#ominis gaunt X F!mc
thenerdykneazle · 6 months
Her Touch
Summary: Ominis had never been fond of being touched. Or, at least, he had few positive experiences with it. That changed with the arrival of the new fifth-year.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: 18+ (only very mild spice here but I do want to do a time jumped part 2 that would be explicit), mentions of Ominis's abusive family, touch-starved Ominis
Word count: 3004
The first time you touched Ominis, he hadn’t been expecting it. It was in the Scriptorium, after he had commanded the door to open in Parseltongue. You had excitedly grabbed his shoulders as you said, “Ominis! You possess a rare ability, indeed!”
He had jumped at the sudden contact. Though, fortunately, you hadn’t seemed to notice. Your attention was quickly monopolised by Sebastian. Ominis was glad for it, as he wouldn’t have wanted to offend you, especially after his outburst at you outside the Undercroft. He still marvelled at how understanding you had been – how quickly you had forgiven him. He wasn’t used to such mercy. Certainly not from his family, and even Sebastian had a tendency to hold a grudge. Ominis definitely did.
Down in the Scriptorium, it had caught him off guard when you grabbed him, as he couldn’t see it coming. Besides, he didn’t generally like being touched. He hadn’t had many positive instances of others being in his personal space.
Most often, it involved accidentally bumping into other students. Other times, it was someone grabbing him to lead him off somewhere without bothering to get his permission first. Growing up, it had included a lot of being dragged by his ear by his mother or his older brother shoving him out of his way. The consequence of all of it was that Ominis did not associate being touched with positive experiences. They were jarring, often painful encounters.
However, already by the second time you touched him, it was different. Still in the Scriptorium, you had rested your hand on his arm as you told him you had found his Aunt Noctua’s remains. You didn’t grab his forearm; you just rested your hand gently on it. Not even your whole hand – just the tips of your fingers, really. It was a whisper of a touch, but you let it linger there. It was oddly comforting – like you were trying to communicate that he wasn’t alone. It kept him grounded to reality as he reckoned with the fact that his aunt truly was gone.
The third touch was when you agreed to tell Ominis if Sebastian was going to pursue dark magic further. You’d rested a hand on his shoulder as you vowed to tell him. He could tell you were sincere in your promise from your steady hand. That was verified when he received your owl alerting him that Sebastian had gone to the catacombs in search of Slytherin’s relic.
Though he always tried to take note, Ominis couldn’t remember every time you touched him. As your friendship grew, he quickly found out that you were what Sebastian called a “touchy-feely type.” You would hug him hello and goodbye, often multiple times a day. At first, you’d just sling one arm behind his back with your sides pressed together. After several months, you would wrap both arms around him as you held him chest-to-chest. Those hugs always left his face warm and his heart beating faster.
You also started to rest your head on his shoulder when you got tired. You always asked if it was all right. Ominis was surprised with himself the first few times, because he found that he quite enjoyed the weight and warmth of your head on his shoulder. You seemed so vulnerable when you leaned against him, trusting him to support you and not let any harm befall you should you give in to sleep. He even, on rare occasions and only when he felt completely secure in his environment, rested his own head back on yours. That usually resulted in him taking a nap, as well. He found that, despite the crick in his neck that he always awoke with, those were his most satisfying naps.
More recently, the back of your hand kept brushing against his when the two of you would walk together. He had jerked his hand away the first time, not anticipating the contact. He regretted it instantly when you muttered an apology. Ominis insisted that it was quite all right, though he was keenly aware that his actions had undermined his assertion. As it kept happening, Ominis’s reaction changed over time. He started to keep his hand very still so that yours might keep brushing against it. Now when it happened, his instinct was to extend his fingers toward you – though, he never actually did what he really wanted, which was to take hold of your hand.
Your touch had become a comfort for him. You held him when he cried, rubbed soothing circles on his back when he was anxious, and sat with your side pressed into his when he was lonely. Ominis had never known the multitude of problems a simple touch could solve before he met you.
Nor, however, had Ominis known the particular torment that such a touch could inflict. Just having you near him was enough to make his palms sweaty and his breathing shallow. If you rested a hand between his shoulder blades or, even worse, against his thigh, it sent his brain into a fit. He would get sweaty everywhere, and his tie would suddenly feel too tight. Just before the summer holidays, you had reclined on one of the sofas in the Room of Requirement as you read a novel while awaiting your exam scores. You invited Ominis to join you and promptly bridged your legs over his lap when he sat down. That had vexed him most of all. You hadn’t even rested them on him, just sort of over with your feet planted on the cushion to his right and your bum against his left thigh.
Ominis hadn’t known what to do with his hands. He didn’t want to accidentally rest them somewhere inappropriate, but he didn’t want to be awkward, either. Eventually, he settled on resting his left arm on the back of the sofa and his right hand on your stocking-clad knee. His thumb began absently stroking back and forth just above it, and he had blushed furiously when he grazed the hem of your skirts. It had brought, unbidden, the idea of sliding his hand underneath the fabric, trailing it up your thigh. That had a sudden heat building in his abdomen – and spreading across his cheeks.
“How is your book?” he had asked, hoping for a distraction.
“Erm…yeah. It’s…it’s good,” you had replied.
Ominis spent entirely too long trying to analyse your odd response. Had you been uncomfortable? Or perhaps just absorbed in your book? Could you have been as affected by the proximity between you two as he had? He couldn’t be sure, and he certainly wasn’t about to ask, “Are you finding this as stimulating as I am? Because I’m feeling quite randy.”
That would’ve gone over well.
He pondered the possibilities frequently over the holidays. Two months spent apart from you were horrible. Not only did he have to deal with his family, but he missed you something dreadful. At least, he had been accompanied by Sebastian, who spent the entire time at Gaunt Manor given he had no guardian in Feldcroft to look after him.
Ominis didn’t realise how much he’d been brooding until his friend called him out for having “resting sad face” and demanded to know what was bothering him. They had been lying in their beds, and Ominis shifted to his side to face Sebastian before admitting that he missed you.
“I think I’ve grown to have quite strong feelings for her,” he confessed.
Sebastian snorted out a laugh. “Oh, you think so, do you?” he asked, sounding thoroughly amused.
“It’s not funny!” Ominis groused, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“It’s funny that you think it isn’t abundantly obvious that you fancy her, mate,” Sebastian retorted.
Ominis’s eyes widened. “What?” he asked, horrified at the thought of everyone knowing his feelings for you. He wasn’t ashamed of them, but he was quite a private person. The idea of everyone knowing such personal feelings of his was mortifying.
“Well, maybe not to her. People tend to be a bit thick about other’s feelings toward them, but I expect that anyone who knows you two can see it. You turn into a mushy little crup when she’s around,” Sebastian explained.
“I do not!” Ominis replied indignantly.
“Sure,” Sebastian said sceptically, clearly trying to avoid a fight.
They fell silent for several long moments.
“She fancies you too, you know,” Sebastian stated.
Ominin’s pulse jumped. “You can’t possibly know that,” he argued, trying to temper the hope bubbling up in his chest.
“I knew you about your cush, didn’t I?” Sebastian retorted. “Besides, she told me she does.”
“She did?” Ominis said eagerly. “Wait, you can’t tell me this, Sebastian! You’re betraying her confidence!”
Sebastian let out an exasperated sigh. “She never said I couldn’t tell you,” he replied.
“I’m sure it was implied,” Ominis said. “But…she really has feelings for me, too?”
“Without a doubt,” Sebastian said confidently.
That gave Ominis a lot more to think about before school resumed. He flipped back and forth between being elated at the idea that you reciprocated his feelings and panicking that the separation would change that.
All his fears melted away the instant you hugged him on the platform at King’s Cross station. It was the best hug he’d ever gotten. You clung to him like you never wanted to let go again, and Ominis would’ve been all right with that.
“Gods, I missed you two!” you said before giving Sebastian a hug, leaving Ominis to mourn the loss of your arms around him. “How was your holiday?”
“As good as being around my family can be,” Ominis replied. “How was yours?”
“Brilliant! Though, I wish you two could’ve visited!” you said.
The boys both agreed, though Ominis knew his parents would’ve never let him stay with a family they didn’t know. Or, rather, who were of unvetted blood status. He wasn’t about to subject her to experiencing his family in their own domain, so he hadn’t invited her to come to him.
Ominis had a lingering worry that things would be different between you two – that spending the summer apart would make things awkward between you. But when you rested your head on his shoulder and fell asleep as the train rattled down the tracks, he felt confident that you’d fall right back into how things were at the end of the last term.
Indeed, things seemed the same if not better. You often invited him to study in the Room of Requirement. His fear that he had made you uncomfortable the last time you’d been on a sofa together was eliminated when you took to putting your legs over his more often than not whilst you did your assigned readings. You only opted for one of the desks in the room if you had to write an essay.
It was a beautiful sort of torture to have you so close to him. It drastically decreased Ominis’s reading speed, but he found himself looking forward to studying now. He’d rest one hand on your knee while his other held his wand to let him read his tome. Sometimes you’d read aloud to him. Sometimes he’d hug your closer leg to his chest and rest his chin on your knee. It was like having his childhood stuffy but warmer and attached to someone who genuinely cared about him.
In the safety of your embrace, he shared his more intimate thoughts with you. Not the one about running his hand up your skirt, but about his hopes for the future, his frustrations with his family, and even his insecurities. You, in turn, opened up to him, as well. And as the weather got colder, you kept him warm in the draughty castle. Though, he was prepared to conjure a thick wool blanket over you if you ever seemed to be chilled.
After a month of being back a school, Ominis decided to admit his feelings to you. He was certain yours couldn’t have vanished over the summer given how you had only gotten more comfortable around him. However, when Ominis went to voice his feelings, he found that he didn’t know how. He knew how he felt about you, but he had spent his whole life suppressing how he felt to keep from stirring up trouble at home.
“I need to tell you something,” Ominis admitted during your daily study session.
He could hear you close your book and set it on the coffee table, giving him your full attention. “What is it?” you asked, sounding concerned.
“I…Well, I…” he tried, but his words were failing him. He usually fancied himself a rather eloquent individual, but he felt thoroughly uneducated as he stammered at you.
How was he supposed to tell you what was in his heart? Just say, “I like you”? Of course he liked you. You were friends. Close friends. “I fancy you” seemed so juvenile. “I want to court you” was too impersonal. It could be for your talent or station, but he wanted you to know how taken he was with who you were as a person.
You rested a hand lightly on his arm. “You can tell me anything, Ominis,” you said earnestly.
His heart swelled at your kindness. He wished he could say what he felt, but he didn’t have the right words. He moved to hold the hand you’d rested on him, lacing his fingers with yours. “I really like this,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
You squeezed his hand back. “I like it, too,” you replied.
“Good. I…I had hoped you do,” he said clumsily.
You stayed like that until dinner, your studies forgotten as you just basked in the closeness of each other. It hadn’t been exactly what Ominis had tried to accomplish, but it was definitely progress.
Ominis started taking other opportunities to hold your hand. He’d hold it during classes, giving up his dominant hand in favour of your warmth. Besides, he knew you’d share your notes with him later. He’d also search it out while you studied. He’d graze the backs of his fingers up your leg until he found your arm, which he’d follow down to the hand resting in your lap.
Sometimes, you’d take the initiative, taking hold of his hand while it still rested on your knee. Usually, you’d pull it down to rest it your lap or on your stomach, so you could relax your own arm. It always made Ominis’s heart flutter to know you wanted to hold his hand – and he found your occasional impatience quite endearing.
Then, one day in November, you pulled his hand to your lips, instead. His breath hitched as you placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles. Your lips were soft and warm, and Ominis had the impulse to reach out and brush his fingers over them.
“Is that okay?” you asked cautiously, your warm breath hitting the back of his hand.
“Y-yes, of course,” Ominis replied breathlessly. He could feel his face flushing with heat.
“Can I ask you something?” you said, sounding grave.
“Anything,” Ominis replied without hesitation despite the pit of worry in his stomach.
You shifted on the sofa, moving to sit up. Your knees pressed against his leg as you sat with your legs tucked under you. Ominis could hear you take in a deep breath before you spoke. “What are we?”
Ominis’s brows pulled together. “What?”
“To each other,” you clarified. “I mean, do you like me?”
“Most ardently,” Ominis admitted with conviction. It was only after the words had passed from his lips that he worried he’d been severely mistaken about your feelings.
“Oh,” you breathed out, sounding surprised. That only heightened his anxiety. “Do you not want to court me?”
“No, I do,” Ominis replied earnestly, wondering what reason you could have to think he wouldn’t.
“Then, why don’t you?” you asked. You didn’t sound upset, just curious.
“Well, I…I wasn’t sure if you’d want to, and…I didn’t know how to ask, I guess,” he said.
“I do,” you said before adding, “want to, I mean.”
Ominis felt like he’d just eaten a handful of Fizzing Whizbees. His whole body felt light, like he might float right off the sofa. “Really?” he asked eagerly, before trying to force himself to be rational. “Are you certain? I’m…not very good at this sort of thing. Clearly. I’m sure you could find someone much better suited to the task.”
“I don’t want someone else,” you said. “I like you, Ominis.”
He couldn’t help but smile. “Sebastian told me you did over the summer, I just…didn’t know how to tell you that I felt the same without it sounding ridiculous,” he admitted, not wanting any secrets between you.
“Sebastian told you?” you asked.
“I scolded him for betraying what you had told him, but he said you hadn’t asked him to keep it secret,” Ominis explained.
“I never told Sebastian that I have feelings for you,” you stated.
Ominis’s jaw dropped. “That lying rat!” he said, his anger swelling.
You chuckled. “Well, he wasn’t wrong,” you pointed out.
“I suppose not,” Ominis said, still irritated with his best friend. It was hard to stay upset, though, when he realised you had all but agreed to court him. “So, to make it official, would you do me the honour of letting me court you?”
“Yes,” you said without hesitation.
Ominis was beaming. Even knowing your answer ahead of time, he still felt overjoyed to hear it.
His singing heart began pounding hard in his chest as he felt your palm rest gently against his cheek. Your breath ghosted over his face as you leaned in, and he tilted his chin up to meet you. Your lips met his in a soft embrace. As they interlocked, it was a confession of your budding affections. A tender pledge of future bliss. You were his – your touch, your love, your loyalty. And he was yours, wholly and truly.
A/N: The line "a tender pledge of future bliss" is from the poem "To A Kiss" by Robert Burns
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eggymf-archived · 1 year
the art of persuasion;
ft. ominis gaunt x f!reader/mc (one-shot)
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themes: revenge, cheating, 6th year, slytherin!reader/mc, dark!reader/mc, cheater!sebastian, implied dark!ominis, subinis (for now), one-sided pining, slytherins being slytherins
warnings: nsfw, pwp?, smut, toxic behavior, manipulation, no romance, blowjob, cowgirl, p in v
summary: you discover your boyfriend's illicit little escapades in the restricted section with another girl. you plan to destroy them both using a certain potion, and a willing volunteer. amongst the array of selections at your disposal for your plan, you had your eyes on one specific person – his own best friend.
word count: 4.3k
a/n: romance is dead and horny is alive. there’s a part 2 for this – don’t ask why. *sweats* (for some reason that sounded like a damn poem i–)
main masterlist || series masterlist || AO3 
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It has been more than a month since the truth behind your nagging doubts and restless nights finally revealed itself. Like any other woman with a keen intuition especially towards their grimy, unfaithful lovers, you were unfortunately right about your suspicions towards your boyfriend of almost a year, Sebastian Sallow.
To say that you did not have the slightest idea that he'd do such a thing was a complete lie — sure you weren't an academic wonder, but you certainly weren't that daft.
Alana Crowley — a fellow 6th year student from Slytherin. A friendly, seemingly unproblematic young lady at first, until she decided to latch her claws onto your boyfriend, that is. She had been awfully clingy around Sebastian for the past two months, and that foul git of a lover had no qualms with her blatant display of her not-so-subtle forms of affection. In fact, he seems to thrive in the attention, much to your dismay.
You've seen the looks he had given her. You've felt the all-familiar sparks between them during their seemingly harmless interactions and stares. As the woman whom he loved first, you were aware of Sebastian’s irresistible ways of communicating with his eyes: his longing stares, the way it twinkles when a mere glance was spared towards him, and how its warmth enraptured the entirety of your being the moment he gazes upon you with raw adoration. 
He was doing the same tactics he had used in capturing your poor little naïve heart during one summer getaway after your 5th year. He might as well just slap you on the face for using the same tricks on another woman — it all hurts the same either way. But the fact that he had been doing all these scandals right under your nose however? Absolutely unforgivable.
What you hadn't expected was how you ended up finding out: witnessing him doing the deed with his little side piece in the Restricted Section. It was the day when the both of you had planned a study session together for your NEWTS with Ominis Gaunt, his best friend. Sebastian was uncharacteristically late, thus you and Ominis went looking for him, and unfortunately ended up stumbling upon the scene.
“Wait! Hngh–! What will you do if your girlfriend finds out— haaaah! A-about this?”
“She won't. She doesn’t even suspect a thing. Everything’s under control, lo— oh fuck!”
Those were the exact words both you and Ominis had heard as they engaged in their explicitly raunchy little act while you pathetically watched behind the bookshelves. Betrayal was a brutal weight, and it had clasped itself around your ankle within that moment, submerging you within the icy depths of bitter realization. 
You thought he’d be faithful to you like he had promised. Hell, the both of you went through that absolute shitstorm during your 5th year together. Surely that accounts for at least some form of loyalty and honesty about each other's feelings and intentions, right? But alas, he had broken that simple unspoken rule, and your trust towards him was no more.
While you were right to trust him with your secret regarding your unusual magical prowess, you've made a fatal mistake of entrusting your heart to his bloodied hands. Yet despite the gravity of the situation, no tears, hysterics, or even any form of hints were shown of how utterly devastated you truly were.
There was no way in hell that you, (Y/F/N), the famed wielder of ancient magic, would crumble over a mere cheating bastard who couldn’t keep his own filthy little flobberworm in his pants.
Perhaps Sebastian didn’t know you that well after all, because if he did, he wouldn't have dared to incur your anger the second time around. It was fair to say that you’d let him have a taste of his own ignorance and foolishness, and you weren't afraid of forgoing the brakes and letting your unbridled rage hit him like a Graphorn on a wild rampage.
Thus, here you were, currently standing in front of the potions station within the Room of Requirement. You’ve been keeping a watchful eye over the bubbling concoction that you had been secretly brewing for nearly a month.
Three measures of boomslang skin… One measure of bicorn horn… High temperature for twenty seconds… 
Upon stirring the thick, mud-like mixture, you quickly set your stirring utensil aside, letting the potion brew within the cauldron. There were two remaining pieces left in completing the little set-up that you've constructed out of your own pettiness, which consisted of this particular potion and a willing volunteer. 
For the most part, the former was complete. But the latter? That was an entirely different problem on its own, but you had your ways.
An echoing creak resounded throughout the magical space as the doors of the Room of Requirement swung open, revealing your fellow 6th year Slytherin friend with slicked back blonde hair, holding up his wand which was blinking red at the tip. The opal-eyed male sauntered towards you carefully, avoiding any possible objects he might collide against.
“Glad you made it, Ominis,” you welcomed. You gently grabbed his arm as you guided him towards the nearby chaise lounge. He sat comfortably at the rather cushy seat, a smile present on his face.
“I came here as soon as I got your owl, and I apologize for the delay too. Sebastian's been quite slippery as of late,” he sighed. You plopped down beside the male while a floating tea set poured you both a cup of tea, to which Ominis accepted with utmost gratitude.
“Not surprised,” you nonchalantly drawled as you savored your Earl Grey tea. “He doesn't loiter around his usual spots as of late. I wonder why.”
The pure nonchalance of your sarcasm caused a chuckle to arise from him before partaking in his own beverage. Your eyes trained towards his unseeing ones that seemed to have this knowing glimmer. With the countless vexations that both you and Sebastian had brought upon him during your 5th year, it was now Ominis' second nature to detect your devious little plans from a mile away, ready to reel you in whenever you got too far.
Which brings you to the oh-so-burning question that was living rent-free within your mind: why is he, out of all people, helping you?
Setting his teacup aside to the nearby side table, he reached for the inner pocket of his coat, grabbing a vial containing several strands of dark brown hair. 
“Managed to nick it off him this morning before he woke up. Thankfully he slept like a log,” he hummed. You grinned at him, levitating the vial to the nearby cabinet beside the potions station. Ominis leaned back against the backrest of the lounge with his legs in a figure four lock.
“Also, I believe we have pressing matters to discuss, (Y/N)?” his posh-toned query cuts through the momentary silence. “Surely you didn't invite me all the way to the Room of Requirement just to deliver several strands of hair.”
“Perceptive as always,” you smiled mirthlessly, eyes and tone getting slightly darker as your teacup floated off to the nearby table. “You’re right. We need to talk.”
“...Go on.”
“I’ll be frank with you. I’m not quite sure as to why you’d even agree to this little request of mine in the first place,” you admitted. “So kindly enlighten me, Ominis. You're far from the type who would engage in petty little acts of vengeance. Why exactly are you helping me?”
Ominis bit his lip, silently cursing within his head as he racked through his mind for a valid excuse. While he couldn't blame you for your cautiousness given that Sebastian himself was his closest friend, this was a topic that he had desperately avoided out of fear of rejection and for the sake of preserving his friendship with his oldest friend. That’s right — he was in love with you, and has always been eversince you’ve deemed yourself worthy of his trust.  
You’ve always had him wrapped around your pretty little finger even before he became aware of the butterflies. He loved you enough to forgo his own wants and needs of having you; to keep you close yet far enough so that he'd never be able to claim you for himself out of the bare minimum respect towards you and his best friend. He settled for your presence, pining hopelessly for the real thing, and he wasn't about to let his demons run rampant and ruin everything no matter how strong his urges were.
Or so he thought.
“A mere extension of my own good will towards a dear friend. Nothing more,” he answered stiffly with a trace of longingness evident within his misty orbs. This minute detail, however, doesn't go unnoticed by your sharp, calculating eyes. 
“Whether Sebastian's my best friend or not, infidelity is deplorable. Whatever acts of vengeance you have in mind is both warranted and well-deserved,” he added firmly.
You hummed in response, seemingly satisfied yet not entirely convinced with the purity of his intentions. Your eyes gazed upon him coyly, your lips curling upwards.
“Perhaps. But that's not your only reason now, is it?”
Ominis froze as you chuckled knowingly, an underlying dark tone present within your seemingly innocent display of amusement. His exhalation was slow, feeling your presence come nearer towards him. Much to his surprise, you pushed his leg that rested atop the other, lodging your knees in between his lower limbs. Dainty hands rested themselves gingerly upon his shoulders, your lips dangerously close to his ear.
“Surely you have your own motives, Ominis. You know what I’m brewing, yet here you are, giving into my little whims…” you trailed off with a hint of smugness in your whisper. His heart hammered at the featherlight touch that trailed itself along his prominent jaw.
“Now, let me word my question differently this time. What exactly do you hope to get from all of this?”
The sudden calloused allure of your tone caused the blonde-haired lad's breath to hitch. He gulped, breathing slowly and deeply to calm the raging tempo within his chest. His lips remained pursed — this was obviously not a good time for a romantic confession, and silence was the best option if he wished to keep his pesky little feelings under wraps. 
The madness within him was less noble with its intentions, however. It was a perfect opportunity to whisk you away at your most vulnerable emotional state — to steal you from Sebastian after that unsavory stunt that he had pulled. He’d do anything to have you. Anything. But alas, the demon itself was constrained by the chains of his strong morals, never to see the light of day.
Unfortunately, you were a lot more quick-witted than he thought, capable of putting two and two together: the way he’d comply to all your requests, how he instantly comes to your rescue, his willingness to put up with this ridiculous plan, the rosy hue that was slowly creeping up his pale complexion — all of it finally made sense.
“You like me, don't you?” 
His silence was more than enough, and the frown that was once on your pretty face morphed into a satisfied smirk. You leaned back, letting your eyes feast on his flustered state. A devious improvised plan formulated itself within your head and a sultry giggle escaped your lips. 
His thin lips were soon parted by your thumb. The said digit invaded his cavern, to which he welcomed by lightly grazing his tongue against your skin. He yelped as you gripped his chin harshly with your thumb hooked within his mouth, forcing him to look up while you gazed down upon his face with cold (E/C) eyes.
“Well?” you teasingly whispered, the pad of your thumb smearing his own saliva onto his lips as you await his answer. “Do you?”
“... Yes… Yes, I do,” he rasps, his morals finally consumed by the wildfire of his own desires.
And just like that, he fell right into your trap.
You gently lowered yourself onto Ominis’ lap, straddling him while your lips claimed his into a searing kiss. The opal-eyed man softly whined, dragging his palms along your thinly-clothed thighs before resting his hands on your derriere. A delightful purr erupted from your throat before biting on his lip as he snuck his fingertips under the thin layer of your knickers, giving the soft flesh a firm squeeze.
Feeling your lungs burn for air, the both of you parted, gasping and heaving. Your (E/C) orbs were hazy, clouded with both carnal desire and smugness. The way your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend's best friend looked so helplessly eager to give his entirety to you gave you a dizzying rush of prideful feminine arrogance.  
You sat upright while his hands drifted to your waist with evident impatience. Your clothed slit was now aligned right onto the stiff tent on his trousers. A breathy, euphoric moan escaped his lips, throwing back his head slightly as he was reduced into a shuddering mess. God, you were so warm — to think that he was feeling it through layers of clothing was downright maddening. The throbbing ache within his trousers was growing unbearable, and he wanted nothing but to relieve himself from this sinful agony. 
He has waited for so long. He has fantasized about you during his lonely nights, spread out and his for the taking — without Sebastian in the equation. He'd love nothing more than for you to strip him bare and do as you please with his body. The mere notion was enough for his stiff erection to twitch within its confines, leaking droplets of liquid desire.
Your lips curled into a gleefully sinister smirk. It was akin to witnessing a valuable gift unwrap itself; a revelation of how atrociously needy Ominis Gaunt gets once the correct buttons were pushed. 
“I think it's only fair if I give you a little taste of what you want, no?” you chuckled. A quiver raked through his lithe frame upon feeling the thin skin of your lips tracing itself along his prominent jawline. 
“Ah…!” he gasps with unbridled delight at the delicious suction against the delicate skin of his neck. Merlin, he never expected you to be this bold. A giggle erupted from your cherry red lips, drinking in the scrumptious sight of his flustered state. 
Oh, you were going to have fun with him for sure. 
He felt his legs part as you slid in between them, metal faintly clinking as deft fingers began to unbuckle his belt. His heart pounded against his chest, taking a gulp to soothe his now parched throat. His shaky fingers wandered to his vest, unbuttoning the garment while you palmed his stiff appendage through his underwear, kissing the weeping tip through the cotton thin fabric. 
His pleasure-induced whimpers successfully stroked your ego, and you allowed yourself to indulge deeper within this abysmal erotomania. Your hands creeped up along your own legs as you stood up, brunching your skirt all the way up until you reached your own lacy undergarments. 
While stripping the flimsy article off your being, you relished in the sight of the opal-eyed male loosening his own necktie and shortly unbuttoning his white shirt. You bit your lip upon witnessing his bareness: his soft, alabaster skin teasingly peeking through the undone clothing. 
God, he's beautiful.
"Hmm. Keep those on," you sighed breathily before he could take the articles of clothing off his frame. Ominis smirked lightly at this, putting his hands up as he laid back on the backrest of the chaise lounge. You knelt before him once more, slipping both his trousers and undergarments off him at the same time. He hissed at the sudden cold air nipping against his heated skin while you purred in delight, nuzzling your face filthily against the thick, leaky appendage.
"Please, (Y/N)..." he whimpered as you traced the tip of your tongue lightly against a thick vein at the underside of his shaft, clear globs of precum leaking from the tip at your teasing ministrations. The slick muscle eventually wandered towards his blunt tip, and a hiss of unadulterated pleasure escaped his bitten red lips as his fingers ran through your (H/C) locks; all in hopes of grounding himself from this euphoric high.
"Yes... That's it...! Darling— Oh, fuck...!" he groaned through gritted teeth as his fleshy head was enveloped within the warmth of your mouth. The pleasant vibrations from your moan further stimulates his already sensitive, twitchy organ. The flat of your tongue moved at every suction, resulting in every possible form of salacious sound being torn from his mouth with little to no mercy. 
He writhed at all the sensations that engulfed his senses; his pale, veiny fingers intertwined with strands of your (H/C) hair while his other hand gripped the armrest of his seat. Fire scorched him from within his loins while his toes curled, his brain in a state of mush and primal frenzy.  
Your own slender fingers wandered towards your own weeping hole, running the pads of your fingertips along your own heated flesh. Your mind was beginning to blank out as you began to take in his increasingly heady scent, audibly gurgling as he pushed your head deeper to accommodate his entire length.
He gasped, heaving a lungful of air as the blunt tip mercilessly hit the back of your throat. All you could do was to acquiesce to his desires as he brutally bobbed your head up and down his stiff erection. Your scalped burned delightfully at his iron grip on your hair, tears beginning to well up in your eyes. 
“I’m close… So fucking close…!” he groaned. His pace quickened, bucking his hips up this time, your throat instinctively tightening up at the repetitive intrusion. The sound of gurgles and squelches turned increasingly audible as he bucked his hips up wildly with his mouth hung slightly ajar.
A salty taste soon engulfed your senses, spurts of his hot seed flooding your abused mouth. He let out a shuddering groan at the suction as he was milked dry by your mouth. You pulled your head away with a pop before swallowing his essence, licking the sides of your lips to clean up any remaining traces.
Before he could even come to his senses, he felt your lips on his once more, instantly snaking your tongue into his hot cavern. He whines, tasting himself whilst running his slick appendage against yours. His head was still spinning from his release, his sightless eyes in a daze as he inhaled through his nose, taking in your addictive scent as much as he could. As soon as your lips unlatched itself from his, he let out a soft, needy whine, to which you responded with a giggle.
“Lay down,” you instructed softly, and he complied, letting you hover over his willing body. 
Tracing your fingertips along the center of his frame, you pushed the layers of clothing aside, revealing the expanse of his smooth pale skin — he was truly a work of art, rivaling that of marble statues. He hissed as your leaking hole descended dangerously close to his shaft, which was pulsating with anticipation as it felt the warm droplets of your essence drip upon it. 
Without a warning, you pressed your soaked core directly against his member. As soon as you began rocking your hips, Ominis absolutely lost the remaining traces of his sanity, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped before gasping for air. Your warm slick coated his now throbbing member, and the intimately lewd sensation effectively fried the remainder of his rationality. A loud groan rumbled from his chest upon placing your hole against the tip, moving your hips in a circular motion. 
Fuck, he was so close to entering you.
He wants to be inside you. No, he needs to be inside you right now.
“Ah-ah-ah,” you teased disapprovingly as Ominis tried to slide his member within your aching core. You pressed down harder against his twitching shaft, earning a pleasured whimper from him in response. 
“I didn't say we could go all the way, love,” you grinned, a hint of malicious amusement present within your eyes. “But with how desperately needy you are right now, perhaps you should… Convince me.”
He groaned impatiently, the pads of his fingertips sinking onto your fleshy thighs. He shifted under your weight pathetically, his nether regions craving for the deliciously warm friction against your slicked lower lips — the addictive sensation that you had cruelly deprived him from all of a sudden. You remained still, letting out a mirthless chuckle.
Dainty fingers wrapped around his neck, followed by a slow, open-mouthed kiss at the side of his lips. Shifting yourself slightly, you reached for his stiff erection, guiding the tip to your drenched hole. The fleshy tip merely prodded your entrance, never going past the head, much to Ominis' sheer agony. 
“F-fuck… (Y/N), please!”
Oh, you loved the sound of that: the way he begs and grovels like an animal in heat just to engulf himself within your warmth — truly a boost to your already inflated ego.
“Please, what?” 
“Please let me have you… Fuck, I need you so badly right now...”
His eyes widened at the painfully slow, inching intrusion; his eyes glassy with wanton tears. There was a raging urge within him to just snap his hips up, but he dared not to cross you — he was taking no risk in ruining everything, not when he's so close to obtaining his filthiest desire of finally becoming one with you. With one hand, you removed your necktie, your eyes never leaving his vulnerable, quivering form.
“How badly do you need it, love?” you asked mockingly while he let out a shuddering gasp; your warm juices slowly trickled down his shaft, pooling at its base.
“So fucking bad… I'll do anything. Please…” he whimpered.
A smug, menacing grin broke out of your lips.
“... Anything?” you repeated.
“Anything. Please, I’ll do anything.”
“Good boy.”
The wind was knocked out of his lungs the moment you descended on him, your walls fluttering around his thick, twitchy appendage. You bit your lip as you began unbuttoning your shirt while gyrating your hips, much to his sinful delight. Blood was rushing to your head, trapping you within a dizzying frenzy of lust and desire, only to be fueled further when his hands gripped your bare waist, guiding you along his shaft.
You felt so full, and he was prodding and brushing at all the right places, making your eyes roll back at every slam of your hips upon his. Your juices were dripping everywhere, and the sounds of filthy squelches and wet slaps of skin filled the room along with the shaky, breathless little moans that escaped your sweet lips. Ominis panted, snapping his hips up occasionally in hopes of drawing out a more feral response from you, to which he was successful. 
You were a wreck — disheveled, legs quivering, covered in a sheen of sweat, inner thighs drenched solely with your own juices, and a drunken grin on your face while you rubbed your sensitive little pearl.
“Fuck— R-right there!” you cried out as he brushed against a spongy spot that made your thighs shake, your domineering façade slowly disintegrating. Every thrust from him had you choking on air with how rough he slams his hips, reducing you into nothing but a moaning mess.
This was genuinely one of the few instances where Ominis is upset about his lack of sight. All he ever wanted was to see you unravel before him — to look into his eyes pleadingly, writhe in pleasure as he brought waves upon waves of pleasure on your submissively sensitive body, and to present yourself to him in every debauched position possible before he fucks you into oblivion. 
Oh, the extent he would go to just to even catch a glimpse of you, especially when you're bare — he'd worship the ground you walked on, and treat you like you were the most prized person within the entire world with no questions asked.
He'd do anything for you. Anything.
“Fuck, I'm close…!” you mewled, feeling your walls slightly spasming around his cock, causing the male to hiss at the velvety grip of your core. Your thighs began to tremble, and you heaved as you began to move faster, chasing your high. 
“Cum for me, darling. Oh fuck, you're amazing,” he pants, his mind in a drunken haze.
He pulled you into his arms, thrusting his hips wildly while breathing in your heady scent as if it's the last time he'll ever inhale a lungful of air. An airy, shuddering moan tickled his ear, sending a pleasant shiver down his spine. Your walls had finally convulsed around him, and you felt spurts of his warm cum flood your long awaiting pussy. 
A sharp exhale escaped his dried mouth as you shakily let your worn-out body lay on top of him. He was still inside you, but the growing soreness in your thighs was preventing you from moving. Your heart was still hammering in your chest while your limbs felt like jelly, the exhaustion evident within your body. Ominis hadn't moved a single muscle either, his mind wandering into places, deep in thought. 
As soon as you attempted to get off him, however, his arm snaked around your waist, holding you in place. You glanced at him with tired, confused eyes.
“...Stay,” he whispers, his embrace tightening around you as if you'll disappear from his grasp anytime. The underlying neediness within his tone caused you to give into his harmless request, sinking back into the warmth of his embrace.
You nuzzled in his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat with a sigh of comfort. A serene smile was present on your face as you relaxed, slowly getting lulled into a well-deserved nap in the comfort of his arms.
Willing volunteer? Check.
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part 2: all’s fair in love and war >
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
A request if I may?
f!mc + Ominis fluffy/angst
I dont know if you're familiar with Isaac Cooper in the game, but according to all the npc voice lines about him around Hogwarts, he's A star quidditch player whos very popular and handsome. Lots of npcs seem to gush about him. You can actually find his house near seb's in feldcroft! He seems to be in Gryffindor.
Anyway, for the purpose of this, Im picturing him being a total ladies man who's very full of himself and not used to rejection. Can you write about him relentlessly perusing MC but she always shuts him down (much to Ominis' amusement, he feels a bit insecure) like he keeps interrupting her study sessions with Omi and it gets to the point where she has enough and yells at him in class, or in the great hall, somewhere public where everyone witnesses it lol. Afterword, not wanting this to continue, omi hears issac approaching them AGAIN, he's fed up and he suddenly pulls MC into a kiss to deter him. MC reciprocates. They get together finally, then Isaac buggers off for good lol.
I love this request! 😀 💜 Also, I know the house you mean in Feldcroft, but I hadn't made the connection - love that!
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC 💚
"Oh, they are lovely, MC! Who are they from?" Poppy asked. She leant forward to sniff the little bunch of red roses that were sitting on the table in front of MC. There were curled red and gold ribbons tied around the thorn-free stems, a most thoughtful gift for a Gryffindor.
MC stared at the flowers that had arrived over breakfast, her cheeks a lovely pink. She had absolutely no idea who they were from. The card simply read, 'Hero of Hogwarts, you have my heart.'
Poppy read the little card and sighed. "Oh, it's so romantic."
"But, I have no idea who sent them! It's not even Valentine's Day," MC said.
"Clearly, you have an admirer, MC," Poppy said. She leant in with a smile. "Enjoy it!"
MC spent the rest of the day suspiciously eyeing any boy who came near her, wondering who had sent such lovely flowers.
The next morning, there was a cute poem waiting for her, describing how beautiful she was. MC folded the parchment quickly, blushing, her eyes scanning the hall. Who was this?
Ominis tapped his quill thoughtfully against his lips, his study books open on the library table, but his mind was very much elsewhere. Beside him, he could feel the reassuring presence of MC, her delicate scent a familiar comfort, and the occasional brush of her arm against his an exquisite torture.
He was fuming, quietly seething. Every day this week, MC had been receiving beautiful gifts from a secret admirer. Envy slithered in his belly. They were just the kind of gifts that he would himself send, but he was apparently an utter coward, because he had done no such thing. His fear of her rejection had made him hide his affection for MC, but now some usurper was muscling in on his most favourite girl. It irritated him no end, especially when he didnt know who this wretched cad was.
"Are you quite alright, Ominis?" MC asked. "You look like you're about to snap that quill in two."
He attempted to relax his tense muscles and put down his quill. "Apologies, MC, I was miles away," he said. "I didn't sleep so well is all, not too worry."
He heard her little sigh of concern, and then her hand was clasping his. "My poor Omi," she said. She leant in a little closer. "We have History of Magic this afternoon, feel free to use my shoulder as a pillow if you need a nap. I won't disturb you."
Oh, how he loved her! She knew just the right things to say to lift his spirits. He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. "What would I do without you, MC?"
The breeze was brisk but the sky clear as the Gryffindor Quidditch team took part in practise. MC was seated in the stands, eyes on the sky, watching as her friends Natty and Garreth zoomed to and fro. She had considered signing up for the team, but had found it difficult to find the time. Being in 7th year, there was so much studying to do and she wanted to concentrate on that.
As practise was coming to an end, the players were gathering on the ground, and MC wandered over to speak with Natty. Footsteps fell in beside her and she looked up into the very handsome face of Isaac Cooper. Immediately MC blushed, a very natural reaction around the Quidditch star chaser. He was tall, athletic, his smile bordering on beautiful. There was not a soul who could fail to falter in their steps when he bestowed that smile on you.
Unfortunately, he knew it. He had a trail of broken hearts behind him, and no doubt would continue to collect them for the foreseeable future. Whilst he was most handsome and charming, MC didn't really see herself becoming the latest notch on his broomstick.
"Hello, MC," he greeted, warmly. "It's great to see you here today. You didn't fancy joining us for a little practise? I hear you are an excellent flyer, I wouldn't mind getting to see that."
Her lips parted a little as she looked up at him. Her blush deepened, much to her chagrin. "Oh, well, I did consider it, but decided not to in the end," she said.
His face slipped into one of disappointment, and she felt a twinge of regret. Despite herself, she was slipping under his charm.
"That's a real shame," he said. He dared to lean a little closer. "Although, I bet you look rather fetching in Quidditch kit. You might be too much of a distraction for me."
His wink was ridiculously charming, and then he was gone, a sexy smirk on his lips as he marched off to join the others. MC tugged at her collar, and swallowed. Had he just openly flirted with her? Flustered beyond belief, she hurried for Natty, annoyed with herself for letting him get to her so.
MC gathered her Charms text book and notes, packing up to leave class. She was about to join Ominis, her usual walking partner on the way to lunch, when a hand caught her elbow. She looked up into Issac's sparkling eyes, a little gasp leaving her lips.
He smiled. "May I walk you to lunch?"
MC's eyes widened. "Oh, I... I usually walk with Ominis," she said.
She glanced across at her Slytherin friend and noticed he had paused, listening. She felt a blush stain her cheeks. Not because of Isaac, but because she felt her heart squeeze at the delicate turn of Ominis' head, the disappointment gathering around his mouth.
Isaac followed her gaze, a slight frown creasing his perfect brow. "Ah, I see," he said. He sighed, a sad little look on his face. He put his hand to his heart. "I would be most honoured if you did walk with me, MC, but seeing as you already have arrangements, perhaps you will do me the honour another time."
MC stood there, flushed and amazed, as Issac tucked a stand of hair behind her ear with a soft smile and left the class.
Ominis appeared at her side. "I hope you are not falling for his little tricks," he hissed. MC looked at him, eyebrows lifting at the tense way he held his jaw. "At least we know who has been trying to buy your affection with his little gifts now."
Realisation struck her like a bludger. "Oh goodness," she said. "Do you think so?"
Ominis took her arm in his, a little possessively, and MC felt a little tingle of warmth spread through her. "Come, MC," he said, firmly. "I will escort you to lunch. You may even sit with me at the Slytherin table if you wish."
Her heart lifted. "I would love to."
Ominis was cold with fury now. That pesky Gryffindor chaser would not stop hounding MC. He was there, constantly, any excuse to speak to her. He knew he was sneaking little touches as well, Sebastian had told him so. Ominis was so twisted up with envy, he was especially snippy lately. He couldn't help it.
He was no star Chaser, he was not athletic in the slightest, he couldn't even see MC, he had to rely on how others spoke about her beauty. He knew looks weren't the end of it all, he knew how beautiful she was in other ways, his heart was consumed by it. But he did feel at a disadvantage.
He could not imagine that she would feel the same way for him as he did for her, despite all the loving gestures she bestowed upon him. He harboured a precious, secret hope that she must hold some kind of affection for him. But found it hard to believe that it would equal the exciting charm of a handsome Quidditch player. Especially one who was dead set on wooing her.
Ominis walked at her side, a little closer than usual, and he heard her exasperated sigh. He put his hand on her lower back. "What is it?"
He felt her lean closer to speak quietly. "That blasted Isaac," she muttered. Ominis couldn't help his smirk of pleasure at her choice of words. "He has been pestering me all morning, and I am getting rather tired to tell you the truth. How many times must I decline him before he takes the hint?"
"Would you like me to hex him, MC? It would be my pleasure," Ominis said. He had not meant the words to sound so dark, it was supposed to be a joke. But they had slid from his lips with a vicious undertone, cold and cruel. He heard her swift intake of breath and soothed her with a gentle stroke of his hand up her back. "Only joking, of course. But I could have a word, if it would make you feel better."
"Erm, thank you, Ominis," she said, hastily. "But, I can handle myself. No need to worry."
MC wrote her study notes, neat and careful as always, and kept stealing little glances towards Ominis. She had been fidgeting and musing over his offer to hex Isaac on her behalf. He had sounded utterly terrifying if she was honest, his cold cruelty a trait of his blood no doubt, and yet, she had been fighting against an inferno of discomfort in her nether regions ever since.
Who knew? Having a man behave in such a possessive and protective way toward her had her rather flustered. Perhaps because it was Ominis. She would be a liar if she said she didn't find him attractive. Now she was wondering if he felt the same way. Intriguing to say the least.
She glanced around the library, a little hot under the collar. It was the most inappropriate place to be harbouring such blazing ideas about her Slytherin friend.
Then Isaac appeared, strutting down the aisles, adoring faces worshipping him as he passed tables of various year groups studying. MC felt her desires disappear under a bucket of icy dread as his gaze spotted her. He made his way over.
"MC, how lovely to see you," he said. He saw Ominis and frowned and gave him a cool, curt greeting. MC felt her hackles rise. Isaac leant on the table, bestowing his most charming smile her way. "I'm glad I ran into you, I was hoping that perhaps you would like to meet up later? Maybe we could head down to the Quidditch pitch and you can show me some of your moves?"
He had implied her flying skills perhaps, but the look in his eyes was far more suggestive than a quick zoom around on a broom. His eyes dropped to her lips, his gaze sultry, before lifting to meet her eyes again. Oh, she could see how girls had fallen prey to his charm. He was very good.
She felt Ominis stiffen beside her, and a little sliver of fear tickled down her spine. Would he hex Isaac, right here, in the library? She did not want him to get into trouble on her account. Also, she had been perfectly correct in her statement of her own abilities. She could handle herself.
She fixed Isaac with a stern look. "No thank you, Isaac," she said coldly. "I do not wish to 'show you my moves'. From what I understand, you have had far too many girls showing you moves under the Quidditch stands, and I am not another notch for your overly rated broomstick! Now, please, I am trying to study, if you wouldn't mind."
Now, libraries are usually quiet, but now you could have heard a pin drop. Her voice had carried across the room, students pausing to listen to her little rant. MC suddenly realised this and almost shrank in her seat, but forced herself to keep her back straight, and her face stern.
Isaac looked rather taken aback, but he recovered quickly. If anything, his smile was more charming than ever. His eyes blazed. "My, my, MC, you are quite the fire cracker," he grinned. "Forgive me, I will leave you to your studies."
As he walked away MC felt Ominis lean against her to speak quietly into her ear. "Do you think he got the hint this time?"
MC shook her head. "No, Ominis," she said with a sigh. "If you could have seen the look on his face...dammit, I think I just made him all the more determined."
Ominis was making it a point to be wherever MC was at every given opportunity. Sebastian was more than happy to assist, and even started to warn MC when Isaac was on the prowl.
All of this had got Ominis rather worked up, his adoration of MC had reached new levels, and he was on the brink of plucking up the courage to do something about it. He just needed to find the right time.
As it happened, the right time was thrown at him, completely unplanned and very high risk.
He was with MC, chatting quite happily out in the grounds. It was a lovely day, and Sebastian had joined them.
"Oh no, look out," Sebastian murmured. "One Isaac Cooper heading right this way. He looks rather determined. He's got balls coming over with us two here with you MC, I will give him that."
MC clicked her tongue and sighed. "Oh, for Merlin's sake."
Ominis really was absolutely done with this whole thing. Going purely on instinct, he reached out a hand and found MC's arm, he heard her little gasp as he quickly brushed upwards to her shoulder.
"Ominis..." She gasped.
His hand slid to her neck to cup her face and he went for it. He guided her forward and planted a kiss right where he hoped her mouth would be. He missed, sadly. Catching her lips at the corner, his nose brushing up against her soft cheek.
He heard Sebastian's delighted burst of laughter, MC was breathing so fast, her hands fluttering near his face, and he hoped he hadn't made a first class fool of himself. But then her gentle hands took hold of his face, and she adjusted her mouth to seal her lips firmly over his, returning his kiss.
So, this is what heaven must feel like, he mused.
When their lips parted, he could feel the heat in his cheeks, and she brushed her fingers lightly over them. "Well, that was a lovely surprise," she said, softly.
"More like about bloody time," Sebastian quipped.
"What about Isaac, has he buggered off yet?" Ominis asked.
"Oh, he is definitely not coming over here now," Sebastian said.
"Is that why you kissed me?" MC asked. She sounded disappointed. "You just wanted to scare Issac off?"
Ominis flushed a brilliant red. "Well, yes...and no," he said. He scowled, his jealousy getting the better of him. "The thought of that womanising leech laying a finger on you makes me want to do very bad things, MC. Forgive me, but I could not abide one more moment of it. The only man who gets to lay his fingers on you, is me."
And with that, he reached to find her hand. She took it, linking her fingers with his.
"Well, alright then," she said. He could hear the smile in her voice. Then her warmth was close, very close, and he shivered as her mouth breathed softly against his ear. "But only if you promise me more of those kisses."
His smile was very smug and he didn't care. He had what he wanted. "Now that, I am more than happy to do."
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girl-named-matty · 10 months
Have you done any HC’s of a tall f!MC? As a tall girl myself, I’m always as tall or a bit taller than the boys. <3
I have not, but I am so willing to do so! For this one I did Sebastian and Ominis, if you want any of the other characters lmk! :D
For Sebastian, honestly he’s pretty surprised the first time he sees you. He’s not used to girls being taller than him at all. 
But that’s not to say he minds. 
While most boys would feel insecure that a girl is taller than them, Sebastian (although surprised when he first met you just because he hasn’t met a girl taller/ the same height as him) honestly doesn’t mind. 
He kinda likes it to be honest. He doesn’t have to bend over to talk to you and he doesn’t have to look down either, it’s really nice. 
He’d immediately jump to your defense if anyone makes fun of you for it. He honestly doesn’t know why people have a problem with your height. 
He doesn’t get insecure over the fact that you're taller than him– even if you're physically stronger than him, he won’t mind. Doesn’t make him feel any less of a man. 
Especially when you're out there fighting and dueling so effortlessly. Let’s just say this man likes a woman who knows how to fend for herself. 
Of course that doesn’t take away from the fact that he treats you like a queen. 
He loves it when you wear heels, regardless of the fact that it puts you several inches above him. He thinks you look gorgeous. 
And of course he doesn’t mind having to get on his tippy toes for a kiss every once in a while. 
As for Ominis, I think he’d react a little bit differently. 
Now since he can’t physically see you, he doesn’t believe how tall people are saying you are at first… until he can sense that you are indeed very tall. 
It honestly gets him flustered at first but not in a bad way. 
And Sebastian never fails to tease him about how red in the face he got over it. 
But of course it won’t really matter to him. Appearances have never mattered since he can’t see you and regardless of the fact he can’t physically see you, he already knows you're gorgeous. 
There’s honestly a sense of comfort with him knowing that you’re taller than him. He feels safe around you, which knowing him means a lot since he doesn’t trust people easily. 
If anyone tries to tease you about their height, he’ll be quick to your defense. Let’s just say this man doesn’t need to be able to see to know that those people making fun of you are nowhere near to your level of beauty. 
At first when you pull the whole “using your head as an armrest” joke, he’s obviously not having it. But after a while he tends to laugh about it and doesn’t have a reaction to it, instead he just lets you do it. 
Also he LOVES being able to put his head on your shoulder without having to sit down. Like he will do it constantly. He LOVES it. 
But above all, he loves you :)
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ghostofgraywalls · 1 year
Pairing: Ominis X F! MC
Summary: Ranrok might have been defeated, but threats to Hogwarts and Wizard kind still seemed to linger as your fifth year was drawing to a close. So you continued to leave your dorm in the middle of the night, determined to bring justice to all those who would see your friends harmed. All was well, until one night Ominis followed you on a mission, and you were forced to reveal the lengths you would go to in order to defend yourself and others. 
AN: I mean come on did anyone else find it almost laughable how they were hyping up the killing curse in HL after MC literally turned men and goblins into spiders and crushed them under her heel. Really now.  Anyways there's no real warnings for this fic, other than some mild violence, language, and angst. I hope you all enjoy, I might be adding additional chapters, I might not.
You slipped out of your bed, shivering as you felt the cold floor beneath your feet. Despite it being spring the nights had been frigid, frightfully so, and you quickly scrambled to find a pair of socks. Next was a pair of paints, and a crumpled, dirty shirt from the day prior, before finally shoving on your boots. You ran your hands through your mousy hair, using a green ribbon to tie it back from your face. If anyone awoke they would likely assume you were going to study, after all OWLS were coming up, but you decided not to risk any unnecessary noise. School was the last thing on your mind. It seemed you always had more to do, more to fight, more to conquer and master. Your first year at Hogwarts was close to ending, and yet it felt like you had been there for seven already. 
If you had really desired you could have stopped. The whole business with Ranrok and his loyalists was technically at an end, all that remained were the stragglers and poachers. Always the poachers. If you had wanted to, you could have informed the teachers of your knowledge, they could have gotten the Aurors involved, and you could have remained peacefully in bed. But strangers risking their lives didn't sit well with you. Why risk them when you could simply risk yourself? After all, it's what you had been doing ever since you'd entered this magical world. 
As you crept out of your shared room you grabbed your robe for warmth and wrapped your scarf tightly around your neck, checking once more to make sure none of the other girls had awoken before gently closing the door behind you. Once in the common room you breathed a sigh of relief, your eyes sparkling as the moon reached down through the lake to the large leaded windows. You couldn't help but take a moment to admire the view, wishing that you would see a mermaid. You knew it was a rumor Ominis spread to entertain the first years, but you couldn't help but hope each time you saw the sparkling water. Behind you there was the soft shuffling of feet, and you turned around to see a familiar face. Speak of the Devil. 
"Ominis," Your voice seemed to echo in the large space, "What are you doing up?"
"I was going to ask you the same." 
Ever since the incident at Fieldcroft you and Ominis had become even closer. The event had created a rift between Sebastian and his oldest friend, and all you could do was what you had from the start: try and smooth the ever growing cracks in their relationship. When you had first met the pair it had been easy, you could see the merit in both of their viewpoints. But things had become more complex, and if Ominis knew half the things you had done he would never speak to you again. You'd be dethroned from the position of peacemaker, you'd become a monster in his eyes. You hoped he never had to understand the situation you found yourself in. 
"What's really going on?"
"I was going out for a walk."
"At this hour?"
You could feel your face flush. Right. No other students snuck around the castle in the middle of the night, nor left it to go to the Forbidden Forest to fight poachers. 
You wondered why you were even trying to lie. At this point all of Hogwarts knew that you had something to do with the fall of Rookwood and Ranrok, that you wandered off the beaten paths and through the mountains like a mad woman on your never ending quests. But still you felt you needed to be secretive, this was your burden to bear, no one else's. But Ominis had become attached to you recently, as if all the concern he could no longer comfortably show Sebastian was falling to you. You'd be a liar if you said you didn't like the attention, but at times like this it was hard to perform your duties. You shifted your weight back and forth, debating if you should admit to the truth or not. 
Ominis arched a brow upon hearing your robes ruffle, "Well?"
"I saw some poachers in the Forbidden Forest. Again. Figured I'd go take care of it."
A smile grew on Ominis's lips, "I can assist." 
You felt your face growing warm, but quickly stammered out, "No, it's fine. I can handle them. You should try and go back to bed." To be honest you would have been glad for the help, if you knew you could do whatever was needed to keep you both safe. But with Ominis you always felt your hands were tied.You craved his closeness, but feared the moment your mask fell.
"I doubt I'd be able to sleep knowing you're risking your life. Again." 
He was unwavering, voice firm yet lacking force. Your heart ached, and you chewed your lip in thought. There were no other excuses, at least none that would not insult him, which was the last thing you wanted to do. The silence hung heavy, and Ominis was growing impatient.
Lost in a maze of thought you didn't notice how he closed the space between you two, his hand reaching out to take yours, warming your numbed fingers. You hadn't even realized how cold you'd become. His touch seemed to surge the blood in your veins, and you took a deep, shaking breath before looking up at your friend's face. 
"To be honest we really should tell the teachers."
"No," You said quickly. "No, I don't want anyone else to..." You couldn't finish, the crack in your voice evident. At once you could see Ominis regretted his choice of words, true as they were. It seemed every conversation you had lately turned dark, filled with memories of mistakes and death. 
When he spoke your name it was hardly a whisper, and he continued in a low voice, "You needn't go through this alone. Let me help you." His face was so soft, concern etched into every line and corner. You could feel his breath. He was so close, and his grip tightened on your hand.
"You'll have to swear to listen to my instructions." You almost tumble over your words, breathless. He began to move away from you, and it took everything in your power not to cling onto him. But a gentle smile returned to his face.
"You act as if I can't take care of myself."
"Please, I'm serious." 
"I'd never do anything to put you or myself in danger. I promise I will trust your judgment." 
You couldn't help but smile at his response, feeling a little better. After all the recent events the thought of having someone else enmeshed in your adventures was frightening, but it would be nice to fight alongside an ally again.
"Well, shall we?" You ask, moving towards the stairs that lead up to the Floo Fireplace.
"We shall." Ominis responded, and you found his following footsteps to be a comfort.
A short, magical trip later and you two stood at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. The poachers were well into the woods, but still you were hesitant to make much noise. You both drew your wands, and you cast a look to Ominis, who was already focused on the forest ahead.  
"Let's go," You whispered, and Ominis nodded. For a moment you thought about taking his hand again, but you quickly thought better of it. He was simply a friend, nothing more. It would be strange. Besides, you needed to focus.
"They're near the unicorn den. I don't think they found anything yet," 
"Good. That should make things easier." He responded from behind. 
You walked in silence, slowed by the dark, it was too risky to have any sort of light. While you found yourself stumbling over roots despite your best efforts, Ominis nimbly navigated the rugged landscape with his wand. At least he was kind enough not to mention your mishaps. If Sebastian had been there--but no, best not to think about that. Though you had successfully convinced Ominis to refrain from turning him in, you doubted the three of you would ever go on any more adventures together. It seemed so many lives had been permanently altered since you arrived, and you felt greatly responsible. 
Soon the camp came into view, and without thinking you reached back, grabbing onto Ominis' sleeve. You tugged him down with you as you crouched behind a tree, trying to ignore how he was forced to come closer to you, his chest touching your back. He reached out his hand and placed it on your shoulder to steady himself, waiting for you to speak. 
"Revelio," You said in a whisper, watching as the magic danced across the land in a pulse, showing all that was hidden to the naked eye. There was a sole unicorn in a cage, two guards awake, and three asleep.
Usually you were one to run in, catch them off guard and raze the camp before freeing the innocent creatures. But now you had a fellow Wizard's safety to worry about, one who was more proper in regards to dueling. 
You glanced back to the unicorn, and a thought came to mind. Kill two birds with one stone. 
'And then I'll come back later and burn their camp to the ground,' You thought bitterly, the familiar anger gripping your chest. It never mattered how many times you encountered these camps, this cruel mistreatment of beasts. It never failed to create righteous anger in you.
You looked back to Ominis, who seemed tense. You realized you were still clinging to his robe and, embarrassed, you quickly let go. 
"I need you to take care of the unicorn, Ominis. I'll take care of the two guards, you get the unicorn, and I'll cover your back once I’m able."
"Right," Ominis replied, waving his wand to cast his own Revelio, getting a lay of the land. You waited a moment to make sure he had processed everything, before watching him cast disillusionment, and all that was left was a glimmering wave where he once crouched. You followed suit, and without another word you two were on the move, inching closer to the camp. Ominis remained close behind as you snuck up on the first guard, who was puffing on a pipe.
"Petrificus Totalus." You whispered, watching as the guard tensed up before falling to the ground with a thud. You heard the disgruntled sounds of the other guard, slowly on his way to investigate the disturbance. You turned back to the shimmering shape of Ominis, "Be careful." You whispered, and as you left the shadows to face your enemy you heard a reply, "You too."
As you approached the Poacher was able to see through the charm and he began to raise his wand-- but you were quicker.
"Glacious!" The foe was frozen, and from behind your head Ominis murmur his own spell, and then the clicking of the lock as it gave way. 
For a brief moment you relaxed, wondering what you had been so worried about. You turned, watching as the Unicorn emerged from the cage. You could see Ominis smile, knowing he could sense the great beast as it passed by him. Then everything seemed to slow as you heard the cracking of ice, and a shout. 
So much for an easy raid. You looked back to Ominis and the unicorn, "Run!"
You thought you saw him about to protest, but you turned your attention to the thawing whistle blower, "Bombarda!"
He was finished, but the battle was far from won. You looked back to see the unicorn was already at the tree line, running away, while Ominis was covering the beast, fighting with two of the poachers, both half dressed from recently being woken. You felt the ancient magic swelling, and wordlessly you unleashed it on one of the foes, lifting his body in the air as if it was a feather. Before the man could even scream you slammed him to the ground repeatedly, feeling the way his body gave way before you tossed him like a doll to the side. Ominis was managing fine with the other one, He had disarmed the man and was about to finish him. You were on the move towards your friend, hoping maybe you could leave before any more trouble happened, but all the sudden you crumpled, blood falling from three long slashes that had appeared on your back. You fell to the ground with a cry, and to your dismay you heard Ominis call out your name in fright. 
You wanted desperately to tell him to run, leave you, but it was too late. He was coming towards you, wand raised, when the Dark Witch that had struck you down now cast her sights on him.
"Expelliarmus!" She called, casting the wand out of Ominis' hand. You scrambled to your feet, just in time to cast Protego against her basic casts. It gave the enemy enough time to notice all the damage you had caused to her camp.
"You're going to pay for this," She hissed out upon seeing the empty cage. "Crucio!" You barely dodged the unforgivable curse, hitting the ground hard as you rolled out of it’s path, and behind you Ominis had found his wand. "Confringo!" He roared, the anger apparent. The Dark Witch tried to defend herself, but she was burned, which only seemed to fuel her anger. "You little shit," She growled at Ominis, before unleashing a flurry of blows on your companion, knocking him back. It was apparent she was no longer taking the school children lightly as she raised her wand once more, an evil gleam in her eyes as she stood above the helpless boy, "Ava--"
You didn't hesitate. The words slipped effortlessly from your lips, somehow beating the Dark Witch before she could lay her final blow.
"Avada Kedavra!" 
It was familiar to you at this point. The way there was no scream, no final breath, the way the body simply crumpled, devoid of a soul. Sometimes you almost found it peaceful. But not that night, not with a witness. 
The forest was eerily silent as you watched Omins' face betray all his emotions. The fear, the shock, the confusion, then the concern. He thought for a moment this was the first time you had ever used the most Unforgivable of the three Curses. But you knew he could hear you, how your breath was even, no signs of distress or fear. With this understanding his face grew dark, and you felt the sudden need to flee. You turned, about to walk off into the woods, when his voice stopped you,
You froze, feeling the blood dripping down your back as you shivered. It was over, really over. You knew you'd lost him before you even had him.
You felt his hand clasp your wrist, nails digging into your flesh. He forcefully turned you around to face him, and you whimpered softly from the sudden motion, trying desperately to avoid his eyes. Despite their lack of sight those pale eyes betrayed every thought, and you did not want to see the disgust he would now hold for you there.
"What the hell did you do?" 
"What I had to do." What you always had to do.
This was not a sufficient answer, and as you tried to turn away from him again he used even more force to yank you back, enough that this time you cried out from the wounds on your back. This caused Ominis to loosen his grip slightly, but still he refused to let you escape. 
"You've used it before." He accused, and your silence was enough of an answer. "How many times?" 
You would have laughed at that, if you weren't sure Ominis would have slapped you for it. As if you could count, after all the battles you'd fought. 
"How many times?"
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to." You answered meekly, eyes still downcast. 
"Look at me," He hissed, and you suddenly wanted to cry. He grabbed your chin violently, forcing you to look at him, to look into his eyes. You could have closed your own to avoid the cold anger there, but you felt he somehow would have known. 
"How could you?" It was just a whisper, hardly loud enough for you to hear. But it broke the wall in you, and the tears began to fall. 
This was too rich. Your sobs turned to bitter laughter, yet the tears rolled on, unyielding. Something was rising in your chest, the sensation you'd been burying for months. You felt like an animal, all you wanted to do was scream.
"How could I what?" You spat, "How could I save your life?"
"You killed someone, you used an unforgivable curse. How could you, after what we've been through with Sebastian?" 
"You mean what you've been through with it. Don't pretend as if you know me, Ominis, when you don't have the faintest idea." Your words seemed to wound him, and he released your face, but still he continued to keep you anchored with his hand on your wrist. 
"What is wrong with you? You of all people should know, should know what those curses do. Should know how they feel."
The reminder of what happened in the Scriptorium made you tremble. You could still feel it, as if every fiber of your being was being ripped asunder. Ominis knew that pain, it was something you shared. But while his experience had led him to turn his back on the curses, your incident had the opposite effect. 
"When the Cruciatus Curse was cast on me that's when I decided to use the Unforgivables whenever I deemed necessary." The admission was the final blow it seemed, his hand left your wrist. 
"That's when I knew," you continued, "That these curses were nothing compared to the darkness of my Ancient Magic." You watched as Ominis tried to process your words, tried to unravel what you were saying. But you knew he wouldn't be able to understand, anyone who could have was long dead. You alone bore this curse. 
"I've been killing long before I learned the Unforgivables from Sebastian." You continued, body shaking uncontrollably from the weight of all that had happened, all that you had become since discovering you were a Witch. "I've been killing with my Ancient Magic-- anyone I deemed an enemy of the Wizarding World--long before I learned the Killing Curse. I picked them up like dolls and bashed them against rocks, I turned them into spiders and crushed them beneath my heels like the insects they were." Ominis was stepping away from you now. you could see the confusion and fear on his face. Your tears continued to fall, and his repulsion only seemed to increase your desire to tell the truth. "Compared to that, the Killing Curse is a mercy. You will never understand the things I've had to do, Ominis. The things I've seen. The fact that I've thrown away my soul, myself, to fix all these things I don't understand. The fact that it wasn't enough, that despite all my power I couldn't save Professor Fig, or Lodgok, or Anne." You took a step towards Ominis, and your heart shattered as he stepped back in response. "This magic inside me is dark, Ominis, it is great and powerful and unyielding. Even when used for good it's led Witches and Wizards to fates worse than death. The Keepers, we fool ourselves into thinking it can be used for good. But it is a curse in itself. To use this magic is a curse."
Your words didn't make a difference. You could see the walls being built in his heart, impossibly high, as his eyes grew dark.   
A part of you had somehow thought he would bend. When you told him the truth of your burdens, the truth of who and what you were. But he had treasured you for the facade you built. You had made yourself seem good and even keeled. You had always played between both Ominis and Sebastian, and as a result Ominis had always assumed you had shared his view on the Curses. And to be honest in some ways you did, you believed the majority of wizard kind should not be permitted to use them. But he had to see that your situation was different. 
"It's still no excuse." Ominis whispered, and you couldn't help but laugh. No, he was blind in more ways than one. 
"I knew you wouldn't understand." Was all you could say, turning your back on the boy. You began to walk away, wanting him to follow, but he remained motionless as you walked deeper into the woods. The only warmth you felt came from the blood soaking your back. 
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pmwritesandpoems · 5 months
A Timeless Hogwarts Legacy: Chasm (11/16)
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy Main Title: A Timeless Hogwarts Legacy Pairing: Ominis Gaunt/Original Female Character Tags: Romance; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Fluff; Friendship; Mutual Pining; Slow Burn
Chapter: 11/16 Title: Chasm Word Count: 26,176
Last Chapters: AO3 (All Chapters) Tumblr (Up to chapter 7, chapter 8 and so on will only be posted on AO3)
Notes: - I won't mention the main character's house, you could choose her house yourself. - You could change the main character's name with yours, I’ll try my best to not mention her skin, hair, and eye colour so you could match it with your own. - I am no expert of the Victorian era, the use of the calendar system, etiquette, and many other things from the said era are changed as I see fit to support the story. Several insertions of modern era culture will be present as well to support the story. - I never played Hogwarts Legacy. I wrote this and the chapters before based solely on my research on the internet, a.k.a. Searching about it and watching all the videos on Youtube. I wanted to play, but I had no proper equipment. So please understand if there are timeline or explanation differences between this fiction and what happened in Hogwarts Legacy. But I try to live up to the characters and canon story.
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lorrainmorgan · 4 months
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[6] Sebastian is a little jealous 😛
Thank You so much for supporting their naughty FF! I’d a blast writing them, and to see that you guys enjoy them too makes my day!
👉Ominis 🔞: Serpents at the library
👉 Sebastian 🔞: A proper apology
Toodaloo! 🫶
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anto-pops · 1 year
Mallowsweet Muses PART 2 - Sebastian Sallow/Ominis Gaunt/Female! Reader
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Summary: Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit content, F/M/M, polyamory themes
Full fic can be found here on Ao3! Part 1 of Mallowsweet Muses can be read here on Tumblr. Part 3 now complete! 
Ominis was ready to throw himself in the lake and let the Kraken have away with him. 
It had been an entire week since his unintentional bout of eavesdropping in the vivarium. One week since he had listened to you give sloppy head to Sebastian and heard the depraved comments he whispered in your ear, before he had shamelessly fucked you over the table. All with him laying not five feet away. His mind hadn’t stopped reeling from it since, and maintaining his aloof facade had proven to be more difficult than he’d originally thought. 
Hell, he’d been so preoccupied with controlling his raging boner after the fact that he’d barely been able to pretend to be pissed about his Herbology notes. 
Since then, he’d spent an increasing amount of time separated from the two of you. Not because he was mad– far from it, in fact– but because he was confused beyond belief at his own reaction to the whole thing. 
He liked it. All of it; your muffled moaning against Sebastian’s hand, and the wet sound of him pumping into you. The almost silent scrape of the wooden table against the floor had made Sebastian’s slow and steady pace easy to keep track of, and the man’s own lust-filled groans had lit a fire in Ominis’ gut that had yet to lessen, much less disappear. 
Sighing in frustration, he let go of his magical hold on his dictation quill, the feather falling to the table silently. His head tipped forward to slam down on his notebook, the dull thud echoing through the sparsely populated library around him. Ominis had managed to find a cozier corner on the second level, far from the activity that overtook the main floor, and he had been here for the better part of two hours trying to distract himself before his mind had started to wander. 
Right back to you and Sebastian. His cock twitched in his pants then, demanding attention. 
He groaned, “Damn it.” 
Common decency overpowered his baser urges, and with a hurried flick of his wand Ominis charmed away his books and quill, stuffing his hand down his tight trousers to quickly readjust himself into a somewhat more comfortable position before he was peeling out of the library. The dorms were out of the question– too many students were likely holed up there for the weekend, and the possibility of running into Sebastian was too great. Silently praying that the two of you had gone on a date somewhere far away, he made his way to the Undercroft.
As the iron gate rose, Ominis went rigid like a deer, already about to flee as the sound of Sebastian’s voice mid-conversation registered from somewhere inside. 
“I’m not sure, but he wasn’t in the dorms this morning. Imelda pretty much confirmed he was in the Great Hall early though.” 
“So he’s avoiding us–” you said, before the screaming gears of the gate cut you off, drawing your attention to the entryway. Ominis could only assume as much, considering it had suddenly gone deathly silent. 
You barely had time to catch a glimpse of the red glow from Ominis’ wand before he was pivoting on his heel and making a break for the exit. “Ominis, wait!” 
Sebastian shot up instantly as he followed your gaze, watching with a mixture of anger and confusion as his best friend fled down the hall as quick as his legs would carry him. All week he had been trying to figure out what the hell could have caused Ominis to draw so far into himself– to the point where he would be actively avoiding his two closest companions– only to come up empty handed, everytime. The man’s ability to maintain a straight face was impressive most days, but Sebastian had grown tired of it after the third night in a row of being blown off by Ominis to ‘study’. 
Who the fuck studied at midnight? Not Ominis Gaunt, that’s for damn sure. He was indisputably intelligent, but he never cut his sleep short to slave over books. Sebastian knew him too well to believe any of his half-assed excuses. 
“Accio!” Sebastian expertly cast the spell as Ominis turned to escape up the stairs. It caught the material of his robe and summoned him backwards down the hall, indignant shouts and curses flying off his lips as he was unceremoniously dragged across the stone floor before coming to stop in front of you. 
“Are you out of your mind, Sebastian?! What the hell is wrong with you?” Ominis shot to his feet with a piercing scowl, hurriedly adjusting his robes and smoothing out the material of his trousers.  
Sebastian’s eyes darkened with obvious anger, his fist clenching around his wand as he gestured wildly. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! Hiding from us all week and then sprinting to get away just now? Start talking.” 
“It’s none of your concern. How dare you presume to yank me around like some common dog– not everyone likes being at your beck and call all the time, you know.” 
The brunette recoiled like he’d been slapped, but all you could do was watch with wide-eyed shock as the two men’s bickering devolved into a full blown argument. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this coming from, Ominis? What did I do to piss you off so bad? Things were fine a week ago then out of nowhere you’re acting all uptight and avoiding us like the plague.” 
“I wasn’t pissed until about ten seconds ago, you pompous ass! And who says I need to spend every waking moment with you? I’m allowed to have time for myself. Get off your high horse, and if you ever do something like that to me again, I’ll transfigure you into a roach and step on you.” 
Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
“Every waking moment? What the hell, Ominis– if this is some last ditch attempt at graduating friendless, you’re going to have to do better than that– you’re not leaving until you come clean about whatever fucking resentments you’ve clearly got bottled up.”
“I said it’s none of your business. Now if you’re finished using me for target practice, I’ll be going–” 
“Did I do something?” Your timid voice from somewhere to his left was like a punch to the gut, making him halt his movements. “If I did, I’m sorry. I know we’ve all been stressed because of our O.W.L.s, but if I said something last week or did something to offend you, I really am sorry, Ominis.” 
Dammit. This was the worst case scenario for more reasons than one. Sebastian being pissed with him was one thing, but having you believe he was upset because of you, was unacceptable. The angel on his shoulder was smacking him for being so immature and cursing him for putting that watery tone in your voice. 
You and Sebastian watched dumbfounded as Ominis threw his hands into his hair and raked the neat strands into an unkempt mess. Suffice it to say, you’d never seen him so frazzled; Ominis was normally the picture of groomed elegance on every day ending in ‘Y’, and as your eyes roamed over his disheveled form, you took in his flushed cheeks and the shaky rise and fall of his chest. When he pushed his hair back from his face, the action caused his robe to fall open further, and you couldn’t help but notice the painfully obvious bulge in his trousers.
Oh, wow. 
Ominis hissed through clenched teeth, “Sweet fucking Merlin– I’m not angry with you– either of you. I’m just confused about something right now and it isn’t anything I want to bring you two into, so please, just drop it and let me leave.” 
Sebastian looked exasperated. “Confused about what? Since when are we keeping secrets from one another? I thought we were past that, let us help you, Ominis.”
You started to interject, “Sebastian–” 
“You can’t help me with this! For fuck’s sake— I heard you last week, alright?!”
The declaration bounced off the walls of the Undercroft, silencing you and Sebastian both as a brilliant red hue swept across Ominis’ otherwise pale cheeks. Sebastian’s mouth fell open, and you found your own cheeks warming aggressively as you cast a panicked look at him. 
Sebastian’s genuine shock lasted for all of two seconds before he was schooling his expression into something less petrified, and you followed the bob of his adam’s apple as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. “You… heard us? In the vivarium?” 
Ominis exhaled roughly, awkwardly shifting his weight between his feet in a combined attempt to calm the fuck down and to alleviate the mounting pressure between his legs. “Yes.” 
“And you’re confused about what part of that, exactly?” 
His crude remark pulled an affronted gasp from your throat, but before you could tell him to keep his mouth shut and at least try to be understanding, Ominis was replying evenly, “I’m confused as to why I liked it.” 
Maybe you had imagined it, but you could have sworn the sound Sebastian made at the back of his throat was one of interest. When you looked over to him, you found his gaze trained on the tenting fabric of Ominis’ trousers, a curious glint reflecting in his eyes. Part of your mind was still reeling from embarrassment at the entire situation, but another far more shameless part of you was enthralled by your boyfriend’s reaction to his best friend’s confession. 
Frankly, you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little intrigued by Ominis’ words too. 
“What about it did you like?” Sebastian asked, his voice noticeably rougher than before, and you and Ominis both had physical reactions to it. While you seemed to melt at the sound, instantly enticed by whatever dirty thoughts raced through his head, Ominis tensed, visibly mulling over whether answering was worthwhile. 
“Sebastian,” you injected yourself into the moment, drawing his attention back to you. The smoldering expression on his face was promising, but for Ominis’ sake, you tried to give the kind-hearted Slytherin an out. “Don’t make him any more uncomfortable than he already is.”
“I– it’s fine,” Ominis muttered, angling his head in the direction of your voice. “Does it make you uncomfortable? That I overheard the two of you?” 
Did it? While the initial embarrassment was impossible to deny, there was a very big, very brazen part of you that liked the idea of having an audience. After all, hadn’t you and Sebastian both teased one another with the threat of Ominis catching you? That day in the vivarium certainly hadn’t been the first time. Suddenly your mind was flooded with fantasies of Sebastian’s hands gripping your hips, digging into the skin there to pull you back on his cock with brutal precision, before pistoning you forward to swallow around Ominis’ equally hard member.
Oh, Merlin. 
Sebastian seemed to lean in closer in anticipation of your response. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze flickered down to the ground in an attempt to hide the growing interest on your face. “No. I don’t mind that you listened.” 
“Nor do I,” Sebastian added, and when your wide-eyed stare landed back on him, there was pure mischief etched into his expression. “I kind of wish you’d said something back then, to be completely honest with you.” 
Ominis reeled back a step, his blush amplifying tenfold as his grip on his wand blanched his knuckles white. “Whatever you’re playing at, stop it. I feel bad enough that I let myself behave so boorishly without your jesting. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you both, I’ll get over it, but now you know, so please excuse me–” 
“What did you like about it?” you echoed Sebastian’s earlier question, your own curiosity driven by the lust-fueled fantasies that whipped through your mind, and Ominis’ mouth hung open in silent shock. “Please, tell me. I want to know.” 
“What’s the matter with you two? I’ve been ripping my hair out all week while fighting the worst urges of my life because I feel too ashamed to jerk off to the memory of what I heard– and now that you both know, you want feedback?”
“You shouldn’t feel ashamed, Ominis. If anything, we’re the ones who should be apologizing,” Sebastian threw out, his tone genuine. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression I’d be angry with you over something like this. You’re my best friend– I trust you more than anyone– and if it had to be someone in this blasted school that had to hear us, I’m glad it was you.”
“Let us make it up to you,” your sultry voice came from directly in front of him this time, and Ominis’ breath caught somewhere in his throat. Nothing about the way you were speaking implied that ‘making it up to him’ wouldn’t involve his cock. For the first time since entering the Undercroft, Ominis let his hand drift south to his achingly hard member, squeezing it softly through his trousers. 
Merlin’s beard– was he actually considering this? Interestingly enough, Sebastian had yet to voice his displeasure at the thought of his girlfriend handling another man’s cock– and Ominis decided that had to be the strangest thing about this whole thing. Where was the possessive, alpha-male persona Sebastian so frequently displayed when other men approached you? He was the last person Ominis imagined to be okay with sharing, so to speak. 
“Why are you doing this?” It was a vague question, but one he needed to voice all the same. He needed to know this wasn’t some sick, convoluted game the two of you were conspiring to play at his expense. 
“You’re clearly in a predicament, and if you really did listen for as long as you say you did, you already know she can help with that.” Sebastian purred the statement, the low growl in his voice causing the slick to build between your legs, and even Ominis couldn’t suppress his shaky exhale. 
“How are you so okay with this? I can’t– I don’t want to make things awkward– I can just as easily take care of this myself.” 
Your hands came to rest just above Ominis’ sternum, and he jumped at the sudden contact, his heart thrumming wildly beneath your palms. His lips parted around a small gasp as you wandered lower to the waistband of his trousers, nimble fingers dancing between the fabric and his smooth skin. “Do you really think we haven’t thought about including you before? Where do you think the dirty fantasies of you catching us came from?” 
Ominis’ mind went blank for a split second when the tip of your finger gently brushed across the head of his cock through his undergarments. He hissed, “You’re telling me you’ve wanted me to walk in on you before?” 
It was Sebastian who spoke next, his voice heavily laden with arousal as he watched his best friend fall apart at your touch. “Hell yeah, we’ve wanted you to join in too. Trust me Ominis, we’re more than okay with bringing you into the mix. I’ve kinda been dreaming about it for a while now.” 
It was a rare treat, getting to see this side of Ominis. Sebastian could recall walking in on him jerking off once when they were younger while spending their summer in Feldcroft. The blonde boy had been spread wide on his bed, hair mused and face bright red, with one hand furiously jacking his impressively long and uncut cock while the other cradled his tight balls. The memory had stayed with Sebastian all these years, and he sincerely hoped Ominis was still as vocal now as he had been then, because his broken moans from that day had continued to haunt Sebastian with enough sleepless nights to last a lifetime. 
Rational thinking failed to triumph as Ominis let himself relax into your touch, his shoulders dropping slightly when your palm came to lay flat against his cock. Your fingers pressed lightly, ghosting over the throbbing head and drawing a needy sigh from him. Sebastian moved quickly so that he was behind Ominis and wrapped his arms around the man’s slender waist, tugging him securely against his chest before his hands started to explore. 
Ominis gasped at the sudden feeling, but Sebastian’s firm hold prevented him from arching away, and even if he could, you were still leaning against his front, working him into a frenzy with featherlight touches that threatened to make him combust. He was sandwiched between the two of you, effectively at the mercy of his two closest companions.
“A-Are you sure about this?” 
“Absolutely,” Sebastian murmured into the crook of Ominis’ neck, and you gave the blonde’s cock one more affectionate squeeze before you were sinking to your knees in front of him in silent confirmation. “So tell us then; what did you like most about what you heard last week?”
It was impossible for Ominis to decide on one thing in particular when he felt your fingers move to unfasten the button on his waistband. The scrape of your nails over his hip bones was positively tantalizing as you swiftly tugged his trousers down to his knees. Sebastian’s broad hands slid under his shirt, trailing along Ominis’ bare torso as he gripped at whatever skin he could. When he grazed his thumb over one of Ominis’ nipples, the taller man’s breath hitched, and you watched in awe as his cock twitched against the cotton prison of his briefs. 
“Fuck– I don’t know, I liked all of it,” he fought back a whine as your hands abandoned his swollen cock to slide up the sensitive skin at the back of his legs, dragging your nails softly as you went. The muscles in his stomach tensed, and he shuddered, “I liked the sounds.” 
“What did it sound like?” Sebastian whispered, and when you peered up to steal a glance at him, you were pleased to find him watching you with hooded eyes over Ominis’ shoulder. The look was primal and hungry, and so at odds with the bewildered expression that Ominis bore. 
Those milky blue irises pinched shut as Ominis willed himself to maintain his composure, his eagerness to have your mouth around him revealing itself in the form of his shallow panting. “It sounded wet, and sloppy. I liked listening to her choke around you, it was–” 
He was cut off by a guttural moan when your hands finally returned to his front, your fingers catching in the elastic of his briefs before you were sliding the attire away oh-so-slowly. 
When Ominis’ cock sprung free, he sighed with relief at the same time you licked your lips, and Sebastian was already committing the entire scene to memory because fuck– this was hot. His best friend was leaning against him while his girlfriend prepared to stuff her beautiful mouth with his equally stunning cock, and all the while, Sebastian’s own erection was standing at attention between the shapely curve of Ominis’ ass. 
He really hoped he wouldn’t cum in his pants before getting a chance to see everything play out. 
“Is that what you want?” You asked Ominis from your kneeled position before him. When you took his shaft in your hands to give him a testing pump, he bucked his hips eagerly to meet your touch, and a wicked smile broke out across your face that nearly brought Sebastian to his own knees. 
“Yes,” he breathed. “Yes, I want that. I want all of it– your mouth and Sebastian’s hands– whatever you’ll give me, please.” 
Sebastian couldn’t fight the desperate roll of hips as he ground his now solid cock against Ominis at the request, and the bold movement had the man arching his back to press harder against Sebastian while simultaneously angling his hips to grant you easier access to his leaking member. You obliged, convinced that he had waited for this long enough, and wrapped your lips around the head to give him a toe curling suck. 
Ominis’ head fell back against Sebastian’s shoulder with a broken cry, his knees already trembling on either side of you— and it was a good thing Sebastian was holding him upright because you were positive he would have collapsed otherwise. Spurred on by his heady gasps, you pushed forward more, hollowing your cheeks around Ominis’ impressive length before you pressed your tongue against the sensitive underside of the head. 
“Fuck– damn, that’s perfect–” he moaned his praises into empty air, the hair on his arms standing on end when he felt Sebastian crane his neck to place wet, teasing kisses along the curve of his jaw. He sucked and bit at the skin there, the sensation bringing Ominis to new heights at the same time you began bobbing your head on his cock in a steady rhythm. 
There was nothing in this world that could have prepared Ominis for any of this. To go from sulking around the castle for days, to suddenly being wrapped in Sebastian’s arms with him sucking bruises into the column of his neck; all the while, you were holding your mouth fast to his cock, drawing wanton moans and breathless gasps from his lips with each stroke of your skillful tongue. It was like his wildest fantasies come to life– and for once, he refused to give a shit about the repercussions. 
With a low moan, Ominis surrendered to the feelings overtaking his limp form, allowing his fingers to slide into your hair before fisting against your scalp to pull you harder onto his shaft. You were prepared for him, suppressing a gag as you allowed Ominis to stuff more of himself in your mouth, and you hummed around his pulsing cock as you brought your hands up to stroke what you couldn’t fit. 
You began to suck him off like that, watching intently through your lashes as Ominis writhed under your attention and arched against Sebastian, his stomach tightening and tensing in time with each steady dip of your head. The hand he didn’t have fisted in your hair was gripping at Sebastian’s forearm for support as his hips rolled brainlessly into the even tempo of your mouth. Maybe you were crazy for thinking so, but Ominis looked rather pretty as he fell apart. He was noisy, too, gasping soft praises and breathless moans whenever the head of his cock brushed the back of your throat, and his fingers tightened in your hair at the feeling. 
“You two look so fucking good right now, you have no idea.” Sebastian had paused his ministrations against Ominis’ positively wrecked neck to watch you hungrily through his hooded eyes. Your idea then was easier said than done, but you did your best to weasel one of your hands behind the curve of Ominis’ ass to grab at Sebastian’s own neglected member. Your efforts were rewarded with an unsteady groan from the freckled man, and you grinned around Ominis’ cock as Sebastian’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you began pressing and stroking him through his trousers. 
With Ominis in the way and the added difficulty of the angle, you didn’t think you were doing much to help Sebastian with his predicament. But from his perspective your eagerness to please, coupled with the rushed manner you palmed at his cock through his trousers, was more than enough to make his head spin with arousal. His hips jerked against Ominis’ backside, causing the slender man to jolt forward, and the force of Sebastian’s thrust in turn pushed Ominis further down your throat. 
“Mmph–” your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes at the intrusion, but by some miracle you didn’t choke. Instead you relaxed your throat more so you could accommodate as much of Ominis as possible, and when your nose nearly nestled against the collection of sparse hair below his navel, you heard a long string of profanities fall from the blonde man’s soft lips. 
“Fuck, she’s taking you so well, Ominis– she’s drooling all over your cock, it looks fucking incredible–”
Sebastian was rutting shamelessly against Ominis, taking full advantage of your hand and the smooth expanse of his friend’s ass to chase his own pleasure. It was quite possibly the raunchiest thing you’d ever seen; both of your companions desperately crumbling above you as you worked to please them in any way you could. Your jaw started to ache around Ominis’ cock and you slowed your pace slightly, but not before your clever tongue was quickly picking up its movements to compensate. 
At the same time you hollowed your cheeks and swallowed around Ominis, his fingers tightened painfully in your hair as his hips bucked against your chin. “Fuck, wait, p-pull– pull back–” 
You would do no such thing. 
Your hands abandoned Sebastian’s cock to grip the backs of Ominis’ thighs again, holding him firm against your parted lips as your tongue cunningly flattened along the underside of his shaft before curling along the base. The filthy, wet sounds coming from your mouth intermingled with Ominis’ shaky breaths in the air around him, and Sebastian dropped one of his arms to shamelessly stuff his hand down his pants to pick up where you had left off. It was an awkward position to get off in, but Merlin– he was desperate for some reprieve. 
Sebastian tugged Ominis closer to him, boldly rutting against the other man’s body while his fist furiously assaulted the pre-cum soaked head, keening moans spilling from his freckled lips as he brought himself closer to his release. Ominis shook against Sebastian as you hummed around his cock, the vibrations finally sending him clean over the edge with a hoarse, drawn out cry of your name, and he was frantically holding you to him as he shot thick ropes of cum down your throat. 
It was almost greedy, the way you drank down everything he gave you. Ominis was boneless in Sebastian’s arms as you continued to work your tongue over him, milking him dry before you were pulling off his softening cock with a sinful lick of your lips. The sight of your glazed over eyes combined with Ominis’ trembling weight pressed against him was more than enough, and Sebastian dug his teeth into the alabaster skin of his friend’s shoulder as he came all over his hand
“Fuck,” Ominis rasped as he felt Sebastian buck against him, looking like the epitome of a wet dream. 
His usually neat hair was beyond mused, falling into his sweat-slick face as his head hung between his shoulders. Sebastian’s arm moved with the rapid rise and fall of Ominis’ chest, and the sight of your boyfriend shaking with pleasure while wrapped around Ominis’ lithe form had you tilting your head to the side to gauge his condition. 
Safe to say, Sebastian looked seconds away from dropping to the ground with Ominis in his ironclad grip. The poor man was barely holding it together– his face was flushed, bottom lip red and swollen from him incessantly working it between his teeth, and although Ominis concealed the majority of his lower half, you knew Sebastian had to be riding out the prolonged high of his own orgasm– all from watching you suck off his best friend from over his shoulder. He caught you staring a second later, narrowing his eyes when he spied the smug look on your face. “Find something funny down there?” 
Your hands were lazily stroking Ominis’ bare thighs, pulling a contented sigh from the blonde as you grinned diabolically at Sebastian. “Just enjoying the view. You look… pleased.”
“That’s a word for it,” Sebastian mused, gingerly lowering himself and Ominis to the ground, and once the safety of the stone floor was beneath his knees, his arms slid away from the slender man. Ominis sagged limply against Sebastian with an airy groan, his chest still heaving as he willed his brain to start functioning again. “Damn, I think you killed him, darling.” 
You couldn’t help but smirk, feeling mighty proud of yourself, all things considered. Your voice was still a little rough as you asked, “You alright, Ominis?” 
He slurred the first half of his sentence, but the second bit sounded a little like, “–fuckin superb,” which earned a laugh from both you and Sebastian. Then, Ominis was fidgeting slightly, effectively grinding his ass against Sebastian’s sensitive length still pressed against him, and the brunette hissed through clenched teeth. 
“I already made a mess of these trousers, Gaunt. Proceed with caution.”
It was a real treat getting to watch Ominis’ fucked out expression sober up instantaneously following Sebastian’s statement. His blue eyes widened comically, and his hips slowly twitched back to feel the blatant wet patch between the brunette’s legs. 
“D-Damn– that’s– I’m sorry,” Ominis fumbled for words as he attempted to sit forward, but Sebastian was having none of it, and quickly wound his strong arms across Ominis’ waist to keep him in place. 
Sebastian pressed a hot, tender kiss to Ominis’ pulse, stilling the blonde’s attempts at escaping as you closed the space between you and the boys. You cupped your hands under the sharp curve of Ominis’ jaw to angle his parted lips to yours, and before he could register what was happening, you were there, banishing any lingering tension from his body with your lips. It was soft and delicate, yet demanding and urgent, all at once. Ominis sighed against your mouth and let his slender fingers come to wind in your hair once again, tugging you against him quickly, and he felt Sebastian reach around his shoulder to put his hands on you as well. 
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured in between heated kisses before pulling away entirely to stare down at him. “It’s a pleasure having you with us, Ominis… we should do this again.” 
Sebastian shot you a look of agreement over Ominis’ love-bitten shoulder, and his eyes darkened as he groaned softly from beneath you. “Can ‘again’ be right now?” 
Your brows shot up into your hairline, “Are you even capable of that right now?” 
Ominis roused further from his post-coital state at Sebastian’s suggestion and pushed himself upright. “Do you not want to?” 
“Merlin’s beard, of course I want to. Trust me– I have a few ideas on the subject, believe it or not. I’m just making sure he isn’t spouting false promises–” 
“False promises?”  Sebastian chimed in indignantly from behind Ominis, and the glint that reflected in his eyes was one that guaranteed trouble. “I can promise you this, darling. You haven’t come yet, and after all that hard work, I’m sure Ominis would be thrilled to assist me in getting you off. Wouldn’t you, Ominis?” 
“As long as you’ll have me,” he murmured, voice husky. “I’d love nothing more than to return the favor– you won’t end up waiting a week for it, either.” 
A laugh burst from you at the same time Ominis was tugging you back towards his lips, delving his tongue into your mouth to taste more of you, and Sebastian made a keening sound deep in his throat. 
“Seriously Ominis, say something next time. To think we could have done this last weekend if you’d just spoken up.” 
Any retorts he could have mustered fell away at the feeling of Sebastian’s hands trailing up his shirt, and when you deepened your kiss with him, Ominis decided that if this was standard practice for being honest, he would make more of an effort to voice exactly what he was thinking in the future. 
After all, his fantasies couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. With a brief adjustment period, and maybe a few butterbeers, Ominis was certain he could get used to this sort of treatment.
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pluvpluvpluv · 2 months
Her Biggest Fan
18+ || MDNI || Content Warnings: SMUT, characters aged up, established relationship, language, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected pinv sex(don’t try this at home, use protection), creampie, size kink, praise kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, munch Garreth (he needs a warning imo), aftercare
Word Count: 3.6k
beater!Garreth Weasley x f!Hufflepuff!seeker!MC
A/N: Enjoy this brainworm that was born of a night of me, @marketfreshfics and @ellivenollivander thirsting over men in crop tops <3
There were few things Garreth Weasley loved more than quidditch. Being able to play again after Headmaster Black banned it fifth year felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn’t the only student that had been excited at the start of their sixth year. Imelda Reyes had thrown a celebration so rowdy, some students feared that he would cancel the season again to punish them for it. There had been no incidents during sixth year too, which meant he had been able to play his favorite game during his last year too. While Garreth was disappointed that Gryffindor hadn’t made it to the quidditch cup, he wasn't having a bad time in the stands.
He was surrounded by a sea of golden yellow, staring across the pitch at the rival sea of emerald green. His own teammates were beside him and they were all causing a scene cheering for Hufflepuff. Arguably, after him, Natty and Leander were the loudest. He had help from his seeker in making his championship outfit. He wanted to ensure that he was the biggest Hufflepuff fan in the stands, not just MC’s - because the latter was a given. She had helped him transfigure MC’s practice jersey, after stealing it from her dorm that morning with some assistance from Poppy Sweeting, into a slightly loose fitting cropped tee. With summer fast approaching, he had anticipated the weather being warmer, and he was glad he was right. His girlfriend’s house took up the entire front of the crop top, and the back was reserved for her last name. His face lit up as he watched her fly directly in front of where he and his friends sat, flying around the pitch like she had been born on a broom instead of only flying for the last two years.
“Woo! MC!” He cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered after her as loud as he could.
She took a break from hunting for the golden glint of the snitch and looked towards where she heard her boyfriend’s voice come from. She was instantly filled with regret. What was meant to be a quick glance and a wink turned into an ogling session. She was clenching her jaw to keep it from falling all the way to the grass of the pitch as she saw him in her house colors. She had no idea where he had found that shirt, but it fit him perfectly, cutting off an inch or two above his belly button and showing off his toned stomach from his own quidditch workouts. Her eyes trailed down the copper happy trail she was intimately familiar with until she reached the waistband of his pants and she couldn’t see any further. Her eyes moved up, observing his broad chest and his arms. The sleeves were skin tight on his biceps, which seemed to bulge even when he wasn’t trying.
‘Godsdamned beater arms,’ she internally cursed, but her eyes were still stuck on him and moving upwards until she caught his face.
Her eyes found her favorite shade of green and realized she had been caught staring instead of playing her game. Her boyfriend winked at her before turning to show her his back. That was when it clicked what he was wearing and she knew she was going to either kill or worship Natsai Onai later for nicking it from her dorm. Seeing her last name across his broad back made her debate abandoning the game and taking her boyfriend into the prep tent and casting a muffling charm, but thankfully Amit’s broadcasted voice finally snapped her out of her daze.
“It looks like Reyes has spotted the snitch and she’s making a break towards it!”
Her eyes grew wide and she whipped around, looking for Imelda and hoping to catch a glimpse of gold as she headed that way. As she flew away, she once again heard her name and she pushed just a little harder. Thankfully, with the practice she had and the upgrades from her fifth year, it wasn’t hard to catch up to Imelda, but the Slytherin still had an advantage.
MC still hadn’t spotted the snitch.
Knowing her competition was far too competitive to try and throw her off course when she could see what they were both after, she just stuck to Slytherin’s captain.
It felt like they were soaring through and around the pitch for hours before Imelda finally slowed down.
“What happened Melda? Lose it?” She taunted, a smirk settled on her lips as she tried to catch her breath.
“Go back to eye fucking Weasley. Don’t worry about the snitch, I’ll catch it for you.”
MC just laughed before leaving the Slytherin captain behind. She wasn’t going to find it any faster sitting there and talking trash. As she flew around, using every ounce of self control to not let her gaze drift back to the Hufflepuff side of the stands for longer than it took for her to try and find a glint of gold against the yellow, she could still hear Garreth’s voice no matter where she was. Even next to the Slytherin stands, she could hear him over the jeers from the field of green and silver.
Then, there it was. The golden snitch.
MC didn’t even spare a glance at Imelda as she gave chase to the tiny flying ball. She heard Amit announce that she had found it this time and she knew that if Imelda hadn’t spotted it earlier, she’d be on her tail soon enough.
“Come on, you bastard,” she huffed, trying to will her broom to move faster.
She didn’t let up as she realized she was gaining on it, her gaze laser focused. Not wanting to lose her chance, she shot her arm out and almost screamed when she felt her fingers wrap around the cold metal.
The second it registered, she held her closed fist over her head and she diverted her broom to move back towards the center of the pitch.
“MC caught the snitch! Hufflepuff wins the cup!”
The second everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw finished announcing her accomplishment, another voice boomed through the open air.
“That’s my girl! That’s my fucking girl!”
MC laughed, immediately swarmed by her teammates as they all landed, but her eyes never left the stands. She blew a kiss up towards where she knew Garreth was sitting before she let herself get swallowed up by the excitement.
Leaving the team tent, still on a high, she intended to look for Garreth. She didn’t have to look far, and really she didn’t have to look at all. The moment he saw her leave the tent, his arms were wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off the ground in his embrace.
“There she is! The hero of Hufflepuff!”
MC laughed, her face buried in his neck. “You are a terror. I could hear you over the Slytherins.”
“Just means that I’m doing my job as your personal cheerleader.”
He set her down with a wink, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a tender kiss. She reciprocated, her touch just as sweet as his. Her hands moved from his shoulders down to his exposed sides and her thumbs started rubbing circles into his skin.
“I see that. You’ve got the uniform and everything, sneaky boy.” She hummed as she moved her lips to his neck, still dragging her fingers across his bare skin. “I could really go for a bath. It would be a terrible, terrible shame if I broke into the prefect bathroom alone while everyone else was celebrating my victory...”
“Well, I’m sure you’re exhausted from all that flying. Perhaps I should accompany you. To make sure the stairs don’t give you any trouble.” Garreth taunted her right back, gently squeezing her hips. “Come along, champion.”
The second the bathroom door closed behind them, MC cast a locking charm and turned her attention to Garreth. Her lips were on his in an instant, this kiss needier than the one he had graced her with when they reunited after the game.
“I cannot believe,” she huffed, pulling back slightly to start ridding herself of her quidditch uniform, “you turned my practice jersey into something so revealing…”
“My only regret is almost costing you the game. I didn’t realize you’d have such a…reaction.”
Garreth’s eyes dipped from her face to her bare breasts as she managed to get them free from the confines of her clothes. He truly thought she was the most gorgeous witch he had ever seen. He backed her up against the wall, kissing his way down her neck until he took one of her nipples in his mouth. He hummed at the taste of her skin, his gaze flicking up to her face as he kissed across her chest to make sure her other breast got the same attention. Satisfied with his work, he kissed his way down MC’s torso and left a trail of pale marks in his wake. Settling on his knees, he pulled back slightly to look up at the woman of his dreams. He didn’t need to look at his hands while removing the rest of her uniform, which allowed him to soak in just how amazing she looked from this angle.
“Merlin, MC. So. Fucking. Pretty. Perfect. Gorgeous.”
Every compliment was punctuated with a kiss to her inner thigh. Once he reached his destination, he spread her with his fingers and moaned at the sight.
“Hello pretty,” he murmured before licking up with the flat of his tongue.
Feeling his tongue moving through her folds and flicking over her clit immediately removed the question of if he was truly talking to her pussy from her mind. A low moan fell from her lips as her hands tangled in his copper hair. Her head dropped back against the wall and she felt him lifting one of her legs to rest over his shoulder. She looked down and almost moaned at the sight. Garreth was looking up at her, his lips were wrapped around her clit and she could feel him alternating between sucking and using his tongue to rub circles. The hottest thing about this angle was seeing that her thigh was practically the size of his shoulder. Quidditch had done wonders for her physique, and she understood the phrase “broom thighs” when she’d look at herself in the mirror. However, if the sport had done wonders for her, it had done miracles for her boyfriend.
Not only did Garreth also develop some of the sturdiest broom thighs MC had seen, but that effect just carried to every other muscle in his body too. Regular practices paired with the growth spurts he had hit the last two years, it constantly felt like he just towered over her. His strength was also a bonus that they enjoyed exploring on the nights they’d spend in the Room of Requirement, tangled in sheets from a conjured bed.
He could see her eyes going unfocused and one corner of his mouth turned up. He sucked her clit with extra force as he pushed two fingers into her. His smirk only grew as it pulled a loud moan from her. His fingers didn’t stop pumping into her as he pulled back.
“There you are, pretty girl. You were going somewhere on me.”
If she wasn’t already flushed from the pleasure coursing through every inch of her body, him calling her out would’ve caused color to flood her cheeks.
“I uh. I wa-as looking at my thigh on your shoulder.”
The Gryffindor chuckled, turning his head to plant a kiss on the thigh she was talking about. He knew MC well enough to be able to conclude what was running through her head.
“Yeah? This pretty thigh? Comparing size are you? So much smaller than me, aren’t you, pretty girl. Can’t toss you around in here but I can do this.”
She gasped as his free hand moved, lifting her other leg and hooking it over his shoulder so she was now sitting on his shoulders against the wall with his face buried in her cunt. Without another word, his mouth found its way back to her clit while he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her aching walls. His free hand settled on her hip, as if he was trying to ensure she didn’t fall.
MC felt her orgasm building, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hair grew impossibly tighter as she tried to push him into her more. Her walls fluttered around his fingers and his pace seemed to pick up, his fingers curling up in search of the spot he knew would make her scream.
“Gare–” She tried to warn him but she was cut off by a loud moan as his fingers found what they were searching for.
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Cum for me. Be a good girl and let me taste you.”
Her moans only grew louder as he pushed her towards her orgasm, and her back arched off the wall as it hit with a cry of his name. Garreth only slowed for a moment, letting MC start to come down from what would be her first orgasm of the day before he ramped back up. He added a third finger and his mouth was working her clit like he had been starved his entire life. 
“Ah~! Garreth!” She was trying to push his head away one second and pulling him closer the next. “‘S too much! Please!”
He chuckled against her, his eyes looking up at her as if he was asking her if it was really too much. Unfortunately - or fortunately, really - Garreth knew her body practically as well as MC did. He knew she could keep going after he pulled one from her, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t ready to drown in her and suffocate between her thighs. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t trying either. After pulling two more orgasms from MC with his tongue and fingers, he slowly lowered her legs back to the ground. The lower half of his face glistened with the arousal he had drawn from her body, and in moments, his aptly named cheerleader outfit was on the ground and he was as bare as she was.
MC’s eyes immediately dropped, taking in the sight that was his hardened cock. She had seen him naked several times at this point, but she always stared at him naked. He somehow looked even bigger without clothes, his muscles on display and accentuating just how pretty his cock was. She knew from experience that it was the perfect size, and that the happy trail she had admired when he was in the stands led to a trimmed patch of copper curls she loved to bury her nose in when she took him down her throat.
There was no warning before he hoisted her up, unceremoniously kicking their clothes towards the edge of the pool sized bath before he submerged the both of them in the warm water. His lips found hers, and she could taste herself when his tongue found its way into her mouth. Recognizing the taste caused her to moan, her hips moving and grinding against his cock, the head catching her clit perfectly.
“So needy, aren’t you, pretty girl? Didn’t I just give you three orgasms and you still need more? What happened to it being too much?”
“Garreth, please.” She whined, pouting her kiss swollen lips at him.
“You know I can’t say no when you look at me like that, baby. Plus, I’m supposed to be rewarding my champion.”
He moved them through the water, turning MC to face away from him. Instead she faced the pile of their clothes at the edge of the tub. She looked back at Garreth with her eyebrows furrowed and he met her gaze with a grin.
“When you eventually hit the point where you can’t hold yourself up anymore, you can rest your head on our clothes.”
She held the edge of the tub, and soon felt her hips get lifted to the point even her tiptoes weren’t touching the bottom. She felt the head of Garreth’s cock drag up and down her slit a couple times before he pushed into her.
“Fuck, MC. Fuckin’ made to take me, weren’t you?”
She moaned at the feeling of her walls stretching to accommodate him, and she only grew louder when he started moving. The water around them splashed up and over the lip of the tub, but both were too lost in each other to truly care. Their moans echoed off the tiles around them, filling the room with the sound of their voices.
One of Garreth’s hands moved down, his fingers rubbing tight circles around MC’s clit. He could feel her walls fluttering around his cock, signaling how close she was.
“Come on, pretty girl. Cum on my cock. You know I want it, give it to me.” He growled in her ear, snapping his hips harder.
She gave him what he wanted moments later, when he pinched the bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and as Garreth had predicted, she fell forward and rested her arms on the edge.
“That’s it. Good girl. My good girl.”
Feeling his own orgasm swiftly approaching, he didn’t alter his pace. His fingers resumed their harsh assault, trying to push her into a fifth orgasm by the time he came.
“Just one more, MC. Wanna feel you milk me when I fill this pretty little cunt. I know you can do it. Unless you want me to pull out…”
She gasped at his threat, frantically shaking her head. “No, please no. Cum in me. Please cum in me.”
Garreth grinned, working the both of them towards a mutual orgasm. Feeling her walls squeezing his cock like a vice and hearing her screaming his name pulled his own orgasm from him. He buried her face in her neck, biting down gently as he groaned. MC whimpered, feeling his cock throbbing with every spurt of cum he filled her with.
Slightly regaining his own senses, Garreth released her neck, gently kissing the mark he had left behind. As he looked at it, he chuckled softly. MC would be able to cast a glamor charm to hide it, but he knew she’d be frustrated he had left something so visible to begin with. He hadn’t meant to, and he was usually very good at keeping any marks to where the two of them would be the only witnesses, but it had been too much this time.
“Merlin, you’re beautiful.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades as he carefully pulled out of her beneath the water.
They both tried to catch their breath before cleaning themselves up, and MC was so spent she was just allowing herself to float amongst the bubbles. Garreth gently pulled her towards the stairs so he could sit and wash her hair for her. Tilting her head back with her chin, to get her hair completely soaked one more time, he settled in. He ensured she was comfortable on his lap before filling one of his palms with shampoo before his nails were scratching against her scalp.
MC practically purred in his lap, even if having to keep her own head upright felt like a task at the moment. She had always loved Garreth playing with her hair, and it was sweet that he’d wash it for her after effectively turning all of her bones to jello.
“I’m so proud of you, MC. Did so fucking brilliant in that game.” He dipped and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Did so fucking perfect for me too. Always take what I give you so well. Make me feel so good. Make me feel so loved. I love you, pretty girl.”
A tired hum left her lips, which were spreading into a giddy smile. “I love you too, Garreth.”
After soaking and debating whether or not MC really needed to make an appearance at the celebration they were going to be extremely fashionably late to (she did), the Gryffindor was walking around and collecting their clothes. Deciding to take the lazy way, since most of them were already wet, he dunked them into the soapy water and dried them with a charm. He turned his head to say something, and was stopped by the look MC was giving him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“That is how you’re deciding our clothes are clean? Need I remind you what’s fucking floating around in this water?”
He raised an eyebrow at her before casting scourgify and raising an eyebrow. “Is that better, your highness? It’s not my fault you needed to jump my bones so badly that neither of us had a chance to figure out other clothes.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes, but she was trying to hide a smile. “Whatever.”
He folded their clothes so they’d sit neatly on one of the shelves before he went to retrieve MC from the still warm water. Her legs were still a little weak, but the more she walked, the easier it was. By the time the two were dried and fully clothed again, she had started walking like normal.
“Hmm. I’ll have to do better tonight if you’re already walking fine. Come on, pretty girl. I’m ready to share you with people for a while.”
She laughed softly, taking his hand as the two snuck back out of the prefect bathroom and down to the party they were missing on the shore of the Black Lake.
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thenerdykneazle · 7 months
Amorous Tension
Summary: Poppy is quite sure her best friend has feelings for our favourite heir of Slytherin. MC is quite sure she doesn't, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. When Ominis asks MC to help him study for an upcoming potions exam, she jumps at the chance. TL;DR: Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who created the audio version of this story. Listen to the first part here and the second here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: the mildest of hand kinks, kissing, a surprising amount of schoolwork, stressing about exams, failure to communicate
Word count: 4185
You tapped your quill anxiously on the edge of your parchment, forming an ever-growing blot of ink in the margin. You were re-reading a paragraph in Flesh-Eating Trees of the World on a South American anteater-eating shrub. The words made as little of an impression in your mind as they had the first time.
A hand settled on top of yours, startling you.
“You’re going to put a hole in the table if you keep that up. And I doubt Madam Scribner would be pleased,” Poppy said teasingly.
You sighed, setting down the quill before dropping your head onto the table. “I’m going to fail. I know nothing. Less than nothing, even. Garlick is going to laugh me out of the greenhouse,” you said hopelessly.
Poppy rubbed your back comfortingly. “No, she’s not,” she assured you.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I’m never learning the difference between Jacaranda muscipula and Delonix geogalinivorae. They’re both just bloodthirsty ferns.”
A smooth voice came from behind you. “Jacaranda muscipula is native to South America, and its diet consists largely of deer mice. Delonix geogalinivorae is found in Madagascar and feeds exclusively on tenrecs.”
Your head shot up off the table. “Ominis,” you said in a higher pitch than you’d intended. You twisted in your chair to see your aristocratic classmate standing there looking effortlessly flawless.
“Hello, MC, Poppy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I take it you’re dreading Garlick’s exam as much as Sebastian is.”
You scrunched your nose. “More, probably,” you said dismally.
“Well, I had come to see if you might be able to help me study for Sharp’s exam on Monday,” he said. “I could help you with herbology after. Of course, I’d be happy to help even if you don’t have time for potions practice.”
You gaped at him. He was asking you for help? Amit and Sebastian both had top grades in potions. You’d taken to it quite well, but the two boys had several more years of experience than you did. Garreth knew every ingredient and recipe inside and out, though he almost never stuck to the instructions – you could see why Ominis wouldn’t have asked him for help.
Your stomach leapt at the idea of spending time at the bench – just you and Ominis, brushing elbows at the cosy workspace. It was always dizzying being in such close proximity – the effect of his expensive cologne, surely.
Poppy would probably argue differently. She’d just been pestering you just that morning about your alleged feelings for the sarcastic Slytherin.
“You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, MC,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as you walked to the Great Hall.
Garreth had just been talking to you out in the courtyard about needing to acquire Thornback Matriarch venom for a new potion he was working on. You had told him he’d probably be better equipped than you were at charming the ladies into giving him what he wanted.
“I think you’re jealous and just need to ask the Gryffindor out, already,” you argued, shooting her a quelling look. “I was just being funny.”
“Mhmm,” she replied sceptically. “Well, I think it’s funny how I’ve seen you flirt with Garreth, Leander, Sebastian, Amit, and even Imelda, but when a certain serpent with stormy eyes and chiselled cheekbones comes around, you turn into a frightened little puffskein. You go all ruddy-faced and start stammering.”
She was poorly suppressing a smirk as she looked at you.
You scoffed. “I do not stammer!”
“Yeah, and I don’t fancy Garreth,” she replied sarcastically. “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on Ominis.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you asserted, glaring at her.
She raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. “Then why’s your face match Garreth’s luscious locks right now?”
“Oh, shut it!” you said, increasing your pace so that Poppy fell behind.
She just laughed at you. “You’re only proving my point, you know!” she called after you.
Poppy elbowed you sharply between your ribs. You’d gone far too long without replying. “Ow!” you hissed at her.
Ominis had a nervous look on his face. “Sorry?” he asked.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t at you,” you said quickly. “I mean, I’d love to study with you.”
His expression immediately brightened. “Wonderful! When are you free?” he said.
“How about now?” you suggested as you began to pack up your things.
“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt,” Ominis said.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. You shot Poppy a reproachful look. “I’m suddenly feeling unsafe here in the library.”
Poppy stuck her tongue out at you. “Yes, I need to go help Professor Howin feed the thestrals, anyway. You two have fun,” she said much too giddily.
You sent her one more glare as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “So, shall we use the Room of Requirement?” you asked Ominis.
“That sounds perfect!” he replied brightly.
You led Ominis out of the library and started the long climb up to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower. You were glad to stretch your legs after sitting in the library for so long.
“I don’t know how you can keep those carnivorous trees straight in your head,” you commented as you strode down a long corridor. “They look exactly the same to me when they’re not in bloom.”
“Do they?” he replied, sounding intrigued.
For a moment, you wanted to sink through the floor. Obviously, the fact that the two trees looked alike was of little consequence to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”
Ominis chuckled. “It’s all right,” he said, clearly amused. “It’s strange to think that they seem so similar to you. They feel quite different. The jacaranda tree has very rough bark, and the geogalinivore has waxy leaves. Plus, it has a sweet smell – sort of like oranges.”
“That’s actually very helpful. Thank you,” you said.
He smiled softly at you. You couldn’t help but notice how one of the beauty marks on his left cheek disappeared into his dimple when he smiled. “I’m glad to be of service,” he replied.
You could feel your face flush, though you had no reason to be blushing. You were relieved when you reached the 7th floor and the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. You cleared your throat. “Right, well, we’re h-here,” you said, cringing at yourself for tripping over the words.
Ominis held the door open for you as you entered the Room of Requirement. “I appreciate you helping me practice. Sharp’s class was hard enough when I knew what I’d be expected to brew. Having to prepare to make any one of four potions has been quite stressful.”
“It is a bit ridiculous,” you agreed as you started pulling ingredients out of your cabinet.
“Honestly! It’s hard enough keeping the ingredients for one potion straight – let alone for the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, Draught of Living Death, Veritaserum, and Amortentia,” he said.
“It is a lot,” you said. “Where should we start?”
“Hm…Well, I don’t think I would be very productive after testing potions for sleep or euphoria. We’d best leave those for later,” he replied. “What do you think? Amortentia or Veritaserum?”
“Amortentia’s easy enough to test. We can tell if it’s right just by how it looks and smells. Let’s start with that,” you suggested.
Ominis smirked. “You just don’t want me getting you to spill all your secrets,” he teased.
You chuckled. “You’re right; I don’t,” you agreed honestly. You weren’t exactly a secretive person ever since you didn’t have to hide your ancient magic anymore. However, the thought of not being ableto hide anything if you wanted to was terrifying.
“Amortentia it is, then!” Ominis said. “It’s the one I’m best at, anyway.”
He lit the flame to heat the cauldron before beginning to grind the moonstone with a mortar and pestle.
“So, what does Amortentia smell like to you?” he asked, chatting as he worked.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted as you leaned a hip against the bench.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Were you holding your breath when we brewed it last week?” he teased. He cracked two ashwinder eggs into the cauldron before adding the powdered moonstone and stirring it together.
“No! I just…Well, I guess it’s that it doesn’t smell like anything to me,” you admitted.
“You must be joking. Surely you smelled something,” he replied incredulously.
“Just the usual musky dungeon,” you joked. “I thought I’d just brewed it wrong at first, but yours didn’t smell like anything to me, either.”
His brows drew together. “That is curious. I know I made mine right, because it…Well, it worked for me,” he said, his cheeks colouring a bit. “Do you just not find anyone attractive, then?” he added casually as he began cutting the thorns off of some rose stems.
“I don’t know. I mean, I used to think I did, but…now I’m not so sure,” you replied. “I don’t know what could be wrong with me to not smell anything if I did like someone.”
“I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, MC,” Ominis replied.
You sighed. “I hope not,” you replied before biting your bottom lip anxiously. “I thought maybe everyone was lying about smelling different things, and it’s really just an odourless potion. But I checked three different texts in the library, and they all said the same thing Professor Sharp did about the smell being unique to what each person finds attractive.”
“It’s definitely not odourless,” Ominis replied with a smirk. He shook his head as if to snap himself out of something before clearing his throat. He turned his attention back to the potion.
He added the thorns to the cauldron before beginning on the petals. You watched his hands as he plucked the petals off the stems, stacked them neatly, and rolled them together before slicing them into thin, even strips. He was quite skilled in his technique. Despite sharing a bench in potions all year, you’d never really noticed how fluidly he worked. There was an almost entrancing nature to the graceful movements.
“So, what does it smell like to you?” you inquired as you forced yourself to stop staring at the veins winding over his wrists and across the backs of his hands out to his slender fingers. You had always thought there was something nice about his hands.
“Oh, there is no way I’m admitting that,” he replied.
“But I told you when you asked,” you argued.
He rolled his eyes at you. “Nothing doesn’t count as an answer.”
“But it’s the truth! I can’t help that I didn’t smell anything,” you argued.
“I’m still not telling,” he insisted. He added the rose petals to the potion. His brow furrowed as his fingers skimmed over the fronts of several bottles. “Which is the pearl dust?”
“Third from the right,” you said before letting out a laugh as a realisation struck you.
“What?” he asked a bit defensively. “Did I grab the wrong one?” He shook the sealed bottle by his ear to listen to its contents shift within.
“No, that’s the pearl dust. I just…” You giggled again, and his scowl deepened. “I just realised that’s the last ingredient and the first thing I’ve helped you with. Seems like you barely need me here.”
He relaxed almost instantly, even laughing a bit himself. “Well, it’s much easier to brew here,” he explained. “I know which ingredients are which when they’re in my own containers – and even most of yours at this point – but almost all of Sharp’s bottles are identical. I have to figure out what’s in each one every time I pick it up. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to find what I’m looking for. It wastes so much time.”
“That sounds extremely frustrating,” you said sympathetically.
“It is,” he lamented as he added a spoonful of pearl dust to the cauldron. He stirred it clockwise three times before lowering the flame. “There! It should just need to simmer for a bit, and then we’ll see how it turned out.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect,” you said as you settled into a high-backed chair, kicking your feet up on the ottoman in front of it.
“I appreciate your confidence in me,” he said. “You know, I was even worse at potions when I was younger. I tried summoning the ingredients to myself in the early years, and it was usually a disaster. In first year, we had to brew a burn salve during our exams, and I simply could not find the dittany, even after sifting through all the ingredients on my bench three times. I gave up and summoned it, and it knocked over all the bottles in front of it on its way to me. They rolled all over the bench, and I had nearly plunged my hand straight into my cauldron trying to put them back in order. During another exam, I tried to summon flobberworm mucus, and all the bottles of the stuff came flying towards me at the same time.” He laughed. “It was all over me, my bench, the floor. Amit nearly slipped in it trying to come over and help. Professor Sharp was livid, but I think he felt too badly for me to give me detention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as well. “Oh, I’d have died on the spot!” you said.
“I nearly did. It was utterly horrifying,” he said. “I pretended to be sick for three days after that because I couldn’t stand the thought of facing everyone. I even had Sebastian bring me food so that I didn’t have to go out to the Great Hall. But I’ve learned to bounce back from my Blind Boy Moments quite quickly since.”
“Could Sharp not just label the ingredients for you?” you asked.
Ominis scoffed. “No, he insists that every good potions student should be able to identify the ingredients on their own,” he said, exasperated. “He wouldn’t even let me come in beforehand to label them myself because other students might see them. He also won’t let me use my own containers because it’s all got to be ‘standardised’ so it’s fair.”
“Well, that’s quite the opposite of fair! He’s putting you at a disadvantage,” you said. You could feel yourself getting angry on Ominis’s behalf.
“I am perfectly capable of identifying the ingredients. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m incompetent,” he said bitterly.
You were taken aback as his ire turned toward you. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you are, Ominis, I swear!” you said earnestly. “It just seems unreasonable that he won’t accommodate you at all. It’s so frustrating. I have an uncle who’s blind. He wasn’t born that way – he had an accident. And he’s a Muggle. So…it’s a bit different, obviously. But he’s worked in kitchens all his life. When he first went blind, he couldn’t cook anymore. But his boss’s wife, Marjorie, was blind, too. She taught him how to navigate the kitchen again without being able to see. They made adjustments to things so he could keep working there.”
“You have a blind uncle?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Almost all my life. He married my aunt when I was just a baby,” you explained. “He cooks even better than a house-elf, too! Don’t tell Feenky I said that, though. Or Deek, for that matter.”
“I can’t believe you have a blind uncle,” Ominis said, still stunned.
“Really?” you asked. “Why not?”
He shrugged. “I’ve never met another blind person,” he said.
“Never?” you said, surprised.
“Not once,” he confirmed. “My parents weren’t exactly looking to find me a support group. It’s exceptionally rare in the wizarding world, anyway. So, they sort of just kept me hidden away until school. They hadn’t even expected I’d get a letter even though I clearly had magic. It wasn’t until I figured out how to navigate by wand that they stopped treating me like a doll instead of a child. Even my Aunt Noctua was rather overbearing. No one ever believed I could do something myself until I showed them I could.”
“I can’t imagine how difficult it was going through all of that on your own,” you said.
Ominis gave a haughty huff. “Yes, well, I think I’ve done all right for myself,” he said firmly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest.
“You’ve done more than all right, I’d say,” you argued. “Which reminds me, you still have to tutor me in herbology after this.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I haven’t forgotten,” he said.
“You’d better not have,” you said sternly. Your severe expression didn’t last, though. You couldn’t help but smile around him. “Wait, so, if you didn’t have anyone to help you figure things out, did you invent the spell that lets you read books?”
“Ah, well, I suppose I wasn’t entirely on my own. Sebastian found that spell in an old tome in the library. Some languorous 17th-century scholar grew weary of having to keep his eyes open whilst reading,” he replied. “It worked quite well in my favour.”
“If there’s one thing Sebastian excels at, it’s research,” you replied.
“Yes, and it’s been both a blessing and a curse in my life,” he said irritably.
“I feel the same,” you said wearily.
Ominis spun back toward the potions station. “It smells like the potion’s ready,” he announced.
You got up and walked over to inspect it. “Mother-of-pearl sheen. Perfect spirals of steam. Excellent work, indeed, Ominis.”
He blushed at your praise. “Any essence of musky dungeon emanating from it?” he joked.
You laughed. You leaned over the cauldron and breathed in deeply to play along. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the smell. “Yeah, actually. It…” You took in another breath. It was masked beneath the cologne Ominis was wearing, but you could distinctly smell the cool, earthy scent that permeated the lower levels of the castle. “It does.”
“Merlin, MC! You don’t have a crush on Professor Sharp, do you?” he asked, aghast.
“Gods, no!” you replied immediately. “It’s not the dungeons, anyway. It’s different. But…familiar.”
You tried to smell it again, but it was still too hard to tell. You hadn’t realised earlier just how strong Ominis’s cologne was that day. Usually, you found the scent rather pleasant, but, currently, it was making it extremely difficult to smell anything else. You grabbed a phial and poured some of the potion into it. “I can’t tell what it is. I need to smell it in fresh air.”
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell foul?” Ominis demanded as you walked away from him.
“No, not at all,” you said before taking another sniff of the potion. “It’s just that your–”
Your voice died in your throat as two realisations struck you simultaneously. The first was that the earthy scent you had identified was the exact smell of the Undercroft. The second was that you still smelled Ominis’s cologne just as strongly even though you were on the opposite side of the room from him. The phial slipped from your hand and shattered on the wood floor.
“Are you all right?” Ominis asked, rushing over to you in a panic. “Did the potion burn you? I heard glass break. Did you get cut?”
He took both of your hands in his to feel for any injuries. The tips of his fingers brushed gently over your skin, and it sent a shiver up your spine.
“Sorry, no, I’m fine. I just–I hadn’t realised…something,” you said. You heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Poppy had been right. You did fancy Ominis.
Ominis released one of your hands to raise his to your cheek. “Are you certain that you’re okay, MC?” he asked.
Your skin burned hot under his touch. “Y-yes, of course. I was just surprised when I placed the smell,” you said.
He tilted his head in interest. “Oh? What is it?” he asked.
You bit into your lower lip, keeping yourself silent as you wavered on whether to confess. He did seem to be rather doting at the moment. You wondered if he might return your affections.
“Perhaps I should’ve brewed the Veritaserum first, after all,” Ominis joked. “Maybe then I could finally get you to tell me what you smell.”
You laughed. “That’s not necessary. I just…Well, I’m pretty sure it’s, um…the Undercroft,” you said. Your nerves increased with every word, but you felt a flood of relief after getting them all out.
“Oh,” Ominis said uncomfortably. His whole body went rigid before his hands dropped away from you. “I…I see.”
“Ominis, I…” you started, trying and failing to figure out how to take the words back. You imagined the mortification you were experiencing was similar to how he had felt standing covered in flobberworm mucus in front of his peers.
“Well, I suppose I should still tell you what I smell, since you told me what you do,” he said sombrely. “Though, I can’t imagine it will be all that surprising.” He took a steadying breath. “It smells like old parchment, like those dusty pages Professor Weasley had you collecting last year. And I smell the mallowsweet you always carry around with you. And your shampoo. I always smell it when you hug me or fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.” He cleared his throat. “So…there you have it.”
“Are you upset about this?” you asked, bewildered by his tense reaction.
He forced a laugh. “What? No, of course not!” he insisted, but it wasn’t quite convincing. “I’m happy for you.”
“Happy for me?” you repeated, even more confused.
“Both of you, I mean,” he clarified, giving you a pained smile. “Although I’ve never asked Sebastian about his feelings toward you, with the way he flirts with you, I’m sure he reciprocates.”
“You think I fancy Sebastian?” you asked.
“Well, he’s the one who showed you the Undercroft,” he replied simply.
“Ominis, you’re the one he learned about it from. You’re the one I hang out with there. It’s rosewood and jasmine from your cologne that I smell in that bloody potion!” you said.
His brows knit together in confusion. “I thought you just smelled the Undercroft?” he said.
“Well, that’s what I thought when I was standing next to you – and in class last week,” you said. “You were right there, so I didn’t realise the smell of you was coming from the cauldron instead of…you know…you.”
His features went slack. “Oh…” he said awkwardly.
“Yeah…” you replied similarly.
“I’m a massive idiot,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
You smiled. “Yeah,” you said. “We kind of both are, aren’t we?”
“It would appear so,” he agreed. He laughed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, this has certainly been an illuminating study session.”
You melted into him instantly. “Indeed, it has.”
“You smell wonderful, you know,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
You giggled in response. “You smell quite nice, as well,” you replied.
“I taste even better,” he said cheekily.
Your gaze immediately dropped to his lips. “Is that so?” you asked, your voice coming out husky.
“I can prove it if you’d like,” he said. His breath fanned over your lips as he spoke.
“Yes, I think you should,” you replied. “For…educational purposes.”
Ominis’s lips brushed against yours almost tentatively before he leaned in to interlock them. His heat sank into your body as he held you firmly against his chest. You snaked your arms up behind his neck as you kissed him back. Being held by Ominis – and kissed by him – felt right. You wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. If you could’ve, you would have fused into him so you never had to be apart again.
You didn’t know how long it was before Ominis broke the kiss, but you knew it was too soon. “I still have to return the favour for you helping me with potions,” he said.
“Yes, right. The herbology,” you replied, still breathless from the kiss. You had forgotten about those bloody shrubs altogether.
“Actually, I was thinking we should work on divination, instead,” he said innocently, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You arched a brow at him. “Oh?” you asked. “Are you even taking divination?”
“No. I can’t exactly read tea leaves or look in a crystal ball,” he stated. The smirk spread on his lips. “But if I could, I’d see me in your future.”
You laughed. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sebastian,” you chided. “His terrible jokes are rubbing off on you.”
“You’re absolutely right, darling!” he said with a false gravity to the words. “I’d like to fix that as soon as possible by spending more time with you, instead.”
“I’d like that,” you said, unable to stop beaming at him.
“Me, too. Especially if it involves kissing you again,” he said.
You blushed. “I think that could be arranged,” you replied.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Could I pretty please request awkward, yet sweet first-time sex between Ominis and female MC? MC is very nervous being a virgin and is worried about it hurting, maybe after she gets a good look at him down there 👀
But we all know Ominis is a gentleman and would be nothing but gentle and sweet with her at first but I think he’d be nervous too, especially since he can’t see her. I just really wanna read about them losing it to each other. And I’d love to see Ominis disheveled and consumed by his lust for her.
Hello 👋 Thank you for your Request 💜
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC - fluff, First time lovers
I took the liberty of making it their Wedding Night 🥰🔞 NSFW
She was married, joined at last with the man she loved, by vows and rings exchanged. Ominis Gaunt had stolen her heart when they had been at school, courted it, cherished it, and now she was his wife.
Her heart pounded nervously as they entered the bed chamber, the little hotel having set the room with romantic candles and vases of flowers. There was even rose petals scattered on the bed. She gasped at how lovely it all looked, and immediately she felt a steady hand at the small of her back.
"Is everything alright, my love?" Ominis asked.
"Yes, it's lovely, the room is very romantic," she blushed. Her pulse fluttered like a tiny bird at the feel of his hand on her back. It was silly really, he had touched her there many times, delicate pressure of reassurance, affection, and when escorting her.
Tonight it meant something else, though. Tonight, they would make the final exchange that would seal their love, their commitment. She would become his, completely, and her body thrummed with nervous anticipation.
Ominis took her hands into his, his fingers gently soothing over her skin. "I finally have you all to myself," he smiled. "I have had to share your company all day, and I must admit, I have been longing for this time alone with you, with my wife."
His voice softened at that last word. She squeezed his hands, loving him so much she felt entirely breathless. "It has been quite the day, hasn't it? And it went so quickly!"
He moved closer, his face inches from hers, she stared up at him, still overcome with how truly beautiful he was. He was almost ethereal, like an angel in a classical painting, she reached up to place trembling fingers against his cheek, his skin soft and pale under her touch.
She welcomed the soft kiss he gave her, the gentle brush of lips a joy she always cherished. His kiss lingered, his mouth daring to taste her for longer than was usual for them. She heard the delicate shift of his breathing, knowing that this kiss would lead to more. She cupped his face, holding him there, her body tentative but curious as she felt the warmth of shared desire.
Her breath shook a little as they drew slightly apart. He caressed her cheek, the tip of his nose nudging hers. "Please, don't be frightened," he said. "I would never hurt you."
"I'm not frightened, my love," she replied, immediately. "I could never be frightened of you. Although, I am a little nervous. I'm afraid I have suddenly become rather shy. I would not want to disappoint my husband."
"I will be gentle," he whispered. He kissed her, a delicate touch of lips. "I cannot deny how much I yearn for you, but I am in your hands my love. We will only do what is comfortable for you. Your delight is my delight, and I doubt I could ever be disappointed. Agreeing to be my wife in the first place has filled with me so much happiness."
Tears burned her eyes, her heart aching with her love and gratitude for finding a man such as him. "I love you, so very much," she whispered.
He smiled. "Then let us prepare for bed, Mrs Gaunt, for I wish to show you how much I love you in return."
The dressing screen was rather pointless when your husband couldn't see you, but MC still slipped behind it to remove her gown and pull on a soft nightdress. She could hear the rustle of clothing as Ominis undressed, her heart in her mouth as she smoothed trembling hands over her hips.
She had never seen a man naked before in the flesh, only drawings in books. She had read up a bit on sexual relations, and felt the trepidation that came from being exposed to another, vulnerable. But also, there was a heightened sense of curiosity, of the need to feel the heat of him against her flesh.
With a deep breath, she moved out from behind the screen, her hair unbound and flowing over one shoulder. Omins was sitting up in the bed, his chest bare, the pale skin smooth and beautiful in the candle light. He held out a hand to her and she hurried forward to take it.
They lay together under the covers, his arms a warm embrace, his mouth pressing soft kisses against hers. MC returned them, adjusting to the feel of his body wrapped closely with hers, the way their legs were entangled.
The intimacy brought a warm flush to her face, her hands slid along his back, his arms, and then she felt his hand on her thigh, hot through the thin fabric of her nightgown. Slowly, he slid upwards, dragging the material with him, and her breath quickened.
She didn't know what to do, wishing she did, but her body seemed to ache, a slow, burning throb beginning between her thighs that made her want to squeeze and clench, she desired some kind of friction and she was shocked at how her hips seemed to flex against him with an eagerness that embodied the urgency in her core.
Was she being too wanton? Too eager? As her pelvis rubbed sensually against his, her breath caught at the hardness of him, the press of his manhood against her softness. Oh my...
His head dipped and he made a low, soft sound, his own pelvis moving to meet hers. The ache between her thighs sharpened, it grew hot and she had a sudden desire to kiss him, her mouth seeking his.
They seemed to have slid across a line, polite courtesy was being cast adrift as his tongue entered her mouth. He had never kissed her like this before, and she moaned, her hips rolling upwards again at the delicious way he tasted her mouth.
His hand slid higher up her thigh, her nightdress becoming twisted about her hips as he smoothed his hand up and under it. She felt the roughness of the hair on his legs, the silky throbbing brush of his arousal was hot against her skin.
"Ominis," she moaned.
"Yes, my love," he whispered. "Tell me, tell me what you are feeling. You feel so wonderful, I am quite overcome with the need for you."
She writhed against him and he groaned, rocking his hips to rub that hardness against her thigh. She felt wetness leaking from him and boldly slipped a hand down to feel it for herself.
He was so hard, yet so silky soft, her fingers trailing over the length before she wrapped her whole hand around it. Her thighs squeezed with want, while her eyes widened at the thought of how it was going to fit inside her. She had not expected it to feel so long and thick.
She rubbed her hand over it and he made a sound, low and deep and utterly arousing. She looked at this face, he was flushed a beautiful pink, lips parted and eyes closed in bliss.
"Gods, I want to feel you," he said, voice strained. "Please..."
MC had touched herself before, curious exploration of her own sex. There had been sensitiveness, a building heat that had overwhelmed her enough to stop. The thought of his graceful fingers doing the same made her throb. She took his hand and guided it down between her thighs. "Touch me," she whispered. "I am yours."
At the first brush of his fingers she whined, her back arching up off the bed as he gently explored. She could hear the wetness of herself, her hips moving of their own accord as he spread that slick, probing gently until she felt a finger slid inside.
"Oh my...MC, you are divine," he groaned. He became flustered, his finger moving in and out. His face became strained and he shook his head. "It's no good, I've just got to...forgive me."
She panted, eyes wide. "What is it?"
He slid down the bed. "I have to taste it, fuck, I need it!" He was practically begging, his hands pushing her thighs apart, his mouth hot as he pressed it against the inner flesh there, drawing it up into a suck, the noise of it so dirty but arousing.
She gasped, staring, shocked, at his blonde head as he settled between her thighs. She had not seen drawings of this in her book! She felt his hot breath on her most intimate parts, a strangled moan leaving her throat as his nose nudged her soft folds. "Ominis," she gasped.
He moaned, deep and feral, and then she cried out, a high desperate whine, as his tongue slid erotically over her heat. Oh my goodness!
She stared up at the bed canopy, mouth open, not seeing anything but a red haze of lust, his mouth doing wicked, amazing things that made her body scream with flickering flame. Her desperate cries and moans filled the room at that soft, luscious swirl of tongue. The filthy wet sound of it made her flush, but she was grinding her hips greedily, soaring on a wave of fire that stole her breath.
Release came swiftly, shockingly, her hips bucking and cries spiling from her lips. She felt dizzy, dazed with the intensity of it. She stared as Ominis pushed up with his hands, the lower half of his face shiny with her sex, he wiped it with his hands. "You are delicious my love," he groaned. "Now, now I need to take you. You have driven me quite wild."
She reached for him. "Come to me," she begged. She was flustered, eyeing his flushed state as he moved up to settle his hips between her legs. She caught sight of his cock, swollen, hungry, and she gulped. "My goodness," she muttered. "That is rather large."
He chuckled. "Don't worry, my love. I made sure you were good and ready for me, but I will go slow, I promise."
Her desire flickered and rekindled at his saucy talk. She smoothed her hands over his beautiful body, sighing in pleasure as he lined himself up to her entrance. The first press of him made her tense, but he whispered soft encouragement, his hands caressing her curves.
"It's alright, you're my good girl," he whispered. "I want to be inside you so badly, you are so hot and wet, it drives me crazy. Relax, darling, let me in."
She moaned, his words sending shivers over her. "I want you," she sighed. "Take me, fuck me..."
He gasped, stilling, his head tilting curiously. "My, my, MC, such dirty words from your pretty lips," he said. He smirked. "I quite like it..."
He pushed a little further in, stretching her. She panted, her walls quivering. "Such a good girl, taking me like this."
"Yes, more, please," she begged.
He slid back a little, making her whimper, before pushing in further still. He moaned, desperate, and repeated the move. She felt the resistance, her flesh trying to stop him. "More," she panted. "You may have to push harder, I can take it."
He did, groaning as he desperately tried not to hurt her. Then suddenly her flesh gave way, a sharp sting signalling her acceptance. He slid quite deep, the pressure and stretch shocking at first, but then as he rolled his hips, it eased into pleasure and she moaned.
Ominis pulled her close against his chest, pressing kisses over her hair, his hands soothing her. "Oh, my love, my precious, precious girl. I love you," he said, passionately. He sighed. "So brave and beautiful...and gods, you feel so good."
She loved him too, burying her face against him, breathing in his scent, their bodies joined in the most intimate of ways. She savoured that brief, precious moment, before desire overtook them, and Ominis began to move.
There was no more pain, only pleasure. MC swooned under his worship, taking him thrust by thrust, drowning in his grunts and whimpers. She caressed him, gripped his hips, wrapped her legs about him, greedy for him.
Watching him find release reminded her of the euphoric daze he had left her in, and she pressed sweet kisses all over him, whispering her love for her husband, her heart swelling with the knowledge that they could do this, over and over.
Wrapped up close in his arms, MC dozed into sleep feeling safer and more loved than she ever had in her whole life. And now she had a whole lifetime to share with him. She had never been happier.
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des111ree · 1 year
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·˚ ༘"Unforeseen Feelings" // SEBASTIAN SALLOW
Pairings: sebastian sallow x f!reader
Warnings: one shot! angry love confession / mentions of alcohol.. mini angst ? mini fluff??? steamy kiss kindaaa // This a long one yall!!!
Summary: you and sebastian decided to sneak off to the astronomy tower one night, ominis insisting to getting some sleep instead. you two ended up going alone, and sebastian gains the courage to ask you the only thing that's been on his mind since he introduced you to ominis, angrily revealing 'unforeseen feelings' from you both.
Word count: 5252
You giggle as you finally make it up the stairs, instantly rushing over to the rails of the tower, and looking out into the sky.
Sebastian follows behind you with a smirk and a shake of his head regarding your giggling.
"Ominis and his beauty sleep are missing out." You tease, tapping your fingers on the railing in front of you before spinning yourself around to face him.
"He knows precisely what he's missing out on.. He sneaks here rather frequently alone." Sebastian responds to your claim, taking in the fresh, cool air as you followed. Your elbows rested on the railing behind you as you watched him speak.
"Do you always find yourself informing people about others' business?" You respond smartly, giving him a smile with the raise of your eyebrows.
Since the day you met him all he's done was talk of other people and their doings. They weren't necessarily bad things, and you know YOU'D never say anything to anyone else, regardless of how small a thing it was. It was simply amusing.
He somehow knew everything about everyone. It was frankly a bit unnerving in the beginning.
"Mm." he hums in response whilst sitting down against the cold stone wall. "Just you." He shrugs in finish, lifting his knee up to his chest, reaching the hem of his pants and tugging down on it.
Your eyes wander around the tower, nodding calmly in response. Though the feelings that strung in your chest, and the bottom of your stomach, were far from that.
You roll your eyes at yourself for the dramatic response to his two words, sitting down with your back against the pillar, next to one of the telescope entrances.
You two were quite far from each other, not much wall between the telescope spaces to be sat up against.
"I know too much because of you." you add on, he just snickering on the side with a shake of his head.
"We've yet to find out more. Together." he states confidently, pushing your heart to flutter happily regarding his implication of doing and exploring more with you, willingly. You knew you two were friends, but still, him wanting or willing to do anything with you made you overly happy.
You were happily feeding into your delusions.
"Mmm, who's the next victim?" you broaden your eyes playfully, smiling before he responds back with an identical tone.
"Hmm. I was thinking we could sneak into Black's house and interrogate his wife," Sebastian nods with narrowed eyes, resting his elbow on his knee which is up to his chest.
You nod enthusiastically, eyebrows knitted together in honest shock with his messed up 'ideas'. Your hung-open mouth widens into a smile, scoffing uncertainly with a laugh.
"Steal some family photos.. Heirloom diaries and whatnot." he continues whilst you giggle more, looking and picking at his nails as if this was a normal conversation between you two.. Or, anyone.
A last chuckle escapes your mouth, making Sebastian shoot his eyes over to you, a faint smile peering past his lips.
Sebastian loved seeing you smile, so it became his goal every day to make you beam as much as possible with him. Which, frankly, wasn't very hard.
Sebastian was one of the few in the school with your shared humor. Others would call you lot immature and improper, but ever since you found Sebastian, it didn't matter anymore. Because you had each other to be 'immature' and 'improper' with.
You wouldn't have wished it to be any other way.
"If he even has a wife." You suggest with a raise of eyebrows, sinking your teeth in your bottom lip whilst in thought.
"We'll have to interrogate the million bottles of half-empty brandy throughout his house then." He suggests instead, sarcastically.
"What a sad, sad man." You nod in response, looking around. You hear Sebastian scoff a laugh, making you giggle in return due to his silly little 'planning'.
"Probably a real conversation we would've had in year 5." You smile at the thought, shaking your head.
"Yeah," he responds breathlessly, thinking back to that year you two did the most reckless things. Not too much has changed, but it certainly wasn't as bad as before.
Silence fills the tower as you're both in reflection of year 5, having both the worst yet finest recollections then. As Sebastian was most likely thinking of the terrible situation between him and his sister, you were stuck thinking of the day you met him.
You had enough time to heal from everything which happened before, having the best shoulders to lean on.. But with what Sebastian's been through... Who knows about him.
"It sucks Ominis couldn't be here." you blurt out, merely desperate to fill the silence.
Sebastians' head was slightly down, his eyes darting onto yours after your words. He attempts to read your face, looking away before responding.
"I suppose." Your eyebrows raise at his answer. "Suppose, hm?" You puff out your lips and narrow your eyes in thought, nodding at the response you wouldn't have expected from him.
"I don't mind being alone." he shrugs, his eyes fixated on yours. You hold eye contact for a moment before helping yourself up, and sitting next to him silently. Butterflies swarmed your stomach, attempting to brush them off.
You rotate your body away from him, resting your back on his shoulder in silence.
"Could I ask you something?" he questions unsurely, fiddling with his fingers.
You hum in response, bringing both your knees up to your chest. The cats got your tongue, your mind still swarming, and your heart still thumping rapidly due to his last words. You never seemed to be able to pull yourself together with him.
It's as though your feelings have a mind of their own, absolutely tweaking with any and every move he may make. It drove you mad sometimes, it was frankly overwhelming. But it was overwhelming with the best feelings ever.
Besides the nauseated sense in your gut regarding it.
"Anything." you add on, finally finding your voice and brushing off your thoughts.
Whenever you found the both of you alone somewhere, the air became a lot heavier, the vigorous tension weighing it down. You weren't certain if it was all constructed in your mind, but it was certainly there. For you at least.
Some certain remarks Sebastian makes have you wonder if he feels it too, but you never trust it fully, keeping yourself from looking and feeling like a clown.
"Does Ominis know?" His tone has gone low, trailing off his sentence, concerning you.
"Know what.." You respond unsurely, disoriented about where this could possibly be going. Was there something you weren't supposed to tell him?
"That you fancy him." Sebastian answers late, it paining him to hear whatever words which were to come out of your mouth next.
He always felt out of place around you two, as though he's always third-wheeling at what not.
He's attempted to talk to Ominis about it before, but he pushed it off, calling him crazy. That made him wonder.
Sebastian was fairly jealous when it came to you two, knowing Ominis has many strong factors in his personality, and that he's very desirable when it may come to women. Always has been. More than him on most ends.
Ominis could see Sebastians' feelings toward you, and he knew that. Which is why he was so worried. He wondered if you'd said anything to him about 'your feelings towards him', and he didn't tell him.
"Fancy him?" Your tone reads shocked, absolutely dumbfounded from where that's come from.
Sebastian sighs. "You heard me just fine."
He's grown tired of the both of you 'playing dumb', but little did he know he was very much making stuff up in his mind.
"And where did that come from?" You ask, turning your body around to face him instead. You sit with your legs crossed, staring at him in concern and question.
Where could he have possibly gotten that idea from? Is he a fool?
He's sure to not return your gaze, the topic being sensitive to him.. Slightly embarrassing, frankly. But he needed his answers.
Sitting in silence whilst the two of you sat & chattered of whatever, was eating him inside out. For years.
"I mean it isn't exactly a secret. Whenever it's us three about, between the two of you, I start to feel left out."
Your mouth gapes open, stunned. How could he be so blind?
"Sebastian, you can't be serious." You respond with a scoff, causing him to avert his eyes from you further.
All these years of merely wanting HIM, and he thinks I'm in love with his best friend??
"I've felt it since our 5th year, y/n."
"Then you're the only one." You respond instantly after him.
Regardless of you calling yourself crazy for it, you always felt something between the two of you. The passive flirting, constantly needing to be around each other, etc etc, for the past 2 1/2 years. But him questioning this made you think. Was it one-sided, or is he jealous?
He couldn't be.
"Seb..." You say softly, hoping to gain his attention. But he doesn't look your way. He shakes his head with a scoff, repeating your nicknaming.
"Seb." He mocks, his eyes not trailing towards yours once, matter of fact they wander everywhere but onto you. You didn't understand his sudden coldness but Sebastian was hurting himself with these made-up feelings of yours toward Ominis, forcing himself frustrated. But of course, you didn't know this now.
You go to place your hand gently on his knee, but he flinches, causing you to jerk your hand away, watching him stand up from the floor.
Your watch him silently in confusion, hurt and concerned with how he's acting.
Sebastian would sometimes get like this, randomly. You learned to just let him feel it out, then be there for him once he came to you, or else you'd get pushed away. He tends to do that to people he loves. Push them away.
As he stood up he began to pace a bit, before walking over to one of the railings, thinking to himself while looking into the grounds below us.
"Sebastian.. What's wrong?"
You notice his jaw clench at your voice, suddenly going tense. He usually did the exact opposite at the sound of you, which made you even more confused.
Your heart started beating faster, resting in your stomach as you grew ill of worry. Whenever he gets like this, it brings back memories of year 5. Terrible, terrible memories you never wish to relive again.
But it feels as though you are when he gets like this.
“I cant-“ he cuts you off, attempting to drain out your voice with his own, but he trails off.
He can’t handle you questioning him, because he knows he’s going to give in and expose his feelings to you. He’ll give in to anything as long as it’s you telling him to. And right now he knows you want answers. And frankly, he needs to give them to you. He feels swamped with all the kept emotions inside him from everybody that he has towards you.
Which is what causes him to just blurt it out. “I can’t do this anymore.”
He turns around to finally return your gaze. His lips quiver, but no tears appear. He’s more afraid than he is upset, but then again it varies.
“Can’t.. Can’t what?” You practically whisper, shaking your head as you watch his lips fail to stay content.
“Why are you always acting like this?” His face goes angry but his eyes are more hurt, glossing over. His mouth gapes open in a deep breath, his eyebrows knitted together in anger and confusion.
Your voice doesn’t work, merely mouthing the words ‘acting like-???’ in confusion, your eyes going glossy toward the swamp of sentiments in your chest.
You didn’t understand what was happening but you understood you must’ve hurt him in some way, which hurt you.
And the sudden waves of emotions made you grow overwhelmed, confused, and frankly sad. You two were having a great time on your way here, how'd it suddenly get so serious?
You would've been used to it by now, just wait for it to pass, but the vibes were heavier and different this time. You knew it had something to do with you now, your mind swarming with questions about what you could've possibly done to get him so heated like this. Was it something you said?
Sebastian swallows the lump in his throat, his jaw clenching harder. His lips didn't seem to stop quivering, only getting worse with each thought passing through his mind. Frankly, you don’t think you’ve ever felt more concerned for him in years since right now. The lip quivering and hurt eyes… It was different.
But you chose to stay quiet. Well, honestly you didn’t know what to say. Just let him talk.
"Acting like you don't know." His voice was softer but still tense. He was clearly very uncomfortable, and so were you. Your eyebrows didn't leave each other's side, knitted jointly.
Your confusion seemed to just grow bigger and bigger inside of you at every word he said and every one of his actions. 'Don't know..' 'Don't know...'
You let your eyes wander as you thought hard. Don't know what? You were clearly unsuccessful with your study, darting your eyes back onto his.
He stood there leaning against a wall, his leg over the other, watching you with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek, as if he were waiting for you to get it.
He realized you were just as confused, so he sighed in response. He closed his eyes and turned his back toward you, running his hand through his hair as he backed away from the wall, and paced again. Certainly a pacer.
"Don't know wh-" You were asking in question, but it seemed as though you began talking, he grew more frustrated. He was. Not necessarily at you, but at the situation.
He interrupted you, his next words painting the tower LOUD with silence.
"That I've loved you this whole time?!" He raises his voice in frustration, now facing you.
You're at a loss of breath, your mouth gaped open in absolute shock. Your eyebrows curve up a bit, reading his facial expressions.
Your eyes dart between every crevice in his face, trying to gather your thoughts together.
Was he serious? Of course he was. But why? Since when? How? Your heart was warming, fluttering in your chest whilst your gut was in the ground, a nest of butterflies attempting to escape it felt like. You were beyond happy, yet confused, relieved, exhausted, and ANGRY.
Angry about why it took him so long. All the restless nights could've been saved? This whole time you were left wondering.
"Are you serious?" you blurt out, frustration peering through your tone as anger gets the best of you tonight.
You stood up, walking towards him. He just watched you, his eyebrows knitted together as his lips finally stopped trembling.
As soon as you got close enough, you pushed his shoulders as hard as you could, causing him to stumble backward. His mouth immediately opened in shock, confused.
Just as he gained his balance again, you pushed his right shoulder, it now being your turn for your lips to shake.
"All," You paused between your words, pushing him between each one. "This," Your arms got weaker, pushing him with less force. He didn't even defend himself, he just stood there watching you, his hands brought up under your arms, holding your elbows gently just in case he had to stop you.
"Time?" you finished your sentence, slightly whimpering with your last, weak push. You looked at him with glossed-over eyes, a red nose, and fluttering lips. His eyebrows threaded together as he tried to read your facial expressions, confused about your feelings.
His hands rested on your elbows, still trying to scan over your eyes. This was the one time he couldn't tell exactly what you were feeling, and frankly it drove him mad.
"Wh.. What are you thinking.." He asks breathly in a confused manner.
You scoff in response, ripping your arms away from him. The glide of his hands brushing off your elbow as you did so, sent shivers all up your body. You take a deep breath to regain your strength, stepping backwards once more as you look up at him angry, but the hurt in your eyes stopping you from looking intimidating.
"What am I thinking?" You asked breathlessly, almost in shock. Definitely in shock.
"Just about all the nights I've lost sleep over this," You take another step forward, causing him to step back, thinking you were going to push him. Your voice is barely raised, but enough for him to know you were angry, for whatever reason.
"All the doubts, the swarming thoughts, the tears, the anxiety, the-" You trail off, thinking of every single day for the past 3 years you drove yourself crazy thinking and wondering about just this. The insecurities of which grew, the wondering if it was all in your head. You nearly went crazy.
"Now?!" You hit him again, but not too hard. Just enough for him to lose slight balance. He watched you with lightly broadened eyes, and a gaped open mouth. His eyebrows seemingly GLUED to each other.
His face grew more tense and angry, snapping back after he gathered his thoughts. "How do you assume I felt?!" his arms slightly lift in unbelief.
Denial then fills over your whole body, causing you to scoff. "No." you shake your head, blinking the tears away. Your nose was red and highlighted. You shake your head for a second, looking him in his eyes as you just completely turn around and walk away from him.
Leaving the situation isn’t exactly what you wanted to do, but you needed to process all the swarming sentiments in your body right now.
"No?" he asks in disbelief, confusion in his tone. "What do you denote, no?" He continues questioning you, stopping you from completely leaving the tower. You stop in your tracks, right before opening the door to the stairs.
"I love you.?" he states, though he's confused with why you're telling him 'no.' He was questioning if you were blowing him off or if you didn't believe him.
"I do-"
"No! Sebastian. no." You raise your voice a bit higher to override his words. As much as you've been longing to hear them come out of his mouth, you didn't believe it. Therefore you didn't wish to hear it anymore. He was just confusing platonic love with romantic love. Or so you convinced yourself.
"I just apprised I'm in love with you, y/n-"
You talk over his words, shutting your eyes harshly in frustration. you wished he would shut up, because the more he told you, the more it hurt you. Knowing he possibly had no idea what he was talking about hurt you to your core.
"You're NOT- how?" you interrupt yourself, turning around to face him. You pause before continuing your question, watching him.
"How do you know." You ask, standing still in silence as you await a reply. You didn't expect much of a response, because you had already convinced yourself it wasn't true. It was just a mistake on his end.
As if it seemed his eyebrows couldn't thread jointly any more than it was, it did just that. "How do I know?" He asked in a whisper, breathlessly. His voice hardly even strung out.
You bite on your bottom lip in anticipation, knowing his answer would just back up your claim to him not knowing what he was talking about. Fire in your chest grew, your anger not leaving at all. You didn't want to stick around to hear it, but a feeling inside of you thought just maybe he would feel the same. Or at least hoped for him to.
"I KNOW because it's all I've thought about since I met you, y/n"
"No. No." You say as he speaks, interrupting him again.
"No. What do you mean no? Why no?" he responds the second you voiced your first 'no.' talking over you as well.
You just shake your head in response, and just as you were about to form your lips to say another 'no' he interrupted you before you could.
"Yes. Yes, I do. Y/n.. Merlin- Yes I do." He's practically begging for you to believe him, yet still has sternness in his tone. Your mind seemed to stop working properly, and just the mere way you were standing there in this situation had you overly uncomfortable. You had no train of thought, yet all in the globe.
You had no idea what to think or feel, yet you were pondering and discerning everything imaginable all at the same time. You felt nearly sick to your stomach with the fast change of emotions and all the sentiments you were experiencing at once.
He clenches his jaw at your silence, taking in your frankly rude denial.
"I finally tell you after all these years and how you respond is denial? rejection?" He scoffs, looking away. This whole argument his accent had just grown stronger and stronger, as it usually did. When he was upset, Angry, or sad it'd heavily enhance. But since he was both at the same time, it was brutally strong.
You pierce your lips together as you take in his words. Your eyebrows aren't as tense as before, softening as they curve up the glossier your eyes get.
"The bloody hell are you talking about, 'no'??" He pauses, his face tensing and getting clearly angrier.
"Fuck, y/n?!" he complains breathlessly, looking at you with confused, curved eyebrows.
He blurts out more words, gaining more anger in himself, but you block them all out. You block his voice out of your head, not taking in a thing he's saying. You just watch him spit and scoff in frustration as your face falls straight and stern. You sheer watch carelessly, before interrupting his rambles.
Your head begins shaking at him, yourself, and frankly the whole situation. Your eyes are truly tearing up now, as your face tenses up. Who knew your lips could quiver anymore, tweaking your voice trembly.
"Fuck you." you blurt out, yet slow and softly. You stand still and careless, just watching him. Watching him as anger fills in your chest, most likely along with his.
You stare as he pauses in the middle of his words, turning his head to look at you. Confusion, Disgust, and anger paints over his face as he just glares in return.
His lips curve and mouth slightly opens to create the word ‘what’, but his lips don’t move anymore, not one sound coming out from him.
“Fuck. You, Sebastian.” you repeat yourself, pausing between each word. You wanted to be SURE he heard you and understood what you were coming off as, CLEARLY.
He blinks twice fast, his eyelashes fluttering in confusion. His breath hitches in his chest, physically feeling his stomach drop. He pierces his lips together in response, slowly walking up to you.
You didn’t move an inch as he approached, standing still and tall, heightening your chin the closer he got. He now towers over you, tilting his head down which causes you to feel his breath on your forehead.
“Oh, fuck me, huh?” He looks directly down into your eyes coldly, towering over your whole body. You don’t return your regard, staring at his chest as you nod slowly.
“Enlighten me. What did I possibly do to you.” he asks, except question wasn’t in his tone. Pure strict and demand was.
He was almost whispering with how low his voice was, and each breath he breathed on your forehead caused shivers sent down your spine.
“I hate you.” You whisper, your voice cracking. “You’re a fucking coward.”
Your voice tracks off before your able to finish your sentence, swallowing the lump in your throat. You were at the verge of crying, but you blinked back your tears. You hated the way he still proceeded to make you feel, even in an argument like such.
You were feeling many emotions, and the strongest one was anger. So that’s the one you used. You couldn’t believe it after all this time. All the times he’d have gotten so angry at you or distanced himself from you when you got close to a guy, but then never confessing drove you mad, and so confused. As confused as ever. It’s like you couldn’t do anything with anyone else but him, but he could still go and do whatever he wanted. You were exhausted.
The confusion you felt due to it kept you up so many nights, it genuinely breaking you the more it occurred. He never gave reason or anything as such. He just forbade it. Or got angry if you did. It’s not like you wanted anything to do with anyone else but him anyways.
You push Sebastian away from you with a small whimper. You begin to choke on your tears due to the attempt of dismissing any other crying noise to escape your lips in embarrassment.
Sebastian skips backward, keeping himself content on the ground. He merely glances down at you from the distance, not blinking or moving his gaze elsewhere. His eyes get sadder and lower, feeling heavily rejected. His heart is heavier than the feel of this ‘rejection’, fallen into his gut.
His eyes wander off of you, losing perception of time and reality as he dissociates into his swarming, hurtful thoughts.
“You made me feel so trapped, all these years.” You start slowly, scanning over the ground before fixating your gaze back on his face as you paused. You noticed him spaced out, snapping back into reality at the sound of your voice as his eyes follow back onto your face. His expression didn’t change, watching you hurtfully. His eyebrows curved in concern and intrigue, wondering where you could’ve been going with your statements.
“So isolated from any other boy.” You finish, still having more to say. You read his expressions before gathering your next words, seeing him try and take in what you were saying. He was frozen, stuck processing.
“I hate you for making me feel as if I was chasing someone who was so blinded by me wit-“ You took a deep breath, trying to take control of your quivering lips, and keep yourself together.
“With friendship and .. And platonic love.” You finished, sniffling away your tears and runny nose, fixing your face to be more cold and direct again.
You look up at him and hold eye contact harshly, giving him a mean stare with hurt eyes.
“You have loved me..” you start off with a low voice, steadily, piercing your lips together as your anger builds up inside you. Your eyes shut harshly, opening as you finish your sentence.
“This whole. FUCKING TIME?” Your voice progressively gets louder until your practically yelling it in his face, stepping closer to him and pushing him again with a grunt.
“FUCK you. I have been SO EXHAUSTED and WORRIED all of these FUCKING YEARS being unsure about EVERYTHING, and NOW?!” you step closer to him after he stumbled back, keeping his feet on the ground.
His face grew angrier and tenser as you continued your sentence.
“I frankly don’t get how you DIDN’T NOTICE?” Sebastian finally responds in the same tone as you, his voice loud but not as loud as yours was, for his hurt and pain where nearly overcoming his anger momentarily.
“How the bloody FUCK was I supposed to notice when you would talk to every other girl the same way you do I?”
“What are you rambling on about?? You are so much closer to me than any other girl?”
“We trauma bonded, I thought we’d just naturally become close from everything we’ve been through together??” You create excuses for yourself, truthfully still in denial. But a bit of it left here and there, more and more as the two of you blabbed on.
“Frankly! But you could have simply payed attention to context clues. I never treated you like any other girl. You were my onl-“
“Fuck, Sebastian.” you whisper to yourself, interrupting him. You look away with a scoff, as he grows additionally angry.
“You could’ve just fucking told me yourself as well!! You’re mad at me for not saying anything but i’ve been dreading this since our 5th year?!” He complains completely frustrated and shocked, in disbelief.
You mere shake your head and ignore his words. Your mind keeps thinking about all the restless nights because of this exactly. And as much as you’d be extremely happy to hear his words, you’re angry. You’re angry and frustrated. Assumably making yourself feel this way, but you weren’t thinking of such right now.
“All these FUCKING MEN to try and get over you is FUCKING INSANE. i grew so exhausted wondering if you felt the same way or not!!!-“ You complained more, pure adrenaline based off of your anger yet extreme happiness. You didn’t understand the mix of emotions but you did understand your anger and frustration.
“I feel the same GOD DAMN WAY why are you yelling at me like it’s all just on me-“ he complains right after you, but you talk over him.
“-All these fucking jealous wars and sleepless god damn nights…-“ You were practically rambling on to yourself, letting it all out since you’ve never been able to say it out loud before.
“you isolated me from any and all relationships with any other girl because you were just always on my bloody mind and I was always wondering if you liked me or we were just friends or wh-“
You guys then go on like this, continuously bickering back and forth, mostly talking over each other. You were both extremely angry and frustrated at eachother, or so the situation. Clearly.
Yet happy. So fucking happy.
Whilst you just started screaming and yelling at each other, you stepped closer and closer, getting in each other's faces. His breath made contact with your forehead again, but you kept yourself together. The irritation and mixed emotions held you strong.
You look up at him to hold eye contact while arguing over each other, to let him KNOW you’re pissed. Both of your faces paint tense and angry, anyone who would’ve spotted you two arguing would assume things were to get violent.
But finally, Sebastian shut up. By shutting you up.
He aggressively grabbed the back of your neck and smashed his lips harshly against yours. You immediately kissed him back, all your thoughts draining from your head at the simple feel of his lips.
Yours brushed like velvety silk, smoothing over each other perfectly. His hands made their way to both sides of your head, dragging you into his kiss harder. Your hands traveled up to feel over his chest, just as you opened your mouth to deepen the kiss.
He didn’t think twice as his tongue already made its way in, both of your mouths perfectly jointed together like a fitted puzzle piece. You were both nearly out of breath but refused to break apart until it literally depended on your life, breaking free of the anger by taking it out on each other. Passionately. Romantically.
You two broke apart gently, your foreheads resting against each other as you breathed the same breath, all the air from your lungs nearly 100% vanishing due to the hold of the kiss, and all the before disputing.
All the anger disappeared from inside you both completely, your hearts fluttering with joy, and pounding like never before.
You broke the contact from your foreheads to look at his face fully, brushing your hand over his cheek, holding it in your hand. You go on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his nose, but he interrupts it by kissing your lips again instead. His hands brush down your lower back, pulling you in closer to him.
Your lips mash into each others' hard, the feeling of him smiling against your lips yields you to as well. You break away from the kiss, his lips desperately following yours again like a lost puppy, but you back your face away from his.
"I'm in love you." You breathe against his mouth, your eyes traveling up into his as he breaks his look away from your lips onto your gaze.
"No." he responds breathlessly, teasing and mocking you. You giggle softly, knotting your fingers into his hair as he pulls you into a hug, snickering in return.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:✧・゚: *✧・゚:
✧.*Authors Note: hi! I'm honestly not too sure how I feel about this one but I spent too much damn time on ts so it's getting published.
I loved the idea of an angry love confession from Sebastian and y/n, but I feel as though I might've rushed it a bit and didn't portray Sebastians' personality as well as I could've... But frankly, I'm just desperate to post this one shot so I'm happy as hell writing this authors note right now lmfao. Enjoy feeding into your delusions with me!!
And again, kind feedback/advice is very very welcome!!
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wedonthaveawhile · 6 months
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Multi-Chapter Series:
The Serpents Hold | AO3
Ominis Gaunt x MC (NSFW) - 22/22 Chapters
Synopsis: A reimagining of the 'In the Shadow of' storyline with a centric focus on Ominis and The Gaunt's
Sebastian Sallow is treading a dangerous path in his efforts to cure his twin. To their mutual distain, Ominis and Nova are reluctantly thrust into a partnership to aid him. Amid this tense alliance, and the disapproval of Ominis' estranged family, Nova wrestles with her growing feelings for him—and with her suspicion that he knows more about Anne's curse than he's letting on.
Betraying the devil you know | AO3
Ominis Gaunt x MC (NSFW) - 2/6 Chapters
Months. That's how long Marvolo Gaunt has been crushing the life out of you. One reckless decision was all it took to be dragged into his inner circle to pay for your sins. However, being his favourite informant has its perks—you hear whispers: a civil war is brewing among the Gaunts.
Is it better the devil you know, or do you seek refuge in the arms of the enemy?
When she says my name | AO3
Garreth Weasley x MC (NSFW)
Garreth finds himself entangled with the heroine of Hogwarts. As their encounters become habit, they devolve into a game of power dynamics and possession.
Crimson and Clover | AO3
Garreth Weasley x MC (NSFW)
Garreth invites MC to the Weasley Christmas party, leading to some one-on-one time in the barn.
Baby Garreth, and where to find him | AO3
Garreth Weasley x MC
Inspired by her desire to see mermaids, Garreth brews his Herbology partner a potion as a gesture of his affection. Cue the inevitable chaos and peril.
Baby, it's cold outside | AO3
Garreth Weasley x MC (NSFW)
MC finds herself in Garreth's apothecary on Christmas Eve, and testing lust potion is on the agenda.
The Trash Man | AO3
Garreth is trash.
The Room of Requirement, circa 1892
Sebastian Sallow's Day Off
The Serpents Hold family tree.
Ominis and Nova in the prefects bathroom.
Hogwarts Divination Classroom Tapestry
Baby Garreth and Mummy Leander
Garreth and Leander in 'Baby Garreth and Where to Find Him'
Poppy comforts the Lord of the Shore
Ominis invesigates a tapping at the common room window
Gaunt Manor in chapter 21 of The Serpents Hold
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ephemerasnape · 9 months
Talk to Me - Ominis x MC Audio
After leaving the Scriptorium, you pull Ominis aside, having been entranced by his use of parseltongue..
This audio is based on my fic Talk to Me which you can read here.
Dirty Talk / Blowjob / Parseltongue
More where that came from!
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pmwritesandpoems · 8 months
A Timeless Hogwarts Legacy: Whatever It Takes (10/16)
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Fandom: Hogwarts Legacy Main Title: A Timeless Hogwarts Legacy Pairing: Ominis Gaunt/Original Female Character Tags: Romance; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Fluff; Friendship; Mutual Pining; Slow Burn
Chapter: 10/16 Title: Whatever It Takes Word Count: 19.401 (wow)
Last Chapters: AO3 (All Chapters) Tumblr (Up to chapter 7, chapter 8 and so on will only be posted on AO3)
First of all, I want to apologize for the very late update. Life happened and hit me quite hard in the last few months. But it's been okay, so far. Thank you to everyone who patiently waited for update in this fic. I will keep trying to finish this story, considering that I already have a complete plan for the end and I wanted to see it till the end as well. But I ask you from the bottom of my heart to understand that in the future, this story will be updated for a longer time than before because I still want to give the best to you. As a final word for this note, thank you for still reading this story till now.
Love, PM.
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sloanesallow · 5 months
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Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic Masterlist
Below you will find a somewhat comprehensive list of all the stories I have written/ am writing for Hogwarts Legacy.
These stories all feature the same MC, Siobhan Sloane. That being said, the main 'canon' story for her (and her relationship with Sebastian) is The Call of the Void, with 'canon' side-stories being featured in the one-shot collection Sweet Nothing. There is a good mix of SWF and NSFW.
You can learn more about Sloane HERE 💛
You can find me on Wattpad and Ao3 under the username speedgriffon
Reblogs, comments, and kudos are always appreciated! ✨
(Updated June 2024)
🌿The Call of the Void Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Canon Divergent | Mature
My "canon" version of events from fifth year and beyond, centered around Siobhan Sloane and Sebastian Sallow.
Tags: See author's note for details
[Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumblr ]
✨Magic, Madness, Heaven, Sin Sebastian Sallow x F!MC | Alternate Universe | Explicit
Sebastian and Sloane enter into a FWB relationship and all hell breaks loose.
Tags: Explicit sexual content, strangers to friends to lovers, FEELINGS
[Ao3 ] | [Wattpad]
SWF Offerings
All stories feature Sebastian and Sloane unless otherwise noted.
Charmed 2k words | F!MC POV, sassy Ominis, Quidditch Seb [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
ocean wave blues 1k words | Seb POV, frolicking on the beach, super fluffy [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
a little less sixteen candles 2.6k words | Seb POV, making up for missing Sloane's birthday [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
Forget-Me-Not 1k words | Seb POV, flower language prompt, The Sads(tm) [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
NSFW Offerings:
All stories feature Sebastian and Sloane unless otherwise noted. Each post has more tags/warnings listed. !!! MDNI !!!!
invisible string Ominis Gaunt x F!MC 4.9k words | Ominis POV, second chance, fluffy [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumblr ]
peace Ominis Gaunt x F!MC 3.5k words | F!MC POV, (light)Dominis, honeymoon vibes [Ao3] | [Wattpad]
Endgame 5.6k words | Seb POV, first time, romantic [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumblr}
the lakes F!MC POV, sex on the beach, spicy~ [Ao3] | [Wattpad]
need 2.6k words | Seb POV, needy and greedy Sebastian [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumblr ]
give me your wild 5.4k words | Seb POV, Dad!Seb, married life, SPICYSPICY [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
lavender haze 1.7k words | Seb POV, Amortentia enduced mastrubation [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
you live with ghosts 1.6k words | Seb POV, getting caught by ghosts [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
Big Brained 2.5k words | F!MC POV, feral wife loves her husband [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
(don't) touch 2k words | Seb POV, feral wife, needy, submissive Sebastian [Ao3] | [Wattpad] | [tumbr]
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