#powder sachet spice powder
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Filling Machines | Intelweigh Multi Head Weigher | Nichrome Bangladesh
Nichrome offers filler weighers for packaging with various filling capacities for solid, liquid & viscous food products like snacks, milk, oil
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nichromepackaging · 1 year
Ensuring Most Reliable Spice Packaging Machines by Nichrome
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Nichrome is a leading manufacturer of innovative packaging machines in India for a wide range of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and more. With over 40 years of experience, Nichrome has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality automatic packaging machines in India that are efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. Nichrome's goal is to help businesses of all sizes and industries optimize their packaging operations, improve efficiency, and enhance their bottom line. 
Spices are an essential component of many cuisines around the world, and the demand for them is constantly growing. Spice packaging machines have become a critical aspect of the spice industry. Nichrome is one of the leading automatic filling machine manufacturers that allows efficient and safe packaging of spices, ensuring that they remain fresh and flavorful for longer periods and has been providing the best solutions to the spice industry for over four decades.
Benefits of using Nichrome’s Spice Packaging Machines 
1.     High Efficiency
 Nichrome provides the most reliable horizontal packaging machines that can package spices at a much faster rate than manual packaging. This means that you can package a large amount of spices in a short amount of time, which can increase your production and sales. 
2.     Hygienic Packaging 
Nichrome ensures that the spices are packaged in a clean and hygienic environment, which reduces the risk of contamination. Nichrome’s automatic packaging machines provide pouch filling machines and powder filling machines that are especially important for food products that can be affected by bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. 
3.     Consistent Packaging 
Nichrome’s Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines can package spices in a consistent manner, which ensures that each package contains the same amount of spices. This helps to improve customer satisfaction as they know what to expect from your product. 
Nichrome’s Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines 
Nichrome’s vertical form fill seal machine (VFFS) is one of the most efficient and reliable spice packaging machines used in the food industry. This food packaging machine is designed to form bags from a roll of packaging material, fill the bags with spices, and then seal the bags. Other than spices, Nichrome’s VFFS machines are also capable of packaging a wide range of products, including sugar, flour, grains, and other powders. 
1.     Excel 400 Plus Servo Auger: The Excel Plus series is a versatile spice packaging machine designed by Nichrome to efficiently fill spices into bags, pouches and bottles. The Excel 400 Plus Servo Auger has a speed of packaging 80 packs per minute and can pack up to 10 kgs depending on the product’s bulk density. 
2.     Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger: For pouch quantities up to 2 Kgs, Nichrome’s Sprint 250 Plus series offers speed, accuracy and efficiency for flexible packaging of a wide variety of spices. Sprint 250 Plus is an automated machine with CE marked PLC and touch screen HMI. 
In conclusion, selecting the right spice packaging machine is vital to ensuring the quality, freshness, and marketability of your product. Some of Nichrome’s popular packaging machines include the powder filling machines, sachet packing machine, pouch sealing machine, horizontal packaging machine, pouch packing machine. Choose Nichrome for the best and most reliable spice packaging machines for your industry. 
Nichrome is also a trusted partner for delivering one of the best powder filling machines and powder packaging machines in India. Nichrome with its constant quality has also proved itself to be one of the leading pouch filling machine manufacturers in India.
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whimsigothwitch · 10 months
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Mabon apple pie recipe
In celebration of Mabon next week, I am sharing my favorite apple pie recipe. I chose to share this a week in advance so that those who want to make it can prepare the ingredients. All ingredients can be plant-based, for those who are vegan the egg is not necessary (you may need to add a little more butter)
Witchy tips during baking:
Mix clockwise and say your intentions for the cake out loud, this could be "I welcome abundance into my life with open arms.", "I embrace the blessings of the harvest and celebrate the abundance it brings." or if you plan to share the pie with friends and family: "May this pie nurture the bonds of love and friendship among us."
When you sprinkle the spices into the cake, do this clockwise and say each correspondence out loud as you do this: Cinnamon: for love, and warmth Cardamom: for attraction and harmony Nutmeg: for prosperity and luck
Carve sigils of choice in the bottom of the pie before adding the filling.
Ingredients For the dough: 500 grams plain flour 1 sachet (15 grams) baking powder 150 grams of white caster sugar 50 grams of light brown caster sugar 150 grams of melted butter 1 egg Pinch of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg
For the filling: 1-1.5 kilos of apples 100 grams soaked and patted dry raisins (optional!) 1 tablespoon cinnamon (or more, until all apples are nicely coated)
To brush the dough before it goes into the oven: To give the cake a beautiful golden color, I recommend brushing the cake with 1 beaten egg OR a dash of milk of your choice before putting it in the oven.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees celcius (374 F)
Peel and cut the apples into wedges, sprinkle with the cinnamon and the raisins that you have pre-soaked and patted dry.
Mix all the ingredients for the dough together until it becomes a crumbly dough (it should be able to stick together and not be too dry, if this is the case I recommend adding more butter to the dough!)
Grease a baking tin with butter or oil and line the bottom with baking paper.
Divide the prepared dough into 3 parts, and put 1 part over the bottom. Press this with your hands or a spoon with a little flour on it so that the dough does not stick.
Then take 1 more part of the divided dough and press it onto the edges around the baking tin. You can roll this out with a rolling pin and cut it to size, I think this takes too long so I just press the dough along the edges (about 0.5 cm thick)
Put the apple filling in the pie and spread it evenly.
Sprinkle the last remaining part of the made dough over the pie to get an apple crumble pie, if you want a lattice top: make a ball of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin. Cut strips from the dough that are 1.5 cm wide and long enough to cover the pie. If you are making a lattice top, brush it with egg OR milk of your choice to give it a nice golden glow. If you have a crumb top this is not necessary.
Bake the pie for 40-50 minutes, but keep an eye on the pie because every oven is different! You know the pie is ready when you insert a toothpick or skewer into it and the apples can be pierced and the dough does not remain wet around the stick.
Let the pie cool down for fifteen minutes before removing it from the baking tin.
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Gotta neighbor you you absolutely hate? Are they a total karen? Dont you just wanna go apeshit? Well now you can! This hex is pepper based as the main ingriedient. You can use a jalapeno pepper to wish your neighbor to fuck off and stop harassing you OR you can use a habanero to add alittle extra spice to your ill will and wish them all kinds of bad luck until they leave or move away!
jalapeno/or habanero (for extra strength)
Garlic powder
Onion Powder
Nails/or needles
Name, Object or Picture of your neighbor(s)
Small bag/sachet
Black thread
" Our homes are close and im here to stay, so fuck of to yours and go away. My space is mine and yours is your own, fuck of neighbors and leave me alone."
1. Cut an opening in the pepper and scoop out some of the seeds. (be sure to wear gloves your your skin is sensitive!)
2. Stick the item, name, or picture of your neighbor(s) inside the pepper.
3. Sprinkle the paprika, garlic, and onion powder inside the opening of the pepper.
4. Take of couple of small nails or needles and push them through the pepper, charging them with your intentions (wanting your neighbor to fuck off) as you do so.
5. Tie the black thread around the nails/needles and around the pepper as to bind your ill intentions on them and to bind them from harassing you.
6. Place in a small bag and toss somewhere in a hidden spot on your neighbors property.
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booksbeansandcandles · 11 months
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Star Anise
Herbal action: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aromatic
Common name: badiane, star anise, Chinese star anise
Scientific name: Illicium verum
Family name: Schisandraceae
Parts used: pods, seeds
Gender: Masculine
Elemental Correspondences: Air
Planetary Associations: Jupiter
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Sagittarius
Deities: Buddha, Quan Yin
Chakra Associations: Third Eye, Root Chakra
Magical Properties Of Star Anise:
Star anise is perfect for increasing psychic connection, divine healing and protection, and increased success in lucky endeavors.
Mystically speaking, some of star anise’s magical properties include improving one’s telepathic abilities, providing divine healing and protection, and boosting one’s chances of having a successful undertaking.
Calm: Use an incense blend or essential oil containing this herb to help instill a sense of productive calm.
Good Luck: Tuck this star-shaped seed pod into a green pouch or orange pouch, visualize yourself being lucky, and carry it in your purse to bring good luck.
Protection: Carry it in your bag or inside of a mojo bag or sachet to ward off the evil eye. Make a garland out of the full seed pods and hang along your door.
Psychic Awareness: Simply sniff the aroma of this herb to help awaken your psychic senses. Use the seeds as a pendulum by stringing the largest one onto a black or purple string.
How to use star anise in food and drinks:
Many people enjoy throwing some star anise pods into their coffee to enrich the beverage’s flavor and add some licorice-like undertones to it. A single pod can be used 2-3 times this way. You can also brew a star anise tea by putting 1-2 whole star anise pods in a cup, filling it with boiling water, and letting steep for about 10 minutes. Combine with cinnamon for extra spiciness!
In Chinese cooking, star anise is one of the main ingredients in the Chinese five spice powder (star anise, cumin, cinnamon, peppercorns and cloves), that is used for seasoning meat.
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soupum · 1 month
pro tip for all the people out there who for whatever reason can't cook ""proper"" meals: despite what Big Pasta claims, you can in fact cook pasta in a microwave.
you're gonna want a microwave-safe bowl or pan of some kind that can hold twice the amount of water you actually need (so it doesn't boil over), and you'll want to use enough water to just cover whatever you're cooking (if you're cooking noodley pasta you will unfortunately have to betray the true italian doctrine and break those suckers in half or even thirds)
common wisdom seems to be to cook it for 2 minutes more than what the packaging says, but either because i own a 1100W microwave or i buy the 90c/$1 pasta, i find it's actually 4 minutes less than the packaging. ideally you're gonna want to stir every four or five minutes but dw if you can't, it just might clump together is all.
just some oil with little to no taste (ideally proper olive oil but that stuff is really expensive rn so i understand if you can't use it), some cheap powdered parmesan/dessicated cheese and whatever salts or spices you have laying around will be enough to make it taste good. obviously it's preferable that you have some kind of vegetable in there but if you can't get yourself to chop those or can't afford them just straight pasta will have enough carbs and protein to keep you going.
if you have tomato soup of some kind in sachet form, you can also add that for a quick and easy pasta sauce. if you can get your hands on them, basil and oregano will easily improve the taste dramatically.
hope someone finds this useful. stay safe and take care everyone <3
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moonlit-orchid · 10 months
Headcanon that came while I was making myself tea for my cold (chuckling in mint ginger lemon honey cinnamon powder and tumeric powder in a mug and splashing on boiling water hoping it will produce a beverage):
Primo loves cooking. He's really the only capable chef in the whole group.
When he was in the future with Iliaster, they had food, sure, but those were like microwave meals. You just added in water. Nothing to add to it. Same for drinks, tea and coffee were literally just like single pods that you put water in. Primo would sometimes (when Jakob finally went out and left him in a few hours of rare blissful peace) look at like pre-invasion earth food and stuff on his phone, and would especially be in awe of like teas and stuff, like cosy food, made with all kinds of herbs and spices that no longer existed, and he'd scroll until he got too despondent over how they no longer had those simple things. Or when Lester caught a cold, Primo would know how to make home remedies but lack all the ingredients/ real ingredients.
Then one day he has to meet Yusei at Martha's because Yusei was borrowing one of his tech things and Yusei happened to go to Martha's as the kids were all sick to try help out. Primo came and saw Martha was struggling to keep up with making remedies as well as look after the really little ones who wouldn't stop crying, while Yusei, Crow, and Jack were trying to soothe the older kids and while Jack knew how to make remedies, he didn't have the right talent for it and was too slow and clumsy, and his remedies were entirely made to be practical and to cure, not to taste good, so the kids wouldn't drink. Primo offered to help so Crow led him to the kitchen and Primo just freaked out when he saw Martha's cupboards of everyday spices and herbs and the home made bread and jam and everything.
Crow was like "are you okay? It's just kitchen things", so Primo had to explain that in his time, these things were none existent. To him being able to use these simple everyday ingredients, to make food that tasted good and comforting and actually restored energy and mood, was something he had never expected to do. Even here, in this time, Jakob never bought them that kind of food. The kitchen just had sachet meals.
Primo set to work on the herbal teas and even got a soup going, and he was not only fast, a skill he learnt when he had been able to cook in the past with a few ingredients he'd smuggled into Iliaster and he had to be quick before Jakob returned, he was able to cook well. He found an old notebook with remedies written in them so he went with that. And he not only made the remedies, he took the time out to quickly ensured they tasted good enough to appeal to the kids.
Eventually Martha came in and she was extremely proud of him. She told him those recipes had been handed down in her family. They may have been classic but there was always her family's own spin on it, and when she was younger she had written them all down from her mother to preserve them. However, what with the city expanding and life speeding up, most people just abandoned the remedies in favour of quicker over the counter medication. She had tried to teach her boys, but Yusei and Crow can't cook, Jack can but he isn't fully interested. To see Primo actually put his heart into it made her very happy and she offered to teach him how to cook more types of food if he wanted.
Primo just started crying right there and then. Someone noticed what he did and that someone was an older person. He got validated by someone equal to a parental figure. He got treated with kindness. He got praised for being good at something he geniunely liked. He made someone else happy and he didn't have to put himself through extreme agony to do so.
Martha hugged him and after that he became her new favourite son after Jack. He asked her "aren't i too old for this?"
She told him "you are never told old to feel a parent's love and warmth. Especially if you never got it from your own parental figure. You aren't too old, you're too overdue for it."
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stardust-swan · 1 year
My Dream Home
aka where I'd live if I was rich and had time to maintain all of this
Powder blue, with murals painted on the side
There will be roses, violets, lavender, petunias, marigolds, peonies, mayflowers, and a cherry blossom tree in the front garden
And tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, blueberries, onions, mint, courgettes, garlic, sage, thyme, basil, lettuce, peas, carrots, and cucumber in the back
Pretty birdbath
A wrought iron bench
Lanterns and string lights to light up the garden at night
A marble or bronze statue of Aphrodite
A calm fountain
Bonsai trees
Satin and silk bedsheets in ballet pink, lavender, baby blue, and duck egg green, and floral quilts and duvet covers
Beaded clothes hangers on the clothes rack
Fluffy fur rugs on the floor
An illuminated vanity with my favourite makeup, perfume, and Pandora charm bracelet on display
A nook for a shrine to Aphrodite
A clothesline of theatre programmes I've gone to on the wall
A large shelf for my collector barbies
A light up shoe rack big enough for my (vast) collection of shoes
Plushies on the bed
My closet and drawers will have sachets of potpourri and scented soaps in them so that my clothes will smell beautiful
A velvet headboard
Heavy drapes on the bed
Delicate floral ceramics in the kitchen
There will always be fresh-baked cookies and pastries for when guests drop in
A cupboard stocked full of herbal teas
Will always have a soup cooking on the stove and a pie cooling on the windowsill
The fridge will be stocked with vegetables and berries from my garden, fresh eggs, whole milk and good butter and cheese, cured meats, smoked salmon, macarons, homemade limoncello and cider, jam made from my own berries, and jugs of water with cucumber, lemon slices, and springs of homemade mint
Other foods will include: an array of spices and herbs, fresh bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, green and black olives, brown rice, veg that I canned and pickled myself, kimchi, almond milk, rice milk, mochi, marzipan, white chocolate with raspberries, dried fruits and nuts, honey, and fresh pastries
A six burner stove
Marble countertops
Elegant silverware
Living Room
Homemade throws on the chairs
A large bookshelf and more books on the windowsill
Will always smell delicious because of the candles I burn every evening
Will always be filled with the sound of classical music or jazz
Lots of cushions on the sofas
Sconces with frilled shades on the walls
A dining table with a beautiful centrepiece and elegant table settings
A comfy armchair for me to sit on while reading and crocheting
Jurlique rose handcream and fancy rose-pink soaps by the sink
Fluffy, thick, soft towels in white, pale pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green
A vanity which has a mirror with soft pink lights, and enough storage space for my creams, body butter, exfoliater, face masks, toner, body mist, etc
Patterned toilet paper
Shower curtains made of silk or satin
Sea salt scented diffusers and a potted plant to make it feel fresh, and aromatherapy candles to make it feel calm
A bidet!
Mosaic tile walls and marble flooring and countertops
A clawfoot bathtub with elegant curves and gold accents
Plush rug next to the bath and a pretty toilet seat cover
Antique bathroom accessories, like a silver soap dish and crystal toothbrush holder
Maritime and botanical themed artwork on the walls
A built in sound system to play relaxing music while I bathe, like classical music, Native American flute music, or my Aphrodite playlist (on days where I'm having a long pampering session).
A large mirror with an ornate frame
A stained glass mirror so nobody can look in
Multiple Rooms/Other
Gilded framed pictures of my loved ones throughout the house
A potted houseplant on the side of each step of the staircase
Wide windows with velvet or satin curtains that let in lots of natural light
Prints by local artists on the walls
Vases of flowers taken from my garden in each room, even on the bathroom counter
Deep, plush carpets on the floor
Soft lighting from salt lamps and fairy lights
South-facing windows, so that the house will be full of light
The walls will be painted in pastel colours or will have a delicate wallpaper
Lots of pretty trinkets on the surfaces
Sapphic artworks that portrays lovers or the female form
Crystal handles on the cabinets and cupboards in the house
Lavender incense
Lace doilies on the side tables
Ribbons and bows everywhere
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Some of my Favourite Herbs and Their Uses (Part I) - Deborah Blake (The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows)
Apples: Blossoms, fruit, and wood. Primarily used for love and healing magic, the wood makes a nice wand and the cider is a great "ale" for cakes and ale at the end of a ritual, especially one that takes place in autumn. Apples are particularly witchy because if you slice one crosswise, you will see the shape of a pentacle inside. For simple love magick, try baking an apple pie and adding cinnamon, which is associated with passion.
Basil: Leaves. Used for love, protection, prosperity, and (theoretically) exorcism. (I don’t have any experience with that last one, but you could certainly use it to try banishing negative emotions). Easily used in cooking, like my recipe for prosperity pesto, which I make with walnuts (fertility) instead of pine nuts. As a dried herb, basil also works well when added to sachets or magickal mixes.
Calendula: Flowers. Also known as marigold. Often used by herbalists for its healing properties but is also grown by many folks as an ornamental. In magick, it can be used for healing, love, and to boost physical abilities. I like to use dried flowers in healing sachets, although I also grow them in my garden just because they're pretty.
Catnip: Leaves, flowers. Love, happiness, beauty, sleep, calm, and connection with cats. While more often associated with felines than with humans, catnip (which is a member of the prolific mint family) has healing qualities for people as well. Magickally, you can use it in sachets for sleep, calm, and love, but be prepared to share them with your cats if you have any. It's also useful in cat magick, especially to find a familiar.
Chamomile: Flowers. Peace, sleep, love, prosperity, protection. This is one of my favorite herbs to use in sleep or calming sachets. It is also a traditional healing tea that can be used for either of those purposes, so you can bless and consecrate some chamomile on the night of a full moon and then drink it when you need it.
Cinnamon: Bark. Prosperity, success, passion, love, lust, healing, protection, power, psychic ability, spirituality. Who would have thought that the simple cinnamon in your cupboard would have so many magickal uses? Cinnamon is especially useful in love and prosperity mixtures and can easily be added to food. Actually a spice that comes from the inner bark of an evergreen tree, cinnamon is usually found in its powdered form, but I like to use cinnamon sticks in charm bags, magickal mixes, and even as a miniature wand to stir the Yule wassail.
Dill: Leaves, flowers, and seeds. Love, protection, prosperity. Magickal prosperity pickles? Sure, why not? Dill is a tall plant that is used for both its delicate-looking thin green leaves and then, later in the season, the flowering heads filled with seeds that are used to flavor pickles and other foods. It is easy to grow and can be used fresh or dried. For a boost of prosperity, I toss the fresh herb in my salads in early summer and add it to various magickal mixes later in the year in its dried form. 
Eucalyptus: Leaves. Healing and protection. Eucalyptus is a powerful healing herb, whether you are using dried leaves or essential oil. It has a strong, pungent odor and can be quite powerful, so it is best to use it in small amounts. The oil can be added to healing mixtures or the leaves placed in sachets or poppets intended for healing use. 
Garlic: Bulb. Healing, protection. As anyone who has ever eaten it knows, garlic is a strong-smelling herb that will chase away prospective dates and possibly vampires. But in magickal work, its protective properties will definitely work for your benefit. You can use whole cloves in protection sachets or powdered dry garlic in spell mixtures. (I don’t suggest putting those under your pillow, though.) It is also used for healing and can be added to food if you are doing kitchen witchery. Magickal chicken soup for a cold? You bet! Just remember to focus on its healing potential as you use it. 
Geranium: Flowers, leaves. Love, healing, protection. Geraniums are a pretty and easy-to-grow plant that comes in a range of colors, red and pink being the most common. The plants themselves can act as protection for the home, and the flowers can be picked and added to sachets or other magickal preparations. Rose geranium in particular has very pleasantly scented leaves and makes a lovely essential oil. (Note that geranium essential oil and rose geranium essential oil will have different scents; they are both useful for love and protection work, but rose geranium in particular is known for its calming and healing properties.) 
Ginger: Root. Power, energy, prosperity, success, love (especially the passionate type). Ginger is a fiery herb that lends its heat and power to any spell you use it in. It can be used in the powdered form in magickal mixtures, or pieces of the whole root can be sliced and added to food or charm bags. 
Lavender: Flowers. Love, sleep, happiness, purification, healing, peace. Lavender is a beautiful and strongly scented flower with many magickal uses. If you have a garden, it is lovely to cut fresh flowers and place them on your altar. For most, however, the dried version will have to do. My group often follows the traditional practice of tossing lavender into the Midsummer bonfire as a sacrifice to the Goddess. I also use the herb in sachets for healing and peace and tuck one under my pillow to help me sleep. It makes wonderful incense, and the essential oil is easy to use in magick baths or sprays. 
Lemon: Juice, peel. Purification, cleansing, love, energy. All the citruses (specifically lemon, orange, and grapefruit) have similar magickal properties, but lemon in particular is good for any purification or cleansing work. Add a few drops to your mop water for a magickal boost to your housework, especially if you are doing spring cleaning. The dried peel can be added to sachets and charm bags for love or purification, and the essential oil is perfect for room sprays that are intended to purify your space and boost your energy. 
Lemon Balm: Leaves. Healing, happiness, calm, love. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family and will grow prolifically in a garden. It is known for its ability to attract bees and is sacred to Artemis and Diana. Lemon balm can be made into a magickal tea to boost the mood or calm a troubled spirit, and the leaves or essential oil are particularly helpful in spell mixtures to deal with sleep, anxiety, or depression. 
Mugwort: Leaves. Psychic powers, protection, divination, dreaming, and astral projection. Mugwort’s most common use is in a dream sachet, which, when tucked under one’s pillow, is said to aid in prophetic dreaming. It is also used in incense and drunk in teas to boost the user’s power of divination. While not as dangerous as the hallucinogenic herbs employed by earlier witches, some people can find mugwort overwhelming, and it should be used with caution if you have no previous experience with it. 
Parsley: Leaves. Protection and purification. Parsley isn’t considered to be one of the more powerful magickal herbs, but I like it because it is so easy to add to foods if you are doing kitchen witchery. If you are already making a dish with the magickal intent of protection or purification, why not toss in a little parsley for a magickal boost?
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skiplo-wave · 1 year
I might try to make this one! I feel like this is a cake Jack Sparrow would eat with a glaze of rum ;)
The notes say this is a good birthday, father's day or holiday cake.
A Pirates Last Birthday Recipe (1959)
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup shortening
2 cups all-purpose flour
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1 1/2 cups white sugar
3 eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup of spiced rum
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract
1 box of vanilla pudding mix
1 sachet of pecans
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a bundt cake pan or any cake pan that you would like to use. Next you want to ground up enough pecans to cover the bottom of the pan but not to full.
Combine the dry ingredients first. To a bowl, amix the flour, salt and baking powder together. In a second bowl, beat sugar and shortening together until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Add flour mixture and vanilla pudding mix powder with milk. Beat until just combined. Gently stir in the spiced rum and extracts. Pour the cake batter into the pan and let it cook for 40 to 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
OPTIONAL: After it cools, drizzle icing glaze on top.
OPTIONAL: Serve with ice cream.
That sounds dang good
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Perfecting Powder Packaging with Nichrome
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The packaging of powders is not an easy task as different powders come with their own unique characteristics. Some can be free-flowing, while others can be clumpy. Some can cause a dusty environment as in the case of flour. Powders like agrochemicals can become explosive when exposed to certain gases or electric sparks. Changeovers of products can also lead to issues of cross-contamination.
Hence, the powder packaging machines used to package these powders have a crucial role to play. Packaging tends to be the last stage of the manufacturing process. These machines pack the product in packaging that ensures its protection and safety until it reaches the consumer. Any problem in the packaging stage results in the entire process quality and throughput being adversely affected. With convenience products gaining widespread popularity, it is reasonable to expect a larger variety of products and different packaging formats for products such as spice blends, instant coffee, drink mixes, protein powders, and sweeteners among many others.
Another facet to consider is the fact that different customers have different demands. Some may have limited floor space on their premises, while others may want multiple pouch formats and SKU sizes. Some clients look for versatility - in order to pack a variety of products with the same machine. Some packaging setups might do just sachet packaging while others carry out bulk packaging. Some might have a preference for Horizontal-Form-Fill-Seal (HFFS) machines, while others might prefer Vertical-Form-Fill-Seal (VFFS) technology.
Some of the issues faced by powder filling machines are:
Powder Flow The powder flow is an important factor. Powder filling machines are configured for powders that may be clumpy. This is of considerable importance when we consider small packaging formats and dosing systems that rely on gravity to fill the cups.
Weight Control The filling process is done on the basis of volume because of which, there can be a difference in the actual weight packed. In order to fill a consistent weight of the products, the dosing system should have very good control of the volume of the product being moved.
Leakage of the Pack The pack needs to be sealed without letting powder stick between the two sides of the packaging. This is usually the case when the product is dusty and does not settle before the shutting of the sealing jars.
Hygiene Hygienic packaging is imperative in the case of powders as they need packaging machines that prevent contamination. The packaging needs to be done taking into account containment, prevention of contamination, and cleaning.
Powder Packaging with Nichrome
Nichrome offers an automated powder packaging solution for pretty much any packaging requirement or challenge. As a renowned fully automatic packing machine manufacturer and an accomplished supplier of integrated packaging solutions, Nichrome’s packaging technology expertise and knowledge of various industries and applications are unparalleled. Nichrome’s offerings include a diverse range of spice packaging machines, shrink packing machines, coffee packaging machines, tea packaging machines, and blister packaging machines among other powder filling machines. Nichrome also has the expertise to customise its solutions for specific requirements.
Nichrome’s offerings for powder packaging include:
Vertical-Form-Fill-Seal (VFFS) Machines
Excel 400 Plus Servo Auger: This adaptable machine can be easily integrated into upstream or downstream machines and systems. It can pack in a number of pouch formats. Its optimum bagger speed is 80 pouches/min which depends on the pack size and bulk density. Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger: Nichrome’s Sprint 250 Plus Servo Auger has a speed of up to 120 pouches/min, high accuracy and high efficiency for the flexible packaging of a diverse range of powders in addition to snacks and grains. It can pack pouch quantities up to 2 Kgs.
Maxima 200/400: The Maxima 200/400 has a compact design and a small footprint for the production of a single or perforated chain of pouches. It has a PLC-based control system and an optional interface with PC and Data processors. The Maxima series is particularly preferred for powder packaging.
Horizontal-Form-Fill-Seal (HFFS) Machines
T Series: The T Series HFFS packaging machines from Totpack, Spain offer cutting-edge linear technology in a compact design. They can pack in a range of pouch formats with attractive and aesthetic pouch designs. Properly integrated duplex modules allow for higher outputs.
Multilane Machines
Multilane Stickpack with Multi Head Servo Auger: This versatile machine can pack free-flowing powders like milk powder, coffee powder, salt, sugar, tea etc in single-serve stickpacks which are mainly used by food chains and the travel and hospitality industries.Conclusion
There aren’t many packaging machine manufacturers that can match Nichrome’s range of automated powder packaging machines. The powder filling machines in Nichrome’s repertoire are high-speed and high-performance ones. They offer high accuracy, durability and dependability in performance for years together. These versatile machines are easier to clean and maintain and allow for easy changeovers.
Contact Nichrome if you need a packaging machine manufacturer with unparalleled expertise in powder packaging. Visit https://bangladesh.nichrome.com to learn more!
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nichromepackaging · 2 years
Gel Your Packaging with Nichrome
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Gel packaging was a hassle before modern flexible packaging machines turned out to be a boon for it. Automated packaging machines make packaging easy, clean and quick - whether it’s a medical cream, paste or gel. 
Why go for flexible pouch packaging for gels? 
Flexible pouches are better for gel packaging because they: 
-       Are lighter and provide increased portability for end-users
-       Need about 60% less plastic than traditional packaging
-       Require less energy to produce
-       Emit less CO2 and produce less landfill waste material
-       Allow for efficient and economical transportation 
Considerations for your gel packaging machine
 When you are deciding on a liquid pouch packaging machine, it is essential to discuss your packaging requirements with your packaging machine manufacturer. These include: 
The term viscosity describes the internal friction of a moving liquid. In the case of gel packaging, viscosity has a considerable effect on the rate at which the liquid/gel travels, how long it takes to set in place, and the time it takes to insert the fluid into flexible packaging.
Your packaging machine manufacturer will determine the product filler to be used based on viscosity, to ensure that it supplies the right amount of force in order to generate the desired flow with accuracy and control so that the pouch doesn’t overfill.
Fill Temperature: 
Viscosity reduces when viscous products are heated, allowing them to flow more easily. Hence when deciding on the filling system, the temperature at which the liquid is filled is of critical importance. 
The packaging material you choose needs to be suitable for your specific gel product. It should furnish a reliable barrier to protect against external elements that may end up spoiling your product like dust, moisture, oxygen et al. 
Customers of today expect in-depth and authentic information about the product and its usage on the pack. This calls for a packaging machine that facilitates this critical requirement and also presents your brand to the world. 
You need to decide on a package size and package format - single or multiple dose sachets, larger stand-up pouches with zippers, spouts or handles
 Why go with Nichrome? 
Nichrome possesses a range of HFFS packaging machines with next-generation, linear technology from Totpack in Spain. The series from Totpack is highly versatile and can be employed to pack a diverse range of powders, grains, snacks, liquids and viscous products, with the use of different fillers. This series also comes with a range of pouch formats that have better aesthetic appeal. 
These HFFS machines are based on PLCs and come with a touch screen interface. The design of this series is compact and versatile and can produce both single and perforated chains of pouches with a quick and easy changeover. This series also includes efficient duplex modules for higher outputs. 
Nichrome’s Easysnap Technology 
Easysnap is a cutting-edge new worldwide standard for single-dose packaging of liquid/semi-liquid products and offers convenience, ease of one-handed opening, complete dispensing of the product and on-the-go functionality. 
Easysnap offers many advantages in the packaging of ointments, liquid medications, medicated gels etc:
 1.    Easy to use
The Easysnap package is designed to be easily opened with one hand only. There is no need to tear, peel, or unscrew bottle caps - you just have to fold and squeeze. It is convenient to use for children, the elderly and disabled people.
2.    Handy Mobility The Easysnap package can be carried individually in pockets or handbags, or even in greater quantities in packs while avoiding leakage or compression. Its semi-rigid bottom is unbreakable unless it is folded over 90 percent.
3.    Cheap and Ecological
This packaging format has lower production costs when compared to bottles, jars, or thermoformed dose packaging. It does not spread any residue and is significantly easier to recycle.
4.    Smart Design Easysnap comes with an ergonomic design and is versatile and stylish. The packaging design can be customized in form and visuals to offer better branding and retail appeal.
5.    Hygienic and Clean
With Easysnap, there is no risk of spills or contamination of the product when opening and dispensing as it dispenses the product in a clear and accurate manner.
6.    Safe for Consumers Easysnap packaging delivers exact doses and is easy to dispense which is especially important in pharma products.
7.    Minimal Wastage The design of Easysnap ensures that 98% of its contents are dispensed, leading to less wastage and certainty about the dosage of contents consumed.
8.    Beneficial for Manufacturers
The Easysnap technology is simple to customise, brand, deliver and distribute. The stylishly designed pack boosts brand image, and its no-spill, contamination-free features are advantageous for business. 
Nichrome is India’s leading packaging machine manufacturer and a capable provider of integrated packaging solutions for a wide range of applications across the Food, Pharma and non-food industries. Nichrome has over four decades of experience and considerable expertise in the packaging industry. It offers a product range that delivers the most relevant and cost-effective automated packaging solution.
Whether your need is for Liquid packaging, solid packaging, viscous packaging; food, non-food or pharmaceutical products; whether you are looking for a Tea packaging machine, Sachet filling machine, Vertical Form Fill Seal Machines, Liquid packaging machines, Spice packaging machine, Coffee packaging machine, pharma powder packaging, Sugar packaging machine - whatever your needs may be, connect with Nichrome.
Nichrome believes in dynamically working with customers to design the most effective packaging solution. With its immense expertise, technology, R&D and manufacturing capabilities, Nichrome can even provide customised solutions to configure the ideal integrated packaging solution for your business requirements.
Nichrome also offers training for customers’ staff and assures quick service and maintenance support. You can easily and definitely overcome your packaging challenges with Nichrome as your packaging partner. Visit www.nichrome.com to learn more!
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whimsigothwitch · 11 months
Banana bread with blackberries and dates
A little kitchen witch magic for you all, I bake all the time so decided that I'll share some recipes once in a while on here too! This banana bread is perfect for (late) Lughnasadh celebrations, or just when you are in the mood to bake.
Witchy touches during baking;
Add the herbs or spices with intention! For example cinnamon for warmth and prosperity, nutmeg for protection and vanilla for love (while you add these spices, stir clockwise and say their magical properties aloud or in your head)
When pouring the cake batter in the baking mold, draw a sigil or rune of choice with intention.
Share the magic with loved ones or with yourself!
Banana bread recipe
240g flour (of choice)
15g baking powder
pinch of soda
1 tsp cinnamon, nutmeg powder
Few drops of vanilla/ 1 sachet vanilla sugar
5 dates (pit removed)
2 bananas
2 eggs
50g butter (of choice, can also be oil)
Handful blackberries
Preheat the oven to 210 degrees.
Mix dry ingredients together.
Blend the bananas, eggs and dates in a blender until smooth and add to the dry ingredients.
Mix this together, and add a handful of blackberries. Mash them a bit and fold through the batter.
Grease a cake mold, or cupcake mold with some butter and put the cake batter into the baking mold.
(Optional) You can also add walnuts, almonds whatever kind of nut you’d like.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, check with a skewer (if it comes out dry, the cake is done!)
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