#sorry if this is a bummer!!!
orcboxer · 10 months
It is fuckin insane the sheer disregard everyone has for covid and how utterly bizarre it feels to be actively losing credibility in people's eyes just because I take it seriously. Everyone thinks I'm being "silly" but I literally was in the middle of getting a degree in microbiology when this shit started, I was literally taking immunology and virology courses when the pandemic hit, it's not like I have a poor understanding of the topic. I've been watching the death rate and keeping up with the new variants and vaccines and symptoms and I can bring up all the sources I want but it feels useless, nobody wants to hear it, nobody gives a shit.
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affixjoy · 4 months
My darlings, my loves, my fellow weirdos, I am begging you all to REST after you have covid.
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I know it is very hard, and our society asks you to get back up and running at full speed as soon as possible, before you’re even done testing positive even.
But please my friends, please rest.
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If you push too hard too fast you might be sicker for longer, you might be doing long lasting damage to yourself.
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So please my beautiful nerds, take care of yourselves and REST.
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ba1laur · 5 months
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big sister
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formulanni · 2 months
Some things have to change.
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls
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sleepsucks · 8 months
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envy-of-the-apple · 1 year
Sweet Home
idk how the multiverse works so im just fucking up the worldbuilding but basically my hc is that whenever a dimension suffers trauma (too many ppl leaving dimensions, rift in time etcetc), it will create a shield around itself, preventing anyone from entering or leaving as it works to self-correct. 
(Yandere, dark, kidnapping, captive, delusional behavior, gn reader, implied deaths, talks of bombs)
Yandere!Miguel O'hara x reader
Honestly, you weren’t much of a threat. 
It was a rather misfortunate case of wrong place wrong time. One second, you were in your home, mulling about. The next, you were across dimensions. 
At least, that’s how it was explained to you. You had no idea there could be more than one spiderman, and now you were surrounding by millions. Maybe even billions. Here they all were. Heroes, all working together to save the multiverse, returning innocent people, like you, back to where they came from. 
But, according to Miguel, you were a special case. 
“It’s not too hot, this time?” He asks, his face in the same scowl as always. Before, you assumed he hated you. Now, you realize the man had a hard time showcasing emotion. 
It’s still there, though. You can see the concern in his eyes as they soften ever so slightly, as if he was remembering the scalding hot tea that burned your tongue. 
You tasted it, smiling at its perfection. When you mentioned you preferred something sweet, you had almost choked on the lump of sugar at the end of the cup Miguel prepared. After that, he was much more lenient with sugar. 
Ever since, you were put into his custody, he made it very clear your comfort would be his top priority. You never considered a superhero agency to be comforting, but the room he lent you was spacious and had a warm fluffy bed, food was always delicious, the guilt-filled gifts were always nice. It was clear the man spared no expense. 
“It’s perfect,” you say, “thank you.” 
He gives a smile. Though, it’s strained, like he’s not sure if he’s doing it correctly. He finally gives up, staring down at your techband. It wasn’t as sophisticated as his, you understood why you couldn’t have one, you were just grateful it stopped you from glitching. 
“So...is there anything new?” You ask, careful to broach the subject. 
You couldn’t go back home, not yet. It had taken a while for you to calm down when you were first brought here. You had been terrified, fearing for your life surrounded by these strangers who all strangely resembled spiderman. It was Miguel that had talked you down. He wasn’t patronizing, didn’t coddle you, but he wasn’t unkind. 
He explained things carefully. When you had been ripped from your dimension, something had gone wrong. The dimension had closed in, as if it were a living creature defending itself, an armadillo creating a thick shell. No one could go in or out. 
So, here you stayed at the spiderman’s headquarters, temporarily dimensionless. 
You peered into Miguel’s face. He was tired. He always looked tired. You wondered if he was getting enough sleep. Guiltily, you knew you were partially a reason for that. 
“Nothing.” He sighed. “We still can’t communicate to your spiderman, nor can we break into the gates. So far, no progress.” 
You had a feeling that’d be the case. You gave a strained smile, feeling more and more hopeless. 
“Hey.” His hand was warm on your shoulder. “I’ll find a way to get you back home, I promise. Don’t give up on me just yet.” 
He was close, leaning in just so your faces were inches apart. Miguel was just being kind, you knew that. But his height and stature had always intimidated you. A part of you was sure he knew that. It was why he would always hover over your, like it was some way to subconsciously keep you in check. 
It was an absurd thought. As always, you shook it off. 
“And besides, if we can’t, you’re always free to stay here.” He gave a lazy wave to the spacious room filled with gadgets you couldn’t even begin to describe. 
 It was a joke. You knew that. Miguel was adamant about ‘anomalies’ being returned to where they belonged. You were certain he would’ve thrown you back into your dimension if the situation were different. Yet, just the thought of staying here forever, never seeing your friends or family ever again tugged on your heart. 
You appreciated everything Miguel had done for you, he had gone above and beyond, but you were lonely. Due to protocol, only Miguel was able to see you. You understood it, but it didn’t mean you were not allowed to have human emotions. 
You longed for home. 
He must have seen it in your eyes because he pulled back some. The lines on his face hardened ever so slightly. He was angry. Not at you. Never at you. 
“You done with that?” He changed the subject, gesturing to your cup. 
Nodding, you return it to him gratefully. He stands up, grabbing the remnants of lunch and dirty dishes. 
“I’ll be back.” He tells you, and he’s assured you plenty of times that you weren’t, but it was hard not to feel like a prisoner as you watched him leave through a metal door. 
You waited for ten seconds, and then you rose from your own seat. 
There were only two rooms you had access to. Your own, and then Miguel’s office. 
Well, it wasn’t really an office. It was a large computer room, but Miguel always worked here, and you always kept him company, much preferring the companionship of at least one human rather than the solitude of your bedroom. 
Over time, he seemed to trust you a bit more. Or maybe he started underestimating you. Over time, he had accidentally given you most of the passwords to this place, not really paying attention as you not-so-secretly spied on his work.
You felt a little guilty for snooping, but a part of you was frustrated. You’d been stuck here for weeks, with no concrete answer. Miguel always seemed to evade your questions. You wanted an explanation. Assurance. 
Strangely enough, you felt a little old as you clumsily operated a machine that was decades into the future. It was a humbling experience. You typed in your dimension number, a sequence you knew by heart. 
You weren’t sure what a closed dimension looked like, but it certainly wouldn’t look like this. It looked fine. Despite your minimal experience with looking at dimension maps, you could tell the gates were opened. You could even see tiny dots flitting in and out. People.
Everything looked fine. 
Then...why did Miguel say you couldn’t go home? 
“What are you doing?” 
You hadn’t even noticed he’d come back. He had been so silent. Like a spider. 
You whirl around to face him. For the first time, you realize you’d never actually seen him without his signature blue and red costume. His face was stony. His demeanor had changed, as if earlier he was actively trying to pretend around you. Before, he used to slouch slightly, his hands would drape awkwardly at his sides. Now, his back was straight, arms ready. 
You’d never thought Miguel as threatening before.
Still, you try your best to loosen the sudden tension in the room. You give a sheepish smile, hoping it doesn’t wobble like your heartbeat. 
“I think my dimension just opened up,” You mutter, halfheartedly pointing to the screen, “Does this mean I can go back home?” 
He steps forward. You inch backward as he makes his way over to the computers. All the screens shut off. You can barely see him in the dim light. 
He works he jaw, like he wants to tell you something but can’t. 
Despite your heart going a mile a minute, you don’t want to be scared of Miguel. The only friend you had here. You bite your lip, gaining all the courage you could. 
“Did you lie to me?” It was a stupid question. Of course Miguel would say no. He wouldn’t do this to you. He couldn’t. 
His eyes slice into you. Crimson. 
“Yes,” he says simply, “I did.” 
You weren’t expecting that. You couldn’t have. Your mind was whirling, desperately trying to piece together an explanation. 
The tears burned in your eyes. You forced yourself to keep them at bay. 
“Why?” It was barely a whisper, you weren’t sure if he had heard you. 
He rakes his hand through his hair. It was something he did when he was stressed. You’d once jokingly told him that if he kept doing that he’d go bald. 
You had joked with this man. 
“I was going to put you back,” He said, almost like he was pleading to you. As if you were his judge, his executioner, and not his helpless prisoner. 
“That was the plan. I was going to put you back but...” He sucks in a breath. He gives a laugh with no real mirth. 
“But then I realized how much safer you’d be here.” 
You didn’t understand. You take another step back. He follows. 
“Your dimension opened back up two weeks ago.” You’d been stuck here for three. “Communication has resumed like normal. I lied about that.” 
It felt like a sick prank. Like he would suddenly start laughing, telling you how gullible you were. 
But it feels even worse when he doesn’t do that. He just stares, almost like he feels sorry for you. 
You don’t want his pity. 
“You haven’t met your dimension’s spiderman, have you?” He suddenly asks. “He’s a good kid. But that’s all he is. Just a kid. Thinks everything comes easy. His fate is worse than most.” 
“His recklessness causes a bomb to detonate. 126 people die.” His gaze is stiff on your figure. 
“Including you.” 
You freeze, staring at him, unable to move. The word of your death still lingered in the air. 
“I told myself I’d send you back,” he continues staring into the dark screens, “But you were so sweet and you made me feel so-” He cuts himself off with a huff. 
“I always have to make the right decision. Every time.” He finally says, looking back at you. 
“Just for once, I wanted to be selfish.” 
“I won’t.” He interrupts. “I’ll keep you here. I’ll keep you safe. I always keep things that belong to me safe.” 
You don’t like how he phrased that. You don’t like anything about this. This didn’t sound like your Miguel. 
Or did you even know him? Was the weeks of kindness all an act? A ploy to keep you satisfied?
Look how wonderfully that worked? You walked right into his trap like a stupid butterfly, struggling in the sticky webs. 
“You said it yourself,” you whisper, “I’m an anomaly. I can’t-I can’t stay in a dimension that isn’t mine. I could cause rifts-or-or even worse disasters.”
You try to throw his words back at him, hoping it’d knock some sense into him. He just gives a hum at your attempts. 
“Not if you stay here,” he replies, “Not if I keep you contained. Keep you here.” 
You shake your head, stepping back. This felt like a nightmare. The tears were falling in full force, down your quivering chin as you stare at him. 
“You-you can’t do that,” You mutter, backing up against the wall as he makes his way towards you, “You can’t do that.”
He crowds you against him, hushing you as he bundles you up to his chest, stroking your hair. He’s so warm. His scent of woodland mountains is so strong. He suffocates you. You hadn’t realized it until just now. 
“I know you don’t understand.” Miguel replies, sounding so genuine. It makes you sick. “But you will. One day. One day you’ll thank me for saving you.” 
Saving you. This wasn’t saving you. This was keeping you. This was killing you. 
“I want to go home.” Your voice breaks, cracks under the weight of his confession. “Miguel please. I-I need to go home.” 
For the first time, he smiles. A sincere smile. 
A condescending smile. Like you’ve said something adorably naïve. 
“Mi amor.” He purrs, affectionately kissing your cheek. 
“You are home.” 
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thesandsofelsweyr · 4 months
Out of the blue, I was thinking about:
(?) What would be his reaction if the reader asking if he is planned on commited to her A-k-a marry?
(?) What would be his reaction if the reader scares him with pregnancy
😂 Okay, he's not gonna run, because if you've gotten this far in a relationship with him that not only are you intimate, but you also think it's serious enough to consider spending the rest of your life with the man, then you two have been together for a verrrrrry long time. He's gonna at least hear you out.
I don't really see AK Jay as the marrying type, though. He'd have to make a lot of progress with his healing because that's a lifetime commitment. Every other person in his life who was supposed to be there for him through thick and thin has abandoned him one way or another. Also, raised-Catholic boy takes those vows seriously. He'd have to give up the vigilante lifestyle, and pledge his life to you rather than Gotham. Then there's also the trainwreck that was his parents' marriage, which gives him even colder feet. He's not gonna dump you or anything for asking (have I mentioned his abandonment issues?? 😆), but he'll make his feelings on the matter clear, and desperately hope that you'll be okay with continuing what you two already have.
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And if you surprise him with the news that he's got a kid on the way? Oh man, he's gonna be scared shitless. He’ll leave the pregnancy decisions up to you but he’ll be secretly hoping you'll terminate the pregnancy. He has no interest in being a dad. He’s been traumatized by terrible father figures and wouldn’t want a kid to go through what he went through. He’s convinced that he’ll repeat all of the mistakes of Willis and Bruce, even if the opposite is true. And then there’s the whole having his mind warped by over a year of torture when he was only 15/16 (still a kid himself). He thinks he’s too mentally unstable to take on such a massive responsibility.
If you decide to keep the baby though... well, it's gonna be tough for him. There's a chance you two may drift apart 😞 He'll financially support the child, of course. And maybe... once he's older and had even more time to heal... maybe if you still want him to be a part of the kid's life, he'll try to be the best dad to ever walk planet earth.
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claypigeonpottery · 7 months
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this baby’s from 2019 I think
I don’t usually fully finish/colour a sketch but I needed to plan so much in this piece
I painted it with underglaze first, before adding the black lines with the mishima technique
I chose blackberries for death and grief, and poppies and forget-me-nots for remembrance. even the frogs that aren’t endangered are so few these days :(
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zevzevarainai · 2 months
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baldur’s gate 3 [20/?]
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canisalbus · 1 year
a few quick questions on Machete, what breed is he? I love the angles of his snout and the proportions remind me of a borzoi though I don't think he is one. Also, does he have a set age for when he's a cardinal? I picture him to be around mid-30s or so. Wonderful art! love your stuff and find you an inspiration :)
He's a fictional breed called Podenco Siciliano, which is closely related to modern day Ibizan Hound (pictured below) and other Mediterranean rabbit-hunting podencos. I usually just default to calling him a sighthound since he's somewhat of a provincial mongrel and not meant to be purebred anyway.
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As for the age, mid-30s sounds about right. I think the current timeline goes something like this:
0 - Born to a lower-middle class family in Sicily, father is a tradesman, has three older brothers. Generally considered a runt, is weak and sick all the time, parents suspicious of his unusual colors.
3 - Gets left at a monastery and raised by monks as a foundling. Nervous and meek kid, but the monks think he's endearing and do their best to support him. Is taught to read and write, which is a massive advantage at that day and age, and learns rudimentary Latin through exposure.
9 - Apprenticed to a Neapolitan priest, moves to southern part of mainland Italy (or Kingdom of Naples as it was called, it was ruled by Spain actually). Does chores and runs errands in exchange for education and experience.
15 - The priest gets elevated to a bishop and decides to sponsor Machete's further studies at an acclaimed university in Venice (in Northern Italy). There he studies theology, medicine, arts, law, philosophy and gets fluent in Latin and adequate in Greek. Befriends Vasco but their relationship is short-lived.
21 - Ordained a priest. Leads a parish somewhere in Papal States (Central Italy). Is generally well liked but doubts his career choice from time to time.
26 - Becomes a part of the Papal Court in Vatican, mostly because of the recommendations of his former mentor and professors, good reputation, excellent track record and sheer luck. Still a priest but assists bishops, cardinals and the pope himself directly. Moves to Rome. Becomes pope's unofficial confidant due to his obedient and hardworking nature and because of his lack of prestigious family connections that would render him a threat. Slowly starts to gain wealth.
30 - Created a cardinal (which is the second highest position in the church after the pope, and it's at the sole discretion of the pope who becomes one). Is also a bishop as a technicality. Handles administrative jobs, tons of paperwork, at some point he's in charge of a lot of the political correspondence and diplomatic missions. Still the old pope's trusted advisor but disliked by the majority of the cardinals, who see him as an outsider, sycophant and a potential disruptor of the status quo.
34 - Meets Vasco again. Vasco has become a succesful politician in Florence, he's married with three children.
38 - The pope dies and Machete's status falters. He starts to work with the Roman inquisition more. Oversees trials, torture, excommunications and executions of heretics, witches and most of all, protestants (since we're reaching Counter Reformation times and the Vatican is Very Worried about the spread of Luther's ideas). Isn't having a good time at all but keeps up the appearances. Gets infamous. The beginning of the true villain era.
40 - Grows increasingly more disillusioned with life and his ideals, as well as the corruption of the Curia. Burned out, paranoid and desperate. Uses scare tactics, extortion and legal trickery to expose and undermine his enemies, but gains them faster than he can keep up. Employs spies, thugs and assassins. Feared and loathed.
43 - Gets assassinated and dies in disgrace.
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starmocha · 12 days
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When fictional men say the words you want and need to hear ❤️
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bugsinmyhoney · 1 month
SOO turns out someone used my art to train AI…and i wanted to say: DONT use my art for AI. i don’t support/approve of anyone’s work being used for AI. please unfollow if you support AI ‼️
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edwardsvirtue · 8 months
wow edward sure was being overly dramatic and impulsive when he decided to go to volterra in new moon haha. I mean, it's kind of irrational to decide to kill yourself just because someone you loved died, isn't it? seems like he really should have thought that one through before pulling a romeo. what a drama queen hahahaha
unless, of course, edward had already been passively suicidal for decades and hearing the news of bella's death was just a good enough excuse that he finally decided to go through with it, idk 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
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anothermonikan · 8 months
Eh, fuck it, self-indulgent post, shoutout to the aro's out there who haven't gotten confessed to at any point in their lives. I see you. We are so fucking awesome
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ciderjacks · 4 months
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let that man hug his wife
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sleepsucks · 8 months
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