#spider luz
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hecateisalesbian · 2 years ago
Don’t ask what building she’s on, I don’t know
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Maybe some building in bonesborough has glass like that idk
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atomic-sludge · 1 year ago
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Some owl house/Spiderman au doodles except they're barely related and only I know what they're about.
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svnnizes · 12 days ago
im not sure if this is just me, but as a black person, whenever i see a black character in media i AUTOMATICALLY feel more inclide to route for them
its just like "yeah i love this nigga" 😭😭
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mocatbj4 · 2 years ago
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TOH crossover Spider-verse
I recently watch Into the spider-verse, can’t wait to see the new one
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cafecxonmilk · 2 years ago
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Spider-Light AU 💙🕷⭐️
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upddog · 2 years ago
Spider lumity to celebrate the new Spider-Man movie :)
I rushed this so much, so don’t look too close lol
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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The Struggles of Young Love - False vs. True
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dear-lacey · 4 months ago
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In every other universe...
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toonspirits · 1 month ago
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Toon Love Is in Bloom 💕🌹❤️🖤
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rhymeswithfart · 2 months ago
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I hope this picture doesn't seem flippant or unserious, I'm just trying to catch as much attention for this as I can.
The Israeli Knesset is planning to ban UNRWA by the end of January. UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is an irreplaceable lifeline for Palestinians during this genocide. Banning it would be devastating and deadly. Please look at the link for more information, actions, and a toolkit.
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yell-oh-theokayone · 3 months ago
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WIP of drawing all my favorite characters from my favorite shows. Only regret is finishing this before I discovered how cool Shadow the Hedgehog truly is😔
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that-girl-glader · 9 months ago
Guys if you can please help this family out!! They reached out to me, and they seem to not be living well. So, let's donate what we can for them to improve their living conditions as well as allow them to leave Gaza. Their account: @ramezderar
Unfortunately I am only a minor, and I don't have money or any access to much help for them other than spreading awareness!! But I think it would be cool if we as fandom consumers would make a fanfic/fanart or any other cool event that gives money to this family and many more who are suffering in Gaza. And I think that would be super cool!!!!
Here is the link to there gofundme!!
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atomic-sludge · 2 years ago
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I wanted to do my own take on spider-luz and give her spidey suit more inspiration from good witch azura bc she would definitely do that.
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nedeeress · 2 years ago
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My new Lumity fanart with Amity as Gwen and Luz as Miles
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andygonzart · 2 years ago
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Golden Hour
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daystarvoyage · 6 months ago
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Hey everyone its the daystar voyage Head LT Kyoko cane here to bring you another good post on my blog, one of my concerned posts on black poc representation in black media
Today in this two part special where gonna discuss about Good hair in animation & how it can define the character and fashion.
i wanted to talk about the topic of hair in animated shows, how it can define the details and proper cultural portrayal of how black people or POC have been represented as a whole (be it of mixed ecthnicity)
Lets get down to it, I feel we need to make a discussion on the Good & bad on proper cultural rep on shows especially when it relates & emotes to viewers & fans, we do have the discussions oof having nothing but our sexuality been made a character define characteer instead of good character, wriitng, physcial features and up holding a beauty standard.
The topic of HAIR Appreciation in animation, Questionable taste in how hair is not styled well for ethnicity.
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Luz's hair has so much symbolism of who she is, going to all works of animation, I do feel when she wasn't fully understood at home she acted out very ill-conditioned cause her father pass and moved into a new area, never relating to anyone, So it leads her to not changing her looks be it fashion, which i feel the shows writing shouldve explored more into why she keeps in short and theres a topic ill put in is masculization of black women think about it.
Dear I say it, after rewatching the show, IT feels like A LETDOWN & missed chances at times, with the staff & writers not know how to make great hairstyles to show proper culutral race. (and i have seen alot of fanart who did a great job on giving her better styles that enhnace her physcial features.
i feel this a recurring trope been used since the miles morales hair controversy cause black people or poc presented hair comes in many forms that can gives so much praise. Hers a article on the miles morales hair debut which is a logical standpoint on hair reprenentation, shows we need to have more diverse hairstyles in media or poc characters
I mean girl this HAIRMET (Fused words hairdo+helmet) and my goodness will never let them down for the outfit choices for luz comparing the femme presented amity and willow which is tasteless at best.
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Look down down below on how her hair could’ve made her more feminine and beautiful I blame the masculinity of black women, a topic video you can find on my youtube that contribute to such aspects of how we see poc or black people.
so many missed oppurtunitys Remind yourselfs to draw long hair luz ill be a sucka to buy it which i discuss in my video.
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My FAVORITE VIDEO AND PIC on how that did her justice
also another thing, nobody shouldnt have an excuse to brush away fem qualities over sexual orientation , let there design be versatile and not one track (along with the writing of the show.)
The greater aspects of how we should style characters.
Now unlike other media i talked about above whihc have been flawed in design and dont contribute to the chaaracters growth, two shows that did a absolutely great job of showing good ethnic & cultural representation in series such as amphibia & molly mcgee whihc made raw characters come out of theere own with greatness with prominent physical features
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While anne boonchy & moon girl lunella had great writing, having there cultural cleebbrated in great execution of proper black hair great with good results, In moon girl we also get in episode where we discuss why we see black people be in love with there selves for there beautiful features including hair along anne boochuy diaspora making a impact.
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moon girl video below
Great hair episode that impacts Cultural and ecthinic representation above.
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i feel we have a long way to go when it comes for the new gen to desgin well executed characters, instead not having there postive trait of whos orenitation being there great feature.
but i disgress
look at the hairstlyes from the winx club, the long hair on characters as layla (aisha) & flora is PHENOMENAL AND COULD’VE PLAYED A ROLE IN BLACK PEOPLES HAIR BEING BEAUTIFUL FOR VIEWERS
One Great example for hair representation, and also cultural goodness put into it was the Winx club (which had actual fashion designers work on the character concepts and outfits)
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Thank you for reading this post hope we can discuss the topic on the comments (that means civilized and dont hate appreciate others critiques and statements)
Thank you for being on the daystar voyage.
Also make sure to check out my latest video on amphibia too.
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