#chaos vode
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eobe · 30 days ago
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„At your service? By the way, it's Commander Mayday!“ 😎✨
For those who haven’t noticed yet, there‘s a GAR Goth Night at the 79s! 🎶🖤✨ Everyone‘s invited under #gar goth night thanks to my Mandalorian goth vod @ghostymarni, who started the creative chaos! 🍺🤩
Some known faces are already in the house and more are getting ready right now! 🖤✨
My dear Archer, look – you haven’t stayed alone for long anyway! 👀 @wings-and-beskargam Vod, you can’t just shout a Commander‘s name without consequences! 😏 Even when clothed and gothed like this, they‘re always on duty ❤️‍🔥
You literally summoned him and I think now you definitely have the best „moral support“ for this GAR Goth Night! 😁🖤
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Have a closer look – the Commander took off the sunglasses for that ✨👀
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And by the way, he rocked the wrapping style before it was cool 🖤✨ And I don’t know why, but the older Commanders all have canine teeth 😂 I have spoken 😎
@lonewolflupe @foxwithadarkside @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @eclec-tech (will Miran join too, vod? 👀🖤🫶)
Taglist, get a goth Mayday: @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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eobe · 2 months ago
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*sitting and staring watching the Captain cooking for everyone* 👀✨ I forgot to bring own buns, can I have some, Sir… 👀☝️🫠
GET GREGOR‘ED Y‘ALL!! hehehehehe ☝️🤩✨ CHAOS! No one locked me up catch me if you can! 😎😽
@ghostymarni @wings-and-beskargam @lonewolflupe @nocturius8015ficore @foxwithadarkside @eclec-tech @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @ladylucksrogue @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @mamuzzy @mae-lou-ron
Sorry about your block!
How about Gregor cooking in the kitchen? Like with a ridiculous apron on or something?
I think he would make a smiley face breakfast just because he could-
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his apron says “free hot dog -> bring your own buns”
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evilminji · 3 months ago
I? Juuuust Realized Something.
Order 66. Verbal. Visual.
......EASILY fucked with, IF you know WHO you are impersonating. After all? What do you ACTUALLY need? Not much! Two components AT MOST.
A holo of the MOST FILMED MAN IN THE GALAXY.... and a RECORDING of said man's voice, giving an ORDER. Specifically? To "Stand Down". Or? "Cancel that Order." Maybe a litany of variations, playing back to back.
Ready to Broadcast.
The plan only WORKED? Because no one saw it coming or knew HOW it was triggered. With the right AI? Of which there are SHIT TONS? You could EASILY match Palpatine's verbal patterns and tone. Take control.
After all? Which of us REALLY looks like the Chancellor you recognize? That melted Sith... or this Holo of when he was pretending? That's RIGHT! The Holo! So CLEARLY, if the HOLO says "that man is a Sith Pretender! Trying to undermine the Republic! Do NOT listen to him! Also go coms silent and regroup at XYZ"
Well, obviously, it MUST be true. After all? They know the Jedi are loyal. THEY are loyal. And that Sith just... mind tricked(?) them? Into attacking the Jedi! Some of whom DIED!
All you have to do, really, is blast it GAR wide and Coruscant wide.
"Stand Down. Stand Down. Stand Down."
Take the Vode and RUN. Since the Senate is out here fuckin APPLAUDING their new Sith overlord. The Crechelings have to be evacuated. The other branches warned.
Maybe be impossible to stop the Fall of the Republic... but the end of the Jedi? Preventable. Kamino can be taken. The Vode can come with, get their chips out. It's not the first time, nor will it be the last, that the Jedi have had to flee to survive. So long as they are together, so long as they trust the Force, they will get through it.
All a SI-OC has to do, is drag the Order back from the snapping Jaws of the trap, at the last possible second. To ruin EVERYTHING for Palpatine.
Enjoy your triumph NOW, Sheev. Your Empire is in chaos and your army is GONE. The Light still lives. So that THIS! Neener neener neener~! *rude raspberry noises!*
@legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @babbling-babull @hdgnj @hypewinter @mayfay @lolottes
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archivewriter1ont · 3 months ago
Echo and the Cadet Batch Chapter Eight: Reunion is Posted!
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fantastic art by @littletroggo (let me know what your repost/credit/etc policy is I couldn't find it on your blog)
Merry Christmas all! My posting schedule will be a little different over the holidays but Cadet Batch should still be on track.
Summary of Chapter Eight:
The Bad Batch has an unexpected but much-needed and fluffy reunion with their lost brother Ninety-Nine while they try to figure out what to do next.
Some additional notes for this chapter:
1. The pacing with this feels very different from the kiddos chapters, but I've resigned myself to it being that way since these ARE the adults and the other chapters are literally chaos.
2. This is the chapter that started it all! So yes, I created this entire weird plotline to get to this part.
3. Hunter gets emotionally hammered in this chapter but I've always loved the idea that he stresses himself out so badly, trying to be the best older brother for his siblings, because he doesn't have one anymore. Ninety-Nine would have taken such good care of his baby brothers and losing him would have left such a void for the little cadet who was already struggling to be good enough.
4. Also, spoiler alert: Hunter will end up crying in a later chapter. He's just too in his head at the moment.
5. And due to the complexities of space physics (hereafter known as sphysics) the time on Kamino is proceeding at a different speed than time in the present where Echo is with the cadets. Don't ask me why...I'm not a sphysicist. 😁
I have some time off work for the holidays so I *might* slip in an extra chapter here and there. With that said, Meeting the Vode Part Three (the last part) will hopefully be posted this Friday as a belated Christmas present. Stay tuned!
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dangraccoon · 16 days ago
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Untitled Spreadsheet - PRIVATE
Chapter 7 - Talk
Word Count: 1449
Content: everyone in the 212th are both Cody and Kenobi's wingmen, brotherly teasing, listen they are openly flirting in this one and Cody is being a disaster about it all, someone give Rex an award for dealing with this man
For @literallyjustanerd, based on this post
Mando'a Guide shebs - ass vod - brother/sister/sibling Kote - glory; used here as Cody's real name before it was simplified to 'Cody' taylir gar kovid olar bal jii - keep your head here and now ibic linibar gar mirda - this needs your mind ori'vod - big brother/sister/sibling jetiise - Jedi (plural; singular is jetii)
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“Come on, General!” a shiny shouted, not noticing Cody’s presence. “Kick his shebs!”
Cody leaned a little to see through the crowded troopers. On the practice mat he saw two men; one trooper, down to just his blacks - Boil, by the looks of it, and General Kenobi. He was in a simple tunic, plain colors, like most of his clothing. Sweat was dripping down his face, but he smirked as he spoke quietly to his opponent. 
Cody suddenly felt that the room was far too hot, and his armor was too constricting.
“Sir,” one of the shinies near him squeaked as he noticed his commanding officer. 
“Easy, vod,” Cody chuckled, waving him off. “Just here to watch.”
“Uh, yessir,” the trooper said awkwardly before turning back to watch the spar.
Cody stalked quietly behind the captive audience that encircled the mat, finding himself to be similarly enraptured with every movement the general made. 
With the chaos of the battlefield and the stress of command, he never had the chance to truly witness the prowess for which his general was known. 
It was certainly something to behold. The way he dodged Boil’s every move reminded him of a dance. The wicked, cocky grin plastered across his face reminded him– 
“Commander!” someone shouted, fortunately before he could finish the thought. 
Waxer rushed to him. “You’re up next, Kote,” he informed him with a wide grin. 
“Not on your life, Wax,” he deadpanned, ignoring the stir of longing in his gut. 
“C’mon, it’ll be’- ooh!”
Waxer’s urging was cut off by the way Kenobi slammed Boil into the mat, quickly wrapping him up in a hold that had Boil tapping out. 
Waxer laughed, running over to help Kenobi pick his brother up from the mat. “You just won me thirty credits, General!”
“Glad to be of service,” Kenobi chuckled, idly wiping some of the sweat from his brow. 
Time seemed to slow, the cheers and laughter from the gathered vode faded out. Right then, for Cody, there was only him and the general in this room. 
Kenobi’s face was flushed from the effort, drops of sweat dotting his skin. He grasped Boil’s forearm with a grin, laughing lightly at something Waxer said. 
He was brought back to the present by a rough hit to his shoulder. 
He scowled at the offender. 
“You should take a holo,” Gregor chuckled. “It’ll last longer.”
Cody smacked his arm. “Kriff off.”
“–suppose, if he’d be interested,” Kenobi said, coming up in front of him. His brow cocked as he eyed Cody with such an interest that he felt the tips of his ears go red. “Would you, my dear Commander?”
Cody blinked at him. “I’m sorry, sir?”
“Well, Boil and Waxer here have me quite convinced I should challenge you next,” Kenobi said with a smirk that made Cody feel like his heart was about to beat right out of his chest.
“I- I couldn’t, sir,” he said quietly.
“I can’t see why not,” Kenobi chuckled, then leaned in closer to him. Cody prayed to any supposed maker out there that the General couldn’t hear the way Cody’s breath froze along with his heart. “I’m reluctant to think that you’d be scared.”
Boil and Waxer sucked in a breath. Their eyes darted between their COs. 
Cody huffed something like a laugh, already beginning to remove the armor from his arms. “Never, sir,” he smirked.
By the time Cody had shucked the last of the plastoid pieces from him, the General had toweled himself off and was getting a drink.
“Ready, General?” he asked. “To lose that is.”
Kenobi chuckled again. “Losing is no displeasure, my dear,” he grinned. “As long as I’m losing to you.”
If that hadn’t already stopped Cody in his tracks, what Kenobi did next certainly would have. 
Just as Cody turned to face him, General Kenobi was freeing his arms of his tunic, tossing it off to the side in a messy heap.
While Cody was still breathless, Kenobi dropped into a starting stance, his arms held before him at the ready. He smirked and Cody was certain he was about to embarrass himself by going completely lightheaded before their match could even begin.
Taylir gar kovid olar bal jii, Kote, the echo of Alpha-17’s snarl rang through his mind. Ibic linibar gar mirda.
He readied himself, then nodded to Kenobi. 
For a few moments, they only circled one another, both oblivious to the shouts and cheers from the watching crowd of soldiers. Cody would feign an attack, testing Kenobi’s reactions, and Kenobi moved swiftly enough that Cody was sure that he was at least partially relying on his connection to the Force.
“Care to actually make a move, General?” he smirked. 
“Only should you stop teasing me, my dear,” Kenobi chuckled back.
Cody scoffed lightly, then shifted the position of his left arm, giving the General an opening.
The General took the opportunity, jabbing a sharp right hook in his direction, forcing Cody to take a step back, only to find they’d gotten closer to the edge of the mat than he’d thought.
His ankle rolled beneath him–sending a twinge of pain up his leg–but he managed to catch himself just in time to block Kenobi’s incoming hit.
Kenobi smiled as he looked Cody up and down. “Impeccable footwork,” he purred. “You could make an exquisite dancer.”
He nearly froze, if not for the growl of his ori’vod in the back of his mind, but offered his own blows toward his General.
The General parried them somewhat easily, moving back across the mat with the same grace that always somewhat distracted Cody on the battlefield. He wouldn’t let it now.
Cody kept on the offensive, hurling his fists towards Kenobi. 
“Come now, Cody,” he said, slightly breathlessly. “You’re not going easy on me, are you?”
“What would make you think so, sir?” he asked just as he managed to wrap his arm around Kenobi’s neck, spinning and pulling Kenobi’s back tightly against him. “What do you believe I’ve done wrong?” he hummed into the General’s ear.
“No need to pull your punches, Commander,” he told him, his voice dropping dangerously low. “You know I can take more.”
Cody heard his own breath leave in a quiet huff and the next thing he knew he was on his back, his General over top of him. 
Kenobi grinned at Cody’s shock ever so briefly before changing back into that somewhat cocky look of determination. 
“Yield,” he whispered. 
Cody stared at him for a moment, then made a… tactical decision. 
He let his eyes drop to Kenobi’s lips, his tongue darting out to wet his own. 
Kenobi gasped softly, his cheeks flushing an even deeper red than they’d been from the exercise. 
That was his opportunity. 
Cody flipped their position, flattening Kenobi’s chest against the mat. He wrapped his arm beneath the General’s with his hand on the back of his neck. His leg wove into Kenobi’s, pinning him firmly down. 
“Ah, alright!” Kenobi muttered, struggling to free himself from the Commander’s grasp. “You got me– I yield,” he said, a bit louder to let their audience–that Cody had all but forgotten about–know the match was over. 
A long beep sounded over the ship’s PA system, signaling the shift change. Cody could hear them leaving, laughing, bickering, and groaning about the coming work. 
Cody rolled off his opponent, pushing himself up to his feet. Kenobi flopped onto his back and Cody got a proper look at him for the first time since their match started. 
He was dewy with sweat, the fringe of auburn hair sticking slightly to his forehead. His face and ears were still tinted pink, though he wasn’t sure of the cause. It seemed the rest of his body was spotted with far more freckles than his face was, which was the realization that forced Cody back to reality. 
“Good effort, General,” he smirked, offering a hand. 
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Rex: damn codes
Rex: havent seen you spar like that in a minute
Rex: gregor sent me the holovid
Cody: I can’t say I’m surprised by that. 
Rex: no sound though 
Rex: does kenobi always talk that much??
Rex: my jetiise say he does
Rex: curious about his smack talk
Cody: I’ve updated the spreadsheet. 
Rex: cody you cant be serious
Rex: cody
Cody: Those are all perfectly reasonable suspicions. 
Rex: skywalker talks shit all the time when we spar but not like THAT
Rex: no suspicions explain him talking to you like that
Rex: actually you know what
Rex: there is no heterosexual explanation for this
Cody: Don’t be ridiculous, Rex. You’re supposed to talk me into rationality, not feed into my delusions.
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Event: While sparring in the gym, the boys goaded General Kenobi into challenging me. He proceeded to remove his shirt before we began and made comments throughout, including the following (verbatim): “Losing is no displeasure, my dear, as long as I’m losing to you.” “Impeccable footwork. You could make an exquisite dancer.” “No need to pull your punches, Commander. You know I can take more.”
Rational explanation: General Kenobi flirts with all of his opponents.-Distraction technique?-His idea of trash talk?-Is he just like that? On reviewing the described event, Rex has requested I redact the former with the following comment: “There is no heterosexual explanation for this.”
Irrational explanation: General Kenobi meant what he said in exactly the way he said it
Additional notes: Is it actually an irrational explanation to assume he means the things he says?
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Thanks for reading! - River
Untitled Spreadsheet - PRIVATE Master List DangRaccoon Master List Tag List Form Read on AO3
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Tags: @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @jediknightjana @idoubleswearimawriter @lucyysthings @unstable-kiwi @6oceansofmoons @l3xi3luv @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff @winter-phoenix1995 @nomercyforthewarrior @padawancat97 @wishyouthetest @orangez3st @flowered-bicycles @error6gendernotfound @techs-goggles9902
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eobe · 3 months ago
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Thank you so much, vod 🤩✨Reblog lovebomb, but I also made a big post for this because you deserve more attention and I hope my little excitement stage will guide some craving wanderers to you! This is the way. 😱🥰🫶
And I think your art is gorgeous and I love to watch your inevitable growing skill and you ARE already so skilled and absolutely didn‘t embarrass yourself, you showed up and just did the FLIRTATION MASK with a cheeky smirk!? Please, vod 🤷🏽‍♀️😎 walking and flying coolness!
Been wanting to contribute to this lovely chaos for some time. Since my illustration skills aren’t quite there I decided to kit up instead and embarrass myself obviously. @eobe @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe
1.) Just an average day volunteering the at Clone Rebellion HQ
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2.) Hmm?
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3.) What’s this Di’kut up to? //smirk\\
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4.) Two can play that game. 😁
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5.) Blue HUD deployed. Oya Manda! 💥💥
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littlemissmanga · 1 year ago
Good Morning! I’m making some rounds asking for some of this beautiful fluff with a touch of giggle in this prompt list.
So if you would give this prompt a go- "well i guess that answers my question." With Rex saying it?
Have a wonderful day!
Hello dearie!! Oh, I will always put forth an effort for our dear captain! I am making my way slowly through these but thrilled to say I have finally finished this one.
I hope you enjoy!
A Little Something Sweet for Breakfast
Pairing: Rex x short!Reader
Warnings: None, pure fluff
W/C: 1,218
Dividers by @saradika
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It was quiet in the mess hall and Rex considered that nothing short of a miracle. The 501st was on shore leave and it seemed the boys had their fill of fun the night before considering it was already 0700 and not one of them so much as stirred from the barracks.
Rex strode across the room, datapad in hand and ready to use this rare peace to finally have a quiet, relaxing meal. But as he made his way to grab a ration pack, a shuffle in the next room caught his attention.
The boys rarely went into the kitchens on base. There was never a need. So, as the shuffle grew into a clattering, Rex prepared himself for the inevitable chaos and made his way over. Opening the door, he took in a breath, ready to use his “Captain” voice to startle whichever shiny was making the ruckus … only to choke on his tongue.
“Oh, Captain! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone else was awake.”
You were … well, he honestly wasn’t sure what you were trying to accomplish with one knee on the counter, pulling your body higher so your other leg dangled beneath you, arms out to hold onto the sides of the cabinet. Metal cutlery and plates littered the counter and floor around you.
“I .. you …” It was far too early for these shenanigans, and Rex was thoroughly at a loss to find you at the center of it this time. As a civilian non-combat operative, you weren’t as disciplined as his boys on the field, but you were generally respectful and kept yourself out of trouble … despite the efforts of some of his vode to corral you into their latest shenanigans.
Certainly a respectable feat, at least in Rex’s book. And that’s all he would attribute the swoop in his stomach to anytime he’d see you. Respect.
If that swoop were accompanied by a heat in his cheeks at the sight of your smile — particularly if directed at him — or the racing of his heart at the sound of your laughter — even faster if he caused it — Rex never let himself do more than acknowledge it.
He was your superior officer, after all. Anything else would be unbecoming of his station.
“What are you doing?” he tried again, trying not to sound as confused as he was.
“Making breakfast.” You turned, bringing up your other leg so your entire body was balanced on the narrow ledge as you dug further.
“Huh.” Stepping closer, Rex slid his datapad onto the counter next to your leg and stood just behind you. Unsure arms kept rising to shadow your back before returning to his side as he grew ever more uneasy by the precarious balance you’d achieved. “Didn’t realize cooking required gymnastics.”
Impressively, much of your torso disappeared into the void of the cabinet when you replied, your voice echoing slightly in the confined space. “It does when everything on this ship is built for giants. Here-”
Rex’s reflexes kicked in, catching the item before he could even register that what you had tossed over your shoulder was a half-finished bread roll. But before he could form his next question — and honestly, he had so many he really didn’t even know where to start — you slipped smoothly down from your perch. Unfortunately, for him, Rex misjudged his own spacing, standing too close to give you enough room. As you moved to the floor, the curve of your rear brushed tantalizingly lightly against his stomach before finally gaining a more respectable distance.
The rush of blood pounding in his ears blocked out most of your own next question. Actually, he couldn’t hear you at all. The movement of your lips as you turned to face him was the only clue he could decipher indicating you’d said anything at all.
Your lips curled. Maker, he really did like it when you smiled. It wasn’t just with your lips, though their plush, gentle curve was sweet. No, your smile radiated from your eyes, and he knew if he looked too long, he’d be lost.
“I asked if you wanted some, too. I don’t mind making a second helping for you.”
Rex wasn’t a stupid man. He could hear the tease of your tone. The light-hearted nature of your banter along with the sweet offer was a flirtation even he could pick up on. He would never abuse his station and hit on a subordinate. And like a divine solution, here you were, offering him a way forward.
But in that moment, he couldn’t for the life of him figure out how to get himself to reply with even an ounce of charm he regularly sees his brothers wield.
Never one without a plan of action, Rex was stuck in limbo, struggling to respond with an ounce of the charm he routinely saw his brothers deploy … when he felt his stomach gurgle, the sound radiating out from him to fill the room.
Heat immediately flooded his face, but before he could apologize, your choked laughter rang out.
“I guess that answers my question.”
Stepping into his space again, you took the bread roll from him. But instead of stepping past him, you stayed.
You’d never been that close to him before. So close he could count the lines and imperfections on your face. And he did. He wanted to memorize everything about you.
He was so focused on those details, he missed entirely that you had been closing the distance, standing on your toes to press closer, until your lips pressed lightly against his cheek.
They were cold and chapped and so karking perfect on him. Your warm breath against his skin flooded any remaining rational thought away.
When you pulled back, your eyes didn’t meet his despite Rex being sure you could feel the intensity of his stare. Instead, you looked past him as you fell back onto your heels, a hand coming to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear as you repositioned to move away.
“Right, well, breakfast will be ready in just a —”
He didn’t let you finish. Before you could step away, Rex’s hand slid to gently hold the curve of your jaw, keeping you in place as he tilted your face up to his. You blinked owlishly up at him.
“You missed,” he said, finally getting his brain back online. “I think you should try that again.”
To Rex’ delight, your smile returned as you leaned back in. Only this time, he met you halfway, biting back a satisfied moan at the press of your lips against his. Taking a half step forward, he invaded your space as you had his, encircling you in his arms as he lost himself in the moment.
After what was probably too long, Rex finally let you go. Your eyes stayed closed for a heartbeat more, even as you moved back, shifting your weight to rest more against his hold on you, and Rex greedily took the chance to appreciate everything about your contented expression in the moment, satisfaction coiling inside him knowing he put that look on your face.
When you did open your eyes, there was a twinkle of mischief in them you usually kept well hidden. “Better?” you asked.
He pressed his forehead to yours. “Much.”
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Like this fic? Check out my Masterlist!
Taglist: @wings-and-beskar @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @wolffegirlsunite @secondaryrealm @idontgetanysleep @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @dystopicjumpsuit @sinfulsalutations @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @anxiouspineapple99 @wizardofrozz @dhawerdaverd @mythical-illustrator @dreamie411
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wizardofrozz · 1 year ago
Hello! Coming to visit for the first kiss prompt.
So I really love this Prompt- their hearts stopping when they hear someone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act ?)
I’m going to suggest Echo. But really any of the 501st boys with a 501st catching them (or maybe 501st and or Ahsoka catching them?) you know me I’m all about some vode hijinks and fluff.
Have a Beautiful day💙🤍💙!
A Holo for the Ages
ARC Trooper Echo x reader, ARC Trooper Fives, Jesse, Hawk, Ahsoka Tano, mentions of Aayla Secura, Captain Rex, and Commander Bly
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: mention of crash landing, mention of war, but mostly just fluff
A/N: Thank you for the request Sunshine! 💙🤍 I had so much fun with this and I hope you enjoy!!
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Chaos should feel like home to you as part of the 501st. But this was different. Losing another Venator from the Fifth Fleet left everyone scrambling. 
The Resolute's hallways were bustling with bodies. 501st and 327nd troopers hurried through the halls, mingling with the "nat borns" as you were called, as everyone hurried to their destination. Between debriefs, scrambling to find places for another entire battalion, as well as the Commando squad you had picked up, and putting out fires, literal and metaphorical, it was mayhem. 
You waved the smoke out of your face, letting out a relieved sigh now that the star fighter had stopped smoldering. The entire hangar smelled of burnt metal and it made your nose sting. You had been tasked with putting out the literal fires after General Secura came careening into the hangar after the star fighter's engine blew out. At least you had gotten that under control and you huffed again as you looked around the hangar. Keeping your mind occupied so you didn't worry about a certain company was harder than you had expected but the commotion around you helped a little. 
Commander Bly's lead mechanic had already started a fight with Manny, the clone that you reported to, and the sudden sound of raised voice told you they hadn't finished the fight yet. You glanced over at your workstation and realized you were definitely going to need more cleaning solution; you were drowning in carbon scouring and this was only the first ship on your list. 
It would only be a short walk to the supply lockers and there wasn't much you could do without cleaning off the carbon build up first. You let out a long exhale and grabbed a rag off your cart, scrubbing at your hands as you hurried across the hangar. As soon as the door opened you nearly plowed into a squad of troopers, barely catching yourself on the doorway before you fell into them. You prayed that the trip back to Coruscant wouldn't take long. 
You made a left, mentally mapping out the route to the supply lockers. You'd made the trip hundreds of times, meaning you let your mind wander as you walked. It probably wasn't the best idea on a ship loaded to the brim with people but it had been a long fucking day. The grease embedded into the swirls of your fingerprints didn't want to come out but the dirty rag in your hand wasn't much help. You looked down at your hands, trying to scrub at the marks as you made the next right.
Hitting someone in full armor did not feel good and it sure as hell rattled your exhausted brain. You stumbled back a step and a hand shot out to grab your arm, keeping you falling on your ass in the middle of the hallway. You opened your mouth, ready to apologize but stopped short, your eyes catching on a familiar blue hand print. An almost giddy laugh fell from your lips as you smiled. 
"Echo!" He returned your smile and it made your stomach somersault. 
"Hi, cyar'ika," he chuckled, sliding his hand down your arm. It felt like a wave hit you, the relief threatening to knock you off your feet. He's alive. 
"Are you okay?" you rushed out, eyes darted around his face. Echo's brows pinched together in concern and it was disgustingly endearing. 
"Should be asking you that," he countered, squeezing your wrist, "I'm the one in full armor." It took your brain a second to make sense of what he was saying.
"Oh I didn't mean - I know it didn't hurt when I ran into you," you huffed lightheartedly. "I mean, after the battle. Are you okay? Are the rest of the boys?" The small, fond smile that spread across Echo's face should've been illegal. He had no right being so cute. 
"We're okay, we're alive," he insisted, carefully pulling you into a hug. The armor was bulky and a little cold but you didn't care, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
This...whole thing was still new between you and Echo. Hells, you hadn't even had a minute alone to have a real date, let alone kiss. War wasn't kind to budding relationships.
You pulled back to look at him, the knot of anxiety in your chest loosening slightly. You could breathe a little easier knowing Torrent company had made it and more specifically, Echo. He smiled at you, all warm and sweet, and it made you melt. The halls around you were, amazingly, empty and you took the opportunity to wrap your arms around his shoulders. Taking the time while you had it was your only option. 
"Yes, mesh'la," he murmured, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
"Kiss me." A soft, surprised laugh puffed past his lips and your heart skipped when he leaned closer. 
"I'd be crazy to say no to that." It was a chaste kiss, nothing outlandish, but it suddenly felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. It felt like coming home.
The loud shudder of a camera going off made you freeze. Echo's eyes were just as wide as your when you jerked back. It was silent for a beat, your heart seizing in your chest. 
"You moron!" a very familiar voice, very young, hissed from behind you. You let your arms fall away from Echo's shoulders, turning to face the small group standing a few feet down the hallway. Commander Tano at least had the decency to look apologetic; Fives, Jesse, and Hawk...not so much. 
"Uh, hi?" you said, shifting a step away from Echo. 
"I told you," Fives laughed, shoving Jesse enough to make him sway. 
"Was it a secret?" Hawk asked, glancing over at Commander Tano. 
"It was a badly kept one if so," Fives snorted, his eyes darting over to you. 
"Excuse me?" Four heads turned in your direction, almost like they forgot you were there. "Anyone care to explain what I'm missing here?"
"Jesse didn't think you guys were dating," Commander Tano mumbled sheepishly. 
"Come on, it's Echo," Jesse offered as an explanation. "Mr. Reg Manual."
"What! It's true," Jesse insisted, clearly fighting a smile. Fives knocked shoulders with Jesse before closing the distance, throwing an arm over Echo's shoulder.
"I believed in you, vod," Fives said with a grin. 
"Shut up," Echo huffed, shoving his brothers away. The chirping of a comlink cut through the air and Commander Tano lifted her wrist, checking a message with a groan.
"Come on, Rex is already mad we're late for the debrief," she grumbled. The rest of the boys groaned in unison, bringing a smile to your face. Fives moved to join the rest of the group again and you stepped aside to let Echo past but he paused.
"I'll see you later?"
"Of course," you chuckled. Your heart skipped again when he leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before hurrying after his brothers. You watched them for a moment, Fives dragging Echo closer with an arm around his shoulders, until they disappeared around a corner. The supply lockers were only a few more feet down the hall and you hurried to the door but your thoughts were elsewhere.
You decided to ask Fives to send you that holo. Not everyone got to immortalize their first kiss.
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Ragu list:
@a-single-tulip @wings-and-beskar @anxiouspineapple99 @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @starrylothcat @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @trixie2023 @wolffegirlsunite @clonemedickix @sev-on-kamino
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alicentrasers · 5 months ago
Hi!! I'd quite like to ask about Dogma'a Rulebook please! (Also Fuck me in the arse tonight because that title!!!)
Lmao, I was waiting for someone to ask about that!
Dogma's Rulebook is another fic from my old co-author. They wrote about 3ish chapters before jumping to another midnight idea. Minor editing has occurred with this one but I'll be honest, I haven't read it in a while.
General premise is about Dogma's transition from the front lines, after umbara, into the guard. It covers his introduction, his relationships with his new squad, the commanders, and a possible love interest via civilian- though Im thinking about cutting that character as his main purpose was simply cuddle piles.
Here is a section that I have deemed Safe for Public Consumption:
"The barracks themselves were not much different then the ones on the Resolute, although there were many more bunks with space to spare, and even a large window on one side. The Commander starts talking to Dogma again, something along the lines of the freshers being in the back and some trooper habits. The large window has several mattresses placed in front of it, along with a veritable nest of pillows and blankets. The bunks that they were scavenged from have been fashioned into shelves with everything from holopads to odd plants stored in their cubbies. These bits of improvised furniture create a sort of room within a room, blocking off the view to most other bunks, and with the evening sun it all looks rather peaceful.
A firm hand clapping his shoulder brings Dogma back to conversation, Commander Thorn is wrapping up his welcome speech it seems. “Remember the other vode here can help you find anything, you’ll start on basic patrols with your assigned group after tomorrow, get some rest Private.” Dogma nods, he hasn’t used more than a handful of words on the way here and he wasn’t about to change that, hopefully it wouldn’t seem too disrespectful to the Commander. Honestly Dogma isn’t usually this wrapped up in his own head, but ever since Umbara he’s been distracted more and more lately, usually by the smallest things too."
Like I said, old work, needs major edits. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it as Dogma is not one of my main characters for this AU.
Hehehehe, Fuck me in the Ass Tonight
That is the Working Title for the Ongoing Chat-fic Landline Across the Galaxy posted on my AO3. Currently, I had to change the working title to Funk Me on the Dance Floor cause I work on that doc at work a lot lmao.
This is an Information/Gossip Chat started by Jesse. It features characters that I don't normally see in most CloneWars chat fics, as well as some OCs of mine to add to the chaos. Landline has the heavy job of Connecting all of my WIPs and Posted Fics together into a general timeline, as well as providing Lore and another perspective on the canon events.
Oh, and memes
Never forget the memes
Here is a section from the unposted Plans for new chapters:
Ahsoka: ….
Ahsoka: okay, true
Jesse: have you considered that maybe I don't want ppl seeing what I post?
Ahsoka: Jesse
Ahsoka: You have 3500 followers…
Ahdoka: LET ME IN
Jesse: NEVER
[Kix is now Online.]
Kix: And this is why I have this commline muted
[Comet is now Online.]
Comet: Jesse… Why are you shirtless in your profile picture…
Kix: >:("
Yes, I normally write snippets for this fic while sleep deprived and watching vines. I am /hilarious/
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ghostymarni · 28 days ago
I’ve never done a zine, I don’t know the rules, but the answer is yes please @foxwithadarkside 🥹🖤⛓️☕️
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@nika6q @eclec-tech here's the vision @ghostymarni I'm consumed by GAR Goth Night. GUYS! Let's make digital Zine out of this?
@lonewolflupe @wings-and-beskargam @eobe who else we're tagging now...? @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @vimse @ladylucksrogue @letshareapapou maybe you'll like this Tech
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eobe · 2 months ago
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My dearest folks and wanderers, who come around…
Currently I’m overwhelmed of how much love and reactions I get in here 🥰 Thank you all so much! I‘m sending big Wrecker hugs to all of you 🤩✨🙏 Before I return full force to drawing Star Wars fanart, have a rare original artwork of mine – my current awake internal processing dragon ✨🐉
Somewhere it is told that those clumsy, precious-hoarding and -staring lizards, feigning intelligence for big effect, should bring luck allegedly 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ I‘m not sure about that, but the scale hatching pattern looks nice and was dopamining for me to draw, so yeah 🤩✨
Announcements and statements
have a caf for those ☺️☕️🫶
Things happened and things may happen and I‘m always open for messages, no matter if request, feedback or deep talk – be sure it’ll be with an open ear, respect and caf vibe 😀☕️ I‘m serious with important things, but I‘m not willing to discuss important things emotionally loaded. Agitated hearts aren‘t wise, only agitated – so I won‘t accept quarrel invitations 😂 This is the way 🤷🏽‍♀️
Holidays were weird 🤯 I got sick, I got unsettled, I did my first fanfiction-y writing (wtf? I write?) and my developing artstyle decided to unsettle me additionally, confusing my WIP and a genuinely asking feeling what for Maker’s sake is actually happening ❤️‍🩹
So with all my current whatevers I got inspired to do some more clarifications 🙏✨
What is that Chaos Squad thing?
For those who don’t know – don’t get confused, the „Chaos Squad“ is working on a definition and is in it’s finding phase 😂 As I see this, we‘re fun chaotic artists / writers / else collab group and want people to enjoy fun and inspiring-each-other-into-creating escalations with us in the Star Wars fandom 🤩🫶✨
I can only speak for myself, but like some others of us, I play with my Star Wars OCs and the art-, reblog- or comment-chaos gets OC „flavoured“. But I’m not a roleplayer 😀 I stay artist Eobe and use for Chaos Squad activities my OCs mainly to give myself an art- and scene-fitting face insert in our together creations! ☺️ Feel yourself always invited to reach out if you want to ask something! ☕️
This is an artblog and it stays an artblog ✍️ my focus is doing art, collabs and interactions mainly in the Star Wars universe, but I love to do art and crossovers with other fandoms if I like 🤩✨… or some more original art, if I manage to get over my actual shyness 😗
Eobe entering AO3
sounds like a threat 😂 I‘m almost sure I would even do threats not without offering a caf ☕️ what am I hihihi
I’m on AO3 now and dragon is my pfp in AO3!
Gorgeous @eclec-tech 🫶 lured me back to AO3 as co-creator for continuing „The Spicy Fox“ story ☕️🦊! Check it out, the new chapter is so much fun to read and I love to have the honor to accompany it with my artworks – a new one freshly added at the end of the chapter, already showing some progress in my artstyle (if my eyes aren’t jinxed like everything else seems to be currently 😱)! The artwork will get its own posting of course, but I wanted to opt in back to you all with dragon 🐉✨
As I also absolutely unforeseen managed to write a „thing“ despite blockades – my unintroduced clone OC took over when I was massively unsettled and started his Matrix / Undercover coded loner mission against the inhibitor chips, knowing way too much… I think I call it „The Source Code“ 👀✨ and I‘m very tempted to deliver you the continuation that already roughs my brain (some were also asking for it 🙈 thank you so much)!
So long story short (what a joke actually!? 😂)
There will be more art again soon hopefully (and maybe even those writings? Whatever maintenance is currently happening in my head 😂)
I‘m absolutely looking forward ☝️🤩✨
Taglist – for information: @lonewolflupe @bixlasagna @returnofthepineapple @sunshinesdaydream @covert1ntrovert @general-ida-raven @vrycurious @dystopicjumpsuit @chaicilatte @groguandthebadbatch @ladylucksrogue @spaceyjessa @morerandombullshit @freesia-writes
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wings-and-beskargam · 27 days ago
Delta-62 Sighted at GAR Goth Night, hosted by @ghostymarni
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Mand’alor save me, I walked into 79s GAR Goth Night looking for my squad, got glared at by a bearded Commander and then stumbled into THIS. Where’s my wing(wo)man?? 😱🫠
Chaos vode, @eobe @ghostymarni @lonewolflupe and other GAR Goth Night peeps @foxwithadarkside @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf @eclec-tech @gargothnightzine get SCORCHED by RC-1262 (or, my interpretation of him, at least). 🫶💛🤍���
He may not win the “most interesting outfit” contest, but I’m not even sorry about it. My brain kept derailing while trying to make this anything other than what it wanted to be. Calling it “tactical goth” may be a stretch, but I’m still living for it. 😁
I’m actually unsure how I managed to produce this. I’m feeling modestly impressed with myself. 🩵
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harmless--dreamer · 5 months ago
I should draw my clone squad OCs that I have along with their Jedi General. Don't get attached because all bar one are dead.
ALSO I KNOW ONE IS UNFORTUNATELY ACCIDENTALLY A CANON NAME I STOLE. I tried to Google as many of them as possible but I gave up because being a teacher is tiring as hell. Also there's like 6.2 million clones so chances are a couple of names got repeated.
The squad itself is split into a few different batches. The first set of batch brothers are Seven, Stims, Static, Base and Glint. Click joined separately after his initial batch died. The second batch of brothers were Storm, Rogue, Torch. Their other batchmates were reassigned after their first few postings. They're a small team, just them and their Jedi (then later, also, their Padawan), so no big ship or thousands of troopers- just a smaller elite squad.
Here's the squad anyway:
Commander: Seven
Sev is firm but fair. He was in a relationship with their Jedi prior to his death. It was well known amongst their squad but not outside of it. They all kept the secret. Seven is a good soldier and a better leader. He cares deeply for all of his brothers. He was the clear leader out of his batchmates and was always fascinated by the Jedi. His fascination led to a desire to work harder to be at their side.
He got close to their Jedi over time, nights spent doing paperwork or days in the med bay together. Eventually his squad realised he was into him and started teasing him, which led to their Jedi finding out. They took some time navigating the power dynamics, but eventually settled. Seven was a father figure to their Padawan and tried to keep her out of trouble, especially trouble the vode tried to drag her into. Seven had many a grey hair from his brothers antics- both him and Stims were going grey and they commiserated together. Stims would often complain that he had it worse, since he also had to deal with Seven and their Jedi being insufferable lovebirds.
Sev dies protecting his squad, his Jedi and his padawan. Not that he succeeds, because his squad (bar two and the jedi padawan pair) all die.
Medic: Stims
Stims is harsh and blunt. He takes no shit and has no time for it. He is kind, deep down, but he hides behind his outward persona of Tired Grumpy Medic. He absolutely would die for his brothers and their general and padawan. He does everything he can for his brothers and takes their health very seriously. Even if that means throwing a ration bar at their head because they haven't eaten yet today, the whole time muttering angrily about the headache they're giving him. He's honestly a massive grumpy bastard, but he's their massive grumpy bastard who loves them.
He's one of the only survivors from the attack that kills his squad, but he's presumed dead- taken as a POW by the Separatists. When he's eventually found, his Jedi has left the order, his padawan is a criminal, and only his youngest squad mate survived. The medical care he managed to apply while dying himself saved a few of them.
Assistant Medic: Storm
Storm was softer than Stims. While Stims will throw a nutrient block at your head, Storm would hand it to you and give you a short lecture- threatening to tell Stims if you don't get everything back in order. He was a regular trooper before he approached Stims asking for further med training. Stims was more than happy to have someone else to help out around the med bay. He would spoil their Padawan and got on best with the ""youngsters"" (himself, Torch and Rogue).
Demo Expert: Torch
Torch was... A little bit of chaos. He enjoyed explosions and fires and will take any opportunity to explode the clankers. He wanted to make a fire hot enough to melt the clankers. He was a bad influence on their Padawan along with Glint and Rogue. He'd make any excuse to start a fire or an explosion, often arguing for blowing a base up rather than leaving it to stand. He got drunk the easiest out of his brothers.
Stealth Expert: Rogue
Rogue was quieter but arguably the most feral of the bunch. When their general would get himself hurt doing force knows what to save their asses, he'd be the one curled up at the foot of the bed like a cat. He walked near silently and would frequently do so to scare his brothers. He was not above biting and would play dirty to win a fight. While his main skills lay in all things stealth, he was a heavy hitter and could absolutely handle the clankers. He always indulged their Padawan and would assist her with any pranks she wanted to pull. No questions asked.
Tech and Comms Expert: Static
Static buzzed constantly. Either he'd be making low grade chatter, constantly narrating his work under his breath, or his many tools would. He wasn't the most overly energetic, but when he was excited by something he would practically vibrate. He was more of a constant, low grade energy- like static on a TV screen, there and buzzing along constantly. He made the prosthetics for their Padawan and general, with the help of Click and Stims. He could hack into whatever they needed and could make whatever they needed with the help of Glint or Click. Ironically, Static was best friends with Stims because the medic said he gave him the least headaches.
Sniper and Weapons Expert: Click
Click could sometimes be rowdy and loud, despite being a sniper. On missions, he'd be serious and composed, the only sound you'd hear from him being the click of his blasters or mission critical information. Outside of missions? He was active, sometimes boisterous, and cared deeply for his family. He was one of the more tactile brothers and would often lean on the others or casually sling an arm around them. He was closest to Seven, Static and Stims. Often his work would coincide with the four of them so they naturally drifted close- despite him technically being one of the younger crew. Seven trusted him with difficult missions and would consult the trio whenever he needed advice. Click did however swear he hated children, and initially avoided their Padawan like the plague. He was a liar and they ended up getting on well- but he was more reserved around her. His voice is one of the deepest out of his squad, and when he wasn't overly excited it was fairly quiet- but full of emotion and well animated.
Heavy Weapons Unit: Base
Base was a little larger than your average clone trooper, always spending his time trying to get stronger and stronger. He wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but he was kind and loved his brothers. He doted on their Padawan, always willing to drop everything to help her. He's everyone's friend, always happy to help. Even if it was helping Torch set some recreational fires- though he was most often helping Glint or Stims and Storm. He did like to tease the shinies by scaring them with stories of their Jedi. One particular time when Hazard joined them, after Glint's death, he tried to scare the shiny by talking about how their general lost his arm. He also has what is widely considered the most ugly armour, since they all paint it themselves and Base isn't much of an artist.
Engineering Expert: Glint
The first to fall, Glint died prior to the mission that saw the entire squad wiped out. I wish I could say he died a hero's death, that he went down protecting his brothers like Base did, or Click, or Rogue, but he didn't. It was an unlucky shot, a stray blaster bolt catching him in the neck. There was nothing Stims could do, except heed his brother's last wishes. Glint couldn't talk, given he was rapidly losing oxygen and blood, but he held Stims hands and fixed him with such a fierce look- mouthing "look after them" desperately with tears in his eyes. Before his death, he would indulge their Padawan's every whim and was fiercely protective of his brothers. If Seven or Stims wasn't free to mediate a problem, he'd be the one.
After Glint died he was replaced by Hazard. Hazard is my partner's OC (<3). He's the only other survivor other than Stims.
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ghostymarni · 3 months ago
twin I loved reading your journey, and it’s been AMAZING, to say the least, to watch your grow jumping from a mouse to a tablet had been unmatched inspiration ✨ if you had an art exhibit I’d be the first in line hours before to make sure I’m the first to see it.
Your growth shines just as bright as your heart, you are such a big hearted soul, and watching your events, skills, and chaotic wips has been nothing but fun ✨ i know you’re gonna soar this coming new year, and I am here for it ❤️‍🔥
I've seen several of these around Tumblr, and thought it would be fun to do one myself as well! So here's my art progress in 2024!
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Ramblings and more art comparisons/progress below the cut (:
I started drawing humans (mostly clones eheh) and posting them here on Tumblr in June
Since then, I finished and posted about 140 (dakriff) drawings (I counted my files for this post and I feel like I miscalculated but it's actually that many??)
Those include just below 50 pieces drawn with my mouse (June-October)..
.. and just over 90 since I got my drawing screen in early November (help)
Famous last words
If they ever put me away behind closed doors, I hope they let me keep my drawing screen ~Lupe, December 31, 2024
Here's a month-to-month look with more art (because with over 140 pieces in 7 months, it was hard to pick just one for each month!). Don't feel obligated to read all this, I just thought it was fun for myself to read this back later (when hopefully, I made even more art progress) (:
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I finally found the courage to start posting here on Tumblr, and it didn't take me long to introduce my Jedi OC Lupe (I actually never posted the Youngling Lupe art, so that's a bonus, I guess). Lots of templates and references, because drawing humans is HARD. I made my own clone-portrait-template and used it to create the clones from the Lone Wolf Squad.
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First time drawing clone armour, which was actually more fun and satisfying than I had imagined. I tried adding more body below my portraits. Experimenting with art styles to find something that I felt comfortable with.
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More clones, including OC art. I tried adding a little bit of depth, but shading felt impossible with my mouse. I also started my Clone Shenanigans series (which I should continue some day).
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If you noticed an increase in Fox content, that's because I fell hard for this guy haha. And of course there's more of the clones I loved from the beginning, like Fives and Echo <3 I reached 100 followers and celebrated with an art event. Which was very time-consuming because I was still drawing with my mouse, but it was so much fun and I think it really helped me progress my art skills (and it started some friendships that are now very dear to me ❤️). Also, I finally started doing some effort with shading/lighting.
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I wrapped up my 100 follower event and almost immediately dove into my inbox Trick-Or-Treating event, including both art and writings. I put quite some time in those fics, so I feel like I didn't do as much art as the previous and next months (DEFINITELY not as much as the next months, ahahaha).
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So this is where the fun begins (nah it started back in June, but this is the moment I went totally feral with drawing clones ahahaha). Early November, I received my drawing screen, which means I started drawing with a pen directly on screen instead of using my mouse (which saves a LOT of time). After some practicing, I started getting better feeling for both full-body and armoured clones with my The Blorbo Wars series (which you really seemed to like haha, thanks for all the lovely attention! I promise I'll continue the series!).
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I think I've gone a bit rogue this month, haha. I had so much fun celebrating my Advent Event (I actually did most of the art for that event in November 😅)! I barely wrapped that up when I hit 300 followers, which I'm currently celebrating with my Meme Mania! I'm finally at a place where I'm really enjoying my art style, especially for drawing faces. Of course there's always room for improvement, and I'm totally here for it!
Thank you all so much for sticking with me, for supporting me and encouraging me <3 This has been a bit of an exhausting year (mostly because of good things, for once), and the Tumblr clone community has been such a nice diversion from all the IRL adulting. Thanks for being here and welcoming me like you did <3
For 2025..
I will continue drawing, of course! I can't wait to see where I'll be in another few months! I'd love to practice some more lighting/rendering, I'm definitely going to get better with anatomy! And perhaps I'll finally dive into the abyss that's called proper backgrounds.. I also have plans to do some art for my longfic A Lupe Of Faith, to give Lupe a bit more attention. And I have so many ideas for upcoming events, it's insane haha.
I will continue writing as well, don't worry. It's just that I'm really sick with the drawing-bug at the moment. I'll try to vary a little bit.
Besides the art and the writing, I can't wait to continue all the friendships I've made here, to see whatever new clone content you'll all come up with! (And maybe we'll get some more canon clone content, Lucasfilm/Disney pretty please???)
Thanks to all of you for making this my digital home ❤️
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dixieconley · 1 year ago
True Confessions of a Clone Trooper
"Commander, execute order 66," came the voice through his comm.
"Yes, my Lord," Cody said, retransmitting the order on automatic as per protocol before going to find his Jedi, who he located at the bottom of a cliff, stuck hip deep in a bog. "I really like holding your lightsaber, sir."
Kenobi blinked. "…thank you? It likes you too. Now do you think you could get me out of here?"
Elsewhere: Fives: I took the last candy and didn't tell Echo! Echo: I ate all the candy and only left one for Fives. Rex: I smuggle rats onto the ship for Ahsoka to hunt. Bly: I married my Jedi in secret. Wolffe: I taught Buir Mando'a. Thorn: I drank the last cup of caf.
And they're all little things. Except.
Fox: You're the one who drank the last cup of caf? You're dead to me, Thorn. Thorn: Like you're one to talk. Fox: I've done nothing wrong ever. Thorn: If someone told you to execute order 66-- Fox: I fed the Chancellor to hawk-bats. His lightsabers are in my desk. I replaced the Senate's caf with Folger's crystals. I-- Everyone: ::appalled:: Thorn: ::taking notes for future blackmail::
Later: Thorn: Wait. The Chancellor's still alive. Which chancellor did you feed to the hawk-bats? Fox: This one. Kriffing shabuir won't *stay* dead. Thorn: … Thorn: Would it kill you to let somebody help you? The Jedi could probably help. We would *definitely* help. Fox: …yes. Yes, it would.
Thorn goes over Fox's head and gets help. Palpatine gets wrekt. The rest of the orders are discovered and disseminated to the Vode, who are confused but not displeased by them.
Wrecker: ::delighted:: Order 67 is to have a dance party! Can we, Hunter, can we? Hunter: ::sighs:: Crosshair: Don't you dare. Hunter: ::evil grin::
The Vode use the orders to have fun pranking each other and to cause chaos. While the chips do get removed, there's no hurry as far as the majority are concerned.
Except for Fox. He has secrets for a *reason*, Thorn.
Thorn: And that reason is to be a miserable bastard. Fox: Stop harshing my groove. Killing the shabuir was the highlight of my existence. Thorn: …have you considered a hobby that isn't murder?
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noturusualpotato · 1 year ago
:D for WIP Title Game, I'd love to know anything you can share about the Codywan Actor 👀👀👀 idea 😄 \○/
Well, so. I don't have much written for it besides like a rough draft but generally it goes like did. Obi leaves the Jedi Order (yes, I'm well aware he leaves the Jedi Order in all my fics, but instead of re-writing Jedi rules on relationships or Obi going OC and having deep, true looofff relationship against the rules, I like to give him a free hand on romance). In this instance, it's after mission to Mandalore bc in this universe, Korkie Kryze is a Kenobi. Anyway, fast forward couple of years and Quinlan reaches out to Obi bc he needs someone to go undercover to catch a sleemo movie producer in the act cause can't catch him anymore. Obi goes. Movie producer is arrested. Obi's audition tape falls into hands of a movie director and Obi-Wan accidently becomes the biggest movie star in the galaxy.
Fast forward to the Clone Wars (Qui-Gon lives and trains Anakin, but leaves the Order too when the war starts because I can't see Qui-Gon as general or agreeing with the Order fighting so now he is an anti-war activist living on Obi-Wan's couch - he is also supportive of Obi leaving the Order in this one and like generally a good, if stoned, Dad), Commander Cody and his General (I'm pretty sure it's going to be Pong Krell to make Cody suffer bc I have to have at least one sad, traumatised main character) get a new mission. Apparently, Maul besieged Mandalore. However he is willing to negotiate with the Republic provided it sends his favourite actor with he might or might not be obsessed (this time not because of the missing legs, but because well Obi is Obi and he is a Sith catnip) to negotiate. Incentive? Well, Korkie decided to go to school on Mandalore (Obi and Satine have a co-parenting situation going on there) so he is stuck there. What's in for Cody? Nothing but he has orders to become actor's bodyguard.
What ensues? Chaos, movie nights, mass signing of Vode's Kenobi merch and two very pissed ex-Jedi most likely completely wrecking Pong Krell. (and ofc they fall in LOOOOOOOVE)
I am still working out the details and actual plot but stoned Dad! Qui-Gon speaks to me.
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