#soviet answers
sovietsoldier1120 · 1 year
Connie can be a dnd character if you're not a coward /hj
Though to be fair, I did originally come up with his name for a Pathfinder thing my bro was doing, but it went nowhere so
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queeringclassiclit · 29 days
Which adaptation of Sherlock Holmes is the most queer?
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*not including House M.D. because it's not really an adaptation, or any overtly queer pastiches like My Dearest Holmes or The Adventure of the Furtive Festivity because that's not really a fair contest
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communistkenobi · 3 months
What’s your opinion on Stalin?
love this. getting right down to business. the only thing I know about him is an anecdote my friend told me about how right after WWII the Allied powers were talking about what to do with Germany and Stalin suggested executing the top 50,000 Nazi officers and calling it a day and apparently Churchill really did not like that suggestion
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
is there anything as joyous as finishing a book and finding there’s 24 works on ao3 providing missing scenes, character studies and a pov switched rewrite?
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asteroidtroglodyte · 2 years
What is Disco Elysium?
(Wrong answers only)
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tintinology · 1 year
doesn't tintin always speak french because he visits colonies
Not necessarily. Of all the countries he visits, the only ones I can think of that would be French or Belgian colonies are Congo and Morocco (Bagghar, while fictional, is said to be located in this country). Shanghai had a French concession, though whether that's the one that Tintin visits (as opposed to the British concession for example) or not is unclear. And he does visit French-speaking countries in Europe (Switzerland and France) where he presumably is speaking French. But they're far from being the only ones he visits.
As for the other countries he goes to, some are English colonies (Egypt, India) or former colonies (US), so I don't think they'd necessarily speak French there. Not to mention that he also visits South America a couple of times and the characters from the countries he goes to are shown to speak Spanish (think of General Alcazar exclaiming "Caramba!" or Zorrino calling him "señor"). It's not a stretch to believe that there might be people who speak French there, but it certainly wouldn't be the norm. I doubt the Incas were speaking French, tbh.
For the fictional countries, it's harder to say. Khemed could have at some point been a French colony, but it's never specified, and both Syldavia and Borduria have their own (possibly Salvic?) language, though again, it's possible that they know some French (King Muskar might have spoken French, for example, it having been the language of European courts for centuries).
Anyways, aside from all that, both Tintin and Haddock canonically speak English; it's especially obvious in the French version of Tintin in Tibet, where Tintin actually switches to English to ask for directions and Haddock asks some kids if he can eat the peppers in English.
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It does admittedly suggest that they do speak French most of the time and that switching to English is notable enough to be written out explicitly, though it's hard to say for sure. But Tintin definitely doesn't only visit francophone colonies, so if he's speaking French, it's not (solely) because of that. It's more likely just something that we're supposed to ignore as readers.
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shrekyaoi · 28 days
Amen brother. We were robbed of killing Reagan the same way we were robbed of having 9/11 in six. At the very least it's highly implied that the player character of black ops 1 Alex Mason killed JFK so you do get to kill one president.
The player choices and how the game reacts to it are so much fun. Some parts of the game genuinely feel like The Stanley Parable (Also a recommended game). Break on through is my favorite mission because of how you can just completely disregard Adler and fuck with him. My favorite lines are if you kill yourself or if you just stand around doing nothing.
i need to talk to these writers. what the fuck was going on in that room when they were coming up with these fucking storylines.
there are compilations of all the shit you can do in break on through just to fuck with adler. apparently if you die he says “come on, you are not telling me you died in vietnam” which sent me into the stratosphere. the thing about video games that let you ignore the narrator is that a good deal of players will indeed ignore the narrator. this is a mark of good game design
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strawberrystepmom · 11 months
YES!!!! someone sent me a meme with her the other day and was like this u and I had to go look her up and she’s the most precious thing of all and I love that she still airs for kids to this day 🥹
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wittgensteining · 1 year
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sovietsoldier1120 · 2 years
tell us about uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ieyasu
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*tosses in a picture cause why not*
Ieyasu Qestir is Shinomi's dad. He is a very outgoing and friendly man, always welcoming strangers with a smile. Despite appearances (mostly that big honking axe), Ieyasu is a big softie with a heart of gold and is always willing to lend a hand to anyone. Think Hildibrand but not a complete Himbo TM.
Underneath this ultra friendly exterior is a capable fighter and a shrewd business man. Indeed, the young Ieyasu spent a good amount of his eary years observing the various merchants in Reunion buying and selling in Reunion, and applying it to his own "business" (which was really him just trading pebbles with other children). Over time, he made a true business selling the wares of his tribe first to others on the steppes (splitting the occasional skull every so often to prove the axe wasn't a show), then to the kingdom of Doma, eventually making his way to the trade hub of Kugane, where he truly began to make a killing. Apparently there was quite the market for the wool coats worn by the Xaela.
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communistkenobi · 1 year
Nick I am so sorry we have been friends for so long but what’s the difference between socialism and communism I am too American I am sorry
lol it’s all good! you can view socialism as a form of early communism, or rather, the transitional period through which communism is achieved. assuming a scenario in which there is a successful worker’s revolution, the socialist state has seized capitalist infrastructure and production and uses these things to work towards the ultimate goal of communism, a stateless classless moneyless society (stateless does not mean an undirected or unstructured society, just that the modern concept of the nation-state has been abolished as a result of the abolition of property and class - this is a pretty complex topic though so maybe a simpler way is to think of it for now is a world without borders. this is a scenario in which communism is global and has taken over all capitalist states, ie, very advanced or mature communism, and direction of resources and operations is done through administration as opposed to law and state governments - this is a very rough and general outline). a lot of capitalist infrastructure is extremely useful and necessary for the functioning of a proletarian state, and aren’t things we want to do away with (telecommunications, shipping, transport, medicine, various state and economic structures, etc - although obviously the way these things are run and the way workers are treated in those industries would change dramatically!). some people are socialists and just want a worker’s state without the communism part, some people (anarcho-communists for example) want to move directly to communism from capitalism, and debates about the exact nature and structure of a communist society are some of the fundamental things communists argue about. communism is the goal, socialism is (one of the possible) means. I personally tend towards models of centralised socialist state control and direction of a proletarian society, although I’m not well-read enough to provide you with a totally comprehensive platform on how all of that would work and that’s also like an insanely long conversation lol
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szczekaczz · 7 months
i'm glad i decided to take this class on masculinity in ruslit because 1) i never perceived masculinity in any positive light nor thought about it deeply in general and being open to new concepts is the most important thing in life 2) the professor talks about the theory of literature in a really interesting way + i'm always hyped for comparing things from the "first" and the "second" world
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straight-to-the-pain · 10 months
I watched ‘the dawn here are quiet’ and cried like a **** 😭😭😭😭
It’s so sad right?? But it’s also really good. I’ve seen both the original and the remake now and the original has some truly bizarre like backstory cinematography but I honestly really like both and I think they’re both very similar and the remake is genuinely quite faithful to the original. Though I haven’t read the story it’s based on so I can’t comment on that. But can recommend as a film, especially if you want to see women in uniform get to be human but also very cool and fight Nazis
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nvskyprospekt · 2 years
does anyone else have the “normal answer” and the “real answer” when it comes to being asked what kind of music you listen to.. and if so i want to hear the disparities btwn the two because they’re always so funny
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demonbloodenthusiast · 10 months
91 whiskey actually ruined my life because it got me into not one but TWO fandoms of hbo war shows and now my dad thinks i'm interested in ww2
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shrekyaoi · 3 months
Do u think Makaroni is a capitalist or a communist
i think that my answer to this question would be very long and involve me citing a lot of sources so long story short “it’s complicated”
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