#spicier than normal i mean
itti-the-mouse · 1 year
Catgirl anon again. My life is such that I'm on and offline - fact of it. You're a fun thing to play with, though~~
In any case, your cute little prick feels soooo good inside my fat cock. I love how good that stretch feels - and I bet you love how hard I'm sucking yours in, huh, mousey? I bet it feels like I'm sucking it to a stump, huh?
Well guess what? I am! And I'm slurping up your balls like Boba, too - I bet you can watch them disappearing into me and dissolving in my big fuzzy kitty ballsack. There they go, one, and two - and that's that!
And look at how cute your brand new pussy is, Itti! Isn't it pretty? Your lips are so fat and juicy, oh, they're just begging for a kiss...
Tell you what: why don't you amuse yourself with my sweaty, bulging balls for a little while I have a taste? It would be unthinkable to fuck it without giving this cunt its due debut. ;3
Of course <3 After all, it's only fair to lick your balls if you're going to do the same to my new pussy~ (Not that I need to be told to lick your cock and balls ;3 Just put me near them and I'll gladly lick them all day~)
I should honestly be more shocked or worried or something that you've just absorbed my little mousey dick and balls and replaced them with a tiny mouse pussy, but it feels so unbelievably good that I don't have the brain power to think about it.~ And your balls smell and taste so good that I can't help but... relax~ And lick~ mindlessly licking and sucking, like a good toy should~
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reddpenn · 1 year
I got a Geiger counter!
Let’s look through my collection for some Spicy Rocks!  I’ve never deliberately collected radioactive specimens, so I have no idea what I’m going to find.
First, though, let’s test the baseline level of radiation in my house.
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It’s fun to hear the Geiger counter click as it detects radiation.  20 counts per minute.  Nice!  You’re unlikely to ever see a count of zero, as pretty much everything in the world, including the human body, gives off a little bit of radiation. 
20 is a normal baseline, nothing to be concerned about.  Standing in my house, I’m getting a radiation dose of about 0.00013 milliseieverts per hour - or a little over one mSv a year.  This is an average yearly dosage of radiation for people in my country, and is something my body can easily process.  For context, a dosage of 100 mSv would slightly increase my risk of cancer, and a dosage of 1000 mSv would immediately give me radiation sickness.
But enough about these boring, safe amounts of radiation.  I want to see some spice!  Let’s check over by the Rock Wall!
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Hm, I’d expected the CPM to be noticeably higher around my rock collection, but I’m getting nothing!  Even testing each individual rock, nothing’s more than a few ticks above the baseline.  So far, my fancy new toy is looking like wasted money.  :c
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WAIT!  THERE!!  62 CPM!  That’s three times higher than the base reading in the rest of my house!!!  YESSS!!  THIS ROCK IS SPICY!!!!
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Here’s the rock that’s setting off my Geiger counter.  (Yes I’m touching the spicy rock with my bare hands, don’t worry about it.) 
This fossil, which is as big as my head, is part of the femur bone of a Megalonyx, a North American giant ground sloth!
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These huge animals could grow as big as ten feet tall.  They lived alongside humans during the last ice age, and it’s theorized that humans may have hunted them to extinction.  This particular fossil was found in a phosphate mine!
Why is it radioactive?  Because... sometimes fossils are just radioactive!  They spend a lot of time in the ground, which is full of radioactive minerals, and often radiation just gets all up in there.  There are some fossils on display in museums which are so radioactive that they have to be coated with lead paint for the safety of curators and museum-goers!  Compared to those, this femur bone is barely radioactive at all.
So is it really safe for me to have this in my house, much less handle it with my bare hands?  Well, yeah!  Remember, despite having this spicy rock in my collection, the radiation baseline in my house is completely normal.  Here’s why.
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Even just a few centimeters away from this specimen, the Geiger counter’s reading is halved.  A few inches away, and it can’t detect any radiation at all.  It basically has to be directly touching the rock to get an abnormal reading.  Which means I also have to be touching the rock to receive a meaningful amount of radiation exposure.
But even holding this rock in my hands, I’m only getting a dosage of about 0.0004 mSv per hour.  If I never let go of this rock for an entire year, I would get a dose of about 3.5 mSv.  Which is... still completely within the safe threshold for my body to process.  Nothing to worry about!
Man, I gotta start collecting some spicier rocks.
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divine-knight-hand · 8 months
The End of an Era
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Regina George Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Pairing: (Reneé Rapp's) Regina George x Female Reader
Summary: After the iconic Christmas dance fiasco, one of Regina's long-time admirers decides to make sure she's okay.
Content Warnings: Mentions of being a pervert, but fluffiness from there, brief mentions of weight change and dieting, a poetry reference, a bit of toxic behavior (and verbal degradation) but Regina is a queen and I'm wearing rose-colored glasses, nothing spicier than kissing, but their is some dubious consent (but the want is mutual!)
Notes: Christmas dance scene moment!!! I just recently saw the new Mean Girls and Regina George was all that was on my mind since. So, I quickly wrote this up. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,624
Dividers by @anitalenia
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I’m no better than a man… I thought as I ogled Regina while she danced onstage.
Most of the student body didn’t care for the plastics’ “Rockin’ Around the Pole” routine, but I made sure I had the best view of it every year. I already knew before this year’s performance that it would be a little different. I recognized the group’s newest member, Cady Heron, from homeroom. Regina quickly took an interest in her when she first transferred in, and she became the newest member of the plastics.
I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. What did it feel like to have Regina look at you in fascination? What did it feel like to be taken under her wing? How many times did Cady hang out with her? How many times did Cady go to Regina’s house?
The clapping of the girls’ leather boots made me jump, and my eyes zeroed back in on Regina. No, I didn’t actually care for the performance itself, but from freshman year, when I first saw Regina in the same tight-fitting crop top, short skirt, long gloves, and thigh-high boots, I was awe-struck. Since then, I’d taken to watching her from afar, which was easy to do, since she always made her presence known when she entered a room. With each passing day, I grew more and more enamored with her.
I found myself instinctively leaning in once the girls set up one of the grandest moves in their performance. Karen took to the bottom as Gretchen guided Regina into a handstand on her knees from behind. I willed my eyes down to Regina’s face once she made it into position.
Though I spent the performance letting my eyes travel along her body–looking at her thighs in the space between her skirt and boots, her exposed sliver of midriff under her crop top, and watching the way her beach blonde waves fell to frame her gorgeous breasts–I would not be perverted enough to hone in on her crotch as her skirt flipped. My mind might already be in the gutter, but I’d still have a little class.
I’d noticed that her clothes seemed to be fitting her a little tighter than normal this year. There were rumors floating around that Regina was gaining weight, but I also heard that she was on some health kick with special weight loss bars, so that couldn’t have been possible. It had to have just been in my head.
Or so I thought.
Suddenly, Karen’s legs began to shake, and as Regina lost her balance, Gretchen lost her grip, sending the three of them tumbling to the ground in front of a surprised Cady. The audience let out a unanimous gasp as Regina hit the floor face-first. Oh, shit!
It didn’t take long for all the cameras to start flashing, and the look on Regina’s face told me she knew that her life as the untouchable leader of the plastics was quickly coming to a close.
I figured that famous poet who said the world doesn’t end “with a bang but a whimper” clearly didn’t consider the fact that a teenage girl’s world could get explosive in an instant, without a single warning. I’m sure they’d change their mind once they met Regina George.
The curtains began to close, but not before I saw Regina take to her feet and speed backstage. I felt terrible for her. Was she one of the meanest people in the school? Yes. But, I was also in love with her- I mean- a firm believer that nobody deserved that level of humiliation. Not even mean girls. So, out of a sense of heartache and longing to comfort her, I did what any normal and not creepy person would do. I jumped out of my seat and went after her.
I couldn’t actually follow Regina backstage, since I wasn’t in the talent show, so I ducked into the bathroom closest to the auditorium. As soon as I opened the door, I saw her, and my heart leapt into my throat.
She slammed her fists down on the sink in front of her, letting out an angry growl.
I gently closed the door behind me, not wanting to alert her yet, but my shoe audibly squeaked against the floor, and Regina’s head snapped in my direction.
I gasped once I saw her. It was an instant, and she quickly turned away, but after she made mascara tears a school-wide trend, it was hard not to notice when they were on her face.
“Get out.” She spat, still facing the other way.
“I- I wanted to see if you were okay.” I stammered.
“I didn’t say to start spewing mushy shit,” She insisted in that same cold tone. “I said to get the hell out.” When I didn’t immediately move, she roared. “NOW!”
I reeled backwards in surprise when she got loud, feeling an instant sense of guilt. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep. I’ll go.” I turned to grab the door handle, but paused when I heard her sniffle again. “You know, I come to see your performance every year.”
“Yeah, everyone does, because I’m amazing.” I turned my head to see Regina impatiently drumming her fingers on the sink, gloves long abandoned. “What, did you think you were different?”
“No,” I admitted. “I know that nothing I do really sets me apart from anyone else in this hellhole.” She snorted at my remark, and I dared to slowly approach her. “So, yeah, I’m just like everyone else. I came to see your dance. I follow all the trends you set. I turn my head whenever you walk into a room. Hell, whenever you turn up, you’re all I can see.”
She snapped her head back to me, her face set in a stoic expression. “Are you mocking me right now?”
“No, no!” I stopped my advancements, waving my hands to emphasize. “I would never!” I moved my hands to my pockets, eyes drifting down to my shoes. “If anything, I was mocking myself. I’m just like any other nobody in North Shore. I honestly wouldn’t expect you to recognize me. Sorry for bothering you.” I bit my lip in shame, debating whether or not I should leave.
A beat of silence passed before I made up my mind to go, but before I had the chance, Regina spoke up. “You’re Y/N L/N.”
My jaw dropped.
“Ew.” Regina closed the gap between us, coaxing my mouth closed with a hand under my chin. “Don’t do that.”
“Sorry.” I muttered, heat creeping into my cheeks. She touched me! She actually touched me!
“I do know you.” Regina went on. “It’s a bit hard not to notice when someone’s practically stalking you.”
My cheeks burned with humiliation. “I… I…”
A faint smile stirred at her painted red lips. “Especially when they’re as cute as you are.”
What? “What?”
“Ugh, get your ears cleaned.” She rolled her eyes. “I said I think you’re cute. Do you honestly think I’d let you creep on me if you weren’t?”
I scratched the back of my neck. “Sorry about that…”
“Don’t be.” Regina moved my hand before wrapping her arms around my neck. “I liked your eyes on me.” She pressed her body against mine, and I hoped she couldn’t feel my heart fluttering. “Everyone watches me, of course, but you’re the only one I like watching me.”
“Regina…” I breathed.
“Oh. My. God.” Regina scoffed. “Stop being such a prude and wrap your arms around me. What are you, a nun?”
“S- sorry…” I muttered, moving my hands from their tense position at my sides to hold her. I felt electricity under my fingers once they made contact with the skin of her midriff.
“That’s… better.” Regina ran her tongue over her teeth, like a hungry shark eying its prey. “I don’t wanna kiss you without your hands on me.”
WHAT?! “Wha-” She cut me off by pulling me into the promised kiss.
She rolled her body against mine, and I sighed, my eyes fluttering shut as I let her tongue into my mouth. Her hands clawed against my back as she tried to pull me closer.
She pulled away, only to keep kissing my face. She kissed all over my cheeks before trailing her kisses along my neck to the collar of my shirt. I shivered as one of her hands pulled at my shirt, and I felt her lips against the sweet spot in my neck.
“Regina…” I breathlessly sighed. “I adore you…”
“I know~” I felt her mouth spread into a grin against my mouth.
Then, all too soon, she pulled away from me, fixing her hair as she looked me up and down.
“You came to ask me if I was okay, right?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Y- yeah,” I stuttered, still in shock from our kiss.
“Well, I’m better now~” She winked. “So, thanks for that.”
Before I could even formulate an idea on what I could possibly say next, she was out the bathroom door.
What just happened? I wondered just before my reflection caught my eye. I was covered in blotches of red lipstick. It was scattered on my cheeks, coloring my neck, and smudged across my lips.
I gingerly reached a hand up to admire myself. I was all marked up. I was Regina’s.
After tonight, we knew Regina might not have been queen of the plastics anymore, but I hoped that she left the room with the understanding that she would always be a queen to me. Her world didn’t end with a bang or a whimper. It ended with a kiss.
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deepestnightcolor · 2 months
First of all, I love the way you write it always helps me picture in my brain the scene so thanks for that~
I'll stop being mushy now hehe
I've been having thoughts about the fem!farmer having a profile on a site to look for hookups before moving to Pelican Town and forgetting about how she used to have spicy texts with Sam just to accidentally meeting him on the streets of her new town while going on a stroll 😏 hehe
Anyways! Have an amazing day!!!
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ᴀ/ɴ: IT MIGHT BE FINALS SEASON FOR ME (please, end me) BUT THAT DOESN'T STOP ME FROM KEEPING YOU ALL FED IN ADDITION TO THE OTHER GLORIOUS MEALS YOU MAY CONSUME HERE. Thank you so much for the praise, lovely, it means THE WORLD. I hope you forgive me that I gave this story a little twist, and that you enjoy nonetheless!
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x fem!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 3789 words
ᴍᴅɴɪ ✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: sexting, dirty talk, praising, unprotected sex, slobber, pierced dick (I said it and I will say it again, fight me), mutual pining, you are being pounded~, cream pie.
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☾ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴏɴʟɪɴᴇ ☽
Sometimes you still read them. Read them when you were touching yourself beneath the sheets of your bed, read them when you wanted to get in the mood. Sometimes you still read them when you needed a little inspiration, but it was a fact that you still read them.
Normally, you deleted every conversation you had had on that website. But the ones with him had been so… entirely different. It wasn’t like you had been looking for something when you signed up on a site that promised quick, anonymous chats. Chats that could be easily discarded and forgotten. Messages that had one purpose; to still the one’s lust and then move on. To put it simply, a website that promised horny people to meet other horny people, whether it stayed digital or became real was none of their business.
You had never wanted any of this to become real – you were happy to play around with someone and be played around with when you laid in bed, all bored and horny. You were satisfied by being told how good you would be railed, happy with empty promises of being treated like a goddess. Comfortable with sharing some pictures – of course well-placed pictures, hiding details that would enable being recognized, never showing your face. At least you had been happy with building castles in the air until you had met him.
You had stumbled across him in one of the forums, a man showing off his upper body with a sense of pride radiating from his posture alone. He had accompanied the image with a simple line of text: “I am missing my muse.” Usually, you would have rolled your eyes and scrolled past in search of something spicier, dirtier. But something about him had made you click faster on that username than you would have ever liked to admit, sliding into the chat with him with a sense of despair in your chest: >If you treat me well, I could be your next muse.<
Your text had started a message of the sexiest texts you had ever received, and you didn’t even fucking know why. “SkAterdreaM” just seemed to know how to press your buttons. Guiding you to touch yourself with such a sense of precision, praising you just right. >That’s a pretty girl…Are those thighs twitching just for me? Yoba, Id love to kiss them, fuck you right until they are shaking because that’s what you deserve. Deserve to cum over and over again. Come on pretty baby, lemme hear those moans< >You make me so hard, fuck. I am drooling for you< But not only that – he added those videos. Fuck, those videos. You were pretty sure he had always put on a show for you with how he squeezed his cock, milked the pre-cum right out of himself. With how he let out these quivering, shaky gasps, moaning praise right into the microphone. “Look at what you are doing to me, princess- ah, fuck~ I wish you were here with me, gorgeous... I’d let you ride me right now, bounce on my cock… Are you touchin’ yourself for me, sweet girl? Rub that clit for me, yeah? Slooowly, I want you to go slow, just like this- you are going to be good for me, aren’t you?” Reacting perfectly to the videos you were sending him, picking up on little details not even you had been aware of. >Look at those pretty lips, all bitten-up... Feelin so good, baby? You make me wanna kiss em all better, gorgeous< Making you feel seen, heard, and appreciated. And the worst of it all? He wasn’t even there with you.
In all honesty, you had rarely ever come as hard as you had that night, and you hadn’t been able to find anything like that chat on that website since that night. And you had really tried. Texting men and women alike, talking to them, desperate to replicate what you had had with SkAterdreaM, but you always ended up disappointed, always ended up in that chat again and you always ended up disappointed when that last message smiled at you. >You were the prettiest muse I could ever possibly find.<
And damn how you wanted to find SkAterdreaM. Even now that you lived in Pelican Town did you sometimes read that chat, in hopes that the green button next to his name would indicate him being online, would allow you the chance to talk to him again, but you were always denied. It felt like Yoba had given you a gift, just to take it away from you again, leaving you in the bliss of it all and grieving the loss of it. How could life be so cruel?
You had tried to coax him back online, too. Sending pictures, all too pretty pictures. Of you in lingerie, which, you had to shamefully admit, were bought with him in the back of your mind. Of you cupping those pretty tits he had praised the whole night. Of you posing for him. But nothing. SkAterdreaM stayed offline.
But then, one day, you heard it. That voice. It immediately sent your body into a state of tingling sensations, skin burning up, heart pounding. You knew that voice. It sounded a lot less shaky and a lot less raunchy, but you knew that voice. Fuck. Were you going crazy? Had your insatiable need to meet that random-ass man again manifested into a psychosis? Maybe you should visit the town’s doctor, but what would you say? “Hey, I had a really great online sexting session, and now I hear the dude’s voice in real life, please help”? Maybe someone just had a- “Stop it, Seb, or I will kick you in the fucking nuts,” the voice laughed, sending a shudder rippling down your spine. You couldn’t believe it, yet there he was. The source of the voice was making his way toward you – well, more likely toward the saloon behind you, but fuck it – laughing with a man walking next to him.
“Oh! Hi, you must be the new farmer,” he smiled once he noticed you, and you were pretty sure you were just about to topple over, lip quivering. Could this really be? Could you have moved into the same town this online phantom was living in by accident? Was someone playing a cruel joke on you? Nevertheless, you were staring. Staring hard. What were words again, and how did you use them?
“Hi, I-“ -met you on a website for sex and fuck, I missed you. Before your tongue could release the word vomit onto the poor blond you snapped shut your jaw, trying to cover your tracks with an awkward smile. However, something in his face had shifted. A hint of recognition in those blue eyes – Yoba, he was handsome -, but they were definitely flooded with disbelief. A knock in his ribs coming from the man next to him made him stutter back into motion.
“Sam,” he choked out, mirroring that awkward smile on your lips. You gripped his offered hand, your breath hitching into your throat, making it near impossible to breathe out your own name.
“You remind me of someone,” he suddenly started out, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, “a muse I met a while ago.” “What the fuck, Sam? Leave the poor girl alone,” the dark-haired man – Seb? – laughed, clearing his throat awkwardly. Little did he know that Sam had said just the right thing. “No worries, you remind me of a dream I had,” you shot back, making a small grin appear on his pink lips. “I will see you around then? I have made a few promises.” “Definitely.”
The way your lips crashed together could only be described as heavenly. Sam hadn’t even really taken the time to close the door behind himself before he had already wrapped you up in an embrace, fingers running through your hair before gently cradling your head. You couldn’t help yourself but moan into the gentle suckle of his lips, your body melting into him like it knew where it belonged. “Fuck, I thought I would never find you again,” he breathed, leaving your lips only for a second to gently nip at your jaw before going right back to your lips. His tongue lapped at the fat of your lower lip, greedily pushing past your teeth to lick over yours, his hands now wandering down your back. The feeling of being desired cursed through you just as much as the feeling of desiring him, your own hands wandering beneath the white shirt he was wearing to feel the smooth skin of his toned stomach. “Same,” you gasped out as he pulled away just enough to let you breathe, “I kept texting you,” you stammered, your lips kissing along his neck, savouring that breathless groan that left his already swelling lips, “but you never replied.” “I lost all access to that account,” he breathed back, his own hands now slipping beneath your shirt, small moan escaping him as they engulfed your tits, “fuck, baby. They feel just as pretty as they looked.” Yoba, he loved that giggle that left you. He had loved everything about your encounters. The way you had reacted to him, the way that you had moaned for him. The way you had begged for more, even though he just couldn’t give you what he had wanted – which had been everything. He had absolutely loved your voice cracking, the way you bit your lip as your hips bucked. The way your thighs quivered. It had been burnt into his mind, lending him a hand whenever he fucked his fist. It should have embarrassed him – an online encounter absolutely possessing his mind, but it didn’t. He had cursed heaven and hell when he had realized that he had lost access to that fucking account, and thus to you. “Believe me, I tried to get back into it,” he sighed, big hands squeezing the flesh in his hand, pierced tongue licking along your throat, just to ease the following blow of his teeth sinking into your pretty skin, “but I couldn’t for the life of me.” And really – he had tried. Even asked Sebastian if he could regain the access he had lost, even though it had set him up for a lifetime of mockery. Your answer was a mere whimper, one that made his pants way too fucking tight. He had never been this hard ever since that night, but now- now he could touch you.
“Pretty princess,” he sighed, hips rutting into you almost automatically. Yoba, feeling you after dreaming about you for so long – it made him feel like he could come right now, like he could cream his pants just because he felt your hands wander down his back, nails scratching along him ever so slightly. Yoba, he needed you.
Even though it physically pained him to pull his hands away from your nipples, he did. Just in favour of pulling down the fabric of your pants. He needed to see you. All bare, just for him. His breath hitched when he saw your panties, adorning your pubic mound in a way not even the most skilled artist could have painted. His whole body quivered as his long fingers reached out for you, brushing the calloused pad along the still clothed skin. He could hear the slight thump of your head falling against the wall behind you as you took in a shaky breath, and he wanted to cry tears of joy. He could have you now, all for himself. The realization made every ounce of patience he had promised himself to have evaporate, instead his fingers curled into the fabric, giving the thin layer of clothing a good tug. “So wet for me already, princess?” he all but cooed, holding your underwear up to your face, a wet spot beaming right at you. “Shut up,” you laughed, albeit a lot more breathless than you had been at the beginning of this, running your hands down his body. “You are not much better, SkaterDream.” Sam’s hips almost involuntarily bucked forward when your fingers brushed along the outline of his erection, eyes rolled back in his skull. Why did your fingers feel so much better than his whole fucking fist? Shit, you had ruined masturbation for him – but he just couldn’t be mad at you. No way, not when you looked up at him like this, doe eyes glazed over with lust, lips puffy from the rough, hungry kisses the two of you had shared.
Just looking at you made his balls pull tight, red tip of his dick drooling pre-cum into the black of his boxers. You were right, he wasn’t much better. His eyes drifted shut as you fisted at his poor dick now, making it cry for release from its restraints. “You are so beautiful; you know that darling? So damn beautiful,” he sighed, allowing your hands to unbuckle his belt with a clinking noise, his own working to slide your shirt above your head. Normally, he would have brought you upstairs, laid you on the bed before he would have taken his sweet times, but right now, he felt like he was starving right in front of a meal. He struggled out of his pants while he pushed up your bra, lips latching on your sweet nipple, letting the moan that left your sinful lips go through his whole system, savouring the way his dick twitched. “That’s right, baby, moan for me,” he coaxed, flicking a finger against your clit. Just lightly, to gauge your reaction. And oh, did you deliver. Your hips bucked forward almost immediately, back arched in in an attempt to get closer, to get more, more, more. Your eyes were half-lidded now, your cleavage flushed, as your lips mouthed wordless begs. How could Sam resist?
He couldn’t. His boxers pooled around his ankles just to be kicked away, pierced dick meeting his stomach with a wet smack. The moan that came from you upon revealing his girth almost sent him toppling over, legs shaking slightly as he slid it between your folds. “What is it, baby? Do you like my dick? Is it good enough for your pretty pussy?” His hips rocked back and forward now, coating his perverted shaft in your slick, eyes never leaving your face as he awaited your response. The nod you gave was small, but the look in your eyes was enough to make him drool. Tears welled in them, just about to slip down those flushed cheeks, so full of desire and despair that he felt like they were mirroring his soul. When the pierced tip caught your twitchy hole, both of you gasped out loud, making Sam’s hips work faster, bumping against your entrance over and over. He adored the wet sounds the two of you created, the way you moaned in his ear, and oh Yoba, how you bit those pretty lips again. He just had to – had to kiss them better, had to aim for your clit, had to please you.  “Sam,” you suddenly gasped, making his head snap up, taking his focus away from how pretty your pussy looked with his dick teasing it. “Yes, baby? What do you want? Tell me, princess.” “Fuck- Sam, please- fuck me,” you mewled, head again bumping into the wall. Another fat glob of pre-cum leaked out of him, and he was pretty sure he had sold his soul to the devil – how else could this be true? But you were his muse, his pretty, pretty princess, that made his balls hurt so good, so if he had actually sold his soul, he would have done it all over again.
“Do you need me, baby? Want my dick to ruin your sweet little cunt? Yeah? That’s what you want?” Another bump against your clit, another tease at your hole, and yet another glob of pre-cum coating your folds. “Yes, Sam! Fuck, PLEASE.”
That had definitely done it for him. Greedy tip lining up with your drooling hole, his eyes searched your face once more before he pushed forward. Feeling your drenched walls wrap around him, Yoba, he wanted to weep. His dick surely did. You were so beautifully wet around him, greeting him with a squelching sound as your walls stretched around him. If his brain had been working until now, it most definitely had short-circuited at right this moment and had left his mouth hanging open, spit dribbling down his tongue and on your gorgeous tits. You weren’t in much better shape – Sam was big. Girth stretching you absolutely thin, making you feel like you were going to rip in half, but fuck, did it feel good. His pierced tip bumped against your walls, and you could feel him pulse inside of you with each push forward.
“Y..you..you okay?” he whispered as he was about halfway in, nodding at the small nod you gave him. “Doin’ so good for me, baby. So good. Fuck, you feel so good. Better than I could have ever imagined, babe,” he babbled, strings of spit landing on your skin with almost every word. “Sweet, sweet girl. Taking in my dick like a perfect little slut, I am gonna move again now, ‘kay? Gonna take all of me, princess?”
You didn’t have any other option than nod – it felt like with Sam’s dick entering you, all the words you had ever learned had left you. Not that you minded, what he gave you was so much better. He fucked his dick further into you, moaning your name in the most strained, beautiful way as he bottomed out. “Good fucking- Good girl, so good for me. Don’t deserve you, darling,” he yapped, beginning with a slow and steady pace. That didn’t last long, though. Your moans were just so beautiful, you see? Sam really did try, though! Really tried to keep slow and go easy on you, but there was just no way to do so when you sounded like this, when you scratched your fingers down his back like this. When you whimpered and bucked into him like this – no, he just couldn’t.
He fucked into you like you deserved, like you had always dreamed of. Giving you quick and hard thrusts that reached deep, tip bullying into you mercilessly. Sam wasn’t able to get enough from seeing you like this, with your mouth either hanging open or closed as you bit your lip, seeing you being ruined by his dick while your tits bounced for him – it just was so delicious. “Fuck, baby. You are suckin’ me off, does it feel good? Do ya like my dick pounding that cunt? Do ya like how I make you mine? Tell me, love. Use your words.” His fingers wrapped around your chin, making you look at him as he thrusted at a rough pace, keeping eye contact as your pussy squelched for his throbbing dick. You smacked your lips together, once, then twice, trying to answer these simple questions, but it was just so hard when it felt like the ability to speak was hogtied by the feeling of your building orgasm. “Can’t hear you, sweets. But look at you, bitin’ your lip again, ya love this, dontcha?” He cooed, licking along your throat, down your cleavage, just to lap and nip at your nipple while his thumb rolled over the other. “Still, I wanna hear you, let me hear those words, c’mon. I know you can do it.” Just to underline his words, he gave you an especially hard thrust, making you gasp out his name, followed by a babbled string of “yes”’s. “That’s it, love. That’s it. Knew you could do it,” he cooed, eyes watching how greedily your cunt sucked in his dick. Yoba, he was close. So, so close. The thought of filling you up made his balls pull again, aching for that sweet, sweet release. He needed you to cum, drench him, cream his cock – he just needed you to.
His tongue lulled out of his mouth, spittle landing on your already damp skin as he pounded into you. His thumb found its spot on your clit again, flicking and rubbing it in circles that matched the pace of his thrusts. “Sa-Sahaaam!” You sobbed, voice edging in a high pitch as your stomach swirled around that approaching high. “What is it, baby? Gonna cum for me? Please, cum for me. Drench me, I want it all, make a mess of me.” His words only added to the building pressure within you, the room suddenly seeming to spin, the only thing that stayed in frame being the blond that fucked into you as if his life depended on it. Your moans no longer consisted of anything cohesive, only the high-pitched edge announced your nearing orgasm. Sam picked up on it, fell right in love with it and obeyed, keeping his pace a steady, hard fuck, thumb massaging your aching clit in a way that made your thighs twitch. You tried to tell him that you were going to cum, you certainly did, but all that left your mouth was a sob, followed by a small whine before your back arched in, legs full-on shaking as your orgasm wrecked through you.
Your hole spasmed around Sam’s already pulsing dick, gush of juices creating a creamy ring around the base of his shaft. He wanted this image of you to be forever etched into his brain, wanted it to be one of his core memories.
The look you gave him was enough to send him over the edge himself, red tip spitting ropes of cum inside of you, filling you up with each thrust. Sam just couldn’t stop, the need to fuck it deep inside of you possessing him as he pounded away, wanted to mark you as his and only his.
Only when his balls felt so incredibly empty did he slow to a stop, panting for hair like a dog in heat. Looking down at you, you weren’t in much better shape. You looked wrecked. Body flushed still, covered in his drools and lovebites he had left while he had been fucking into you. You were still shaking lightly against him, your eyes holding a fucked-out gaze that made his knees weak. For a while, the two of you just looked at one another as you panted, Sam’s hand carefully trading through your hair, the other working on holding up your tired body.
After a while, Sam dared to speak again. “So…I know we met on a website for sex, but…could I maybe take you on a date?”
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serosblunt · 1 year
BakuSquad Boys: Showering with Them (Pt. 2)
BakuSquad x (Gender-neutral) reader
Characters: Bakugo & Kirishima
Warnings: None really; mentions of nudity and hints at spicier things.
Description: What I imagine showering with these two would be like, from how often they shower to skincare routines and fun little quirks they have :)
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Katsuki’s a neat freak, you’d known that since you’d first met the man. So his personal grooming routine shouldn’t have been any surprise to you. What you weren’t expecting was for him to be quite possibly the most hygienic person you’d ever met in your entire life.
As a general rule, Katsuki preferred showers to baths. He had never been a fan of the idea of just sitting there, floating in dirty water. He feels like he’s never really getting clean.
He’s not opposed to them entirely though. If it’s been a particularly long or arduous day, he’ll drag you into the tub with him, holding you tightly to his chest as you soak silently for a while.
Of course, he then needs a shower afterwards to get rid of those “damn germs.”
Besides his wavering affections with baths, Katsuki showers almost as soon as he feel dirty, but his bare minimum is twice a day. Damn the water bill, in his eyes it’s a necessity.
This is partly due to his quirk relying on the use of his sweat. By the end of his shift, he’s often soaking.
If he can, he’ll shower at the agency, but it feels weird not being in his own environment, with you, ready and waiting to comb his hair.
While he does have his undercut, his dad started balding at quite a young age, and the blond still wants to lose his hair by choice.
He would never admit this to anyone, and he may actually kill them if they found out, but he was incredibly grateful when you introduced the idea of rosemary oil into his routine. He then practically melted when you decided to take over combing through and massaging the oil into his scalp each night, deeming your boyfriend’s yanking of his roots too rough.
While Bakugo has a much more extensive haircare routine then he does skincare routine, that’s not to say that he doesn’t have one at all.
The nature of his quirk often means Katsuki returns home to you with scarred palms and dry skin.
Washing the soot and ash from his face usually happens in his nightly shower, something you have been known to assist with if his hands are blistering or he’s badly hurt that day- this is normally something you have to ascertain for yourself, your boyfriend’s stubbornness often defending his pride a little too well.
But even the explosive blond couldn’t deny that the known universe itself seemed to stand still as your hands ever so softly rubbed at his skin, afraid to hurt him anymore than the world already had.
A hydrating moisturiser is then applied to his face, and burn ointment and vasoline to his hands, as he grumbles about needing yet another pair of gloves.
A small price to pay for being the number two hero.
Katsuki can’t go through a day feeling dirty. He refuses to sit down or touch anything if he has just come back from patrol, and he’d sooner be caught dead then having left the house without showering. He knows from an outside perspective, his habits seem insane and his self-maintenance rigorous. But he can’t help but to let out a chuckle at those thoughts as he’s applying his chapstick for the night, catching a glimpse of your puckered lips in his periphery, demanding your ritualised kiss.
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Ever the gentleman, Kirishima believes it is a man’s duty to stare lovingly (or otherwise if you permit it) at your partner as they’re in your presence, especially if you’re naked.
There is not a single part of your body that this man deems unworthy of being drooled over, kissed over, and otherwise admired until you smack him up the side of the head and call him a perv.
He’s honestly just honoured to even be allowed in the same room as you while you go through your own routine. Genuinely, he’s just in awe of you every moment of every day, and to tell you the truth, he’s not entirely convinced he’s not dating some sort of ancient beauty, the likes of which he could never know or hope to achieve.
Once the red head picks his jaw up from off the floor, having gawked at you a little too long, he’s all about setting the mood.
It doesn’t have to be a special occasion for him to woo you, it just comes naturally to him.
Roughly once a fortnight, sometimes more, you’ll come home from a long day to find the bathtub filled with bubbles, a pair of glasses waiting closely nearby, and an array of scented candles surrounding the already romantic scene.
The first time Eijiro surprised you with it, you begun to cry tears of happiness. The big lug practically had a heart attack right there, thinking he had offended you in some way.
Later, he presented you with a trio of both of your favourite smelling candles- sandalwood and vanilla.
You loved the sandalwood because it smelt like Eijiro, something you missed deeply on his long missions away. And he fell in love with vanilla when he realised how much the calming scent was intertwined in your lives.
To keep the house smelling nice, you’d often boil vanilla among other spices on the stove. To him, vanilla was home, it meant you and him in the place you built together.
So, he had the two scents mixed and made into a set of three custom pillar candles.
You would often look back and smile as you remembered him promising to “always keep them lit for you, and to use them specifically when pampering you and massaging your feet.”
So far Kirishima was yet to break that promise.
The red head didn’t have much of a preference between baths or showers, but being the sturdy hero, he often found he couldn’t fit comfortably in the confined space of a bathtub.
Ultimately, it made no difference as he just viewed the time as an opportunity to hold you close, planting occasional kisses to your forehead before he volunteered to take you through your usual shower routine.
It was through these experiences that your boyfriend learnt your biggest tell- if you ever elected to wash your hair yourself, something was wrong. But no matter, by the end of the night, you were always balled up in his arms, safe and sound.
It took a lot of convincing to get your brick wall of a boyfriend to try using a moisturiser, on both his face and body.
He had some delusion that the hydration would somehow make his quirk less effective, but you insisted his skin was begging for it.
To compromise, you tested his theory on Tetsutetsu, essentially his twin. To Eijiro’s shock, the improved health of his skin actually made his sharp edges even sharper.
You cherished your victory in silence, just happy to have roped him into step one of your planned five-part skincare routine for him.
He was sooo in for it.
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You are seriously such a talented writer! I was just wondering if I could request a hook x reader where he accidentally eats a love potion and falls in love with reader but like after the spell breaks it turns out he’s actually fallen for her?
Thank you so much sweetness ❤️ and absolutely it’s almost like an accidental Bal I love that
Side Effects
James Hook x Reader
Pronouns Used: she/her/hers
Summary: Someone should’ve warned him that one of the cups Uliana had given him held a little bit more than sprite and Malibu. Now it looks like he’s fallen victim to sugary side effects of a love potion.
Warnings: underage drinking, love potions are always a warning around here but especially right now because someone's drink is spiked with one, Hook is absolutely needy while under that spell and a little ooc but i promise it's due to the potion, flirty and sexual jokes but nothing that is truly nsfw (unless you count hook sleeping in his boxers ig), also a kiss scene that I didn't mean to make like that. so maybe a little spicier than I intended when I started on this idk
Word Count: 4.3K (idk how I did that either, inspired ig)
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    Villain parties were so much louder and longer than hero parties were. There was alcohol mixed with  the faint smell of smoke and the type of music she would never hear back in her friend group’s parties. If she was honest with you, (Y/n) was enjoying it, absolutely drinking up the atmosphere around her, despite the fact that she’d normally be asleep by now. Not that she even felt tired, the room was too lively to let her give way to the normal exhaustion that would plague her by this time. She realized suddenly that she was actually kind of thankful Maleficent had invited her, swearing it had been a joke until she got there and the villains looked nearly excited to see her. This was actually fun, she felt relaxed in a way she probably shouldn’t be, two drinks in and singing along to songs she didn’t even realize she knew. Maybe she doesn’t know the words, but she’s saying something. God only knows how she was hoping she could get an invitation next time they decide to do something wild like this. (Y/n) wanted to drink up this feeling every time the cup would be offered to her. 
    Speaking of cups being offered to her, her “party buddy” as he’d deemed himself was heading back to her, sliding a blue plastic cup into her waiting fingers. “Now if you ask me,” his voice is raised over the music, “Malibu is a cheap excuse for rum, but it seemed like it would be more your style than that last drink was.” She nods, taking a sip from the cup which was the third one he’d given her all night. In a normal world, she wouldn’t trust a drink handed to her by just anyone, but something about Hook made her feel like she could. Maybe it was just because she felt like she knew him, the boy had been her partner in Alchemy for the past two years running, sharing little jokes and passing notes. “Yeah?” She hums, tilting her head to the side slightly as if to nod as she reaches out to grab the second cup from the crook of his elbow, holding it steady so he could properly grab it. “Better than the last one?” She nods, taking another sip as she looks at him, “Sweeter. This one doesn’t burn.” “Good, seems like I found your drink of choice, yeah?” The girl nods letting her words come out on a giggle, “Don’t give me that first drink ever again, Hook. I’m serious.” He hums, raising his own cup to his lips to cover his playful smirk, “I’ll get you warmed up to a gentlemen’s rum eventually, Lass.” “Gentleman is a strong word for you, isn’t it Captain? And you’d get me running around with your crew on the daily before you’d have me drinking that for fun.” Despite the callous words there’s a genuine smile hanging on her lips as she watches the boy. She hadn’t realized spending time with him could be so fun, perhaps that was wrong of her. 
    When the pirate looked up from his drink he could tell something felt new. His eyes dancing across her face as if eating up the memory of her like that, so carefree at one of his parties. Tasting the wilder side of life. The blue and green lights making her skin glow, hair slightly mused from where she had been dancing with a rosy tint to her cheeks from the alcohol and teasing little smirk on her face as she stared at him. The smirk coupled with the gentlest look in her eyes. She’d always been stunning to him but right now she looked nearly mythical. The gods should be jealous of her beauty, he was absolutely positive of that. “Have I ever told you that I think you’re breathtaking, Lass?” She looks down, tongue poking out between her teeth as she smiles, “I don’t think you have, Hook, no.” He tucks the dull edge of his hook under her chin, tilting her head up, “Hey, let me see you. Don’t shy away from me.” He leans forward, placing a soft kiss to her right cheek before he whispers in her ear, “And I beg of you, call me James.” 
     The pirate before her was a flirt, (Y/n) was more than aware of that, and it made her hate the way butterflies erupted in her stomach at his touch. The feeling of his lips setting her on fire. “I bet that’s what you tell all your girls,” she teases, trying to sound confident as she shoves his shoulder gently. His hook wraps around her bicep, pulling her against him and her hand finds its way forward to absorb some of the shock of the collison. “What other girls love? As far as I’m concerned you’re the only one here.” She reaches up, smoothing a stray strand of his hair back into place as he takes another sip of his drink. “Is that so?” He nods, staring down at her glossed lips, “You have no idea how long I’ve been trying to see you outside of that old man’s watchful eye. I’m so glad you came tonight.” Her hand busies itself behind his back, toying with the boy’s collar as they stand there face to face, “I think you’ve had enough to drink, James. I never picked you to be a lightweight.” He hums, pressing another kiss to her shoulder, “The only thing I’m drunk on is you, love.”  
     Right hand reaching out to his, taking his cup and  she’s laughing, sliding it onto the table behind him, “Whatever you say, Captain. How about you let me take you home?” His ever present smirk turns into more of a genuine smile as he nods, letting the girl untangle herself from him. Normally he’d stay at a party until they had to shut it down, he’d never left this early. But he did feel off, maybe he was drunk? Had he made his drinks too strong to compensate for how light he was pouring hers without noticing? It didn’t matter, not when he was taking hold of her hand and she was letting him. Her thumb rubbing light circles on the back of his hand as she led him through the crowd. The cool air outside felt heavenly on his skin as the girl led him across the rocks of the black lagoon. Wind kissing his face that he didn’t even realize had started to sweat. “Hey, love?” She hums, pulling him slightly closer to her side as they make it to dry, stable land. “You know I meant it when I said you were breathtaking, don’t ya?” She shakes her head, “How long have you been holding onto that one, huh?” “Since last year, the second class project I think. God I should’ve told you how lovely you are sooner, I didn’t realize you’d let me hold your hand if I did.” It earns him a laugh, her hip knocking into his playfully, “Don’t make me take my hand back from you, Hook.” His grip tightens, a whine slipping out of his normally cocky lips, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
    “Wouldn’t I?” She hums, still drawing those light circles on his hand though. “I’ve gotta say, I’m kinda glad you’re a lightweight, James. You make a cute drunk.” He laughs, leaning his weight against her ever so slightly as they wander through the woods, “That sounds like you’re planning to take advantage of me. Not that I’d mind.” “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that,” she stutters over the words, free hand flying up to cover her mouth.”I just meant like, you’re being so sweet right now you know? I’m glad I get to take care of you for a little bit, I feel like every time I see you, you’re watching over me you know? I’m glad I get to return the favor for once.” “You are?” “I am.”
   The rest of their walk to his dorm is filled with light and playful conversation. She hated to admit it, she knew her friends would hate to hear her say it, but Hook was a genuinely nice guy to be around. And his calloused hand felt so nice in her softer one. She was nearly disappointed when they got back to the boy’s shared dorm, not wanting to let him go. “Give me your key, Hook.” He shakes his head, dark feathered hair moving around his pretty features in a way that made him almost look like he was moving in slow motion. “Hook come on, give me your keys. It’s time to go to bed.” He points the golden piece of metal at the end of his arm towards her, “That is not my name, not to you.” She laughs softly, taking his hook into her other hand so she can pull him closer, “James,” the name is drawn out and cooed, their faces meer inches apart, “Would you please give me your key so I can get you into bed?” He pouts, shaking his head again, “Can’t.” 
     “And why can’t you?” She never dreamed him to be this needy and stubborn, part of her almost found it precious. “If I give you my key then I have to let go of your hand and you’re going to leave me.” Her hand lets go of his hook, dipping into the pocket on his jacket instead, “I promise you, James, I’ll stay until you fall asleep. Now can I please,” her fingers wrap around his keys, pulling them out of his pocket. “Thief,” he mumbles, watching her turn away from him to unlock the door. “You’ll thank me in the morning when you wake up in your own bed and not the floor somewhere.” He leans against her, shaking his head, “I always find my way home when I’m drinking, Princess.”: “Not a princess, James,” she sighs, throwing the door open. “You’re my princess.” 
     She ignores the remark, instead letting her eyes travel around the room. (Y/n) is pretty sure that she’s never seen a dorm room look like it belonged to the people residing in it as much as this one did. Maroon and forest green covering the beds, black decor and golden tapestries hanging to the walls. An old torn flag that she was sure once took its home on the Jolly Roger was hanging over Hook’s bed, taking up nearly his whole wall. There wasn’t a gap of space in that room that didn’t scream the two boys’ names. Something about it was oddly comforting. “Nice room, Captain.” He smiles, watching her take it in. She looked nearly awestruck, the boy couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in it. “Thank you, princess.” She rolls her eyes, headed over to the dresser on his side of the room, “Which drawer do you keep your pajamas in?” “Pajamas?” She turns to him, a single brow raised, “Yeah James, your pajamas. PJs? Sleep clothes?” He shakes his head, waving her off as he removes his coat, “Oh no, none of that. Just boxers and an undershirt. If I feel like leaving on the undershirt.” (Y/n) can feel the heat rising to her face as the pirate takes his boots off. Of course he didn’t wear pajamas.     “Okay, well then you get uh,” she swallows, turning around to face the wall again, “Comfortable. And I will face this way until you get in your bed.” James laughs, shaking his head as he shrugs off his silky button up, “I didn’t expect you to be so easily flustered.” “Yeah well, you just told me you basically sleep naked, so.” “It’s just a little bare chest and thigh, not like you’d get to see anything too frisky without wanting to.” “Just get in bed before I change my mind and leave you here alone, Hook.” He shuts his mouth, letting his belt and jeans fall to the ground before striding over to his bed. She can hear his blankets russel as he adjusts, sliding into the stiffly made double bed. “You can turn around now, love. Worst you’re going to see is my shoulders.” She rotates on her heel, slowly opening her eyes to look at him. 
    As promised, Hook is tucked into his bed, shoulders and head barely visible above the maroon comforter and white sheets. He watches her with a soft smile, waiting for her to move. “You said you’d stay with me. Do you need a shirt?” She shakes her head, making her way over to the side of his bed, toeing her shoes off as she goes. “I said I’d stay with you until you fell asleep. Not that I’d stay with you James, you need some rest.” She slides onto the bed beside him, legs stretched out along his side as her back leans against his headboard. James turns onto his side, an arm coming to stretch out over her thighs as he looks up at her, “Well, if you won’t stay the night with me, will you at least let me take you out tomorrow?” She holds her breath waiting for him to laugh at her or something. For him to give her any sort of sign that he’s teasing, or just trying to hurt her. But he doesn’t looking up to her with love struck and hopeful eyes that have her feeling a touch weak. “If you can remember asking me that in the morning, come find me to ask me again. Then I’ll say yes.” He nods, leaning his forehead against her leg as he gets comfortable, “I’ll remember.” She hums, letting her hand fall into the boy’s hair, “I’ll see you tomorrow then, James. Goodnight.” 
     (Y/n) isn’t sure how long she’s been by his side before the boy is softly snoring beside her, she does know the party has ended by the time he is though. Morgie le Fay slipping in visibly exhausted and ready to fall into his bed. The sight of the girl making him jump. “Hello, what are you doing here?” She slides out from under Hook’s arm, grabbing a spare pillow from behind him to take her place. “He was wasted, couldn’t let him just wander around like that,” She stretches the stiffness out of her muscles as she speaks, eyes glancing around to retrace her steps to her shoes. “Hook didn’t strike me as a needy drunk though, it’s kinda cute. He’s probably going to be hungover tomorrow, if y’all have tylenol or anything I recommend leaving some out before you go to sleep.” She slips her shoes on walking to the door, “Goodnight Morgie.” He nods to her, mumbling what he thinks is an audible goodnight as he turns to look at his friend. Needy drunk? Hook’s always been one to fight when he was drunk. The sorcerer couldn’t prove it but something was off about the interaction he just had. It would have to be something he’d figure out in the morning though, the boy too tired to worry now. As long as his friend was fine, which it seemed he was, that issue could wait. 
                           ˚⋆°˖ ~ 🍂࿔ ฅ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍂 ⋅
     Much to (Y/n)’s surprise, Hook did remember asking her out the night of the party. It was actually a sweet little date, just the two of them curled up in the corner of a cafe getting to know each other outside of what Alchemy and the party had allowed them. She didn’t think she’d find herself so excited to be on a date with James, he had a reputation of course, she didn’t want to get her hopes up. But then one date turned to two, and two turned to three. By the fifth date the pirate had asked her to be his girlfriend, something that she hadn’t expected but she accepted, albeit a touch too eagerly if you were to ask her. Not that he’d agree, if it wasn’t for Morgie’s voice in his ear he probably would have asked her on the first date. 
    Now it had been four months of whatever her and James got started on the night of that party and the whole school was hyper aware of the attachment the two had developed to each other. Not that Hook would let other people forget. He was seemingly always touching her, holding her hand or his hook looping through her belt loops with his arm around her side. Pressing needy little kisses on top of her head or softly on her cheek. She adored the attention but if she was honest something about it always felt wrong to her. Not that she didn’t deserve his affection, or didn’t want it. Goodness knew she craved him when he was away. More so like something about it was just, for lack of better words on her end, off. It was as if James never sobered up from that night’s party and she knew she wasn’t the only one who could see it. The boy's friends always felt like they were watching them, it nearly made her skin crawl. And the feeling was getting to be too much for her now, the girl squirming under their gaze from where she sat curled against Hook’s side. She should slip out now, it would be the right thing to do, wouldn’t it? 
     Her eyes flickered between the watchful eyes of Maleficent and Uliana before they flickered back up to her boyfriend. Softly tapping his cheek with her index finger so he’d look down at her. “Yes, love?” She smiles slightly, eyes staring at his ever adoring ones. Had they ever looked at her any other way? It was like she couldn’t remember. “I need to head out, I have a project for magical creatures that I need to go finish.” A frown pulls on his lips but he nods, pressing a soft kiss into her hairline before letting her get out of his grip. Eyes following the girl all the way to the door, drinking her in as if he’d never see her again, face settled into the palm of his hand. 
    “God, why are you still acting like that?” Uliana scoffs, glaring at the boy -who used to be her right hand man- in annoyance. “Acting like what, Uli?” He doesn’t peel his eyes from the door, as if she’d stumble back through it if he waited long enough, hoped hard enough. “Like you’re spelled,” she pauses, locking eyes with Maleficent as if they had both realized something dreadful had happened. “Oh my god,” Maleficent’s hand covers her mouth as she turns to look at her friend in shock. Had they done this? The girl was supposed to be the lovestruck zombie here, not Hook. “Oh you are spelled,” the pixie’s voice is littered with a hopeless regret, staring at her beloved friend in disappointment.     “I’m not spelled, Mali, I’m just in love. You of all people should get that, with the way you fall over Hades and all,” his tone is far too dreamy to fit him, the boy finally turning away from the door and back to his friends. “No, Hook, you’re spelled. Uli and I spelled you,” she sighs, shaking her head as she stares at the boy. His face seems to contort into an expression somewhere between confusion and anger, “What do you mean you spelled me?” “Well it wasn’t meant for you,” Uliana sighs, throwing her hands up, “It was meant for the girl. You handed her the wrong cup.” Morgie turns to the girls in shock, the night of the party finally adding up in his mind. Hook was an angry drunk, he knew his friend well enough to know that. The boy hadn’t been drunk at all, that’s why he wasn’t hung over. “You tried to spell (Y/n)? Why?” “We were trying to help him,” Uliana throws a hand out at Hook as she snaps, “He was too scared to ever admit he liked her to her and we were sick of hearing about it. She was supposed to fall in love with him so she would ask him out and he’d shut up.” 
     Hook rises off of his bed, glaring at Uliana with an emotion she couldn’t quite place dancing in his eyes. “So you decided to spell her?” He shoves the sea witch back, not rough enough to hurt her but it gets his point across. “You could have hurt her! What if there were side effects?” “But she would have loved you, is that not what you’d been whining about for a year?” “She wouldn’t have loved me! The magic in her would’ve tied her to me, she wouldn’t have loved me.” “Well she loves you now doesn’t she? So what does it matter?”
    He lets out an exaggerated sigh, turning on his heel to storm out of his dorm. Hook’s friends were calling for him from his room but he didn’t have in him to care. He had to find (Y/n), if their love was real -able to exist past the spell-she should be able to break it, shouldn’t she? They hadn’t kissed yet, the girl always shying away from his lips. Maybe some part of her could tell? Had Uliana told her? Surely not. If it didn’t work, if he felt the exact same after kissing her, he’d go take a dip in the enchanted fountain. That water could undo anything, then he would just have to potentially break the loveliest girl he’d ever met’s heart. Hook couldn’t help but hope she could end the whole thing, or maybe living his life spelled wouldn’t be that bad. Not if it meant he had her. 
    The pounding on (Y/n)’s door made her jump out of her skin. Who in their right mind would be banging on her door like that? Uliana maybe? Had she forgot something and James sent the sea witch to bring it to her? That didn’t seem right, he would always bring her things himself. So who in their right mind was on the other side of her door acting like a mad man?  She didn’t expect to see those familiar dark doe eyes and rich feathered locks behind her door. Her boyfriend looking panicked and a little angry as his eyes take her in. 
   “Don’t shy away,” he mumbles, grabbing the back of her head and threading his fingers through her hair. (Y/n) doesn’t get a second to question him before his lips are slamming into hers, kissing her hungrily like he needed her for survival. A movement so primal it was shocking. Yet she melts into him, hands sliding up his torso, one resting on his chest while the other needily cups his jaw, pulling him as close as she could. His lips were slightly chapped, feeling raw against her own soft ones but she couldn’t find it in her to care, fingers sliding further back on his head so she could softly pull at his hair. Hook groans against her lips slightly at the contact, biting her bottom one and tugging it back slightly as he pulls away. 
    He felt like something had been lifted off of him as he looked at her. She was still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, Hook was entirely sure of that, but it was like the fog around her had finally lifted. By god she’d done it. James didn’t even know it was possible to fall in love with someone while you were under a love spell. She pants slightly, looking up at him in shock, “What was that for?” “Oh, Love,” he breathes, moving his hand from the back of her head so he could stroke her cheek, “You just saved me from myself.” Her brows furrow, pursuing her lips as she waits on him to elaborate, no further words seem to come though. “James,” she laughs, though the sound comes out more nervous than she intended, “What are you talking about?” 
    “Uliana, she,” he shakes his head, nudging the girl back into her dorm so he can follow her in, letting the door slam behind him. “I guess it was the night of the party, she handed me one of those malibu sprites we had remember them?” She nods, waving with a hand for him to continue, it was odd, like he had finally sobered up. (Y/n) felt like she could breath around him again, hands lingering on him without feeling like they were doing something wrong. “Well apparently she put a love potion in one of them, she intended it for you but.” “But you drank it, that’s why you seemed like such a lightweight. That's why Maleficent invited me, isn’t it? They were trying to prank me.” The girl shakes her head, dusting off his shoulder. “So what now, do you want to like,” she sighs, looking down, “Do you want to like, break up now that you realized you were just spelled or?” He grabs her chin with his good hand, tilting her head up to look at him, “Do I need to kiss you again or are you going to use your brain?” She looks at him as if he’s grown two heads and he sighs. “Darling, what are the two ways to break a love potion’s hold? I know you pay attention in alchemy, you should know this.” She bites her lip, searching his deep dark eyes like they’re going to answer the question for her. 
     “What breaks a love spell, Love?” She knew this, “Water from the enchanted lake,” there's a pause. She knows the second one, she knows she does. “I haven’t been to the enchanted lake or the fountain. I came straight here from my dorm so what broke my spell?” Her lip finds its way between her teeth, chewing on it as she stares at the boy she’d grown to love oh so dearly. Love. “I did,” she breathes it, pulling the boy closer and connecting their lips again. It’s gentler this time, not as aggressive and needy as the kiss before, this one is full of nothing but love. His hands moving to cup his lover's face, pulling her as close as he could manage. That was his smart girl, she saved him.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
So more thoughts on Jack and Omi alignment swap AU (other posts are here 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and if canon and AU crossed over. Sorry this is rambley and long.
So canon monks, Jack, Wuya, Chase and Dojo are all transported to AU while another fight at the temple portal appears and they all fall through only to see a different Jack in temple robes with black coat and goggles on over with Dojo around his neck.
Everyone from canon is just so confused and Swap!Jack is like
Swap!Jack:IT WORKED I told it would work Dojo
Swap!Dojo:I never said it wouldn't work I said you shouldn't do it
Swap!Dojo: God this is just like Dashi
Swap!Jack: Thank you!
Everyone confused, even more so when other monks come in and then Wuya of all people who just stares at alternate selves and then takes a deep breath "Jack...The FUCK?"
Swap!Jack explaining about dimensional shifting Wu
Swap!Wuya "Why would you make this?"
Swap!Jack "....to see if I could"
Swap!Wuya "You are the second coming of Dashi what I do to deserve this?"
Swap!Dojo "Other than the trying to take over the world multiple times things"
Swap!Wuya"Ugh loads of people have tried to conquer the world and they don't have to deal with Jack"
Of course Canon Wuya is freaking out over Swap Wuya
Swap!Wuya: Please i'm neutral at most
Swap!Wuya:That's my story and i'm sticking to it
Omi's asking where alternate him is and the swap monks recognizing him and being like 'WTF how are you a part of the team or even Xiaolin... I mean your dad allowed that?'
Omi just confused he doesn't have parents and all the swap Monks are just looking between Chase and Omi trying to figure out what to say.
Luckily distracted by canon Jack asking Swap!Jack why he's a Xiaolin loser and not an evil boy genius
Swap!Raimundo: Holy shit he's more of a dork then you... I didn't that was possible... no offense man
Swap!Jack:No i'm with you on this one
Cue canon 'jackbots attack' only for dragon of metal Jack to use his powers to rip the Jackbots apart and leave canon Jack staring in despair and How can you do that?Why can't I do that?How??and Swap!Jack gloating (Victory dance and all) 'Oh yeah evil boy genius ha I'm the genius Xiaolin dragon of metal maker of shen gong wu and wrecker of your shit!'
Swap!Raimundo:... Never mind ours is just as dorky
Cue swap Omi and Chase showing up because sensing weird Chi and power and what the fuck has spicier made now? Which leads to canon Chase and Omi staring t the other versions of themselves and Swap!Omi calling Swap!Chase dad.
Canon Omi is trying to process this when Swap!Omi sees him and instantly is so excited and talking at him 'Other version of me? SO cool! How strong are you? What are like? Do you want to fight?'
At this point Swap!Wuya is just like 'Ok how can you send them back'
Swap!Jack: ummmmm
Swap!Jack:...I mean reversing mirror might work.... or it may make our universe implode...
Wuya:Holy shit it is just like Dashi
Cue Canonverse hanging around temple and many questions
Kimiko:How do you know all about all these Xiaolin techniques, and all the elemental stuff
Swap!Wuya:... you brats do know I was the previous dragon of earth right?
All canon monks and Jack:WHAT?
Swap!Wuya: Oh fucking hell how much do you know about previous dragons?
All canon monks and Jack:...
Swap!Wuya:... sit down listen up and remind me to write a note for your 'teacher' for when you brats go back.
Monks:So Omi is still dragon of metal but Heylin in this world does that mean Jack is still dragon of metal in ours
Swap!Wuya:Yeah probably, every generation has dragons for all of the 5 elements
Jack:Then why don't I have metal powers!?
Swap!Wuya:Eh sometimes not all dragons powers manifest I guess, normally only 4 do why only 4 monks trained
Jack:...I feel robbed
(Somewhere in both canon and AU Jermaine dragon of wood sneezes)
Anyway after Swap! most of the monks spend time sparring with alternate more chaotic versions of themselves and Jack.
Omi ends up going to Chases Palace, basically kidnapped by Swap!Omi who wanted to fight/play. Of course Chase also goes to see Swap!Chase which leads to a very very tense. Swap!Chase is not happy with the idea of his son growing up at that temple and not being protected, he's also majorly pissed canon Chase let Omi go into the Yin-Yang world. He's upset any version of his little one was even in the same world as Hannibal Roy bean. (In swap world when the yo-yo was revealed he contacted Wuya told her Hannibal was sealed there and general agreement no one goes in there it is one of the Wu that is totally sealed away in the Xiaolin vault not even the chaos gremlin monks go near it)
Swap!Chase is insulting Chase and how he isn't worthy of having Omi as his son, canon Chase is one second from snapping and it being a full on dragon brawl when suddenly canon Omi jumps in and starts squaring up to Swap!Chase defending his Chase. Which leads to Swap!Omi jumping in to defend his dad.
So it's just the 2 versions of Chase watching as the Omi's argue other which Chase is better it's the my dad is better than your dad/my dad could beat up your dad only there dads are alternate versions of the same person.
This is still going on when the others turn up because they ahve a way home and everyone just watching the 2 Omi's argue at each other and look 1 second away from going full on I will destroy you fight. It's then when both Chases just go and scoop them up (With both Omi's looking over their respective Chase's shoulders giving each other death glares).
No one comments or knows how to comment on the fact canon Chase doens't put down Omi even when they get to the temple and the portal to their world appears.Or that Omi is just hugging his neck.
The swap monks are just like 'this is normal for us' and Swap!Wuya just watches them shaking her head "I guess some things are the same in every universe"
Swap!Clay:Hey Jack, isn't the whole reason your boots even work cause you were unknowing;ly using your metal powers on em?
Swap!Jack: Yep
Swap!Clay: So other you does have the powers then
Swap!Jack: Yep
Swap!Kimiko: Think we should tell him that?
All swap Monks:... Nah this is funnier, let him figure it out
Sorry this is long and very dumb.
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cowboy-lover69 · 1 year
Ghostface Valentines day headcanons
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(Minor NSFW ahead 18+ only)
(1,325 words)
Billy Loomis
--- Billy is not a fan of the holiday in general, but he can't just ignore it since he is dating and wants to do something for you.
--- Billy is not good with personalized gifts, unless you guys have been dating for a long time he is not really sure what to get you. Usually he will get you flowers and a stuffed animal or a piece of jewelry
--- Billy likes to take you on a date if he can. Usually it's a restaurant or maybe a surprise window visit to your house at night. Whatever it is on valentines day he likes you to be around you  and tries his best to at least spend a little bit of time with you.
--- on Valentine's Day he likes to surprise you with smaller things outside of his bigger gift and date, whether it's smaller gifts or buying you food among other things. He just likes just seeing your reaction.
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Stu Macher 
--- stu LOVES valentines day, outside of him enjoying the romantic festivities and also gives him the excuse to have a grotesque amount of sex, I mean it’s not like he doesn't already but now he has an excuse. 
--- he likes to plan ahead when getting you gifts. He's not very good at gift giving so he will subtly ask you what you want or at least try to be subtle. If he does not know what to get you he will resort to a stuffed animal. 
--- he likes to take you to the amusement park on Valentine's Day because he thinks it's so much more fun than a normal date, and he likes to win you stuff.
--- stu doesn't really expect that much in return he does appreciate when you get him things though which you often do. Outside of the gifts you usually give him you and he often has sex later at night on the holiday, very special Valentine's Day sex. He will often break out the candles and make everything very fancy when you guys do have sex.
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Mickey Alteri 
--- he's pretty neutral on the holiday but he loves you so he usually ends up doing stuff with you.
--- gift-wise he thinks he knows you pretty well, so he doesn't really ask what you want and just kind of wings it. He doesn't always land the gift. There have been a few mess-ups, but he has a higher chance to get something you like than not.
--- he doesn't go all out of dates a lot of the time he just comes over and you two hangouts. If he does do something outside of the house, you guys go to the theater or out somewhere fun like an arcade. 
--- he's very touchy in general when you guys are dating, but on valentines he's VERY touchy he's practically attached to you on the hip he's always touching you whether he is kissing you or holding you close.
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Roman Briger
--- Roman really likes valentines day, he likes to use it to show off his wealth to you. He likes to feel admired by you.
--- he loves to spoil you on valentines day, he buys you lots of things basically anything you ask for he will buy for you. Even without you asking he buys you many things such as jewelry, stuffed animals, flowers etc.  
--- he likes to keep things more lowkey when you guys go out for a date on valentines day. Well his lowkey is going to the most fancy restaurant in town for a nice dinner. 
--- on valentines day he’s really big on romantic gestures. Like opening the door for you, kissing your hand and generally taking care of you since as much as he wants you to admire him. He also admires and loves you and he wants to show it.
--- sometimes after you guys go on your guy's date, he will book a hotel for a long-interrupted sex session. He would do it at his house, but he likes a spicier feeling of a hotel setting, even though he hates the beds.  
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Jill Roberts 
--- she doesn't like valentine's day that much, she finds the holiday unnecessary since she's not the romantic type well she is just in more subtle ways. She doesnt go all out for the holiday but she's dating you so she decides to participate. 
--- she's very perceptive when it comes to gifting, she pays attention to every little thing you do and say so she's pretty good in the gift department. She never tells you you're getting a gift so she can surprise you, but it never works because you always see it coming, since she gets you a gift every valentines day, but you always act surprised because you know she likes it.
--- she likes dates but on valentines dates she likes to keep it lowkey since most places are very busy and she likes having alone time with you. You guys tend to end up watching a movie and hanging out on the couch. Sometimes she just suggests hanging out at home because she wants to sleep with you but she would never tell you that.
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Charlie Walker
--- charlie likes valentines day since he likes a reason to hangout with more than he already does. 
--- charlie doesn't really get you anything for valentines day besides his love of course. He finds he is a little too broke to really get you anything he would like to get you. If he does get you anything it be small or a handmade gift like a card or flowers he picked etc.
--- date-wise Charlie likes to keep things low-key for Valentine's Day. He often invites you over to binge the stab movies and make out among other things of course but mostly that.
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Amber Freeman
--- amber likes to do things for valentines day. She doesn't really like the holiday herself but she likes the opportunity to treat you to what she can provide.
--- amber near the beginning of your guys relationship around valentines day she would not know what to get you but she would try, at some point she stopped trying to get a good gift for you and started getting pretty stander gifts stuffed animals mostly, but sometimes she still does try and she doesn't always fail.
--- you guys don’t really do anything date-wise for valentines since both of you prefer staying at home and hanging out, maybe even inviting over a few friends to hangout as well as a sort of double date. 
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Ethan Landry 
--- ethan really likes valentines day, but most of the time forgets about its existence until the day of even then sometimes he doesn't remember, until you remind him.
--- he always scrambles to get gifts for you if he doesn't remember to get you one ahead of time, which most of the time he doesn't. Most of the time he gives you something he already owns like a book he likes for some of his clothes.
--- date-wise he never really has anything planned most of the time you guys go to a movie if there's any good ones playing. If there isn't you guys go hangout at the arcade or at home. Since neither of you take the holiday too seriously.
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Quinn Bailey
--- Quinn really likes Valentine's day, she loves the opportunity to hang out with you and treat you and likes seeing you happy.
--- Quinn doesn't really get you gifts specifically for the holiday besides maybe a card, she likes to buy you things when you guys go out on dates for the holiday.  
--- Quinn really likes to take you shopping for the holiday mostly at the mall and she likes to try her best and pay for what she can for you.
--- at the end of the day she takes you home and you two most likely have sex. She finds a good way to end Valentine's Day or at least for her a good way.
the masterlist
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate it :) We’ve reached S5. Which is unreal. It shouldn’t be since I’ve been writing these for 7 plus months now and yet ha. I remember BUZZING for this ep. Then being in shock It actually happened. This entire season felt like a gift from the writers.
The long awaited reward for the slow burn. Although I enjoyed every moment of that slow burn. Was very happy to get to this place I will say. You thought Tim’s brain was broken last ep? It’s about to be obliterated haha Once again some long gifs I’ll make to get it all in. Might be the theme for this season LOL I fit everything in that I could this ep was wall to wall moments. Let’s get going.
5x01 Double Down
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We start out on a glorious high. Lucy is dreaming about kissing Tim. Making out really. Not only that but she is grinning like crazy as she does. Sure she’s had dreams like this before about him. No doubt in my mind she’s had naughty dreams about this man. (and vice versa let’s be honest) But now she had something real to dream about. A tangible moment. Didn't take long for that to take root in her subconscious ha.
Also in this dream we get another lovely angle to that kiss. It's like we got two first kisses everyone. It's glorious. They sure started this season off with spoiling us right away. He looks like he’s about to eat her face in this dream version. This is why she’s smiling so much heh I love having both angles. Real and dream version.
I like how the dream version is little spicier. Like this is her dream version of that kiss. How he’s cupping her face in this one. She wanted him to devour her like that. She would’ve been happy to be his meal for the night. Also showing Lucy has it SOO bad for him. Forgetting she has a blah BF at the moment. Chris who? Unfortunately as it gets good a knock startles her awake.
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It’s Tamara waking her up. Lucy is legit jarred from her dream. We watch her struggle to come back down to earth. Her messy hair and reaction are too funny. This one of my all time fav Tamara/Lucy moments. She has to give Lucy a hard time about the kiss. Wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. It’s too cute. Lucy goes into mom mode about school. Telling her about Rosalind’s trial shutting the city down. Her normal route will be closed.
Tamara mirroring her going into protective daughter mode. Asking her if she wants her to skip class? I love her always wanting to put Lucy first. She tells her no. She will be ok and no where near Rosalind anyways. She is bound to the station with Tim anyways. Waiting for their OP to jump off. Tamara asking if it’s for the UC thing from the other night? Lucy confirms this.
Tamara’s giving her crap about the kiss. Lucy being defensive saying didn’t mean anything. Oh yes nothing. You weren’t just dreaming about it or anything…Mmhm…Then she says her legendary line. ‘Make out. Stop crime. That totally tracks.' LOL I love her so much. Lucy tells her to go to school. Tamara replies in kind telling her to have fun at work. With her boss. Who she kissed…
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We then switch to Tim talking to Angela about said kiss. Now let me say how giddy it makes me he came to Angela about it. Yes she’s his best friend but he didn’t used to be this open with her. She had to pull teeth in 2x11 even when he asked for her help. This is a far more open Tim Bradford than we’ve seen before. He starts this convo then goes into full denial. Babe, you started this and she has great Chenford radar. You weren’t going to fool her. Not in the slightest. I love how she doesn’t let up the entire convo. Smirking this entire time through out it as well.
Asking how much did they practice? LOL Tim telling her it was just a kiss. No big deal. Angela’s reply is epic. ‘Then why are we talking about it?’ Boom. Mic drop. She is iconic in this scene. Sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than anything else. Tim deflecting saying 'What if it wasn’t just a kiss for her?' Really asking 'Do you think she has feelings for me too?' Angela follows up asking if Lucy might have feelings for him? He looks so deflated when he says ‘No..’ Thinking no way Lucy could have feelings for him. Ugh break my heart Tim. When Angela gives me more logic it makes him said.
Telling him she probably saw the kiss as just as a weird work thing then. The defeated way he says ‘Right....’ Angela picks up on it immediately. Hence her next question to him. The way he says ‘No!' to her feelings question. He’s SO defensive. Not telling at all…Do you even believe yourself Timothy? His voice gets all high pitched. Just like Lucy does when she gets nervous about her feelings. He does his spiel about them both being in relationships. Being her boss. etc. Angela crushes it with some more solid logic. ‘All true. Not what I asked.’ God I love her. Also let’s note how deliciously tight Tim’s shirt is in this scene. Didn’t think I would let that slide by did you? Mmm.
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We rejoin them in the interrogation room. Tim complaining how greasy his double is. How he hates it LOL Lucy comes in looking like a stunner. Notice Tim agreeing with Aaron’s assessment of how good she looks. She then mentions regretting the choice of thong idea LMAO I love her. Also you are going to be the death of him Lucy Chen haha What are you doing to this man? They received a call earlier and now waiting for a follow up to where to meet.
The phone goes off and Lucy gives the most ‘ in love’ look at him. She couldn’t adore that man standing in front of her more if she tried. Tim answers and Hajek tells them to meet his guys at an air strip. I love the silent communication between them. Always adore that about them. Lucy tries to get them more time saying they can’t just up and leave. How she looks requires lots of suitcases and precision.
Swing and miss sadly. Tells them to meet them there or end up in a coffin. Angela is scrambling because leaving the state is a whole other thing. Aaron saves them by letting them use his private jet for him and Angela to follow in. Lucy says they can follow the flight plan the pilot has to submit. Angela is relaxing a bit and decides to let them proceed. Aaron cracks me up asking about caviar selection such a goob. Says he'll just get an assortment. Ha I love him.
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So begins them “pretending” to be a couple. When really it’s just them having no restrictions or boundaries on them. Getting to look, touch, flirt, and be free with one another. Under the guise of UC. It’s glorious really. I felt my brain stopped working multiple times in this episode the first time. Just like Tim. Lucy starts off STRONG explaining why they're late. Pulling Tim to her saying 'Their quickie wasn’t so quick.' Hot damn. (I can see this being a reason for them now a days too hehe)
They’re like magnets instantly drawn to each other. Gah I love it so much. I remember it being so hard to focus. Because they had their arms all wrapped around each other from the word go. The way they are all over each other in this hanger scene. It’s their normal banter but heightened. I’ll never be over her hand resting on his hip. His arms wrapped around her. The easy rhythm they quickly fall into. Almost like being a couple is the most natural thing in the world for them. I mean look at them. They are not struggling to sell this one bit.
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The way they’re attached at the hip. Swaying together like they’re in their own world. Which what else is new with them? This is par for the course when they're together. They’re always in their own world when they banter. Only right now they’re allowed to touch and hold each other as much as they want to. And trust me they want to. It felt like I was dreaming as I watched this portion. Truly in a daze. I had to rewind and pay attention to the SL. More than once...
The smiles and the swaying gah they get me. They basically mirror the smiles and swaying from 5x12. Because they’re just as in love right now as they are 11 eps down the road. I love Lucy’s face when they get interrupted LOL It was the biggest scowl. Like excuse me you weren’t invited to this party.
I truly think they nailed this because it was their shot. They thought this was their only chance to be with each other without any restrictions. So they went for it as we can see. We all lapped it up like it was the last bit of water in the desert haha I’m giddy as he tells her to get on the damn plane. It's so cute. Lucy cannot keep her hands off him from the minute they start this. Tim is more than happy to oblige. Gah this is cloud 9 goodness.
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The goodies continue on the plane as they head towards Vegas. I don’t know about you but first time I watched this portion I couldn’t focus. I was obsessed with her sitting on his lap basically. Leaning into him. Not only that but the start to Tim’s obsession we all love with her thighs. How he has his hand rests there naturally. Like his hand has found it's new home happily. Lastly their hands. I remember focusing so much on just their hands I missed dialogue. Had to rewind it to hear what was going on LOL
If you weren’t just as distracted by their hands and PDA you’re a lying liar who lies haha Or you don’t ship them. In that case why you reading this review right now? Ha I think they were both nervous about this being out of state. The hands weren’t necessary in the least. I think they were unconsciously grounding each other.
Finding comfort in each other’s touch. Also I think them being this way was incredibly natural for them. Just like everything else has been their entire relationship. Why the slow burn was so necessary. So when we got here it was basically a flawless crossover to this. Touching each other as much as possible and I love it.
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Lucy cracks me up trying to get info on their job. Saying right now it's the world’s most boring bachelor party LOL Tim saying this is a job not a party. They finally tell them what their job is since they’re airborne. They ask them if they know who Roman Krupka is? They say nope. Apparently he imports Heroin to the Monarch cartel. Lucy mentions so the competition?
He continues on saying ‘Something like that.' That Roman is paranoid of computers. Doesn’t keep a written record anywhere. That the details of his operation exist in one place. One man called ‘The Brain .’ His name is Leonard Madris. Tim makes the comment isn’t is dangerous for one man to carry all that? They say yes and he’s usually kept under heavy guard. Never leaves the compound.
The reason they’re headed to Vegas is because of him. They’re received a solid tip he will be there this weekend. They find out their plan in this. They’re to take out the guards while he grabs Madris. Then they’re gonna torture the man for every detail. Then they’ll take over the business by doing so. Lucy is so cocky in her reply. I love it. Saying sounds like they should be getting paid more heh. Lyon tells them tough. So charming...
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We rejoin them finding out Rosalind has escaped through Lyon. This is one of my fav moments of the episode. The way he immediately grabs her hand. Trying to ground her in this moment. Keeping her close to him so he can show her he’s there. Reassure her that she isn’t alone in hearing this. It’s just instinctual him doing this. Knowing this would be a massive trigger that would throw her off kilter. Trying to keep Lucy there with him. To stop her from losing focus and spiraling out.
Also the way Tim looks up at her. Checking in trying to get her to silently communicate with him. He needs to know she’s ok. Protective Tim is one of my favs. That immediate need to shield and protect her. Rosalind is a huge trauma trigger for her. He wants so badly to help her with this news. Look at how her hand is clutching his shoulder at first. He starts rubbing his thumb on her hand. Trying to get her to unclench. (Wasn't able to fit that one in but he does it.)
Tim being her calm in the raging storm she has going on right now. Her constant in this moment. Which is exactly what she needs. This man is so soft for her I’ll never be over it everyone. Tim isn’t able to get a read on her. She won’t look down at him. So he asks how long till they land? Lyon says 15 minutes. Tim tells them perfect. His cover being the mile high club. It’s his way of getting them a private moment. He needs to check in on her and he can’t do that with them around.
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They head back and Lucy goes into full spiral mode. This is why he wanted to do this. She starts to be taken over by her fear and PTSD. Tim sees it taking over her. He tells her to stop in the softest way possible. Lucy takes a deep breath and little stomp but does. Telling her if she is not 100 percent in this it’s going to get her killed. Which ultimately will kill him in the process.
Lucy defends herself and says she’s got this. The news got to her at first but this is their one shot at Madris. That she is fine. I love him being protective and wanting to pull the plug just for her. The beautiful thing is he listens to her on this. Doesn’t bulldoze her and make a decision like he used to. He is trusting her in this moment. Letting her decide for herself ultimately. Which is such growth for him once again I can’t stand it.
He’s so ready to kill this OP if she’s not ok. I love that sfm. Letting her know that there is no shame if she does. He is there if she is ready to pull the ripcord. Tim is about to leave when she stops him. Tim looks so very confused once again. Lucy telling him it needs to look like they hooked up in here. Tim isn’t on the same page as her right now and it shows haha
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Here comes that infamous airplane kiss. Has some similar aspects to their first kiss. Except way spicier this time around. Once again Lucy just pounces on Tim. He has to absorb the weight of her throwing her body at him. We watch him once again stumble into their kiss. Taken aback by her forcefulness. Her passion nearly knocking him off his feet. Tim isn't complaining once her lips collide with his though.
It doesn’t take long for him to adjust to it and go with this mini make out session of their's. He is adjusting much faster this time around. It’s all hands at first. His body absorbing the shock of her body slamming into his. Tim wrapping his arms around her anchoring her body to his. Lucy’s hands firmly planted on his face as she leads this kiss at first. Tim’s hands moving up her back fully enveloping her in his arms. Getting so very lost in her once again. Instantly melting into her.
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I love how the kiss continues to get deeper. Sexier as well. Hot damn look at them above. Tim is the one chasing her lips as they continue this much spicier kiss. The way he’s leaning into her as they sway together. Two people in perfect tandem with each other. Not missing a beat. They were both so very thirsty in this moment. It’s all over this kiss. Tim running his hands up and down her back as he is savoring her. Lucy hands moving down his face not looking to part from him any time soon either. Tim isn't the only one getting easily lost in this.
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Lucy’s hands sliding down his chest once again. This kiss getting deepened much faster this second time around. Their desire for one another is very evident. Tim can't keep his hands off her. Like I said for their kiss in 4x22. If they kept going his hands would end up on her face. He can’t keep them still and as she runs her hands down his chest. He pulls her closer to him not wanting to lose any contact with her. Eliminate any unnecessary space between them.
Her lips are quickly becoming a drug he is getting addicted to. He sure loves her upper lip. Captures it between his as he looks to further this impromptu kiss. *fans self* Look at him in that gif above. Wants her as close to him as possible. I just adore how softly he cups her face wanting to keep this kiss going. Totally forgetting about the mission and the men outside the door. All that matters right now is Lucy and her lips on his.
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How Lucy has the self control to pull herself from him I don’t know. Gah it’s the grunt Tim does when she breaks off. *phew lord* That noise is doing things to me. Mmm. He was basically chasing her lips again when she broke off. Chasing that high of kissing her some more. He was very not ready for that to end. Also how glossy his lips look post kiss. She had her damn way with that man haha
He looks so dazed snd confused when she wipes his lips. Her hand shaking as she does this. I know we all joke about how “unnecessary” this kiss was. I think part of it was Lucy seeking comfort from Tim in this moment. The kiss quelling her Rosalind fueled anxiety. She needed to be connected with him for a moment before she could put it behind her or attempt to.
Tim was more than happy to oblige. Poor man has short circuited once again though. Eric once again the master of expressions comes through again. He doesn’t know how to restart. She’s like ok let’s do this and moves leaving Tim stand there in her wake. He is trying to figure out WTF just happened in the last 30 seconds.
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We then get this pretty shot of them in the SUV. There is so much being said in the short time span of this shot too. We can see Lucy is still struggling with her PTSD. From the minute she heard the news Lucy has been scaling the walls emotionally. Almost like she’s back in that barrel. All her emotions threatening to drown her. Her lowering the window to get some air on her face. Cool her emotions down.
Looking at the bright lights trying to ground herself. To help her stay in character. Desperate not burn their UC covers. Tim looking over at her so much worry carried in eyes. She can feel his eyes on her and looks back at him. Their silent communication doing all the talking for them. She’s still in a panic but at least she has Tim with her. To keep her grounded and from spiraling out completely.
Tim giving the most space he’s given since this started. Not wanting to physically comfort her right now. Not because either of them want that space. It’s because he isn’t wanting to draw attention to her emotional distress. That would draw questions they can’t have right now. So they share a look and he doesn’t take his eyes off her. I love it so much.
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Someone in the casino recognizes Jake. A girl. Which isn’t great. But does give us some protective Lucy which I always love. Finally getting to do that hair take down of her's. The one she threatened Stanton with back in 3x05. I love her taking charge of this moment. Getting this woman to back off. Don’t mess with Lucy Chen ya’ll lol They spot Angela and Aaron across the way after she lets this woman go. Figures this is the time to break off.
Lucy says she wants to gamble. See if they can get lucky three times in one day. Heh I love how he walks with her to them. Wish I could've fit the gif in. His hands on her shoulders from behind as they walk. Totally necessary to walk like this with her LOL I have a feeling this was possibly Eric being a goober steering her towards the table haha But either way I'm a happy girl with it. This was quite the married thing to do though regardless of why. I loved it. Also low key protecting her as they walk toward Angela and Aaron.
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They update Angela on everything. Lucy’s first question is about Rosalind. Angela says she got a psycho lawyer to help break her out. We watch Lucy comprehend this. Saying 'Another Caleb....I knew it.' Then says Tamara needs protection. (No mention of Chris BTW) Her other fav human is with her. So no one else to protect from Rosalind. As they talk about this Lucy trying to keep her panic at bay but not doing the best job about it.
Angela picks up on it right away. Asking if Lucy is up for this? That she can pull out if she needs to. I adore Tim answering for her. Backing her and saying she’s solid. The look she gives Tim. My damn heart. He wasn’t gonna pull her till she told him to do so. Until then he supported and trusted her decision. The growth is astronomical in him. You see that written all over Lucy's face. It’s so damn good. You can tell she wanted to touch him as a thank you but stopped herself.
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The minute they’re inside the room Lucy turns on the TV. Tim saves her from herself and turns it off. Saying they don’t know anything they don’t. Protective Tim is present through out this episode. Here for it. She is starting to spiral again and sits on the bed. She looks so tired and stressed out. Tim gives her a sweet compliment to cheer her up. He knows how down in the dumps she is about this. Wants to build her up in anyway he can. Saying how she's really good at UC. Just in awe of her once again.
The sweet smile he gives her when he says it too. Be more smitten Timothy I dare you. Lucy asks if he’s ok with her showering first? He says yeah. Then we see her break his brain once again. The door doesn’t close all the way and he gets a sneak peak of her naked back. He stumbles back to the bed trying not to look back at her. Replying 'Yeah... ok.. um fries.' LOL Lucy you have broken this man and I’m dying.
Eric once again crushes it with his facial expressions. Trying not to be turned on and needing a cold shower more than ever. What cracks me up is his sigh as he watches TV. Trying to drown out his dirty thoughts of her in the shower. She comes out saying the water pressure is epic. Wanting to steal the robes and asking if that's stealing? Tim says no it’ll just be charged to the room. She says ‘WE’ should take two then. There’s that married ‘We’ again.
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You can tell Tim is antsy af to talk about their kisses. First off let me say how proud of I am of this man. This is the same man who couldn’t have a serious conversation with his current GF to save his life. He is the one to broach this topic with her. Once again making that first move. NEEDING to know if she’s feeling what he is very much feeling. Lucy is the one to bring this courage out in him. To want to talk about this.
He went far outside his comfort zone to get this convo started. Telling her it doesn’t feel like pretend to him. The look on his face as he says this. The hope in his eyes desperately trying to see if she is feeling their connection. Lucy panics and stutters in her reply. To me it’s not because she doesn’t feel the same. He has stunned her into silence. What she is worried about here is losing what they have.
To admit what’s going on between them means she now has something to risk. Something to lose if she does. Her person. The most important person in her life. Tim is far too important to her lose over them trying and possible failing. She is very aware it doesn’t feel like pretend. But isn’t willing to risk that. Ironically in a city like Vegas where one takes such risks. So she crushes Tim with her reply. Saying it’s an intimate act. It’s basic biology. You know a BS answer.
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She is deflecting so she doesn’t have to risk losing him. Or confront this at all really. What she doesn’t know is the damage she just inflicted. Tim was already panicky from his convo with Angela about her not having feelings. He suddenly feels very alone in his desire for more. For feeling something. She’s basically rejected him in this moment. He is so sad with her reply.
He gives her one last chance with his ‘So you're saying it’s not a big deal? Doesn’t mean anything?’ She stumbles some more saying ‘Right?’ Wanting him to answer this question for her. She can’t possibly accept he wants her too. So she deflects once again. Tim put himself out there and she shut him down. Their convo is interrupted his cell phone. The looks she shoots his way break my heart. Knowing she’s hurt his feelings. When really she broke his heart a little.
It’s Angela with an update. He tells her he’s alone in the hotel with Lucy. Her ‘Uh oh’ always cracks me up. I love their friendship so very much. Her teasing is primo this season and it makes my heart happy. She is so shipping them and just wants her bestie to be happy. I love it. Telling him not to do anything she wouldn’t. He slams the phone shut and tosses it on bed. LOL
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Lucy goes to dry her hair and there is a knock at the door. It’s the girl from earlier saying she knows he’s in there. Tim opens the door and gets hit in the face. They know he’s not Jake. Saying she told them he had a gut last time she saw him. That it was only 3 weeks ago. I mean that sucks for Sava. Means Jake was cheating on her long before 5x18.
He sends Wisco after Lucy and says he says not to kill her yet. Lucy is a BAMF and takes out most of the crew. This part is hilarious about her robe. I’m dying. 'Showed him the whole world just now.' Oh Lucy never change. Tim shakes his head so much I’m cackling. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy. So exasperated with he right now. I love how she stares down at him lovingly. But you know it’s just basic biology right Lucy?
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I love love love him walking her up. That’s last bit of protectiveness being displayed. He doesn't want her to be alone. Tim saying he can’t wait to get out of these clothes. Lucy making a joke she isn’t going to miss that hairstyle. Then Tim is so cute and flirty says he kinda likes hers though. OMG he’s so damn cute. He is such a goner for her oh my word. Lucy’s smile not believing what she’s hearing. Gah this end portion was the death of me. Tim says I guess this is it as they approach her door. Saying they go back to being them tomorrow.
He almost seems sad about that fact. Lucy turning to him and sharing 'Right..everything that happened undercover they’ll leave behind'. No you won’t lol Then Tim does his dorky UC line and regrets it instantly. Scolds himself for that line. Basically saying why are you like this? LOL Cracks me up the way he shakes his head. Like why can't you be more smooth? Oh that's right because you're stupid in love with her and a nervous wreck about it. Funny pre-cursor to his 'Naked time.' line heh.
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It’s then Lucy deciding to make a move here. All this talk about going back to being them stoking something inside her. Saying in a sense they’re still UC since they haven’t been debriefed. Tim not catching what she’s throwing down. Just replies 'I guess you’re right.' Lucy is eyeing him like she is ready to have him right then and there. Her ‘Mmhm.’. Trying to give him a hint as she flicks her eyes to the door. It’s then Tim starts to catch her drift. The look on his face when it hits him. Like he can't believe she feels the same way he does.
That there is something there. There is a whole lot of want and excitement in that man's eyes. Lucy has created a loophole of sorts. One where they’re still Jake and Sava. And what do Jake and Sava like to do? Have sex. Lots of hot sex. The amount of bedroom eyes Lucy is throwing at him is insane. The sultry inviting way she says ‘Do you want to come in?’ Tim falling back on his professional boundaries like he has for years. Tells her he shouldn’t…Not that he doesn’t want to. He SHOULDN’T. The song in this scene is solid too BTW. Whoever picks music for this show needs a raise.
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Lucy nods and goes to open her front door. Tim looks longingly at her as she does. Lucy gives it one last go. Cranking it up on those sultry bedroom eyes of hers. Basically inviting Tim in to have his way with her. Gah Melissa killing it with the inviting stare. We watch Tim struggle outside her doorway. He has been fighting this instinct for YEARS. I’m sure whenever he had an impure thought he pushed it down. Shoved away any attraction to her. Pushed her away as well. Maintained the professional boundaries he set up years ago. (For the most part.)
Thing is he’s been slow receding those boundaries for years as well. Especially last season when that last bit of his wall collapsed. Slowly letting her into every aspect of his life. To the point that we are now here. Where Lucy is blatantly inviting him in for something very unprofessional. We see Tim have an internal battle with himself. Then basically says ‘F*ck it and comes in. His attraction and his draw to her winning out. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want this. Or hadn’t wanted it in the past before either.
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Lucy asks him if he wants a drink? Can she make him one? Tim declining not wanting to waste any time in this precious loophole of theirs. Also didn’t need alcohol to have the courage to do this. He already pushed past that to even enter this apt. Not wanting to dull any senses or touch with alcohol. Wanting to be fully present with her. Lucy looks like was ready to jump his bones right then and there. The sexual tension is palpable. Their UST is off the charts with this entire scene but reaches critical levels once they’re inside.
Lucy understanding why he didn’t want that drink. Love her sweet but nervous smile as she goes to put her stuff down. It's then we see Chris there which ends up ruining everything LOL Just bleeding out on her couch. I love how Tim throws his head back when she see’s Chris is there. I’ll never forget that amount of hilarious memes Eric posted. People putting the funniest shit about him being there. I wish I could find them. They were SO funny. I’ll be honest as frustrated as I was in the moment I was glad they didn’t hook up. The UST was fantastic. Don’t get me wrong good god.
But it’s much better they got together the way they do this season. Way less mess and not worth the angst it would’ve caused for them to cheat on their SO’s. It’s the fact that they almost did that was so damn telling IMO. Phew well hot damn this was a beast to write. But I loved it. This premiere is fantastic from beginning to end. The amount of moments are unreal. Hell of a way to start out a season of non stop gifts. I haven’t watched S5 the number of times I’ve watched 1-4 so this will be fun. Excited to finish out this rewatch with you all as we count down to the S6 premiere. It’s 58 days btw...
Side notes-Non Chenford
This isn’t something I enjoyed so much as it rubbed me the wrong way. Nolan getting a Golden Ticket. Lucy has accomplished more, done successful UC ops before and after she graduated FTO and is currently going on another UC but sure Nolan who was disgraced and held back gets one. Sure sure…it does for being Juarez in who I love so there is positives.
Tim telling Nolan he needs backup career when picking his assignment. LMFAO I LOVE THIS MAN.
Thank you thank you to this incredible fandom that has embraced these reviews. You all are amazing and I love every single like, comment and reblog I get. ❤️ shall see you all in 5x02 :)
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starwarsanthropology · 2 months
Fuck Canon Tiingilar
i hate the canon tiingilar recipe with my whole heart. Look at this (original source Galaxy's Edge cookbook). This is supposed to be "blisteringly spicy Mandalorian stew or casserole"? This is a mild chicken curry.
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It sounds good, but it's not the rich, spicy, flavor-packed mandalorian stew of my dreams.
Let's start by breaking down the etymology of tiingilar.
Tiingilar is broken into 3 parts: Tiin, gi, and lar.
Tiin is an underived form of tiin'la, or coarse.
Gi is the word for fish.
Lar is a bit up in the air; it could be related to laar, for sing (which anyone who's seen someone bite into something spicier than they can handle can understand), or galar, for spill/pour (makes sense for stew), or even olar for "here", which I suppouse could be extrapolated to mean "whatever is here" for a stew which has flexible ingredients.
But the really important bits are the "tiin" and the "gi"! The first chunk of tiingilar means "coarse/rough fish(y)".
The other food word we have with "gi" in it from canon mando'a is "gihaal", (which, hilariously, breaks down into fish-breath), a pungent fishmeal. It's long lasting and stable which means its probably a staple ration food. It sounds like it'd put most people off at first, but given mandalorian tastes prioritize strong flavors (draluram), possibly including pungent flavors, and "richly nourishing" foods (yaiyai) it's probably a pretty common ingredient.
Guess what fishmeal is! A very high protein (typically 50-60%, but up to 70% for some varieties!), nutritionally dense, and coarsely textured! It's used in any cuisines; some is processed for human consumption but I cannot find any sources that use it in food except in research aiming to combat malnutrition (shout out to researchers at the Abeokuta University of Agriculture for being the best resource about fishmeal in food!). Although we can't know that gihaal would be the same as our version of fishmeal (which is normally processed from whole fish), I think that we can assume that mando'ade woudn't be skimping on the inclusion of bone, which include a lot of valuable nutrients, and would make it coarse.
So, gihaal is a pungent, likely coarse fishmeal that is a staple nutritional supplement in, at minimum, field cookery. It would make nutritionally-dense, protein packed, and strongly flavored base for tiingilar. Makes sense linguistically and practically for mandalorians to build their cooking around nutritionally valuable and shelf-stable rations.
Which brings me to the mandalorian values in food! Draluram (bright mouth: intense, bold flavors), heturam (spicy as in heat burning in the mouth), hetikleyc (spicy as in sinus burn), and yai'yai (richly nourishing, which I personally take to mean both nutritionally dense and satiating) are the 4 canon words that express the priorities in mandalorian cuisine.
These values fit in with the inclusion of gihaal as a base for tiingilar, adding yai'yai if not draluram, but where's my spice? Where's my layers of spice, the sharp sinus burn that makes your eyes water and the creeping warmth that leaves you panting and the bright heat and the numbing and tingling sensation at your lips?
Definitely not in that yellow curry recipe.
The inclusion of ginger and cinnamon (from garam masala) are both nice, but think bigger and broader! Obviously, we don't have mandalorian herbs, but add spice with chilies, cayenne, ginger, horseradish, mustard seeds, sichuan pepper! Bring out warming spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, star anise! Highlight the different elements of spice and warmth and flavor with enthusiasm and delight!
As for draluram, I think the pungent flavor of fish is a nice, bold addition to something for a unique flavor, but let's not forget other players. Aliums like garlic and onions are always lovely, but what about citrus? If mandalorians have behot, what's stopping you from adding in citrus juice or peel or some kaffir lime leaves? What about strong bitter flavors from vegetables you choose, like mustard greens or kale, or the rich savory taste of browned meats if you want more protein in your dish?
Yai'yai, we have a good base of protein and fat and nutritional content from the fishmeal, but why not build it out? Add sugar, both to balance flavors and because energy is energy and mandalorians certainly like their sweets. Fats and oils, other meats and proteins, vegetables and carbs. Add nuts, peanut butter, sesame for added bulk and another element of flavour. I want to see an end product that sticks to your ribs, that makes me skip seconds on not because I don't want more, but because I'm full on one serving.
Back to the etymology. Mild chicken curry is not tiin, nor does it have gi. It's fairly yai'yai, got decent draluram, negligible heturam, and no hetikleyc.
Tiingilar with a gihaal base (in irl cooking, any kind of fish base) and heavier seasoning to add multiple kinds of heat would fit all of those categories so much better.
So I guess in the end, I'm saying I don't have an idea of tiingilar as any one recipe, but tiingilar as a general dish that leans into mandalorian food culture and the literal meaning of the word. Maybe it's little gritty and somewhat fishy, but it's a rich and spicy and flavorful meal you can make with whatever on hand as long as you have a handful of staples.
Adegoke, Bakare & Adeola, Abiodun & Otesile, Ibijoke & Adewale, Obadina & Afolabi, Wasiu & Adegunwa, Mojisola & Akerele, Rachael & Bamgbose, Olaoluwa & Alamu, Emmanuel. (2020). Nutritional, Texture, and Sensory Properties of composite biscuits produced from breadfruit and wheat flours enriched with edible fish meal. Food Science & Nutrition. 8. 1-21. 10.1002/fsn3.1919.
https://mandocreator.com/tools/dictionary/index.html# for mando'a translations and definitions
https://www.reddit.com/r/Mandalorian/comments/mp1x7o/recipe_for_tiingilar_medium_heat_add_garlic/ for the recipe
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honeyhotteoks · 2 years
into the aurora - chapter twenty-two (ot8)
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chapter twenty-two: a memory of something owed
chapter summary: everything with the boys has been going well, but just as you start to relax and feel like you're home, someone from your past appears.
warnings: please read the notice under the cut for a few specific content warnings that i want readers to be aware of. otherwise, warnings for soft sex, comfort sex, fingering, oral (f receiving), sleepy orgasms
pairings: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, angst, romance, ateez ensemble x reader, polyamory, non-idol!reader, fem!reader, smut
word count: 7.2K
(previous chapter) (next chapter) | AO3 | masterlist
special content warning: this chapter introduces an ex-boyfriend of reader's. i want to be clear, there is no physical abuse in the backstory, but he's definitely shitty and manipulative. specific content warnings for verbal abuse, threatening texts, revenge porn/threatening use of consensually taken nudes, an almost panic attack / discussions of anxiety. this is not the hinted at backstory up to this point or the source of reader's old injury. i hope this is clear as the story unfolds, but please don't worry that i'm going to feature a physically abusive backstory, i will not be. thank you all, safe reading. The first time you see his name light up on your phone, your stomach drops, but you’re at work and you’re focused on the task in front of you, so you silence it and move on. By the time the day ends, you have four missed calls from In Su, but no voicemails. When you don’t hear anything else from him for days, it starts to feel like maybe he just drunk called you or reached out by mistake and didn’t really mean to get in contact. That would have been preferred. 
It happens almost a full week after the four missed calls, right when you start to stop worrying about it. 
You’re at dinner with the boys, you and Seonghwa had just finished making a triple batch of ramen and gotten settled at the table with everyone when your phone dings and you freeze when you see the message. 
Why haven’t you called me back?
You can barely breathe and as you reach for your phone to silence it, and it dings again twice in quick succession to alert you to two new messages. 
I know you still have my number. 
You flip the phone over, silencing it as you do and trying to shift your attention back to the lively conversation. Yeosang taps your arm gently, “Who’s bothering you?” 
“Ah, no one,” you shake your head, “not important.” 
“Mm,” his eyes narrow as he assesses your words, and while he knows you’re probably lying or brushing it off, he lets it lie.
You rejoin the conversation just as Wooyoung groans, “I said I would do the dishes! Ramen nights I clean up, I know, I know,” 
They are teasing him of course, mercilessly, and you raise an eyebrow, “Wooyoung? Cleaning up?”
He huffs at you, “Don’t you start!”
You stick your tongue out at him and give him a playful shove, “I’m kidding, you always help,” 
“See!” He points at you and addresses the other members, “you heard it here!”
Yunho interrupts, “This is the best ramen you’ve ever made, Hwa,” He’s nearly face down in the bowl inhaling the noodles. 
“It’s spicier than normal, I like it,” Jongho comments. 
Seonghwa throws his arm over the back of your chair, “y/n added the extra red pepper,” 
The table runs through compliments, but your phone starts ringing in earnest, vibrating against the table, and startling you. You flip the phone and see that it’s In Su calling, which didn’t necessarily surprise you, but it still makes you feel sick. You consider silencing it again, but instead you just stare at his number lighting up your phone, and watch it ring out, hitting your voicemail. 
The boys are watching you carefully. 
“In Su?” Yeosang asks. 
“Mm,” you sigh and flip the phone back over. 
“Who’s that?” Wooyoung asks from your other side. 
“Ah just someone I’m not friends with anymore,” you say, “I don’t really want to talk to him.” 
The phone starts ringing again, and you pick it up off the table, sliding your finger across the screen to accept the call. “Stop calling me, I don’t want to talk to you.” You don’t wait for him to respond, just click end call, and then slide the phone back down onto the table. 
“A friend?” San questions after you have hung up. 
“Ex,” you admit. 
Mingi raises his head from his ramen and quirks his head to the side, “Ex-boyfriend?” 
“Yes,” you sigh, “we didn’t end on great terms, and I haven’t talked to him in over a year, I have no idea what he wants.” 
The table is quiet for a few moments, all eight of your current partners shifting uncomfortably at the idea of your ex-boyfriend. The phone buzzes again before you can say anything else, this time just two short vibrations for incoming text messages, and you glance down. 
You’re not being very nice. 
You owe me this.
Your jaw clenches at the words. Seonghwa murmurs from across the table, “He’s from your hometown?”
You nod. 
“Maybe it’s important? If you want to go call him it’s okay,” 
You shake your head, “No, no it’s not that,” you’re firm, “I really have nothing to say.” 
You glance up from your phone and see Yunho’s gaze locked on you, his chopsticks set to the side. “What is it?” he asks.
“He’s not very nice,” you say simply, “so I don’t want to talk to him. Hopefully he’ll stop reaching out to me soon.” 
“Not very nice.” Mingi quietly repeats. 
“It’s nothing bad,” you wave your hands, “we only dated for a short time in college. He was more in love with me than I was with him, and when I ended it, he said some mean things. He wasn’t a very good boyfriend, and proved it when we broke up, but that’s really it.” 
“But he keeps calling?” Yunho points out. 
“All of a sudden,” you nod, “I haven’t heard anything from him in over a year otherwise.” 
“I don’t like his texts,” Yeosang gestures to your phone, “the way he talks to you.” 
You flip your phone over, “Yeo,” 
“I’m sorry, it’s right on the table,” he gestures to it. 
“It’s fine,” you turn to address the whole table, “it’s totally fine, I’m just not going to answer him, and he’ll get the picture.” 
“Hmm,” Seonghwa hums, “I still don’t like it,” 
You smile, “Just let it go for now, okay?” You tuck your phone into your back pocket and they agree, but as the dinner continues you feel your phone vibrate several more times in your pocket. 
After dinner, while the boys clean up, you take the opportunity to slip into the living room and check your messages. 
I saw Yu Jun. I know you moved to Seoul.
Heard you landed a fancy job.
Honestly, I just want to talk to you, stop ignoring me.
Fine, but you asked for this. 
The last message flips your stomach. Below the string of unanswered text messages is a gallery of photos, photos you hadn’t seen or thought about in two years, photos you thought were deleted. You can feel your breathing coming quick. You flip through the photos to see which ones he included, and it’s the exact ones you were worried about. You suggestively pulling down the strap of your bra in one, you wearing nothing but a men’s dress shirt in another. At the shots of you in bed, nothing but a sheet strategically covering you, tears prick your eyes. “Fuck,” you breathe. 
Ready to talk?
Without hesitation you press the call button next to In Su’s name. The boys are being loud, and some of them have made it into the living room. Yeosang gives you a sharp look when he realizes you’re on the phone, and you quickly leave the room to have this conversation without prying eyes from your boyfriends.
“Finally,” In Su’s voice comes through sharply, and the sound of his tone brings you right back to two years ago.
“What do you want?” 
“I wanted to remind you of a few things,” he says simply. 
You press your back up against the wall in the hallway by the staircase, “You told me those were gone,” 
“I lied.”
“I can see that,” you manage, “I trusted you to delete those, In Su.” 
“You left me, okay? I didn’t have to do anything for you.” His voice is cutting as always, and you wince.
“What do you want?” 
“I’m applying for a job at KQ,” he says, “I’ve been trying to get hired but it’s been a lot of rejection letters. It’s definitely not my first option, but when I heard you were there and working with Edenary directly? I’m sure you can pull some strings.”
“What are you talking about?” You can hardly believe his words. 
“I don’t know how you got the job,” he says, full of smug self-satisfaction, “I’m sure whoever you’re fucking put in a good word,” 
“I did not fuck someone for this job,” you bite back, “and I can’t help you.” 
“y/n, I honestly don’t care. But you’ll get my resume on the right desk and talk to whoever you need to talk to about getting me hired,” he sighs, “and if you had just picked up my phone calls, I wouldn’t have had to remind you about the pictures, but you chose to escalate this.” 
“Are you threatening me?” Your stomach knots. 
“Of course not,” he says immediately, “but you and I both know there’s no way a pretty girl like you keeps her job working with very important people in the industry if her nudes are all over the internet.”
“I trusted you,” 
“I trusted you too,” he says, “every time you said, ‘I love you’ and you were lying. I’m sending you my resume tonight, make it happen.” The call ends with a click. 
You drop the phone, and rake your hands through your hair, “Fuck,” you mutter to yourself. 
There is no good way out of this. Either you’d sell him as a great employee to KQ and get him hired, meaning you’ll have to spend every day in his vicinity, or he’d ruin everything you’d built for yourself and the boys the past couple of months. 
“Love,” Yeosang’s voice calls. 
“Fuck,” you repeat, squeezing your eyes shut tightly before sighing and looking towards him. 
Yeosang stands a few feet away, his calm demeanor almost making you more nervous than anything. Hongjoong and Mingi stand close as well, and while you can hear the rest of the boys farther off into the house, the three of them are here, quietly regarding you. 
Mingi is the first to break the silence, “This In Su,” a look of disgust passes over his features, “you said he threatened you?” 
“Kind of,” you scrub your hand across your face and through your hair, “he wants me to do a favor for him.”
“And the favor isn’t for free.” Yeosang surmises. 
Hongjoong is the first to catch on, “y/n, what does he have?” 
You look down, the shame burning a blush up your cheeks, “It’s so embarrassing,” you admit, “I acted like such a fool.” 
Hongjoong reaches out a hand and you cross the length of the hall to reach them. Some of the others in view behind the three of them. “You can tell us,” he assures you. 
It’s hard to find the words, so you pull your phone forwards and unlock it. You open In Su’s texts and pass the phone to Hongjoong, immediately looking at your slippered feet and holding yourself tightly. You hear Yeosang’s tight intake of breath and Mingi’s low curse and your eyes close at the reaction. 
“What’s going on?” Yunho asks and you freeze, the blush deepening in your cheeks. 
“She talked to In Su,” Hongjoong says simply. 
“Oh,” Yunho, his voice is closer now and you’re sure that he’s moments away from seeing the pictures. You can’t bring yourself to look up, but you hear it when he makes a high surprised sound, “What the fuck?” 
You can hear them gathering, and Jongho says, “Are those what I think they are?” 
Hongjoong makes a terse noise, and you finally open your eyes, slowly looking up to meet their gazes. “I was very young, and very stupid,” you try to explain. 
“None of that,” Yeosang says with finality, “it was consensual, wasn’t it?” 
His words startle you and your eyes flick back down momentarily, “Yes,” you nod, “we were dating. It was something he thought would be fun, sexy. It was at the time but given how little I really knew him it was still stupid. I should have just said no.” 
“How old were you?” Jongho asks, his jaw set hard in anger as he gestures to the phone. 
“Nineteen, I think,” you can feel the blush burning and you shake your head, “I thought I loved him, and I wanted to make him happy, and when we broke up, he showed me that he had deleted them. I guess he had copies.” 
“And now he’s threatening you?” San asks. 
“Mm,” you nod, “he heard that I’m working at KQ. He wants a job,” 
“That’s what he wants?” Jongho shakes his head, “I don’t get it,” 
“He was never very diligent in school,” you explain, “we were both in the same courses, both wanted to work in the industry, but he spent more of his time chasing me around and partying than studying or working hard. He said he hasn’t been having any luck finding a job on his own, and that I owe him this for the breakup.” 
“Absolutely not,” Yunho’s voice is murderous, “there’s no way you’re working with this guy.” 
“I definitely don’t want to,” you agree. 
“Has he ever done something like this before?” Seonghwa asks. 
“Threaten me?” You laugh, “No, but after we broke up, he was hung up on me for a while. He followed me around campus a lot, sent me a lot of letters. Eventually it stopped, but it took my best friend at the time threatening him with the police.” 
“He never,” Yunho shifts from foot to foot, clearing his throat, “he never hurt you, did he?” 
“No! No, he never did anything but be clingy and it made me uncomfortable, but he never touched me,” you assure him. 
“Okay,” Yeosang interrupts, “but his texts? Even the idea that he would try and hurt your career? He’s not safe for you to be around, to see.” 
“Definitely not,” San agrees. 
You sigh and shake your head, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do except try and get him hired,” 
“I say we kick this guy’s ass.” Wooyoung offers. 
“Wooyoung, be serious!” Hongjoong scolds. 
“I was being serious.” He grumbles. 
His suggestion makes you smile, “While I love the idea of my eight boyfriends scaring the shit out of him,” you reach out and squeeze Wooyoung’s hand, “I don’t think any of you should get in trouble and cause attention. So, any non-violent suggestions?” 
“This is extortion,” Yeosang says, “you should really go to the police.” 
“I don’t know,” 
“Tell him you’ll take his resume, the job process takes time. While that is happening, call the police.” Jongho says.
“Lead him on?” Seonghwa turns to Jongho, concern evident on his face. 
“Is that safe?” Mingi asks.
“y/n is always with us,” Yeosang jumps in, nodding along with Jongho’s plan, “at least one of us. So, she promises to help, buys a little time, and before he can figure out he’s not getting a call back from KQ, the police can pick him up. I’m sure the photos can get deleted that way,” 
“It could work,” Hongjoong nods. 
You nod, taking your phone back from Hongjoong’s hands and slipping it into your pocket. “It’s not a bad idea.” You agree. 
“It’s not your fault,” Jongho says clearly, “it’s obvious that you think it is, but this In Su betrayed your trust, and you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
His arms are around you a moment later, and you relish in the crushing hug for a moment before you say, “It doesn’t change the fact that it was still stupid,”
Jongho shakes his head, “People in relationships do lots of different things on trust, expecting that their secrets or their actions will be kept private. Look at all of us.” 
You break away from the hug, giving him a squeeze of thanks, but you can’t help but say, “I’m just disappointed in myself, in trusting someone like him,” 
Seonghwa reaches for you and presses a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t be angry you loved someone, or that within the safety of a relationship you trusted someone. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say this guy didn’t deserve your love, and that isn’t your fault.” 
“Thank you,” you murmur. 
“Text him back,” San suggests, “tell him you’ll take the resume in tomorrow, and then we’ll figure out the rest.” 
You follow his lead and text In Su back, carefully laying out the plan that you’d take his resume in that week and recommend him for the job, he just had to be a little patient while the hiring manager assessed things. Tomorrow you’d contact the police and see what you could do to get In Su caught and the pictures resolved. 
But that's tomorrow. Tonight, none of the boys seem like they want to leave you alone. You can feel their tense anger coming off them in waves at the thought that someone would do this to you, but it does nothing but make you feel more embarrassed. You’re curled in the corner of the sectional anxiously worrying the inside of your cheek and flicking through articles about revenge porn aimlessly when Wooyoung collapses down on the couch next to you and tucks close to your side. 
“Woo,” you shake your head, “I’m really not in the mood.” 
“For?” He raises an eyebrow at you. 
“I don’t know,” you sigh. 
“Give me that,” he plucks your phone out of your hands and clicks the lock to darken the screen, setting it on the table and catching your attention. 
“You’re doom scrolling,” he takes your jaw in one warm hand and turns your face to meet his eyes. 
“Look,” you groan, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’m just trying to figure out if he’s even broken any laws. We don’t know for sure that the cops can help.”
“That’s true,” Wooyoung says, “but why don’t you let them tell us that instead of a bunch of posts on Reddit,” 
Your mouth clamps shut, and you look away from him quickly, as tears well up in your eyes you realize all of the boys are still in the shared living space. They’ve all been aimlessly on their phones or watching TV, but clearly just waiting on alert for whatever you might need, too unsure of what to say. Of course, it’s Wooyoung who breaks the uncomfortable silence. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung’s voice drops as he notices your sudden tears, “whoa, whoa, what’s this?” His hands reach for you, pulling you into his chest instantly. 
Your breath comes in an a hitched sob and you shake your head into his chest, “This is really bad, Woo,” 
“Shh,” he soothes you, running a strong hand up and down your back, “we don’t know anything yet.” 
Wooyoung shifts on the couch, dragging you over a little to sit closer to him and you feel someone drop down on your other side and rest a warm hand on your bare thigh, softly dragging a comforting line with his thumb. 
“I just thought this was over,” you sigh into his chest, tears still coming hot against his t-shirt. 
“I know,” he murmurs. 
“Come here, baby,” San says from your side, sliding closer to you and lifting your hips to tuck you in his lap. Here you’re cradled between them both, and with your head still buried in Wooyoung’s chest, San rubs a comforting hand up your back, shoulder to shoulder with his best friend. 
“y/n,” Yunho’s voice breaks through and when you lift your eyes, you see him crouched in front of you, “what can we do?” His eyes are soft and tender, empathetic and aching to help. 
You shake your head and sigh, sniffing back tears, “I don’t know,” you tell him honestly. 
He nods and rests his palm on your knee, squeezing you softly. You straighten up in between Wooyoung and San and they let you move out of their grip, but tears bubble up again and Yunho reaches forwards to brush them away with his thumb. Launching yourself forwards, you wrap your arms around Yunho and drop your head against his neck, pressing your eyes tightly closed and holding back another sob. 
“Hey,” he rocks back on his heels when you collide with him, but he steadies himself and holds you close, cupping your head with one and the other warmly on your back. Your legs wrap around him easily and he tucks you close, rocking you softly as he murmurs softly into your ear, “we’re not going to let anything happen to you, okay? Not a thing.” 
“Yunho,” you sigh, “you can’t promise that.” 
He shakes his head and makes a dismissive sound, “I can, and I am,” 
You lean back from your tight grip on his neck and meet his eyes again. Even though it’s not really a promise he can make or keep, you don’t know what the police will be capable of doing or how In Su will react, you choose to believe him. He brushes the tears away and again and draws you in for a kiss, comforting and slow, before breaking your lips apart and pressing another to your forehead. 
“Okay,” you sigh. 
“Don’t be scared,” he murmurs. 
“Yunho’s right,” San says from behind you, and you feel his warm hand rest on your neck, stroking your hair softly, “this man is nothing but a coward. He’s acting out of desperation.” 
Before you can respond, Hongjoong’s voice breaks through the moment and your eyes snap up over Yunho’s shoulder when you hear him say, “What he’s doing is definitely illegal.”
Hongjoong and Jongho are seated together, eyes trained on the laptop in front of them and Jongho nods, “It’s blackmail, but it’s also considered a sex crime.” 
“I didn’t think we recognized revenge porn,” you swipe at your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt and slide back off Yunho’s lap, coming to rest on the floor between San’s open knees and letting Yunho shift around too before he takes your hand back in his. 
“We don’t exactly,” Jongho clarifies, “but he isn’t just posting the pictures, he’s threatening you with them to get something. That’s just good old-fashioned blackmail, the nature of the leverage just makes the crime more severe.” 
Your eyes widen, “Are you sure?” 
“We’ve been reading,” Hongjoong points towards his laptop screen, “I think we have enough to go on to talk to the police.” 
“His text messages,” Seonghwa pipes in, “they’re threatening, you have that in writing.” 
“They are,” you nod, the tightness in your chest releasing ever so slightly. 
“And he actually sent you the pictures,” Jongho notes, “he doesn’t just allude to them. We have proof what he’s doing is sex crime, not just a threat.” 
“They really might be able to help?” You meet Jongho’s eyes. 
“I hope so,” he nods, “but if they can’t we’ll figure it out.” 
You exhale long, your nerves that have been knotting up since he started texting you at the dinner table leaving your hands shaky and your brain foggy. Mingi’s eyes flick over you and he’s up and out of the room. It takes you a minute to realize what he’s doing, what he’s sensing, but when he returns and crouches in front of you it all comes together. 
He presses a cold glass of ice water into your hand, and you break away from Yunho’s grip to hold the glass between both hands and take a long gulp. The boys are watching carefully, Mingi nodding for you to take another sip, the shock of icy water to the brain helping ground you out of a potential anxiety attack. From his pocket he produces your anti-anxiety medication and uncaps it, dropping a single pill into his palm and passing it to you. 
Yunho rubs your back softly as you down the pill and take a deep breath, letting it work for a moment. San’s hand is a little tighter on your shoulder, and you can feel all their eyes on you. Up to this point, Yunho and Mingi are the only two that know anything about your panic attacks or your medications, and while you know they won’t judge you or think differently, the last thing you want is to be treated like glass by everyone. 
“Okay?” Mingi checks when your eyes open, tucking your pills away in his pocket. 
“Yeah,” you give him a small smile, “you knew before I did,” 
“You had that same look in your eyes,” he explains. 
You watch as Yunho and Mingi share a quick, private look, and Mingi backs up to his previous spot on the couch, gesturing again for you to drink more of the cold water just to keep things in check.
“y/n,” Seonghwa’s soft voice comes from next to Wooyoung, “is there… is everything alright?” 
Yunho turns towards Seonghwa, opening his mouth to respond but you rest your hand on his forearm to stop him and he nods, holding his tongue. 
“I get panic attacks sometimes,” you manage, turning towards Seonghwa, “they’re anti-anxiety pills to help stop them. It doesn’t happen often at all; you don’t have to worry.” You try to preemptively answer their questions. 
“Are you okay now?” he asks. 
You nod, reaching out for him and squeezing his hand, “I’m good, I promise.” 
Hongjoong clears his throat gently and you turn to look at him, “Is there something we should notice? Like Mingi did? For the future,” 
You soften at that, the way Hongjoong has started to grow more tender towards you over these weeks of living with them and spending so much time in the studio. You shake your head, “No, I can usually take care of it myself,” you shift in your seat and feel Seonghwa’s thumb stroking over your knuckles, Wooyoung’s hand coming to rest on your shoulder, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
“That’s not something you have to tell anyone,” Wooyoung says from behind you, “don’t apologize.” 
San is oddly quiet behind you, his hand still firmly planted on the back of your neck, and you want to twist around and see what he’s thinking but Yeosang leans forwards from his spot, “So, we have a plan?” he brings the conversation away from your anxiety directly and back to the problem at hand, and relief floods you. 
“Mm,” you nod, “I’ll call and speak with an officer tomorrow if I can and see what they need me to do. Can you send me anything relevant you found in your research that I can reference on the phone?” You nod towards Jongho and Hongjoong. 
“Got it,” Hongjoong nods, shifting his attention back to the task at hand. 
After a beat of quiet you sigh, running your hands through your hair and admitting to the boys that what you really need is sleep and some time to yourself. But then even after several hours have passed, you’re still awake, staring at your ceiling and nervously checking your phone. Your brain flicks back to earlier, and the way San said little after Mingi gave you your medication. He kissed you goodnight, but you could practically feel him thinking. 
You glance at the clock and the digital white numbers read two-fifteen. Your leg bounces restlessly against the mattress, your mind carding through the night again. You sit up straight and slip out of bed. Standing at your doorway, you decide not to think, and just go with what you’re feeling, what you need. 
Quietly you creep across the lower level to San and Yunho’s room, easing open the door as softly as you can and shutting it behind you. Yunho’s thankfully dead asleep, and easily one of the heaviest sleepers imaginable. It takes a full minute to shake him awake sometimes, and with the way he’s laid out flat on his back with a hushed, steady snore, you’re sure he’s out like a light. Using the soft city light streaming in through the windows you make your way to San’s bed. 
He's on his side facing you, arms gripping around a pillow and legs tangled up in the sheets. As quietly as you can, you ease down onto the open spot in bed and shift some of the covers out of his twisted position to cover you both, scooting close to him and running your hand down his arm. 
He groans softly, shifting against his pillow. 
“Sannie,” you whisper, tugging at the one in his arms gently. 
His arms release it easily, and you drop it off the side of the bed and move into his arms. They lock around you instantly and he hugs you to his chest, hitching a leg up over your hip and dropping his head against yours. He grumbles softly, pleasantly, and you know he’s close to waking. 
Prodding him softly you kiss his jaw and murmur again, “Choi… San…” 
“Hmm?” he sighs
“Baby,” you kiss him again, “I can’t sleep.” 
San’s eyes blink open at that, and he squints at you in the darkness for a moment before he comes fully into consciousness. He’s still a little bleary from being woken up, but he cups your cheek and leans back to get a good look at you, “What’s wrong?” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” you whisper back. 
“No,” you shake your head and sigh, “I couldn’t fall asleep.” 
“This whole time?” He glances over your shoulder for the time. 
“Are you worried about tomorrow?” He asks. 
“A little,” you admit, and he nods. 
“We’ll be with you,” he kisses your forehead softly, “even if we’re not next to you, we’re there.” 
You slip your hand into his and he interlaces your fingers. With a sigh you murmur, “Can I stay here tonight?” 
“Mhm,” he brings the covers up over you a little further. 
San watches you quietly in the low light, his thumb stroking your cheek. Finally, he sighs, “Can I ask you something?” 
“Earlier… you said,” he looks concerned, his brows ever so slightly drawn together, “are you really okay, or is that just something you said?” 
“I really am okay,” you soothe him. 
He draws you up to his lips, kissing you soft, deepening it when he feels you responding. He leans away again, “I don’t want you to be scared for tomorrow,” 
“It’s a scary thing,” The idea of filing a police report, showing strangers these pictures, leaving it in the hands of someone else to care and resolve, it all terrifies you.
He nods, swallowing hard and you watch him gather his thoughts, “I hate that someone’s hurting you like this,” he says simply. 
“I know,” you whisper, tears prick at your eyes. 
“I can’t stop thinking of the hundred different ways I would kill this guy with my bare hands if I had him for a single second,” he admits, and it connects why he’s been so quiet. 
“Come here,” you shake your head, pulling him back to your mouth and shifting your position so that your leg is now hitched up over his, bringing you closer, “I don’t want you to think like that,” 
“I just want to protect you,” he admits, kissing you again, his tender care coming off him in waves, “we all do,” 
“I know,” you nod, “and you are,” 
He opens his mouth to protest but you shake your head, interrupting him again with a kiss. You didn’t come to his bed for this, but the anxiety is melting away and here in his arms you feel incredibly held. His cock twitches beneath you, and you feel him hardening against your clothed mound where your hips are slotted together. 
“I,” he shakes his head slightly and you know he’s about to move away when you interrupt him, catching his cheek in your hand. 
“No, please, I need you,” you whisper, shifting your hips slightly to grind against him gently. 
“Are you sure?” His eyes are full of concern, and you draw him closer. 
“Please,” you nod, “I can’t think about this anymore tonight, I just want to feel better,” 
San’s tongue darts out and wets his lips, his eyes drinking you in, and glances to Yunho, “We’re not exactly alone.” 
“Oh,” you glance over, but Yunho’s still dead asleep. 
“Can you be quiet?” Your head snaps back to him and you nod immediately. He smiles and you watch as he shuffles around under the covers to discard his underwear before reaching for yours. 
“Eager,” you giggle softly, and he shushes you. 
“Let me make you feel good,” he slides your underwear off and before you can blink, he’s sliding under the comforter completely. 
You lift the edge to watch him as he maneuvers between your legs, knocking them open wide easing down between your thighs. He looks up to meet your gaze and smiles, pressing a single finger to his lips to keep you quiet before easing his mouth down over your clit. 
You can’t help the soft hiss that leaves your lips at the sudden sensation, and he squeezes your hips in his warm hands to tell you to quiet down. You steal a glance at Yunho who’s shifted in his bed, arm up over his head and his blankets now around his hips, bare chest exposed. San runs his tongue up the length of your slit, darting against your swollen bud and teasing you relentlessly. The combination of San’s mouth on you and Yunho mere feet away sends a hot rush through your body, but you tear your eyes away. 
Your head falls back as you focus on the feeling of San’s mouth on you, his fingers teasing your entrance and testing your wetness. When he sinks one finger inside you fully, knuckles pressing flush against your cunt, you clap a hand over your lips and squeeze your eyes shut. 
He hums softly, feeling your hips jerk under his ministrations and adds a second finger, working you up quickly while he sucks sharply on your clit again. The sharp sensation has you arching, rocking your hips against his mouth and you keep one hand over your lips and one on your breast, kneading it softly the way you like. 
When his mouth and fingers leave you suddenly you blink your eyes open looking down to watch as he surfaces from the covers and moves over you, lining up his cock with your entrance. 
“What,” you start to say, but he shakes his head, dropping his hand over your mouth and thrusting inside you in one sharp motion. You moan against his hand, and San presses himself down hard into you, seating every inch in your tight channel, quickly looking over to ensure his roommate is still asleep. 
You’re breathing heavily through your nose, and he starts to roll his hips quickly and quietly into you. He’s biting down on his own lip to keep from making a sound, and with every push of his warm cock inside you, you feel yourself buzzing, coming up to the rolling edge of pleasure. 
He falters slightly when he reaches with his free hand to grab one of your wrists, softly tugging your hand between your bodies and nodding to you. You communicate with ease in the dark, everything so clear in his desperate expression. Sliding your fingers down your front you navigate them to your folds, and before you start to circle your clit you feel the place where you’re connected, your soft fingers catching against his slick cock as it moves in and out of you. 
He lets out a startled groan and you smile against his hand, moving your fingers over your clit faster now. He grins down at you, shaking his head at your teasing. Yunho hasn’t so much as twitched in his sleep as far as you can tell, but you both know that if he wakes up now nothing could stop you both from finishing. 
San’s mouth widens in pleased awe when he watches your brows knit together tightly, your free hand tight against the muscles of his back and the hand between your bodies picking up the pace to bring you crashing headlong into your orgasm. Your body locks up under him, and he nods as he watches you silently come as if he’s easing you along through it.
He pumps his hips faster, the bed making small creaks now, but he ignores it and drives down into you. A light sheen of sweat across his brow, a slight smile on his lips, his hands gripping you tight, and when he comes it’s with a snap of his hips to drive himself in as deep as possible and a choked breath on his lips before collapsing down over you. 
It takes a minute for both your heads to clear, but when you come back to reality and he slips his softening cock out of you, you take one last glance at Yunho to confirm that he did stay asleep the whole time. You sigh, a little relieved and smile at San. 
He cuddles you immediately, twining your slick bodies together and dragging the covers up over your shoulders. “Feeling better, baby?” He nuzzles your ear. 
“So much,” you sigh, and it’s true. At least for tonight you can relax, slip into sleep with his arms around you, your problems still problems tomorrow but your head clear enough now to know that there’s nothing you can really do at three in the morning. 
You don’t even remember dropping off into sleep, just San’s arms around you and his soothing words against your ear keeping you calm and at ease, but when you wake it’s sudden, to a broad, warm hand on your cheek. When your eyes snap open it’s morning and Yunho’s looking down at you, fully dressed and ready for his day. 
You smile up at him, but you suddenly remember where you are, the night patching itself back together in your foggy morning brain and you pull the covers up to tuck under your arms and keep you somewhat decent. “Hey,” you murmur, blushing and glancing over at a still sleeping San. 
“I have an early schedule,” he murmurs quietly to not wake San, “but I wanted to tell you good luck today. If you need anything, just call and I’ll figure out a way to step away,” 
“You don’t have to do that,” you shake your head. 
“I’m offering,” he stops you. 
You nod, “Thank you, Yunho.” 
He leans forward and kisses you softly, not an ounce of awkwardness in his actions or expression, and when he breaks away and steps back, he smiles, “I’ll see you tonight.” 
You wave quietly, watching him go, and then curl back into San’s embrace, burrowing into his arms until you have to get up, until you have to start thinking about what you would say on the phone to the police. 
It should have been easy, especially after all the research Hongjoong and Jongho did, all the evidence you feel is at your disposal. It takes time to get through to an officer, and time to get connected to one that even works cases like yours. When you finally do, the reality you worried about starts to form again in front of your eyes. The texts, while threatening in nature, do not contain a direct threat in writing. The photos were taken consensually, and he’s not breaking any law by having them in his possession. While your description of the phone call is an active threat against you, it was your word against his. The officer takes your name, copies of the evidence you had collected, and promises to look into things for you. 
For a week you stall things, you juggling work and the boys juggling their schedules as you try to figure out a way out of this. You call the detective every other day just to see what can be done, and every other day he promises he is working on things, but it starts to feel like just that, a promise alone.  
You’re in the coffee shop a block from the KQ offices when you see him again. Park In Su standing at the end of the bar with a smirk. Panic flutters in your stomach, and you feel your heartbeat pick up. You consider leaving right then, turning on your heel and walking back to your office at KQ, or better yet making it down the street a little further to the studio where you know at least some of the boys are arriving, but you find yourself frozen. 
The last contact you had with In Su was a lie, a promise to get his resume on the right desk but given that a week had passed, you’re not surprised that he’s suspicious and changing tactics. The barista behind the counter clears his throat gently and gestures to you. You’re flustered, but you hand over the money for the coffee and apologize before stepping away from the counter. In Su’s eyes are fixed on you, and you see him collect his coffee from the end of the bar and step towards you. 
Your stomach is churning. 
His smirk turns into a genuine looking smile and your breath catches in your throat. 
He calls your name. 
Your phone rings, and you jump, fishing in your pockets for it. 
“Hello?” you answer as quickly as possible and watch In Su slow his steps to regard you carefully. 
“Ah, y/n have you gotten to the studio yet?” Yeosang asks and you hear a car in the background. 
“No, I was on my way,” you say. 
“Where are you now? We could pick you up,” he replies. 
“I’m…” your mouth is dry, and you steady your breathing, “I’m at the coffee house by work, I ran into a friend.”
“A friend?” Yeosang questions, the tension obvious in your voice. 
“You know him,” you hint, nervous to say his name out loud. 
“In Su,” Yeosang surmises immediately, and you hear Wooyoung in the background make a noise. 
“Are you alright?” His voice is serious now. 
“At the moment,” you settle on. 
“I’m coming,” Yeosang says firmly, “we’re close, stay put.” 
“Don’t,” your eyes break from In Su when you realize what he’s suggesting. 
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Yeosang says, his voice clipped, “just stay put.” 
The call ends abruptly, and you swallow hard. Your name is called at the end of the coffee bar, and In Su smiles before picking up your cup and making his way across the café to meet you for the first time in over a year. 
There are a lot of options in front of you, but the one you like the least is staying put and letting Yeosang and Wooyoung put themselves in the public eye for you. As In Su approaches, a pleased smile on his lips, you take a step backwards and try to think of a plan, any plan that would get you away from him and keep your boys out of view. 
chapter 23 will be posted on tuesday, november 1st at 5:00 PM ET
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
I can't stop thinking about catbi taking his chances at stealing a bit of spicy food Tomura's eating and poor Tomu just freaking out because it would absolutely fuck up a cat's stomach and Dabi's just there looking normal, even joyful about it
The thing that Dabi is surviving on is that Shigaraki knows literally nothing about cats because if he did, he would be very confused because the second onigiri he gave Dabi would have caused kidney failure and killed him. His ignorance means he would just be like, huh yeah my cat likes his food spicier than me? What of it?
And in the background Dabi is also snarfing down a piece of garlic bread and going back in to steal Shigaraki's too
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butterflies-and-yuta · 6 months
Limits - Nakamoto Yuta
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Summary: Now that you were single and broken up with your shitty ex boyfriend, you now met someone who has not only gotten their heartbroken by their ex, but also is willing to help you get over him by basically fucking you better than your ex has ever did....
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Trigger warning: Physical Abuse, Physical Assault, Slut Shaming, Cheating, etc...
Quick Disclaimer: This is part 1 of a 2 part story, the other story will have the spicier stuff in it so stay tuned...
Part 1
You couldn't believe it, you couldn't believe your boyfriend of 3 years had not only broken up with you but has also cheated on you with someone that goes to the same school as you. So now things are incredibly more awkward now as you try your best to avoid social groups and her specifically but then you had class, and that class had her in it so that's just made it more awkward now.
But you didn't focus on it too much since you're in school and your education matters more than an insatiable man's penis, and as you were about to take your seat with your friends, you saw the girl move towards to your spot and your friends were about to confront her but you told them not to so you just took a spot that was 2 rows further back away from them and proceeded with your work as class was staring to begin.
While you were sitting down and focusing on what today's subject was about, you couldn't help but feel a stare from behind you, normally you would be bothered by it since you're not used to it but you couldn't help but feel like peaking a little bit so you slowly turned your head to the left to see who was looking at you from behind and no one was looking at you except for him.
Yuta Nakamoto, how can I explain who he is, well apart from the fact that he is not only intimidating and cold-looking but is also kind of popular around here since he is friends with some other blokes and mostly close with a guy name Johnny Suh. you mostly heard good stuff about them especially Yuta, but you also heard about a rumour spreading around that he also got cheated on by his ex as well.
Your stories are a bit similar with each other but you just couldn't comfort him or at least talk to him about it since 1: you two weren't really close, 2: since he does have that intimidating and cold-look to him, it's a bit tricky trying to see if he's interested or not, and 3: even though you'd like to get close to him, you two are still people dealing with infidelity and broken hearts, it just wouldn't be the right time to do something that was romantic and intimate with each other.
But there is something about this person that makes you curious and wants to know more about him, mainly because he's not only so different from your ex, but also personality wise as well, when you met your ex, he was like those tiktok boy but more down to earth.
But after a while of you two dating each other, he started focusing more on his appearances and also his social status as well, he never even bothered bringing you to some of his social gatherings, which you didn't like due to how loud they were but there were times in which he has went to some silent functions without you, even some of his friends that you met were surprised to find out that their mate had a girlfriend.
And then came the day, the day you finally caught him in the act. You were at a restaurant with your friends to celebrate their birthday, but unfortunately you saw your ex there with not only his mistress, but she also had the same gifts as he had gotten when you saw them back at home.
And when you went to confront him about, his girl started talking about how she knew you from her school, that was when you found out that she went to the same school as you. You couldn't handle it, you slam the roses on him and threw the jewellery box he got for you at him, and even told his new girlfriend "And good luck with my sloppy seconds too bitch", which at first felt mean but after she started treating you badly at school, she kinda deserved it.
And ever since that day, you've been trying your best to just move on and just forget that had ever happened, but somehow karma was not on your side. As the news went around the school, you started to hear people whispering about you which at first you ignored but it started getting annoying and irritating that some of her friends would go throw soda cans along with crumpled up paper balls at your head. You just wanted to hope for the best and just hopefully be able to finish the school.
But as you sat there with Yuta that day, you started noticing him a bit more different now compared to the usual times. He had some piercings in which looked kinda cool, especially with his hair that seemed to be dyed red which isn't usual for you since you normally see him with dark hair, but what caught your attention more on him was that he keeps his bangs long enough to cover part of his eyes and the back of his hair medium length, he nearly looked like a anime character with the way his bangs look like they've been done with gel instead of cutting it.
But there was more to his hair than its own styling probably done by himself, It looks pretty soft too, so soft that you wished you ran your hands through his hair to feel it. But his fashion was just another story, he literally looked like he just stepped out of a Japanese Rock style fashion store, which isn't far off from his considering he is Japanese but you notice whenever your at school with him that he would wear alternative clothing but make it more like how a rockstar would wear it. it was really cool and unique and you wished you could learn more about it.
But as you were you still looking at him, you caught back to reality as you snapped out of your gazing state and went back to focusing on your work. As class was finally finished, you were about to get up and walk out of a room when all of a sudden you got tripped over, causing you to fall at the bottom of the stairs and dropping your stuff on the floor. Luckily enough you weren't hurt and that your friends were there to check up on you.
You turned around to look it was none other that your ex's new girlfriend. "Whoopsie, you should really watch where you were going before speeding ahead into dangerous territory". your friends were nearly about to go off at her until you asked her what her business was with you. "What the fuck is your problem with me", you said in a aggressive and frustrated state.
"My problem with you is that you have been nothing but a dirty little skank". You couldn't help but retaliate with someone even worse than what she had said there, "At least I'm not a homewrecker and a cheater, so really, who's the dirty little skank here you fucking hypocrite". You were about to go off at her even more until someone came in to stop the both of you.
It was Yuta...Of all people...
"Who the fuck do you think are you to stop me from smashing her head in", she retaliated in a aggressive yet uncontrollable state. "The same guy you cheated on with someone else you slut". And with that, the fight was shutdown immediately with what Yuta has just said there, causing everyone to go their own seperate paths, especially you and your friends.
After the fight, you and your friends went to go get some takeaway off campus with your free lunch time until next class. As you and your friends got your meal and were about to leave, you saw Yuta hanging near the stairs while also enjoying himself with some food. You were about to walk away until your friends convince you to say thank you to him for sticking up for you, but you didn't want to considering it was rude and impolite in your eyes.
But your friends didn't want to hear it and kept buggering you about it until you finally gave in, causing them to continue walking back onto campus and leaving you by yourself with Yuta. You were about to walk back to the campus and get your things together for next class, but Yuta spoke up again, "Hey", you stopped when he spoke, "Was wondering why I still haven't gotten a thank you from you and yet you were about to walk away", you turned around and faced him before he said to you, 'How rude".
You thought he might've have meant it sarcastically and was going to reply back with more sarcasm but you suddenly realised it wasn't sarcasm at all, he actually wanted to get a thank you from you.
"Sorry, I didn't know you wanted a thank you from me, and from what happened before".
"No worries, and besides, I liked seeing the cute expression on your face during that whole ordeal" he complimented with a light smile and you felt flustered and your cheeks flushed bright red at his words along with smile, it felt so healing to you for some reason, but you were still blushing like a tomato which was a little bit embarrassing in your eyes.
"Oh wow, didn't think I would make you blush and act so shy immediately, are you sure you're the same chick I saw earlier today during that mini fight", he said trying to sound more funny and more sarcastically than he usually did, "Haha, yeah it's the same chick you're talking to, But anyway thanks for standing up for me, it means a lot considering I haven't gotten much luck here ever since then".
"Why's that", Yuta asked with a intrigued yet little hint of concerned in his face. "Well, I also got cheated on my by ex, but the issue is that girl back there that started on me was the girl my ex cheated on me with. So it's a bit more awkward now considering we go to the same school, and it doesn't help that her little posse are also picking on me as well".
After Yuta has heard that, his facial expression changed completely as he showed a worried yet annoyed look, before looking at you directly in the eyes "I swear if anyone tries hurting or harassing you in any way, tell me and I'll break their legs for you". That was definitely one threat he made there, but you decided to take it lightly and joke instead.
"Well you're a bit too late for that", you said to him in a joking way but it seemed like he didn't like how you were joking about it. His face and overall tone was now different than the warm one you were actually getting used to since he was the first guy you started to talk to after your breakup.
He was more colder than before, but something about him being more colder was comforting for some reason, maybe he was also scared as well since he didn't mention the fact that the girl there who was harrasing you was his ex girlfriend, but he didn't want to push you further since it wasn't his story to share but yours, plus he doesn't want you to hate him because of it.
"Well I guess I gotta go or else I'd be late", you said to Yuta as you went to pack up your stuff and left to head back to campus considering the time was nearly close for your next class to begin, leaving Yuta behind by himself, which at first he didn't minded but as you started walking a bit more farther from him, he couldn't help but to follow you but not in a creepy way, more of so to see if anyone would pick on you after the whole ordeal.
And it turned out to be correct as while he was following you, he saw your ex in the same hallway as you, confronting you about why you haven't picked up his calls and text.
"Since when did I have to pick up your calls and text, last time I checked we broke up because you cheated me. And speaking of which, where's your new girlfriend, oh that's right, she's somewhere in one of these classrooms saying how I'm the slut who cheated on you when it's very clearly she's the one who deserves to be called it, not me".
As you finished saying that and proceeded to walk away, he begins to grab you by your arm to pull you back and slammed you against the back of the wall, causing you to let out noises of pain as a result. "WHO THE FUCK, DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO CALL HER A SLUT WHEN YOUVE BEEN SEEING MY FRIENDS BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK". You were shocked by what he just said there, you have never slept with anyone during your relationship, especially his own friends, you weren't even close to them enough to commit acts like that. You guessed the guys must've been asking him as to why he never told them that you were his girlfriend, which probably resulted in him lying about it.
"Jesus Christ, couldn't you be more scummier than you were before, I never even slept with your friends you liar, and I find it ironic since you're the cheater here you moron.", you said to him since you couldn't even believe it but after a while of repeating the words he just said in your head, it started to become useless since they weren't even true.
You tried your best to get out of his grip but it was no use since he was stronger than you. Yuta couldn't handle what he was seeing, if there was one thing he hated more than what happened to him, is when men get violent with women, "he doesn't even deserve to be called a man". Yuta said in his mind, and this called a fuse in him to snap, not only this was the guy that cheated on you with his ex, but he was also making himself more likely to receive the same treatment.
As you were about to close your eyes to protect yourself from your ex about to swing at you, you saw a trashbin being thrown at your ex's head, causing him to groan in pain but also making him more furious at the situation. "WHO THE FUCK DID THAT". as the situation grew bigger by causing people to head to where the noice and commotion was coming from, So did Yuta's blood for rage and vengeance for you.
"I did". Yuta said in a loud voice, Causing your ex to throw you onto the floor to proceed with this guy who got involved at the wrong time, at least in his eyes. As he kept getting more closer to Yuta, he was about to knock him out with a swing but to your surprise, he was stopped by Yuta as he not only dodged him swing but also got the upper hand as he sucker punched him right in the centre of your ex's face, causing him to fall on the floor.
This made your ex even more furious and more wanting to kill this guy even more than before, who the fuck was he and why was he even getting involved in you and his conversation. "Was this one of the guys you "slept" with" he thought to himself in his delusional mindset. He couldn't take it, so he got himself up quickly again to attract Yuta again, luckily for Yuta this wasn't much of a challenge.
So as the two faught intensely, your ex kept trying to swing and kick at him but Yuta kept dodging it no matter how much speed and force your ex was trying to put into the fight, he was a really good fighter though, he was strategic, fast and swift like a shadow, and most importantly, he stood his ground correctly.
For one final ending to this fight, your ex tried to kick him again but lucky for Yuta, he grabbed his leg and dragged it towards him, causing your ex to fall to the floor on his head. With the fight showing clear signs that Yuta was winning, He decided to go for a couple of swings on your ex's face, causing your ex's face to become mangled and swollen because of it.
With the fight now done and over, with your ex on the floor damaged but not fully, Yuta standing tall above it with some minor blood on his fists, the hallway erupted into chaos as students gathered around, their murmurs blending into a cacophony of shock and curiosity. You lay on the floor, a mix of fear and relief flooding through you as you watched Yuta stand tall, his eyes blazing with a fierce protectiveness that sent shivers down your spine.
Ignoring the growing commotion around them, Yuta turned to you and walked towards where you were, his expression softening with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice a stark contrast to the forceful way he had just handled the situation. You nodded, still reeling from the adrenaline of the confrontation.
After Yuta helped you get up from the floor, you both tried to process what had just unfolded, with the teachers had arrived, witnessing you, Yuta and your ex's current state, who was now sporting a rapidly swelling bruise on his cheeks and eyes. Amidst the chaos, you caught Yuta's eye, a silent understanding passing between you. Despite the violence that had just occurred, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Yuta for stepping in to protect you.
Yuta had told the teachers "what happened" because he didn't want you and him to get into trouble so the teachers had escorted your ex away, his woozy protests fading into the distance as the hallway slowly emptied, leaving you and Yuta standing in the aftermath of the confrontation, luckily the students surrounding the area before didn't rat Yuta in. Taking a deep breath, you turned to Yuta, a mix of emotions swirling inside you.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a hush. Yuta's gaze softened even further, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Anytime," he replied, his tone gentle yet firm. As you both stood there, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air, you couldn't help but feel a newfound connection to Yuta. It was a connection forged in the heat of conflict, yet tinged with a sense of mutual understanding and respect.
With a final nod, you both silently acknowledged the unspoken bond that had formed between you. As you gathered your things and prepared to head back to class, a sense of uncertainty lingered in the air, but so did a glimmer of hope for what the future might hold. And as you walked side by side with Yuta, the echoes of the confrontation fading into the distance, you couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something new.
With the school hallway still reverberating the aftermath of the confrontation, a tense energy hanging thick in the air as students whispered and exchanged shocked glances at the encounter that they witnessed during class. Some students were still confused about what happened; What exactly happened? what made these two want to fight each other, was it because of you, you already had enough rumours spreaded about you as it is, especially after all that it was a fight, nothing more than a fight.
Even though you and Yuta hadn't spoken much since the two of you were in different classes, you didn't seem threatening to the other students al all, and although it could've been the amount of attention they were paying you due to the already known rumours about you, they thought it appeared more as a show of force rather than a act of bravery.
After all, everyone was starting to suspect there might be something going on between Yuta and you, especially with the way he kept glancing at you during classes that some of the people noticed, was this the guy that you had allegedly cheated with.
But regardless, you didn't need to deal with more gossip about the fight, the rumours and having to constantly worry about being harassed were already enough as it was and you didn't need anything else added on top of that, so you tried your best to leave as quickly as you can since you didn't want more drama happening enough as there was.
But luck was not on your side today, as class was finished for the day, you were leaving class in a fast pace, getting past some of the other students in the hallway and nearly exited out the front door, you were pushed down onto the floor at the front entrance, causing you to land on your knees and making you drop your things yet again. You already know who it was and didn't want to deal with her so you tried to gather your things and get back up but she kicked you back onto the floor yet again.
"It seems like you just can't get enough of being the centre of attention huh". She said to you as she kept her foot underneath your back, causing you no choice but to stay still underneath her since all of her force is on your back. "What do you want", you finally asked, trying to sound strong yet weak at the same time and failing miserably as you felt yourself start to break under her attacks, even though you wanted nothing more but to get her off of you and make this stop.
"Oh come on Y/n, we both know you wouldn't do anything about me unless you knew it'll help yourself". She responded, still keeping pressure on your back to ensure that you won't move any time soon. What was she talking about? Help yourself with what? Did she mean with whatever that asshole ex of yours was saying to her about what was happening, or with the fact that you're currently in a public place? where she has the power to make more rumours about you.
If the first option she mentioned is true than there was nothing you can really do to change anything about it. And then there's that possibility she could be referring to the fact that she is going to do her best to hurt you, and you don't think you can take any more of this crap.
So, taking a deep breath you decided that whatever she said, you weren't going to let it happen . "If you want a fight with me over a guy that cheated on me with you, then so be it". The sudden turn of events prompted her to momentarily cease her offensive maneuver. Seizing the opportunity, you swiftly reached for her elevated heel, specifically targeting the sharp dagger-like appendage.
With unwavering determination, you exerted a powerful force, yanking the heel in your direction while taking the chance to quickly rolled out from underneath her, causing her to lose her balance even more and end up falling down on her hands and butt. You got up off of the ground and turned around to see her glaring furiously at you, her eyes flashing an indignant shade of red and her face contorted in anger.
"How dare you!" she screamed, spitting venomously at you as she struggled to get up. "Well maybe you should've have thought about it before you decided to bully someone else, who's ex is the same guy you cheated on your fucking ex boyfriend with." As soon as you said that, all the students were surprised but also confused as to what just happened, did they just found out that you're actually the victim here and not her.
She couldn't believe it, it was all falling apart, she couldn't allow you to win, she was the main woman, you're the other woman, she can't just lose that easily. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU SLUT." she snapped back at you, getting up in a fast pace to charge at you to finish the job.
But all of a sudden, she was stopped in her tracks, and it was none other than Yuta, realizing who it was, she tried to escape but it was too late, as Yuta dragged her and threw her into the ground, causing the fight to stop.
The students looked on in horror as they realized the situation they had just witnessed.
"You bitch", she spat, pushing herself to a sitting position and pulling herself upright, "Don't forget who's the biggest slut, I'll fucking kill you." She growled menacingly, turning to face you, a crazed expression on her face, ready to attack.
Yuta sighed as he stared down at her, shaking his head in exasperation as she continued yelling insults at you and tried to crawl towards you. He raised his hand, signaling for the teachers to remove her, causing the rest of the crowd to panic.
But before the teachers could come get her, Yuta had decided to whisper something into her ear. "If you ever touch her again or start something like this ever again, I'll make sure she'll treat you like how I treated your boyfriend, you understand." he said into her ear, making sure that if this ever happened again, he'll make sure that you take care of her like how he took care of your ex.
As the teachers came to the area, everyone was wondering what you said was actually the truth, were you actually the victim in this and that she was the mistress and you weren't. They looked at you with pity and sympathy now instead of hate and disgust, which was their look now at her as the teachers hauled her away from you, dragging her somewhere in the school while she was kicking and screaming all over the place, maybe it was probably to a empty classroom as she needs to calm down, where as soon as she was calm, the teachers had told her that she is required in the principals office where she would have no choice but to acknowledge that she would be getting her punishment the next day.
Once the teachers were gone along with the students, Yuta stepped forward, placing himself directly in front of you. Your body went rigid as his dark orbs bore deeply into yours, watching you struggle to keep eye contact, knowing full well that it would only prolong the inevitable (or at least you thought that was the cause).
And then, he smiled. "You okay?". he asked in concern, placing his hands gently onto your shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.
You nodded your head shakily, looking anywhere but in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay, Thanks for helping me out there last minute." You said as you attempted a smile, attempting to mask the nervousness and shyness that were clearly evident within your voice from looking at Yuta.
He gave one last glance at you, his gaze lingered longer on your lips than you anticipated, and as much as you wanted to push him away, your heart was telling you otherwise as a sudden wave of heat rushed across your cheeks, and before you could register it fully, he leaned closer to you, and proceeded to press his lips against your forehead which caused your heart to flutter and your cheeks flush at once.
Then without another word, he was walking off, disappearing in the distance without looking back. But you tried to catch up with him to stop him. The tension in the air seemed to dissipate as you caught up with Yuta near your car parked at the campus entrance. His tall frame stood out amidst the bustling surroundings, his presence both comforting and enigmatic. As you hesitantly called out to him, his steps faltered, turning to face you with a curious expression.
"Hey," you exclaimed, your voice wavering slightly as you tried to gather your thoughts. The weight of the recent events bore down on you, making this moment feel both crucial and delicate. You needed answers, closure, and perhaps a sense of understanding in the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed you.
"Why did you help me out there and before?" you inquired, your words hanging in the air, laden with unspoken questions and emotions. Yuta remained silent for a beat, his dark eyes holding a myriad of unreadable emotions before he finally spoke.
"Because you didn't deserve any of that crap my ex was putting onto you, especially since I found out that you were not only in the same position, but also that my ex was your ex's mistress," his voice was firm, yet laced with a hint of regret and understanding. The revelation hit you like a tidal wave, crashing over your already tumultuous thoughts and feelings.
A mix of emotions swirled within you, a complex tapestry of anger, betrayal, and a strange sense of camaraderie with Yuta. The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fall into place, connecting the dots of the tangled relationships and deceit that had ensnared you.
As the truth settled in, a new layer of understanding unfolded, casting a different light on the recent events. You already knew that she was your ex's mistress but the realization that the woman who had caused you so much pain was also Yuta's ex added a profound layer of complexity to the situation. It was a revelation that brought a strange sense of solidarity between you and Yuta, a shared experience of betrayal and deceit.
"Thank you so much for Today Yuta, I really do appreciate it.", "Hey, it's no problem, I wasn't gonna let her do that shit to you, and at least you knew how to defend yourself there." He complimented you there on your fighting skills, making you genuinely smile. But before he left, you asked him for his phone number, in which he typed into your Phone. Now that way, you can contact and talk to him whenever you want to.
And with the two of you saying goodbye to each other, you let Yuta go back to what he was doing which was probably continuing walking back home since school is over today. And as he disappeared into the distance, you were walking back to your car which was parked near the campus entrance. As you got inside your car and drove off, you couldn't stop thinking back to what happened. The rush of emotions and adrenaline from the confrontation with your ex's new girlfriend and Yuta was still coursing through you, leaving you feeling a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion.
The streets were bustling with people going about their day, but your mind was elsewhere, replaying the heated exchange over and over again. You couldn't believe that someone would treat you as a dirtbag like that. The words echoed in your mind, stinging with their sharpness.
But even as you tried not to let what happened affect you, the weight of it all settled heavy on your chest. The betrayal from your ex, the confrontation with his new girlfriend, and the unexpected support from Yuta — it was a whirlwind of emotions that you weren't sure how to process.
The drive back home gave you some much-needed time to reflect. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city skyline. With each passing mile, you felt a sense of clarity washing over you.
By the time you pulled into your driveway, the tension in your shoulders had eased slightly. You knew that tomorrow would probably bring its own challenges, but for now, you were determined to face them head-on, armed with a newfound sense of self-assurance.
That night as you laid in your bed, staring into the darkness of the room as you tried to fall asleep and as soon as you did, you started to dream that you were in the city, walking by yourself as you were wearing a new bold outfit that was almost similar to Yuta style but was more on the feminine side.
And as you were continuing your walk, you stumbled into a guy and it was none other than Yuta, what was he doing in your dream, were you dreaming about him, I mean you couldn't help it, but it still felt a little bit different than before, like it felt right, it felt like it belonged here with you.
But you snapped out of it when Dream Yuta asked you a question. "You want a smoke.", he asked in a rockstar type of voice, you couldn't deny it since it was in a dream so you accepted it.
While you were still smoking with Yuta in your dream, you couldn't help but feel sort of something for Yuta, like you wanted to kiss him and....have sex with him or something. and as your cigarette was about to run out, Yuta offered you his, but before he did, he did one more puff before blowing smoke rings at you, which you didn't care about and grabbed the cigarette of his and smoked it. He started getting more close to you, to the point where both of your skin were too close for contact.
As you continued smoking your cigarette, he took the cigarette out of your mouth and threw it to the side, extinguishing it with his foot, and proceeded to pull you in for a hot and steamy kiss against the cold weather that was making its presence here. You two couldn't stop, and as it progressed more intensely, the two of you pulled away but not too far, as both of your eyes looked into each other, you couldn't help but appreciate every little detail about Yuta, and he did the same as well.
However, all good dreams must come to an end as your phone wakes you up, wondering why your phone would get a notification this late. only to realize it was a text from Yuta nonetheless. "You'd probably be asleep by now, sorry if I wake you up accidentally, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place, I could use a little company, it's okay to text no if you don't want to."
You were surprised with Yuta's boldness, but you decided to text him back saying you'll be right over, and what will happen after that night will leave you conflicted, but overall surprised by how it turned out.
Hello everyone, I am back with new content, and I was thinking since I did a new rebranding, why not have the first story be about none other than the Nakamoto Yuta himself. But yeah, this is a story that's been in my development hell for a while since I had no idea what to do, but since I'm coming back, I decided to focus on this one as my comeback story. And btw, there'll be a part 2 to this one that will contain smut in it since it's been a while that I wrote something that contained smut in it.
But yeah, I'm glad to be back and creating more content and reviving old stories of mine that deserve to be seen by everyone, and I'm overall happy...but yeah, that is my little quick announcement, so there'll be a part 2 of this, happy to be back and don't forget to leave a like, a repost along with a comment either for requests or supports and my DMS are also open for requests as well and I see you guys later...bye....
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arendaes · 3 months
ooh could you do 36?
Of course! Thank you for the prompt; this one is a bit of an immediate follow-up to one of my Owlcatober one-shots Anything Worth This Feeling :3 This one is a bit spicier than the previous fills, though it's by no means explicit
36. total control (Arueshaelae/Seelah, 336 words)
There was a roll of thunder overhead, rain pattering against the roof of her cottage in a way Arueshalae normally would’ve been glad to sit and bask in for a moment. There were so many little pleasures in mortal life that she loved to savor, but at this moment, there was a not-so-little pleasure she was indulging in instead.
The firelight danced beautifully across Seelah’s bare skin, the flickering lights illuminating her skin. Her eyes were sparkling as they pulled apart for air again, lit with that emotion she’d longed to see every day since proving herself to the goddess - love. It was wholly and positively encompassing, filling her with a warmth the likes of which no fire could ever replicate.
Arue trailed delicate fingers down her cheek, throat, stopping just as she reached her smallclothes. Seelah’s armor had long since been shed, as her own dress. They were seated in front of the fireplace, Arue perched in her laps with wings held aloft. It wasn’t a position she’d ever imagined she’d be in when she’d first decided to call this place home - all she’d seen were tea and cookies and good company. But now that she was here, those visions paled in comparison. This was the true meaning of home, she decided then and there.
“Hey, you okay?” Seelah asked, and Arue realized it was because she’d been looking everywhere but into her eyes as her thoughts trailed off. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
“I do want to,” Arue said softly, a smile playing at her lips, “I was just thinking. It’s nice - I have total control of myself, and for the first time since I’ve ascended, I have a desire I don’t feel guilty for wanting.” Seelah’s answering smile was radiant, but whatever she’d been about to say was cut off as Arue kissed her again, hungrier this time. The realization had been followed up by one that she was very tired of waiting. They both were.
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grapehyasynth · 1 month
First Line Tag Game
tagged by @gulliblelemon @piebingo @sillyunicorn! thank you! i was hoping to get tagged in this - i'm curious
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions. Then tag some others to try it!
“Wanna watch a movie?” Wille murmurs into Simon’s neck.
Simon had still been pissed when he’d gotten home from school, bits of his locker room argument with Wille coming back to him and setting his jaw afresh with tension, anger and guilt (and anger at feeling guilt) buzzing over his skin.
“I’m not complaining,” Simon says, for the sixth time that day.
wille has always been told not to expect to marry his soulmate.
The restaurant is overcrowded, several parties waiting at the front to be seated, and the large table Felice had reserved for her birthday dinner is tucked in the far back corner and shielded by decorative, inconveniently large ferns, so when Wille runs out of wine after just a few spoonfuls of his spicier-than-expected bun bo hue, he has little hope the server will be back anytime soon. 
He means to wait up for Wille, who’s been in emergency meetings since the Jubilee happenings ended, but then he’s blinking groggily awake as his bedroom door opens and a sliver of light from the hallway stretches across the room. 
The race is over - they’ve lost - and the rest of the team, who rowed in earlier heats, crowd around them as they clamber out of the boat, offering condolences or starting in on dissections of what went wrong.
Simon has known Wilhelm Larsson since they started secondary school together, but he doesn’t feel like he really starts to see him until their final term. 
Simon’s tempted to take his sweet time opening the unlabelled black box, but Wille looks like he’s going to chew right through his own cheek out of nerves, so he slips off the ribbon and lifts the cover and-
Simon shuts the laptop and rubs his eyes with the heels of his palms.
I was genuinely surprised I'd written more than ten Young Royals fics!! Somehow I thought I still hadn't written that many.
I'm not a fan of frontloaded exposition in fic - I like to drop right in and then thread exposition through - and I think that mostly shows in these opening lines!
Fairly even POV balance - 4 and 6, though the first chapter of Obviously switches off between their POVs, as does when i'm broken and bent
Don't normally start with dialogue! @gulliblelemon mentioned liking writing dialogue the most but not usually starting with it and that's how i feel as well!
Tagging: @peakotp @tooindecisivetopickaurl @hullomoon @willehugsimme @nerdyfangirl76 @book-and-music-lover @simonsapelsin @allthefakepeople
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grailfinders · 5 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #26: Nrvnqsr Chaos
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today on Grailfinders, I’d say we’re due for a big ol’ storm of chaos! Nrvnqsr Chaos specifically, though you’ll have to forgive me if I simply call him Nero throughout the build- I’m not going to remember that alphabet soup of a name.
anyway, our dear friend Keysmash Chaos is an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer to pick up some spicier summons and some flexibility, as well as a Shepherd Druid for summoned beasts out the wazoo that can really pack a punch. check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
Nero was a human but now he’s chaos, which is a bunch of animals grafted together in a semi-humanoid shape. you could go Simic Hybrid here if you love the smell of fish, but since there’s no way in hell I’ll find another chance for this I’m going to make him a Plasmoid instead. that gives him +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, as well as an Amorphous body type that lets you squeeze through small spaces and get advantage on making and escaping grapples. you also get Darkvision up to 60’, and can Hold Breath for up to an hour with no negative consequences. you’ve got 666 pairs of lungs, I’m sure it’ll all work out. your unique body plan also gives you a Natural Resistance against acid and poison damage as well as the poison condition, and you can Shape Self as an action to add or remove limbs and a head from your general shape, or use a bonus action to send a bit of you up to 10’ away in a little cord that can manipulate lightweight objects. chaos doesn’t keep a solid form, go figure.
you used to be part of a reclusive bunch of mages that threw themselves out of normal reality, so calling you a Hermit is pretty spot on. you get proficiency in Medicine and Arcana instead of religion bc I said so, and the Wandering Sea is definitely more about science/magic than gods. I’d argue your backround’s flavor feat Discovery is also pretty in-character for once since it gives you a reason you became goo to begin with, but it’s not totally necessary.
Ability Scores
nero’s highest score is his Charisma. his magic comes from inside, and I mean that literally. next is Wisdom, animals tend to have a high wisdom score, and you are animals. also, mind-controlling you is probably pretty hard given how many you have. third is Constitution, because you don’t die til your beasts do, and your beasts don’t die til you do. a real catch-666 here. this does make your Dexterity a little lower than I’m 100% comfortable giving a caster, but with a healing factor like yours getting out of the way isn’t an issue. your Intelligence is only average- you were smart, and probably still are, but your brain’s been getting eaten by wolves the last millennium, I wouldn’t bet too much on it. that means we’re dumping Strength, which feels weird for a super strong vampire, but we can patch that up with magic better than most other abilities.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: starting off as a sorcerer gets you proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saves. you can survive the eyes of death perception, which is definitely a high save DC for one of those. you also get proficiency in Intimidation and Insight checks. you have 600+ beasts inside you- that’s a lot of growling and a lot of eyes.
at level one your Aberrant Mind lets you use Telepathic Speech, linking up with a nearby creature for a couple minutes so you can speak with just your minds. you also gain Psionic Spells, which are kind of like a regular extended spell list, but you can swap these out with other divination or enchantment spells as you go. if we do that, we’ll be sure to bring it up.
speaking of, at level one you get Arms of Hadar and Mind Sliver which we’re keeping, but we’re swapping out Dissonant Whispers for Identify. you’ve been around a while, you know what magic is. you also get regular spells this level- Mage Hand lets you send out a lil bird to carry something light for you, Sword Burst flings claws everywhere for some cheap damage, Chill Touch deals damage and blocks healing, and Blade Ward lets you goop up to block the worst of incoming physical damage. for your leveled spells, Mage Armor is practically a necessity since it gives you an extra +3 to AC, and Catapult is nice too, letting you fling a nearby object at a creature, possibly damaging both in the process.
2. Sorcerer 2: second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic, which right now just means you can cast an extra 1st level spell each day by doing some rigamarole. a 1st level spell like Feather Fall perhaps. you’ve got a lot of birds in you, I’m sure they can help break your fall.
3. Sorcerer 3: at third level your font of magic actually becomes interesting, because you can use your sorcery points from that to make Metamagic, altering the effects of your spells to your liking. most of your summons are literally you pulling something out of you, so they’re pretty Subtle. subtle spells don’t require somatic or verbal components, so they’re a lot harder to counterspell too!  speaking of, those summons are basically animals when they’re not in you, so they last a while- an Extended spell can help with that, doubling the duration of whatever you cast.
you also get second level spells now! we’re swapping out Calm Emotions for Hold Person for your weak shitty eyes of enchantment, and Detect Thoughts. mortal mages can do that, and you’ve been around ten times as long, so I can’t imagine it’s that difficult for you. you also get Enhance Ability, giving you advantage on one kind of skill check for up to an hour. and all the options are flavored after animals, score!
4. Sorcerer 4: fourth level sorcerers get their first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up that Charisma for stronger spell, like the cantrip Infestation to sic bugs on people and Shatter to break shit! I think adding a swarm of poisonous insects to your chaos would probably bump you up to at least 6,666 beasts but I’ll allow them to all count as one.
5. Sorcerer 5: at fifth level, everything just kind of goes right for you thanks to your Magical Guidance- spend a sorcery point, re-roll a failed check. you’re a villain, so you have plot armor right up to the end of the story.
you also get third level spells- Haste lets you move fast enough to keep up with arcueid (probably), and your freebies Hunger of Hadar and Sending let you blast some goo to slow down enemies and chaos them to death, or use a cell phone. you were born in the 900s, an iphone might as well be magic to you.
6. Sorcerer 6: a sixth level weirdo gets Psionic Sorcery, so any of your psionic spells can now be cast purely through sorcery points, and doing so makes it subtle as well as allowing you to ignore material components unless they are spent by the spell. that’s important for later.
you also get Psychic Defenses, giving you resistance to psychic damage as well as charms and spooks. you have a lot of brains in there, it’s going to be hard to freak all of them out at once. which is good bc the rabbit one is always freaked out.
also you can finally eat people now! with Vampiric Touch, you can touch people and drain their life force, regaining half the damage you deal as HP!
7. Sorcerer 7: seventh level of a spellcaster means fourth level spells! as for nero, it’s Polymorphin’ time! now you can turn into a beast with a CR equal to your level or less for up to an hour, changing all your stats and basically giving you a big beast-shaped shield to your HP. you also get your new psionic spells, Evard’s Black Tentacles and Summon Aberration! the former’s basically hunger of hadar but again, and the latter’s our very first summoning spell for phantasmals! yeah it took a while to get going, but if putting animals in people was easy everyone’d be a furry already. don’t worry, we’ll speed things up next level.
8. Druid 1: bouncing over to druid gives you more Spells that you cast and prepare using your Wisdom. multiclassing spellcasters gets a lil complicated, so check the PHB to see what spell slots you have at any given time.
the important thing is you get Primal Savagery and Shillelagh, giving you more melee options to avoid having to punch people with your puny caster hands. you can further enhance your physicality with spells like Jump and Longstrider, or drag people into your chaos with Entangle. you even learn druidic! it’s a language!
9. Druid 2: at second level you get to enter the Circle of the Shepherd, which teaches you the Speech of the Woods. not only does it teach you Sylvan, famous for being a language, but you can talk to beasts now as well!
more excitingly, you can summon a Spirit Totem as a bonus action, bringing a phantasmal to the battlefield for up to a minute per short rest. you can pick between three options- the bear giving creatures you choose extra HP and advantage on strength checks and saves, the Hawk letting you grant advantage on an attack as a reaction and giving advantage freely to perception checks, and the Unicorn gives advantage on checks to find creatures and extra HP from healing spells.
to get even beastlier, you can now Wild Shape twice per short rest to turn into a beast without using a spell slot. the CR for this one is a lot more limited, but free HP is free HP. alternatively, you can do the more in-character thing and summon a Wild Companion, letting you spend a wild shape use to cast Find Familiar without materials. it’s not that strong, but a flying spy camera can be pretty useful.
10. Druid 3: if you need a long-distance helper, you can always use Animal Messenger or Beast Sense instead. the former will fursonally deliver a message to someone you describe, while the latter lets you see and hear through a beast for up to an hour, but without any control over what it does.
you can also Summon Beast which is nice. we’re still a ways away from mass chaos, but it’s a cheaper summon option.  hell, it’s honestly the better option for a fourth level spell slot anyway, unless you’re hyped about having a regenerating chaos.
11. Druid 4: at fourth level you can turn into CR 1 creatures that can swim thanks to your Wild Shape Improvement, and you can also use this ASI to bump up your Charisma and Wisdom to max out the former and set up the latter for later.
you also get another cantrip, so I say weaponize that pseudopod of yours with a Thorn Whip. it whips! it thorns!
12. Druid 5: the real reason we’re here is third level spells, and the only one I care about here is Conjure Animals. by using a third level spell slot, you can summon a single beast of CR 2, or twice as many by halving the CR, all the way to 8 CR ¼ beasts. it says the DM has the stats for whatever you summon, but tbh if you’re going to summon eight extra fighters every combat you should probably just bookmark your own PHB to help out.
13. Druid 6: one last pit stop before we head back to sorcerer- at level six shepherd druids become Mighty Summoners, adding an extra 2 HP per hit die to your summoned beasts/fey, and giving them magical attacks to boot.
14. Sorcerer 8: another ASI, this time you’re Resilient in Wisdom saves, giving you advantage and also rounding up your wisdom score for a cool plus 1 to all your spells and such.
also you can summon a Spirit of Death now, which lets you track whatever it’s zero’d in on anywhere in the material plane.
15. Sorcerer 9: with fifth level spells, it’s time for things to get real spicy. your freebies this level are Scrying to send out a spy bird with none of the fuss (esp. since you can use psionic casting to get around the 1000 gold casting cost) and Telekinesis to lift stuff like the big strong man you’re supposed to be. you can also Summon Draconic Spirits now, giving you access to the most powerful phantasmals available. not only can it deal adequate damage with breath attacks, but it also protects you from elemental damage to boot!
16. Sorcerer 10: now that you’ve spent some time vamping it up, your magic can now be Empowered, forcing disadvantage on one person trying to save themselves from it. you also get the Message cantrip bc I’m running out of good cantrips to give you, and the Enervation spell for a more chaos-flavored way of consuming your prey. you slap a target with a tentacle, and if they fail their first save it latches on, letting you drain their health each turn for up to a minute.
17. Sorcerer 11: I’ll be honest I’m kind of on the fence as to whether Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise should be called your 999th beast or not. on one hand it makes you look more demonic and gives you all kinds of cool abilities, but tbh I think turning into a T rex makes you a lot tougher for less magic cost. either way, you definitely have it now.
18. Sorcerer 12: use your last ASI to bump up your Dexterity to not die as much. yeah you’ve got plenty of spare lives, but it’s a pain to use them, y’know?
19. Sorcerer 13: our final spell of the day is the Finger of Death, which is a big single-target attack that can even turn a person into part of your chaos if it kills a humanoid target. really your whole body is Of Death, but a finger works too I guess.
20. Sorcerer 14: our capstone ability makes you a Revelation in Flesh, letting you transform yourself as a bonus action for ten minutes. for each sorcery point spent to transform, you get one of the four available bonuses. the first lets you see invisible creatures, the second gives you a flying speed, and the third lets you swim and breathe underwater. the last and both most- and least-important turns you into chaos good, letting you and anything you’re wearing move through a 1-inch space, or spend 5’ to break any grapple. it’s technically something you could’ve done already, but now you can do it without getting naked.
Pros & Cons:
you have pretty good health for a caster, but it gets even better when you include all the extra health you can get from your uses of Polymorph, Wild Shape, and of course your vampiric spells. unless they can rush you down, you can cling to life in a fight for a good long while.
your spells are also very flexible, as are you. yes, you can summon 32 wolves or transform into a T Rex to cause havoc, but you can also summon or become smaller creatures for the sake of stealth or reconnaissance. and of course while using these spells on just yourself is in-character, a lot of them can be used on teammates as well to help them out.
you’re hard to deal with, magically speaking. you have solid saves in two of the big three saves, and you resist some common status effects really freaking well, so other mages can have a hard time taking out your HP faster than you can regrow it.
your AC isn’t great, so melee fighters can still carve you up pretty easily. and if one of those happen to get creative with their mystic eyes of death perception you’ll definitely still be in trouble.
also, almost all of your summons are super weak compared to other spells of the same level. Conjure Animals is great for area denial or dealing with large groups of weak enemies, but using a ninth level spell for 32 wolves that’ll survive all of one turn before being fireballed to death just feels bad. the extra health from Mighty Summons is nice, but you’re getting at most 14 extra HP from that if you’re making CR 2 beasts, and that won’t last long at higher levels.
you yourself isn’t that strong either- while you don’t have to worry much about getting grappled, but you’re still easy to push around or fall into a magical strength-save spell.
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