#sorry this is so late bb
fluffyllamas-23 · 1 year
If you feel inspired, Stucky for this prompt: “It was just a dream, you’re alright.” (Esp if Steve is having super bad fever dreams?) Thank you!
Hiiiii so…this has been in my inbox for literal years (I AM SO SORRY), and i’m not sure if you even want this still, BUT I do love me a good Stucky prompt. It’s getting to actually feel like fall where I live now, so what better way to kick that off than a cute stucky prompt? I haven’t written much of anything in a couple of years so I’m probably really rusty, but i hope you like it <3 <3
This is a modern AU, but Steve's got that post-serum bod I love so much lmao
Bucky walks into the apartment foot first in case the cats are trying to make yet another unsuccessful escape outside. He’s not sure what they would do if they managed to get out, but he’s also not all that interested in finding out. 
There were no cats waiting, though, which was odd, he thought to himself. They’re usually waiting at the door, ready to greet whoever was coming home and sing them the song of their people. 
He figures maybe they’re keeping Steve company. He had woken up not feeling great (but not awful) and had opted to work from home today. When one of them works from home, the cats usually like being a nuisance and playing their favorite game of “how many times can I walk across dad’s keyboard before I get myself locked out of his office?”
Also weird, he thinks, is just how dark and quiet the apartment is. Steve’s work day ended a couple of hours ago at this point, and usually he’d be hanging out on the couch, watching something on TV, or making something for the two of them for dinner while he waits for Bucky to get home. It’s really out of the norm that things would feel this quiet and still, which is kind of a dead giveaway that Steve was probably feeling worse than he had that morning. 
Bucky closes the door behind him and sets down the drink carrier and paper bag he’d been carrying on the table. He had stopped by their favorite coffee shop on his way home to pick up Steve’s favorite tea latte and the pumpkin muffin they both think about year-round until fall hits. 
“Steve?” He calls out. “Honey? I’m home! I brought you some tea. How are you feeling?”
When he gets no response, he grabs Steve’s tea and walks to their bedroom. Steve is sprawled out under the covers, snoring softly as he sleeps, completely dead to the world. Bucky sets the tea down on Steve's nightstand, and then sits down on the edge of the bed next to him. 
He reaches out to feel Steve’s forehead and frowns as the skin beneath his hand burns. He sighs and slides his hand down to feel his cheek with the backs of his fingers.  He'd tried to sneakily check if Steve had a fever this morning, and he didn't, so the fact that he was this warm was alarming.
It’s not until he feels the back of Steve’s neck that he starts to wake. He blinks awake, looking at Bucky with the cutest, sleepiest expression. 
Bucky’s heart drops when he can really take in Steve’s appearance - he doesn’t look like he feels good at all. He’s pale and clammy, flushed with dark bags under his eyes. His eyes are bright and glassy, unfocused from the fever he’s most definitely running.
Steve squints in confusion when he sees Bucky. 
“What?” He croaks, voice thick with sleep and the congestion that’s starting to creep in. “You’re home already?”
“Already? Darling, it’s six-thirty,” he chuckles. “You have a fever. How are you feeling?”
“Fantastic,” Steve deadpans. “Never better. You should try it, feels awesome.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he cards his fingers through Steve’s hair. It’s not helping the bedhead that he’s sporting, but Bucky knows how much Steve loves him playing with his hair when he’s not feeling well. 
“Alright, smartass. How long have you been asleep? Sorry for waking you.”
Steve runs a hand down his face. “I don’t know…texted my boss around noon that I was logging off for the day and fell asleep sometime after..”
Bucky frowns again, concern creeping in. “Since noon? Did you have a fever then?”
“Don’t think so,” Steve yawns, “just a really bad headache.”
“Did you take anything?”
“Some Advil…didn’t help, though.”
Bucky pats Steve’s thigh. “I’m going to go grab the thermometer and some more meds. Drink your tea.”
Steve pushes himself into a sitting position and then slumps back into the pillows. He definitely didn’t mean to sleep for as long as he did. He even set an alarm, but he vaguely remembers turning it off and tossing his phone on the floor in annoyance the moment it started blaring. 
His head is pounding and he can’t remember the last time he ached this badly. A bath sounds wonderful, but the thought of moving is enough to bring him close to tears. He can feel the congestion setting in - his face feels heavy, and his ears are starting to feel stuffy and full.  He sniffles, rubbing at his nose as he yawns. 
He should not be as tired as he is with how long he slept, but he’s ready to call it for the night and try to sleep off whatever the hell kind of bug this is. 
“Here,” Bucky says when he comes back into the room. He sets the blister pack of cold meds on the nightstand and then hands Steve the thermometer. He kisses Steve’s fever-warm forehead. “Take your temp, I’m gonna go change real quick.”
Bucky is pulling up his sweat pants when he hears the thermometer beep, followed by a pause, and then a very shocked “oh.”
“What’s it at?”
“Yikes…no wonder. Take the meds,” Bucky calls from the closet. 
He doesn’t respond, but when Bucky steps out of the closet, Steve is fussing with the blister pack of meds. Bucky can see the frustration building and then he throws it down on the bed next to him with an irritated sigh.  That launches him into a coughing fit that sounds rough enough it has Bucky wincing in sympathy. 
“Here,” Bucky says, opening the meds for him. He cups Steve’s cheek and strokes it with his thumb.  “What are you in the mood for, dinner-wise? And don’t say nothing, that’s not an option.”
“How’d you know-”
“-How’d I know you were going to say that?” He asks, raising his brows. “Contrary to popular belief, Steven, I actually know you very well. You never want to eat when you’re sick.”
Steve sighs. “Yeah, well, I’m not hungry.”
“I know. You still need to eat…at least a little bit with the meds. C’mon. Does anything sound even remotely good? Soup? Ramen? Pho? Grilled cheese?”
Steve clears his throat with a grimace, “grilled cheese does, I guess. I don’t know. I really just want to go back to sleep.”
“We’ll compromise, then.” Bucky says gently, going back to carding his fingers through Steve’s hair. “You go back to sleep for a bit while I make you some dinner.”
When Bucky returns, Steve is fast asleep, but he does not look like he’s having a restful sleep.  
His face, pale and clammy, is screwed up in discomfort.  He’s tossing and turning, getting tangled in the blankets and looking like he’s having the hardest time being comfortable. Bucky sets down the plate of grilled cheese on top of the dresser next to the door quickly before crossing the room to get to Steve.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking Steve’s face in his hands. “Steve. Wake up.”
Steve’s eyes open immediately, but it’s like he’s looking straight through Bucky as his eyes dart around the room, distress clear on his face. 
“Stevie…hey-it was just a dream.  Sweetheart, look at me. Look at me,” he says firmly.  After a few moments, Steve’s eyes flick to Bucky’s face. “It was just a dream, you’re alright.  You’re okay. I’m here.”
“Oh,” Steve breathes, feeling himself relaxing immediately now that he’s seen his person and realizes whatever the hell he was dreaming of isn’t real.  
“You’re okay,” Bucky repeats, stroking Steve’s cheek.  “I’m right here. It’s not real, It was just a dream.”
Steve nuzzles his face into Bucky’s hand, mumbling a “thank you,” at him.
“I made you something to eat, and then I was thinking we could watch something and call it an early night.” Bucky says, alternating before stroking his cheek and tracing patterns on his arm, something that always calms Steve down after he’s had one of his fever dreams. “How’s that sound?”
“I can’t promise I’ll stay awake during the movie.”
Bucky furrows his brows. “Who said anything about staying awake? Might just be nice to have something to fall asleep to.”
Steve nods, rubbing at his eyes with a yawn, “yeah, okay.”
Once Bucky hands him the plate, he climbs into bed next to Steve. Steve adjusts his position so he’s curled up against Bucky.  He only really manages a couple of bites before he can’t eat anymore, and he finds himself nodding off.  Bucky takes the plate from him and sets it down on his own nightstand, making a mental note to bring it into the kitchen once Steve’s asleep and he can move without bothering him.  
Steve curls up into an even tighter ball, shivering a bit as Bucky pulls the blankets up and over his shoulder and kisses Steve’s cheek. 
“Feel better, Stevie,” he says softly.  
Steve mumbles something back at him, which is the last thing he remembers before drifting off.
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nottsangel · 3 months
definitely feel like art would be the kind of man to bring his hand to your mouth and cover it to keep you quiet whenever he’s fucking you somewhere in public… i need therapy gn
omg but imagine going lingerie shopping with art… he tries so hard to control himself, but how can he when you look so fucking good in all those pretty lingerie sets that hardly cover anything? he can feel his pants grow uncomfortably tight as he eagerly says yes to every set that you show him because yes, you do look very stunning in all of them, but at this point he’s just thinking with his dick, his rational thinking gradually fading away. with his head tilted slightly as he’s licking his lips, he’s nearly drooling at the sight of your tits sitting so perfectly in the red lace bra and the tiny underwear you’re wearing barely covering your ass.
“art? are you even listening?”
“oh, uh— sorry, baby, what were you saying?”
and not even five minutes later you’re facing yourself in the mirror with your hands pressed against the cold glass while art holds your hips in place as he steadily slams into you. it’s becoming harder and harder to be quiet as you bite your lip to stifle any noise but a loud moan that you desperately tried to suppress inevitably slips from your swollen lips. “baby, you really have to be quiet, okay?” art urges in a soft voice but he already brings his hand to your mouth, knowing that you won’t be able to keep silent anyway. you helplessly drool all over his hand, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the tip of his fat cock brushes perfectly against all the right spots deep inside of you. “that’s it baby, that’s my good girl. god, look how pretty you are.”
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the8thsphynx · 26 days
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When I want to go on a beach date, but my bitch wife wants to take over Dubai...
(do not use/repost without permission)
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enbyjinx · 11 months
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@swiftiehalloween gift exchange gif(t)set for @miraclerizuin
Halloween Monsters in Taylor Swift Lyrics
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haunted-xander · 6 months
BBS is a tragedy in many ways, but one of the things that gets me is that the catalyst, the one big thing that caused this mess to begin with, is so avoidable.
Like, the story starts primarily because Terra starts to fear himself (because of the darkness he has unwittingly 'used') and this causes a spiral of doubt and obsession. A spiral which he could've escaped from or maybe not even started if he just 1) had been taught the balance between light and dark properly (that darkness is more than just unquestionable evil, that light is more than unquestionable good, that they can and should co-exist in balance), and 2) had consistent socialization from more than the same 3 people.
Like. BBS is a cautionary tale about what happens when people aren't exposed to a wide enough variety of people and, therefore, end up naive and overly trusting because they never learned that people have ulterior motives. Terra is consistently manipulated and used by people literally everywhere he goes, because he can't see that they might not have the best intentions! He can't see the red flags because he doesn't know there are red flags to look for!
Xehanort knows this. It's why he targeted Terra to begin with: because he would be susceptable to his words. The main reason he couldn't use Aqua is because she was too confident in her own values, she didn't have the seed of doubt that Terra had. It's the only thing that prevents her from being used the same way he is, even though she is just as naive and trusting as he is.
Ven probably has it the worst socialization wise. Unlike Terra and Aqua who, presumably, has/had a family and life outside of the Land of Departure prior to beginning training there, Ven doesn't remember anything before then (not that he had much he'd be happy to remember anyway). And since he's the youngest and most 'fragile' one (due to being in recovery for most of his time here), he gets somewhat coddled and shielded by everyone else. Not to mention the way Eraqus completely forbid him from leaving and never intented for him to ever see worlds outside the Land of Departure. Sure, Terra and Aqua aren't typically supposed to leave either, but at least they'd be allowed in certain situations. Ven wouldn't.
Ven isn't allowed to interact with anyone outside of home. He's not allowed anything that involves the outer worlds. (He and Naminé are a bit alike in that sense. Though at least the people he's stuck with are nice to Ven and do genuinely care for him, unlike Naminé...)
BBS happens largely because Eraqus failed as both a teacher and a parental figure to all of them, but Terra most of all.
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cloudninetonine · 9 months
Happy holipayday
This is a stick up
-Opens door-
Have you been waiting here all this time-
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softpine · 7 months
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@bb-enablefreebuild it's true, but asa says it himself, "I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have everything a person could want and a better family than some could ever imagine - but it’s not enough for me. I don’t know why. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how." it was important for me to include that part in there, because that has nothing to do with finn – well, only a little bit in that he knows he can come across as ungrateful given that his family is incredibly supportive and some people's families, like finn's, are the opposite. otherwise, this is entirely centered around asa's internal feelings. he's had depression nearly his entire life, it's just that when finn is around he's able to find reasons to take care of himself (going outside for long walks, sleeping regularly, paying attention in class because finn tells him to, taking his meds, etc.) and without finn there to ground him, asa is falling apart for more reasons than one. so yes it's the heartbreak of losing your first love, but it's more than that for him. it's losing the primary reason for living in the moment and looking forward to the future :(
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he will be soooooooo pissed :( we'll have to wait and see if asa tells him the truth (or the full truth) about how he got to this point... especially after everything asa said in this post; he KNOWS finn wouldn't approve of any of his actions thus far, but he keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper because he's already gone too far, he's already broken finn's trust and he can't leave things like this now :(
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that tag is so funny, i wasn't even referring to myself in Sim God terms i was just mad at him as if i'm a powerless reader like the rest of you jfkjsds and YEAH poor casper :( he'll come up in one of the next posts so i don't want to say too much, but the fact that his worst fear is missing out on something important while he's away, to the extent that he's calling constantly to check on his family is so..... :(
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bro yes 🤭
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thank you for sharing!! that makes complete sense to me and that's a really sweet way to incorporate your mom in that decision 🥺
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RIGHT he needs the sense knocked into him fr
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@forgotten-pixels ahhhh i love this question, i was JUST thinking about mac while i was making vegan chili mac the other day fjkjsds i'm actually going to save this in my inbox and take some pictures for you when i have the energy because i miss mac and honey too :') they're always hanging out in the same room while i'm taking screenshots, they just NEVER make it into any good pics. it's actually a curse i swear
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i honestly have no idea, i'm sorry 😭 it'll probably be awhile though, i haven't been doing great tbh but i want the next post to look as good as it does in my head so i don't want to half ass it!!
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@itsalwaysgonnabeher oh you caught that huh sjfkjsds don't worry (yet) 💖
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@little-orphan-ant I'M SORRY 😭 i'm thinking brandi wtf at all times too lmao
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omg okay so i'm saving this message in my inbox for later because i KNOW for a FACT that i listed everyone's favorite candy many years ago but tumblr's search function is so incredibly ass and i don't have the energy to keep searching for it right now but i will find it eventually i promise 🥺 and if not i'll just rewrite it and then when i inevitably find the original post we can compare my answers and see how well i know my characters' tastes fjksjds
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absolutely yes i'm afraid 😌
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in my head i still have to sound it out sometimes if it's been forever since i've typed her name fjksjds
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@rebouks thank you so much 🥺🥺 the same goes to you!!! 💖
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@moonfromearth thank you!! it's so sweet you thought of me ;-; 💗
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gjdraws · 6 months
re: t2 trainspotting. most ppl were like why does it exist it’s unnecessary. butttttt personally I liked it a lot, obviously it could never be what trainspotting was but hey! also ewan mcgregor this ewan mcgregor that whatever let’s talk about jlm instead! also t2 kinda delivered w sick boy/renton…….
SO I just saw the Graham Norton interview about T2 (whilst not actually watching T2. yet) BUT THEY LOOK SO GOOD??!!!
JLM with his crinkly eyes (Sick boy with crinkly eyes I will I am I must 👀)
Have heard about Sick boy/Renton [have I heard], and MMMMMAYBE IT HELPS A BIT and also yes I totally feel you about the whole Ewan McGregor star of Trainspotting??? Like ngl I actually got into Trainspotting bc I was recced the book, so when I came out of it I was actually all SICK BOY (which precipitated a JLM phase back in the day] AND NOW IM SO F GLAD THEY GOT THE OG CAST BACK
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also sidenote: sick boy's wardrobe is so bizarre i love it he has multiple prints of camo in different colours why
sidenote the second: does anybody know why he had his mole removed? Right cheek in older films, but I haven't seen it in later stuff (?)
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🎇 Happy Birthday Kino! 🎇
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bberetd · 1 month
your art style reminds me of something really really specific but i can't put my finger on it!! 😫 my mind keeps on going to disney, but i'm not sure. are there any particular things that inspired your style?
I'm sorry I didn't see THIS, anon (my tumblr notifs are wacky). But in case you're still wondering, I take inspo from lots of media! Disney 2D animated movies are definitely my top source of inspiration, and then also one of my favorite childhood cartoons "The Proud Family." A short time ago, @pinkcreamypeach told me that my style reminds her of the Don Bluth movies, which is a compliment I'll gladly accept 😄
For colors and backgrounds, I take inspo from Steven Universe, since it's always been a very visually appealing show (and probably what got me into drawing in the first place). I'm still experimenting with how exactly I want to balance the backgrounds, like if I want it more realistic or cartoony, so that'll be a processss.
I tend to get caught up in perfectly emulating the source of inspiration at first rather than making it my own thing, so I get frustrated when it's not exact. But it does evolve into something I do like... so hopefully my style has some uniqueness to it :')
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seamayweed · 1 year
Last song I listened to
Thanks for tagging me @godotismissingx!! 💙
Bloodhounds and all its Batman references really reignited my old love for Batjokes, gritty crime settings, and hero/villain stuff, so I've been rereading a lot of my fave (mostly Nolanverse) fics. As such, I've been listening a lot to Gingerbread Man by Melanie Martinez lately; it's so childlike and playful yet twisted and sexy and I love it!
Though before that I was listening to Fantasmas by Twin Tribes too around my first watch of Bloodhounds a few weeks ago; especially the lines "The candles burned out the light" and "I don't believe anymore" make me think of Gun-woo's state of mind immediately post-ep. 1 and post-Kim Myeong-gil (what with all the darkness/eclipsing imagery, not to mention that it was Gun-woo's first real touch with evil; his Crime Alley and hero origin story):
Tagging @illwynd, @pyrebomb, @argents-huntress, @pashminabitch, @rhaenys-queenofkhyrulzz, @highflyerwings, @bobafvcks, @hedvig-ulrika, @sadviper, @rain-hat, @nubreed73, @seon-hwi, @fuckingfeatherine, @blueberry-cheese-pizza, @springkitten, @contagiousrhythminmybrain, @noona96n, @strandedchesspiece, @bienmoreau, @cumberbatchedandproud, @chadekelevra, @laireshi, @judiwench, @itsza, @convenientalias, @avauntus, @holographings, @gigerisluv, @talesofsorrowandofruin and anyone else who wants to do it!
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arachine · 2 years
well.. i’m soft
him sighing, as if annoyed, as reader slides into his open lap, curling her arms his shoulders and just burrowing herself there.
“the fuck you doin’ girl?” he’d bite, but still wrap his beefy arms around your middle. “what’s the matter?”
“just tired.”
“can’t you go find ‘yer own bed?”
he’d feign annoyance but deep down, he wouldn’t care. he loves when you climb up onto his lap and curl up on him, thinks it’s so cute and wants to do nothing but dote on you the entire time. and when you fall asleep, he just looks at you. commits every freckle, smile line, and wrinkle to memory.
“let’s get you to bed,” he whispers, all soft and sugary sweet, taking extra care as to not rouse you. and when he stands up to walk you to your shared bedroom, he thinks he can almost see a smile creeping on your face.
“thought you were sleep.”
“i am,” you say all groggily, snuggling further into the warmth of his chest.
“whatever, ya just like taking advantage of me.”
you laugh against his chest and kiss it, “oh, we both know you like it when i take advantage of you, dixon.”
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astraystayyh · 11 months
Lino center….i fear I may not survive this comeback 💀 (I say this every come back) BUT NAH SEEIOUSLY HYPERVENTILATING NDIEKDKKEKDK
this week has already been so packed. Like I’m so excited for this comeback, already got my nails painted (I paint them specifically to celebrate comebacks hehe it’s weird but fun at the same time), Hyunjin looks AMAZING in his Versace campaign and I’m so proud of him, so much Alexander McQueen content from Innie too!! I’m just watching skz thrive and it’s nice :>
THIS CHOREO IS PERFECT FOR LINO CENTER because his moves are so powerful but without losing their sharpness, so it's perfect for him im so happy he got it!!!! omg what did u paint them as??? and yes :'))) rlly good week for skz ahhh i really am only able to take a breather when i look at their content :(
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giaffa · 1 year
I've been tagged by @sleeeepy-demon to make a URL playlist 🎶 I've been almost exclusively listening to waltzes lately so here it is:
Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald - Johann Strauss
Il Bacio - Luigi Arditi
Autumn Dream - Archibald Joyce
Fin c'han dal vino (Don Giovanni) - Mozart
Faust Waltz - Charles Gounod
Auf Ferienreisen - Josef Strauss
Tagging @bich-the-moss @mirillel @valleydoll777 @sophiesmovingcastle @thegothicsainteloiser if you want to!
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toxictoxicities · 2 years
Memory has an important question to ask you ;D
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