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somewillwin · 16 days ago
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Day 61 cleansing the #caitvi tl
Part 1 of the end. Hospital era is going bye bye
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echotrinityme · 1 month ago
Look My Way (Stickprice soulmate au) part 1
A/N: I'm surprised I haven't written a soulmate AU fic yet with any THSC ship. Stickprice will be my first victim- I mean guinea pig to write a soulmate au fic.
Soulmates are with everyone, and you get a mark as soon as you age. However, not everyone adheres to the idea of soulmates. 
Rupert Price is one of the individuals.
"Why do we have soulmates?" Rupert grumbled to himself at his desk. He was doing paperwork before he went home for the night. He was a police officer and he was an efficient one at best. 
"All they do is mess people up and put two incompatible people together for no other reasons besides destiny told them to," 
Rupert is pessimistic about soulmates because of his parents. He didn't have a wonderful childhood, and his parents weren't the definition of a healthy relationship. After finishing his paperwork, Rupert stretched. He then stood up and headed to the breakroom before he went home. 
Rupert went inside the breakroom to find two police officers on their break. Rupert grabbed himself a cup of water and to get a donut. 
"Hey, did you find your soulmate yet?" One police officer asked the other.
Rupert scrunched his cup as he felt his blood boil, oh great... the soulmate talk. 
"Not yet," the other police officer replied, putting their face on their hand, "I'm hoping I can find them soon,"
Rupert left the breakroom swiftly without grabbing a donut. He headed back to his desk, trying to calm his anger. His blood was still boiling, and he wanted to punch something.
"ARRGH! Why do we have freaking soulmates?!" He thought, packing up and leaving the police station.
When he arrived at his apartment, he unlocked the door, went inside, and showered. After showering, he dried himself and put on pajamas. He ate quickly, sat on his sofa, and turned on the TV. He watched some TV while he ate his dinner on his coffee table. After eating dinner, he cleaned up, shut off the TV, and went to bed.
He turned off the light and lay down on his bed. 
However, he couldn't sleep because the memory from earlier popped into his head. He growled as he shifted to his side and memories from his parents flooded his mind. 
"Just because two people have the same soulmate mark, doesn't mean they are compatible," Rupert whispered.
Rodney Price and Rita Petrov had the same soul mark and Rupert saw how their soul mark ruined them. 
As far as Rupert can remember, he didn't see his parents have a loving marriage. His dad was an abusive jerk to his wife and son. His mother, Rita, tried to stop her husband from abusing her and her son but to no avail. Rita had tried to tough it out and protect her son from her husband's abuse but after so many years of abuse, she couldn't take it anymore.
One day, when Rupert was about 5 or 6, Rita packed her stuff and left Rupert in the care of Rodney Price. 
After Rita abandoned Rupert, Rupert never recovered and spent 13 years with the old jackass he called his father. 
Rupert glanced at his bandaged hand and wrist. He slowly unwrapped it and stared at his wrist with anger. 
His soul mark looked like a gemstone and he fucking hated the damn mark.
When he got his soulmark, he was livid. He didn't want a soul mark, he didn't want to end up like his parents, being stuck in a relationship because of a soul mark. After he got his mark, he covered it up and pretended his mark never existed. That's why he has bandages around his right wrist. 
He sighed as he started sobbing into his pillow. He spent the night crying. 
If there's one thing that Rupert hates more than soulmates, he hates change.
He was now with the Government after he quit the police force. He resigned because one of his coworkers, Dave Panpa, was fired for unforeseen circumstances. However, Rupert knew the real reason for Dave's termination was a certain Stickmin. 
Henry Stickmin was a notorious criminal known for stealing money and jewels. The last time he was arrested, he was put where Rupert and Dave worked. Henry received a package from Dave, who gave it to him. Unfortunately, Dave didn't check the contents, and Henry escaped using the contents. 
Rupert has hated Henry Stickmin ever since. It didn't help that the Government recruited him to help them take down a criminal organization called the Toppat clan. Henry helped them gather some files in exchange for being pardoned by the government. Henry was forgiven, and to everyone's surprise, he joined the Government. 
Charles Calvin, the pilot in charge of the mission Henry was kidnapped for was ecstatic. He had taken a liking to the former thief and they instantly became fast friends. Rupert on the other hand, was angry and tried to persuade the General to reconsider Henry's decision to join the Government but was shut down quickly.
Rupert watched Henry and Charles talk while having drinks. Rupert drank water because he didn't feel like drinking alcohol. He grumbled as he looked through his phone, he smiled when a text message popped up on his phone. Dave texted him about being back at his job as a security guard. 
If there was one good thing about Henry helping them when they kidnapped him to help them take down the Toppat Clan, Henry saved Dave when he was inside the Toppats' airship when he got kidnapped by the Toppat Clan. Henry also apologized to Dave about his firing even though Dave kept insisting it was his fault that he didn't check the package. 
Rupert sent Dave a message when he heard a loud female voice.
"What's up losers!" Ellie Rose exclaimed, sitting next to the duo.
Rupert rolled his eyes as his mood soured for a bit. 
Ellie Rose was another former criminal who joined the Government after she and Henry escaped the infamous prison called the Wall, run by Rupert's grandfather, Dmitri Petrov. Rupert was happy for a time when Henry was missing but Charles and everyone else was sad. 
"Hey, Ellie," Charles greeted happily.
"Hi, Ellie," Henry signed. 
Ellie sat beside Charles, who blushed and drank to cover his face. Ellie's face was also red, so she quickly ordered a drink. Rupert rolled his eyes again. Charles and Ellie both have crushes on each other, but they can't say anything because of their marks. However, they both don't realize that they have the same marks. Their marks are a single red rose with a thorny vine surrounding it. 
"So what are you two losers talking about?" Ellie asked slyly, smirking.
"Uh... um... uh..." Charles struggled to answer her.
"We're talking about soulmates," Henry answered, silently laughing at Charles's expression.
"Ohhhh," Ellie said, "Did ya find your soulmates yet?"
"Nope," Charles swiftly answered but hid his burning face.
"I'm not planning to find them," Henry replied.
Rupert nearly choked on his drink while Ellie and Charles shouted at him.
"What? Why?!" Charles exclaimed.
"Yeah! How come?" Ellie added, crossing her arms.
"Why do we have soulmates?" Henry questioned bitterly, using his voice, "What's the point of them? They're just there to make everyone pair up with a person who you are not compatible with and force people to be together because of it,"
After finishing his explanation, Henry downed his drink, stood up, paid, and silently left the bar. Charles and Ellie exchanged confused glances. After hearing Henry's confession, Rupert stared into his half-empty cup for a few seconds.
"Not bad, Stickmin," Rupert thought, "You have the same mindset as me,"
Henry slowly walked back to his apartment and once inside, he started to sob. He leaned against the door and slid slowly down to the floor as he kept crying. He put his head into his arms to hide his tears. After a few minutes, he ceased his sobbing. He lifted his head to look at his right wrist which was covered by a long fingerless glove. 
He bitterly stared at the same gemstone mark that Rupert Price had, wishing he could take off the damn mark.
A/N: Additionally, I don't believe there is a Stickprice soulmate fic available at this time. P.S. Some of you might recognize the title I chose for this fic. 
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flowerbed-2022 · 9 months ago
Short Story #3 (Part 2)
  The sketch of the cornflower from her AP mathematics class hung on her wall with a flower push pin, right above her computer. Emily glanced at it, reminding her of his pretty slender fingers as she click-clack away on her computer. It was time to upload the picture online of her art blog. Pressing “Upload”, she pushed her chair back to stretch and admire the new post she made today. It was muscular man with a black skin tight polo shirt, a watch on his wrist, and a bundle of back messy hair that cascaded down to his supposedly brown eyes.
  Emily Cypress just hopes it was enough to satisfy her followers. Looking to sip her canned coffee, it was empty just great. She bends over to open her mini fridge to see it was empty with a few cokes and  ice creams. She needs supplies of coffee once again. Looking at the time, it wasn’t that late to go out and enjoy a nice walk. Putting on her white converse and a grey padded jacket with a grey beanie, she opens her door to leave for the front door. She ignores her mother who was cooking dinner in the kitchen when she asked Emily where she was going.
  Keeping her hands warm from the cold, she snuggles them in her pockets. The walk down a mile to a convenience store was quiet and peaceful. The white lights cast on the graphic roads and sidewalks giving a gloomy dark vibe that adds mysteriousness. Keeping her hood up, Emily walked close by many of the alleys and continued without any thought, not knowing there was someone following her. At the last alley, a hand reached out, covering Emily’s mouth as she screams.
  Emily flailed her legs around as another arm held her arms behind her back. Her heart raced in danger as her eyes widened at the serious situation she was in. She was currently being pulled back into a dark alley where there is no one around. A man taller than her was keeping her arms restricted behind her and holding her mouth shut, almost suffocating her. She tried anything she can. Bending over to flip him which failed feeling as he was heavier than her and she was weak. Turning her body side to side to throw him off but his grip just hurts more.
  Just then, the man fell to the ground on his knees a loud groan was heard. Before she could turn back to look who came to her rescue, a warm hand clasps to hers and pulled her out into the white light. Emily could only trust the intervener as he pulled her along. A grey zip up hoodie, she noted. The hood of the grey zip up falls behind, revealing a set of black luscious hair that bounced lightly. His familiar slim stature was revealed underneath all that thin clothing. A familiar scene she had seen.
  Pretty Hands pulled her quickly into another set of alley and pinned her against the wall. “Sorry.”  he muttered. He raised an arm above Emily as she followed it with her green eyes. The boy refused to look at her and Emily was trying her best not to. The air felt restricted as Emily tried breathing what little oxygen goes between them. Pretty Hands was taller than she expected as he hovered over her protectively. His scent of cologne being so strong, her nose hurts.
  As if it weren’t enough, the scent becomes stronger when he stepped close to her when they both heard the man running by the entrance. Luckily, it was dark so he couldn’t see either of them. However, Emily couldn’t hold her breath for long and she placed her hands on his chest to push him away, but he wouldn’t budge. When she felt his head bumping into hers, Emily looked up to see what was wrong with him. He wasn’t moving away and was just breathing on her hair in huge gasps. His eyes were closed as he took in huge breaths. He looked majestic in front of her. Printing his image in mind to admire for later. Before Emily could look away in time, his eyes opened, connecting the two-eye contact.
  “Wow…” he whispered underneath his breath as he looked deeply into Emily’s soul. “Your eyes are pretty…” he spoke, breathlessly.
  Blood rushed up to her cheeks as her eyes widened at the unexpected compliment. But what makes her even more embarrassed was the fact that she thought he wasn’t so bad himself. His skin instead of grey turned to what is described a peachy skin. It looked smooth and glassy. His lashes were long to battle hers as this was finally the first time she’s ever look at him. A nice plump set of lips that curled into a slight smile as he bit his lips. She realized that she had been looking at his lips for too long and she knew he was going to boast about it.
  “Enjoying the view? I don’t blame you. I’m quite pretty captivating.” He smirked flirtatiously.
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tgmsunmontue · 7 months ago
                “I’m sorry, wait, shit, what did you say?”
                B-something is looking at him in shock, eyes and mouth all wide circles and okay, that makes all the tiredness he’s been feeling turn to fizzing energy in his veins. Holy shit. He just found his soul mate.
                “You… you said my words.”
                “And you said mine. If that wasn’t already obvious.”
                “You really need to not wander off, I can’t keep you safe if I don’t know where you are,” B-something says, his tone softer, gentler and Jake laughs silently; privately thinks his days wandering off are now gone, not with a soul mate to get to know. However he’s going to have to admit he doesn’t remember his name. Ugh. What a way to seem even more like an asshole.
                “I’m sorry, I know we were introduced only a couple of days ago, but I don’t remember your name…”
                “Bradley Bradshaw.”
                “Bs… lots of bs, that did stick in my head. The alliteration.”
                “Some of my friends call me Bradbrad.”
                “Well, I’m Jake. Uh. Call me Jake.”
                “Not Mr Seresin?”
                “No!” Jake responds instantly, vehement.
                “So, what do you think we’re working with here?” Bradley asks, and it’s going to take Jake a while to get used to using his name. His mind is offering up potentially ridiculous lines Bradley Bradshaw the bodyguard built of beautiful bricks I want to lick. God he definitely needs some sleep. And proper food. Not necessarily in that order.
                “What kind of bond do you think we’re working with?”
                “Oh. Uh,” he swallows roughly, because he’s an out and proud not-straight man, and soulmates generally get a free pass anyway. Except… “Hopefully not platonic,” Jake provides, and the slow smile Bradley gives him makes his skin prickle and he’s suddenly feeling a lot more awake.
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theeclipse13 · 17 days ago
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The Road That Goes Both Ways: A Jikook Story - Chapter 1: A Step into Tokyo (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1522710569-the-road-that-goes-both-ways-a-jikook-story?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=writerbutterfly_hs Jimin and Jungkook have always been close-closer than anyone else in their group. But as the years go by, their moments together start feeling different. A knowing glance, an unspoken understanding, a secret touch that lingers too long. Their story isn't just about love-it's about discovery, fear, and the weight of being in the public eye. Are they just best friends, or something more? How do you define a relationship when the world is watching? And most importantly, when does love stop being just friendship and become something else entirely? Genre: Slow-burn Romance, Emotional Drama, Realism, Angst & Fluff Perspective: Dual POV (Jimin & Jungkook) DISCLAIMER The Road That Goes Both Ways: A Jikook Story is a work of fanfiction inspired by real-life events, interactions, and moments involving BTS members Jimin and Jungkook. While this story incorporates elements from actual events spanning 2013 to 2025, it is ultimately a fictional interpretation infused with the author's personal perspective. Certain incidents have been modified or reimagined to fit the narrative of this story. This fanfiction includes fluff, angst, emotional drama, and mature content (including smut), making it age-restricted (18+). It is not meant to claim any truth about real-life relationships or to promote speculation. This story is written out of admiration for both individuals and their journey as artists. No disrespect, hatred, or defamation is intended. Please read with an open mind and respect for the subjects involved. Thank you for understanding and supporting creative storytelling! 💜 #Jikook #JikookFanfic #JikookAU #JikookStory #TheRoadThatGoesBothWays Side Ships & Group Dynamics #Vmin #Taekook #Vhope #Namjin #Yoonmin #OT7 #BTSFanfics #vminkook Story Themes & Aesthetics #SlowBurnRomance #AngstAndFluff #IdolLifeStruggles #FriendsToLovers #ForbiddenLove #SoulmatesAU #LoveInTheSpotlight #KpopFanfic #EmotionalDrama
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phoneycam · 2 years ago
The brainrot part 2
SoulmatesAU: you crave what your soulmate is currently eating.
I think this would be hilarius on Codys side because there is no way the long-necks explained jackshit about soulmates and i think he would be really confused. Like everyday he wakes up and he craves leaf water with different flavours.
Obi-wan on the other side has a normal life until one day he wakes up and just pauses for a long time, because why tf does he want to eat bacta?? And then a couple months later he gets more confused because he either want some weirdly specific fish (from Kamino) or cardboar (actually ration but they are so tasteless it seems cardboard).
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op814kitty · 5 months ago
I had a dream about Max, two days ago, and I cannot stop thinking about it
Bruh soulmatesAU, enemies to lovers … I think we visited an abandoned orphanage?
Its everything I need in a fic but I’ve got to write it so you can experience the pure joy and disappointment of waking up after that
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godstrayed · 9 months ago
From Faust ( @corxner ) to Will Graham [SoulmatesAU ] — “if seeing colors is the reason you avoid me like the plague, I can borrow you my sunglasses, you know. Would that make you more comfortable?”
 There is something fundamentally flawed and deeply wrong about Will Graham. If not the odd and peculiar way his mind worked—something off-centered and skewed towards the grotesque; something that made him suspended in isolation, so naturally it made sense to him and everyone around him that he didn’t have a soulmate. He had never questioned it. Not even when the prime age of finding one’s soulmate long since passed him by. He didn’t have one. He couldn’t. Not with his mind the way it was.
You can imagine his reaction when the world around him erupts in color. First a vibrant startling red —— poetically and rightfully the color of blood, of life, and of how his world was now aflame. He had made his peace with solitude so he didn’t welcome any of the following colors to sprout and burst into life alongside the crimson of Faust’s glasses. He hated it, truthfully; as it had no explanation and made absolutely no sense. Will had zero capacity to have a soulmate and even less desire. He wasn’t just uncomfortable but horrified. It was the rudest of awakenings.
And it was unfair for Faust. He deserved someone not so broken, someone far more capable.
His tongue dances on the roof of his mouth to catch and swallow back his immediate and harsh no. Will’s eyes fluttered and he tenses. Nothing would really aid in making this easier. Maybe when the shock has worn off he could try to reason with it. Two very oddly wired brains finding one another might seem romantic to some but for Will? It’s just unsettlingly unexpected.
“It’s not that——the colors, they’re harsh but not horrible.” They often gave him a headache. The harsh color when he was so used to monochrome. Like Faust had literally become a sun that painted vibrancy into his life. Unwelcomed. “I just was under the assumption that… I didn’t have a soulmate. That I’d be alone. It’s extremely rare and unheard of it to reach my age without finding one. So, I made my peace. And now? I don’t really know how to undo that.”
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minjoonalist · 2 years ago
Alexithymia. | JJK +18 [3 of 3]
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Pairing: Demon!Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Mature +18
Genre: Angst, Smut, SoulmatesAU
Word count: 17.4k
Description: Jungkook always had a pull to you. An unexplainable connection that brings him to your side daily, like a permanent routine.  Is it a hobby? An obsession? Or was the centuries old prince just bored? No… boredom doesn’t make his heart race. It’s not supposed to make him lose his own self control, or fill him with blinding rage, and it certainly isn’t supposed to have him hallucinating the strangest things until it drives him back home for answers. Maybe he just cares too much for you and he thought that it’d be better to wait than to give in, but the longer the prince of darkness spends his time away, the more he realizes he has absolutely no Idea what emotions have been festering since the very beginning. What if he could just turn them off?
Warnings: This part is pure smut and basically a continuation of part 2, if you’re expecting fluff? umm. Cursing, explicit language, Unprotected sex (don’t be like these idiots), Dom! (not really) JK, face riding, fingering, oral female receiving, overstimulation, penetration. 
Song Inspo: Pretty- The Weeknd, Waves- Normani, Softcore- The Neighbourhood, Middle Of The Night- Elley Duhe
Author’s note:  This is a mini series of three parts due to the high word count lol Also In no way am I an expert on demons, all of this is from the top of my head or made up honestly. It’s more of an angsty self-indulgent plot to write demon JK for (several months) so please enjoy and if you want leave your thoughts on it as well! :)
Masterlist | 1 2 3
III. Emotional Ties
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“Woah, okay…” You breathe out within the thickening atmosphere.
 You don’t move when Jungkook suddenly pulls you back towards him, noticing an odd shift in his gaze as he tightens his hand around your neck for just a moment. You’re still coming to terms with your current predicament.
 He kissed you…and you definitely kissed him back.
 Now your friend had the look of a predator and as much as it sends shocks of fear into your soul, you were too turned on to acknowledge it. He then grins, what seemed to be such a sweet smile, now turning into one so wolfish and Jungkook only focuses on your lips before his tongue shoots out to run along them again and  gives another peck.
 “Wow…what was that?”  You breathe, collecting yourself and sucking in your bottom lip to ease the tingles he’d just created.
 Jungkook lets out a husky scoff. “Hopefully, something I don’t regret.”
 You take note of how deeply low his voice had gotten, eyes dancing with a wild look as if he was using them to peel your clothes off vividly. It was enough to make you completely weak, the only thoughts going through your mind, on how you could have him in your bed. 
 Anything you wanted to know has melted down to a one thought process. The only part hidden towards the back seems to be how convenient it is that the very night you realized how you felt about him- Jungkook had taken your relationship a step further only very few hours later.
 Where did this come from? Is there something that you’re missing? “We- You kissed me…”
 “I know.” He replies carefully. “You kissed me back,  Angel”
 You pause attempting to catch up “ I did, I wasn’t thinking- um…we were supposed to talk right?” He listens to you, but with your hands fisting his shirt and your eyes continuously jumping back towards his lips- you might as well throw him over the cliff yourself.
 Jungkook scoffs.
 “Y/n, my hand is around your neck—” He deadpans, arms bringing you even closer and he stifles a groan as your warmth touches the growing arousal in his pants. “—I think enough has been said by now.”
 “Right…” You exhale helplessly, Jungkook moving in again to kiss you and pecking his lips to the corner of your mouth and on your jawline, down further on your neck. You moan, tilting your head back for more when Jungkook places wet kisses on the supple skin, licking and sucking hungrily against you. 
 He eases up to your ear, his voice vibrating within and causing goosebumps all over you. “…I want you so bad it's killing me. Please tell me I'm not imagining this.”
 “Kook, I’m still not sure what this is… ” You could sense Jungkook’s fingers digging into your thigh, your heart ready to fall out of your chest as his confession swirls around in your head. 
 Should you confess as well? You think to yourself, still a little apprehensive about the entire situation. Were you both moving too fast? Was Jungkook playing a trick on you? No, he usually wasn’t the type to pull this kind of prank, especially to not take it this far. Still, you weren’t sure it would be safe enough to let your guard down. 
 But…you have to admit all of this feels so good and you really want him too.
 The man suddenly sends you a look, one you can’t decipher at the moment. “Angel, you seem to always forget who I am. You know what this is… So stop lying to me and yourself.”
 What is this overwhelming feeling taking over you? At what point did the switch flip inside your friend?
 Jungkook grins. "I can see everything you’re feeling, even when you’re trying not to think about it. That includes you wanting me to fuck you right now.”
  “Jungkook…don’t.” You whine, completely embarrassed and you’re frowning because you always tell him not to look in your head, yet somehow knowing he saw everything you’ve been imagining of him has your arousal completely surpassing his and nothing but pure lust fills you up. 
 You pout. “I can’t hide myself from you, you aren’t supposed to see that.” 
 He moves again, slowly and subtly rocking his hard on into you and you’re gasping under your breath as a surprising shock of pleasure reaches your senses.  His other hand tightens around your throat a little and he’s lowering his face to your ear again, placing a soft kiss right below it. 
 Somehow, you can tell there's a lot of pent up aggression behind these actions.
 “Angel, You don’t have to hide from me. For one, it was never possible.” He whispers, sending chills over your body. “I like it when you think about those things. Imagine how many times I’ve had to stop myself from wanting to fuck you senseless because you can’t keep those filthy thoughts to yourself. You literally drive me crazy every second.” 
 “You…shouldn’t say things like that so suddenly. When did you become so shameless?” You breathe with a slight hint of guilt, knowing there may have been a few times you’ve wondered about him. Though as much as you want this, nothing ever made you think you would be able to reach this point with him and you had begun to wonder if maybe you really were still dreaming-selfishly rocking your hips on the counter as your core begins to throb with attention. 
 This is escalating so quickly.
 Jungkook smirks to himself, black eyes endless and sucking you in when your thoughts say the complete opposite. He places another kiss below your ear, unable to keep to himself now and he knows you want him to kiss your neck again, craning further. He can feel your grip tightening and the way your hips move in closer to him.
  “You don’t want to hear about me fucking you? Would you like it if I talk about how many times I’ve thought of tasting you? How I would do anything to have you screaming my name and cumming on my tongue while you ride my face.” He suggests mouth watering as he gets himself going. “Fuck that would be so hot, you always thought about my face between your legs whenever you’d play with my hair…or maybe that was just me.” He breathes huskily.
  At this point, Jungkook is pretty sure he’s lost all will to suppress himself,  knowing how much you would did in-fact want that. He’s seen the images in your mind one too many times to doubt it. The only problem is, you haven’t truly confirmed if you’re okay with anything at this moment and he wonders for a second if maybe he’d gone too fast for you. The man would never do anything you didn’t want him to and he quickly catches himself before  leaning back. 
 “Unless—I mean, we can stop.” The hand on your thigh eases up and stops excruciatingly close to your throbbing core. It was the only thing you could focus on in that moment, rubbing yourself against the hard surface again.
 “Tell me now, Angel. It’s not just me is it?”  He bites his tongue hard, pressing his head against yours as he holds on to the last shred of patience he has left. 
 The bond, it’s definitely crushing any resistance he’s had until now. If you don’t want this Jungkook will have to leave once and for all. He won’t be able to live around you like this anymore. Quite literally since one of you would have to die…
 He’s offering you the one thing you want most right now and yet you couldn’t find yourself to say anything. Your body was on fire and you only wanted to be consumed within Jungkook, causing you to whimper as you gently grabbed for the hand that was resting on your thigh. He watches intently, sucking a breath of air when you lead it lower and press it on the soaked cloth of your panties, finding it incredibly hard to voice how much you wanted the prince to touch you.
 Your tone is heavy with lust. “I want you. All of you. Please.” 
Jungkook’s fingers twitch against you as he processes that info. Your core was beginning to throb heartbeats onto the digits, a specific detail that finally made his morals snap. Without saying much else, he presses them into your clothed  slit, gliding them down and back up just to watch your mouth pop open with a gasp. 
 Jungkook closes his eyes, a suppressed growl vibrating in his chest as something crawls forward inside of him. He leans towards you to press your heads together, closing his eyes to gain some kind of patience and you find yourself exhaling the breath you were holding when you do the same. 
 “Fuck, Angel, you really are crazy.” He then suddenly whispers with a new vengeance, continuously rubbing his hand into you for the beautiful friction of pleasure.
 “Only a little…” You exhale and try hard to stifle the moan wanting to escape, but there's no time when he’s suddenly ripping the both of you out of your tender moment.
 Jungkook abruptly yanks you from your position, both hands grabbing onto your hips to pull you off of the counter. Your feet have yet to touch the floor, but Jungkook still holds onto you firmly without breaking a drop of sweat. He leans down, landing his lips onto your mouth passionately and roughly. You don’t realize how fast he managed to steal your breath with this kiss, quickly lowering you completely to the ground when he feels he’s had enough and sucking on your bottom lip until it releases with a pop.
 Within the next motion, he squeezes one side of your waist, deciding to twist your body towards another angle opposite of him. He faces your front towards the kitchen sink, pushing his hips to your ass as a whimper leaves your mouth with uncertainty.
 What is he up to?
 Somehow you could manage to see a faint reflection of both of you within the kitchen’s window. Your heart hammers violently when one hand presses on the back of your thigh, caressing up in a sensual manner with a vicious tone set in it. On some end, you were feeling as if his actions were not being fueled by his feelings. This felt more feral than anything, driven solely by instinct and a lot less tender than you imagined with him.
 Not that you’re complaining…
 As his finger tips carefully graze your sensitive skin, his other hand moves toward the back of your neck, stepping so close that his breath sends shivers rolling down your spine. 
 “What are you doing?” You try, biting your lip when his hand finally reaches further up under your huge shirt and onto the curve of your ass. His cold fingers slide to grope and squeeze it before finding the band of your panties and you can see his eyes fully trained on the area, with a dark, thoughtful expression.
 He then tilts his head curiously “I know I’ve said this, but have you ever ridden someone’s face before?” 
 Your jaw drops open, heart temporarily breaking down with such a crude question. Not that you didn’t like his effect on you, it will take some time getting used to hearing him like this. You do remember him vocalizing his fantasies not long ago, but the bigger problem at hand seemed to be how innocent he assumed you were and honestly you didn’t think he would know about something like that.
 You clear your throat trying to think when you look at him in the almost non-existent reflection. “People have been down there a couple of times…”  You then answer honestly with a shrug. 
 However, you bet it was nothing compared to what Jungkook could possibly do…
 Jungkook’s intense stare suddenly snaps up towards your gaze within the reflection. Peaks of sunshine begin to blind you as it comes into view from the morning sky. You almost want to look away, however his hand and his gaze manage to keep you pinned in place. 
 He then gives a cocky grin, his fingers slipping with the thin fabric as he slides your underwear down your hips and watches as they land helplessly onto the floor. “I didn’t ask that, Angel.  I want to know who else let this beautiful ass ride their tongue?” 
 You swallow hard. “Can’t you read my thoughts? You have no problem invading them anyway.”
 He chuckles huskily, his tongue darting out to wet his lips and you're not sure what he could possibly find so humorous in that, but knowing your friend, you most likely wouldn’t want to ask.
 “So I’m guessing you haven’t...” He concludes on his own and Jungkook can’t ignore the strong sense of sweetness you were pushing up his nose. 
 Fuck he can’t wait to taste you.
 The prince never once thought you were a virgin. You were beautiful, even when he first saw you, Jungkook always knew that. You’re funny, smart, and sweet enough to somehow convince him into watching lame movies with you (Although he’s pretty sure, most of this influence is from the bond.). He couldn’t imagine seeing how many guys you’ve probably brought to their knees in your past. Then again, if he did, he’s pretty sure it’d piss him off to no end and there's already enough evidence of how he reacts when it involves anyone you might have been into. 
 He may not feel it now, but Jungkook is sure he’ll regret it once he’s back to himself.
 Your stomach is turning with anticipation, watching as a serious look flashes behind Jungkook’s eyes and another surge of heat clouds your head before he’s tightening his grip on your neck. You gasp and when your eyes connect again. Jungkook looks all but determined when he pushes your torso forward and says “You’ve probably never come from it either if you’re constantly thinking about me fucking you with my tongue. I bet you want to know how good I am, right?” 
 You frown thoughtfully and you’d hate to give into Jungkook’s cocky assumption. “Probably just as good as anyone, Kook.” You reply in a teasing manner, but Judging by the look he gives you in return, Jungkook didn’t find it to be amusing.
 You yelp from the sudden sting on your ass cheek, whimpering when Jungkook’s palm suddenly rained down and smacks your ass in response to your teasing. “Oh Angel, as I said before, you always seem to forget who I am and I’m definitely not just anyone.” 
 The residue of pain lingers and you find yourself shameful to relish in it.
 Jungkook, abruptly lets go of your neck when you’re still stuck pondering over his words, curious as to where he could be leading with it. He sounds too arrogant for your liking, an all knowing tone bouncing in your ears when his chest hits your back and both of his inked hands wrap firmly around your wrists- indefinitely locking them there as if you had any choice to move. Before you know it, he has you bent over the sink so far that you have no choice but to have your hands find purchase on either side of it. He then kicks at the inside of your ankles shamelessly spreading you further apart in front of him. Meanwhile you’ve never been more grateful for the material covering your bottom half, a twinge of embarrassment rolling in your gut from a lewd position.
 “Do me a favor and keep your hands here for me okay?” He instructs more than requests, but your mind is still thinking about how hard his chest feels against your back, creating an unbearable amount of heat and lust within your abdomen. In your mind you could only imagine him fucking you like this, biting and tugging your hair as he pounds you effortlessly. 
 …where did that come from? Your thoughts are definitely getting worse.
 Once he lets go, you’re frowning with a silent alarm going off in the back of your head. When he lifts off of you, you could no longer feel Jungkook’s body- suddenly leaving you incredibly cold and alone. Your chest is still hammering, and you were very much aware of the warm arousal beginning to trickle down your inner thigh, instantly your reaction is to pull your shirt down.
 But you shouldn’t move your hands.
 You didn’t notice yet, but Jungkook had moved himself lower, silently awestruck, as he kneels with a full view of your glistening core in front of him. 
 Fuck, he thinks ignoring the instant twitch in his pants. Jungkook then presses his hands to your thighs again, rubbing soothingly as a way to ease your sudden panic. He could hear the way your heart was beating crazy out of your chest and he grins, moving to lift your shirt higher—exposing you completely to him. 
 There's a reason why you were unsettled by Jungkook’s arrogance and that was because he seemed too sure in his intentions when it came to whatever he was planning to do to you. The feeling in your gut tells you that it would be best not to let him continue in the kitchen.
 “Maybe we should go to my room?” You chew on the inside of your cheek, fighting the heat in your face, as the entire situation starts to become very clear. 
 “We will.” He clips, clearly too distracted. 
 You could feel his breath fanning over your core and you’re already clenching at the simple thought of what he plans to do. On top of that, standing directly in the middle of your kitchen, as he opens your deepest parts for anyone to see. Honestly you don’t think you’ve ever been so nervous before, but for some reason the thought of Jungkook burying that gorgeous face between your legs, was giving you enough motivation to rock your hips gently with impatience. 
 Though you probably shouldn’t have teased him right before this…
 “—Y/n.” He suddenly calls, inhaling the sweet almond that was making him delirious by the second. 
 “Yes?” You then breathe nervously, trying to bring yourself back from wherever you've gone. For some reason, it’s extremely hard to stay focused around him.
 His hands move once again to fondle at your cheeks, eyes lighting up when he imagines how many marks  he could leave on your supple skin. You could hear the lust thick within Jungkook’s voice and your stomach drops from how turned on that made you. If only you could see him at this moment, you would rather be faced around and watching him as he plans to devour you. 
 He pauses, a distant looking gathering in his eyes as his fingers move to spread your pussy for him. He then places a gentle kiss right beside it, the searing cold of his lip ring reminding you of its presence. You hold your breath, his own deepening with an obvious hunger for something he’s wanted for so long. However, maybe it's just his pride, but he didn’t know how to feel about you already believing he wouldn’t be able to make you cum with just his tongue. It’s not rocket science for Jungkook to see that clearly whoever you’ve been with before didn’t know the right places in order to please someone.
 Teasing or not, he’ll make sure the only memory you have left of this would be from him.
 “How many times do you think you’ll come like this?”  He says, moving to blow a cool breath over your spread lips. He eyes your clit, moving forward to flick his tongue quickly against it. 
 “Kook…why-” Immediately your knees buckle and you squeak out a moan. 
 Shocked, you’re already thrown off by such an immediate reaction. Suddenly there's a much rougher smack to your ass, spiking a pleasurable pain up your spine and then another that has your pussy clenching in response. 
 “That doesn’t sound like a number, Angel.” Jungkook then hums in a petty manner, you could almost hear the glare he gives in his voice. “Answer me, now.”
 “Please, I- Jungkook.” Those words leave your lips too fast for you to process as your inner legs shake. 
 “If you can beg Angel, you can answer me.” He doesn’t stop there, finding your response satisfying enough to flick his tongue again and then taking a long drag up your slit as his hands grip your ass tighter.
  Jungkook Immediately hums with an instant addiction. You were sweet enough for him, making him want more and he licks again, sucking roughly after to taste again. You lurch forward, the foreign pleasure of Jungkook’s textured muscle slowly swiping up and down your pussy has an endless set of moans falling from your lips. Truthfully, if he was this good with minimum effort, you were even more anxious to feel him at his full capacity.
 Preferably not when you were about to collapse on your kitchen floor.
 “I…I don’t kno-w” Your body jolts and your hips dip, causing Jungkook to spread you wider for him- he swirls his tongue all over- sucking on any sensitive nerve he could capture as he licks up your sweet arousal around and even up the trail of your inner thigh.
 You try hard to keep a steady stance, hands gripping onto the sink for dear life as you begged over and over- whimpering his name. Your stomach coils and the pressure rises higher and higher. It feels as if he’s dragging the entire process out, slowly dipping his tongue in and out of your walls and humming with appreciation as you clench unknowingly around his tongue. 
 But then- when the pressure was suddenly becoming too much, Jungkook stops, licking his lips and he pulls back right before what would have been a very quick orgasm. “That’s too bad, Y/n. I’ll assume you don’t want it then.”
 You whimper pitifully to yourself, torso hunched over the metal sink and Jungkook smirks to himself, satisfied enough to stand behind you at his full height. You on the other hand, couldn't help yourself, but to exhale a frustrated breath and you’re hesitating as to whether or not to face him just yet. 
 He knew…Was he going to do that from the very beginning?
 Jungkook, rolls his eyes while watching you shamefully hide yourself in the sink. He then unbuttons more of his shirt, biting on his own lip as he licks around his glistening mouth still evident with your arousal. If there was one thing you two had in common, you both had a lot of pride. 
 “Look at me.” 
 He says this, but it's more of a command. The Domineering tone in his voice leaves no room for rejection and you find your back straightening instantly from it. The coldness to it, reminds you of his aggressive actions. A complete opposite of the Jungkook you were used to seeing everyday. Oddly it makes you much more aware of his terrifying duality and that it quickly may become your undoing.
 He then proceeds when you don’t move, walking up closer to you to grab you gently by your waist and turning you back around to him. You want to panic, the throbbing still aching miserably in your core—but you were still lost as to why you felt you couldn’t look him in his eyes…
 “What's wrong Angel? Are you upset I didn’t make you come?” He asks almost in a mocking tone. If you assumed he wouldn’t be able to, maybe he could just prove you wrong, but that didn’t mean he would make it easy…after all it’s fun to mess with you. 
 Slowly you bite the inside of your cheek and glance up to the lust driven man holding you. A gasp leaves your lips again, staring at how affected he clearly was just from that one act and it was a relief to know you were having a similar effect on him.  Jungkook’s eyes are completely dilated, lips evident with an undeniable wetness and he‘s looking at you with an intense fierceness driving behind those black orbs. Not to mention how hard he is, pressed up against you right now.
 Why is he putting you both through this torture?
  “ You didn’t or you couldn’t?” You frown, not wanting to admit how close you actually were before he stopped completely.
 He pauses before he tilts his head. “What was that?”
 You bite your tongue, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. “I…want more.”
  Something jolts in Jungkook from that. He scoffs, smirking internally when he knows exactly what you want to ask. He could just help you out, taking you out of your misery by leading you both towards your bedroom- but what would be the fun in that?
 “More what, Angel?” He probes, squeezing you closer towards his body and running his hands along your ass again. You could hear the amusement in Jungkook’s voice, a rush of shame from what you were envisioning in your mind and you knew he could tell exactly what you were thinking. Though you were finding it incredibly hard not to stare at his mouth…
 “Go ahead…ask me. I’ll do the impossible.” He tries to encourage you, unaware of the desperate tone within his speech. You both were really ruining each other. 
 “Ask what exactly?” You question innocently and then try to direct your eyes elsewhere, which seemed to be worse because then you were met with the torturous view of his open chest, pressed flushed against yours. It gave you an even better view of the dark inky symbols and swirls marking further along his body and all you wanted to do was run your hands all over. This is harder than you thought.
 Jungkook’s arm then moves from your waist and he lifts towards your face. His finger hooks under your chin and before you know it, he’s raising your gaze back to him, a much more serious look being trained on you when he speaks.
 It leaves you breathless.
  “Whatever you want from me.” He whispers honestly and then moves in closer to your ear, licking right under. “—but you can also stop being a coy little brat and just ask me to sit on my face.”
 For some reason, hearing exactly what you wanted draws a gasp from your mouth and you’re clenching your thighs together in response. Your hands move to grip tight onto Jungkook’s shirt, shutting your eyes as you think carefully about what you wanted to say next. 
 You want it really bad.
 “That sounds nice, but I'd rather have you inside me right now kook.” He hears your small voice come in after a while and Jungkook tries hard to ignore how sexy you sound asking him that. He groans, suddenly letting his head fall on your shoulder as he pulls himself together. He could feel the veins around his eyes deepening- 
 “Fuck, Y/n you sound way too hot asking me that. I shouldn’t be this turned on.” He mutters more to himself, but you definitely believe him- not doubting the unmissable bulge poking you on your hip. “Say it again.”
 “What?” You frown, not having to expect this reaction… this seemed more like Jungkook you knew.
 He lifts his head from your shoulder and your breath catches from the shocking sight of his darkening eyes and veins. “Do it. Tell me what you want one more time.” 
 You bite your bottom lip, one of your hands releasing its hold on his shirt to lift your fingers towards his own . You’re doing well for someone who’s more nervous than anything at this moment, tracing a single digit over the silver piece pierced through his mouth. “I really want you to fuck me, Jungkook.” 
 “...Shit.” He curses and you’re inhaling deeply when he doesn’t hesitate to step forward in your direction. 
 There's a sudden tingle over your skin, goosebumps raising the hairs over your body. Your eyes then glance towards the kitchen exit and immediately it finally dawns on you, exactly what you’ve gotten yourself into. Except, you couldn’t understand why Jungkook was walking the both of you in the opposite direction?
 Actually…How are you taking so many steps when you were just pressed up against the kitchen counter?
 Your eyes are suddenly widening. “Jungkook! Wait—”
 Your stomach instantly drops from the next action. Before you could finish that thought. Jungkook’s hold on you becomes angled and you’re abruptly feeling your body get picked up then pushed back into the air within the fastest blur. With a sudden panic rushing through your veins, your eyes squeeze shut and you were expecting to be tossed back completely onto some kind of hard surface of your sink. A rush filling your body with fear that has you pulling yourself closer to the man holding you.
 Jungkook hears you yelp suddenly, biting back a laugh when your grip on him tightens and he’s walking forward with you in his arms. He can hear your heart beating from the sudden adrenaline and he places a sweet kiss to your temple before he’s bending forward to settle you on your back. 
 Meanwhile, you’re confused when you’re suddenly feeling the soft mattress of your bed completely engulf you and you can’t help but to peek up from your position.
  When you open one eye, you’re met with a smug Jungkook, whose pierced brow is raised in question to your strange reaction and definitely waiting for you to calm down. To say you weren’t embarrassed would be a complete and total lie.
 Honestly, what did you think he was going to do to you? A question not only you were thinking, but Jungkook himself.
 You then flick your gaze elsewhere, looking to the side only to be met with what looks like the furniture found in your room. The still plants, tidy vanity and overall minimal effect of your master room reflecting back at you once you realize he’d taken you there. 
 Although it's nowhere near the first time he’s ever done it, for some reason you could never seem to get used to such an unceremonious move. One second standing idle within your kitchen and yet all he had to do was push you and your back was landing perfectly in the middle of your rumpled sheets from where you’d been sleeping earlier. 
 Lucky demon teleportation… 
 “Y/n?” He suddenly calls your name and you’re glancing in his eyes, when he motions down to the fabric you were definitely stretching. You then realize you'd been so distracted by the abrupt change that you were still clutching onto him for dear life. 
 “We’ll be here all night if you keep holding me like this.” Jungkook scoffs while staring you down. Then again, with his hands firmly planted on you and feeling your body directly under his, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on by the position. It's almost enough to make him want to rip that shirt off of you and fuck you just like this.
 But there's one thing he still wants to do first…
 All of a sudden Jungkook’s face turns into a mischievous smile, the one where you knew he was thinking of some way to mess with you. However, this smile was darker than usual and might have been a little more terrifying in a normal situation if he wasn’t currently laying between your legs right now. 
 “Kook- whatever you’re thinking…don’t.” You frown back in return, a light look of horror forming in your expression that only fuels his motive more.  
 Jungkook’s face suddenly inches forward and you move yours back simultaneously until he was close enough to capture your lips and you couldn’t run from him. Immediately he licks and sucks at your tongue, the faint residue of yourself still evident in his mouth, but you couldn’t bring yourself to think about it. Whenever he kisses you, you quickly find your mind going blank and heat spreads throughout your entire body like a warm blanket. It makes you weak, your hands losing their grip on his shirt, but then immediately wrapping around his neck and snaking up into his hair to express how much you really liked this.
 You are slowly driving him crazy, his hunger building up significantly and he’s beginning to get impatient with the way you’re kissing him back.  Jungkook then manages to release a gasp himself, suddenly feeling your teeth tug at the metal ring on his lip and then licking across his mouth like a starved kitten. He even feels when your legs tighten around him, your hips rocking up for any friction and your scent driving further up his nose- 
 “Be patient, Angel” He groans huskily in your mouth and his vision is going black, but he couldn’t care less. 
 Jungkook’s hands move to grip greedily at your thighs, rubbing along this in a rough and hasty manner. As much as Jungkook wanted to skip everything, he’d already made a promise to not just you, but himself and he intends to finish the job. To be honest the thought of getting you on his face was only making him harder by the minute. 
 You moan helplessly into the kiss, the air in your lungs slowly disappearing, but you didn’t want to pull away from Jungkook. You’re so lost and completely consumed into such a delicious act that you didn’t notice his hands sliding up your legs and gripping firmly as if to prepare himself. 
 Abruptly,  Jungkook begins to turn and he’s fairly certain you won’t even notice that he’s completely on his back at this point. His hips then jerk up, rutting into you until he feels your body reacting to him and you’re gasping from the pleasure, but it wasn’t enough. Jungkook could feel your hips rocking, frustrated, and slick from the arousal continuously leaking onto his leather pants.
 You’re fucking irresistible…he thinks and Jungkook tries his best to hide the way his chest was rising harder and harder to calm himself. 
 “M-More...” He suddenly hears your soft voice over him as your pussy throbs over his hips, empty, and unfulfilled. 
 That's right, Jungkook hasn’t made you cum yet…
 Without warning, Jungkook pulls on your body with ease, not breaking a sweat or showing any kind of struggle.  When he does this, your lips instantly let go from each other and you squeak as Jungkook’s hands push your hips forward on his chest and then push himself up further on the bed, until he has your thighs surpassing his shoulders. 
 Jungkook grins wolfishly, watching the way your face shifts from shock to horror and then slight embarrassment. But beneath all of that he could still see how turned on you were as you stared down into his eyes and in your head, He knew exactly what you wanted him to do.
 Your face warms when the man then bites his lip, lust more evident than ever. 
 “Be honest, If I didn’t stop, would you have came?” Jungkook questions while simultaneously coming to grip your ass so shamelessly and kneading it underneath your shirt. 
 You’re licking your lips hesitantly and wondering what he could be asking about until you were highly reminded of the unsatisfied pulse in your abdomen. Your pride takes over again and before you know it, you are sending him a playful glare when the lie sits on the tip of your tongue, but without your intention- another answer suddenly falls from your lips. 
 “...Yes.” You do in fact answer honestly, but also manage to cringe from how easily you admitted it.
 Your friend then hums, a coy smile dazzling its way up to you and that cocky personality is exactly what you were trying to avoid. His eyes tell all, the mischief behind it is more prominent than ever, when you realize what he’d done. 
 “Get out of my head Jungkook.” You huff to cover up your embarrassment and the man beneath you frowns feigning innocence. 
 “I’m not in your head Angel…” Jungkook replies while nodding and rubbing his palms flat against the bare skin of your back. You’re becoming slightly aware of those sneaky digits, sliding further around and stopping just before they can reach your center. He then turns, kissing on the sensitive skin of your thigh and nibbling before suggesting something else.“-maybe your body is more honest than your mind.”
 As if on cue, your spine shudders from those words.
 “...Which one is it for you?” You ask suddenly with a small smile. 
 Jungkook pauses to look back up at you, a spark of something hitting in his chest from not only that question, but the pure hunger pointed within your stare at him. 
 “Huh?” He blinks.
 “What part of you is being honest Jungkook? Your mind or your body?”  You clarify with a soft tilt to your head to tease him. 
 The prince seems to be stuck for just a moment, unable to find an immediate answer. To you, it was just a simple question and when Jungkook had mentioned it before- he wasn't truly thinking about the situation. But…why did suddenly hearing that question from you trigger a strange reaction within him? In his chest was a faint sting of an ugly feeling- something he definitely shouldn’t be experiencing at the moment.
 But as if it had never happened, the stinging quickly faded and the void had returned with a vengeance when he smirks back to your curious gaze. 
 “I’ll answer when I’m finished with you…” He finally says, with a low timbre to his voice, yet so much was told to you behind it as his hands begin to pull you closer and closer towards his face until the only thing you could see was his eyes and that silky black hair draping short to his forehead.   
 Somehow, his response had created a foreboding swirl of anxiousness to your stomach and as foreign as the entire situation felt for you, the more you’d begun to wonder what was so different about Jungkook. On the inside, a good part of your brain knows there's a red flag somewhere in all of this, his reactions and behavior, the dangerous inability for you to turn away- but whatever was piloting your body ignores every alert the situation provides and urges you to continue on.
 You try to swallow back your nervousness, chewing on your tongue as your heart races from the sultry exchange. Jungkook takes advantage and suddenly leans up to nip at the skin around your hips and inner thigh. By now you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d already begun to leave marks on you there. He then begins to move further along, ghosting his mouth over your slit and pausing to stare up into your soul knowingly.
 Your breath catches. He’s dragging this out and you’re ashamed to admit how much it’s actually affecting you…
 “…This doesn’t seem much different from what we did in the kitchen.” You say to him from above and Jungkook pauses before he’s dropping his head back and frowning up at you. His hands twitch within their spot, he’s becoming incredibly impatient to taste you again. 
 “Like I said before Y/n…They’re not the same.” Without warning, those sly fingers cup you from behind and suddenly spread your pussy open before one begins teasing gently around the ring of your walls. He lets one enter after a few seconds, thrusting it in and eliciting a shallow moan from your lips. With his other hand, Jungkook eyes the shirt you’ve been wearing and lifts it up high as if to silently tell you he wants it off.
 There's only so many times you could feel the heat in your face from the nervousness you felt with your long time friend and your hands tremble to grasp at the bottom of the cotton material and lift it over your head. It never occurred to you that he would be this way in bed or that he would have such a fascination with someone’s body like this. You're on fire from the way he drinks in the sight of your bare torso from above- he really wants to touch you there.
 Jungkook has seen you naked before, that night when you slipped and nearly died- he was just too shocked and panicked then to actually notice it. This time, you were all his to admire and touch, not to mention you were very much conscious and consenting.
 “You’re so fucking beautiful…” You hear him suddenly mutter as he stares up at you. That is somehow enough to distract you completely from him. So much that you’re completely caught off guard by the second finger Jungkook had decided to add in within your hole. 
 Your body jolts, torso falling forward when your hips move themselves to grind subtly against them and you’re exhaling- feeling the way Jungkook begins to move them slowly and then curling them up into a unique spot inside. When he suddenly presses on it, it is only then do you let out a much deeper moan that sets off a chain reaction within Jungkook’s body.
 You sound so lovely too…He couldn’t wait to hear you, when he’s fucking deep into you after this.
 You’re tight around his fingers and he chews temporarily on his lip ring when he realizes he’ll have to loosen you up to take him soon. His fingers pump in and out of your walls, creating a delicious rhythm when his face suddenly becomes buried in your pussy and you hadn’t noticed you’d been easing closer towards him all this time. 
 “Hng—Kook!” You groan as Jungkook’s lips come to wrap around your clit and he’s sucking roughly on the sensitive bud, letting go and slurping up the sweetness of your pussy when his fingers dig slightly deeper and so does his tongue.
 You’re already way too close to cumming. Whether it still be from the after effects of his doing earlier, but Jungkook could still feel how your walls clench around his fingers for every swipe he takes to eat you out- he knows it's still not enough.
 “Angel, move your hips for me.” The man mutters against you and the vibration on his tongue somehow feels just as good to anything else he was doing- your hands moving to run along desperately in his hair. 
 Your better Judgment no longer existed, the heat in your abdomen coiling tighter and without questioning it- you’d begun to rock over Jungkook’s face. He moans into you from the action- satisfaction filling his chest, when his nails start digging into one side of your ass while the other begins to pick up its pace in fucking the slender limbs into you.
 His nose nudges against your clit and your eyes are snapping shut to keep them from rolling.  His tongue licks passionately down further to dip into your walls, sucking hard until he could begin to feel your hips shaking and rocking desperately to reach an inevitable climax.
 “Kook- mm g-good, god!” You mewl and squeak again when Jungkook boldly adds for a final finger. 
 “Just like that Angel, cum on my tongue.” Jungkook’s hand thrusts viciously into you at an unforgiving pace- aiding in the motion of your hips on his face. He laps quicker into you, pressing himself deeper to keep up with the way your body is nearly bouncing. To say this entire ordeal wasn’t unraveling something deep inside of him would be a lie- if anything, any part of him that was holding back had begun to slip further away while hearing you moan his name and  he groans, ending his assault with a final bite onto your clit.
 Suddenly, everything comes crashing down and almost quite literally. Your body jerks to an abrupt stop when the strongest scent of mint fills your nose and you’re mumbling out curses from your orgasm finally hitting you and he hums with approval.
 Jungkook still continues to suck on your clit and you could begin to feel his fingers slowing but you were becoming sensitive either way. Whimpering helplessly, the sweet friction has you throwing your head back, another wave crashing over you and you’re rocking subtly when Jungkook suddenly feels your hands in his hair- gripping and tugging hard until you can't take it anymore.
 “Jungk- hah!…T-Too much!” Your mouth drops open, the fingers gripping your ass, pushing you down more onto Jungkook’s face before he takes one final swipe all the way up and attacks your clit again. 
 “F-Fuck!” You exclaim as something in your stomach begins to coil up again and your body falls, becoming incredibly weak while the man slurped and sucked tirelessly -completely ravishing you for a second time. 
 Jungkook feels a growl low in his chest, his fingers slipping out of your pussy and he’s gripping both of your hips to move them for you. Your eyes are completely rolling back, back arching and mind becoming blank when he swipes his tongue in circles over and over until you are unable to form a complete sentence. 
 You huff, feeling completely empty from his fingers- but oddly his mouth was definitely enough to have you stuck, writhing over him until the heat you felt before strikes your entire body like lightning and you’re coming hard all over again. 
 Jungkook was addicted, swallowing all that you could give him and he winces once the essence of heat tries to enter his head. Whenever he touches you, it’s like he becomes even more aware of the block in his head and your reactions always trigger something in him. Every time it happened, Jungkook felt less tense than before and the searing pain always felt like Hoseok would still have his hands wrapped on the sides of his head- frying his brain repeatedly until the man could barely form a thought or any kind of emotion. However the prince could very well say that the grip your hands currently have in his hair is definitely not helping the situation.
 Jungkook pats at the curve of your hips, looking up to see your eyes opening and mouth parted in a fucked out expression. 
 Why do you have to look at him like that? Now all he wanted to see was those starry eyes teary and dazed while he’s buried inside you.
 Jungkook suddenly frowns and the dark expression he gives you has your stomach dropping. Your chest is still rising rapidly and a short silence settles between the both of you when a strange warmth comes over your body even more intense than before.
 You bit your lip, becoming hot all over again. How? Why was this not enough?
 “…They’re not the same.” You say suddenly and he arches a brow before a knowing look enters his eyes. “Why do you know how to do that so well?” You then ask curiously and slightly embarrassed how easy it was for him to do. You tried not to think about his skilled knowledge in sex, but the thought never dawned on you until Jungkook nearly tried to take your soul.
 Jungkook snickers, attempting to drop his head, but that clearly won’t happen with your hold on his hair. He winces, looking at you expectantly before he’s clearing his throat and licking his already wet lips. He’s not sure how or if he should really answer that question. “I’m centuries old, Angel. I’ve definitely fucked more than a couple of times.” 
 “Oh… right.” You exhale and drop your gaze when an ugly emotion flashes in your chest. You wonder if he’s been with anyone since he’s known you.
 This is suddenly a gross feeling.
 Jungkook instantly sees your reaction from his confession and mentally scolds himself. He sees the way you silently sulk at the mention of others. "That being said- I haven't had sex in a while and I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you at this moment. It's so hard right now, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” He adds on quickly and it doesn’t take you more than a few seconds to understand what he’s telling you.
 Jungkook… hasn’t had sex since he met you. Just how long has Jungkook felt this way about you? Then again…he’s been watching over you for a while now, so that couldn’t mean it was because of how he felt for you, right?
 You swallow slowly from the thought. “ Jungkook?”
 “Yes, Angel?” He stares curiously.
 “I’d really like you to fuck me now…” You breathe as something takes over you.
 Jungkook looks taken back but the veins around his eyes tell it all. They crinkle in slowly giving away his impatience. “Y/n, I’d turn over and fuck you right now- but I’d rather not lose hair in the process.” He smirks, patting your hip once again, then circling his thumb. He does this, eying your body with an intense hunger and your body is buzzing for something more, reacting instantly to the suggestion.
 “O-Oh…sorry.” You say and Jungkook chuckles when you become aware of your hold on his head–releasing him as if he’d burned you right then and there. It's so cute to see how bold and flustered he can make you with the smallest things. He wonders if you’ve always been this timid when you were about to have sex. Or were you simply this nervous because of him?
 Jungkook then grunts, gripping your jello legs and flipping you both back to a previous position. The prince then stands up, looking down towards you. He runs his eyes up from your curious gaze and down towards your exposed legs. There's a hitch in your breath from his expression, your eyes watching him warily and he then does something you weren’t expecting, even though that's all he's been doing for the past few minutes. From your position, you lift up to watch him and your breath catches completely when his inked hands begin to move towards his half unbuttoned shirt. 
 Jungkook undoes the rest he hadn’t gotten to before and slowly, but finally he begins to shrug off the almost see through material, revealing the torso you could only imagine in multiple scenarios of how it looked.
 Maybe you didn’t mean for your jaw to drop the way it did, but somehow, you could have never imagined all of the random ink and swirls flowing throughout the top half of your friend’s frame. Your mouth salivates, gaze following every last ink and dip of his impressively sculpted frame and even down towards the fingers that were currently undoing the belt of his leather pants at such an excruciatingly slow rate.
 Jungkook watches for your reaction, smirking when he sees your very impatient and frustrated stare. 
 He arches a pierced brow. “ Am I not moving fast enough, Angel?” 
 You bite your lip. “Can’t you just teleport out of your pants or something?” You suggest in a joking manner and Jungkook chuckles while rolling his eyes, because you’re so freaking adorable and somehow you wanting him this bad is turning him on even more if possible.
 Jungkook then hums, narrowing his eyes and walking up to you suggestively. The mischievous look in his eyes has you sitting up and your heart races the closer he gets again. Jungkook comes to stand before you, moving a hand to tilt your chin up at him. 
 “Well…if it really bothers you, feel free to take them off yourself if you’re going to be a brat about it.”  He challenges and you begin to let out a laugh when you truly take in how serious he is. 
 Your lips then suddenly part and Jungkook’s gaze burns through you expectantly- the hand on your chin slowly caressing up into your hair and gripping firmly. 
 You wince slightly, but you were more focused on the task he’d suddenly gifted you and your body is still aching- waiting for him to fill you up. The longer you prolonged this, the more both of you were becoming anxious.
  “Yes, sir.” Jungkook watches you roll your eyes mockingly and he scoffs again to himself.
 Your tongue darts out to run along your lips and hands moving to finish what Jungkook didn’t. First goes the buckle of his belt and then the button of his pants. The sound of you unzipping the material followed by the clinks of his belt is enough to have your stomach dropping before your fingers finally reach the bands of his briefs. 
 You almost hesitate to pull, not missing the unmistakably impressive bulge of the black cotton material, and you hope Jungkook didn’t notice. 
 Unfortunately he does, withholding a smirk when you glance up at him and then tug on the material revealing his member instantly. The veiny girth springs from its confines and you’re nearly dropping your jaw again at the sight. Your heart almost stops, hands continuing to shove his pants and briefs further down his legs. 
 You barely have time to take in just how big Jungkook is when he moves to step out of them and you’re following that beautiful ink further down the muscular cords of his thighs. 
 To see Jungkook like this in all his glory, was nowhere near what you could have prepared for. He was a fully inked up sculpture, perfect down to every last vein running from his pelvis and to the underside of his heavy cock. Your pussy clenches, staring at the form of it and the red mushroom tip oozing the evidence of his arousal for you.
 Could…you even handle that?
 “I-...oh.” You say almost too low.
 Jungkook watches you intently, toying with silver on his lip and the way you’re staring hungrily at his cock has him imagining the worst things to do to you. Suddenly his eyes are pitched black once again and he’s suppressing the growl wanting to snake out of his chest. 
 Jungkook’s grip in your hair tightens and he’s forcing your gaze back up to him, licking his lips.
 “Oh? Is that all you have to say to me Angel?” He can hear the way your pussy throbs when he does this, but all you can do is whimper as your chest rises hard- thighs pressing together from his endless stare. It’s like a switch flipped the second you fully unclothed him and Jungkook was pushing you onto your back too quick for you to comprehend. 
 You gasp. 
 The prince leans down, placing a knee to the edge of the bed directly between your thighs and trapping you in place, when he begins to look your entire body over. You can’t help but to do the same as he continues to crawl closer to you, but specifically your eyes keep falling to the monstrous cock currently falling on top of your thigh. 
 You haven’t had sex in a while , let alone with someone as big as Jungkook and there's a good chance he’s probably going to ruin you for the next. Wait- will there be a next? Actually, what exactly will you two be after this? What if he disappears again?
 …No. Your heart sinks suddenly at that thought, you really hoped there wouldn’t be such an awful situation, again. Fuck, how are you just thinking about this?
 He notices the way your eyes suddenly become distant, but for some reason can’t see what exactly you were thinking about. 
 Did seeing his size suddenly make you that nervous? Jungkook muses to himself.
 “What? You had so much to say just a second ago Y/n, why don’t you tell me how pretty my cock looks? You haven’t stopped staring.” Jungkook suddenly teases with a dark smirk and begins to lean down further over you-hand leaving your hair to join the other as they begin to caress sensually over your sides. You shiver from it, tingles flowing all over until from the simplest of touches and you’re breaking out of your trance.
  “ –Kook…” You can’t help but to call, interrupting him from his teasing. 
 When you actually find yourself able to look away, your eyes follow Jungkook’s body- over his abs and inked creamy skin, past the silver chain dangling around his neck and then up to the face of the man above you. “You’re… really beautiful.”
 When he hears those words from you, Jungkook sees the way your eyes stare up deeply at him- completely in awe with another concerning emotion hidden behind and before he could truly react, you’re leaning up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 
 It was so sweet compared to any of the kisses you both shared before… one that was full of very dangerous meanings that had him burning like an inferno. Jungkook feels like Icarus flying way too close to the sun…
 Fuck, fuck! Why couldn’t he have done this sooner, where your first time together should have been a more mutual feeling. Jungkook will make sure that's exactly how every time will be for you in the future, full of the intent that he’s sure is stemming from his feelings. For now he’d have to live with the memory of knowing only you are in love with this moment.
 When he feels your lips moving wantonly against his- the man melts within your embrace and something begins to bloom in his chest. For a while, he simply lets you take the lead- your tongue slipping into his mouth immediately and your soft hands slowly moving to rub at his stomach and then his chest. It’s as if you were the one memorizing every curve of him, taking your time to have it etched into your hands- tasting him as if you never would again.
 After doing all of this, you’re slowly becoming aware of the fact that Jungkook hasn’t moved to touch you again and you’re squirming with your hips in your position. You whine into your kiss as your hands continue to caress over the taut skin. Suddenly you’re frowning with impatience, sucking on his bottom lip and releasing it until you’re pulling back breathless. 
 Your eyes find his completely void of emotion. It’s kind of chilling to be honest…
 “What's wrong? D-Did you not like that?” You frown up worriedly with dark eyes.
 Little do you know, the mental block within his head- chips drastically within, a sudden awareness of the woman beneath him, churning his insides and he breathes- unable to form speech. Jungkook then scoffs, closing his eyes momentarily when a surge of power begins to creep up on him once again. 
 Something just snapped in him…
 When he opens his eyes, they’re all black, but he drinks your body in- bringing a hand to the pit of your belly and spreading it wide in thought. 
 “Angel…I like it. So much I want to fuck you until I break you.” Jungkook finally whispers this, as the hand he has on you moves up on your body, caressing up the valley of your breast. He eyes the area, that same hand coming to palm the mound before it pinches at the nipple and your back is arching immediately from his touch.
 Your breath is held, but not enough to prevent you from pleading for more. “P-lease…”
 Jungkook pinches your nipple again, playing with the small bud and he's suddenly leaning down to attack your lips. The force of this kiss is nothing like the others- tongues tangling and teeth clashing as he overtakes the entire act. He then moves away, kissing down the side of your neck, then trailing fierce, open kisses deliciously until there were enough marks he was satisfied with and you’re gasping- watching him dip lower and lower until his knee was no longer trapping you in your place. 
 When he’s done, he’s shifting off of the bed, leaving you surprised when his hands are suddenly grabbing your thighs with him and Jungkook yanks your body to the edge. You almost couldn’t keep up, feeling your legs get lifted back and Jungkook pushes them all the way to your chest. 
 He licks his lips, putting your ankles over his shoulders and you can’t help but to whimper. Jungkook lifts your ass, one hand supporting you while the other grips at the base of his cock. You let out soft breathes, feeling the way he begins to slide his tip up and down your slit, coating his member with your arousal and he pauses, switching his eyes to your expression before he settles at your hole.  
 “Exhale for me, Angel.” He whispers, because Jungkook realizes he hasn’t heard you breathe in the last few seconds. 
 When you do so, he slowly begins to sink into you, pushing slowly until only his tip is beginning to stretch you out further than ever before and your mouth falls open to let out a soft groan. The man’s eyes are fully trained on you, his teeth sunken into his bottom lip so hard he could nearly draw blood from how good you already felt.
 You feel his hips jerk, inching his thick length more into your walls, the slick from your past orgasms aiding in the easy slide.
  “O-Oh…J-Jungkook I-” Your head falls back before you could finish and when you’re already feeling so full, Jungkook is only half-way in. He’s molded perfectly into your walls, the stretch slowly adjusting and he’s grunting when you’re already clenching tightly around him, hissing when he’s fighting the urge to fuck you into this bed. 
 “Angel, I need to move. Can you take it?” He huffs, inching in more and finding himself buried to hilt. Jungkook’s other hand suddenly finds purchase above your head, your own gripping the sheets when he’s pressed up against the spongy spot inside.
 This feeling was so unreal.
 You nod when Jungkook stares down at you, moving your hips as a signal to keep going. “I’m okay, Kook. You can move.” 
 Your voice is small and breathless to him, causing him to pull his hips back and snapping them forward- filling you up completely again. He then hears you squeak out a moan, pulling them back again-starting a new and steady tempo that has you creating a string of the cutest sounds he’s ever heard.
 “Fuck, you sound so damn cute, Angel.” He growls, fingers digging into the small of your back. “Makes…me want to fuck you h-arder.” he continues to confess with slightly deeper thrusts, but he really doesn’t want to over do it.
 Jungkook wanted nothing but to have you in the worst way possible-but somehow he was actually beginning to have half a mind in making sure he didn’t wear you out too soon. The sounds you were making weren’t any better, his gaze focused on the way he already had your body bouncing from his hips motion.
  To say your moans weren’t driving him would be a lie, thrusting a bit faster until he saw you gasping and arching under him- you were barely able to keep your eyes open. “Jungkook…kook- fuck ah!”
 Before you knew, Jungkook had begun to angle your pussy up a bit further, a vibration in his chest buzzing over and over with every thrust and he huffs getting lost within your warmth. He loves hearing his name from your lips, even better when he knows he is going to make you come soon.
 You find yourself unable to think, Jungkook’s thick cock driving into you endlessly, but you knew one thing for sure and that was how much you wanted to be completely lost in him. This new passion was a strange feeling for you, a sudden obsession with the dark prince that had you wanting to be closer than ever and to share him with no one else. 
 But eventually, the thought soon reminded you that you had absolutely no idea what you were doing with your friend. You knew you were acting on your feelings- what exactly was Jungkook acting on? In the back of your mind, you wanted to focus on him, however the nagging idea that he would disappear again was just too painful and your vision was beginning to become blurry.
 What the hell was going on with you?
 “J-Jungkook h-arder please-angh!” When you suddenly reach up for him, your hands are sliding up his chest, nails clawing along the inky panels and he growls- wincing from the familiar pain, but it feels 20x better knowing it was coming from you.
 “Are…you sure, Angel?” He asks snapping hips into you, hesitation clear as day in his eyes. 
 Your eyes are trying hard to focus, toes curling every time his dick molds your walls and he’s completely surpassing your most sensitive spot so easily. Something was beginning to come, an intensity of heat he was radiating onto you along with the fresh scent of mint. 
 You’re mewling with satisfaction. “Fuck y-yes..so close- gonna hngh-cum!”
 Oh fuck…
 Jungkook suddenly moves up, pushing your thighs onto your chest completely and dips to sink his cock deep into your walls, eliciting a scream from your end. A tight knot tugs and curls within your stomach from before and you can’t stop your orgasm’s fast approach when Jungkook has taken in your request, driving his hips up and down to fulfill it.
 “You’re so sweet for me Angel, so damn tight too.” He grunt’s pivoting his hips and mouth dropping open when your walls ripple around him in response. “Is it good for you Angel? want me to make you cre-am on my cock?”
 “Jungko-ook…so dirty—” You moan, from his words, chewing on your tongue and trying not to admit how much his words were drawing you closer already. Your back arches up painfully, heart pounding and chest falling harder. Each time Jungkook drops his hips, your body tingles in euphoria. You’re barely able to think about what he’s saying anymore until you’re feeling an abrupt sting to the side of your thigh.
 Jungkook can see the shame you felt hearing his words, walls rippling over around him with every vibration of his voice. He can tell this will be quick for you.
 “Don’t lie to me, Angel. You like dirty don’t you? I can feel how close you are. You’re gripping my cock so tight I think its me who’s going to break.” Before you realize it Jungkook’s hand lifts again, landing in the same area and you’re jolting in response, pussy spasming and the knot in your stomach unraveling the very next second.
  “Come for me.” Jungkook’s hand then lands a lower blow to your ass cheek, body jerking with every slowing thrust he gives you as your walls begin to release around him.
 “Yes, g-god Jungkook-…oh!” Like a train hitting your body, you’re coming harder than before for the third time tonight. 
 Jungkook, feels the way your body tenses on him, his own jerking to an abrupt stop when your pussy clenches around him for dear life. It feels like you were trying to milk him for everything he was worth - however, Jungkook wasn’t done yet. 
 He stares down, looking you over, smirking as your eyes roll back and your body is twitching in ecstasy. A swell of pride enters his chest, your almond scent overpowering anything else and he’s no longer able to suppress whatever was driving him mad about you from the inside.
 Without warning, he slips out- one hand lowering you back onto the bed and Jungkook allows your legs to drop on his sides- hips settling halfway between your thighs. They’re nearly jello when he does this, a heart stopping smile forming on his face when he sees the pleasure in your eyes. 
 “My beautiful Angel, coming for me, such a good girl for me.” Jungkook suddenly coos, making you snap your eyes up at him curiously. Somehow, there was a slight difference in him from that.
 Jungkook sounded like his old self just now- well despite the obvious sexual praise.
 In a haze, an anxious heat tears through your stomach, heart rate picking up once again. You peek up at him, a horrible mix of dread and excitement overriding the sensitivity of your body and you’re nodding towards Jungkook- heat filling your cheeks because you weren’t able to ignore the hand crawling up your chest and coming to rest on your neck. 
 The hand suddenly closes and tightens around when Jungkook’s eyes train intensely towards you admiring his work around your wrecked body. Hickeys and marks laying over your neck and thighs just like he wanted.
  You shiver in your place in the shock of his actions and stare up at Jungkook when something overwhelming enters your chest. Like before your eyes begin to glaze over and although your body was already in the beginning effects of becoming sore, you’re bucking your hips up for more.
 Your eyes then fall lower, connecting with Jungkook’s very much still hard member and you realize how he’d yet to come once. Meanwhile you were already beginning to lose count. 
 You swallow, moving to grip around him at the base as much as your hand could and you’re still in shock as to how it was able to fit. He was long and thick, a prominent vein leading all the way up and you should be ashamed the way you had begun to wonder what it would be like to taste him. You find yourself turned on from those thoughts, your hand stroking upwards around him and making Jungkook choke on a groan. 
 “Y/n, wait-….” Jungkook hisses, rendered helpless under your touch as he twitches from the sudden pleasure.
 You don't think too much when you continue at a steady pace, your eyes looking up to the man’s beautiful expression and to the rest of his body. His inked abs are clenched tightly, one hand gripping the sheets above your head and his face screws up, brows dipping harshly as he tries to catch his breath.
 Jungkook is so undeniably gorgeous within this view…
  He was ready to burst any moment now, bucking his hips into your hand and you knew he could probably come right then and there just from your lazy strokes. With his grip on your neck still, Jungkook groans huskily before letting his head fall on your shoulder and he’s suddenly jerking away- using his other hand to remove yours.
  “Angel, Not yet-…” He whispers breathless. 
 You’re broken from your trance, eyes falling from Jungkook’s face sheepishly when you were stopped in your intentions to watch him break down. Instinctually your legs are wrapping around his waist, chest beating harder at the thought of him leaving you there. You hoped you didn’t upset him, but you weren’t sure what exactly took over you just then.
 “S-Sorry…” You apologize suddenly, your core throbbing all over again inside, when Jungkook’s heavy breaths are fanning over your cheek. “You were so pretty.”
 After hearing you say that, Jungkook is silent for a moment, taking in your response. It’s not like he is upset, if anything you somehow managed to fuel him, chomping on his ringed lip when he’s well aware of your legs circling back around him in a desperate manner and your arms doing the same around his neck.. 
 Why does it feel like you were so afraid to let him go? 
 “Don’t apologize, Angel. I like your touch, but I’d love your body even more.” Jungkook sends a small smile your way, watching the way your eyes let a flash of temporary relief run across them. 
 Jungkook frowns from the odd emotion, unsure why you looked as if a weight had been lifted off of your shoulder. Now that he thinks about it, Jungkook realizes you have been just a little distracted, stuck in your mind and thinking heavily about a matter that he just couldn’t seem to get the make of. Why the hell couldn’t he see what was bothering you?
 You gasp, once again feeling Jungkook’s member on your thigh, still hard and heavy. You could feel it throbbing, the pulse making you feel worse for trying to speed up a moment like this. Jungkook obviously wants to release, just not like then and you were already exhausted just from the first act. However, there’s no way you were going to leave him like this and you were suddenly thinking of him fucking into you mercilessly this very moment.
 A thick layer of heat settles over both of you.
 “Can we…do it again?”  You breathe out of nowhere, writhing underneath him.
  For some reason you were beginning to notice no matter how many times Jungkook had managed to make you cum, no amount has satisfied the intense heat blanketing your skin. Even though your body is past your normal stamina, you were burning hotter to be filled all over again, your hands slowly tugging on his silver chain to pull his face back to yours. 
 Jungkook all but lets out a growl from this, the way your sweet taste lingers on his lips every time you kiss him. The cracks within his mental block are all but big empty holes now, some parts of himself seeping through as he began to rub his hands all over your soft skin and open his mouth willingly to your prodding tongue.
  “Jungkook. It’s too hot.” You beg, pulling away with a delirious expression. Whatever was making you so incredibly hot had also begun to affect Jungkook as well and he’s frowning from the familiarity of those words. He’s heard you say that before and in the pit of his stomach, he knows they hold a heavy significance. 
 Was it from before? An hallucination—The bond…Jungkook realizes this as a light feeling enters his chest and his body is being filled with his previous senses of before.
 It’s beginning.
 His mind is starting to creep from a numb state to an overwhelming panic of emotions, but most importantly-it's like having his brain fried all over again. In an impulsive moment, Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist, tightly and moves to stand with you comfortably in his arms. Not bothering to prolong this, because you were already sure that this is what you wanted from him.
  He wastes no time, turning and pressing you up against the wall, continuing to devour your mouth and then your neck all over again. 
 Your body trembles, the head of Jungkook’s cock slipping past your folds again and he’s suddenly plunging himself all the way in, giving your walls no time to adjust.
 “Ugh De-eper…” You groan out a moan in response, an electric intensity forming with your finger tips, burning across Jungkook’s chest and face until you were gripping your hands in his hair for dear life.
 Jungkook moves to grip your ass again, bucking his hips to push himself in almost all the way and you’re hissing from the delicious stretch of him filling you completely. 
 You were so hot around him this time and Jungkook’s vision is going black again. His mouth is salivating, a malicious energy flowing through him like it did earlier when he first saw you. At that time Jungkook was scared—no, terrified of whatever he was feeling, except this time he’s very much aware of what exactly he wants to do.
 And that was to fuck you hard into this wall right now.
 “Angel…I can’t hold back.” He pauses, gritting his teeth from the full access he got within this position. “You feel so amazing, I’m not gonna last very long.” He confesses honestly while stopping his own hips from moving.
 You on the other hand couldn’t focus on anything he was trying to tell you, only that you wanted to get rid of whatever fire was burning in your stomach right now. You whine just wanting him to move already. “ Kook, just fuck me now- I don’t care break me if you have to.” You say it a bit too carelessly.
 Way…way too careless.
 Because before you knew it, Jungkook lifts you up and drops you back onto his hips without any regard afterwards. You whimper from the extreme pleasure and pain, eyes widening from the way a deep and scary sound rumbles low within your friend’s chest. 
 “Fuck, that's so hot.” He begins again bucking his hips upwards fast and hard, fucking you more relentless than before. Your mind is blank within a pure bliss, the only thing to focus on was his thick cock sliding in and out on a ruthless rhythm.
 You’re not too sure how long you would last yourself, not wanting this moment to end because you really never wanted to let Jungkook go. You whine, your hands tangled in his silky strands and your hips dipping to meet him within your bruised walls. 
 “So good, Angel- coming… soon.” Jungkook’s hips smacking against your ass are the only sounds filling the room besides your loud moans bouncing around the walls. He hears you pleading over and over -loving every sound you make as he rolls your body onto his cock consistently. “So close, fuck. I need you to come again for me okay?” 
 You nod, biting your lip—though it doesn’t seem like you have a choice with the way he’s drilling into you continuously. “Y-Yes…”
 Somewhere along the way, Jungkook’s nails had grown longer, finger tips clawing slightly along your sides with every thrust you both create in your heated passion. 
 Jungkook is super close, his cock swelling inside and he knows it’ll take a few more pumps before he’s spilling.
 He can sense you were almost there too, your sweaty bodies tangling and holding each other closer as if someone would come and rip you away from each other any second. This process wasn’t meant to be rushed, but Jungkook felt like it was - driving himself faster to reach something more than just his average orgasm.
 Something like a much deeper connection he had yet to explain to you…which oddly enough was a common thought decorating the back of his mind. It was also enough to have him realizing how much this had gone past a simple hunger. Jungkook is now doing this because of his slowly returning feelings for you…this is mind over body.
 He pulls back, black eyes staring you down and you're stuck in awe from the intensity of his gaze once again. Jungkook thrusts up particularly rough angles to hit a familiar spot deep inside that has you lost for breath and looking down in between the both of you. He does the same, a smirk forming on his lips when he watches himself disappear inside of you and then looks up to where your breasts were bouncing from impact.  
 All of this was quickly sending him over the edge, your moans, your touch, the way you were staring at him with the most horrifying emotion that he hadn’t experienced for hours. 
 You looked so…
 “Fucking beautiful, Angel.” He suddenly grunts, bending forward to take a nipple into his mouth, nibbling and sucking on it hard before his thrusts begin to turn sloppy and rough. 
 “Ah! Jungkook-” When he did this, Jungkook’s cock had begun to penetrate you so deep that the tears were forming effortlessly in your eyes and your back was arching to the point that a sudden gush of your final orgasm rips through you.
  It completely destroys you physically, mentally, and definitely emotionally. Pulling you apart inside and binding you back together all within one moment- but most of all, it felt incredibly amazing. Everything you’d been feeling, the anxiety and your irrational fears of time  and loneliness all had begun to slip away from you. It leaves you with the overwhelming emotion swimming around inside. Words you’ve been meaning to say stuck in your throat out of fear, mind a big fog.
 Jungkook’s body then suddenly stiffens under you, his mouth releasing your nipple and your own release trigger’s Jungkook’s much awaited orgasm. His cum shoots out suddenly, filling up your walls with a warm essence that has you shivering violently against him. 
 For him, it feels like the first time he ever met you. A shock so deep inside his stomach spreading across his body and electrifying him- burning from all contact of your skin on his. It wrecks him to the deepest parts of himself, as if replacing them with a high feeling until it has him giving up all control.
 You wince as his arms squeeze you closer until his inked chest is pressed tight against your swollen nipples and you’re dropping your head onto his shoulder, body suddenly feeling limp with no more strength. 
 The heat was finally gone. 
 “Fucking hell…” Jungkook pants against  your head and the only thing he’s able to hear for a moment, is the sound of your heart beating dangerously in your chest- maybe his as well. “—was it just me or did everything go black for a second?” He jokes through hard breathes.
 Pulling back to meet your dazed expression, you smile wearily-unable to keep up with your drumming heart. “Mm, I think my legs may actually be broken.” You hum lazily.
  Jungkook feels the need to step back, carefully moving closer to your bed to lay both of you on the sheets as before.
  “Then my job is done.” He replies with a smug tone.
 The mix of almond and mint is the only thing filling his nose and Jungkook  couldn’t help but to feel something creep into his chest successfully this time around. It stays there, unmoving, lodged in his throat and blocking any words for him to form when the entire situation truly catches up to him after a few moments of silence.
 Well its done…What happens now? Were you both supposed to feel different? Do you feel any different?
 He swallows, mildly aware of the war happening inside of his head at the moment. Jungkook could still feel whatever was left of Hoseok’s doing, however  he realized that there was still one part of him too stubborn to come back, causing him to keep you firmly planted in his arms, the warmth inside spreading all the way from his fingertips and to his toes just to feel more.
 You, on the other hand, are blinking up within your blurry view and can still feel your body twitching with pleasure, something unspoken falling over both of you as you laid there catching your breaths. There's an inner turmoil, something you’d experienced like never before with anyone and the realization of your now entirely different relationship with Jungkook has your heart and mind overflowing with so many emotions, you quite literally can’t control them.
 Jungkook, completely content, presses harder into you, shutting his eyes in silence until an odd sound reaches his ears in the next few seconds. 
 His eyes are suddenly shooting open.
 “Y/n?” He asks abruptly sitting up alert and it makes him even more distraught when he hears a sniffle leave your nose and he’s aware of the tears still leaking out of your eyes. He’s instantly confused, saddened and angered towards himself if somehow he was the cause of it. 
 “Fuck! What's wrong? Did I really hurt you? I thought we were joking—”
 Jungkook then goes to reach for you, but hesitates if it was even okay to do so. He’s never heard those sounds from you before-panicking from the way you instantly hid your face from him.
 Well this definitely wasn't the reaction he was expecting after having sex like that just now.
 “We were, weren’t we?” You say and wipe your weak hand over your teary eyes, taking a deep breath before a deep giggle now leaves your lips and Jungkook is thrown back from whatever is causing you to suddenly laugh so hysterically. 
 He’s staring at you in shock and bewilderment
 “…Angel?” He frowns, a nervous chuckle of his own coming out, but it quickly stops when you’re also sitting and dropping your face into your hands with a much deeper sob. 
 What the hell is he supposed to do? 
 “Jeon…” He’s now hearing his name, so soft and broken from under your breath and nothing has ever made him nervous in his life- well aside from the possibility that he could have killed you less than 24 hours ago. 
 “What’s wrong Y/n?” He’s cautiously scooting closer, frowning when he sees how your hands are shaking and you look more confused than ever. Your red eyes are distant when you finally look at him- as if you weren’t actually aware he was there with you and Jungkook’s panic spikes again when he notices how weak you actually are in the moment.
 He watches your eyes flutter. Another tear slipping out silently as something washes over those far gone eyes. “Why can’t I feel anything?” You suddenly say as a strange giggle leaves your chest, completely unsolicited. 
 Jungkook almost has half a mind to hold his breath from the realization of those words…Can you tell? Before he knows it, you’re shaking your head searching for anything around that makes sense to you and it bothers Jungkook that he still can't get a read on whatever it is you were trying to tell him. 
 “What can’t you feel, Angel?”  Jungkook tries curiously.
  You frown harder, raising your hands to where you were glancing just as lost and wondering about the strangely new sensation that was filling you all around. You were no longer hot like you were moments ago but with every part of your body laying so close to Jungkook- your skin burned and your heart hammered as something overwhelming washes over you, suddenly making you aware of his presence. 
 However there was this part of you still bare and cold and the more you focused on it, the more it gave off a familiarity that the man next you shared. It reminds you of the same instinct you felt as you wondered about Jungkook’s behavior. 
  You finally answer, your vision darkening and you can’t stop the numbing feeling that instantly drenches your body. What the hell is this feeling?  “I can’t feel myself anymore…I know that sounds weird, but-...”
 Jungkook listens to the way you’re trying  to describe the effects taking place on you and immediately begins to understand when he notices a small flinch of his touch against you. You’re hissing, cautiously navigating away from him because you couldn’t understand or place whatever it was currently happening.
 Once he looks away from the area inching closer to you, he’s then coming to and watching the mute words from your trembling lips.
  leaning in gently as he lifts a hand to your face, he’s nearly searing you in the process as he wipes away a fallen tear. Jungkook’s lips then find yours again and he sighs listening to the whimper that's stuck in your throat. 
 Gently, he leans back- pulling  you back with him, as he whispers words of comfort. “Angel, I promise everything will be okay. Calm down, you’re fine.” Jungkook says and although he clearly shows no sign of any kind of emotion behind those empty eyes. You swear you could hear the fear in his voice as he stares down at you, letting your head hit the pillow and your body follows exactly what the prince is telling you.
 You’re fine? No, something is definitely off…but the way Jungkook is easily navigating your body to relax and your eyes are becoming heavy, you know there's so much to be said after the last few moments you both spent together. Jungkook is aware of this as well, but he tries his best not to show it, watching your eyes flutter shut as your heart rate lowers and he can actually relax his stiffened body. 
 Without you seeing, his brows dip worriedly- looking carefully at the darkened veins around your eyelids that are now disappearing and definitely should not have been there in the first place.
 He sighs exhausted and completely confused the moment you’re breathing becomes steady and he's sure you’ve drifted off into a much needed slumber. He replays the way your eyes sunk in as you were panicking in front of him, the white in them disappearing, just as if it were one of his hallucinations and he was terrified from the possibility of it being one once again. 
 The only problem seemed to be that as time went on, Jungkook couldn’t ignore the chill creeping up on him as he pulled you closer, resting his head lower and curling into your frame. He’s stuck with such a haunting image, closing his eyes himself and hoping that by the time he opens them- he won’t be met with a cruel reality.
 Well something is definitely different now.
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It’s probably mid-day by the time your eyes snap open and adjust to the rays of sun falling through your curtains. At first it doesn’t hit you, what you thought to be an amazingly realistic wet dream quickly turns to reality  for you and your friend- or…whatever you two are now?
 You can remember it all, his hands, his mouth, his body against yours- the memories of Jungkook and the time you both spent together comes rushing back and has your face becoming hot in more ways than one. 
 Did you…actually ride his face? The thought has you cringing immediately with embarrassment. You groan softly, remembering your fingers through his freshly cropped hair, gripped tightly while he definitely made you regret your words beforehand. 
 These thoughts had you suddenly squirming within your spot as your mind tries to adjust to the alertness your body was feeling. Although you quickly learned that this may be harder to do, because the second you thought to move, you realized how incredibly hot you were and that probably had something to do with the huge, very much unclothed frame laying on top of your side- curled into you with a possessive intent. 
 You swallow once again as the heat becomes worse in your face, glancing down to your chest and seeing that same messy head of black hair falling on your skin.
 With the extra light now filling the room you had the front row view to all of Jungkook, moving your gaze down the naturally inked flesh of his back and everywhere that flowed around his body and legs that you had the pleasure of running your hands over this morning.
 You then gaze towards his arms, which were doing an amazing job at making sure you wouldn’t move an inch under him. It’s almost as if he was afraid of you disappearing on him. Which would be ironic considering he’s done that to you twice. 
 Hopefully there's not a  third time.
 A few minutes of silence passes by and you don’t know how much longer it would take for you to get used to the new image of the man beside you. A sigh leaves your lips, moving to rake your fingers through his just fucked hair and you falter as a strange feeling shoots through your hands and to your chest. …There it was again.
 You frown, eyes narrowing as a strange sensation runs through your body, it wasn’t as numbing as before, but it was definitely still noticeable and had you wondering if maybe you had gone overboard or if you were simply overthinking it. 
Jungkook told you everything would be okay, but how sure could he really be? Unless he knew something you clearly don't…
 “...I know you’re awake.” You say cautiously and somehow you’re not terrified of how you could feel that from him, or why you were able to tell so easily. Maybe it could be from all the times you were used to taking naps next to him, or now you somehow had this overly cautious feeling inside of you that there's more to whatever your relationship is now than the sex you two just had.
 There's no signs of movement at first, considering you know how wired he is at this moment. You’re not sure how long he pretends as if he was lost in slumber. But In the following moment, He suddenly yawns and mumbles something, catching you off guard when you were beginning to think maybe you were completely wrong. 
 Jungkook proves you right however when he raises his head, turning slowly to look up at you as his arms wrap tighter around you. His eyes are concentrated at first, blinking and watching you carefully, as if he was waiting for you to say the wrong thing.
 “...I was wondering when you would wake up, I was beginning to think maybe I overdid it. ” Jungkook grumbles within his morning voice and honestly you wouldn’t put it past the soreness you currently felt in your legs and lower back for his assumption not to be far off.
 You expected his eyes to be puffier, Instead his eyes looked a bit drained as if he didn’t bother to rest them, as if he literally couldn’t force himself to sleep.
  Your mouth shoots open in shock before you’re frowning. “Did you not sleep after this morning?”
 “Only for an hour or two. I couldn’t bring myself to after the way you freaked out on me in the end, so I had to watch you, which sounds weird now that I’ve said it out loud.” He pauses before giving you a once over again. He couldn’t lie about the how relieved he felt staring at you
 “That's okay...” You shake your head, still running your fingers lazily in his hair. ”I mean it’s not like you didn’t spend the first few months stalking me or anything.” you then reply with a shrug and Jungkook honestly regrets after confessing everything to you if you were just going to use it against him all the time.  
For a moment there's a comfortable silence and he wonders what has you thinking so hard- again besides the fairly obvious fact that what you both have right now, can no longer be considered a friendship. 
You on the other hand, stare at Jungkook as everything tries to piece together in your mind. You could never place having a sensation like this before. The way his touch suddenly burned like hell and your eyes felt weird, body nearly convulsing. You swallow, pushing it back and grateful for whatever effect Jungkook had on you to instantly calm your unusual panic.
 “I’m just glad you’re still here.” You suddenly say with relief, catching him completely off guard.
Where did that come from?
 Jungkook frowns again, chuckling nervously and the sound vibrates in your heart, sparking an overwhelming wave of emotions from you, however he’s not entirely sure why he feels a surge of more panic from what you just said. “Where else would I be, Angel?” 
 “You’re a few weeks overdue for that answer.” You say immediately, before you’re staring back at him hard as if to make something out. You chew on the side of your mouth, thinking hard on this new feeling between you both. It's one that Jungkook clearly isn’t feeling too worried about, in fact it feels as if he was simply studying you at the moment. 
 “Jungkook…there's something more to us isn’t there? The reason why I felt so strange last night and why you didn’t seem like yourself.” You say softly, picking at the small black strands on his forehead and he moves himself closer into your chest. Although it’s a strangely new sensation, it suddenly feels as if every small fuzzy intuition you had for him, had become so clear. You held no doubts about whatever he was feeling, you just knew.  “You seem like you but you’re still holding back from me and it feels like you’re scared of something, you’re just not telling me.” He then hears you huff and then stares in thought of your abnormally keen observations. 
 Jungkook huffs as well after this, because he could feel your heart beating rapidly- not just from the position he was in, but because of the newly fulfilled connection between both of you. Quite frankly it was just as terrifying as it is comforting, because he would have to explain to you why for all of it. The biggest concern however, is your trust for him.
He knows he should say something now, but after what he saw this morning with your eyes, Jungkook is pretty sure you aren’t capable of his nature. 
From what Hoseok had explained to him, they never mentioned anything about anyone being able to take it on from their bond, in-fact a human mating to a demon is completely unheard of, which means the only way he can be sure about what exactly is going on with you, he’d have to do what he’s been dreading all this time. 
Jungkook needs to make sure if what he saw was real or not, either way both options could be foreshadowing trouble.
 “Y/n… I want to take you to meet my family.” He regrettably decides and glances up at your shocked gaze. Jungkook gives you a nervous grin, the one you were actually used to and in return you couldn’t find it in you to refuse- even though he has yet to answer your question.
 “Really? Why so sudden?” You frown, but he feels your sudden joy flowing out of you from the suggestion. He then shifts, moving into a highly familiar position from above. Your eyes find his lips and you want to kiss him, but the look he gives you, has you slightly worried about what he could possibly have to say to you. 
Jungkook also notices the flicker of your starry eyes and the way your teeth sinks into your bottom lip as you stare up at him. It didn’t take a genius to know what you were currently thinking about. 
 You guessed both of you were on the same page however, because before you know it, he leans down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips- melting you instantly. Jungkook presses for more, making you close your eyes in euphoria and you’re silently praying that this feeling never goes away with him…
Little do you know, it’d physically be impossible.
After was feels like minutes worth of a heavy make out, Jungkook finally has half the mind to pull back from you.
 “Angel, you should know our relationship has gone from unusual to complicated. If we go on with this, there's so much that's about to change drastically…– It's going to be a lot to take in.” He suddenly mumbles against your lips, making you snap your eyes open again. His lips stretch for a small reassuring smile, but even then Jungkook looks unsure himself as he pulls back. “Someone like me...has never been with anyone besides our own and especially not with a human. You’re right for questioning me, because there is so much that I need to tell you .There's more to us than just a title and I want to share it with you.”
 “...Okay? You’re kind of scaring me kook, feels like you’re trying to put a curse on me something.” You joke while narrowing your eyes at him and you can’t help but to notice small flinch from his end.
He swallows back that momentary fear. wondering what he could possibly do or say when that right moment comes. ‘Hey, Y/n by the way yes we are cursed forever as soulmates, and remember that night we first had sex?’ 
Jungkook’s panic is nearly lost inside his head until he notices the way your concentration had been centered solely on him. He sees the concern suddenly gracing your features when you begin to ask him something, realizing how guilty he might actually seem.
Before you know it- he is sitting up from you, pulling your hand with him. You take a mental note to catch the covers that were quickly falling off of your torso, distracted as you both sat in a higher position. You weren’t sure what prompted him to do so, however there was no time to think about it when you are about to be bared completely to him once again. 
He might have seen you only a few hours ago, but it still felt so strange to be this vulnerable with him...
 Jungkook notices immediately, eyes glancing at the way you crossed your arms over your clothed chest. He chuckles, wondering how you could suddenly be so timid with him after putting his face between your legs not long ago. 
“You are aware I’ve seen you naked already right, Angel?” He nearly laughs in your face and watches the way your eyes widen from his words. Actually, Jungkook could still remember those cute moans leaving your lips and the way your body shivered with pleasure, making a new form of arousal in him.  Which now had become a major distraction, when he remembers that you were fully naked and sitting beside him. 
His eyes begin turning  and he’s reaching for you again only to pull you onto him, with a new intent. It’s not exactly what he thought to take your mind off of less serious topics, but he’s not exactly complaining either in this case.
Meeting his family could wait...
 You gasp in surprise, giggling with delight before wrapping your arms around his neck and straddling him in return. To think you could only dream this a few hours ago, tossing and turning in desperation to escape a reality of a faceless man you could never seem to have like you wanted to. Instead, now he was staring up at you with a look of hunger, moving to plant a kiss on your chin and the corner of your mouth. 
 You then move to planting a kiss to his nose and his dark eyes light up, slowly adjusting to their normal appearance from the simple gesture. Once again, you’re caught speechless from the beautiful man sitting under you, your fingers slowly moving to play with the silver jewelry around his neck and then to trace the inky lines across his collarbone to his shoulder blade.
“I’m glad you want to share more with me kook, I’ve always wanted to know more about you and your family…I love you.” Suddenly Jungkook freezes under you and he thinks hard about something, realizing a sudden guilt hidden deep in his chest. It’s not like he didn’t see this coming, but he had to admit that hearing you say it out loud so suddenly made Jungkook want to throw himself over a cliff.
“I...love you too Y/n and I’d never want to lose you…There's a lot we need to cover and I’m not even sure where to begin-...well, nevermind I’m sure Hoseok and Seokjin will explain it better than me.” He confesses, but somehow part of that sounds more for himself than directed towards you, which has you completely confused as who Jungkook could possibly be referring to. 
Although, Seokjin is a name that brings a familiar curiosity to the back of your mind. Do you know a Seokjin?
 You tilt your head unaware “I’m sorry but who are you talking about?”
 Jungkook sighs and inhales your scent, slumping forward to bury his face in your neck and butterflies have never hit you so hard. He hears as your heart picks up its pace again- grinning mischievously as he slowly grabs at the sheets shielding you from him. 
 “Two sadistic assholes…” He grumbles bitterly and before you could react he’s ripping the thin material from you, having you yelp with surprise and Jungkook chuckles darkly as he pushes you to lay back down. You huff, feeling yourself get hot as he bores his eyes over you once again and suddenly a disturbing reminder enters his head and Jungkook realizes he can’t go back unless he actually wants his body to be picked apart as Hoseok promised.
 “Hey, you wouldn’t know a good place to get a century old coffee table, would you?” He suddenly asks in a serious manner.
 You blink up at him, Completely lost as to how he could connect old furniture to such an intimate moment like this. “…What?”
 “I-…nevermind, it's a long story.”
Tag List : @thisartemisnevermisses @vampyjk @taeilmom @outro-kook @bishuthot @mwitsmejk @irissilujm @vickyboo @awesomebabyyoda @hanzyyme @gerim-1995 @i-dont-give-a-fok @hwangheiress @hollyverday @seajae @oishee09 @jolinaprincess @yoongibabs @mingkifvrr​
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queentheweeb · 2 years ago
Aonung X Fem Navi Omaticaya Reader
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A/N: Soulmates exist in the Navi world, and you knew that Aonung was your soulmate when he defended you and your siblings. Also, canon divergence
You didn't think that you were going to be accepted as quickly as you thought. You were convinced that the Tsahik was going to kick you guys out and fuck y'all but, the Olo'eyktan had a heart and allowed you guys to stay as long as you learn their ways to keep from being useless. She had inspected your siblings making a spectacle of Lo'ak and you swore you almost hissed at her but, your dad stepped up and placed his hand in her face showing yeah, he's a demon too. Your family wasn't freaks or demons regardless of her prejudice. You guys lost too much to be judged so harshly especially since your dad tried so hard to fit in and do right, there is only so much he can do. He was one person with feelings, no matter how hard he tried to hide them. You being the twin of Neteyam can only watch how hard he was with Lo'ak and Neteyam. Yes, Lo'ak got in trouble but, more than once your mom has said he was exactly like their dad and Neteyam was like their mom and you were a mix of both of them. You would always comfort Lo'ak and Neteyam when your dad wasn't around. This time Lo'ak was by himself sulking so you jumped him from behind earning a startled yelp from him.
"How's my baby brother, huh? Why you're sulking? No sulking allowed!" He was trying in vain to stay angry and annoyed but, with you tickling and wrestling with him he was giggling and laughing trying to pin you in the dirt.
"I got you!" He was on top of you but, you used your tail to yank him back and this time it was you on top. The both of you were giggling entirely too much to take this seriously. 
"I win!" You couldn't even say anymore except fall on top of him laughing from the gut. Unbeknownst to the two of you Aonung and his friends were not too far away poking fun at Kiri but, your sensitive ears picked up their voices and the annoyed tone from Kiri. Getting off of Lo'ak, he noticed your face and followed your eyes to Aonung making him hiss.
"The fuck is he bothering Kiri for." You were already on your feet making your way over there and Kiri was the first one to spot your fuming form on the way. 
"Why are you surrounding my sister." You faced Aonung who seemed to have started all of it, glaring at him and all he did was smirk down at you. He had five seconds to stop smirking before you wiped it off of him.
"Relax princess we were just playing around...she's a freak anyway so why do you care." You shoved him and his eyes widen when he landed on his ass and you hissed at him. 
"She's not a freak! You're the freak for picking on someone that doesn't look like you! Leave her alone!" You frowned hard, disappointed in him, and turned to grab Kiri but were blind-sided by a punch right in the face that sent you flying backward, head over heels. Holy shit, you haven't been hit like that since your Ikran head-butted you off the cliff during your Iknimaya, and it hurt. Tears unwillingly came to your eyes, feeling the blood flow like a faucet from your nose; shit, it's broken. Through the pain, you heard full-blown snarling and punches being thrown. You opened your eyes blearily, seeing Kiri and Lo'ak fighting the boy who you think hit you while his friends watched, unsure if they should break it up. Ignoring the pain, you stood up, walking side to side cause now you were nauseous, aiming to grab Lo'ak and Kiri off of him. 
"DON'T YOU EVER HIT MY SISTER AGAIN YOU BITCH!" Kiri bit his fingers and got up off of him turning to see you standing there reaching for her and Lo'ak who pulled the guy's tail growling at him. "Lo'ak it's Y/N." That got his attention leaving the guy groaning on the ground and grabbing you by the face gently. 
"Mom can fix her." He went to pick you up but, was stopped by Aonung who both he and Kiri hissed at. 
"My mom can do it, it's my fault." Kiri and Lo'ak were about to heavily protest, but you stopped them with a hiss and Aonung nodded ushering the three of you to follow. Lo'ak who was still full of adrenaline picked you up and kept up with Aonung's pace to the Tsahik's Marui. When the four of you got there all of your parents were there which was a surprise but, before anything can be said 
"What happened?" Lo'ak put you down and when Jake and Neytiri saw your face they hissed, Jake grabbed you gently and sat you on the floor in between him and Neytiri while Ronal got some healing herbs "Lo'ak" His ears pinned back because of why they got to blame him automatically even though he was part of it.
"It was my fault." All eyes turned to Aonung, and he cringed, wanting to crawl into a hole from all the eyes staring at him, particularly the nasty glare Neytiri and his father were giving him. "I-I was being mean to Kiri, and she told me to stop, which I did, but Key'ko hit her in the face, and that's when Lo'ak and Kiri fought him, and we brought her here." He knew he would have to apologize, so he might as well do it now. He was embarrassed as it was, having to swallow his pride. He turned to Lo'ak and said, " I am sorry." He turned to Kiri, bowing to her, "I am sorry. for being mean to you. You are not a freak."  He turned back to Y/N, who was staring, got down on his knees, and bowed to her. "I am sorry for the way you have been treated." He glanced up at her and, with a deep breath, got up and exited the Marui so he could go drown himself from the sheer embarrassment of getting on his knees and apologizing. 
"I didn't think he would do it." Ronal was impressed with her son's maturity glancing back to Y/N who flinched at the light touch on her nose and mouth but, she shushed her gently. She saw the way her son looked at her and Eywa told her there was something special about Y/N but, she will keep it to herself. 
"Mawey, ma'ite." Neytiri was rubbing her head humming softly while Y/N had a death grip on her dad's hand. When all was done Ronal hummed 
"Thankfully it is not broken but it will be sore for a few days. If you keep bleeding or cannot breathe come back to me." You thanked her watching as she patched up the scrapes on Lo'ak and Kiri quickly and that's when the boy who hit you was brought in by Aonung who forced him to his knees. He had two black eyes and scratches along his chest and arms and he hissed at the sight of Kiri and Lo'ak who hissed back.
"None of that!" Everyone stood quiet at the assertive tone from Tonowari who was staring at his son and the boy. "What do you have to say for yourself Key'ko." The boy said nothing but, hissed when Aonung pressed on his neck
"I'm sorry Y/N for hitting you." He glared up at Aonung who glared right back at him. Lo'ak and Kiri looked at him, looked at each other, and then looked back at him. 
"I'm sorry." It was like pulling teeth out of Lo'aks mouth to apologize but, he did it suppressing the urge to smile at the proud look his dad gave him.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too." Kiri's eye twitched but when all was said and done both of them got out of the marui to go back to lessons with Tsireya who was currently teaching Neteyam. Satisfied Aonung left the boy to be seen by his mother who was disappointed in the behavior but, said nothing. You refused to look at him instead your focus was solely on Aonung who kept glancing at you and was hovering at the entrance. Holy shit, what was this pull at your chest? Why was that so cool how he made them apologize after he apologized himself to you and your siblings?
"Why don't you go with Aonung sweetheart? I and your mom have to finish talking with the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan." You nodded smiling at the kiss he planted on your forehead. You got up to go to Aonung who held the beads open for you to come out first and followed behind you. You were flabbergasted by the 180 and you were convinced that when he was around his friends was when he was an asshole but, now? Not so much.
"You need a new friend." You're not going to say too much about the others because you did notice how they didn't help Key'ko instead just watching him get his ass handed to him by your younger siblings. He should be glad it wasn't Neteyam. 
"I don't normally hang out with him, we all found him a bit...strange, a tad too aggressive towards girls but, we ignored it thinking it was us looking too much into it... I should have followed my gut from the jump." He surprisingly looked guilty as the two of you sat near a secluded area of the beach with your feet in the water. 
"It's not your fault, you didn't think he would do that. That's why none of you helped him, right? He had it coming for a long time?" The silence with a single head nod was enough for you. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence looking out to the sea until you felt his hand gently grab yours. You looked up to see he was looking down at you with a sweet smile the sparks in your chest returning with the way he was looking at you. 
"Can we start over? We got off on the wrong foot. I will never make fun of your siblings or you. I promise." You stared at him to see if he was being deceitful but, all you saw was honesty and hope. Allowing the sparks in your heart to grow a bit you smiled at him. 
"Of course, we can." The way his face lit up and he let out a little chuckle made you feel okay with accepting him as your soulmate.
Would you guys like a part 2?
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dracosathenaeum · 4 years ago
Soulmates ii
Summary: You could only spend so much time running from the inevitable.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,455
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Draco sat in his usual spot of the astronomy tower; he found himself spending more time here than he had before, it was the only place in the castle that he could truly be alone. He had spent every evening for the last week locked up in the tower, thinking about what you had said.
From when he was a child, his father had told him to cherish his soulmate, that ‘no matter how dark us Malfoy’s got, no matter what situation we got ourselves into, our soulmates were the backbone of the Malfoy’s, our better halves.’ His mother and father were happy, they found a life with one another, a happy one. Maybe he was delusional to think the same was possible for him.
He didn’t even know you; you’d never even spoken before that quidditch match, how could you hate him already? Was he that hard to love? Did you really despise him that much? Thoughts of why he wasn’t enough of you plagued his thoughts the entire week he avoided you, he just didn’t know how to fix what was never there.
He wasn’t about to give up though, he had spent a lifetime waiting for you, he would change your mind no matter what. That was also part of the reason he had spent all that time alone, he needed a plan, a plan to make you see that he wasn’t the cold-hearted monster you thought he was. He was fine with the rest of the world thinking that of him, but not you. He didn’t even know you, but you were supposed to be the one person who was on his side.
You felt guilty to say the least. Calling someone unlovable, (whether or not they actually were) was cruel, your friends made sure you were well aware of that. Perhaps you had gone a little hard on him but surely everyone could see where you were coming from, there had been bets going on since first year about 2 people’s soulmates. Harry Potter’s would be the luckiest and Draco Malfoy’s would be the unluckiest, so why was it you.
After all of this, no one could blame you for being surprised when he started sending you letters. Well you assumed they were from him, the cursive ‘M’ on the green seal was enough of a clue. If you weren’t feeling shit about yourself before, you definitely were once the letters started arriving. They came at breakfast every few days, but as the weeks drew on, they turned into one each day. You never opened them, shoving them straight into your pockets to stash away in your drawers, too afraid to open them, afraid of what they would say.
Your friends saw you do this each morning, yet no number of disapproving looks would change your mind. You just weren’t ready to be tied to Malfoy for the rest of your life. You didn’t want any part in his life, everyone knew what the Malfoys were like, and how much they valued their precious reputation. You just weren’t suited for it, the morals the old family kept so dear disgusted you.
So why did he keep trying? If you were in his position you would’ve stopped trying weeks ago. You weren’t sure what was keeping you from opening the letters. The guilt over him overhearing you those weeks ago? Or that you’d avoided him for so long that it was just second nature to you. The whole school knew you were soulmates, but everyone knew you were avoiding him like the plague, they gave you looks of pity when they walked past you in hallways, you wondered what kind of looks they gave Draco. Not that you cared.
As you made your way to the library, you heard rapid footsteps approaching; afraid it was Draco, you start to pick up your pace, refusing to turn around for a second. “Gods, Y/N slow down. I’m not a quidditch player like you, this is not fair.” Whoops, it was just Liam. Smiling sheepishly, you turned around to apologise to the sweating boy, maybe you ought to whip him into shape on a broom sometime soon, he was not looking good.
“I’m so sorry! I thought you were Draco! But seriously, you need to work on your stamina, if not for you own sake then for Mina’s…” Liam sent you a glare and a vulgar gesture which you admittedly deserved.
“Y/N listen, I know you don’t want to hear it, but Draco came up to me during study hall and he asked me to pass a message to you, he seemed pretty upset, and yeah I am talking about THE Draco Malfoy. Even I’m starting to take pity on him, just listen to his message?” All your friends were traitors, you decided. You knew they all wanted you to give him a chance, but you thought they would understand that if it ever did happen it would be on your own terms, and many many years in the future.
“Fine, what does he want?” You could never win against your friends; you had learnt that the hard way in second year…
“He says he’ll leave you alone but only if you meet him in the astronomy tower at 7pm tonight. He really seemed desperate, I think you should give him a clear answer at least, instead of just straight out avoiding him. I mean you have been a bit of a dick to him, no matter how bad he may be. Soulmates are supposed to be a support pillar for each other through thick and thin, you need him just as much as he needs you. Consider it please? For you own sake if not his.” Tom gave you a sad smile before turning and walking away. Typical, he had just dumped a heavy burden on you and ran away, some friend he was. Your thoughts were more confused than before, even though you didn’t think that was possible.
Draco was an awful human being, you had seen what he was from first year, you had heard the rumours, everyone had. So why was the universe so keen for you to be with him? Why couldn’t you have had someone ordinary and nice as your soulmate. You had questioned yourself over this a hundred times in the past month yet every day you woke up with his name still on your wrist. Maybe your only option was Draco, every day you woke up with nothing changed, was a day closer to accepting the reality that you really didn’t want.
Draco was shitting himself, truly shitting himself. Maybe he shouldn’t have said he wouldn’t try again after this, what if it didn’t work? What if you said no? What if he fucked up his last chance and you truly didn’t want him at all? He had imbedded crescent marks into both of his arms at this point, pacing back and forth across the dusty floor, reciting what he would say to you. It would have been a lot easier if you had read your letters, but he understood why you hadn’t, he understood that he needed to change to have you. He’d do anything.
Draco should’ve guessed you weren’t going to show. Of course, you wouldn’t. You hadn’t responded to any of his letters so why would this time be any different. But he’d gotten used to it by now, sitting and waiting in the tower hoping you would’ve read his letters and would give him a chance. But just like the past 3 weeks, it was just him in the tower.
You on the other hand were sat in your common room with your friends, ready for a night of card games and firewhiskey. Everyone knew exactly what you were doing but no one said anything but still gave you a disappointed look every minute or so. You were used to them at this point, besides, the firewhiskey helped to numb everything.
He had nowhere else to be, an extra hour or two was nothing, and he would kick himself if you showed and he wasn’t there.
You were too sober to be where you were. You were used to your friends being all coupley with each other, you had been since last year yet right now you would rather be anywhere than right there. You found yourself slipping from your common room, just wanting to take a walk and get away from the disapproving stares aimed at you and affectionate actions they gave each other. This sucked.
Draco had held onto hope this entire time, hope that you would give him this one chance. God if this is how people felt when they lost all hope, he understood why people hated villains, he didn’t want to feel ever again if this was what it was like to care and to have hope.
Shaking his head at his own patheticness, Draco pulled the door handle, ready to leave and just drown in the prefect’s bath that was waiting for him. What he hadn’t expected was for you to be on the other side, pushing the door open as he pulled causing you to fall straight into his arms.
You truly didn’t think you’d end up going to meet Draco, but your legs had ended up taking you up to the astronomy tower after you had spent an hour walking around pretty much everywhere else in the castle. You didn’t think he’s still be there; you were almost 2 hours late after all. You didn’t know what you were doing standing outside the door and not opening it. He wasn’t inside so what was holding you back. You took a deep breath before pushing the door open… and falling straight into someone’s arms.
[#A/N: I really considered ending it here but I was feeling nice ;)]
You scramble out of his arms, running your hands over where his hands had been, but Draco must’ve mistakenly thought you were cold as the next thing you knew, his robes were being draped around your shoulders.
“Thank you but I don’t need it, here take it back.” Your hands moved to remove it from your shoulders, but he brought his hands up to stop you before you could. “You’re just in your pyjamas and I have a jumper on, just wear is please?” You just dopped your arms back down to your sides, a little grateful for the warmth the material brought you, and you really tried not to focus on the scent surrounding you.
“I didn’t think you’d still be here.” You broke the heavy silence that fell between you too, the remnants of alcohol in your body leaving you a little more open than usual.
“I didn’t want you to come and for me not to be here, I was serious about that one chance y/n. I promise I’ll stop trying if you just hear me out.”
The guilt that had been subdued from the alcohol was back looking at his solemn expression. This was the first time since the first incident that you had spoken to him, second time overall in your life, yet talking to him didn’t cause you as much anxiety as you had initially imagined. Maybe your friends were right, maybe you owed both Draco and yourself a chance.
“5 minutes.”
“That’s all I need, thank you.” His shoulders practically sagged in relief, tugging on your heart strings more than you would ever admit.
“I know what you think of me, what the whole school thinks of me. We both heard what you said that day but I’m really trying, can’t you see that? I’ve spent my entire life living in one way and it’s hard to suddenly change everything in my life, but I’m more than willing to do it for you. I just want to make you happy; I want to be happy. Whether we like it or not, we’re bound for life, can’t you give me a chance? A clean beginning? I can show you that I can change, that I’m not the unlovable monster you think I am. I might be a Malfoy but let me prove my worth to you.”
“That’s just it Draco, I don’t want you to have to change, because you think I’ll give you a chance for it. It literally has no meaning that way. You are who you are, it’s literally in your blood! You have been despicable these past 6 years, if you’re going to change then change for yourself and not for me. Your attitude towards non-pure bloods, your hatred towards Harry Potter and every other non-Slytherin, your superiority complex; it’s all a part of you don’t you see? That’s not something you can change overnight.” He was biting his lip so hard it started to bleed but neither of you did anything about it, just stood in tense silence as you waited for a response.
“Okay? This isn’t ‘The Fault in Our Stars Draco’, you’re going to have to give me more.”
“What is ‘The Fault in Our Stars’? Anyways that’s not important, I meant; okay, I’ll change for me. If that’s what will make you happy.” Your jaw dropped, how was everything you were saying going in one ear and coming out the other, wasn’t he supposed to be one of the top students next to Hermione?
“You’ve literally missed the entire point. I don’t want you to change because of me, I want you to change because it’s the right thing to do, I want you to change and actually believe in what you’re changing for. I want you to be a better person for yourself and not for someone or anything else.”
“How- how do I do that?” he looked like a child whose ice cream you had just stolen.
“Figure that out yourself Draco, I’ll give you a chance when you can prove that to me.”
“But you just said this doesn’t happen overnight, how can I make you see that I mean it?”
“I don’t care if it takes you a few months or a few years, I can’t be with you as you are now Draco. And I don’t want you to fake who you are around me. If I’m going to be with you, I want to love you for you, and right now, I just can’t.” With that you turned to leave the room, completely forgetting about the robe draped over your figure until you got back to your room. You balled it up in your hands and shoved it in the same draw you kept his letters in, out of sight out of mind.
#A/N: The first part of this got so much love and I just wasn't expecting that, thank you to everyone who’s read these!! I hope the next part will satisfy youu. This was supposed to go up like 2 hours ago but I got distracted playing among us 👀
TAGLIST: @bbeauttyybbx @pipppaaaaalouisee @theslytherinprincessworld @fangirl-3d2y @tttyrus @scriptingslytherin @justmimithings @purpleskymalfoy @minigigglybabi @malfoyquinn @secretaccshh @obbrssession @whatwoulddracodo @thatoneniceslytherin @thehumanistsdiary @mariah-can-dream @futureofanthropology @ccabian @tobarmaidswhodontcount @potatothingsz @xuckduck @dreamyginny
SOULMATES TAGLIST: @landocalrission @sunsetsofanemoia @yucksiedoodles @hey27 @frau-moon @slytherinbaddiee​ @celestialpuff​
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echotrinityme · 22 days ago
Look My Way Part 2 (Stickprice)
A/N: Since I love making these characters suffer, here's some more angst!
Henry Stickmin never understood why everyone including himself had soulmarks.
Like Rupert, he doesn't see its appeal, making everyone miserable. But... he does see some exceptions. 
His dads, Randy Radman and Terrence Suave, were different.
Terrence Suave was married before he met Randy and he and his spouse had the same mark. However, after his spouse was killed, Terrence became reckless when he was the leader of the Toppat clan. After he was "taken down", he met Randy who had a different mark but helped Terrence and they have somehow fallen in love.
Of course, it was taboo for two people to have different marks to be together.
Henry woke with a headache and he was not happy. He stretched his arms until he heard a pop and sighed in contentment. Henry put his feet on the floor when he heard a buzzing noise from his phone. He picked up to see that he had many notifications from Charles and Ellie. Henry groaned as he got to get ready.
He ate breakfast, wore his uniform, and headed to the base.
Once inside the base, he greeted everyone politely even though he didn't feel like being polite. He passed by Rupert who stared at him but didn't acknowledge him. Henry went to find Charles and Ellie and saw them standing in front of the cafeteria. He headed over to them and waved at them. 
"Hen! What happened last night?" Charles asked quickly.
"Yeah! After you left the bar last night, we tried messaging you," Ellie added, "But you wouldn't answer,"
"Sorry," Henry apologized sheepishly, "Sorry for storming out like that,"
"It's okay, Henry," Charles smiled for a moment then frowned, "By the way, what's with the cynical talk about soulmates?"
"Oh... It's just..." Henry paused, thinking for a moment, "I'm sorry to spring on you guys but I don't want to adhere to the soulmate scam,"
"It's not a scam!" Ellie exclaimed angrily, "What's wrong with finding your soulmate,"
Henry's face darkened, and he clenched his fists in quiet anger. He glared at Ellie who stepped back from Henry's glare.
"Ellie," Henry said coldly, "Soulmates are destiny's way of screwing with us and forcing people to be together. I don't want to play destiny's twisted way of putting me into a relationship where I make someone miserable,"
Henry headed inside the cafeteria without Charles and Ellie. Charles and Ellie sadly glanced at each other. 
"I wonder why he has that mindset?" Charles questioned sadly.
"Who knows," Ellie replied grumpily.
They both went inside, however, they didn't notice Rupert was listening to them and watching them. 
Rupert crossed his arms and bowed his head. "I didn't realize Henry and I have more in common than I thought," he thought.
Rupert went inside the cafeteria, thinking about Henry's rant.
Henry was putting some boxes in one of the storage units when the General asked him to put the inventory in another. He accepted the offer because he hoped to calm down after his outburst. However, he was still mad at Ellie about soulmates. Henry looked at his right glove and checked on his soulmark.
He thought he would never find his soulmate until he was arrested for trying to rob a bank. As he waited for release, he spotted the same soul mark on someone he least expected. When a police officer named Rupert Price revealed his soul mark, he thought he was alone. It was nighttime, and Rupert was working the night shift.
Rupert stood next to Henry's cell, where he thought Henry was asleep but wasn't. Henry was wide awake. Henry saw Rupert unveiling his bandages, and there it was: He had the same soul mark as Henry. Henry was shocked, confused, and in denial. Henry knew Rupert would never go for him because he was a criminal and the bane of his existence.
Henry finished putting the last of the inventory and covered his soulmark.
He left the storage unit, locked it, and headed to see the General.
The General was doing paperwork when Henry entered. He looked up and smiled at him, "Ah Henry. Is it done?" 
"Yes, sir," Henry replied, smiling even though it didn't reach his eyes.
The General noticed this, "Is there something wrong, Henry?" he asked in a concerned tone. 
Henry quickly shook his head but Galeforce didn't buy it.
"What's wrong, Henry?" Galeforce questioned.
Henry looked away, he felt tears brewing up. He was trembling which Galeforce noticed. 
"Henry?" Galeforce said gently.
"How do you feel about soulmates?" Henry asked, silently sobbing.
Galeforce sighed as he stood up and touched Henry's shoulder, "I heard about your outburst from Charles. The topic of soulmates is troubling you, isn't it?"
Henry nodded as he wiped his tears, Galeforce sat back down and glanced at Henry. "I used to have that mindset when I was your age," he said.
Henry blinked, "Really? What changed?"
Galeforce chuckled softly. "I met a woman who had the same mark as me. She was sweet, gentle, caring, and kind. We fell in love, got married, and had kids," he explained warmly.
Henry was listening when Galeforce continued, "However after our kids were grown and moved out... my wife passed away from an illness and I was devastated,"
"I'm so sorry for your loss," Henry said sadly.
"It's fine, Henry," Galeforce replied, "But after the death of my wife... a little while after... I met my husband. He got divorced and was bitter about soulmates until he met me,"
"How did you and he manage to work with different soulmate marks?" Henry knew the answer to this question, but he wanted to know Galeforce's.
"With time, patience, and love," Galeforce answered softly.
Henry nodded slowly, "When you do ever find your soulmate, Henry," Galeforce said gently, "Make sure to take my advice,"
"Thank you for the advice, sir,"
Henry left the office and returned to his apartment. As he had last time, he spent the night crying.
Henry's mood didn't dampen for the next couple of days. After their fight, he and Ellie didn't speak to each other. Charles felt awkward around them, and even their missions were uncomfortable.  
Rupert kept a close eye on Henry and his attitude. It wasn't like Rupert cared for him or anything. It was to make sure Henry didn't self-destruct and make him go back to his criminal ways. 
Since the airship, Rupert and Henry have never spoken to each other directly. Sure, they've worked together several times but never talked to each other. Everyone in the base knew of their history, and they learned to stay away when they fought. However, they hadn't been fighting as much as they used to.
However, things started to change when Rupert and Henry were paired on a mission.
Once again, the Toppat clan was causing trouble for the government.
Rupert and Henry were inside a building where the Toppat clan was hiding treasure. Their task was to find the treasure and stop any Toppat member from stealing it. As they headed up the building, Rupert and Henry scouted it. They kept searching for the treasure until they reached the top of the floor. However, since that was the last floor, there was nowhere else to look. 
"AGGH! Damn it!" Rupert bellowed, "Where is it?!"
Henry looked around while Rupert was having his episode, trying to find something in the room to help them. Then he spotted an odd-looking wall. Henry put his hands on the wall and started pressing on it.
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," Henry repeated, in his head as he pressed to find something.
Rupert was still grumbling when he heard shifting around. He glanced behind him to find Henry pressing on the same odd-looking wall, he saw Henry pressing his hands on the wall. He went over there and crossed his arms.
"What are you doing, Stickmin?" Rupert asked, annoyed.
Henry put a shush sign as he pressed on one piece of the wall and suddenly, the wall opened to reveal a hidden room. Henry smirked at Rupert whose mouth was agape. They headed inside the room and found the treasure. Henry's eyes widened in awe while Rupert's eyes widened in shock. The room was filled with jewels, gemstones, and other valuable stuff.
Rupert took out his walkie-talkie, "General! We have found the treasure,"
"Great work you two," Galeforce replied through the walkie-talkie, "You two keep an eye out. We will be right there,"
 The walkie-talkie went silent as Rupert held up his rifle to guard the treasure while Henry looked around the room. Henry then spotted a big diamond, the size of two palms, and picked it up. Henry held the diamond to stare at its sparkling beauty. He saw his reflection in the diamond and started to examine it when he saw Rupert's reflection.
He gasped as he saw that Rupert had his back towards him in the reflection. He put down the diamond and looked around the room again. 
Normally, he would have stolen these and been on his way, but after joining the Government and making new friends, he didn't even have the urge to steal anything valuable. Then he remembered seeing Rupert's reflection and he started to tremble.
"Even if he did know about your soulmark, he would never go for you!" Henry's inner voice told him coldly, "You're a failure in every way,"
Henry's vision started to blur with tears as his heartbeat began to beat faster and he felt he was drowning. 
Rupert put his rifle behind him because the Toppats were coming and they needed to get the treasure out as soon as possible.  
"Hey, Stickmin, the General said we need to-" Rupert paused when he spotted Henry on the ground.
"What's wrong with you?" Rupert came up to him and crouched down, "Stickmin..." 
Rupert then noticed Henry was sweating and breathing heavily. Henry had his hands in his hair while Rupert's voice sounded as if he was underwater. Rupert stared at Henry for a moment, and he realized something.
"Shit! He's having a panic attack!" Rupert thought "But why?"
Rupert put his hands on Henry's shoulders to try to calm him down, "Oi Stickmin... hey Stickmin!" 
But Henry couldn't listen, Rupert was beginning to panic. "What should I do? He's not calming down!" he thought angrily then his brain gave him an idea.
"Really?" Rupert scoffed at his brain but he heard a sound coming from Henry. Rupert grumbled as he slowly but gently wrapped his arms around Henry. 
"Breathe Stickmin... Breathe in and out slowly," Rupert said softly, Henry did as he was told and started to calm down. "Just keep breathing, Henry. Everything will be alright," Rupert continued. 
After a few moments, Henry calm down. His heart rate was back at a normal pace and he didn't feel numb or dizzy. He sighed as he felt something warm against him. His face was like a tomato when Rupert quickly pulled away from him, Rupert cleared his throat, and they both looked away.
They were both silent and didn't know what to say. 
After a few minutes of silence, Rupert glanced at Henry.
"Stickmin, what I did, does not leave this room," Rupert said irritated, "The only reason I did that is because I don't want you dying on us,"
Henry stared at him with red eyes and bowed his head in sadness. "Okay," he signed without looking at Rupert.
"Good," Rupert replied, crossing his arms.
Just then, they heard a noise and they took out their guns when they saw the General and several other soldiers go inside the room.
"Good work, gentlemen," Galeforce said proudly while the soldiers gathered the treasure, "Any problems?"
Rupert and Henry looked at each other for a moment but they shook their head. 
While Rupertt talked to the General, Henry watched the soldiers put away the treasure. Henry hugged himself as he still felt Rupert's touch. He felt depressed that he already missed Rupert's touch.
"I wish you look my way without disdain," Henry thought sadly. 
A/N: Here's more angst that nobody but me asked for.
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flowerbed-2022 · 9 months ago
Short Story #2 (Part 1)
  Being able to see a world of grey turn to colors is exciting, isn’t it? Well not for Emily Cypress. She avoids everyone like the plague. Afraid of falling love. Afraid of the universe mistaking her soulmate for someone worse like her mother.
  Her mother already suffered the abuse of the wrong soulmate. Must she be another victim to the list? Emily is not stupid. She’s done research. Many people around the world claimed of their soulmates’ abuse and wrong decision to be fated with them. It scares her to be a part of the line-up. Fidgeting with a rubix cube, Emily sets it down on her mini shelf on her desk. Her room was dark with sketches of people’s faces on the walls scattered. They weren’t real people and Emily was comfortable with them.
  A pair of pink headphones rested over her ears as she played “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. She moved her pink mouse attached to her computer, moving to a different blank canvas. Using the high-tech drawing tablet, she flicked her stylus with grace, drawing the body proportions. It was near the deadline of her project to complete a new character design and she only just started now. Procrastination was coming back to bite her in the butt.
  Sipping from the straw of a coffee can, Emily hoped it would be enough to stay awake through the sleepy night. Pressing on the collection of the color board on one of the tabs, Emily realized that her sister the night before, had turned off the labels to the color palettes. Sighing, Emily turned on the labels before resuming her work. After an hour or so, she stopped, getting ready to go to sleep. Afterall, it was a school night, and her mother would kill her if she weren’t awake early in the morning.
  “Emily.” Emily looked up to the shoes of Mrs. Miller. They were clean and velvety, which Mrs. Miller really liked a lot recently. “Please focus in class. This will on your exam which will be in 2 weeks.”
  Emily tapped the tip of her pencil on her paper of mathematics equations and formulas. Beside one of the math questions was a beautifully drawn cornflower which was still unfinished. A cluster of lead clouded underneath the now dull tip of the pencil as she wiped them away, her face frowning when she realized her mistake. The lead that was on the paper marked the movement of her hand off the paper, ruining the image of the cornflower.
  A finger tapped itself on the corner of her desk. The sudden appearance jerked her as she almost instinctively look up. Keyword: Almost.
  Her nervous green eyes rested on the bridge of his nose as she held her breath at the small mistake she almost made. The boy, from the graphic of Marvel on his black shirt, chuckled as he straighten up. “Class is over. Just want to let you before the other hour comes in.”
  Informed, Emily nodded, putting her notebook and pencil pouch into her backpack. Seeing as he didn’t leave, Emily stopped moving as she stared at his hand that was now leaning on her desk. They were thin and slender. So pretty, Emily thought.
  “That’s a pretty cornflower.” With that, Pretty Hands walked away politely.
  Emily stared at the back of his head as he walked with his backpack on his back lazily. She watched until he was out of sight before getting her stuff ready to leave. Walking to the front door with the cornflower sketch in her hand, she hovers the paper over the recycle bin before she halted. Pretty Hands’s words echoed in her head. The sketch sure is pretty and it would a shame to throw it away. With that final thought, she clutched it tight and went out to her last hour.  
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lizzy-mun · 4 years ago
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I'm sorry, I see a meme, I go for it! no pun intented.
I saw that Go for it Nakamura redraw thing go around and wanted to draw it with Sam and El from my upcoming Webcomic Soulmates AU
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hackingxbiochemist · 4 years ago
hello guyss, i’m back with another hosie fic! this time it’s a historical soulmates AU, hope you all could enjoy it amidst the weekly disappointments that is legacies s3 that we are given. please, enjoy! <3
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theeclipse13 · 17 days ago
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The Road That Goes Both Ways: A Jikook Story - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1522473969-the-road-that-goes-both-ways-a-jikook-story?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=writerbutterfly_hs Jimin and Jungkook have always been close-closer than anyone else in their group. But as the years go by, their moments together start feeling different. A knowing glance, an unspoken understanding, a secret touch that lingers too long. Their story isn't just about love-it's about discovery, fear, and the weight of being in the public eye. Are they just best friends, or something more? How do you define a relationship when the world is watching? And most importantly, when does love stop being just friendship and become something else entirely? Genre: Slow-burn Romance, Emotional Drama, Realism, Angst & Fluff Perspective: Dual POV (Jimin & Jungkook) DISCLAIMER The Road That Goes Both Ways: A Jikook Story is a work of fanfiction inspired by real-life events, interactions, and moments involving BTS members Jimin and Jungkook. While this story incorporates elements from actual events spanning 2013 to 2025, it is ultimately a fictional interpretation infused with the author's personal perspective. Certain incidents have been modified or reimagined to fit the narrative of this story. This fanfiction includes fluff, angst, emotional drama, and mature content (including smut), making it age-restricted (18+). It is not meant to claim any truth about real-life relationships or to promote speculation. This story is written out of admiration for both individuals and their journey as artists. No disrespect, hatred, or defamation is intended. Please read with an open mind and respect for the subjects involved. Thank you for understanding and supporting creative storytelling! 💜 #Jikook #JikookFanfic #JikookAU #JikookStory #TheRoadThatGoesBothWays Side Ships & Group Dynamics #Vmin #Taekook #Vhope #Namjin #Yoonmin #OT7 #BTSFanfics #vminkook Story Themes & Aesthetics #SlowBurnRomance #AngstAndFluff #IdolLifeStruggles #FriendsToLovers #ForbiddenLove #SoulmatesAU #LoveInTheSpotlight #KpopFanfic #EmotionalDrama
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