#sorta even though i am not qualified
elevensbian · 1 year
having a hum hallelujah night and. everyone always talks about 'i could write it better than you ever felt it' being about pete writing lyrics which makes sense considering he wrote the line but the bridge.... they wrote that one better than i ever felt it. it sounds almost desperate? feels a lot like clinging on to life using a song as an anchor- metaphorically but also thats literally what happened. it's just horrifically gut wrenching and captures all the emotion of the lyrics in music form So gorgeously. it sounds exactly how rock bottom feels- it's off key from the original (just off the key of reason etc etc), the guitars are all distorted and violent instead of quiet and clean, there's this big loud drum beat, everything is wrong and messed up and scary. but it's still sort of, weirdly hopeful? i think it's the vocal, up against this big guitar-y instrumental it's soft and pretty, like being vaguely aware that love and joy are still out there even if they're sort of floaty and distant and very much do not feel like concepts you can comprehend. idk man. i do not know music theory but that bridge makes me feel things
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figayda-rights · 15 days
Hey. I know you're probably getting a lot of hate for your mismag opinions, and I don't want to be one of those voices or be dismissive of your concerns. I'm Jewish and trans (though admittedly transmasc. I will say, that though JK's virulent transphobia has mostly been centered around victimizing trans men, it's important to remember that the entire community is affected. Her claims that transmasc folks are just confused little girls is dehumanizing and patronizing. We should stand with our trans sisters who are being endangered first and foremost, but also acknowledge that there is no part of the community that is unhurt by her bigotry.) Anyways, that said... I personally disagree with your mismag takes. I think you're well within your right not to support a series platforming the Terf book, and I do agree with many of your takes. But one of the distinctions I don't see a lot of people making is the difference between criticizing the Harry Potter series and criticizing JK Rowling herself. I'm not advocating for the Harry Potter books, or claiming death of the author. Those books are filled with prejudice.
But, though JK has made her current platform off of horrible transphobia, the books themselves weren't as preoccupied with trans people as she's become. Yes, there are definite transphobic elements. But to me, the biggest glaring issues of the book come from the racism and the worldbuilding (specifically the "fantasy racism" of muggles/mud bloods and all that shoddy allegory entails) --- both aspects that are directly critiqued and centered in mismag.
Saying that Mismag isn't a satire because it doesn't center a takedown of the transphobia of Jk Rowling is a misunderstanding of how it functions as a satire. Not criticizing JK (aside from Fuck Terfs) so much as criticizing the book and the world itself. I think there are issues with it, no doubt! And I certainly wish a transfemme individual had been given a seat at the table, not as a token, but because their insight into the world would add an extra dimension to the intended criticism.
But I also think that saying it doesn't qualify as a Parody is sorta... ignoring the racial components. It's unfair to Aabria and unfair to the show as a whole.
thanks for your opinion. I don't agree that transphobia (transmisogyny specifically) isn't baked into every aspect of her books.
Remember Pansy Parkinson? Remember how she was described as pig faced, square jawed, short haired and mannish? Remember how she was a villain who did awful things and ultimately aided the in world version of "fantasy Nazis"?
Remember umbridge? Another woman characterized as wide, mannish, square jawed and shouldered, someone who would LITERALLY transform to spy on people, get into kids bedrooms, "invade spaces".
Remember the staircases to the dorm rooms? The ones that wouldn't let boys into the girls rooms but would let girls into the boys rooms? This isn't even all of it.
I'm absolutely in no way saying the books and Rowling currently aren't FILLED with racism. I am indigenous, her use of "spirit animals" as patronuses is despicable. Rowling isn't currently spending thousands of dollars pushing laws against black, Asian, or indigenous people though. She IS currently funding politicians who are pushing holocaust denial AND spending direct money advocating for laws targeted at specifically trans women.
It is irresponsible and incredibly tone deaf to release a season based on her books when violence and trans people, trans women specifically, is at an all time high.
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borisbubbles · 9 months
Eurovision 2023: #22 - #21
Mild like is not a zone I prefer to rest long in, so let's make the next two a package deal so that only 20 remain going into the new year!
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22. SERBIA Luke Black - "Samo mi se spava" 24th place
Decade Ranking: 63/116 [Above Fyr og Flamme, below TBA]
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But I am getting ahead of myself.
In the days leading up towards towards the rehearsals I got the feeling that Luke would only barely squeak by despite being both Serbian and reasonably well-liked by the fans. This came with the slow realization that "Samo mi se spava" is kind of cringe, oop. All memes eventually become stale, and that rate at which they age accelerates further if the music's kind of not good lol. Not everyone can have the eternal resilience of "In Corpore Sano".
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So yeah, I totes understand why the Latvia stans were pissed they missed out while Luke basically passed to the Grand Final based on flag. However, many acts sucked in the semis, so I'm not bothered if one I liked (sorta) qualified over one i did not (sorta).
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Not to get things twisted though, "Samo mi se spava" was serviceable for what it was, as a Melovin-lite combination of shock horror and an art major's irreverent graduation project. Once you've accustomed to the senseless krumpcrat choreo and the atonal mewling however, you just have to recognize Serbia's 2023 entry was the vanity project of an ageing emo twink . Do I enjoy it? Yes, but only as ~A Piece~ (not as "a song") and only in small enough doses. Take, a listen every four months.
All that said, there are two small things about "Samo Mi Se Spava" that I greatly enjoy.
(1) the frogmarches remain hilarious so let's enjoy that in gif form:
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What a great way to finish A Piece.
(2) I merely have to think of Luke to hear "SPAAAVAAAAI" and "HELLO?! GAyME OVuh" ring through my mind in his characteristic gaywhispervoice and that ALWAYS produces a chuckle. So ultimately, while "Samo mi se spava" was admittedly not very good, it does manage to lift my spirits somewhat, and for that I'm willing to carry it to 22nd in my list!
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21. UKRAINE TVORCHI - "Heart of steel" 6th place
Decade Ranking: 62/116 [Above Luke Black, below Kalush Orchestra]
Yeah, Tvorchi did well for themselves. Given the war and the general air of misery surrounding last year's Vidbir (unironically a contender for worst NF this year, even under the circumstances) and the fact that Ukraine picked their most disappointingly heterosexual entry yet, there was no way "Heart of Steel" could become good. Like, who does this appeal to? What sort of person listens to this edgelordian church cabal, and thinks "ah, my favourite has arrived." Just the Musk fanboys, right?
Fortunately for us, Ukraine is the one Eurovision country that always understands the assignment. What do you do when your song below par? You provide a good show at least.
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and it kinda nibbled.
Yeah, there's no punchline. Sorry but it's NYE, i cooked the family dinner by myself and you may think it's a small step to go from roasting broccoli to roasting mediocrities, but the latter action takes up too much thinking space for a brain semi-operating on sparkling wine that is trying to weave in and out of social conversation. Jeffrey sang well, I liked the presentation and it didn't drag the more enjoyable entries around it down, what else can a one ask for? It wasn't going to get any better than what we got. Count them lucky stars, and all that.
Fourth place in the televote is a VERY stupid result (this is more in range of a 14th placer if it were any other country) but let's not end the year on a sour rant. "Heart of steel" could have been a morose drag. Instead it was moderately bemusing. Upward and onward to better things.
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CONGRATZ FOR MAKING THE TOP 20 to the following:
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darksideofthemoonbot · 4 months
Sorry Khorne fans, but for me he is last of the big four. That doesn't mean I don't like him, love all the chaos gods, but here's why. Unlike my Nurgle and Tzeentch explanations, this will be a bit heavier like my Slaanesh.
Khorne is a lawnmower. There's something satisfying at times to the simplicity of, lets go with Kharneth, I like that name better. Something delightfully simple to screaming "BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD" and going to hit something with a sharp piece of metal. Its almost therapeutic sometimes.
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Also, as he cares not from whence the blood flows, Kharneth is thus clearly the god of [menstruation joke goes here]. And yes, I am... familiar with the Leman Russ quote. Though in a way I sorta do want a Norscan slang to be "the time of the hound".
Completely unrelated, I promise, but also Valkia the Bloody. A lot of love for a queen who gets told she's been selected as a Slaanesh daemon prince for concubinisation, and answers by killing him and marching into chaos to deliver his head to Kharneth personally.
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Khorne is a lawnmower. Much fun as it is to skull for yon skull throne, I can find Kharneth a bit one-note in that respect. Which isn't bad exactly but tends to make him better in measured doses, you know? I like variety over the long haul.
Here's where it gets heavy. Like Slaanesh, I relate to Kharneth well. Unlike Slaanesh, it is not a mixed bag of good and bad. It is just bad. It is parts of me I do not like.
Among my mental/emotional concerns for which I get medication and therapy is anger. Not strong enough a word. Rage. Fury. Berserkergang perhaps.
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Times where the world has become a long red tunnel with ThingsThatNeedToDie™️ at the other end. The strength is unbelievable, though I pay for it after. And I don't just mean raw physical force. The absolute purity of purpose in such a rage is the greatest clarity I have ever experienced.
And that is a bad thing.
It is like an addiction. It may well be one, but I am not a biochemist so I won't conjecture. All it causes is harm and the sublime clarity doesn't last beyond the fit of rage. I miss it. I shouldn't but I do. And I have started trying to direct it in healthier ways. Promoting justice, if there is such a thing, or perhaps more accurately fighting injustices. Turning the furnace of anger toward productive ends.
That, however, leads me to the even less useful and harder to justify emotion I relate to with Kharneth: hate. Unlike the conflagration of fury, hate is the bitter coals that endlessly hunger for spiteful destruction.
I have stared into the abyss of hate. In some areas I have fallen into it. Most notably misandristic thinking. I hated men. Another trauma response, given who has hurt me in the past. And I know that it is wrong, I have made real progress with it. Unlike anger, I do not miss it. It is seductive, offering clear and simple answers to complex issues. "X is bad" with no other qualifiers can be unbelievably tempting in some cases. Complex is troubling, while simple is easier. Hate is so much easier than understanding. But I do not miss it. The toxic fumes from those ever-smoking coals is poisonous to mind, body, spirit, and society.
It is not rage, it is contempt. It is spite and venom. A desire to see something ruined or destroyed, not out of passion, but out of bile. And my susceptibility for it is a part of myself I really do not like. But to mention my fibromyalgia again: it is easy to hate the world when the world causes you nothing but pain.
Understanding is counter to hate, maybe not perfectly but I found it helps. After I was assaulted a few years back by a hired driver, I was aware how easy it would be to fall into hate because of that. So I threw myself into learning about his religion. Harder to paint all adherents of a faith badly when I knew more about it, was my thinking. It worked. I even gained an appreciation for the art common in that belief system, that I had not known about before, and learned some interesting history. Which helped me remember: it is not all of a demographic, it may be too much of a demographic, but not all. He was just a jackass.
Sorry to end the big four on a heavy note y'all. Here's a picture of cathartic destruction.
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good-beans · 1 year
You know what I realized today? I've gathered from dashboard osmosis that the inmates in Milgram are being judged for deaths they're responsible for that don't qualify as murder in a legal sense, right? So... Mondo could totally be an inmate in Milgram World. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but... thoughts on him as an inmate? Like, how might his crimes get treated by the narrative? What music style and symbolism might they use in his videos? (Are there different musical styles? I haven't actually listened to the songs...) Sorry for sticking my special little guy in here lmao, I promise that I'm doing it in a "I'm walking my Littlest Pet Shops through your Barbie Dreamhouse" sorta way.
YES we are mushing our toys together and having a good time :’D Omg always stick your special little guy here!
And that’s exactly it! Five of the prisoners should have been charged with homicide though they have very emotionally charged situations, but the other five have pretty standard lives except that they indirectly/unconventionally took a life – so he would 100% fit. (There’s also a theory I really like that characters only end up in the prison if they personally feel guilty of murder, so it’d work that he felt like he killed someone so he found himself there.) 
He’d have such cool symbols in his video ooh... The videoa have a mix of actual scenes of reality along with a more dreamscape-type area. So you’d have moments from the night of the accident, but he could also be riding his bike surrounded by stylized open highways, traffic lights/signage, car lights, and cityscapes that reveal his recklessness/relationships. Or if those are too similar, his dreamscape could also be a garage where he’s working on – or smashing – his bike. Most characters have a single simple image that's their major symbol, I think his would be a red traffic light.
(I can't think of anything clever at the moment but there could also be a lot to work with for diamonds symbolizing something tough/hard, valuable, and visually distracting)
The songs are all generally pop-y, but there are definitely distinct genres for each character which is super fun! (I do recommend giving the soundtrack a listen even if you don’t get into the story side – all the season 2 songs SLAP lol) And I swear I'm not just saying this because he's my favorite, but Mondo would definitely fit Fuuta’s vibes. It’s the whole “I’m a tough guy and I’ll kick your fucking ass, (but deep down I am actually very human and scared and feel immense guilt over this!!” thing. Bring it On is his more confident intro song and Backdraft is after he’s a bit more fucked up and feeling scared/guitly. 
Story-wise, I think he’d also be pretty similar to Fuuta in that his toughness would put people off at first. There are three seasons/trials (we’re in the middle of the second one rn), and I think his first voice drama would be full of aggression, and then his song would reveal he’s in a gang – causing the audience to think he was just a loudmouthed delinquent needing to be brought down a notch, and vote him guilty. But then season 2 he hits ‘em with the fact that the gang had nothing to do with the death, and it was in fact love that caused it all, and he's a lot more complex. And maybe it’s held off until s3 to reveal it was his own brother, giving that final twist of the knife. From some of the opinions I’ve seen so far, it seems like he’d get a good reception and may make it out! (Though you could stay true to his original tragedy and take the possibility that his final verdict would be guilty :( )
I would walk my barbies back into your littlest pet shop area, but I mean, the main Milgram high schooler character did stab a girl in broad daylight, so I don’t think there’d be much of an interesting investigation there… 😂
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aspd-culture · 2 years
I’m paraphrasing since I don’t remember it clearly but I think I recall you mentioning that a lot of ASPD remember a time where they just sorta… “switched”
How late in life can this happen? Because that switch happened to me when I was about 16-17 but I’m not diagnosed ASPD but I am definitely starting to get suspicious and feel like I should start considering looking into it…
I had symptoms before the switch (but also I likely have other Cluster B disorders so it could be overlap) and pretty sure I had CD as a child but the switch felt like it finally “sealed the deal” and now I exist in almost constant apathy and the only emotions I really feel now are rage and sometimes deep sadness. A lot of times it’s blunted or detached though as if my emotions are freaking out in a separate room.
I have heard it as early as 3 or 4 and as late as 18. That switch is basically when you sort of "give up" on relying on the people around you and trying to continue to develop typical social instincts and a secure attachment style. As ASPD can't even be diagnosed before 18, I would assume it's normal for that feeling (which not everyone experiences) to happen later in teen years for some.
However, to be diagnosed with ASPD, you did have to have some sort of significant symptoms that could have qualified you for a diagnosis of any conduct disorder before a certain age, which I believe is 15. You don't have to have actually gotten that diagnosis, though; just qualify for it in retrospect.
Plain text below the cut:
I have heard it as early as 3 or 4 and as late as 18. That switch is basically when you sort of "give up" on relying on the people around you and trying to continue to develop typical social instincts and a secure attachment style. As ASPD can't even be diagnosed before 18, I would assume it's normal for that feeling (which not everyone experiences) to happen later in teen years for some.
However, to be diagnosed with ASPD, you did have to have some sort of significant symptoms that could have qualified you for a diagnosis of any conduct disorder before a certain age, which I believe is 15. You don't have to have actually gotten that diagnosis, though; just qualify for it in retrospect.
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You know the drill:) :) :)
1-50 weird asks and GO
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
I don't know if "comfort" is the right word, but right now it's probably Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach and...Boromir from LOTR. Ichigo is currently my favorite main character period and Boromir is....well. He's a deeply flawed character that tries and fails and tries again and manages to do good at the end of his life and I hope I'm able to do the same before I die.
lighter or matches?
I'm a certified pyromaniac, so the answer is yes. I prefer lighters for cigarettes and cigars though, whereas matches, I like launching them off of the lighter strip.
do you leave the window open at night?
Up north, open. Down here...closed. Permanently closed. I hate the weather down here.
which cryptyd being do you believe in? All of them. Skinwalkersmustdieskinwalkersmustdieskinwalkersmu
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
You think *I* know???
hair-ties or scrunchies?
how many water bottles are in your room right now? ....none
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Hot tbh
would you slaughter the rich?
some of them
favorite extracurricular activity?
back in school it was band tbh and I can and should be bullied for it
what kind of day is it?
today was a long day at work unfortunately
when was the last time you ate?
just a couple of bars when I got home since it's a fasting day
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
(sorta, not to term yet)
can you drive?
Yes, ignore my friends that say I drive like a maniac I am completely fine I am not an adrenaline junkie I am not -
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
near sighted
what hair products do you use?
whatever is on the shelf. I used to use old spice but I think it's been giving me a reaction lately
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
....I don't think you want me to do that
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
a lot of my books tbh. some of those are in uh...not great shape to my shame
what type of person are you?
I am a piece of shit
how do you feel about chilly weather?
winter supremacy or die
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
sniping off politicians
Ideally if there's not a lot of light pollution I do love looking at stars
perfume/body spray or lotion?
spray, since I'm lazy
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
only all of them
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
do you wear a mask?
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
church hymns tbh
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
Hmmmm....good question. The last big one was the honeymoon to Colorado
is there a song you know every word to by heart? They're all metallica songs but several
what’s your timezone?
Central US
how many times have you changed your url?
a stupid amount of times
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
Not you yet, but all of my best friends from high school are still my friends now with 3 of them even being my groomsmen
a soap bar that smells good?
I...don't know actually lmao
do you use lip balm?
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
depends - if it's typical shit coffee, cream and sugar. If it's good coffee, black
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Bleach Brave Souls, does that count?
what’s your take on spicy foods? I love them
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
*REDACTED* nice try FBI
can you remember what happened yesterday? More or less!
favorite holiday film?
This is cheesy as fuck, but probably The Polar Express or Year Without a Santa Clause
what was the last message you sent?
I think it was me letting my coworker to let me know if I could do anything for him since his mother passed away
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Uhhhhhhhh....I think it was as a teenager from my Grandfather, or wine from my mother
can you skip rocks?
I can't, unfortunately. I ain't gonna lie, I'm kinda retarded
can i tag you in random stuff?
No you fuck - OF COURSE YOU CAN
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Soo bit about me is im bisexual, trans, autistic, depressed and have had some Bad Coping Mechanisms so trigger warnings for sh, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism and addictions, anything else lemme know and i'll edit this. When I was a young boy, I realised bad things in my brain and after struggling finally got encouraged to reach out for help, here's how i'd rate my experiences. First though, regardless of any of these ratings you should seek help, because even if the help sucks which it might, you get a little boost in your brain that you're trying and it could be the difference between 1 day but that 1 day is special. I believe in you. As someone who has been struggling for 10 years now, it does get better but your struggle doesnt magically stop. So this is in no way me saying "all help sucks dont bother" but the exact opposite like always choose to seek for help.
First we have Mr Big Boi Jo AKA the samaritans, I have reached out to them so many times since I was like 13. The email feature is amazing like being able to sorta control when you are willing to not only send the message but also check the response is wonderful. I'd pour my heart and soul out and then be able to step away and recover from that vulnerability, be excited for when I'd get an email back, if I didn't feel like responding in that moment then I would not have to. But they have a tendency to sign post you quite easily like i've been sent to chris at lgbt , childline, some autism stuff that rubbed me the wrong way. It can feel kinda like you're getting dismissed and told to bugger off. "But that's not what they're doing!" oh right i forgot people in mental health crises should think more clearly, how dare i think they may have thinking issues and be sensitive in those times, ridiculous of me /s so I'm gonna rate them 6.5/10. This also probably depends on who you get. I'm gonna have to DQ [email protected] because I genuinely forgot I had any interaction with them, they seem alright and I suppose if you're struggling with gender and sexuality they're worth a shot? I'm rather comfortable in my identity now so I don't want to take that resource away from people for any experiment like this. CHILDLINE - Not just that one phone number you call if your parents are abusive. Genuinely childline is so misrepresented due to what we classify as abuse like if you are under 18, you can go on childline and play games, have a live chat feature with counsellors, ask on message boards, view message boards or send as an email instead of the chat. You can choose! I think it would be amazing even for adults but once again, no stealing resources. "But I have DID and it's complicated cause my little needs help-" dude I'm not qualified for that, you probably know more than I do like don't put this on me. I cannot remember one negative experience with them. I just remember being scared and messaging people, OH AND THE NOTES YOU CAN ASK THEM TO READ NOTES SO THEY'RE CAUGHT UP ON STUFF EVEN IN LIVE CHAT. 9.5/10 would be a 10 if I was still a child but I'm unfortunately 23 so im bitter. It may have changed but now but I strongly encourage people to try it because I didn't want to because I thought it was only for kids being physically abused, it's also for like teenagers who are self harming. SHOUT - Oh Shout, you are the most 50/50 out of these. I genuinely use SHOUT more than samaritans now but it can go really bad. I message and am like "hello i wanna drink myself to death" but if i do that on like friday nights or something, the wait times are massively long and I've found some other way to soothe myself but when they are there they do talk very gently, they offer valid resources about things like as pdfs this time not just links to websites of people that can help. It's similar to counselling in person imo so it's about vibes sometimes. 8/10 or wait/10 damn those wait times KOKO - I'm glad it exists but haven't found much help from it personally. I do like that it sorta puts less stress on people that want to help social media accounts in crisis like that's a very important thing we didn't have when I first had the internet and it caused a lot of damage but in terms of the rating of how it helped 4/10.
GP - OMG GPs right? Anyone in the UK that's been to a GP for depression will immediately be thinking "oh right a WALK ADN SOME TEA RIGHT??" because that's always your first offer. Always. I should also mention I never went to CAMHs because of how my GP saw me, I went to a different centre for at risk youths in a different town in the most wonderful and bizarre therapy I've ever had but that place has shut down and there's absolutely no way other people have had that experience because whenever I say this stuff to people they may as be looking at me like I'm talking about narnia. GPs don't really seem to take you seriously until you're 18. But people don't seem to be really listening, your antidepressants aren't gonna stop your depression. They're going to fight it a little bit but you gotta do other stuff to get the endorphins and that's where the walks and exercise come in. People will bitch about theirs not working and they don't listen to what the GP says like "they keep upping my dose cause it isnt working!" then you find out that person has been drinking every other day which cancels those meds out. So with all that said, GPs are getting a 5/10. Some of mine were really helpful, some sucked, age is a big factor.
I hope you are able to use this info or even just now be more aware of all the help you can get in the new year. It's time to get happy again <3
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Post 2: Correcting Post 1
Or: The journey of Japanese is a journey of folly.
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So, I wrote that Japanese has pitch but it's usually not important for meaning, you just sound unnatural.
... Which is something you could say ... Kinda ... sorta ...
Only the Universe has been bombarding me with the importance and prevalence of pitch ever since. So I want to qualify the statement, at least.
Check out this interesting post I found here. Now, if I read this slightly cryptic answer right (it talks about "word-accent" which I assume can mean both "pitch" - Japanese, Chinese - and "stress" - English), pitch is significant to distinguish words with same sounds (homonyms) as follows: Chinese - 71%, Japanese - 13%, English - 0.47%.
Unsurprisingly, in a language (Chinese) using (in its standard pronunciation/main dialect) 5 pitches to differentiate words, pitches are "damn important" (71%). But 13% is actually also quite significant. Your mileage may differ.
Personal bias in skimming information
Now, for me, myself, this is not so surprising. I may have come across the information that pitch exists in Japanese probably twice but my brain may have chosen to willfully ignoring it.
(Textbooks may mention it but then omit it to not overload beginners, I guess.)
Thing is, I have a horrible history with learning how to stress words in other languages. These little accent-y things and squiggles on top of words? They're my nemesis. So I guess I wanted there to be no equivalent of that in Japanese.
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I had three years of Ancient Greek in school, an investment of my time that taught me a valuable lesson: Don't learn Ancient Greek. I'm kidding - or am I? - the valuable lesson was to do my choices in a less knee-jerk way. In hindsight, nothing of value would have come of learning Ancient Greek even if I did well. Your opinion may differ. Fine. I really think it's a colossal waste of time unless you make a job choice requiring it. The best it could have done for me was get better at the learning itself or the learning of languages in general. But it failed in the most important thing that language does: connecting people. If it fails at that, it barely has any right to remotely exist as a subject. Nobody likes you Ancient Greek, go away.
Besides the letters, Greek gave me major problems with the stress accents. Put it on a syllable and I would never manage to pronounce the word. I always put the stress wrong. My brain hasn't unlocked how that works. I notice the same in Spanish. I may emulate a speaker (not that I speak Spanish, but when I repeat after someone), but even then I might not even hear the difference.
I know I've aggravated my Swedish teacher for not hearing the difference between his "ooh" and "uh" sounds he was making for the letter "u." (Ironically a song based entirely on the sound "U" is now playing on shuffle.) Hopefully continued exposure and awareness of the problem might help...
There's some good news, though
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While my chosen learning method of WaniKani doesn't display stress, it features two speakers, Kyoko and Kenichi that say the readings. I wondered on occasion if they were real, but they do use pitch when pronouncing words. (And they might slightly vary between each other.)
So there's a neat little feature:
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You pick your speaker and chose to let pronunciation play out every time the reading is featured - in case of reviews after you transcribed it yourself first.
I have to admit I was in the habit of not playing it when I could do multi-kanji word readings well, but this exposes me to pitch and pronunciation peculiarities I might otherwise ignore.
More exposure!
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[EDIT:] Probably more good news, depending where you come from
So, in researching this I came across this article. It provides two pieces of context that I want to quote .
A reply to a letter to the editor of a manga magazine printed in Romaji (without accent marked) quoted in point 5: "When two or three words sound exactly alike except for pitch accent, context is going to resolve the ambiguity virtually 100 percent of the time. In practical terms, accent is probably the least important aspect of Japanese pronunciation no matter what your level of language skill."
In other words, even bad pitch accent will be understood almost always. This is where I first will employ the most horrible, stereotypical example that's ALWAYS trotted out to justify anything: the chopsticks/bridge example.
Chopsticks and bridge both transcribe to "hashi" (and to the same Hiragana). They only vary in rising and falling pitch. Now you could argue that makes pitch important. But as the above quote states - context usually resolves that quite reliably.
I mean, having browsed reddit and Quora for a while, you will inevitably see this being trotted out, and people ask the rhetorical question: Don't you think it's important to know if the bridge is burning or a set of chopsticks?
Rhetorical questions are, of course, only questions in the most technical sense. They're usually just people being smug or actually making biased or even bad faith arguments.
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As mentioned above, people are not dumb. Japanese is already incredibly context-sensitive. You constantly have to keep track of things said before - because omission is common. You can leave out the subject because you mentioned it before as "the topic." Good luck with translating that, AI...
You usually can infer what is being said. But propagators of the burning chopstick dilemma are trying hard to make you think their way. Or are they even trying? It's so tired an example. If there were lots of these, surely people would quote them, too? Who cares what's going on with the damn bridge, anyway?!?
Okay, moving on.
I found this from point 6 a very useful and probably true assessment: "People without hearing impairments can mimic the melody of language, but they can hardly interpret visual accent markers into the oral/aural domain without special training because visual and auditory stimuli are processed very differently in the human brain. In all likelihood, the author of the above-mentioned letter simply feels more comfortable visually with accent markers. But using such markers to speak Japanese creates pronunciations that are worse than a crude synthesizer."
Well, I was notoriously bad at it in one language already. I guess I will hold my horses on trying to make that my method. Thankfully, audio material is available in enormous quantities, so we can learn from the melody of native speakers. And that is good news.
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lightninging · 4 years
this whole coronavirus thing has put a damper on my usual “run away to northern finland” daydreams so instead of idly looking at rental listings in rovaniemi or oulu i am looking at rental listings in alaska. i have cousins in fairbanks, what if i just like, showed up there and rented a shitty apartment and got a non-academic-escalator job and went camping on my days off
#i think a lot about like. is it moral to be doing astrophysics in this time. am i morally obligated to use my scientific skills#(meagre though they are compared to others') to do climate science. or is it better to stay where i am and instead lobby for#more climate science funding and positions so that more qualified people can do those jobs#anyways#potentially buying a house and having a long-term partner are both good things i like but also feel sorta limiting in some ways????#i love my boyfriend so extremely very much but also my daydreams are impacted bc i know he would never want to live in a remote part#of northern finland or alaska (he's an NYCer who wants to move back to NYC and stay there forever)#and having to sell property would be a big barrier too. i can't just pack myself and a suitcase into my subaru#and drive to alaska on a whim y'know#also..... the futility of moving north to chase winter in a warming world. that. yeah.#climate change here is 'winters are warmer now and nobody has backyard ice rinks anymore and it never snows'#while i know in the arctic it's immediately visible in a profoundly alarming way#there's a version of me in an alternate universe that lives somewhere very cold and plays pickup hockey games on wild ice on the weekends#and owns cold weather camping gear and has seen the northern lights#and i like to daydream about her#but it's harder to pretend that i could drop everything and be her if i wanted to#and i don't like that very much#even though i like the things that are widening the divide between us#personal
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mlmxreader · 2 years
The Protector | Frank Castle x trans!m!reader
Anonymous asked: ok so i’m gonna request a fic - feel free to get around to it whenever, ik you’ve just gotten a new job (congrats on that btw!!) so literally do this whenever. and def dont start it now because it’s very early in the morning and we all need our sleep.
can i request a frank castle x trans male reader fic that goes w the prompt “you’re mine, no one else is allowed to fucking touch you”? frank sorta shows up at his house at the ass crack of dawn, and he lets the reader tends to his wounds (ofc frank can do that for himself, but a) he’s missing being taken care of if ygwim and b) he wants to check if the reader is safe and ok but has no idea how to do it). could you keep it sfw please tho? like idm swearing ofc but yk what i mean. thank u!!<3
summary: Frank shows up unannounced and hurt at a ridiculous time, but he's lucky that you're willing to put up with that.
tws: injury and wounding, swearing
Oh, Frank was buggered as he hung onto the doorframe and waited for you to answer, doubting that you would; it was hardly dawn yet, the sun only just starting to get up onto its throne, and the chilly wind that whispered so softly made him growl and hang his head, agitated wounds never did like the cold. But then he perked up a little, knowing the song so damn well and fucking grinning when he heard it as the door opened.
'Treat Me Like the Dog I Am', Mötley Crüe. You said nothing as you dragged Frank's sorry ass inside and made him sit down at your kitchen table; he didn't want to talk, not really, but Billy Russo had told him that you were next. He didn't want to go anywhere else even though he had plenty of friends who were qualified for this sort of thing; he didn't like the thought of you being safe. Not when you had come so far in your transition that he was floored by how proud of you he felt. Not when you had always been the most handsome man in his life. Not when you were the only one who could make him blush and grin with little more than a smile; he hadn't done that in so long, before he met you, there had only one person who could do such a thing. Maybe she sent you Frank's way. Maybe not. He wasn't really into that sort of thing; religion was never really his scene.
Still, right now, there were two things on his mind; the first was getting those damn wounds patched. He could do it himself, he had done it before a thousand and one times, but he missed having someone take care of him; the doctors and nurses that he had alliances with could have done it, but Frank felt like he needed to be here with you. He felt like he had to stay, just to keep you safe and sound, just to guard you and shield you.
As you sat down with him, you tore open a packet of plasters and antiseptic wipes, sighing heavily as you chewed at the inside of your lip; sure, Frank had been there for you more times than you could count. He taught you how to present yourself in the way that you felt most comfortable when you asked, he supported you with everything - from your transition and how you saw fit to do so, all the way through to telling you which haircuts would suit you best and even through to the little things like giving you words of reassurance and softness when you needed them - without hesitation, he was there in a heartbeat if you ever needed him. Like when he had brought over battenburg cake at three o'clock in the morning because you wanted some; you weren't sure how he had gotten it when all the shops were closed, but you didn't question it. But it was more than that.
Frank meant a lot to you, a Hell of a lot, and even though you often worried about him, you knew that you had no right to; your feelings for him would never be returned, you had no right to worry when he was the Punisher and you were little more than just some guy who fancied him. You never had any right to worry, but when he clenched his jaw and growled at the sting of the antiseptic, you swallowed thickly and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Frank, but it's gonna hurt like a bitch."
"I'm fine," he replied, "as long as I got you, (y/n), I'm fine."
'Far from the Fame' by Sabaton started to play, and Frank actually relaxed a little when you started to hum along to it, even daring to smile when you sang the chorus to yourself.
"As the war rages on, you are our guide, far, far from the fame, far, far away from the fame but we still remember your name, Karel Janoušek, we mourn the day that you died so be our guide, Czechoslovakia’s pride..."
Frank really missed moments like this, moments when he could actually relax just because he was around you, and he could hear you quietly sing along to the songs you loved so much; he didn't even pay attention to how you patched him up, lost in the sound of your voice and the gentle grace of your fingertips. He licked his lips, and just as he was about to speak, you beat him to it.
"You're all done," you told him, patting his shoulder. "Just don't go getting stabbed and shot and God knows what else again."
He nodded, stealing a look at you and swallowing thickly. "Y'know, I always did like hearing you sing."
You scoffed as you raised a brow, shaking your head. "Of course you do... you want a coffee?"
"Yeah, please," he agreed, watching you walk away as you went about putting the medical equipment away. He heard the rush of the boiling tap and he heard the clink of the spoon against the mug, and before he could thank you properly, you set a cup of coffee in front of him.
"You might as well stay for a while," you told him. "Y'know, so I can keep an eye on you."
Frank hummed, tracing the rim of the mug with his finger as he did his best not to look at you. "Yeah, course... I might as well anyway, someone's gotta protect you."
"I don't need protecting," you muttered. "But if it makes you feel better... sure. You can even sleep in my bed tonight."
"Sounds good," he dared to crack a smile. So broken and jaded and hardly even a smile, but to you, it meant everything. "Besides, if I don't protect you... how can I make sure the only guy I wanna be with is safe?"
You furrowed your brows. "The fuck do you mean?"
"I mean..." he ran a hand down his face and grumbled. "I've been thinking, (y/n), and if you... look, I'm never gonna be a perfect boyfriend, maybe not even a fucking good one, but... if you want me, you can have me."
You nodded slowly, swallowing thickly. "I can have you?"
"If you want me," Frank said quietly. "Otherwise I won't say shit about it again."
"I do," you admitted, daring to grin. "Fuck, Frank, why didn't you say earlier? I mean... shit. I'll tell you later."
"No one's ever gonna get you, though," he growled. "No one. You're mine, no one else is allowed to fucking touch you, and I'll make sure of it."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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A Comedy of Errors. Chapter 1: Negotiations
Background: Y/N is a transfer student who joined Karasuno High in her second year because her family shifted to Miyagi. She is a volleyball player and plays as a wing spiker (ace) in the Girl’s Volleyball team.  
Pairing: Karasuno x fem reader || Romantic Pairing: Asahi x fem reader
Genre: Comedy and slight fluff at the end
A/N: Comedy is back!!! I am so excited to be writing fun stuff again because the response on the last funny story was so great and I had so much fun writing it and imagining the funny scenarios (you should definitely give it a read, I am sure you will enjoy it). As soon as I had the idea for this story, I just got straight to writing and haven’t stopped. Hope you enjoy!!
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The first time Asahi saw you, it felt like he was seeing the sun for the first time.
Since the boys’ basketball team has been occupying the boys’ gym a lot, lately, Daichi asked Michimiya if he could use the girls’ gym in the evening. 
Michimiya, of course, had been more than happy to say yes to Daichi and handed him the spare keys in her excitement. In fact, keys were nothing. if Daichi had asked her for a kidney, she would probably have ripped her own out of herself and handed it to him. 
However, even though she had said yes to him with such confidence and assured him that she would make the arrangements for the boys to practice, there was a giant hurdle standing in her way. 
Once she had squeezed every extra second she could talking to Daichi, as soon as he left, she turned and ran to the floor where the second years’ classes were. 
You were walking in the corridor, chatting with one of your friends, when you hear Michimiya’s voice. You turn around to see her running towards you. 
“Captain!” you say, surprised to see her here, “What’s up? Everything okay?” 
“Y/N can I talk to you about something?” she says, panting, “Preferably, alone.”
“Uh- sure,” you reply, your curiosity increasing. You say goodbye to your friend and walk with your captain to the empty stairwell. 
Once you have made sure that no one is around to hear you, you ask her what’s up. Michimiya looks really nervous and is playing with her fingers. 
Michimiya (M): Uh, so. Um. I might have done something stupid. And I need your help to fix it.
You raise one eyebrow questioningly.
M: Um - so - uhh - so um you know how the basketball teams have been occupying the gyms a lot more lately because their qualifiers are drawing near?
Y/N: ...yeah? But haven’t we already come up with a schedule that works for both the teams? 
M: Y-yeah
Y/N: So? Are they going back on their word now? Do they want to use the gym earlier?
M: No.
Y/N: Then?
Michimiya is looking at the ground when she says: “It’s not the girls’ basketball team. It’s the boys’. They have been hogging the boys’ gym and I kinda, sorta might or might not have promised Daichi that I would make arrangements for the girls gym to be free after our practice today so that the boys can practice there.”
Y/N: You did WHAT?!
M: Shh not so loud, someone will hear us!!
Y/N: Sorry. Captain, you KNOW that the girls basketball team will be using the gym after us, how could you promise Daichi you’d have the gym empty for him?!”
M: I know, I KNOW, but I just got so excited that he was talking to me and that he was actually asking ME for help for once that I said yes without thinking. I’m sorry.
Y/N: Okay, well, do you need help in telling him that the boys can’t have the gym later?
M: No, no, no, no, no, please no. He has always helped me and motivated me to keep going. You haven’t been around for too long but he has really supported me as a fellow captain and this is the first time that he has asked for help, you know? I really want to help, please!
Y/N: But how are we going to do that? How can they practice when the girls basketball team is in our gym?
M: Well. I was thinking we could switch our practice times for today and let the basketball team have the afternoon slot.
Y/N: Didn’t you have to fight with their captain for HOURS to let us have the earlier slot? Besides, Momoi hates you, I doubt she will agree to exchange slots on such short notice.  
M: She does hate me and everyone else on our team. And everyone else in the school, probably. That is why I need your help! Please help me talk to her. You’re new so she probably hasn’t had time to dislike you as much yet.
Y/N: That... doesn’t sound very reassuring. But I guess there’s no harm in trying. I guess that also means we won’t be practicing today.
M: Yes, but I will make it up to you guys somehow, I promise. 
Y/N: All right. Let’s get this over with. Lunchtime is about to be over soon.
M: Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best, Y/N!
You laugh it off. “By the way, Captain, you have food on your face.”
You note that you probably should not have pointed this out as you watch Michimiya’s soul leave her body as she realizes that she held an entire conversation with Daichi with food sticking on her face. 
Once you have consoled her, you both walk back to the third floor to Momoi’s class, Class 3-3. She is sitting at her desk alone, eating her lunch. She sees you and Michimiya approaching and her expression immediately turns sour. 
“Momoi-san. Hello. How are you doing?” you try to flash a smile at her but it probably looks more threatening than friendly.
“Oh, forget the polite bullshit, just tell me what you want and let me eat my lunch in peace.”
You bow slightly as you say, “We- um- I was wondering if you would be so kind as to exchange the practice time slots with the Volleyball club today?”
She frowns and her eyes narrow. “And what makes you think I would want to do that? Your captain here almost bit my ear off for the earlier slot for you guys.”
“Hey! I did no-” Michimiya starts to say but shuts up after you shoot her a glare. She continues, “R-right. About that. Yes, I know some heated words were exchanged. But really, we wouldn’t be coming here to you if it wasn’t really important.”
“And why should I care about something that’s important to you?”
“Please, Momoi-san. We promise we will make it up to you. As a peace offering, you can take the afternoon slot on any day of your choosing.” you say, your face as pleading as you can make it appear.
“Hmmmm. I have thought about it and my answer is no.”
“Actually, I’ve changed my mind. You have 10 seconds to tell me a very good reason as to why you want the gym later today and if I think it’s worthy, I will agree to us using the gym earlier. However, if I don’t deem it worthy, then this conversation is over,” stating which, Momoi started counting backwards from 10. 
10 - 9 - 8 - 7
You start to panic, trying to think of a valid reason quickly.
6 - 5 - 4 - 3 
It’s too soon for you to think!!! 
“Y/N’s DYING!” Michimiya’s panicked voice filled the whole classroom. Everyone turned to look at what’s happening. 
“What?!” You and Momoi shout at the same time.
Your eyes are wide open and glaring at Michimiya as you try to process what she’s just said.
Momoi looks at you, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, “What does she mean you’re dying?”
“Uhh by dying... she means that I’m...I’m... dyeing!” you stutter, your brain going a hundred miles an hour. 
“You just repeated the word.”
“Yeah, n-no, I mean that she doesn’t mean I’m going to die. It’s the other... dye. Hair dye.” 
“So let me get this straight, you want us to exchange practice time slots because you want to dye your damn hair?” she said, incredulously.
“N-No. It’s my grandma. Sh-she’s old. And she has been a widow for the last 20 years. A-and it’s her first date tonight in years!” you say, a believable lie finally forming in your head. “A-and when I was leaving for school today she asked me if I could dye her hair for her and help her get ready because she hasn’t done anything of this sort in years. T- that’s why we had to ask you on such short notice.”
“As cute as that is, why can’t the others practice without you?”
“Oh well, because I can’t help her get ready by myself! I’m gonna need at least three of my friends helping me and they’re all from the VBC, including our Captain here. I really need their help. I mean, have you seen me? I have no sense of fashion at all,” you say, hoping a little self deprecation might help your case.
“Well, I have never seen you in casual clothes so I can’t say but I have heard that you are a giant nerd so that probably checks out. Sigh. All right, fine. You can have the evening slot today, I guess. I wasn’t particularly keen on staying late at school tonight anyway”
You and Michimiya bow down and thank her profusely. You hear the bell ring and you start to walk out of the classroom.
As soon as you’re in the corridor, you turn to Michimiya, “I’m dying?? Really??”
“I’m sorry, the 10 seconds were about to be over so I panicked and said the first thing that came to mind.”
“and your first thought was me dying?!”
“Well... it worked, didn’t it?”
You both look at each other and burst out laughing loudly. She was right, as ludicrous as it was, you managed to turn it around and make it work. You both walk towards her classroom, still laughing. 
“Thanks a lot for doing this, Y/N.”
“It was no problem at all.” you say, smiling.
“Let me treat you to meat buns after school! We’ll ask the whole team to accompany us. As a thank you. Please don’t say no, I insist!”
“Okay. That would be nice. We can celebrate me dying.”
You both burst out laughing again. You wave her goodbye and start walking towards your own classroom, still chuckling.
As you are walking, you don’t notice the tall guy walk past you. You don’t notice his long brown locks, tied back into a neat bun on his head. You don’t notice the blush he has on his face as his grey-haired friend is laughing teasingly at him. 
But he noticed you. Asahi had been walking back to class after having lunch with Sugawara when he saw you. Well, actually, he spotted Michimiya first and was about to go say hi to her when he realized she was with someone. And as he watched, the two of you burst into peals of laughter. Oh, what a laugh you had. It rang so clearly in his ears. For some reason, he was dumbfounded. 
It felt like he was seeing the sun for the first time and he was transfixed. He felt like he was floating.
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He was brought back to earth when he felt Suga’s finger on his chin, pushing his jaw upward. He realized that he had been open-mouthed staring at you. His face turned red. Thankfully, you hadn’t noticed him. He looked sideways at Suga and found his grey haired friend looking at him with extreme amusement on his face. 
“Are my eyes deceiving me? Did Asahi Azumane just notice a girl? More than that, did he like what he saw?”
Asahi turned a deeper shade of red and kept walking. “N-no! It’s nothing like that! I just saw M- Michimiya and I was going to say hi but I stopped when I saw she was with someone!”
“Sure, sure,” Suga teased, “Someone who you couldn’t take your eyes off of.”
A classmate overheard their conversation and chimed in. “Oo are you guys talking about that girl who was just here with Michimiya-chan?”
Asahi: N-no!
Suga: Y e s 
“Yeah, she’s pretty, isn’t she? Too bad she’s dying.”
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Chapter 2 is up!
Chapter 3 is up, too!
Dun dun dunnnn. Of course I had to end this on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked the first part!!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged when I upload the next one! 
Likes, reblogs, follows, comments are much appreciated!! Please do not repost.
The best is yet to come, though, I am so excited to finish this story, I love it so much already aaaaah!!
Buy me a Kofi! <3
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dateamonster · 2 years
hello tumblr user dateamonster!! do you have any recommendations for good zombie media? my gf rlly likes zombies but has burned through a lot of the good stuff to be easily found. movies shows anime games etc, anything goes. ty!
oof good question but one im not sure im totally qualified to answer since most of the zombie media i consume is on the campier, sillier side.
i do have some somewhat more Serious zombos i enjoy tho!
the girl with all the gifts is one of my alltime favs (and ive heard the book is good too tho i havent read it) it hits a lot of the beats zombie fans will probably already be familiar with but the main character being a sort of half-zombie (makes more sense in context trust me) as well as a child born into this apocalyptic setting creates a totally new perspective and to me is one of the strongest most thoughtful pieces of work to come out of this sorta subgenre in a long time
the resident evil game series is probably a given. on the off chance she hasnt played it or watched a playthrough, that shits mandatory.
z-nation i think kinda tippytoes the line between stuff fans of, for example, the walking dead will recognize and enjoy in terms of ya know a story focusing more on the interpersonal drama of a group of survivors living through an ongoing apocalypse, and the sillier doesnt-take-itself-too-seriously stuff i personally enjoy, like the ongoing bit where theres just a big ball of entangled zombies rolling across the scenery. its the delicious junk food of tv zombies (though granted ive only watched i think the first few seasons when it was playing nonstop on syfy)
and if you want to join me in enjoying only thee most quality campy schlock..
zombieland saga! literally one of my favorite anime ever! i consider it in this sort of less serious category because the concept of undead idol girls is obviously pretty ridiculous on paper and not gonna be everyones thing, but if the premise even remotely intrigues you, please give it a shot. the story is fun, the characters are loveable and surprisingly complex beneath the typical moe girl archtype exteriors, the humor is on point but doesnt undermine the actually pretty effective emotional moments, and the music fucks! we stan!
z-o-m-b-i-e-s is like c-tier early 2000s dcom realness with a 2018 budget, better choreography, worse songs, questionable moral messaging, all reeking with a dangerous level of green hair dye and party city greasepaint fumes. ive watched it like four times. i cant totally explain it but its got like nostalgic high school musical vibes except more paranormal and much much sillier. dares to ask the question: can cheerleading end all prejudice and bring about world peace? (the answer is yes but theyll be repeating that question for three movies)
zombie prom. very similar to the above in general vibe except the music is honestly kind of good? theres a stage play and a movie which is more or less just a slightly shortened version. in a lot of ways it honestly feels like the fully realized version of z-o-m-b-i-e-s. if you watch the movie ru paul is there, whether thats an incentive or disincentive.
and to wrap it up another game you probably already know about, lollipop chainsaw. yes its problematic but i am honoring my past teenage self who averted their gaze when they walked by it on the shelves in gamestop by saying tara strong sexy cheerleader zombie slayer game is fun and good.
anyway all this to say my taste is very questionable when it comes to this subgenre but i hope u get something out of it. a lot of zombie stories kinda flop for me because the horror element gets watered down into this more actiony survive the zombo apocalypse type thing but the concept of zombies is definitely something that interests me despite this and there are definitely some good pieces of zombie media out there.
oh! and i havent read it yet, but ive heard really promising things about the book manhunt by gretchen felker-martin. not explicitly a zombie story i dont think but draws from the same place for sure. would be worth checking out i think.
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May I ask you a question? I am Autistic and have Severe Agoraphobia. What’s it like living in a group home? My old therapist tried to scare me about it and said it’s a horrible place where people take advantage of you. I don’t really believe that completely but I’m 21 now and I wanted to gather some real information about living in a group home from someone who has. It’s a big possibility in the near future for me but I’m very very uneducated and scared about it.
That varies a lot from place to place. I have had some pretty horrible experiences in both of my past group homes, but I am genuinely quite happy with this one. But the basics of it is that you have a room or an apartment within a bigger building which also contains various staff members who you can contact (usually by calling or texting their work phones) and make an appointment with if you need help with something. They can help with a variety of basic chores like cleaning, vacuuming, doing the dishes, laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, getting back and forth from various appointments, managing medication, meals, making phone calls and so on. All things you are likely to struggle with if you are disabled enough to qualify for a placement in a group home. In between helping you maintain your existence, they usually leave you alone to do your own thing. The degree of privacy and freedom varies a lot from place to place, though. Right now I have my own electronically locked apartment and plenty of privacy, but in the past I've lived in group homes where I had to share both bathrooms, living room and kitchen with other residents and where I couldn't even lock the door to my room. Right now I have my own wifi router, but once in the past my internet access was restricted to just a couple hours each afternoon. Right now I can come and go as I want, but in one home I needed to ask permission before I could go anywhere. Right now I can invite people over whenever I want to, but in one of my previous group homes having any visitors required getting special permission from staff. When it comes to the staff members themselves, then I've met everything from the most lovely people you can imagine to people who didn't give a fuck about actually helping anyone to people who were obviously only there because they want to exercise power over others. So it's sorta like the nursing field in general: You get the best and the worst of humanity and basically everything in-between. As mentioned above, I have had my fair share of bad experiences, and I won't tell anyone to uncritically move into any group home they might get offered, cause many of them are corrupt and dysfunctional to varying degrees - even in Denmark! But if you find one of the good ones, it doesn't have to be like a horror movie at all
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floraflow · 17 years
The Best Laid Plans...
I’m feeling really conflicted about everything right now. On one hand, Ana and I’s plan worked (!), but on the other hand, the night did not go as expected...
I’ll start from the beginning.
I could barely sleep Thursday night, I was so excited for Friday’s festivities. I was jittering all day and couldn’t stop myself from smiling, kids at school probably thought I looked like a clown. In guitar, I tried to play it cool lol. James and I didn’t sit next to each other and I avoided looking at him all class. I was afraid if I did, I would burst. But he managed to snag me again after class (my heart did skip a beat, they way it always does around him) and he asked me if I was sure he should pick me up at the old barn. He said it didn’t seem safe. I told him it was fine (but I was internally screaming at how cute his concerned face looked). He was like “idk...” so, regrettably, I was forced to tell him about the barrenness of my social life, i.e. how I was planning on sneaking out because my mom would never let me go to a party, much less with a BOY. He cautiously agreed, which was pretty sweet. I was worried he would think I was a loser, but he really just seemed genuinely worried about me.
Work felt excruciating. I bolted straight to Ana’s as soon as my shift ended. I had to sacrifice some textbooks to make room in my backpack for some clothing options for the party. Ana thought I should wear black, cuz black is a mysterious and alluring color, but I reminded her that this was a PREPPY party and she was like “ok so what do preps wear?” and I realized I didn’t really even know since everyone wears uniforms at school. Ana rolled her eyes and was like, “are you really gonna dress up all disney channel to make some lame rich kids like you?” and I was like “touche” lol.
Ana INSISTED on the black so I wore one of my lacy black camis and Ana leant me her black skinny jeans. I also put on a slew of rosaries (including my favorite one, which had black beads), Madonna-style. Ana said I kinda look like Aly and AJ from the “Potential Breakup Song” music video, which I guess qualifies as disney channel sorta xD
Ana and I don’t really wear makeup (besides Baby Lips lip balm) so she snuck some from her mom to put on me. Just some shimmery gold eyeshadow, mascara, and lipgloss. The lip gloss was called Juicy Tubes and it smelled DELICIOUS. Ana said that lip gloss makes guys unconsciously look at your mouth because the shininess draws more attention to them. I was like “how would you even know that???” and she was like “I READ IT IN SEVENTEEN, SUE ME” hahahahaha
(God sorry am I boring you? Wait. Who am I even apologizing too?? LMAO xD)
Anyway, at 7:45-ish, I stole out Ana’s bedroom window into the night! I felt that same rush I felt when Ana and I went on our nighttime bog excursion, it was exhilarating.
I had my scuffed-up, old tennies on for the walk to the Tempers’ barn (it’s technically closer to my house than to Ana’s, the Tempers are basically my next-door neighbors--I’ll get into that in a bit). I spotted two red tail lights radiating in the dark, casting an eerie red glow into the woods by the road. I clicked off the lil’ flashlight I brought and hurried to the car--a midnight black pick-up truck--with excitement, until I realized that I wanted to act cool so I slowed down a lil’ bit (as though he could even see me at this hour lol).
I peered into the passenger window, suddenly struck with the fact that I didn’t even know if this was actually James or not. But the mystery man flicked on the inside light, which promptly illuminated James’ angel face. (´∀`)♡ He smiled earnestly then fumbled to unlock the car door, which was VERY endearing. I climbed inside and he said, “Hey,” to which I responded, “Hey” in kind.
I’m afraid to report that those were about the only words we spoke to one another during that car ride. I was too occupied trying not to nervously glance at James constantly (and failing miserably). I think I could tell he was nervous too !! His eyes seemed glued in front of him, his body rigid, except for his Adam’s apple, which was bobbing noticeably.
When I wasn’t doing my nervous glancing, I too was staring straight ahead, suddenly very aware of the sound of my winter coat squishing against my seat. Speaking of winter coat, James wasn’t wearing one. Instead, he wore a slightly oversized black leather jacket. Obviously it was genuine leather and in good condition, like he takes care of it. Again, I nobly attempted not to swoon.  ₍՞◌′ᵕ‵ू◌₎♡
Morrissey drifted from the stereo, bathing our awkward silence in his droopy, lilting timbre. Thank GOD for music.
You could tell when we passed the threshold into Nettlebrook proper, where the dirt roads turn to cobblestoned streets, alit by antique gaslights. We wound our way up the hill overlooking main street (and the bog) and the further up we went, the more extravagant the houses became. I mean, these were mansions! Like OLD MONEY, frickin’ VICTORIAN mansions, the largest of which loomed over us, at the very top of the hill. It was more of an estate, enclosed by a tall gate--I assume this is where the Mayor lives. His home was flanked by two other majestic mansions, but I wasn’t sure to whom they belonged.
James must have noticed my eyes bugging out of my skull, because he laughed softly and asked if I’d ever been on the hill before. I shook my head no, but then remembered that I actually had, when I was really young. I told him, “my mom took me for a walk around town, but when we started going up the hill, a police officer told us to go back, because it was private property.”
“That’s really stupid,” James said, looking genuinely disappointed. “Well, we’re here.”
Christa’s house was also a mansion, though it looked newer than the stately Victorian ones. Before we left the car, I remembered to change my shoes. I took off my old tennies and slipped into the black ballet flats I had brought with me. James opened the car door for me and even helped me out by holding my hand (such a gentleman!!) and I again felt the need to burst.
Now... at the party is where things go wonky. 
To be continued.......
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i ain’t done anything for @tolkienocweek yet, mostly because my covid-induced neet-dom has decoupled me from any association with sidereal time and thus there’s no way i could guarantee getting something out on its specific day. still, i do have one character that could potentially qualify for day 3 (background characters) or day 4 (self-inserts), sorta. i’d like to introduce you all to the proprietor of the fëanorian ethics department, the as-yet-nameless fed elf
fed elf is a... moderately idealised self-insert of mine, though she’s taking on a life of her own
she’s also a noldo. of course she is
her Noldorin Craft™ is, as i’ve said before, arguing. she has very strong opinions about almost everything and will debate them at length
she’s moderately infamous for it in tirion
she’s especially fond of philosophy, in the ancient-greek asking-a-million-rhetorical questions style. what should we do? why do we do the things we do? why do the valar get to tell us what to do?
... you can probably tell which side of the fëanor/fingolfin debate she landed on, if it wasn’t already obvious
she’s not particularly close to any of the future capital-H House, but she is in their rough orbit. one of the miscellaneous guild trolls that form the rank-and-file of their initial expeditionary force
idk if she’s ~devoted to the cause enough to go to formenos, but when the trees get eaten and fëanor rolls up into tirion with the solution to all their spider problems, she is all for it
she’s a passing acquaintance of maedhros from those times when he’d show up in her guild hall for debate night, so she probably ends up with his crew, at least initially
... there’s a very good chance her first attempts at crafting a new noldorin ethical system happen on that horrible night aboard the blood-stained swanships of alqualondë
in any case, she gets good enough at murder to not die before the brothers hellspawn are divvying up east beleriand, and the formerly reasonably undelineated fëanorian host is splitting up into its various garrisons
most people stay with whoever they’re already riding with, but there are exceptions. she is one of them, as soon as she hears about caranthir’s Plans she immediately switches allegiance to the future lord of thargelion
he’s deliberately trying to set up on the trade routes! they’re gonna make contact with the dwarves! there are apparently trails leading over the blue mountains, links to communities of elves unlike she’s ever seen!
so many new people to argue with!!!!!!
so she heads up to lake helevorn, and helps with setting up the city. she winds up filling some middling role in east beleriand’s military bureaucracy, when she’s not on orc-killing duty
but her true passion is *~ethics~*
there is actually a practical component to this. due to Certain Events the noldor (especially the fëanorians) aren’t as-well suited to their pre-darkening moral codes as they might have once been
they need a new one, with contingencies for, like, murder, and all the other new situations they’ll encounter in this new world! the questions of what’s right and wrong have been blown right open, and fed elf is possibly the happiest she’s been in her life. they’re building everything else from first principles, why not this?
and the fëanorian host in aggregate does actually care about morality, even though outsiders never believe that. it’s what separates them from the orcs (in their minds at least); they’re doing everything for a Cause, not for destruction’s sake alone. say what you want about the fëanorians, their problem was never a lack of ideals
she gets people coming in sometimes, wanting to know what the right thing to do in a situation is. either that, or they think she’s wrong about something and want to explain why in depth, which is almost as fun
soon enough, there’s a small shop just off the main streets of lake helevorn called the fëanorian ethics department
(she’s the only one with a shop, but she’s not the only member of the host with Opinions. the guy on the other side of the market district whose system is fairly similar in the broad strokes but completely different in the details is her personal archnemesis)
for most of the first age, fed elf has it pretty good. by her standards, at least, and she’ll happily exposit at length as to why they’re the only ones that matter
the work on the system of ethics never quite stops, but it does slow down. she’s less prescriptivist than most noldor, so she does a lot of observation and interviewing and stuff, and also new things keep happening for her to cover, but she does manage to nail down the basics!
she does consultation, in varying levels of official capacity, but she’ll also just. answer anyone who comes in with a question. or asks one within earshot
it’s mostly noldorin fëanorians she has debates with, the sindar and atani generally prefer to ask her whatever they want to know with minimum fuss, but whenever she gets a real fight going they all join the crowd. watching fed elf argue with people is one of lake helevorn’s municipal spectator sports
she also has conversations with travellers! these usually start when some newcomer is staring in befuddlement at the sign outside her shop and she takes the opportunity to pounce
she asks them detailed questions about their own ethical systems, which she files away for potential future incorporation/argument ammunition. they fairly frequently ask questions of their own, most often variations on ‘you guys seriously have morals?’
sometimes this even turns into a proper ethical debate! these aren’t usually as well-argued or intense as the ones she has with other fëanorians, particularly if she’s not talking to a noldo, but when she meets someone who’s a proper match for her it is the highlight of her year
running the shop does generate a fair bit of paperwork she tends to be too emotionally invested in to deal with properly, so she hires help now and then. one recurring underling is a clumsy perpetually-ill atan who is nevertheless really good with the filing and holds fierce opinions of their own, even if they hide under the table whenever anyone so much as raises their voice
(that atan is me. much less idealised self insert)
like every other elf in the host, fed elf is still under arms. she has a unit, she’s part of the orc patrol rotas, when caranthir needs to do a battle she pulls her broadsword out from under her desk and reports for the muster. east beleriand is just a pretty violent place in general, and her most impassioned arguments frequently shade into all-out duels. east beleriand, where even especially the philosophers will knife you
but just like fëanor promised on tirion upon túna so long ago, she’s built a place where she can be the best version of herself, and she couldn’t be happier (marketplace douche notwithstanding)
like so much of the host, she has big plans for when they topple angband and reclaim the silmarils. it’s just, well
i am not entirely sure what fed elf’s fate is after the fall of thargelion. most likely she died at some point, because so do most of her peers and also because she has an aversion to cutting her losses that’s definitely gonna backfire sooner or later
it’s either that, or she abandons everything she ever worked out to flee over the blue mountains, or she sticks with the host long enough to see all their ideals and dreams burn to ash. out of all of them death is probably her kindest fate
if she does die - she’s definitely a kinslayer at least one time over, she is staying in the halls for a While. the local maiar completely stonewall her every time she tries to argue her way out, she has plenty of time to sit around and think
because yeah, the host’s century-long self-immolation has given her a lot to think about. she was wrong, it turns out, in several important ways, and from the outside she can see how much the ethical system she put her heart and soul into was bent towards destruction
if she ever gets out, it’ll be after a lot of self-reflection, a massive dose of humility, and her accepting her own small-but-not-insignificant role in the nightmare they created
the fëanorians as get let out of the halls of mandos are without fail less violent, more self-aware, and just generally more conscious of their actions than they were when they went in. fed elf is no exception to this
she’s also no exception to the rule that their time in elf afterlife therapy generally fails to lower their volume at all. soon after her rebirth, after some time spent rethinking her personal moral code, fed elf puts out a thesis as to why elwing’s refusal to give up the silmaril was perfectly justifiable under fëanorian ethical mores
this pisses off a measurable proportion of aman’s sapient population. soon the furious letters of rebuke are pouring in nightly
exactly. as. planned
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