#sorry y’all /gen
cadaver-moss · 1 month
I have 19 OC headshots to work on for people on Twitter. Oh my god.
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can we get a widdle genloss slimecicle (I love him so much and I would tear down cities, mountains, and my entire standing in society for him)
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just a little
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sunsetsandsunshine · 16 days
I love how after you explain to someone what “bomboclaat” means they just say it even more and act like it’s an everyday thing people say 🫥…
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acuar-io · 6 months
Millennials are annoying because they think because they’re old they are entitled to your childhood nostalgia bc “they watched/did that stuff” first. We do not hate u because ur old we hate u because y’all are annoying asf
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crow-collective15 · 7 months
Anyway I’m defending gen alpha with my life. Don’t make fun of kids, especially kids who grew up in the mess that was the pandemic
“They can’t read at 6th grade age!!!” Ok, then we should help them and not bully them
“They’re rude” and that’s a learned behavior, question the environment they had to grow up in to be like that
“They’re addicted to iPads!!!!” If you’re saying something like this then so are you. And once again, that’s probably not their fault.
Gen alpha started in 2010, meaningful the oldest of gen alpha is 14 this year, not all of them are your image of a “stupid” 5 year old. And no matter what your opinion on them is, they are still humans and should be treated with respect and care, I will not tolerate otherwise. People deserve respect and dignity
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omgtheywereroomates · 4 months
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So uh. Basically I spun a wheel, and here’s the main peeps. (Congrats to y’all! Everyone else is kiddos or warriors)
LEADER: SnuffyDoo
DEPUTY: Solzar
MEDICINE: Marbarmars
So uh. If y’all never played this, I’ll explain —>
Basically, think Hunger games + Warrior cats. Every time I click “Timeskip One moon” something will happen. It’s usually random, and we also go on Patrols where positive OR negative things can happen. How this game will work, is If your character perishes, I will flip a coin. HEADS means they continue on as a “magically added peep”, TAILS means they gone for good. I’ll name peeps users as the PREFIX so it’s a bit easier to find yourself!
Here’s the uh, stuff I added.
⭐️ allow mass extinction events
⭐️ Adoption and Random parents
⭐️ Mediators allowed
⭐️ no retiring due to perm conditions
And that’s it! Here’s the clan!
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@thebekashow @chasani @solzar @marbarmars @honey-skulls @snuffydoo @cherryfennec @chasani @jester-addict @creativedimentio 🎉
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starheirxero · 11 months
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the-sleepless · 8 months
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Heh, nice
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cheeky-cheese · 9 months
Honestly nothing pisses me off more than how on TikTok back in 2021 or something, genZ was talking about how millennials were making fun of them and how they “wouldn’t do this to gen alpha”. But now whenever I get on TikTok I see posts making fun of the fact that kids can’t read, and iPad kids, and those ten yr old girls at Sephora buying anti ageing skin care, and that one girl who does the grwms. Like obviously those things are bad but making ‘comedy’ sketches about it is just gonna make kids feel isolated and insecure. Plus how much can we really blame them for the world they’re forced to grow up in
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bbyboybucket · 2 years
Christmas one shot is here!
It was almost laughable that his own reminiscence was the enemy, and he was losing the battle.
Christmas is a particularly grueling time for Bucky.
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
I’ll be honest I don’t interact with fanspaces a lot what’s going on in the wtnv fanbase (does it have to do with polls)?
no not the polls it’s just annoying posts that are always in the tags so i stopped looking thru them.. a lot of takes on characters or plotlines that i find weird and some specific artists i dislike…
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Between Omar’s Sommerprat interview and today being my last day of hell on earth intern year for residency, needless to say I am an emotional wreck.
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isatoru · 2 years
i ❤️ ppl who spam my dash with their interests
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belovedrm · 1 year
anti: yeah i genuinely hate dream he’s a piece of shit
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livingforthewhump · 2 years
I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough time, is there anything we can do to help?? Drink water, eat something, take a shower, take a few deep breaths, and know that whatever you're going through is temporary.
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thank you friend <33 messages like this really do help (especially when you give me a to-do list—sometimes I struggle to do those things unless someone tells me to)
I think I’m going to walk to my favorite place for lunch! I’ve gone there every Saturday for months, and walking clears my head, and I think…I deserve things that make me happy even when I feel like I don’t
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yo i have a question about people’s ao3 preferences: if you’re reading a bunch of one-shots that are all related to each other (how related they are doesn’t matter — they could all be part of the same au, or they might literally just be random one-shots), do you prefer
each story being a chapter in one big work of one-shots?
each individual story being posted separately and being put in a series?
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