#sotha sil spawn
littlegalerion · 8 months
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So glad to have my digital art ability back!
A rough concept WIP for Mavos 2024, all grown up and feral. Just proud of what I have so far.
My goal was to have at least ONE son of Trechire's that, in looks and tone, takes after her. While Kirr has the Galerions' good looks, his tone leans more towards his father. Fennorian and Rinyu are perfect blends of their parents in looks and tone, and Sunnabela strongly resembles his father in looks and tone.
Not to mention Mavos is a perfect foil to his elder half brother, Aithilo. The two sons of Sotha Sil. Aithilo totally rejects anything clockwork related, sticking to his worship of Sithis (in the Argonian sense) and embracing Tamriel's natural beauty. Mavos is more accepting to his father's legacy, but to the point that he is acutely aware of the multiverse (like Trechire is) and aggresively makes sure people and/or things stay in their proper place.
I kinda get Maliketh vibes in the sense that "there wasn't a daedric prince that didn't fear him" suits him.
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scorchedcandy · 8 months
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
Tell me more about Sotha Sil and how he doesn't know what a UV is
to be fair, no one in Clockwork City knows why their plants always die no matter how much electric light they get. in the Clockwork City DLC for ESO, eventually the player and another researcher discover that certain specialized lamps emit some kind of "invisible light" that they can use to fend off Nocturnal's shadow creatures, but it doesn't seem like anyone really gets the connection between the "invisible light" and the sunlight that would otherwise keep Nocturnal at bay in the overworld.
since Sotha Sil was sustained by the Heart of Lorkhan, it would make sense that he didn't need to worry about vitamin D deficiency just as he didn't worry about aging. might be one more benefit of all the cyborg upgrades that the Clockwork Apostles get: you don't have to keep your bones and muscles healthy if you just replace them all with metal and fuel yourself with magic!
after the fall of the Tribunal, the Mechanical Heart let plants grow naturally in the Clockwork City. given that it's a fascimile of the Heart of Lorkhan and evidently provides the same magical benefits to organic life, it makes me wonder if Sotha Sil never figured out the connection between plants, sunlight, and the "invisible light", instead opting for magical cheat codes to just spawn healthy plants rather than grow them naturally with UV lamps.
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The Divine Plan (Chapter One)
Relevant info: Dragonborn is Dunmer, absorbed Alduin's soul, and used to be a Sleeper. Kind of a drabble fic I'm doing. This is *A* Skyrim fic, but not my main one
Alduin's soul is hungry.
It gnaws and bites at her mind, craving blood, craving souls, demanding to feed on the ruin of war, but Sadrith refuses to answer the call of it. It was louder than what had been demanded of her in Vivec City those two centuries ago, when she was not called Dragonborn, but Sleeper. His influence was a constant, disturbingly comfortable presence, a reassurance that she was not alone, that there was greater purpose she was a part of. It had been both a relief and a loss when that influence was ripped away by the Nerevarine.
Alduin's soul is somehow both better and worse. It is not constant, that hunger, but when it roars to the surface all Sadrith can do is hunker down and wait for it to pass. Killing bandits or reavers seem to please it, so when she feels his influence stirring within, she goes out hunting. It is enough to keep the devourer deep within quiet, so long as she was mindful of things that might trigger it.
She solves the problem of Miraak and settles quietly in Raven Rock, making trips now and then to Windhelm--establishing herself as a trader with the locals of Raven Rock, and occasionally with Master Neloth's people in Tel Mithryn.
It is a quiet life. The kind she had hoped for before ever crossing the border of Skyrim that first fateful time.
On one of her hunting trips, Sadrith found Kenro. His note sparked a small fear among the others, and began to rise. Her, the note said, he craved to serve HER, and there was only one who fit that bill.
She goes to Ashfall's Tear, kills the followers of Almalexia, and for a brief period Alduin's corner of her soul is satisfied. As she finds the Mask of Vivec, and then Sotha Sil, she returns, thinking that when this is all over she would simply store the masks and the armors away like she has done with so many other things.
The ash zombies are there and despite feeling terror just at the sight of them they fall before her as so many other enemies have.
The gate to that one chest rises, and a feeling of dread settles over her.
Don't, a small voice within her spoke, You mustn't open it.
The feeling grew, but she moved forward anyway. What treasure could possibly be so dangerous? She had held many such artifacts before and never been touched by them. The masks of the dragon priests never touched her mind, and the masks of the Tribunal, whatever power they might hold, felt cold and empty.
As her hands touch the lid of the chest, the voice whispered desperately one last time.
But she lifts the lid anyway.
There is not much within, but there is a note which she picks up that when she reads it has her blood running cold.
I was told that without the masks, the gate would not open, but the priests underestimate my master's will.
It was Dagoth Ur who opened the gate, and beckoned me forward. And when I wear his face, I speak his truth, and from his words I spawn the cure that will spread across the world.
My temple brother, Arthamis, was the first to receive its blessing. His once melancholy face has been carved into the most delightful shape, and his mouth stitched into a comely smile. He must be quite pleased with the changes, as I have heard no complaints. I feel now that he is truly happy.
You may have already met him - slain him with Her Hand. Perhaps you have met all my master's little pets as they descended on Her temple. I knew this would happen. For there must come a time when the Tribunal's champion will challenge my master, as the Nerevarine once did.
The Tribunal has three heads, and you wear them all. And so, by opening the way, you are worthy of dying by my master's hand.
Come to the graveyard by Tel Mithryn. My master's creatures will dine on you there.
The note falls to the floor and she backs away from it, as if it might explode.
"No," Sadrith chokes out, hardly knowing where the word came from, "No..."
She stands watching that bit of paper, its words running through her mind, and despite the no that repeats itself over and over, builds from a fearful whisper to a screaming echo in her head, she decides to go to this graveyard.
He is a threat to the safety of us all, Sadrith thinks to herself, And whatever I fear, I have to be sure that threat ends HERE.
Clutching Chillrend, she approaches the graveyard, praying this will be it. But as she nears it she sees the figures standing there, and something--
--something settles over her like the thinnest of blankets, and brings with it a slight fatigue.
(it is like going to sleep again)
The ash zombies, wandering around, see her first, and she takes them down with the same ease as the ones at Ashfall Tear.
Alduin comes roaring up from nowhere as she stands there surrounded, and not even killing the ash zombies sates him this time. She turns to the remaining figure in the graveyard, who stands calm as she approaches.
"Your lord welcomes you home," calls the voice.
She charges forward with Chillrend raised. At the last moment he steps aside and the battle begins in earnest--magic from his side, blade from hers.
In the end they both fall. Him due to death, and her due to the roar that grows louder and louder until it fills her whole world.
Finally it subsides--and with her vision blurring, her ears ringing, Sadrith turns her eyes on the dead man, and the mask.
It stares back, empty, hollow, and for a second she considers getting up and leaving it there. It would be better that way, perhaps the tide would come in and take it out to the water, to the bottom of the Sea of Ghosts where it would be forgotten.
...but, she thought, it would be best to be sure. She could hide it away, perhaps with Paarthurnax or the Greybeards, with those it would not affect. Where it could be kept from the world.
Her hands touch the cold surface of the mask, and the fear crosses her mind once again. The dreams come suddenly back to mind, those three dreams, and then suddenly the mask is not cold but hot, and inside her head there is a sudden buzz, or a rattle, then whispers...
Sleep, the voice says. Sleep, and be born anew.
Sadrith Shouts--an attempt to stay awake, to beg Akatosh for help, but she can feel his reply rather than hear it.
She had absorbed Alduin's soul, so now SHE would be the one to fill his role. As she falls, the feeling does not abate; it grows stronger, assures her that there is a plan, and she is a part of it.
Alduin was meant to end the world, and he would...not by devouring...
...but by blight.
She's going to forget that shit in the morning, and just be like "I'd better hide the mask somewhere" and think that'll be enough. Spoiler? Eh, not really.
Honestly, what the notes said about the mask makes me think people should be more afraid of it than they are. How tf is it making ash zombies with the heart of Lorkhan GONE.
Long story short: Cool idea, my adhd did what my ADHD does.
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profanetools · 3 years
i’m allowed agender he/him sotha sil as a treat.
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boethiah · 2 years
Any thoughts on why Sotha Sil's mask looks Like That? Vicec's and Almalexia's killing masks look cool and fit with their personalities but Sil's has always felt kinna out of character to me. Why is it so angry and nose-less :(
hmmm i wanna say its bc the masks are inherited from whatever artistic tradition also spawned the daedric faces
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the ancient chimer really liked scary, tusky masks. couldn't guess as to the specific symbolism though
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razaks-wheel · 4 years
Snippet from a way-future chapter of Journeyed Far
[After Ildari learns that she’s pregnant and is deciding what to do, she and Sotha Sil go to the Cavern of the Incarnate to ask Azura about her future plans for Ildari. (They don’t expect it to go well.)]
The Valley of the Wind was, predictably, windy. Combined with the cool dawn air, Iya huddled closer to Seht for warmth, wishing she had worn something with sleeves. It was also nice to finally have a friend close by at this place that was so entwined with her destiny, where she normally became keenly aware of how alone she was. Seht seemed to detect this—or at least that she was cold—and wrapped an arm around her.
“How are we going to do this?” she asked at the door. “I doubt you’re planning on kneeling?”
“I am not, but I would sit next to you if you choose to.”
“That works,” she said. “I’ll do most of the talking?”
Seht nodded. “I will follow your lead.”
The Cavern was quiet on the inside, save for the faint, wispy hum of ancestor spirits at the edge of her consciousness. Ildari let the gravity of the place fill her like she always did as they approached the shrine. She knelt; Seht sat down beside her. After taking a few moments to center herself, Ildari spoke in a quiet voice.
“My Prince, I have come to seek your counsel. As I am sure you are aware, I am pregnant, and in order to determine how to proceed, I need to consider what my future holds. Of course, my future is in your hands, and so I would ask you two questions: Do I have more prophecies to fulfill? And, how much longer can I expect to stay in this time?”
Before Azura could even respond, Ildari felt her rage rip through the ancestors and burrow into her chest. “That you would bring that usurper to defile this holy place is bad enough, but you would dare carry his child?” the Prince’s voice rang through the chamber.
“I would. Sotha Sil is my friend, and the revival of his House—a House that once served you before they were all killed by Mehrunes Dagon—would honor his ancestors.”
“You insult me by even entertaining the thought,” Azura said. “Rest assured that your prophecies are in your past. If you would disrespect me so blatantly, then I have no further use for you, nor for your profane spawn.”
Ildari let that hang in the air for a long time while she sat, choosing her next words carefully.
“My Prince, I recognize that we may not agree on everything, but I have served you loyally for four millennia.” She stood up and turned her gaze on the statue’s face, trying to keep herself from shaking while her heart pounded in her chest. “Know this, however: if you so much as look at my child wrong, I will see you disgraced in the eyes of the Dunmer again in my time. Do not doubt that I have that power.”
A chill settled over the chamber, and she stood there in silence, joined now by Seht who had also risen to his feet at some point while she was talking. The silence dragged on long enough for Ildari to begin to wonder whether that was the end of it, but Azura finally spoke once more.
“Five years, and then you will return to the Fourth Era. That is the generous reward I offer you for your loyal service.” The vitriol in her voice was almost palpable. “Do not expect to hear from me again, mortal.”
The energy coming off the shrine vanished suddenly, leaving only a stone statue devoid of divine presence. The shift was so jarring that Ildari felt like the breath had been ripped from her lungs. Even the ancestors felt quieter.
“Are you ready to go?” Seht asked carefully.
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flightyquinn · 6 years
Morrowind makes Oblivion’s Horse Armour even worse
Apologies for the long title.
In gaming circles, whenever the subject of overpriced DLC, lootboxes, and microtransactions comes up, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, inevitably gets mentioned. “Remember when the idea of paying $3.00 for horse armour was unacceptable?” someone will say. Simpler times indeed. Horse Armour has even become something of a meme for Bethesda themselves, spawning tongue-in-cheek addons for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim through Bethesda’s controversial and oft-maligned Creation Club service. However, it’s easy to lose sight of just how big a deal the Horse Armour DLC really was.
At the time when Oblivion came out, its predecessor Morrowind was still going strong, thanks to an active modding scene. Comparisons between the two would have been inevitable either way, but thanks to tools like Morrowind Script Extender, graphical updates like the widely used Better Bodies, and a lot of talented and dedicated individuals, it was pretty hard to call the older game an outdated product.
However, it goes even deeper than that. Morrowind had been given two phenomenal add-ons. Bloodmoon saw players travelling to the frozen plains of  Solstheim for the first time, encountering new monsters and challenges in the lands of the Nords, and introduced a whole new way to play the game with werewolves, who featured as prominently in Bloodmoon’s quest as dragons do in Skyrim’s. Tribunal, meanwhile, took the player to the Dunmer capitol of Mournhold, a true, bustling metropolis that put pretty much every city in the base game to shame, and to the Clockwork City of  Sotha Sil. Both expansions were rich in lore, offered plenty for the player to do, and both provided completely different visual styles to what could be found on the isle of Vvardenfel, with tons of completely new content.
The first DLC released for Oblivion was Horse Armor. That’s what they chose to lead with. Quite a step down, and even at a much lower price tag, it’s understandable that fans would have been disappointed. However, it actually goes deeper than that. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Morrowind actually had more official content released than just Bloodmoon and Tribunal. In fact, Bethesda released a total of eight different minor addons for Morrowind that would be roughly equivalent to what people were getting with Horse Armor.
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Image courtesy of the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages.
Called “official mods”, these addons included new armour sets, quests, aesthetic enhancements, new weapons, and other things for players to discover, in bite-sized form, all of them made and distributed by Bethesda. Here’s the kicker, though. All of the official mods, 100% of them, each and every one were given away completely free. Going from all of that - Siege at Firemoth even included an entirely new landmass - to charging money for armoured horses with slightly more health...well, needless to say that’s quite the jump, and quite the change in philosophy. It was a particularly stinging blow back in 2006, and it’s important that the context there not be lost. When people talk about the changing attitudes with DLC since the days of Horse Armour, what they’re really talking about is just how much we’re willing to pay now for something that only a little over a decade ago would have been free.
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slusheeduck · 3 years
Doodle dump spawning from when I accidentally named Aelanne's mom after one of the most famous Clockwork Apostles back when I didn't know Sotha Sil was hot
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dreamofhircine · 7 years
zenimax dropped a DLC based on Sotha Sil’s clockwork city in the middle of a world holiday event that gives double xp and a loot drop that incentives camping out a specific type of boss that spawns in certain places on the main world map but not on the clockwork city map
it’s a bold strategy, to release something knowing that most of the players aren’t actually going to be delving into it immediately because they’ve got a weeks-long event that strongly encourages you to be somewhere else
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trainwiz · 7 years
Which part of the Elder Scrolls lore would you like to see expanded (except for space of course) ?
Dreugh. They ruled an empire that spawned the whole world plus Lyg apparently, and worshipped Molag Bal, fucked around with Vivec and Sotha Sil, and yet we know next to nothing about their actual culture.
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littlegalerion · 6 years
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A sketchy mess of two Sotha Spawns From a very odd AU Foxy_Heartsss and I have, these are two of Sotha Sil and Trechire’s children. I regret nothing.  Rudil is the eldest child, extremely reclusive to the point a LOT of people would believe he’s pure myth by mistake. If Vivec didn’t have writings confirming him, he basically would be nothing but that. The bits of metal on him are head wear enchanted with water breathing, as he spends a lot of his time in his quarters underwater.  Nervanus is the second eldest and “the biggest s’wit in existence”. Very anti-social, finds most company to be either boring or annoying, just leave him alone to grow and cultivate his forests. 
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reverendknots · 8 years
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What if you could play the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind with your friends, complete with all the mods you’ve grown to love over the years like Tamriel Rebuilt? That’s the reality that TES3MP promises, a modification of the OpenMW engine rewrite that allows you to play the game with other players! Here’s a small quote from the author, Koncord, about what is currently possible and where the project is going!   “Player movements and cell changes are very well synchronized. You can go anywhere on Vvardenfell and meet up with other players correctly. You can even load up Tamriel Rebuilt, give yourself a massive Acrobatics skill using the console, jump across the entire width of Morrowind a few times and meet up with a player doing the same. Player equipment, stats, combat and spell casting are also well-synchronized. Player stats, inventories and spellbooks are saved to and loaded from the server. Picking up or dropping items in the world makes them appear and disappear correctly for other players, including in containers, as does spawning and deleting objects via the console, and their state will get saved to the server and then loaded for new arrivals. Opening, closing, unlocking and locking doors is synchronized and their changing states are saved to the server. Using certain buttons and levers – like the ones at Ghostgate, Dwemer ruins or Sotha Sil's Clockwork City – is also synchronized, although their state is not yet saved to the server. However, other important aspects of the game are not yet synchronized, saved or loaded, including NPCs, time, weather, quest states, dialogue topics, bounties, faction membership, and the vast majority of ingame scripts.” This just goes to show, TES3 modding is just as exciting as it ever was even nearly 15 years after release. I encourage you all to dive in and try this out and submit your feedback. You can download TES3MP for Windows over here. The project has an official github and subreddit for you to follow. Consider supporting TES3MP on Patreon.
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avinox · 7 years
Shit I can imagine my players' background could be like from their race and class (except the players who have their character sheet done):
Half Elf Cleric: she told me she didn't want her character to be mistreated so she's definetely from the North, where they don't hate half breeds. She's either the 2nd child of a noble who was given to a temple to be raised or she's an orphan taken in by them. She doesn't need to be conscripted bc she's essentially filling the mages job from DAO when they were at Ostagar. So they could actually find her in the Keep, actually, already there and healing members of the Vigil.
Half Elf Druid: idk anything about her except that she probably loves animals. She's either a weirdo who lives in a forest bc she can't stand busy cities or some kind of Guardian of the Woods. Doesn't like to talk about her family and no one knows why. Lowkey a furry. Probably started following the party in dog form to get food and they're friends now.
Tiefling Ranger: apparently from the North, he's not usted to being outside his forest, where he probably grew up bc his family wouldn't take care of a devil's spawn. Who knows how he got his first bow. Maybe he knows the Druid. Recruited after he gets the party out of trouble. Definetely someone you wouldn't trust at first sight. Totally badass. Will date the Orc Barbarian.
The one I know absolutely nothing about except that the concept is from a videogame: you will never get to see his face. Comes from the deserts and is having a hard time in the North. Possibly an assassin, but not a rogue. Possibly accepting contracts in the same way Puss in Boots did it in Shrek 2. May have a prosthetic arm, which is cool. Also steampunk aesthetic? Could be Sotha Sil for all we know. Definetely getting conscripted.
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littlegalerion · 3 years
Loving the fact it's still openly acceptable to have Sotha Sil x OC content on here, but let's go harder.
Tell me about your Sotha Spawns.
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littlegalerion · 3 years
A random little snippet of writing, of when Aithilo confronted Divayth about the big secret. 
Divayth set aside his latest endeavor, ready to slide it into a concealed apartment within reach, waiting to see who it was that had entered his tower. He relaxed as Aithilo rounded the corner, striding towards him.
“Ah, a surprise visit?” Divayth smirked. “Come, my boy. Look what I have now.”
“No, we have other matters to discuss,” Aithilo corrected briskly.  
His tone took Divayth by surprise, a frown instantly overtaking him. “Watch it,” he warned. “You may be pushing your 900’s, but I’ll still banish you into a demi-plane for a timeout.”
“About that,” Aithilo grumbled. “So when were you going to sit me down and explain you aren’t my actual father?”
Divayth paused, blinking at him. A million questions raced through his mind, and he didn’t know which to ask first.
“Does it matter?” he finally decided to say. “I am your father. I raised you, I taught you, I was there for every injury, every trial and error. Blood means nothing between you and I- we are father and son, regardless of whatever concepts you now have in your head.”
“I...I don’t disagree with that,” Aithilo breathed, trying to steady himself. It was rare to see him so off center, nearly trembling. “But you should have! Especially…” He glanced around, checking if they were alone, and then lowered his voice. “Considering I’m some sort of demigod abomination!”
“Demigod abom- what?” Divayth snapped. “The only true con to your nature is the nightmares. Other than that, I think your abilities have served you rather well.”
“I’d throw away my entire reality if it meant ridding myself of the night terrors!” Aithilo hissed. “I… I’m the spawn of a murderer, and even more distantly the spawn of a trickster!”
“And why does this effect who you are?” Divayth sharply asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“My dreams!” Aithilo exploded, face turning red. “I’ve lived through Nerevar’s murder a dozen times, waking up screaming as my own...my own sire was ready to slice off my face! I-I’ve watched figures crowd me, one aim a bow at my chest and watched as my heart was shot from my body! I’ve heard cursing, screams, horrors from Red Mountain! It always haunts me, even now, the closer I get to it, the worse-”
“Enough!” Divayth ordered. “I never told you because of this exact reason. Before, the dreams were nothing but nightmares, which you had to endure but would wake and soon recover from them. Your days weren’t spoiled, were they? But now you’ll lay awake at night, scared to sleep, thinking you are destined for some idiotic dark purpose!” He shoved a finger into Aithilo’s chest. “Your heart is still in your chest, and your face is clearly intact. The shadows of the past may haunt you, but you decide if they control your future. You… You’re too soft, honestly. Emotional. I tried to help you grow thicker skin, but you’re too… giving.” He rolled his eyes. “For once, please, for ONCE, be selfish.”
Aithilo looked at him, at a loss for words. His eyes misted over, tears welling in the corners as he trembled. 
“How did you find out?” Divayth sighed, rubbing his forehead. 
“Trechire,” Aithilo whispered, hands curling into fists. “She saw the Clockwork god...with my mother, in a chamber which housed his memories. She saw Sotha Sil pledge he’d be a part of my life...my mother’s one condition.” His gaze grew intense. “Why was there a condition? Why did Sotha Sil not keep his word?”
“I don’t know why Sil didn’t keep his word,” Divayth growled. “I tore his head off for it when Rasulu had you, and I watched myself the life fade from her eyes. No more than a moment later, Sil disowned you. I tried to argue, but in the end I just accepted Sil was Sil, and took you as my own. As for the conditions- Sil wanted your mother as a permanent resident of the Clockwork City. That much I know. So, if I had to guess, Rasulu agreed to stay forever within the city, so long as Sil didn’t close himself off to you, as he always does in general to, well, everyone.”
“He broke his promise,” Aithilo breathed, still trembling. 
“Don’t hold onto that,” Divayth warned. “It isn’t worth it. Sil is unpredictable, distant, and at times I wonder if he is all together in the head. He’s brilliant, a genius- but one can be such things and still be completely oblivious to common sense.” He scowled. “I haven’t forgiven him for breaking his promise, and neither should you, but we do not let these things consume and distract us. Understood?”
Aithilo didn’t reply. He still trembled, and now tears slipped down his face. 
“Aithilo…” Divayth sighed, tapping his fingers across his desk in frustration. “Get yourself together.” When Aithilo turned his head away, and faint sobs began to slip, Divayth took a deep breath. “Alright, alright.” He extended a hand, and pulled Aithilo into a hug. 
Admittedly it had been a while since they’d hugged. What, maybe when Divayth got side tracked in that one dimension for a couple of months and finally came home? Aithilo had been worried sick. Bless him, he actually had feared for Divayth, as if there was a possibility the wizard couldn't have returned. Then again, with his foreseeing dreams, perhaps there had been, and Divayth should have taken note. Regardless, Divayth hugged him tight, Aithilo grabbing onto him and sobbing into his shoulder. He had outgrown Divayth by now, quite tall for a dunmer, but given his bloodline it was no wonder. He stooped down, crying his eyes out, like all the nights he had woken up due to his nightmares and screamed for his father to come save him. 
“Far too emotional,” Divayth grumbled, but held on tight. “You’re nothing like Sil, so stop worrying.” He thought for a moment. “Though you are quite cunning, and beyond mischievous when you want to be. Lorkhan might have influence over you after all.”
“Stop!” Aithilo rasped through his crying. 
“Well, you might be able to take claim to a moon!” Divayth put in, still holding him. “Imagine all we could do with a moon!”
“Father…” Aithilo sobbed, but Divayth detected a trace of a smile as he dared a glance to his shoulder. 
“It would make sense. All these men and women that crowd you, and yet you aren’t interested in either? A cruel, merciless deception,” Divayth snorted. “Robbed me of countless tricks I wanted to pass down to you.”
Aithilo still shook with tears, but a smile seeped through now completely. He took a few minutes, then quietly mumbled, “Thank you for raising me.”
“Completely stupid thing to do, thanking a parent for doing their job,” Divayth huffed, now brushing Aithilo off him. His own face had grown red, and he patted down his now soaked armored shoulder. “Go clean yourself up- but leave that bow!” He pointed to the bow made of random metallic bits and gears clipped to Aithilo’s quiver. “Did you bang it against a thousand trees? Don’t answer that- I already know the answer. Just leave it, and I’ll have it fixed for you when you get back. That was a damn expensive gift, and no son of Divayth Fyr will be seen trotting around the backroads of Blackmarsh with some...some basic bow!”
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