fixingitfclix · 4 years
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Hunter Parrish in A Rising Tide
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
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Felix’s Costume - Uncle Fester (ft: @sheglitch​ as Wednesday, @rclphwrecksit​ as Gomez, @savwrides​ as Morticia, & @theflynnriders​ as Pugsly )
Can’t say how creepy or scary Felix would actually look as Uncle Fester from The Addams Family, but he was delighted to agree to Vanellope’s idea for everyone to dress up as each family member. And being how he is the designated ‘uncle’ to her, of course he was gonna dress up as Uncle Fester, bald cap and borrowed eye makeup and all. But he’ll still be all smily and friendly though!
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
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hunter parrish ( a rising tide ) + smiling
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ tyler ] :
Being in the shop felt absurd even to Tyler, but the list of people who had motives wasn’t long. After the event, he’d had to work with numerous collected drunken recollections, and when one of them pointed towards Felix? It had somehow felt like the obvious person he never would’ve thought to point towards. The perfect alibi. He merely let out a soft snort at the guy’s apology, neither sated nor amused by it. And, really, most of his anger now was residual, but pangs of annoyance were certainly on the blond. Because, as much as he hated to admit it, there was a decent probability that he’d been falsely identified. He couldn’t even remember who had given him the name anymore, as he’d been in his own drunken stupor the night before, but he wasn’t going to crack. Not until he knew that he was getting the whole truth. “Where were you then?” He asked shortly, verbally ignoring the rest of the man’s words. Nails digging into his palms, his shoulders shrugged dramatically. “If you were so adamantly not there, is there someone who can vouch for that?”
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“And what jurisdiction do you have for me to tell you where I was?” The man found himself retorting, though concerned by the way the boy was acting, was also now starting to feel a tad annoyed by the accusations. Now who exactly had he spoken to that would lead the fella to put the blame onto him? Never mind whether Felix has the capabilities to intentionally stab someone, but what reasons where there for him to even want to do so? Wouldn’t it make sense that it couldn’t have been him when the man barely knew much about Nathan, Tyler, or the rest of The Lost Boys, outside of anything Tink had informed him about them? “Not to say I don’t mind telling you where I was, which should really be the obvious here, but you know you can’t be accusing people without any actual proof of me being there besides some word of mouth by another.” Which again, could’ve easily been misconstrued considering the amount of people who attended the Battles of the Bands.
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
“Jimmy, who?” She asked with a soft laugh. Lightly holding a hand over her mouth to muffle it. Ella would feel awful had it took offense to her laughing at something he said. It just wasn’t something she hard often. Silly though, and something that certainly brought a smile to her face. Ella shrugged softly, a light hum leaving her. “I just like .. to find a different;y view point to things. See the light, and well of course the positive to any situation. You almost have too, or you get a bit lost in the darkness.” Perhaps she was just over sharing and diving into deeper conversations. The idea of that causing her to fizzle out on the small motherly like speech she could be giving Felix. “Everyone has the person they are when they’re alone - and that’s the only secret we can keep to ourselves. So, I don’t think anyone ever truly knows someone fully, you know?” Perking up she nodded. “Well, you see - just by helping others out on their path, you’re opening a door for yourself! A teacher sort of door. You seem gentle, and kind … teaching others doesn’t seem like something that would be too hard for you. I also have a great admiration for how you thought of others and how to help them. Truly, speaks a great deal of your character.”·
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“Jiminy Jaminy.” He repeated, humor now evident in his tone for repeating it. “It’s a sorta like a catch phrase, and not much of a who.” Felix then clarified, not at all taking offense in Ella laughing. It was a funny phrase, and he more than welcome being laughed for it rather than being criticized for why he always says it, as he’s very aware how not everyone was a kin to hearing it. “Oh, I completely agree.” He said, going as far as to nod. “Viewing things in a positive manner is also the better alternative to going through life, but unfortunate not everyone likes to think that way. For one reason or another, some people likes doing anything but.” He mused, more than delighted to be hearing all of this from her. It wasn’t everyday where he meets someone who has similar views like he does. “That…has a lot of truths to that. I suppose it begs as a deeper meaning to the whole ‘what happens behind closed doors’ phrase too.” Felix shrugged, only to find himself grinning at her words. A teacher huh? Sure, he had Tink and viewed himself somewhat of a mentor to her and then there was Vanellope, though he was more of a uncle to her, but a teacher new. “Wow, being referred as a teacher is new and I never thought of myself as being one, but I guess that is the sort of position I had placed myself in now. And I do like making sure others can be comfortable when around me and that they could be open without any judgement.”·
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
With a good nature laugh, the handyman smiled at Marine in return. “It’s no problem, this is what I do!” He reassured, just as he nodded his head. “I get it, old house means old repairs that might need a look ay or an upgrade.” Which depending on how cold her house was, might be a costly one at that. As she motioned for him to follow, Felix did just that until they reached her sitting room. “Alright, where would you like for me to look at first?”
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*.:。✧*。-  starter for @fixingitfclix​
    —- marnie opened the door for felix, giving him a warm greeting- a smile ever present on her face. “thank you for coming! i- i’m sorry to call you. i just,” she gestured around, “it’s a big house and it’s kind of old. y’know…” she trailed off, faltering slightly before softly smiling once more and beckoning the man to follow her to the sitting room.
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ poppy ] :
“Yes, I do,” she insists, more firmly this time so he wouldn’t argue again. Because even if Felix felt like he wasn’t owed anything, she knew that it was what he deserved. To finally be told what exactly had happened between them and why she had ended things so suddenly those few years ago. He’d deserved to hear it a long time ago, actually, but there was nothing Poppy could do to change how long it’s taken her to open up, so she tried her best to ignore the guilt over that. It was only a recent thing - this realization of just how messed up she still was from Creek and how deeply that bled into all of her relationships since - but with it came enough guilt for the things that she’d done that she couldn’t be adding on anymore on top of that. Taking a deep breath, she nods her head a little bit and gives him her best smile - one that once again isn’t much, but even in the hardest of times she’s always been good at putting on at least somewhat of a happy front when needed. “I want to tell you. It’s just… it’s not the easiest thing to talk about, you know? I’ve never… You’re the first person that I’ve told that wasn’t someone who was there at the time.” Or well, she supposes that wasn’t necessarily true since she’d confessed to the entire island about it - but this was still the first time she’d willingly opened up further than that. And even then she’s yet to really get into anything - still unsure how exactly she’s supposed to go about this. She wants him to know everything - or at least everything he wants to know - but also doesn’t want to actually admit to anything. “So I guess… I should probably start with my ex? The one I never really wanted to talk about?”
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“...Alright” He quickly gave in, his shoulders slacking a tad when he found no use to argue with her. It was rare whenever he made an argument over something and it was even rarer when he went against another person’s wishes and if Poppy desired to explain this to him, than who was he not to let her do so? Granted, Felix had no warrants to an explanation if she had a reason as to why she never done so prior to the public knowing, and he more so didn’t feel obligated for it. But he knew of why Poppy felt like she needed to explain, the reasoning appearing within his mind more than once since learning about the truth, yet all it resulted in was the handyman feeling guilt once again over it. Guilt for ever bringing that question up. Even as seemingly innocent as the intent may had been when he had done so, there was an alternative meaning behind bring it up that he always figured was why Poppy reacted the way she did that led to their enviable break up, but after rethinking it, he could now see there was a deeper meaning to that. When she gave him that smile, one that was much too perfected to be real and a thing he knew well enough to demonstrate on his own, Felix comforting smiled at her in return “If you’re sure.” He reminded while making a small nod of encouragement while doing so. It was a little conflicting to hear that he was the first she came to about this, once again understanding as to why he was the first yet it didn’t exactly make him feel any positive emotions when just seeing how making an introduction that led to her explanation was already much of a struggle for her. The man didn’t enjoy seeing Poppy like this, and chances are, it was only going to get worst from here. “Just take as much time and pauses as you need when explaining. I won’t rush you.” And he won’t, not when this was so personal to explain. He fell silent after that, his gaze fixed on her as she tried to gather herself some more to continue on, and when she did by bringing up a certain ex, the man’s brow knitted together. “Yes, I…remember you mentioning him once, and I never questioned any further…..”·
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ poppy ] :
“I’m glad,” she states at his own affirmation to being okay, genuinely happy that his at least sounded a lot more convincing than her own. But that’s besides the point. Poppy would be an idiot to not be aware of the fact that he had probably picked up on something being wrong with her since the moment he opened the front door. But he wasn’t pushing her on it, just like she knew he wouldn’t, and that made things a little bit easier - even if it also brought on a small wave of guilt as well. At the reassurance that it was fine for her to be here and that she wasn’t interrupting him, she nodded her head before smiling a little at his offer to stay for dinner. “Maybe,” she answers, not wanting to commit to it in case things get too overwhelming and she has to leave. Which she’s determined to not let happen - not again. Over the past few days as Poppy had been evaluating her emotions and past relationships, she’d started to realize just how big of a mess she had left behind her in nearly all of them. Leaving and ending things suddenly without so much as a proper explanation for why every time. It wasn’t anything she could undo, she was well aware of that, but what she could do is try to at least make some kind of amends now. And the easiest start was with Felix himself. Or well, maybe not the easiest, considering the conversation with him will likely be the hardest to have, but at least she’s certain that she has moved on from him completely… No residual desire to be with him will spark itself as she explains what had gone wrong. Of course, the need to explain things to Felix first also sprung from the fact that she had already opened the door by admitting publicly to her miscarriages. That had never been the way she had wanted him to find out about that - not that she had wanted him to ever know in general, but regardless he didn’t deserve to find out in such an impersonal way. Moving further into the kitchen so that he could still keep an eye on the chowder, Poppy lowers herself into one of the chairs at the dining table and takes a deep breath. “So I owe you an explanation…”
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Once again, Felix nodded as a response. Maybe was as good of an answer as any, and one he expected for her to say given their current situation. Whatever it is that this situation actually was, but he would have to be pretty dim minded not to put two and two together on how it was just recent since the news about her miscarriages came to light and now suddenly, here she was. And if Poppy was here to speak to him about than, Felix has to already confess that gave him some sense of solace on how she thought of him to talk about it. He doesn’t have a single clue if she already done so with anyone else, the handyman at the very least figuring she had this conversation with Branch being how she was currently with him and all, and not only that, but it really would not make much sense to him if she wanted to speak to him first before anyone else about this. Well, no it might make sense as if she came to him first to explain about her miscarriages, as Felix had another hunch to why she felt like she needed to explain to him, despite by now he had no unresolved or hurt feelings over what had happened or anything else that occurred back when he and Poppy were together. And she knew that. But it sure will finally be nice to hear the answer to what he’s been wondering throughout the years from her and not just from the public. Pulling out the chair from the seat across from her, Felix sat down and shot her a small yet comforting smile. And there it was, the beginning of her explanation. “No, you don’t.” Felix unintentionally interrupted, with a small frown though it didn’t last long until another small smile came back in place. “If it's about the…newly confessed·news, then you don’t owe me nothing if you don’t want to tell me. This is your personal business, and know I’ll keep respecting that.”·
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ poppy ] :
The forced smile turned genuine, if still small, at the greeting. Despite having known Felix for so many years and having heard his little semi-southern accent plenty of times, it was always enough to cheer her up. There was something so comforting in his mere presence and attitude that just hearing a word as simple as howdy from him helped put the seemingly never-ending nerves somewhat at bay. “Thanks,” she says softly as she steps inside. Poppy doesn’t go far, only walks in enough that there’s space for him to close the door easily and a few feet of distance between them. Normally she’d have already made herself at home, but not today. Crossing her arms over her chest as if she were trying to hold herself together, she bites her lip and glances away. “I’m okay. How about you?” It’s only polite to ask and she isn’t quite ready to jump right into what she came here to talk about, so pleasantries it is. Catching the smell of food cooking, she frowns a little and takes a few steps further into the home to glance into the kitchen. “I didn’t interrupt you, did I? If you’re busy I can come back later…” Oh she really didn’t want to come back later - didn’t think she’d have enough nerve to do this all over again - but she also didn’t want to be bothering him with something so serious if he had wanted just a nice quiet night in to himself. 
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Once she was inside, the man closed the door behind him before once again turning his gaze back at her. The confusion he felt at the sight of her was still rather evident on his face, but for the moment, Felix thought to push that to the side as it would’ve been rude of him if he were to outright question Poppy to why she was here. Not to say it was rare whenever she visited nor that he didn’t enjoy having her company, but usually when she did, she often would've had Lily Rose with her and with there being a lack of her daughter with her, Felix could make only one suspecting guess as to why Poppy came over. With the reaffirming question of ‘are you sure’ at the tip of his tounge at her stating she was fine when he can see by the way she was acting how she wasn’t, Felix instead nodded. “That’s good to hear, I’m doing mighty well myself.” He replied. While he has a guess as to explain her reasoning for being here, the man kept himself from assuming until she admits to it at her own accord. A small laugh then escaped his lips when she moved a little closer towards his kitchen, only for him not only follow after Poppy but shake his head within the process as well. “Not at all. I’m just cooking myself some freshly made chowder, but I still need to let it boil for a little while longer then let it cool, so no need to leave.” He reassured, only to tilt his head at her. “In fact, if you’re hungry there’ll be enough for the two of us?” he then offered, not sure how long she was planning on staying or if she even wanted to eat but he felt offering some food is the least he could do if only to help ease any of the tension he tell she was feeling. 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
“I think that’s just human nature. Though, I wouldn’t say we’re reading it wrong, we’re just… reading it in our own language. Something only our eyes can see and think. The beauty of everything being so different, yet so similar at times.” She mused out loud, the thoughts just coming out as they crossed her mind. Ella didn’t worry too much on how Felix would take it, if anything he felt like empty pages of a journal she could safety fill out. “Mm, easy people are also very complex. Because you assume, and just think you know all that’s being shown on the surface.” she reminded him gently. “Oh! That’s wonderful, that it could open so many doors for you.Just don’t let that be one door, always keep your eyes open for the next adventure too! You have a kind caring heart, and with your hard work it can take you anywhere.”
“Jiminy Jaminy, that's one way to put it.” Not knowing what else he could say in response to that, Felix stared at Ella with a marveled look at her words. But huh, she was right, it’s somewhat like that saying of ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover,’ when you never know exactly what a person is like until you finally get to know them. Ironically enough, kinda like how he initially judged Ralph due to his stature and intimdating demeanor, when Ralph was far from that. “You’re right, I’m sure there’re things about him I have yet to know.” He nodded. And vice versa, though Felix likes to think that he is pretty easy to read himself. About most things. He laughed before shaking his head. “I don’t know what other doors there is for me to open, but I can’t imagine there’s too much of them, and besides, I’m rather content with where I am.” He stated. “If anything, I reckon where I’m at would be of use in helping others with their own paths.” 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
“Perhaps the honesty of a stranger can be taken a bit more seriously. We having all to gain, but nothing to lose. No judgement, or truly anything - so the words are still pure enough to be as meaningful as they are. I”m glad you take them that way.” Ella could tell her company had a warm heart, one that was kind and caring. Which made her instantly feel safe to let her hair down and enjoy the evening. At least he wasn’t twisted, or even mentioned the likes of her step siblings - which was truly  even more freeing. “Oh, gosh. I couldn’t imagine you reading anything wrong. Or anyone not really valuing your friendship.” His laugh was rather infectious, and Ella let hers chime in right behind his. “And now I won’t..” she repeated softly to herself. As he looked forward for the direction to be found she smiled up at him. He was rather charming, and his efforts didn’t seem to be dripping with desire to rush a single thing. They were just the actions of a true gentleman. “So, you own a shop does it go hand in hand with your career or just something on the side?” 
There was something of a kind soul to Ella and her words, Felix realized, his gaze observing her with a sense of admiration as he listened. It wasn’t often when he found himself meeting someone like that, most whom while not necessarily bad, tends to have a much different outlook than the one she was displaying. One in which he completely agreed with at that, the man humming in displacement of that as he continued to smile. If Ella was always like this, than he found himself thinking about how nice it would be if this was not only an initial meeting between them, but also the starting of a nice friendship to boot. “Oh, there’s a whole lot of things I’ve read wrong before, a boat load of things.” Particularly certain things pertaining Sav, though in fairness it wasn’t as easy for him to read her as well as Ralph could, not when Sav’s words at times have a different meaning from her actions. “But it’s never the case with him. Ralph’s actually pretty darn easy to read.” Felix stated, his best pal being almost an open book for that matter. As they walked, the handyman wanted to take their time with it, not only because more and more people were appearing within the festival, but simply because he was enjoying his time with her so far. “It’s want kick started my career, actually.” He replied. “Before, it was just me offering a hand with a neighbor here and there, but after a while, a fellow family friend who originally owned the shop offered me a job there.” 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
It’s been days since the news came out into the public, and though there were a swarm of questions that conspired after hearing it, there was also one thing that override that feeling of curiosity and that was concern. Felix was concerned for Poppy. Concerned over what made her come to the final choice to open up so publicly about something he could only assume was deeply personal to her and if given any other choice, wouldn’t have made it in where everyone around the island would now know. In fact, being how well he already knew her, there was no possible way in the slightest of Poppy having done this voluntarily because she if had, she would’ve mentioned it to him before hand, wouldn’t she? No, that ain’t right. No matter how well Felix knew her, there was no reason for Poppy to inform him about this if that wasn’t what she wanted, which is why hearing about it the way he had was that more befuddling. Even now, as the handyman was fixing himself up a home cook meal like he promised Ella he would, he was still stewing about what he had heard when there was a knock against his front door. Exiting the kitchen to open it, the one person Felix didn’t expect to see standing behind it so soon was there. “Howdy.” He greeted back with a confused smile on his face. Don’t get him wrong, it was a pleasant surprise that Poppy came to visit him, but why? “Of course! Come right in!” Felix stepped aside so that Poppy could enter. “How are you, Poppy?” 
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With everything going on in her life, one would think Poppy would be doing her best to avoid adding on any other conflict or drama - but the bad luck still coursing through her prevented that from happening. Since having publicly talked about her miscarriages for the first since they had happened a guilt has weighed down on her about the one person she hadn’t wanted to ever find out this way. It’s something she should probably just shake off, but of course she couldn’t. And she knew it wasn’t going to go away or lessen until she actively did something about it. Which led her to this moment, standing outside of Felix’s home with a rock in her stomach as she knocks on the door. For once she was baby-less, Lily Rose only seeming to want to sleep when someone else was watching her, so she’d left her at the store with Joy. When the door finally opened, she put on her best smile and lifted her hand in a shaky wave. “Hey,” she greeted, somewhat awkwardly - not because things were still weird between the two of them, but just because of the conversation she knew they were about to have. “Got a few minutes?” @fixingitfclix​
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
Sure , a small sadness would keep in when she thought about parents. Ella missed her greatly nearly every day , but talking about them kept them very much alive as well. Nodding as she gave him her full attention Ella took note. “Everything can be a bit too much at times. For what it’s worth and most likely not a great deal given we just met … I think you’re doing wonderful.” And Ella would have to drop by baked goods and lunches of sorts to ease her mind on him eating enough . Or just taking a break. “Friends help the process move along wonderfully. I’m sure Ralph is equally as appreciative of you, Felix.” Grinning she gave a little nod. “Well, since you promised I’ll believe you.” She teased softly. Looking at his arm she smiled softly to herself. It felt like such an old fashion move unseen sometimes. Which wasn’t something Ella was really against, not in the slightest. So she took his arm, and nodded. “I’d hate to lose you in the crowd.”
This may be the first time he met her, but her words genuinely taken to the heart as the handyman smiled warmly at her in return. “No, hearing that does mean a lot to me even though we just met. And that is very kind of you to say that, thank you.” And it did mean a lot. Felix didn’t do anything to receive compliments but whenever he did, he took each of them with pride and to the heart. “I sure hope he does, unless I’ve been miss reading the signals for years now.” The man joked, already knowing that Ralph valued his friendship with him as much as Felix did with Ralph. His eyes twinkled when he laughed, reaffirming to himself that he would keep that promise. No way he was gonna disappoint Ella. He stood patiently for her response, whether she denies the offer arm or not, he would not have any hard feelings as it was all for like he said, so he won't lose her if he was going to be keeping her company for a bit. His smile only grew when she accepted it. “And now you won’t.” He commented, starting for the direction of where he believed he saw the lemonade stand. 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
Ella could just smile, which only grew at the mention of his mother. It was a highly admirable trait when someone talked about a healthy and close relationship with either, or both, of their parents. Something that just warmed her heart a little to hear from Felix. “Well, thank goodness for mothers, huh? Always taking care of us. You know, it’s lovely to hear how hard working you are. I couldn’t  imagine having all that on my hands and still managing to be a happy person.” Ella teased with a small laugh of her own. “Truly though, that’s remarkable. Just please remember to take care of yourself, okay? Maybe try just cooking a meal a day perhaps?” Looking up at him with a small smile she nodded. “Well if you’re recalling seeing on maybe you should lead the way.”
A warm feeling swelled within his chest at her comment as the man couldn’t agree more with it. If it weren’t for his own sweet and dear old mother and everything she did for him, Felix knew he wouldn’t be half the man that he is today. “Ain’t that the truth.” He nodded, with a fond smile. The man then chuckled once more. “Why, thank you. Sometimes it can become a little too much, but it sure helps surrounding myself with faces who makes me happy, you know? Like my best pal, Ralph, who runs his own business right across from mines.” Felix said, only fo feel a little caught off guard by Ella’s comment for him to take care of himself. It wasn’t the first someone had told him so, but the man smiled once again and nodded. “I’ll sure make more time to do so, thank you.” He promised, meaning it. With another nod, the man politely offered his arm for her. “Alright, but you might want to stay close then as more people are starting to show.” 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
Ella could only grin. It was a rather lovely surprise just meeting him today and starting what she would hope would be a lovely friendship. “Well, then you’re going to adore this, promise.” And the girl wouldn’t dare go breaking a promise if she had anything to say about that. Frowning just a bit she shook her head. The girl wanted to say how she could cook all the time, but she couldn’t go judging anything. Ella didn’t know a thing about his story or schedule. “Ah - I see. Well, then it’s been a long time over due for a home cooked meal. Do you have a favorite by chance?”  Laughing softly she nodded. “Well, then I guess we’re going to just find out how well it all goes together. Hopefully they have strawberry lemonade. Helps the tartness just a bit.” 
The man pleasantly laughed, thoroughly enjoying the conversation he was having with her. It wasn’t what he expected when offering her a free pastry, but this was a welcomed turn of events. “I have no doubts I would.” But even if Felix didn’t end up liking what she baked, he wouldn’t told her otherwise as to not ruin all her efforts. Owning a shop and going from building to building constantly as a line of work, by the time he found himself back home, cooking tends to be the last of what he wants to do unless at times. “Heh, unless I have my mother over, I don’t ever have much time to cook when I’m running my own shop or off working somewhere.” He explained, only to shake his head. “Not really, I’m fine with eating anything.” As being picky with his food was the last thing Felix could be, especially while growing up. “I’m sure we could find a booth selling that. I reckon, I might have even seen one earlier.” 
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ tyler ] :
Felix was an enigma, in Tyler’s brain. The man always seemed happy, a trait the Lost Boy didn’t trust, and readily helped others with things he shouldn’t have had to give a second thought to. It was sketchy, in his mind, and he’d informed Tink of such when she’d started working at the shop. However, because she’d not been convinced of such, he’d bit his lip for a lot longer than he thought he’d be able to. Now, though? When there was an unexplained stabbing to a shaggy boy on the streets in pitch darkness? Yeah, Tyler was going to confront the most likely to be a weekend serial killer he knew. “I’m a little bit more serious than ‘jiminy jaminy’.” He stated, eyes scanning back across the room to land on the older guy’s face. Really; who in their right mind casually said things like that? A man with something to hide. Fingertips curling back into his palms where his hands rested on the counter, he shook his head with a flare of annoyance. “I know how he got hurt, but I don’t know who to blame.” Tyler didn’t really have the capacity to think with a level head at this point, and the dirty blond did nothing for his sanity. “If you weren’t around, why did someone peg you there?”
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This was a first for him. There ain’t never been a soul around who thought to blame Felix for a crime as even thinking the possibility that he could be a suspect was never done because anyone who has ever gotten to know Felix would know that the handyman wouldn’t hurt even a fly. It was not in his nature to do so, so for this boy to stagger his way into his shop and accuse him for something the man’s never done was confounding. “It’s an expression. But I’m sorry if you don’t want to hear that again.” Felix both said and genuinely apologized in automatic, despite the absurdity of the current situation he was now in. It sorta added to it, with how on edge the boy seemed to be than serious, but if it'll placate him by not uttering ‘Jiminy Jaminy’ again, which the man knew first hand what could happen if he repeats it in front of another who dislikes it, than that’s what he’ll do. His brows knitted together, more confused at the notion of someone claiming he had been there when Felix left long before the main performances. “That don’t make no sense. I wasn’t there.” He repeated. "Maybe whoever told you so recalled seeing me from when I was around from earlier? And if not, did they say they saw my face in full? Or was it from the behind? Because I don’t know how else to tell you, but there’re sure are a lot of blonde fella’s around the island for them to make an honest mistake if that was the case.”·
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fixingitfclix · 4 years
[ ella ] :
“Well, I do love to throw a little surprise here and there.” She added with a small laugh. Ella would be sure to make sure the desserts were memorable and left a good impression that was for sure. With a light scrunch of her nose she nodded. “Most people can’t ever say no to a home cooked meal. They’re slowly becoming less and less common these days.” Ella mirrored the smile upon his face and happily turned on her heels. “Well, then I think you and I should get some lemonade. I don’t know how well that mixes with your baked goods  but it was on my mind before having one.”  
“And what do ya know, I sure do love a little surprise here and there myself.” He commented, feeling more okay with this whole ordeal. She sure looked like she didn’t mind doing any of this, and in fact seemed to be enjoying the thought of baking for him, and he gotta admit, he sure did enjoy a surprise every once in a while. “That is very true. Nowadays, it’s frozen instant meals or take out if one wanted to get themselves a meal, and I myself am guilty of both.” Felix admitted, despite not being a bad cook himself. He just often didn’t have the time to cook the way he would like to. “There are a few lemon squares in here that would compliment nicely with a fresh cup of lemonade! And if not....well, a fresh cup still would be nice anyways.” He laughed.
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