#specially after jegulus started dating
bebyebeeh · 11 months
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i saw this and thought of them
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dorlilymylovesss · 1 month
I want to speak out on a topic that has been really bothering and stressing me out. For several months now, Me and my friends who don't even ship jegulus, but are just Regulus fans have been harassed by Jily shippers. And not just with hateful words, but with specific accusations of fascism.
I want to start by saying that fandoms are a place where people can express their creativity and interpret characters as they like. Fanfics, art, and shippings are forms of self-expression, and they don't have to conform to canon. It allows us to look at characters from different angles, develop alternative plots, and create something new. And I don't judge or hate people for their favorite characters and ships.
I'm a huge Regulus fan even before the Jegulus ship came along. Regulus Black is a character I have a deep interest in for many reasons. Despite his limited appearance in the Harry Potter books, his story and character leave room for a lot of interpretation and thought. And I don't like it when people describe him as a regular Death Eater.
First, Jily fans often argue their dislike by saying that their ship is canonical( of course this is true and no one denies it) and James would never date a death eater. However, it should be remembered that fan art and shippings are inherently activities for the self and the soul. Even if a couple doesn't conform to "official" canon and never even met, it doesn't diminish the right of fans to create their own stories and interpretations.
Second Jegulus shippers are called misogynists.
But they may simply see these characters as interesting dynamics that catch their attention or interesting tropes that can be created. Choosing this ship doesn't necessarily mean they are intentionally excluding female characters and being negative towards them. Yes there are people among jegulus shippers who dislike Lily and exclude her from the story, but they are a minority. Plenty of jegulus shippers love Lily and also ship jily.
The charge of misogyny implies a conscious and systematic disregard for women or female characters. However, in most cases, Jegulus shippers simply enjoy a particular story or interaction between two male characters. This does not preclude an interest in or respect for female characters. Many shippers actively create and support content featuring female characters in other contexts or ships.
There is always a diversity of interests and preferences in fan circles. Not everyone likes the same characters or couples, and that's fine. However, to infer misogyny just based on someone's preference for a certain male couple without considering the overall context of a person's interests is wrong and unfair. Plus, I've seen thousands of Jily fans who were blatantly homophobic towards the marlily and pandalily enjoyers, and called James her only love, and erase her identity, leaving only her relationship with James.
Third, why calling the death eaters fascists is wrong and insulting to the actual victims of the tragedy.
Fascism as a political ideology and movement had specific historical roots and consequences, including brutal repression, genocide, and war. Death Eaters are fictional characters created by transphobic Rowling for a work of fiction, and their actions and motivations are part of a fictional universe.
Using historical examples of real-life suffering and tragedies to compare to fictional characters is disrespectful to those affected by real-life events. Historical tragedies such as the Holocaust require special respect and careful handling. And many Jewish content makers have already spoken out about it.
The kind of hate I've encountered as a Regulus fan is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. That being said, I've always loved jily, but after the hate, stupid accusations I've cooled off to them. You can't treat living people like that because of fictional characters. A lot of people don't care about canon written by a creepy transphobic woman, can you imagine?
Instead of wasting time on conflict and hate I suggest you create content on your favorite ships and leave other people alone. You have no idea how your hating can affect a person.
Not all shippers have the intention to demean or exclude other characters. Many of us simply love a particular dynamic and choose to explore it in our writing. This should not be taken as a threat or insult to other fans.
I love jegulus and jily, but my fav ship is dorlily and it saddens me that fans of the same fandom hate each other so much.
Not all shippers have the intent to demean or exclude other characters. Many of us simply love a particular dynamic and choose to explore it in our writing. This should not be taken as a threat or insult to other fans.
Leave other people alone. If u can't create content for your favorite ship and only can hate others its your f..king problem, it's unhealthy and childish.
I'm deeply sorry for jegulus artists and writers who got hate here and even death treats. I hope you will continue creating something that makes you happy.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | april 19 class | words: 461
hiii! i feel like i neglected this au for too long so im back with another part; enjoy <3
part one | previous part
what time your classes end?
Why are you asking?
just curious :)
In an hour
good for you
James had a plan. He wanted to surprise Regulus by picking him up and taking him out for dinner. It wouldn’t be their first time, but he was nervous anyway, because this time it was supposed to be different.
After the art show, they met a few times to take a walk with Gigi together or for a casual coffee. Nothing special, really, but with every meeting, James felt the butterflies in his stomach getting wilder and wilder. So he decided today he would take Regulus on a real date. If he agrees, of course.
In the hour he had before meeting Regulus, James took a quick shower, put on a cosy, burgundy jumper, that matched his converse, and completed the look with some gold jewellery. Looking in the mirror for the last time, he grabbed the car keys and went out.
Regulus’ academy wasn’t far from his flat; it was only a fifteen-minute ride, so when he got there, he still had some time left.
When the class ended and a sea of students appeared on the school grounds, James started scanning the crowd to find those pretty, raven curls. As soon as he spotted who he was looking for, he took out his phone.
look to your right
He could see Regulus taking out his own mobile and looking up almost immediately. He found James after a few seconds, and his eyes went wide. He started walking in his direction, one eyebrow raised.
“Hi, Little Star,” James greeted him when Regulus reached his car.
“Hi James. Care to explain what you’re doing here?” Regulus asked. He looked more confused than annoyed, so it wasn’t that bad.
After clearing his throat, James started. “So, I was thinking—“
“Good for you,” Regulus cut in, winking at the other man. James just chuckled nervously at that.
“Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I was thinking—would you like to go on a date? With me?” The other man froze, awkward silence falling between them, and James suddenly felt like he crossed some invisible line. “You know, it’s stupid; I’m sorry I asked.”
Regulus blinked at him several times before saying, “You want to take me out? Like, kind of romantically?” Now James was blinking, surprised by the question.
“Yes?” he said hesitantly. That’s when Regulus cheeks turned this pretty, pink colour, his lips curling up.
“Okay,” he replied, biting on his lower lip, still smiling.
“Really?” James couldn’t believe it; he just had to make sure.
Regulus rolled his eyes before saying, “Yes, really, James. Now, get in the car; I’m starving,” and James couldn’t help but grin widely at that answer.
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floralembarrassment · 2 years
Toddlers and Sleepovers (1/1) (jegulus raising Harry)
“But Dad, I don’t want to go!” Harry whined as James helped him get dressed and pack a bag to go stay with his grandparents for the night. James had a small backpack in one hand and a set of pajamas in the other that he had been asking Harry if he wanted or if he would prefer others. He was bit confused at his son’s words.
“Harry, you love going to stay with granny and grandpa, what’s the matter?” James asked as he sat down on the bedroom floor. Harry came right over to him, and flung his arms around his neck. “I heard you say to uncle moony that you were taking papa to a special place because he had been good all week. Its not fair.” Harry’s explanation offered very little, except the challenge for James to not chuckle.
“What's not fair my love,” James asked.
Harry pulled back and looked down at his feet. “Wasn’t I good all week too?” he said, speaking to the floor.
James could have cried. “Harry look at me,” James instructed and Harry listened. “You have been excellent, you are such a good, smart, and savvy little kid. Daddy is so proud of you.” James began, and Harry smiled but then interrupted: “So I can come with you and Papa then?” His little eyebrows pumped on his forehead.
“Harry, where papa and I are going is only for grown ups,” James started and Harry groaned. “But-, hey, but, you will have so much fun with granny and grandpa, and then papa and I are going to pick you up tomorrow when we all go for lunch, okay?” James explained. “Okay,” Harry replied dejectedly.
“How’s it going in here?” Regulus asked, just popping his head in the room. He appraised the scene: Harry standing with a pout forming on his face and James sitting criss-cross on the floor trying to coax Harry into grabbing his stuffies from the bed. “Papa!” Harry said as Regulus came in the room, James gave him a look that was half apologetic and half defeat.
“How come your dad is doing all the packing hmm?” Regulus asked as he patted Harry on the head after he ran over to hug him, really only reaching around some of Regulus’ legs. “Well Papa, I just want to stay with you.” Harry continued his protest. Regulus picked him up. “Oh I see,” he began as he walked into the room and James stood up after he finished packing Harry’s things.
“Well I guess you can stay with us,” Regulus said, and James looked completely betrayed. “But we're just going to be spending the night sitting here telling each other how much we love each other,” Regulus said and then leaned over toward James making some kissy noises. “No no no okay I want to go to granny’s, just don’t kiss!” Harry said as he put both of his small hands on Regulus’ mouth to block him from kissing James.
“Alright, to the grandparents’ you go. Now do you want your lion or snake stuffy?” Regulus asked.
“Doggy!” Harry yelled in response as he nearly jumped out of Regulus’ arms to go and grab the shaggy black dog stuffed animal that he would one day learn looked a lot like Sirius.
James pulled Regulus into his side. “You gotta teach me how you do that,” James whispered to him and then kissed his cheek. Regulus smirked: “Sorry, but I was not letting our toddler ruin our one date night.”
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lee-isnotcool · 1 month
the final chapter of my favorite fic came out...y'all know what that means!!!!
Fic: Chew me up but don't spit me out
author: @imdamagecontrol
length: 260k words (mid-length fic)
summary: stripper au where reg left grimmauld a couple years after sirius didn't come back for him and dances to help pay for uni and billionaire ceo james 'walks in'... deviousness and tomfoolery ensues in first dates to italy and much longing and horniness.
review: oh my god. this is going to age into a marauders classic. obviously we have to start with the jegulus: they are PERFRCT. this is the perfect jegulus dynamic omg james is literally sunshine boy and reg is this emotionally unavailable little shit and they want each other SOOOO BAD- reg is genderfluid in this fic, which is honestly one of my favorite hcs along with trans reg. their journey to figuring out their gender actually was so special to me (i'm a genderfluid presenting trans guy) and i loved the way it was portrayed. BLACK BROTHERS ANGST REIGNS SUPREME OMG idk why i like torturing myself so much but this is peak. sirius is also genderfluid and helps reg out once they reconcile. endgame jeggy obviously and background wolfstar.
guys i mean it when i say u NEED to read this. i fully broke into the media room at my no-phone sleep away camp so i could check if this had updated. (it had. it was the black brothers reconciliation chapter. i cried.) ANYWAY READ THIS MASTERPIECE AND WELL DONE @imdamagecontrol !!!!!!!
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thelyinggrapevine · 2 months
Word count: 1,077 | Jegulus
He was dragged here by Barty and honestly didn't even want to be there, but a deal was a deal and he had to honor it, no matter how much he wanted to absolutely shove his foot so far up his-.
Y'know what, it wasn't even worth it.
The party was already in full swing, and Pandora had gotten her Gryffindor friends an invite so they were all huddled around one of the coffee tables in the Slytherin common room and an empty bottle in the middle.
The most shocking thing about it was that his brother deigned to step foot into the home of the snakes. It actually made him faulter in his steps for a second, before he remembered that they had recently decided to try and mend their relationship after Sirius fled their house to find refuge with the Potters.
Regulus could feel his hand being tugged again, so he refrained from rolling his eyes and sat down at the circle, acting as if he could truly not care any less about what he was doing there.
"Hey, Regulus, you made it!" Evan's voice was already higher pitched, something that happened when he tried to act like he wasn't affected by the alcohol. It was honestly pretty funny when he tried to pass it off to Horace. Really, with how much fucked up shit he gets to with Barty all of the time, you would think he could hold his liquor.
He saw Sirius stiffen, hesitating to continue the conversation he was having with his boyfriend, but Remus nudged him and shook him out of it.
"Hey guys. So, I'm told I am to drink something in order to participate?" He glanced over at Marlene and she had a smirk etched onto her face; this was clearly her idea. Well, she probably also had help from Barty and Evan let's be honest; they are a terrifying trio when they want to be.
Barty's voice sounded from his left, "Ah, yes, here it is, my dear. Drink up!"
Regulus eyed it, as the other's voice was far too gleeful for it to just be alcohol, although Regulus had a feeling on what it was.
He was proven right when he tasted absolutely nothing at all from the vial.
"You are such a cunt." The veritaserum wasn't even needed for that, but he appreciated the added proof behind his words.
Barty just continued to smirk (bitch) and cleared his throat, catching the attention of everyone else in the group. "Alright everybody, our last participant has arrived and has drunk truth, so let's get started!"
Ah, so that's what they were doing. Obvious, now that he knew of the serum, but... damn. He had a feeling this would put a stopper in his and Sirius' developing bond again.
Turns went by, some embarrassing stories told and some secrets revealed. It was when it was Barty's turn that things started to get... off-track.
"This one is a little special, as I have a feeling this one will be fun. As such, there will be rules applied to this particular round: if you have done this multiple times, you have to drink for each one!"
Regulus did not like the sound of his friend's laugh, not did he like the way that he was staring directly at him. This was when he got a twisting feeling in his gut.
Barty's grin continued to widen, looking over at Evan who was giving the same reaction. "Never have I ever kissed someone, other than my partner, who is here in this group."
There was silence for a few seconds, before Marlene took her shot, which led to a domino effect of people taking theirs. The one that really got people curious, sadly, was Remus.
Evan, being the absolute git that he is, decided to be openly annoying about it. "Oh? Remus, was this before or after you and Sirius started dating?" Regulus could practically feel how amused he was at the situation.
Remus took a casual look around the room before giving a shrug, "before we got together. He was actually my first kiss."
Regulus tried not to look, but Barty's smile was getting wider and wider.
"Oh, is that so? Reg, what about you? You've been dating Jamie over here for almost a year, isn't that right?"
Regulus just rolled his eyes and gave a scoff. "Same as him."
How ironic.
"What a coincidence, don't you think?" Mary's voice was gleeful, and it looked as if she had a manic glint in her eye.
Regulus gave a hum in response.
Sirius was looking between them, brows furrowed with confusion before his eyes widened and he gave dramatic gasp, jumping up to his feet. "Remus! My dearly beloved, how could you do this to me?! What does my brother have that I don't?!"
Remus dignified him with a smirk and a shrug of his shoulders, seeming to enjoy the response he got.
Regulus noticed James coming over to him, and gave a smile.
"Hi Reggie," his voice was quiet and his eyes were soft.
Giving a quiet laugh, he rested his body against his boyfriend's, reveling in his close presence and the comfort he gave.
Watching as his brother and Remus bantered, James leaned his head down, "are we just going to ignore how Pandora literally downed four shots while Barty was interrogating you two?"
"Absolutely. Just let the others figure it out, it'll be amusing to watch them try and figure it out, no matter how obvious."
"We are talking about Sirius, right?"
"Of course, my love. I'm still surprised that Sirius didn't realize about mine and Remus'. You both were literally there."
"He was busy trying to flirt with Madame Rosmerta, my star."
"Ah, yes, that makes more sense."
All in all, not as bad of an outing as he thought it was going to be, so he guessed he could let the veritaserum slide.
He still would've liked to have known about it beforehand, though.
But, for now, Regulus would just lay against his sun, and bask in the warmth that was his friends and family, enjoying their laughter and light-hearted arguments as he closed his eyes and got some well-needed rest.
He could put off studying for his N.E.W.T.S. for one day. Besides, in Sirius' words, they still had an entire week before it would really become a "necessity".
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hihimissamericanbi · 8 months
Enemies to lovers AND only one bed? Babe, you're speaking my favorite language here. Tell me more.
well hello there, snitchy snitch!!
Okay, picture this. Sapphic enemies to lovers. Wedding trope. Our MCs are the sister of the groom and sister of the bride. They have disliked each other from the moment they met, back when their siblings first started dating. One is "Miss Priss," the other is "Surly Girlie." Our story takes place at the bachelorette party, a weekend away at the beach. Both our MCs arrive late (so they are grumpy AF already) to find they have to share the only room left. and there's only one bed.
NOW. IS THIS NOT THE PERFECT PANSMIONE. Harry and Draco are getting married. Hermione and Pansy never mended things after the war; they still despise (read: are obsessed with) one another. Now, they've had to work together (ew) to plan this stupid joint bachelor trip for the whole crew. To top it all off, Pansy's portkey got cancelled last minute, and Hermione got caught up in a work emergency at the ministry (at least what I was doing was important, parkinson; sorry if I don't feel bad your fancy first-class portkey got bumped). They spend the first night in their shared bedroom bitching each other out and sleeping as far away from each other as they can get, rolled over to each side and huffing in exasperation.
Honestly this works great for any HP ship pairing. Jily having to work together to plan Wolfstar's bachelor trip. Wolfstar exes-to-lovers planning Jily or Jegulus' trip. Drarry planning Ginsy's. You get the idea.
Below the cut for more stream-of-consciousness fic, incl NSFW art from @upthehillart :D
@hpsaffics you're getting a tag here too :)))
After much description of hot girls in bathing suits (hermione's ass) (pansy's legs) and both of them just absolutely losing their minds over each others' bodies, with lots of sniping back and forth to cover up how embarrassingly into each other they are, they end up last ones at the muggle bar the second night, too tipsy to try apparating. Fuck it, granger, dance with me. Oh boy, do they DANCE. It's so fucking hot, they can't get enough of each other, the feel of their bodies close, their flesh beneath each others' hands, that LOOK in pansy's eyes that says I'm going to eat you alive and you're going to say thank you. But just before something drastic happens, like hermione putting her lips to pansy's neck like she's been wanting to for honestly a very long time, longer than she cares to admit, Harry bursts onto the dancefloor "there you are!!! we've been looking everywhere for you get in the uber right now!"
The spell is broken, and, faces beet red, they let harry drag them back to the air bnb. they take turns showering, being sure to change into pj's in the bathroom (Pansy in a giant band tee shirt and booty shorts, Hermione in a lace pink matching set). Hermione is tying her hair up in a specially-charmed silk scarf and going over some notes from work that got delivered by owl while they were out, and pansy thinks she's the loveliest thing she's ever seen. Pansy's caught staring. "what?" "nothing, granger." there's a pause, like maybe they each want to say more, but instead, pansy just turns out her light with her wand. "night, granger," she whispers.
There in the dark, they both lay on their backs, listening to each other breathe. they end up having a tension-filled, intense exchange where they are truly vulnerable with each other for the first time. apologies are given and accepted in the softest whispers. tentatively, pansy reaches out a hand beneath the covers, drags the back of her fingers gently over the soft skin of hermione's arm. "i really am. sorry. i never meant any of it. you." deep breath. "you're the most incredible girl I've ever met. I've always thought so."
and then--
Hermione moves with that intense decisiveness of hers. She rolls over, straddles pansy, grips her face and kisses her long and deep. Pansy opens her mouth to her instantly, and a stupid little moan escapes and it's the most pathetic sound she's ever made but she will make it again and again if it's hermione who pulls it from her. "Want you," Hermione whispers into pansy's neck, finally latching on and sucking, biting, coaxing blooming bruises of violet and and blue to her pale skin. She shoves her hands up underneath pansy's tee shirt, not an ounce of hesitation, grips her tits hard. kneads them, dances fingers over her nipples, seeing which touches elicit the most gasps from the beauty beneath her. pansy is arching and writhing with pleasure, and hermione grins into her mouth, wicked and brutal. The witch who kept a woman in a jar for months for slandering her friends, the witch who destroyed horcruxes and single-handedly kept two boys alive for the better part of seven years, the 20-something witch ruthlessly bulldozing over all the old white bureaucratic wizards at the ministry, is now the witch taking pansy apart inch by inch and fuck if pansy isn't thrilled to be broken by those powerful hands, sucked dry by plush lips, devoured by sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight as they sink into her skin over and over.
But Pansy has a few tricks up her own sleeve. She grips hermione with strong thighs and rolls them over, "Can I take off your scarf?" she breathes it her ear. "wanna pull your hair while i suck on your tits." Hermione whimpers and pulls her scarf off and pansy gathers those fucking curls into her fist and pulls, careful of course not to damage the curl pattern. Pansy licks a long stripe up her now-bared neck and over her ear, then whispers, "pull your top down. let me see." Hermione obeys, of course she obeys, pansy is commanding and relentless and if pansy wants to look hermione will let her. she fingers a strap of her camisole down off one shoulder, skims her fingertips over the top of her breast, just over the nipple still hidden beneath the fabric. Pansy's mouth is dry and her cunt throbs as she anticipates finally getting a glimpse of her nipple, already hard and poking through the silk and lace. "all the way," pansy murmurs. "take it out. show it to me." hermione whines and squirms and finally digs her hand all the way in and pulls out her breast, so fucking full and delicious with large brown nipples that beg to be kissed, so of course pansy does. Pansy looses her patience and pulls the camisole all the way down, exposing both breasts to her gaze and her wandering hands. she dives in, laving attention all across hermione's warm skin, nipping and licking and sucking and groping. her hips have started grinding down against hermione's pelvis, and hermione is arching up to meet her. "wanna make you come," pansy growls between hermione's tits. "how do you like it?" hermione stills, and pansy looks up. "um," hermione bites her lip. pansy kisses it out from behind her teeth. "yes, baby? what do you want? let me give it to you." Hermione take a deep breath. "i thought i was going to have my own room. i may have brought a few... toys." "oh, like what?" Hermione rolls over, digs around her her bag by the bed, and shyly pulls out an ENTIRE FUCKING STRAP. The magic kind that connects sensations from the strap to the wearer's clit. "I was hoping i might get lucky, going out and everything this weekend." Pansy's speechless. "Would you, um, let me fuck you with it?" hermione asks, big brown eyes wide and hopeful.
Cut to, pansy on all fours, legs kicked wide, ass up, facing the mirror by the bed, watching hermione completely naked and fucking her with her cock, her curves bouncing and slapping with every thrust, the sounds wet and loud and crude, mixing with Pansy's gasps over and over and over. Pansy's tee is shoved up by hermione's demanding hand; she's gripping the skin of her shoulder, her other fist burying in Pansy's hip and pulling her back onto her dick even as she fucks into her, hard and deep and fast. Hermione is strong and her grip bruises and Pansy couldn't move if she wanted to. "M close," Hermione murmurs. "yes, yes, yes," pansy chants in reply, all other words fucked right out of her brain. "touch yourself for me, baby, wanna watch you come first." but when pansy collapses down to one shoulder so she can use her other hand to rub her clit, she gasps in shock. Hermione has wordlessly and wandlessly charmed her fingers to vibrate. pansy shouts when her charmed fingers makes contact with her aching clit, swollen and needy from what feels like a lifetime of getting handled by hermione fucking granger. just a few passes through her folds and over her clit has Pansy shaking and coming with a muffled scream, Hermione following right behind her, the force of her orgasm plunging her cock even harder into pansy's pulsing cunt. it kicks off a second orgasm for pansy, back to back, and she screams and screams until hermione finally pulls out and gather pansy into her arms, shushing her and smoothing her hair.
They clean each other up take turns in the bathroom, and fall asleep in each other's arms.
maybe this wedding won't be so bad after all.
ps: below is my headcanon depiction of pansmione from a fic i cannot recommend enough . Art and fic both by @upthehillart
watch out the girls are naked and hot
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10/9 Pottery Word Count: 376
Before James and Regulus started dating James would bring Regulus little pieces of pottery that he had hand crafted in an attempt to woo him.
It started slowly. A small dish here and a cat sculpture there. But Regulus continued to accept them, James continued to make and gift them. By the time they had started dating Regulus had a shelf full of the trinkets. He wasn’t complaining though.
After they got together James began to give them just cause but also as anniversary gifts. Larger things like plates and mugs.
One day during one of their late night pillow talks Regulus asked James why he made so many different pieces of pottery if only to gift it to Regulus.
It took James a minute to respond but when he did he had said…
“I honestly don’t really know. I started making them in 6th year. I needed an outlet, something to do with my hands. To release all of my pent of energy. During that time I developed a massive crush on you, as I’m sure you are well aware. I guess I just wanted to give them to you. I have so much love to share and I’m not always the greatest with words so I chose to give things to you instead. As a way to show my love, express every ounce of love that I could, ya know?”
This answer had taken Regulus’ breath away. It was one of the most meaningful things someone had ever said to him. And it made the little trinkets James had gifted to him even more special. Something he didn’t know was humanly possible until then.
When James proposed he did so with a little ceramic box he had made to hold the ring.
And since then James had given Regulus a piece of pottery he had made on every one of their wedding anniversaries. He has yet to break this cycle.
This year it’s their 25th wedding anniversary and they’re 48 and 49 years old respectively.
Every year James’ anniversary pottery project gets more and more elaborate.
This year James gifts Regulus a vase. Intricately hand painted with stars and suns. Already holding a bouquet of pink roses. Regulus couldn’t ask for anything more perfect.
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yazpadfoot · 2 years
Hey so not entirely sure I'm doing this right but I'm going to try! Heheheh :)
Ok so could you do the 'bright as sun' on your headcannon post and use either the romantic or platonic relationship, whichever works better, maybe even both?
Idk where to start cuz it's hard to sum people up in a few words (especially myself hehe) and that's cuz humans are really complex and awesome :D
I really love plants and nature, I would spend all of my time outdoors building tree forts and observing moss (as long as it's warm enough outside) and I just generally enjoy plants and mushrooms and really anything green/nature-y.
I'm very sensitive to emotions so I feel them extra strong and have really high empathy (which has it's positives and negatives). I try my best to be the kindest version of myself cuz there is so much horrible shit in this world. This kinda leads to me staying strong and acting positive to support the people in my life who need it even when i'm struggling (a lot rn actually 😭). The world can be such an amazing and magical place, and god I do my best to see the beauty in it and give out beauty back.
I have a weird relationship with food but I absolutely love breakfast. I have a fucking huge earring collection (like 100 pairs and they are all like dangling goofy lil things). I have two ways to dress and it's either a casual outfit that's sweatpants and a sweatshirt or I'm wearing a flowy dress. Also my room have like every piece of wall covered with something either stickers, quotes, poster, picture, drawings, lights, and I love it cuz visual clutter is really cool. Also my favorite feeling is being wrapped up in blankets on my bed (possibly cuddling someone) scrolling through tumblr with nothing else I need to be doing.
Umh the character I relate to the most is James (I actually kinda look like him cuz of my hair and glasses) and my favorite ship rn is jegulus & marylily cuz of all those rich dynamics :D
Anyway! Thank you for taking your time to read this! You seem pretty cool so im following you now heheheh. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night :))
Hey :)
After reading your ask, I decided to do both platonic and romantic relation ship.
Platonic relationship - I think you would be bestie with Remus and Lily. Of course, you would be friends with other marauders, but these two would be your closest friends. You first time became really close, when you joined them in study group, 'cause you had some problems with writing homework (or you just wanted to study with them). Your friendship is based on doing little things for each other. Lily would come with you outdoor to just spend time with you. I really like that part when you wrote you love breakfast - I think this is thing you and Remus have in common. Like you chat together about food and all this stuff. I think you would have really beautiful relationship with them.
Romantic relationship - for some reason I see you with Pandora. She always had the ability to find person who is special. You weren't really friends before, like you talked once or you said hi to each other, but first time you really started talking was when she saw you in corridor helping some first year student. She always knew you are kind, but when she saw you there, she felt something telling her that you are really good person. She walked to you and started talking to you and offered to walk you to your class. Later she started talking to you everyday and always walked you to your class. After month spending time together, she asked you on date. You went to Hogsmeade. You had really good time and you started dating. I think your relationship is based on spending time together and doing things together. Like she always watch you building tree forts or she helps you with it. Also, you two spend time with your friends and everybody thinks you are such a cute couple!
I really hope you like this! <3
Have a nice day xxx
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maraudersdreamer · 2 years
Marauders Squid Game au
Okay, so I keep seeing on twt and tiktok the idea for a marauders squid game au. And I really wanna write it.
I wrote a small snippet of how I might start it and I would love your opinions! I need to figure out a few other things before I write more but I also wanted to ask for opinions!!
Should I write in the side plot of the police man infiltrating the games and finding out who the front man is? If so, ideas for who these people could be!!!
For the games, should I stick with the same games in the show, or find ones that are more common in the UK/europe?
I know it will be awful, but I want to put all our favorite characters in the game. :) here is my little snippet for anyone who wants to read it! feel free to suggest anything and let me know how it is!
There was a time when James thought he had everything. A wife and child, his best friend Peter, and a good job to help support his mom.
There was a time when all this was true.
But then it all came crumbling down. He lost his job after a miscommunication on his boss’s part, his wife, Lily, divorced him because she realized she wanted a better life and then she came out as a lesbian. She took their kid, Harry, in the divorce too. Which was about the worst part of all this. Then, to top it all off, Peter took a job in the US and moved away. James wished he could visit him, but he had to pay for groceries for him and his mom, had to pay child support, and was still trying to find a job.
James was trying, really. But the only way for him to earn cash without a job was to answer freelance ads in the paper or to babysit. That was barely getting him enough for a day’s worth of food, let alone to pay for Harry to get new clothes for school.
So, when he was waiting for the next train home after another failed job interview and a well-dressed man came up to him offering money if he won a child’s game, he went with it. What did he have to lose?
The man had a briefcase with two paper tiles, one red and one blue, and a load of cash in it. All James had to do was hit the man’s blue paper tile with his red one and get the blue one to flip over. If the mysterious man won, James had to give up 50 pounds. But on the other hand, if James won, he earned that money.
After the second time he lost, James had to admit he didn’t have another 50 pounds. But the man simply smiled and said he would slap him for every 50 pounds he didn’t have.
That’s how James ended being slapped too many times to count and when he finally won, he thought he could cry or even better, slap the man back. But the man handed him the money and a strange business card with shapes on it, where he said he would be able to play more games to win a cash prize.
It had been a few days since this strange meeting, and James wasn’t sure whether to call the number on the back of the card or not. But when he got home that day, his mother had collapsed on the ground and had to be taken to the emergency room.
The doctors said she had stage 4 breast cancer and would need specialized treatment if she wanted to live. But it was so expensive. His mom insisted she would be fine, but when James had left the hospital to take a shower and sleep before coming back, he called the number.
“Hello? I got your business card a few days ago.”
A muffled voice came out of the phone speaker.
“Do you wish to participate in the game? If you wish to participate, please state your name and birthdate.”
He hesitated. This seemed sketchy, but he really needed the money.
“James Potter. Birth date is March 27, 2000.”
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remolupini · 2 years
Can I ask about I didn't ask for small talk? ☺️
This wip game
So I didn't ask for small talk is one of the two long fics I've already started posting and the only wolfstar wip I have.
The basis is that Sirius starts questioning their gender, and so texts a random number, whcih happens to be Remus, a trans guy and also accidentally James's neighbour.
This is currently on hiatus because I wanted to include special prose only chapters that show what was going on with Jegulus, every time there was a major development in the main plot
It didn't work, the first Jegulus chapter was hell to work on, so I had to say hold on pause to understand what was happening with the fic.
But this means I have those scenes ready for a snippet, if they ever do become part of the actual fic.
Here's the snippet:
(context James is recovering from an eating disorder)
James was trying to be late to French class. It was always after lunch, which didn't help. In September they used to alert his parents when he didn’t show up promptly, but nowadays they seemed to be more chill and he could go back to his subtle rebellion against school governor Druella Black and her suggestion everyone learn her mother language.
He never took advantage of the forgotten surveillance, by the way.
Someone grabbed his arm. He turned to face them.
Regulus's face was the same as it was during assembly every day, and James assumed it would be the same while watching a nice play, or if informed of a family death.
«Are you any good at maths?»
Of all the things he could be saying that was not something James would have expected. He clicked his tongue and broke into a grin.
«Predicted 9, why?»
«Predicted 4»
He must be joking. What part of maths could Regulus Black struggle with? This badly on top of that.
«If you want to know about your brother you can simply ask. No need for this little dance.»
Regulus swallowed and finally let go of James's wrist.
«What does he need Friday for?»
There it was the myth of Regulus Black, restored.
«A date.»
« No, he looked... desperate»
«It's been a while since he's been on one,» James joked. «But genuinely if it didn’t happen it would have been the last.»
«That's not ni– a real sentence.»
James catched Regulus's slip up, and responded to that instead. «No, it's not. But it's more complicated than that, you know? Sirius is who he is, bless him.»
Regulus took a deep breath. «Thanks for telling me this.»
«You deserve to be kept in the loop about him.»
James smiled at him and went to leave. Now he was actually late, what if the it teacher realised he was nowhere to be found right after lunch? He didn't want anyone on the team knowing, but would Regulus corroborate his story if he didn't tell him why the teachers worried?
Regulus cleared his throat and James's mind cleared for a moment.
«I don't lie. I never do it»
It took a while for James to understand what he was referring to. He actually was failing maths.
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supitssummer · 4 years
How Jegulus (and Jily) started:
It started off in the summer between the Marauders 5th and 6th year
[Reminder this was when Sirius ran away to the Potter's]
So it all started when Regulus owled James (he knew Sirius would be there) about his brothers well-being because he knew Sirius wouldn't have answered, then they started owling more and started a friendship which eventually turned into a crush on both ends.
Once they get back to Hogwarts they start hanging out more and (secretly) going to Hogsmeade that turns into dates and eventually a relationship which last until the summer that year when Regulus owls James about Orion and Walburga having him get the dark mark and having a mutual understanding that for each of their safety they need to stop seeing each other
Then Jily happens in 7th year after james gets over Regulus and Lily develops a crush on James and although James loved Lily, Regulus would always hold a special place in his heart as his first (requited love) and he still has feelings for him.
Lily knows about the relationship, because James told her about it when SHE asked him to Hogsmeade (fight me) after they got back from the date, he said it was because before he started something new he felt she should know he had some hard-to-cut strings in his past.
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remywrites5 · 5 years
15. Jegulus?
           James had only come to the stupid party in order to try and chat up Evans and she hadn’t even had the decency to show up. James had heard from Peter that Lily had gone to a party with Marlene Mckinnon instead. It was probably for the best. It had been years and Evans still wanted nothing to do with him. James was stubborn but he wasn’t stupid. Maybe it was time to throw in the towel where Lily was concerned.
           Besides, James had been so preoccupied with Lily that he’d barely gotten off with anyone throughout Uni and that just seemed a damn shame. That was what university was for after all and it wouldn’t do to keep a stud like himself off the market.
           James was scoping around the party for someone new to chat up when a hand rested against the nape of his neck and he was pulled into a kiss. He hadn’t expected things to work so fast! After all, he’d just decided to try and have it off with someone.
           “Hi babe, sorry I’m la-“ the guy who had kissed him began before stopping in horror. James blinked his eyes open, not even realizing they had closed during the kiss. “James?”
           James smiled. “Oh hey, Reg,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “When did we start calling each other babe? Not that I mind.”
           Regulus looked slightly mortified. As Sirius’ younger brother, James and Regulus had met a bunch of times over the years. Regulus was always awkward around James and a bit standoffish. James never knew if that was just how Reg was or if deep down he didn’t really like James all that much. But James Potter was not one to be dissuaded by someone not liking him – as evidenced by his years of chasing after Lily Evans - who couldn’t care less if he fell into a ditch and stayed there.
           “I-I thought you were Benjy,” Regulus said, a blush forming from his cheeks down to his neck. James tried and failed not to find it adorable. “He told me he’d be dressed like Jon Snow. I saw your cape and I just assumed.”
           James raised an eyebrow. “You and Benjy, huh?”
           Regulus shrugged. “He’s nice.”
           “Nice?” James echoed with a chuckle. “Don’t go setting the bar too high there, Reg.”
           Regulus scowled at him. “Sorry I kissed you. Enjoy the party.”
           James, who was bored and enjoyed teasing Reg, made up his mind to follow him. He linked his arm through Reg’s, laughing at Reg sputtered at him indignantly. “So babe, I’m thinking of a June wedding.”
           Regulus scoffed. “God Potter, are you always this obnoxious or am I just special?”
           James grinned mischievously. “Do you want to be special?” he whispered in Reg’s ear.
           Regulus pulled back and shoved James away. “Y-you’re such a wanker.”
           James stood in the middle of the party a little bit dumbfounded. He had just been teasing. He didn’t think Regulus would take it so hard. He watched Reg’s retreating back, wondering just what he’d done to make him so angry. It couldn’t be about Sirius, could it? It wasn’t exactly his fault that he and Sirius had come best mates. Whatever it was, James had to fix it, because he couldn’t go his life having his best friend’s brother hate him.
           He followed after Regulus, running into Benjy on the way. “Oi James, same costume!” he said, grinning broadly. Regulus was right, Benjy was nice.  James had no idea why he suddenly despised Benjy down to his very core. “Have you see Regulus? He’s supposed to meet me here.”
           “Nope, haven’t seen him,” James lied before heading in the direction Regulus had disappeared to. He found the kitchen window open that led out to the fire escape. He didn’t see anything down below so he started the climb upwards. When he got to the roof, Regulus was sitting on the ledge with his feet dangling over, looking up at the stars. James sat down next to him facing the opposite direction. “I know I can be a prat sometimes.”
           “Sometimes?” Regulus huffed out a laugh, raising an eyebrow at James knowingly.
           James chuckles and ran his fingers through his unkempt hair. “Okay, fine, a lot of the time. But I’m really not so bad.”
           Regulus turned his face towards James and looked at him for a long time as if trying to find out if he was sincere. “Is this the kind of stuff you say to Evans to convince her to date you?” he teased, taking off James’ glasses and cleaning a smudge off them before placing them back on James’ face. “If so, I can see why she hasn’t gone for it yet.”
           “Oi,” James said, playfully punching Regulus softly on the arm. “I can be downright charming when I want to be.”
           “Oh I know,” Regulus said quietly, tilting his face back up towards the sky. You couldn’t really see the stars from the city but it seemed like Reg was trying all the same.
           James wasn’t really sure how to respond to that. He glanced down at his hands and hated the way his heart was racing just a little bit faster. “I like your costume,” he said dumbly, placing a hand on Reg’s thigh. Reg was dressed like the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, but the Disney original version, not the shitty Tim Burton one. “Why didn’t you and Benjy dress to match? “
           Regulus rolled his eyes. “Because I abhor couples costumes and they’re incredibly lame?” he informed James haughtily.
           “Couples costumes are awesome as long as you do them with the right person!”
           Regulus glanced down to where James’ hand was still resting on his thigh. “Besides, Benjy and I aren’t even really a couple. This was only our second date.”
           James smirked. “So you just throw out babe willy-nilly?” he asked, mocking offense by clutching his chest with his spare hand, not wanting to remove his other one from the warmth of Regulus’ thigh. It was an experiment to see how long Reg would tolerate James touching him.”Babe is sacred!”
           “I don’t want to be with Benjy,” Reg admitted quietly, placing his hand on top of James’. “But the person I want is into someone else and even if he wasn’t he wouldn’t be into me.”
           James licked his lips, his mouth having suddenly gone dry. “What makes you so sure?”
           Regulus managed to meet James’ gaze. “Because he just thinks of me as his best friend’s kid brother,” he said with a heavy sigh. “And he’s never noticed the giant crush I’ve had on him for years.”
           James swallowed thickly. “He sounds like an idiot,” he managed to joke, turning his hand over so he could lace his fingers through Reg’s.
           Reg shook his head. “He’s actually quite clever. I think maybe he just didn’t want to see it.”
           James reached out with his free hand and cupped Reg’s cheek. “If he’d seen it he would have done something about it,” he told Regulus resolutely. He left his thumb caress Reg’s cheek, dragging over the soft stubble there. “And their first kiss wouldn’t have been an accident.”
           James slid his hand back to Reg’s nape and tugged him forward until their lips met. James kept the kiss gentle and unhurried, giving Regulus a chance to pull away if he wanted. He was surprised when Reg’s tongue slipped into his mouth and deepened the kiss. He hummed approvingly and scooted closer, sliding his fingers up into Reg’s short black hair, and taking control of the kiss.
           Regulus moaned, a deep guttural sound that made James double his efforts. Regulus pulled back and James involuntarily whined in protest. Reg chuckled and pressed their foreheads together. “Just wait a moment,” he said softly.
           “Nope, no more waiting,” James said, noticing that his glasses had fogged up from the incredible snog.
           “Before things go any further I should probably go break things off with Benjy,” Regulus reasoned, cupping James’ face in his hands. “After all, he is very nice.”
           James scoffed. “Nice is boring,” he growled, kissing Reg again.
           Regulus laughed into the kiss and broke away again. “Nice is nice,” he said, sliding off the ledge and dropping down onto the roof. “But who wants nice when they can have James Potter?”
           James dropped down on the roof next to Reg and pulled him close, capturing his lips yet again. Now that they’d started he couldn’t seem to stop. Reg tasted so good and his lips were soft. He wrapped his cloak around the two of them for warmth and also to trap Reg close to him. Regulus, of course, saw through it immediately and snorted in amusement.
           “Don’t go,” James whispered between kisses. Christ, it had been too long since he’d had a proper snog.
           Reg tilted his head back to break the kiss and James took the opportunity to kiss the long column of his throat. Regulus sighed happily and dug his fingers into James’ biceps. “James,” he groaned in a mix of exasperation and arousal. “I’m not a cheat.”
           “You said it had only been two dates,” James reminded him, licking along Reg’s collarbone. “You can’t already have talked about being exclusive.”
           “Fuck, you’re a terrible influence,” Reg said, shivering in James’ arms with want. “S-still, I came to the party to meet Benjy. I owe him an explanation.”
           “Fine,” James said, stepping away and releasing Reg. He took in Reg’s appearance, his pink cheeks and his kiss-swollen lips. He looked practically depraved and James couldn’t wait to finish him handiwork. “To be continued?”
           Regulus smiled and held out his hand to James. “I’m only telling Benjy so I can shag you tonight with a clear conscience.”
           James bit his bottom lip to hold back a moan. “Little Regulus Black. Who knew you were so wicked?”
           Regulus pulled James forward by their entwined hands and kissed him fiercely. He didn’t stop until James was breathless, his toes curling inside his shoes, and his mouth wanting nothing more than to stay permanently attached to Reg. He looked up at James through lower lashes and he looked so god damn sexy that James wondered how he had never noticed it before. Regulus grinned. “I didn’t spend the last three years fantasizing about you just to have a nice, quiet evening at home.”
           “Mmm,” James hummed, kissing Regulus again. “Nice is boring. Oh, and next year? We’re doing couples costumes.”
           Regulus rolled his eyes and started down the fire escape. “Over my cold, dead body, Potter.”
           “We’re doing it!” James said, following after him gleefully. “I’ve an entire year to wear you down.”
           Regulus turned on the fire escape and pushed himself up to meet James’ lips. A few pedestrians on the sidewalk that could see them were cheering and hollering. Regulus broke the kiss first and grinned. “Never gonna happen.”      
           James matched his grin – already oh so up to the challenge that was Regulus Black. “We’ll see about that.”
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theprodigypenguin · 5 years
Fanfic Masterlist
 In an attempt to boost my confidence I decided to make a masterlist of the fics I’ve managed to complete, because somehow seeing them all like this makes me feel super accomplished :3 and more motivated to write more!
Link to theprodigypenguin Ao3 Dashboard
King and Lionheart
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: M
Words: 6.3k (ongoing)
Summary: No summary, we die like men who can't write summaries.
Ao3 Link
should i have known that you would take hold (and never let go)
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: E
Words: 70k
Summary: James Potter likes to play the field when it comes to matters of the heart, inviting home men he hardly knows just to feel less lonely for a moment. As the oldest son and heir to his father's company, expectations and scrutiny are unavoidable. Giving himself up to someone, even under the guise of a lie, is his only escape. Yet his desire for acceptance leads to unpredicted circumstances that call for him to open his home and his heart for his own protection. Teddy Lupin lost his job two years ago, leading him down a path with no direction. Left with scars and trauma, all he truly wants is his old job back. The last thing he expected was for the richest man in London to offer him a job protecting his oldest son. Less expected than that, was how charming and irresistible he was. Though it was the last thing Teddy planned, in the end maybe a kindhearted heir with a protective heart of gold was exactly what he needed to move on.
Ao3 Link
Bad Liar 
Ship: James Sirius Potter/Craig Bowker Jr
Rating: M
Words: 33k
Summary: Truth or dare was supposed to be a stupid game for kids to play just to kill time. It was never meant to start something serious with someone whom Craig never would have been interested in otherwise.
Ao3 Link
Ship: Scorbus
Rating: G
Words: 1.8k 
Summary: A minor incident at Albus' Magizoology internship with the Scamanders ends with him bedridden at St Mungos with his unamused boyfriend as his caretaker.
Ao3 Link
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: E
Words: 78.7k
Summary: "There was just something about this man, though they’d never met before, never seen or spoken to each other before tonight. Maybe it was the bass of the music vibrating down to his bone marrow, the buzz from the whiskey or the crushing loneliness of having no one left. He was cold, and even after twenty-seven years of living, dating, breaking up, Teddy had never seen anything that could rival the honest warmth in Jamie’s eyes."
Ao3 Link
Ship: none
Rating: G
Words: 5k 
Summary: Post Half-Blood Prince: Bill is dealing with the recovery and repercussions of Greyback's attack, confined to bed and miserable but desperate to reassure his worried family he's fine, when a surprise visit from his favorite brother finally lifts his spirits.
Ao3 Link
Love me Tender
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 4.5k
Summary: Teddy loved James. Tender and true; and James loved Teddy back.
Ao3 Link
Memory, Memory
Ship: minor Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 3k 
Summary: Teddy visits his parents grave every year on the same day, but he always goes alone. This year turns out a bit different.
Ao3 Link
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: M
Words: 27.8k 
Summary: James wasn't one to hide things about himself from the people around him. He was brought up to be proud of who he was, every piece of himself. He wasn't ashamed of his sexuality or his preferences, the gender he was attracted to or otherwise, and his family wasn't ashamed of it either. No, in the end he was ashamed not for who he was, but for who he loved, and the fear that everyone else would be ashamed and would hate him for the same thing.
Ao3 Link 
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 2.6k
Summary: The lack of lighting made his eyes look like glass covering shadows, mirrors that had no discernible color but reflected all the stars that he seemed so entirely enthralled with. He looked like a charcoal oil painting on canvas, and Teddy was starting to become an avid art lover.
Ao3 Link
Woke the F*ck Up
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 10.8k 
Summary: When an ex who broke it off because James wouldn't put out re-enters his life and asks to have lunch together, James reaches out to Auror partner Teddy Lupin, who's all too happy to help scare away the little bastard, no matter how he has to do it.
Ao3 Link
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: M
Words: 13.9k 
Summary: An Auror mission gone awry proves just how essential having a specialized clinic for Lycanthrope-Afflicted witches and wizards is.
Ao3 Link
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: E
Words: 15.3k 
Summary: The Potter's and Weasley's had always been Teddy's unofficial family, he'd grown up with them after all, but in the past he never would have imagined actually joining their family. Till now that is, and there was no one else Teddy would have wanted to share this day with.
Ao3 Link
Slow Down Time
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 6.3k
Summary: It was so domestic, Teddy always found himself in awe of it. That he'd grown up almost entirely alone, and somehow was blessed with this family. There had always been an empty space in his heart that could never be filled by those he grew up with.It was an empty space that ached unimaginably whenever he looked at pictures of his parents, whenever he visited their grave or saw it was May second on the calendar, because what he longed for the most was family of his own, his parents, shared blood, and now he had that.
Ao3 Link
Creation Out of Nothing
Ship: Lilyander
Rating: G
Words: 4.8k 
Summary: In retrospect, Lily and Lysander don't have much in common, but if you can't bond over feelings of self doubt and the concept of not being good enough for your family, then what else are you supposed to bond over?
Ao3 Link
Just a Scary Dream
Ship: none
Rating: G
Words: 5k 
Summary: When they were younger, Albus always went to James when he had a particularly bad dream. He grew out of it, but in light of recent events, the murders of Craig and his grandparents and his involvement with Delphini, the bad dreams had just gotten worse, and only one person was ever able to help him through those nightmares.
Ao3 Link
Moon Sick
Ship: Jeddy
Rating: G
Words: 9.5k
Summary: James is in his final year at Hogwarts, seventeen and thriving, but no matter how long he'd spent in Slughorn's class over the past few years, he still didn't much see the point of potions, and he was running out of time to finally get motivated about it. His seventeenth Christmas at The Burrow, however, proves a better teacher and motivator than Slughorn or his father ever were, as a dear friend becomes ill, where the only method of healing and relief is through the brewing of a special tonic. Though James has little to no interest in such things, if it's to help relieve the pain of someone he truly cares for, he would do just about anything.
Ao3 Link 
Thicker Than Water
Ship: none
Rating: G
Words: 15.5k 
Summary: James Sirius Potter loves his family, and he isn't shy about announcing it. He'll say it to their faces and say it to whoever is listening, that he loves his parents and his amazing sister, his cousins, aunts and uncles, even his ever frustrating younger brother, Albus. Difficult he may be to talk to sometimes, James still loves him, even if he struggles to make Albus understand that; but when Albus disappears not once, but three times, before the first term back at school is even halfway over, James starts to wonder, maybe he didn't tell Albus he loved him nearly enough, and worries if he didn't start saying it sooner, he'd lose his chance to entirely.
Ao3 Link
Holiday Dysfunction
Ship: Scorbus
Rating: G
Words: 26.3k
Summary: People say that if you have a confession to tell, the best thing to do would be to simply rip it off like a Band-aid, but for Albus that metaphorical Band-aid has been stuck in place for the past six years, and it's hard enough talking to your dad when he happens to be Harry Potter, so it makes things a little more complicated when you're also in love and married to the son of your father's former school rival and ex-death-eater. Throw a new kid into the blend and the Holiday Season just gets more festive.
Ao3 Link 
Stupid Deep
Ship: Jegulus
Rating: E
Words: 24.2k (ongoing)
Summary: October of 1981 came and went, Halloween night left James Potter with lasting mental and physical scars, his wife lost to him and his son marked by a madman who had the audacity to disappear before James could get his revenge. He'd lost so much in so short a time: his loving parents, his beloved wife, his long time friend; a betrayal that stung more than the curse to his chest ever could. He struggled to live, he regretted every breath, only living because he had to, because he had Harry to look after, but he ached in ways that shouldn't ever be endured by any human. James thought for sure everything was lost, even the things he still had seemed too far away and easy to lose. He doubted anything in the world could make it less painful. Until a chance miracle is brought to light, a former infatuation rekindled into burning flames, and the Gryffindor bravery James thought was long lost roars back to life inside of him. He'd lost so much, but if he could help it, he would not lose this. Not again.
Ao3 Link 
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exaketededly · 7 years
@that-meiko-girl​ tagged me and i’m really excited c: thanks btw
- always post the rules
- answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you
- write 11 questions of your own
- tag 11 people
1. How did you get into Voltron?
Thanks to fan arts here on Tumblr but it specially caught my attention after watching @rbillustrations​ youtube video 
2. What is your favorite pairing and how did you come to like them?
Shiro x Keith is my life <3 I used to ship Klance but after I saw @lordzuuko​ Sheith fan arts I started to love them and then I started to read some analisys on sheith’s interaction and I loved them even more, then Klance fans really got in my nerves and specially after season 2 I decided Sheith was my OTP 4 life bc I love nice and supportive BF more than love/hate relationships ¬.¬ 
3. What is your favorite food??
IDK pizza maybe? enmoladas -w-/ <3 tacos 
4. When you want to be alone in your own space, what do you do to just unwind?
watch some youtube videos 
5. Favorite show, aside from Voltron~?
South Park
6. If you could style any of the paladins’ hair, or Coran’s or Kaltenecker’s, which would you choose and what would you give them?
Shiro with long hair ;w; imagine the possibilities *w*/ or keith with pony tails -w-
7. The food goo machine is broken! What do you and Hunk fix instead?
IDK planet pizza delivery service is a thing?
8. If you have a favorite pairing, how would you have imagined their first meeting, and first kiss to go down?
Maybe Keith is in troubles one day at the academy so Shiro decides to help him out and Keith is like “omg he’s so cool” so the hole time they are in silence but at the end Keith thanks him all flustered and blushing, Shiro just thinks that’s really cute and decides to tell him his name and he’ll see him around...maybe? (I’m not ggod at this stuff) so yeah Keith pining for his school senpai.
9. Who would you take with you to the space mall? Why?
Allura bc I want to buy her sparkly things -w-
10. Which character would you want to share you skills or talent with or teach something? (from any show or game)
I want to spend time with my baby Nico di Angelo and show him some cool goth bands..I’ll make him goth, I mean he’s already pretty goth but I just want to share some time with my precious son.
11. White haired Keith or dark haired Keith?
Dark bc I’m a sucker for dark haired boys *w* black hair is my  everything :3 
Ok now my questions I guess...
1. If you could change voltron into an AU what would it be? 
2. Your favorite imaginary crossover?
3. List your top 5 OTP’s 
4. Your voltron NOTP (if you have one) 
5. your favorite book series ever
6. Do you like Kpop?
7. Dance or sing?
8. Are you afraid of death?
9. Is English your first language? If not what is your first language?
10. Drarry, agree or disagree?
11. Is there a word that you find funny or curious?
I tag…whomever wants to do this and:
@suck-too-hard-on-your-lollypop @dying-for-jegulus @rosalyfart @iamatrashfan @raikovart @that-meiko-girl @kitenokk @spiralofsam @s4900847 @keith-and-shiro-were-dating 
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James x Regulus writing I published so far
On AO3:
Illusions And Memories
On a meadow, young James and Regulus picture their loving future without knowing their future is going to be remembering their past, wondering where everything went. (AU)
Five Times Five Stages Of James And Regulus Dating
One day, James Potter simply started dating Regulus Black - but it didn’t remain that simple. From the beginning, the two had a tendency of making people go through the Five Stages of Grief just by existing - be it Sirius Black, who can’t believe it when Remus tells him his brother of heart is snogging his baby brother, Minerva McGonagall, who “can’t wait” until their children start Hogwarts (she can), James and Regulus themselves due to their offsprings’ Hogwarts houses and Quidditch positions, or Draco Malfoy, who happens to have an annoying crush on his second cousin (damn it). (Multi chapter, AU)
Dance Us Back Together
When Regulus Black sees his ex on a ball and notices the latter is single again, he is all but spying on him and definitely not using his child to win James Potter’s heart, or at least his address. The only problem is children have minds of their own, too. (AU, might become multi chapter one day)
I Eavesdropped
Regulus can’t help it, he somehow ends up hiding in his locker while his brother’s best friend talks about his crush on him. And he can’t escape. Awkward. (Canon compliant)
Jegulus Marathon
Seven individual works - one shots and ficlets - I published on Tumblr for my Jegulus Marathon a while back. Contains angst, fluff, bad puns, canon compliant writing and AUs.
Tears And Special Occasions
A Sweet Surprise
James Potter is young and always struggling to impress his beloved boyfriend. (AU, nsfw, found on fanfiction.net)
Je Le Vois
Regulus has a hard time seeing a future with his lover James. (canon divergence, contains smut, also found on Tumblr and fanfiction.net)
James and Sirius manage to remove a fifteen-year-old Regulus from his terrible home environment shortly after Sirius had to escape it to save his own life, and Regulus's presence does things to James he can't explain. One night, he is kept awake by the boy passionately playing the piano, which is both intriguing and very annoying. (Hurt/Comfort, light Angst, fluff)
On Amino:
James Potter wakes up with a pounding headache and a person on his chest. The only problem is he doesn’t have his glasses on, and he can think of a number of people that he would not like to be lying on top of him. (AU) Found on AO3 here
To Be Honest
James decided to sneakily evaluate his chances of getting with Regulus Black by asking “innocent and unobtrusive” questions. However, Slytherins are not easily tricked. (Canon compliant I guess)
On Tumblr
James is jealous of a girl Regulus hangs out with, and doesn’t understand why.
Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight
Regulus is damaged and takes it out on his boyfriend James, but James isn’t going to put up with it any longer.
It’s hard telling your elder brother you’re dating his best mate.
The First ‘I Love You’
Sometimes it’s hard to say what you really feel.
Exchanging First Kisses
Poetic essay on why they just fit.
(I’ll keep adding to it)
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