#sos this is such a messy rant
chkn-kit · 4 months
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something stupid that's been cooking in my brain for a while MOOTS LOOK AWAY
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casual-socks · 8 months
HI IVE BEEN MASSIVELY HYPERFIXATED ON TMA FOR ABOUT A YEAR AND IVE SEEN MAYBE ONE (1) SINGULAR PERSON TALK ABOUT THIS and i am not even kidding when i say its been a passionate topic of conversation for that entire year. people know me for this. it comes up and my entire friend group SIGHS AUDIBLY because they know the 20 minute tangent i Will be taking
youre telling me jonathan sims went to oxford college (relatively prestigious if my memory serves me correctly) for RESEARCH. for, to put it simply, READING. and he looks at the name gerard and goes Yeah looks like jared to me lets go with that!!! HELLO?? NO?? not even mentioning the fact that he is being what could easily be called possesed when reading these statements which leaves us with two options
2. jonathan sims is so monumentally stupid that he is somehow breaking this possesion for the 2 seconds it takes to say the name gerard (i love him i swear i will sound so so hateful for this entire post but its out of love)
and like??? its not even that EVERYONE is calling him jared? elias and gertrude have both called him gerard and thats just off the top of my head. i also think jon said it correctly ONEEEE SINGULAR TIME. Just the once.
now i feel it necessary to mention jared hopworth here as well. because why, why on gods green earth, would you name a character gerard. pronounce it jared. TURN AROUND AND GO. lets make another jared but this ones made out of meat and is sort of implied to not be too fond of gay people. Yeah he steals peoples bones. Yeah.
so okay. sure whatever this podcast is sooo british that a bunch of people are just completely failing to pronounce gerard. sure. whatever you say.
NO. no. LOOK ME IN MY EYES. LOOK AT THE NAME GERARD. GER-ARD. AND YOURE TELLING ME YOURE GONNA CALL HIM JARED. SND THEN YOURE GONNA CALL HIM GERRY WITH A G???? gerry with a g. that is utterly ridiculous i cannot even believe this that is monumentally frustrating i cannot even begin to describe to you all the anger i have experienced over this particular bit because why on earth would you take that particular extra step??? gerard -> gerry. sure. thin ice, but sure. jared -> jerry. sure! yeah! makes sense! GERARD -> JARED -> GERRY? you must be playing some sick joke jonny sims. seriously. you are a cruel and usual man
now this is when i start to wind down, but far from where i finish. lets take a moment to really pause and soak in his actual name here.
that is so unfortunate already i mean really, gerard is such a…. a name…. i mean his mom skins people and puts them in books and the cruelest thing i think she ever couldve done is honest to god name her son gerard.
now dont get me wrong. theres nothing seriously wrong with spelling it keay on principle. but god, really? youre gonna shove all this gerard gerry jared business in front of me and tell me his last name is just key but gone the extra mile. really feels like the cherry on top of a shit cake.
now if you consider gerards character i truly feel as though thats the deepest disservice here. gerard keay is an incredible character whos short appearance is so memorable and charming, and despite his VERY little screen time he still has an intriguing and well fleshed out character. really, gerard keay is so excellent character wise. But, every time i think about him for any more than 5 minutes, almost this exact rant is being told to whoever is unfortunate enough to be near me at the time.
another thing i think also really adds to this is just the nature of gerard keay. everything you can say about that guy could be ended with “and everone calls him jared for some reason”. hes emo and everyone calls him jared for some reason. his hair dye job is so miserable that EVERYONE mentions it and everyone calls him jared for some reason. he has mommy issues and everyone calls him jared for some reason.
okay i need to wrap this up before i start just repeating WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY for thousands of words but heres a graph i made for my friends in october 2022 when i was going on about this in the middle of my spanish class 👍👍
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hajihiko · 2 years
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#Fuyuhiko kuzuryu#peko pekoyama#Sdr2#Super danganronpa 2#Danganronpa 2#Danganronpa#danganronpa goodbye despair#kuzupeko#GONNA RANT NOW#Imo their relationship has always been tragically messy and complicated#Baseline: they care a lot about each other. Raised together but definitely not as family since Peko was raised as staff at best.#Seemingly very isolated since Fuyuhiko admits he's never had friends and Peko seems very socially inexperienced.#Possibly only rly hung out with Natsumi who also was raised in their messy little household. And then she dies#So they got each other and they're VERY reliant on each other BUT#Peko is raised as an inferior person and I 100% believe she knew she was only brought into the family for a purpose#If she loses that purpose she loses everything. Like the household has her under a thumb#Fuyuhiko is raised in his much more affluent but still fucked up way where he thinks he has to be so tough and macho and-#-his life is second to his parents' BUT much much higher in value than Peko's#Peko can't be Fuyuhiko's friend bc she's not raised to be his equal to the point where she doesn't rly believe it herself#Fuyuhiko can't allow that because it's not in him to regard her (or any other person as examples w the Izuru chat thing) as less than him#But he can't convince her otherwise either because he IS raised not to care and to accept his role and be an authority#And like it or not he is her boss#Endless cycle of being all the other has and being unable to fulfill their needs but trying anyway#Neither one is wrong neither is right nobody wins. Anyway#If you read all that gold star for you ☆
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mjtheartist04 · 10 months
Messy Genya doodle💜
((I love him sm I want to kiss him and hug him and pepper his face with kisses and tell him how much I love him, and take care of him and protect him and feed him watermelon and-))
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brw · 4 months
Goodbye Krakoa. Stay dead bitch. No more mutant islands.
Can we stop making ethnostates now like can we stop doing that in comics. Can we not keep saying "minorities are safe nowhere but in their own country that doesn't let certain people and also they might not even be safe because Evil People might get jealous and kill them". Ultimately this era has done nothing to explore why ethnostates are bad in any real way. It has done nothing to actually explore how being complicit in the creation of an ethnostate is a Bad Thing. We had some events but we didn't explore anything because we were too scared of making some of our faves look bad. I just actually hate the statements this era has ended up saying and I hate the fact that heroic characters are mourning over the loss of an ethnostate founded by eugenicists. These politics are ugly. And worse yet I see people mourning the loss of the fictional ethnostate like have we all lost our minds.
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gophergal · 2 months
Gonna be real if you accuse people of misogyny based on their favorite characters and ships, I do not fucking trust your opinion. full stop
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splatattackz · 8 months
you ever think about the horrors.
indulge in my senseless rambling for a moment.
imagine youre qpierre right now. you have just learned that you are not you. at least. this body isnt you. but this consciousness is? maybe? youre not sure. you think its you. youve made your own memories. your own experiences. so you think this is you. but at some point you died. you both died. in different ways. one mentally died and one physically. but you both died. how is that possible? the past you and the "other" you both died. you are dead.
and before you knew this, you were having nightmares. you didnt know what they meant. they showed memories. they showed phonecalls. slideshows. a conversation. all these confusing things. you didnt know what they meant. and then there was this stupid, white bear just telling you to sleep more. not helping you in your haze. and then it tries to erase the dreams from you. you are imperfect? you werent perfect to begin with. whatever. what did the bear mean by "The important thing is not what the Federation did to you, but what you have done and will do for the Federation.
Great things await you."?
and now youre here. in a room you dont recognize. theres a computer. and a bed. and something (yourself?) has been telling you to remember what happened. he is telling you to ask around to your friends see if you remember anything. telling you to ask about your past. your loves. your dreams. "Et alors peut être que tu saura si ta mémoire est intact." (And then, maybe, you'll know if your memory is intact.) you dont remember ever writing this. but you follow the instructions. and you dream. as you have quite a few times now. and this dream brings you back to the start. you are learning youre both dead. but youre also alive. its confusing. is there a "you" in this equation? arent they both still alive? though only half. you dont know. you are alive.
its just. the horror of it. i cant wait to see how the character develops because. qpierre is, physically, dead. and ayr0b0t is, mentally, dead. but mentally, qpierre is still here. and physically, ayr0b0t is still here. and both of those alive aspects are combined to create the charwcter we've most recently known. thats all we know for certain.
but still there are questions. and the questions are:
when did this happen? was it on the island? or before? its implied it was on the island. the qpierre in the dream has a gegg shirt. both in the operation and in the death tape.
and why? why did the federation do this? what use do they have for frankensteining him together? placing human conscience into a robot body? was it just because they could? maybe. but the book from one of the meetings implies he has use to them.
"Great things await you."
so.. hm... so many thoughts and questions...
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Thinking about how they decided to bring back the whole "one Gerudo male born every 100 years to be king" bit in TotK for whatever godforsaken reason, thereby creating the question of: why have there been no kings since this Ganondorf?
The flashbacks with Ganondorf took place well over 10,000 years ago, considering the first recorded Calamity took place 10,000 years before BotW. Fast forward 9,900 years ago, and we have the plot important Calamity that leads to BotW. Fast forward 100 more years, and we have Link waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection.
And yet . . . there is not a single Gerudo voe.
The magic law governing the sex of Gerudo babies doesn't specify that the previous king has to have fully died before a new one can be born. We can assume that's usually the case given Gerudo aren't known to live past 100 without magical intervention, but that's not part of it as far as we know. So even though Zombiedorf's crusty ass was hibernating underground, there should have been, what, at least 100 kings after him? There at least should have been one EITHER during the first Calamity, or born around the time Link woke up in the Shrine of Resurrection (with "around the time" including a time frame like a couple decades or so).
But there isn't one, and Gerudo Town is instead led by a chief. And further, men are (usually) not allowed inside.
Which makes me think that, after Ganondorf decides to go full Demon King . . . maybe the Gerudo said, "we're sick of this shit, no kings ever again." In other words, when a boy is born to a Gerudo mother, he is NOT sent back to Gerudo Town when he's old enough to talk, but is instead raised as a Hylian.
If we consider Sonia and Rauru's Hyrule to be Hyrule 3.0 (which it kind of has to be), this is not the first time a Gerudo King has made life worse for his people. In OoT, the Gerudo were regarded as thieves because of IRL racism / colorism lbr and Ganondorf actively made things worse for them by trying to take over Hyrule, having Koume and Kotake brainwash Gerudo who didn't fall in line, etc. In one branch of the timeline, this led to the Gerudo being left to drown in the Great Flood. In another branch (the one that leads to Twilight Princess) we don't see them at all, suggesting that they were perhaps driven from Hyrule's borders after Ganondorf's bs was brought to light and he was put on trial. And then we have the timeline merge and this Ganondorf, who again took them to war and transformed himself into a demon king and just overall fucked over his people. When you consider all of that, along with the fact that we don't have a single good Gerudo King in recorded history . . . it's not too much of a stretch, I think, for the Gerudo women to say "no kings ever again, no men allowed in Gerudo Town aside from Princess Zelda's twink."
And thus, the 100+ sons that would have come after Ganondorf . . . were raised as Hylians.
(Of course, if one of these AMAB Gerudo-raised-as-a-Hylian later realized she was a transgirl, she would be welcome in Gerudo Town. But she wouldn't be there to take the throne. She's just there to be with her sisters. Transvai are vai and welcome in Gerudo Town. Just no voe, except Princess Zelda's twink.)
So if we consider this a possibility, then it could be that there is actually a Gerudo voe—who wouldn't acknowledge himself as Gerudo since he was raised Hylian—in present day Hyrule. Someone with dark skin, tall, with a muscular build, accustomed to warm climates . . .
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Someone like Tauro.
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niko-jpeg · 2 months
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First of MANY Camp Green Hill Doodles. Camp Green Hill is my silly summer camp AU, and since I've been on a 06 kick lately, lots of silliness with that case running through my brian. Context and explanations under the cut <3
Alright! Camp Green Hill takes place at its namesake. It’s a pretty nice, isolated place in the middle of nowhere, and a safe haven for Mobians with or without ‘supernatural abilities’. Sonic is a permanent resident and under the care of Ranger (“Uncle”) Chuck, who is currently in charge of the camp. Onto the doodle explanations:
“Sonic the Hedgehog”: Just a little doodle of our resident hedgehog. He’s well known both around camp and around town for being bright, full of energy, and very competitive. He possesses a super speed ability and loves to let it show.
Sonic and Tails: Sonic and his little brother, Tails were found in the woods around the camp around 10 years ago. Their origins are pretty much unknown, and neither of them say anything about their old homes. It came to light that Sonic kidnapped Tails after keeping an eye on the toddler and noticing he was severely neglected by his community. Sonic’s origins remain unknown. Uncle Chuck speculates he also came from a neglectful family, which is why he took Tails and ran. 
Drowning: Sonic cannot swim. Despite this, he hangs around water frequently, especially when pissed off or upset. This has resulted in many near drownings. 
Uncle Chuck: Artists rendition of how Uncle Chuck became an uncle. Sonic just kind of wandered into the camp, decided he liked it and its weird owner (Chuck), and declared him their uncle.
Sonic Enjoys Rock Climbing: It's one of his favorite camp sports! He’s gotten pretty damn good, but for the sake of setting a good example, will make use of the safety equipment.
A Completely Normal Cat: A completely normal cat with a completely normal vibe who cannot talk, I promise. Just kidding, that's resident half god Mephiles! They prefer to take on the form of a cat most of the time, mostly to not throw other campers off. And yes, they are in fact, a camper. It's a long story. If you want to know more. My ask box is open ;) 
Friendship Bracelets: Silver is buddies with Mephiles, but neither of them have been properly socialized. He and Blaze have matching friendship bracelets, so he made Mephiles one too. They wear it as a collar, since cat wrists aren’t the best for jewelry. 
Lawn Chair: There's a little filler ‘episode’ where Silver, Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow all go to a waterpark outside of town, and Silver enlists the help of Meph to get them in, since they know a certain illusionist jackal who could help them out. They pretend to be Shadow’s older sibling to get them in, and hang out with Blaze far away from the splash zone. 
They/Them Icon: Just a doodle of Meph I did to fill space lol.
Blaze and Silver: They have a long, complicated friendship. She appeared to him when he was younger shortly after losing his whole family to a catastrophic apartment fire. She’s a secret friend from another dimension, and his only real friend. Little does he know, Blaze was the one who accidentally started the flame, and now feels bad for orphaning him. She grapples with the guilt a lot. Meph was messing around in the future during the off season and accidentally befriended the two, which was their ticket to the past at the camp.
Also, Silver visits Blaze’s dimension frequently! Once he’s comfortable around people, he’s full of spunk, and loves a good adventure. He’s not as innocent and shy as he paints himself to be, not even by a lot. He’s still nervous around Mephiles though, given the whole ‘god’ thing.
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holalinkkk · 27 days
Okay I’m seeing a lot of “Stolas shouldn’t have sprung everything onto Blitzø all at once and he should’ve given Blitzø time to process” but 1. This talk was soooo long overdue that it’s better that Stolas was as clear as possible and got everything off of his chest because their communication has been pretty awful thus far and 2. Blitzø was kinda the one who started heavily insulting Stolas while following him down the hallway? I don’t blame Stolas for teleporting Blitzø out, they both were very hurt in the conversation and anything further said probably wasn’t going to help the situation at all. I just hate how the fandom has to make one or the other into the bad person in the relationship like???
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theproblemcallednight · 8 months
i have many random wips like sdkjfndksjff why can't i finsh smth
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anyways heres a fem skk one ive been sitting on for the past week. i did try to do a background but i got lazy
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bibibbon · 26 days
I feel like Kenjaku as a villain was wasted tbh especially when I think of the dynamic we could have got between them, Choso and Yuuji.
Hi @doodlegirl1998 👋
OMG YES!!! I have been in the process of making a post about kenjaku and how I hate how the narrative treated him especially with the lack of kenjaku and yuji/ choso content we have.
Gege introduces kenjaku as this weird maniac who literally does stuff because he is bored and why not. Like the guy was like won't it be interesting if I just created the culling games to almost pass time before going ahead finding tengen and killing them. He also just wants to merge humanity for fun and giggles. Heck the narrative itself says that kenjaku just wants to commit acts of sorcery terrorism because why not.
Also it's such a shame that we never got to see kenjakus relationship with itadori and choso to a full extent especially when its never fully tackled by the story. Strangely enough there seems to be something quite interesting when it comes to how kenjaku views yuji, maybe something akin to care for him (even a tiny bit maybe) which could be heavily explored if gege chose that kenjaku would be the one to take over gojos body in jjk 261.
Also I think kenjakus whole existence and how it effects jjk society needs to be talked about and explored heavily within the narrative. Kenjaku seemed to have a friendship with tengen until something happend and they stopped being friends. Gege could of taken this and fully ran and expanded with this idea especially because there are some similarities with kenjaku and tengen and how they both use human bodies as vessels.
There's also kenjakus last fight which was a great way to add humour into the story while giving both him and tsuaba development. Kenjakus hunger for something new seems to parallel ishigori and sukuna but with kenjaku he has went through multiple journeys and has supposedly seen many views and beliefs of others. Yet one thing that he hasn't experienced is grief and love which could be a great arc for him to go through.
I think kenjaku seemingly becoming the mastermind in the series could of been a great twist and there are so many more things for his character that haven't been explored.
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andreal831 · 2 months
Elijah antis make it so hard to talk about him.
Sometimes I just want to say "This a**hole."
And not get a hundred responses saying: "Thank you! Elijah is the worst, most evil character to ever exist in the world."
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vilsoo · 9 months
no because wtf is this trend of “popular”wattpad writers that migrate over here and are COMPLETLEY NEW to tumblr, thinking they can just get away with stealing from bigger tumblr fic writers???
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dramarants · 9 months
i only want love triangles if it's whatever fucked up polygon junmo kicheol and euijeong have going on
#the worst of evil#ranting#idk how to articulate how juicy it is#junmo's fierce protectiveness of his wife - he trusts her but can't help his jealousy fear or frustration while trapped in the situation#euijeong hurting but putting her own life on the line worried for her husband while unpacking the memories of her first love#she can't help but sympathize with kicheol and what he's endured; haven't seen much of how she feels rn but it must be c o n f l i c t e d#(not necessarily even in a romantic way but wanting to root for a person chasing their goals who was once so important to you)#(all while grieving her mother without the support of her literal goddamn spouse by her side)#and kicheol. also grieving and trying to establish a place for himself and his crew yet drawn to junmo despite the red flags#his panic and desperation when jungmo bled out on him which must have triggered his own memories of losing taeho#junmo who has every reason to despise kicheol barely concealing his general rage but protects him like it's second nature at every turn#all while conflicted as a bystander to atrocities (and now willfully leaving another cop to die to protect himself his wife and the mission#getting mentally and physically pummeled left and right just bc his superiors demand it from him#all to please euijeong's family by using the promotions to prove himself and get rid of the stigma weighing him down#like !!!#and haven't even touched on kicheol wooing euijeong against his buddy's wishes and in such a pure heart fluttering way#accepting the risk for a second chance to bathe in the bright light she used to shine on his life#OMG AND BIBI'S ENTRANCE!! junmo realizing her interest gives him leverage and agency but struggling to use it to his advantage#it's soooo messy and i'm obsessed#that funeral arc is gonna haunt me for years#as is the tension during the pat down which def was supposed to be like a gang pride/dignity/lack of power against the jp folks thing#also testing their relationship and responsibilites as leader subordinate#but felt charged around whether kicheol would protest or junmo would accept the manhandling in totally different 👀 ways#goddamn i wrote an essay and this doesn't even scratch the surface of the meat of the show#tldr; i have many many feelings and for once the 'love triangle' isn't making me gauge out my own eyeballs#it's about power it's about raising the stakes and revealing things about the characters w/o dominating the plot
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prussianbluevelvet · 7 months
navigating lesbian spaces as a lesbian man on testosterone is NOT fun lmaooo help… ‘men dni, only lesbians interact 🥰’ girl i got bad news for you. some of us are both. did you forget about nonbinary people orrrrr are we just too complicated for y’all to cope with lmao. ‘i love weird queer freaks 🥰’ no u don’t y’all can’t even handle nonbinary people with sexualities that don’t fit into your normative tiny little boxes. go away with your performative nonsense.
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