#spiderman 60s cartoon
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yumalianinja · 8 months ago
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The last page of Spider-Boy #9 is just Dan Slott putting a Spider-Man meme in his comic!
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winkle-pickers · 7 months ago
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yugioh dot jpeg
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Spider-Man (1967)
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rednarokavatar · 10 months ago
My spidersona, In the 60s Spiderman cartoon screenshots :3
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Original Under the cut~ 🕷🕸
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kekwcomics · 1 year ago
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jenni1830 · 2 years ago
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(via GIPHY)
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tmbgareok · 5 months ago
Dear John Flansburgh: I remember seeing Higglytown Heroes and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse a couple times on Playhouse Disney when I was a 4-year-old in '06 (and immersed in the TMBG sphere thanks to my mom purchasing Here Come The ABCs in April '05). I'm curious to know: what TV shows do you remember watching as a kid? Love, Charles.
JF: well-I'm old! So my memories are of very curious things from the 60s (and some reruns from the 50s) An early memory is watching a show called Rat Patrol which was a war drama and really not for kids. It seemed very grim but my dad enjoyed it, and I found the dream-like sets filled with smoke and lights and explosions fascinating. On weekends the television was pretty much on from 7am until I went to sleep, and was the background to any playing, or consumed my attention. it seemed like there were a lot of shows with live hosts that introduced various cartoons (Major Mudd in Boston, and national shows like Captain Kangaroo. Not sure if Soupy Sales was all live but that was a very hip show if such a thing is possible. On Saturdays Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner were constantly on, along with shows like Tennessee Tuxedo and Underdog. For a very brief moment the Saturday morning cartoon of Spiderman was broadcast which was riveting and crazy violent. The Banana Splits was popular but for some reason I found it a bit over the top. Later on cartoons like the Wacky Racers, with essentially no story, faded into the Archies, ScoobieDoo and Josie and the Pussycats which I would say were unwatchable except I watched them! And HR Pufinstuf was kind of the existential test of just "leaving it on" as it seemed to be made entirely of nightmare fuel. Sundays were the domain of strange rituals direct from the Boston archdiocese, but Gumby and Davy and Goliath were tolerated as the only stuff for kids. Sadly, I was born too early for Sesame Street. When it arrived I found tremendously appealing even though I was "too old" for it.
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miimo96 · 30 days ago
Thoughts on YFNSM so far
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So just checked out the new "Your friendly neighborhood Spider man" series and Omg when I tell you that I am Loving this show i mean I am absolutely LOVING this show so far, at 1st I really hesitant like many others That this was going to be another Spiderman series by name only, and wasn't going to be anything special or true to the Spider man character, that being that it felt too "WOKE" and just didn't FEEL like Spider man, and BOY was I wrong, when I tell you that this series is Really good, I mean it, as a LONG time Spiderman fan myself I was immediately worried from how I was gonna feel by this due to the way it was Advertised and from the way the it kinda started.
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At 1st It a bit felt weird seeing that instead of the usual bitten by a radioactive spider via a science lab incident storyline, this one has Peter being bit by a spider taken from the MULTIVERSE, which is an ALREADY interesting choice, kinda reminds of across the spider verse and how miles got his powers the exact same way, I also love how the animation kinda reminds of another GOATED spider man show from my time, that being Spider man the NEW Animated series, and how introduces new original characters AND different takes on classic ones (like Dr Conor's)
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Another thing I love is definitely the side cast for this series, characters like Nico, Lonnie, pearl and even May are all interestingly written, and I especially love the Dynamic between Peter and may, it feels like a genuine familial love relationship and is just so sweet to see ^^ I also love how Spider man himself isn't really that much of a shit talker and is just kinda a bit snarky rather than coming off as cocky, he still talks his shit but does it in away that makes it feel like it's just another way of peter helping people by calling them out on their shit ^^; speaking of which they really make it very clear that this is a FRIENDLY neighborhood Spider man, going as far to have him basically help everyone out in anyway he can, and even going as far as to have him effing save Animal's, like yo he really puts the FRIENDLY in friendly neighborhood, not to mention that opening, ouuuu what an absolute BANGER, I especially love how it sounds like the original 60s spider man cartoon intro mixed with a bit of a rap that perfectly encapsulates Spider man ^^
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Finally let's get onto the big Star himself Spiderman, from what I've seen so far I can tell this is a very good interpretation of Peter/Spiderman, He has the heart of a hero despite not having powers in the beginning and immediately rushes into danger despite the odds of the situation, he helps the neighborhood in anyway he can and even tries to give others a second chance, he has a humble and quirky personality and doesn't come off as cringe or "woke", just awkward, which is a STAPLE for his character, he has a good relationship with others and isn't bullied for his brains like most other stories, he's respected by others in his community and even gets PRAISE for saving the day, from everything I just listened THIS is how you do Spider man, not by making a show or series that is just representing Spiderman by name, with only 2 episodes being out I can tell that this is going to be both an interesting and GOOD series, and I totally can't wait to see what happens next ^^ Before you go and judge I eurge to go PLEASE go check it out 1st before anything if ya haven't already, I'm interested in seeing where this goes, Marvel MIGHT have just made a banger
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phantom1fanatic · 2 years ago
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Em | 25 | She/Hers | PST | Minors DNI | 21+ preferred
♕ LGBTQ+ member and friendly
♕ Searching for fandom and original universe roleplays
♕ Doubles and multiples preferred over single pairings
♕ I can play either gender
♕ Any gendered pairing is welcome
♕ Expect 200-2000+ word replies depending on muse and time
♕ Response times vary
♕ Love to chat ooc, share pinterests, memes, aesthetics, tiktoks, music, etc about our roleplay and characters
Fandom Interests
Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
911/911 Lonestar
The Rookie
Ted Lasso
Z Nation
Marvel (MCU)
DC (cartoons mainly)
Young Justice
Detroit: Become Human
The Walking Dead
Umbrella Academy
Prison Break
Midnight Texas
Good Omens
Disney Retellings
Jurassic World
Code Black
Station 19
Man from Uncle
Man from Toronto
Stranger Things
Altered Carbon
Terra Nova
LA Brea
Watch Dogs
Mr. Robot
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Boys
Hazbin Hotel
Note: I am more than willing to play multiple canons against an oc for you if asked. Would like if you could play at least one canon in return!
Note 2: Pink is what I’m craving most atm
General Themes
Time Travel
Natural Disasters
Past Lives
Divine Enti
Hanahaki Disease
Deserted Islands
Slice of Life
Dark Themes/Dead Dove
Wild West
Period Dramas
Mafia/Criminal Underworld
Egyptian Mythos/Pantheon
Dragons/Dragon Riders
Decade (20s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s)
Note: I’m always interested in your ideas, please feel free to reach out.
Pairing Ideas
Fallen Angel/Angel
Fallen Angel/Demon
Fallen Angel/Human
Half Angel/Demon
Half Angel/Human
Angel/Demon/Fallen Angel
Human/Supernatural Creature
Supernatural Creature/Hunter
Rivals (sports, spies, etc)
God/Lesser Deity
Enemies to Lovers
Arranged Marriages
Fake Dating
Opposites Attract
Forbidden Romance
Note: Love mixing/matching pairings so just lmk if you have any ideas!
Are you interested? Perfect, I’d love to hear from ya! PM me for my discord and we can get to plotting!
Happy roleplaying 🌸
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eobarried · 2 years ago
ok let’s talk about miguel o’hara because it needs to be done. i want to clarify that this is not a hate post or anti-miguel in any sense, but it is a critical analysis of his character and role in the spiderverse. if you don’t feel like you can read this right now, i suggest you like it/save it for later and read it when you feel like you can with an open mind
especially for anyone who’s a miguel enjoyer (i consider myself one as well) because if you really love his character, it’s important to understand why his character was created and what a great narrative tool it is! anyway-
miguel o’hara is, allegorically, a bigot. 
now - let’s unpack and clarify that. miguel is allegorically a bigot - his character is used to represent a certain, specific type of bigotry we see in real life. notice how i’m saying “bigot” and not “racist” - because despite the memes, i don’t think miguel’s hatred of miles is rooted in antiblackness. i think it’s rooted in something a little more complicated, which is why i’m using the term bigotry. but this can be a little confusing, so let’s start from the beginning. or, at least, the most important part.
the canon.
i want you to really think about the word used here - canon. hearing that word should break the fourth wall for you, just like hearing “he’s got hammerspace!” should have earlier in the movie - or discussions different characters have surrounding their distinct art styles. it’s meant to break the fourth wall and draw attention to itself. specifically, the use of the word canon here is meant for us to take a step back from the in-universe events (treating the characters as “real” people and looking at events logically) and instead think of the spiderman story and mythos.
spiderman, as a story, has been told over and over again. we, as an audience, are deeply familiar with this story, as we’ve seen it as a live-action blockbuster in no less than three separate franchises. that’s not even mentioning all the cartoon adaptations, and of course the comic runs. adhering to a specific formula surrounding the story makes sense. when someone walks into a spiderman movie, they have certain... expectations. that no matter what version of spiderman this is, that they follow certain story beats and adhere to certain rules as they follow along in their journey. miguel, when explaining this to miles, focuses on said story beats (which i’ll get to in a second), but there’s something that’s way more important than specific plot points that we need to address here.
and that’s theme. 
theme (if you’re not an english literature person), is basically something you take away from the story. it’s usually a moral, idea, or concept that can be applied to the world around you, and helps you learn more about yourself, society, culture, or history. all stories have themes - usually they have multiple. so let’s get into it.
the original spiderman comic was notable in several ways. the thing that made spiderman so popular and successful is that he was the first (notable) teenage superhero that wasn’t a part of a greater team. spiderman wasn’t a sidekick that was written in to appeal to an audience of children. he was a teenager himself - but he was no less competent or strong than the (mostly adult) villains he fought. 
and not only was spiderman a kid - he was the kid. he was a nerd. he was an older white teen, yes - but he represented the type of person who would go out and buy a comic book more than any other hero at the time. before he became spiderman, peter parker was just kind of a geek. at the time (the 60s) this still identified him as an outcast. peter was socially awkward, not good with girls, he didn’t have many friends, and he was bullied consistently. the only thing he was good at was science, basically. we can connect peter’s original portrayal to many legitimately marginalized groups - specifically those that might be autistic and impacted by ableism. to those kids reading that comic, they saw a hero that represented them.
and how does peter represent them? what does spiderman teach these children by reading these comics? the original spiderman is the story of a man who, by chance, was granted the opportunity for greatness - to become an integral part of his community. spiderman uses his skills (both those granted to him by the spider, but also those that he inherently has, such as his skills with science and engineering), in order to prove his worth and merit. it’s lonely, the road he has to walk - he can’t tell his friends and family who he is, lest they become victims like uncle ben - or lest they betray him. he can only rely on himself and his own knowledge in order to protect his community. the themes we draw from spiderman are this: luck can strike at any time, but you need to use your own strength and intelligence to pull yourself up afterwards, no matter how hard things get. no matter how many people you lose.
that’s what miguel believes spiderman is about. this original spiderman story is that of the american dream. of a youth who is ostracized by society (for whatever reason), but is still able to use their own merit to overcome the obstacles placed in front of them and the grief and pain they face on their path to greatness. it’s a hard and lonely path, but miguel values anyone who has the bravery to face it.
so why does he hate miles?
because he didn’t do it alone. because miles doesn’t believe in the traditional american dream.
if you want to read more about that, check out my analysis comparing spider-society and visions academy over here (it’s not as in-depth as i would like it to be, but it gets the job done) but basically: miles believes that every person deserves greatness. he states it very clearly when talking to his dad about how he won the lottery to go to visions: he just got lucky. he feels as if he took an opportunity away from someone else. why is it just given to him, when anyone else at brooklyn middle is just as deserving of an amazing education? when these resources should be put to use to uplift his whole community, not just miles alone?
miles brings that same energy as a spider-person. he’s not just an anomaly because his spider was from a different dimension. he’s an anomaly because he had a mentor. not only a mentor - he had a whole clan of spider-people there for him. while peter b parker and the crew weren’t always very good allies for miles, they still wanted him to succeed. each spider-person was an outcast - not in the same way as miles, but they were eager to describe what miles needed to master in order to keep himself safe as a crime-fighter. although they weren’t always supportive, it wasn’t because they were “gatekeeping” - it’s because they were worried miles might hurt himself. to them, he hadn’t put in the work on his own, and because he hadn’t proven himself as a spider-person in isolation, they thought there was no way he could be successful as a spider-person during a very high-risk mission.
however, miles proves them wrong. it’s true that miles has to pull upon his own inner strength, but he also pulls on wisdom from those that mentored him - his father, his uncle aaron, peter parker, and peter b parker. as well as love and support from his community. miles became spiderman - but not in isolation. he had help, and support, and love - always - that helped him succeed.
because spiderman - in all universes - represents success in america. in the original comics, spiderman is able to overcome his status as an outcast in order to help his city. he now has great power - a potential allegory related to wealth and social or political status. he uses that power in order to protect the community he loves (nyc) as they can’t all protect themselves.
now let’s bring it back. miguel. right.
miguel has already made his mark as a spiderman. although we know he broke canon, it wasn’t related to him becoming spiderman. we can assume that miguel still went through serious struggle and trauma to get to where he’s at. and now, through thematic analysis, we know that becoming spiderman represents success in america.
so, miguel’s dislike of miles, thematically, connects to how older generations may believe that younger generations “have it too easy” or “don’t put in the same effort.” it’s the (mainly capitalistic) ideal that in order to succeed, it has to be in isolation, without outside help. we can infer that miguel is not only upset that miles didn’t do things “canonically” - but that he is afforded success that miguel doesn’t think he deserves. miguel believes that in order to succeed in america, one needs to do it on their own, and suffer in order to succeed. no “hand-outs,” no support, no community outreach. it’s a very rigid capitalistic standard - which is why i called it “bigoted.” miguel is still a marginalized figure - and it’s important that miguel is the one stating the viewpoint, not a white spiderman. because this isn’t a white vs black storyline. miguel’s dislike of miles is specifically a sort of generational, inter-community bigotry.
for someone who hasn’t experienced it - think of it like hazing. you join a new sports team. the senior players say “you carry the equipment out and clean everything after the game.” you ask “why? can’t we all just do it together? aren’t we supposed to be a team?” and they say “no. you’re the new guys. hard work builds character. deal with it.”
alright. so we took a look at canon through a meta-story lens. now let’s pull it back even further.
so, miguel’s ideology. he adheres firmly to canon, a series of events that cannot (or, should not), change. if we apply that to our lives, that sounds a lot like predestination. destiny. fate. let’s call it predestination for now - you’ll see why in a minute.
now, a belief in predestination makes sense. it can bring a lot of people comfort, thinking that horrible events are out of their hands, and often times it can be harmless to believe in predestination in these instances. for example: someone who blames themselves for not being able to say goodbye to a loved one who died suddenly. if this person believes in predestination, it might ease some of their pain and guilt to know that there was nothing they could do - that it was the will of some higher power that their loved one is gone, and that there was nothing they could do to prevent it. some individuals might find comfort in knowing that they are not to blame for the work of the universe.
however, predestination can also be malicious. thinking that things are the will of the universe, or the will of god... that’s been used for some pretty fucked up stuff in the past. in a more moderate (and topical) example - royalty. many kings used the concept of predestination to explain why they deserved the crown. their bloodline was chosen by god himself - that’s why they’re powerful (compare to spider-people and their success. if they are also predestined for their spider-bite, doesn’t that make them akin to monarchs?)
in more nefarious examples, predestination can be used to subjugate and oppress others. predestination was used in ancient indian society in order to justify the caste system - utilizing the hindu concept of karma to justify why certain members of society were mistreated and oppressed. in a more american sense, predestination was often used as a way to justify both slavery and segregation. originally, slavers tried to justify that god wanted black individuals to serve as slaves because it was his will. later, when divine intervention fell out of fashion, they attempted to use eugenics to justify that black individuals were simply born inferior - that it was just science, and that there was nothing they could do about it.
that’s the other reason it’s called canon. the original usage of the word was to refer to the books of the bible that the church recognized as legitimate. it ties back to faith and religion. 
now, religion, faith, and even the belief in fate itself - are not inherently bad. miguel’s belief in predestination doesn’t make him a bad or bigoted person inherently. however, the way he forces other to believe and adhere to it is. it’s very likely that miguel became so attached to the canon in order to justify why his wife and daughter died - in order to remove his own accountability for their passing and instead place the blame on some higher power. this belief snowballed out of control, however - and now influences his jealousy and distaste for miles and his way of life.
because forcing a canon - a story - on miles, is wrong. when miguel tells miles that his father must die, that he has to adhere to canon - that’s a horrible thing to say to a young black boy. to tell him that in order to be successful as a marginalized individual (to be spiderman) that he has to lose the last black male role model he has? it’s heinous! it’s akin to telling miles that in order to succeed, he has to cut ties with part of his culture. which does happen to young marginalized people in america. they are told that in order to be successful, they have to leave their culture, community, and support system behind.
it’s especially sinister when looking at it from the point of view of storytelling. when looking at it from that angle, miguel is basically telling miles that in order for his story - the story of a young black boy - to be profitable, he has to go through even more trauma and loss. it’s similar to what his guidance counselor mentions when discussing how miles should write his college entrance essay - that he should lie, and emphasize that he struggles while growing up, and that his support system was unstable. it’s the traditional story of a struggling black boy - which i discuss more here when talking about earth 42 miles and his inclusion in the spiderverse.
miguel’s bigotry is centrally tried to his idea of what american society expects of marginalized individuals who were able to achieve their dreams despite it all. a story of pain and struggle. one where they were able to - only through their own strength and intelligence, and maybe with a little bit of luck - pull themselves up, and quietly work towards their own success.
miguel’s belief in the american dream and predestination not only influences his treatment of miles, but also his creation of spider-society. now, let me be frank: miguel, in this franchise, is not supposed to represent someone who created systematic oppression. he’s simply one of the people who believed in bigoted ideals and allowed those ideals to influence his decisions. because when miguel created spider-society, it basically became an elitist isolation chamber. spider-society is located in a huge tower on miguela’s earth. the tower is so tall and imposing on the utopian landscape, there’s no way that miguel is able to properly support his own community as spiderman - he’s not worried about what happens to his own community. especially once we learn that a good portion of them live underground, where miguel can’t even see them. even if he wasn’t occupied with anomalies at all times, there’s no way he could even connect with nueva york around him.
the same can be said of all the spider-people in headquarters. they’re not even in their home dimensions. how can they possibly support their communities when they have isolated themselves as far away as they could literally be? it parallels how successful individuals often treat their communities in reality - what do wealthy people usually do at the first sign of their wealth? they build a huge mansion to get away from it all. many times in our capitalist society, wealthy and successful people abandon the communities they should be supporting. 
miguel represents that. he is a successful, powerful person, who decided to focus only on other successful, powerful people like him. marginalized people who achieved the american dream on their own. people who, instead of uplifting others, instead tear down those who don’t fit into their “mold.” who are successful in their own right, but don’t hold the same ideals and values that they do. who aren’t the model example of marginalized success in the eyes of the (white) american “audience.” 
miguel is a product of a great problem within society. while he partakes and perpetuates bigotry, that doesn’t mean that he’s irredeemable. the narrative shows that miguel is a broken man. if we think about to the end credits scene from itsv, where he calls his dimensional travel bracelet a “goober” - he wasn’t always so hateful. he wasn’t always like this. he can un-learn his bigotry and he isn’t completely lost. the way that he discusses his ideas - it’s clear that he knows that there are flaws in them, just as other spider-people consistently point out. he can be changed and improved - just like our real leaders and role models can be changed and improved. miguel is not without saving - but it’s important to remember that he does need to be saved. 
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duck-caake · 1 year ago
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
he/him Il 22 || regressor + cg
requests open!!! (list below!)
just a corpse paint wearing little guy that finds way too much comfort in animatronics, arcades, and pizza places.
please keep in mind this is a sfw coping blog for childhood trauma. however if it still bothers you that i reblogged something please just message and ill remove it.
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icon by @chocoperrito
dni banner by me :)
🦷 🦷 🦷 🦷
blog cw// horror movies (mild- usually no bl00d, i just have a lot of slasher/horror comfort characters), 420 ments, cursing, food, food talk (positive only, ARFID kiddo), stims, gifs (no flashing lights), illness talk (unresolved digestive issues, occasional tagged emeto ment)
this is a side blog! i follow back from @ la***-b*******m
fictional cgs/sibs/little guys
peppino spaghetti (dad), fake peppino (cg) || glamrock freddy (dad), freddy fazbear (baby sitter/sib), mike schmidt (dad), the daycare attendants (baby sitter), all bonnies (baby sitter/sib), and my springtrap/william afton hcoc (dad) || jason voorhees (little guy), tommy (little guy), brahms heelshire (little guy) || two-bit matthews (little guy)
comfort media
five nights at freddy’s, pizza tower, tmnt, sonic, tf2, spongebob, animal crossing, teen titans, wolverine, deadpool, spiderman, superman, minecraft, edward sissorhands, corpse bride, alice in wonderland, the rock-afire explosion, chuck e cheese, the simpsons, blues clues, bluey, dr. seuss, rainbow brite, classic horror (20’s-60s), horror movies in general, betty boop
comics, coloring, horror movies, videogames, cartoons, plushies/build-a-bear, animatronics/robotics
req masterlist
(check out my #🍕 :: portfolio)
- fake peppino from pizza tower outfit ✔️
- flip! donna from res evil 8 stimboard ✔️
- care bears outfit board ✔️
- fake peppino is a eldritch caregiver ✔️
- fake peppino dni banner ✔️
- the wrath from dbd agere flags X . X . X ✔️
- fake peppino from pizza tower flip headcanons ✔️
- bandit from bluey is an age regressor/playmate ✔️
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf4) cg icon ✔️
- bucky and steve (marvel) cg headcanons • • • LOADING
- nightmare bonnie (fnaf world) agere outfit
- green goblin from spiderman/marvel agere outfit
not requests:
- cg! peppino spaghetti from pizza tower mood board
- mario and luigi from the mario bros movie mood board
- mario bros outfit board
- peppino spaghetti from pizza tower outfit board
- bingo from bluey outfit board
- socks from bluey outfit board
- pizza tower fun farm level outfit board
- amanda young from saw is a caregiver
- peppino from pizza tower is a caregiver
- beef tobin from the great north is a caregiver
- bowser from mario bros is an age regressor/caregiver
- mario from the mario bros is a older sibling cg
- luigi from the mario bros is a age regressor
- pavel borsch from vodka! tower is a caregiver
- springtrap from fnaf is a caregiver
- the conductor from the polar express is a caregiver
- jason voorhees is an age regressor
feel free to request stuff on the “not a req” section to bump it up to next in the queue!
🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈 ☀️ 🌈
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tyrantisterror · 10 months ago
If you were ever given the keys to directing or writing a Spider-Man story (or write a Spider-Man fanfic), how would you handle each of Spider-Man’s villains? I’d love to see a more heroic take on The Lizard!
I'm afraid I don't really have a clever take for Spider-Man - I'd probably end up just doing a fairly predictable rehash of the 60's comics, with a dash of some of the newer characters thrown in, like a less good version of Spectacular Spiderman (the cartoon, not the various comic runs of the same name).
Like, I wouldn't change anything about Green Goblin, he's perfect as is. I wouldn't change Sandman or Electro or Rhino from their OG 616 takes, I like them as goons with varying degrees of humanity between them. I'd probably have the most fun with Mysterio by way of doing a lot of Occult and B-Movie homages for Spider-Man to scooby doo his way through. Dr. Octopus would take a lot from Alfred Molina's portrayal because it's my favorite of all of them.
It'd be very unpopular, but I would not portray Kraven as an "honorably hunter," but a vainglorious braggart in the vein of those survivalist reality TV show stars that were so popular a decade ago - with the dated-ness of that being part of his motivation to do something bold to get back into the spotlight.
Lizard would just be a bestial animal in lizard mode rather than an Inherently Evil Reptile Man, and not even a particularly aggressive or vicious animal at that - more a hazard because he's large and scared than predatory.
I would buck the current tradition and portray the symbiote as not necessarily evil/corruptive, with its breakup with Peter being a result of poor communication and Peter being freaked out at how closely he's bonding with an alien parasite than a result of the symbiote turning him malicious. That's how it was originally portrayed, and I like the idea that the symbiote is (initially) a neutral figure and only becomes a threat because of a bad breakup, with Eddie, its second host, being the one who brings genuine hostility into it.
I would make Carnage very silly and hammy while still being destructive - like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac but with goo monster powers.
Kingpin and the Enforcers can continue to be elaborately themed Mafia supervillains, there's nothing that needs to change there.
I wouldn't do Black Cat because she's literally just a Catwoman ripoff and I'd rather focus on rehabilitating Mary Jane when it comes to Peter's love interests.
Spot would be done ala the Spider-Verse films because it's a great take on him and let's be honest, no one's going to un-see that version of him when he's brought up.
MCU Vulture being a scavenger of superhero tech was a cool take that gives his names more meaning than "is a bald guy with robot wings," so I'd go ahead an adapt that too.
And there's dozens more but I think at this point you've got the jist, none of it's very interesting. I'm not exactly a fanfic writer, most of my creativity is funneled to my own stories these days, and has been for a while now.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years ago
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Spider-Man (1967)
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pumpkinrootbeer · 7 months ago
DONT listen to redditors when they tell you a good jumping off point to get into spiderman comics is Superior!! they are lying to you!! not even as a dig at superior spiderman, as much as i love making fun of it it's a good comic run
but I can't imagine recommending the one where Peter gets freaky friday-ed into a dying doc ock's shriveled body and then proceeds to die in said shriveled body as Doc Ock fucks around in Spiderman's body. and you have to read dying wish which is honestly a pretty dense 5 issue run leading up to Superior Spider-Man on its own, filled with characters that you won't have encountered unless you've been reading asm up to that point (be honest how many of you have even heard of horizon labs.) But then the first like 5ish issues of ssm Doc Ock just tries to get with MJ and also it is HEAVILY SUGGESTED to that doc ock has feelings for May. In Peter's Body. And the whole time Peter is just stuck as a ghost watching doc ock SORT OF FLIRT WITH HIS AUNT IN HIS BODY ? and I'll stop here. but in no world would I suggest maybe one of the most absurd spiderman comics (sure it's no sins of the past but come on) to someone who has only seen the movies or the cartoons, and wants to get into the comics. I get that it's like a fan favorite but come on!!
anyway here's what id recommend people read if they want to Spiderman:
Obviously ASM is the main title and if youre really committed to being in the know on spiderman, it's definitely The place to go. But also it has 900+ issues and it can hard to find a good starting place.
I don't hate the 2022 run as much as some people do (totally reasonably btw there's some choices I'm not crazy for eithsr), and since it's the ongoing run there's not as much you'd have to read to be caught up. A lot of it is little 3-4 issue self contained stories! There's only fifty-threeee (?) issues out rn so plenty to read but not as daunting as the almost One Thousand Issues that lay before you and a near 60+ year run. I also hear the 2012 run is pretty good but I've only read a few issues here and there of that one so I cannot speak to it myself lol
Another series that's not too long but still has plenty there: Deadpool/Spider-Man! has two fan favorites and absolutely plenty of wacky comic antics. The first big plotline isn't the best but the character moments more than make up for it. Only 50 issues so not too bad! Plus, the run is over so you won't be trying to catch up (im hoping they revive it <-self delusion)
Avenging Spider-Man is another good jumping off point imo! It's a team-up series that will point you to ongoing plotlines without dragging you into them, so if one happens to strike your fancy you can go find those comics to read that storyline. It's fun, heartfelt, and self contained (for the most part). Can you tell I like team up stories yet.
For individual issues you can read completely standalone:
Deadpool annual #2 (2013)
Avenging Spider-Man #4
Amazing Spider-Man #248
Daredevil #8 & #9 (2016) (two issues ik im cheating, trust me though)
And if you're just looking to get into comics in general, here's a couple stand alone miniseries that I really like (all 10 issues or less!)
Gwenpool Strikes Back (spiderman is in this one!)
Hawkeye: Freefall (spideys here too!!)
Defenders 2017 (he's not here though... as far as I can remember)
(also you can find all of these online! (for free ;)) at readcomicsonline.li but for the love of god don't use that site if you don't have an ad blocker)
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spiderman616 · 1 year ago
how did you get into spider-man comics,,,,, like where do you start
Is it okay to just skip to some point to get past all the 60s/70s-isms???
i watched all of spectacular spiderman and then read the comics from the beginning. if u dont have hyper autism then i can get not wanting to read every comic book with spiderman in it BUT skipping the old spidey comics is a massive blunder. some of the best stories and characters and concepts come from old spidey. there are many places in the series that are beginner-friendly or more welcoming to new readers but i hold if you want to get an authentic spidey comic experience (and why else would you want to get into the comics. if you want a streamlined version of spiderman then watch a cartoon or a movie) then you need to start from square one, even if it means skipping some less significant issues to do so or reading summaries or whatever instead
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hollowsart · 1 year ago
I know this is a difficult question to answer, but wich of the mysterios are the least attractive? (Not including MCU/Jake G’s Mysterio because we already know your thoughts on him.)
Right off the top of my head and personally speaking, uhhh...
The 90s cartoon. Why is he blond. Why does he have a ponytail. Why the heck is he WHITE? That man does not look white in the source material (not to me, at least)
Another, I would say, is Marvel Action Spiderman's Mysterio. Why the heck does that man look like tssm Norman Osborn with a ponytail? Deeply cursed and uncomfortable. Keep the dome on. I mean, at least he was genuinely funny despite his appearance. He came on so strong upon his first introduction in that comic djjddvskfnsg
One more, honorable mention, whatever the heck was going on with the 60s/70s cartoon iterations. Especially the one where he's inexplicably green with red hair and glasses?? Like.. WHAT.
..Also the white suburban dad from the 2017 Marvel's Spiderman cartoon. I know at least one person likes and simps for him, and respect to you! Mad respect to you! Love what you love and enjoy that man! But he's just not for me.
Anyways, there might be a few more, but that's all I really got.
Note: I never watched any of the cartoons mentioned, and I skimmed through the action comic. I could recommend the comic, tho, the art was interesting, and the premise of the villains being teachers for the school Peter goes to is also interesting!
Also, the art in it is very reminiscent of TSSM, so that's definitely a plus!
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