#source: mark twain
incorrectvtuberquotes · 11 months
Matara Kan: The report of my death was an exaggeration.
(Source: Mark Twain)
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Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were the CEO of Warner Bros. Discovery but I repeat myself.
Wile E. Coyote
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heartlandtfln · 2 years
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“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.“
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bellamyblake · 8 months
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-Mark Twain
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Sirius: [to the Marauders] What can I say, I like making memories! Sometimes I do crazy shit around you guys just so you can tell other people I did it.
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incorrect-esmp-quotes · 7 months
Oli: [to the other Emperors] What can I say, I like making memories! Sometimes I do crazy shit around you guys just so you can tell other people I did it.
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incorrect-losers · 1 year
Richie: What can I say, I like making memories! Sometimes I do crazy shit around you guys just so you can tell other people I did it
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sassmill · 1 year
I have officially spent too much time contemplating Struwwelpeter today
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thefugitivesaint · 10 days
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'Mark Twain', ''Child-Library Readers'', Book Seven, 1929 Source
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
adjective /ˈlʌv.sɪk/ /ˈləvˌsik/
in love, or missing the person one loves, so much that one is unable to act normally
unhappy because of love; feeling weak, foolish, or unhappy because someone you love does not love you
related words & phrases: a long face, abjection, adoring, affectionate, amatory, amorous, angsty, be ardent, be down in the mouth, be in a funk, cut up, devoted, dismayed, displeased, dissatisfied, distraught, distressed, doting, enamored, fervent, fond, forgiving, frustrated, impassioned, infatuated, lachrymose, languishing, lonely, lonesome, longing, love-struck, lovelorn, mushy, passionate, pining, romantic, sappy, sentimental, tender, tenderhearted, woe, woe is me, woebegone, yearning
antonyms & near antonyms: aloof, antisocial, callous, cold, cold-blooded, cold-eyed, cool, detached, disaffected, distant, dry, frigid, frosty, hard-hearted, heartless, indifferent, offish, pitiless, remote, reserved, ruthless, soulless, standoffish, unbending, uncaring, unconcerned, unfeeling, unfriendly, uninvolved, unloving, unromantic, unsentimental
“The folly of all follies is to be love sick for a shadow.” — Alfred Lord Tennyson
“I guess I have a lot of emotion stored up. But it's nothing bad. It's love. It's just love rotting up inside of me...That's it...I have too much love, I think, and nobody to give it to.” — Ottessa Moshfegh
"Come o'er the eastern hills, and let our winds Kiss thy perfumed garments; let us taste Thy morn and evening breath; scatter thy pearls Upon our love-sick land that mourns for thee." — William Blake
"The piano may do for love-sick girls who lace themselves to skeletons, and lunch on chalk, pickles and slate pencils." — Mark Twain
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Sources: 1 2 3
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drnikolatesla · 7 days
The Burden of Genius: Tesla’s Battles with Memory and Perception
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Nikola Tesla was a towering genius whose remarkable intellect often intersected with profound psychological challenges. His extraordinary mental abilities created a unique interplay between reality and imagination, which evolved significantly as he aged.
Tesla’s eidetic memory was both a remarkable gift and a source of distress. In his autobiography, he explained that during his youth, his vivid memories often seemed to overlap with his physical vision and reality, creating intense anxiety. For instance, recollections of his brother’s funeral would vividly reappear before his eyes, causing him significant distress. Tesla described these experiences, noting that his sisters frequently had to help him distinguish between reality and the projections from his mind.
Over time, Tesla mastered his memory, using it to perfect his inventions mentally before physically constructing them. This mental rehearsal allowed him to refine his designs thoroughly, ensuring that when built, they were as flawless as he had envisioned. This innovative approach was a cornerstone of his engineering process.
There’s a story about Tesla where his cleaning lady would find him sitting in a chair in the middle of his room, seemingly asleep. In reality, he was deep in thought, mentally exploring complex ideas, solving problems, and even working on his inventions as if he were in his laboratory. So immersed was he in his mental work that he could visualize wear on his apparatuses—all within his mind. Tesla would enter a trance-like state, appearing physically at rest while his mind was intensely focused. He believed these periods of mental immersion were crucial for his creativity and problem-solving. While others might think he was napping, his mind was actively refining his inventions and theories.
However, in his later years, the line between Tesla’s imagination and reality became increasingly blurred. His intense focus and stress began to distort his sense of what was real. In a deeply personal 1934 letter, Tesla recounted a profound and emotional experience involving his mother. He described his experience as being in New York in the early 1890s, and as he said, “I experienced an exquisitely painful longing for something undefinable” and was driven by a desire to see his mother, which was intensified by his inability to clearly recall her features. After rushing to her bedside, he saw her alive one last time. He then went to another building to rest and thought that if she died, he would feel a disturbance in the ether letting him know so. Sure enough, he had a vivid vision of her and was later given the news that she had passed. Out of nowhere, he realized with shock that he was back in New York and his mother had died years earlier. Tesla reflected, “My sufferings had been real though the events were but imaginary reflections of previous occurrences,” attributing the experience to a temporary “numbing” of his brain’s faculties from intense concentration. This incident highlights how deep focus can distort one’s grasp of reality.
By this time, Tesla was in his late 70s, and his mental state showed signs of decline. In John O'Neill’s biography, there is a poignant story about how Tesla believed Mark Twain was still alive and even wanted to send him money, only to be informed by his assistant that Twain had been deceased for 25 years. Tesla was adamant that he had met Twain just the night before. This anecdote underscores the growing blur between reality and imagination in Tesla's later years. Despite this, interviewers still described him as possessing grace and articulating his thoughts with both wit and intelligence.
His confusion over Mark Twain’s death and his intense, often troubling experiences reflect the toll that age and stress had taken on his mind. Tesla’s story reveals a man who grappled with the boundaries of his remarkable intellect and the increasingly blurred line between imagination and reality.
Tesla’s experiences remind us that even the greatest minds are not immune to the complexities of the human psyche. His life offers valuable insights into the delicate balance between genius and mental health, illustrating how the same qualities that fueled his innovation also led to profound personal challenges.
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…in order to make a toon covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.
Wile E. to Calamity Coyote
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thenightling · 3 months
What's going on in regard to Neil Gaiman. What we know thus far? Early this morning several online news sources posted stories that Neil Gaiman had been accused of "sexual assault." I put that in quotations because roughly one year ago I saw similar headlines in regard to Danny Elfman, which, when you actually read the articles he was mostly being accused of being creepy and perhaps some sexual harassment, i.e. walking around naked in front two accusers, and telling at least one of them that he liked to watch them sleep. The headlines in regard to Danny Elfman were so distorted that the Internet seemed convinced he had r8ped someone and was even arrested. (He was never arrested). Danny Elfman denied the accusations and things quieted down. Now back to Neil Gaiman. The articles seemed dubious at best. I'm NOT doubting any potential victim. I am doubting the writers of the articles. I noticed very careful wording so that the articles could infer and suggest that Neil Gaiman may have assaulted the women but the only thing actually confirmed in the article was that these two women (in their twenties) had been in a consensual relationship with Neil Gaiman. The intimacy, apparently, was "rough." and "painful." Supposedly Neil even told one of them "You need to be punished." and he used his belt on her. This sounds like badly handled BDSM. Even the cartoon Family Guy will tell you that you need a proper "safe word." Anyway, if you read the articles carefully, at no point do they say the women said the encounter was non-consensual. Just that it hurt. And it was unpleasant. They even go out of their way to say that it was consensual but that part seems buried under the sensationalism and flashy headlines. I understand that the human brain is still developing until age twenty-five. And that makes any relationship with someone under the age of twenty-five (even if legal) questionable and uncomfortable. But based on my math it seems the youngest of the women was twenty-six and she, herself, has said the relationship was consensual.
No, it is NOT a good idea to get sexually involved with your child's nanny (as one of them was). No, it is not a good idea to get involved with anyone under the age of twenty-five if you are older. However, I will NOT condemn anyone over the age of twenty-five in a consenting relationship, no matter the age gap. That is agism. And I will not diminish a woman's agency and infantilize her because "Eww, old men are icky!" Cher is a happy relationship with a man forty-years her Jr. And Michael Sheen's wife is younger than him but she does not feel "groomed" because of the age gap.
Yes, there's an uneven power dynamic but as uncomfortable as that might be, it is also not illegal. And it's kind of unfair. Neil Gaiman is pretty much a rock star among authors right now. Eight TV shows based on his characters in less than ten years is rare for a writer. Who could possibly have an even power dynamic with him? Stephen King? Sorry, he's married. Now we come to later in the day. The Internet has heavily condemned Neil Gaiman as a creep, a groomer, a perv, etc... One of Neil Gaiman's "Victims" attempts to clear the air over on X (formerly Twitter) by stating that her words were taken out of context by a conservative podcast. Conservatives have had it in for Neil Gaiman for his very liberal and vocal political views, including being pro-trans rights. But this wasn't good enough.
“It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.
The woman, who is one of the two supposed-accusers, is insisting that her words are being taken out of context, that her relationship with Neil Gaiman was consensual. And she is sorry all of this is happening. Those who wanted to believe Neil Gaiman to be a villain in this story couldn't accept her statements and started to over-analyze her wording, calling out things like the wording "It became consensual" which, I admit, is a very weird choice of words, but I think it was in regard to so many people telling her that at her age (Mid-twenties) she didn't really have agency, and he took advantage of her idolizing him. I think she was trying to tiptoe around those who would go "Oh, honey, it was an uneven power dynamic and your brain wasn't fully developed even if you were legally an adult." But alas it didn't work. So it shifted from "Believe all women" to "Believe all women except if they recant or say their words were twisted out of context." I, myself, was scolded for not "Listening to the victim" so I had to point out to the person that at no point did any of the articles actually quote the supposed victims in regard to what Neil Gaiman supposedly did to them. There are no direct quotes. Things are just implied. So one "victim" is recanting. And I can't tell you how accurate it is but apparently one of the two (possibly the one recanting) is prone to "false memories" because of a psychological condition. Too many people are poopooing this but I have actually known someone formerly very close to me who was the victim of her own false memories. It was because of a personality disorder. Disorders like bipolar disorder, histrionic personality disorder, Dissociation, certain forms of maladaptive day dreaming, and even taking the wrong or mis-prescribed medications (anti-psychotics in someone who doesn't need them can cause an adverse reaction). This is ALL that we know so far. "You wouldn't defend him if he wasn't your favorite author." Actually, he's not. I went through a several year Sandman obsession but I'm also obsessed with Dracula, Faust, Frankenstein's monster (literary version), and most Gothic literature. It cycles. It's hard for me to have a favorite author. It varies based on my mood. Right now it might be the late Ray Bradbury. I defended David Bowie when the Internet condemned him as a ped0phile, even though the supposed victim even tried to tell everyone that they got the story all wrong. It's true she was an underage groupie but she had a list of rockstars she wanted to sleep with and she bragged (and still brags) about tricking Bowie by waiting until he was high and convincing him that she was an adult.
I defended Danny Elfman when headlines spread online that said things like "Second victim of sexual assault accuses Danny Elfman" but when you click the article it was actually sexual harrassement and Danny Elfman, of course, denied it happened. And those accusations quietly died down and were very obviously exaggerated by certain dubious "news" sources. Some people were so quick to want to condemn him that they used his song "Little girls" as proof that Danny Elfman was a pervert even though that song, ironically, was meant to call out and shame sexual abuse in Hollywood. The character who narrates the song is caught in the end. And in the case of Neil Gaiman I will wait and see because right now it looks like the accusations and articles are actually contradicting the own supposed accusers. I don't like this "believe all women except if they say that they're being misquoted" nonsense.
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fidjiefidjie · 3 months
Source: Robbie Shilstone /Paul desmond 🎵 Black orpheus
« Si l’on pouvait croiser l’homme et le chat, ça améliorerait l’homme, mais ça dégraderait le chat. » 😻
Mark Twain
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agentrouka-blog · 4 months
Have you read the last post of GRRM in Not A Blog? He wrote this:
That was all back in 2022, but very little has changed since then.   If anything, things have gotten worse.   Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.”   It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone.   No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it.   “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound.   Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though.   Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse. Once in a while, though, we do get a really good adaptation of a really good book, and when that happens , it deserves applause. I can came across one of those instances recently, when I binged the new FX version of SHOGUN.
Seems he is pissed at HBO?
Yeah, he was good at pretending he didn't mind the changes in GOT, but I remember reading that before the series, he had a lot of people come to him and propose how they would adapt the books, sometimes only focusing in Jon, or Dany, and he didn't like those ideas because they weren't taking into account they were not the only main characters. He was also against adapting his books because he knew the technology wasn't good and wouldn't be a good production.
With GOT, he defended the differences, but in the latest post you can read between the lines how dissappointed he was with the adaptation of his books.
I mean, he could have said that before SHOGUN he was fine with GOT (or HOTD), right? I imagine he doesn't mention them because... well, he prefers to be part of the writers and try to save some of his ideas, and you want to have a good environment, is better if you don't criticize them, right?
Whoa. That is not a subtle dig, isn't it?
He makes no mention of HOTD or GOT but the sheer omission itself seems incredibly damning to me.
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homestuckredo · 5 months
Lots and LOTS have happened in the few days I haven't updated. But Hussie FINALLY took a day off so I have the chance to review in peace!!
First off we have new rules for the captchalogue system, including a size limit to digify items AND the potential to increase the upper limit (hasn't happened yet, but the office card speaks volumes). John has also opened the massive tomb "Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery"
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and NOTHING useful for actually pranking someone of course (honestly disappointed there are no practical tips in this page). The picture in the middle looks a dead ringer for Mark Twain tho... idk if it is supposed to be Sassacre or just a collage of 1900's looking clownery and Twain's pic is public domain. I guess we'll see.... We also have a brandy new room to explore, complete with last years Dark Knight Joker on the piano. AND WE HAVE SOUND. OMG WE HAVE SOUND!! I think i've played the piano refrain a dozen times its so beautiful!! I'm starting to get the hang of Hussie's emotional whiplash between 4chan humor, niche commercials, and haunting, beautiful and poetic moments. Moments filled with niche media literacy, that he then lies about the source of. I have to look up so many quotes just to be sure who said it guys. So much homework!!! (>.<)
But is does lead into the best part of the updates. WE MADE IT OUTSIDE.
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Not only that BUT we have a beautiful animated title page, complete with neverending wind-chimes and a haunting monologue of emptiness and the feeling of missing something unknown.
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"The streets are empty. Wind skims the voids keeping neighbors apart, as if grazing the hollow of a cut reed, or say, a plundered mailbox. A familiar note is produced. It's the one Desolation plays to keep its instrument in tune. It is your thirteenth birthday, and as with all twelve preceding it, something feels missing from your life. The game presently eluding you is only the latest sleight of hand in the repertoire of an unseen riddler, one to engender a sense not of mirth, but of lack. His coarse schemes are those less of a prankster than a common pickpocket. His riddle is Absence itself. It is a mystery dispersing altogether, like the moon's faint reflection, with even one pebble of inquiry dropped in its black well. It is the most diabolical riddle of all. "Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire." -Walt Whitman Yes, you are certain Walt Whitman said that. One hundred percent positive. You have a feeling it's going to be a long day."
Francois de La Rochefoucauld said that... not Walt Whitman. I am starting to think John reads a LOT of classic literature and is not a great narrator. I am not an English Major OR Literature Major tho, so this means little to me in the grand scheme of plots and subtext. Moving on.
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we have two packages found at last and a visible SBURB disc.... trapped with father who may or may not be baking yet ANOTHER cake. more small mysteries and conflict to hold onto XD Finally, as we go back inside... the cake did not hold as adhesive and our harlequin doll is now missing an arm. Tragedy. Throw it in the fire. PLEASE. Since this has been a lot of updates together I am afraid I have missed things and underplayed just how much were in the last 20 pages... so if you notice anything else let me know!! I wanna see it all!.
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