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spaceyjessa · 2 months ago
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Name: Jessa Pronouns: She/Her Age: 30 (MDNI) Mostly SFW Blog that features Star Wars (specifically Clones) Bio: writer haunted by the narrative, I adore cats, caf, and Crosshair. Recently addicted to the Repcomm books. I spend too much time daydreaming about my OCs, am mildly obsessed with Star Wars, and add strike through on way too many of my posts. Favorite Star Wars Things: Clones, obscure headcanons, other's OCs, Crosshair's character arc, Darman Skirata, Omega Squad, worldbuilding, clones, Naboo, Domino Twins, Padme, Leia, Modern AUs, clones, fanfiction, Mando'a, etc.
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Solé X Crosshair (Star Wars OC x Canon)
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Official Solé Art by @novaceleste
Solé Intro Post
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eobe · 3 months ago
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Have you ever heard how foxes sound!? 📣🦊
I headcanon that Commander Wolffe and Commander Fox do this since they were tubies 🫠 Wolffe knows exactly how to get his brother to let off some steam! And Fox would never admit, but no matter how stressed he is, he plays along because it's one of the rare chances to get Wolffe chuckling! 🤩
I had this idea for quite a long time, but today I was so happy to stumble over it in this gorgeous piece of Wolffe and Fox tubies by @catawampuscorner! Your honor ✨ I had time and so that's it! 😂 Thank you for the inspiration to realize it! 🫶
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa
Stay FOXed 🦊: @ghostymarni @thora-sniper @feral-ferrule @nika6q @foxwithadarkside
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ireadwithmyears · 2 months ago
10 people I’d like to get to know better
10 people I’d like to get to know better
Since I had two separate tags in this, @spaceyjessa and @laughhardrunfastbekindsblog I decided I would make a separate post.
Last song:  with lyrics: Beautiful Boy by The Last Dinner Party (I found out about this band like two weeks ago and now I’m going through a phase I’m obsessed)
Without lyrics: I am ready by Kevin Kiner & Sean Kiner: from the bad batch season three soundtrack. Been listening to it a lot lately, as it feels pretty prevalent to the time of my life that I’m at
Favourite color: light pinks and baby blues
Last book/fic: the last book I finished was defy the storm, by Tessa Gratton (I’m getting closer and closer to being caught up on THR)
Fic: Mace Windu fixes the timeline (You should read it, it’s wonderful) 
Last movie: the rise of Skywalker (yes, I love the sequel trilogy and what about it 💅)
Last show: the bad batch... I’m re-watching, again... how predictable 🙄
Sweet/spicy/savory: I have a big sweet tooth, especially when it comes to chocolate
Relationship: single real life, but in love with countless fictional characters inside my head🤩
Last thing I googled: what does the quest cookies and cream protein bar taste like? (look, I have arfid. I can’t just buy new things to try without knowing exactly what I’m getting into first)
Current obsession: Star Wars, duh! Specifically clones and TBB, the Mandalorian and the high republic
I look forward to telling you: that if you’re reading this you’re wonderful
No pressure tags (and I’m sorry if you’re being tagged again)  @clonethirstingisreal @eobe @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream and anyone else who would like to.
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justaparsec94 · 2 months ago
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Author's Note: For @spaceyjessa. Written for the prompts: Snowed In and First Christmas (I couldn't decide so I combined them lol). I'm a little rusty after not writing for so long so I hope this is ok! Happy Holidays!
Pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,407
If Crosshair had to pick one thing out of his long list of dislikes as the thing he liked least, it would probably be snow. He let out an annoyed huff, crossing his arms over his chest and shifting from one foot to the other in an effort to maintain some warmth as he stood outside The Havoc Marauder. Even with his HUD on his view was almost completely obstructed by the falling snow. Perhaps, that was part of why he disliked it so much, snipers and poor visibility didn’t mix well. But the bigger reason was because he just downright hated the cold. No planet had any right to be this cold. It was icier than a Kaminoan’s heart. 
In theory, it had been a simple mission: retrieve Separatist intel from a supposedly abandoned outpost on some outer rim planet that no one had ever heard the name of before. It was easy—so easy that he and his brothers had actually been offended when the mission had come through to them. But in typical Bad Batch fashion, nothing ever turned out quite as easy as they expected.
The first problem had been that the abandoned outpost wasn’t actually abandoned, but that had made this boring mission much less boring. There was nothing The Batch liked more than scrapping a bunch of clankers. They’d made sure the place was well and truly abandoned once they were through with it and grabbed the data chip that they’d been sent to retrieve. It was at that point as they’d been on the way back to their ship that they’d encountered problem number two, the weather. It had been cold and snowing when they’d arrived but what had started out as a light dusting had turned into a downright blizzard. They’d barely been able to see a foot in front of them as they’d made their way back, the wind so strong it felt as if it was blowing right through their supposedly insulated armour. 
They’d made it though, mostly because Tech had a homing beacon on The Marauder that he could trace on his data pad but then they had encountered problem number three, likely due to the snow, their ship wouldn’t start. Instead of powering up like usual, all they were greeted with were warning alarms. 
All of which had led to his current position, standing guard outside, miserable, in the freezing cold while Tech was in the bowels of the ship, trying to figure out what was wrong with it. He cursed softly under his breath as he shifted from foot to foot again, trying to bring back some feeling into his frozen feet. A quick look at his HUD showed that the temperature was just continuing to drop. 
A curse from beneath The Marauder snapped him out of his own brooding, he turned and took a few short steps to where he could just make out Tech’s boots sticking out from underneath the ship. He ducked down, joints protesting from the cold as he did so. 
“What is it?” He called out to Tech.  
Tech didn’t answer for a long moment, so long that Crosshair was about to call out to him, or better yet, kick him in the leg when he started to move. Crosshair stood back up as his brother crawled out from underneath the ship.
“I have discovered the issue,” Tech stated matter-of-factly as he pulled out his datapad, his helmeted gaze shifting down to it as he began to type something. 
Crosshair waited for a long moment, crossing his arms over his chest once more, irritation growing by the moment, “Are you going to elaborate or…”
“Oh,” Tech made a surprised sound, as though he’d forgotten that Crosshair was there, “Well, the good news is that I will be able to make the necessary repairs. Unfortunately, based on the research I have done on this planet and the way the temperature is rapidly falling, I will not be able to complete the repairs until tomorrow morning. If I attempted to do so now I would likely freeze to death before the repairs are completed.” 
Crosshair was quiet for a moment as he took in that bit of information, “It would be a noble sacrifice,” He said before he snickered, ducking out of the way as Tech swiped at him. 
With the mystery of the broken ship now solved, Crosshair wasted no time in getting back inside and out of the snow. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of staying the night on this planet but at least The Marauder still had heat. And most important of all, you were on the ship.
Crosshair shook the snow that had accumulated on him off as the ramp hissed closed behind the two of them. The snow was gone but the chill in his bones remained as he reached up to pull his helmet off his head. He only managed to take a step further into the ship before he was accosted by a small body. 
“Here,” You said quickly, throwing one of the heated blankets you kept stored on board as part of your med kit over his shoulders. He pulled the blanket tighter around himself, shivering slightly as you moved away to do the same for Tech. 
Before he could even frown at the loss of contact you’d returned to his side, concern etched on your features as you looked up at him. His heart rattled in his chest as your gazes met, a feeling that wasn’t new to him but still caught him off guard every time. You were so beautiful, sometimes it was like staring directly at a muzzle flash. 
His eyebrows shot up in surprise as you reached out to place a gentle hand on the exposed skin on his neck. Your brow furrowed as his skin tingled beneath the touch, the warmth of your hand against his cold skin sent a shiver down his spine. He cast a quick look over at Tech but his brother wasn’t paying any attention, instead, he was typing away on his datapad, the blanket you’d given him thrown over his shoulders. 
He lifted a gloved hand to cover your own, expression questioning as you looked at him. The relationship between the two of you was still relatively new, having come to a head after you’d been injured on a mission a few months previously, so he still wasn’t quite used to public displays of affection. Generally, you were entirely professional whenever his brothers were around and he was well, himself, so this gentle touch was somewhat surprising. Usually, it was reserved for the quiet moments between the two of you. 
“You’re freezing,” you replied softly, seemingly catching on to his line of thinking, “You need to get out of this armour. It’s just trapping in the cold air.” 
Crosshair smirked, his voice only loud enough for you to hear, “Trying to get me undressed?” 
“Cross,” you rolled your eyes but a smile bloomed on your face, “Behave.” 
He had another snarky response on the tip of his tongue but he was interrupted by Hunter coming out of the cockpit, Wrecker hot on his heels. 
“What’s the situation Tech?” Hunter asked, dark brow furrowed with concern as he looked at their brother. 
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” Crosshair drawled before Tech could answer earning him a glare from both Hunter and Tech. He snorted in amusement before his attention was pulled away by your warm and nimble fingers making easy work of removing his armour. Normally, he wouldn’t accept help with his gear, even from you, but in that moment he wasn’t about to turn away from any source of heat. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to curl up in a ball beneath the warm blanket hanging over his shoulders. Preferably with you. 
Hunter sighed, rubbing his hand against his face in frustration before looking back at Tech, “I guess the bad news.”  
“Delivering the information in that way would be illogical,” Tech stated, “I have discovered the source of the problem and I will be able to repair it, however due to the storm and the rapidly falling temperature I will not be able to do so until the storm breaks. According to the weather reports and information I have gathered on this planet, that should be sometime tomorrow morning.” 
Hunter groaned while you paused your work momentarily. A considering look overtook your face as you looked between Hunter and Tech. 
“Aw man,” Wrecker groaned loudly, “you mean we’re stranded???”
“Snowed in would be a more accurate term,” Tech replied simply before turning his attention back to his datapad. 
Wrecker groaned even louder before muttering about bad luck and being hungry and a multitude of other things. Tech simply shrugged, unbothered by this turn of events, and made his way into the cockpit. 
“Well, better get comfy then,” Hunter replied, frustration evident in his voice as he looked at the remaining members of the squad. 
Crosshair looked over at you with a frown as you suddenly stepped away from him. You’d managed to remove the top half of his armour, leaving it in a neat pile at his feet, and he was feeling much warmer than before but he’d been enjoying the feeling of your hands on him, perhaps a bit too much.  
His brow furrowed as he watched you grab your coat from where you had placed it on one of the jump seats earlier. There was a gleam in your eyes suddenly that he wasn’t quite sure he liked the look of. 
“What are you doing?” He asked gruffly as you pulled your coat back on. Both Hunter and Wrecker looked over at you questioningly as well as you zipped up your coat and wrapped your scarf around your neck. 
You smiled brightly at him before you pulled the scarf up over your nose, his heart flipped traitorously at the sight, just as it always did, “I’m just going to go grab something quick. I’ll be right back!”
“Did you miss the part where Tech said he’d freeze to death?” Crosshair hissed, narrowing his eyes at you. 
You rolled your eyes, much to his annoyance, “No, I heard. But that’s why I’m going to go right now, not later.”
“It’s freezing out and you can barely see anything!” Crosshair snapped as he stooped to pick up the armour you had removed. There was no way he was letting you go out there alone, “You’re going to get lost!”
“I am not and put that armour back down. I know exactly where I’m going. I’ll be less than five minutes!” You protested, pulling his chest plate back out of his hands and adding it back to the pile. 
Crosshair’s ire was rising by the moment, “You could freeze out there!” 
You quirked an eyebrow at him, before pulling up the hood of your jacket, leaving nothing but your eyes showing, “That would happen regardless if you’re there or not.”
Crosshair spluttered, anger coursing through him but before he could say anything else you patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll be fine Cross, unlike you I’m used to the cold, I grew up on a planet with a weather condition other than just rain. And if I’m not back in five minutes you can send out the search party for me.”
“If you’re not back in five minutes I’m just going to let you freeze,” Crosshair replied grumpily, even though it was a complete lie. If you weren’t back in 4 minutes and 30 seconds he was going to be out that door faster than a jump into hyperspace. 
“So rude,” You said with a laugh, you gripped both of his arms with your gloved hands, giving him a gentle squeeze, “It was nice knowing you then.” 
His scowl deepened as you pulled away, normally you were very logical and level-headed, which he admired that about you, so whatever idea that had come into your head that was making you think this was a good idea was completely out of the normal. 
“Wait,” He hissed softly before you could make more than a few steps toward the door. 
You paused looking up at him as he lifted his hands, pulling the scarf around your face just a little tighter and tugging it up to cover more of your face. It had slipped while you’d be talking and that was completely unacceptable. He wasn't about to let you freeze to death on his watch.
Your eyes were warm as you looked up at him for a quick moment before you hit the button to release the ramp of The Marauder.
“Five minutes!” You called back at him over your shoulder happily as you made your way down the ramp. 
He continued to scowl after you for a long moment, arms crossed over his chest unhappily as the door rose once more, sealing off the outside world. With an annoyed huff, he turned back towards his armour that needed to be stowed in his kit only to pause as he caught sight of his brothers. 
Wrecker was clearly pretending to be busy by moving an old equipment crate around while Hunter was just outright looking at Crosshair with an amused expression. 
“Shut up!” He hissed, picking up one of his vambraces and throwing it at his eldest brother who ducked away from it easily. 
“I didn’t say anything,” Hunter replied, his tone as amused as his expression before he disappeared into the cockpit to join Tech. Wrecker simply whistled casually in a very poor attempt to pretend he didn’t know what was going on. Crosshair frowned, cursing softly under his breath at your insistence to do something stupid and his own inability to keep his feelings in check as he bent down to retrieve the rest of his armour. At least you’d been right about one thing, he was much warmer without it on. 
Thankfully, you were true to your word and by the time he’d stored the rest of his gear away (4 minutes and 23 seconds to be exact) you’d returned to the ship, something bundled beneath a blanket under your arm, looking like you’d just single-handedly won the war. 
Curious about what you were up to, the rest of the squad re-appeared as the door to The Marauder hissed closed behind you. Your smile was so radiant as you pulled off your scarf that it made Crosshair’s stomach clench. Despite still being somewhat annoyed at your little side quest, he was unable to resist following after you as you headed towards where Gonky was currently plugged in placing whatever was in your arms on top of the sleeping droid. 
“Ta-da!” You announced happily, clapping your hands together in excitement as you revealed a small…tree. 
The Batch was quiet for a long moment while you simply bounced happily on your feet, looking between them all expectantly. 
“Why did you bring a tree on the ship?” Tech asked finally, breaking the silence. 
“It’s Life Day tomorrow!” You replied excitedly, “So, I figured if we’re going to be stuck here then we should celebrate. Make it a little more festive in here!” 
“Life day?” Hunter asked though it came out more of a statement than a question. 
You frowned suddenly and Crosshair instantly wanted to kick Hunter for ruining your enthusiasm, “You.. do know what life day is, right?” You asked, concern suddenly evident on your face.
Of course, they did, but only because they had once had to listen to Tech prattle on about it during a mission when they’d been stuck in hyperspace. Not because they actually celebrated it. There wasn’t much room in a clone's life for celebrations or holidays. 
“You mean the traditional Wookie holiday that has been perpetuated by large businesses to drive consumerism?” Tech asked without even looking up from his datapad, his tone completely matter-of-fact. 
Crosshair wasn’t able to stop the snort of amusement that left him at the look on your face at Tech’s comment. It was somewhere between outrage and resignation.
“Well, yes,” You replied with a grumble, though your grumpy tone was more endearing than threatening, “But it’s about more than that! It’s about spending time with your friends and family, the people you love and care about!” 
“And.. you require a holiday to do this?” Tech asked skeptically as he finally looked up from his datapad, his eyebrows were raised towards his hairline questioningly.  
Your frown deepened to an even more amusing level, “Well, no, we shouldn’t,” Your eyes narrowed slightly at Tech, “But that’s it, no more questions from Tech.” 
Crosshair snorted again as you clapped your hands together once more, brightening considerably, “Who wants to help me decorate?”
“Oh, me! Me!” Wrecker answered excitedly, rocketing up from where he’d been sitting in one of the jump seats and bouncing on the balls of his feet in front of you. Crosshair couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his over-the-top excitement. You, on the other hand, looked thrilled by his enthusiasm. 
“We don’t have any decorations.” Tech pointed out, “What will…”
“No more questions!” You cut him off in a sing-song voice before you grabbed Wrecker's large hands in your own and dragged him towards the back of the ship. Powerless, as he always was when it came to you, Crosshair followed along behind. Admittedly he was curious about what you’d be able to find that would count as a “decoration”. 
Within the hour they were all once again gathered around the Life Day tree, which now sported an assortment of random spare parts and a few extra headlamps as decorations while Hunter handed out their rations. 
Clearly taking their lack of Life Day experience as an opportunity to educate them, you’d started regaling them with some of your favourite Life Day stories. They all listened with wrapt attention, much more interested in your stories than Tech’s technical information about the holiday. Crosshair was unable to take his eyes off you, you were so beautiful, face lit up with excitement and laughter as you talked. There were a lot of moments, especially ones like these when you shone so brightly, that he still couldn’t quite believe that you’d chosen him, of all people. 
The hours melted away as you talked, his brothers joining in with their own stories, not specific to Life Day but the ones that had been passed on from clone to clone over the years, it was all they had to share but you listened and laughed right along with them. Crosshair remained quiet, simply basking in the warmth of the ship and enjoying the sight of the people he cared about most simply enjoying each other’s company. It was the most peaceful he’d felt in a very long time and he knew that was mostly because of you. You’d added so much to all of their lives, fitting into the squad as though you’d always belonged there.
Eventually, the stories slowed, and voices lowered before stopping altogether. Crosshair smirked as he watched your eyes begin to droop, your body slumping back in your chair as you curled further into the blanket that had once been wrapped around his shoulders. He’d been just about to jab you with his foot and order you off to bed when suddenly the sounds of Wrecker snoring rocked the ship, startling you awake once more. 
Hunter stood at the sound, casting an amused look at their brother who was fast asleep in his chair, “I’ll take first watch, get some rest.” He made his way back over to the cockpit before anyone could even think about objecting. Silently, Tech rose, giving them both a nod before he headed over towards one of the bunks and climbed up to the top. There were only three since one of them was usually on watch and there hadn’t been a need for more before you’d joined the squad.  Despite your protests, you’d been given the middle one permanently which had left the other two for them to rotate through. 
Crosshair’s eyes followed you as you rose, pulling the blanket closer around you as you made your way over to him. He reached out to gently grasp your hip through the blanket, closing the distance between the two of you with a soft tug.
You smiled softly before you bent over, pressing a kiss to his cheek, making his skin burn, “Goodnight, Cross,” You said quietly, squeezing his shoulder gently before making your way over to your bunk. Unfortunately, you only slept together when you weren’t aboard The Marauder and surrounded by his brothers. 
With a sigh, Crosshair stood and kicked the chair Wrecker had been sleeping in, jolting him awake. He, fortunately, had the ability to fall asleep anywhere and not suffer any consequences. Wrecker on the other hand would be sore if he slept all night in a chair and then they would never hear the end of it the next day. 
“Go to bed,” Crosshair ordered sternly.
Wrecker grumbled something incoherent as he stood, still half asleep but somehow he managed to stumble his way over to the bunks. Crosshair watched with amusement as he collapsed in a heap, snoring once more the moment his head hit his thin regulation pillow. 
Crosshair was about to return to his chair to get some sleep of his own when he paused, his eyes straying over to where you were now curled up in your bunk. As usual, his heart picked up a notch as he looked at you. At that moment there was absolutely nowhere he wanted to be more than in that bed with you. He suddenly wasn’t sure why he bothered pretending like he wasn’t as crazy about you as he was. 
You let out a surprised squeak, eyes popping open and he climbed into the bunk, shouldering you over and tugging at the blanket until he was between you and the wall. He pulled you in close, the lines of your body matching up perfectly with his own before he pulled the blanket back up over the both of you. 
“What is this? You asked, tone amused but you snuggled closer into him nonetheless. You moved your hands to rest over top of his own where they were wrapped around your stomach, holding you close.  
“For warmth,” Crosshair replied dryly. 
“Ah yes, of course,” You let out a soft laugh, “Practical as always.” 
He snorted, tucking his chin against your shoulder and closing his eyes for a moment. He hadn’t been all that tired but the warmth you were giving off was very quickly changing that. 
“Does your Life Day celebration usually involve rations?” Crosshair asked quietly, despite how ridiculous he’d found the whole thing at first he found himself growing curious about the holiday. Mostly because he wanted to know more about your life and the things you felt were important. 
You let out a soft snort of laughter, “Well no, but it’s the people that matter most, Cross.” 
“Hmm..” he replied, skeptical. 
“It is!” you cried, indignantly, turning your head slightly so you could look at him out of your peripheral vision, pinching his hand lightly in response. 
“If you say so,” He drawled. 
You laughed softly again, shaking your head before you turned around to face him. In this position, your faces were only inches apart and he had to try very hard not to kiss you. 
“I will say that the rations were a first. My mum always goes a little crazy, she loves life day. There’s always so much food. It’s hard to even move after because you're always so full. Hopefully, we’ll be able to go next year.” 
Crosshair’s entire body seized at your casual comment. Thinking of the future wasn’t something he ever allowed himself to do. He didn’t see the point of getting his hopes up. A future, a family, that wasn’t something he had ever thought he could have. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out with future talk,” You said softly, trying your best to meet his averted gaze. You’d caught onto his avoidance of the future much quicker than he would have liked. Though he shouldn’t have been surprised, you’d always had the ability to see him in a way no one else ever could. 
“You didn’t…” He started gruffly, but he wasn’t sure what else to say. You’d read him so easily and that still unnerved him at times.
More than just avoiding getting his hopes up by not thinking about the future, there was a part of him, an admittedly large part that was constantly worried that one day you would realize that you could do so much better than him. He was just a clone, a defective one at that, and he had nothing to offer you. Not even time was on his side. 
“Cross,” You started softly, one hand reaching up to cup his jaw, gentle touch forcing his chin down so that your eyes could meet. Your gaze was so warm that it made his heart clench, “You know I love you, right?” You continued, as though you could hear his very thoughts.
It wasn’t the first time you’d said it but the overwhelming feelings that filled him each time you did never changed. He’d never been a man of many words so he showed you just how much you meant to him in one of the few ways he knew how. 
You let out another soft sound of surprise as he pressed his lips to your own, pulling you so close that it became difficult to tell where one of you ended and the other began. When the two of you were like this, the future didn’t seem that intimidating and it was easier to forget about all the doubts that seemed to constantly haunt him. There was just the two of you, as you were meant to be. 
He nipped gently at your lower lip once before pulling back slightly, resting his forehead against your own before closing his eyes. You let out a soft sigh as your hand slid down from his jaw to rest over his heart, bunching gently in the fabric of his blacks. 
“Next Life Day we’re getting a bigger tree,” Crosshair said after a long, quiet moment. 
You laughed softly, body shaking slightly in his arms, “Of course, Cross. Anything for you.” 
He grunted happily in response, eyes growing heavier as sleep began to take over. 
“Happy first Life Day, Crosshair,” You whispered, just before he drifted off to sleep. Warm, content, and most of all, happy. 
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phantom-of-the-501st · 3 months ago
Fives Thoughts
Sooooo I literally just made a post being like 'here are some fun bits from Umbara because the arc is depressing and I don't wanna talk about the sad bits' but uh... I had thoughts in the last 15 mins and now I wanna share them. 😃
And of course tagging as usual for people I'm interested to hear opinions from: @saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings @the-bi-space-ace
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It's been a while since I watched these story arcs back-to-back, so a lot of the character development is really showing atm. And one I find interesting is a shift in Fives between The Citadel and Umbara.
Fives has always had a bit of a firey personality, but up until this point he's been a little bit held back with that passion for the most part. And I'm gonna touch in something that @novaceleste and @spaceyjessa spoke about in their podcast (@coffeeandclones I was just listening to it the other day and they talk about some interesting points. Defo recommend you check it out. Also #JusticeForDroidbait2024) because it really is the basis for this whole point. Despite Fives being the brasher, slightly more hardheaded personality, and Echo being the more by-the-books one, it's Echo that tends to do a lot of the talking when authority is involved. When they speak to Shaak Ti, it's Echo that takes the lead, while Fives is a little more hesitant.
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And when they first meet Rex and Cody, Fives automatically introduces himself as CT-27-5555, despite being very open about his displeasure of being called that throughout their training. He has this louder personality but he tends to draw into himself and panic slightly when put in front of authority.
However, he still has these more fiery moments, like during his speech in ARC Troopers. When he's put in a fight, that spark within him comes out full force. "My blood is boiling for a fight." That's what drives Fives. That's where that passion comes from. He always wanted to make ARC trooper, to prove himself and to demonstrate that fire in the fight.
And yet when we get to the Citadel, he's surprisingly nervous. Echo seems to be fairly on board with everything, he's listening intently, he's down with the plan. But Fives is rather hesitant and doesn't seem totally enthused about the whole thing. They've made ARC trooper, they're being included in a specialist mission, the things that Fives so desperately worked for. But now that they're here? He's really not comfortable with it.
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And I think that Fives' passion and drive is so prominent in the heat of battle because his adrenaline is going, he's got the energy to burn and so that's when we see this fire in him. But in the quieter moments, the meetings, the in-between fights? He's nervous. Those are the moments where he can sit on it and really think about what they're up against. And what becomes really apparent is that Fives is absolutely terrified of the thing that fuels his fire. The thing he worked so hard for scares the absolute shit out of him. And for good reason.
But it's never been so much of an issue because he had Echo. Echo, who's more level headed, who feels comfortable with plans and formats and authority. He could be the comforting presence that Fives needed outside of battle, while Fives could be the spark in it. They're like fire and water. They keep each other regulated, balanced.
But then The Citadel happens.
And watching the Umbara arc, I noticed that Fives doesn't have that very noticeable fear. It's not that it's absent, it's just that it isn't so obvious all of the time. Of course, some of that is going to come with experience, he's been an ARC for longer, he's know Rex for a while so there's slightly more comfort with that level of authority, but he's definitely more consistently confident than he was before.
So my suggestion is, what if that comes as a result of losing Echo (at least in part)? He doesn't have that calming presence anymore, the one to balance his nerves. He doesn't have someone to stand firm beside him or take the bigger step for the two of them, so he's had to learn to do that himself. I think part of it is natural growth that comes with experience (to quote Rex: "experience outranks everything") but I do also think it comes with no longer having that constant other half. Fives has had to learn to balance himself.
Like I said earlier, a lot of this links back to stuff said in Nova and Jessa's podcast, so I'd recommend checking it out. But I just wanted to add my extra thoughts on it, having just watched Umbara, because it definitely stuck out to me on this rewatch.
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arliganzey · 7 days ago
9 Fandom Folks to Get to Know Better
Thanks for the tag @orangez3st !!
3 Ships I like: Darman/Etain, Din/Cobb, Kalluzeb
First Ship Ever: I'm pretty sure it was Falco/Katt (StarFox 64) but it could have been Han and Leia too haha
Last Song You've Heard: Sabrina Carpenter - Busy Woman
Favorite Childhood Book: The Stinky Cheese Man and the Fairly Stupid Tales
Currently Reading: A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland and both Hard Contact and Triple Zero
Currently Watching: Whatever Classic Doctor Who is on PlutoTV (especially if it's the Third Doctor 😍)
Currently Consuming: Prosecco (it's friday night babyyyy)
Currently Craving: Cinnamon rolls
no pressure tagging: @hellfiresky @orangez3st @verpineshatterrifle @spaceyjessa @sugaarquoted @viscanpikamine @starlitspiral111 @rishioutpost @caburdrawings
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months ago
Fandom Friday, 12/27: Fanfiction!
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome to another installment of Fandom Friday, the two-post series where I go off to find new and interesting fanworks that might need a bit more visibility.
Before we begin, I have to admit something real quick: I almost forgot to make this list at all, because I was first working to get through retail hell at my job, followed by regaining all of my energy (and spoons) on Christmas Day.
However, since I think I managed to gather at least seven links for you all, even if it was at the last minute, I certainly hope that this is satisfactory at such short notice.
Anyways, before I get too distracted or lost...here, now, are my picks of the week.
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The Prequels Fanfiction--By @beauiestars:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @testingforgravity:
The Clone Wars Fanfiction--By @justaparsec94:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @star-farer:
The Bad Batch Fanfiction--By @indigofyrebird:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @dindjarindiaries:
The Mandalorian Fanfiction--By @annwrites24:
Skeleton Crew Fanfiction--By @writing-girlie:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and highlight those writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, and above all else, please stay safe out there.
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No Pressure Tags: @melymigo @algo-o-nada @the-osborn-way @everybirdfellsilent @skellymom
@leos-multifandom-corner @maggie-dylan @leenathegreengirl @gun-roswell @tazmbc1
@bluedeedeedoop @its-time-to-rise-above @tlmtwelve @snoowply @apocalyp-tech-a and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new SW fanfiction.
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novaceleste · 19 days ago
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Portrait I did of @spaceyjessa’s OC, Solé~ (I love her so much lol)
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eobe · 1 month ago
🤩✨ HIHIHIHIhihihihi I have so much fun in here!☝️🫠
Thank yooouuuu so much my precious @foxwithadarkside 😘😘😘
@ghostymarni Vooood, hold my beer 🍻 because I know exactly what you see right before your eyes 😈✨hehehe get TECHed 😍
Taglist, a new chapter: @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Well, you two must have expected @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe
Artful ARC trooper strategies #4
How do you get Tech's attention? Say some anti-scientific nonsense.
Collab with @eobe (<3)
@astral-veil we're still here parasitizing on your legacy ^__^
Artful ARC trooper strategies #1
(that was easy)
Artful ARC trooper strategies #2
(no need to be artful, it‘s Wrecker)
Artful ARC trooper strategies #3
(a bit more difficult and honestly also luck)
Who's left? 👀...Hold on who slept on my sweater again, it's covered in hair!
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eobe · 24 days ago
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Commander Fox is done. Completely 🦊☕️
Finally I finished one of my elder WIPs 😂✨ And my dear folks, this post is also for a bit time in my drafts, too 🙈 The mood actually very fitting ☕️ *sigh* 😅 I figured that the Marshal Commander is really a special clone! I call him now the "WIP distraction Fox" 👀
He's always kind of lurking behind a corner in my mind, ready to jump in, spilling caf and doing this bone-freezing fox scream – only because he can and just give a sh*t! 🦊✨
And – the point is – he naturally only does this, when I really, REALLY want to finish a WIP and actually don't have time for him! But the vision of him and his caf and stress shenanigans tend to rampage my brain that chaotically in those situations, that I often kind of "Okay, great I'll do it" – like with this one 🤣 Completely crazy, but yeah, have a distraction Fox 🦊☕️♥️ Enjoy.
Some of you have already seen the timelapse of this piece, showing off my sketching process, the struggles and frustrations during drawing and concepting and else 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ Commander Fox is also the "WIP distraction with internal struggle dealing with caf and fun chaos"-Fox, so I cannot even properly complain! Sly Fox 🦊 Annoying Fox 🦊 Cute and stressed Fox 🦊 *Double sigh* okay, he's adorable and deserves a hug 🥰
I don’t even know anymore why Fox is THAT done with everything, but maybe he only needs a reason to shower in full armor, what actually let me think, if he finds the „rain“ noises on his armor relaxing 🥹🦊 Or maybe Thorn brought him cold caf after the information, that Coruscant is burning again and people's sighting of another Zillo beast or something like that 😱🤯
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
My Fox Fun Folks – get reFOXed 🦊: @ghostymarni @thora-sniper @feral-ferrule @nika6q @foxwithadarkside
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eobe · 3 months ago
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We had armored Hunter, civvie Hunter on Saleucami, shirtless Hunter showing his body tattoo and now we have comic Hunter in new clothing ✨🪶
Sorry, Sergeant, but ‚satisfied‘ is not in our nature 🤩 anyway no need to be that shredded muscle, Sir
Talking about slightly suggestive body tattoo Hunter! ☠️ Check out the fun backstory and the reason why I drew Hunter with his new clothes as my reaction on this gorgeous TBB OC comic here! Thank you for so much fun and art @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf ! 😂🫶
Have an intense glare close up here 😎
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My comic style is improoooving 😎✨ Maybe after some more anatomy and perspective drawing studies I‘ll start my own comic? 😱 I’ve got some plot and scene ideas, but my writing skill is blocked 🙈
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa
and @clonethirstingisreal because get HUNTER‘ed again, dear 🥰🫶
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eobe · 2 months ago
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Crosshatch 💀 CROSSHAIR. The result. I had so much fun with that grumpy clone, Croissant-snacking and cat call… ahem, cat coding him, so his dark badass dangerous sniper side absolutely deserved urgently a stage again 🖤✨
And during drawing, concepting, thoughts and doing stuff for a timelapse take to show the process, I looped „Deliver Us“ from In Flames 🖤 It has wild dark Crosshair vibes, so me and this artwork got absolutely influenced 🙈 not sorry 😎
Here‘s the Procreate timelapse fun chaos drawing process video that deserved an own post to enjoy because laughter 😂
So my hatching also got way more messy and wilder than usual, but I like it 🤩
Crosshair‘s glance en detail:
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Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit
Vod, look at the final result with wild coloring for thecwild hatching 🫶 @wings-and-beskargam
Tahny, snack your man before he breaks something 🖤✨ @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf
(OP note: the sniper wrote the ALT text)
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eobe · 2 months ago
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Tech has routine. Obviously ✨ And how to tidy up a work distracting cat? Exactly 😎 BOX!!
Continuation to this!
Close up to Tech because he‘s a bit done but cute 🤩
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🫶 @foxwithadarkside
Taglist: @eclec-tech @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit
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eobe · 2 months ago
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I could NOT RESIST! 🤩✨🎄 Old man Wrecker is born to be SANTA with his rumbling voice and his laughter and his power and AND AND! ♥️🫠
Pabu with Shep‘s delicious food and no ration bars anymore – BIG BELLY STRONGMAN WRECKER!
Thank you so much for inspiring me, dear @teesy738 with this post! Absolutely agreed! ✨🤩🎄
Taglist: @eclec-tech @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit
My Chaos Squad vode ✨ @ghostymarni @wings-and-beskargam @lonewolflupe
My favorite grumpy 🧁 @foxwithadarkside 🫶
My Fox Fun Folks 🦊 get Christmas Wrecker‘ed: @thora-sniper @feral-ferrule @nika6q
People, who jump through my mind: @blackseafoam @astral-veil @hurtmitcrab @sued134 @returnofthepineapple @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @last-of-cheese @clonethirstingisreal @ireadwithmyears @the-rain-on-kamino @littletroggo @techhasmjolnir @here-comes-the-moose @jetii @moonlightwarriorqueen @peggy7447 @kark-trooper-echo @superiorsniper @xylionet @cloneflo99 @tardisgirl42 @rendomski @robotsandramblings @chiliger @archivewriter1ont @the-bi-space-ace @captn-trex @yunyun160
And everyone who sees this! Big Santa Wrecker hugs! 🎅🏽✨♥️
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eobe · 11 days ago
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„At your service? By the way, it's Commander Mayday!“ 😎✨
For those who haven’t noticed yet, there‘s a GAR Goth Night at the 79s! 🎶🖤✨ Everyone‘s invited under #gar goth night thanks to my Mandalorian goth vod @ghostymarni, who started the creative chaos! 🍺🤩
Some known faces are already in the house and more are getting ready right now! 🖤✨
My dear Archer, look – you haven’t stayed alone for long anyway! 👀 @wings-and-beskargam Vod, you can’t just shout a Commander‘s name without consequences! 😏 Even when clothed and gothed like this, they‘re always on duty ❤️‍🔥
You literally summoned him and I think now you definitely have the best „moral support“ for this GAR Goth Night! 😁🖤
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Have a closer look – the Commander took off the sunglasses for that ✨👀
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And by the way, he rocked the wrapping style before it was cool 🖤✨ And I don’t know why, but the older Commanders all have canine teeth 😂 I have spoken 😎
@lonewolflupe @foxwithadarkside @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @eclec-tech (will Miran join too, vod? 👀🖤🫶)
Taglist, get a goth Mayday: @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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eobe · 3 months ago
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I‘m stuck with too much WIP – meanwhile stay FOXed 🦊✨I noticed, that it's always Fox distracting me during WIP 👀 suspicious sly clone
Do I smell a hint of cinnamon? That‘s The Spicy Fox for sure 😎 (<- context ☕️🔥 – still applauding for @eclec-tech‘s beautiful writing!)
Stop that slurping noise, Sir! 😳 Why did I draw this that loud
Taglist: @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @justanotherdikutsimp @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa
My Fox Fun Folks 🦊: @ghostymarni @thora-sniper @feral-ferrule @nika6q @foxwithadarkside
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