onphione · 2 years
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mechformers · 2 years
Ma Miles - Ch. 5
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5.7k words
Bold letters are spoken in English by the Reader to Quaritch.
(I see people doing tag lists and thought that it might be fun, so if you want to be tagged, please leave your @ myusername in the comments)
Previous chapter | Masterpost | Chapter 6
Taking your first breath of fresh air in what feels like forever, you look around the gray stone landscape. Your heart bleeds for the beautifully blossoming lives they have destroyed to make this horrid thing. There’s a large number of metal flying machines sitting on the ground while sky people run around doing something. The sound is so loud it hurts your ears, but the demon is leading Spider and you to one of them, their big circular wings turning quickly around and around.
“Wo-ho, hold on there, hotshot,” The demon calls when Spiderjumps up into the metal flying machine, aiming one of its big weapons around. In one long step, the demon is pulling your son away from the weapon, sitting him down on a thin metal bench going through the middle of the machine. 
“Now you listen up, sweetheart. There’s a tracker built into your bracelet, into your son’s mask,” The demon shouts over the loud noise as he taps a long finger against Spider’s air mask. 
“When we hit the ground,” He starts, moving his stern gaze to you before continuing,” and you take off,” The demon almost smirks before looking at your son again, his big hand dwarfing Spider’s bicep. “I’ll have you back in two minutes and I’ll give you an old-school ass whipping, understood? Understood?!”
“Yes, Sir,” Spider answers, rolling his eyes just as you snarl at the demon for once again threatening your son. 
“Alright, alright…” He lets go of Spider immediately, ears flat against his skull as he holds his hands up again before stepping away.
Following his movements, you watch as the demon slaps his hand against the see-through metal of the flying machine, giving the sky person behind it some kind of command with his hands, before squatting down before you. His long arm is holding onto the side as the metal flying machine lifts from the ground, its noise increasing, making your sensitive ears ring. Almost immediately after leaving the barren circle, you can hear Hawnu call for you, his big wings flapping in the distance as he follows. Seeing the warrior behind the weapon twitch before aiming it at Hawnu, you reach out to put your hand on his shoulder, shaking your head as he turns to look at you. 
“He is Hawnu, he will not hurt you,” You offer him, hoping it will be enough for him to stop. Fighting them all so far above the ground, with Spider in the small open space, was not optimal, but if they hurt Hawnu, you would show them just how far a bond between an Ikran and a Na’vi went. 
“Colonel,” The warrior by the weapon turns to look at the demon, but the demon’s eyes are pierced on Hawnu. 
Waving his warrior away, the demon watches as Hawnu’s powerful wings spread wider to follow their speed. He makes a beautiful figure where he flies in the distance, his dark green frame imposing on the bright skies, his golden spots glittering as his wings take him forward. You can’t help but share the demon’s fascination as you watch him, feeling your heart soar with happiness as you silently thank him once more for having chosen you. 
“Hawnu,” The demon mutters, as if tasting the name on his lips, “It’s like a dragon, ain’t it sweetheart?”
“I do not know what this dragon is. He is Ikran, a mighty predator,” You say proudly, smiling as you look back at Hawnu. 
“Wait, wait, hold on,” His small eyes are staring back at you this time, his brows furrowing before continuing, “Is it a Haw-noy or an I-kan?”
“His name is Hawnu,” You say slowly, hoping that the demon could follow your words, “Hawnu is Ikran,”
Humming, the demon nods slowly, his furrowed brows softening again before he turns his head to stare at Hawnu once more. 
“How uh - How does one come by one of these Ik-ans?” The demon has fully turned to you, his back against the opening, only holding onto the side. 
It would be so easy to just kick him out of the flying metal machine they were in. Hawnu would catch you mid-air, you were confident about that. Avoiding the deadly weapons would be the biggest challenge though. You had already witnessed how fast the small balls were, how they shattered on impact to deal the biggest possible damage. Still, when you looked at the demon you could see something deep within him, something that made you hesitate. His small eyes were blown wide, his lips slightly parted, his tail swishing excitedly, and his ears… The demon’s ears were trained on you, wide and pointed straight up towards you. His curiosity was all but dripping off of him, oozing like the warriors on a particularly humid and hot day. 
“Ikran,” You sigh, before slowly pronouncing the word for him.  
“Ik-ran,” He eventually landed on, the word slow and chopped, but you deemed it well enough. 
“To become Ikran Makto is - What is the word… Iknimaya, ” You fumble, trying to remember the English phrasing. In the end, you end up looking at your son, silently asking for help with translating what Iknimaya was. 
“It’s a rite of passage for Na’vi warriors,” Spider offers, smiling up at you once the demon falls silent, deep in thought. 
“To become warrior, you have tests you must pass. To choose Ikran, you walk among them until you find the one. If it is the right one, it will try to kill you,” You immediately notice how the demon’s face lights up. His entire body seems to buzz with energy as a smirk slowly spreads across his face. 
“Outstanding…” The demon drawls, the smirk on his face electrifying as his eyes stare deep within you. It makes your tail thrash wildly behind you, accidentally smacking the female warrior behind you. 
You can hear her chuckle behind you before whispering something to the warrior beside her, making him turn his head before joining her chuckling. Had it not been for the captivating yellow eyes staring at you would have turned around and smacked them both. But as it were, you couldn’t look away from the demon, watching as the smirk slowly slipped from his face, replaced with an expression of confusion instead. 
“You ain’t a warrior, sweetcheeks. How come you have an Ik-ran?” The demon is spot on and it annoys you to no extent. 
“It is different,” You offer, not wanting to remember how you had met Hawnu or how you had created tsaheylu all those years ago. Pinning your ears to your skull, you break eye contact with the demon, feeling how your beautiful, caring son sat closer to you, his small hand holding onto your arm in an attempt at comforting you. 
“Alright, alright - I won’t pry,” He surprises you by backing away, his ears twitching, giving away his burning curiosity. 
You can still see he wants to ask, the need to know almost crippling him, but in a show of great restraint, he turns around again, looking out at the beautiful world the Great Mother had created. You rode for a short while longer until the metal flying machine started to drop, the forest coming closer and closer. The warriors threw thick ropes down to the ground, checking their weapons before looking at the demon expectantly.
“Listen up, buttercup,” The demon starts, addressing you as he takes a hold of the rope he had just thrown over the side of the machine. “To get down, you need to do exactly what I tell you to.”
He then went into a long explanation of how to hold your feet and hands, talking about burns or falling too fast. You didn’t understand the point of the rope when you were so close to the ground. Sighing deeply, you looked at your son, watching as he got ready to climb on your back like you had done so many times before. Crouching to the opening of the machine, you watched as the demon lifted the rope for you to take, but you stepped past him and jumped off of the hovering machine. It wasn’t that high anyway.
From above you could hear shouts and cursing, a commotion happening in the small space. Landing gracefully, you take a step back, expecting the warrior to follow you. Instead, you see them scramble ungracefully over the opening before lowering themselves on the rope with their feet. The bafflement you felt was unlike anything. You knew that sky people had a thing for impractical choices, but this… 
“Whatcha think you’re doing?” The demon steps up to you, grabbing your arm hard as he growls, anger rolling off of him. 
Hissing at him, you move to slap his arm away, but in mid-air he grabs that one too, holding painfully hard over your white cloth bindings. The way he holds you burns as the cloth turns rough against your skin. It’s a reflex when you do it, one you’re completely helpless to stop yourself from executing when your son hisses in fear from your back. Before you know it’s happening your knee shoots up hard, connecting between the demon’s thighs audibly. There’s a loud ‘oof’ before the demon goes down, crumbling to the ground with his hands between his thighs. 
The warriors around him wince sympathetically, but no one approaches. For long moments the demon lays crumbled on the ground, rocking back and forth, until he suddenly stops. Groaning and hissing loudly, he unsteadily gets to his long legs once more, taking a step back before glowering at you. He doesn’t approach, however, just stands there, breathing hard. His hands are still cupped between his legs, but if looks could kill, you were certain that you already would be dead. 
“Explain,” He growls, trying his best to straighten up, but failing miserably.
“What do I explain?” You ask, not really getting what he’s so mad about. 
“Explain,” The demon raises his voice angrily before visibly taking a deep breath to calm down again, “why you jumped out of a hovering helicopter with Spider on your back when I specifically told you how to safely lower yourself with the rope?” 
“It was not very far over the ground,” The nonchalant way you gave your reply seemed to annoy him even more, but before he could continue, Spider stood up behind your shoulder.
“We’ve jumped from higher places plenty of times before, asshole” Spider sneers behind your shoulder, his arms around your neck tightening, revealing his bravado. 
“Na’vi jumps high every day, not short like sky people,”  It comes out a bit more aggressive than you wanted to, but when the demon sucks on his teeth, something inside of you flips with delight. 
“Well, alright then, sweetheart.” The demon drawls, resting his long hands on his hips, “Teach us,”
Huffing at the ridiculous prospect of teaching these people anything, you roll your eyes before crossing your arms over your chest. Cocking your hip out, you stare at the demon, challenging him to make the first move. Looking into his small yellow eyes, you stand there, letting the sound of Eywa’s children give you strength to withstand the demon’s silent threats. You don’t buckle when he spreads his legs and crosses his own long arms across his too-wide chest, and you don’t buckle when he growls angrily, face furrowed in annoyance. Eventually, Spider jumps down from your back, too bored to hold on any longer. You direct your ears in his direction, keeping an eye on him as he moves around before finally settling on a fallen tree just behind the demon. 
“Fine!” You’re actually surprised that the demon gave up. Shooting his arms up in the air again, he growls something under his breath as he turns to his warriors.
Smirking to yourself, you lift your head defiantly when the demon looks back at you. Looking at the warrior beside him, you notice how he grins at you, as if proud that you dared challenge him. 
“Lyle,” The demon snaps his fingers, getting the man’s attention before he leans in to whisper something to him. The man nods before taking out a device, much like one of the ones your Olo’eyktan uses before and after raids. 
“The deal was to teach us the Na’vi way, buttercup,” He starts, turning towards you with that deadly smile of his. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “I can’t protect you if you don’t cooperate.”
“And I can not teach when you do not want to learn,” Flattening your ears against your skull, you hiss angrily back at him. 
“I want to learn, sweetcheeks,” The demon slowly walks toward you, long hands still resting on his hips, “In fact, we all want to learn. Don’t we guys and girls?”
You listen to the group grumble and mumble something similar to an agreement, but the lack of soul is deafening in the busy forest. There’s life flying around you, plants opening and closing. There’s just so much happening at once, yet, when you look at the warriors surrounding the demon, you see no recognition of any kind for the Great Mother’s children. 
“Remove your weapons, you will not need them,” You start, rolling your eyes as you’re immediately met with resistance. 
“Now listen here, sweetcheeks, that ain’t gonna happen,” The demon steps forward to tell you.
“They will hurt your balance,” You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at him. 
“Not gonna happen,” He crosses his own arms over his chest, leveling you with a harsh stare. 
“Do as you please, skxawng,” You sneer back at him before reaching your hand out to Spider, waiting for him to take it. 
“Where do you think you’re going, missy,” The demon calls after you, growling with annoyance as you just keep on walking, “Lyle,”
Smiling down at Spider, you notice the way he looks up at you. You both share a knowing look when the warrior, Lyle, walks up behind you. Turning your head, you smile at him, noticing how he halts for just a moment before continuing to follow after you. The demon’s frustration can be felt through the distance between you as he angrily follows, although a bit stiffly, behind the group. Walking a bit further into the forest, you find what you’re looking for. 
In the distance, you can smell the sweet, thick scent of forest water, and sure enough, as you walk through a small clearing, a small area with a waterfall opens up. Grinning down at your son, you can see his eyes lighting up with joy, his smile bright as he looks up at you. Behind you, a collection of awe and whistles sounds, and for once, the demon keeps quiet. Turning around, you notice how his eyes have grown big, his ears twitching in attention, and his tail swishing lazily behind him. He wears his emotions for all to see, unable to hide his curiosity or the way he finds beauty in the Great Mother’s creations. Like before, you find that small sliver of hope that there’s something deep within him that wants to break out. 
“You need to learn balance,” You state, watching as they look at each other before chuckling. 
“Sweetheart, we already know how to keep our balance,” The demon drawls, his grin loose and charming. 
“Of course, you do,” You smile sweetly back at him before turning, looking around the water's edges for a fallen tree. 
Finding one almost immediately, you’re pleased to find that it has some thickness to its trunk. Walking over to it, you run your fingers over the weary life of the old tree, silently thanking it for its hard work and wishing it well in its new journey. Although the tree had fallen a long time ago, you were always taught to send a prayer for what might help you, before using it. Rolling the tree over, you were even happier to see that the bottom was slick. It would be perfect. 
“Let me help you out, darling,” The demon drawls from behind you. 
Snapping your head around, you notice how he flinches, his hands shooting to cup between his thighs. Raising an eyebrow, you step closer, watching with delight how he takes a step back. Thrilled at the new discovery, you step aside.
“You need to say prayer, to thank the tree for its help,” The demon frowns down at you, his hands going to his hips once more. 
“It’s dead,” He drawls lazily, looking as unimpressed as he sounded. 
“It has given life to many through its years, made shelter and food for more. Show gratitude, demon,” You can’t help the anger that leaves you. 
“Alright, calm down, sweetcheeks,” He’s holding his hands up again in that annoying manner of his, his ears flat against his skull again, “I’ll pray to your dead forest friend, so ease down,”
You scowl as he walks over to the tree, looking around at his warriors before sighing and going down to his knees. He looks over at you, waiting for instructions. A part of you wants to let him sit and wait, test his patience and willingness to learn, but a bigger part of you wants to see what teaching him the way of Eywa will lead to. The Great Mother would not have sent your son to you, nor let you cross paths with his father if she didn’t have a plan. You had to trust that Eywa had sent this Miles Quaritch of planet Earth to you for a reason - and hopefully, for the future of Pandora, despite his heinous actions against the Great Mother’s children.
Walking over to him, you kneel beside him, resting your hand on the trunk of the tree. Looking up at him, you wait for him to copy you, but instead, he just stares at you blankly. Rolling your eyes, you reach out to grab his hand, placing it on the trunk beside yours. Again, you notice how warm his skin is beneath your fingers, his wrist strong and solid where you hold onto it. 
“Feel it,” You say, looking up at him again, “What do you feel?”
“Nothing?” He sounds as stupid as he looks. 
With your fingers around his wrist, you felt the way his pulse jumped when you placed his long hand on the tree surface. You know he’s not telling you the truth when he denies feeling anything. Scowling at him, you push his hand away as if it had burned you, getting to your knees you start walking away when those long, strong fingers wrap around your wrist once more. Quickly turning around, you hiss at him while pulling your hand away. At the same time, he seems to remember what happened only a short while ago and lets go of you, sitting back down on his knees again, his stupid hands raised once more.
“Easy, easy, sweetness,” The demon drawls, his voice strained - frustrated, “We good?”
“You are impatient like baby,” You start, anger coursing through your body, “Afraid to show emotions as if you know you are lesser,”
“Now hold on, darling,” He gets to his feet again, stepping close enough to tower over you, “I don’t have a superiority complex,”
“Your blood jumped, yet you say you did not feel anything,” You deadpan, watching his eyes widen before narrowing. 
“Pulse, mom,” You hear Spider mumble behind you. 
You’re left scowling at each other for long moments, the demon clenching his jaws as his brows almost meet in the middle. He looks furious… until he doesn’t. He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and suddenly, his anger melts away, as if it was never there to begin with. Opening his eyes, the sharpness in them pierced right through you. It takes your breath away. 
“It felt like a small current - as if it was alive,” The demon admits in the end, eyes still staring straight into yours. 
Nodding, you break eye contact, looking over to the other warriors, you gesture for them to do the same. Watching as they all gather around you, kneeling to the soft ground, laying their hands on the tree, you immediately notice their ears standing on attention, eyes wide, as they look down at their hand. The female and the one called Lyle lift their hand and try again, their tails stiff behind them at attention. 
“Thank you,” You whisper to the demon, his head snapping to yours immediately in surprise. 
“What do you feel?” You ask the group, watching as they all hesitate, looking at the demon and each other. 
“It feels electric,” A warrior with black things in front of his face offers carefully, voice soft. 
“Feels like someone’s stroking my palm,” Lyle continues, and just like that, the rest of the group follows. 
It brings a bright smile to your lips. You knew the surprise would wear off, but for right now, you found joy in the way their faces lighted up with joy over something new. Looking over at Spider, you find that your son is smiling widely at the all. Nodding your head, you watch as he moves toward you, touching the tree with both hands. 
“Why don’t you show them how it’s done, my son?” You cup his head, leaning in to give him a kiss on his temple before letting him start the prayer of gratitude. 
Leaning back, you watch as he slowly walks them through it, pronouncing each word slowly, waiting for them all to parrot it back to him before continuing. Your heart soars as pride rushes through you. Spider had grown to become a fine young man. As they repeat the prayer, however, you notice that the demon struggles to follow the others, his pronunciation much slower and more staccato than the others. You take notice of it for another time. Maybe, if you could get him alone, you could help him out with the Na’vi language. For now, you watched as they finished up, eyes wide and smiles loose as they looked at their hands resting on the tree. 
Getting up, you wait for the others before you instruct them to roll the fallen tree into the water. It would serve a great training purpose for the warriors and the demon, and when you had finished, the water creatures would find use for it still. It was the way of Eywa, where energy was only borrowed. Smiling to yourself you watched as the warriors’ tails flicked with confusion about what the tree was doing in the water. Instead of addressing their confusion, you walked forward and into the water before gracefully climbing up onto the tree. 
“I’m not getting into that,” The female warrior huffed, crossing her strong arms over her chest. 
“Try again,” The demon growled, not even sparing her a look. 
“Fat chance,” She snorted back, before hastily adding a mumbled, “Sir,”
Sighing deeply, the demon stepped into the water, his weird clothing making obscene sounds before being submerged in water. Getting onto the log, however, proved to be a difficult task. As you balanced on the tree, the demon jumped ungracefully up and down, eventually hoisting himself up on the wet log. On shaky legs, he tried to stand, the weird foot armor and his heavy weapons throwing his balance off enough for him to plop straight back into the water once more. 
Again and again, he tried his anger building each time he fell. Eventually, you took pity on him. Walking across the log to where he stood, you stepped into the water once more, a gentle hand on his solid back as you led him back to land. Once there, the demon sits down on the ground, his arms resting over his knees as he breathes deeply. Giving him time to catch his breath, you got down to a crouch before him and smiled. 
“I told you the weapons would hurt your balance,” He does not look impressed when he looks up from the circle he’s created with his arms resting over his knees. 
Huffing an annoyed sigh, he pulls the weapon over his head and unbuckles all the gear around his hips and thighs. Looking up at you in challenge, he dares you to comment on being right. Instead, you look at the others, watching as he waves his hand in their direction, and just like that, the rest of the weapons hit the ground too. 
“Happy now?” He grounds out, meeting your eyes again. 
“The feet armor needs to go too,” You grin at him, watching as his eyes go comically large. With his wet hair plastered to his forehead, he almost looks endearing where he sits. 
“My boots?” He asks, voice hard, distrusting. 
“Yes,” You counter, looking down at the weird armor. “You can not feel your ground,”
“Well, I don’t know if I wanna feel this shit,” He sneers back as if a scolded child, immature and unreasonable. 
Rolling your eyes, you reach forward to pull at one of the huge boots off of the demon. You’re surprised when the boots don’t move. Instead, you get kicked back, and just like that you’re on top of the demon, locking him down once more, your foot under his chin, pressing his head down to the ground as you try to figure out how to remove the boots. The demon hisses and twists, struggling to get out of your hold. You get a knee to your face and although it hurts, you don’t stop. Getting one of the boots off, you throw it at his face. His head pops up as best as he can manage with your foot holding him down, his eyes finding yours as he sits threats about what he’s going to do with you. 
Pulling the last boots off, you quickly get to your feet, crouching low as you hiss at him. It’s not a second too late as the demon quickly follows, his massive chest building the growl that escapes his clenched teeth. Straightening, he wipes the mud from the left side of his face before walking toward you. You throw the boots in your hand at his head, hitting his forehead and stopping him dead in his stalk toward you. His eyes are wide and his face blank for all of two seconds before the growl intensifies and he narrows his eyes. You can hear his heavy footsteps as they quickly follow behind you, splashing into the water as you jump back up on the log, quickly walking to the end of it before turning to face him, a smug look on your face as he moves closer. 
“You are welcome,” You say, smiling at him when he’s in front of you, reaching for your arm once more. 
“What?” The demon growls dangerously, but then it seems to dawn on him where he is. 
Shouts from the bank have obviously penetrated his thick skull as his face mellows out. You watch as he looks down at his feet, instantly losing his balance. Reaching out to support him, you laugh as his sharp yellow finds yours. Waiting until he has his balance back, you let go of his big arms, watching as he slowly backs up on the log, arms spread out to keep his balance. 
“Turn back,” You smile at his obvious pride. 
The turn doesn’t happen, however. Once one of his feet left the log, the other slipped making him fall on his ass before slipping backward into the water, head first. Crouching down on the log, you wait for him to emerge before you slap the back of his head. 
“Don’t slap me,” The demon hisses, but you ignore him and his childish antics. 
“Again,” You demand of him, watching as he grumbles before hoisting himself back up, getting into position once more. 
“You’re enjoying this too much,” He snarks back at you, the wet locks of his short hair plastered to his forehead. 
“We are,” You smile at him, watching as his sour mood darkens when he looks around at his warriors grinning widely. 
The eclipse nears by the time everyone has tried their luck on the log. It’s become a sort of game between them as they challenge each other, pulling and kicking each other’s legs out from under them while on the log. But with the eclipse nearing, you tell them to get ready to move back. Looking up, you gauge that you have enough time to clean Spider’s hair. Gathering some plants, you quickly mash them together into a fine paste before calling your son over. 
Getting into the water, he lets you clean his soft, light hair. It’s one of your favorite things to do, though one that doesn’t happen as often as you would like it to, your son having grown too old, yet, not old enough. Taking as much time as you can allow yourself, you let your fingers run through the thick strands, gently massaging his head. Before you want to let him go, you have to ask him to rinse off in the waterfall. 
Turning back toward the bank, you find sharp yellow eyes staring at you, a gentle expression on his hard face. Breaking eye contact with him, you walk out of the water, stopping in a spot of sunlight as you wait for Spider to finish up. 
“He’s grown into a fine young man,” A deep raspy voice mumbles from behind you, sending chills down your spine and making your skin erupt with goosebumps. 
It’s a praise. You know it is as you watch the demon walk past you to his unit, a pleased look on his face. The warriors are laughing and chatting idly, like young adults themselves. Although you know they’re not, you can’t help but compare them to children who had to grow up too fast, with no constant love and support from people who loved them. Feeling your heart ache, you look back in time to see Spider walk out of the water, the smile on his face slowly slipping as he takes notice of your worries. Your son hugs you tightly once he reaches you and you’re unable to hide your smile as you hug him back. 
“Come on, mom,” Spider pulls at your arm, dragging you toward the unit and the demon. 
You guess all good things had to come to an end, but as you look at your son’s arm dragging you with him, his excitement still burning hot from the day, you can’t help but follow willingly. The demon looks at you with sharp eyes as you approach them, no doubt wondering if you were going to try to run for it. Looking down at the bracelet on your wrist, you wonder how you would be able to get it off. It was the least of your problems if you couldn’t get Spider a new mask without this tracking thing in it. 
Leading the group through the forest, you lead them back to where the helicopter dropped you off. You can already hear it closing in on your location. You notice that none of the warriors have put their boots on again, the offending things hanging from their shoulders. Mansk’s feet are pawing at the ground, no doubt taking with him the feeling of Eywa’s blessings for as long as he could. On the other side, Z-Dog is cutting her leg clothing above her knees, no doubt trying to feel more of Eywa. Smiling to yourself, you look up into sharp yellow eyes once more. 
“Spider, get on your mama’s back,” The demon drawls gently just before the helicopter comes to a stop over you. 
“Sweetheart, imma need you to hold on real tight,” He continues just as ropes are thrown down from the hovering helicopter. There are hooks of some kind that attach to the unit’s belts.
Spider crawls up on your back again, his wet hair cold against your back as he clings to you. The demon steps closer, a smirk on his lips as he bends to wrap his strong arms under your ass, effortlessly lifting your son and you up. Instinctively, your legs wrap around his waist to hold on, your arms wounding around his neck. It’s a very intimate position, to the demon this close to your body when not fighting, but your mind gets no time to worry about it as suddenly, you’re all being hoisted through the air, quickly approaching the helicopter opening. It’s the most horrid thing you have ever done in your life. Feeling yourself getting dragged up with a thin rope, you’re unable to help your body from clutching onto the demon, holding tight.
“You can let go now, sweetheart,” The demon drawls, his big hand spread on your bare back, supporting you against his body, “Not that I’m complaining,”
The unit chuckles and whistles, but it’s only Spider’s snapped “Hey!” that pulls you out of your headspace. You’re horrified to find that you’re sitting in the demon’s lap, clutching onto him as you fly over the forest on your way back to the base. Pushing yourself off of the demon’s lap, you stumble, falling hard on your ass. Had it not been for the demon’s firm grip around your wrist, you would have tumbled out of the helicopter opening. You had no doubt that Hawnu would come flying, snatching you up, but the fact that the demon didn’t let you fall astonished you. 
“Careful there, buttercup,” The demon drawls, a charming grin spreading on his face as his eyes meet yours once more. 
Groaning, Spider pulls you between his legs, scowling at his - scowling at the demon. His small hands around your neck ground you enough to snap free of those yellow eyes that have kept you prisoner for the past few minutes. Holding onto your son’s legs, you let the ouch surface of the helicopter pull your resolve together. You weren’t sure what was happening, but you knew one thing for sure, this thing between you, no matter what it was, would never happen as long as you lived. Feeling eyes on you, you turn to see Lyle grinning at you before looking up at the demon. Following his line of sight you notice how he’s staring at Spider, a soft almost unguarded look on his face. Closing your eyes, you prayed for what felt like the tenth time today, that Eywa was right about this guy.
Chapter 4 | Masterpost | Chapter 6
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jerrsterrr · 1 month
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Love toyhouse user for making this code
I frankeinsteined it a little too much and noticed some mistakes but thats an issue for tommorow me im just so happy
Fanboy under cut
WOO GUYS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM ABOUT THE CODEEEEE !!! Im gonna ramble a bit, cause the person eho made it is a genuis!!! I loved ripping it apart!!!!!!! It has inventory, lore, abilities, a playlist! And even a little design section!!! It was so fun filling it out and tweaking it a bit for spiderjump lore!!! BUT BUT BUT i didnt even put ALL the lore!! I kept it sort of vague, and through a third?? perspective, cause at the bottom of it, i PUT A SNIPPETS SECTION!!! okay, did you know toyhouse has a LITERATURE OPTION???!! that means i can basically write fanfic!!!of my ocs!!!!! so thats what the snippets will be, im gonna try and write out or even draw some of the specific lore parts, and link them there for everyone. IM SO EXCITED!!! and thats just THIS CODE. im gonna add more and more cause i want to talk about spiderjumps unicerse and its au and the places!!! I want to have it all there!!! i want people to be able to see it if they thought it was worth it to know it!!!!
im so excited, sorry
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sleepsart · 1 year
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This is Spiderjump. Aka Greg. It's based off the bold jumper spider and it's suit is black and neon green!
[ ID: A drawing of Greg "Spiderjump", jumping up in a corner. It is wearing a classic spider suit, aside from the head, which is one solid color with two stripes over the eyes. It is also wearing wrist, elbow, and knee braces. It is looking down with wide eyes. There are two small marks near it's head indicating surprise. End ID ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @cuuno @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull @sadgeish @im-troublesome @griancraft
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aeon-arts · 4 years
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Here is part of RapidsClan!
Note: Asheyes is blind
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mongoose38 · 6 years
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This is my spider sona, Jump. She got her powers from a radioactive jumping spider. By day she is a comic book artist and by night she fights crime not only to protect the innocent but also to gather research for research for her comic. #spidersona #jump #spiderman #twilight #cityscape #city #mask #spidermask #shoes #purple #comic #jumping #jumpingspider #superhero #artist #digitalart #night #stars #green #spiderjump #spirit https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs6EEN-laK9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gzlaa7hxx9p9
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fedik · 3 years
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This #liitle #spider Ang #kulit ng #gagambang ito #mahirap kuhanan ng #litrato , natalon sa aking cellphone😁 #littlespider #spidereyes #spiderjump #macrophotography #spiderphotography #spiderlover #insectphotography #littleinsect #cuteinsects #insekto #potograpiya #mobilephotography #pinoyphotographer #hobbyphotography #maniniyot #fedikshots https://www.instagram.com/ako_si_fedik_/p/CXQNaOrv98J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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clans-of-the-zenith · 3 years
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bootleg jim davis warriors ocs
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aroundglance · 8 years
JAstuce Ran Fram Abuv?
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dustbee514 · 6 years
Working on a spidersona of my own. I dont know much but I know I love her. Her names Paloma Perez and I based her off of a jumping spider! No color as of yet. 🕸🕷
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onphione · 2 years
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#onphione #insects_of_our_world #insectphotography #insectoftheday #insectofinstagram #insect #insectmacro #macrophotography #macroworld #macroinsect #jumpspider #spiderjump #spider #labalaba #picoftheday #photooftheday #phonephotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIfYCPP6Ra/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thegodbeast-mushi · 7 years
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#biojumpers #kabutomushi #kabutomushimki #godbeast #thegodbeast #traveler #glyos #onelldesign #uvresistanturethane #urethane #prototype #spiderjumper #beetlejumper #dragonflyjumper #caterpillarjumper #osm #theouterspacemen #outerspacemen #flocking #toyflocking
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jerrsterrr · 1 year
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Pre-reveal spiderjump content when he first got the suit by a irresponsible iron man:
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And also toyhouse rant because i am having so much fun organizing my characters:
EHEJGRHEJEV i have A LOT OF CHARACTERS for the spiderjump lore
like a whole plot already, from origins to end sort of...... and like NO ART
Heres a list of the characters:
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AND MIND YOU THIS IS AN AU of an already oc world who i STILL havent drawn the characters of!!!!!
i am having the time of my life!!!!!!!!!!!
this is full on self insert cringe (as is the og oc world but HEY SPIDERMAN!!!)
i need to draw the characters so i can put them in my toyhouse and actually put out the lore though but ive already organized all the codes im gonna be using and all the links :3
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It will litterally have all characters, locations and im even gonna write out scenes and how the world society is built up by these characters!!!! (im excited)
And mind you this is a test project thats way smaller than my other oc worlds!!!
im so hyped!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really like organizing all the lore and characters and putting it out of my brain and OUT!!!! so maybe someone else will like it maybe :3333
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sleepsart · 1 year
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Greg's based off the bold jumper spider! It can't actually shoot webs. It shoots venom instead! Also bold jumpers can jump 10-50× their size in distance . So this guy can jump up to 275 ft. Yippie !
[ ID: A drawing of Greg "Spiderjump", jumping up in a corner. It is wearing a classic spider suit in green and black rather than red or blue, aside from the head, which is solidly black with two bright green stripes over the eyes. It is also wearing grey wrist, elbow, and knee braces. It is looking down with wide eyes. There are two yellow marks near it's head indicating surprise. The background is pink. End ID ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @cuuno @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull @sadgeish @im-troublesome @griancraft
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artbycarlyh · 4 years
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{Commission} Spider-Jump
Thumbnail commission for Justinfinity and his latest Spiderman 2018 review. Since the game features a bunch of unlockable skins, we pretty much gave this design our own little twist, with mixing his avatar with the original look. Granted the background building windows could have been done better; pretty much used an insta brush that I found while browsing in the asset store, and it didn’t really turned out much of how I wanted it to look. I am somewhat happy with how the lighting effects turned out though. Justinfinity’s review _____________________
Clear time: 7 hours + 13 minutes
Layers used: 19
References used: 5
Spiderman belongs to: Marvel
Spiderjump and art: Carly.H (me)
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ultimatestairninja · 6 years
Had a great workout tonight at the @korkomplex with my #ministairninja and the #photobombninja To finish off the night I tried out the newest obstacle at KOR. The spiderjump. It was awesome to say the least!!! Now to work on moving that trampoline back farther everytime I go up there. #stairninjaadventures #fathersontime #pushyourself #spiderclimb #spiderjump #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #korkomplex #arch_athletic @newbalance #neverstopmoving #goodjourney (at KOR Komplex)
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