#spice packaging machine
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nichromepackagingmachine · 1 month ago
Spice Packaging Machine
Nichrome is a manufacturer of spice packaging machines, spice filling machines in Bangladesh for products like Spices, Premixes, Instant Mixes
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nichromepackaging · 1 year ago
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seoagency26 · 8 months ago
Masala Packing Machine: Start Your Own Spices Packaging Business
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Masala packing machine is designed to effectively weigh, fill and seal pouches of spices, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and hygiene standards. Masala Packing Machine is a technical piece of outfit designed for the effective packaging of colourful spice composites and powdered seasonings generally known as masalas.
These machines play a pivotal part in food assiduity by automating the packaging process, icing delicacy, speed, and thickness in the packaging of spices. They are important features and aspects associated with industrial masala packing machine
Read More: Masala Packing Machine
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activepackaging · 2 years ago
Spice Pouch Packing Machine Manufacturers in Pune, Maharashtra. We work hard to offer our clients the most effective and affordable automatic spice packing machine on the market, making sure that their packaging needs are easily and conveniently addressed. Businesses can swiftly package their products without any problem with our Pouch Packaging machine Manufacturers, which are made to be dependable, effective, and easy to use for Spice Bag Packing in Pune.
You can be confident that your items will be safely wrapped and prepared for shipment in no time with the help of our Spice Pouch Packaging Machine Suppliers in Pune, Maharashtra!
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marlynnofmany · 21 days ago
Spice in Space
“Of course your food is a biohazard,” Zhee said while the security scanner approved our delivery.
“The label’s just a precaution,” I said. “Pretty sure this is mostly pepper.”
“Right, yes, the food flavoring that gives your meals the flavor of fire.” Zhee tilted his head, bug eyes looking at everything at once while managing to roll sarcastically. “Not a hazard at all.”
“I don’t mean the really spicy kind,” I said as the box slid out of the scanning machine. “Just the regular spices to sprinkle over eggs and whatnot.”
Zhee picked up the box in his pincher arms. “Right, because eating fire-flavored unhatched creatures is a perfectly normal thing to do.”
I laughed and followed him out into the spaceport. “It is where I’m from!”
“Absolute maniacs, all of you,” Zhee declared with a flick of his antennae. “Now where is that food stall? The briefing said it would be tiny.”
“Tiny and close,” I agreed, looking around. Once past the security checkpoint, this place was a riot of booths and pedestrians with an artsy wave pattern on the ceiling that seemed to dampen the sound. It wasn’t as loud as most spaceports I’d been in.
“I see a directory,” Zhee said. “Let’s just check that.”
“Wait, there it is!” I pointed to a little kiosk between full-sized restaurants. It only held enough room for tubs of ingredients, a gigantic hot plate, and the guy currently scraping food around on it with flair. The sign said “Earth Fry.”
“Of course,” Zhee said, moving toward it. “I should have just looked for the fire.”
As we maneuvered through the crowd of Strongarms, Mesmers, and miscellaneous others, the guy tossed the food with his spatula, caught it deftly in a takeout box, and handed it to the customer waiting at the side: another human. No surprise there. By the time we arrived, he was ready to greet us.
“Hello! Can I interest you in some Earth Fry?”
Zhee held up the sealed package. “We have Earth ingredients for you. Apparently they are hazardous.”
“Oh! Yes, thank you! That’ll be the hot sauce and other stuff.” He took the box and found a flat surface to put it on, then accepted the payment tablet I held out for him. “Thanks for being so fast. Somebody got a bit clumsy during the lunch rush and knocked over a few things. Paid for ‘em, but I can’t get all of these local.” He signed for the delivery while I tried to place his accent. Australian?
“Luckily we were just coming from a trade hub,” I said. “This stuff is straight from Earth.”
“Excellent. It’s been a while since I was home, and you can’t beat the real thing for spices.” He handed the tablet back.
“Very true,” I agreed. “Where are you from?”
“Melbourne,” he said while I congratulated myself on guessing right. “Still getting used to how little any of that matters out here. To the average offworlder, Earth is one place with one type of person.”
“And we’re all lunatics who eat poison, right?” I agreed with a sly glance at Zhee.
He spread his pinchers. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Hey now, the garlic is only poisonous to some creatures from Earth,” the guy said, pointing to an airtight tub. “And the onions. If you want the real toxins, the alcohol stores are that way.”
Zhee looked at the ceiling. “It’s like you all have a death wish. Or take pleasure in hurting yourselves.”
“Some of the pain tastes good?” I said with a wave toward the hot sauces.
At the same time, the guy said, “There’s a reason they call us space orcs.”
I laughed. “Do they still? I wouldn’t think enough people even know what an orc is.”
To my surprise, Zhee recited, “Mythological creature from your planet, famed for strength, durability, and lack of foresight. Rumors do go around.”
“I suppose that’s one way to put it,” I said.
“Nobody thinks that’s funnier than my family,” said the Australian. “I get no end of jokes about it. Especially from my mom’s side — she’s from the US, and thinks we all say ‘space’ funny.”
“Does she?” I asked. “Interesting word to focus on.”
“Right? She insists that it sounds like ‘spice,’ and I just don’t see what she’s on about. But!” He held up a finger and fiddled with his collar. “That did lead to my favorite shirt.” With a dramatic sweep of his overshirt, he bared a bright red T-shirt that said “Spice Orc.”
I burst out laughing. “That’s fantastic!”
“Mom was pretty proud of herself for this one,” he said. “Gave it to me for my last birthday.”
Zhee declared, “Appropriate. Entirely in character for your species.”
“And we even brought you spice!” I laughed.
“That you did!” he said, resettling his clothes. “Care to try some? The shredded beef dish is particularly tasty.”
I looked at Zhee, then turned back without waiting for a response. “We’ve got a couple minutes. I’d love some. With extra garlic, please!”
“Coming right up!” He spun his tongs like a gunfighter, and began tossing ingredients onto the hot plate where they sizzled madly.
Zhee just grumbled and looked put-upon, but didn’t object. I planned to make a big deal of enjoying the tasty fire-and-poison meal on our walk back to the ship.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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antisocialbunnysims · 7 months ago
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Download my High School lot, fully furnished with custom content included!
hi guys! I am finally back with a new video where I am showing you all the mods I use in my functional high school, trying new mods, experimenting with different gameplay ideas and even attempting to edit mods in simpe like an elite hacker. My goal is to have a high school lot that is mostly autonomous and doesn't need too much micromanaging. I did two speedbuilds of the school some months ago and now I FINALLY have the school packaged up for you. Follow along with my video if you want to set up the school how I do or get some mod ideas! Huge thank you to all of the creators who made such cool mods I am using in the video including @gummilutt, @creesims, @episims, @fwaysims, @hypersaline, @earlypleasantview and more 💗💗💗 More info and download under the cut!
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It's a big rar, a big lot with lots of stuff. But if your computer can't handle tons of clutter, I hopefully made it easy for you to sort stuff out. In the rar you will find three folders along with the sims2pack: -build cc -cc -maxis recolors Each folder has a sub-folder for any required master meshes so be sure you grab those if you are picking and choosing. Inside the cc folder there is a subfolder called "clutter." If you can't handle tons of clutter just don't include that folder. If you want the school just like how I have it then just put all of the included folders in your game. If there's one or two things I missed plz forgive me bc packaging this lot was an absolute nightmare. huge thank you to everyone who's beautiful cc i used <3
-mod objects I use in the video are obvi not included so plz use the google doc in the video description to access those
Relevant defaults i use: -numenor's no cutaway walls (used a lot of these in the school) -infinitesimblr's greenhouse default -almost all cluedo build and buy defaults -criquette's lush terrain defaults -paluding's higher laundry rug default -HL's fixes to repository ikea furniture (ektorp chairs in library must be linked to the ektorp loveseat) -shastakiss maxis locker defaults DOWNLOAD SFS
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pic of the packaged lot in a cc free nhood for more views of the school check out my video and also see the mods i use :)
CC not included (big repo sets etc): Sun&Moon Herbs, Spice & Everything Nice - Wild sunflower, Arnica
Sun&Moon fertilizer sacks
PineappleForest waterlily tub fountain
Honeywell Bespoke kitchen curtain center, blue stripe recolor
PineappleForest glass & brass banker lamp
Nanashi’s microscope edited by charity at mts
crisps&kerosene popcorn machine
MsBarrows TSR Paintbrush and glass set 
Shastakiss sitting around skeleton
Shastakiss two pumpkins windkeeper
Guatla broken bathroom clotheshorse
Angelapleasant makeup clutter set one, set two
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months ago
hey what are some good zero-prep for players and good for one shot systems?
Theme: Zero-Prep Characters / One-Shots
Hello friend! I have some really fun games here that I think just produce straight-up Vibes for you to check out, although I also recommend checking out my Games To Run With Strangers recommendation post for some more great options.
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Android Outbreak, by Munuxu.
Android Outbreak is a quick, skill/luck-based TTRPG that will have players taking the roles of escaped androids racing and battling their way towards an evac point on the other side of a megacity that is raised high in the sky above a burning miasma that's taken over the planet. 
Character creation is sleek, requiring one choice and a a roll or two to determine what your strengths are and how you are unique. Your goal is simple too - you just are trying to get out and get away. The game page itself is part of the rolling mechanics, with the lines on the page used to help measure at what distance you are throwing your dice onto the table. The GM is responsible for creating androids to pursue you as well as other obstacles such as weather events or events obstructing the streets. If you want a game that combines throwing skill with random chance, I recommend Android Outbreak.
Operation Final Monarch, by poorstudents.
A one-page espionage TTRPG in an alternate history 1940's. Assassinate Aleksander Von Korte on his opulent airship, The Watchful Luftrahmer.
Operation Final Monarch is a one-page Tabletop RPG for 4-6 players. One player will act as the GM, providing obstacles, portraying passengers, and describing the Watchful Luftrahmer. You play as Infiltrators, spies from the fallen countries around Arstarkan. Your final mission is to kill Aleksander Von Korte.
When situations get risky you gamble with danger and can always push your luck to try to succeed in any situation. Be careful not to roll a 1 though, as a devastating consequence will soon follow. Use can also use your leverage over the passengers of the Watchful Luftrahmer, asking them questions they don’t want to answer or enacting your special abilities.
Operation Final Monarch provides you with playbooks, which is one of the easiest ways to make the game little to no-prep for the players when they sit down to play. It also gives you a very specific goal - that of assassinating an important political figure while aboard a blimp. The setting is semi-historical, giving the players a frame of reference, but spices it up with elements like Machine Priests and steampunk technology.
Mechanically, the game uses a gambling mechanic that involves the GM rolling 1 dice publicly and 1 dice secretly. Players have to judge whether or not they can beat the total difficulty, and decide whether to Push or Call. Pushing gives you an extra dice but worsens the outcome should you fail, while Calling leaves the outcome up to chance, but minimizes consequences. One of those consequences may be revealing a character secret, which makes your character vulnerable, but also provides other characters the opportunity to help. I think the succinct way the game allows you to dive into character backstory as you are playing the game makes this a prime candidate for one-shot play.
CBR+PNK Core, by Emanoel Melo.
In CBR+PNK (Cyber plus Punk) you play as a team of RUNNERS—mercs, criminals, activists living on the edge and running in the shadows of a gritty, ultraviolent world.
In each game we play an entire new cast of characters making their LAST RUN.
CBR+PNK runs on a super-condensed version of John Harper's Forged in the Dark system, specially tweaked for action-packed ONE-SHOT sessions.
CBR+PNK is well known for its friendliness for one-shots, stripping away a lot of the mechanics that give Forged in the Dark games weight and length. The game is packaged into pamphlets, which means you can hand out only what is relevant to each person at the table: the GM pamphlet for the person running the game, and the character pamphlets to folks who will be playing characters. There are additional supplements that you can add to the game to alter or edit your experience.
The player pamphlet has two columns where you enter all your information, one column for character creation instructions, and a number columns with help and player instructions that you can use as a reference when you come across the relevant rule in play. The GM pamphlet takes a little bit more time to familiarize yourself with, and I think this game will be a lot easier to pick up if you’ve already played other Forged in the Dark games. That being said, this game has won a lot of awards and recognition for how concise it is, and I think it’s definitely worth checking out.
MotherFucker Stole My Baby, by Brabblemark Press.
MOTHERFUCKER STOLE MY BABY! is a quick-play roleplaying game inspired by Cradle 2 the Grave and other action films. 
You're a jewel thief - and you and your crew just nabbed a bag of black diamonds for a mysterious employer. You hand the jewels over to your fence for appraisal and kick back for a well-deserved party. Then comes the unexpected double whammy…
Gangsters robbed your fence and swiped the diamonds - and your only child has been kidnapped by the billionaire that you stole the diamonds from! Can you retrieve the diamonds and make the exchange - and how many bodies will litter the streets on your path to victory?
You can only wonder, as you stand in the rain and scream to the sky… MOTHERFUCKER STOLE MY BABY!
The genre and tone of this game are immediately understandable, and it shouldn’t take any time at all to communicate to your players exactly what’s going on in this game. Character creation is very simple - one of my favourite parts is that you circle three items from a list of possessions on your character sheet, and also that your character sheet looks like a Wanted poster.
The game itself is styled after Lasers and Feelings, with a single number representing your strengths, and your successes depending on whether you roll above or below the number. The game also comes with some d6 tables to help the GM craft scenes as you play. There’s also some very succinct but very helpful pieces of GM advice in the GM section, that I think will help you deliver a short but sweet experience for your players.
The Fall of House Prosh, by NotWriting.
The Emperor Hakkan VI has died without an heir. The Imperial throne world Lecatom Rex is empty. The previous Stewards of the throne, House Kotar, are leaving in shame. Their rivals, House Prosh, have ascended the other noble houses as new Stewards of the throne and the Imperial palace. 
Humanity lives on a thousand worlds. Star Witches fold spacetime to navigate the cosmos. Noble houses settle conflicts through duels. Prophecies and portents guide politics and religion. And now noble houses whisper of war and secession.
A thousand years of peace are in jeopardy.
The Fall of House Prosh is a sci-fi tabletop RPG about noble tragedy and melodrama inspired by stories like Dune, Shakespearian plays, and Game of Thrones. Players take on the role of characters within 3 factions: the powerful House Prosh, the maligned House Kotar, and the servants of both these houses. 
The Fall of House Prosh is a narrative guide through a story of tragedy and politics, where only one house can survive. You cannot decide who falls; you can only decide what that fall looks like. Players can choose to embody the members of House Prosh, House Kotar, or the servants of the two, with at least one character from each faction required to play the game. Each faction has their own special moves, half of which can be employed in the Day phase and half which can be employed in the Night phase. Over the course of the game, you add tokens to each houses’ tragedy pool; those tokens are then spent to carry out moves against each-other.
If you want a game about tragedy and epic stories of loss, you want The Fall of House Prosh.
The Family Rat, by V2S Games.
The rest of you are 'friends' or members of the family, who will be forced to decide where your loyalties lie. Who can you trust? Who'll be left standing? How will the family survive?
The Family Rat is a Tale of 21 and a hack of The King's Poisoner. It's a one-page tabletop roleplaying game for 3–8 players, which can be played with a deck of regular or virtual playing cards OR two ten-sided dice (2d10).
The Family Rat uses blackjack hands to navigate a story that carries the themes and vibes of the Godfather movies, setting up one player as the The Boss and the rest of the players as members of the Family. I think this game could be classified as GM-less, because even though the Boss has a different roll from the rest of the family, they’re still a solo character, which I think is an interesting format in which to couch this story.
Over the course of three acts, the family members will decide to make requests, moves, and suffer the consequences of their actions. The Boss enters each round with a significant advantage with their Blackjack Hand (having one card hidden from the others, and winning ties), and uses special mechanics at the end of the final act to dictate the actions they’ve taken for the good of the family.
This is a game with a winner and a loser, but I feel like it oozes with the same charms as the original movie. None of you are great people, and all of you have chances to pursue personal goals and leverage favours or debts against each-other, but at the end of the day, you’re depending on the heart of the cards to decide who comes out on top.
24XX - The Deep, by Chaosmeister
ONE DAY THE OCEANS DROWNED THE WORLD. Humanity survived below the waves. The sea birthed leviathans. Your crew owns a dingy old sub. Odd jobs, salvage, leviathan hunting and a few merc gigs keep you afloat and breathing.
I’ve played 24XX games a couple of times and all of the ones I’ve played before are definitely one-shot friendly and require minimal prep. Players choose a character class or type, and get everything associated with it, along with a few key choices like gear or background to flesh them out a little bit. All in all it can take as few as 5 minutes before you start play. The games also usually come with a bunch of roll-tables that give the Game Master interesting encounters, obstacles and goals without having to do a lot of prep. You can also easily condense an adventure into a couple of hours, making these ideal low-prep one shots.
What I like about The Deep is the setting. It’s an excellent example of how you can bake in unique setting elements in just a few roll-tables - for example, are you working for a genetic research & development group or a mining corporation? Does your submarine have giant claw markings from various dives, or a mural of a sea god that has importance to you? If you have a repelling electric net, what kinds of animals are you repelling? These kinds of details infuse the setting with flavour, which I think can really inspire and entice the people at your table.
Other Games I’ve Talked About Before…
Something Is Wrong With The Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Faewater, by A Smouldering Lighthouse.
The Children of Saturn, by Dan John Crowler.
Subway Runners, by Gem Room Games.
Gay Crime: Sapphics Against Capital, by Evey Lockhart.
Spirit Line, by Jhryne.
Cryptid TV, by yahahn.
Lady Blackbird, by John Harper.
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homunculus-argument · 2 years ago
I think there should be vending machines for ramen. Like if you can do that with coffee, why not noodles? You press the order you want, get a little paper bowl, the machine boils the water and adds a packet of noodles with the spices and other dry additives of your choice, and goes brrrr for a minute, and bam, you've got a nice bowl of something hot to eat while idk waiting for a train or something. The dry noodle packages have one hell of a shelf life, there's already coffee machines that can heat up water real quick, and hell, maybe a sufficiently advanced machine could have other mix-dry-stuff-into-hot-water-and-add-to-a-bowl foodstuffs too, like instant oatmeal for porridges and stuff.
Requires little maintenance, getting cleaned and re-stocked every once in a while, can work 24/7 fully automated, available right there when you're on the go and don't give a shit about having anything fancy, you just want something hot to fill your stomach. Why are these not a thing and if they are, why do we not have those around where I live.
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adminbryantsaki · 1 year ago
Alpha! Shouta x Omega! reader Winter Rut.
(I do not own My Hero Academia or the characters within. Anything associated with that fandom belongs to Horikoshi Kohei. This story belongs to my 2023 Spice-tober collection. I hope you enjoy. If this story isn’t your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee move on. Reader discretion is advised.)
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TW: Omegaverse shenanigans, sex scene.
WC: 844
You were wrapped up in a fluffy blanket front of a window in your log cabin, watching the snow fall outside, with a fire crackling away in the fireplace. You had your face pressed up against the glass as you could smell the cold, crisp scent of the snow outside. Your head turned to the front door when it opened, showing that your Alpha had returned home from a grocery trip. You ran over and gave him a hug before he could even take his shoes off.
“Missed me, didn’t you?” He asked as he hugged you and guided you out of the entry way so he could close the door and begin putting the groceries away with your help. As you put the bread and eggs away into the fridge, he checked the crock pot that he had prepared that morning with some white and red onions on the bottom, sliced up chicken that was previously frozen, a whole head of cabbage that had been chopped up, along with granulated garlic, paprika, bay leaf and tarragon that made the cabin smell amazing. He stirred the contents in the crockpot before putting some rice he bought from the store that day into the rice cooker along with some water and setting the machine to cook while he arranged the freezer for the new packages of meat that he purchased earlier in the day.
 You sat in your chair and rested your head on the table as you watched your Alpha finish putting the groceries away and plating what he made for dinner. He walked over, setting plates of food in front of you and him, sitting down to finally eat. The two of you enjoyed the meal as you talked about your day.
 Once the meal had been eaten, Shouta set the dishes in the sink to soak before he picked you up from your chair and carried you to his den in the living room where he laid you down on the thick, warm blanket and kissed you gently. You nuzzled into his neck and you could smell the scent of pine trees after a heavy rainstorm and hot coffee coming from his neck and filling your nostrils, making your brain go fuzzy with the underlying pheromones coming from his rut scent. “Alpha’s in rut. Do you need help?” “Would I have you in my den if I wanted to take this rut on alone? Of course I’d love to have your help.” He told you and kissed your neck, gently dragging his teeth along your sensitive flesh as it was exposed to slight draft of cold air. You gasped and gripped onto his shirt as a shiver was sent down your spine.
“I-I’ll help you. Just get me warm. Your den has a draft and I don’t like it.” You told him. He kissed you and fixed the wall of his den to not let any cold air in before he went back to leaving several bite marks all over your neck and shoulders. He worked his way down, easing you out of your blanket, letting you wrap your limbs around his torso, burying your face into his neck as he slid your sweatpants off along with your underwear, and he pushed them away from where you were laying. He looked back at you and kissed you gently, supporting himself up on his arms and sliding his erection into you and making quick work of thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace, making you moan into his neck and grip onto his shirt as he rutted into you. You could smell the faint scent of the tarragon from the dinner on his skin which helped you relax more and let him thrust deeper into you, growling deeply into your ear. You came long before he did, making him smirk and keep thrusting into you until he released deep into your womb along with you cumming for a second time.
He waited a few minutes before he kissed you deeply and pulled out of you, laying next to you, and watching you come down from your high at your own pace. He pulled you close to his chest and you snuggled right into him. “You’re warm, Alpha.” You told him and he smiled. You looked out a window in his den at the snow falling outside calmly and in a peaceful manner with the fireplace crackling in the background. You felt your eyelids grow heavy and Shouta encouraged you to fall asleep as you were safe in his arms. You did so and he fell asleep soon after you did.
The End.
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archie-sunshine · 3 months ago
its the Brick OC person, and im finally ready to tell you more about my fuck-all fuck up!
im not gonna lie when i saw you followed me after my submission i might as well should have exploded into fragmented pieces tbh. it through me off so much, your an artist i grew to adore and sorta idolize.
ok so,
Brick is simply a construction Bot by Function, framed and coded as such, and their main duty is to get into places and make sure its all structurally sound enough to keep from simply, y'know, collapsing. thus is ehy thry have carrier packages on her hips, to hold tools and other junk she may find.
like most working autobots, there is multiple layers of rightous "im doing my best! im a great cog in this machine!" and overtly, are just happy with their job. backstory wise there isn't too much for them, as they've lived a nornal life for a long while, but i am thinking of spicing things up now that their fully cemented into my head. it does involve with something akin to a sentient stray cat making their way into her apartment.
its a summary, but jcbdjdbsnwne your amazing, your artstyle is so cool, and im going to sink into an ocean now
EEEE thats so cute!! I love brick so much, your artstyle is so adorable!! I loved the art you drew, it was really fantastic!!
We should definitely chat about brick in dms sometime, id love to see more of them!
and also, im still adjusting to people idolizing me, you all really shouldn't, my work isn't that exciting!!!
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nichromepackagingmachine · 8 months ago
Filling Machines | Intelweigh Multi Head Weigher | Nichrome Bangladesh
Nichrome offers filler weighers for packaging with various filling capacities for solid, liquid & viscous food products like snacks, milk, oil
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nichromepackaging · 2 years ago
Elevate Your Automatic Spice Packaging with Nichrome's Flexiwrap
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In the vibrant world of spices, packaging is not about containment; it's an art that involves preserving flavors, enhancing aesthetics, and captivating consumers. At Nichrome, we understand the intricate dance between spice and packaging, and that's where our revolutionary Flexiwrap steps in. Join us on a tantalizing journey as we unravel how Nichrome's Flexiwrap takes spice packaging machines to new heights, making it an unforgettable sensory experience.
The Spice Symphony Begins
Imagine a jar filled with fragrant spices, ready to ignite culinary masterpieces. As chili powder packaging machines, we take pride in crafting solutions that bring your spices to life. But the journey doesn't stop there. With Flexiwrap, our spice packaging machines maestro, we orchestrate a symphony that elevates your spice packaging to a whole new level.
Flawless Powder Perfection
Spices come in various forms, and when it comes to powders, precision is paramount. Our Flexiwrap embraces the challenge, seamlessly integrating with automatic spice packaging machines to ensure every pinch of spice is meticulously packaged. No clumps, no spills – just a flawless presentation that mirrors the quality of your spices.
The Flow Wrap Flourish
Unveiling Flexiwrap's prowess, we introduce the flow wrap machine into the mix. Like an artist's brush stroke, this machine delicately wraps your spice jars, creating an enchanting visual appeal. With its customizable pouch sizes and elegant sealing options, the flow wrap machine adds a touch of sophistication that captures the essence of your brand.
The Power of Powder Filling
Food packaging machines are an art of precision, and our spice filling & sealing machines are the virtuoso. Seamlessly integrating with Flexiwrap, this machine ensures accurate fills that preserve the potency of your spices. From bold flavors to delicate aromas, every particle is measured with care, guaranteeing a sensory delight for your customers.
Beyond Just Secondary Packaging
Flexiwrap is more than just packaging; it's an experience. It's about creating a connection between your spices and your customers. With anautomatic masala packing machine that's as captivating as your spices, Flexiwrap transforms each package into an inviting treasure trove, waiting to be explored.
Crafting Experiences, One Spice at a Time
Nichrome's Flexiwrap doesn't just package; it crafts experiences. It adds a layer of intrigue to your spice jars & pouches inviting consumers to embark on a flavor-filled journey. It turns packaging into an interactive story, where each unwrapping is a moment of anticipation, and each taste is a revelation.
In the world of spice packaging, Nichrome's Flexiwrap reigns supreme as the ultimate secondary packaging partner. As a harmonious ensemble of automatic spice packaging machines, powder filling machines, powder packing machine, spices filling & sealing machine, chili powder packing machine and the exquisite flow wrap machine, Flexiwrap doesn't just package your spices – it elevates them into a masterpiece. It's an interactive journey that tantalizes the senses and leaves a lasting impression on your customers. With Nichrome's Flexiwrap, your spice packaging isn't just a package; it's an experience waiting to be savored.
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seoagency26 · 8 months ago
Turmeric Packing Machine: Start Your Own Spices Business From Home 2024
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The Turmeric Packing Machine is a special machine specially designed for efficiently and accurately packaging turmeric powder. Turmeric is known for its bright color, distinctive flavor, and numerous health benefits, turmeric is a popular Indian spice used in cooking dishes, herbs, and beauty products.
Manual packaging of turmeric powder can be time-consuming and labor costs. The Turmeric Packing Machine automates the packaging process to confirm accurate filling, sealing, and labeling of turmeric powder in pouch or packet packaging.
Read More: Turmeric Packing Machine
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Say “No” To Spillage & Wastage with Nichrome’s Wheat Packaging Machine
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In the world of food packaging, preserving quality and freshness are paramount. When it comes to packaging grains like wheat, Nichrome's auger filler packaging machine stands as a symbol of excellence, transforming the process of wheat packaging. Let us see the benefits of having Nichrome as yourreliable packaging machine manufacturer in Africa and discover how Nichrome's innovative auger filler packaging machines are setting new standards in the wheat industry.
Packaging Challenges in the Wheat Industry
Wheat, a staple food for millions, demands innovative packaging solutions that preserve its freshness and quality until the very end-user. Old packaging methods or traditional methods often fall behind, which leads to contamination, decay, and spillage of your wheat. This waste might cost your industry a lot, and that's where Nichrome's packaging machinery comes into play.
High Precision and Accuracy: Nichrome is the key to perfect wheat packaging.Wheat packaging machines by Nichrome promise high precision and accuracy. With its finely designed auger filler, it distributes wheat with unmatched accuracy that reduces the risk of overfilling or underfilling. This not only improves the use of packaging material but also ensures that your end customers receive the exact quantity they expect.
Efficiency at its Best: Today, efficiency is the epitome of packaging machines, and Nichrome'sauger filling machines stand by this. Our high-end machines have the capability to deliver a wide range of packaging sizes, from small sachets to larger bags. Our machines are designed to handle the various needs of industry. This versatility is a vital aspect for the wheat industry (manufacturers and suppliers), which tends to pack in different quantities.
Freshness Preserved in Every Grain: Wheat's quality depends on its freshness, and Nichrome's auger filler technology is designed to maintain it at its best. Our machines ensure that your wheat is not exposed to outside factors that can lead to the spoilage of the product. This ensures the quality as well as the freshness of your wheat intact until it reaches the end-consumer. We also enhance your product’s shelf life.
Wheat Packaging Machines by Nichrome
Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger Filler: For pouch quantities up to 2 kg, Nichrome’s Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger offers speed, accuracy, and efficiency for flexible wheat packaging of a wide variety of snacks, grains, powders, spices, etc.
The Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger is an automated machine with a CE-marked PLC and touch-screen HMI. Its servo motor-driven sealing system can effectively seal with pressure levels maintained. It is programmed to pull the exact length of film required for packaging and offers a perforation system to deliver a chain of small pouches.
Excel 400 Plus Servo Auger Filler: The Excel 400 Plus Servo Auger comes with the added advantage of automation, equipped with a CE-marked PLC controller and touch-screen HMI.
The key features include print mark scanners, a static charge eliminator, a servo motor-driven bag length control system, and adjustable strokes of cross-sealing jaws for optimum performance. It is designed to meet stringent quality standards and can be easily integrated into upstream or downstream machines or systems.
Nichrome’s Food Packaging Machines that Cater to Various Applications
Our auger filler packing machines aren't limited to just wheat packaging but go beyond that. It helps pack various food products, making it an ideal choice for manufacturers dealing with different commodities. Whether it's grains, spices, or powdered food products, this technology offers consistent and precise packaging solutions. Our auger filler packaging machines act the best as powder filling machines, powder packaging machines, spice packaging machines, and more. Use it to your best and see your packaging game rise.
Nichrome's auger filler packaging machines are a one-stop solution to your industry’s dedication to quality and freshness. From packing wheat to a variety of other food products, our machines are at the forefront of transforming food packaging that ensures that your product reaches the final consumer of the best quality. It's our dedication to keep innovating the best packaging machines in Kenya and throughout Africathat enhances the future of packaging.
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qe-podfic · 11 months ago
Check out the cover illustration for Chapter 2 of Quantum Entangled. Made by the wonderfully talented @commentdismal
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So impressive. The rendering took my knees. /pos
Excerpt below cut:
Crowley uneasily drifted into wakefulness with a crick in his neck, a mild hangover making itself apparent via an insistent thumping at the back of his skull. The lingering stench of a headache was drumming inside his head like he was the unfortunate desk assigned to a kid with ADHD. All things considered, it wasn’t the worst way Crowley had ever woken up. It didn’t even make the top ten. That’s why, despite not knowing exactly what reason he had for falling asleep on his own damn couch, he wasn’t all that concerned. Slowly, like a ping-pong ball through molasses, memories of the previous night trickled into his awareness.
Aziraphale was here. Aziraphale was here and in his bed. Aziraphale was here and in his bed and wearing his clothes. At once, Crowley realised he had made a grave tactical error.
Drunk Crowley and sober Crowley were only the same person by virtue of the fact that they unfortunately shared a body. Currently, sober Crowley was cursing—quite creatively, mind you—the very notion of that unavoidable fact. Always trying to make the best out of a bad situation, he decided to approach the morning with an impudent unfuckedness. As the saying went: ‘Not fucked over was the one who was unfucked.’ (-Confucius, probably.)
Crowley checked his watch, surprised to find that it was no later than eleven am. He wanted breakfast, or brunch, or just a nice package for the calories he depended on to… Y’know… Live. And it would be rude, if he was cooking for himself, to not at least offer something to his—rather reluctant, he remembered, mortified—guest.
Each stride rendered as unfucked as he could manage, he made his way to the kitchen. First, he used his hideously expensive coffee machine (a ROCKET MOZZAFIATO—imported from Italy) to make one flash bastard of a latte, with the ultimate goal of kicking his A1 adenosine receptors into a more coherent semblance of order. E.g. not receiving adenosine.
Then, he took a wok from his large and impressive array of pots and pans, like a gallery of hung men above the island bench top, and placed it on his induction stove. The stove itself was seamlessly blended into the counter in such a way that it made people helpless to envision burnt hands and accidental emergency-room phone calls. The sleek black design (because Crowley could be sold on almost anything if you made it sleek and black enough) was self-aggrandising in the same way that many circumspect judges on certain cooking shows were. The kitchen as a whole, really, was a lustrous example of the kind of high-tech cookhouse you’d find in the back of a Michelin star restaurant. 
Grabbing a few eggs from the fridge, Crowley scoured for omelette ingredients that were both generally palatable as to, hopefully, not be offensive to Aziraphale’s tastes—whatever they were—and impressive enough to make Crowley seem like he, at the very least,  knew what he was doing on a culinary level. Sticking to his mantra of unfuckedness, Crowley picked out some bacon, cheese, and spinach, along with various herbs and spices from the pantry. Crowley liked omelettes as a general rule. The ratio of effort to edible nutrition was highly favourable—having spent most of his life as a university student with no spare energy to waste on frivolous flambés, brûlées, or any other such fancy French dish.
Making an omelette wasn’t a difficult process. There were two steps; step one was to put all of your ingredients (chopped or unchopped depending on how groggy you were when preparing it) into the pan. Step two was to wait. Heat and time. They were the universal duo that laid claim to the title of ‘instigator’ in most molecular reactions.
Obedient to this philosophy of unfuckedness, heat and time, Crowley chopped bacon, cracked eggs, tore spinach, and altogether cooked a damn good meal. With the two omelettes cooling on their respective plates (the plates were square shaped and black because Crowley refused to be acquainted with the typical agreement of things) he ventured through his cupboards on a mission for tea. Aziraphale seemed like the tea-drinking kind. Finding an abandoned box of loose-leaf French Earl Grey, the label slightly sun faded, he put the kettle on.
Proud of his domestic accomplishments, he set off to wake Aziraphale. He hoped the comestible peace offering would be a balm for any of the awkwardness left over, lingering, from last night.
“Knock, knock,” he greeted onomatopoeically, tapping on the bedroom door.
“Urmf—Crowley?” came the quiet reply, obvious in how freshly awake it sounded. Crowley opened the door, just a crack—not enough to see into the room but enough to let some light in—before chuckling mildly.
“Morning, Angel. I made breakfast. Tea is available too, if you want some.” There was a muffled sound of agreement, and then the distinct shuffling of someone getting out of bed. Crowley padded his way to the kitchen to give the man some privacy.
He was halfway through his own omelette, near-afternoon sun shining down on him from large windows on the east side of the kitchen, when Aziraphale made his presence known. With a curt clearing of the throat, he stood, unsure of himself, at the edge of the kitchen’s connecting hall.
Crowley was fucked. Oh, he was so utterly fucked. Aziraphale made an innocuous image, in Crowley's home, in Crowley's clothes; but that did not stop the racing ambitions of Crowley's mind. Aziraphale wasn't to know this, though. The Queen shirt hung loose on him, gently draping over one shoulder but leaving the other exposed. Crowley felt like a Victorian—or the man responsible for the dress codes of high school girls—scandalised at the revelation of flesh. He reprimanded himself for his undignified train of thought. Aziraphale deserved more than to be ogled like a piece of meat at the snout of a hungry, hungry hound. He couldn't possibly help that his hair was bed-messy, nor the fact that it did terrible things to Crowley's sense of composure. Nonetheless, Crowley would survive. He wasn't a wanton beast. Humanity afforded him—in theory—some amount of dignity.
“Your plate’s over there. I tried to guess how you take your tea; is ‘two sugars and a splash of milk’ anywhere at all close?” he asked Aziraphale, swallowing a bite to hide the raspy quality of his own voice. The astonishment on Aziraphale's face answered a simple ‘yes’. Although, maybe it was astonishment at the breakfast laid out in front of him. It wasn't really a normal move, Crowley reflected sheepishly, to cook a meal for the guy who had just come over for a drunken movie marathon. But Crowley wasn't normal in most things, so he resolutely didn't think about it.
“Yes,” Aziraphale murmured, gaping a little.
“That's exactly how I take it.” The whisper was draped in the kind of mid-morning confusion that only ever occurred after a late night of considerable drinking. He gently cupped the mug, tendrils of steam rising from it in fragrant arches. Sipping the beverage softly, his eyes fluttered shut, simple pleasure oozing from the drop in his shoulders.
“Thank you, Crowley.” His voice was etched in all-too-raw sincerity. He opened his eyes, gazing at him with the kind of look that forced Crowley to turn away.
“Don't thank me. It's the least I could do,” Crowley mumbled weakly. Undeterred, but still feigning propriety, Aziraphale hummed in absent acquiescence. He took the plate with his omelette, looking suddenly affected.
The gentle graze of porcelain plate against the bench top seemed almost reverent, as Aziraphale sat himself on the barstool next to Crowley’s. One thing that Crowley had learnt about Aziraphale—in the heated revelry of their late evening—was that he liked food. No, he didn't just like food. He loved food. Adored food. Damn near worshipped food. As he slowly raised the fork to his lips, Crowley hoped that the sacrifice was fit for the tabernacle of his idolatry.
Aziraphale’s eyes popped open in wide, slightly hedonism-glazed, surprise. 
“Oh—” He almost keened. And, if Crowley wasn't already red in the face, this would have been the inelegant signal that drove blood to the apple of his cheeks.
“Oh! This is simply scrumptious!” Aziraphale praised, made guileless by the distraction of—rather excellent, in his opinion—cuisine. Crowley ducked his head as if trying to bob under the blow of his words.
Untrusting of his vocal cords, Crowley didn't reply, content to revel in silence while Aziraphale finished his meal. The relative quiet gave him the chance to recalibrate after the unexpected misalignment of his neurological circuitry. It was peaceful. Cosy.
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