#sorry im so slow lol
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waterlogged-detective · 1 year ago
🔒 📙 and ⚠️ for the ask game!!
(from @the-capricious-socialite )
Hell ship! Hell ship! Hell ship!
🔒- Something one hopes that the other never finds out about.
So they both probably know this but they sort of uh, I'll call it play different sides when it comes to Bazaar related stuff. JC is literally a part of the calander council and working to dismantle the masters and reform the police and generally make flondon a better place while uh
Darcy is literally going to become Mr Cards (which JC genuinely doesn't know about.)
Granted Darcy doesn't really align with the masters for anything and he's just doing it because he likes chaos, but it's a bit of a betrayal isn't it? I'd be pissed at the least. Like he can make excuses about changing things from the inside and all of that, but he's not doing that. He's doing it for his own selfish reasons and he doesn't plan on making the neath a better place. He doesn't even care about the revolutionary cause, just what's fun.
Like, maybe he can be persuaded to be less shitty of a person? But it would be very hard. Darcy tends to keep his nicer part buried for reasons that aren't important for this ask, and I'm sure if anyone could make a case for him to be nicer it would be jc (and probably doe) but I don't know if darcy *wants* to be better.
I genuinely have no idea if this makes any sense.
📙- Favorite storyline you’ve played with the canon character(s) in it.
So full disclosure, I haven't actually played any of the rail stuff yet because im one of those sidequesting hoes. I gotta do all the sidequests before doing major stuff. So I'm gonna cheat a bit here and say I really love the interactions you can have at parties with him since uh.....I do not like the affluent photographer storyline since it clogs up my deck and doesnt change anything or give good rewards.
Deck please let me draw some favor cards at some point? I need to up my bohemians renown thank you.
⚠️- Write a warning/safety label for them.
WARNING: This ship is NOT going to end well. If you came here for laughs TOO BAD BOYO. They're about to RUIN your day. (But also maybe it'll be funny. Up in the air really.)
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notherpuppet · 1 month ago
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@/coma_0423’s cursed cat alastor will bring you happiness ♥️
Lulu scolds the cat
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mohntilyet · 3 months ago
still i think the one of the more fun differences drawn between illario and lucanis that was lost would be illario's ability to endear himself to others but serious lack of empathy, vs. lucanis' (self perceived) inability to be charming but how much he cares. it's interesting that the game has gone with the "lucanis' ability vs illario's lack thereof" because i think illario being the dellamorte 'best in show dog' vs. lucanis' attack dog would have made me so unwell.
lucanis is... awkward. he's not unlikable, because he is usually very polite, but he doesn't speak much and only seems to care about the other dellamortes. he once sent viago de riva a knife with no note (who knows what he could have meant by this). he does what caterina asks of him, and by his own admission, cannot say no to her. he is a dramatic and prolific killer, and that makes how untouchable he is even worse.
and the crows like illario, sure, AND he's a good assassin! he's even a good crow! he's so good that he can make lucanis smile, and so he is the charming, sociable one. he's the one that stays in treviso and can be relied upon to care, illario's even the one people prefer over caterina and lucanis!
but illario is decoration. he's the prize poodle, and even if poodles were bred to be working dogs, nobody will ever pick him to protect the house over the german shepherd that regularly mauls intruders. anyways the analogy is getting away from me. the point i'm trying to make is that i want illario to have a different kind of jealousy/hatred that's not just over 'being bad at killing' but also an arrogant loathing for everyone around him that is getting harder to hide, because they've forgotten he can bite and is just itching to rip someone's jugular out. illario is very good at hiding his family resemblance to caterina, while lucanis suffers under his grandmother's, and his own, reputation.
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silvercrucifixes · 5 months ago
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Late posting, but! Drew some characters from Legend of Drizzt!
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basketobread · 10 months ago
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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monstermonger · 6 months ago
Hello!! In your banner, what is the black and purple bird called? I recognise the blackcapped chickadee and the wren (?) but im not sure what the third bird is :O Thank you!
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LOL omg no problem :D i’m happy to share!!
Birds (left to right): black-capped chickadee, steller’s jay, red-breasted nuthatch (my absolute favorite bird)
Here’s the plants too because why not c: (left to right): sugar snap peas, parsley (flowering), thyme, rosemary, chives (flowering), marigolds
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teamoon7 · 3 months ago
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🇺🇲: It's been so long since I've posted something so I decided to finish some random Hoshina doodles I'd made a while ago :)
🇧🇷: Faz muito tempo desde que postei alguma coisa aqui, então decidi digitalizar e juntar uns rabiscos do Hoshina que eu fiz há um tempo :)
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temeyes · 1 month ago
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sorry for the lack of art, facing a dilemma rn (my hair again)
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qoldenskies · 2 months ago
writing this chapter has got me listening to wolf in sheep's clothing again.... i feel like im 12
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regretfulcorrine · 1 year ago
‎‧₊˚✧Number 14 for the kiss ask game, please✧˚₊‧
Your art makes my eyes go (☆u☆) Thank you for sharing it!
oh my gosh thank you so much!!! 😭 and thank you for supporting it 💖💖
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subtle kisses on the neck but hope you still like it ;v; I've had this AU shoved to the back of my folders and found it suddenly again, and im obsessed with pirate stuff so🧍‍♀️
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yappacadaver · 11 months ago
Rayumi comparing hands 🥺
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Yumi's hand is the length of one dollar bill and it's everyone's problem now
JKAHSLKJSHDKSD thank you so so so much anon you are so good to meeeee T_T
(commissions link)
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kurtsascot · 2 months ago
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i wouldnt be me if i didnt post one of these late.
so…. im alive.
life has finally appeared to calm down (please please please stay that way 🫥) so ive slowly been getting back into my hobbies/feeling like myself and not going to lie? everything was so crazy for so long it feels like im going to be picking up the pieces of myself for a while. im trying to be kinder to myself regarding all of this so bear with me. i feel like everyone at this point is used to my sporadic posting but there is the goal of inevitably coming back to tumblr, like, fully. its just a slow process.
i have a fic that i wrote new for the fanzine, but over these last few weeks is the first time ive been able to write in klueless for months, and its been somewhat terrifying? it feels like i’ve forgotten how to do this and its very disorientating. i’m going to have to reread what ive posted so far and, like, i definitely would have done that anyway because im a perfectionist but its a different feeling to have to. but. oh well !!
thanks to @forabeatofadrum for continuing to tag me in these week after week even though i was dead to tumblr it was very sweet
other than writing i spent a lot of time reading fanfic and books, doing puzzles, watching cheesy christmas movies. recently, i devoured the captive prince trilogy in three days so if anyone has read them i desperately need someone to talk to about it because i think im a different person now and i have no one to share that with
anyway….heres that klueless snippet. its been so long so i dont know if its better to wait to post until i have like, several chapters done, or just two like ive been doing…. i think im going to start writing out of order just to give myself some more leniency regardless.
Kurt hands Blaine back his hotdog. “I don’t think I can eat this.”
Blaine takes a massive bite of his relish doused dog, Kurt’s hotdog dropping to his thigh like it’s lead. “I guess hotdogs are beneath you today?”
“You think so poorly of me,” Kurt lashes as he pushes his head through his poncho’s opening, forehead wrinkled. “I think I’m coming down with a stomach bug or something. That’s all.” He sniffles. “As soon as I got in the car with you, I’ve felt like shit.”
Another relish-loaded bite assaults Kurt’s nose. “The feeling’s mutual,” Blaine says out of the corner of his mouth, fighting a smile, “You have that effect on people.”
Something about that just twists more knots inside Kurt’s stomach.
tagging: @fallevs @hevanderson @cryscendo @warblercore
@daisyishedwig @backslashdelta @blurglesmurfklaine @rockitmans
and anyone else that wants to!!
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libras-interactives · 1 year ago
Chapter 2 Beta Update~
--Nearly all of Ch2 is available, EXCEPT: The "America" backstory when talking with Lottie (it's just half finished). Overall around ~22k words added, and a few thousand to Chapter 1.
--Reworked the Sex/Gender/Gender Presentation System.
--New and Revised MC Dialogue to Ch1, depending on what Occupation you choose. Not all has been changed, more planned later in the month.
--Various typo fixes, small re-writes and bug fixes.
I wanted to get more done, but alas ><;; 🙏🏽 some IRL came up that i really need to deal with. BUT! I managed to get Ch2 from beginning to end! I hope yall will enjoy the last half of Ch2, I'm very happy with it overall! :"))))
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radaverse · 15 days ago
Fun fact: I almost never delete my ask inbox, so if you sent me an ask about a year ago, it must be still there
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pie-bean · 2 years ago
I started on a little lake today hehe
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tumbleweeds-go-by · 3 months ago
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He got out of the hospital finally
"Brud! Well lookie here! A face I wasn't expectin' to see anytime soon... Heard you got into a nasty accident of sorts. I trust yer feelin' better?" He pats Brud's back- gently, of course. He wouldn't want to cause any more harm to any of his friends.
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