#sorry this isn't proper fanart
takethelx3 · 1 month
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Tim I'm sorry I keep drawing you like an anime boy (and also accidentally)
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lumilasi · 12 days
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Since I've been updating one of my bleach fics more recently, I felt the once-in-a-blue-moon urge to draw something from it.....decision I VERY MUCH regretted lmao, because what I picked was SUPER difficult to draw, and I had to take some creative liberty with these designs, lessening the detail in them (Didn't even have a proper ref for Oni-Ichigo to begin with...).
Still, I managed to finish this at least. Fanart isn't really my thing anymore that much so these will be rare, even if I am writing semi-regularly.
The scene this bases on from Jack of All Hollows:
(Context, this is a memory viewed by "main" Ichigo of the story, Oni-Ichigo is a separate person)
Grimmjow eventually shifts, now just sitting on the bridge ledge properly, dangling his bare feet over the water. His companion follows his example, though chooses to keep his legs towards the bridge instead, sitting the other way around. He was still glancing at Grimmjow, and Ichigo could tell that color on his demon doppleganger’s face wasn’t just alcohol. He looked like there was something he was trying to say, but was hesitating.
Ichigo knew what it was.
Clearly, Grimmjow was aware of his companion mulling over something, as the blunet eventually snorts and turns to look at Oni Ichigo annoyed.
"What? Spill it, I can literally hear yer overthinkin’ shit again.”
"You can share memories, not read minds.”
"The gears in your brain are so rusty they make shit ton of noise, Kurosaki. Hard not to hear all that.”
The ginger demon laughs at that, his reaction seemingly confusing his companion a little, the point he now grabs Oni Ichigo’s arm and threatens to throw him into the river if he didn’t explain what was so damn funny now. His companion eventually manages to stop laughing with a wheeze, now looking back at the pouty looking blunet, who was clearly still confused about his behavior.
"Yer way too drunk huh; never knew your stubborn ass was this lightweight.”
"Yeah, guess I am.”
Watching the pair, Ichigo felt uneasy now, suddenly having a feeling this wouldn’t end well for his twin. Obviously, this Ichigo had died, but beyond that…
Suddenly, his twin leans closer, clearly catching Grimmjow off-guard. The kiss doesn’t last long, and once his twin pulls back he had gone completely red, now averting his gaze and rubbing his neck sheepishly. Grimmjow had gone completely stiff, just like he’d done that night at that other bridge.
"S-sorry. I….uh.”
He seems to struggle for a moment to decide what to say, still avoiding the blue eyes staring at him. Grimmjow still hadn’t moved an inch, as if his brain had short circuited and he was struggling to process what just happened.
"….You know. You’re not as bad as I thought when we first met. And lately, I don’t know. I just….I like hanging out with you, when you’re not trying to kill me.”
Oni Ichigo chuckles sheepishly, still avoiding his gaze. Grimmjow now turns his head away, his face still unreadable, though the shock seemed to have faded. The atmosphere around the pair had shifted from the easygoing drunkedness to something much more tense and awkward, though Ichigo wasn’t sure if he was reading it that way, or if the emotion was attached to the memory itself.
"I’ve been thinking about that a lot. And….I-I don’t think its…”
Oni Ichigo swallows down hard now, finally daring to look up at Grimmjow. Seeing that uneasy look in his eyes, oh fuck he was scared too. It had clearly taken his twin a lot to bring this up, and so far, neither could tell what Grimmjow was thinking.
"I don’t think it’s friendly affection I’m feeling.”
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spro-o · 3 months
So I’ve seen that you draw the sins and other’s characters with different ethnicity’s, I was wondering if you had any specific races for them? I just find your art style so beautiful, but I was curious if anyone was a specific race you head canon them as.
sorry for taking so long!! house md hyperfixation had me in a chokehold (binged all 8 seasons), but anyways!!
i've been think about this and here are my ideas :3 btw, these are for a modern!AU (in which i'd HC that all the events happen in England, since the likelihood of you encountering such a strange group is much higher in a city like London), since if i was sticking more closely to canon it'd be pretty boring since they'd all be Scottish 💀
Meliodas (+ Zeldris): BRASIL NÚMERO UM CARALHO ‼️‼️ sorry but there's just something about them,,, they'd def be Brazilian (and mixed, in terms of skin tone)
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Diane: Scottish (and Black) - this one i don't really have proper reasoning for aside from the vibes that the giants' land has just fits best with where it is canon - rocky landscape with few trees, pretty cold, etc. and also i don't know where it started but the collective HC of Diane being Black has made it so that i genuinely forget she's real pale in the canon
King (+ Elaine): English - the royal vibes make me think posh English lads - they are absolutely the British stereotype and feed into it unknowingly (they'd be rather pale, with a tendency to get freckles)
Ban: Russian (or any other flavour Slavic) (i feel too guilty and self indulgent HCing him as Polish,,,, but i want to😭) - i also HC him as albino in the modern!AU, if we're being more realistic, which i should def do some fanart of sometime
Gowther: South Korean - methinks it just fits with their fashion sense and mannerisms - they absolutely indulge in all kinds of Korean and Japanese dramas/shows/movies (they'd be on the tanner side)
Merlin: Welsh - mage,,, wizard lady,,,, speaking niche languages,,, yeah, Welsh,, tho i do think she has somehow managed to learn like 7 different languages and visit close to every country on earth - something something endless pursuit of knowledge (i think she'd be pretty pale, as when she isn't out on the other side of the world, she's indoors, barely getting any sun)
Escanor: Spanish - also would have dark skin, since i HC one of his parents as being Moroccan. source? reason?? my beautiful brain
Elizabeth: French - same reason as King and Elaine, the typical royal vibes just drew me to these decisions (tho, alternatively, i do think she would also fit being from England) (either way, she'd also be pretty pale)
so yeah!! thats what i came up with, but id be very curious to hear any other ideas/HCs y'all have :3c
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featherglum · 4 months
Hundreds DEAD and thousands INJURED after user FeatherGlum got too silly with her "There will come soft rains" fanart, ultimately turning 2 versions of the same smart house into separate OCs instead of just making humanoid versions of the robots like she initially planned. More under the cut.
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So yeah, sorry to anyone who was hoping to see more art of the silly caterpillar in his original form.
Anyway, these guys have proper names and a loose story idea now.
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The caterpillar guy is named Fryc (short for Fryderyk) and the other guy is Witkacy (Yes, like the artist. Not to lore dump or anything but a lot of robots in that universe are named after historical figures and famous people so it's not that unusual). I won't go into too much detail on the plot until I give them proper reference sheets, but they're just two guys hanging out in an alternate version of Poland after all humans disappeared. Except the circumstances of their disappearance were a bit unusual + it's been less than a decade since then so things are still kinda chaotic and there isn't really a proper robots society yet if that makes sense? Some of them have moved on and started living their own lives but others still cling to their previous jobs out of fear that humans will come back and destroy them for disobedience.
Like I said, I'll elaborate on the lore later, but drawing their refs will take some time so don't be afraid to send asks about them ^_^
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Brother's Keeper AU:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How did Caleb live so long? How can he still be here after 400 years?
A: Belos wanted him to stick around and so he made it happen. As for specifics: *shrugs* your guess is as good as mine! This is something I've preferred to leave up to the readers. I will simply confirm that he isn't hiding any goop powers or OP palisman-given magical abilities. He is, for all intents and purposes, a regular human who is somehow really, really old.
Q: If Caleb is still alive, where did Hunter come from?
A: The full story here hasn't been told yet, but you may notice Caleb is missing quite a few bones...
Q: Caleb's ears are pointed! Did Belos cut them??
A: Correct
Q: Does Caleb know about the Collector/the basilisks/Belos' plans?
A: Probably! He's been Belos' sounding board for 400 years. Access to things that could "further corrupt him" or provide him a tool for escape, however, are off limits, so there are many things, like the Collector, that he's heard about but never seen for himself.
Q: Where's Flapjack/Amity/Darius/etc?
A: This is basically a canon divergence. If you haven't seen a particular character, it's safe to assume for now that they're up to whatever they were doing in canon.
Q: I don't get it. Why is Caleb insane?
A: I suggest you reread the first few story posts, my friend! You have fallen for Belos' lies.
Q: Do you have a posting schedule? When will the next part come out?
A: There is no posting schedule. I draw (mostly but not always) traditionally in my free time, for the fun of telling a cool story, and some posts are longer than others. That means the timing of the next post depends on how long it is, how much time I have, and whether or not I'm at home with access to my scanner. Sometimes this means I post quickly. Sometimes it means you'll see me next month. Sorry about that.
Just know that if I know there's going to be an extended wait, especially one where I'm not actively working on the next drawing, I will make an announcement about it. If you haven't seen an update in a while but I also haven't said anything, it's almost definitely because I'm actively chipping away at a part of the story that's taking me longer.
Q: Why do some of the story posts have a letter after the number? Are these less important than the regular story posts? Can I skip them?
A: No, I Do Not Recommend skipping them! They are just as important as the others. They have a letter on the end because they were added later and I use letters as a way to avoid renumbering everything. If you see story posts labeled something like "3, 3A, 4", they are meant to be read the same as you would if they were "3, 4, 5".
Q: Can I make art/fic/cosplay of this au?
A: Knock yourself out! If you post it somewhere, please include credit, but otherwise I don't mind, and actually love seeing what you do with it! If it's NSFW though, please keep it in appropriate spaces with proper warnings.
Q: Wait there's fic/fanart?? Can I see?
A: If you look through the tag on my blog "BK fridge gallery" you can browse any content shared with me that I've reblogged. :) People are free not to share it with me too though, and there are some I don't reblog, especially if its gorey or suggestive, so you might be able to find a bit more elsewhere under the Brother's Keeper AU name if you look for it.
You may also notice I have a featured tag called "BK Soundtrack." That's for songs that people have suggested to go with the AU. You are welcome to browse or suggest songs of your own ;)
Q: :( I sent an ask but you didn't answer. Did you get it?
A: Probably, yes. Sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it. However, if it was theorizing about future plot points, I may actually be holding onto it with plans to answer at a more appropriate time. I like to keep many of my plans for the story close to the chest, so don't be surprised if your theory ask disappears only to show up many months later when the story has progressed to a point where I can give you a more in depth answer.
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scribz-ag24 · 5 months
Do you have a set process for coloring and rendering / adding texture to your art? If so, would it be alright for me to ask what goes into that process? I'd love to learn how an artist I admire goes about their work!
Omg I'm so flattered, I'll try my best to explain it!! ^^
Tho, okayyy, I apologize beforehand for how incoherent this might be, since I don't really have a set process at all and mostly I fake it 'til i make it haha. I'm the first to admit that I don't have a ver consistent method and that shows in how irregular in quality my art can look, even inside the general sketchy look.
(Btw sorry if some of the fanart i use for example doesn't make you comfortable but I've tried to find the best examples for each type of coloring haha)
I'll start with the brushes I rely on the most, tho I admit i made the mistake of downloading too many brushes and textures so I might use others on rare occassions xddd
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These are basically the brushes I use the most. The "mezclador redondo" is just CSP's default paintbrush and I only tweaked it to find sth I liked and felt comfortable with for both lining and painting
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As you can see here I only used one layer for lines and other three for each of the guys' colors. I colored it all with the default brush (tho unfortunately I lost the settings I used for this drawing in particular and haven't found them again rip). In drawings like this I just do a sketch, clean the lines (no lineart) and then paint it. After the base color I start laying out different hues to make the coloring more interesting.
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This one was the same. One layer for coloring, manually adding lighter hues (see the more light and yellowish color on grovyle's left leg compared to the shadow) or darker tones. I try to add color to the shadows as well to make them feel less flat, and an airbrush in overlay tends to help with that (tho here I just used a brush).
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Here you can see that I often paint over the lines on another layer to correct mistakes in the "lineart" lol. I also applied an airbrush (layer mode overlay) over celebi to make her more bright. I wanted to put this one to show that coloring doesn't have to be detailed to look nice enough. Here Celebi basically has no shadows at all but the tone of the drawing makes her look cute anyways imo ^^
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In these two you can see adjustements over the full image again (yellow layer), but I also wanted to show that I don't have a set number of layers either, it depends on how many I feel like using. Again, sorry for the lack of consistency but im too lazy to have a proper method lmao
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I will also use harder brushes and tone changes sometimes, instead of blending them with less dense brushes. I am also fond of adding hard lighting in some drawings. You can experiments with it on a top layer and delete it if it doesn't fit, so it's always worth a try.
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Another thing I recommend is studying and copying artists you admire or like. Add things from their styles into yours, see how they work with proportions and try to use that in your own art. It has helped me a lot and, without looking to fully copy anyone's style, it does give you some ideas of how you wish your drawing would look, which motivates me (when it doesn't depress me lol)
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Finally, the texturing isn't consistent either. I use one of CSP's/Downloaded texture packs, put a grainy texture on the canvas, set it to overlay and adjust the opacity until I'm satisfied. In these two images you can see I am not consistent in coloring even in the same comic lmao. But we are doing this for fun, so I think experimentation is always sth worth exploring ^^
And I think that's all I have to say. I don't control color theory at all, so I can't really explain how I choose colors. I look up some tutorials on youtube and pretend I understand lol. Ig the one thing I tend to do a lot is changing hues in a base color to make it look less flat, the same as with shadows.
Anyways I hope this was helpful or that it at least waas what you asked for haha. Thank you for the interest!! :DD
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catsharky · 10 months
Hey, I just wanted to let you know there’s a tiktok that used your comic about femshep and joker without credit. I’m honestly kinda new to this stuff but I tried to report them, but I don’t know if it did anything. Here’s the link: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjaJ8cgB/ (and if this oversteps anything I’m really sorry, I just remember hearing other tumblr artists getting their work stolen and I really love your art and didn’t want it to happen to you. I hope you have a good day!)
I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond to this, but thank you for letting me know! Thankfully the person who uploaded the tiktok didn't remove my watermarks from the panels, so there's still some credit attached to it and I'm cool with letting it be.
In general though, so long as proper credit is included I don't actually mind if my work gets reposted to other social media, because I don't really use any site other than Tumblr.
To me, my art is kind of like a conversation and my way of throwing my thoughts out into the world to see how they resonate with other people. As long as someone else isn't claiming it as their own work and it's possible for other people to find the rest of my stuff if they're interested, I'm just happy to see my stuff connecting with more people (plus most of my stuff is fanart so if someone tries to make money off it, that's for the IP holders to deal with).
So if you or anyone else ever sees more of my art posted on another site, I would very much appreciate the heads up, because I'd like to see the comments/reactions it's gotten!
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unagidevi · 6 months
A long one, but I'm sure you can make it
Table of Contents
-Tags and Meanings
-Discord Server
-Art Rules
Hello, I'm unagidevi but please refer to me as Dev, Devi or Devion. People usually use Dev or Devi, but any of those three work. I have High-Functioning Autism, and ADHD. I was diagnosed when I was younger by a proper doctor. I like doing art, and writing. I also really love fantasy type stories or art, that is one of my favorites.
Some Fandoms I'm in:
Isaac Beamer Versus the Supernatural (IBVS)
Warrior Cats
Gacha by Luni/Lunime
The Umbrella Academy
Undertale / Dreamswap
My posts usually consist of Undertale, IBVS and Dreamswap. There isn't much of the others on here. I am writing two stories right now, a fantasy AU that follows two princess and a Dreamswap AU thats called Whimsical Dreamswap.
Tags and Meanings
I am sincerely sorry with how far this will probably go on, but I am going to do my best to shorten it. Blue is for OCs and Stories, Pink is Main Tags, Red is for tags relating to me, Orange is for other, Purple is for shipping. I won't be listing the Dreamsleep characters here because it takes awhile.
dreamsleep explanation - a dreamsleep tag that you can see what info there is.
dreamsleep explanation / drmslp - the fantasy AU that follows Dream and Nightmare and their travels.
asks for dev - just normal asks
devs anon asks - anon asks
dev rambles like a lunatic - rambling about anything and everything
whimsical dreamswap / whs ds - fantasy au of dreamswap
dev doodles / dev wips - doodling, sketching, etc
finchfeathers - finch and dream ship tag
magpie - blue x cross ship tag
bluetooth - blue and hacker ship tag
paintedwings / fink - finch and ink ship tag
burntstring - finch and error ship tag
tatteredwings - finch and cross ship tag
skullcandy - hacker and cross ship tag
terrorvisions - randy and dream / gay dads tag
stellars jay - blue and finch ship tag
starryskies - hacker and nightmare ship tag, reference to @starryelem
redsoul - dreamsleep ship, klaus and mal
izzy coleman / noel barker - normal ocs in a normal world
dakota feverview - dreamswap oc
rory caskey - ibvs oc
casimir dream / akli nightmare - whs ds
swindler ink / cobalt!blue - whs ds
anwar bobby / rana randy / kamaxe hacker - whs ds
arcane or arc error / azeban cross - whs ds
lorcan finch / anika whsds / whsds tank / whsds albert - whs ds
dev the simp - some tumblr ask blogs give me this name
devs pets - one or many of my tons of pets
dev ideas - dev performs an idea thats probably bad
devs ao3 - links
whs ds fanart - fanart of whs ds
drmslp fanart - fanart of dreamsleep
icterid 'starling' fink - fink shipchild, shared with @starryelem
nolan 'peridot' silva - ds errormare shipchild, shared with @starryelem
nelson 'ruby' silva - ds errormare shipchild, shared with @starryelem
hypno carmine - koriot and cross shipchild, shared with @starryelem
lavender von licht - adopted child of dreams, shared with @starryelem
[askers username] - you asked me.
Discord Server
Come join my discord server. Please follow the rules, and do not make any remarks that will be a problem. You get two warnings before a ban. If someone is giving you problems, please let me know and don't take it upon yourself.
Please remember to follow the rules, i can't stress that enough.
Art Rueles
Why do I have Art Rules? It's just a mild safety percaution.
-Do not steal my art and label it as your own.
-If you use my art for any purpose, just don't use it for nefarious purposes and at least credit me.
-Don't download and repost it, calling it 'exposure'
-Requests and Commissions are always open. Ask for Requests through my ask box!
-Please do not trace my art, thank you! Heavily referencing or just Referencing is fine.
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chimchiri · 7 months
Hiii chim, I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time, and I hope that things get better for you soon ;^;
also this is kind of entirely random but I've been following you for some months now, but it was only JUST NOW when I was clicking on your blog trying to think of a question, that I took proper notice of the sticker shop banner you have on your pinned (despite, seeing it all the time orz) AND SAW THAT YOU HAD SALLY FACE STICKERS ON THERE!! I didn't know that was something you like/liked!! :D But that's really awesome to see to me ahhhh it's one of my favorite games
also also I absolutely ADORE the design you made for Gilda, it goes SO HARD and it just looks so good I have to do a double take whenever I see her because, gosh, what she does to my heart is unfair >A<
I'm not great at coming up with questions, but, you mentioned in I think the last poll for Randy and Imani about the trope of fretting over ruining the friendship you have with someone when you catch feelings for them, so my first question is: who would have worse anxeity over their feelings for the other screwing up their friendship, between the two of them?
second question, of all the art you've done for The Tenderness She Gives (which, is a wonderful name for it honestly, it hits me in the heart so strongly), which has been your favorite? :3c
Ohh my god that's such a sweet message, thank you... <3
Funnily, the shop still isn't open. I wanna finish 2-3 more stickers before opening up again. But yes, I do love Sally Face and will definitely play when the second game comes out. I actually also drew a lot of fanart for it and probably will again once the next game comes out. The general tag list is here if you're curious.
And thank you regarding Gilda <3 as mentioned, I am really surprised she got such a positive feedback. I like her design but didn't anticipate people going nuts over her lmao. I saw way more tags/comments about her compared to other art.
Regarding Randy and Imani and that trope - god I'm such a huuuuuuge sucker for it... I imagine Imani as very curious and experimental in nature so I don't see her being that anxious about it. But then again, I think I love Randy falling for her pretty early on in their teenage years and covering it with jokes and over-the-top and thus not serious flirting. I can see Randy being anxious for years to not advance anything in their friendship because she can tell Imani doesn't have feeling for her. Yet - because I like to think Imani starts to get flustered once Randy is well-known secure in her job as deputy captain. Honestly I could see Imani need a nudge into the right direction from all other women fawning over Randy. As in, she probably only starts to see Randy's romantic potential once she actually starts paying attention outside of their friendly banter. (I imagine her head is always all over the place so she just doesn't see Randy in any intimate/romantic way before). But after that, she definitely also has anxiety over making a move. Not as much as Randy though.
As for the fave pieces.... I actually adooooore the two butches and have been cursing myself for not drawing them more.
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For Imani and Randy I really like the teenage doodle I made for the poll here. I just like their younger versions in the sketch <3
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thunder-jolt · 27 days
I'm Thunder, also known as Herald if you're from Comic Studio.
Pronouns (preferred): She/her, but any pronoun, like they/them, is fine.
I Have:
= = =
My fandoms vary, so I don't really need to be specific.
I like to draw, and write, which isn't anything new. However, I don't do commissions, but what I can do is write fanfic requests, with some free fanart. BUT- BUT! Before you can do that, you must understand this. Keep it as SFW as possible, no NSFW stuff.
X Reader Fanfiction (DC Copperhead x Reader, etc.)
Headcanons (Any character I'm currently hyperfixating, such as, say, Flippy from Happy Tree Friends, Jiren from Dragon Ball Super, etc.)
= = =
= = =
NSFW Blogs
= = =
Also, at the time of making this pinned post, I am a minor, so please, be respectful. Also, don't send Mutual Aid asks, I have too many of those already.
And as of now, I also have my asks turned off, so sorry for those who DO WANT TO ASK SOMETHING, but right now, it's off.
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i-heart-hxh · 2 years
Hi! Ok honestly I was going to find a more proper way to phrase this but can we just talk about Nagareboshi Kirari for a minute, and how it is 100% a love song from the perspective of Killua to Gon. I don’t see many people talking about it and it gets glossed over compared to some of the other endings but honestly it’s always been my favourite. The fact that nearly every single line is a direct reference to something Killua has been through with Gon is crazy, and with the “shooting star” references and implications, I don’t think it’s crazy to say that YUZU interpreted the manga the same way most of us shippers do, especially CAA. Idk, maybe I’m just crazy but this is something I’m almost 100% convinced of (like a lot of Killugon stuff in HxH I guess ha ha) but what are your thoughts?
Sorry for taking a bit to reply, I wanted to reply thoughtfully!
I definitely agree with you! I've read before that Yuzu re-read the entire manga before writing the songs they did for HxH, and also that they're big fans of the series to begin with, so I think it's fair to say that they wrote the songs they did with intention. Also, multiple people have pointed out that Nagareboshi Kirari uses wedding bells in it, which I mean, enough said. As big fans of the series, it would make sense that they see the (pretty clear) implications with Killua's feelings and they would include that in a song made for the series.
@hunterxhell also shared another song that Yuzu wrote around the same time period that may have been used for HxH if things had gone differently (I agree with this conclusion, it's too coincidental otherwise with the lyrics), and some other songs that they may have written with HxH in mind.
Honestly, the 2011 production is riddled with staff who have made romantic implications between Gon and Killua--from the director saying they're like a mature married couple, to Mariya Ise saying outright and extremely clearly that she thinks Killua is in love with Gon, Niuya, one of the animators for HxH 2011 would post KilluGon fanart on Twitter while it was airing (and published a doujin with shippy drawings included), and so on. Not to mention things like the Huncyclopedia kiss, ai-ai gasa, the episode previews during Chimera Ant arc, and more. These are all additions that didn't need to happen, they just as easily could have not included them. But they did!
The people who worked on the anime certainly studied the manga carefully--it's simply a big part of the process of adapting a manga to an anime, and especially with how faithful 2011 is to the manga (*overall, with some exceptions :p). I don't think it's a coincidence at all that many people looking at this manga carefully came to this conclusion. It's the same conclusion I've come to as well after years of carefully studying it and reading about Togashi and his inspirations/interviews/etc. The subtext is strong and clear and all over the place once you start looking for it, and a good portion of it isn't even subtext but just...text.
Anyway, I got on a bit of a tangent, but YES, I definitely think it's intentional and I absolutely think Yuzu wrote it with Killua's feelings in mind!
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hi once again (⌒∇⌒)/
i bother u today asking for advice... (๑•́ -•̀) i saw some... things, in the fandom (fndm? the name is so cute) as i told u before... so i was wondering, what are the safest places to post?
i'm really not interested in ship battles and such... and people get trashed for only liking adam... i want to stay away from that negativity (。•́︿•̀。) so twitter is definitely out. i was thinking of ao3, its not very popular for fanart but its safer as u have to search for the tag specifically... and if u dont like it, u can skip it without actually seeing the art (◍•ᴗ•◍)
anyways, im excited for the vytal festival (ʃƪᵕωᵕ) i love these kind of arcs, thats why i got excited thinking about fanart... thank you for always replying to me! ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡ ill make a proper account soon....!
Hello! It's so nice to see your message again, anon!
I'm happy that you're looking forward to the Vytal Festival Arc, personally, it's my favorite despite many issues it has. I'm also very glad that you want to post fanarts yourself!
On that subject matter, I'm sorry to say that I don't really have any "good" advice for you on where to post your art :(. Unfortunately, the FNDM is a place where negativity has permeated a lot of its platforms, so while you would have less encounters with hate on AO3, it's not a guaranteed place. This isn't a discouragement from posting your work on AO3, it's just a precaution from me.
Tumblr also have a tagging system, but I understand that you can find it uncomfortable because the inbox function will opens a lot of opportunity for anonymous hate mail, and Twitter is just simply awful.
I'm terribly sorry if my answer on this question isn't satisfactory, but if there is any advice I would give you and any other artists who wants to post RWBY art, it would be "block the haters". It will be exhausting, especially with anonymous messages, but you can also turn off the function or answer messages privately. The most important thing to keep in mind is that YOU have the creative liberty to post whatever you want on YOUR page regardless of platforms, giving you ultimate control over who can and cannot interact with you. Blocking and deleting hate instead of engaging will make your experience in the FNDM much more tolerable, and it will bring in fans of your work!
So, to conclude, posting on AO3 is the best bet if you're comfortable with it! But please do be aware of hate and don't be afraid to block such things, and curate your own experience. Be safe anon! <3
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year
sending you my hcs that are varying degrees of quality but. eh. it's my media perception so i have no shame in them
1. obviously asd/autistic miles because that is the truest thing ever? i don't think it's something he discovers as an adult, more like he got diagnosed before dl-6
2. maya to me is a girl that wears leg hair with pride. i'm sorry i can't imagine her in any other way and i picture her chubbier than capcom made her just bc she deserves that powerful look
3. miles edgeworth is a quiet rebel to me. this hc started when i saw a post about how putting your hands in trousers pockets isn't proper etiquette and miles does it anyway so... i just think he does these small things to feel mischievous and like his own person, maybe he did them more in his youth. and i also think the steel samurai and watching it also feels like rebellion to him and gives him a certain thrill? idk if this makes sense honestly
4. i think i made fanart of this one before but i basically hc that the short animations we see before a case (esp the ones in aa1 revealing the culprit) are phoenix's dreams that he barely remembers but they guide him like an intuitive sense. because yk how in aa2 the animation we see is an actual nightmare of his... and he definitely has some spiritual ties there somewhere.. and in aa4 he deadass predicts the future ominously to apollo sometimes... and he goes through spirit medium training with maya bc she makes him.....it makes sense
5. pearly's aged-up design is way different in my eyes. like i'm sorry but she should rebel so much after the ways she was raised, let her have the most unfortunate haircut in the world and funky makeup and cool clothes
6. yeah that's it im not going to embarrass myself further 👍
damn, let me get my reading glasses (i don't have reading glasses)
1. miles is the final form in the evolution line of the autism creature, so agreed. although i think gregory is not around enough/too old fashion to notice it, and von karma is a dick and would purposefully avoid getting him diagnosed; i think he got diagnosed after moving out. overall a strong 9.5 out of 10
2. i can definitely see her with body hair, but idk about the body fat because she has to stand under waterfalls for days so the training probably requires a restrain from food (kinda how monks fast) but im not in opposition of her being chubbier. 7 out of 10, capcom give us more details about the training plsss
3. lets just say ive been planning to draw something related to this idea... so 10 out of 10, hes shy and unsure about it but hes still a rebel at heart.
4. i think he just smokes weed when he reads case files and we just get to trip with him (yes this chronologically doesn't make sense but idc). Brother is the plainest cringefail guy - hes the last person anyone should give magic powers to, theres like 7 billion people who'd be better off with them. this one is a 6 put of 10, im not big into magical powers.
5. i hate pearl. well more like i hate children and pearl is a child, but they failed with her so bad the design... 9 out of 10.
pearl, send me a dm and well go clothes shopping and get you a haircut so it actually looks like youve actually been affected by 7 years of no longer dealing with your bitch of a mom
6. 0 out of 10, be shameless its the internet noone knows who you are. just don't be a weirdo!
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jheqiawrites · 11 months
Hi dear! I'm so sorry this took so long for me to ask this, but I wanted to know if you would be alright with me sharing your fanart of Breaking Free Isn't Free within the work on AO3 (as in I embed the image into the writing and share a link directly to your work). I'll make sure all watermarks are in place and proper credit is given of course!
Feel free to let me know when you are ready! No rush! ♥️~ Rachel
Of course! I would be honored!
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sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Attempting to make some sense of the Madness on here because I've got a minute...
Tagging system (it is held together with duct tape and is borderline functional when I don't do like Muse Blackout-Reblog Saturdays or whatever)
Muse, Muse band: this tag will literally not help you find things on this blog, it's basically everything that has been tagged. It's more for finding posts outside of this blog than it is to find stuff successfully on this blog
Matt Bellamy/Chris Wolstenholme/Dom Howard/Tom Kirk/Morgan Nicholls: self-explanatory. I tend to not do a general tag where a post e.g. where Dom isn't involved with Dom, so anything that's tagged will just be because the tagged band member is in the post (or at most, being talked about in the tags)
{Matt, Chris, Dom} from Muse: three tags encompassing all the Muse Madness! Taking inspiration from the one and only "Hi, my name's Matt from Muse..." All the Muse silly moments. Some will also be tagged "silly hours", "silly moments", "sillies" or thereabouts, it's not really a robust tagging system lol. Some of those are more chit-chat/vibes based
Muse live: Now I wish I'd separated this out into two tags because right now, it's gig pictures and also any live performance videos. I briefly tagged live stuff with something like "Muse live gigs", but seeing as how I can't even remember the name you can see how well that went... (there's also "The Muse live experience is something else", and you tell me it isn't!)
Muse interviews: interviews copied and pasted, linked, gifs/videos of the band in interview if there's text of them actually saying anything. Quotes from interviews too.
Muse in magazines: written interviews, but also just photoshoots in magazines. I'm old enough to remember NME, Kerrang, Q etc. being print magazines, so I don't make a distinction between digital mags and paper scans. Many scans should also be tagged "mag scans" hopefully. Specific magazines are also often tagged (except Pitchfork probably lmao but that's because I simply don't post their stuff here, it is not worth it)
Muse audio: audio, usually from studio recordings, live gigs, sometimes interviews/radio performances, etc. Isolated tracks, instrumental tracks, vocals only, hyper-specific-'Undisclosed Desires vocoder (?) backing vocals on the last verse only' tracks, all covered here, but also there are more specific tags: "muse isolated audio" for all your analysis needs, "Muse instrumentals", "Muse isolated vocals" (<- don't remember this 100%)
Album tags, song tags, eras/tours tags: I'm so sorry this is a mess. Albums and songs are either tagged "Muse {title}" or "{title} Muse" sorry. "{Album} era", "{Tour name} tour". Knock yourselves out.
Musers: all fan-related stuff! Fan chatter, us all analysing and crying over a single song in 1500 words, fan artwork, gig pictures, the new polls, etc. all under the overarching Musers tag. I do tag fanart though: "Muse fanart" and also just generally art because why would I limit the amazing art people here make to just the 20 Muse fans here? Polls are specifically tagged "Muse polls".
band pics: usually press/on the road, etc. pictures of the whole band. Not super comprehensive lol I often forget to use this tag. 'the early years' -> baby era stuff, usually pre-Showbiz so I have no idea what else to tag them because 'Random 1-8 era' would be such a pretentious tag I'd have to punch myself.
anything with the word "collection" in it: we sure do love our collections here on muse tumblr - off the top of my head, there's a Matt Hawaiian shirt collection, Matt drinking things on camera collection, dedicated wardrobe collections (-> the legendary @wtfismattbellamywearing and @wtfisdomhowardwearing) and the sunglasses-on-head collection (dangerously close to 100 pictures...) "mum with sunglasses on her head lives!" Reason? Matt wears his sunglasses on his head a lot, he looks like my mum doing this, and it is the normalest thing you could see a Proper Rock Star like him do and it's just sweet and silly and we all have collector's disease what can I say. (My mum has responded "😍" to the collection so far)
Muse lore: all the band history, and commonly referenced memes amongst fans. Expect to see the 'fucking little fucking fuckers, yeah' Feeling Good performance, 'Hey you crazy kids!', 'The Muse' live on Italian football tele, idk, lots more I guess: 'Hi my name's Matt from Muse' (entire composition of the band dissolving around this), brie, trousers, showers, pwoper fishing, qua at aol dot com, weird interview quotes, various times Muse rebelled against being asked to mime. Lots of fun stuff.
faffing about - just posting!
Other than that, specific things might be tagged on posts, "pianos", "synths", "Manson guitars", "Mirror Manson" (big apologist here), specific weird quotes. Try a search if you need anything lol, good luck to you!
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fighting-these-demons · 3 months
Alright Final Episode Let's Go
Arajin only makes stones for people he REALLY cares about and it's so nice to see how he first fell in love!
He admired Matakara SO MUCH!!! And from the other flashbacks it wasn't immediately obvious that Matakara was actually the one training first.
Before it seemed like Arajin was training and then Matakara admired and joined him! (And honestly this seems like a retcon but I'll take it.)
Nice! He saw some sweet adorable boy and his unwavering spirit and it filled him with his own spirit and determination! That's SO SO SWEET!!!
And I know I've said it before but he's kept at that carving hobby and chasing that high of the reaction he got from his favorite person loving the gift he made ever since he gave that first stone to Matakara.
Getting to see Arajin's reaction to Matakara's reaction is so great!
Augh childhood memories of giving gifts of affection.
The framing of this show continues to be The Most. 😂
That frame would be PERFECT reference for a Throwing Cards / Suicide Joke fanart.
Similar eyebrows and facial hair on Senya's part too.
Sorry. Reflex.
He's finally wrestled past his shame and wants to help Matakara!!!!!!!!
Lmao the guy in her soap opera has the same name as Kenichiro just about. How appropriate because that is EXACTLY how I was reacting last episode!
Im glad she's happy about her son finally getting a chance at love. (In her eyes/assumptions)
I've seen people frame her as gross or sexualizing her own son but I've gone through the entire series now and that's never been the case!
We have a CLEAR EXAMPLE of Incest in this show and its Mahoro.
Arajin's mom has never once salivated or lusted after her son or been inappropriate with him.
She's invested in his love life and so happy for him when she assumes that he's making progress but she's never once been weird with him like Mahoro is with Marito.
People are so quick to demonize this woman that just really loves romance for absolutely no reason. She's literally just cheering for him and happy for him and trying to give him space and opportunities.
She's also nosy and spies on conversations but it seems that she's doing it out of concern and care for her son and just checking in on him.
And hell the fact that she's supportive of him ending up with a girl or a guy is great. She doesn't judge him for that. She just wants him to have what she had with his father before he (assumedly) died.
Also God that monk was So Fine that poor Nun. 😭💔
How did they run out of water? Why were they walking through the dessert??
That would be a cool romance anime if someone would make it.
I'd love to see angry Catholics foam at the mouth over it too ngl.
Also also I love that apparently they're so close that she regularly dishes to him about her shows. Probably to his annoyance but there must have been a time before the show where he was receptive to it or she wouldn't still be doing it.
JavaPetals Yay! 💖💖💖
God if TT doesn't get SOME kind of affirmation after all of this. 😫😭
Man I know its a funny bit but all I am is disappointed that him and Cat-Guy aren't getting together. 😞
BlondeTerror Piggyback!!! 💖
Mahoro is off the fucking rails but hey! It worked!
(I had a feeling Marito was faking to avoid her. Which like. Yeah. Absolutely do that man.)
He's so in love with Kenichiro. 💖💖💖 and really, who isn't?
I dont think they'd be healthy or good for each other. Especially not at this critical point in Kenichiro's life.
But like. They would be hot. 🤷
She got 2 Sigma Goons to help in nurse costumes???????
Poor Marito. 😂😭
His mom is amazing and she doesn't deserve any Hate whatsoever. This woman rocks. Also her apron is so cute.
This show Keeps Delivering!
Again. I wish this had been delivered to us earlier in the series in parts. But since this show is mostly told from Senya's perspective (and apparently Ichiya managed to hide his illness) he realistically wouldn't have known.
So I get why they couldn't. I just wish they had found a way to flash back and hint earlier. Like maybe someone asked Ichiya a question that made him think back or something. Not that he would have shared the thought, but just thought it.
Oh gosh I thought that his Friendship Stone really got broken there but he's just in a nightmare mindscape of his own making inside of Ichiya's possession.
Whoa what?
The outfit change really makes this look like a Yus*hi fight and I'm not mad about it.
I guess that's just whats left of their outfits in the real world after the body possession fight so far.
Babe you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Why don't I ever learn?
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Just me. Chilling.
The bells? What bells?
I hope Utsumi and the team muttered "Got em!" When they story boarded this part.
Well Hell, at least they gave me the band-aid of the cutest BlondeTerror Express scene in the anime combined with a JavaPetals scene!!!
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Your Friends Love You!!!!
And Minato-kai has been like family to yoy while Mitsukuni was in Juvie. Let their love in! Arajin is finally your friend again too!
So you can hopefully move on and past him and embrace the MinatOT3.
Goodbye King! 👋
Lmao Matakara waking up in the Baby Girl Damsel pose.
Framed like a reverse blown kiss.
Damn Utsumi you couldn't have given us a tear filled embrace???
And Kenichiro gets to watch as they have the bond that he and Mitsukuni had!!!
Wish those two random guys had names I'd love people to just write a bunch of cute slice of life fic about their below average delinquent adventures. Just absolutely normal shit.
Marito is right back on his bullshit. 😂
Good for him! 💖
Aw the party is so cute! 💖
Jesus dude. Well. You know what? I'm glad he doesn't give up. Good for him. Hope he moves her heart. 👍He's gotta grow out his hair and hit the gym first though.
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Id been holding out hope but gave up at the end of the last episode lmao.
SENYA!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
I wonder if he'll look for Ichiya's bullet too? Idk what he would do with it honestly but I'm sure that Senya would want to see Ichiya somehow.
I'm happy with where this left off!
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