#sorry this became super long
egophiliac · 11 months
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so excited for Kalim to save the day by swiper-no-swiping this dip. you can do it! I believe in you!
god I hope this reads properly
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symbiotic-slime · 5 months
Excuse me, did you say Venom TMA AU????
yes!!! it’s been rattling around in my head for a couple of months now, so if u want more in depth lore I’m more than happy to indulge but I’ll give a basic run down! there’s two separate ideas for this. I’ve categorized Eddie (a mixture of the movies and comics versions of him) and Flash based on what they’d be an avatar of and what they’d be a victim of so—
Avatar AU:
Eddie is an avatar of the Corruption, and the Venom symbiote is a manifestation of the Corruption! it starts out as a mould growing in Eddie’s apartment, but eventually its influence gets him and he bonds with them and becomes an avatar! there’s a lot of body horror in it, I basically went ham with adding anything and everything I thought would be cool. he’s basically a Flesh Hive, but instead of worms coming out of the holes in his skin it’s Venom’s goop! also since the corruption deals with obsessive and toxic love, the body horror element of that is Venom ripping Eddie’s ribcage open to curl around his heart >:3 I have a playlist for this AU, so check it out if u want to!
Flash is an avatar of the Slaughter (I know, making the soldier an avatar of the Slaughter how original)! his is a lot more tragic than Eddie’s, since his arc starts with the abuse he suffered as a kid and the fear of his dad’s unexpected violence marking him for the slaughter! then it kind of goes through his life being an avatar (think kind of what Elias pulled from Daisy’s life if you’ve listened to that part — where she’s not fully an avatar but definitely influenced by it). the timeline is a bit warped, I wanted for him to join the army pre- making up with Peter in this AU since war is such a big part of the Slaughter. it ends with him getting his legs amputated like in canon and since he’s unable to continue feeding the slaughter, its influence on him starts to wain. he basically becomes an avatar in recovery, growing weaker but refusing to give into the urges again. him and Peter become friends and he gets a “happy” ending (well, as happy of an ending is anyone in a tma au can hope for)!
Victim AU:
this one does not have as much substance to it, I just thought about what their greatest fear would be and like. I haven’t actually come up with any interesting supernatural ideas for this yet lmao
Eddie would be a victim of the Lonely (he goes off the deep end literally every time the symbiote leaves him or when he thinks they’ve died)
the Venom symbiote would be a victim of the Desolation (literally everyone they love either is “dead” or has died at some point — I’d ignore Flash’s resurrection and the whole Eddie and Dylan being able to come back I think from the current run)
Flash would be a victim of the Web (especially with the addiction themes from s5)
I’ve also thought about what domain they’d be placed in following the eyepocalypse. literally the definition of putting them in situations because I’ve basically assigned them their own personal hell
Eddie would be placed in the Fog House domain or Martin’s domain
the Venom symbiote would be placed in the Furnace domain
Flash would be put in the Theatre domain. this one is literally a perfect fit for him since what we see of it is a guy being forced into his alcohol addiction over and over again.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Also consider
Timeline where Megs doesn't wake up (sorry babygirl, but I need you out of the way for this) and Starscream stays / is in command of the decepticons with Soundwave as essentially the SIC and Knockout as essentially the TIC
How would their interactions with the bots and human settlements change, the decisions, the artifact hunt, would Unicron try to wake up again or no, the status of the war, what all would change? I've only read a few fics where this happened but they focused more on say shipping. And while I'm very loud about having fun shipping and letting the robots have hot and nasty sex, I'm thinking about this with my head this time.
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chickenoptyrx · 1 year
So since Bulma talks wonders about Goku to Trunks, I feel like he, consequently, feels somewhat admiration for the guy; how would broly feel about this? Also, in your AU, would Trunks still need to travel to th future?
So Disclaimer: at this point please understand im more interested in just drawin goofy shit w this AU. r.i.p to all the ideas but they were half baked anyways :T
kinda said this before but broly doesn't know who 'goku' is and doesnt care. Trunks speaks really highly of gohan more often than goku and to Broly these are just dead people he is unimpressed by (hed only realize who goku was once he was physically near him, at which point...) lol
But yeah, i think Trunks definitely has a lot of second hand admiration for Goku, even if a lot of it is him projecting his first hand admiration for gohan onto someone both gohan and his mom thought very highly of.
As far as time travel goes, a minor detail i really like is this bit where it seems more like the whole time travel thing is more bulmas plan-hes actually a bit resistant to it and wants to avenge gohan on his own.
Hed probably still go back to give goku the medicine tho. Just yknow after he beat the androids :U coukd probably do a whole thing about how he doesn't know about cell in this TL so thats a fun surprise
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blueclearcloud · 2 years
I keep seeing art of Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth wearing wedding rings and being married to each other and now im genuinely mad Capcom just doesnt do it.
Will they ever? Probably not at like 99% guarantee it won't.
Do i still want it and will literally accept anything? Yes.
If Apollo can somehow on technicalities be a prince, i dont see how I'M being the illogical one here.
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moongothic · 8 months
So what are your thoughts on the potential Sandman/Dreams connection between Crocodile and Joy Boy/Nika/Luffy?
I remembered how the Sandman is a character associated with dreams/sleep and suddenly my mind ran wild with the idea.
You know we all like to speculate about Logia Awakenings but could you imagine if Sand Sand Awakening gave Crocodile the ability to put people to sleep or some shit
You know it's funny, despite people calling Crocodile "sandman" pretty often in the fandom I never even thought about that. Whether the fairytale character could actually reflect in Crocodile somehow
I guess it kind of depends on which version of the fairytale you go with though? Like growing up the version I knew of the character was just the cutesy version of a silly little guy who blows magic dust/sand into your eyes that puts you to sleep (the German stopmotion version in specific), and like, if Crocodad Real I'm sure you could get a cute twist out of that (something about Crocodile wanting to protect his son's dreams by any means nececary)
But there's also like, less wholesome versions of the Sandman character, where instead of helping kids sleep, the Sandman punishes children for not going to bed like they're supposed to by stealing their eyes with the sand. And. Well ain't that fucked up. And while it's not quite the same, you could see this in Crocodile too althought in reverse; instead of punishing a child for not dreaming, he attempted to punish a "dreaming child" by "waking him up" into a harsh, cold reality where dreams don't come true.
I'm not sure if Crocodile was meant to be like, intentionally partially inspired by the Sandman- like it's possible considdering he's already like, such an amalgam of characters/etc to begin with (like you got Wagnas from Romancing SaGa 2, Sobek from Egyptian mythology, I'm sure Captain Hook is in there somewhere, Toyotama Hime from Japanese mythology could be there too if Crocodad Real, so like. Sure we could throw the Sandman into the mix too, why the fuck not), but it's definitely not a huge part of the character, at least right now. Like depending on where the plot goes, it could become like a part of his character, who knows, time will tell But in that same sense, I don't quite see how that would tie into/pay off of the God of Liberation. Which also depends on if it's Good Sandman or Bad Sandman- like if it's the Bad Sandman then Luffy liberated people from someone who was stealing/ruining people's dreams (of rain and prosperity, freedom). If it's the Good Sandman then... IDK the Protector of Dreams brought the God of Liberation into the world? I'm sure that's symbolic of something
I dunno, I think it could be an interesting connection but it doesn't put my brain into overdrive with ideas unfortunately
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cassynite · 2 years
"Happy Valentines day, Sparrow and Daeran!
I know we don't know each other terribly well yet, but you are Daeran's chosen partner and so I must send my congratulations - and also extend this as an invitation to get to know you better! I hope he hasn't been as difficult for you as he was for me. Gods knows what kind of pain in the ass he was during the Crusade for me, but he has also been one of my closest and most sincere friends now that this whole mess is over.
I also don't know what he has said about me in response but...! I promise I am not nearly as terrifying and "Hellknighty" as he suggests (only when he pisses me off, which, to be fair, was pretty often). Dae is a wonderful friend to me an I am quite offended he hasn't formally introduced us yet! I had to learn about you second hand from Woljif of all people, gods.
I understand we're both from Cheliax, is that right? Or at least you spent a good amount of time there growing up. Westcrown too, right? I've sent along a few things from the homeland that hopefully give you good memories instead of bad. I know how terrible things are back home right now, but hopefully there is a brighter dawn sooner rather than later. These treats are Wiscrani through and through and I hope they find you well. I grew up there when it was still the capital and these haven't changed in over a century! They're just as nostalgic as when I used to swipe them from the stalls as little street orphan. I'm not sure if Daeran has ever had them but I think he'll like them too! Please enjoy them with this limoncello I've sent from the area, too.
I also heard you've spent quite a lot of time in the Chelaxian courts? I'm sorely out of practice - they used to be my hunting grounds when I was just a fresh Scourge knight after the war - maybe we can meet up for some drinks (your choice on alcoholic or not) and talk about the latest trends? I'm in need of a primer if I want to settle back into my old habits. Or at the very least, we can trade our best war stories about the courts. I have one about the time I sent a young Thrune cousin sprawling across the floors after he tripped on my tail. I have a feeling you'd like that one.
I hope you two have a wonderful Valentine's day! Even Daeran, who has been so rude and a terrible friend as of late (I know you're reading this!)
-Warm regards, Minovae"
Sparrow stared at the letter in the foyer.
It had been a highly diverting day, occupied with a boat ride down the Sellen and an evening dinner. Daeran had secured a group of Desnan singers who performed with no instruments, instead using their own vocals to mimic the sound of fully accompanied music to dramatic effect. Sparrow was still thinking of the sound when she returned home and saw the delivery waiting on the table--the letter, addressed to her and Daeran, along with a brightly wrapped box that tugged at Sparrow's memory in a way she could not place, and a bottle of sunshiny liqueur.
"Daeran," she called, gathering the items and moving to their rooms. "Were you expecting correspondence from anyone?"
"I am always expecting correspondence, darling. Consider just how popular I am among the bored elite," Daeran said, which Sparrow took as a 'no.' He had already begun to undress for the day, and she felt the heat of his body as he sidled up behind her. He rested his cheek on the top of her head and tilted the envelope to read the address. "I recognize the handwriting. It seems Minovae wrote."
"I've spoken to you about her before," Daeran said, amused. He took the box and the bottle from Sparrow. "I distinctly recall bringing her up after we had finished repaving those endless paths around the lake, when we discussed who we might be inviting by."
The name did seem familiar, though Sparrow was embarrassed to realize she couldn't place it. She broke the seal and pulled out the letter, reading through the clear, confident script. "Ah. The field maralictor."
"Minovae," Daeran corrected. "She usually doesn't bite people's heads off for using her first name. Unless you annoy her, which I doubt you'd have accomplished before now since she didn't know you existed."
Daeran had told her of the woman before. He had even made the same comment about it being fine to refer to her by her given name when he brought up the possibility of meeting and making acquaintance.
Sparrow hadn't believed him. She had heard "Hellknight from Cheliax," and then "married to our old friend Regill," and she'd immediately created the person in her head that she felt would fit those descriptors. It had not been someone she was terribly eager to meet, and though she hadn't said anything of the sort, Daeran hadn't brought up the subject again.
The voice behind the letter did not match the person Sparrow had imagined. The person who wrote this seemed excited, had asked to meet, had called Daeran a dear friend even as she called him a pain in the ass. Minovae reminded Sparrow more of Seelah than Derenge. She seemed kind, and hopeful, but clearly also loved her country and her duties to the Order.
A dissonance, Sparrow would have called it. Or a lie. But what would be the purpose? Why would Daeran think of her as a friend if she were anything other than what Sparrow was seeing in this letter?
We are more than the places we come from. Sparrow had said that once, in defense of her own time in Cheliax, back when people thought she was Lady Evaethi Arvanxi. People were more than their land, and land was more than its bad history, its bad rulers.
And yet here she had been, doing what she had so resented of others doing to her--placing the burdens of her grief with her homeland onto someone else she'd never met and pressing a person down into a single experience. She didn't know Minovae. And from what she was seeing by this letter, and the lovely gifts, Minovae was someone she might want to know. Someone she might be friends with if she was brave enough.
Sparrow had so few memories of Westcrown that were positive in any way, and none that were not tinged with the soul-crushing hopelessness that came with being a tool to be used as needed and discarded when done, captive with no escape in sight. But Cheliax was more than those memories, more than her slavery. It had a different past, and hopefully a different future, one she barely knew of and had deliberately ignored; to her, it had only been a place to escape.
And apparently it boasted the sweets Daeran was unwrapping, fruit tarts and soft fresh-looking pound cake and dark chocolates cupped in filmy white wrapping. Sparrow had seen the packaging before when she had roamed the streets of Cheliax's former capital with Evaethi; she was reasonably sure she'd walked by the very patisserie these were made. She had never once tried any of these things.
Her throat tightened, and she abruptly felt ashamed. She looked back down at the letter, at the cheerful introduction of someone Daeran had told her of over six months ago. "I'll write back. Perhaps we can arrange a time to formally meet."
Sparrow should also send gifts; it would be appropriate. Sweets? Regill never seemed to care for such things. Would it also be seen as tired, since that was what they had received? Perhaps there was something of interest in her library she could obtain a copy for--or were books also boring? Maybe--
The letter was pulled from her hands, and Daeran folded the contents away in the envelope. "Not tonight, you won't."
Sparrow reached for the letter and scowled when Daeran stepped away. "It would be rude not to respond as soon as possible."
"Dearest, I have seen you pen correspondence to individuals who make you nervous for no discernible reason. You'll take days to write 'yes, let's meet and get to know each other' in a register so formal my cousin would find it excessive in high court, and then fret about the entire ordeal until you receive a response. That stress can wait until tomorrow--our day together is not yet over and I would like to enjoy the rest of it with you."
"I--" Sparrow sighed and stepped back. "I should still start tonight."
"Or," Daeran opens the box and takes out a piece of chocolate, "we could try the confectioneries that were so generously provided for us and enjoy the rest of the holiday. If you have an opinion on the sweets, you can even put it in the letter, which is practically beginning to write back anyways. Here, tell me what you think."
Sparrow held out her hand, but Daeran stepped close again and pressed the chocolate to her lips. She rolled her eyes, but opened up and let him pop it into her mouth--she inhaled sharply when she bit down and the bittersweet notes of the chocolate melded with the hidden fruit filling. "Oh, that is lovely."
"Is it? Let me try." Daeran swooped down and kissed her, pressing her mouth open and tasting the sugar on her tongue. Sparrow mind went white-blank and fuzzy at the edges. Pulling back, he smiled at her slightly vacant expression. "I agree, very sweet."
"It wasn't that sweet actually," Sparrow said, trying to collect her scattered thoughts.
"Really? My mistake. Let's try again with the rest of the gifts. I would very much like to sample that limoncello."
[A letter written on thick paper in a formal, though exceedingly correct and simple script.]
"Greetings and Happy belated Valentine's Day, Field-Maralictor Aur Minovae.
(First, please let me know if you are comfortable with informal address. Daeran insists that you would not care, but I would not wish to be overfamiliar.) This letter was a surprise, but a very welcome one.
Your letter, and your gifts, arrived in good condition, to Daeran's particular delight.  He mentioned that you both had not corresponded in some time and had expressed regret at that fact. Woljif had not mentioned he was traveling south, or Daeran would have reached out before now; he stated he will rectify this issue "as soon as, and in the most surprising way, possible for the dear Paralictor's health." Please interpret this in the worst way possible and prepare accordingly.
I myself have been rather busy with the educational program I am hoping to have fully institutionalized by next year in Drezen, but that is not an excuse. Daeran spoke very highly of your leadership prowess (he insisted I inform you that he called you "very boring most of the time" and "incredibly frightening to your enemies" which I interpreted to mean you were more than competent in your past and present duties--not that Paralictor Derenge would have found a partner in anyone less). He also had spoken of setting up an arrangement to meet, something I had been too busy to look at fully. I do apologize for that oversight.
Your letter was an incredibly kind gesture, especially considering we had not been in touch before now. Thank you again for your correspondence. I would be honored, if you were still amenable, to meeting face-to-face.
I do not think I would be able to return to Cheliax in the near future, but if you were planning on traveling north perhaps we could arrange to meet in Mendev? The renovations at Heaven's Edge are nearly complete and would be open to supporting guests, if you would like, and Drezen of course has open doors for travelers. Fye, of the Half-Measure Tavern, mentions you fondly, and I still try to support his business when I can, so we could meet there if that sounds feasible. If that is too far of a trip for you, Daeran has made comments about traveling to the River Kingdoms recently, and I have been hoping to make time to go to Andoran within the year to visit Sosiel. Perhaps we could arrange for a rendezvous at a halfway point.
I do not know if I would be very helpful, but I could certainly speak on the Cheliaxian Court with you as it was before I left several years ago. I'm sure you know that House Arvanxi has fallen into decline in the past century, so my presence had never been required for high social events, but I might be able to offer some advice. In return I would like to learn more about the Cheliax of your youth. It would be nice, to learn more about what the nation used to be like, and what it could be again one day.
And thank you again, formally, for the gifts. Daeran had not sampled any of the delicacies you provided before, and had insisted we share them together, which was a very lovely experience. I was partial to the dark chocolate, myself. I do not know if you ever found yourself partial to the desserts common in Mendev, but a new shop specializing in baked sweets opened recently in Drezen that I've become fond of. I've provided some samples with this letter.
For the Paralictor, who I recall did not like sweets overmuch, I've provided a copy of Indarah's latest volume on her historical examination of the Last War of Jistka. There is a chapter on military tactics used during Osirion's final push to victory that I believe he might find particularly interesting; I've marked the passage for him.
Both Daeran and I hope your Valentine's Day was as fulfilling and happy as you helped make ours. I know Paralictor Derenge needs to be pulled away from his work at times, but hopefully you managed without too much trouble. I look forward to speaking with you, and meeting with you, soon.
Best wishes,
Sparrow and Daeran Arendae
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jinstronaut · 2 years
every month of 2022!!!
(tagged by @userhobi, @sopekooks, @jiniekook​, and @raplinenthusiasts​ thank u sweetest beans xoxox)
we’re 3 months into 2023 which means it only makes sense that i do this now :~) here we go!!!!!!
jan -
most popular: black swan ptd jinnie uwu he is etheral
fave: bts gtkm meme coffee set, i manifested a coffee comeback in 2022 i feel so powerful
feb -
most popular: dior hobi for 18 days of hobi, and can we BLAME HIM bc look at that man !!!!!! wtf !!!! past emmeline why did you do this he is insane!!!!!!
fave: :] yoongi for 11 days of yoongi, look at him he is :( so small i lov he
march -
most popular: yoonmin for 11 days of yoongi, if you don’t love them you are lying!!!! they are everything to meeeee!!!!!!
fave: seesaw for 11 days of yoongi, i tried something new with typography and i ended up really liking it!!! :’))) i’m proud of how it turned out + i also luv this song so uwu
april -
most popular: glasses namjoon :’))), this month was the month i started off my monthly bts series!!!!! and i get why this one was the best for april, Look At Him
fave: bts love yourself tour namjoon, i just rly think he is neat and deserves the world :(
may -
most popular: giggly seokjinnie, he is so so so cute what does it feel like @ that person to make him laugh like that i can only IMAGINE ;o;
fave: cute and sneaky seokjin, from THEEEE best run episode, look at his cute little face moments before he dupes all of his friends for some giftcards, truly diabolical
june -
most popular: bts anniversary gifset, as the tags say i made this in 36 hrs i was so sleepy by the end BUT !!!! it reached over 1,000 notes and most of my sets don’t do that, so i am so grateful that this was so well received !!!!
fave: AAAAYE AAAYE AAAAYE yoongi, he is just so important to me personally pls understand
july -
most popular: dior hobi, i mean the man just cannot be stopped and he’s right for it !!!!!!!!
fave: dance practice hobi, this hobi means so much to me when he wears his comfy shirts and jeans i just :’))))
most popular: dancing beret jimine uwu he is so tiny and cute !!!!!!!
fave: black swan jimin, i rly rly rly love this set so much bc he looks so etheral and i just !!!!! he is the black swan !!!!!!!!!
september -
most popular: black swan tae and the people are RIGHT FOR IT bc look !!!! at him WOW. WOWEEEEEEE
fave: blue haired taehyung bc he is my favorite and i don’t make that a secret thank u and GOODNIGHT
october -
most popular: this jungkook and u kno what.......... this checks out i understand :~)
fave: this run ep is in my top 5 and this jk is so special to me specifically bc he is just like me fr
november -
most popular: jin birthday countdown, tumblr tags edition and i’d do it AGAIN bc i maintain that army are the funniest fuckin people in the world lksdjfksdlf ;o;
fave: this genre of bts is so important to me :’))))) i luv luv luv them
december -
most popular: the beginning of the jin a day series ;o; how long and yet how short it’s been
fave: this jin comp i made during his birthday weel :’)) i particularly proud of the editing i tried!!!
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I have a bit of a loaded question, so the area I live in doesn't have many places that offer hrt or any help for transexuals trying to start the process of transition and places that do cost thousands, I've been living in poverty for years and cant afford health insurance and my dysphoria has gotten worse over the years so can I ask how you went about transitioning or some advice on things you did to ease dysphoria? even if it's just minor stuff that I can try for now
Don't worry about asking too much. And feel free to ask more clarification on anything I say below. This is gonna be a long post so buckle in.
How I did my medical transitioning process in the USA:
-While Ohio certainly isn't a super progressive state, we got the Cleveland clinic which has an entire LGBT center that has been super easy and simple for me to work with.
-I talked to my primary Dr about getting a referral to the LGBT center. All they needed was a therapist letter showing that I do in fact have gender dysphoria/medically transitioning is an important part of improving my quality of life.
-from there I had an appointment to discuss what I want (hrt, top/bottom surgery, freezing eggs, etc etc). You don't have to do everything. But they all involve different drs so they wanna know who to reach out to.
-I got on hrt pretty quickly but I had to save a lot before I got top surgery since insurance wouldn't help at all.
Tips for paying for medical transitioning shit:
-goodrx is a good site for finding cheaper meds while still going though legit channels. You just need a prescription and a goodrx coupon. They're good for almost every us pharmacy.
-I repeat. Do not get your meds through anyone except a Dr office. It's very unsafe and the risks are not better than the rewards. I know it sucks not being able to medically transition. And me telling you it'll be ok won't make it any more easier for you in this present moment. But I promise, it will eventually be ok. You'll get there and one day you'll be able to get everything through legit means. I'm sorry you have to be patient. You shouldn't have to be.
-poverty definitely makes things harder. I had a supportive family that donated money and art commissions I did to help fund my top surgery over the course of a year. But I am not at poverty level. I definitely wouldn't of been able to do that in your situation. I wish I had good advice for that but I don't. I'm sorry.
-does your state, county, city, etc have any LGBT support groups?? Sometimes they will have resources to help with funding and shit.
-there are scholarships for trans people to help with stuff. Can't promise it's easy to get, but it's worth looking into.
-I have seen people use this one thing to grow facial hair?? I don't remember what it was and I don't know if there's side effects. It was like a thing you rub one and it's for cis men to help hair growth. I'm not endorsing it, but it might be worth looking at.
-if you're gonna do binding make sure you look up how to do it safely and you buy it from a safe site. I know that it can sometime get pricey with that but binding unsafely will cost you more in the long run.
General tips for transitioning/suggestions for dysphoria (focusing on trans men):
-there's other things besides medical stuff. You can look into legal name changes too. You do usually have to pay which sucks, but it can be a really nice step when you can't afford the more expensive medical shit.
-even if there are no lgbt support groups in your area, there are online resources you can find too.
-dress for your body type. What styles work for one person, might not work for someone else. You don't have money to throw around so trail and error is a lot harder. But you really have to try and find what works best for you. That can take time.
-I found vests helped my chest look smaller which was nice. Button down shirts with fun designs also do a good job at making chests look smaller. The designs should be non symmetrical. The idea being that the design will drive people's eyes all over and not focus on your chest. I also liked t-shirts with large designs that went across the entire front part of the shirt as they don't have text/designs that exist right there on your chest focusing everyone's eyes there 🙄🙄🙄.
-I have a round face so I found that hair styles that make my face look more rectangular to be extremely helpful. To find what hairstyle is best for you, the best bet is to do some research. Don't go too short though or it'll come off as more of a pixie cut than a male hairstyle.
-one of the worst things for me was my voice (and it still kinda is). I found singing along to songs with male singers help. Both deep and high voices ones. With the music up high so it's harder to hear myself.
-try and figure out what stuff makes it worse. I know some people find seeing their naked body to be terrible and showering/getting dressed in the dark can help with that. If you can determine what makes things worse, you can find small solutions to them.
-when it's really getting you down, remind yourself of things that are gender affirming that you have/can do instead of lingering on everything you can't do.
-there are sports bras designed to make you look smaller which can also be helpful.
-not so much something to help you pass. But I have a hat that makes me feel better when I'm down. If you have a comfort item using it can help a lot when dysphoria is a bitch.
-for my body type I found cargo pants that were loose around the shins to be very helpful in making my hips look smaller.
-not sure about your home life. But if you can, don't shave. I honestly tell this to cis women too just cuz shaving is so much work. But not shaving can be very gender affirming (more so because of the society we live in). If anyone asks you can just say you're too lazy to shave and that tends to satisfy people without them going "you're just doing it for social commentary" (<- which isn't a bad thing anyways 🤷‍♂️ why do people care so much about hairy legs and armpits???).
-again. Don't know your situation. But just having people call you "he" around you can help more than anything. Even if you don't pass, just the acknowledgement that they see who you are will go a long way.
-remind yourself that it's ok that you don't pass. You're still a man.
-I had a really bad spiral of depression from dysphoria before. And I won't say I managed it perfectly. But just trying to get yourself to not care as much about what others think can help.
-this might sound counter productive. But don't slouch to hide your chest. I found that walking with my back straight with that "confident" strut helped make me feel a lot more comfortable about my body.
-if you have someone to talk to, talk to them. Telling someone about how your feeling won't solve the problem but it will make it easier for you to get the emotions out and think more clearly. I can't tell you how much easier it was to think of solution, and how much better I felt in general, by opening up to a supportive person.
-I always found hats to be gender affirming. There is no reason for this as it does not matter what kind of hat.
-we live in a covid world. Get yourself a mask that is "masculine." I say it like that cuz that's full bullshit and cloth has nothing to do with gender. But when I wear a cute cat cloth mask vs usually a black/gray mask I found I got gendered very differently. It's stupid but you might as well use gender stereotypes to your favor.
-don't avoid bright colors cuz you think they're feminine. It's a lot more about style and design than color for clothes.
-remind yourself that you don't need to pass. It's not the end all be all. You're no less trans. And you're still you no matter what people see you as.
-there are voice exercises to make your voice lower. I don't have recommendations but I know they're out there.
-get some boxers. You can't wear them on your period unless you do tampons or get period underwear that's boxer designed. But a majority of the time you can still wear them. And you'll find you get a lot less wedgies which is nice.
-get gendered shirts. Stuff like "world okay-ist brother." Even if you don't pass you can just tell people it's a gag shirt. And it's really nice to wear for yourself.
-People watch. I cannot stress this enough. People watch. Look at men. Look at how many are actually short, have wide hips, have baby faces, have high voices, have long hair, have soft eyes, have long eyelashes, have curves, have less hair on their arms. Look at how they sit, how many also cross their legs, how many also curl up in balls, how many also get flustered and cute, how many say aww at cute cat videos. Really look at them. Because there are so many cis men around you that have a lot in common with you. We've just been taught that these things are feminine or masculine when they aren't and dysphoria makes us exaggerate these differences even more. But they're natural on bodies of all genders. Actions/thoughts that we all share. And it's ok that you have those features. Look at the men around you and see how much you have in common. You aren't that different.
-lastly again. Remind yourself it's ok to not pass. Dysphoria will get worse and it will get better. You'll get over this wave of dysphoria. You'll find a way to manage. And one day you will realize you're thriving in ways you never thought you could. Its hard and I'm sorry it has to be hard. But you aren't alone. And you are already enough of a man as you are now. Even if you don't feel like it yet.
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nomairuins · 26 days
my tags on that went on for so long i had to go back and edit them to fit tag limit and i still had to delete a bunch of them. Its the autism it literally is
#funerary practices and the afterlife and body disposal methods and just. grief and mourning in general r like. My bigggg autism thing i dont#talk abt it a lot bc 1 i just Dont shut up once i get going 2 a lot of ppl dont want to hear abt stuff like that which is fine. kicked pupp#expression. i just find it very very interesting to see how different ppl grieve and whats considered like. Right and wrong when it comes t#care of the body yk. bc like. most/every culture has their practices and anything outside of that feels wrong to them bc its like. yk its s#pivotal idr the exact anecdote/story but caitlin doughty mentioned it in one of her books where like. there were 2 groups and one cremated#their dead and the other practiced mortuary cannibalism and both viewed the other as barbaric and it rly shaped how i view it like. yk. its#rly something so personal where even when the way someone grieves makes you uncomfortable its like. you cant force someone to grieve in a#way thats palatable to you. yk. for a rly long time washing the body and being with the body after death was a rly important part of grief#in like. usamerican culture its only more recently that it became wayyy less common w the rise of funeral homes and stuff. and obv for many#ppl that wouldnt be comforting but i think it could be for a lot of ppl..#my personal belief on it is everyone should be allowed to grieve and dispose of the dead As they want and that should be like. yk. theres#the nebulous term of Desecration which is legally rly difficult to define there r a lot of states where the law is 'if it would outrage#normal family values' which is just so fucking stupid obviously like. whos family. bc every single person has a different view on whats#appropriate yk... IDK. i think as long as its relatively safe for the living and as long as its not like. Against the wishes of the decease#like. if someone says they want a burial and then theyre cremated (not out of necessity like 4 financial stuff) im like. yk. obv theyre dea#but i think its important to honor their last wishes... yk. and that should go for like. If someone wants an open pyre cremation that shoul#be available... if someone wants aquamation etc. IDK. etc. like. another thing is with embalming while i wish it werent De Facto ppl r#railroaded into it i entirely disagree w ppl who say it should be wiped out entirely like. there r environmental ramifications 4 sure and i#love for that to be more like. talked abt... but embalming is rly important to a lot of ppl and idt its right to shit all over that. idt it#necessary for every death i personally dont see the point of embalming for like. a peaceful death with a quick funeral and theyre getting#cremated after. but ik like. for a lot of black families embalming is very important for like. a reclamation esp in violent or traumatic#deaths its very important to have like. a funeral with a viewing. and i think thats something that shouldnt be taken away from anyone ever.#even like. ik this is controversial but extreme embalming w/ posing and stuff as long as thats what the decease wanted like. i think its#awesome !! i Dont agree w taking the corpses of the poor or disenfranchised to prop up for art pieces Personally but like. there r ppl who#want to be displayed like that like. riding their motorcycle one last time or ummm. that posthumous concert that happened. i get how it can#seem morbid or wtvr but like. the families r happy with that its what those ppl wanted and it like. its a celebration of their life and#their interests and i think thats super important. BASICALLY.#ok tag limits coming so im cutting myself off for sure this time. but wtvr. i hope this makes sense to anybody else sorry i rambled. im ver#passionate abt it KJBADKJBDKJ
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mbat · 9 months
the thing is about having to give away a pet and not knowing where theyre going is that when you see pictures online of similar looking pets you take a pause and examine them to see if maybe theyre the same pet, but they never are, are they? but you hope everytime that they are
i dont actually know what i would do if i did see the pets i miss, though
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt: Supersons + 1
What if Jack became friends with Clark and Bruce. And Danny accidentally becomes apart of the Supersons.
Jack takes Danny with him on a trip to visit his friends- just for it to turn into a playdate. But it isn't long for the cat to come out the bag especially since Danny's rogues can sniff him out.
So now all three are trapped in the ghost zone and this is way more than Danny wanted to reveal with day one "friends" . (maybe its walker)
And their dads having to come find them. Jack leading the charge because he has no idea Clark and Bruce are superheroes LOL But he knows ghosts when he sees them >:U
Could also be a good moment to have good dad Jack- one that once he knows Danny's phantom is immediately wait.. that's my son… MY SON? IM COMING DANNO!
Imagine just very heartfelt. Jack learns to reconnect with his son- Danny has more connections and now protection. Jon is happy to have a flying friend. And Damian still appalled Danny's bad at his identity. "It works because most people wouldn't think I'm dead." "Except for other ghosts?" "I told you that's not something I can avoid >:T." And be even funnier if Clark and Bruce had to go along with Jack WITHOUT being super. Even Jack doesn't find out about them. Which Danny is fine with keeping secret. So they have to work off of limited unsettling tech and still pretend they're a good shot because of other reasons.. or hits. Imagine Jack is like sensitive to Bruce's parents death like OH WAIT- sorry Clark you take these. Brucie, I got the boo-merang and the anti-ghost staff somewhere. That's my wife's favorite. uwu Jack also the reason they couldn't slip away into hereos because he dragged them along shouting FLITHY SPOOK! GIVE ME BACK OUR SONS!... in the Fenton RV... so imagine they had... Quite a ride.
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buckyalpine · 9 months
Some shy Bucky with meddling Sam and Steve and a cute little baker. 
Bucky hummed at the warm drink that danced on his tongue, a new creation that the sweet girl at the bakery had insisted he try. He wasn’t big on experimenting but ever since he’d visited the shop, he couldn’t say no to the human form of sunshine that stood behind the counter, always offering him something new to she’d made. Today, the flavors of vanilla and praline were infused in his coffee, your latest combination you had made just for him.
“So, thoughts?” You smiled hopefully, the twinkle in your eyes making Bucky blush like a school boy. 
“It’s delicious doll, thank you” He slid you a 5, shaking his head when you tried to give him back change, “Keep it, if anything I should be paying you more for something that good”
You giggled, waving goodbye to the handsome super soldier as he left, the dainty bell to the door of your shop ringing on his way out. What started off as a one time thing became a daily occurrence; Bucky would go for a morning walk or run and stop by the bakery before making his way back. He enjoyed his new routine, getting a coffee, talking to the angel that worked there, grabbing a cookie, getting to see her smile, trying a new drink, fuck, that sweet laugh. 
Now that it was getting warmer, you’d started to introduce him to cold drinks with fruit flavors and different colors. It had been almost three months since he’d first visited; your bakery was a sold part of his day now and he going to change it any time soon. 
“I’ll be able to open a whole new shop with how much you keep tipping me Jamie” you shook your head while he chuckled, sliding the change back to you. 
“Well if there's anyone that deserves it, it’s you” The smirk he gave you caused butterflies to fly madly around your tummy; you had no business crushing on the handsome soldier but he made it so hard! 
Bucky couldn’t stop smiling as he walked back to the compound, humming to himself with another new creation of yours to try. He wouldn’t quite remember the name of what you’d given him but he loved it nonetheless, adoring the sprinkles you added on top just because. 
"I thought you only drank black coffee” Sam cocked an eyebrow from where he was sitting in the kitchen as Bucky walked in, seeing the bright pink and blue drink the brunette was holding. A shit eating grin made it’s way to his face while Bucky groaned.
“Don’t start-
“Who is she. C’mon, big grumpy, staring machine like you drinking unicorn in a cup?” 
“There is no she” Bucky hissed while Sam raised his hands in defeat, not the least bit convinced. 
“Whatever you say” 
One nosy, sneaky Sam and Steve mission later,
“For fucks sake, Dear God” Bucky groaned seeing his two best friends already sitting at the counter chatting up his angel, both men grinning when they heard Bucky walk in. 
“Hi Jamie!” you smiled while Steve chuckled to himself seeing the brunette glower at them. 
“Awww, hi Jamie” Sam cooed, making a kissy face that Bucky would’ve smacked off if you weren’t standing right there. “We didn’t know you came to this place” 
“Jamie comes here all the time” You smiled, making his regular order while Bucky huffed, his annoyance melting away watching you flit behind the counter, handing him his coffee and a fresh cookie. 
“Does he now” Steve snorted, looking at Bucky watching you with heart eyes, 
“Y’know, y/n was saying she wanted to see that movie you’ve been going on about” Sam stated, nudging Bucky’s shoulder, “You know the one you’ve been dying to see too? Maybe you could both go. Thanks for the coffee y/n” 
Bucky stared at Sam with panicked wide eyes, the pink on his cheeks spreading to his neck and ears. Sam and Steve made their way out while Steve gave Bucky’s shoulder an encouraging squeeze along with a knowing smile. 
Go for it. 
“You - wouldn’t-with me- would-would you want to?” He sputtered out while you giggled with a nod making him relax. “Sorry, it’s been so long” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, collecting himself. “and my friends are idiots” 
“I’d love you” you whispered, leaning over to give he blushing soldier a peck on his cheek.
“It’s a date, doll” Bucky winked, loving the bashful smile you gave him, his charming self slowly coming back. He’d eventually owe Sam and Steve $20 each when they end up being the best men at his wedding but it would be worth it. 
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hawkepockets · 2 months
i think aveline is a CORE da2 character, and her relationship with hawke is super super interesting. she’s hawke’s oldest friend in the game & by act 3, maybe the only enduring connection to their homeland & childhood besides the mabari. her voice, her bearing, her stated values are all very noble & movingly fereldan—but her actions both as guard captain & as a party member should be so profoundly disappointing to hawke almost no matter how you play them, which generates a powerful tension. imo it’s really poignant and adds a lot to the game’s central tragedy.
because how can hawke cut her off! but look at how she behaves: ignoring the serial killing & sexual assault of isolated older women and elf girls, baiting the arishok, slut shaming isabela, condescending to merrill. but how can they cut her off? the question is a privilege and a torment!
in this way i think she strikingly complements gamlen. like no matter what gamlen does and says to you, your love interest, leandra, the surviving hawke twin—he’s family and the only way into kirkwall. hawke is not permitted to sever those ties. and no matter what aveline does and says to you and all the women in your party, she remains your oldest friend and the only way back to ferelden, emotionally.
both aveline & gamlen will maintain a warm relationship with hawke as long as hawke tolerates their picking on those in proximity to hawke—but if hawke pushes back with aggressive dialogue options, both will tone match and became sour and hostile. aveline can be really quite awful to a red hawke, and will throw them to the ground and beat them at 100% rivalry. so there’s kind of an underlying challenge in both of these characters: how much will hawke, as gang leader & player character, put up with when it’s not directed at them?
of course, for all the nostalgia that seems to occlude av’s wrongdoings in kirkwall, she’s not really a childhood friend of hawke’s. she was a grown woman when they met, lothering was lost, and the moment was pretty heated thanks to aveline’s hostile templar husband.
and yet hawke is no more reliable & objective in their treatment of the past than varric is. and aveline is what they have! she’s standing in for all of ferelden, all of the past before the blight!
and likewise hawke for her! hawke is the only one left in act 3 who remembers wesley! aveline is the only one who remembers the dead hawke twin!
and as reprehensible as some of her decisions are, aveline’s grief for wesley and her enmity toward the old corrupt guard captain are sympathetic and her voice is sexy and husky and beautiful enough that. well im sorry i just lost the plot for a minute. uh
there’s also the act 3 subplot of the templars trying to take over the city guard, which sets up aveline as the only thing standing between kirkwall’s mages & absolute templar authority in the city. it’s literally her or cullen at his most brainwashed & violent. (to cullen’s credit he also thought it was a bad idea. but i won’t give him so much credit that i believe he’d turn down the position if aveline was removed.) between a knight-commander and a hard place, a pro-mage hawke has to choose the hard place.
so both of my playthroughs i’ve felt like hawke’s friendship with her is at the very least strained, if not completely ruptured, but they have to back her. how much that feels like fucking sandpaper may vary from hawke to hawke.
ultimately i just think she brings a lot to the table. i don’t necessarily understand why she’d be anyone’s all time #1 favorite companion, but you know.
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moonstruckme · 19 days
It's me once again! Bothering you twice in a day, I'm annoying like that, ha just kidding. But yes James is soooo wholesome, it's crazy how he became my favorite boy. So Mae, I suppose you are super busy because being such amazing writer is no easy job when you have requests coming all the time but, if you have the time, whenever that is, could you write something about James? Like James being so wholesome, the best boyfriend, the fluffiest thing you can think of, maybe something with words or affirmation and kisses and hugs and just very lovely things, feel like I need that. If you can of course.
Hope you are having a very cool weekend and my username is basically my favorite colors and it has something to do with Van Gogh and my favorite singer but this kid knows something, haha it's so funny, kind of serendipitous if you ask me :) love that. Well, I'm going to set you free, read you soon.
P.S. Sorry this was so loonng
Hi lovely, thanks for requesting!! Sorry this took so long lol, I had to wait until I had an idea that wasn't already in my requests but I appreciate your patience! This is perhaps more hurt/comfort than straight fluff lol, but he is the most wholesome ever <3
cw: concussion
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 603 words
James’ hand is especially gentle as he strokes over your hair. Your nose dents into his thigh, and his jeans are coarse and scratchy but the slight pressure is nice. 
“Still dizzy?” he asks, carefully quiet. 
“A little.” Your own voice is thin, fraught. “Not as bad.” 
He sighs, and you feel too weird to decipher whether it’s in relief or dismay. “I’m sorry, angel.” He lifts one of your hands to his mouth, kissing the side. “Is it hurting in one place?” 
“It’s my whole face. But most in my forehead.” 
James’ touch is featherlight, ghosting over the spot where you’d smacked your head on the stairs. “Here?” 
He makes a worried humming sound in response. You sit in silence for some time, and it’s not uncomfortable, but nothing is comfortable for you right now. You feel terrible, unlike yourself and unsettled because of that and also weepy but not as much as you are embarrassed. And dwelling upon any of this for too long makes your head spin worse. You don’t think you’re dying though it feels like you might be. 
The warm bead rolling down your nose brings you to the realization that you’re crying. James’ coo follows a moment later, and his hand splays protectively atop your head. 
“You’re okay, sweetheart. Do you feel alright to sit up?” 
“Okay,” you mumble. 
He does the work for you, though it’s hard to keep track of the movements. One second your head is on his lap and the next you’re propped against his chest, one muscled arm supporting your back while James rests his lips against your forehead. 
“You’re okay,” he promises. “You’re okay, I’ve got you.” 
“I don’t really feel like going to dinner anymore,” you admit, tasting salt as a tear finds its way into your mouth. 
“Oh,” James lifts his lips to look you in the eyes, “honey, I didn’t expect you to. I’m going to call Remus and cancel in a minute, okay?” He brushes a lock of hair away from your face with his pinkie finger, stroking a sweet line down your cheek. “If you go anywhere, it should probably be to the doctor.” 
“No.” You close your eyes, too upset to care about the low whine that escapes you. “What’re they gonna do?” 
“I don’t know, baby.” James traces the same line again. “They might want to do an MRI or something. I’ve had a concussion before, they’re serious business.” 
You sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder. The material of his jumper is soft beneath your cheek. “I can’t think about it right now.” 
There’s a brief pause. 
“Okay. Okay, we can talk about it tomorrow, if it’s still bad then.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t need to be sorry.” James’ arm wraps around your middle, squeezing lightly in a gentle sort of hug. You think that he’s being very careful with you, which you appreciate. You don’t imagine you could handle much more sensation at the moment. “I know it sucks, angel, and you’re handling it so well. We’re gonna do our best to get you feeling better. I love you so much, you know?” 
You feel like you might cry again. You don’t think you have the energy to stop yourself. “I know,” you tell him. “I love you so much, too.” 
“Heaps and heaps.” He gives you another little squeeze, his ability to repress his affection tenuous at best. “Probably the most anyone has ever loved anyone, if we’re being honest.” 
“I can’t do that kind of math right now. I love you a lot, okay?” 
“Okay. Same here.”
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