#arthur has to kick out the squatters first
mister-eames · 11 months
1/2 Ok, so this is kind of a sad headcanon but usually in fics the reason given why Eames has moved away from London or never returns to England is because of the climate & I love the idea of Eames secretly being a lizard! But what if that's the excuse he uses but the real reason he can't/doesn't return home for years & years is because London/England was the place him and Arthur almost moved in together/became serious before Mal's death happened & everything went to shit?
2/2 This thought was inspired by listening to the songs Boys Don't Cry by The Cure and Oasis' Half the world away, which are actually pretty melancholic when you listen to the lyrics!
Okay so I read Eames literally being a lizard at first, like maybe he is an actual shapeshifter who can turn into a lizard but also yes him being a lizard metaphorically (like me, not projecting at all), who isn't totally comfortable unless its above 30 degrees C. And yes, those are classics that definitely hit me in the feels!!
I totally buy that it would be a hard place for him to return to, emotionally. What do you do when you're cashed up and everywhere you turn has nothing but memories you no longer find comforting, but confronting, that is no longer home? Go somewhere where it's sunny and nothing like it.
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