2 then in 1.20.4 again?
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this is what happens
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Gif-ing my favorite episodes, part 1/?
4x07 “Pitiful Creatures”
“Such pitiful creatures. Cowardly, Reckless, Monstrosities. All doomed to play a role in tearing this world apart. To cause nothing but chaos and destruction.”
“ENOUGH! I’ve never let anyone dictate my destiny in the past, and I’m not about to start now. None of us are! We can’t change who we were yesterday or in a past life, or a hundred life times ago! We live with the choices we’ve made, for what matters is the choices we make RIGHT NOW! Only we decide who we are and what we do with the power we have.”
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(Sold) 皮雕側背包改製成2只長夾-2 NaNa's 公雞葉題(夜啼) Rooster-reminder of leaves (rooster crows at night) Not finish
心心相印 💕 龜背芋它葉片本來的樣子就是有『心』了… 不過咱們就別細想它的"千瘡百孔"啦! 穿孔哲學也定是要保持美美的。哈哈哈! 😆😂 well, 今夜等色乾油染後即可縫製,並且與皮夾內層縫合。以上報告。The work progress. 💋 ℒan~*
📌 monstera deliciosa 龜背芋 ("swiss cheese plant" or "split-leaf philodendron")又名龜背竹、羽裂蔓綠絨、鳳梨蕉、蓬萊蕉及電信蘭,適應性強,性喜溫暖,潮濕的環境,但也耐陰、耐陽及有一定的耐旱性,原產於墨西哥的熱帶雨林中。為著名大型觀賞植物。也是園藝新手的好選擇,屬於半日照植物,請記得千萬不要將其曝曬於陽光下過久,容易有曬傷發黃的現象。 因其葉子長得像龜背上的花紋,所以龜背竹也同烏龜一樣代表著健康長壽之意。
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loathsomespider · 11 days
the amount of games that are like, "undertale for boys" is really funny
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tiger-balm · 7 months
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pause . zoom . enhance. JOEY??
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Roasted Cauliflower & Curry Soup (Vegan)
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rose-absolute · 3 months
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My split leaf philodendron
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3416 · 10 months
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Mitch and Auston's media availabilities after being put on separate lines the first time this season | 11.27.23
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glovehearts · 7 months
the fact that all the pictures of auston at practice today make him look like a kid sulking because his bff isn’t at school with him is really fucking funny
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cosmicabsurdism · 9 months
funny but objectively toxic ship. narrator♣️slayer♣️princess
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forkpigeon3146 · 2 months
i just fumbled 3 sharks in animal crossing nobody talk to me rn
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eyes-above--the-waves · 9 months
That Mitch to Auston connection never gets old.
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Books of 2023. THE MEMORY POLICE by Yoko Ogawa.
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domifucker · 11 months
leafs @ stars
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