#sparkle rants
sparklinganxiety · 2 months
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Here's some Pim heads
Now sit down and listen to my sad tale
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When I was in elementary school, I was that weird kid that people naturally were drawn to bully. And I just wanted friends, there was this girl who was a really, REALLY good warrior cat artist for someone in 3rd grade and naturally I wanted to be her friend, I wanted to draw like her! But she didn't like me very much, often shoving me, playing it off as a joke, and criticizing the way I draw warrior cats (I would draw them with long hair, it was a popular thing when I was younger.) and just treating me like a parasite but I still wanted to make her proud, so I kept drawing, and drawing, and drawing. Even when I moved schools, I kept drawing.
Thats the short story on how I pressured myself to draw! I enjoy drawing of course, I just wished a good person had inspired me.
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dapper-lil-arts · 8 months
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and somehow, that only makes her fall in love more
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endlesslytired · 4 months
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more from the post looooop:
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stringyoualong · 10 months
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The boypussy art is having an small peak. Heres an remake i made some time ago so just i can throw this somewhere
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ok here me out bc im banned from watching wwe bc i get "aggressive" (yelling at the tv flailing around but never hitting maybe squeezing and shaking but not hard) how would bitter sweet and auron react to listener who gets like that
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Bittersweet boys:
Alphinse is 100% for it and is yelling at the tb with you
Seth is trying to make sure the living room doesn't look like a tornado blew through it.
Alphonse is on squeezing duty as he shakes the both of you it's a funny scene to see bc Seth is on the side eating popcorn.
I can see Al liking WWE a lot, might have even made a bet- BUT it wasn't a lot he swears-
Seth just cheers for whoever ur cheering for bc he doesn't watch this a lot. He does sometimes gets loud when the WWE wrestler slams someone down.
Came to visit you on a off day, was a little alarmed when he heard you yelling.
Not you coming out confused and ready to scold who ever just interrupted your WWE match. You literally told EVERYONE that week it was coming up.
After seeing it was Auron you invited him in, he then saw the WWE channel on. When sitting next to you he was surprised how hard you squeezed his hand.
He was a bit amused as you jumped around and swung your arms around yelling things at the TV.
He's not much of an enjoyed of WWE but is happy you express it so comfortably with him. Auron does a bit of cheers but not as loudly.
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spritiez · 2 months
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BEFORE WE DIVE IN: I don’t HATE fluttercord.Its cute, I don’t ship it personally but the ship gives me so much nostalgia that it’s hard for me to hate. They’re cute together, I DO SEE IT. Because it’s implied in the show but never confirmed.
I just dislike the trope and that’s the main thing.
On another note, I just never liked fluttercord. Plus, whoever designed screwball made her look more like a pinkie/twilight weird ass love child. I love her to death but ermmm..
Thank you for listening to my rant guys 😍😍
(And for all of you asking if this is rage bait or why I’ve put it under fluttercord: it’s because it’s the topic of what I’m talking about -I don’t mean this in a mean way AT ALL, it’s just a topic included in the rant so I tagged it.)
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dailyjermasparkle · 2 months
mcu has gone from sparkle on to sparkle off :[
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heavymetalluvofmine · 2 months
“you ruined my friend group” no girl you’re just a fucking cunt.
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holyghostflo · 29 days
Ok, it's been a quite a while since I've done one of these, so buckle up. I've got a big one for you to today:
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Izzy Moonbow's sparkle sense.
Now, my opinion on G5 as a whole is... not great. The generation had a whole lotta interesting ideas that were either executed poorly or never really explored.
In the case of Izzy's talent for seeing sparkle, after the movie, it's mentioned very little and rarely with any real story or character intent. (Not saying all traits of a character must do this. Some can be charming and lovable without having much of a point. This isn't one of those cases.)
-but I like stories, and I like Izzy, so let me cook for a sec.
The first time Izzy ever mentioned "Sparkle" was with Sunny on their way to Zephyr Heights.
"You know, your Sparkle? Yours is... lavender."
Two things:
One, the more obvious point: Sparkle might be alluding to Twilight Sparkle, the literal pony embodiment of magic.
Two, Izzy notes that Sunny's Sparkle is a specific color, meaning that, whatever she's seeing isn't just a sparkly something... it's a COLORFUL sparkly something.
Now, let's rewind back to G4 for a bit.
What's sparkly, colorful, and magically comes from ponies?
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That's right. Their magical Aura.
Izzy can see the literal magical aura of other ponies, regardless of their race. (As opposed to G4, where it was only clear what color unicorns and Alicorns magical aura was because.... well, yeah.)
This could've been EXTREMELY interesting.
How, you may ask?
Allow me to demonstrate.
In G4, the color of a pony's Aura usually followed a rule: It had to match either their eyes or their cuite mark.
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Twilight's aura was hot pink/fushia, which matched her cutie mark.
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Rarity's aura was a crystal blue, which matched both her eyes AND her cutie mark.
Other examples include, but are not limited to:
Sweetie Belle - light green = her eyes
Celestia - sulight yellow = her cutie mark
Shining Armor - hot pink/fushia - his cutie mark
Lyra Heartstrings - golden yellow = her eyes + cutie mark
Starlight Glimmer - cyan = cutie mark
-and so on, and so forth.
Now, going back to Izzy, she told Sunny her Sparkle was the color lavender.
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Notice how that doesn't really seem to follow the rule.
However, doesnt that specific color remind you of anypony?
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Sunny's magic being the color of Twilight Sparkle had SO many implications.
Was she physically related to Twilight Sparkle in some way?
Was the color just a neat little hint that Sunny was basically the next in line to fill Twilight's shoes?
Plot concepts, people. Plot concepts!
Having a pony who can see the magic emanating off of other ponies is tremendous for telling us things about other characters and their possible role in the story.
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it's so fucking funny seeing the whole "hello kitty girl/sanrio girl" aesthetic get demonized like. once again we're shitting on people for liking traditionally "feminine" things. huh.
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sparklinganxiety · 4 months
I hate how people see Dust as this maniac who only wants LV. NO! He is so much more complex then that! He killed for LV yes, but he had a reason for it! He killed to defeat frisk/Chara, I hate seeing fics where they make him enjoy what he does, he obviously doesn't enjoy doing this, he was desperate, desperate to end the never-ending genocide route so desperate that he killed his own brother to gain that LV, he killed his friends to gain LV, he was driven to insanity by his own desperation. so no, Dust does not enjoy killing! or at least he doesn't go out of his way to kill
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lexapro-princess · 2 months
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Rant: I still remember when this show was airing. I was 13 and having a hard time but I enjoyed this so much it made me forget about the pain for a second. I can't believe every single one of these actors and actresses are now in their 30s while i'm in my early 20s. I feel like everything happened too fast. I grew up too fast, they grew up too fast. I remember Ari's Dangerous Woman album, Lana's Honeymoon, Taylor's 1989, and everything makes me so nostalgic. I was in high school and even though I was depressed, life was still good, it was still sweet. Now everything seems to be falling apart, the idea that I can't go back to being that 13 year old girl who was innocent and young makes me suffer. I feel like my life is over. No one is gonna hold me anymore and tell me that everything will get better, no one will justify my pain just because i'm an adult now and not a kid. No one will look at my scars and be worried, they'll just say i'm doing it to get people's attention. I have to work, live by myself and worry about everything in a world that seems to be on fire, when I was 13 the world seemed full of possibilities. I miss having fun with friends, I miss being a teenager. If you are a teenager, please enjoy every second of it because it won't come back. I'm sorry for being blunt but I can only wish somebody else told me to enjoy my teenage years instead of just complaining all the time. Life seems so unreal now, people are so divided, everything is war and stupid content like tiktok. The magic the 2010s YouTube or 2014 Tumblr or Vine brought is incomparable, I don't see that happening now. I even asked ChatGPT if anyone in science is working in time travel because I'm that desperate and stupid. (I know it's impossible) So anyway, my advice is please seek professional help if you're struggling and enjoy your teenage years. I miss them incredibly and I can't get them back. Tumblr is like therapy to me, I know I can post something and somewhere, someone will understand. If you need somebody to talk to, please know that I'm here. My DMs are open. And if you're in your 20s like me and miss being a teenager, don't forget to work on yourself. I wish somebody told me things will get better, that I'll eventually stop missing my teenage years, but I wouldn't believe them. Since the pandemic that I've been detached from reality, and I miss the 2010s so much. I don't see anything good out of this decade. Things seem so much worse and to make matters worse, I'm an adult now and no one is gonna save me. I'm here if any of you needs to talk, we should support each other. I wish I could get in a time machine and be 13 again, watch Scream Queens and believe someone when they tell me it'll get better. Sorry for this rant but I can't talk about this with my friends, they wouldn't understand. And if you made It this far, thanks for reading.
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 4 months
The biggest issue that I have with g5 is all of the unanswered questions about what happened during the time frame between g4 and g5. The biggest ones are:
What happened to the alicorns? 
What happened to the other sapient creatures? Donkeys, mules, zebras, horses, cattle, sheep, buffalo/bison, deer/reindeer, hippos, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs/seaponies, dragons, Changelings, kirin, anthro cats, diamond dogs, anthro birds, etc etc.
How was Equestria able to function with the magic gone? And who's been raising the sun and moon this whole time if the magic has been gone? Is it someone outside Equestria?
They're never going to answer any of those questions.
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The only reason why I watched MYM all the way through is because I was waiting for a proper explanation for all of the questions the movie didn't answer. I think the majority of us were under the impression that the TV show or comics would provide those answers.
Well... they didn't. And, let's face it, they probably never will. And if they do, the explanation will be bad.
The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the comics was... dumb.
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The explanation they gave for the Unity Crystals and ponies dividing in the TV show was... dumb. And inconsistent.
Sunny in The Traditional Unicorn Sleepover:
Sunny Starscout: But then one day, a magical accident happened! An Earth pony got hurt by a unicorn! Everypony started fighting with each other! The princess, wanting to protect her kingdom and all of the ponies in it, decided to put all magic into three crystals before it got out of hoof. After that, Earth ponies only felt safe with other Earth ponies. Unicorns with unicorns. And Pegasi of a feather flock together. The ponies galloped, trotted, and flew as far as they could with their crystals, settling in what would become Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, and Maretime Bay. And that's where they lived forever... until now.
Spike in the Isle of Scaley:
Spike: Twilight's reign was peaceful for many moons until Opaline Arcana appeared. She'd been banished from Skyros.
Sunny Starscout: The Alicorn land?
Spike: She wanted to rule all ponies. She thought that Alicorns were superior.
Spike: But my friends were strong. Our friendship had created such powerful magic that Opaline had to resort to dark ways to overthrow Equestria. She even attacked the dragons to transform into a Fire Alicorn!
Spike: The crystals were created to hide the magic of Equestria in them. All of pony magic. And all of dragon magic inside the Dragon Stone. Twilight sent us here to protect us and put a spell around Equestria to hide it from Opaline.
G5 is basically implying that Opaline was a much bigger threat than all of the other major villains the G4 characters had faced, which I don't believe for a second. Even after she powered herself up with the dragon's magic.
There's no implication that Opaline had mind controlled and used the dragons as an army back when she faced Twilight and her friends. Twilight and her friends could've just used their Element of Harmony powers to take away Opaline's magic, or turn her to stone, etc etc.
The series finale showed that they didn't need the physical elements or tree to access that magic...
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So why didn't they use it on Opaline?
I think the moment where I started to become disappointed in G5 was when they released that TYT short showing the dragons before they were properly introduced in Chapter 6.
And when I saw how horribly they were designed, I just got angry.
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And then I saw how they looked in the main show, and my disappointment grew...
And then I saw that Spike had the same horrible model as the other dragons (with minor changes) and I wanted to throw up XD
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And then I finished Chapter 6 of MYM, and I realized that I had wasted my precious time on G5.
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triglycercule · 1 month
it's just come to my attention that project sekai. yes project sekai. has released a new commissioned song called "killer". and i just listened to the eng translation and eoughhhh........ it's from the idol group so it's totally hyper and energetic and wayyyyy too girly and pop to ever be like canon killer fitting but holy CRAP i was like jesus wtf why can some of these lines from this adorable fictional idol group be connected to killer. like wdym theres lines about saving and loading a file. wdym there's lines about not caring because nothing means anything. wdym theres line that could vaguely connect to his stages ("my tension alters my heartbeat as well in a blink of an eye" ??? do not tell me that could be taken out of contenxt and used for his stages) UGHHHH this song definitely doesn't fit 100% but theres enough off hand lines in there that set off my killer sans bell. ok but like this song for a more hyper and energetic killer because it still talks about kinda serious problems but also has the classic upbeat idol energy that comes from idol groups and also this killer would be in a better mental state or smth idk maybe he ran off with color already IDK!!!! but Jesus..... reading those lyrics was JARRING
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Sebastian Vettel
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Ok hear me out
Auron accidentally gets hit with a spell by finn and turns him into a cat (fluffy cat) and fem rook just got into his Penthouse ready to make dinner for both of them and calls out for auron only to see a fluffy boy, and immediately pets the cat that is auron and for the hole day *day off* she talks to auron the cat and whn it's dinner time rook looks for food that safe to wat for cats
(Auron is actually loving the attention rook is given him and pets*
Here kitty kitty!
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Auron looked down at himself, his...fur was long and soft. Turning his little head up he glared at the mage who stood in his room. Who, was panicking because he didn't mean to do that it was just that Auron surprised him. So, What did the blonde do to fix this? He simply told him it should wear off and left.
Cursing the bastard in his mind, Auron went to the living room to try and figure something out. Only to hear a key unlocking the front door and seeing his partner walk through it. The red furred cat paused trying to think of what to do.
"Auron? I'm here!.....Love?" Worry was in his lovers voice as they slowly stepped into the penthouse. The man, well now cat hid behind the couch listening to their footsteps.
Only to freeze seeing Rook leaning over and spotting him. They gasped I awe seeing the bug fluffy cat behind the couch. Slowly going to the ground they held out their hand.
"Hii, ooohhh the pretty baby! Where'd you come from?" Cooing at him, Rook rubbed their fingers together at him. Auron sighed in his head and slowly went to them, rubbing against their hand.
"Oh my god! Your so gorgeous! Oh the pretty..." Mumbling Rook gently lifted Auron's leg. The red cat felt embarrassed and swatted at their arm. Rook giggled and kissed his head as an apology.
"I'm sorry, baby boy. I had to check real quick!" Gently taking him in their arms Rook scratched him gently. Auron closed his eyes and purred, the vibrations surprising him. This caused Rook to make a happy noise, then leaning down giving him kisses.
"Ooohh the handsome man! Your so fucking cute! I could eat yoouu!" Smiling Rook then looked around pausing. As if remembering why they came to the penthouse in the first place.
"Auron?....hhmm I wonder did he get you for me? If not I'll just steal you from him~" Cooing at Auron's cat form again, Rook started walking into the penthouse more. Auron wanted to speak, only giving Rook meows and little squeaks.
His partner nodded along as if having a conversation with him. Rook checked every room looking for Auron, sighing with every passing room. The red cat felt bad for them, he wished he could speak to them.
"Yeah, text me to come over and not be here. Ugh, he's so weird sometimes." Shaking their head Rook went back to the living room and sat with Auron on the couch. The comment made Auron glare at them a bit, but Rook only giggled and kissed his forehead.
Looking around Rook decided to play with Auron and talk to him. Laying him down on the carpet Rook laid on their stomach. Smiling at Auron as they played with his hair.
"I wonder when he got you? Hhmm, must have been a bit after we went on our date last night. He's always been one to take in strays. That's what I love about him." Absent-mindedly saying, the comment made Auron blink at them. Rook then sighed and laid their head fully down looking at Auron's cat form.
"You know, you kinda remind me of him. The color of your fur, the way you glare at me, and how grumpy you look." The last bit made Auron glare again. Causing Rook to giggle and point at him, "See! Just like my grumpy lover......I wonder where he went?"
Rook's voice went lower as they looked up at the ceiling. The penthouse was really quiet, usually when they were here Auron would help make noise. The man turned cat frowned a bit and went to them, headbutting their hand to pet him again.
"I swear if that other 'business' side took him from me tonight I'm going to kill someone." Huffing Rook went back to petting the cat. Calming down as Auron purred to ease their anger, causing Rook to smile again.
"Well, I have you. Even if your not Auron your a good stand in." Whispering Rook leaned down and kissed Auron's forehead again. The cat seemed to be enjoying their attention, the way he kept purring at them.
The moment was interrupted by grumbling, pausing the petting Rook looked at their stomach. Then giggled and turned back to the cat, gently picking him up and walking to the kitchen. Placing him down on the island and turning to the fridge.
"Hhmm, I'm hungry are you?" Looking back at the cat who sat on the island just staring at them. Rook awed at him and took out their phone, snapping pictures. "Ooohh my handsome man! Ugh I need to print these out and put them around my home."
Placing the phone down, Rook then grabbed a quick thing to eat. Sighing as they saw nothing for a cat to eat they wondered if they could order something?
"Hey.....Oh....I dotn know your name baby." Whispering Rook pet the cat once again. Humming to themselves Rook giggled throwing out a name "Edgelord the first." Auron moved away from their hand as he realized the name.
Rook laughed seeing the reaction and wiped a tear, cooing out apologizes to the cat. Auron only turned back when he got love scratches from Rook.
"Hhmm, how about....Red? For your fur. This is so well kept!" Auron simply blinked at them and laid on the island where they finished their meal. Rook kissed him one more time before turning back to their phone.
"It's really late....I wonder where he could be? I swear if he's hurt I'm killing him." Whispering out Rook then started calling Auron's phone. Only to hear the ring in his bedroom, Rook had a even more worried face. Getting up Rook went to the bedroom and plucked the phone up.
Auron jumped down from the island and rushed after them. His paws tapping the flooring in the penthouse, causing Rook to look at him.
"Fuck, um okay, Rook don't panic. He's Auron, he wouldn't get hurt he's.....he's smart and probably forgot his phone! I don't have the number to his other so that's out the question....." Rambling Rook slowly went to the ground. Wrapping their arms around their legs and started sniffing. Auron slowly approached them, placing a paw on their leg to ground them.
"Yeah, your right Red. He's....He's definitely safe. I'm just over thinking." Wiping their face Rook then got up and sighed. Then leaned down and grabbed Auron, or Red and walked back out of the bedroom.
"I think I should order cat food....or is there a tuna thing in here?" Searching for a few minutes Rook made a triumph noise. Showing 'Red' what they found, it was a tuna can and Rook opened it and placed it in front of Auron.
Who sighed and ate a bit of it, he was a but hungry and it's been a while since he ate. Rook smiled as they sat watching him eat, then went back to their phone. Still wondering where Auron was, but little did they know Auron was there the whole time.
Just in a cat form that was about to change back in the next hour.
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