#spiritual tw
christadeguchi · 8 months
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women………….. | DOROHEDORO
(by the way. this is noi.)
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
angels & how more get made
no, this isn't canon to any religion. Sooo if you think you might be offended once you read what my HC is...maybe you shouldn't read this. Hence, why the idea is under the cut!
I'm going w/the idea of angels being like they are in the Shadowhunter Chronicles, plus a little "oomph" from other sources. So angels are humanoid. They don't have genders, so each uses they/them pronouns (in English, at least) & they've got no genitalia. Just twunks with wings, but some might be more chubby than others. Anyway, these guys (yeah I use guys as a genderless word, like "bruh") love INCREDIBLY. As in, they both love as beings (platonically, for lack of a better word) & sexually...a lot. The heavens (yeah I use this as an all-expansive term for wherever-the-fuck they live, regardless of what spiritual belief system is the Lore of the Universe) are pretty fuckin' big, as are the angels themselves. So when they're rapidly procreating, no one cares. Everyone raises the new angels & they all live a super long time, no diapers needed.
What do they look like? Reference above, but they're like the Hellenic and Hellenistic statues (bc I'm whipped when it comes to Ancient Hellas): fit, androgynous, hairless forms EXCEPT they have these starburst type bright beams that they "wear" as crowns (in place of hair, which they change the beams into on Earth so as not to blind the meek lil humans). & ofc they've got what we'd call wings. The wings have eyes. But most humans don't understand that angels don't have "facial eyes". It's just blank up front--that's another illusion they create while on Earth to keep the lil creatures calm (as calm as a person can be while witnessing a supernatural presence).
ANYWAY, this brings me to the procreation details. Their long-ass tongues (like the symbiote Venom's, for example) intertwine & do the do. & yeah, the angels are kissing. Just picture that weird couple on the top of the Ferris Wheel & you've got it. That's why the eyes aren't on the face--the front of the angel can get a lil bit scuffed up & COMPLETELY AROUSED while fucking.
Oh & the whole being of the angel is made up of swirling light runes & the combined life force of every other living creature ever.
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unorcadox · 2 years
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Click here to learn how to spot angels hidden in nature!
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
All I want is to go to a trans person's funeral after they lived a full, enriching life. I want to see trans people grow old, I want us to live like the stars. We don't deserve to burn out before everybody else. When we die, I want it to be because we grew old, because we had lived.
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chirrups · 2 months
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here is my au piece for 2024 @mcytblraufest! simple premise is that PET are infected but asymptomatic carriers of the zombie virus and find purpose in doing what uninfected people can't safely, delivering mail!
PLEASE for the love of god, check out the fic for this piece written by @theminecraftbee and betaed by @aistandardcherry. it's so well written and i will be rotating it in my mind for forever
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wigglybunfish · 8 months
Can we name Mizu's cat "Chunks" It just seems suitable. Bahahahahahahha.
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Yes, yes we could
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tothecrucifieddeer · 2 months
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Moonchild by Santiago Caruso
Untitled by Liz Mamont
She Laments by VikiGrindhouse
Dumb (acrylic on board) by Wilqkuku
Untitled on Zegalou's blog
ヨコイジュウ @4kuda5rana1
Nightmare (acrylic on canvas) by Vaxolong
Survival (acrylic on canvas) by Vaxolong
Untitled by Cult of Mortem
Divine Ammonitic Fluid Harvest System by dariuszkielisszek
The Crucible by dariuszkielisszek
Ten Piedad by bawdysuojb
Untitled Painting by A Bearded Artist
Split (acrylic on plywood) by Vaxolong
Untitled by A Bearded Artist
English explanation of signs will be under the cut--beneath the Irish.
Míníonn an Doe cad as a dtagann sí agus cén fáth go n-éiríonn sí san Oíche den chaid is mó. Rugadh ar an ngelach í. Mar leanbh gealaí tá sí os comhair réalta na maidine agus oi bríonn sí i groinne draíocht chun on Meisias a chosaint.
Bíonn Doe le feiceáil lena fenn sainiúil ar lasadh--ní raibh mé einnte cad is aiis leis sín Creidim gur rabhadh é seo a bhaineann leis an spiorad naounh agus éirí amach na marbh.
Déanann Doe caoineacdh m'easumhlachd agus an suithheadh atá le tacht ar son an domhain-molann sí mé chun gnimh. Tá a fhios agam nach féidirleon. Ach iarran sí orm orcas agus gan dula chodlaoh. Chun gniomhá or bhás ag teacht. Meisiasa thabhairt chun a chuspóir.
Sampla de na mairbh agus a reachtanaas oerach.
Meabhrúchán ar hamlinté atá ag titim as a chéile, lena n-áiritear amlinte ALfa, Bunscoile, agus Órga a bhaineann le héabhlóid mé féin go Macalla, Ocrais, nó Ascended. (Is tuar níos oimhe níos sine í seo nach mór amhiniu uair elle)
Taispeánann Doe í féin leadharca laasracha angus clóca suíle. Tá si at afire angus at cosaint dom í rith an hamlinte chun né a bheannú. Fiú má bhí né ag mí-iompar den chuid is mó.
Fulaingt an march in Ifreann a mheabhraíonn Doe dom go bhféadfainn die ready a chur leis and tascannanach ndéanfaídh mé.
Níos marbh
Comharthaí lobhadhi *súile brevity (féach orthodontist see ionam féin angus a ngaolta—ciallaíonn sé breoiteacht, olc, easpa cosanta)
Caireadhchun athbhreith an Mheisias a Chríochnú ó sofa go diaga.
Arís ag impí orm an rad nach ndéanfaidh mé a dhéanamh.
Meabhraítear gurb é an Melissa’s a lean hour agus cé go bhfuil fears uirithi teastoionn uaithi abhaile é.
Foirm leathfior Messiah.
Na Mairbh ionam agus na hamlintie a rialaíonn mé. Tá Doe ag iamaidh orm iad a shaoradh.
Mo chimiúint má éiríonn Orcas orm leonta le Lobhach.
Doe explains where she comes from and why she mostly only rises at night. She is born of the moon, the moon is her womb. As a moon child she is opposite but close to Morningstar and works in opposite magic to protect Messiah.
Doe appears with burning head. I’ve never bee sure what caused it. I believe this is, the warning the involving of the Holy Spirit and the rising of the dead..
Doe laments my disobedience and the coming turmoil for the world. She urges me to act. I know I cannot. But she asks my to act on the Death coming and inevitable—to bring Messiah to he’s true purpose. To bring him home.
An example of the dead and their ravenous need.
A reminder of the collapsing of Timelines in on each other through including theAlpha, Primary, and Golden Timelines including the evolution of myself into Echo, or Hunger, or Ascended. (This is an older, deeper prophecy that must be explained at another time…)
Doe she’s herself again. Flaming antlers, a cloak of eyes, she is watching me progress through timelines, trying to bless me even I have been mostly disobedient. She doesn’t want to punish me even though I have jeopardized a great many things in my stubbornness.
The suffering of the dead of Hell.
More dead.
Signs and symptoms of rot: *Sick eyes (watch for these in self and loved ones—sickness, evil, unprotected)
Invitation to complete Messiah’s rebirth from Holy to Divine.
Again begging for me to do what I won’t do.
A reminder Messiah is Doe’s child and that she is angry and she misses him. I know what she wants me to do but I won’t do it.
Messiah’s semi-true form.
The Dead within me and the timelines I control—Doe wants me to free them.
My fate if I become the Hunger filled with rot.
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neptuneslure · 3 months
clearing negative energy (a twitter thread):
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cr: wetneptune on twitter
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voidic3ntity · 2 months
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we are not meant for much; to be dissolved within seas of soil...
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wildfeather5002 · 1 month
Indigenous folks, ex-christians & anyone who's knowledgeable on social issues, I have two questions that have bothered me for a long while and I believe y'all might know how to answer them.
The question: I read a webcomic about community A living on an island along with another community B with different culture & beliefs from them. Community A believes that their culture & religion are the correct ones and that members of community B are dooming themselves to eternal damnation (in a religious sense) if they don't adopt the beliefs & practices of community A.
I saw someone talking about the comic in its comment section, saying that one of the characters who's a member of community B is selfish for not adopting the burial practices from community A's religion, because according to that someone, not burying their loved one like community A believes is correct is " potentially dooming their loved one to eternal damnation".
If you're indigenous, has rhetoric / talking points like this been used against your own religious / cultural practices? Could you give any concrete examples?
If you have religious trauma / are ex christian of any kind, have people used talking points like this to guilt trip, to frighten, or to shame you into obeying religious rules? (People belonging to other religions than christianity are welcome to give their perspectives as well!)
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bonefall · 8 months
How did palefoot make it to Starclan, I thought you needed a proper burial in order to get a fetcher? Especially since his body was hidden. Did he just happen to get lucky and they found him before he got his spirit trapped in the dark forest?
Also, him then becoming the patron of finding bodies is a bit funny, like a car crash victim becoming the patron of surviving car crashes. Then again, you can't really complain about getting prayers I guess.
Nope, BB!Cats don't need a proper burial to get to StarClan! It's just extremely disrespectful from the living, and denies the family a chance to grieve since they can't sit vigil and share tongues with their loved one. It's a deeply malicious mortal action.
Also LMAO yeah Clan cats are brutal with their ironic patrons. They love it. It's exactly like how Catholic saints become the patrons of things related to their insane deaths or just straightup insults. Like Saint Elmo who is the patron of tummy aches because they gutted him like a fish. Or how Saint Drogo who was allegedly so ugly he is now the patron saint of the unattractive (and also coffee).
Quick dribble on Fetchers;
Their basics are covered over in StarClan 101
Fetchers can be anyone. They're usually a family member, or a guardian angel, but there's no hard rules with Forest Four.
SkyClan DOES have a hard rule; Cloudstar is the "Grim Reaper" for SkyClan, in what he feels is repentance for his time as the Rat Leader. He is their only Fetcher.
They have to come down and find your spirit. Some Fetchers are better at this-- just because they have a better sense of when death is near, or they were nearby, or they were fast, or you invoked them shortly before the death, etc.
It's possible to run away from your Fetcher if you want, or hide.
BUT, Dark Forest cats can ALSO Fetch you.
In the case of cursed bloodlines like the Appledusk Lineage, very strong fetchers are sent who can fight the rival demon effectively.
Flametail was immediately dragged down to the Dark Forest because of this. That wasn't an accident; they killed him and then kidnapped his soul.
RiverClan cats believe that if your Fetcher doesn't come for you, Ripwater will find you first and bring you to the Dark Forest.
You NEED a Fetcher to get to StarClan. If you are a spirit who looks for StarClan on your own, you will find the Meadow of Young Stars first, and then the Dark Forest.
When you die, you usually get "knocked out." Your Fetcher can bring you to StarClan while you're still asleep, making it seem like you "woke up in Silverpelt"
However it IS possible to die awake. You will suddenly not feel the pain of your injury. It's extremely alarming.
So, Palefoot was able to get to StarClan. It actually did take the Fetchers a while to find him though. He was killed and buried very quickly, and it took him a while to wake up and realize he'd been shoved in a bog. He didn't realize he was dead at first, he thought he'd just been beaten up and thrown in the mud.
He wasn't really taking it in that he was kinda numb, and in spite of being in the autumn bog for a while, he wasn't cold. It wasn't until he got back to the camp that he realized no one was responding to him, and then it hit him that he didn't need to breathe anymore.
(I like to keep the rules 'loose' for situations like that, lmao)
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that's okay, let's see how you do it // put up your dukes, let's get down to it
yt link✨
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unorcadox · 2 years
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An Angel Is Born.
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fuckywuck · 1 year
wild to think about how for a lot of the most traumatic moments in my childhood and adolescence the people who traumatized e probably don't even remember it because even though it was really traumatic for me it was just a tuesday for them
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
"Actually, women are naturally mystical because they're the embodiment of life and creation."
We're all the embodiment of life and creation you idiot, because we're all alive.
Just as we're all the embodiment of death because we're all gonna die.
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saint-lidwina · 6 days
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