#southern Scotland
After being deforested centuries ago, southern Scotland is now dry and barren. Now, to preserve nature and protect the climate, weekly volunteers are replanting pastureland to be forests in the future.
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pastlifememoirs · 5 months
Southern Scotland, 1634.
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Atlas Minor, of Gerardi the Mercator, enlarged and illustrated by I. Hondius with many tables of the age: again revised and improved with the addition of new drawings. Amsterdam Ex Officina, Joannis Jansson II
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 10 months
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William Russell Flint (Scottish, 1880-1969) Others again go for water to the well, early 1900s
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rolloroberson · 10 months
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Drinks at 8
We all float about
Like the Scottish weather
To don this human veil of authority
Is a burden beyond ability
Like meeting for drinks at 8
Before my mind goes about it’s appointed rounds
Sweeping up the night
My heart is somewhere in the salt marshes of my soul
And my anger is slithering silently across the fertile ground
Waiting to strike
I see ancient smoke rising from a clearing in Carolina
Silver waves crashing in on pristine shores
Words in the ether
Emotions in your tether
Meeting for drinks at 8
I think I will leave it right here
And let all the belles slip back into the shadows of Hellhole Swamp
Amongst the musket balls and arrowheads of my youth
Tonight I’ll sleep alone
And wrestle with Jacob’s ghost
And dream of Valhalla ….
….Drinks at 8
“But you gave away the things you loved,
And one of them was me
I had a dream…
There were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee… “- Carly Simon
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mightywellfan · 6 months
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Winter sunrise at Mochrum Loch on a chilly but lovely winter morning
Mochrum Loch is a large, irregular shaped, shallow, freshwater loch in Dumfries and Galloway, in the Southern Uplands of south-west Scotland
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Stuc a Chroin and Ben Vorlich from Stirling Castle.
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saturnesposts · 4 months
the urge to runaway to edinburgh or something , a small village with a nice forest and waterfall so that i can enjoy the rain the way i want to dress normally pretty with no judgements or thoughts about the world and live a simple life , no rush, have pasta nights with the elder people and children there , just grow old happily and quietly.(or also maybe find someone to fall in love with)
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vipower001 · 10 months
I love the argument between people who are English and people who are Southern. The one where when the English see a Southerner drinking iced tea and just lose it. Go full “Pineapples dont belong on pizza” type thing. And the reason I love this is because my grandmother was born and raised in England. I grew up drinking hot tea before many other common drinks for children. Every time I’d go to my grandmothers house we fix a cup of tea. We eat like were in England and all that jazz.
But the thing is, I grew up in one of the most southern south states you can imagine. Like when you think of the south, where i live is possible what comes up in your mind. And the thing is, where im from, EVERYONE drinks iced tea. Like there are a small few that dont bc their just weird like that (like how can you not like iced tea?!?) Every restaurant and fast food place has iced tea. You dont have to even check if they have tea, just say you want some iced tea and boom, there you go.
So what im getting at here is that I grew up drinking Hot tea . The “English way” some might say. And also the Southern Iced tea. I got the best of both worlds. And guess what. My English grandmother also drinks iced tea. She loves it. When our family who still lives in England come and visit, THEY ALSO drink iced tea; no complaint.
So the argument is just so funny bc i have never seen someone who is English judge ice tea. NOW ON THE OTHER HAND, i have seen and been judged by someone in the South for drinking hot tea. But hey! Its ok, Hot tea is not for everyone. But if you Ever diss iced tea…man, you don’t know what your talkin about.
I say all this bc i keep coming across the cod comic strips where graves or another southern is just judged by all the brits. Even the ones where Soap judges everyone else in the 141 for drinking tea is hilarious bc my mother was born in Scotland and she drinks tea.
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
top 5 words u like using
CECI! Hello 💖Hmm let's see:
Like (less that I enjoy using it and more that I use it all the fucking time — sorry friends)
LISTEN (usually emphatic)
LOOK (see above)
ask me my top 5 anything
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lifeinthesouth · 2 years
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Doune Castle. One of my favorite places in Scotland.
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butchcassidys · 2 years
Hi friends, I’ve been gone for like two months at this point because I moved back to California and then promptly spent way too much money on a trip to Comic Con Scotland to meet Ewan for a grand total of maybe 10 seconds and then look uggo next to him in a picture. 
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Would I spend the time and money again though? Unfortunately ABSOLUTELY yes. He was so kind and gracious and the Q&A with him was 10/10 even though basically all questions that were asked had been asked before. 
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But like anyways, now I’m unemployed and reeling financially but like life’s short I guess?
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also the fact that he signed my magazine and then wrote obi-wan makes me wanna cry lolz
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edgysaintjust · 2 years
Let's take adventage of the mess in England and conquer them
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mightywellfan · 6 months
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The Southern Upland Way crossing Cornal Burn, near to Dumcrieff, Dumfries And Galloway
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Elijah- New Orleans, America
Jasper James- Utrecht, Netherlands
Jasmine- Amsterdam, Netherlands
Elizabeth- Corby, England
Nic- Boston, America
Cairbre- Mullingar, Ireland
Amelia- St. Andrews, Scotland
Each and every one of these members has been part of the south, has lived in the south, and has been a part of this community for a while. ⚰️
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Quoting my dad: "you need to stop going to Northern Europe" lmao
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fatefulfindings · 1 year
We've had enough of the English-speaking internet defaulting to USAmerican terms that we are all forced to learn against our will. Here are the new default settings:
"Southern" no longer means Texas. It now refers to the Philippine island of Mindanao.
"The Midwest" is now Harare, Zimbabwe.
The default legal system is now that of the devolved administration of Scotland.
"College" is an educational institution for 13 to 18 year olds, as in some parts of New Zealand.
The "president" is that of Guyana, currently Irfaan Ali.
If you use these terms to refer to something in the USA then you have to specify or else we won't know what you're talking about and you'll sound like an idiot. Thanks!
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