#sorry this isnt super long. i love them!!! but i still dont know as much as i rlly should abt their relationship aksj
time-woods · 6 months
this is really embarrassing to even ask even if it’s anon BUT IM LIKE REALLY STRUGGLING TO FIGURE OUT IF IM AROACE OR IM JUST THINKING THE WRONG THING ,, I dont know how to explain it but I really wouldn’t want to have a sexual stuff or anything in that manner and even being in a relationship makes me super nervous. But at the same time I really would really like to enjoy a relationship with kissing and closeness with only some intimacy. I was just wondering if you have any take on if I’m a part the that spec or I’m just delusional.
After seeing that your art with Sīdus and Carmine was kinda your way of expressing the relationship with your partner made me question myself man. Sorry if this is too much to ask I’m very bad with this type of stuff.
nono dont worry ! ! im no expert on anything queer- i dont even have real labels when it comes to being on the aroace spectrum- (and honestly i dont care too- i just know what i prefer and make that known to my partners)) but i get exactly what you mean ! ! everyone has their own parameters for 'romantic' and 'platonic' relationships and honestly any forms of intimacy can fall into both ! in my opinion i think that makes you fall into the ace spectrum, but its genuinely all about what you want for yourself and your relationships. you draw the lines in those.
for example ! im aroace(spec)- sex repulsed and have a very blurred line between whats 'romantic or 'platonic' in relationships and honestly dont get it ! but i want to get married ! have a family ! but not in an inherently romantic sense, i want to spend my life with someone, but it doesnt have to be romantic, but that doesnt mean there isnt love there. its just different, i still want to be close to my partners, let them know that i love them, but just in my own ways. and theres certain things that i dont care for and i let them both know that. you can still feel a strong connection with someone and not have those 'expectation' from them. in my books we all love in our own ways, and its ok to not know what that means for you yet, its sorta the thing you gotta test the waters with and find out what works.
long message short: most likely if you closely relate how you express/ want intimacy with my comics and art- you may be on the aroace spectrum and also autistic. cause i put way too much of myself into my art and yall keep catching on so i might as well say it
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 2 months
I'm not a "ship" person whatsoever but I do scroll character tags on occasion and see quite a bit of Vox and Vel together as well as what seems to be a lot of what I'm assuming is female original character stuff. I've even seen some Charlie and Vox too. So it's out there, but unless you're scrolling through character tags I can see how it might be hard to find. Personally, I also block/filter a lot of the big "ship" tags so maybe that also makes it easier for me to stumble across this stuff that "slips" through since I don't know if those pairings have names.
I get your point though. I do think many are inclined to erase his bisexuality when it's convenient. Interestingly, they also erase Valentino's pansexuality too. The same with Husk as well, but I check his tag a lot less so who knows.
What disappoints me, and I know I'm about to come off as nit-picky right now lol, is the lack of research people put into their "sexuality" headcanons for the characters with reference to their different eras. When reading some of them, you'd think the idea of "gay rights" was a completely new and foreign topic that only emerged after the early 2000s. I get people want to go for the simplistic "repressed and doesn't know what being [insert identity here] is" for some of the older characters but that completely ignores a fascinating and rich tapestry of queer history that could create far more interesting (and still accurate) stories for the characters/their backgrounds. I would really encourage those who haven't already or are generally unfamiliar to dive into this history as it might inspire their character ideas while also educate them on the work, art, and activism our queer elders have contributed to the community we have today.
I think this may partially relate to character ages being under explored as well. While I've seen debate on what is canon/has been decanonized many of these characters, as far as we know, died in their late 30s and beyond. That's a lot of life to live and experience. While certainly many people throughout history (and even today) kept their sexuality hidden from the public due to culture, shame, and safety that doesn't mean there weren't many incredible private venues/spaces that could be utilized to explore those feelings/identities in secret.
I could go on and on about this but I've totally strayed from your original point (I'm sorry!) and I'm very tired haha. I just think there are multiple factors coming into play here with these character interpretations and, for me, the biggest missed opportunity is the lack of historical research. But end of the day people should have their fun! Just an observation.
Completely agree with this! I doubt my response will be as long since I just woke up but other characters doing certain things or not knowing about sexualities is interesting, it just seems like a lot of people think older people don’t want to explore any of that like it only just happened recently as you said. I like to joke about Angel being shocked about gay marriage and not knowing a bunch of current terms but thats about it. With him being in the mafia when he was alive makes it much more interesting as well, I’m pretty sure around his time the mafia was blackmailing men in gay bars but dont quote me on that I might be wrong.
Anyway for Husk and Valentino pan erasure I see that a bunch too. Not exactly erasure but just… ignoring it? Moreso erasure on Valentino’s end because Ive seen people get mad at people for shipping Valentino with a woman and was like “hes gay dont do that” no he isnt. Also dont ship Valentino with anyone for the love of god. But like people are super used to just making up headcanons that they dont bother to look up actual canon stuff. I know Hazbin isn’t the best but if you want canonically LGBTQ+ characters use what you have and add on later. Or headcanon a background character, thats what I did with Molly.
People are very focused on modern day queerness and forget that this stuffs been happening for decades and it’s a bit sad. Also I seem to have strayed from my own question as well?? Anyway ty for mentioning this! Its very interesting 🩷
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itsaspectrumcomic · 5 months
man ok idk if youll be able to advise on this or something but like. do you know anything regarding dealing with like internalised ableism?
i live in a rural part of ireland, right? and idk what it is about rural ireland but some of the people are heinous. my school is in a small miserable-ass town and like. God, man. not everyone sucks, of course but like. jesus lol additionally i have a ~mildly ableist~ mother (a "we're all a little bit autistic" and "erm. youre not disabled because youre not in a wheelchair or blind/deaf" etc etc type stuff. + "npd = bad person" which isnt particularly good for me specifically because i have npd (that i both Cant get an official diagnosis for, for various reasons, and im not really Looking for one either because i know what i am and its not like you get support for it because ~ooh scary narcissist~.)
and like. idk if this is Obvious but that can kinda cause a weird-ass relationship with You (being Me in this case, yk how it is with the second person perspective when. ranting) and The Concept Of Being Disabled. like, objectively. im disabled. im autistic, ive definitely got adhd (that im hopefully going to get examined for at some point cause college stuff requires it for the disability forums and stuff. gotta love that. fuckin 80% comorbidity right?), ive got a laughable number of repetative strain injuries, i have a sensory processing disorder, an endocrine disease that effects my Entire cardiovascular system, a spine that felt a lil quirky and bent in too much. so on a so forth
but also like. it feels wrong to call myself disabled. yk, like im doing a disservice to all the other ~actually~ disabled people (being Anyone but me lol) (none of this is At All helped by the fact that my mother refuses to listen to me regarding Jack Shit about my health in Any way. "oh you nearly passed out on top of a hill because of your cardiovascular condition? erm youre just not exercising enough actually" "you dont have depression [said while i was filling out an assigned mood diary after being forcefully brought to camhs for Reasons" like. shut the fuck up and Listen to me please. at least Entertain the idea that i could be right about something for fucking once lmao. cause ive been right about EVERYTHING regarding my mental health so fucking far so. fuck off /nay ofc) (also man. like, even if you ignored the physical issues ive got im still disabled on account of being autistic. like, motor function is fine, despite being a lil clumsy and/or unsteady sometimes but like. my emotional needs are Fucked. think of the response youd get if you asked a. fuckin. 8 year old or something to do algebra. but with a very emotionally stunted and traumatised 17 year old lol. lmao, even /lh)
so like. if youve got. any advice or whatever on any of this thatd be Super cool + no pressure obvs. sorry this is a whole. like. fucking essay's worth of Random Guy Complaining To You On The Internet lol
-🐢 <- just so i can find this again if you respond. i Like Turtles. i am Normal about the tmnt and also turtles The Creatures. i wont talk at length about turtle mutant anatomy (i am deceiving you)
Internalised ableism is a really hard thing to deal with, especially when you're surrounded by people who constantly re-enforce it. I've also spent a lot of time worrying that I'm not disabled 'enough' to deserve certain accommodations, that I'm making an unnecessary fuss. But the truth is, autism IS a disability and if there are accommodations that can help support you, you deserve access to them. You're not taking away from others with disabilities by advocating for yourself.
It's taken me a long time to understand this and I still worry sometimes. What has helped is talking about my experiences with people I know understand, like my therapist or best friend, and learning about the experiences of other autistic people through books, social media, YouTube and even real life.
I'm sorry your mother and others aren't being understanding - remember that's a them problem, not you, and try to spend your time with people who do understand.
🐢🐢🐢 <- the turtles wish you luck
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whollyjoly · 7 months
Hi Em!! Thank you so much for putting together such an amazing ask game 🩵 I hope you’re doing well. Would you mind answering 1, 4, 17 and 25? Take care 🩵
hello hello my dear!! its been my absolute pleasure seeing everyone spread the good vibes, so im glad people are enjoying this 🥰
im sorry its so late, but here are my answers!
1 - what is your fav part about being in the fandom?
i wrote a super sappy and long answer here, but basically all of YOU is what makes this fandom the most fun to be a part of!
4 - whats a moodboard that you just want to live inside of?
ohhhhhhhh so many?? the moodboard creators in this fandom are fucking TOP TIER and i love all of them so much!! but here's a few that come to mind:
this christmas babe and gene moodboard by @footprintsinthesxnd is so comfy and so cozy and they deserve nice christmases okay!!
speaking of christmas moodboards, @onlyyouexisthere has this incredibly aesthetic board for some of our fav boys around christmas time, and i just want to live inside every single one okay??
this speirs moodboard by the one and only @xxluckystrike is so beautiful? like i love the combo of hard and soft edges (the bandage + the smoke + the chess), since i feel like that dichotomy isnt something thats always shown with speirs, but feels so true with his character. anyways i want to walk through a museum with blood on my knuckles and smoke in my lungs after looking at this okay
and of course, this chuck grant moodboard by the incredible the amazing YOU @sweetxvanixlla was one of the first things i saw and loved in the fandom for grant?? the beach vibes, the light blues, the carefree energy, it all is so perfect. and i was like "holy SHIT this is good also now i too love grant" so i can thank you for that 🥰
bonus from @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing that i cant stop laughing at it
17 - your fav fanwork about an underrated character?
oh i was HOPING to get this because there's this one fic i love SO MUCH and i just!! want to scream about it from the rooftops!!
Come In From The Cold by rebelsquad (T, 24k) is a Smokey-centric Coffee Shop AU, and it just warms my heart in all the best ways. First of all, Smokey is an incredible narrator, and I love how the author captures his voice in this so hard!! I also just love that it centers around some of the more underrated characters (Smokey, Alley, Shifty, Tab, Skinny, and Popeye), but also has great interactions with the regulars as well! The found family vibes are just *chefs kiss*, and it is also the perfect mood for winter ✨ I cannot recommend it enough!!
25 - what colors do your mutuals most remind you of?
i dont even know why this turned out like this? but i went full vibes ✨
@sweetxvanixlla - midnight blue feels so right for you, my dear. starry nights and deep blue velvet cushions, something steady and calm but sparkles in just the right light. a cup of herbal tea on a tuesday night, and the thrum of a quiet city hums beneath your tongue. theres something so quiet and still about the night, that moment when people are talking and you dont have to participate, you just sit and let their words flow over you, enjoy their presence and energy and that feeling is midnight blue.
@xxluckystrike - girl, you are golden. warmth and positivity and laughter that itself is a kind of music, just as much as the songs you love and share and make art for. its the type of gold you feel on a late summer day, echoing up from the passenger seat of a convertible as you drive with your friend across a rolling field of wheat, of corn, of wildflowers. there's soda in the cupholders, and the carbonation matches the bubbles springing from the bottom of your lungs. sunny, summery, golden.
@malarkgirlypop - pink. the snap of a piece of bubble gum, the sugar rush from a strawberry lollipop, the pop of a bright shade of lipstick, quirked up into a smirk. your presence is loud and beautiful like the sound of a boombox atop a vespa, zipping through a busy beachside pier and delighting everyone who hears. pink is the feeling of just being yourself, unashamedly and wildly, and reveling in the wake of your energy.
@panzershrike-pretz - green, but that vibrant green of the sun hitting a park just right, and there's almost a glow, or a halo, across the field. it's the kind of green reserved for grass stains, made after the first spring day that's warm enough to go and spend time outside. it's the color of collapsing in a cackling heap after goofing around with your friends, and they're laughing because you're laughing because they're laughing. what are you laughing about? it doesnt matter, maybe its nothing, maybe its the cow chewing away on the green grass in the distance. no matter, because it is joy.
@footprintsinthesxnd - idk why but lavender is the immediate thing that comes to mind? something calm and soothing and steady, a breath of fresh air, walking through a field with the sun on your neck and the smell of the purple flowers filling the air. a gentle breeze ripples across your fingertips. it's quiet, but not silent, and the lavender doesnt break in the wind - it bends, and the flower seems to brighten in response. your energy is the deep breath that is taken after that moment - content and at ease.
@blood-mocha-latte - so this might not make sense outside my head but...that color a candle flame gives when reflected off a marble statue. something in the liminal space between warmth and cool, between hard and soft, between cold creams and whites and bright oranges and yellows. the ethereal quality of walking through a gallery alone, silent save for the feeling welling up from each piece of art you pass. the tiles echo this soft color, the flickering candle makes the shadows across the paintings dance, and one can't help but want to explore further, to linger with the treasures you've created.
@ronsparky - sky blue, but not the crayola sky blue. the sky blue of an early morning on the top of a mountain, mist obscuring pieces of the horizon and you could convince yourself you are the only human on the planet. a sky blue that rivals on being crisp and soft, that suggests unlimited possibility if you just reached your hand out a little farther. one can't help but feel that every small, new thing from this view is a joy - and its a feeling so wondrous and contagious that you cant help but spread it to those you interact with. the sky shifts, ever so slightly, but the color follows you down the mountain.
@georgieluz - red, but not quite. a bird flitters into view from where you sit on a bench in a forested park. its winter, and the trees feel bare and lonely. surprisingly, the bird isnt a pigeon - it's a vermillion flycatcher. the bird stands out triumphantly against the monochrome sky as if a beacon, or a challenge to some higher power that says i am here. its bold, its singular, and one cant help but admire the sheer presence of this small vermillion creature. but when it opens its beak and sings, the trees dont look so lonely any more.
@next-autopsy - you know that color when a fire burns down, and the embers are glowing with a deep mahogany? the edges of smoke dont obscure the color or heat from the coals, it only seems to make them more ephemeral. its a mesmerizing color, its the feeling where you want so desperately to stretch out your fingers and know what that heartbeat of fire feels like, and although the burn doesnt completely dissuade you, you still pull your hand back. the dancing mahogany glows a little brighter, then dimmer, as if in time with your breathing.
@onlyyouexisthere - the words "pale green" dont quite do justice to the vibes your presence gives off. the softest pale green? cashmere, the color of mint leaves reflecting morning dew? maybe that's the closest, the feeling of looking out over a snow-brushed hill, hands warmed by a mug of silver needle tea, wrapped in a cozy cashmere sweater. something comforting but crisp, familiar but fresh, nostalgic but new. something pale green.
@land-sh - one time, i was on an airplane flying across the arctic. it was the middle of the night, and i looked out the window and slowly, over the course of two hours, watched the sun rise. the sky started as a pitch black, stars breaking up the endless void, and slowly, one color at a time it lightened into a blindingly bright day. but there was a moment, about 37 minutes in, and im pretty sure everyone on the plane was asleep. outside, all i could see was this deep, vast purple. it felt like there could be anything and everything beyond that color, and i was the only in the universe who would ever see it. idk why, but thats the color and vibe that comes to mind when i think of you.
@coco-bean-1218 - see, i thought about chocolate brown for you before i even realized that its just your username. but maybe its more than chocolate, maybe something closer to chestnut. you're that feeling when you walk through an orchard, it's november, and although the sun is shining its the kind of sun that seems to make everything more crisp than warm. as you walk through, there's a small crunch under your shoe - a chestnut. there's a deeply satisfying smell in the air, something woody and comforting, and you just want to get lost in the rows upon rows of chestnut brown dotting the branches and littering ground.
@samwinchesterslostshoe - okay so bear with me on this one - slate gray. the slate gray of a city on a rainy day, clouds and sky and sidewalk almost blending together into one entity. you duck into a coffee shop you never would have noticed if not for the weather. at first, you think the walls are just reflecting the color from the outside, and you feel a lonely pang. but then, you notice it - art, stickers, little notes of love written in sharpie and tucked in the space between tables. they stand out among the walls, and the absence of color makes their presence even brighter. and the coffee? so good. it's the best you've ever had, and you realize the coffee shop is just like the walls - you find beauty you never would have noticed without the slate gray of the sky.
....so i have no idea if any of this makes sense outside of my head, but here we are. if i missed you i am so sorry!!!
okay okay i am sorry this is so long-winded. i am in fact, a long-winded bitch.
but thank you so much for asking this, and for just being such a wonderful part of our community! i hope your day goes super well!! 💕💕
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lilyrealm · 10 months
i simply think it is so fun to imagine a world where a company makes a bunch of androids to assist people and provide companionship so they give the androids stories and release them in certain themes or lines and those androids are the genshin characters. credit to @yandere-daydreams for the idea. i love it so much. yes we all want x character to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and we have sex with them yes but i think its fun to imagine their roles when theyre not being yandere...
also the read more is very long i just went off about my ideas for most of the mondstadt characters. nothing wrong with me
if this is set in teyvats world imagine amber being like a gliding instructor in mondstadt. good engineer too, maybe the first bot that can fix other bots/have intricate knowledge of them (because she made baron bunny).
for human injuries theres barbara and jean, but with different temperaments for different patients. or if we're still set in teyvat, then jean (and the rest of the favonius knights characters) are actually android assistants to the actual human knights. basically the androids replace vision holders??
but yeah kaeya would also be a knight assistant, noelles story is she trains super hard but still isnt a knight (because shes made to help actual trainees!). lisa of course manages the library. yeah sorry thats it. makes tea
and i had the idea (this is all stolen from my own twitter thread from *checks* last year? anyway) that they would tease the release of bots like diluc, rosaria and razor through voicelines from kaeya, barbara and lisa. really like the idea of razor originally being some sort of surveillance android for wolvendom/integrating with them in some way for research and sort of became a guide for people who get lost in wolvendom.
diona and diluc are two different types of bartenders, one is good against people who cant say no to a cute (angry) kitty and the others... are those require some intimidation.
VENTI. god, i think itd be cool if they had prototype models for the seven archons and actual venti bots now definitely play into the "broke bard who plays for alcohol" thing. but of course anyone with eyes knows that his original model was the barbatos android.
oh!! and bennett and fischl being adventurers buddies. bennett is "unlucky" but hes actually like, wired to be hypervigilant and take hits for you while he shrugs it off. and fischl comes with oz if you need some chuuni speech translated, but you can disable that if you want to go full rp with her.
*looks at my thread* oh yeah "Albedo is made for the alchemists in the Knights, and he was meant to be released with Klee, but there was a delay because his ai kept experimenting on its own copies (Flowerfell Albedo?)" ngl i didnt play the albedo event and never bothered to watch a video so i dont know the full extent of his lore here. oh right and i added "sucrose is made to keep an eye on him in the labs" lmao
klee is. i suppose made for the knights. a cute energetic girl to keep morale up, whos fireproof and thus able to scout dangerous areas/bomb them if you so wish.
oh yeah i wrote that the church was not happy about the rosaria bots being made so they relegated her to guarding dragonspine against foolish adventurers. as to why she keeps appearing in bars, well, uh. No comment — Celestia Inc.
the lawrence clan wanted in on this business and sponsored a representative of their family, but mondstadts opinion of them is less than friendly, so the knights compromise and make eula, a lawrence knight.
whew okay for some reason i was able to churn out a lot for mondstadt and then everyone else i was like uh yeah. they exist and do things similar to what they do in game like xiangling being a cook's aide. yep. idk why the mondstadt worldbuilding gripped me so hard like that.
also my last thought is that maybe the hilichurls are just the verryyy alpha version of their bots, the khaenri'ah line (i think daydream mentioned this) and maybe just broke down and went rogue/abandoned. so now they make better bots to fight them and keep people safe. go figure. earns them a ton of cash though. lol imagine if getting them was a lottery too....
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout characters with plus size s/o!
(Swf)(also by s/o I mean main character😈)(they them pronouns)
(Funfact:back in the days(midage) plus-size people were seen as richer, better taken care of, because it meant that they didnt have to work they ass of And could affort food. And I feel like it would be similar in apocalipse world😈)(and in ancient rome chubby girls were seen as top tier wife materials) (those are my honest thought about characters and how they really would react, so if one of them seems mean, im sorry)
Butch- okay we all know he is an asshole, he would bully them with his super mega cool gang. BUT when they save his mom he will respect them madly, and feel guilt. Sadly there was no time for apologising because s/o was busy looking for their dad. Oh I forgot to mension, he is great example of this cringy prompt "he bullies you because he loves you"🙄 But after s/o came back to valut he went😳 specialy if s/o got some cool scars/piercings/shaved heas/tattoos. Also He will bully Amanda for kicking them from valut. And then probably leave too, its boring without them. And he finds strech Marks hot (they are super hot for him) (when they meet in wastelands he will apologise and simp)
Charon- bruh he simply doesnt care, about their looks. Fuck when they met he didnt even care about their peronality. It was simple they point he shoots. But later after long time and work Charon finally starts to belive them that he isnt just another tool, another weapon. For them he was a person with his own history and opinions and thats what got him in love, not their looks. Of course it took a long time for him to get use to the idea of being his own free person But he slowly warms up to it. Also no matter how much they weigh he can pick them up easly. He sucks at any kind of comunication but Hes trying
Fallout new vegas
Raul-just like charon- He doenst care about their looks. He seen all types of people, before and after bombs.
Boone- this guy judges everyone, doesnt matter if u are top1 skinnies person ever or the most musuclar ever, he will judge you at first. Later he turns into smol bean that needs comforting and hugs. He is this Type of person to never talk about his emotions but He will open up later. He will Just hug them from behind and say some unholy stuff🙄men🙄
Benny-tbh he feels like guy Who would be more into plus-size people than skinny. Also He would spoil them with complements. He has No opinon about strech marks,they are Just there thats all. If any of his chairman would even Look at them in wrong way... guess Who lost job today😎. He would love cuddles and BENNY THE SMOL SPOON🤯
Vuples-this bitch, this little crazy furry. He would say a lot of mean coments. But if his future s/o proves that they are as strong(and even stronger) than average person He will stop. He Just tried to intimidate them, and tried to find easy spot. He wont apologise but wont do it ever again. And deeper into relationship He would love to hug them and say good stuff about their looks (not complements more like honest good words idk how to explain)
Arcade-finds it cute, specialy if s/o has big tights. At first he wont comment on it(he is raised well, he know that its rude to coment someones body) but if they get along he will let them know that they look stunning🥰 Just imagine him resting his head on their legs and reading random book then falling asleep.
Joshua Grahm- he is a chirstian boi he would neve-😳lourd have mercy😳😳 he thought the only women he needs in his life is holy mary but oh my. He is lucky that he has whole body covered in bangades. If he could, he would blush. Bonus points if s/o belives in the same God as him. He will invite them to prays together, if they arent religious he will still invite them in hopes that they will join him🤯 he is in love with their chubby arms and/or legs. And hes the last one to judge their strech marks(his skin care is worse than my math grade i dont think he cares about their ether) (also strech marks arent caused by bad skin care that was a joke please dont cancel me)
Ulysses- he knew them for years, he doesnt care and will bomb anyone mean to them. Imagine romantic afternoon, firecamp, s/o sitting On ground fixing their gun/Reading magazines and ulysses Just laying On their lap or stomach and telling stories. He been thrue alot, most of it may be scary but there were some good parts and thats what he is focusing on at this point of his life.
I will make seperate one for fallout 4 characters later. Its just a lot of them and im sleepy.
And by s/o dont mean nesecary romantic relationship, i just didnt know what to call it? Because theres no way in hell im putting y/n in this (unless somone request)
Also if u got offended im so sorry(im not jokin i really apoligise) and im not skinny aswell so some of those ideas i got from my own expirience and life🥰 its 2am btw
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winter-spiders · 6 months
it’s me @tonystoy again 🌚
Peter being your typical shy quiet boy, but also being the stereotype of the quiet shy guy having a major horse cock
When he gets with Happy, he pours baby oil over his thighs and asks Peter to thigh fuck him, Peter’s never done something like that before so he’s cumming buckets
When he tops for the first time (cuz let’s face it, he doesn’t know what to do with his cock) both him and Happy are moaning like crazy, Happy’s guiding him through it all
Eventually Peter breeding Happy as much as Happy breeds him and they love it, and Happy loves how big his boy is, never been with someone like him
And Happy loves seeing Peter freeball in grey sweatpants, and Peter loves seeing Happy in a beater cuz it shows off his hairy body so good that makes Peter incredibly horny
(I thought i posted this but i saved it to my drafts, sorry it took so long) @tonystoy hope you enjoy 💕
NSFW Under the cut, Happy x Peter, SubTop!Peter DomBot!Happy
Peter and Happy getting more touchy than usual, they both know what it means, even if thier relationship just started, they both want it more than anything.
Peter feeling insecure about his size and telling Happy this when their hands are wandering more than usual.
Happy assuming that means 'Peter has a small dick, and is really insecure about it' and not 'Peters dick is so big, no one can even fit the tip in their mouth'
Happy reassuring Peter that its okay and he loves Peter more than anything and the size of his dick doesnt matter to him
Until Happy pulls Peters' pants down and seeing it for the first time. Happy is sitting there on his knees, staring at Peters dick for a few minutes and internally freaking out.
Happy suddenly scared because holy fuck he knows that wont fit anywhere without hours of prep, which they dont have.
Happy laying down, handing Peter a bottle of lube while spreading his thigh for him
Peter gently rubbing a decent amount of lube between his thighs, assuring him that he'll be gentle, because super strength tends to be an issue during these...activities
Peter fucking Happys' thighs quickly, his free hand stroking Happys' cock as he does so, making sure Happy enjoys it as much as possible
Peter finally cumming all over Happy's thighs, making his thighs just coated in the younger mans cum
When Happy realizes they both have a few free hours with nothing scheduled until later that night, he finally tells Peter that hes ready and wants Peter to top for once
Peter spending hours tonguing and fingering Happy open, making sure hes fully prepped, Happy already finishing multiple times during this.
When Peter finally enters Happy, he has to pause for a minute, Happy still so tight he wants to cum already from it
Peter slowly fucking Happy, moaning loudly as he does, Happy encouraging Peter, calling him a good boy, guiding his hips at a pace he likes
Happy telling Peter to go a little faster, but Peter goes too fast and Happy has to grip Peters hip to guide his pace at the right speed, telling him that if he doesnt listen to him, then hes making him pull out and leaving.
Peter sinking into subspace as he fucks Happy, whining and moaning out about how good it feels.
Happy groaning, his legs tightening around Peters hips, making Peter grind into him instead of thrusting, Peter whining again telling him he wants to cum and Happy telling him that he isnt allowed to cum yet, only when Happy has cum again
Peter grinding into Happy slowly, whining as he does for a while until Happy finally cums, his hole tightening around Peter to the point where Peter ends up ripping the bedsheets he was holding onto.
Happy catching his breath, a dopey smile on his face when he finally tells Peter he can cum.
Peter finally cumming into Happy, so much so that his spend is spilling out the sides around his cock, making a mess of Happys ass and the sheets below them.
Peter whining as he pulls out before slowly lifting Happy up and carrying him to the connected bathroom for a bath.
Both of them sitting in the tub, almost falling asleep, Happy sitting behind Peter, carefully washing Peters hair.
idk how to end this, so...The End 💕
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l0viez · 1 year
May I request a reader who feels like they're falling behind in life? I feel this profound sadness when I realize others are further along where I want to be.
I'd like Kaeya for this one (And Zhongli if you have time).
Really sorry that im late for this! i had a busy scheduleT.T!, also sorry in advance if some of my writings is abit.. confusing? or not rlly that understandable! im still a newbie at these! This was in a rush so if i have some extra time ill rewrite and make it more better^^
This can be seen as romantic or platonic!💟
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🗡️Kaeya! ;
Kaeya's first and honest reaction was .. kind of mixed
He felt abit little bitsy upset for the person you always look at and compare yourself too
He felt alot of concerned and sadness , concerned because of the fact you would stop talking or just go to your own world whenever you see them
He was very saddened over the fact you look and felt miserable just because of it
the first time he knew about your situation and what you were feeling these days
He felt guilty and mad at himself because he didn't get to manage to see it more earlier
Kaeya WILL visit you daily with flowers!
Theres are no ifs or buts
you will see him at the front door waiting for you
it will become a daily thing until you finally feel better again
(unless you want him to visit u everyday🤭! just request him xox)
Kaeya will be inviting you to tavern to make you feel calm down and to distract you from you feeling upset
knowing kaeya he will still tease you but he will lower it down too make sure it doesnt say anything to tigger you
he isnt a afraid to make himself look like a fool just to distract you and make you laugh
he will even skip some of works to hang out with you to distract you from all those stress or
a little headcannon : since he got em 💵💵💸 whatever your hobbies are he will buy you the items needed for your hobbies!
Cooking? you have a whole kitchen for yourself to make foods and make your own recipes!
Singing? He will rent out a whole year room just for you to sing, it has a mic and everything
Drawing? .. yeah he would probably ask albedo for some tips on what to buy good materials LMAO
Kaeya is the type of person who would distract, make you forget about your worries, spoils you rotten, be more 10x clingy, make you laugh during your bad times❤️
Kaeya is super supportive of you and respects your decisions but sometimes he worries to much for you thats why he's always looking out for you!
He will even take you to some sceneries or areas that you havent went before and explore abit !
he just wants to express his love to you and to tell you everyday that your more than good enough and that what ever you have or got is something to cherish for and that one day you will be like someone you idolize!
he will wait for you to succeed to the things you want to be in life, he will be there at your comfort <33
he's honestly so proud of you like he would be like "yess💅🏻thats my boyyy/girll!" (hes a silly lil goofy man dont mind him) if you ever surpassed or succeed on the things you want to be or you want to succeed in
(he would even throw a celebration on it too😭‼️)
He's that hype man you didn't ask for but still (thankfully) got/jk
(he gives me that "its us againist life"/jk im unfunny like cyno im sorry)
" Oh (n/n), took you long enough, almost thought Id have to spend this night by myself.. drinking (your favorite drink) by my self... Ow! that was a hard one — hey hey! I was just kidding you didn't have to hit me that hard haha.. here come sit with me! .. what's that? you still have work to do? heh. Your staying here with ME tonight. Relaxing! The night is young, how about you relax abit? Don't worry I'll help you with your problem tomorrow! Would it really kill you if you don't work for one day? "
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His first reaction was most likey confused..
Dont blame the poor old man he is still learning
Ofc he would be also half upset bout it too
Cause like.. what his DEAR IS UPSET? HE is UPSET as well😤‼️
Zhongli would be so confused because like he will catch you looking down or feeling down
he would ask you if you were alright and you would tell him you were okay
but more days went by he FINALLY gets the clue
He brought you both to a fancy expensive looking restaurant (ofc childe payed for it)
When both of you got comfortable now
He legit straightward asked on what was goin on with you for the past few days
he would give you the most OBVIOUS things and asks you the most OBVIOUS things as well (his trying his best😭💔)
(but then again, I feel like he will get it already but he will act like he wouldn't just cause "communication is the key" and he didn't want to be rude and assume on what was going on so he has to make sure of it"!)
When you confessed on what was going on and how you felt down because of it
he will also visit you everyday like kaeya's! but no flowers.. well probably a pretty rock but who knows
he will use his wallet/childe to get you both in some fancy resturants whenever you both have spare times!
Zhongli would be like your spotify premium but instead of music he is like a radio.
He will tell you stories non stop to "distract" you from feeling upset
good thing his voice is calming
so while your doing your thing he would be talking in the background
Zhongli will probably even give you his specialty dish just for u<3
zhongli will be the type of person who likes to think that making things from your heart or homemade is more special that buying
(he just dont wanna admit he has no cash to buy you gifts/jk)
just like kaeya he would maybe take a day off to spend time with you
Instead of buying you newest items you wished you had, he will give you some items they used before when he was still a archon younger!
Unlike kaeya who likes to distract you and make your worries clear off ur mind, Zhongli will instead give you some "wise" advices on what you want to get good at and be more more supportive of your decisions!<3
He understands that there's a huge difference between a human and an archon but that won't stop him from giving all his best to help you get what you think its missing from you‼️
He's that "proud father" or "proud old grandpa"
He's more layback and chill than kaeya, like he will also tell you to relax and to not overwork yourself as well
If you manage to overcome or succeed or surpassed the people that you used to look at with sadness
Zhongli will most likey to celebrate that and even invite some people from liyue!
He will even take you on a peacefully calming date while you tell him about what happened
Zhongli is willing to listen to you 24/7
he will probably request you to do your hobbies or the things you love infront of him
and he will even act dense about it (sly mf)
" Greetings (Y/n) , I have some plans for us to visit somewhere special. Ah ah. *holds your hand* don't even think about going back and overworking youself now. You don't have to rush yourself always you know? Im worried about you, you might even get a fever from thinking too much.If you ever need someone to comfort you I'll be there at your call now.. I ordered us some relaxing tea at Yanshang Teahouse, let us go and grab it shall we?
This is just a little bonus message, if you ever feel sad about people who are futher along where you want to be in. Remeber to not pressure yourself to becoming a "improved" you. to not overwork youself for it. Don't be hard on your self because sooner or later you will be on the top or be the version you wanted to be. Dont rush and try to have fun along the way and to stay safe always<3.!
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greyfacade · 4 months
Ask game questions! 5, 7, 8, and 23 for spamton bc I'm legally obligated to ask about him. You don't have to do all of them tho if you don't want!
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I'm Gonna Win - Rob Cantor
First song I thought of, though I'm sure there are other more suitable songs I could come up with. But honestly, due to my illness I don't get to listen to music often. I'm sensitive to sound.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
There's been some really nice fanart, and I love the fake ad ones people make, and the pinups. I love buying merch from people.
Its also nice when people treat their plushes nicely, or actually see him as more than just the "funny salesman." Don't get me wrong, Spamton's is an awesome a salesman and all, but that's not all he is.
Oh, my fave part though, is how everyone celebrates his fan birthday. Thats super sweet. I love seeing people make fanart for that.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Hm.. there's lot of great fanart of him, and you can see what I post already.
But I guess his shop sprite. It's fun to talk to him.
I do wonder what he would be like in person though.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Haha... heh.... well, this will get long... (Sorry.)
Mostly just the fact that the fandom is made up of a LOT of hateful people, who hatepost about Spamton because he's "popular," or because their fans of Swatch/Queen/Addisons and are in denial about what those guys did to him so they try to pin it on Spamton by saying "he deserved it" or saying it never happened.
Which is REALLY ironic in a way. But wait, we got more!
(_WARNING: RANT INCOMING!_ You dont have to read this.)
Many people can't get past the "funny salesman" trope. They think the salesman pitch Spamton puts on is literally all he is, that he really is this guy who is silly, obsessed with money, and batshit crazy. Does no one know how entertainment works!? Has no one ever followed a YouTuber or Twitch streamer, or gone to the circus or seen a live show? That how people act in front of a camera, isnt how they act all the time!? Spamton doesn't actually care about money, he said it himself; he does all he does because he's an entertainer trying to survive! The Spamton Sweepstakes, the Fangamer ads, the Twitter replies... while they contain truths and genuine things about him, for much of it, he's playing everyone like fiddles! He's saying whatever the hell he can to make you buy his shit, because funny thing, its his job! And the things is, it WORKS. Everyone totally buys in to it! But while I'm sure he does find joy in what he does, it can also be kind of painful that everyone actually thinks that's all he is in a way... they infantilize him, they treat him like he's crazy/stupid, they stereotype him, they make fun of him, they talk about wanting to hurt him... and they think its okay, because "he's in on the joke." Yeah? You really think anyone would find joy in seeing you make art of them getting abused/hurt/killed? REALLY? Ever thought that maybe... its not actually okay....
I guess I feel bothered by it. Sure Spamton chooses to play up all the stereotypes about him so that people will buy his stuff, and its cool that he can still joke about things like that. But... I wish people saw more of the real him sometimes, and realized he deserves kindness and respect like anyone else.
But I think Spamton is a good example of how people go too far, how they'll greedily take everything from someone, even their dignity, if it means feeding their own happiness. How they can't separate entertainment from reality (... yeah yeah, some irony there as I'm talking about a fictional character...)
In a way, the Spamton fandom, often represents to me, much of the things I hate about the entertainment industry, hell even fandom. I'm glad people love him and buy his stuff, but I also wish they liked him for kinder reasons. I hope that if he continues to be in entertainment, he gets to make something he loves, that allows him to be who he wants to be. Because like many of us, he sometimes gets trapped in a role, determined by other people. And while some of it is true, like he is funny and has a dark sense of humor, and I'm sure he does enjoy many of the things he does... but some of it, I think is sort of forced on him. It's like if you don't act the way everyone wants, they'll get angry or abandon you. And that, thats awful.
(And Im not saying don't enjoy his salesman persona, just that, I wish people saw the rest of him too. Because he's a kind, caring and brave guy, and I really wish him the best ya know?)
.... of course, I admit this might be some of my own self-projection too, but lets not unpack THAT.
You made it this far, wow... uh... *gives you a gold star saying "I just wasted several minutes of my life to an insane fan rant." except all the words don't fit on the star, so it just says "I just wasted."*
... *runs away while you ponder the star*
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wienertit · 11 months
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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stiffyck · 1 year
thinking about genderqueer scar.
thinking of scar wearing super masc clothing in s4-5, thinking how he looks at cleo and joe and how free they are in their gender expressing, but if he isnt wearing masc clothes, how will the others react? thinking how he desperately wants to hide his scars when he first joins hermitcraft, how he's afraid of judgement and losing the connections he made. looking at how iskall just wears dresses without any remorse and feeling jealous. but hes a man, why would he feel jealous of someone wearing a dress? he likes wearing suits! he likes looking fancy!
cue s6, concorp vs sahara. grian pulls out ariana griande as propaganda and scar just cant stop looking. keeps feeling jealous at how everyone seem so comfortable in their own skin and how the minute he sees his scars in the mirror, or he sees his body, himself, he doesnt see himself. he feels disgusted. cub notices and asks his long time friend if he wants to do promotion ads, like sahara seems to do with ease. scar reassures him hes fine, they dont need to do that. cub just shrugs and tells him the offer will always be there for him.
scar doesnt know what to do. so, he sews mystic suiits for him and cub, and tells him they can do the promo together. and he added glitter and bright blue, sparkles and blue handkerchief. and cub didnt say anything how it wasnt manly enough. just grins at him and tells him how beautiful the garments are. and scar wears them and it doesnt feel wrong, not like his bomber jacket, and he adds flowers to it, flowers that dont match, but people expect it from clumsy, oblivious scar.
s7, and after discovering cub wont judge him for not wearing masc clothes, his outfit of the season is wizard robe. he has an excuse to wear something long, something without pants. and to say he liked it would be an understatement. thinking how he wore this robe for a good half of the season, and thinking how he would twirl it while he walks in his magical village. the beard was itchy, he would only look in the mirror if he was only wearing the robe, still hiding most of his scars. thinking how it would be his comfort clothing after a long day of wearing the aqua town outfit. thinking how he made his mayor outfit ugly bc people wouldnt question how not manly it looked. purple suit with yellow pants? what a silly idea, sounds like scar. bdubs complimenting the outfit almost everyday, cub helping with the turf war wearing a pharaoh robe, which made scar adding long tails to his jacket.
s8 and embracing the most eccentric outfit. yes, he was wearing pants, but he was wearing a hat! and being complimented for his looks, saying his scars made him look badass, not being alone, he felt ready to show more of himself. looking in the mirror doesnt bring that sense of disconnection. heck, taking his shirt off during third life was the best thing that could've ever happen to him. people being distracted by it, he felt this sense of confidence.
wearing the wizard robe again in last life, to twirl again, to give himself a break from the pants, even growing his hair for the first time, just feeling free. it didnt help he ended alone, needing to make contracts with others to gain some sort of friendship. but they all went back to hermitcraft, and mumbo forced everyone in boatem to have a mandatory sleepover, to let everyone cry bc crying was a human thing to do, and no one judging scar to arrive with a nightgown.
and in s9, he forgone the masc look completely, embracing the fem look. long hair, fancy dress, earings, tiara, everything. and people saying he looked beautiful. and thinking how great he felt. and thinking how he looks himself in the mirror, in his tree, and finally seeing himself. this is scar. that's him.
just thinking about genderqueer scar
-- bloop anon (sorry for giving you this best of word vomit, and no, i havent watch any episode from s6 to s4)
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jefferythejelly · 4 months
ok more kidfic: do u have any pregnancy hcs? Especially for Foolish bc I've only rarely seen him as a dad :3
u have no idea what u've just unleashed 90% of the brainrot bulletpoint list i have for this au is pregnancy headcanons asjdfadkjs
this is like 90% just copy pasted from that bulletpoint list and slightly edited and also i've had this document since may of last year and have been slowly adding on to it every once in a while since then so FAIR WARNING this post is Quite Long
they try decorating the nursery themselves but neither of them know what to get or how to make it cute so then foolish calls up tina who eventually just makes them call up an interior designer XD
can you imagine them telling their friends abt it. can u imagine how cute auntie tina would be. she would be taking it so serious like she doesnt want any of the responsibility but she wants to be like the cool aunt y'know
random tidbit but i can so imagine a conversation between tina and foosh where they start talkin about the phrase "buns in the oven." like i think tina would think that phrase is really cute. i think that phrase is really cute tbh. hes got buns in the oven :>
following in the vein of nervous-but-excited-newly-pregnant-couple them going to foolish's prenatal care appointments and taking his health like super seriously. also ultrasounds. i dont think either of them would Cry cry but theyd maybe get a little teary eyed lookin at their kids for the first time
on some more classic omegaverse bullshit: punz had always been a bit possessive/protective as a partner and that very much continues once theyre mates and foolish is pregnant. like really frequently is holding his hand or has an arm around him, tries to be really doting and get him whatever he asks. not as common when theyre in public but one of his fave things to do is hug foolish from behind with his hands on his stomach
i'd imagine they have a few arguments esp when foolish is hormonal and does/says shit that annoys punz and he cant understand why. they work it out tho, bc they love each other <3
in the time leading up to foolish's due date his nesting instincts go crazy. theres nests everywhere in the whole house. when hes not sitting chilling in a nest hes making a new one or readjusting one
(this one is real long bc it is a vaguely drafted out scene oops) foolish's water breaks on stream/at least when he's in vc on someone else's stream bc like. i deffo think it would. u think this man would take a break? like the streams would get shorter especially as his hormones and instincts get more fucky but he would still be trying to be on that grindTM. and (bcuz this is the part i actually vaguely researched) he's been having like the irregular not actually real contractions (theres a name im forgetting it rn) so hes gotten used to just like feeling them, noting when the time is, and brushing it off when it doesnt happen again. so he's in vc with someone, i'm thinking tina lets just say tina, and he's in the middle of laughing really hard at a joke, but abruptly cuts off his windexing when he feels the whole "rush of fluid" thing and is all like o_o and tina's all like "foolish? you okay?" when he stops laughing like that and foolish is like "uh. i think my water just broke?" which makes tina go all "wait What?! like- like the baby's coming?" "yeah" "foolish!" (chat is freaking out. monkaS monkaW fukW) "shouldnt you like, go to the hospital?" "yeah, uh, bye chat!" (chat has been yelling at him since he said his water broke to end stream) he yells for punz who ofc comes rushing into the room like "whats going on do you need something" and when foolish tells him his water just broke he starts freaking out a little and then foolish has a contraction right then (is that realistic timing tbh its been a while since i did that google search. what i do remember is that theres apparently apps for timing contractions like isnt that neat. anyways) but then theyre like "sorry tina bye!" and then tinas like "good luck!" (is that a normal thing to say idk. even if it isnt it could be funny hashtag awkward girl swag /affectionate) and then they like drive to the hospital and stuff
i just have this image of like the night they come back from the hospital both of them in their nest with the babies laying between them oughhhhhh
listen i just think this is really cute but punz sitting on the edge of the hospital bed while foolish is in labor so he can lean into him and calm down with his scent
actually thought abt it a bit more and mayb this is more general omegaverse hcs but like i think omegas would have an instinct to give birth in a nest which obv is harder to do while also having the support of modern medicine in a hospital but maybe it is more normalized to bring some blankets/pillows/clothes/what have you to make a lil temporary nest in the hospital bed
foolish is way more absentminded/no thoughts head empty than usual (like forgets what hes saying in the middle of a sentence bad) bc of fucked up hormones pregnancy brain
he tries having one or two blankets wrapped around him on stream to be sort of like a temporary nest when his instincts start going wacky. sometimes it works sometimes he accidentally gets too sleepy and begrudgingly admits that he should probably end stream bc he can barely think thru the omega nesting instinct brain fog
actually on that note i think there a couple of times where punz basically forces him to take a break from streaming. it never lasts very long
i have decided that the timing of their baby is such that foolish is like 7/8 months when christmas rolls around bc i was at family christmas brainrotting what it would be like for them to have like cute domestic family christmas while foolish is still pregnant. he falls asleep on the couch leaning against punz's shoulder after dinner its very cute
they maybe do a thing where like they have christmas with one family on eve and one on day and have a slightly chaotic nighttime flight? do the flight times work out for that idk. but its bc their families wanna see them bc theyre all excited for the baby awwww
wait just remembered the whole scene i had imagined for this where they land in mass super late at night/early morning and once they get back to punz's parents house p much immediately go to bed but foolish cant sleep bc the babies keep moving and kicking and punz scootches down so hes all curled up next to his tummy and purrs at them so that they calm down and foolish can sleep
at the end of his pregnancy foolish is just like capital d Done like get these babies out my back hurts im tired my belly is fuckin huge. ive got tits now
punz very happily gives him back massages tho <3 even if he sometimes gets overdramatically whiny about it first
foolish is one day horrified to realize none of his usual foods are appealing and he is instead craving some weird ass food combo
when foolish starts showing more and its gonna be harder to hide on stream they do a cute lil classic pregnancy announcement photo where punz like has his hands around him on his belly (maybe taken by karl? or someone? i just realized i have no idea where i hc them living like i guess its always been vaguely nc but idk if thats like. necessary? idk whatever) but im imagining the one they end up posting isnt even one of the ones they were posing for its like a candid one where theyre looking at each other over foolishs shoulder or like laughing or something idk its cute its not staged and weird lookin
oh also at some point punz convinces foolish to do a maternity photoshoot (well kind of. its just punz taking pics of him in his underwear bc he maybe has a Thing for heavily pregnant foolish) and at first foolish feels kinda embarrassed and silly and punz keeps complimenting him and making him flustered (i have a couple of lil doodles of this + a few other ones related to this au in a sketchbook somewhere but i dont feel like digging them out + taking pics rn ajfsbajskb)
final note would like everyone to know as i was typing this foolish lost his water bucket in mc and he phrased it like "my water just broke" and chat was all like "wow congratulations whos the father." like what are the chances. also why is he like this. also can u really blame me for making this au when he is like this
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mages-ballad · 14 hours
some stuff regarding dawntrail now that ive finished and had time to collect my thoughts, spoilers up to the very end inbound of course. sorry if its long i have many MANY a thought.
ok so i wanna preface by saying i DID like dawntrail. i love wuk lamat and i cried like 3 or 4 times, tural is a great location and it was very fun to meet all the different kinds of npcs there
HOWEVER theres some things that kinda feel awkwardly paced? if i can be completely honest, it feels like the first half and the second half of the msq are two entirely different plotlines that were smushed together. and this isnt even saying that everkeep/sphene/s9 are "too different" because its not even an aesthetic issue for me, its moreso the themes presented first half? a little slow but in a GOOD way, helps you get a feel for the land and the people and shows wuk lamat's growth. the succession plotline feels like a whole, coherent thing. i like it. as soon as thats over and you hit shaaloani though, its slow and quite literally filler aside from a few tidbits for erenville. it felt awkward how it was trying to show xak tural culture, but also heavilyyy favored screentime for the "cowboy" stuff over the hhetsarro (who also very much live in shaaloani and are part of tural), who we spent practically 1 quest with and it was to ask them for lumber. and THEN it goes right from that to a high-stakes plot with zoraal ja's attack and heritage found and everything progressing after that. on its own the plot has potential... but by living memory i got the impression that everything from the end of shaaloani and refitting the train to running through the memories of alexandria, it just felt like it was trying to be Shadowbringers 2/Endwalker 2. and it wasnt really working out the same. "a society faced a calamity and a leader figure cant let go of the past and will gladly sacrifice other worlds to keep the memory of their people alive/go back to how things used to be. theres also a city full of people that arent alive and are just memories. also you get to run through a dungeon that shows the destruction of the past world that said leader figure cant let go of." like thats just the ascians and emet and amaurot right there. we KNOW how this stuff goes. from endwalker and venat we learned that its impossible to strive for absolute peace and perfection and that suffering and death are unavoidable, and the importance of maintaining hope and being able to go keep going forward at those lowest points. the whole time between solution 9 and living memory i was just sitting there thinking to myself like??? have we not seen this same stuff before??? why isnt anyone saying anything??? i knowwww this is mainly wuk lamat's story and development but it felt almost wrong to have these plotlines and themes and neither the wol or any of the scions even point out how familiar it is. i was under the impression that dawntrail would be a point for the wol to take a backseat, but to ALSO use what weve learned from 1-90 to help others. i genuinely feel like they pushed the idea that this is a fresh start *too hard* and everything weve gone through as the wol emotionally feels pretty ignored. aside from the whole "oh yeah btw were super strong weve been to the edge of the universe lol dont worry lol" like i hope this doesnt come off as me hating dawntrail. because i dont, and im interested to see the extent of travel between reflections and how thats handled going forward. but i cant help but feel like something was missing in that 2nd half of the msq. i can only hope some of this stuff gets addressed in the patches, because as it stands rn, even with sphene gone solution 9 still feels weird. the theme of dawntrail wants us to respect their culture, but from past xpacs we already know that a society like that is factually not sustainable, especially when multiple npcs have already pointed out its flaws (declining birth rate, for example.) maybe thatll be resolved later, but as it stands rn, the contradictory of themes is confusing. this is getting reallllyyy long and rambling now but WHEW i just needed to get this all off my chest. on a positive note to end this, im very much enjoying the dungeons and combat so thats been good.
tl;dr, 1st half of msq good, 2nd half confusing, combat good.
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certifiedgoofball · 5 months
Since you wanted some questions:
1. Do you have a favorite cat breed? If so, why is that one your favorite?
2. Do you have any pets?
3. Which pride flag (can be for a queer identify or disability) would taste the best, and what would it taste like?
4. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
5. If you could say one thing to everyone in the world, what would it be?
Sorry if these weren’t what you were looking for, but I had fun writing them, so I hope you will have fun answering them.
THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED THANK YOU i love all types of cats tbh. i love tabbies and orange cats and black cats. but like the last two are more colors and not breeds i dont think. BUT if i had to choose i would probably say tabby. but second up is definitely black cat because my aunt has this black cat and hes the sweetest nicest cat ive ever met. i love him so much and its really sad my aunt lives far away because i wish i could see him more. I DONT HAVE ANY PETS :((( i really want a cat though, but my dad keeps saying things about how the "house isnt clean enough" (even though it literally is. my room is a bit messy but thats like, my room) but i really Really really really really want a cat i want a cat so much thats a hard one.... i really like the boygirl flag but like any flag with berry colors is pretty good. i actually have synesthesia, mostly with letters/words to colors, but sometimes i can like actually taste colors. which is pretty cool but also annoying sometimes because some colors taste really bad accomplishments.... also a really hard one. living this long i guess? life is super hard but honestly i didnt really expect myself to make it this far lol. and also, being more true to myself. in 7th/8th grade especially i was in a big battle with myself because my npd traits and low empathy/sympathy/compassion were really coming out and i thought that i was just a terrible monster of a person that didnt deserve respect. and now i still think that sometimes but im getting better at being kind to myself!!!! if i could say one thing to the entire world, i dont really know. it kind of depends on if i want to be funny or nice. if i wanted to be funny i could say some ominous thing or something. if i wanted to be serious... i would have to think about it tbh. and it would depend on what was happening in the world at the moment. these questions are great... thank you so much /gen
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scepterno · 9 months
Ur writing is so delicious I could gobble it up with a side of Diet Coke
Do you think we’ll ever see anything to do with Noah’s siblings in later chapters (if ur still continuing an insulting difference, or in another story) cuz I think they could play a huge roll in coming to Noah’s Defense/aid after he moves out from Owen and possibly live far from the others.
It would defo cause a little angst with Alejandro but he might not always be able to help Noah and obvi his sisters have known ab it for years
They defo know stupid little ways to calm him down (reading to him all that shiz)
Sorry this was super long for a tijy wuestion :(
ewww diet coke gimme dr pepper instead yummy
i dont really have plans to showcase noah's sisters honestly. he loves them and they love him and they annoy the fuck out of each other like all siblings do, but theyre also all adults with many many years between them, and not all of them even live in canada anymore! i barely see my own sibling now that we live on our own and we're tight af. just bc noah and his sibs dont see each other or talk much doesnt mean the bond isnt still there.
but noah won't be moving far! he'll still be pretty close to the general hub of his friend circle. if he ever needs help, like TRULY needs them, the closest sister would for sure teleport to his front door and coddle their precious string bean little brother.
as for alejandro, it would be easy to assume he'd be a bit resentful/envious of noah for having supportive siblings, but tbh i think he would just be relieved and happy for noah, nothing else. it's not as if noah's relationship with his siblings is perfect, but it's definitely on the healthier side as far as sibling dynamics go. alejandro is happy so long as his boyfriend is happy <3
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misqnon · 3 months
sanji and pudding are cute together as completely platonic friends.. like he is a good FRIEND for her. i think she just needs someone in her life who isnt going to ridicule her for her eye and . like. fully accepts her. and that is who sanji is.
i wouldn't have an issue if it was just like. a one sided crush either. which it kind of is but i don't trust oda to have those intentions. i know its realistic to have kids crush on older people,, and i think its interesting to portray that as long as the adult isnt being creepy and weird. like u can have an adult that is accepting of the kid who's crushing on them. and the adult is also like "this is never going to happen. u should find someone your own age, that would be healthier". it is inherently pretty uncomfortable to have a kid crush on you i would assume, but they could still have a healthy relationship
i also want all the straw hats there!! i dont think i'll be satisfied if they arent all there..
this is so funny, i actually watched that video a while ago (passively. as in i was actually trying to sleep and also listen at the same time). but YEAH i think he is so right... the charm .. the something that zoro has. is not there. thank GOD i didnt miss the fuck...
oh for sure the like 3 layers of translating is probably a big reason for the awkwardness. i (personally) think he has autistic energy outside of that one interview (i think i was kinda unclear which is why i am . bringing it back up) but . ofc. i am not going to diagnose a man I dont know anything about LOL
no shame in this household!!!! there is already plenty to go around
VERY ASEXUAL FRIENDS SEEING UR HORNY POSTING.... SOUNDS LIKE A NIGHTMARE. my very asexual friend does not use social media thank god. i .. i could never let her see me like this ... for her own sake..
u also forgor ur gender for a bit thats so funny..
im very thankful there are at least a FEW nsfw questions about men in the sbs... equality!! but we must strive for equity.. sexualize the men 3x more /hj
i have a friend who knows a bit of japanese but i always feel so bad relying on ppl who know other languages LOL. like.. im sorry ... our friendship means so much more to me than ur job as my translator sometimes... but i think the foreign fans use a translator app, bc im pretty sure oda has said the wording is wonky because of the translator
ive seen a bit of trixie and katya!! im at least familiar with who they are. at my highschool (that i went to for only the last two years i was in school) we had some drag queens come to school for a show.. it was interesting. i had never seen drag in person. and then we also had a drag show with students which wasnt as involved
"for legal reasons (haha get it)" LOL
perfect representation of a sanji courtroom. since u are sanji magistrate ur word is law. literally.
oda can have credit .. as a treat.
it IS compelling tbh but it's. as u kinda said. its mostly just mentioned briefly and then not brought back up. i do NOT want to see it come to fruition.... if they killed each other.... me next
"I WOULD LIKE CROSS GUILD AS A POLY SHIP MORE IF IT DIDNT FEEL MEAN WITH HOW OFTEN THEY BEAT UP ON BUGGY AND ALSO BC I THINK BUGGY BELONGS WITH MR. RED HAIR." YEAH EXACTLY!!!!! i too love a one sided ship. shuggy angst is literally so good.. wait til u catch up theres a . theres a moment. theres a shuggy moment that is SO angsty. they have so many problems they should just kiss and that would solve everything!
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i also heard abt the falling down the stairs meaning suicide thing, but i only heard abt it super recently. ur right she wouldnt have done that!! she was finally feeling like. things were looking up . because of zoro!! he helped her feel better!! n then she died. i agree that he probably sees a promise as an ironclad thing. he would literally die for a promise he made. he definitely isnt stupid either, and is generally pretty untrusting of new people
"Dreams. Ambitions. Drive. Do what that day stole from Kuina. Defeat Dracule Mihawk. Become the world’s greatest swordsman- for both of them." i love this part
"This isn’t a good sign for his current navigational endeavors." HE GOT LOST..... that made me laugh
"Kuina. He doesn’t think of her as often as some might think. He doesn’t dwell on the past, only reflects on it." accurate for zoro!!!!
i feel sad for him :( he sounds a bit. regretful? is that a word.. thnk u for sharing i lov .. i love .. when ppl share their art with me.. thank u..
"but do i ever actually make those things….no. i do not" psh... typical..... /lh
oh boy im so excited to take ibuprofen with u!!!!
yes u got me i like sanji now 😔😔😔😔😔 congrats on converting me😮‍💨 /lh. ill send u another 4kids sanji video to get back at u for this *shakes my fist in rage*
i love seonghwa!!! (obviously!!! since im ot8 !!!)
THE LAW PUN... I DINDT NOTICE AT FIRST .... im so glad u have the hawaiian shirt comic saved. i have multiple pictures of him saved and i refuse to delete them despite my phone storage being rly low.. and im not doing anything with them. im just attached.
look at how much i talk about him... im normal . its only been a month and a half since i restarted one piece and i hadnt talked abt him at all before that.. im normal.
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ok my law thought s are.. well the most recent thought . was actually. uh.
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yeah this was a normal thought. for sure.
this was the thought that led to that .
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i just think u could have a lotta fun with his powers. outside of making abstract art. i want to know what its like to be law . in body. he is tall. and like. i would be able to teleport himself and other things.. which is a big thing when u can't get enough energy to get out of bed. and i have food allergies so i could eat whatever i want.. and i wouldnt have periods... i would automatically be stronger bc he has muscles. yeah.. i wish i could experience all that.
and that is all for now bc i think those r ...intense.. thoughts... to have... or maybe they arent, i dont really have an understanding of what is normal
"i wonder if it relates to his backstory and the possible trans-ness of it?" i was kinda thinking this too.. or like maybe it had something to do with his childhood or something. idk. croc backstory when!!
"he’s after freedom and what use is it if u destory the freedom of others while searching for it for yourself?" YEAH!!! U WORDED IT WELL,,
"HIS 4DUB VOICE PAINS ME PHYSICALLY" *sends another video* (i am actually going to do this but i was planning to anyways so dont feel pressured to watch it or respond LOL)
"i have a playlist where i put my fav one piece shits."
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crying, sobbing at the fact u know abt nika
ok honestly if it was just a bug collection... that would be so cute ... the one piece was the bugs we met along the way
"so i think it might be related to…joyboy/nika/ the SUN…i think maybe its like a. a hat maybe. thats my guess. sun hat. from the original joy boy. its not a good guess but its all i HAVe"
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take this how u will
bartolomeo... maybe he is called the cannibal bc he has big teeth... or maybe its his name from when he was beating ppl up all the time as a .. gang leader? or whatever he was? maybe he "cannibalized" other groups??
end of the e-letter is for memes now
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very very true. when she was sobbing after i left i actually felt so so bad for her ;-; like someone PLEASE get her out of there!! god SAME FOR REIJU. sanji got to escape but reiju and pudding are both stuck with their respective shit abusive families…it sucks. i hope we get to see both of them doing better by the end of the series!!
“i wouldn't have an issue if it was just like. a one sided crush either. which it kind of is but i don't trust oda to have those intentions.” YEA I MADE A POST ABOUT THIS (i think i accidentally queued it) BUT. YEA I DOUBT HE DOES 🙃 looks at shirahoshi. looks at rebecca
also nodding my head no problem i got what u meant about inaki
i still need to finish the opla video. i watch it while i eat lmao
OKAY HE HASNT MENTIONED IT SO I HOPE HE JUST DIDNT SEE IT OR. WILL NEVER BRING IT UP. its funny u say that tho bc my OTHER ace friend very supportively read this vampire zosan fic i wrote and they’re in their own words like violently ace and also sex repulsed and i WARNED THEM that there was a sex scene in that chapter i WROTE A CHAPTER NOTE AT THE BEGINNING WARNING SO and they STILL accidentally read it and texted me SO CONFUSED AND THEN EMBARASSED THEY WERE LIKE “its hot in the room?? wait i dont get it?? 🤨 - WAIT. OH NO-” funniest shit ive ever seen in my life. literally “hey. be careful dont look at that.” “huh? [staring blindly at sun]
actually every nsfw sbs question asked about the men was me. it was all me. next i will be asking the size of katakur- [gunshots]
KJSBDKJ I HAVE TWO FRIENDS THAT SPEAK FRENCH (ONE A NATIVE SPEAKER AND ONE WHO MAJORED IN IT AND NOW LIVES IN FRANCE. WITH THE OTHER FRENCH FRIEND) and when writing scenes where sanji spoke french i was too embarrassed to ask either of them for help but they bullied me into letting them help 😭😭😭 so i feel u so hard 😭😭😭
and ur right, i actually just read a chapter where someone did that from vietnam i believe (they used a machine translator)
i love drag sm!! u made me remember how much i liked it and i watched some more drag clips yesterday lmao. 
okay in terms of the death pact thing i feel like oda drops those things and always comes back to them…i DONT WANT THEM TO FIGHT EITHER BUT ALSO I SOOOO DO. kinda like how reading whole cake island ws painful for me but also i loved it. but i will need to wait a bit before reading it again. i dont think theyre gonna kill each other tho. i think itll be a moment that brings them to a better understanding of each other/their relationship. i dont mean that in a zosan way just literally in canon as crewmates. and i think it will be JUICY bc those bitches have been bickering for over 20 years…and then finally theres a big ultimate final zoro vs sanji battle like dudebros always clamor about. i want to see a setup where they’re forced to face the fact that they dont get along but still care for each other but also what to do when faced with a choice like that against someone you hate but also care for. and what zoro will do. bc i genuinely have a feeling zoro will fight him to the fucking end but not kill him when it comes down to it. even though zoro keeps promises like they’re oaths…so. i think it may be an outside element that stops the Murder from occuring. zoro may or may not actually attempt it KDSNC. its so fun to think about to me. im so ready 
shuggy moment? 👁️i know oda would not make any gay ship canon (probably most ships tbh) but why does shuggy feel like one of the most likely to me. in a weird way. KADJNFVDK. you know how in the og visual novel for clannad the “bad end” was a gay ending with your male best friend. that is canon shuggy to me. oda doing it kinda halfheartedly in a roundabout way for laughs but the fandom is popping bottles (we popping the BIGGEST bottles when shuggy happens tomorrow-)
on zoro and promises and etc etc…do u think zoro will get more development of him as a character by the end of the story? zoro is a character that’s beautiful in his simplicity but sometimes i want to know him more you know?? he’s kinda mysterious in a closed off way even tho we know what he’s about and. i wanna know more abt him. put him in more fucked up situations. i wanna see zoro suffer in a way that isnt just a tough battle.
im glad u liked it !! :D thank u!!
HAHAHAHA SANJI CONVERT !!! LET’S SEXUALIZE THAT BLONDE MAN ‼️(priorities 🫡) (the 4kids sanji video will get back at me. it will. i will suffer but i will do it.)
i have so many random op images saved in my phone…not to mention my laptop’s screenshot folder…WAIT THAT REMINDS ME JFDBVSJD i have an internship at an art gallery and i need a laptop for the job so i use my own but its my personal laptop.. and once i had to test a powerpoint but i dont have word so i had to use my personal google slides account and WHILE CONNECTED to a GIANT PROJECTOR…THIS briefly flashed on the screen before i frantically clicked away. no one saw but i. i did. (for reference this was for pwp night. and i have still nbot finished it)
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i dont talk about sanji in my friend discord server bc None Of Them Watch One Piece but in my dms with my other op friend…let’s look.
on god
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this is from both of us together. BUT STILL
(nodding) no go on what animal parts
law’s powers are SO fun. i wish he switched ppls bodies more often!! its such a fun trope its such a guilty pleasure for me!! also room is just. such a cool ability. i love teleportation characters (thinks about nightcrawler from xmen…my blue king). also THAT LAW COMIC I MENTIONED U IN THE TAGS. JHFVBDKAS THE FOURTH PANEL WHERE ITS JSUT THE SEA CREATURES AND HIS DEAD FACE DOING THE ROOM POSE GETS ME EVERY DAMN TIME
is law tall?? i guess he just seems short in comparison to like. doffy. (looks it up) DAMN THIS BITCH IS 6’3??? 
also funny law story i just remembered. sometimes i sell my art at gay art markets. and one time. at a halloween themed one. there was . this random law cosplayer. which yea its halloween thats a costume but for future reference i want to be clear this was like the only anime cosplay. everyone else was like cartoons or monsters or fairies or cats or some shit. well the law cosplayer is set up right across from me and i had JUST started my one piece hyperfixation so i was Extra Crazy abt it and i was literally flipping out so nervous but excited so i dragged myself over and was like “omg…hi…i love ur law cosplay….i just got into op and i havent met him yet but i see him everywhere…” and they were super nice!! but then. later. i go visit my friend’s booth. and . the ONLY other anime cosplay at the entire event…WAS A SECOND TRAFALGAR LAW. STANDING AT MY FRIEND’S BOOTH. I WAS LIKE ??? anyway i pointed them towards each other after fangirling for a hot moment and they took a pic together. it was very fun
ur thoughts are not intense or strange…well maybe they are strange to others but i am also insane. i promise. i love ur insane thoughts pls continue to share. i will do the same someday when i am less shy and ashamed of my unhinged fandom thoughts (such as making zoro amvs to abba in my head on the way to therapy. <- things that should be in the dsm-5 as a criteria. ps. thats a line my therapist actually said in response to something i did once. lmao)
did u notice that in the opla…they have all the characters who were at rogers execution there as their younger selves (mihawk, shanks,etc) AND THERE’S A AFAB PERSON WHO’S DRESSED SUSPIOCIOUSLY LIKE CROCODILE…I WAS LIKE OH SHIT)
i am going to watch the next 4kidd dub video. i will do it for you. (losing years off my life each time)
WOOPS THE PLAYLIST WAS PRIVATE try it now. if you watch any one video from that list. and this one is short. please make it this one. I LOSE MY SHIT EVERY TIME
lmao. i was talking to my caught up friend about op spoilers today and he wouldnt confirm or deny so many things i said. lmao. rofl, even
“take this how u will” IM SCARED
end of the e letter IS for memes now you’re so correct
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p.s…i know discord is a Le PooPooHead esp recently BUT if you want to add me my username is the same as it is here!! feel free but no pressure
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