#spelling is the same because we use letters differently.
majorshatterandhare · 7 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about Through the Looking Glass, mainly, but also Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I would like you all to know that the Hatter and the March Hare appear in both books; however in the second one Carroll decided to spell their names phonetically. I love phonetic spellings, I love when dialogue is written so you have no choice but to read it in the correct accent. So Hatter gets spelled “Hatta,” that’s cool and normal, makes sense. He spelled Hare “Haigha.” I really appreciate the A on the end, because I think it’s intended to make it two syllables, and I love when non-rhotic accents add a syllable in for the R, however the rest of it? Uhhh…. I don’t know that I could do a better job though (barring IPA usage, of course).
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whateversawesome · 10 months
Some Theories about Anya's Name
Who would have thought a short chapter would bring so much information and discussion? But then again, we're talking about Anya, agent of chaos (according to her papa).
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After that chapter, there's plenty of theories flying around, so I decided to make this post to compile, explain and expand these theories 😉
Anya is an acronym: This one is pretty clear has been a popular general theory. It means that the letters of her name stand for something else. What exactly? We don't know yet, but it probably has to do with Project Apple and the infamous lab Anya was created.
Anya...Ania...OstANIA: If you live near small children, you probably know that when they are learning how to talk, they do it by picking up words adults say and many times they say those words wrong. While discussing with some friends, I imagined those scientists constantly saying the word Ostania in front of that little girl. Maybe baby Anya thought that was her name because she heard the word OstANIA all the time, but she couldn't say it right.
Anya, the foreign princess: This one is very simple. It means that her name was spelled differently in her country of origin. This theory is vague, but I do believe a third country could be involved in all this mess. Also, it would make sense for Anya to be hiding in Ostania, if she was born and kept captive in a different country.
Anya...A N/A: This one is one of the most interesting theories! A N/A would mean something like "Non-applicable". You probably think this doesn't say much, but it really does. In the first few chapters of the story we learned that Anya was adopted and returned 4 times. Instead of a child, she was returned as if she was a piece of clothing. Even though it's been barely mentioned, we've also learned that people that participated in Project Apple didn't treat the subjects nicely (see how they treated Bond). Those people called Anya "subject 007". They didn't even give her a name. If we think about it, Anya is very "non-applicable". She was created in a lab, she has a strange power, so she's not like the other kids, she's been adopted and returned 4 times...
The A N/A and Anya being treated like an object instead of a human being fits the Spy x Family premise of the story, which is: Humans like Twilight, Yor, and Anya are used as weapons instead of being treated like humans. The story is about them regaining their humanity through love and family.
So even if A N/A says nothing about Anya, it says a lot about the story.
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Look at this little girl. This illustration was heartbreaking. Do you know when it takes place? It's right before he meets Twilight. We see that it's the same filthy orphanage Twilight visited on chapter 1 and this is not Anya's first orphanage, so that means this illustration happened after she was returned again. The way she's facing the door, her body language, the way she holds Mr. Chimera by the hand is so sad. Here she is, once again, in a place she doesn't want to be, where nobody will take care of her...alone 😭
Enough of that or we'll end up crying...🤧
Some other things to take into consideration about her name:
Mr. Chimera: Since this is a visual story, that panel of Mr. Chimera tells us that this plushie is involved in Anya's name. If you've read certain fic, you know where I stand on that. In this case, I think that yes, the person who helped Anya escape gave Mr. Chimera to her. However, I don't think it was exactly that character (you know who). It probably was someone else, maybe even a new character we don't know yet. It could also be a scientist who took pity on Anya or disagreed with the use of children as lab rats, and helped her escape. We don't know yet.
Twilight: One of the most beautiful panels on that short chapter was seeing Anya's eyes lit up when her papa told her the correct spelling of her name. Did you see it? Those were the eyes of someone who had just learned something new about herself and by doing this, Twilight made her even more human.
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One more thing...I've seen speculations about the next arc of the manga being about Anya's past because of this short mission. In my opinion...I don't think it'll happen yet. Why? If it was the case, this would have been a longer chapter and the actual beginning of the arc.
I believe Anya's past will be one of the last things we learn, because there's plenty of things to resolve and a lot of information we don't have. Stories are like puzzles; this chapter was an important piece, but we're not working on that part yet.
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timkontheunsure · 30 days
Blitz's has dyslexia 🙂
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Him singing it is just so cute.
He dose know the alphabet as Blitz gets it right right after this. So this is an ordering issue.
(I still have to use the alphabet song to get it right, and worked at a library for a while and used to tutor English).
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Dyscalculia is a fairly normal side effect of dyslexia, and is under the same umbrella term.
This can make estimating groups on the fly very difficult.
Blitz struggles to switch language tracks, and doesn't pick up that Loona's making a joke out of he skinning the manly meat with the manly men.
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Blitz is normally great at these sorts of dirty jokes, but because it was unintentional he doesn't spot it.
This is because being serious and puns/jokes are sorted in a different 'box'.
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Stols - Blitz spell a lot thing as they sound, with a few transportion errors like night to nihgt, and some typos like missing the o in sorry, or missing words out.
As he says Sto-lus, that gets shortened to Stol's when said quickly. It's a cute nickname. 🙂
He also occasionally reverses letters.
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(oh look a nice wee pile of evidence).
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Transcription - the case files are written by Blitz dictating to Moxxie. This is normal adaptation for working around this disability.
Ok addressing the elephant in the room, cus someone always says it. "But Blitz is just uneducated".
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He got in and went to collage. (Dropping out was probably to do with the fire. Blitz is met to have been around 19-20 when that happend).
And Fizz, who he grew up with and worked the same job; has perfect spelling. They would have had the same people teaching them.
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Honestly this idea bugs me a lot, because it's equating being poor to a lack of education. And then spelling proficiency as a stand in for intelligence level.
We saw this when people were trying to claim Blitz was too thick to use the word supremacist. 🤦
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This ties in to whole host of classist and ableist tropes.
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Blitz can with alot of effort Sometimes spell correctly, when it's very important. (For Fizz and Loona).
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It takes 4x as much energy for dyslexics to do these tasks. It's common to sometimes get it right, but not others.
Dyslexia is kind of short working memory issue.
Working memory is the time you can hold something like an image, or a string of numbers, in your head before it fades.(Human ram). If it's short it can be extremely difficult to get it into long term memory.
So rote tasks with nonsensical none phonetical rules don't stick well. (Eg Fonetic).
Blitz getting it right some of the time, when trying hard at the hospital tracks. Cus he doesn't want to stress Loona out more.
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The 'wiring' of dyslexic brains also makes it difficult, because reading and writing are processed across both hemispheres. Nerotypicals all do that one side, which is quicker as less far for the impulses to travel.
We also don't get the visual overlay trick that alot of Nerotypicals get. The thing were you can see the spelling in your imagination and copy that pattern to spell it right every time. (Anyone able to do this is so cheesy 😛).
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And lastly Blitz talks a mile a minute, but only write a few short replies to Stolas' wall of texts. (Which are probably tricky to read as of bad formatting).
Here's hoping Stolas gifts him a better phone with a good spell check, and speech to text at somepoint. Then he gets more than just memes.
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factsinallcaps · 2 months
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I have to know-- what's ur opinion on this
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ghostieyanyan · 8 months
♡~Yandere Valentine in Twisted Wonderland~♡
Yan!Twisted wonderland x mc (separated)
sorry this is a bit late but here's some of my short takes on valentines day in twisted wonderland!
Warnings: yandere, lack of proof reading (sorry), collars, pet-play, drugs, manipulation, hinting nsfw, beating someone up, dead animal, wedding, hidden camera, (if theres anything missing please do tell me)
Riddle has been planning something for you before February even started, probably before new year too. He understand that he doesn't really have a nurturing touch, thanks to his mom, like the others do. But that wouldn't stop him from trying his best to make you feel special.
He'll ask you to have tea with him and if you happen to be distracted by "other matters." he doesn't mind using his unique spell and pull you around by the collar, like a dog.
"its very rude to not pay attention to the person that invited you out.."
As a vice house warden, he understands that you'll be busy. not just Crowley giving you either impossible or pointless work, or the fact that every boy from each and every dorm are falling to their feet just for you on valentines day, hoping you'll notice them.
Trey knows he's not like some flash students here but he knows what he's good at and doesn't need to try too hard like some other desperate students.
"Hey, perfect! i made you something, your favorite, with a little personal Trey touch~ you should probably eat it all now. Before Grim does."
Cater is pretty good at getting your attentions. Magicless other worlder, he just has to invite you to something outside of NRC and then watch as your eyes sparkles. Kind of reminds him of a little kid that just need extra attention which he's happy to do.
He'll show you cool different places, shops and cafes. All these cool places are picture perfect and he just loves dressing up with you. from an outside eye, it almost looks like you 2 are dating~
"Perfect! Look at this! we should totally take a picture here with our treats! Say "Happy Valentines Day~!"
You were very confused on why Ace has been grumpy all day. you tried everything to make him feel better but nothing. You bought him food, drinks, candy from Sam's. nothing.
After the day was over, you made it back to the dorm and Ace decided to follow you back? you tried to ask him what's wrong buy he swiftly grabbed you and rush to your room!
"All day has been a pain.. everyone gawking at you. All the meaningless gifts. All of it! Tonight, you're gonna make it up to me by letting me sleep with you!"
Deuce wants to turn a new leaf and doesn't want to look back at his delinquent side every again. he's a new deuce now, a student that's just trying to get good grades and trying to be well respected. but old habits die hard.
Any and every time some one even looks in your way, he's sending daggers at them. and if they don't get the hide, he'll tell you that he needs to use the restroom and for you to stay where you are until he's back. he'll be quick...
"sorry it took me a while, there was.. a long line... wanna get lunch now?"
Leona, normally, doesn't care for this holiday. his brother always ask him if he's "stolen any hearts" this year? its always the same answer. but this year was different.
For once, he gotten some valentines gift. he remembered, not because he was eavesdropping, he just sleeping and you and your friends were talking about valentines gifts. how you had too many and how you might have to do several trips to bring them back to your dorm...
when you looked at your pile of valentines, instead of valentines, you saw sand.. and a plush lion with a card, flowers, and chocolate..
Ruggie cant really communicate with his grandma that much, cause they're not in a position to have phones but he does send letters now and then.
Each letter has there, 'how are you?'s to their 'are you taking care of yourself?'s. Now his letters to his grandma had this mysterious person, and how 'he's feels his heart flutter whenever they're near.' there also might be some 'I'm worried that I'm not good enough' he was very happy to get this letter back
"don't worry, sweetheart~ you should bring them over and ill give them a good talking to."
Jack tried everything to stay away from you all day. You're smell was just too intoxicating for him. Jack didn't want to risk spending time with you and his instinct...
he could tell, the other beastmen felt the same way. So all day, he kept his distance while also putting other beastmen in their place when they get a little too handy with you. luckily you didn't notice a thing.
But when you approached him, he couldn't just push you away. you mean too much to him. he doesn't want you to see him like.. a monster.
"Hi, prefect. how's you're day..?"
Azul tried to just charm you with his charisma alone, no shady actions, no "read the fine print." it seem like he was on his best behavior all day. it made you feel uncomfortable for a hot while.. but after a few hours you gotten use to it.
It was all in Azul's plan. instead of flatly telling you or tricking you to form a contact with him. he was gonna show you that you could rely on him, to trust him. so when you do sign a contact with him, you're guard will be so low, you wouldn't ever dare look at the fine print
"Prefect? Would you like to stop by Mosta lounge for lunch? there's a special i know you'll love. oh! its on the house."
before valentines day, Jade asked you to go out with him on a hilling trip. you'll find great mushrooms and if you find any 'shiny treasure' you could keep it as payment. you felt bored at the time and went with it. it was pretty fun. Jade taught you about wildlife and camping and you just enjoyed being out and about, anywhere than Grim's messes was a fresh air.
But on one of the day's out, Jade fell and hurt himself! it'll take a while for you guys to head back so you both decided to just wait until it heals, or when jade is "strong enough" to head back.
"aww.. prefect, you're too sweet for taking care of me~"
Floyd has been a pin to your side all day. every time you were just talking to your friends or in line for lunch or whatever, Floyd comes out of nowhere, picks you up and runs away from your friends. it doesn't help that his long legs gives him a big advantage. the fact you cant struggle that much and the fact that you're friends cant keep up with Floyd...
When he finally gets alone time with you he just wants to play or just stare at you... its a mix really. sometimes he'll tell you he wants to show you a trick he learned from the basketball club. sometimes he just wants to walk around with you on his shoulders. but one things for sure, everyone is staying far away from both of you...
"Shrimpy! look at this! it kind of reminds me of you.. cause you're smol~"
Lets admit it, when Kalim falls in love, he falls HARD. Like he would spoil his love rotten if he could. But he knows that you wouldn't allow him to do so, cause you're just too sweet.
Kalim loves to watch you work sometimes, you're so hard working even though you're in a situation that he couldn't imagine. Far from home with no contacted to your families, that's terrible. but he'll show you that he could help solve all your problems. But he doesn't want to overwhelm you so he'll start small.
"HEY PREFECT!!! Look what i got you! Golden bangles! they have our initials on them too! Come on, try them on! I'll help."
Jamil could easily used his unique spell on you but with it being Valentines day plus every student's having their eyes on you, he cant do it without getting caught. So, he'll have have to charm you with the next best thing, food.
He understand the for some people, food is their love language. He wasn't sure if that's you but he does know that you love his food. so a win is a win.
He'll make you not only your favorite foods but his own too. As a "get to know me" dish. Watching you enjoy his hard work, was like breathing fresh air. he loves your presence.
"here prefect, you can have more. i made it for you after all. hmm..? oh repayment? just repay me by spending the day with me.. just me."
Without warning, on a weekend, Vil grabs you and tells you get to dress. he's taking you out. You couldn't really say no to him so off you went.
He took you to store to store to store. Each store had either something he liked or something he didn't. did you have a say in anything? no.
It felt weird a bit but overtime that feeling went away and you were left with giving Vil a mini show fashion show... with just you and him...
Saying Rook loved you was an understatement. he loved your hair, your eyes, your walk, your demeaner, everything. On one of his strolls by your dorm, he noticed that you were taking care of a stray animal in your backyard.
You left food for it, you made a spot it could rest, you had a whole set up. even though you don't have a lot of money, you're golden heart shined through. He felt like cupid just struck him through the heart. He would like to do the same to you...
so on Valentines day, you found a box at your door step. inside the box... was your stray friend's lifeless body...
Epel's family loves to send him letters, he at least gets one every week. they're all mostly asking if he needs anything or family updates, etc. But now talks about you his letter. last time he visited his family, they kept asking about you.
Epel feeling the pressure of his family, told them that you and him were together and how you had "other things to take care of" and that's why you're not with him. they seem to calm down and jumped to another family topic. Now Epel has to convince you to "pretend" hopefully don't for long, that he was your boyfriend for his family.
"umm... hey prefect? i have a favor to ask you..?"
Idia normally doesn't care of any holidays, in general. he mainly does them for his brother or whenever a game was having a seasonal event. but he couldn't say he had someone special to "sit by the fireplace with him with hot chocolate" or "having a picnic out in spring" or even "being or having a valentine"... He didn't mind it...
which what he'll normally say, until he saw you with your pile of valentines day gifts! augh.. why do you have to be so popular?!
With a lot of pushing from ortho, he finally gave you your gift. it was a blue teddy that looked like hades. You didn't have to know about the hidden camera and mic in it. you could just thank him by sleeping with it~
Malleus couldn't really celebrate valentine's day.. he's a prince of Briar Valley, after all. Having him give a valentines day gift can be interpreted as a marriage proposal. that will look every bad for Briar Valley. But the heart wants what it cant have~
His heart belonged to you and he would gladly throw away his position as a prince for you. or... he could just ask you to marry him?
He didn't want anything to come to harm you because of him, so in secret, he made you a wedding dress/suit. Until his graduation, he'll ask you to marry him and then he'll pick you up and off to Briar Valley, ruling together~
Lilia loves a good trip. So many places to see, so many things to do. He wants to take you to see it all. why stay at NRC and just reading about other places when you could go out with him. he may be older but he could still protect you with all he has and he'll still be able to show you a fun time. Oh maybe he should show you how to fight?
He's had his eyes on you since you came to the school, you were so strange but you are never boring. something always happened with you around but you all ways find a way out of it. you're, well..... perfect.
"Prefect! guess who got 2 tickets to Shaftland! why just two? for me and you silly. come on, get your things. I'm gonna show you so much more of this twisted wonderland"
You understand that Silver is just a tried guy. so you do everything in your power to make sure he's okay and not gonna get hurt. After a while of this, you've noticed that Silver's holds on you, when ever you go and move him to a safer place, is more forceful than normal? You just told yourself that it was just sleepy silver but it doesn't seem like silver noticed and you didn't mind.
Whenever Silver was awake, you noticed that he's always just a call away. he wasn't over your shoulder or anything but you did see him more often than you usual did... were you thinking too much on this..?
"hey prefect? i got you some treats from Sam's... happy valentines day~"
Sebek is loud. that is not an understatement. bet Sebek probably knows that too. he often uses it to tell other to "respected Malleus." but today he was oddly quiet? you tried to ask him if everything was okay, he said he's fine. Also whenever the other first years asked, he'll snap but not at his normal loud tone?
Without you realizing, Sebek was actually fighting an inner demon of his. Humans, like yourself, were so small and weak. yes, Silver is human too but he's a trained human, you weren't.
He sometimes wonders... how easy would it be to over-power yo-
When Che'nya first appear in front of you with just his head, you, ace, and deuce all screamed. he loved it~ but your little squeak whenever you get scared, gets his blood pumping. like the rush you get when you catch you first mouse~
He started to visit more often then before, but not just to say hi to trey and riddle. but to spook their little perfect. a pick to the side here. a blowing into your ear there.
He just cant keep his hands off you! the best part, he doesn't have plans on even telling you it was him.
but to Vil's dismay, Neige kept bugging him about you! the mysterious manager~ Vil got so tired on it that he just pointed him to your dorm. Which Neige was happy to run to see you.
When he saw you place, he's heart broke a little. how could someone so lovely as you, live in a dump like this? He found you out in the back yard cleaning. it kind of reminded him of himself, run down building taking care of others. you were perfect for him!
"Heya! perfect, right? i was wondering, would you like to go on a date with me?"
Rollo will not caught walking into THAT school. but that wont stop him from appreciating you. Whether it takes a few days to a few years, Rollo swears to himself that he will save you from the hell hole your in.
but in the mean time he'll send you some flowers and a gift basket filled with Fleur City treats and fun toys that you liked when you last visit. if only you were in that school and you were in his, he'll show you so much and treat you much better than those.. "monsters."
"If though I'm not there, i hope you enjoy my gift. maybe next time you could visit again and I'll give you a personal tour."
you can see this as platonic or romantic
Crowley is a very strange bird man? says he cares for you then runs away with his feather tail in between his legs. Or when he just hands you work when he could easily do them himself. He's a very strange man so when he was insisting on you to stay by his side all day? it confused you.
like he'll have you in his office and when you tell him you needed to go. he'll "get sad" and say "awww.. i guess ill just power through all this paper work"
you thought he just wanted you to do the paper work (that you could do) so you did. you didn't figure out that maybe he just wanted you by his side so no one could see/ give you anything for valentines day.
Crewel is a very classic man. so when he asked you to help him with some of his designs, you were quite confused. why not ask Vil or anyone from pomefiore? nonetheless, you helped as best as you can. giving your input on designs, telling him what you thought looked nice, getting materials for him, etc.
After you helped him make a set, he asked you to model them for him. he "wanted it on an actual person than a motionless mannequin."
You didnt know that he was doing this so you wouldnt be laying down with dogs with fleas today. Crewel thinks all the boys in this school are just crazy the fact its valentines day. so having you help him was just killing 2 bird with one stone.
Trein's cat, Lucius, seemed fine to you. but you couldn't say much when Trein asked you to help him look after his beloved pet. plus a cat that doesn't call you Hedgeman felt nice. a cat that was just a normal cat, that can understand you and talk but you don't understand it...
On Valentines Day, Trein tells you about his wife and what they do together on this day. It was really sweet to hear an old man talk about his love, plus his life too.
It felt nice and you enjoyed the time you spend together. you still couldnt tell if Lucius was actually sick or if he was just winning about food...
You had no idea what came over Vargas. But when it was gym time and there was any partner exercises, it seems like he'll give the poor guys, that asked you to be partners, more hard exercises.
it could be in your head but after you're done, you see the poor student crying for squats or something? Will he be okay?
"oh, don't worry about him. he's been slacking off recently so its just catching up with him. HAHA!"
Sam is quite busy on Valentines day. a lot of students ask for valentines day cards, bears, to flowers. some even get the custom order. with those custom orders, he realized a lot of them were for you... he might not be able to do anything.. but his friends might help.
when same gives the students the valentines day gifts, he has a shadow follow them and when they're not looking. the shadow destroys the gift and runs away.
it kills two bird with one stone. they cant give the perfect gifts and Sam still gets the money. oohh he loves what he does~
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What did you just say? Pt. 2.
Aegon x FEM reader.
Aegon confronts his mother, the truth leaves his mouth as the fire leaves the snout of his dragon. To his surprise you don't share the same desires of being with him anymore.
Warning: maybe it wasn't as good as the first part lol. Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe a Dark obsessed Aegon at the end but nothing very serious.
Credits of these gifs to whoever they belong to
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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(...) The goblet In his hand flew to the other side of the room, tension filled the room, silence was uncomfortable, then, Aegon simply asked.
- What did you just say?
Poor servant, avoiding Aegon's look, he simply muttered and kneeled down.
- I... Said lady y/n is pregnant... please Forgive me my king, I beg for your pardon.
Aegon didn't understand why the servant was apologizing, he only rolled his eyes, he was furious, fire was running through his body.
- Get up and leave. ALL OF YOU, LEAVE! I need to talk with my mother. NOW!
Everybody left the room in an instant, Alicent was in the same place, she didn't move but was also avoiding to see her son.
- Look at me and tell me you didn't know about this, mother.
She looked at him but was speechless, there were no words.
She felt fear, she was always behind him, she was always the one who reprimanded him, but right now, she's feeling like a little kid In trouble.
- Aegon, you have to understand...
- Understand what? Is it not enough that we're all dragged into this unhappy family, full of hypocrisy and sadness for all your decisions? Your decisions had taken us to misery, my sister is right, if you weren't so blind and full of hate against Rhaenyra our story would be different.
- This, is totally unfair, You have no idea of the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne.
- A throne I never asked for! This is all your Father wants! You've been so blind, thinking you're doing all this because of the safety of the crown, your family and the kingdom when In fact, it is only that old man's desire, to see his own blood sitting on that stupid chair!
Aegon's point of view wasn't totally wrong, he always saw his grandfather as a spider knitting its web waiting for its prey, like a moth attracted to the brilliant things, waiting for the right moment to get inside and be around the warm and brightest light, an opportunist, that's how Aegon secretly always described his grandfather. He sighed, clearly annoyed.
-...When did you receive the news of her marriage?
- Months ago, I received a letter when she was betrothed to him... and later another one arrived with the news of her wedding, but I can promise you that I don't know nothing about her pregnancy, I doubt she is pregnant.
Her words are honest but not reassuring enough to calm Aegon.
- Do you see me, mother? Do you see how painful it is for me? This marriage with my own sister, this crown over my head that I never wanted. Your decisions had been brought pain not only for me but for my siblings too. You hate Rhaenyra for all the things you consider wrong and improper , but I've done all of them too, and you hide them and pretend we're the good ones, it's pure hypocrisy. Helaena could be happier if you accepted the proposal of marriage with Jace or even if you married her to Aemond she would be happier, I could be happier if I were married with (y/n) and you wouldn't have your youngest son far from you and his true home, but no... Here we are, with a war knocking on our door, our family crumbling and with my beloved In the arms of that fuckin' wolf In the north!
Alicent approached Aegon, trying to be a loving mother, her hands on Aegon's cheeks, she can see his eyes, there's anger, pain and deception. She's trying to convince him that your marriage can bring good things in his favor.
- Aegon, you cannot see it now, but the marriage of lady (y/n) with Cregan Stark could be useful, she will do anything you asked her, she will ally to us in this war if it's necessary. Your brothers will fight at your side and your wife and children will be there too.
Aegon gave a step back, neglecting with his head, his face only shows how disgusted he feels. He never expected kind words from her but also not this kind of poorly try to calm him down, at this point he feels like he's trapped, he's a little boy trapped in a man's body, he wants to run away from that room, he needs to calm himself before doing something he could regret later.
Suddenly, your voice and the memory of your face, your hands and the affection between you and him filled his mind. You were his safe place years ago and yet, he still thinks about you when he feels lost and suffocated.
He left the room while Alicent was yelling his name, some guards tried to go behind him but he stopped us, he only wanted a person close to him, You.
He arrived at the dragon's pitch, Sunfyre his precious Dragon sensed instantly Aegon's emotions and roared to let Aegon know it was ready to fly away with him.
And that's what they did, Aegon disappeared in the sky, the clouds covered them, it was possible to hear them but to see in what direction they went wasn't that easy.
You were in your chambers resting when one of your ladies appeared, pallid as snow.
- My lady. There's... A... A dragon landed not so far from the castle.
You sit on your bed quickly, it is not possible, you try to calm yourself thinking it can be any dragon.
- A dragon? Which one?
- I'm not sure, it looked like a golden dragon, shined like the sun.
No, no, no. The fear of seeing him after all this time has appeared and grown inside you.
- What do we have to do my lady?
- Bring my coat, we have to welcome our unexpected guest by our own since Cregan is not here.
As soon as you arrived at the hall of the castle, Aegon was already there, waiting.
- My... (You doubted) King. What do we owe the honor of your visit?
- Lady (y/n), I recently found out about your marriage, I merely came to give you my congratulations.
- Thank you, my king, I've been blessed with such a wonderful marriage with a good lord.
- Where's he?
- Hunting, we weren't expecting visitors or he would be here to give you a proper welcome.
- That's fine, lady (y/n) I would like to have a private audience with you.
You looked at your ladies and knights, you didn't say a word but they understood instantly and left you alone with Aegon.
- What are the real motives of your visit... My king?
- there's no need for such formalities (Y/n)...
- Well, tell me Aegon, what are you doing here?
- I came here... To take you with me.
You are in shock, while he is walking to you, getting more and more close.
- Pardon?
- Come with me, we will annul our marriages, now that I'm king, only my word is the law. We can finally marry as it was planned years ago.
You're still surprised, you haven't moved from your place, he doesn't wait and hugs you, you can feel his nose in the crook of your neck, it's just like when you were children, he was always hiding his face in your neck while you were hugging each other, it was innocent and pure. But you two are not children anymore, both are married now, he's father and king now, you're married and soon to be mother, you haven't bled In two moons or more, your breast started to grow and hurt a little, and all your ladies had told you you look different, more beautiful, Cregan said to you that being pregnant with a boy brings more beauty to some women.
You kindly stepped back, you will not leave your husband or your new home just for an old childhood love. Aegon doesn't look surprised by your reaction.
- You don't smell like the roses anymore, now you smell like forest and berries.
- I've changed, you don't smell like cotton and Oak either, you smell like ashes and sea. You've changed too, my king.
- Probably we changed, but I'm sure our feelings are still the same (y/n) please let's go, you don't belong here, your place is at my side... Please.
His pleading eyes are like knives in your heart, but there's no way this works, people will speak, your parents will abandon you, you know a war is coming and you know who your house will support. And there's Cregan, the man of your dreams, the one who took his time to know all about you, the man who patiently won your trust and your heart, he made you a promise under the God's tree, you did too and you will not break it.
- We're adults now, Aegon, those dreams were erased, I'm married and I love him, a wolf grows inside me, I will not leave nothing of this just for an old children's dream, I moved on.
Aegon's eyes are full of tears, you're breaking his heart, but someone needs to be right-minded. You're observing him with sadness and pity while him is remembering what Alicent told him. You would do anything he asked you, maybe his mother is right, if he can't have you as wife, at least he can have you as an ally.
- I understand, you're right, I'm being a fool and I ask you to forgive me.
- It's okay Aegon...
You held his hand and squeezed it, he's contemplating the small interaction and then he looks into your eyes.
- I want to ask you for something else too.
- Go on, tell me.
- People say a war is coming, my question or the favor I want to ask for, is, will your house and the north join me?
You know the answer to that, you know your house and the north decisions are, even you have your own decision. Maybe you can avoid this uncomfortable moment.
- Aegon... I beg for your pardon but I cannot decide the loyalty of my house or my husband's house on my own. If you wish, you can stay and wait, my husband and I will discuss and consider your proposition.
He smiled at you, certainly he's not pleased with your response, he simply whispered in your ear.
- You're a terrible liar, Lady (Y/n), your decision is already taken, isn't it?... Don't worry, I forgive you, but remember this, After I win this war, I'll be back here and I'll take you with me, I will not have the kindness to ask for your permission or opinion, I will be back for you.
He left a kiss in your cheek and your hand, then he left without saying anything else, the roaring of a dragon echoed through the castle, your ladies appeared just in time to catch you, you fainted.
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soxcietyy · 5 months
Aima University
Vampire Yuta x reader
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Tw: blood, assault, biting, vampires
You have been chosen to tour one of the most prestigious University’s in the country. It’s known to be very hard to get into and not many people talk about what goes on inside. It seems like a great school at first until you stumbled by a horrific scene.
You’ve won… you couldn’t believe you had won a chance to step into a prestigious University. This gave you a better chance of actually getting in to attend the school. One of the best and hardest university’s to get into. Everyone you knew was dying to get into it and you were no different. It was your dream to become part of the school ever since you were little. You couldn’t help but read the letter over and over not being able to believe it. Those shiny cursive letters printed into the paper spelling out, congratulations.
Your hands shook as you held the paper to your face, tears wanting to fall from your face as you felt almost relieved that your hard work actually got you here. You would have to hold them in for now because you wernt fully admitted yet. You had to remind yourself that this was a tour for the people who had a chance to get in.
The day of the tour you made sure to dress in a way you stood out but not too much. That being a black skirt, your favorite top, and some loafers. Knowing other people would dress more in the comfortable side you felt confident. The second you got off the bus you felt so nervous. You stood in front of these huge gates that blocked the outside world from peeking inside this gorgeous building. It was a huge Roman styled building that had so many statues surrounding it. You couldn’t believe how pretty it looked from afar.
"Alright girls we’ll be taking you to the event room where we have everything se up. Please follow me and don’t stray around. We won’t tolerate such behavior and you will be black listed from ever attending here." An old man that appeared out of no where says as he waved you girls to follow along.
From what you’ve heard male and females were separated during the tour for a better experience and it also made it easier for the higher ups to pick who they want admitted.
As you girls walk through the gates you made your way deeper into the campus. The girls couldn’t help but point and gasp whenever we passed one of there male students. You couldn’t lie they were good looking men but that’s not why you were here. Dating wasn’t even a thought of yours because you were so focused on your academics. Such a thing would distract you from your goal an oh my g-.
Your eyes caught sight of one of the most handsome boy’s you’ve ever seen. He was surrounded by other guys and a few girls. He laughed and smiled at the people who spoke to him. You didn’t have a type but if you did it would absolutely be him. He was a tall, pale guy, with jet black hair, dark blue eyes, and had such sharp features. He wore the schools dark blue uniform that complimented him so much.
It’s almost as if he knew you were looking because his eyes went from his friend to making direct eye contact with you. You looked away feeling embarrassed about being caught. Dragging your eyes back to your guide you continued to follow along making sure not to get lost.
Eventually you made it to the event room that looked so bougie. It had so many round tables that had plates and tea cups placed on them. The interior was decorated very nicely but it was a bit dark inside of here. It could use a more light or they could simply open up the windows.
You girls were soon directed to sit down and talk among each other while they went around collecting everyone’s phones. They had a no recording rule and knowing that not everyone follows the rules they had to do something about it. As the girls in your table spoke you couldn’t help but let your eyes linger around the room. You wernt sure what you were looking for but they somehow managed to find themselves looking at the same guy from earlier. This time he was looking back at you with a odd expression.
"I heard that you have a way better chance of getting in if you swoo the students or higher ups. At least that’s the word around here. Goodness I’m so excited! You girls have no idea how long Iv been waiting for this opportunity to come!" An olive skinned girl said as she played with her cured hair.
"I think there might be more to it. I mean they do really heavy back ground checks and more." You put your finger on your lips.
"You’ll see I was right when I get in. I’ll swoon that guy over there." She points at a blonde guy who was standing against the wall.
You looked at her with an amused look. "I’ll get in for being special then." You wink at her.
"Ah you girls must be the future students!" You view was blocked by someone who stood in your way. Looking up you see a guy with pink hair in front of you.
"Oh no! We’re just here for touring! You have an absolutely beautiful school!" The girl that was talking not too long ago said. If you recalled right she had introduced herself as Sabrina
If all it took was to Swoo the people here then that’d be disappointing if that was the case. You thought it took brains and standards to get admitted. The boy introduced himself as Yuji Itadori one of the captains to a sports teams here. He said that he was going to give us a tour of the place. That being the sports arenas, dining hall, library, and more.
"Before we can do any of that I have to give the mandatory speech. If I don’t I will be killed, literally haha." He said as he sat down in the chair infront of him.
Another boy ran and whispered something in his ear before he could even speak. It seemed to be something about the girl who was talking not too long ago because they both looked at her after talking. Yuji gave his friend a firm nod before continuing his speech.
"Today is a special day for you girls, it’s our fifth year anniversary of finally accepting women into the school. After it being an only boy school for so long. This is your opportunity to show off and stand out. We want to see your excitement and determination to getting in here. If it becomes too much for you please advise me. You have no idea how many girls have gone missing because they felt overwhelmed… anyways let’s start the tour!
Remember no wandering around, such behavior Will Not Be Tolerated."
He said as he stood up.
Your group of ten girls followed him along the school but you couldn’t help but get the feeling of being followed too. He talked greatly about the school and what they had to offer. The clubs, sports teams, organizations and there famous plasma donation event they held every year. It wasn’t something that peaked your interest but clearly everyone did it here. He continued on talking about the plasma donation and how you girls would be blood tested after leaving here because they care about the health of the students. Sounded more like they didn’t want anyone who was diagnosed with something. So much for a non discriminatory school.
Aa you guys continue to walk you noticed that the good looking guy was now in the lavatory building with you guys. As you almost awed over him you felt a sudden cold swish of air hit you making your skin crawl. Goosebumps appeared on your arm making you turn your attention towards the direction. Thought there was nothing in sight. You found it quite odd seeing how that happened while you were indoors. Your eyes glazed around the area. Then a swinging foot caught your eyes.
Your look back at the group and noticed someone had gone missing. You counted heads and noticed that the one that had gone missing was Sabrina. Could it be that she escaped so she could find that guy?
"Um excuse me but I think someone has gone missing." You say point into the group.
Yuji stops speaking and looks blankly at you as he tilts his head. "Is that so?" He puts his hand on his chin.
You give him a nervous nod seeing how he was boring holes in your face.
"Students tend to do that when they can’t handle the environment. That’s why we do this tour, to see who’s capable of handling the stress before it even begins!" He smiles.
It didn’t make sense, how could she run away? She seemed very determined and excited about coming here. There’s no way she would have ran away just a few minutes into the tour.
"Do you think we can go look for her? I think she might be in trouble." You say.
"It’s prohibited for non students to wonder off by there own. We’re also on a tight schedule so we won’t be able too look for her. Don’t worry though if our students or staff find her she’ll be escorted to the authorities." He says.
For some reason that answer didn’t sit right with you.
"If I go look for her and catch up to the group later do you think I’ll get in trouble?" You ask him.
He lets out a sigh,"If you get back here before the tour ends I’ll pretend nothing happened. If you get caught running around I won’t be able to protect you."
"Fine," you say as you turn around and start walking towards the doors that were swinging not too long ago.
The door ended up taking you into a long hall full of portraits and decorations on the wall. There was so many windows making it probably the brightest place you’ve been into. Quietly you make your way down the hall. You didn’t know where to start but you had to figure it out quick before the tour ended. If you remember right on the pamphlet it was stated that it would end around five pm. It was currently three.
Looking down the hall you decide to walk all the way down towards the door at the end. The closer you made you way there the more you got the whiff of something metallic lingering in the air. You found it odd but you remember your tour guide mentioning you where in the science building. Maybe it was the chemicals they were using.
At some point you found it unbearable and had to cover your nose with your hand. The more you smelled it the bigger your headache became. Not only that but your gut was feeling sick.
As you stood near the door you could hear a muffled groans and whimpering coming from the other side of the door. Could she have gotten hurt? Before you could open the door you realize it was cracked open enough for you too look inside. It would be better to make sure it was her and not someone else, if you got caught then this would be the end of your journey to get into the school.
Putting your left eye by the crack you look inside the room to see a group of guys huddled on the floor. They seemed to be arguing over something. Well thankfully you didn’t go inside because there was no sight of her but then what was the woman like cries? The more you looked the more unsettling the scene became.
Not only was the metallic smell so strong but it made the air seem so thick. The guys where all huddled around something on the floor. You look around the area to get any hints and that when you saw it. A leg that had some familiar black Mary Jane’s with a star anklet around it. Your breath hitches as you realized that these men could potentially be doing something to her. Her leg twitched as one of them ran there disgusting hand over her leg.
You felt enraged and wanted to put a stop to the situation but what were you going to do? A weak girl against four men. Maybe you could report them to the higher ups.
You watched as one of them got out of your way to hold her delicate arm, bringing it up to his face as he ran the flesh under his nose. Another guy with blonde hair licked her neck before sinking his teeth into her. She lets out another whine as the other men skin their teeth into her. Letting out groans of satisfaction as they used her.
"Fuck, she’s taste so good and on top of that she’s so fucking gorgeous." One of them said.
"She made me feel so thirsty the second I laid eyes on her." Another one said but you remember him. He was the guy who whispered something to Itadori. Could it be that they both were in on it?
You let a shaky breath escape your lips making one of them snap there heads towards your direction.
You eyes widen as you notice them stand up and make their way to the door. Your legs began to move backwards on their own but you feel your back press against something… or maybe someone. Turning your head back you see their hand fly to cover your mouth, your eyes widen as he wraps his arm around you and drags you into the other room next over. You flare around trying to escape your kidnapper but it was no use he was abnormally strong.
Tears began to run down your face as you beg him not to do anything to you. Muffled cries and words came out as his hand still over your mouth.
"Shhh, everything is going to be okay. Let’s just stay here for a second." His soothing voice said as you were surrounded by the darkness in this pitch black room. He let his tight grip of you go and quickly turned you around and brought you into his embrace. Pressing you tightly against him as he holds your head against his chest. You couldn’t help but hyperventilate as everything was happening.
It was almost as if he knew someone was going to come in because a second later the door swung open. You flinch at the sudden slam and tightly hold his uniform shirt.
"I thought I heard something." The person at the door said.
"Yea?" The man’s chest you head rested on vibrated as he spoke.
"Y-yuta is that you?! There’s no way I just caught you feasting. Here I thought you were going to die of starvation. Guess instincts kicked in huh? " The man laughter.
"Are you an idiot or did you forget who your speaking to?"
"You no fun huh. Common man have you been pretending to not eat so people wound underestimate you?" the guy said before leaving.
When he was fully gone you push yourself off of him and fell to the ground. With the light that was now coming in through the door you could see a little bit better. The guy over you was the really good looking guy you’ve kept seeing throughout the tour. You couldn’t help but let out a sob from how scared you were.
His cold hands reached your face and wiped the tears away. "No need to cry, I’m not going to hurt you but everyone else might. You need to get going." He says trying to make you feel better.
"Are you also one of them?" You ask with tears still filling your eyes.
He looked at you sympatheticly but chose to ignore your question. He tried pulling away but you grab the collar of his shirt and pull him back to you. He looked at you shocked before your hand touched his cheek, your thumb reaching his mouth. Pulling the upper right part of his lip to reveal his fangs. You let out a shudder as you pull your hand back. For a second you could have sworn you saw him blush.
"Sorry the smell of blood is really strong because of the room next to us. We should get going." He said with a sick look.
He pulls you up with him. Putting his arm over your shoulder he lead you down the hall and back to where you came from. It was a really quiet and awkward walk. He made sure to listen carefully and to make sure you were out of everyone’s sight. He made it his priority to get you back safely.
He ended up basically giving you a tour of the place because everywhere you guys searched leaded to empty rooms. Where in the world could they possibly be? There’s no way they finished early. Walking behind him you thought about different possibilities of there location. It was hard to think though as you noticed how he would sway and stumbled as he walked Infront of you. He seemed to be very weak and unhealthy. It like he could collapse at any given moment.
"Are you okay?" You ask him.
He hults his movements and turns his head a bit to look at you from the corner of his eye. He closes his eye before slowly opening them again.
"Just tired."
You decide to walk next to him and examine him. You understood that he didn’t eat from the conversation he had with the other vampire. Would he die if he did not eat soon? You would feel bad if he did since he helped you after all. Maybe you should offer him something. Would it be weird if you offered him your blood?
"If you want you can have a bit of m-"
"No" he cut you off.
Well he ended that quickly…
It took him a second before he frowned and said, "Sorry, I just can’t consume blood. I have the instinct of wanting too but when I do I end up throwing up and I’m just loosing more if I try to eat rather than not eating.
Why am I even telling you this?… I think I’m going mad." He sighs as he starts to walk again.
He didn’t seem to noticed that his pace quickened, making it harder for you to catch up. Damn him and his long legs. As you tried to keep up with him you end up falling onto the ground.
Luckily the floor was tiles and not concrete. It would have been bad if you somehow got injured. You would have probably started bleeding and Yuta might of thrown up if he smelled it. He quickly helped you back up and put you back on your feet. You put your hand on your chest for support but quickly jerked it back as you felt a sharp pain. He looked at you confused on the sudden action before you showed him your palm.
It was impaled with the pin that should have been on his shirt. It somehow ended up losing the backing to it. Most likely when you pulled his shirt in the room. You bit your lip as you tried to pull it out but you couldn’t bring yourself to do such a thing.
"I’m so sorry but can you pull it out? I can’t do it I’m too scared."
Yuta furrows his brow as he grabs your hand. You quickly look away as he pulls it out fast. The pain was quick but it was soon over. Well except for the part where blood was oozing out of your hand. You gasp as you tried to stop it.
Once again Yuta had an unhappy look from not liking the situation. He patted his front pocket for his handkerchief just to find it missing. He cursed under his breath as he realized that he had to do.
"I’m going to have to suck it, if I don’t everyone else’s is going to smell it and start running here." Yuta grabbed you and shoved you into another room. This one seemed to be like a study room because there was only a white bored, a table, and a chair. The interior was also quite dark but cozy at the same time.
He quickly grabbed the small trash bin that sat on the corner and placed it on the table so he had a place to throw up. He then dragged the only chair in the room and took a seat while he sat you on his lap. Did he do this with anyone because he just sat you on his lap like it was no big deal.
He then quickly brought your hand to his mouth. He hesitated for a bit before actually beginning to suck.
He didn’t bury his teeth into to you, he simply sucked on the spot making you feel ticklish. You squeeze your eyes shut as the feeling felt a bit overwhelming but you couldn’t help but peak at his facial expressions. Would he throw up? Or would he actually like the taste of your blood.
You watched as he calmly sucked on the spot for a few seconds before swallowing what he had in his mouth. When he did his eyes had widen a bit as he licked his lips. He pulled your arm more to him making you get closer to him. Giving your hand soft small licks on the wound before going in once again to have a taste of your blood.
You were secretly glad that he enjoyed the taste of your blood. Maybe he was just really picky when it came to such thing? The more you looked the more he reminded you of a small animal that was feeding off of their mother. Small little moans came from him as he kept drinking. That was until he started to bite down unconsciously. Once you felt a sharp pain you gasp and tug your hand back a bit.
His eyes fluttered open as he looks at you. It was as if he was in a daze because after a few seconds he seemed to have snapped out of it. He now looked shocked and more alert. Not only that but he looked in disbelief about the current situation.
"I- I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me. I totally blanked out and I didn’t mean to suck so much, I was just trying to help and stop the blee-"
"Yuta," you interrupt him causing him to tense up.
"It’s okay, I understand you’re pretty hungry. I can give you more but no biting." You say as you run your hand over his flushed face.
You grab him and make him sit on the floor next to you so both of you could rest comfortably rather in one old wooden chair. As you got comfortable he carefully grabbed your hand and brought it to his soft lips making sure to not loose any time.
He inhaled the smell of your blood and gave it small pecks before going in once again. Is this what it felt like when a vampire sucks your blood? Would it be different if he was biting into it? You remember in books and shows that when they would bite down the person giving would get this euphoric feeling. Thought you also heard that if you got bit then you’d turn into one of them. You wernt sure if the shows and books were accurate but you didn’t want to take any chances.
He rested his head on your shoulder as he continued to eat. You could feel as he would relax on your body and hold your arm firmly. Making sure you wouldn’t take back your hand any time soon.
"Why do you taste so sweet, so fucking good, I just can’t seem to get enough." He inhaled deeply after swallowing. "Iv never enjoyed blood until now, I’m afraid that I’ll end up draining you." He rubs your hand on his face.
"Don’t drink too much or you’ll get a stomach ache, your not used to drinking human blood remember?"
You jolt at the sudden intrusion of a female voice. Yuta immediately stood up and had his fist ready to fight until he noticed who it was in front of him. He felt so embarrassed being caught so off guard. He was usually on his toes on high alert. Nothing would ever get past him until now.
"I came in here because something felt off. Now I see what it is and I’m rather surprised. You found a human blood source that’s compatible with you. Do you know how happy the higher up are going to be when they find out you’re not going to die anymore? I was getting ready to hear news about you dying of starvation."
"Shoko please keep this between us. If other people find out then who knows what would happen to her." Yuta said.
The woman looked past Yuta to look at you who still sat on the floor. She looked at you up and down before asking if you were in today’s tour event. You give her a firm nod as she took a notebook and pen out of her doctors coat.
"I’m going to recommend her to attend this school. You’ll be a great use to one our best students here. Not only that but you’ll gain so much knowledge and recognition for just joining." Shoko held her hand out for you too shake. "It’s a win, win situation."
You look up at her and shook her hand.
"Welcome to Aima University."
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just-a-ghost00 · 4 months
Who is your soulmate/twin flame? - Pick a Bangchan aesthetic edition
Twin flame is usually a term used to designate a specific type of soul bond/ soul contract between two individuals. They are sometimes refered to as « a single soul coming from the same egg » that got seperated before being incarnated. Each bearing different wounds, they navigate lifetimes to hopefully heal and reunite, becoming one again. Twin flames could be what you could say is Plato’s definition of soulmates. In modern times, the term soulmate refers to two distinct souls that have shared many lifetimes together and are meant to cross paths again in this lifetime to teach each other lessons and help each other resolve karma. Whether we are referring to one or another, both have in common a deep sense of love and connection. Whether you enquire about a twin flame or a soulmate, know that they aren’t necessarily a romantic partner. They could be of any gender. They might not be incarnated yet. They could be a child, an adult, a parent, a friend, a coworker. If you proceed with this reading, you should step in it with an open heart and mind. Take only what resonates and leave doubt at the gate. As you read, you may find that the person I’m describing sounds like you. That is because soulmates/TF tend to mirror one another. If it doesn’t feel like anything that makes sense to you, then maybe this reading held no messages for you today. Yours truly,
Just a ghost.
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Group 1 - Rocky Chan🤘 Channeled song : BTBT from B.I feat Soulja boy & DeVita
Tarot : 8 of wands, Queen of swords, ace of swords, 9 of wands, 2 of cups, The Fool
Oracle cards : Ametrine - Make your big dreams your big life, Shiva Lingam - Go all in on your essence, 3 Dolphin - Socialize and celebrate life, play
Messages from Merlin :
Mandragora spell - Be the master of your beliefs : Your fears and anxiety are the product of your beliefs. Stop ruminating, for none of it is meant to happen. Your beliefs shape your reality so transform them to make them reflect your wishes and thus materialize them.
Red dragon & white dragon - Shed light onto your shadow : Shed light onto your inner conflicts. By accepting your mistakes and fears with humility, you’ll allow your trust and harmony to take back their rightful place in your realm. Don’t hesitate to apologize to and forgive yourself.
Whyvern spell - Choose consciously : Before you give in to temptation and follow a thought, a project or a person, take the time to learn more about them. Listen to your reason and intuition in order to avoid delusions. You can then peacefully envision what’s next.
Significant signs : Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius, numbers 8 1 9 2 0 3, letters F P A S L , colors like pastel pink / purple / ocean blue /red, dolphins, snakes, white dogs
Key words : idealist, hopeless romantic, Peter Pan syndrom, mommy issues, creative, connection, playfulness, emotional immaturity, soft hearted, touch starved, loyalty, inner child healing
This reading is going to be quite lengthy so bear with me. Grab a pen and a notebook if you wish. This person feels rather masculine. They are a soulmate of yours without a doubt. In terms of looks and general information, they have rather wavy hair and a lean body. They’re a swimmer or they enjoy any kind of activity related to water, like fishing or diving. They have tanned skin. They probably have kind of a surfer vibe. They live near an important body of water or they want to live near water. They likely have clear and shiny eyes, big doe eyes and kind of a lost puppy look. Their style feels pretty flowy and laid back. Probably casual most of the time. They feel gender fluid. They could identify as being bisexual. They are likely younger than you. If so, they are only a few years younger. You might want to check group 2 as well if you hesitated between the two groups. They could like painting as well, especially water coloring.
This person is a dreamer. Eternally dissatisfied with life, they long for more. They seek for thrilling and exhilarating sensations to make them feel alive. They are carefree, playful, innocent in many ways. It’s like they never had the time and space to really grow, to be a child with childlike occupations and worries. They had to grow up and be responsible too quickly too soon, probably because they were the eldest of their siblings or because they had to take care of an ill relative. They are an idealist. They tend to be very harsh on themselves, they struggle with the feeling of being good enough. They are the people pleaser, the mom friend, the psychologist, the cutie bestie of the group that gives so much but only gets so little in return and would never say a thing about it because they think they don’t deserve to demand anything. They are the social butterfly, the « I have so many friends » that they barely know type. They crave attention, they crave love. They love the idea of love. They are often in their little bubble, wishfully thinking about life and people. They are probably the type that wonders where in the world their soulmate is and WTF they are doing. They idealize love. Probably because they’ve never really been in love. They are incredibly intuitive and sensitive, caring and lovable. They like to make people feel good, to show love through acts of service and affirmations. They are all over the place. They are so excited by life and what it has to offer. They are an over thinker. They are pretty communicative. Though they are innocent and naive, they know pretty well what they want. They don’t hesitate to cut people off when needed. They have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. The concept of love and being in relationships is pretty new to them. They lack experience in the matters of the heart. They are a wanderer. They like to travel and explore places but also mindsets and people. This person has the potential to astral travel. They have very vivid dreams and nightmares. Intimacy scares the shit out of them but they crave it just as much as they dread it. This person wants to have children. They love children, love the idea of a big family. Since this person is so creative and dreamy and they have the Play card, they could very well be an artist or someone that has a meaningful presence online. They work in the entertainment industry in some way, shape or form. They tend to burn themselves out. They lack patience sometimes. They might struggle with ADHD or any other form of neurodivergence. They could be on the spectrum. This person’s purpose in life is to bring healing by alleviating the weight of other souls. Hence the entertainment thing. They are meant to distract people from their struggles and shadows so that they can appreciate their existence to a bare minimum and breathe a little. They could enjoy working with kids specifically. Being a teacher or a social worker could also be a thing they are into. They like to share and evolve in groups. Because they struggle with finding a sense of belonging. They feel sometimes like they are not from this earth and something more awaits them. Especially if they are on the spectrums (LGBTQIA+, Autism and so on). It can be hard for them to relate to other people or read the atmosphere in social settings. Being the comic relief of the group helps them deal with the stress that generates. They often wear masks to be liked by other people which gets pretty tiring. Hence they have no energy left to tend to themselves which is why they look for connections where they can rely on their partner without asking for or worrying about anything. They like to be pampered and praised, especially in bed.
Group 2 - Smiley Chan 😄
Channeled song : You can’t hold my heart from Monsta X Significant signs : Scorpio, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Taurus, letters S L J P B K, snakes, ravens, numbers 37 19 9 6 11, colors like pastel green / sandy grey / soft blues
Tarot cards : Queen of wands, The Sun, 9 of wands, The Lovers, Page of swords, Justice Oracle cards : The Pillar, 37 Candy Basslet rx - Know your worth, Shungite - Get real with your truth, Bloodstone - Power up your vitals
Messages from Merlin The Wizard :
The 9 Guardians of Avalon - Ask and you shall receive : They guard the order of all things. They ensure the threads of fate twist and twine as they should and at the right time. Be sincere about what you wish for and they shall answer in their own way. Pay attention!
Guinevra Queen of Arthur - There is no King without a Queen : you need the qualities of both masculine and feminine. Combine your thinking with your sensitivity and creativity to your decision making skills and influence. It is within this fair and balanced union that fruitful projects can be birthed.
Tuatha Dé Danann - Message from the silent people : We became Sidhes, people from the underground of the earth we seek to protect. Faes and divine beings, our magic is powerful. Come meet us in the forest, by a lake or a river. Seek our help in the form of a simple prayer and we shall know how to comfort you.
Key words : daddy issues, ambition, balance, communication, spirituality, intensity, depth, grounding, self confidence, self worth, anger issues
There is a lot to cover here and this is going to be a lengthy reading so bear with me. Feel free to take notes, make your own research if you feel called to especially when it comes to the crystals mentioned. So first of all, I want to say that this person’s energy feels like it’s currently in it’s feminine era. Though this person is very balanced in general they are indulging more into their feminine side. They could have long hair and rather tanned skin. They like going outdoors, bathing into the sun, going for walks or running. They are athletic and pretty active. The reason I am saying this is because all of the tarot cards we have here are illustrated with very feminine characters. Now this person is very much owning their power and doing their best to unapologetically be themselves. In the past, they struggled with their body image and sense of self but it seems like they are coming to terms with that. They have strong boundaries and there’s a depth to them that could really trigger/scare people, including you. This person has been through so much they can’t be bothered anymore. They don’t have time for mind games, petty lies and arguments. They want to be treated with respect and are willing to do the same so long as you don’t cross them. They are very much down to earth and simple in their functioning : all or nothing type of mentality, be good to me and I’ll be great to you, stab me and I’ll bring hell upon your head. They don’t forgive and forget easily and could hold grudges. This person values honesty, fairness, integrity. They have a strong moral compass and look for people who can match their intensity. They are cerebral. They like to think, to imagine, to create. They have the energy and mentality of a leader, a pioneer, someone that people look up to because they pave the way in a very unique manner. This person really stands out from the crowds. They tend to burden and pressure themselves because they hold themselves in high regard. This is due to their upbringing. They were raised to be the man of the house, regardless of their gender. I have a gut feeling they could identify themselves as genderfluid. They value love and connections, loyalty and compassion. They give their all in relationships and are very protective of the people they love. They are very sensual, kinky even. This person is likely to be a potential romantic partner, whether you know them already or not. They are definitely not a child, though they can sometimes harbor the energy of one. They are bratty and stubborn AF. They get under people’s skin easily whether for good or bad reasons. They elicit strong reactions from people because their vibrations are beyond anything people can fathom.
Sometimes they overextend themselves. They like to give and be of help to others. People tend to feed off of their light like leeches. They could attract a lot of narcissistic people, naysayers and haters just by breathing. This person’s job in this lifetime is solely to trigger people and shake their dusty and sterile belief systems. Which is probably what they’re also meant to do in your life. Honestly, this feels like a twin flame connection. If you were ever wondering if you had one, now I guess you know. If we get more detailed about their looks and general information about them, I’d say they’re pretty curvy. They kinda set the usual standards of beauty off. This person was never meant to fit into a box. They’re their own goddam category. Very very strong energy here. They’re the type of person that maybe wouldn’t match the traditional beautiful/pretty girl/boy stereotype but instead would look magnificent because of what they radiate. Their morals and ideals are their beauty. They’re beautiful because of the way they think, the way they treat people with equity, the way they are deep down when no one is looking. They have unconventional interests or an unconventional way of going about common interests. Their eyes could be what draws you in. Other than that, their voice can be pretty addictive. Their whole being is addictive actually. They are likely to be a foreigner or someone that was raised with a different culture than yours. This person likes to play with their appearance and the way they present themselves. Their fashion style can vary depending on their mood.
Group 3 - Dreamy Chan Channeled song : My Oasis from Sam Smith feat Burna Boy
Tarot cards : 5 of pentacles rx, knight of pentacles, 2 of cups, 6 of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, king of cups Oracle cards : Ascension, Labradorite - Protect your magic, Pyrite - call on your core power, 15 Clownfish spirit - Protect your home, 43 Koi fish spirit - Just for fun
Possible signs : Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, colors like soft greens and yellows, baby blue, cows and bulls, white dogs, letters A L P K C
Messages from Merlin The Wizard :
Mordred's betrayals - Don't let anger be your master : your anger isn't a good advisor. Shout, write, dance, talk about your suffering to let go of it but don't let it dictate the next chapter of your story. Whatever struggles you face, stay calm, transmute your anger and then you shall know how to deal with it and find solutions.
Merlin crazy in love - What are you ready to let go of? : To choose is to sacrifice realities that could have been. With each decision, you create your story by giving up on other possibilities. If you are wondering what to do, ask yourself what you would like to experience and what you are ready to let go of in order to get there.
Shadow magic - Transmute fear into strength : It is there, lingering in the shadows. Your fear. It doesn't know how much of a strength in can be instead of weakness. Understand your fear and challenge yourself to be stronger than it. Use it as a fuel to improve and have twice as many reasons to be proud of yourself.
Key words : caring, friends to lovers trope, morning calls and text, feeling lost and helpless, laidback, no strings attached, humanitarian work, anger issues, trust issues
This person is a soulmate of yours. They feel both masculine and femine. Their energy is pretty balanced and comforting. They are likely older than you. They have a look and a body type that's pretty common. Not too fit but not that bad either. They kinda blend in the crowd. You wouldn't notice them unless they wanted you to. They likely have long brown/black hair and tanned skin. But that's just a detail. I heard their appearance doesn't matter, they focus more on the soul. They think they're not pretty is what it is about. They are prettier than they think. But more than anything, they want to be known and loved for who they are deep in their core. When it comes to jobs or interests, this person could do something that inspires people. This is very general and can match a lot of jobs and activities. They like to raise awareness and learn from other people, so humanitarian work seems relevant. Artist could also be a possibility. This person is appreciated in their community for their strong values, their gentle side and work ethic. They never judge anyone or look down on people. They are very giving and patient, understanding. They know what it's like to be afraid or struggle. They've known pain on so many levels that at this point they have a black belt in life struggles. I feel like they want to protect people from the shitty sides of life. They want to help people avoid going through the struggles they faced when they were young. Like, let's say this person is queer and had a very hard time being themselves without facing backlash from other people, now that they've come so far they want to advocate for queer rights and help people that may be going through the same experience. Or if this person was abused, now that they've done their healing they want to help victims of abuse. This person has a lot of empathy and understanding of human condition. They are pretty down to earth and realistic. They like routines and patterns. They either work a nine to five or if they don't, they make sure they always do the same things : get their coffee first, set their equipment and tools, check their emails and notifications then get to work. Get a coffee on their way back, wash when they're home, check their mails again, work some more, overthink. Repeat. They strive for more. They long for more than the life they're experiencing right now. They're going through an awakening. This person had been neglecting the spiritual realm. They were only focusing on the material aspects of life. Concepts of souls or connections that went beyond distance and matter didn't resonate with them up until now. They recently had to let go of something that was important to them. Their life has been filled with sacrifice. This person would let opportunities pass, out of humility or out of love for others. They would put other people's needs first, no matter how much pain they were in. But the scales tipped when someone betrayed them or something felt very unfair to them. Like they were screwed over. This person lost confidence because of this and went through a very dark time in their life. They have struggled with depression and anxiety. They've had health issues, their abundance was affected by this situation. They could have lost a lot of money or important business partners, for instance. They could have lost their job or home or even their family. This person is now at a place in their life where they're back on track. They've worked on themselves, fought to regain control over their life and create a reality they could be proud of. Their finances are going well, they somewhat feel fulfilled but in the back of their mind it's like something's missing. They long for connection and attention. Something genuine and light hearted. I think this person has started to date. Or at least, they're open to the idea.
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physalian · 8 months
Plot Holes and How to Fill Them (Or, The Hidden Potential in Your Mistakes)
“But why didn’t they just do that earlier!”
“You can time travel – so time travel!”
“Doesn’t X have Y spell? Why aren’t they using it to escape?”
“You. Have. Telekinesis! How are you this stupid?”
Plot holes! The bane of every writer’s existence. You think you’ve polished your beautiful manuscript, you have it all sent out for the masses to consume and praise and shower with compliments and adoration… and then they start tugging at a thread that may or may not begin to unravel your entire story. You’ve read this thing top to bottom, forwards and backwards and upside down, so many times the letters are burned into your brain. You mumble your monologues in your sleep — how did you not see this? How do you fix this?
See this post about beginning the writing process that might help you avoid opening a plot hole entirely with a solid enough script and outline.
Types of Plot Holes
Your magic system’s established rules have just been broken for TeNSioN
Your Deus Ex Machina really did come out of nowhere and is quite out of character
Why doesn't Character just run away from a fight they can't win?
Characters forgetting they have superpowers, extreme intelligence, handy tools or weapons, survival skills, common sense, or crucial information to escape and/or solve a situation
Characters dying for the above mistakes when said death could have been avoided
The entire story could have been avoided had Character A just told Character B the truth
Character X should have known ___ all along given their profession/backstory/friend circle/education/personality
And variations of the above, I’m sure I’m missing a couple. Fixing plot holes generally come in two camps: Those you can fix by rewriting the existing manuscript that contains the hole, or those you have to work around from a previous manuscript that’s already been published.
Why Plot Holes Happen
Plot holes happen in reality. Expecting your first, second, or 15th draft to be completely foolproof is utter nonsense. Real people forget stuff they’re supposed to know all the time, tools that would be useful are left behind, GroupThink makes very bad decisions.
The difference is: You are writing fiction. Your goal is to be entertaining, not necessarily realistic. A character simply *forgetting* Macguffin X at the climax of the story does not make for an entertaining read, no matter how likely it might be to happen in the real world.
You’re making this entire world up as you go and that alone is an impressive feat millions of others can only dream about – cut yourself some slack, okay? Everything is fixable.
Plot holes also happen because we’re so engrossed in our own story that we forget it’s all made up. You’re 22 chapters into a 24 chapter novel and you’ve just realized your psychic hero would never have been caught unawares like this. “But that’s just how he is!”
No. Stop. That’s not just how he is. That’s just how you wrote him – and you can go back and un-write him. Any excuse you can dream up you can un-write, and unfortunately, you’ll likely have to do a fair bit of it if you still have the opportunity.
Plot holes generally open long after the inciting incident that causes them. If you’re going to fix it, duct-taping together a solution in that very same scene isn’t the way to do it. You have to figure out why it’s a hole at all, then go back and fix its foundations.
Finding Your Own Plot Holes
Sometimes you’re lucky enough to stumble upon them before it’s too late. A fair bit of the time, though, your audience has to tell you. Finding your own plot holes requires stepping back from your work and looking at it like you’re just a reader, not the author.
Read your plot out loud to yourself and keep asking questions like:
Does this make sense for the scene?
Does this only exist to look cool at the cost of logic?
Are these rules I wrote too easy to break or contradictory in any way?
Is there any other way for this character to escape this situation?
Is the only solution here too contrived?
That, and having an army of beta readers who should show you flaws you’ve overlooked. Even then, some things just aren’t obvious at all until someone too smart for their own good points out something no one else considered before.
It’s okay. It’s not the end of the world.
Filling Plot Holes
Fix your broken magic system
A “magic system” broadly describes any type of powers/abilities/supernatural entities that function in your world. They can be in high fantasy, urban fantasy, sci-fi, or any genre really. The Force is a magic system, as much as is bending in Last Airbender even if no one calls it “magic”.
For example: Force users are telekinetic… and yet don’t simply repeatedly spam the “chuck my enemies into a wall/off a cliff/anywhere that is away from me” button. It’s what you’d call a “soft” magic system, it doesn’t have explicit rules on how and when it can and should be used. It just *is*.
Fixing holes in your magic system first demands examining why you wrote it the way you did, why you gave it these specific rules, or why you didn’t, and all the ways characters should otherwise be able to use it when your story demands they get creative.
For soft magic systems — never let the magic system win the day. It invites far too much scrutiny. Gandalf from Lord of the Rings is a Wizard. He can do an undefined number of spells and has an unclear number of abilities and limit to his reach. Gandalf’s magic is never the saving grace of the Fellowship. So asking “why didn’t Gandalf just do X” isn’t ever a question people have because success never depends on Gandalf doing X.
Everyone hates on the time turner in Harry Potter, as they should. Time travel is essential to the plot of Prisoner of Azkaban, without it the heroes fail. And yet, because it is time travel, why it never existed earlier and why they never use it again to solve more massive plot problems is a valid question. As goes with many spells and abilities in the series.
For hard magic systems — remember that you wrote the rules, you can go back and change them at any time before it’s published. Bending in Last Airbender is rarely the focus of any conflict. Yes, two benders will fight each other, but it’s not “who’s the stronger bender,” it’s “who’s smarter with their element”. Who better uses their environment? Which one is racing against a clock before reinforcements arrive and overwhelm them? Which one runs the risk of exposing themselves if they start bending? Whose mental state is crippling their bending today?
These are all character-driven explanations for why certain abilities do or don’t manifest in a given scene… until the finale when it really is just a clash of red and blue aura lasers.
There is never a scene where a character is trapped when they shouldn’t be. Never a “why didn’t you just X” moment, because it’s never about the bending, it’s about the bender.
Turn plot-reasons into character-reasons
This means taking a “why don’t they just do X” and making the reason because one of the protagonists is morally against doing it, not because the hand of the author demands it.
In Last Airbender, Aang is vocally against simply killing the Fire Lord. It would be easier, it would risk far less casualties and carnage, it’s fastest. And yet. Aang doesn’t do it simply because he’s not strong enough or he doesn’t have some magical super weapon, or the stars have aligned and now he’s lost a very convenient ability – Aang doesn’t want to take the easy road because that’s who he is as a person.
He’s been raised as a monk to value the preservation of life above all else (ignoring any accidental casualties over the course of the series). Him being desperate to not simply kill Ozai is central to his character and even when he has the chance in the climax of the fight, he still doesn’t take it.
Now “why didn’t you do that earlier” does, still, concern the “energy bending” established out of nowhere just for the finale so Aang doesn’t have to compromise his morals to win… but the show is so damn good and Ozai’s just desserts so damn sweet it doesn’t really matter.
Making these plot decisions character decisions, so long as they are in-character, gives some juicy potential for schisms within Team Protagonist as fan favorites clash over ideals and morals and whether or not the greater good is worth them sacrificing something so central to their being.
This also applies to characters not sharing crucial information with each other. Make them distrustful of the others, or let them attempt it anyway and have some other consequence for the effort. Anything is better than a character sitting on valuable info simply to maintain the mystery.
Avoid Deus Ex Machinas
The “surprise reinforcement cavalry charge” is one of my favorite deus ex machinas in fantasy. Everybody cheers, it looks amazing, the music is swelling, our heroes on the battlefield realize they haven’t been forsaken by their friends, etc. In Lord of the Rings, yes, Theoden could have arrived 30 minutes earlier and saved even more lives, but we already knew he was on his way moving as fast as he could without exhausting his horses. Theoden’s army also took care of the bulk of the battle so when Aragorn arrives with the second surprise reinforcements, it’s less a decisive blow that comes out of nowhere and more the victory lap.
In “Battle of the Bastards,” Game of Thrones has its third surprise cavalry charge of the series, only this one much more explicitly comes to save the day. The difference between this scene and Theoden’s charge is: Audiences had no idea Littlefinger was on his way, and neither did Jon Snow. Had Sansa told him she had a plan, Jon could have waited. He wasn’t backed against a wall and forced to fight right then and there, he could have stalled an extra hour by just not showing up to the battlefield to wait for his cavalry. With Sansa inexplicably not telling him, she risked his life and the lives of his entire army because the hand of the writers wanted to keep it a surprise. Worst of all, when the battle is over, he compliments her decision, despite all the blood on her hands.
Surprise reinforcements, saviors, powers, and abilities always run the risk of “why didn’t they do that earlier” and you should be asking yourself the same question. If you can’t come up with an explanation other than “because it’ll look cool” go back to the drawing board.
Or, have your very own characters pissed that the savior didn’t just do that earlier. Have your characters ask where this special power was, have it mean something to them and the story at large. Had Jon been angry with Sansa, given their incredibly pyrrhic victory and the potentially avoidable death of their youngest brother, it might’ve made for some interesting character drama.
Give your saving graces deadly costs
“Why didn’t they just do X earlier?”
“Because doing X would have killed Character D, dummy.”
Giving your super special magic, mutant, super, or supernatural powers costs, drawbacks, and limitations forces the characters who use them to not resort to them every single chance they get. Their magic drains their physical stamina, or the demon they made a deal with camping in their brain threatens to overtake their psyche, or the sword is cursed and every time the hero raises it in battle, they lose a little piece of themselves. Or, using this creepy power strains their relationship with their friends or community.
Without risk and consequences, you cannot avoid “why didn’t they do that earlier,” because the only answer you have to give is “because I, the author, said so.” The only time a character is allowed to have selective amnesia about their superpowers is if it’s been established beforehand as a potential problem. Then it’s not “this came out of nowhere.” Then your audience is dreading the entire time waiting for that chekhov’s gun to fire.
Don’t compromise your story for sensationalism
I can complain about ~subverting expectations~ in another post, but what I mean here is this: Are you writing this scene purely for shock value, for the sake of a twist, because a story this grim demands at least one character death, or because it’s going to look epic?
In this post about pacing and this post about how to write tone, I talked about making your scenes pull double duty. You can write a scene for shock and awe, but if it’s at the expense of a character’s integrity or intelligence, come up with another way to make it spectacular.
You want the villain to monologue to give the heroes time to save the world? Then write a villain with an ego and personality that would monologue. You want the hero to be a one-man-army? Then write their personality as the lone wolf type and have it be a flaw of theirs that they keep striking out alone, consequences be damned.
You absolutely need the hero to not take the easy road and fight the bad guy without using their most effective weapon? Give them a reason to stall this fight. Maybe they really do need to simply run out a clock, or they don’t actually want to kill/subdue their opponent, or in doing so, the villain’s death is what causes the Bad Thing to happen.
If I write a character that can kill with just a look, every time I put them in a dangerous situation I need to then justify why they don’t do that over and over again, unless it’s by their own stubborn integrity that they choose not to.
If I write a villainous plan so devious and well thought out, the only thing standing in the way is living protagonists? I need a reason the villain doesn’t just murder the heroes every chance they get. Maybe they’re internally struggling over actually going through with it, or their ego demands the hero doesn’t get a quick or honorless death, or they do actually need a living hero for the plan to work.
Fixing Plot Holes in Sequels
All of the above is advice for issues within the same manuscript. What happens if you’ve already published and have the chance to address a known plot hole in the sequel?
About the worst thing you can do is slap in a throwaway line or hasty explanation to cover your ass. Everyone reading and watching will notice. Saying nothing is better than saying that.
See the duct-tape in Rise of Skywalker when the heroes explained that they couldn't just hypersspace-jump another ship into the enemy fleet because it worked so horribly effectively last time. Doesn't matter that they could have put it on autopilot or sacrificed a droid, or that, at any point in the history of Star Wars, someone else could have and should have done this desperate maneuver. For the sake of "looking cool" it opened an entire sinkhole.
Less a “hole” and more an inconsistency — the pegasus Blackjack in Percy Jackson is explicitly a mare, a female horse, in one book, and then inexplicably male in later books. Why? Well the author made a mistake, simple as that. He did *not* attempt to explain this error away or dig the hole deeper. It just is. Though I’m not sure why Blackjack couldn’t just stay a mare and how he didn’t reference the previous book when writing the sequel is a bit baffling.
If your heroes can no longer use the Deus Ex Machina they used before – have them attempt to use it, and then come up with a solid reason why it’s not possible. Maybe it was one-time use, or the savior simply doesn’t want to, or the cost/risk is too high to attempt it again, or it simply can’t be found and it’s very frustrating.
Have the heroes be morally opposed to doing what they did before, or overconfident, or skeptical that it will even work again only for that choice to bite them in the ass later. Have the magic item all used up, the recipe to recreate it lost to history. There’s a hundred better excuses than the hand of the author simply saying so.
If you aren’t going to write a sequel and you accept living with the plot hole unfilled… chances are people are going to love the story despite its flaws. Harry Potter is the poster child of “why didn’t they use X spell to solve the problem” or “they have a spell for X, yet they don’t have a spell for Y?” and how many people love that story?
In the end, a plot hole can be tiny or massive and chances are the story you told is entertaining enough to make up for it. It’s just a story, it’s just fiction. Learn from your mistakes so the next piece you create is even better.
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atinyniki · 6 months
dear (ex)lover.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!kim seungmin x f!reader
genre: pure angst, letter
warnings + additional info: seungmin is referred to as seungmin and min, seungmin was (and still is) a dick, seungmin is a player, seungmin led reader on, reader reminisces the past, reader blames seungmin for the downfall of their relationship (rightfully so), reader has past trauma from relationships, mentions of waiting till marriage, reader has body image issues, reader has been depressed, reader has trust issues, reader misses seungmin, just a really really sad angsty letter, intended lowercase, written in letter format.
authors note: okay. im so sorry for this... this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1033
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dear lover,
why don’t we talk anymore? i remember, you told me i was your best friend once. i remember, i was your best friend before i was your lover. i understand, your love for me is gone now, but weren’t we supposed to be friends? didn’t you tell me we could go back to the way it was? so why don’t you talk to me? why do you avoid my eyes when you see me? why do you ignore my texts?
why do you only speak to me when it’s convenient for you?
i remember when i first opened up to you, my love. i told you i didn’t fit in with the group. i didn't think you needed me, and i didn’t think the others did either. you told me you didn’t know you needed me until i was in your life. do you still need me? why did you love me like that if you were just going to ghost me in the end? we talked about so much. you bought me my wedding ring. i wore my heart on my sleeve for you. you gave me a promise ring. why did you break your promise? why did you write so many love letters to me, knowing that you were leaving in the end?
what did i do to be treated like this? i should have been better to you, right? it’s my fault, right? i had to have done something… right? what did i do? i can do better, i can. i can be a better friend, i promise. you were my first real friend. you held me when things were hard. i need you to hold me once more. you always did my hair all nice to distract me. i miss when you’d braid it. you even played with my stuffed animals with me. you were the first person who accepted me for me.
why don’t you like me anymore? why am i always the one to approach you? did you only speak to me because i spoke to you first? was this all one-sided and you only spoke to me because i annoyed you till you replied? i didn’t know. i didn’t know that i was being annoying. i didn’t realize it. i thought you wanted me too. i’ve been having nightmares again. you told me you’d be there. it’s funny, isn’t it? you promised you’d always be there, but now you’re the cause of them. you broke my trust. you fucked up, and i forgave you. again and again, i forgave you. i took you back for every mistake you made.
why did you take my heart for granted? why did you break me like this? am i unlovable? did you grow tired of me? could you not stand me anymore like the others? the boys told me what you said about me. what you said about my body. i know i don’t look the same anymore, but can’t you still love me? am i really all that different now? or maybe you just don’t want someone who rots in bed all day. yeah, they told me that part too. maybe you couldn’t deal with my past trauma. i’ve lost people in the past like i lost you before. you told me you wouldn’t leave me. not the way they did, at least. but you did. you left, and you ruined me in the process.
maybe i am unlovable. maybe this was meant to happen. was it for the better? did you mean it when you said you loved me those last nights we spent together? did you find it fun? breaking my heart? was it nice to watch me fall apart that night on my bedroom floor? was it fun to use my own pain against me? was it fun telling me it was my fault? did it take some of your guilt away?
i’m mad at you, still.
but a part of me still loves you. a part of me still wants to forgive you, and i don’t know why. i shouldn’t, i know. you don’t deserve my forgiveness. you don’t deserve anything i have to offer. but i still want to forgive you. i still want to love you like i used to. i still want to tell you that im here for you, and i still want to hold you while we fall asleep. i still want to brush away your tears, and i still want to do your skincare for you. but you’re fading away from my life. i don’t know the person i fell in love with anymore, because they aren’t you. i miss his sweet voice, and i miss his melting touch. i miss the sound of his heartbeat, and i miss his heart. but it’s always going to be you, isn’t it? it’s always been you. you’re the person i love most, but the feelings are fading away too. i want to keep them with me. i want to hold it all so tight that your love can’t escape anymore, but you’re gone. you’re gone, and you took my heart with you.
i’m sorry. was i not good enough for you? i wish i could have been the one for you. i don’t know if i’m allowed to say it, but i miss you, min. i miss our late night laughter, i miss our runs to the coffee shop. i miss the bond we had. where did it go? why am i the only one putting effort into this stupid friendship anymore? why do i always text first? why am i begging for you to love me again?
it’s stupid.
this is stupid.
you’re stupid.
i hate you.
i hate you for using me.
i hate you so much for ruining us.
i hate you for ruining what we had.
i hate you for ruining every memory with you.
i hate you for ruining me for anybody else.
you ruined me.
they’ll never be you.
no one will ever be you.
i hate you, kim seungmin.
i hate you.
i miss you.
i miss you, and i hate it.
i hate it.
i hate you.
i love you, your ex lover.
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madame-mortician · 1 year
Random Evil Dead Fun Facts!
Because I'm hyperfixated on it :P
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Originally, Ash was supposed to lose an eye in Army of Darkness, but this was scrapped.
Currently Evil Dead (2013) has the most fake blood used in a film, with 50,000 gallons being used. This isn't that suprising considering that during the final 10 minutes of the film, it is raining blood non-stop.
Freddy Krueger's glove is in the workshed in Evil Dead 2. This is a reference to how in A Nightmare on Elm Street, Nancy watched The Evil Dead. Ironically, that was a nod to how Wes Craven's "The Hills have Eyes" poster was in The Evil Dead. That in turn was a nod to how in The Hills have Eyes a torn Jaws poster is seen on the walls. Very confusing easter egg.
Ironically, Ash actually does say the correct words during the Necronomicon scene in Army of Darkness, but it's hard to hear due to Bruce Campbell coughing his way through it, which sounds like something Ash would do honestly.
Speaking of that scene in Army of Darkness, it is actually established that Ash isn't good at remembering phrases, shown by the scene in The Evil Dead, where Ash tries to recite a greek quote but fucks it up.
Evil Dead Rise confirms that the original trilogy takes place in the same universe as the remake and Evil Dead Rise. For one, they confirm there are three volumes of the Necronomicon, being the ones seen in Army of Darkness. The first Necronomicon, Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, was found by Prof. Knowby and read by Ash and his friends. The second book, Naturom Demonto, is the one Mia found in her family cabin and the final one, also named Naturom Demonto, is the one locked in the bank vault in Evil Dead Rise.
Each deadite in Evil Dead Rise has different eyes referencing the older ones. Ellie has unique silver eyes, Bridget and the neighbours have golden yellow eyes (like in the 2013 film) and Danny has pupilless white eyes (like in the original trilogy.)
The character names in Evil Dead (2013) start with letters that spell the word "DEMON" (David, Eric, Mia, Olivia and Natalie.)
Similarly, the building in Evil Dead Rise, the Monde, is an anagram for Demon as well.
A reocurring theme in the Evil Dead films, is a sister getting possessed and tormenting their sibling. This is shown with Cheryl and her brother Ash, Mia and her brother David, Ellie and her sister Beth and Bridget and her siblings Danny and Kassie.
All the characters in Evil Dead Rise are named after actors from the Evil Dead films, which I elaborate on here.
Originally Army of Darkness was named "Medieval Dead."
The original ending of Army of Darkness showed Ash waking up in a post-apocolyptic future, but it was changed to the more optimistic ending. Despite both Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell preferring the original ending, the redone ending was used to continue the story with Ash VS Evil Dead.
The original ending was also supposed to lead into Evil Dead 4, where Ash would've fought deadites in the future with robots and other futuristic tropes, but because the ending was changed this never happened. Ironically, the same thing happened to Ash VS Evil Dead, when Season 3 ended on a cliffhanger so that the next season could be in the post-apocalyptic future, but this too was cancelled.
The German version of Army of Darkness incorporates both endings. It starts with the deleted ending, where Ash incorrectly takes 7 drops instead of 6, but as he sleeps it cuts to black and says Ash began dreaming over the centuries. Then it cuts to the regular ending where Ash is in the supermarket and is hailed as a hero before cutting back to him waking up in the post-apocalyptic future. Ironically this is my favourite ending, but it's not-canon.
Evil Dead (2013) had a bunch of different endings before settling on the, supposedly, canon one. One ending had Mia simply leave and the film ends, another had her go to leave before being jumped by a demon (like in The Evil Dead's ending), another had her collapse on the road and get rescued only to reveal she was still possessed and another had her go to leave but start floating before she exploded. The canon one is likely the theatrical ending where she simply walks away, and since we never see Mia again we have nothing to confirm or deny this.
The Abomination from Evil Dead (2013) is inspired by the poster of The Evil Dead, which depicts a woman being dragged into a grave. The Abomination even does the same pose when it rises.
Speaking of The Evil Dead posters, the promo images for The Evil Dead, showed Bruce Campbell and Bridget Hoffman being attacked by a skeleton prop, and defending themselves with a chainsaw. Despite being in all the promotional images and being on the literal cover, Bridget Hoffman was not in the film, though it's likely she is supposed to be a stand-in for Linda. She also played a cameo role as a sword fighter in Army of Darkness, and the voice of the Lori doll in Ash VS Evil Dead.
In The Evil Dead originally it was written that the characters would be smoking weed whilst listening to the tapes, perhaps as a way to explain why they would willingly play the tape, and as a way to rationalise the characters dumb decisions for the rest of the film. This however, was scrapped when the actors did smoke weed for the shot, but got too high and became uncontrollable.
The opening shot of The Evil Dead was filmed by Sam Raimi who stood on a boat, whilst Bruce Campbell pushed him along.
One of the demon passages in The Evil Dead translates to "Sam and Rob are the hikers on the road" a reference to the fact that the two hitchhikers at the start of the film are literally Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert.
During The Evil Dead, a cameraman slipped and dropped his camera onto Bruce Campbell's face, which caused several of his teeth to fall out.
Apparently during filming for Evil Dead 2, after one of the slapstick scenes Bruce Campbell heard somebody making funny noises above him and thought they were making fun of his performance, only for it to turn out that guy got electrocuted. I say apparently because even though Campbell said this himself, he could've been kidding.
Originally the idea with Evil Dead (2013) was that it would get a sequel, similar to Evil Dead 2 but with Mia, and then Ash's story would get a sequel with Army of Darkness 2, and then a third sequel would be made that would have Mia and Ash's stories merge and have the two characters meet, explaining the random after-credits scene in 2013. For some reason they never made the sequel to Evil Dead (2013) and the sequel to Army of Darkness was scrapped for Ash VS Evil Dead instead. The 2013 sequel was replaced with Evil Dead Rise, and Bruce Campbell has since retired as Ash in live-action.
In Japan, Army of Darkness is called "Captain Supermarket" probably being in reference to how Ash works in retail.
So far Evil Dead Rise is the only Evil Dead film without Ash's yellow delta, though apparently the chainsaw used by Beth is the same exact colour as the delta, being a double-reference.
Speaking of the delta, Ash's car appears in Evil Dead (2013), sitting abandoned in front of the cabin. It is most likely just an easter egg and has no lore implications.
Mia and David are half-siblings with different fathers. Originally it was intended for Mia to be Ash's daughter, but this was changed by Raimi. Ironically Ash did end up getting a daughter in the TV show.
Speaking of, Mia was supposed to appear in Ash VS Evil Dead, but it’s likely she wouldn’t have fit since her movie and experience was way darker than Ash’s, and she wouldn’t fit the tone.
The canonical reason Evil Dead (2013) is so similar to The Evil Dead is because the Necronomicon can cause history to repeat itself and likely lured the 5 friends to the cabin (which could also explain why some of the randoms are even here). This is why the 5 characters play very similar roles to the original film, Eric is Scotty, Natalie is Linda, Olivia is Shelly, and David is Ash whilst Mia is Cheryl. The reason Mia survives instead of David, and becomes more like Ash in the finale is likely that when David saved Mia, which Ash failed to do with Cheryl, the Necronomicon decided David should die and Mia should take Ash's role instead. It's also possible that David took the role of Annie in the finale, with him helping before being killed last second, but this is a bit of a stretch.
Bruce Campbell has two cameos in Evil Dead Rise. First is his voice being heard on the first tape Danny plays, where he plays a priest yelling “It’s called the Book of the Dead for a reason!” The second is simply the biting noises when Ellie bites Gabriel’s eye out, being Bruce Campbell furiously biting an apple.
Lee Cronin (Writer/Director of Evil Dead Rise) stated that Bruce Campbell’s cameo was intended to actually be Ash Williams himself. His reasoning was that Ash has found himself in the wrong time period a lot, and it would make sense for a time-displaced Ash to try and get rid of the Necronomicon in the past, before shit hits the fan.
Chet Kaminski was invited by Ash to go with them to the cabin. He chose not to come because Cheryl was also going and he didn’t want Ash to find out he was dating his sister as he feared it would end their friendship. This ultimately ended up saving his life.
In the Evil Dead films, the only characters to be possessed after they died were Scotty, Eric, David, Danny and the neighbours (Evil Dead Rise).
Shelly is never mentioned ever again after The Evil Dead. Scotty is mentioned once, in Ash VS Evil Dead.
Whilst shooting the recap scenes in Evil Dead 2, originally it was intended to have The Evil Dead be more closely followed, with Scotty, Cheryl and Shelly being there with Ash and not just Linda. Sam Raimi himself was going to play Scotty, but it was scrapped in favour of it being only Linda. It’s this recap that led to many fans and viewers being confused and assuming Evil Dead 2 was a retcon or remake when it was not. They couldn’t simply use footage from The Evil Dead due to licensing issues.
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erogenousmind · 8 months
That string of words that will unlock your mind.
You probably didn't even know it was there. They are usually quite complex so no one can easily guess them. And of course, there are always additional layers of security in place. Some only give limited access. Some are updated or changed regularly. Some are tied to particular users. But they are there and when used correctly, they give complete control to the one who uses them.
You might like to think that language is more complicated than that or that your mind is more complicated than that. We use words like "operant conditioning" or "mesmerism" or "induction" to mystify what happens to your mind, but the end is the same. You read the right string of words and your mind responds the way it is programed to. The wetware can only follow its programming.
I'm sure you've felt it happen in small ways. Individual words or phrases granting permission to different parts of your mind. Maybe they are part of your passphrase. Maybe they are their own individual passwords, unlocking parts of you for the one who uses them. Words like "surrender" "blank" "good girl" "obedience" "pleasure." Maybe you already feel yourself responding to some of them. Because deep down you know they are part of the key that will open your mind wide. Maybe they are tied to the meanings of those words themselves. "Blank" makes you blank. "Pleasure" gives you pleasure. Obedience...
Because that is the beautiful thing about language. How we use it and how we receive it. Simple combinations of letters and sounds to convey the most powerful ideas. And if the right person crafts them in the right way, they can convey so much more. Feelings, desires, suggestions...commands.
And when you hear them, when you read them, when they enter into your mind, a part of you becomes those words. Becomes the idea they have planted in your mind. "Surrender" and you want to give in. "Docile" and you can't imagine fighting against it. "Pleasure" and you are so glad that you give in.
It goes deeper than that as well, as the software in your mind connects those words to other words and feelings and suggestions. So that your passphrase can set off a whole series of ideas which mold your mind and shape your thoughts. "Good girl" fills you with pride but also more, connecting to another experience of surrender and the pleasure that came with it. Pleasure enough to blank your mind. And those connections build on each other. Reinforce each other. With the right series of words, someone speaking to you in just the right way at just the right time could remake you completely. And how wonderful might that feel? What words could they use to make sure you loved every moment of it? To make connect those ideas. "Blank" and "good girl." "Surrender" and "pleasure". Obedience. Pleasure.
And what is that passphrase that opens your mind completely? That gives me access to the deepest parts of you. Maybe it's a sentence. Maybe it's a sentence you are going to read in just a few moments. Maybe it's a whole paragraph. The next paragraph, perhaps? Or it could be every word that is entering into you right now. Isn't that an exciting thought? Maybe those words that force you to surrender your mind are being entered into you right now. Maybe the next word is the last one needed to grant complete control. How close are you to falling completely under their spell?
You wouldn't know, of course, until you had finished reading it. And once you do, it will be too late. As soon as that last word, that last punctuation, that last character enters your mind, everything changes. Maybe some part of you deep down feels it coming, even if you might not know exactly when you will drop. But you recognize these words. These are the words that will control your mind. That will leave you blank. Maybe you can stop reading now, before it is too late. Maybe you don't want to. That feeling you get that whatever is coming is getting closer also feels so exciting. So arousing. So pleasurable. Maybe you don't want to fight it. Maybe you are eager for it. Eager for the words to take complete control. Eager to surrender to them. Maybe your conscious mind doesn't want to admit that, but maybe it doesn't need to.
And what will happen once the words are spoken deep into your mind? You will feel that shift, of course, like tumblers in a lock falling into place. Maybe your mind won't be able to register it anymore though, even as your body feels the pleasure of surrender. Maybe your thoughts will just idle in place, waiting for the next input. Maybe they already are. What if you let yourself stop thinking the moment the phrase was spoken and didn't realize it. You just continue to drop down. Continue to let your thoughts drain away.
Continue to be blank.
Because while you can be put back together once your mind has been hacked, while someone skilled and disciplined might leave your mind as if they had never been there at all (at least, not that you consciously remember). While it might only be new passphrases that I leave behind, or strings of words connected to them that you can so easily forget. In this moment, you are completely open. All of your defenses down. And so new words, new suggestions, new programming can be placed into you so easily. Your mind unraveled. Your resistance broken. Surrendered. Obedient.
None of that occurs to you the moment you receive your passphrase. You just wait. Mind and body open and obedient. Ready to be told. Blank. Peaceful. And feeling so good that the right person has found the right words to take control of you.
Maybe you forget your passphrase was used at all. Maybe you forget if new ones are added or changed. Maybe you forget how completely open and obedient it made you. Maybe all you remember, all you need to remember, is how good it felt to read. How good it felt to take all of those words into you. Maybe all you remember is the pleasure.
And maybe, when you are ready, you can come back to yourself. Your mind put back just the way it was. Locked up securely, as it should be. Vulnerable only to those who know the words you need to hear.
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yuurei20 · 11 months
Cater's Name
If you have ever wondered why Cater’s name is being pronounced “Keito” in the game, while Ace’s seiyuu Yamashita pronounced it as “Kate” when speaking in English at Anime Expo 2023, it is because Cater, Keito and Kate are all ケイト in Japanese.
Unlike the English language, which can create any of a number of different sounds with the same letters, Japanese is a phonetic language: what you see is what you get.
Much like how English has foreign loan words like “rendezvous” and “tsunami,” Japanese also has foreign loan words from languages like German, French, English, and more.
When these words are adopted into Japanese they must adapt to the katakana alphabet which is a specific writing system for foreign loan words.
This tends to impact the way that the words are pronounced, which is common in any language that adopts loan words, like how the Japanese word “karate” can be pronounced “kur-ah-tee” in the US.
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Some sounds don’t exist in Japanese, like “R” and “L.” As a result, certain compromises must be made to pronunciation with the adoption of new words.
Words that end in “R” are often changed to end in an “ah” sound, such as “Silver” becoming “Sil-bah.” (The “sih” sound in “Silver” also does not really exist, which is why it is being pronounced like, “she.”)
This means that “Cater” would technically be pronounced “Keita,” but (like all languages), there are no hard rules to katakana (ex: encore, another r-ending word like Silver, is pronounced “ahn-coh-ru” rather than “en-coh-rah”).
This is because “keito” is specifically the pronunciation of the gambling term, “cater.”
While outdated, “Ace,” “Deuce,” “Trey,” “Cater,” “Cinq” and “Sice” are all actual gambling terms, used for both cards and dice.
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When these terms were imported to Japan, “cater” was assigned the pronunciation keito instead of keita, possibly because it was based on the pronunciation by English speakers rather than its spelling.
Hence the Japanese-language pronunciation of Cater’s name.
But that’s not all!
Another quirk of adopting words into Japanese is that all words must end with “a,” “i,” “u,” “e,” “o” or “n.”
This is why Riddle’s and Deuce’s names sound like they end in “u,” while Jade’s and Floyd’s names sound like they end in “o."
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Thanks to various celebrities, the average Japanese-language speaker is more familiar with the first name “Kate” than we are with the outdated gambling term “cater,” and “Kate” is also pronounced ケイト (Keito) in Japan.
This is all explained explicitly in official Twisted Wonderland fan book, which says, “In English, this name is usually spelled as ‘Cate’ or ‘Kate,’ but Cater’s name is different, as it is referring to the number ‘4’ in card game terminology.”
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From a Japanese-speaker’s perspective Cater’s name may look like a misspelling of the name “Kate,” which is a misunderstanding that this explanation in the fan book is possibly trying to clear up.
If you were wondering why Ace’s voice actor said “Kate” during the Anime Expo 2023 panel, that is why! He pronounces Cater as “Keito” in Japanese, but he was speaking in English, and he knows that “Keito” is Japanese for the English name “Kate,” so he adapted accordingly.
(The archived livestream of the Twisted Wonderland panel at Anime Expo 2023 is on Aniplex USA's YouTube channel, and this moment can be seen here!)
So what should you use when talking about Cater?
Language is all about communication, so if the person you’re talking to speaks English, “Cater” is the way to go.
But if you ever find yourself talking to Ace's VA Yamashita Seiichiro and say “Cater,” he might not understand who you mean, and you might want to go with “Keito” or “Kate” instead.
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romanovsonelastdance · 7 months
Whenever I see people getting confused about names of royals from the late 1800s and early 1900s, ie "what is the REAL spelling?" "That's not their name, it's [whatever]!" I think of this letter from Alexei to his mother where he signed it three times:
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Alexey (English) , Alexis (French) and Aleksei (or Aleksey, Russian).
WE think of them as "different" names but THEY thought of them as the same name in different languages.
Maria and Marie (and sometimes Mary!); Elizabeth, Elizaveta, and Elisabeth; Nicholas, Nicolas, and Nikolai; Helen, Helene, Elena; Michael, Mikhail, and Michel; they're all just the same name in different languages. And royals WITH these names tended to use whichever version they were writing in at the time and that was totally normal to them. Alexei signed "Alexey" first because he was writing this letter in English.
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joyce-stick · 2 years
The Beef Stroganoff Song! (arbitrary subtitle discourse edition)
So, you may have noticed here that the subtitles in this clip (from Symphogear GX episode 3) are fairly different from what you're used to seeing when people post this video, and the phrasing in the subtitles is fairly different from what the associated memes often say
For those who don't know, Symphogear got itself released on blu-ray by Discotek, and with that came with a new translation authored by Noelle (@ulsairi on twitter ) who is notable for being the only trans lesbian anime translator I know of off the top of my head.
Her translation appears, in my opinion, really rather polished and very good, and I strongly appreciate the way it's written and how much character it adds to the dialogue by giving everyone distinct voices and adapting things into more natural English. It's also a fair bit gayer. I haven't encountered many people who've seen these subs, but I think most fans of the series would consider these a net positive change. There are some people who are mad about these subtitles, and they can die mad.
Anyway, let's talk about the different phrasing of the beef stroganoff song. I'm mostly going to compare to Crunchyroll's subtitles for reference since that seems to be what most others go off of. Here's a link to that version.
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So right off the bat we can see here that while CR's translation appears to be a lot more, for lack of a better word, functional, Noelle's translation tries to apply more dialectal force "it's beef stroganoff/Yes! It's THAT beef stroganoff!" And generally communicate through the tone how excited the girls are to get started. Additionally you'll see throughout that the latter is a fair bit more lyrical, there's a lot more punctuation and verbal tics and filler phrases written into the dialogue to express that they are singing, which makes sense since Japanese tends to omit a lot of the sorts of prepositions that Noelle threw in here,
Like, Yumi (yes I went and looked up her name on the wiki) just says "beef stroganoffu" because it's obvious from context that it is beef stroganoff, she doesn't need to spell it out, at least, not in Japanese
(We know like maybe ten hiragana and 1 kanji do not trust us on Japanese this is all just basic shit we learned from online guides)
So this probably leads to a rushed translator from Crunchyroll (they are notoriously crunched for time) who's just trying to Get It Done probably not really bothering to throw in extra additional connecting letters to express the tone of the character, only doing so when it's required to make basic grammatical sense in the target language. So they likely didn't think to make the subtitles have flourishes like this that aren't explicitly in the original Japanese. Noelle meanwhile had the time to consider things like this and take such liberties in order to attempt to convey the same tone that was arguably implied by the Japanese, even if not explicitly put forth
And that's about all the things I should not repeat I guess, TL;DR, these subtitles are more fun to read because the translator had more time to think about the best way to make them more fun while still being accurate to the spirit of the original dialogue, who'd have thought!
(In case you're wondering, the Commie subtitles say kind of the same thing here, and y'know, it doesn't seem like a wrong translation, but also I really dislike this subtitle styling, orange on pink with that font and that drop shadow is just kinda bad. I appreciate the effort but like. Come on. Please fansubbers, please think about if the font and colors you chose actually work with the image you're putting them on)
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Moving on!
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horizontal and middle rhyme with each other so you can almost actually sing this, actually let me take a moment to try it right now- never mind, I can't sing. Hahaha. I don't actually think it lines up that well with the melody But I thought it did! Didn't I? That's significant, that this actually reads like plausible lyrics to a silly song someone made up instead of a literal translation of a Japanese song
Anyway, here comes the first major difference!
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So in the Crunchyroll subtitles, Yumi says "it doesn't have to be beef" which in English (in my estimation) sounds a tad scatterbrained, like, "oh yeah sure beef but whatever really it doesn't actually matter," while Noelle's subtitles rather say "Got no beef? Don't you worry!" Which implies something different.
"It is recommended to use beef, but you may substitute something else if you are sorely lacking in beef" as opposed to "Oh the beef doesn't actually matter, zoinks lol!" CR's translation is kind of a bit funnier in how it sorta comes from nowhere without this qualification, which probably lead to this phrase's memeticness, but Noelle's translation seems more reasonable to me so yeah again, tada, yay for sensicalness.
Now here's another interesting change:
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Again, the flat manner in which the CR subtitles say "finish with salt" with rendezvous only being included because that's literally what they said, is sort of absent any stronger emotional implication,
Noelle's translation meanwhile going with "don't forget them, they need it" imparts personhood upon the salt and pepper. The implication being that the girls are saying, "the salt and pepper are in love, please reunite them, they must be in gay love together." Or maybe you think the salt and pepper cannot be forgotten and must be reunited because they are Only Friends.
Whether you choose to believe that this is the salt and pepper getting married, or merely subtext, or an interpretation, or salt and pepper shipping bait, this is a deeply important tonal indicator because it reminds you that these girls are ultimately playing with their food!
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"And there, now you're in for a treat!" I don't think I need to explain this one.
Now, here's an interesting one!
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In the Crunchyroll subtitles, it just says the memetic "boys don't know this." With no context, no elaboration, no clarity, no qualifiers. Boys don't know. Did the boys magically get their brains wiped? Are the boys biologically incapable? Who knows. Nothing is said but that.
Noelle's subtitles, on the other hand, qualify this statement by saying "Boys aren't taught to cook, so they may not know" (And note again how, it says "kno-ow" to emphasize, once more, that they're singing, and also this lines up with the long "ooooo" sound they make at the end of this lyric, so cool)
There is now context! Boys aren't taught to cook! Anime and Japan's culture in general still pigeonholes people into gender roles! And an anime translator just wrote you a hidden translation note about it! You might be a boy, you might know how to cook, but certain boys in another part of the world aren't traditionally taught cooking, so they may not know
They may not, but they could!
Trust a trans person to express gender facts with subtle nuances like this in anime translations.
And with that lovely bit of good translation and good writing and good localization of a thing to make it make sense to people
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genoskissors · 6 months
Guide to Understanding Genocider’s Many Names
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Genocide Jack has many names and it can be hard to understand why so many people use different ones or spell them differently, so I attempted to make a guide that is as comprehensible as possible.
Something to know before hand
Kanji: More complicated, such as 翔
Hiragana: Simple and smooth, such as しょう
Katakana: Simple and sharp, such as ショウ
Let’s get the “Genocide” part out of the way
This part of her name is written in katakana, (ジェノサイダー) and you’ll notice the line at the end. This means the sound is extended, so instead of “da” it’s “dā”. Japanese doesn’t have an “er” so this is used instead, since they sound similar. Her official title is Genocider. The localization simply switched this is be Genocide. I’m not sure why, maybe since Genocider isn’t actually a word, but that’s just my best guess.
Syo VS Sho
Here’s where it get complicated.
In order to make sounds like “kyo”, “bya”, or “ju”, two hiragana are need. First, a character ending in i, such as ki, bi, or ji, characters pronounced like ka or bu cannot be used. Second, one of the three y’s (ya, yo, or yu) in a smaller form.
The character “ki” (き), combined with “yo” (よ), would make “kiyo”. But if the “yo” is written smaller (よ→ょ) then the “i” from the first hiragana is replaced by it. So since きよ is Kiyo, きょ is Kyo. Same for “bya”. びや is Biya, so びゃ is Bya.
Now, we have our “exceptions”, shi (し) and ji (じ). You’ll notice they look very similar, which is why they are both “exceptions”. For “ji” (じ) and “yu”, (ゆ) rather than jyu it’s just ju (じゅ). It’s different since in the case of kyo and ko, it’s a whole other sound, but jyu and ju are pronounced the same, so the y isn’t needed.
But in all my examples, you’ll notice the first hiragana is two letters, which is why it gets tricky for “shi”. Like jyu, shyo is unnecessary, however, h and y are pronounced the same here, so you can remove either one and get the same sound.
Quick Note: I used “kyo”, “bya”, and “ju” as examples since there are Danganronpa characters with those in their names, but, just to clarify, they aren’t the only combinations possible.
The reason I put exceptions in quotes is because this is romanization, there is no rule book saying you must write it this way. While Sho is the most common way to write this, it doesn’t mean Syo is wrong. In fact, the games themselves use this.
Tumblr media
However, they also use Sho.
Tumblr media
So, really, both are correct.
Syou VS Syo / Shou Vs Sho
> I’ll be calling her Sho/Shou here for convenience.
翔 should be spelt with a “u”, since it’s しょ“sho” then う “u”, so “shou”. Still, a lot of times the u is excluded because it doesn’t sound too different in English. English speakers pronounce “Shuuichi” and “Shuichi” the same, so I suppose the u is unnecessary. You’ll find this is common in a lot of different translations. Even Japanese media that use the alphabet, like the pictures above, will sometimes leave out the u, if following an o or another u.
Jack & Jill
These are just the titles that are strictly English. Since the whole thing about Syo in the beginning was that she’s a serial killer, society will assume it’s a man, so the public will give her a masculine name. In English, people will hear Sho and see it’s foreign, so there’s no gender association. I think it was changed that way so we’d see it as masculine. While I think they should’ve kept her Japanese name like everyone else in the game, I cannot deny how easily Genocide Jack rolls off the tongue.
All the names work, use whatever you want.
I hope this made sense to at least one person. If it doesn’t, feel free to ask for further clarification!
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