#sorry this took me so long to reply to
pranklinfierce · 28 days
you're having a party, which presidents are you inviting?
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Good question, very fun. I'll invite all of the ones I like, and whichever ones I'd like to see in a party setting.
James Madison is chronologically the first that I would invite. I think it'd be funny to see him at a party. I think of "nearly gets trampled on the dance floor..." I, myself, will trample him unless he brings Dolley.
Jackson is invited and I hope he leaves cheese around the house in secret spots like he did at the end of his presidency.
Van Buren is invited unless @presidenttyler continues to insist that I have to marry him or he'll summon a deadly fog (please die, Mr. Tyler.)
I would invite William Henry Harrison, but tragically, as I'm sure we've all heard, he is no longer with us </3.
John Tyler is invited unless he tries to insist I marry Martin Van Buren lest a deadly fog be summoned. Also I swear to God he's not allowed to use my bathroom. I hope he and Jackson start fighting (no weapons allowed in my house) and I get to see their skinny bones fall out.
James K Polk is invited. I want him to bring his Lady Presidentress as well. Double invited if he is the presidentress.
Zachary Taylor is invited. His daughter can come too. His daughter's husband cannot come. His daughter's husband's dog, Bonin, can come. The murderer who shares a name with Zachary Taylor's daughter's husband's dog cannot come.
Millard Fillmore is invited. He can bring the whole boiler room with him. It wouldn't be a party without him.
Franklin Pierce is invited, of course. As an old @/deadpresidents posts that I can longer find clarifies, he would indeed be a welcome party guest, even if people on Reddit don't seem to think so (I have beef with 90% of reddit tier lists, save for any of them made by @starlight-tequila.) As I've come to understand, there're no less than 4 fictional interpretations of Pierce where he's being haunted. I request he keeps the haunting at home; I don't want the watchmojo demmons to mess up the vibe.
James Buchanan is invited. I want to see him in his worst outfit, behaving as he did at Dickinson before his expulsion. He needs to bring Harriet too. WRK too, unless I decide that he's also dead.
Andrew Johnson can come because I once saw an image of him smiling.
Ulysses Grant can come. He may play with the non dog animals (unfortunately, they're all just different Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas in a pen.)
As can Hayes. Hayes can bring his wife, Lucy. She actually allowed drinking in the White House on special occasions, so she would not be a party pooper.
Garfield may come, but only as Lucretia's plus one. It's what he deserves. Since Guiteau did so much for Garfield's election (and was basically the president, let's be real, guys) he can come as an honorary president. So can David Rice Atchison, even though that story is complete bs. Dr. Doctor Bliss will be shot on sight by Boston Corbett.
Arthur is invited, but Julia Sand needs to pre-approve everything that he does. Conkling may come as a plus one, but he will go in the pen with the Martin Van Buren government assigned rodentsonas (it's okay, that's where Grant is anyway.)
On no other day would I ever allow Benjamin Harrison and his shortness within my sight, but I just found a song about him and it's stuck in my head, so I think it's only right that he attends 1 single time before my kind feelings toward him dry out.
McKinley is invited. He must sing to me.
Wilson is invited. But I will lock him in a room like a creature. You-know-who gets the key. The second female president, Edith Wilson, may attend.
Warren Harding gets to come. Gaston Means may, as well. Also Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. That's about it. If Nixon were to show up I wouldn't turn him away.
I'd like the party to end by sending an anonymous tip to Carrie A. Nation, telling her there is alcohol. She can come in, destroy everything, and all's well because if everything is destroyed, there's nothing to clean. She and Guiteau can ride into the sunset, combining to be a person of a normal height. I hope they invite me to the wedding.
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mothscotch · 1 month
Ashley deserves a gentle kiss on the forehead :))
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a little more then one..
he is surprised people like them (>_<)
(thank you for the ask!!! the oc asks always make me so happy (^.^)
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mister-eames · 11 months
1/2 Ok, so this is kind of a sad headcanon but usually in fics the reason given why Eames has moved away from London or never returns to England is because of the climate & I love the idea of Eames secretly being a lizard! But what if that's the excuse he uses but the real reason he can't/doesn't return home for years & years is because London/England was the place him and Arthur almost moved in together/became serious before Mal's death happened & everything went to shit?
2/2 This thought was inspired by listening to the songs Boys Don't Cry by The Cure and Oasis' Half the world away, which are actually pretty melancholic when you listen to the lyrics!
Okay so I read Eames literally being a lizard at first, like maybe he is an actual shapeshifter who can turn into a lizard but also yes him being a lizard metaphorically (like me, not projecting at all), who isn't totally comfortable unless its above 30 degrees C. And yes, those are classics that definitely hit me in the feels!!
I totally buy that it would be a hard place for him to return to, emotionally. What do you do when you're cashed up and everywhere you turn has nothing but memories you no longer find comforting, but confronting, that is no longer home? Go somewhere where it's sunny and nothing like it.
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kellerybird · 2 years
I wish you a happy Christmas if you celebrate ⛄️ stay hydrated and warm! ❄️
Aw thank you! I hope you had a lovely Christmas if you celebrate ♡
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egophiliac · 5 months
Serious question.
Do you think we’ll see the parents/family of each of the guys???
Like, We’ve been TEASED with Ace’s brother, that I’m starting to think it’s just a reference to that Alice in Wonderland park character in Japan and nothing else….
Jack’s family, Ruggie’s grandma, Falena, Maleficia, Ms.Rosehearts, Just now Vil’s dad is in the picture which I am really happy but now I’m wondering about his mom, and so Deuce’s mom.
I mean, some HAVE a silhouette!! It could mean they do have a design in the making/ready to show. They could’ve shown us Falena in the Tamashina (hope I said that correctly) event, but didn’t (prolly to make Leona not so σ(▼□▼メ) and it’s understandable)
Anyhow, any idea/headcannon about this? Who do you want to see first?
I'm wondering if everyone might eventually get a travel event? like they've now introduced with Vil's that it doesn't have to be specifically hometowns, so that opens things up a lot! (especially if they have to figure out how to do three separate Coral Sea visits) (how would that even work otherwise)
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but yeah, I hope everyone gets a chance! there's a lot of backstory characters I would LOVE to meet. :D :D :D though I do think some of them don't really suit the more light-hearted tone of the events (pretty sure you're right about that being why Falena wasn't in Tamashina-Mina, that would've just been. too much for Leona.) so like...we're probably not ever going to meet the Rosehearts. or Maleficia (although I maintain that this would be THE funniest possible way to introduce her outside of the main story, and actually I would love this a lot, can we please Twst) (I need to see her to put Malleus in a froofy little outfit and tell him what a handsome boy he is). but they've sprung surprises like Kifaji on us, and honestly anyone who shows up and tells embarrassing stories about characters' childhoods is good in my book!
characters off the top of my head who I most want to meet: literally any of the Zigvolts, Azul's mom, Ace's brother, Che'nya's grandfather (<- I think he would be a good one for Riddle) (please just any non-terrible adult in his life), any member of Rook's family because I need to see how they managed to produce him, and...really just whoever they can come up with for Silver.
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Hi! What are some of your favorite things about bison?? Your pinned post says ask at your own risk and I'm very happily doing so
oughhh ok!! firstly, i think they just look really cool. i mean, look at them....
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secondly (and for this i am referring solely to american bison, i don't know very much about the history of european bison) they are very historically and culturally significant. the native americans who lived on the great plains relied a lot on the bison for food, but also to make clothes, tipis, weapons, and bison were also a part of their religion. in the 19th century white settlers killed most of the plains bison. this was sponsored by the us government as a method of cultural genocide, by removing the lifeline of the native americans in the area and forcing them onto reservations
in the 20th and 21st centuries, bison have been reintroduced to national parks and indigenous land across america and their population has increased, although there will never be as many as there were before because there's just, you know, not enough room for them.
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look at him.... very important creature
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sapphire-drawings · 2 days
Hey, in your Age Swap Au, who is in the throne right now? Abigail? I imagine she would do the same thing with Wendy, that Charlie does with Maxwell in Encore. And this would totally break Wendy's heart.
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Abby is in the throne
Do I have more explanation? ...no But IF Wendy is Maxwell, Abby HAS to be Charlie (and William and Jack's mother (so weird)). Makes sense... Right????????
Anyway, I might change her design (at least use the dark hair) but for now this is the Queen
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lunapegasus · 11 months
Your Chaos Shadow gives me Snapcube Shadow vibes, and I don’t know how to feel about that
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anon you are so fucking right and correct
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theysangastheyslew · 1 year
if there’s inspiration or anything, is it possible to have a LH “In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." Art 😭
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Hi anon! I’m sorry I didn’t know if this meant showing them desiring that life w/ each other, or if you wanted to see them actually living it but! since it’s Hange’s birthday I went with the latter bc they deserve it and breakfast in bed is a far better present than the one Isayama gave to them :')
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parisoonic · 3 months
i love how you draw the gay homosexuals they make me go
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aspecmemesdaily · 1 month
When people in the aspec community joke about garlic bread, what does that mean?
To be honest, I have no idea. I've been trying to find this out, too... If anyone has an answer, please be so kind as to share it, but until then, here's my crappy explanation:
1. Garlic bread is better than sex. That's it. Why have sex when you can have garlic bread?
Now come my hypotheses:
2. Eating garlic results in bad breath. Ew! But: It keeps people at a distance. 3. Garlic plants reproduce asexually. No, really! Garlic is an asexual plant and reproduces by cloning itself. How awesome is that? (I've just learnt this while doing some research for this reply. More acespecs should know this!)
Edit: I found an answer from Acebabe_ in a Reddit post that seems plausible (Unfortunately I can't check for correctness right now). Quote:
"[...] The garlic bread thing started a couple(?) of years ago. I think because of some meme comparing sex to garlic bread. It was something like "yeah sex is cool but have you ever had garlic bread?" So it took off and got really popular. And actually cake used to the be the big thing. It used to be "I rather have cake then sex". I guess garlic bread is much more memeable/relateable now, that's why you see it so much more often. [...]"
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timblrdrake · 2 days
Afternoon Mr Drake-Wayne,
I understand you're considered quite a gifted little computer expert, especially in compsec. I've recently acquired @officialdailyplanet and I'm interested in branching into some more extreme investigative journalism.
Let me know if you would be interested in contracted work, and it's so wonderful to see you've truly bounced back after the unfortunate incident with your parents.
Lex Luthor he/they
hi there.
i’m interested, but i’m curious as to what you mean by ‘more extreme investigative journalism’. provided more details i’d consider it.
thank you.
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diana-bluewolf · 20 days
Dear Chris,
what is your favourite season? :)
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I have no idea.
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kelpermoosee · 3 months
I LOVE SEEING YOUR CAPTAIN SHIP POSTING ON MY DASH !!! Its so so cute thank you for the delicious content ❤️❤️
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Me and the guy who just (accidentally…???) killed my entire troop of Pikmin 😢
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musette22 · 4 months
Forever thinking of Steve giving up the Serum when he's goes to return the stones and being able to bring Natasha back...its Marvel and if time travel is possible then this is as well.
Imagine the look of surprise on everyone's face when a skinny Steve comes back with Nat and they almost don't recognise him because they don't know him as his pre serum self. Everyone except Bucky because this is Steve. His Steve...tiny, sometimes frail but so brave and so full of passion and justice and heart. This is the Steve he fell in love with.
Steve is a bit self conscious coming up to Bucky...because what of Bucky doesn't like him anymore. But there's nothing to worry about because Buck just takes him into his arms, tucks his head under and chin and makes sure that he's breathing properly and that all that time travel didn't make his asthma act up
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That's me right now, ok. GOD, what I wouldn't give to have gotten this ending instead of the drivel Endgame tried to sell us 😔 Steve returning to his pre-serumed self would have made SO much sense and it would have made for such a satisfying way to end his turn as Captain America. He could pass the mantle to Sam and still help and do so much good, with Bucky by his side 😭 Modern medicine would've helped him live a comfortable and long life, AND we could've had Nat back. If only Marvel was half as smart and valid as you are, nonnie... We could've had it all
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*from outside* Target acquired.
*there's a thunk against your door*
- @the-mighty-rhino
*Lepi opens the door*
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