#spider girl face paint easy
Spiderman Kiss
Miguel O’Hara x fem! Black Cat! reader
part 2 (18+)
it took me so damn long to write this but here we are. a few of y’all wanted a part two with some steamy times so i shall provide (this shit is so long i’m sorryyyy) this man makes it so easy to write angsty smut i swear.
warnings: dirtytalk, pnv, angsty fluffy yet flirtatious idek anymore, finger sucking. jusy filth all together (may god forgive my soul)
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You left Miguel. You left him shattered. You left him wanting more. The kiss was still lingering on his lips.
The rain dripped through his hair, the clouds rumbling above him and darkening with every second that passed after you left him. Miguel thought he looked like an idiot dangling upside down watching an empty space that once carried your perfect frame. He was afraid your scent would fade with his memory, he couldn't move- he was stiff with need, sadness, and angst. He was scattered and he was sure the furrow of his brows expressed that tenfold.
Miguel didn't know what to do. He doesn't know what to do with you.
So many questions melded into his head- he wasn't sure if he wanted to follow his brain or his dick. But his gut was telling him to not let you leave right now. There was nothing he could do though. Miguel had to tamper his own desires down, he had to put his other spiders first. He had to put the damn multiverse first. God, he gave up too much to quit now but a part of him wanted to relieve that pressure...he wanted to relieve that pressure with you.
Miguel groaned as he dragged himself out of his head and walked up the side of the building he was on, swinging from building to building taking in the dark horizon as if to reflect his mood, the rain becoming heavier on his back, beating at his mind like a punching bag. Miguel used this time swinging to contemplate what he wanted, it was simple: he wanted you...but he had other responsibilities. The thunder and lightning rocked above him, souring his mood. All he could think about was how stupid he was, falling for someone he couldn't have, someone he shouldn't want. That bleeding heart of his was going to get him killed.
You arrived at your apartment before the rain got too heavy and you couldn't conceal the side smile that was painted all over your face- like you were laughing at an inside joke only you knew. Your kiss with Miguel was still tingling on top of your lips and a blush stained your face ever since. It really went against everything you stood for - wanting the good guy. Well, he wasn't known for being that good...but far too much of a goody-two-shoes for you.
Your apartment was gloomy, a blue hue seeped through the windows as you sighed into the cold empty space. You knew if Miguel was here he would obliterate anything in his path, you swallowed hard at the thought. That dull ache crawled back into your lower stomach and the hairs on your neck stood to attention just thinking about him. Jesus. You threw your umbrella into a dark corner before unbuttoning your trenchcoat and throwing it on the back of the couch. Your boots clacked against the hardwood floor as you went to the kitchen to fix yourself a stiff drink- you needed it tonight so you would forget fucking yourself lazily with only Miguel on your mind, you were hoping it would soften the blow of how pathetic you had become over one kiss with a man you were sure would choose the multiverse over you.
Miguel was at your apartment, hanging outside of your window to see if you were there and you just disappeared to the kitchen. He shimmied your window open quietly and crawled inside, slightly surprised that he fit. He stood up and the first thing his eyes caught onto was the mass amount of stolen paintings you were probably pawning off. Oh, bad girl. Very bad indeed. His eyes were fixed on the doorframe, waiting for you to emerge.
You ruffled your hair, walking out to sprawl on your couch and drink the kiss away even though it was already seared to the forefront of your mind. Looking up, your pulse skyrocketed and a gasp fell sharply from your throat. You dropped your damn drink on your floor. Miguel was happy with the response it was apparent with the smirk that painted his face.
‘’What the fuck?’’ You breathed, clutching at your heart to calm your raising chest. It wasn't working. You weren't sure if it was the fact that he scared you half to death or it was that he was here right now when you were about to strip naked and moan all the feelings away. ‘’Why do all Spider-people hate using fucking doors?’’ You questioned brashly as your foot swiped away at the broken shards of glass that adorned your floor, you'll deal with it later. He was your main focus now. It was like you manifested him.
‘’I didn't scare you, did I?’’He boasted and it made you want to kick his stupidly perfect teeth in, rip out his fangs, put them in a frame, and hang it on your wall. He had this smug look on his face and it was like he was reveling in your reaction.
"You didn't.’’ You lamented hard-eyed scowl and all. You stalked up to him like a smiling assassin looking as hungry as ever, a plan obviously forming in your head but he couldn't see through it. Inches were separating you and he had to tamper down the urge to just grab you. 'I wasn't expecting you back so soon.’’ You exhorted, lithe tongue wetting your lips- reaching for the inside joke. Miguel didn't respond, he was too fucking enthralled by your sheer presence to say anything meaningful. Suddenly, your palm went to his chest and pushed down aggressively hard. ‘’Sit.’’ You ordered endearingly, a sugar coating to the venom you were hiding as your eyes went doe. His eyes daren't waver from yours, they were wide and needy...something you never would've associated with Miguel O'Hara. You sat him down on your couch. ‘’I'll be right back.’’
A plan resided within you, you were going to do what you've always seemed to do with him: toy with him, play with him like you would with a cat and laser pen. It was one of the only constants you had with him. You sauntered and disappeared your way to the kitchen and a wicked idea started to form in your head- the more you thought about it, the more insane it was. But you didn't care. Every second you spent with him was just another semblance of your rationality withering away. You wondered if he affected all women like this- on the brink of insanity. The idea of him with another woman made you wince slightly. Instinctively, you kicked off your boots and shimmied out of your dress, also discarding the underwear and bra that covered you. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed another glass and poured out some whiskey for him like a doting housewife.
Miguel's fingers dug into his thighs, his patience wearing thin as the uncertainty and hunger weren't reaching a healthy equilibrium. He didn't like to be kept waiting. He resented it, his tapping foot and hard face were a clear reflection of that. He raked an exasperated hand through his hair and then he heard soft footsteps behind him. Finally. A flash of skin pierced his peripheral...and his mouth popped open, gaping a hole into your face as he drank you in like a thirsting animal. You were naked in front of him, wearing nothing but an innocent smile for a scene so obscenely filthy. You extended your hand to offer him the drink, acting so obviously coy.
Miguel's eyes were glued to yours, his mind was bugged with white noise and static as you stood there so innocently. Oh, you filthy bitch. You fucking liar. It was like time was frozen as he grabbed the glass from your hand. Miguel suddenly stood up, one massive hand grabbed your waist making you stumble back a few steps and the other crushed the glass with the might of his palm, he was surprised that you didn't even flinch but he was adamant about not showing it. You didn't deserve the privilege after toying with him like this: he was fiending for you. Miguel's grip on your waist was piercing and firm, lolling your head back to look into his eyes was a brutal mistake, they were aglow with rage and want that was slightly terrifying but also oddly thrilling at the same time, the sensation clawed at your throat and you were absorbing every second of it.
‘’Now what's all this?’’ He chuckled menacingly, it was like he was assessing you and the sly smile wired on his face was a large indicator of his greed. A clawed finger went to stroke your face. ‘’Hm?’’
‘’I got tired of waiting on you.’’ Surprising yourself with your own ability to breathe when he's touching you like this.
"I can see why that must be... frustrating...for you.’’ His gaze lowered and raked down your naked body, eating you with his eyes like he was a dog starved. “I can taste how wet you are.” Miguel mumbled as his wandering hands traced their way down your body, leaving a pattern of goosebumps in his wake until he reached your aching heat. '”You want me to make it better?” His fingers teased your entrance, waiting for verbal confirmation of how you wanted him to fuck you.
“I don't just want you...Miguel, I need you. I thought you'd know that by now.” You hoped your desperation would make him get the fucking hint. Now he was acting all patient and stretching it out, you just wanted him to play with you. Instead, he retracted his fingers. You shuddered as his warmth left you, the flames of desire were now roaring but all you could give him was a cold look at his callousness.
“Oh, you need me? Que maravilla... You're spoiling me.” He whispered in your ear then pulled back from you.
You gripped onto his suit and pulled him back into you, desperate eyes searching his. “Now give me what I want.” You sounded way more needy than he anticipated and he loved it. “Please.”
Miguel chuckled lowly, his large hand gripping your cheeks to make you pout and he mocked it like you were a whiny kid. “I've always wanted to fuck your face.”
You were too stiff to reply, his fingers dug into your skin and all you could do was moan.
“Would you let me?”
‘’Perhaps you fancy my pure heart, maybe I should feed it to you.’’
‘’Yeah, I'll do that later.’’ His promise was threateningly genuine and it made you gulp. Miguel suddenly grabbed you as if you weighed nothing and threw you over his shoulder, his apathetic palm smacking roughly against your backside as he dragged you to your bedroom, you yelped at his brashness. ‘’Stop squirming baby. Relax for me.’’
Miguel kicked your bedroom door open before you could even give in to his demands. He threw you on the bed, and without a second to lose you sat at the edge of it, you spread your legs wider for him. He grasped your chin so you were directly looking up into his scorching eyes- that look on your face was sinful. Miguel wasn't sure if was a religious man, not after everything that happened to him but if there was a time to believe in God it would be right now. You can't talk or think properly, it was the most ironic thing he's ever witnessed. You were always so...prepared, so intelligent, and challenging, it was interesting to see this side of you. He stood tall between your parted legs and the silence that boomed between you two was crackling through the air, Miguel's face was unamused as his fingers lightly traced your cheek- an odd form of tenderness in comparison to the filthy shit he said to you about 3 minutes ago. It was like it was the mercy before he was about to eat you whole.
‘’Fucking gorgeous.’’ Miguel muttered drunkenly, his darkening gaze surveying you intently as if you were under a microscope. He memorized every detail and frame of your desperate, whiny face. His thumb brushed the soft flesh of your bottom lip, all you could do was blink up at him dumbly. 'Come on...open up for me.' He urged when his fingers teased your lips, you opened your mouth and your tongue welcomed his large fingers, twisting and turning against the skin. A small shiver rippled through his body as you practically drooled over his fingers.
Mine. Was all he could think. Mine. All mine. No one else's. Miguel's heart skipped a little, a spark setting in his chest at the idea.
He was getting more and more impatient the longer you deepthroated his fingers, it was a little harrowing to see his deepest desires turn into a real-life experience. When he kissed you he thought that you wouldn't reciorocate or that you would kill him for even assuming such a preposterous thing, but no. You wanted him. The way he wanted you. If he were a smarter man he would bury the thought of you, he'd let another man want you up close, not from a distance like he does- but he just couldn't. He couldn't let you go and he resented it.
You just gave him a blank look when he retracted his fingers from your mouth, you wondered if his claws would come out when they were in the deep chasms of your throat, you were unsure if he was about to rip your vocal cords out. Miguel's palm instantly pinched at your cheeks again and he full force-bounced you back to lay flat on the bed. He loomed over you, his other hand sliding between your bodies to feel the softness of your skin, a small layer of sweat adding a little sparkle to your already glowing body. Why was he fucking dragging this along? Here you were, naked and wet, ready to be devoured and he insists on taking his sweet time. The multiverse becomes more and more unstable the longer he's with you. The unsettling thought made you frown and Miguel clocked onto it.
“What's with the frown?”
“Too slow, hurry up.” You moaned in his ear. His eyes darted to the contents of your room and he smirked.
“These paintings...they aren't yours, are they?” Miguel cooed at you. “It's cute that you think you're sneaky.”
“You're one to talk, following me around like an obsessed fan. It's cute.” You bit back at him, his teeth unclenched enough for a low moan to slip out. His mouth followed the trail of goosebumps down your neck, your body started to arch as his mouth captured your nipple, and your eyes widened as you felt his fangs dig into you.
“I want to fucking drain myself in you.” Miguel grunted and you quite literally felt the crunching of bones in his jaw. His nose trailed up your chest, inhaling your scent and committing it to memory.
“Take it off and fuck me or I'll find someone else who's-“ A gasp fell from your lips when he wrappled his fist around your hair and yanked it back. He thre your body around on the bed until your head plummeted to the soft pillows.
“I dare you to finish that sentence hermosa.”Miguel's fingers plunged into you, knuckle-deep feeling at you- so warm, so wet. You were dripping around his fingers. “Come on...finish it.” He moved his fingers in a circular motion, his thumb rubbed and pressed at your clit. A wave of jealousy washed over him at your words, the idea of someone else doing what he's doing to you made his eyes glow a dim red.
“'Miguel-“ He rubbed faster and harder.
“Someone else who's better than me? Someone who's...stronger than me? Someone who can...fuck you like this?’’He trusted his fingers harder into you and it made you cry out. ‘’Apologize.’’
“But I'm not sorry.”
In a flash, his hologram suit exposed his bare skin and your eyes widened at his cock slapping against your thigh. Your gaze wandered down and you couldn't conceal your gape, he was rock hard and the tip was sticky. “I'll make you sorry.”
“You're a bastard M-“ He cut you off with a sharp thrust into your warm wet pussy, Miguel was ambitious as always, glaring a hole into that pretty face to see just how well he was fucking you. Your fingers dug into the skin of his back and clawed, you drew an inkling of blood and he groaned at the sensation. The look on your face was priceless. Your moans bounced off of the walls, growing louder and louder with every thrust, he reached a spot within that you didn't know fucking existed. He thought your body was a work of fucking art, a thin sheen of sweat coated your skin, and every dip and curve was sculpted by Greek Gods. Miguel grabbed onto the headboard as his pace was getting more and more violent, his fist clenched white and his claws dug into the wood.
“You always this tight?” He questions breathlessly, Jesus Christ it was like you were vacuum sealed to his dick. You were sucking him dry. Your face scrunched up cutely as you whined at him, and your hands went to the sheets holding onto dear life. “No, don't clutch the sheets, grab onto me instead.” for once, you actually obeyed. You gripped onto his hair instead and tugged onto it. Miguel grabbed your legs and lifted them onto his broad shoulders, he sucked air into his teeth and his muscles tensed as you squeezed him even harder. “What, no smartass remark hermosa?”
“Oh my God.” You whimpered, and he kissed you passionately to muffle your pretty little sounds, absorbing them onto his tongue. His cock was fucking magic, he stretched you out so well it fucking hurt. The heated curl in your stomach was about to unfurl, the knots were twisting and turning with every brutal kiss and clash of teeth.
“Cum for me. You know you want to.” Miguel boasted like a proud high school jock. The slap of skin echoed around the whole room, he felt your stringy wetness cover him as a raw moan escaped from your lips. Your body arched against the bed as the waves of desire resounded throughout your entire body. You wanted to giggle, you had never come so hard before. It was kind of revolutionary. He fucked you through it, the kisses getting more desperate, passionate, and sloppy as if to mimic his pounding. “Tell me you want it.”
“I want it Miguel, please just - fuck.”with those sweet words, you could feel him spurt inside of you, the warm sticky liquid coating your insides. His body tensed with every stroke, completely emptying himself inside of you. Lord, you milked him dry and his groan was an indicator of that. You felt proud of yourself, Miguel O'Hara being breathless was something you never anticipated…well that was before he kissed you and everything went to pure chaos.
You lowered your legs from his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist, your lips meeting his tenderly. He liked it when you raked your slender fingers through his hair. He sighed before he pulled out of you, his gaze landed upon your pussy and the mess you both made. You chuckled at each other like a couple of teenagers, lightly blushing and doing the devil's tango. Miguel rolled next to you, both of you panting at what you had just experienced. He was so...good...at that.
The soft dim light lit up the room, the window outside casting a pale shadow of the New York skyline outside. You turned your head to Miguel, his angled features looking stoic as ever. It was obvious his mood changed but you didn't know why. Your cheek was buried in the pillow as you laid on your stomach, your hair tumbling down looking sexed out as always and he almost wanted to laugh, he definitely would've if the weight of the multiverse wasn't on his shoulders. Your hand flew to his and ruffled the disheveled tufts and he practically melted into your touch.
“You're a million miles away.” You repeated what you said earlier tonight before he kissed you. Miguel moved closer to you, leaning up on the divinely carved headboard as you lay there playing with his hair. He was agitated but a sliver of sadness warped through him and he didn't like it. His eyes latched onto yours, heady and scorching, his eyebrows twinging in sadness as he stared into your beautiful face- like it was the last time he'd be seeing it. He opened his mouth to speak but instead, he grabbed the hand that was in his hair and brought it to his lips, kissing your soft glowing flesh and tasting your sweet flushed skin.
“Mi amor.” 'He whispered, placing your palm on his face.
“Oh, that's new.” You smiled, and his eyes lingered on the curve of your ass. He had to suppress a shit-eating grin, his hand landed and stroked the skin of your thighs. “Am I still 'mi amor' even when I've been a bad girl?” You blinked up at him and then stared at all the stolen artwork and sculptures littering your room and adorning every wall, he just squinted your eyes in a judgemental manner at your question, he keep transitioning in and out of silence. It was obvious something was bothering him.
“What is it, Miguel?”
After a palpable silence, he finally opened his mouth, his gaze downcast as if he didn't want to look at you made you all the more confused. “It hurts me. How much I want you...I don't want to be tragically wounded and damaged by demons I can't escape... I just want to be with you.” He began unraveling what was eating at him, baring apart his battered soul and heavy mind, the expression your face made was one of...sorrow. “I don’t want to leave you alone. I can’t but I’m sure you’ve firgured that out by now.”
Miguel's confession echoed through your very soul and tolled at your brain, your heart on the other hand was thumping in your chest and beating at your fingertips. You didn't know what to do or say. You gripped his chin so he could face you, his hold on your thighs becoming stronger.
“You're fighting yourself and you're not even fighting fair. God you have no idea, do you?”
“I don't know what to do.” He replied back softly and it broke your heart seeing him so vulnerable with you, his eyes were quaking in fear. To hear him talk so lowly of himself made guilt pang at your heartstrings, if only he knew what good he's done.
“Have you got any idea how much good you've done? Everything you've done for spiders in every single world?” You urged him to see reason, he was always so damn rational. Why wasn't he seeing it? “Being Spiderman is a sacrifice, you know this. If that means losing sometimes...you must let it pass unhindered. But that doesn’t change how much I want you. ”
“No.” Miguel replied curtly, he knew you were right but he just couldn’t handle the idea of losing you right now. He just grabbed your face and kissed you, toppling you onto his lap to forget all about it and just melt into your warm embrace.
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
Bestie I’m back. So you know the audio in scooby doo where he’s like “only a fool would drop a girl like you.” But with our boy Ace. Pretty please, I’m begging. 😩🫶🏻
YES but not me putting sonne in the bg bc that's all I ever hear that audio to lmao
[Heads up!: mentions of heights, brief description of falling, afab/fem aligned reader, spiderman!Ace bc we all need that, upside down kiss? Upside down kiss!, reader is not gwen stacy (oops)]
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From so far above, the lights of the city look like something from a painting. The wind that whips at you is cold, made more biting for the elevation ㅡ and the longer you peer below from the edge of the roof, the sicker you feel.
You're so high up. A fall from here would undoubtedly kill you, leave you a shattered shell ㅡ but it'd be quick, you guess. Maybe even peaceful.
"Easy there." Fingers curl around your wrist, easing you from the ledge. Ace gives you a look somewhere between concern and amusement, his mask gripped in his other hand. "You trying to fly on me?"
"No," you say, taking another step as he lets go of your wrist. "You're the one who decided a rooftop date would be a good idea."
"And it was," Ace counters. "Nobody bothered us."
"Nobody usually bothers us, because nobody knows aboutㅡ" You gesture to the skin tight bodysuit that covers him, the mask in his grip that he raises to put back on. "This. Besides me."
"And you got lucky with that."
"I asked you, Ace. And you're the idiot who confessed to being Spiderman."
"Don't be mean," Ace huffs as he sets his mask into place. "I could leave you up here."
You stare. "You wouldn't." You don't have to see it to know Ace is grinning, and you give him a look of warning that he laughs outright at, hands held up in placation.
"Okay, okay, I wouldn't." He approaches you, head tilting. "Only one way down, though. You ready?"
You remember the sheer drop down, the deceptive glow of warm white lights. Suppressing a shiver, you nod. "As I ever will be."
The descent down goes like this ㅡ Ace with his ever trusty rope of webbing, and you, clung to his back like a comical parody of a koala. The hard rubber lines of his suit make it easier to hold on, though Ace glances back at you.
"How are you holding up?"
"Managing," comes your muffled reply, face pressed into the meat of his shoulder. "Promise not to drop me?"
Ace laughs at that, but not out of spite or malice. He laughs because to him, that's the silliest thing in the world. "Only a fool would drop a girl like you, sweetheart."
Even with his words of reassurance, you still feel the tension of his muscles as he descends. It doesn't take much longer for your feet to be on the ground, and you grin at your boyfriend.
"Such a friendly spider man," you tease, imagining that he's rolling his eyes as he moves to leave, and you huff. "Ace!"
"What?" His head turns, and you raise an eyebrow. "Oh, right." The backwards lean is easy, practiced ease in the way he hangs upside down before you, both hands locked around the rope of webbing. "Goodbye kiss, right?"
"Duh," you say as you approach. "But upside down this time? Really?"
"It can be romantic," he says, muffled laughter in his voice. You roll your eyes before you reach up, rolling his mask up (or down, at this angle) enough to expose his chin and lips before you lean in.
True, the angle is awkward but no less sweet as you kiss, humming when Ace leans with you to try and prevent you from pulling away. "Sorry," you say when he whines as you correct his mask, "but you have a city to keep safe, Spiderman."
"True," Ace laments. "But I'll see you later, right?"
It's equal parts hopeful and pleading, to at the very least get to cuddle with you in the wee hours of the morning before you head off to work ㅡ and you smile.
"Of course."
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luckybunny555 · 10 months
Mr. Stacy? Nice to meet you!
Gwen takes you to her apartment after swinging through her city with you, but she didn't expect her dad to be home so early
Gwen Stacy x GN!Spider!reader
A/N: this is my "personal lore"(lol) but I consider that reader let Gwen stay over in their universe/home whenever she needed a place to stay at, and this is mentioned at some point here.
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You never got tired of watching Gwen swinging across her city, no matter how many times you witnessed it. The beauty of her own universe, and how she seemed so at home, fitting so well in her place but standing out from the rest at the same time. It felt good to know she was finally comfortable at home again.
You had been there for her after everything went wrong with her dad. A while after meeting her at the Spider Society, you had finally earned her trust, and she felt secure enough to tell you about everything: the people she had lost, the uncertainties she was facing, the fear of losing her dad... It broke your heart to know everything she was going through, and because you cared so much about the girl who was finally letting her walls down for you, you stuck by her side through everything. Good and bad moments, you were always there for her. Because you loved her. So seeing her finally feeling free and at home in her universe was like slipping under your blankets after a cold day.
You hadn't visited her city yet, not even after things eventually worked out between Gwen and her dad. So right now, you were fascinated by her world, how the colors seemed to bring a special and beautiful emphasis to everything. To her, especially. And with the way your gaze wouldn't leave her for a single moment, you could notice your surroundings fading into a watercolor blur, Gwen being the heart of this art piece that you were witnessing in that moment. No painting could be more beautiful and lovely than the girl in a Spider-Suit that was swinging in her webs a few feet in front of you.
With the gradual development of your connection, Gwen's desire to introduce you to her world grew bigger. Not only to her universe, but to everything that was a part of her life. She caught herself wishing that you'd leave a part of yourself in everything that was hers, always lingering in her life. She wanted your smell on her clothes, your laughter filling her bedroom, your initials on the pages of her notebooks, your pictures on her wall, your sleepy voice staining her mornings when you'd wake up in her bed, right beside her.
She wasn't going to lie to herself: having you in her universe, her world, was a big deal. For so long, she hadn't allowed herself to get close to anyone because the possibility of losing them would be too painful to bear. But you, as sweet and loving as you were, seemed to have some sort of magnetic aura that was irresistible to her. Truth is, she didn't want to resist you, even when her mind reminded her of all the terrible things that could happen. You were too good to miss. And you had always made an effort to maintain your friendship because you wanted to be around her just as bad as she did. Long story short, your effort and love made it almost impossible for her mind to convince her to stay away from you.
So, even though she was a bit nervous about it, her faith and excitement about you washed away the doubts she had about past events repeating themselves with you. For the first time in a really long time, she was happy to let someone in. She wanted you to be close to her, in every single way. Having you in her universe was special to her. She wanted you to stay forever right there with her, even though she knew you couldn't abandon your own universe. The best she could do was convince you to stay just a little longer, more and more every time.
Although Gwen wanted to take it easy on her "Spider-woman duties" that day to fully enjoy your company, the city didn't seem to get the memo. Every once in a while, you two had to take a few moments to help the civilians and stop robberies. But even then, you seemed to enjoy witnessing each other's performances against crime, complimenting your abilities and skills with genuine admiration. You couldn't ignore how much you loved her graceful moves and sarcastic jokes, both signature traits of hers.
As the sun was just starting to set, Gwen convinced you to come over to her apartment, attempting to keep you with her for as long as she could. And how could you refuse? Every word that comes out of her lips gives you a warm feeling, and when her hand brushes against yours, tugging on them to lead the way, you find yourself willing to follow her without caring about the destination.
The two of you stopped by a convenience store near her place, Gwen insisting that you'd choose anything you were craving. She thought she could win you over with snacks so maybe you'd stay longer, oblivious to the fact that all it would take was a simple "please, stay with me" and you would not be able to say 'no' to her. You never were.
She lovingly admired you as your eyes widened through your mask, excitedly picking a bunch of snacks for the both of you to share later. Her heart fluttered when she noticed you picking her favorite chips and drink, appreciating how attentive and thoughtful you always were. She felt so lucky to be loved by you, with all your sweetness. And to add to her luck, the cashier was kind enough to only charge part of the price for all your snacks and drinks, as a 'thank you' to the friendly neighborhood Spider-woman and her lovely Spider companion.
Leaving the store, she finally led you to her apartment, climbing on the wall. You followed her as she opened the window to her bedroom, holding out her hand to help you in, the grocery bag on her other hand. While the two of you shared your thoughts on today's hang out, your laughter filled the space, and she softly chuckled at her secret wish-come-true. Taking off your masks, the two of you stood by the window, your eyes studying the room while her admiring gaze was focused on you. You loved the intimacy of bedrooms, that give away the tiny details about someone, but only to those with attentive and caring eyes. It felt like entering her world all over again, taking in the new yet familiar atmosphere, simply a reflection of the girl. The simple fact that you were standing right there was a manifestation of her trust for you. Gwen wanted you to see her, all of her.
Your hands were still connected when your gazes met, giggles escaping your lips as you continued the topic. "Oh, I felt so bad for accidentally scaring that old lady," your hands cover your lips, trying to hold back your laughter. "I couldn't even warn her in time, I just swung past her and took her away from the fight! The poor woman was–"
Hearing all the noise coming from his daughter's bedroom, not expecting Gwen to be home, George Stacy makes his way towards the door, slowly opening it. Both you and Gwen sensed his presence right before he entered the bedroom, freezing for a moment as he stood by the doorframe, gaze fixed on the two of you.
"Gwen," he says, his voice giving away his surprise at seeing her home, along with you. Everything seems to pause for a moment, silence filling the room as none of you seem to be certain about your next steps. Although you were taken by surprise, you quickly came to your senses, deciding to politely introduce yourself to make a good impression on your girlfriend's dad.
"Mr. Stacy, hi! Nice to meet ya, I'm–" you start, taking a few steps towards him and holding out your hand for a polite handshake. You try your best to hide how nervous you actually are.
"[name], I assume," he chuckles with an amused smirk on his face, shaking your hand. "Gwen has told me a lot about you," he looks at her, chuckling.
You turn to face her, imagining the blush that must be on her face, unable to actually see it due to the low lighting in the room. "Aw, you talk about me?" you tease her, but your tone gives away your fondness for her action, a soft smile appearing on your face.
George notices Gwen's silence, still processing the unexpected event, along with your teasing. "Oh, she does. I was wondering when I would get to meet this intriguing Spider-Person who won my daughter's heart," he replies, his words bringing a genuine smile to your face. Despite his teasing tone, he was actually delighted to finally meet you. He had noticed Gwen's shy and loving smiles whenever she mentioned you, how she'd quietly chuckle or blush whenever she was texting you, how her voice turned softer when she'd talk to you through her watch. After witnessing his daughter's difficult moments and being away from her for so long, his heart grew warm with appreciation, thankful that she had finally found love, soft and sweet like a marshmallow.
"Ah, okay dad, that's enough," Gwen finally intervened, noticing how warm her cheeks were, causing both you and her dad to chuckle. You lean back on the wall near George, the two of you observing her as she placed the grocery bag on her bed. His gaze traveled through her room, noticing how disorganized she left it, even though he was used to her messy nature.
"Gwen, if you're going to bring your partner over, you should at least organize your room," he playfully scolded her, earning a chuckle from you. She muttered a 'right' before pacing around her bedroom, starting to gather all the clothes and items that were scattered around.
"Wow, even after I lectured you about leaving your stuff lying around in my apartment, it seems like you still haven't learned your lesson," you tease her again, shaking your head as you chuckle. Mr. Stacy's eyes widen at your words, his lips slightly parting in shock.
"You left your mess around their place?" he asked her, astonished by her behavior, making you laugh even more. Of course, he didn't know you don't mind it. In fact, neither of them knew how much you actually liked to see Gwen's possessions in your home, reminding you of her constant presence in your world, even when she wasn't there in person. That was one of the things you liked about her, always absentmindedly leaving a bit of herself wherever she goes. Something the two of you shared and liked about each other, although expressed in your own unique ways. Gwen, obviously through her mess.
She stuttered, trying to find an excuse or an apology, but failed to do so. It was obvious that she was grateful for your kindness and support, always wanting to help you out in return, despite your constant reassurance that there was nothing she had to give you in return, your actions only reflecting how much you cared for her. But you made her feel so comfortable and relaxed that her disorganized nature ended up shining through. To you, it was like an accomplishment, getting her to naturally be herself around you, no walls nor facades.
"If every interaction between you two will lead to teasing me, I'm gonna have to keep you apart as much as possible," Gwen said, glaring at the both of you with narrowed eyes as she folded her clothes. You and George couldn't hold back your amused chuckles.
"Alright, alright," he put his hands up in defense, "just don't forget your manners next time". His attention turned to you as Gwen continued to organize her bedroom, "well, Gwen mentioned you two met at that... Spider‐Person community, right? How is that working out for you?" he asked you, trying to get to know you better.
You nod, "Oh, yeah, we met at the Spider Society," you explain, giggling politely at his confusion about the name. "Eh, you know, Spider business aren't very easy, between keeping your own city safe and having to save the multiverse every once in a while," you let out a nervous chuckle, "but it's definitely worth it, doing our best to protect our people," your eyes shift to Gwen, observing her with fondness. Mr. Stacy follows your gaze, softly smiling as he notices the way you look at her.
Returning your focus to him, you add, "Oh, and don't worry, sir, I always make sure to keep Gwen safe during missions," you softly smile, reassuring him as you demonstrate how much you really care about her. He seems to appreciate your gesture, offering you a genuine smile as a silent 'thank you'. Still listening to your conversation, Gwen playfully scoffs, stopping pacing around her room for a moment.
"You? Oh, okay, sure," she laughs, "It's more like the other way around most of the time," seems like it's her turn to tease you. She's not entirely wrong, considering your clumsiness occasionally causing you to hurt yourself during missions. Or in your daily life, too. Your jaw drops slightly as you let out a scoff mixed with a chuckle, furrowing your brows.
"Hey! Shh, I'm trying to make a good impression here," you say, earning a laugh from Gwen's dad as he shakes his head in amusement. "Besides, you never got super hurt, so technically, I do keep you safe," you add, matter-of-factly.
She turns to look at you, narrowing her eyes but the smile on her face betraying the rest of her expression. "Maybe I'm just better at keeping myself unharmed," she teases you, like she always loves to do. You shake your head and laugh. "But I will give you some points for patching me up with your cute band-aids after fights," she adds, compensating for her teasing with a playful but genuine comment.
"Thank you," you respond with a proud smile and giggles. She couldn't help but admire you, her love for you evident in her eyes. And George, still observing the interaction, was amazed by your dynamic. He couldn't recall the last time he saw his daughter this open and relaxed, and the look on her face whenever she looked at you was certainly uncommon. It's safe to say you have earned his approval, and perhaps even more: his fondness.
"Are you staying for dinner, [name]?" He asks you, sounding like an invitation. Your lips parted to reply, but you hadn't even thought about your answer. Your plans were to just spend half an hour longer with Gwen before heading back to your universe to watch over your city, until this encounter changed the course of your day. You consider his offer for a moment, unsure about spending even more time away from your city, pushing aside your own wish to stay here forever. But when your gaze turns to Gwen, any doubt you had simply dissolved like cotton candy in your mouth.
You knew you couldn't resist the way she looked at you. The soft smile on her face and her pretty, pretty eyes observing you expectantly were enough to convince you to stay for as long as she'd ask you to. It didn't matter how long you two were together, your heart would always skip a beat whenever she'd give you that look. So, still looking at her, your lips closed for a moment, letting out a soft chuckle. "I would love to, if that's okay," you smile sweetly, slowly turning your gaze to the man next to you.
When you answered, Gwen's smile widened, making you melt at the sight of her adorable tooth gap. You started to wonder whether you were actually human or ice cream, considering how often you melted for her. Your smile matched hers, and you tilted your head to rest against the wall, never getting tired of admiring your girlfriend. In her world, somehow even more than usual, she looked like pure art.
Seeming pleased, George nods at your answer, smiling as he walks away from the bedroom, leaving the two of you alone again. You slowly walk over to Gwen, who was leaning against her dresser. Standing in front of her, your arms naturally wrap around her shoulders, and you feel your heart flutter in your chest at the contact of your bodies. Her hands travel from your hips to your lower back, pressing tenderly to bring you even closer.
From up close, even in a dimly lit setting, you could almost see all of the features you loved on her. Her pretty freckles, the shape of her lips, the color of her eyes, her lashes, her eyebrow piercing... you could spend forever naming every single detail you loved about her, from inside and out. Even though you enjoyed her sarcastic and cool demeanor that always amused you, you simply loved how her expression seemed to soften at your sight. How lucky you felt to be the reason why this blonde would relax in your presence, so comforted by your love.
"I can't believe you keep convincing me to stay longer and longer," you tell her, the smile on your face giving away how much you were enjoying being right there with her, feeling her body softly pressed against yours. "What's next, are you gonna kidnap me so I stay forever with you?" you tease her, in an already failed attempt to hide how much you actually wanted to never leave her side.
"Oh, I don't think I even have to," she replies with a smug smirk, a proud expression imprinted on her face. Her thumbs gently caressed your waist, making your body relax even further. "I bet I can get you to stay forever willingly, I don't even gotta force you." Damn it, her tone gave away how she had you figured out. But the look in her eyes showed some sort of relief at the knowledge that you wanted this as much as she did. She felt so grateful that, without even having to try, she would have you by her side willingly.
"Damn, was it that obvious?" you playfully roll your eyes, softly giggling. Your faces were so close, she could feel you breath blowing against her skin. Everything between the two of you seemed to be enhanced, and she reveled at the heightened awareness of your presence. You were heaven for her, bringing up wonderful new feelings she hadn't even considered possible before.
Your question made her chuckle softly, the sound awakening the butterflies that seemed to live in your stomach ever since you met her. You had started loving this feeling the moment it was associated with her. Her eyebrows relaxed as she kept her gaze on you, her face still soft but slightly serious, expressing honesty and vulnerability. "I'm glad you're staying," she whispered, her eyes wandering to your lips for a moment as her fingertips traced patterns on your lower back.
Her tender touch, even through the fabric of your spider-suit, felt so loving and intimate. To hide your lovefool smile, you pepper her face with kisses, like a sweet attack. But when she laughs, you pull back to not miss the sight of her smile, that matches yours. "Me too," you reply, gazing into her eyes. "So, d'you think I made a good impression? Or was it obvious that my heart was absolutely pounding in my chest?"
She wraps her arms tighter around you, planting a quick peck on your lips before answering, "You did great, trust me. Better than I did when meeting Miles' parents, do you remember that?" You giggle at her embarrassed smile, recalling the memory.
"Oh, yeah, that was painful to watch," you tease her, causing the both of you to burst into laughter. You were grateful for these light-hearted, silly moments between the two of you, giggling like stupid, but totally in love teenagers.
Once you two calm down, her gaze meets yours again. "I already put in a good word for you, and judging by today's interaction, I'm pretty sure he loves you already," she assures you, calming your nerves as she brushes away a strand of your hair behind your ear. "He even invited you for dinner," she adds with a playful smile, "I'd say I'm not the only one who wants you around for a little longer."
"Oh, you're making it so hard to remember I have a whole city to look after and that I can't stay in your universe forever," your dramatic exaggeration of your words earn a loving chuckle from her. "Seriously, don't let me stay forever. I have many fans that need protection and autographs, alright?" You joke with a wide smile on your face.
"Didn't you tell my dad you had to keep me safe or something like that?" She teases you, looking up pretending to recall the conversation from just a few minutes ago. You can't help but chuckle at her playful attempt to convince you once again to stay longer with her, jokingly slapping her arm.
Despite not lasting forever, time seemed to kindly grant you a wish as it appeared to slow down that evening. As you all ate dinner, you and George shared loving(and a few embarrassing) memories involving Gwen, who couldn't handle any more teasing coming from the both of you, despite secretly enjoying your interaction the whole time. She was glad to witness it, grateful that the two of you got along well. Gwen ended up noticing that, little by little, the loneliness that followed her around for so long was starting to fade away. Your warm presence in her life was like a sun that illuminated everything, filling her with love. And now, she was able to be present with two of the people she loved the most, and she was sure that they loved her back.
Before you went back to your universe, you and Gwen took a few minutes to watch a movie and eat the sweet snacks you had previously bought together. As the sky turned darker, you found comfort in your girlfriend's arms, that were lovingly wrapped around you while the two of you sat on the couch with a blanket over your legs. And even after you returned to your own universe, neither of you could stop smiling at the thoughts and memories of each other, cherishing every moment you spent together. You couldn't wait for the next time you'd spend another day with Gwen, as you found yourself loving to see more and more of her and her life.
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captaincapsicle83 · 4 months
The Little Pests
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary- Sam’s friend, an IT worker for Stark Industries turned new recruit, has a crush on an avenger. Being a good wingman (hehe, get it?) does everything he can to get the reader and Bucky closer, even enlisting the help of other avengers.
It’s almost obnoxious actually.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader (main romance, rest platonic), Sam Wilson x reader, Clint Barton x reader, avengers x reader
TW: Cursing, Sam and Clint being silly, “suicide” but like, it’s a bobs burgers reference (you’ll see)
A/N: I was bored, so I pushed aside EVERY OTHER WIP I should be working on (about eight separate ones), left all my drafts open, completely ignored my old, geriatric ideas, and wrote something off a whim
Behold, my capricious work of art
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“And, this is our kitchen, that’s our toaster. The toaster is always broken don’t try to use it,” Sam says. His right arm is on your shoulder, the left gesturing around the room, showing you around he compound.
“Why doesn’t it-” You’re cut off by a man with light brown hair swatting the toaster with his fist.
“You whore! I want my poptart!” He grunts.
“He’s why,” Sam shakes his head, and rolls his eyes. Clint Barton; Hawkeye, Destroyer of toasters.
Clint whips around, disgust evident on his face, “Oh, no, no, no, Sir. Don’t act like I’m suddenly the only one to blame here. Take a look at Mr. Banner and his anger issues, the cyborg, or, better yet Sammy, look in the fucking mirror.”
You decided right then and there that you liked Clint. “Sammy” scowled at Barton, before motioning for you to sit at the table. He had already shown you around the rest of the compound, including your room, making the kitchen your last stop.
As Sam rummaged through the cupboards, Clint sat in a chair across from you, groaning and huffing like an old dad with aching joints (Clint couldn’t be more than in his thirties or fourties’).
“Are you here to fix the toaster?” He asks you, his voice sad and his eyes even sadder. He was like those little animals with big eyes of pleading in Disney films.
“No, I’m sorry. I could try,” you suggest the last part, and he perks up. He sits up straight in his chair, rather than sprawling, and shifted to drumming his hands on the table.
“Met anybody else yet?” He asks, Sam still looking for food with not much luck.
“Nada, just you and Sam,” You say, truthfully. You had honestly expected more traffic, but were just the same grateful to be mostly undisturbed.
“Oh, good, you’re lucky. After us, it all goes down hill,” He “tsk-tsk”’s. “Let’s give you a run down. There’s Bruce and Tony, they’re our brains. They don’t sleep. They’re, like, tier two after Sam and I. Also tier 2, we got Natasha and Wanda. They’re scary. I will not elaborate. Tier 3, Vision, Thor, Rhodes, Spider-Kid. Mostly uneventful around the compound, Visions here the most, other three not as much. Then there’s our senior citizens in the bottom tier. Steve and Bucket. If they were a spice, they’d be flour.”
The way Clint was talking, it felt like the scene in mean girls where Janice and Damien find Cary in the bathroom. You were giggly at his little hand motions and theatrical way of painting the scene.
“What makes you and Sam tier 1?” You ask, Sam coming over with two jars of peanut butter, spoons sticking out of them.
“Birds!” They both yell to each other. When you make a face at Sam’s offer of a jar of peanut butter, Clint takes it right away. You watch in wonder as the two bicker with each other, getting the feeling they were the only ones who found themselves to be “tier 1.”
You had been with the avengers for, say, about 7 months, finding it easy to make friends and have fun between missions and SHIELD duties.
“Well,” Clint was saying to you and Sam, the three of you sitting at the compounds dining table, coloring with crayons on printer paper. “I’m glad you two are having fun, because I am going to kill myself.”
He holds up a poorly manufactured picture of a duck. You all convulge into a set of late night giggles.
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It was four am, and you had all just returned early from a mission. After a mission, especially one where you could sleep on the way back, you sometimes found it nice to unwind with your teammates.
As you all tried to compose yourselves, you didn’t even notice someone else enter the kitchen part of the kitchen, not until Sam called out to them that is.
“Hey, Buck, what’s up?”
“Hmm? Nothing. Coffee,” He looked startled, then straight back to basically being dead tired. The bags under his eyes looked like they just took a trip to Costco.
He looks reluctant, and like his mind has to do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince himself to do so, but ultimately he sits down at your table.
You’re drawing a picture of some birds (well, what was supposed to look like birds) in a little bird house. Your heart was beating about 10 decibels faster, and your hands became more unsteady.
Clint and Sam both privately took note of your change in demeanor. The way instead of using circle motions either your crayons, as you had been, you were pressing harder and going up and down. And how you simply just layer them on the table rather than back in the box. And the short sweet glances sent to one new person at the table….
Private messages between Sam Wilson and Clint Barton that you should never have seen, had you not been playing candy crush on Clint’s phone one Saturday morning. You’re a snooper, you snoop, it’s what you do.
Wednesday 5:36 am
Clint: Are you sleeping bbb
Sam: that best better not stand for what I think it does…
Clint: Y/n left me after you and Bucky did. Think the girl needed time to fantasize
Clint: I see everything, always
Sam: ominous
Sam: Clinton have you ever watched the bachorlette
Clint: I loveeee where this is going
Sam: I think she has a little crush
Sam: we should set them up
Clint: I can already see the kids
Clint: they’ll be names Sam and Clint of course
Clint: after us
Saturday, 9:29 am
Sam: did you destroy my fucking coin master village 17 times???
Sam: Barton, your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it
Dead. You promised Clint and Sam they were dead.
At first, you thought it was just a joke. Until the advancements started.
It was Thursday, the team gathering for a dinner, as they did every once in awhile. As soon as you entered the room, you saw Clint and Sam basically playing musical chairs to keep an empty seat open next to Bucky Barnes.
“Are…Are you two okay?” Steve asked, genuine fear and concern on his face.
“One-hundred percent.”
“Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You’re acting weird captain.”
Steve sits, slack jawed, at a loss for a response. As you walk towards the table, your shoulders are grabbed by Clint, who is saying in a sickeningly sweet and chipper voice, “Y/n! Goodness, great to see you! Sit here! There’s a spot next to Bucky! You know Bucky! You love Bucky!”
You were a *mess* the entire dinner, unable to completely focus on anything but breathing patterns.
As the evening was coming to a close and others were dismissing themselves, you made cold hard eye contact with Clint, seated directly across from you. His hands were folded on the table like an innocent school child.
“Barton,” you said, your voice stern. “Wanna play Chinese Checkers?”
He shakes his head violently, but says, “Sam does too.”
Sam gets up from the table, so fast, his chair knocks over and silverware clatters.
You quickly jump up, chasing him down the hall. Clint follows, brandishing a phone camera, a will, and a way.
The rest of the group was frozen now, looking in bewilderment at what was going on. Or rather, their lack of knowledge of what the hell was going on?
“Anybody have input?” Tony asks after a long silence. Everyone looks equally lost.
They all look when a thud sounds in the direction your trio went.
Bucky and Steve are walking track to their rooms, later that evening. Steve had mission reports to do, and Bucky had thoughts to process and a diary to write in.
“So, what do you think of the new girl?” Steve pokes the bear, hoping to get a rise out of his friend.
“Hmm, oh. I dunno. She’s nice, I guess,” Bucky shrugs, and Steve’s goofy little smile grows like the grinch’s heart.
“Really? Because you look liked you were having an awful lot of thoughts tonight at dinner. And, you know, you stare at her long enough every other day…”
“Do not.”
“Do so.”
Bucky stares at Steve, unknowing of what to do in this situation. He shrugs again.
“So what?”
“So? So you should, oh, I don’t know, have a real conversation with her instead of just breathing into each others general directions. It’s nauseating having to watch Sam and Clint push you guys into the same space.”
Tonight may have been the first time you noticed, but in truth that kind thing happened in many many scenarios. Even before Clint and Sam connected that dots that you liked him.
They wanted their ship to sail.
“You took a shower!?” Clint says to Bucky, in a low and shocked voice. He held an incredulous look on his face, one Bucky wanted to smack right off.
“Yeah, try it sometime,” Bucky quipped.
“Y/n’s in her room,” Clint took a sip of his coffee. She has loads of paperwork. Probably will be in there all day.”
Bucky’s mouth opens and then shuts, not wanting to know why Clint was helping him. In truth, he wasn’t. Clint was helping you.
Within minutes, Bucky was outside your door, giving himself the cutest, peppiest of peptalks. Albeit, in his head because he could not handle the embarrassment of the e door opening to you seeing him babbling like a madman.
So when you did open the door, he tried flashing a warm smile. At the sight of it, you thought you would simply just faint. Right there, thud on the floor.
While your brain was debating whether you would prefer internal or external bleeding of the skull (internal, you decided, wouldn’t mess up your hair) Bucky cleared his throat.
You looked into his blinding blue eyes, the way a deer looks into headlights (meaning any minute you would get hit by the car…)
“Hi,” Bucky breathes out.
“Hi,” you say, your voice cracking.
You wanted to choke yourself out.
“I have something to tell you,” he starts. “Or- or I wanna talk to you.”
“…oh…” FUCKING CHRIST! Oh?? That was the best you had???
“Look, y/n I’ve sorta…I like you, quite a lot. And I’ve been nervous to talk to you or tell you about it, because I really don’t like opening up about my feelings. But-”
You cut him off by pouring out, “Ilikeyoutoo!”
“You- oh…Well…this wasn’t as bad as I had thought then.”
You let out an awkward chuckle, “Yeah, guess not.”
He doesn’t say anything, the two of you staring into each others eyes. He starts to lean in, his perfect face getting closer to yours. The action feels magnetic as you lean closer.
You take in his features. His brow, his chiseled jawline. The symmetrical two sides to his face, like if you took a meat clever down the center, you’d have matching halves.
Just as you can feel his breathe on your lips, right before the two of you can make contact, you both jolt apart at the sound.
Clint falls from your ceiling, Sam landing on top of him. The metal grate that filtrated the air in your room was below them, broken ceiling tiles, pink insulation and regret strewn about your flooring.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
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justbelievinginmagic · 2 months
ariadne's thread ⎯ pt. 3: onwards & downwards.
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pairing(s): hyunjin x fem!reader series summary: when tempted by an intoxicating offer by hyunjin the goblin king of the underground, you fight against him to find your own sense of self once more while in his labyrinth. glimpse: alone, you take some twists and turns that lead you deeper into the belly of the Labyrinth. warnings/tags: inspired by the 1986' movie Labyrinth, follows majority of the movie's plot points with lore divergence, 3rd person POV, use of Y/N, some violence, some mild injuries, world building!!, strong language, faerie lore!!, some light groping by Helping Hands but nothing explicit, cameo by knight!hoseok and knight!seokjin! word count: 4.8k series masterlist
The old dusty, cobblestone path shifted the longer she trekked through the Labyrinth. From something aged and grey to a more tan, refined structure of brink. No longer was she watching for raised bricks that she could stumble over and cobwebs of grand spider-silk wefts she could tumble into. It was far more maintained with its tall walls of oak-brown stones. The watch towers soon were exchanged for simple decorative sphere balls; some hollowed structures to have a flame flickering within.   
There were still rock and rubble, hugging the corners of the path, but, for the majority, it felt like she had entered a different portion of the Labyrinth. It felt like progress. And that made her giddy. She felt a tumble of adrenaline in her stomach, something urging her forward as she continued to turn and weave throughout the endless Labyrinth.
She didn’t know how much time had passed, but when she peered up onto her tip-toes to look over the walls as best as she could, she saw she was long gone from the beginning of the Labyrinth with the curly-haired fae, Soobin, and Yeonjun.
All by herself.
Looking for signs of the castle, she had to turn completely around to find its looming shadow. The rolling Labyrinth ahead made it look higher than where she was, if possible. How did it end up behind her? How did it seem to loom as if she was in a deep valley and it on a hillside? That hadn’t been the case outside the Labyrinth. Despite that oddity, the Runner smiled and headed on her way towards the castle.
She can do this. She was on a roll.
Twisting through the pathways was easy. One foot in front of another. There were no signs of other folk, not like before. In fact, some areas of the Labyrinth looked surprisingly well tended. There were ivy covering some of the walls, but it was not brittle and dying like outside the Labyrinth. It was thriving as it crept towards the artificial light of the high-floating candles. Some brittle branches were dead, but it seemed the further into the Labyrinth the more life flourished.
There were the large obelisks at the center of some of the pathways. These were much taller than the ones outside of the Labyrinth, and they weren’t cracking or crumbled. They stood tall with elaborate carvings on each of its faces now.
The Runner paused at each one, hoping they could help her. Maybe they held a story or hints to where she was. Each one as elaborate as the last. Some portrayed the tale of baby-snatching goblins; others illustrated mushroom faerie rings and their powers. There were some carvings of a young girl who was gilded in gold and a man painted in white robes.
As she crept along, she saw a face that looked like the Goblin King’s but younger with an inscription below in that unfamiliar language. He was painted with a gold halo – almost angelical.
It was interesting. She wondered if these were like painted glass windows of churches, retelling lore of the Underground or if they were simply décor. Old myths or moments of the past that were mute as dust. After all, they were stuck here in the Labyrinth.
They didn’t help – she knew that. None really felt like they could point her left or right or that way or this way. So, she continued onwards.
Her eyes took in the landmarks – a trail of ivy, the obelisk with faerie magic rings, a twisted branch with sparkling dewdrops.
Down this path, and then the next. Is this the way or that the way? No, no… she had seen that branch before. Pausing, her lips formed a straight line, and her brow furrowed.
“You’ve gone in circles thrice, Y/N,” a voice taunted and jested in her ear, the brush of phantom lips against her skin eerily familiar.
Her hair rustled in the wind with the sound. It made her stomach dance as she realized it was his voice. Gooseflesh raised on her arms as she turned her head towards the voice. Only to be greeted with nothing.
His laughter shook her; it felt like it shook the rock walls of the Labyrinth even. She heard a scattering of a raven’s caw as a bird-like creature flew away from its perch atop a sphere rock atop the walls.
“Only 10 more hours, my Runner,” he hummed again.
 It felt like he was beside her, murmuring the soft words into her hair. It sent chills down her spine as the cool air of his breath tickled her ear. She did shiver when she felt a phantom chill on the apple of her cheek – like a kiss from a ghost. It was icy cold, taunting, and most of all unnerving. She jumped away before walking off quickly, in a direction she wasn’t quite certain of.
There was no laughter, and she didn’t know if he was still there. Or was he everywhere? It made her feel like someone was watching her. Leering at her. Her footsteps were quicker now as she walked down another path until… she saw the same tree branch again.
“Dammit,” she bit out through her teeth.
She has been going in circles.
How could she keep track of where she was going?
Looking about, she saw there was pile of rubble. Picking up a rock, she tested it against the fine stone of the floor. The flat tiles were more organized and leveled than the cobblestone of the earlier pathways. Gritting her teeth, she hoped this worked as she dragged down the rock against the tile. An unpleasant scratching noise occurred but there was what she wanted. A line carved into the soft tile.
It was her way to keep track of where she’s been – her string of thread within the Labyrinth.
Adding an arrow pointing towards her next choice – turning left - she felt triumphant.
Her smile was cunning, almost a mimicry of the King’s. She rose to her feet, energized as she began her trek.
She wasn’t so dumb.
Every so often, she’d pause and kneel to scratch her path onwards onto the ground.
The Goblin King chuckled as he waved a glass bauble aside, a projection of the Runner within its shimmering surface. As he let it go, it floated off into oblivion, devoid of magic and becoming nothing but a regular soap-like bubble rather than a portal to view and affect his kingdom.
Sighing out, impatience clung to his bones as he slung a leg over his throne’s arm rest. The throne was a worn thing, not something of greatness. It wasn’t painted in jewels or gold or ever blooming flowers. It was a simple circular throne, large, with a comfortable cushion of dark velvet. It was elevated above the main floor of the room, forever placing the King above his subjects. The arm rest and backrest were one singular curving bone that had many crushed night-sky drapes tied to it. If anything, it looked like a crescent moon dragging along the night sky.
He was comfortable here, but impatient and, frankly, annoyed by the chatter about. His gaze rose to rest on the grand clock, currently hovering above the doorway of his throne room.
If you could call it a throne room. . . In true Goblin fashion, the entire place has become more and more decrepit over the years. Not in the sense it was falling apart like parts of the Labyrinth. It just was messy. A mish-mash of different eras of goblin elite lived in this space forevermore.
Old memories of his father’s court lingered by way of reckless Changeling-Goblins who had little respect for much, causing chaos or drinking honeyed mead ‘til they drowned in it. Even older remnants of the previous Goblin Kings remained with old shrines to fae folk long passed decorating the walls in grand sculptures. The décor wasn’t to Hyunjin’s liking.
The large throne room was in the highest tower of the castle. With mostly open space, the circular interior had dark greys rockwork building it up. Platforms for goblins and goblettes of all shapes and sizes were perched in the tower’s rafters. Creatures from Aboveground, stolen or sacrificed, hobbled about, crowing or hissing. Sometimes there was a puff of magic and a goblin would mimic a chicken or snake to the amusement of his onlookers.
Fae folk of the higher court – with their humanistic glamour and aged visuals - were gossiping about in the alcoves, donning old lace and leathered finery of Court standards long passed. It was never quiet in his throne room. It had become less of his throne-room and more of a gathering space for the court.
Which he despised.
Hyunjin didn’t like gatherings of drunkard goblins and fae-folk. He hadn’t in sometime since he’s taken the throne. In his younger years as Prince, he adored the Court life. Preened on his soon-to-be-subjects’ attention. Before he realized, like a child with toys he outgrew, he didn’t want something simple any longer.
He liked challenges. And the Challenge of the Labyrinth was the truest challenge there was in the Underground. It wasn’t often someone wished themselves away – it used to be village children wished away by towns, babes by their frustrated mothers, forgotten sacrifices to deities unknown, or woeful wanderers in the woods who would be taken by passing through faerie rings.
The wisher – or the taken - would take up the Challenge in exchange for the return of what they so desired – the babe they wished away foolhardily or their ability to return to the mortal realm. Or they’d stay and once 24 hours of time Underground passed, their humanity was the King’s. 
His father oversaw these Challenges and, now, so did Hyunjin.
Y/N wasn’t his first Runner through the Labyrinth; most didn’t make it far and none have won against him. He treated his Labyrinth like a game board. It was a game he had studied since adolescence. He knew the rules inside and out, and he liked to win.
Despite this, he can’t recall whom the previous Runners were anymore. Trophies gather dust in his kingdom – sometimes their visages blend together. One had a dimpled smile and blonde hair; another a crooked snaggletooth and soft eyes… or was it reversed? They all failed in their runs and, therefore, were changed. Wishes and deals were magic, and magic was steadfast and always. Nothing can stop it – not even the King.
Their human blood turned to goblin. And goblin-blood took more than it gave; changelings were proof of that. They lose their humanity and something else. Sometimes it’s their talent, or their wits, or their will, or themselves entirely. Some maintained their human-touch, and some shriveled into the very winged, yellow eyed creatures they were trying to conquer. A shadow of themselves and utterly lost.
Hyunjin had at first tried to take care of his Changelings – his father had before him, before he lost everything he had – but it was frustratingly boring. Some whined; some lost their minds. Most were sent off into the castle or the city. Some wandered off. Hyunjin let them most times. After all, he had gotten what he had wanted. Like a spoilt kingling.
There were few Challenges in this day and age. Most of his Changelings were eras old by now.
Hyunjin remembered how his father was overlooking a Challenge every other 13 hours it felt. The older man smiling fondly at the goblins about him. Tending to his changelings with the fondness of a father. He knew their names – given and chosen.
Hyunjin could count those he knew the chosen name of on one hand.
Given names were a different story. Given names were something one kept close to their chest. Hyunjin loved to know given names. He loved having the upper-hand.
Which of course is why his throne room was a circus to the court.
He loved knowing things that happen in his land and what better way to learn that by listening. Listen and give those food and mead and other pleasantries. His goblin-blooded folk were simple. The room a cacophony of noise as they scurried about, chittering and chattering and clanging. Maid-folk and servants rushed to try to clean the mess the goblins left behind. There were few fae-folk of human glamour that were more tamed, lounging beside the open-windows of the tower as if they could spot the Runner. Gossiping at how this one hadn’t given up yet.
Interesting. Intriguing. Insulting.
Hyunjin huffed as his gaze flickered from the clock to the court ladies by the window and back again.
“Can you spot her?” The voice sounded like the garble of a river’s brook, crackling and clinking like rushing currents against river-rocks.
“No, no. Can you?” Another voice - squeaky like a mouse in a field.
“Not quite. I’ve heard something from a guard though.” A third - deep like a fire pit’s roar.
His gaze flickered back to the clock. The clock ticked one second forward, and yet it had felt like five minutes. His fingers tapped against his scepter.
The Runner was taking forever.
It almost humored him. Impatience. Time hadn’t mattered before – but as she stumbled through the Labyrinth’s Outer Rim, he was struck with the realization that she was progressing quicker than any other.
“You won’t believe it, but Han helped her – I heard it from a guard. A fallen pixie tattled for aid.”
Hyunjin’s ears perked at the mention of that.
“Luella! Don’t let the King hear you say his name.” The river-brook voice garbled with a giggle.
“Oh, Han.” The mouse-like fae squeaked with a giggle and swooned into her cohorts. “I miss him.”
Chortles of giggles escaped the trio, their glamours shuddering and revealing their true forms – flickering of flames, moving mist, and, frightening enough, a collection of writhing mice making up a body.
Hyunjin’s jaw clenched as he slung his leg down from his throne’s curved armrest to put his arms on his knees and stare at the clock, harder.
Of course, Han had to have helped her. He’s always getting into his private business. His foot tip-tapped against the tiled floor.
9 hours and 58 minutes. 9 hours and 57 minutes.
She will be his and his alone.
The Runner kept running onwards. Stopping every so often to scratch her directions into the rock work. It felt like she was making progress. Until she paused as she turned a corner. There was a branch that looked a bit too familiar. The curl of it looked like a skeleton hand pointing her away.
Biting her lip, she looked back the way she came only to spot something unusual. The stone she had tagged with her rock was bare of any marking.
“What?” she breathed as she rushed over to it once more. Her hand reached out to rub at the stone – right where she had scratched into it – to feel unblemished stone.
She marked it again, scratching deep into the rock, and watched it with a stoney look. It stayed like any mark should.
She looked back in the direction she was headed and when she looked back down, the stone was clear.
“Dammit,” she cursed out, rising from her crouch and tossing her rock aside with a clatter. “That’s not fair!”
“That’s not fair,” the wind mocked; the King’s voice laughed.
She glared up at the cavern sky of candles before stomping off in another direction only to run into a dead end; a large grassy hedge blocking her path.
“This isn’t a fair fight – what’s fair about moving the Labyrinth?’ she gritted out as she turned her back to the hedge to stomp off another way.
“That’s right! It’s not fair!” a voice chimed out.
Now, that wasn’t the King’s voice. Its voice was higher, almost windshield-wiper squeaky as it giggled.
Her head whipped around to see, not a wall of greenery, but two knights guarding grand oxidizing- copper doors, crawling with ivy. They looked very different from anyone she had met yet. Not the worn look of the fae from outside the Labyrinth nor the soft sheltered attire Soobin wore. No, they both were knights that was certain.
They were both tall but one felt larger; mostly, due to the large armor he wore. It was a copper-like metal, flickering orange in the candlelight high above them. Shoulders, chest, neck, legs, everything had the suit of armor in place as if he was ready to go into a fight here and now (except for the fact it too looked rusty like the blue-orange doors they guarded.) How long must he have worn it to become rusted like that? His head, however, was bare of a shielded helmet and, instead, revealed a red-headed sweet-faced man with a heart-shaped smile.
The other knight was much more relaxed, wearing sparse leathered armor over a deep navy-blue velvet button-up and dark slacks. His hair was a dark coal color, swept to one side. He had lips that were a pouted strawberry color and a hyena laugh in his throat.
The red head was ready at attention while the coal-haired man was slouching against his doorway’s arch spinning his sword casually in his hand.
“Oh, hello!” she sputtered at the two strangers.
“Hello, hello!” The redhead greeted as he stood at attention. He smiled at her still, heart-shaped kind.
“You’re here!” The other awed. “Finally!”
“Finally?” she queried.
“I mean, we’ve heard you’ve been here and knew you’d end up here.” One said.
“It’s so nice to meet a real human for the first time,” the other cheesed.
“It isn’t the first time, Jin,” the heavily-armored one claimed with a pursed lip.
“Yes, it is, Hobi,” Jin retorted, as if offended by the others words.
“No, it isn’t,” Hobi replied.
Then, the bickering continued, back and forth. Back and forth. It made Y/N’s head pound. Her eyes shut as she looked about a bit lost with what to do. Behind her was a new dead end, made of cobblestone wall rather than green hedge-work.
God, this place kept changing it’d give her a headache… if Hobi and Jin didn’t first.
“Where is here? It was a dead-end just a moment ago,” she countered. “I need to get to the Castle; is this the way?”
“Oh, this is the checkpoint to the next point of your journey,” Hobi beamed. “The only way to get out of here is to try one of these doors!”
“One of them leads to the castle at the center of the Labyrinth, and the other leads to certain death,” Jin revealed, leaning against the opposing archway of his door.
“Bum-bum-bum-bah!” he dramatized, with a wiggle of his fingers in her direction.
Hobi giggled sweetly. It was almost endearing as if they were some middle-aged married couple with their bickering and yet… they seemed to enjoy each other’s presence.
One must learn to like the person they’re stuck with if there are no others around them.
“So… which is which? You must know,” Y/N prompted.
“We can’t tell you,” Hobi said with a frown. “And we don’t really know why we can’t either.” His pout was gentle and child-like.
“It’s the rules,” Jin reminded.
“You can only ask one of us a question regarding the doors,” Hobi added.
“That’s part of the rules, too,” Jin commented. “One of us always tell the truth and one of us always lies. That’s a rule too.”
His blue eyes flashed to meet hers as he raised a hand up in a mock-whisper. “He always lies.”
“I do not!” Hobi exclaimed; there was a clank of metal against metal as he jumped in offense. His orange eyes flashed to meet hers, almost panicky to prove himself.
“I tell the truth!” he insisted.
“Oh, what a liar,” Jin cooed, reaching a hand to pinch Hobi’s cheek.
It quickly made Hobi giggle lightheartedly as if he wasn’t just called a liar again. Their relationship was odd, bubbly, and cranky yet fond and casual. It was distracting.
“One question,” she hummed as she looked between the two of them.
Jin nodded slowly as he shifted to stand tall in front of his door. A brow raised.
Okay. . . how would she figure this out? She only had one chance. How should she phrase it? She can’t just ask them if their door would be safe? Because they could lie. But—
Y/N smiled.
“Would he,” she pointed to Jin, as she spoke to Hobi,” tell me that your door leads to the castle?”
Hobi’s lips pressed together as he looked at Jin and then her, over and over. It was almost comical if she wasn’t waiting for the answer.
“Yes?” he murmured after a moment. It sounded more like a question than an answer.
“So, your door is certain death,” she said, “and his leads to the castle.”
Y/N beamed brightly.
Hobi looked towards Jin who shrugged in agreement.
“But—he could be telling the truth?” Hobi countered.
“But, he wouldn’t be. So, if you told me he’d say yes, I know the answer is no.”
“But, I could be telling the truth,” Hobi pleaded.
“But then he would be lying, so if you told me he would say yes, the answer is still no!”
A blink, blink, blink from Hobi before he turned to Jin with wide fire eyes.
“Is that right?” he whispered as if she wasn’t there, and, to be honest, she giggled a bit. Because she knew this had to be the right answer – it had to be.
“I don’t know; I never really got the rules,” Jin replied casually before the two of them started to giggle.
The three of them were giggling; it was a bit odd but she realized everything here was a bit odd.
“I think it’s right, really I do,” she commented. “There’s no other way it wouldn’t be… I think I’m getting smarter with this place.” Y/N approached Jin and he scooted out of the way with grandiose.
He bowed to her as she opened the door.
“Thank you, Jin… Hobi – I mean, you were actually really nice!” she complimented as she breached through the door way.
A huff let her as she felt her shoulders lighten from stress. She did it. She took a few more steps into the passageway, the light growing dimmer as Jin began to shut the door.
“It’s a piece of cake,” she breathed with a grin.
Before, she fell through the floor violently with a scream.
Not many people experience free-falling. Sure, tripping or stumbling was common-place. Even jumping into a pool might excite. But it was all controlled. All small distances. All happening with an end in sight.
The Runner was falling straight down into a dark pit that felt endless.
The feeling of surprise hadn’t faded, still bubbling in her stomach like she had cracked open a soda can. Her heart was in her throat as she screeched out. Hands above her head trying to grasp onto something hopelessly.
But she was falling too fast.
“Help!” She screamed. “Please!”
The fall felt infinite, empty, frighteningly so until it felt like things were brushing over her skin. Branches? Rocks? Overgrown damp fungus? She couldn’t tell as she scratched out with her hands
“Help?” she swore she heard a feminine voice chime.
“Help!” Y/N screeched again. “Please.”
Before with a jolt, she was caught. Air knocked out of her and a pain radiated where she had been caught – her arm. Something held first her wrist but then she felt hands on her waist, her shoulders, her legs. Hands everywhere wrapping around her limbs, some squeezing them tightly, others trailing damp-fingers up and down her skin.
She couldn’t help the scream that tore from her throat, raw. Jumping in the hands embrace.
“Stop it,” she whimpered out as she felt more hands crawling, crawling, crawling.
One poked her ear and it made her jolt away. Her head looked up as if she could see where she fell from.
“Help!” she yelled. Maybe Jin or Hobi would come help. They were knights; knights help, right?
Another hand crept to squeeze at her throat, almost curiously, only stopping when she wheezed. The hand wrapped around her wrist tugged her upwards, another hand tugged her another way. She felt like a ragdoll amongst angry toddlers
“Hey, hey, hey,” she heard a masculine voice mutter. “We are helping. Helping Hands.”
In the dim almost grey light, she some of the hands form … figures. Faces of different shapes made of fingers and thumbs and palms. Horrific in the darkness. Something mussed her hair, twisting it into knots around chubby fingers.
“You’re hurting,” she mumbled, as a sickly pale hand cupped her cheeks and squeezed them.
“Would you like us to let go?” the voice was now a deep mumble of a thing, and she felt some of the hands release her on command. The pressure on her held wrists ached as gravity took hold and pulled her downwards. Her shoulders felt like they were popping out of their sockets.
“No!” she screeched, fingers outstretching to grasp onto a corpse-cold hand.
The hands returned with eagerness. Nails scratching at bare skin, fingers prodding at her waist. A thumb dragged over her ankle. Some fingers combed through her hair like she was a doll.
“I want a body,” she heard a voice murmured quietly.
She couldn’t help but cringe away by some of the cold limbs.
“Which way would you like to go?” she could see a shadowy amalgamation hand-like face speak, the lips fingers and its makeshift eyes two pairs of palms.
“Up or down?” a squeaky voice screeched, almost like it was a poorly oiled door hinge.
“Pick one! Pick one!” that voice sounded childish.
“It’s a big decision for her, hush,” a motherly tone chided.
“Which way do you want to go?” A more urgent voice pushed. A hand tugged her hair and she yelped.
“Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way? Which way?”
It was almost hypnotic, how the different voices layered together as they chanted the words urgently. How many people – hands? – were there?
“I, uh,” she blinked as she looked down into darkness and then upwards which showed the same thing. “I guess down? If that was where I was headed?”
“Down?” a voice cooed.
“She chose down!” Another boomed with a jovial cackle.
Laughter that sounded less than nice and coos of ‘poor thing’ crowed out around her as she felt her body shift and move as the hands tugged and pulled her downwards before.
“Down, the Runner goes!”
“Wait,” she tried to stop, before all of the crawling wriggling fingers disappeared, and she was falling again.
“No, no, was that wrong?” she cried out as she continued falling, the sounds of the Helping Hands laughter crowing, growing distant.
Violently, she finally hit the ground. Her knees and legs took the brunt of the fall, aching painfully as she let out a cry. The floor was of dirt and grime, and she coughed as a plume of dust surrounded her.
Lifting herself up onto her knees, she looked around. Darkness was all about her but, suddenly, a light shined high above her as a lid over the hole where she came from with a secure snap.
Sealing her wherever she was, deep below the Labyrinth.
Y/N couldn’t help but sag as adrenaline left her in a huff.
His crystal orb – larger than that of the one he showed Y/N in her bedroom – showed not the Goblin King’s dreams, but his reality. His entire kingdom’s reality. And it showed her. Sitting in the dark of an oubliette after falling down, down, down. His eyes looked closer at her face. What a beautiful face – frustration written clear on her features as she rubbed her knees that were certainly bruised after such a fall.
Hyunjin frowned.
“She shouldn’t have been this far along.” He muttered out, glaring at his Labyrinth-Runner.
He had to admit she was clever – far more clever than he first thought. After all, he thought she’d give up –a life devoted to him was not horrible (so he thought). But the scrambling of goblin-feet about the castle, servants of goblin-blood and changelings from failed runs revealed the truth. The High Fae of the Underground, the royal line, were not of softness. They took and took and took. And he wanted her.
Licking the corner of his lip, he stood from his throne, kicking one leg off the arm-rest to stand.
“Someone must be reminded of their place.” The King muttered, grabbing his staff with ease. “An old friend.”
There was a giggle about as the goblins who were lazing about – the favorites – chuckled at their king’s words.
They knew exactly who he was speaking of.
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sully kids modern!au headcanons
he/him pronouns
bi with a preference for men
loves listening to hozier and prolly dua lipa
eat your young is his song rn
runs track, but has done archery since he was younger with Neytiri
also did rock climbing for a bit
a rock climbing god
def has good grades, like a’s and b’s
super good at English and history
reads for fun and sometimes plays video games with Lo’ak
hates shooting games tho
will not play stuff like COD
for sure had braces and as soon as he got them off, all the girls started flirting with him
he lets them down easy
genuinely enjoys looking after Tûk
Tsireya is absolutely his best friend and they do face masks and listen to kpop together
a pretty good cook, but is better at making simple stuff from babysitting Tûk
got a septum piercing during senior year but doesn’t wear it at home bc Jake would be mad
Neytiri knows
she thinks it’s sick
Jake wants him to join ROTC but it’s the one thing he won’t do
is the only kid who consistently calls Jake sir
kind of looks up to Spider bc Spider is a year ahead of him in school
started dating Ao’nung junior year
she/they pronouns
pansexual(?) or unlabeled
kind of likes kpop bc of Tsireya, but like religiously listens to Sza and Mitski
doesn’t play any sports, but takes some art classes
she draws on her biology notes
takes botanical drawing classes
super good at science, particularly biology
good grades, mostly a’s and b’s
reads sometimes but prefers to hang out on her phone while Neteyam reads
is always in her sibling’s rooms
Lo’ak is always yelling at her to get out of his room
has, like, a million plants, but not a single one of them is dying
kind of a loner at school, but just hangs out with Spider and sometimes her siblings and Tsireya
Tûk used to drive her crazy, but now Kiri gets that Tûk just looks up to her
goes to visit her mom every weekend
has pierced ears but never really wears earrings
she wants a nose piercing so badly that she is considering doing it herself
she says she hates that Lo’ak sometimes calls her his twin
she secretly likes it
it makes her feel included
like she’s not adopted
is extremely aware of the fact that Rotxo likes her but refuses to make the first move
they start dating in junior year
he/him pronouns (or maybe he/they)
i feel like he might try out they/them pronouns at one point
bi with preference for women
in my bi Lo’ak era
used to do archery with Neteyam and Neytiri but kind of hated it so he stopped going
started playing basketball in middle school and is like, super good
Jake is always at his games embarrassing him by yelling at the ref
honestly pretty good at school
he just doesn’t like it that much so he doesn’t want to try
for some reason, i see him being really good at math
has mostly b’s because he has to maintain a good average to play sports
plays video games a lot but will always switch from first person shooters to something else if Neteyam wants to play
hangs out with Neteyam all the time bc Neteyam is his role model
he will never admit that Neteyam is his role model
(Neteyam knows. Lo’ak did a project in sixth grade on role models and wrote his whole essay about his older brother. Neteyam found it and keeps it in his desk.)
wants to be like Jake and gets frustrated when Jake can’t see that
they fight a lot, but when Lo’ak gets older they have a heart to heart and their relationship gets better
absolutely adores Tûk
pretends he doesn’t
100% listens to rap music in public but secretly loves kpop, particularly twice
him and Tsireya started dating their freshman year
is always showing up to school with his nails painted bc Tsireya insisted on doing them
wears mascara bc he likes having long eyelashes
Kiri pierced his ears in their bathroom in junior year
she’s eight so she hasn’t really thought about sexuality related stuff yet
loves her family!
always wants to hang out with Jake and Neytiri bc she thinks the adults are cool
they spoil her to no end
when the parents aren’t around, she bothers Neteyam
loves to tease Kiri about Rotxo
enjoys showing up right when Lo’ak and Tsireya are about to kiss and asks them inane questions
Tsireya thinks it’s cute
Lo’ak yells at her to go away
does swim classes on Saturday mornings and Ao’nung is her swim teacher
that’s actually how Neteyam and Ao’nung formally met
Tûk was instrumental in getting them together
also plays soccer after school three days a week
good at school, but prefers going on field trips bc she likes learning by doing stuff
begs Jake to chaperone her field trips
she is the reason that Jake and Neytiri accept Spider bc she bothered them for days to let him move in with them
genuinely the sweetest most adorable child
has an iPad and enjoys playing subway surfers and those toca boca games
she makes Lo’ak play with her bc she knows he enjoys video games and thinks that it’s a way to get him to hang out with her
(at first Lo’ak didn’t know that that was why she was doing it, but Neteyam told him and now he pretends to complain but loves the toca boca hairstyling game. he downloaded it on his phone.)
has an easy bake oven and ‘cooks’ for Jake
he pretends to eat it but feeds it to the dog
(the dog usually vomits later.)
he/him pronouns
straight, but absolutely a very supportive ally
raised by Norm bc his mom and Norm were friends when they were younger
the sullys and Norm were neighbors for Spider’s whole life so he spent a lot of time over there
at first, Jake and Neytiri didn’t like him, but eventually warmed up to him
this was bc of the kids
moved in with the Sullys when he was 14 bc Norm was moving
pretty good grades, mostly has b’s
does rock climbing and is super good at it
used to go to the climbing gym with Neteyam but now goes by himself
when his dad retired from the military, Quaritch wanted Spider to move in with him
Spider compromised and visits Quaritch every other weekend instead
tries to balance the oldest sibling responsibilities with Neteyam
genuinely cares for the sully kids so much
lets Lo’ak vent to him about Jake
Kiri is always ranting to him about her crystals and plants and stuff and he just loves listening to her
he is a super good listener in general
takes Tûk to soccer bc she practices at an indoor field and it’s at the same place as the climbing gym
plays video games with Lo’ak all the time
was homeschooled until high school
bc of that he’s pretty good at science and technology stuff bc that’s what Norm and Max know the most about
sucks at English and history and gets tutored by Neteyam
so caring and genuine
all he wants in life is to be the best big brother and be accepted into the family
the day that he goes off to college, Neytiri hugs him and tells him that she is thankful he is her son
he cries so hard
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Well, imagine that! 🩷💜💙 2
(Part 1)
"Okay, guys! Gather around, it's time for Spin the Bottle!" Gayatri giggles holding the empty bottle, her brown eyes spotted her boyfriend's friends and students from her school sitting around the circle. "Remember, 7 heaven in the closet, when you get picked!"
"Spread out everyone. Oh Miles, you can sit with me." Gayatri said wanting everyone to mix into the circle.
Pav sat next to Hobie, "This is exciting and nerve racking! I feel my heart pounding so hard against my chest!" He turns to his closed friend as he touch his chest to feel his heart raced. "Do you get that, Hobie?" No response from the Spider-Punk, "Hobie?"
The Indian teenager spotted Hobie staring longing at Miles, no surprised there. "Hey," He pokes his punker friend.
"Huh, what were you saying, mate?" The punker snapped out of it for the moment.
Pav grins widely on his face, "Dude, you were staring at Miles, again. Why not ask him out?" He whispers lowly.
"Me, staring at Peter Pan? Nah, I was admiring that tacky painting over there." Hobie lies.
"Come on, man. Why do you deny it so much?" He quietly asked, noticing Miles busy talking to Gayatri. Then, saw Hobie softly smiling at the way Miles would shyly laughs or his big wide addicting smile while talking to Pav's girlfriend.
"It's not easy... I want him to be honest about himself." Hobie admits, "I rather wait."
"Are you sure?" His friend asked being skeptical, "Your the jealous type, dude. I saw how upset you got when he mentions about him and Ganke kissed. Also, will you handle it with this game."
"I'm all for Miles to experience as much as possible, mate. I'll be fine." Hobie casually said trying to shrug off the conversation.
"Okay, just letting you know there's a lot of cute guys and girls in this circle." Pav hums with his eyes around the group, he spotted Gwen talking to a random girl.
"Okay, everyone! We ready!" Gayatri asked out loud.
"Wait! I like to join!" The group looks over to where the voice was coming from, it's a very handsome student from their school, Hari Oberoi.
Hobie's body tensed as he saw Miles gawking at the guy. Hari Oberoi, Pav's Harry Osborn, in the world the teenager boy is known for his good looks and charming gaze. His brown hair in a lazy slick back with gel glistening by light in the room, he got taper fade and clean long stubble beard that suit well on his face. His skin tone brown, eyes almost golden and perfect white straight teeth, with expensive shirt, jeans and Jordans.
"Hari! Okay, just sit around. Guys make room." Gayatri smiles happily, she seems to know Hari through their modeling career, before she got with Pavitr. Many of the girls in the circle were excited to get the chance to kiss Hari Oberoi, he's such a handsome guy and a part time model.
Of course, Oberoi family are rich with all their powerful connections, they had to put their handsome son on a modeling agency. It's one way to keep the family's name on good terms, even if Nalin Oberoi is Green Goblin. But no one knows that except for the Spider Band.
"So, who wants to go first?" Gayatri started off checking to see who wants to go first, she saw know one brave enough. "Okay! Okay, I'll start." She offers, having to spin the bottle first.
It landed on a girl causing everyone to, "Oooohhh," at the two. The teenager girl blushes as she and Gayatri got up to go in the closet and kiss for seven minutes.
"Wow, Gayatri is so brave. I don't know I can do it." Pav said with awe, "My palms are sweaty."
"Lad, you need to relax." Hobie said in a calm tone as he took out a joint, then spoke out loud to the group, "How about some real fun, eh? Anyone do to share spliff?" He took out his lighter to lit up his joint, he did the first puff-puff then pass it to Pav.
Pav gasps, "Smoking! Hmmm..."
"Oh come on, Pav. You either do it or you don't!" Gwen groans.
"Okay. Okay. Fine!" Pav smoke a bit of the joint before passing it around, he started to cough out loud making Hobie laugh.
"You good, mate? Sounds like you took it good." Hobie teased already feeling his high coming, his eyes on Pav with a smirk on his face. The Indian teenager's eyes suddenly turned red already feeling it.
"Whoa!" Pav rub his eyes already feeling weird, "I never gotten high! Is this what it feels.. feeelllsss... fffffeeeeeeeeeellllllssssss...sss like? LYKE? LllIike? Why does that word sound so weird?" He lost his train of thought. "I feel so relaxed and giggles." He hugs Hobie's arm having to snuggle against him.
Miles' watched the two getting all touchy and close, he'll be lying to himself if he says he wasn't jealous. The way Pav happily wraps around Hobie's arm, slowly snuggling against him with his face buried in his crush's chest. The sixteen year old nibble the inside of his bottom lip, he's envious of Pav. To be so openly confident, and speaking his mind, Miles wishes he can do that. It's hard for him to do it.
Soon the joint came to Miles' hands, he felt Hobie's eyes on him. "Gonna smoke it, Peter Pan?" He asked with a gleam in his eyes.
Miles felt bashful, "Yea..." He placed his lips on the crutch of the shared joint, then inhale twice, before exhaling two smoke rings. The group were impressed at him.
"Wow, ain't that a lil neat trick, luv." Hobie smirks widely, knowing Miles had smoke before.
"Nuthin' special." He shrugs feeling a bit glad his crush is impressed.
"Wow, Miles. How do you do that?" Pav asked.
Gwen said, "That's new."
"Me and Ganke always smoke at parties." Miles said, tasting the weed on his tongue. He could feel his high coming- Whoa, Hobie carry some strong shit.
Soon Hari got the joint, then took the crutch around his lip inhaling the product. Soon he blew out a smoke shaped like a jellyfish. "Wow." Miles stood surprised with the other group.
Hobie rolled his eyes, "Show off." He thought. The slick back hair teenager gave sheepish smile as he passed it to the next person.
"How did you do that?" Miles finally asked the guy.
"You do the O method then push it with your hands then you follow it with the ghost method. It's much more cooler with a vape." Hari grins at Miles, having his eyes on him.
"Wow, maybe we need a bong." Miles said.
"Maybe." Hari chuckles showing off his charming smile.
Gwen looks at Hobie with a sly grin on her face, her punker friend looking mad-mad. The way he's glaring at Hari talking almost flirting with Miles.
Soon Gayarti and the other girl came out of the closet with their seven minutes up. The group grins widely at how bashful look. "What did we miss?" She asked.
"We passing around joint, baby!" Pav spoke out first, he noticed her lips swollen from all the kissing. Hobie ended up with the joint then offer to the two that didn't try, "We to give it a go, mate?"
"Sure!" Gayatri said as she take a couple of hits then passed it to the girl she made out. She coughs, "Ohh, wow. This stuff is strong!"
"Only the best." Hobie cooly said.
"Oh Miles, you wanna go next?" Gayatri passed by the joint to Hobie as she went back to her seat alongside the other girl.
Miles' eyes widen having a warm deep tint on his cheeks, "Uhhh- Sure?" He went over to spin the bottle, he's hoping to land at Hobie. He could feel his palms sweating from being nervous.
The bottle spinning around the group. "Who's it gonna be?" Pav asked being excited for his turn the suspends gets him so hype.
The bottle landed on Hari, causing everyone to gasp and oohed with a much louder tone. Some of the girls giggles seeing how two cute boys were gonna make out. "Ooh, Miles!" Gayatri nudges him with her left shoulder, "Look at you being lucky. I heard he's a great kisser."
Hobie's hear that having his body tensed up. Jealousy spikes through his veins, seeing the cocky bloke getting up as he run his hair trying to play it off cool.
Pav gasps, "Even the way he gets up is so cool."
Hari stood with a gleam in his eyes, a perfect smile on his face. Miles got up being shy, "You can do it, Miles." Gwen cheers for him.
Mile gave a weak grin when he got up he didn't realize how tall Hari was. "You ready?" Hari asked him.
"Ye-yeah?" He stuttered being overwhelmed by the part time model, he's more majestic closed up.
Gayatri giggles opening the closet room for them to go in. "Have fun, but not too much fun!" She chimes as the two walks inside the room. Hobie could only glare at Hari, watching their backsides going in the dark room. "Seven minutes in Heaven!"
Miles hears Gayatri after she closed the door behind them, he slowly breathe taking in the room's scent and Hari's expensive cologne. The two were quiet... too quiet...
"Come on, do something Miles! You done this before." He said to himself being nervous. His hands was going to take Hari's handsome's face, until he stopped hearing the teenager's voice.
"Hey, if you're nervous, we don't have to kiss." He finally said.
Miles eyes widen hearing Hari's voice, he sounds so kind? Really off putting with his face. "Oh, um... I'm sorry." The young Spider-man finally said unsure if Hari didn't want to kiss him, or is a straight guy. Good thing, it's dark enough that the other teenager won't noticed his expression.
"No! No, don't apologize. Actually..." Hari quickly turns to Miles trying to reassure him, "I never do stuff like this. I rarely go to parties."
"Oh... have you ever kissed a boy?" Miles asked, "Because I can get why-" Har said, "I've kissed people before, but doing this... it's all new."
"Hey man, it's cool. We don't have to... we can lie." He said hearing Hari sigh in relief.
"Thanks... it's just I thought I would look cool joining, but I didn't expect to be picked so soon. I should've stayed home and play my video games."
"Oh, you play? What kind of games?" Miles asked, he hopes there's games he knows in this world. "I like Street Fighter."
"Oh me too! I'm into a lot of fighting games like Mortal Kombat and sports games like NBA 2K22."
"Sweet. Those games are fire. Do you play Fortnite?"
"Yeah, I'm not good at it. I still have my first generation outfits." Hari chuckles feeling comfortable talking with Miles. "Say... what's your name? I haven't caught it."
"Miles! My name is Miles. Yours?" Miles asked, he already know his name but it's best to be polite and asked.
"Hari. I'm friends with Gayatri, because we have the same agency." Hari casually said, "You know her through her boyfriend, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm friends with Pav."
"How did you two meet?"
"Online. You know him, he's always social."
"Ha, yeah. I don't know where he gets it all. I get too nervous meeting new people, and I still get nervous around my small group of friends. I rather just stay at home and read my comic books."
Miles gasps, "You read comic books! I mean, sorry, man. I just- I'm a fan of comics too. I collect figures."
"Me too!" Hari's eyes widen finally meeting someone with the same taste. "I have five figures in my collection room. I'm planning to buy this expensive Chung Lee one, but I really want to buy some Copic marker set."
"Do you draw? And I collected some stuff like Power Rangers, G.I Joes, and Transforms way back but I do want to get some One Piece ones. Zoro is my favorite."
"You like One Piece!" Hari's eyes gleamed, showing his nerdy Otaku side. "I'm sorry, I rarely get to meet a fan. I normally don't talk to a lot of people... my dad is very strict."
Miles could hear the excitement of Hari's voice washed into a soft bit of sadness when mentioning his father. Yeah, no kidding, he's dad is Pav's nemesis, the Green Goblin! "Well, I can be your friend. Who's your favorite One Piece character?"
"Ugh, my queen, Robin!"
"Ah, nice!" The two sat on the floor talking to each other, then the next thing, they know- Hari cup Miles' face with his thumb softly rubbing against his plump lips. The young Spider-man let him lean over to kiss, soon they were tongue kissing.
Miles could feel his heart pounding against his chest, as Hari took control of their kisses. Their mouths not willing to let each other go, which made him more surprised. He likes this. "Wow, kissing Hari is so different than Ganke." He could feeling his body being excited like all of his worries melted away.
"Mmm." He let out a soft cute moan to breathe slowly pulling away from Hari's lip.
"Heh, that's cute, Miles." Hari went back to kissing him on the lips feeling their salvia parting on their lips. Miles merely took the kiss falling on his back, they were too into it at this point.
Outside of the door, the group waited for the two come out. "They been in there for ten minutes!" Gwen finally said.
Gayatri giggles, "I guess, they are having so much fun."
Pav nodded, "Wow, I didn't know Miles can be so- Hobie, what's wrong?" Noticing his friend going over to the closet with a beer in his hand, he had enough of this.
Hobie roughly kicks the door open without giving a shit, "Hobie! We're in Gayatri's home, you don't kick people's doors like that!" Gwen shouted.
"Gwen, it's fine." Gayatri actually liked seeing Hobie all jealous for his crush, she was hoping for him to do something about it three minutes ago.
Hobie turns to Gayatri, "Sorry, luv. Seven minutes is the rules!" He kicks the door open again having to breaking the latch using his Spider-man strength.
This caused Hari and Miles to jump by the sudden burst of the door being swung open. Hobie had a dark look on his face witnessing his crush being lay on the floor by that fucking wanker. Hari lift his head up being surprised still breathing heavily almost drooling, even his hair and clothes became a bit out of placed. "Huh? What's wrong?" He finally asked.
Miles cover his mouth trying to maintain his breathing after such an amazing heated kiss. He got all hot and bothered, forgetting this was a game. "Hobie?" He finally asked being embarrassed his crush had to look at him like that.
"Aye, you two get out. It's been ten minutes. Having fun, Peter Pan?" Hobie asked a bit more rudely, his tone sounded annoyed.
"Oh shit, right! The game." Hari smiles bashfully, he got up taking Miles' hand to get him up. "Sorry, didn't know it was a big deal."
"No, it's fine." Miles added, he finally show his swollen lips a bit plumper from all the kissing. "You're a great kisser, Hari."
That ticked off Hobie a bit more, he chug his beer, "Hah, right..." They're not together. It's okay for Miles to be polite and flirty with other men, still it pisses off the punker.
So, Hobie did what he do best, he slouch on Miles' shoulder giving a dark glare at Hari already giving him a 'fuck off, he's mine' look. "Luv, are you really that impressed? I feel a bit cheesed off since you haven't got to try," his hand lift Miles' chin up as their lips get closed, "me."
"Huh!" Miles' eyes widen almost feeling Hobie's breath on his lips, their lips being closed until Gayatri playfully nudges Hobie away from Miles.
"HAHAHAHA! You wish! You gotta play the game, Hobie! Miles. Hari, sit back down! We're still playing." She grins widely cockblocking the punker. Miles pouted being disappointed he didn't get the kissed he wanted, but shrug it off having to sit back down.
Hobie grunts on Pav's girlfriend, "Aye, why did you do-" Gayatri's merely smiles having a sort of glare on her face, "That's for breaking my closet door, and you have to play the game to get to kiss Miles!"
"Ugh, hunky dory, mate." The punker grunts knowing she's pissed off at him, he rather avoid her lecture. Lips meet the rim of the glass bottle beer to take another swig of beer, his eyes on Miles.
The sixteen year old Spider-man gave him a sheepish smile and shrug. Better luck, next time! Hobie gave one last glare to Hari, who avoided his gaze. Geez, it's not like he knew Miles' was taken.
The game went on with more twists and turns!
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igakc · 1 year
Take It Easy - What If Spider Never Left Hell's Gate?
Spider always wished he would be able to leave the lab, to finally venture out into the forest he had grown up hearing about. But no, he was stuck inside a metal box with a group of scientists who never batted an eye toward him, other than when he got into trouble, of course.
He knew the rules, and he followed them. Day after day, week after week, year after year. He followed them. He watched the clock tick by from inside the labs, he peered over Norm's shoulder as the older man worked, he even began to study astrology. Max began to call him the Man Of The Stars.
Life fell into a steady rhythm after his sixteenth birthday. He'd wake up and hit the old RDA-made gym, shower, do his long list of chores, and head to work. The rhythm never, ever changed. And he was finally okay with it. He stopped looking out the window, he stopped wondering what mysteries the forest held, and he stopped thinking of the yellow-eyed girl who haunted his dreams.
That was until the rhythm got absolutely fucked up the day Jake Sully walked into the labs. The behemoth Na'Vi entered through the airlock and scared the shit out of Spider, causing him to drop all of his astrology books.
"Dang it. Can you watch where you're fuckin' going, dude? Norm's gonna kill me if I damage these." Spider bent down to pick up the books, flicking his curly hair out of his face with a huff. He flinched slightly as a heavy hand came to rest on his shoulder.
"What did you just say to me, kid?" The human boy's eyes widened as he looked up at Jake. Spider swore that if he had a tail, it would be between his legs at that very moment. "Might want to watch your mouth 'round me."
Spider opened his mouth to reply but it was cut short as he looked at his watch. "Oh for fuck- I'm late for work!" He sprinted off in the opposite direction, leaving Jake alone in the entranceway. The boy leaped over the stray carts and tables, sliding underneath some of the scientist's legs as he made his way to Room.
'Room' was the word he used for the massive gym building that housed everything he needed. There was a jungle gym, a rock-climbing wall, rows and rows of bookshelves, a telescope, and a desk.
On the farthest side of Room, was his art wall. It was covered in colourful paintings that he'd crafted over the years, most of them were of the stars he saw.
Spider set his books down on his desk before walking over to the art wall, setting his hands on his hips as if deep in thought. Over the expanse of his lifetime, he only ever drew the stars, never actually seeing them. He wasn't ever allowed outside of airlock, even on his birthdays. Sure, Norm and Max promised to take him on their supply runs, but every time they left him alone in Room. It was starting to feel like Room was his only friend.
Even though he had left the life of wonderment and curiosity behind, a small part of him still wanted to get out of Room and see the stars. Or see anything, for that matter. Anything but Room, or the labs, or airlock. He wanted to climb something other than the rock wall, he wanted to study something other than the stars in his books, he wanted to be on the other side of airlock.
He wanted to be outside.
Spider.. Spider- SPIDER! SPI-
Spider rolled over and smacked Lo'ak over the head with a scowl. His legs were still very much tangled in his sheets, so when he attempted to get out of his bed, he ended up banging his head into the wall with a grunt.
"Hey monkey boy! Dad said we could visit you today." Kiri lifted him up by the back of his neck with a grin. "You sleep in awfully late."
Spider grumbled angrily. He walked over to his chest of draws and pulled out some of Norm's old jean shorts that he had cut himself, pulling them on quickly. They reached just below his knees and were so loose he had to tie a shoestring around his waist. He then donned his tank top to replace it with yet another tank top. But oh- This one was so different! It was just one shade darker than the other! Score.
He then pulled on his shoes and military-issued boots. Nothing seemed to work to cover his teenager stink, so he ended up over-spraying his lynx deodorant. Next was his hair which had been cut into a very unruly mop of curls, which Kiri tied into a man-bun atop his head.
"C'mon bro, show us your life in this.. Shack!" Lo'ak grinned.
Spider rolled his eyes before opening his bedroom door, setting off in the direction of Room in silence. Lo'ak and Kiri were nice and all, but they didn't seem to understand the differences they had. Spider was human, while they were Na'Vi. And to be honest, he didn't really like being around them. All he wanted to do was work and chores, so he could play in Room. That was literally all he needed to do before he got sent back to earth on his eighteenth birthday. He could finally be back where he belonged.
"Uh. This is Room. I work in here most of the time, don't touch anything." Spider pulled the curtains covering his paintings down, inspecting the newest set of stars he'd painted the night before.
Kiri's jaw dropped open in awe. Her thin fingers skimmed over the paint, feeling each groove and dip of the concrete wall. "You painted these all yourself?"
Spider nodded.
"They are very good, Spider. You should keep up with it. Maybe some of the village Elders might want some?"
That drew a pretty loud snort from Spider. "I can't give them away, they're literally etched in stone." He walked forward to stand beside Kiri, his voice lowering to a pained whisper. "There's no real talent here anyway."
Spider, who always saw himself as nothing but an unwilling addition to the humans, never had someone to praise him or congratulate him when he did something good. Spider spent his entire life alone in Room, and at first he told himself that he was worth something.
'Don't worry Spider, Norm doesn't hate you. What he told Max wasn't true!'
'Don't worry Spider, Jake wasn't lying when he said your paintings were good!'
But Norm did hate him, and his paintings were crap. So there was no point convincing himself that he was worth something.
"C'mon bro! These are awesome, definitely better than Tuk's." Lo'ak snickered, slapping Spider on the back. The human boy gritted his teeth together and turned away from the Na'Vi teenagers. They didn't get it, they never could get it. They had parents, they had siblings, they had friends. He had nothing.
"Can you fuck off for once?" The words had left his mouth before he could stop them.
Lo'ak's grin dropped, and Kiri flinched away from him.
An incredible silence settled over the three, and it stretched on for way too many minutes before a voice spoke up on the other side of Room.
"Lo'ak, Kiri. Your mom says its time to go home." Norm poked his head through the double doors. Spider stomped toward the man and shoved him out of the way. He had no clear idea of where he was going, but he knew he couldn't be around them anymore.
It'll get more interesting I promise <3
Chapter 2
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ghostofgraywalls · 1 year
Pairing: Ominis X F! MC
Summary: Ranrok might have been defeated, but threats to Hogwarts and Wizard kind still seemed to linger as your fifth year was drawing to a close. So you continued to leave your dorm in the middle of the night, determined to bring justice to all those who would see your friends harmed. All was well, until one night Ominis followed you on a mission, and you were forced to reveal the lengths you would go to in order to defend yourself and others. 
AN: I mean come on did anyone else find it almost laughable how they were hyping up the killing curse in HL after MC literally turned men and goblins into spiders and crushed them under her heel. Really now.  Anyways there's no real warnings for this fic, other than some mild violence, language, and angst. I hope you all enjoy, I might be adding additional chapters, I might not.
You slipped out of your bed, shivering as you felt the cold floor beneath your feet. Despite it being spring the nights had been frigid, frightfully so, and you quickly scrambled to find a pair of socks. Next was a pair of paints, and a crumpled, dirty shirt from the day prior, before finally shoving on your boots. You ran your hands through your mousy hair, using a green ribbon to tie it back from your face. If anyone awoke they would likely assume you were going to study, after all OWLS were coming up, but you decided not to risk any unnecessary noise. School was the last thing on your mind. It seemed you always had more to do, more to fight, more to conquer and master. Your first year at Hogwarts was close to ending, and yet it felt like you had been there for seven already. 
If you had really desired you could have stopped. The whole business with Ranrok and his loyalists was technically at an end, all that remained were the stragglers and poachers. Always the poachers. If you had wanted to, you could have informed the teachers of your knowledge, they could have gotten the Aurors involved, and you could have remained peacefully in bed. But strangers risking their lives didn't sit well with you. Why risk them when you could simply risk yourself? After all, it's what you had been doing ever since you'd entered this magical world. 
As you crept out of your shared room you grabbed your robe for warmth and wrapped your scarf tightly around your neck, checking once more to make sure none of the other girls had awoken before gently closing the door behind you. Once in the common room you breathed a sigh of relief, your eyes sparkling as the moon reached down through the lake to the large leaded windows. You couldn't help but take a moment to admire the view, wishing that you would see a mermaid. You knew it was a rumor Ominis spread to entertain the first years, but you couldn't help but hope each time you saw the sparkling water. Behind you there was the soft shuffling of feet, and you turned around to see a familiar face. Speak of the Devil. 
"Ominis," Your voice seemed to echo in the large space, "What are you doing up?"
"I was going to ask you the same." 
Ever since the incident at Fieldcroft you and Ominis had become even closer. The event had created a rift between Sebastian and his oldest friend, and all you could do was what you had from the start: try and smooth the ever growing cracks in their relationship. When you had first met the pair it had been easy, you could see the merit in both of their viewpoints. But things had become more complex, and if Ominis knew half the things you had done he would never speak to you again. You'd be dethroned from the position of peacemaker, you'd become a monster in his eyes. You hoped he never had to understand the situation you found yourself in. 
"What's really going on?"
"I was going out for a walk."
"At this hour?"
You could feel your face flush. Right. No other students snuck around the castle in the middle of the night, nor left it to go to the Forbidden Forest to fight poachers. 
You wondered why you were even trying to lie. At this point all of Hogwarts knew that you had something to do with the fall of Rookwood and Ranrok, that you wandered off the beaten paths and through the mountains like a mad woman on your never ending quests. But still you felt you needed to be secretive, this was your burden to bear, no one else's. But Ominis had become attached to you recently, as if all the concern he could no longer comfortably show Sebastian was falling to you. You'd be a liar if you said you didn't like the attention, but at times like this it was hard to perform your duties. You shifted your weight back and forth, debating if you should admit to the truth or not. 
Ominis arched a brow upon hearing your robes ruffle, "Well?"
"I saw some poachers in the Forbidden Forest. Again. Figured I'd go take care of it."
A smile grew on Ominis's lips, "I can assist." 
You felt your face growing warm, but quickly stammered out, "No, it's fine. I can handle them. You should try and go back to bed." To be honest you would have been glad for the help, if you knew you could do whatever was needed to keep you both safe. But with Ominis you always felt your hands were tied.You craved his closeness, but feared the moment your mask fell.
"I doubt I'd be able to sleep knowing you're risking your life. Again." 
He was unwavering, voice firm yet lacking force. Your heart ached, and you chewed your lip in thought. There were no other excuses, at least none that would not insult him, which was the last thing you wanted to do. The silence hung heavy, and Ominis was growing impatient.
Lost in a maze of thought you didn't notice how he closed the space between you two, his hand reaching out to take yours, warming your numbed fingers. You hadn't even realized how cold you'd become. His touch seemed to surge the blood in your veins, and you took a deep, shaking breath before looking up at your friend's face. 
"To be honest we really should tell the teachers."
"No," You said quickly. "No, I don't want anyone else to..." You couldn't finish, the crack in your voice evident. At once you could see Ominis regretted his choice of words, true as they were. It seemed every conversation you had lately turned dark, filled with memories of mistakes and death. 
When he spoke your name it was hardly a whisper, and he continued in a low voice, "You needn't go through this alone. Let me help you." His face was so soft, concern etched into every line and corner. You could feel his breath. He was so close, and his grip tightened on your hand.
"You'll have to swear to listen to my instructions." You almost tumble over your words, breathless. He began to move away from you, and it took everything in your power not to cling onto him. But a gentle smile returned to his face.
"You act as if I can't take care of myself."
"Please, I'm serious." 
"I'd never do anything to put you or myself in danger. I promise I will trust your judgment." 
You couldn't help but smile at his response, feeling a little better. After all the recent events the thought of having someone else enmeshed in your adventures was frightening, but it would be nice to fight alongside an ally again.
"Well, shall we?" You ask, moving towards the stairs that lead up to the Floo Fireplace.
"We shall." Ominis responded, and you found his following footsteps to be a comfort.
A short, magical trip later and you two stood at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. The poachers were well into the woods, but still you were hesitant to make much noise. You both drew your wands, and you cast a look to Ominis, who was already focused on the forest ahead.  
"Let's go," You whispered, and Ominis nodded. For a moment you thought about taking his hand again, but you quickly thought better of it. He was simply a friend, nothing more. It would be strange. Besides, you needed to focus.
"They're near the unicorn den. I don't think they found anything yet," 
"Good. That should make things easier." He responded from behind. 
You walked in silence, slowed by the dark, it was too risky to have any sort of light. While you found yourself stumbling over roots despite your best efforts, Ominis nimbly navigated the rugged landscape with his wand. At least he was kind enough not to mention your mishaps. If Sebastian had been there--but no, best not to think about that. Though you had successfully convinced Ominis to refrain from turning him in, you doubted the three of you would ever go on any more adventures together. It seemed so many lives had been permanently altered since you arrived, and you felt greatly responsible. 
Soon the camp came into view, and without thinking you reached back, grabbing onto Ominis' sleeve. You tugged him down with you as you crouched behind a tree, trying to ignore how he was forced to come closer to you, his chest touching your back. He reached out his hand and placed it on your shoulder to steady himself, waiting for you to speak. 
"Revelio," You said in a whisper, watching as the magic danced across the land in a pulse, showing all that was hidden to the naked eye. There was a sole unicorn in a cage, two guards awake, and three asleep.
Usually you were one to run in, catch them off guard and raze the camp before freeing the innocent creatures. But now you had a fellow Wizard's safety to worry about, one who was more proper in regards to dueling. 
You glanced back to the unicorn, and a thought came to mind. Kill two birds with one stone. 
'And then I'll come back later and burn their camp to the ground,' You thought bitterly, the familiar anger gripping your chest. It never mattered how many times you encountered these camps, this cruel mistreatment of beasts. It never failed to create righteous anger in you.
You looked back to Ominis, who seemed tense. You realized you were still clinging to his robe and, embarrassed, you quickly let go. 
"I need you to take care of the unicorn, Ominis. I'll take care of the two guards, you get the unicorn, and I'll cover your back once I’m able."
"Right," Ominis replied, waving his wand to cast his own Revelio, getting a lay of the land. You waited a moment to make sure he had processed everything, before watching him cast disillusionment, and all that was left was a glimmering wave where he once crouched. You followed suit, and without another word you two were on the move, inching closer to the camp. Ominis remained close behind as you snuck up on the first guard, who was puffing on a pipe.
"Petrificus Totalus." You whispered, watching as the guard tensed up before falling to the ground with a thud. You heard the disgruntled sounds of the other guard, slowly on his way to investigate the disturbance. You turned back to the shimmering shape of Ominis, "Be careful." You whispered, and as you left the shadows to face your enemy you heard a reply, "You too."
As you approached the Poacher was able to see through the charm and he began to raise his wand-- but you were quicker.
"Glacious!" The foe was frozen, and from behind your head Ominis murmur his own spell, and then the clicking of the lock as it gave way. 
For a brief moment you relaxed, wondering what you had been so worried about. You turned, watching as the Unicorn emerged from the cage. You could see Ominis smile, knowing he could sense the great beast as it passed by him. Then everything seemed to slow as you heard the cracking of ice, and a shout. 
So much for an easy raid. You looked back to Ominis and the unicorn, "Run!"
You thought you saw him about to protest, but you turned your attention to the thawing whistle blower, "Bombarda!"
He was finished, but the battle was far from won. You looked back to see the unicorn was already at the tree line, running away, while Ominis was covering the beast, fighting with two of the poachers, both half dressed from recently being woken. You felt the ancient magic swelling, and wordlessly you unleashed it on one of the foes, lifting his body in the air as if it was a feather. Before the man could even scream you slammed him to the ground repeatedly, feeling the way his body gave way before you tossed him like a doll to the side. Ominis was managing fine with the other one, He had disarmed the man and was about to finish him. You were on the move towards your friend, hoping maybe you could leave before any more trouble happened, but all the sudden you crumpled, blood falling from three long slashes that had appeared on your back. You fell to the ground with a cry, and to your dismay you heard Ominis call out your name in fright. 
You wanted desperately to tell him to run, leave you, but it was too late. He was coming towards you, wand raised, when the Dark Witch that had struck you down now cast her sights on him.
"Expelliarmus!" She called, casting the wand out of Ominis' hand. You scrambled to your feet, just in time to cast Protego against her basic casts. It gave the enemy enough time to notice all the damage you had caused to her camp.
"You're going to pay for this," She hissed out upon seeing the empty cage. "Crucio!" You barely dodged the unforgivable curse, hitting the ground hard as you rolled out of it’s path, and behind you Ominis had found his wand. "Confringo!" He roared, the anger apparent. The Dark Witch tried to defend herself, but she was burned, which only seemed to fuel her anger. "You little shit," She growled at Ominis, before unleashing a flurry of blows on your companion, knocking him back. It was apparent she was no longer taking the school children lightly as she raised her wand once more, an evil gleam in her eyes as she stood above the helpless boy, "Ava--"
You didn't hesitate. The words slipped effortlessly from your lips, somehow beating the Dark Witch before she could lay her final blow.
"Avada Kedavra!" 
It was familiar to you at this point. The way there was no scream, no final breath, the way the body simply crumpled, devoid of a soul. Sometimes you almost found it peaceful. But not that night, not with a witness. 
The forest was eerily silent as you watched Omins' face betray all his emotions. The fear, the shock, the confusion, then the concern. He thought for a moment this was the first time you had ever used the most Unforgivable of the three Curses. But you knew he could hear you, how your breath was even, no signs of distress or fear. With this understanding his face grew dark, and you felt the sudden need to flee. You turned, about to walk off into the woods, when his voice stopped you,
You froze, feeling the blood dripping down your back as you shivered. It was over, really over. You knew you'd lost him before you even had him.
You felt his hand clasp your wrist, nails digging into your flesh. He forcefully turned you around to face him, and you whimpered softly from the sudden motion, trying desperately to avoid his eyes. Despite their lack of sight those pale eyes betrayed every thought, and you did not want to see the disgust he would now hold for you there.
"What the hell did you do?" 
"What I had to do." What you always had to do.
This was not a sufficient answer, and as you tried to turn away from him again he used even more force to yank you back, enough that this time you cried out from the wounds on your back. This caused Ominis to loosen his grip slightly, but still he refused to let you escape. 
"You've used it before." He accused, and your silence was enough of an answer. "How many times?" 
You would have laughed at that, if you weren't sure Ominis would have slapped you for it. As if you could count, after all the battles you'd fought. 
"How many times?"
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." You answered meekly, eyes still downcast. 
"Look at me," He hissed, and you suddenly wanted to cry. He grabbed your chin violently, forcing you to look at him, to look into his eyes. You could have closed your own to avoid the cold anger there, but you felt he somehow would have known. 
"How could you?" It was just a whisper, hardly loud enough for you to hear. But it broke the wall in you, and the tears began to fall. 
This was too rich. Your sobs turned to bitter laughter, yet the tears rolled on, unyielding. Something was rising in your chest, the sensation you'd been burying for months. You felt like an animal, all you wanted to do was scream.
"How could I what?" You spat, "How could I save your life?"
"You killed someone, you used an unforgivable curse. How could you, after what we've been through with Sebastian?" 
"You mean what you've been through with it. Don't pretend as if you know me, Ominis, when you don't have the faintest idea." Your words seemed to wound him, and he released your face, but still he continued to keep you anchored with his hand on your wrist. 
"What is wrong with you? You of all people should know, should know what those curses do. Should know how they feel."
The reminder of what happened in the Scriptorium made you tremble. You could still feel it, as if every fiber of your being was being ripped asunder. Ominis knew that pain, it was something you shared. But while his experience had led him to turn his back on the curses, your incident had the opposite effect. 
"When the Cruciatus Curse was cast on me that's when I decided to use the Unforgivables whenever I deemed necessary." The admission was the final blow it seemed, his hand left your wrist. 
"That's when I knew," you continued, "That these curses were nothing compared to the darkness of my Ancient Magic." You watched as Ominis tried to process your words, tried to unravel what you were saying. But you knew he wouldn't be able to understand, anyone who could have was long dead. You alone bore this curse. 
"I've been killing long before I learned the Unforgivables from Sebastian." You continued, body shaking uncontrollably from the weight of all that had happened, all that you had become since discovering you were a Witch. "I've been killing with my Ancient Magic-- anyone I deemed an enemy of the Wizarding World--long before I learned the Killing Curse. I picked them up like dolls and bashed them against rocks, I turned them into spiders and crushed them beneath my heels like the insects they were." Ominis was stepping away from you now. you could see the confusion and fear on his face. Your tears continued to fall, and his repulsion only seemed to increase your desire to tell the truth. "Compared to that, the Killing Curse is a mercy. You will never understand the things I've had to do, Ominis. The things I've seen. The fact that I've thrown away my soul, myself, to fix all these things I don't understand. The fact that it wasn't enough, that despite all my power I couldn't save Professor Fig, or Lodgok, or Anne." You took a step towards Ominis, and your heart shattered as he stepped back in response. "This magic inside me is dark, Ominis, it is great and powerful and unyielding. Even when used for good it's led Witches and Wizards to fates worse than death. The Keepers, we fool ourselves into thinking it can be used for good. But it is a curse in itself. To use this magic is a curse."
Your words didn't make a difference. You could see the walls being built in his heart, impossibly high, as his eyes grew dark.   
A part of you had somehow thought he would bend. When you told him the truth of your burdens, the truth of who and what you were. But he had treasured you for the facade you built. You had made yourself seem good and even keeled. You had always played between both Ominis and Sebastian, and as a result Ominis had always assumed you had shared his view on the Curses. And to be honest in some ways you did, you believed the majority of wizard kind should not be permitted to use them. But he had to see that your situation was different. 
"It's still no excuse." Ominis whispered, and you couldn't help but laugh. No, he was blind in more ways than one. 
"I knew you wouldn't understand." Was all you could say, turning your back on the boy. You began to walk away, wanting him to follow, but he remained motionless as you walked deeper into the woods. The only warmth you felt came from the blood soaking your back. 
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– Lady By The Sea – bran stark x mermaid!reader It's late at night that bran Stark sees something new in the depths of his minds but he can't comprehend it until his adolescence when he almost drowns at sea – Prince of Rouge – moulin rouge au, satine!aegon targaryen x reader The year is 1899 when you enter your new city's most hailed night club and meet the mysterious Aegon. After a night of passion and lingering glances, you come to find that he has already been promised to another and a choice paints your mind. Fizzle your desires or dance in secret hallways. – Of Lances and Thorns– male!hightower x rhaenyra targaryen Rhaenyra's world stopped spinning the day her father married her best friend but when her wallowing is interrupted by the chastised older Hightower, she finds that there may be some silver amidst her grey. – The Memories – aegon targaryen x reader Aegon hadn't touched his drinks in years but when he sees your face in his nightmares, he will do anything to forget that fateful night. – A Sunset Seal – male!martell x rhaenyra targaryen Rhaenyra had never liked the thought of being used like a pawn and especially not after she meets a mysterious Dornish man who also hates the chains that marriage embraces. When they both find themselves betrothed they plan to run away together...they don't know how close they are to their very own curse – The Set-Up – male!velaryon x alicent hightower Alicent is determined to find Rhaenyra a compelling match and Y/n is determined to gift his uncle a throne. When they mutually agree to convince the Velaryon's cousin to propose to the heir of Westeros, a young Queen and Lord find their intentions swaying in the worst way. They are falling in love. – Perfect – rhaenyra targaryen x fem!tully reader smut Rhaenyra has never been more bored than when on her tour for marital prospects...but then she met that sweet red haired girl with the most sweet doe eyes. What doesn't bore her are all the stirring images her mind curates at the sight of the innocent riña in her bed. – All's Fair In Love and Enchantments – rhaenyra targaryen x witch!reader x jacaerys velaryon, it's messy When Jacaerys is sent crashing from his Dragon into a dark forest and slowly feels himself drift from this realm...until he awakens to a charming woman ensuring his health. A witch. Inviting her home is easy but it turns when he discovers this witch is not unknown to his mother and neither is her heart.
– I Think He Did It – modern helaena targaryen x reader Helaena has been your friend for a long time. She tells you everything, what she ate that morning, whether her spider Dreamfyre snuck out again or how the children are but most importantly where she suspects her husband to be spending his nights because it is most certainly not in her bed. So it is no surprise who you are suspicious of when she suddenly goes missing. – The Flower and Her Sword – rhaegar targaryen x tyrell!reader 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet' but this rose comes in danger when a certain prince suddenly grows affection for her. It is curious just how quickly a tale of beautiful maidens and entrancing tourneys can turn to one of nightmares. – Glue modern jacaerys velaryon & cregan stark x fem!reader Y/n has always been besotted with two men. She has never fallen so quickly for anyone quicker than she has for her boyfriends but they grow worried when she suddenly appears very distant...worry festers just as quickly. – My Breeze of Decay – eurydice!alicent hightower x orpheus!reader Falling in love comes easy to you, a love match unites you with a beauty of the Lands and once you are wed, you could not be more elated...until a horrible incident occurs and her fate is left with the gods. Can you travel the journey to her? – Crystals – dark!alys rivers x reader x dark!aemond targaryen smut You have been a travelling bard ever since you were young but after accidentally being left in Harrenhal, you are left at the mercy of a witch and her prince... – My One And Only, My Lifeline – band au, alicent x rhaenyra Rhaenyra has been in love with her best friend for as long as she can remember which is why she doesn't notice when the lines between platonic and romantic start to blur...maybe she isn't as infatuated with Cole as she thought she was afterall. It only takes one explosive gig to prove that. – The Study of Affection – cregan stark x reader Cregan Stark cannot say that he is used to romance which is why it is so nerve-wracking when he realises the princes expects him to court her rather than negotiate an arrangement. The lord finds himself in need of help and your nephew is more than eager to provide. – Lack of Lessons– jacaerys velaryon x reader (ft aegon targaryen) "Love comes later,, Your mother had told you - promised you - and yet you feel no love as the King's son rolls his eyes at your presence and begrudgingly takes your hand...Until a second prince catches your eye. You find yourself in lessons with his nephew as you both learn to navigate the new world you have been thrust into. – Some Seam of Regret – some thread of time part 2 – Some Ghost of Time – some thread of time prequel
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latibvles · 9 months
First off, happy one year! 🥳 How exciting! And a classic Poe ask game for the occasion? You know I'll be bothering you with both the girlies 🤭
Though you already know her, we're re-introducing Zenie McGlamery, a young, mixed-race Indigenous woman from the rural south who disguises herself as a man to join the paratroopers. Though Zenie herself is rather shy and reserved, her alter ego, Thomas Driver, allows her to become herself in more ways than she thought possible. Loyal until the end, Zenie is determined to make it through the war without losing anyone else that she cares about - and she just might find something more along the way. You can read about her in Like A Girl (Like A Man) on tumblr and AO3!
Thank you in advance beloved! ❤️
okay, I know we have made so many jokes about Daisy and Zenie being girlfriends however, they would be friends and no one can change my mind. Daisy knows a thing or two about keeping secrets (for better or for worse) and it's the sense of camaraderie and friendship that fuels their later actions. The foundations are there. That being said, you can all find Like A Girl (Like A Man) here on Tumblr and here on AO3! It's a great read. Now here's Zenie getting a certain combat nurse in her corner as well.
Shocked was Daisy’s immediate feeling, and then shortly thereafter, impressed.
It’d been one of her and Gene’s murmured secrets, the situation that “Tommy Driver” found himself in — like the ones she and Joe were more often likely to share within their foxholes. Although, this wasn’t a matter of late-night trysts and a lack thereof; rather the basis of someone’s identity. She grabbed extra tampons and health sponges at the hospital and said nothing of it when Ginny gave her a confused look and asked casually about heavy flow.
Sure, let’s go with that, is what she wants to say, but since this isn’t exactly the time for sarcastic quips, she just nods and pretends to look miserable about the whole affair.
Second Platoon’s outpost is easy to find, even if every bombed out building in Haguenau looks exactly the same. Scurrying along quickly to ensure she isn’t bombed to hell is her first priority, so when she reaches the door she slips inside without a second thought. Sitting in foxholes in the frigid cold waiting for another round of artillery to hail down upon them was hardly the environment for “shooting the shit” — so to see them sat in rickety old chairs with cigarettes and candy bars was a pleasant change of pace.
“Sergeant Driver?” Her voice has a few different gazes shifting to her, to which she waits, expectantly. As usual, Joe’s the first to be spurred into action, calling up the stairs with a ‘Tommy, you’ve got a visitor!’ that practically shakes the house.
It takes a few moments, but he, or rather, she, comes down the stairs, shaggy dark hair peeking through his cap, helmet discarded somewhere. She gives him a smile and a wave.
“Gene wanted to do a follow-up just to see how your stitches are holding up.” A safe enough lie, Gene told her that the rest of the guys thought Tommy was just “shy”, and wholly committed to not stripping in front of the men
That was definitely a way of looking at it. But Tommy looks at her, and then nods all the same, confusion only flashing across her face for a millisecond. Daisy gives her what she hopes is an easy smile.
“Shouldn’t be too long. You boys just move around way too damn much.” She’s turning on her heel, knowing he’ll follow, and walking briskly to a building only a few doors down which she knew to be empty.
Tommy keeps step with her, and they’re quick to enter the next building, its windows caked with dirt and dust, cracks spider-webbing across concrete walls and paint peeling. Daisy waits for the door to shut before taking in a measured breath, turning on her heel. Expectantly, Tommy’s looking around for Gene.
“Okay, there’s really no way to put it delicately so I’m uh… I’m just gonna say it.” Rummaging through her bag, eyes fixed on it, it’s something to do with her hands. “Gene told me about your… your thing,” Finding the bundle of toiletries, she holds them out. Tommy looks up at her, conflicted.
“He did?”  An echo, probably trying to scramble for words, an explanation probably. “I know it’s—”
“Brave,” Daisy finishes quickly, giving what she hopes is a supportive smile. “I mean it would’ve been nice to know earlier, of course. I probably would've done more. But it’s brave,” She presses the products into the other girl’s chest unceremoniously. “I also managed to snatch these from the field hospital. I don’t know how yours are fitting but they might be a little more comfortable.” The standard issue underwear that they gave to the combat nurses, which was probably a better fit.
Tommy takes those too, holding them in her hands and then lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Lieutenant Clarke,” Something about her seems to shrink, and Daisy just smiles.
“Don’t you go getting shy on me now. It was Daisy all those days in the woods, none of that has to change.” She insists. Tommy lets out a small chuckle, like she’s loosening up again, which is a pleasant sight to bear witness to. He may not have been as loud about it as Bill or Joe — but she knew Tommy was there and keeping an eye on her like everybody else.
“Zena McGlamery. Or Zenie,” she says after a moment, when they lapse into an easier silence. “That’s my actual name.” And to that, Daisy smiles — a piece of her being given over voluntarily. Daisy mutters the name under her breath once, to commit it to memory, then nods before reaching to muss up some of Zenie’s hair.
“We’ll stick with Tommy ‘till it’s just us again.” And Zenie rolls her eyes, trying to duck out of Daisy’s hand. “Pretty name though.”
When Zenie smiles at the compliment, Daisy isn’t sure how she could’ve missed something like this before. But the more she dwells on it, she concludes that it doesn’t really matter — Tommy and Zenie were evidently, one in the same, and that’s all that really mattered to her.
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Ruby and Neopolitan: The girls with a lot of problems
Spoiler Warning: This post contains spoilers for RWBY Volume
Ruby has snapped leaving her Team and Jaune. I feel the Ruby vs Neopolitan conflict is imminent and oh boy do these girls have a lot of problems.
Ruby's Trauma
For Ruby's part, we are just now starting to get a clearer picture of how deep her pre-series trauma lies. How her unresolved trauma from Summer's disappearance and how Ruby has based so much of her own identity around Summer.
Add all of that to the fact that she lost her school, lost two friends and was separated from her team. Ruby's life since the fall of beacon has been a break necked race to stop Salem and secure the relics with little time to rest let alone process and heal.
Now while I think succeeding in protecting Haven and being reunited with Penny has helped Ruby to a degree, everything that happened with Ironwood, Salem and Cinder these past two volumes has all but erased that progress toward healing. Atlas and Mantle are gone, Salem has two relics and Ruby has lost Penny a second time.
Neopolitan's Trauma
Everything we know thanks to the Roman Holiday novel paints the picture that Neopolitan had a messed up home life.
After disappointing her family's expectations of her one too many times, Neopolitan is sent to Lady Browning's Preparatory Academy For Girls.
It is during this time that Neopolitan meets Roman who accepts her for who she is rather then what someone wants her to be. Working together the two of them discover Neopolitan's parents role in the gang war between the Spiders and Xiong Family.
Roman helps Neopolitan escape the cage of abuse her parents would keep her in. Roman and Neopolitan set off to make a new life together as criminals. However, it can not last because Roman's grudge on Ruby sets himself on a path of self-destruction. Despite not physically being there to witness it, Neopolitan believes that Ruby is the reason Roman is no longer with her.
The Path Toward Overcoming their Trauma
Now one possible scenario Ruby and Neopolitan might face is that, Ruby is ready to take the Blacksmith's offer to ascend but Neopolitan stops her. Neopolitan wants revenge on Ruby and has no intention of letting her take the easy way out.
The two begin to fight and their emotions start to effect the Ever After. Neopolitan gets the upper hand or vice versa and is about to give the killing blow when the two of the are caught in a Punderstorm.
At this point it becomes evident that the only way out of this is by working together and learning more about the other.
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midnight1404 · 5 months
Wednesday wip: The offspring chapter 4.
Miles Socorro is an amazing observer of things the rest people enjoy to ignore, and he knows it. 
He could notice very quickly Neytiri’s look every time it fell on him even if he was just a child, he could notice Jake trying to not be so uncomfortable with him around when he looked at him and saw in him the ghost of what in the present he likes to call the blue Quaritch. He noticed how paint those blue stripes through his body made the beasts of the forest (that is more a fantasy than a memory, so much time far away, so much forgotten and replaced by imagination) respect him, Kiri didn’t take him seriously, but he was confident about it, he still is.
Spider can sense the tension in the air as he walks by Lo’ak’s side, he can see his best friend’s neutral face doing the best to not break as they get closer and closer to the elevator it would separate Taliya from them, from him. It feels weird, almost wrong, that Sully hasn’t said any word since the morning started, maybe Walker or Taliya doesn’t notice the difference, but he and Lo’ak do. Spider’s eyes check everything around them. The halls are empty beside their group and so silent that it is easy to lose oneself in their mind so he can’t blame Lo’ak for being so nervous, he is basically in a blank spot in this situation.
This is supposed to be only a simple work for Taliya in Quaritch’s words but how do they really know what would happen there? 
Luckily, the sex is out of his worries for now, Sully is still on his paternal honeymoon and Quaritch has something with her that he hasn’t got to understand completely yet, but, he knows there is someone huge as a prisoner, and he notices how Quaritch is not the happiest to deal with it and he can’t say scared because he isn’t (he already saw him scared and this isn’t the case, he learned to read his eyes, his expressions, and the one he wears is the one he uses when he doesn’t know what step to take) but he never saw him so stressed like he was the last night, though no for Taliya’s safety of course.
“This can end with the best amount of information we can gain ever or as if nothing changed. I don’t need Admore’s nose being more over me than now.” He told Spider.
He can hear Taliya’s white shoes dragging against the floor as she is behind the without sleep Walker, who is hypnotized by his papers like he’s always been. Spider smiles when he sees the kid try sneaking a look at what he is reading, stretching her short neck since the human is some inches taller than her and leaning subtly towards him. The blond man is so distracted that he doesn’t notice the curious interloper looming on his right shoulder.
Spider loves Lo’ak’s girl, he does a lot. Even if she isn’t as joyful as Tuk or a talker like most kids are, she has her things, and one of them is her wickedness. He remembers the time she was only four but she stole Lyle’s cigarette pack out of curiosity to know what it was. Lyle was very mad, though the kid found a way to put them in Z-Dog’s backpack with clean hands. He only learned this due to her confession when they were alone because she felt guilty. 
“Uncle Lyle insulted Auntie because of me.”  She said in ugly sobs and snot.
Spider has the hope that cleverness will help her in this.
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littleperilstories · 2 years
The Prince of Thieves: Take a Breath Before You Leap
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Let's learn a little about our heroine, Bree Cooper, in this brand-new chapter!
Warnings: implied past violence/abuse, poverty, starvation, getting jumped (kind of? I don't know what to call it), lady whump I guess?
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Word count: 2505 || Approx reading time: 10 mins
Take a Breath Before You Leap
Teaser: Up here, no one else can see me. Up here, no one can say a damn thing when I pull up my sleeves. There’s no one to gasp or gawk as I reveal the soft, scandalous flesh of my arms, trace my fingers along forbidden flesh, throw into sharp relief what must remain invisible at all other times: black-as-night ink painted on the canvas of my skin.
Bree Cooper
There’s no feeling like the one I get the night before a new run: the buzzing excitement, the impatience for the eventual payoff, and the dizzy, fluttery what-ifs—What if something goes wrong? What if I mess up somehow? What if this is the one where I get caught? Anticipation and nervousness churn in my belly, but I can’t deny it—I’m looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Of course, I’m not thrilled about the “new job” I was hired for today. Working in the Smith household as a maidservant is undoubtedly going to be a nightmare. Something far better is what will come out of it—or rather, what’s going to come out of the family’s lock-box. Right out of their household. Carried in my pocket. Into the hands of someone who needs it. That’s going to be the good part.
I’m under no illusions that the job will be easy. A few days ago, when she picked me for this run, Spider warned me it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. I’ll need to be swift in earning the Smiths’ trust… become an exemplary maid so I don’t get sacked and thrown out before I can make my move… memorize the layout of their home and learn the location of their family jewels. (The way Spider told it, the patriarch might as well be a dragon, the way he hoards his riches.) All the while, I’ll have to hide my identity, tattoo, and true purpose from the family and the other staff.
It’s cold up here on the roof of the boarding house—that’s why no one else is up here, probably—but there’s something delightfully bracing about the wind scrubbing the day’s dust from my skin while the stars gaze down. It’s delicious, almost wicked, to peer into the city streets from so high.
Up here, no one else can see me. Up here, no one can say a damn thing when I pull up my sleeves. There’s no one to gasp or gawk as I reveal the soft, scandalous flesh of my arms, trace my fingers along forbidden flesh, throw into sharp relief what must remain invisible at all other times: black-as-night ink painted on the canvas of my skin.
It’s a shame the tattoo would send me to prison if the constables saw it, because it’s beautiful. Sometimes I just stare down at the details—the leaves bursting from a tree in full bloom, the ring around its swirling, entwined roots. Would anyone else, other than my fellow runners or the constabulary, know what it means if they caught a glimpse? I’m not so sure, but they’d certainly be confused if they saw it on my arm. Silas Cooper’s daughter, tattooed like a common criminal? A gentlewoman like her? How? Why? What happened to her?
I scowl into the night. Breanna Cooper died with Silas, or at least I like to think she did. When I think back on the girl who stumbled, dry-eyed, away from her father’s deathbed and then ran from the man she was supposed to marry, out into a chilly autumn night much like the one I’m gazing out into now, I don’t recognize myself. That girl ran into a life of nothing, yes. But isn’t that also what she ran away from?
I hug my knees to my chest and close my eyes. If my father could see me now, wearing the sigil of the county’s most notorious gang of thieves on my body, he’d be spitting furious. Cherry-faced furious. Raise-his-arm-and-swing furious.
If the man who would’ve been my husband could see me now… I think he’d be much the same.
The roof and its bird’s-eye view of the city always make me pensive. Not sad, per se, but certainly reflective. I can’t help but wonder who I’d have been if little pieces of my life had been different. If Father hadn’t lost our fortune, if Mother hadn’t died, if Father hadn’t sold me off to the highest bidder and then kicked the bucket himself. If I’d sentenced myself to stay with a man who was exactly like my father. If I hadn’t run away.
If I, cold and desperate and hungrier than I’d ever been, hadn’t chosen that girl’s pocket to pick that day.
My limbs had shrunken to ragged skin and bone; I’d taken some clothes in a bag when I slipped away in the middle of the night only a week after Father’s wake, but they didn’t fit anymore. That day, my last clean dress—if “clean” was even the right word for it—hung off my body in rippling folds like a shroud. Any longer, I think now, and it might have indeed become my death-sheet. I caught my reflection in the glass of a storefront on the high street—a place I couldn’t enter, for I had not a penny to spare—and what I saw was horrifying. Pale, sallow skin streaked with grime. Rags for clothes. Limp, tangled hair, greasy to its ends.
I remember thinking, I should just lie down here in the street and let the cold take me.
That is not what I did.
It took a few days for me to find what I needed: a long, loose-fitting shirt to disguise my figure, some trousers whose hems I hacked into with a pair of scissors so they wouldn’t be too long, and a cap I stole right off a boy’s head to hide my hair. I hovered the scissors’ blades over the ends of my filthy tresses, willing myself to just snip it short and be done with it… but I couldn’t bring myself to make the cut. I simply bound it as best I could with twine and tucked the ends into my stolen cap.
Suddenly, I was invisible on the city streets. Everyone looked askance at an unaccompanied girl loitering on street corners and winding through alleys, but no one batted an eye if it was a boy doing the same.
For the first time in my life… I had freedom. Real freedom.
At first, I was too frightened to take much. An apple here, a few crumbs of bread there. Each day, though, brought with it more bravery. The first time I ever stole an entire loaf of bread, I felt as accomplished as if I had swum across an entire ocean.
I suppose that courage and the false sense of security led me to become bold enough to start picking pockets. The problem was, I was good at it, and that made me cocky.
I was good at picking pockets until the day I wasn’t.
The girl seemed like an easy target: she wore two fluffy, mismatched petticoats with an exposed pocket peeking out from beneath her woollen apron. She dressed like a poor girl, but there was a drawstring pouch dangling from her waist, clinking with coins. She was asking for me to steal her purse. I was drawn to it like a moth to a candle—and it wasn’t long before my wings were engulfed in flame.
Instead of being wise, I neatly liberated the pouch and slipped my way through the crowd, moving fast, the cotton bag soft against my fingers. The coins sang as I emptied them into my pocket. I didn’t even take a second glance at the girl’s now-empty purse as I tossed it into the street, delighted to leave my incriminating evidence behind.
If I had been smart enough to look over my shoulder, I might have been a little less haughty about my successful pocket heist.
I made it two blocks and around a corner before they caught up.
A hand clapped over my mouth, sealing in the shriek that tried to claw its way out as my attacker’s other arm wrapped around me and pinched my wrists together. They yanked me backwards, pressing my back against the solid, unyielding body behind me.
“Who the fuck,” said a voice, cool and filled with sharp, prickling amusement, “picks my pocket and thinks they’re getting away with it?”
I jerked against the hands holding me, a muffled whine escaping my lips, but whoever it was only held on tighter. In front of me, the girl with the wool apron and coloured petticoats sauntered into view. What I could see of her face was beautiful—she’d hidden the lower half behind a black scarf. But there was a glittering in her eyes I could not interpret.
“Let’s see who, then,” she said, leaning down, and I realized far too late that she was holding a knife—slim and short, but sharp. Silver and glittering in the fading autumn light.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—
Time seemed to slow to a trickle, and my scream died in my throat. I remember thinking, Fine, then. If this girl was going to kill me, so be it. Let her. What did I care? What did I have to lose? 
Fucking nothing, that’s what.
As the girl ran the blunt side of her blade along my jaw, I heard a sigh and a mutter somewhere above my head. The blood was rushing in my ears so loudly, however, that I couldn’t comprehend a single word.
I won’t scream. I won’t cry.
Sticking out my chin—as best as I could with a hand still pressed against my mouth—I met the girl’s eye. I could have sworn I saw her expression change, but it was difficult to tell with her face covered. A smirk? It couldn’t be.
Her eyes flicked up to meet the gaze of the person behind me, and then she leaned in close. She tugged away my grey cap, and it fell to the ground, soaking up the muck from the autumn rain that had drenched the streets earlier that day.
“Ooh,” she said, looking me over, one hand fishing in my pocket, “our quick-fingered thief is a little girl.”
Little? Hardly. I jerked against the arm holding me still. Unsuccessful again.
“Come on, Spider.” It was a boy behind me. When he spoke, his voice was light and quick. Impatient. He didn’t let go, but his grip loosened slightly. “I can’t kick the shit out of a girl.”
“Don’t be so dramatic. I don’t want to kick the shit out of her,” the girl said, pulling her hand back and grinning. “I just want my money back.” She dropped a handful of coins into the pocket tied beneath her apron. “We’re good now.”
“Was the knife really necessary?” the boy muttered.
I winced as she dug the point of the blade into my skin. “Yes.” She winked. “Just teaching her a little lesson. An important lesson.”
In my ear, there was the faintest breath of a whisper. “Sorry. You'll be okay. She’s laying it on a bit thick... I think she’s having fun.”
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Okay, Muscles. You can let her go now.” She stepped back, and the boy’s arms dropped.
“See?” I heard him say.
“What the fuck?” I yelped, jumping away from him and sucking air into my lungs even though he hadn’t been cutting off my breath. “What is your problem?”
I pressed a hand to my chin, where the knifepoint had bit into my skin, but my fingers came away clean. No blood.
The girl tucked a stray curl of dark brown hair behind her ear. Beneath her sleeve, the ghost of a dark-lined tattoo peeked out. “That was quite a bold move you made there, little bird.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t wear your purse hanging off your ass if you don’t fucking want people reaching in,” I shot at her. I remember faintly wondering how horrified my parents would be if they could hear me cursing like a sailor.
The girl tossed her knife in the air, watching it spin gracefully, then tucked it away and winked. “If you wanted to cop a feel, kid, all you had to do was ask.”
My cheeks flooded with heat. “I didn’t mean—”
I realized then that she was shaking with laughter. When I looked over at the boy, he was, too.
“Not just anyone could walk off with my bag and make it this far,” the girl said. “Maybe we’ll cross paths again.”
This far? I made it two blocks.
She smirked and walked away, the coins I’d stolen—and immediately been forced to surrender—jangling in her pocket. The boy paused before he followed her. He wore a hood, his face half-obscured like hers, but I could see his: hazel, deep and bright at once, and twinkling with amusement.
He touched two fingers to his temple in a lazy, mocking salute, then followed the girl and disappeared into the night.
When I dipped my hand to mourn the emptiness of my pocket, my fingers bumped into something round at its bottom. Had she missed one of her coins? Left one for me out of pure pity?
When I pulled it out under the light of the gas lamps that lined the high street, I frowned. It wasn’t a coin, at least not one I could fucking spend on food. It was made of… wood? Whittled to a smooth surface, with a design carved into one side and letters into the other: a tree with twisted roots and the letters I.A.
I wear the wooden coin around my neck these days, upon a cord that’s long enough to tuck into my clothes and hide beneath the neckerchief when I choose to wear skirts. Now, with the gas lamps twinkling far below, the moon shining down on me instead, I pull my necklace out and inspect the design. The one that matches the tattoo on my arm.
I’ve seen that girl—we runners only know her as Spider—more than once since I joined. In fact, I saw her earlier today. Just for a few minutes, a quick passing conversation with our backs turned to one another as I gave her the confirmation that I won the position in the Smith household and I start work tomorrow. Just once, I glimpsed her face. Beneath the hood, it was drawn and pale, and I got the sense that something was wrong, but she didn’t say why.
“Remember to take it slow,” was all she said. “Don’t do anything foolish. Don’t get caught.”
The boy from that day, I’ve seen twice. They never send him to meet runners like me. I think of that day we first met, though. His whisper in my ear, the laugh lines around his eyes, the green tint to his gaze, the little upturn of his mouth as he gave me that salute and then vanished.
I tuck the necklace back inside my short gown. The chill is sinking deep into my bones; it’s time to go inside.
Tomorrow, a new day. A new job, a new name, a new purpose. Until the next one, anyway. One of these days, dawn will bring a new day and, finally, a new life.
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[Banner ID: A narrow, rectangular banner featuring a barred archway. The bars and the stone walls evoke the feeling of a dungeon or prison. There are burning candles on either side of the archway. The title of the story, The Prince of Thieves, appears in white text in the centre of the image. The author's username, abbreviated to LPS from littleperilstories, appears in the bottom right corner in partially transparent text. End ID.]
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Chapter 17 - The Kitsune
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"It is around the time of your boyfriend's match. Aren't you going to watch it?" the Fang asked, confused, as the red haired girl before him, who he knew was so close to that guy, seemed to make no move to get out of the training room - Instead, she continued to practice her moves on him. "Whether I am there to watch or not, the outcome is the same, don't you think?" she seemed nonchalant and dismissive, but deep in her heart, she was antsy and afraid - What if Cosmo pushes him so much that he uses the Advance again, and his heart gives out? "Says the one who went to watch and encourage all the people she encountered." the man scoffed, which made the girl chuckle lightly, shaking her head - He was right, of course, but what was there to be done? "I know you are right, Agito. I know. But I, too, have my duty as a fighter in the next match, and I can't go down without a fight. It matters little that I will lose. All that matters is that I don't die from Takeshi's punch, and uh... I take over the company already. And kill those two."  she explained, shrugging lightly and taking a deep breath. "You don't even want the TV on?" the man asked, but he earned another shake of her head. "It would take my mind away from training. I'll lose focus. It's fine... Let's get back at it." she muttered before going on for an attack, and this is how the next half an hour passed by so quickly, and one of those cheerleader girls came over to tell them the second fight was going to take place. "It is time." Agito spoke, throwing a towel her way so she could go take a shower and change in her fighting clothes for her match. "I see... Time flies really fast. Alright. I'll be there." raking her fingers through her hair, a sense of overwhelm took over her and she tried to take a few more deep breaths and get over her fears... But of course, a fight with Wakatsuki Takeshi was nothing to be taken lightly. Especially after she, herself, told him not to go easy on her.
Once ready, she dressed in a pair of high-waisted black pants, a simple black crop top, her haori, black, painted with red spider lilies and embroidered in the finest gold thread, and of course, the kitsune mask. Gotta make an entrance, after all. Everyone expects that big guy's fight, not a woman's. Things are going to be wild, once Sayaka calls out her name. Even her friends are completely left in the dark about this. Considering how awful the audience is with Sayaka, calling out all sorts of offensive and vulgar things to her, she can only imagine the sort of words she's going to get called.
But no matter. As long as she takes over the company, it was all going to be worth it.
Though her feet were feeling heavy and her instinct made it feel as though she was going through the freezing river, or the lake of flames, just to get on the other side of the arena... Much to her surprise, Agito was there. Though he said nothing, he patted her shoulder and gave an encouraging smile. Though she uttered no word, she shakily placed her hand on top of his, and squeezed her anxiety away. In the middle of the arena, Takeshi was waiting. Up there, on the screen, that idiot's face was there, next to Wakatsuki's, and bets were in order... And Takeshi was winning, of course.
"And from the left side of the arena enters the new fighter of the Hasashi Private Medical Network, after Tanji Yoichi retired out of unknown circumstances." as Sayaka began speaking, a loud murmur was heard throughout the arena and everyone was questioning who was the new fighter, making bets on who was going to fight against Takeshi. "For the first time in Kengan history, in this arena, coming forth - The devious Trickster who's swift and strikes from the shadows when you least expect it - With no Kengan record, for the debut match... One round of applause for the beautiful, the cunning, the sly, the mischievous Queen of the Kengan Matches ---" as soon as they heard the word 'Queen', indicating a female was going to step forward, the whole audience was flabbergast and were either gasping or yelling loudly. "THE KITSUNE, HAAAAAASAAAAASHIIIIIII KISAAARAAAAAAAAA!" as Agito wished her a good fight, she took her first step inside the sandy arena, trying her best not only to tune out the vulgar and undermining comments from the public, but also, how weird the feeling of stepping on sand was - So different from being at the beach. Every step she took, felt as if she was walking on the shared knives, and suddenly, she was reminded of the original tale of the Little Mermaid, who had to experience something similar. Hopefully, she won't turn into sea foam next. "Are you okay, Kisara?" was the first thing that Takeshi asked as the girl went a step away from him, and shook her head - Though, her mimic was hidden by her mask.  "I can feel death knocking on my door. I never realised until now how big you are... I guess, years of friendship made me forget how scary you can be." she chuckled lightly, hanging her head a bit, her hands in her pockets as she swung a bit back and forth. "If I don't hold back in this match... Will you be able to forgive me, when it is over?" he asked, holding his hand out. "Takeshi... It is you who must forgive me, for pulling you through such a difficult situation. Because of my pride and ambitions, you got caught in the middle of a family feud. And for that, I am sorry." she gently held his hand in both of her own. "At least, I will get to see how far into your training you got. You've changed a lot since the first time we met. I'm sure that, this fight, is going to be memorable -- For the both of us, as well as the Kengan history." though he offered a small smile, the girl turned her head towards the audience. "For the perverts who want to fuck me, or those who boo me for destroying the kengan matches?" she sneered, annoyed at the people up there. "Look the other way." in that instant, she looked in the direction Takeshi showed - And she saw many of the fighters she befriended, cheering for her. "Those who matter cheer for you... And there is a handful who want the underdog to win. Don't get discouraged." as he said that, Raian's voice called out loudly, making the public shut up. "FUCK THESE SHITHEADS, BABE! GO WIN THAT FIGHT! YOO-- THAT'S MY WIFE THERE, YA?! YOU DON'T FUCK WITH THE KURE CLAN AND YOU DON'T FUCK WITH MY BABE, GOT THAT!" the comment was enough for Kisara to burst into laughter and take out her mask, giving it to Sayaka, as she wasn't allowed something that could serve as a protection - And she smiled. With one more scan, she noticed Hatsumi giving her an approving nod of his head, and Gaolang was smiling at her. Saw Paing was yelling out encouragement for her, while the peanut gallery was chanting her name. And then, down there, where she usually stood, at the entrance of the arena, there he was - Tokita Ohma, leaning on the wall, his arms crossed and wearing a confident smile. It seemed he wasn't upset that she didn't confide in him about this match - Sometimes, you must do some things on your own - But with enough encouragement, she was brave enough to face even the most renowned Kengan Veteran with hundreds of won matches, The Wild Tiger himself -- All for her ambitions. Whether she won or not, it didn't matter, Ohma knew she was too smart to get herself into a losing situation, so whatever the case may be, he was going to cheer for her and be by her side, just as she always was for him. "And the fighters are facing off!" Sayaka screamed into the microphone, from her commenting booth. "They've got a height difference of 30 cm and a weight difference of a whole 140 KG!" hearing those stats, most people shuddered. "Julius was both taller and heavier than Wakatsuki, yet he still lost! These two look as far apart as the whole Empire States Building next to a pomeranian!" Jerry Tyson gasped dramatically.
"Are you ready, Kisara?" Takeshi asked, taking a step back. "As ready as I'll ever be... Takeshi." with a solemn nod of her head, she, too, took a step back and after dramatically throwing her fringe back and fixing the bun she made out of her long hair, she got her hands back in her pockets, and waited for the match to begin. "Take you stances!" the referee called out. "I am no fighter. I have no stance." she spoke, remaining in a casual repause. "Suit yourselves. Ready -- FIGHT!" the man called out, and thus, Takeshi was the first to lunge forward and deliver the first blow.
'It's the end' some thought. 'She's gonna die' others gasped, watching the bull-like man charging at full speed and attempting to ram into the small, frail woman that was pathetically standing there. The momentum was catching up, and it was time to strike. Raian's face was split in half from that wide, wretched, demonic grin of his - She pulled off the same move that she used on him - But Wakatsuki, for all of his fighting experience, was not an assassin, nor was he as agile as he was. Unlike Raian, who easily landed on his feet, Takeshi was thrown into the wall behind them, breaking it. For all of his power and might, he was effortlessly sent flying. The auditorium was silent from the shock, save for some of friends, who were cheering her name loudly.
Kisara! Kisara!
"I see you've become a worthy opponent. Well done, Kisara. We are proud of you." Takeshi praised her, lunging at her from behind, only to get surprised once more, as she threw herself to the ground backwards, and rolled into his feet, making him fall to the ground with a great thud, watching with blurry eyes as Kisara nonchalantly stepped away.
"Why is she not following up? You can't give a veteran any break." Naoya asked, his arms crossed. He was impressed with her pulling those moves, yet his confusion was still great. "She can't." Ohma informed, not realising at first that more people were gathering to see the fight better. "She can't grapple. She helped me spar a little ago. She did well with normal combat, but when it came to ground fighting, she was powerless." "Well, it's not like anyone is expecting her to win, not even herself." Hatsumi made his way there too. "But, let's be honest, for a cute little thing like her to have a debut fight against that guy? Might as well be fighting The Fang. Most of the fighters in this tournament, all of them with life-time experience, would lose against him." he continued. "But my little angel has already made me proud enough as it is." he praised her, watching the flawless exchange of jabs that hit all of Takeshi's vital points.
"Whoa?! Gaolang, isn't that similar to your special move?!" Saw Paing shrieked loudly, making the Thai cringe, yet he had a proud smile on his face. "It is. I taught her that." he nodded in acknowledgement. He wasn't one to approve of most fighters, but he could commend her wish to get stronger and learn more and more, from a variety of different people. She wanted to have knowledge of everything, as well as mastery. Jack of all trades, yet master of none, he'd say, yet he was well aware that she was trained in Aikido, and that should be her main style, as she proved so well. However, she seemed to switch between styles at an abnormally fast pace. From Aiki to Boxing, and now, she was... Using the Fang's move? And something else?
Agito smirked, watching the red head aim that kick to the Tiger's thigh, making him kneel to the ground. Naoya cringed, yet his eyes were wide open - How could this girl use the Fang's move so perfectly well? A normal person couldn't possibly do something of that magnitude. He, better than anyone, knew how painful that blow was, feeling akin to a machete being stuck in his leg. Still, Kisara leapt on his knee and used her elbows to hit hard on her opponent's head, and followed with a powerful blow to the temple.
Wakatsuki was on the ground.
Ohma felt smug - He never imagined that Kisara would use Karla's idea of using his thigh to alleviate her height and aim a nice hit, yet it was incredibly smart and inventive, considering their height and frame. Though, considering Karla was a Kure, she held strength around the level of Raian.
The crowd was shouting for the Wild Tiger to get up and fight, to stop playing around - But they didn't understand how well aimed and thought every hit was. It was a strategy planned ahead, no doubt with the help of his rival Hatsumi. She was playing with his mind, as well as going for his weak spots.
But that was her biggest problem. Yes, she was able to get Takeshi on the ground twice... But from here on, what is she supposed to do? Even with the best aimed hit, she can't knock him out, and she can't grapple, nor wrestle. Attempting the mounting move that Cosmo uses would just get her ribs crushed, or just simply getting thrown off. She really needs to up her mid-game skills.
Once Wakatsuki got up, he ran into her close area circle, and engaged in a barrage of jabs and lefts and rights - Kisara knew he was going to use his Core Blast, so when he 'charged' that fist backwards, she flexed her arm tightly, only sliding backwards a bit. Ohma's move worked once, yes... But her arm was in agony. If she were to take another hit like this, she wouldn't end up well. She had to use her evasive skill... That was supposed to be a trump card. It probably won't be used a second time either, because Wakatsuki knows of it, more or less. She played the surprise game better than everyone else... But once the element of surprise disappears, what is she left with? There was only so much Raian's combat training can get her, and Hatsumi's Aikido uses the enemy's strength against them... But if the enemy doesn't use any bit of strength, what is she left with?
Wakatsuki took a step back, and got in another stance, making the girl mimic him - Whilst he had his fists, one over the other, to work with his strength, Kisara had her hands open, showing her softness. It was a clear Karate vs Aiki fight, yet neither moved an inch at first, only observing the other. It was then that Kisara's foot slid forward, and noticing her opponent inching forwards, she lunged at him, and with her move, she redirected his own move against him, making him fly backwards. "To think you'd fall so far away. As expected of the Wild Tiger. There's no one else with such incredible strength." Kisara breathed in amusement. With each move she pulled off, she was proud of how far she's gotten. Even the cheers from the auditorium fell deaf on her ears, as well as Sayaka's commentary, and her focus was entirely on Takeshi.
She maintained no stance, and awaited Takeshi to lunge at her - He threw a hundred thousand hits her way - Yet she remained unmoved. They were all fakes, she noticed. Hatsumi has already taught her how to easily differentiate a faux for a real punch - And she grabbed his shin as soon as he threw a real kick her way, making him lose balance - He must have been used to getting caught of guard in that position, as he ended up twisting and ending on his feet - She didn't expect that kind of flexibility from him. Raian was wrong. As he aimed a left hit uppercut, Kisara side-stepped, grabbed at his shoulders and head-butted him. The karate-ka tried to aim a hand-chop at her head, but it stopped before it could connect. Kisara has used her toe to stub at his foot, immobilising him temporarily. Hatsumi had shown her the weirdest tricks that she never imagined she would use in this life. Lucky her. Still, that didn't last long, and Takeshi tried to kick at her again, only to have his whole body seeing the sky again as the girl rolled him over by using her own hand to roll at the back of his ankle, following up with a kick to his chin.
Raian couldn't stop his manic cackling - He was enjoying this fight much more than he expected. He had his fun with her for a whole night, he witnessed and felt first hand her main tactics, reflecting the enemy's strength back, with the user's strength added. Even if she had null strength, the fact that Wakatsuki was such a power house really worked in her favour - The greater the attack, the greater the force that is reflected back. The problem was, that a veteran can't be fooled forever.
"I have analysed all your attacks, Kisara. I have realised your strategy. If I attack at a level of 10, you will counter with a level of 10 plus your own strength. But what would you do if I were no longer an opponent? I'm not going to attack anymore." Kisara held her hands in her pockets, watching as Takeshi kept standing tall. She chuckled, stepping around him. b she grinned leisurely. "As a result, there will be no fight! I have no company to shame by spending the whole match waiting and doing nothing - But you do! You know, if there is no victory, there is also no defeat. What an idyllic world we live in!" though she spoke, Wakatsuki had no other word to usher. "... However, I suppose this is still a match, in the end. You're trying to come up with a battle of stubbornness. I guess you can say I'm proud that I could make the great Wild Tiger come up with such an impertinent strategy, against some weak, inexperienced opponent such as myself. Truly, I'm flattered!" she continued. "Your techniques and mine - I'm far too young to say it doesn't matter whose are superior, or that strength doesn't matter." as soon as she found herself behind her best friend, she sprinted at great speed, hoping to reach his spinal cord, even going as far as to get her haori over her elbows, to spin around and engulf his face, cutting off his sight for a little while -
Before she could incapacitate him, however, Kisara felt a pressure in her stomach, strong enough to send her flying a crazy length, and she stumbled over the sand, rolling pitifully on the ground. No amount of damage that she chipped from the man felt equal to this single punch that connected. She had gasped like a fish on the land, trying desperately to get her air back in her lungs. Her hair tie had broken, and her hair cascaded almost gracefully in scarlet waves over her body. Wakatsuki punched her with a Buddha-like fist. It was a true seiken punch.
'It's over' even the peanut gallery said, watching the girl pitifully groveling on the ground, as the Wild Tiger now approached her, to deliver the final blow. As soon as he stepped by her side, however, Kisara instantly shot to her feet, leisurely catching his wrist and throwing him away, sending him off with a temple punch also, watching him slam his head into the ground. The girl was panting with exhaustion already, many minutes having passed indefinitely. 
"How come they both look so tired? It hasn't been that long?" Naoya asked, recalling all of his life-time fights. "With her small frame, it takes a lot of energy for Kisara to pull off all these stunts. Look at Wakatsuki.  That guy weights the same as he is tall. Kisara is almost a quarter his weight. She won't last much longer." Hatsumi explained, a grim expression on his face. He recalled his challenging fight against a prime-power Wakatsuki. Kisara has proven herself already, against this powerhouse of a man.
With both opponents standing, both taking their stances, Kisara slowly, but steadily inched forwards towards the Tiger Karate-ka. Once their toes were touching each other, Wakatsuki readied his fist to punch Kisara's face - She managed to dodge, and with her cleavage, shoulder and arm, she was able to redirect his blow, making him stumble before he was punched down into the ground once more.
"Are you done playing around? You should know, with my built, I don't feel as much pain as you would from the impact. But this ends now. Forgive me Kisara." before she knew it, Wakatsuki was standing up, and she was all the way across the arena, having been sent flying painfully hard. "You fought well, Kisara. Better than many men who dedicated their lives to fighting. Hatsumi taught you well. You should be proud of how far you got." he spoke, walking menacingly towards the girl, who was stumbling and holding at her head, her whole world spinning painfully. "You once told me you hated spinning. You panic. You must be feeling a lot of anxiety right now. Forgive me, best friend." he said, ready to strike and finish this, only to find himself stumbling forward as Kisara threw herself at his feet to trip him once more - In detriment of her feeling the vertigo twisting even faster.
The people around were yelling at her to get up already and fight - That's why they were there, right? To watch people almost kill themselves with their fists. Kisara was barely able to turn and flex her arm to receive another core blast, but just as Ohma suspected, she couldn't take a second hit. She felt broken, barely able to get up and stand. Ohma could see her clutching at her arms and hands - She must be hurting dearly. Her eyes seemed glassy also. Was she crying? She might have been.
Even in that vertigo state, however, Lihito recognised the flow of the fight battle that he himself had with Ohma. No wonder she kept saying she was already dating someone - She had been taught by Tokita himself how to slap her palms over the enemy's. The blond watched as the woman stumbled about, keeping the karate-ka at bay, unable to move further - And if he tried, she'd easily evade his move and counter - And she even clinged to his wrist, stomping her foot flushed against his own, pushing onto it and making him stumble. It was the already pained, damaged ankle that he had complained to her about. That was one of the techniques that Niko taught to Ohma when he was still very little - And it was also one of the very things that Ohma himself taught Kisara. To think that she would actually use it, he was amused. It worked, for a little while at least, and with whatever energy she still had, she used his thigh once more to do the Karla-grappling technique, this time, more accurate, and with her leg over the back of his neck, she pulled herself up, grabbed a fistful of his hair, and jumped behind him, grabbing him down with her also.
It didn't amount to much, but Wakatsuki had already grown tired of all this mess - Kisara had brought him to the edge of his patience, and the match has long since been a real once, in the Kengan organisation, against a worthy opponent which he had to completely destroy. Normally, he had a limit to the amount of times he could use the Blast Core, before he was completely depleted of all his power - But Kisara earned the third strike. She had lunged at him and tried to hit him at the same time as he tried to use the Blast Core at him - Hatsumi laughed, watching her pull off her favourite move, the one where she evaded the hit so fast that it looked as though she had disappeared for a single blink of an eye. Smart, using it to avoid getting hit by Wakatsuki by his most powerful hit yet - However, although she evaded his monstrous hit, she got hit with another. This time, it took more out of her to get the hell up already. 
Kisara saw spots in front of her, her vision going to shit. She was clutching her head, and her arms were trembling, trying to get up from the ground, yet falling down once more. She tried again - It was more difficult than any plank exercise she had every tried before. Once she was finally on her feet, she was hoping her head spinning would stop already. She was stumbling whilst standing - One of her knees was hurting to bad that it was giving out already. Her knees have never been her strongest forte, nor will they ever be in the future, especially now, after a proper fight with Wakatsuki. Her body was giving out, and she knew, should she fall, she wouldn't get up again.
With whatever strength her body mustered, she got up, exhibiting the very same psychopathic, monstrous wretched grin that Agito had in his fight against Naoya - Naoya, whose body cringed, watching it the girl get in a low stance and leap up at Wakatsuki. "Kano?!" he gasped, his mind going black for a split second - Just enough for the girl to grab at his wrists and pull him forward, aiming for a barrage of hits at his vitals - When he was too busy blocking her hits, she side-stepped and tripped him, making him stumble backwards. How dare she use the same tricks that his greatest enemy did? The Tiger was as rabid as the fox he was facing, but far more dangerous and angry.
Kisara lunged towards a running Wakatsuki - His face looked almost demonic, desperate, just like in his fight against Julius. He was going to use everything he had, on this last punch. He was ready to hit his final punch, knock the girl out, but just as they got in each other's territory - He stopped before his fist touched her face. Takeshi smiled tenderly at the woman standing before him. Blood was slowly trailing down her chin, and her body already highlighted the areas where bruised would form. "You were a better opponent than most, Kisara." he said, stepping away from her and bent down to grab her lost haori, before he wrapped it around her unconscious body. People stared in awe at the woman who remained stunned in a fighting stance, yet most were unfamiliar with the fact that there were many warriors who would fight until the very second their bodies gave out - And perhaps even father on, when their brains were resting.
Takeshi picked the girl up and gazed on her sleeping face - Even like this, sweating and exhausted, she looked adorable - And he walked out of the arena as soon as he was declared the winner. Once she passed the many friends of hers, she hear her feminine voice, calling out softly. "Senpai... Did I do good?" he wasn't even sure if she was awake or not. Hatsumi reached his hand out to pat her head. "You made everyone proud, Kisara. Well done." more than anyone, even Ohma, the Aikido Master knew how much his little red head apprentice valued and needed praises. That small smile that formed on her face was enough proof. Though Ohma tried to take her in his arms, Takeshi walked right past, making the man scoff. "She's MY best friend. I was the one who fought her. I will be the one to take her to the infirmary." Wakatsuki was almost territorial, walking the young woman to the medic, and placing her on her own bed.
Though not everyone could stay there, watching over Kisara, as the next match was going to start. Hatsumi was leaning on a wall, thanking the girl for exploiting the Tiger's weakness of the ankle, and him himself thinking of how to take advantage of it, should they have to fight again. He already defeated Wakatsuki once - What's one more?  Hanafusa bandaged the woman's wrists and put her up to an I.V., but there wasn't much he could do, except have her rest. Once she woke up, there were only one person there - Her lover.
"Someone once told me that Sleeping Beauty woke up after getting a kiss." he chuckled, holding her hand. "It was me. I'm still waiting for that kiss." her voice was tired, but ultimately, with some help, she was able to sit up. Ohma cupped her face, doing exactly as he was told. "Quite the show you put up. Care to tell me what that was all about?" taking her hand in his own, he leaned to kiss it also. "Aha... I promised to explain what happened while you were out cold yes? Well..." Kisara sighed, a sheepish expression painting her face. "Just before you woke up, one of the CEOs threatened Katahara with a terrorism act. Basically, a coup d'etat happened. My parents were involved in it. Also... Their fighter violently hit on me, and Raian saved me. Because I rejected him, he dropped out of the competition. I made a deal with a Chairman and my parents, that they would have to write my name in the will, to pass the company to me once they die... If I participate and survive the fight that Tanji was supposed to be in. I was able to befriend and convince both Raian and Agito to train with me, for a day and a half, hence why I was able to do many of these things that I did today. So, uhm... I'm going to become the CEO today." she chuckled wryly, watching with shy eyes the expression on his face. "But your parents aren't dead." her grin widened, making him realise the implication. "You're going to kill them." "I asked you if you would hate me... I can go through anything in life, but if you hate me, I... I don't want to live in a world where you'd hate me, Ohma." the man scoffed, leaning down to place a kiss on her hand. "I'm not an angel, Hasashi Kisara. I have no right to judge you. Whether you go through with it or not, it's your choice." as if on cue, a bodyguard entered the hospital wing. Kisara recognised him as one of the special ops that worked directly under Sayaka's brother, Retsudo. "Ahhhh, there we have her, the champion herself! Katahara asked me to fetch you to his office. You're in for a nice gift, Miss Ceo~!" the blond man sniggered cheekily, watching the red head smirk lightly. "Well, here's my cue. Wait for me, Ohma. I'll be back before you know it." with a kiss on his forehead, Kisara hopped off the bed - Though she wobbled slightly, she easily found her balance and followed Misasa to the Chairman's office. Agito was already there, and he seemed to have fought someone already - By the looks of it, the man that she once saw as a personal bodyguard of Katahara was beaten up big time.
Her parents were already there, kneeling to the ground. Erio Kure was next to his friend, Katahara. Kisara's hand instinctively found its way placed over the hilt of her katana, and she drew it. "Misasa called me - Miss CEO. I kinda like the sound of it." she smirked at the Chairman, who chuckled very amused. "Erio, what do you say? I think Miss Kisara gave a wonderful performance!" the other old man nodded at his friend. "For a civilian, she did well against Wakatsuki." the Kure patriarch agreed. "Can I get my revenge now?" Kisara stretched lightly, feeling her joints aching after the beat down. "Ever so eager and down to business, Miss Kisara! I quite like that!" Katahara laughed more. "I have already taken the liberty of... Persuading your parents uphold their end of the deal. Dear Agito was ever so eager to help you out with your ambition. He seemed satisfied with your match." Agito said nothing, yet what his boss said, he was in agreement with. He didn't expect her to take to heart all his lessons, but she performed so well.  From the ground, her parents were crying and screaming mercy. They wanted to be spared from their ultimate fate. Kisara, however, walked behind them, a triumphant smirk on her face. "Empieza el Matriarcado." the red head spoke, swinging her blade down, as if she was the grim reaper, deaf to her parents' screams, pleas or curses. She watched her father's head roll down on Katahara's carpet, blood splashing about like an artisan fountain. The last victim was her mother, who ended up meeting the same fate as the father. Kisara looked down at the collapsed bodies. She felt nothing. No satisfaction, no victory, no... Nothing. With a sigh, she wiped the blood off her blade over her elbow and stepped over the corpses, in front of Katahara. "So, am I now officially the CEO of the Hasashi Corp?" "Yep!" so jovially, Metsudo confirmed. "That's all! Enjoy being a corporation owner! Now, off you go, pip pip, there are enough matches to see, and I'm sure Agito would love your encouragement!" the old man clapped his hands together, though everyone present seemed confused by his words. "Well... I suppose I should thank you for sorting everything out for me. Uh... Assassination has never been easier. Thanks." though she awkwardly scratched the back of her hair, she ultimately exited the room.
By the time she was done with the succession war, Mikazuchi Rei had already lost against the great Kuroki Gensai, and it was now Hatsumi's fight against the Fang himself. It was going to be a great fight.  As Kisara went to give her encouragements for her master, he was walking towards the arena with Ohma by his side. With a cheerful grin, he slung his arm around the girl's shoulders, pushing Tokita away, and getting her for a swift training session - Just like they would do, on top of the mountain. He was down to business and needed to train his speed. Even when exhausted and beaten up, Kisara was the fastest opponent Hatsumi encountered. He needn't say any word to guide her in this training - She knew very well exactly what to do. Little by little, Kisara started moving faster, until finally, her Senpai was able to get in the right form to perform the evasive maneuver that she loved so much, to the point that it looked as though her hits were simply moving through him. Kisara has used that trick once - Would it work on Agito also?
"A'ight, thanks angel, you got me into top gear. Now I can beat up your new friend." he chuckled, patting her head. "Hatsumi Senpai is the best fighter here! I'm sure, whatever the outcome, the fight will be fantastic. Do your best, Senpai!" with such a cheerful encouraging, how could he not melt? Especially after seeing her do her best against Wakatsuki, of all people. "Of cooourse, of course, Princess! Now, off you go to that boyfriend of yourself. The big guys are gonna have a little fight." he turned around, seeing the Fang walk menacingly towards the middle of the arena. "Oh - Agito, hi again! Good luck!" Hatsumi blanched, seeing his own apprentice also wish well to his own enemy, and with such a sweet smile too. He hung his head, watching as she left for her boyfriend, who was telling Yamashita Kazuo about his old master, Tokita Niko, and how much Hatsumi reminded him of this guy... But Kisara also had the unfortunate skill of doing the very same thing, from time to time.
Hatsumi looked that guy up and down, and seeing all the damage from the second round all healed up, he cursed Gaolang for his inaptitude of at least injuring him properly. For a world champion, he didn't make his job any easier. He watched Kano crack his knuckles as the ref had them take their stances. 
Agito took an upright stance - Something that he used to do a lot when he was younger and had just inherited his title of Fang - All while Hatsumi walked towards him as if he was taking a stroll. As soon as the Aikido master got close to Agito, he was met with a left low kick that made a halberd-like sigh on the ground that it split. The Fang watched Kisara fight, and more, for a whole day, he had trained her - Hasashi Kisara, the one who trained for four years under the tutelage of Hatsumi Sen and his own Aikido style. There was bound to be enough common techniques - And he was ready for them all - And thus, he surprised Sen with a left middle kick of the same effect, hitting his arm, then switched to a straight jab that got him in the forearm, close to his wrist. He was blown backwards by the impact.
Agito's third blow was a right low kick that got his enemy on the knee - But what had brought about this sudden change? His fighting style was all different from the first two rounds, and even what he did as he trained Kisara. Was that fight he just had a turning point? A revelation, maybe? Though Agito now delivered a heavy round house kick as soon as Hatsumi's guard dropped - He had evaded him. That shit-eating smug grin of his, wretched and wicked, made the Fang realise that the master was a much of a trickster as the student was. Kisara once told him - If a Kitsune has seven tricks up her sleeve, a Tanuki has eight. Given her chosen stage name, she was one with the clear disadvantage. So, Sen was a Tanuki. Should have expected something of this magnitude. "Come on, you could at least let me counter-attack. Well...  Alright. I'll just have to land one next time." his tone seemed ominous, as he stood up straight, unlike his head which was tilted to the side, as if mimicking Michael Myers himself.
"Hatsumi was a nominee to become the next Fang, when he was just 28 years old." Kisara told Ohma and Kazuo, who seemed surprised. "He gave up quickly on the idea though. Far too much boring, repetitive work... And too many expectations. For a fleeting guy like him... He can't stick to anything too long. He got bored after a week." Kisara smiled lightly. "That's my Senpai." "Miss Kisara, you were able to do this technique yourself. Would you tell us the basic of it?" the old CEO asked, fixing his glasses. "It's simple, in theory, but you need a lot of momentum and speed. The basis of it is that you shift your knee to evade the attack, using as little movement as possible. Your axis line isn't supposed to move, so it looks as if your whole body is still." she explained. "But that doesn't matter now. Agito changed his fighting style. Instead of starting a match by attempting to beat the opponent at their own game, he started with his own Fang style, with which he debuted, meaning that Hatsumi needs to change his tactics and force Agito to play by his rules." thus, Hatsumi sprinted like a lightning bolt towards his enemy and easily evaded a kick to his face by crouching to the side, landing his first blow at Agito's side. "Using the same technique, and perfect calculations of the distances, he dodged whilst making Agito believe his hit landed. He was able to get into his kicking range, which means he's going to attempt to go for the elbow joints. I tried that on Agito myself, hoping to attempt that on my match against Wakatsuki. It didn't work with my strength, so I stopped trying. But Hatsumi is a man, and he's far stronger than me. He might pull it off." as if she could read her senpai's mind, he did, word by word and step by step, exactly as the girl expected, getting the Fang into a tight Elbow Hold. "Ohhh! That was a perfect Diagonal Straight blow! This is practically checkmate - It's only a matter of time before he breaks his joint! If he tries to escape, he'll be attacked while he's defenseless. Not even the Fang could come out unscathed after being attacked somewhere he can't harden, like that technique he used, similar to Ohma's. He can't redirect the impact of a blow from that posture either." Yamashita gasped, awestruck at the miracle happening before him. "Knowing The Fang, he won't get down so easily." Ohma muttered, watching attentively the match. "Based on that face of his, Hatsumi has a follow up plan to this. He's expecting Agito to get out. He's baiting him." Kisara smirked confidently, watching Agito throw a round-house kick from that extraordinarily awkward and painful position, only to get hit with Hatsumi Sen's ultimate technique, the Gathering Clouds: Triple Strike. A technique that strikes the three vital points on the opponent's face in rapid succession. 
But it had failed, and Hatsumi found himself staring in complete horror at his fucked up finger, whilst the Fang was unharmed. Never once has Kisara seen anyone being able to counter that Power move, nor was she able to pin down what exactly did Agito do. Her Senpai seemed to be in trouble, as he leapt back, trying to create some distance, only for his enemy to close the distance with fantastic speed and strength, landing a blow towards his temple, that ultimately hit his eye also. 
"... Did Agito just use Muay Thai?!" Kisara's jaw was to the floor, seeing her new friend using the 'Elbow meant to defeat' technique that she was briefly shown by Gaolang at some point. Had Agito become the Renaissance Man, and could now perform any fighting style at any given time, and switch between them at his leisure? 
He didn't follow up with the same style, instead opting for another powerful middle kick, outright destroying Sen's forearm. Agito seemed to think more during this match. He wasn't so linear anymore. Instead, his tactics seemed to have evolved greatly. Even with Hatsumi in peak condition, Agito was outright humiliating him. Kisara's hands were holding each other almost painfully - Though she knew Hatsumi still had a secret technique up his sleeve, she didn't believe he would defeat this iteration of the Fang.
Gosh, how he hated himself. Hatsumi truly hated himself so badly. Even with these four years inspired by his cute little angel, he couldn't stop himself from being so pathetic. He put her up on a pedestal, praising her, congratulating her for even the littlest of tasks - And though she did the same to him, he couldn't change. She was, in terms of mental condition, everything he strived for but could never be. Ultimately, Hatsumi Sen will forever be the greatest loser, in his eyes more than anyone else's.
He had his sights set on this day. He even put in some effort, which wasn't his gist at all - But it was fine! He'd do anything to take down that son of a bitch. He entered the tournament 100% sure that he could beat him down and win - So it would be pretty pathetic if he were to lose now, especially when his cute apprentice was watching, right? He couldn't fail, especially in such a humiliating manner, after that fantastic show she put on display for everyone. 
Crouching and evading another punch, Hatsumi slammed his palm into Agito's chin as his other hand was on his waist and one of his feet was throwing him off balance, while with the other he was keeping himself steady - His special, secret technique was successful!
"WH-WHAT DID HE JUST DO?! HE CAN'T HAVE DONE THAT MUCH DAMAGE WITH A BLOW FROM THAT CLOSE RANGE!" Yamashita shrieked in disbelief, whilst Ohma could only stare with wide eyes as Hatsumi failed. "That's... The technique I used against Takeshi to make him fall to the ground, though you can't compare the strength output of the two of us. From the looks of it, Hatsumi must have felt his body being ran through by a spear." Kisara had a sad smile on her face, though she was very proud of her senpai. "Hatsumi thought me about initiative in a fight... To think he would be defeated by counter-initiative... It's almost ironic." she shook her head., watching as Agito attempted to elbow him unconscious - With his last bit of strength, Hatsumi pushed forward, catching him off balance, forcing him to give up on the elbow hit, in detriment for a shirt grab. But he's got Agito by the hips, thus, easily detecting the change in his center of gravity and respond immediately. "That's a smart move. He's not going down without a fight." Ohma nodded in approval of her Senpai, explaining the reason behind his posture. "We might have a bit of a deadlock, 'cause now Kano Agito's gotta be careful how he moves." "And considering how big he is, any twitch is going to be even easier to detect." Kisara added to his statement. Hatsumi felt the perfect moment to strike - And as soon as he's done it... Agito countered with the One Inch Punch that speared through him once more, going further for a follow up. 
Hatsumi hoped, with the distance, that he would be able to deflect whatever hit gets thrown his way, but it took a kick to his elbow to throw him off guard, and another to the head, to make him fall to the ground, unconscious. As soon as Agito was declared the winner of the match, and though her body was still aching, Kisara ran to their side, gathering Hatsumi up from the ground, and holding him in her lap. "Agito - You've evolved beautifully. It was your best match, if you ask me. You can only go upwards from here. Well done." she smiled sweetly at him, though he could only stare in confusion at her. "I almost killed your master. You should be angry at me." he noted simply. "He, as well as everyone else, entered the tournament, knowing very well the kind of people to be encountered. I'm not angry at you, nor do I have a reason to be. You just showed me a fantastic match... And... I hope you'll agree to training me again some day." that serene, sunshine smile of hers bewildered the Fang even more, yet he only grunted as a reply, watching as she carefully brushed away the man's hair from his face. He wasn't her partner - Just a master - So why was she caring for him? Was he missing something? Was there something he didn't understand, out of every encounter she had with all the fighters around? Was there something more to these 'friendships' that she created? "Fa Jin." the man nodded at her, only to see her smiling even more happily at him as he revealed the proper name for the technique that put an end to it all. He had taught her the easier variation of it, what he had used as a kick to take Naoya down, but this was far more complicated to pull off properly, especially for a little one like her. A master like Kano could launch a high-power one inch punch at point-blank range and kill a man in one blow. It was lucky that Hatsumi subconsciously diverted the impact. Once Agito walked away, out of the Arena, Kisara was startled by Hatsumi. "Shit, I lost in front of an angel. How pathetic." the medics moved him away, though she was holding his wrist gingerly.  "Well, the angel also lost. Let's be pathetic together, okay, Senpai?" that crystalline, easy-going giggle of her only made him feel worse. It was him who taught her how to throw away all worries in the world - Why couldn't he truly do the same, but only mask it with that stupid, dumb facade of his? "SEN! STAY WITH US, HATSUMI! DR. HANAFUSA'S ON HIS WAY!" Miss Shion cried out in shock, terrified for his life. "I just wanna smoke." without another word, Kisara looked at Shion, who handed him a lit cigarette, though dared not speak. "This ain't gonna kill me. I just need a little rest, that's all." the red head took out a handkerchief, and holding his face carefully, started wiping away at the blood caking his face. Shion, too, knelt by his side and tried to care for him. "Gah, how humiliating. Good grief." he puffed from his cigarette, his heart shattered, as well as all of his hopes. He then felt his messy hair being ruffled, and he looked down at that tender smile - Yet he couldn't reciprocate. "Stop being so upset over what happened. You're alive and that's all that matters. You know what Gaolang said after his fight? There's only going upwards from here. Isn't that right, Hatsumi SENpai?" he tsk'ed, looking away. How could she give him advice from other men?! How annoying. "I know your fighter pride is wounded, but I'd rather have my senpai alive, and defeated, than with his skull cracked open. I have been once at the funeral of my best friend. We were 23... About the time that I have met you. Remember? I never told you this - But, I mean it. I don't want to see any of my friends laying down in a coffin ever again. There are far more important things in life than a defeat. At the end of the day, this is a tournament, and every fighter here, expect for one, will experience defeat. The fact that one of them was you changes nothing."  she threw her arms around the man's throbbing body, as he stiffened hearing her words. He had never heard of this friend of hers, nor the funeral. He didn't want to imagine the sight of a friend in a coffin, nor them being lowered into the ground. Her words held truth, yes... But at least, at the moment, he was going to grovel and wallow in self-hatred at how disgustingly pitiful he is. "Hey, Hatsumi." she pulled apart slightly, making him look into her eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of green. And they held life. Vitality. Energy. Damn, that Substitute prick has no idea what a lucky man he is. "We did our best. Both of us. Okay? Though we lost, I'm not giving up on myself, nor on you... So... Don't give up on me or yourself, okay? In fact - Let's be pathetic together!" Hatsumi's exhausted eyes shot wide open, and his mouth agape - The cigarette fell from his mouth, making Shion reach out to take it so it wouldn't burn his fighting clothes. She had told him the very same words that he himself spoke to her once he saved her from that gang of thugs in the alley, when he agreed to train her. With a chuckle, he reached out his hand to pat her head, mimicking her. "Yeah. Let's." 
Though the day had quite the start to it, it was bound to change, for better or for worse. As Kisara saw Hatsumi to his infirmary room, she went to take a quick shower and change back into her normal clothes. In her search for Ohma, she picked her brush from her room and started brushing her hair throughout the made-like corridors of the dome, in search for the very man himself - Only for some kind of dark whirlwind of fantastic speed to capture her and drag her to hell knew what spot outside. It was Kiryu Setsuna.
Lucky for Kisara, Kushida Rin had witnessed the kidnapping and ran all the way to the Yamashita fighter and panted as she warned the strong man. "Kushida Rin. What's the hurry?" he asked, looking down at her exhausted form.  "It's Kisara, she's in trouble?" her name alone was enough to make the brunet freeze with worry - Though he knew Kisara could take care of herself, especially highlighted after the match against his future opponent, he didn't want to risk.  "What's wrong with Hasashi Kisara?" he asked quickly. "If we don't do something quick, Kisara will be killed!" the fatalistic urgency put the man on edge, and he shot like a bullet to rescue his lover.
One hour remained until the semifinals begin.
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wixenhq · 2 days
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✧・゚: oh, it's so good to see your faces ! please welcome RONALD WEASELY as played by DYLAN ! and RYAN KEEN & SILAS YAXLEY as played by WOLF ! please check your dms for the link to the server, where you’ll find more information on how to get started. we’re so happy to have you with us at WIXEN and we can't wait to write with you !
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ( george mackay, twenty seven, cis man, he/him ) ⸻ ( REVIVED ) have you had a chance to meet ( RONALD WEASLEY ), yet? you would definitely remember ( freckles that are littered across every inch of pale skin, cheeks that are all too easy to blush, itchy, hand knit sweaters that smell of home. ) if you did. it’s been rumoured that they’re ( BRAVE & CARING ) but i’ve heard that they’re actually quite ( ANXIOUS & INSECURE ). you’ll normally find ( him ) at ( THE LEAKY CAULDRON ) when they aren’t working as ( AUROR ). it’s been a tough few years for all of us, and now every time that I think about ( RON ) I can hear ( SHATTER by MAGGIE ROGERS ) playing in the back of my mind ⸻ ( dylan, 31, est, she/they, est )
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ( dove cameron, thirty, demi girl, she / they ) ⸻ ( SURVIVED ) have you had a chance to meet ( RYAN KEEN ), yet? you would definitely remember ( * a seemingly never-ending cup of black coffee, greeting the sun at dusk and dawn, the curiosity of an inquisitive mind may be mistaken for madness, fingernails bitten to the quick but painted black and chipped at the edges, a worn notebook— it's pages filled with untidy scrawl and illegible doodles as if they had to get the thoughts down on paper before they were lost* ) if you did. it’s been rumoured that they’re ( INDEPENDENT & ASTUTE ) but i’ve heard that they’re actually quite ( IMPRACTICAL & JADED ). you’ll normally find ( her ) at ( OBSCURUS BOOKS ) when they aren’t working as ( GIG WORKER IN MUGGLE LONDON ). it’s been a tough few years for all of us, and now every time that I think about ( RYAN ) I can hear ( i am not a woman, i'm a god by halsey ) playing in the back of my mind ⸻ ( wolf, thirty, est, any, || spiders ||)
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆ ( christian yu, thirty-one, cis man (allegedly), he / him ) ⸻ ( SURVIVED ) have you had a chance to meet ( SILAS YAXLEY ), yet? you would definitely remember ( * you had a father but not a dad, the ominous grey that paints the sea signaling the signs of a brewing storm, years of pent up emotion on the brink of eruption, the saccharine bliss of slyly sweet words uttered from scheming silken lips, the chill that runs up your spine when you ponder the vastness of the inky dark depths lurking just below the surface* ) if you did. it’s been rumoured that they’re ( COURAGEOUS & CHARMING ) but i’ve heard that they’re actually quite ( DEVIOUS & DISCORDANT ). you’ll normally find ( him ) at ( SOMEONE ELSE'S BED ) when they aren’t working as ( OBLIVIATOR ). it’s been a tough few years for all of us, and now every time that I think about ( SILAS ) I can hear ( THE SUMMONING by SLEEP TOKEN ) playing in the back of my mind ⸻ ( wolf, thirty, est, any, || spiders ||)
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