#source: alien
incorrectmonogatari · 2 years
Oshino: Hey Kagenui, have you ever been mistaken for a man? Kagenui: No, have you?
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milkywayes · 4 months
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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wizard0rb · 2 months
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cowboys and aliens
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black-ch3rryz · 1 year
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shakingparadigm · 5 months
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I had to put the phone down and release a sigh from the deepest part of my soul
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There's something to be said about Nine and Twelve as parallels, about them being these seeming grumps with hearts of gold who must relearn optimism while being fundamentally kind at the end of the day, and Eleven and Thirteen as parallels, as these lonely tinkerers who travel with multiple companions at the same time but push people away before they get too close because they are creatures built on grief, and Ten alone, as something that is all and none of the above, who starts out as a creature born of love but who loses said love and is willing to die and must find grounding but loses said grounding and declares himself the Time Lord Victorious because if he cannot have love he has to have something, anything, he can call his own, and about how all five of them are shaped, fundamentally, by their grief and their guilt over the Time War and being the last of their kind and how every companion leaves them and they will always, always be the last one in the TARDIS, always be the last one surviving, no matter what, and yet all of them, at the end of the day, die to save someone. Die to be kind, just one more time. Because that is what ties them all together. That is what makes them the Doctor.
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ivanttakethis · 5 days
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Till uses his microphone stand in Round 6 to act as his anchor, his sense of stability, his last lifeline to a world he's pretty much given up on.
It gives him something to focus on to drown out the crowd and the rain (and probably even Ivan). On stage, it's one of the only things he has complete control over.
But then it’s taken away.
When Ivan threw his microphone stand away, he threw Till's away too.
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The kiss. The sacrifice. The silence that followed.
Till lost his anchor. He’s completely unmoored.
In Round 7, he doesn’t get that stability back. With a headset instead of a microphone stand, Till lacks any sort of control.
He has nothing to hold onto. Nothing to ground him.
Idle hands are the devil’s playthings…
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s-pyder · 8 months
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Leo: Do you ever mediate? Raph: By mediate, do you mean sit peacefully and think of all the people I want to kill? Yes, I like it very much.
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naffeclipse · 2 months
Desert Light
Cryptid Sightings/Signs of Life Crossover
Commission Info
My dear friend @jackofallrabbits commissioned me for a darling little crossover of Cryptid Sightings and their fic, Signs of Life, with @maudiemoods's permission, of course. If you haven't read Signs of Life, you really should and you can find it right here! I had so much fun writing both the cryptid hunter and the scientist interacting, and both monster boys are delightful here! I hope you enjoy <3
At nightfall, the desert is dipped in inky blues under a starry sky spilling over the entire expansion over your head. You forget how big the desert feels without trees or mountains to cut into its horizon as if the very heavens are staring down at you with twinkling eyes. The dry ground becomes darkness littered with muted sagebrush. The road is cracked and sunbleached, rocking your dark green truck and airstream. Along the lonely stretch of road, a convenience store with fluorescent lights cuts through emptiness like an oasis of gasoline, candy bars, and potato chips.
Moon hunches low in the passenger seat. Pale eyes gaze at you through the dimness within the truck's cabin. Patches along his nightcap catch on stray starlight, winking on the stitches you sewed by hand.
“It’s late,” he rasps in a low voice.
“I know, sweetie,” you sigh and rub your eyes while keeping one hand on the wheel. “We’re almost there.”
“You’re tired.” His hand strays across the seat to rest on your leg. His cool digits jolt you gently back to alertness.
“It’s only half an hour more,” you give ruefully. “Let’s stop here. I’ll grab a soda then we’ll be on our way.”
He grumbles, vibrating his animatronic vessel with displeasure. A word against caffeine is surely on his tongue, but the jostling from pulling the truck and airstream onto the cracked pavement underneath the almost neon-white light of the gas pumps cuts him short.
The desert hosts paranormal encounters ranging from the chupacabra to aliens. The latter is why you ventured here. Without F.E.I. providing you exact intel and evidence, it’s up to you to conduct your research and discover possible sightings but what you’ve unearthed so far has been solid.
This one in particular speaks of an alien. A towering but thin, long-limbed being spotted around a motel just as remote and lonely as this convenience store. You throw the truck in park and hop out. A lone car is parked alongside the building and another is parked further away, as if trying to hide away from the lights.
Soundlessly behind you, despite the bells tied around his wrists with ribbons, Moon appears like a metallic shadow. Hopefully, the convenience store attendant isn’t against animatronics in their store. He tilts his head for a moment towards the outermost vehicle, his pale optics narrowing before he follows after you.
If he sensed a heartbeat hiding in the darkness, he would have told you.
You pull open the door with a quiet jingle announcing your entrance. A small sign, old and worn, on the checkout counter promises the attendant will be back in a few. You deflate slightly. You had hoped to ask someone in this area about the sightings.
“There’s someone here,” Moon murmurs close to your ear like a breath from a ghost.
Quiet footsteps echo back beside the fridge section of drinks, concealed by shelves of beef jerky, peanut butter cookies, and chocolate bars. Curious, you strive forward. You might still have a chance to speak to the lone employee who may be restocking the cases of beer or soda, but when you round the corner with a cool presence at your back, you stop still.
A person straightens, clutching a few water bottles to their chest, their eyes immediately landing on you, framed in glasses. You look down to the hoodie they wear: dark fabric with a green alien face; a charming, stereotypical depiction of extraterrestrials. Do they sell those here?
“I like your hoodie.” You smile. “Do you work here?”
The person immediately fixes their glasses and beams. “Thank you. It’s a bit too warm for this climate but it’s cute. No, I don’t work here. Is that an animatronic with you?”
You blink but turn back to allow Moon more of an audience with the curious stranger. He regards them with a coolness but no malice. You give a slow nod.
“This is my friend, Moon.” 
The stranger steps closer, studying him with vim and vigor before adjusting the many water bottles in their arms. Underneath their arm, tucked into their armpit is a notebook. They lift a hand towards Moon.
“What model are you?” they ask, eager. “How long have you gone without maintenance? Your wires are exposed and your endoskeleton could use a polish.”
Moon stares. A slight twitch runs through his limbs. You step back between Moon and the stranger, your pulse jumping slightly at the spew of questions—many that have no good answers. Could they be familiar with where Eclipse found their half-burned, abandoned vessel?
You introduce yourself quickly, keeping Moon behind you and out of reach of the stranger. “What’s your name?”
They slowly lower their hand, disappointed. “Ah.” They’re silent for a moment, and you can see the gears working in their mind before decidedly saying, “You can call me Doc.”
That’s funny. Surely it must be a nickname though you have no qualms with a stranger giving you whatever moniker they please, but Moon’s hand falls to your shoulder. His digits curl slightly over your collarbone, as if in warning. Right.
“Alright. Doc,” you smile.
They smile back. “Is your animatronic—”
“I’m sorry,” you say, very apologetically but firmly, “but I was hoping I could ask you a few questions about happenings in this area.”
Doc grows still, their expression guarded. You catch their eyes flickering towards the door and then landing back on you.
“What are you referring to exactly?” they ask tentatively, almost nervously.
“There have been reports of unusual occurrences in this part of Nevada.” You wish you bought your book of cryptid information with you. If they’ve seen anything, you will need to write it down. Instead, you focus on slowly bringing them into your question. If you went around asking any person if they saw aliens right off the bat, no one would take you seriously. “Have you seen anything strange or simply unexplainable?”
“UFO sightings in Nevada are very common,” they say so bluntly, it causes you to blink. They set the water bottles down on a shelf occupied with chip bags and shift the notebook closer to their chest, holding it like a shield. “Did you know that Nevada has the highest rate of UFO sightings per capita in the U.S.?”
“I did know that,” you say, impressed that they know it as well. You lean closer in your curiosity. Do they believe in cryptids? “Have you researched such things before?”
They fix their glasses and lower their hand back to their book only to lift it again and fidget. 
“Recently I have,” they admit.
A coolness radiates behind you. In the corner of your vision, Moon tilts his head. The bell on the end of his nightcap falls over his shoulder. What doesn’t he like? Surely they can’t be a rulebreaker. Moon would have reacted much less pleasantly to such a person. 
They touch their glasses again, and the frames fall slightly askew on their face. “Have you heard anything about an alien?”
You brighten with the question. At last.
“Yes. That’s why I’m here,” you hold a hand to your chest, “to locate any confirmation or evidence about an alien sighting near a motel a little ways from here. Nothing has been reported as violent, but it’s most likely an incident will occur soon unless properly dealt with.”
Their hands furl and unfurl, anxiously touching their glasses, pushing them up the bridge of their nose, and shifting. Are they alright?
“Most of the time sightings of cryptids, including aliens, are just everyday objects seen from a weird angle,” they ramble slightly. 
You pause, watching them. Are they afraid to tell you what they saw? You’ve encountered poor, terrified people who fear even speaking a word of what they’ve experienced will mark them as unstable and insane. Even worse, it might somehow lure the presence that frightened them in the first place back.
“Yes, that’s true,” you admit, but only half of the time. There have been a plethora of hoaxes, pranks, misunderstandings, and of course, misidentifications of objects that have been spun into debunking the cryptic world, but you carry the scars from a true encounter at the base of your thumb. “But have you witnessed anything you would consider to be unearthly?”
Do they know something they can’t seem to tell you about?
Doc shifts again. Their hand strays to the notebook they carry, and touch the well-worn spine. Is it as important to them as your cryptid book is to you?
“No,” they fidget a few times anxiously, “Is there anything I can do to help you with your animatronic? I am an engineer.” 
Moon twitches behind you. Their eyes immediately fall to the movement and frown.
“Are you experiencing a malfunction?” they ask, and start to reach out again. Moon clenches your shoulder tighter.
“No, no!” You hold up your hands defensively. “That’s very generous to offer, but Moon is fine, thank you.”
They frown. Unconvinced, they continue to pry around your person to stare at the cryptid possessing a vessel. You’ve never had this problem before. So many people are put off by the strange, inexplicable presence of a demonic cryptid—a sixth sense warning of danger, but Doc heeds no such deterrents.
“He is experiencing micro spasms which may be a symptom of a conduction failure in his wires or a deeper issue within his processor.” They face Moon entirely, and he stares back unblinkingly. “When was the last time you went in for routine maintenance?”
“We don’t need maintenance,” he rasps. You cover his hand as it clenches you tighter still. A coolness swells around him and you hope Doc mistakes it for the coolness of the fridges.
Confusion twists their brow. Doc parts their lips to offer a rebuttal to a clear inconsistency with their framework and the fact of the matter, but Moon twists behind you. His grip never leaves your shoulder, his fingers digging into your collarbone as the jingle of the bell at the front of the store rings.
Then the lights flicker. A sharp fade of every light bulb overhead and even the light within the fridges drops the convenience store into darkness. Your heart tumbles in your chest. You didn’t bring your crossbow or your detector. Only a knife sits strapped to your hip, hidden by your patched, green jacket. 
Your eyes flash to Doc. You take them by the arm and their expression shifts to alarm behind their glasses.
“Move,” you whisper sharply. “Stay with me and be quiet.”
“I need to leave,” they say, strangely focused, but they don’t struggle when you guide them down the row of fridges to the last column of shelves in the back of the store. They don’t understand. Something else is here. Something not of this world. You must protect them from it.
Moon follows quietly behind you, his fingers spasming as they curl like claws. His pale eyes dip into crimson, alert and vicious. 
“Not a heart,” he mutters, and you glance at him. “Something else… Something strange.”
He stands between you, and your entire body clenches. A towering being begins to prowl under the flicker lights, slipping in through the door. You used to fear your dear friend placing themselves between you and the threat, but they are far more terrifying than any cryptid you have hunted.
The sharp contrast of the fluorescent light bulbs and the sudden darkness spears a sharp ache into your eyes. Carefully, you place Doc behind you, but they offer another protest again. 
“Be quiet,” you murmur firmly, “It’s going to be okay.”
“Ah, you don’t understand.” Doc’s eyes fall past you, towards the frosty doors of the fridges. “He’s—”
A sharp scratch of nails cutting over glass causes your shoulders to hunch up and a grimace to twist your face. You free the knife from your hip. It is the only defense you have for you and Doc. You should have been prepared for the alien to strike here, so close to the original sighting site, now creeping in close to find more precious victims to devour.
Doc reaches out, past you.
“You have to let me pass,” they say calmly. “He wants me.”
You turn to look over your shoulder, confusion painting you in flickering lights.
“Who does?” you ask.
The glass scratching stops. You stiffen, reading your knife as Moon tenses. Creeping from the row of fridges, a figure straightens. Tall and spindly, but with an unnerving aura of strength to his long limbs, an alien stands before you. Deep red and galaxy-speckled skin coats him, and you catch a strange symbol on one of his hands, like the moon eclipsing the sun. A dark hoodie with an alien ship covers his lanky form poorly—not unlike Doc’s. A sharp crown of jutting adornments sits upon his head. A waving veil of starlight falls behind his skull. 
His three eyes, bright and glinting, like a predator about to bounce, immediately find the person behind you. One eye is dark. His grin splits into a wide, hungry thing with razor-sharp teeth.
“My light,” his voice is low and dangerous, “I have been waiting for you.”
Behind you, Doc looks up at the towering, otherworldly beast, but there is no fear in their eyes.
“Stay back,” you immediately brandish your knife. Moon spreads his arm, ensuring that there is no passing him without going through him.
A dark chuckle falls from the creature.
“You dare think you can keep my light from me?” He spreads his arms, four limbs of sinew and bone, claws flashing with a desire to rip flesh from a body. “I will give you one chance to let my light go.”
Moon stands tall between him, silently gauging him like a proper opponent. Is the alien taller than your sweetie in their true form? You’re afraid he is.
“No,” you breathe, “You’re not taking them.” 
A soft sound arises behind you, distress mingling with breath. Doc must be terrified of the abrupt encounter. How could they have ever known an alien would mark them as his quarry?
A snarl rips through his chest, deep and vicious. His hands grope the surrounding shelves, fitting between cookies and candy bars. His hand swipes a few basic camping supplies, spilling ropes and canisters onto the ground. He catches a stainless steel one in his lower set of hands. In effortless brutality, the alien concaves the metal before his claws pierce the container entirely, crumpling it as if it were a soda can. Your gut clenches. 
“I will paint this tasteless floor in your blood,” the extraterrestrial growls, gnashing his teeth.
In response, a sharpness erupts from the sides of Moon’s chassis. Shadowy appendages, seeping black ooze over bony limbs with hands and claws of crimson, stand at the ready. You suck in a sharp breath.
“You will not touch a hair on our heart’s head,” an abysmal sound leaves the animatronic, layered and demonic.
The alien tilts his head, eyes widening at the challenge. 
“My, my, and what are you? No matter, I will tear you apart.” He laughs again, echoing with chilling amusement. Dread hooks deep into your belly.
“Eclipse, it’s okay.” Doc moves underneath your arm. 
Your knee-jerk reaction is fierce. You catch them by the back of their hoodie, scrunching fabric in your fist to keep them tethered close to you. They stop and look back at you. When they smile, it’s heavy. Guilt touches their edges, anchored by worry. 
“Ah. I know he’s frightening, but he’s not going to hurt anyone.” They tug on their hoodie, trying to loosen your grip. “You can let me go.”
“Yes, let them go,” the alien licks a dark tongue over his teeth, “and I might spare you all.”
“What—no, he’s…” you stumble over your tongue then stop, confused. “Do you know this cryptid?”
“Ah. Alien,” they correct you. “Yes. Eclipse would like me back now, please.”
Moon glances at Doc. Confusion pulses in his crimson gaze. The end of his nightcap falls over his shoulder. 
“They’re not afraid,” he rasps. He stares down at Doc’s chest. He can sense a heartbeat, the rhythm of it, and how fast it gallops in a person’s chest.
Your lips part wordlessly. 
There was a time when you believed cryptids were only monsters. Machines capable of great destruction and horror. You never dreamed a demonic cryptid would be capable of kindness and goodness, and care so much for little ones.
Your fingers slip from the fabric. Moon allows Doc to sweep underneath his arms. Their eyes fall to their shadowy limbs, and their hands shift to their notebook. Your heart clenches, caught in the camaraderie urge to take notes of your sweetie’s true form and fearing what Doc would do with such information. F.E.I. is still out there. There are other cryptid hunters. 
But they stop themselves. Fixing their glasses, they quickly step back into the alien’s reach. You clench the knife tighter, afraid as four pairs of hands descend upon them.
“We need to leave quickly,” Doc says as the alien kneels and hunches lower to look over the human, combing for harm or mistreatment. “We’ve already made a mess and stayed here for too long.”
“This isn’t a mess. Yet,” the alien answers, his voice murmuring like a lover in the night. The threat is not lost on you as Moon growls a warning. The alien flashes a smug smile, all teeth, and arrogance before he concludes his checkup on Doc. “Let’s go, my light.”
Doc nervously looks back at you, almost as if they would look to say more, explain, or even ask you about Moon’s extra, shadowy arms. Instead, they weakly wave, like this is a goodbye they wish didn’t have to happen.
The alien lifts them into his arms as if they weighed as much as a feather.
“Wait,” you step closer. Two arms, one metallic and blue, one shadowy and crimson, stop you. He keeps you back from the otherworldly being. “Are you safe?”
The alien scowls at you. Doc only smiles softly. 
“Yes, friend.” Their eyes linger on Moon. “You’re so impressive. I would love to know more about you.”
A ripple of what you think is jealousy takes over the alien. He turns away with a flash of teeth, and steps quickly, sweeping through the store and out the door with a sharp jingle. In moments, the alien carries the small human out into the night. You stand there, stunned. 
Moon straightens. “Their heart is still steady. They feel safe with him.”
Moon slowly faces you, two arms touching your sides and holding you close. You lean into his embrace.
“I hope they are,” you murmur. The lights stop flickering in the gas station and the stars outside shine brighter in the darkness. A car speeds away, down the desert road.
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neon-psychopomp · 2 months
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What would Doctor Disco wear to the club?
Probably this absolutely STELLAR outfit from @chellsartblog He's here to eat snacks and be an icon, and he's almost out of snacks >.> Chell was so nice when I asked if I could do a piece with Twelve in this suit <3 With her blessing I'll probably be looking to do more of these in the future >.> You can find the whole outfit set Here! She even released a new historical/timelord set Here. Trust me, check these puppies out they're so dooooope.
Kofi | Inprnt | Cara
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smashet · 11 months
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I'm Obsessed with Reverse 1999 right now, so here's some screenshots of every character I currently have in their tiny suitcase forms. There will be at least 1 more set of these, maybe more.
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papermariosuggestion · 3 months
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artdragon22 · 1 month
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Stardust beings AU belongs to @maudiemoods Inspired by Sources of Light written by @jackofallrabbits
Eclipse and his shadow
Was listening to this song and got inspired I wanted to give y/n a badass fighting suit, planning on doing another drawing of it in detail to show off some features * u *
Please click for better quality! Reblogs greatly appreciated!
Second version below the cut (involves blood)
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letmemendthepast · 2 months
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btw here's my collection of alien blinkies if anyone needs any 👽
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vivitalks · 13 days
highlights from the VMAs last night, in no particular order:
taylor swift and post malone won something for fortnight (i don't remember what lol) and after taylor gave her part of the speech, she said "do you wanna say something austin?" (adorable) and then post malone took the mic and proceeded to be absolutely speechless for twenty to thirty seconds
cyndi lauper introduced sabrina carpenter by saying "you're about to hear this whole room say motherfucker"
megan thee stallion shouted out "all the hotties" and then said "and the haters i know y'all watching too"
sabrina kissed an alien for gay rights
lenny kravitz basically played a full on rock show in the middle of The Pop Music Awards. with instruments. and fire.
benson boone did two (2!) flips during his performance of Beautiful Things
i had never even heard of lisa before the VMAs and i am now in love with her
katy perry said the words "touch grass" in her acceptance speech for the video vanguard award
she also thanked the LGBTQ community for, among other things, showing her that "you can be kind and cunt"
and she shouted out warped tour. katy perry the woman that you are
chappell roan with so so so many swords
rauw alejandro's entrance involved pretending to blow up the VMAs. with explosives.
megan thee stallion, as an homage to britney, held a whole ass snake
full-on guitar solo during shawn mendes's performance. plus he sang a note so high you could hear blood vessels bursting in the audience
when shawn finished he dropped his guitar (NOT a highlight, the sound haunts me) to go hug his drummer because he hasn't performed in years
megan thee stallion had her face projected onto the mask of the big ass astronaut for the duration of the performance, just kinda looking around. this was both funny and mildly alarming
two people won awards for songs called "Houdini" (Eminem and Dua Lipa) which i personally found amusing
tyla won Best Afrobeats for her song Water and when she went to give her speech she made lil nas x (the presenter) hold the award because it was too heavy :')
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