#sorry if these aren't great...
sheawritesstuff · 7 months
Yo yo got any lovely/vincent headcannons?? Any thots thoughts??
Vincent / Lovely Headcanons
✩ Vincent has dragged Sam clothes shopping with him in several unsuccessful attempts to get him to wear something fun to the summit
✩ Lovely joked about blood bags being CapriSuns for vampires soon after they turned and Vincent had to go to a different room to recover
✩ Fred and his progeny view Vincent and Lovely as their cool aunt/uncles 
✩ Vincent and Lovely have at least three sets of those goofy matching T-shirts - e.g. “I’m insane” “I love crazy bitches”
✩ Vincent has bangs that cover his eyes if he doesn’t style them - sometimes Lovely puts them up with a hair tie and calls him a unicorn
✩ Vincent and Lovely have matching necklaces they wear every day
✩ When Vincent was still trying to be all cool and flirty to convince people to let him feed, he’d practice smirking and making “seductive faces” 
✩ After turning, Lovely still tried using their electric powers for like a month, just desperately hoping they’d still work somehow
✩ After the Adam incident, Vincent would periodically get up during the night to look around the house and check the wards along with all the doors and windows to make sure no one could possibly hurt Lovely again
✩ They unironically enjoy holding pinkies because they think it’s cute
✩ They would absolutely try those new Skittles drink things
✩ Vincent rolls his eyes when Lovely calls him “my prince” but secretly likes it
✩ Lovely tried to put one of those little koolaid packets in a blood bag once, it was disgusting
✩ Vincent doesn’t eat popcorn often because it gets stuck in his teeth, but when he does he puts m&ms in it
✩ When they’re bored, Lovely opens all the doors in the house and just runs through the house like the Benny Hill theme personified
✩ Growing up, Vincent had a poster of his dream car on the ceiling above his bed
✩ William acts like he’s Lovely’s grandpa - if they casually mention liking something in front of him, he’ll get them a lifetime supply the next time they visit
✩ Before turning, Lovely once got a set of those flimsy plastic neon vampire teeth, put them in their mouth, and gave Vincent their best impression of him
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rosybetta · 5 months
Since people were upset I didn't include the great lakes in my last poll, here's another one
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copia · 5 months
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endless ghifs 18/? ⛧ source — "the ancient serpent deceiver..."
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upon-the-snow · 5 months
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a crossover absolutely nobody asked for!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Assisting Acquaintance Acquired.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wen ning#wei wuxian#Ignore how Wen Ning's hair looks here because I messed it up. Let's pretend he just sported a different hair style for a brief moment.#I am not exactly great at consistency but I am trying very hard to work on that (immediately messes up again).#Absolutely *love* how Wen Ning clearly remembers and admires WWX...who does *not* recognize him.#This is the best day for Wen Ning and it means *nothing* to WWX. A painful one-sided crush made worse.#It is bittersweet to realize that we care about someone more than they care about us. Sometime we pour love into a relationship-#-with someone who just can't reciprocate. It isn't always a conscious things either. Some people just aren't aware we care.#And painfully - so painfully - You can't make them aware. No act of kindness or gift or self sacrifice will make someone care about you.#You can martyr yourself for someone and they will continue on unchanged.#I think a lot about the parallels between WN and LWJ. Not foils - just reflections. A theme repeated.#People who give so much of themselves to someone who doesn't have the capacity to give any part of themself away.#I will die on the hill of 'Wen Ning would be the love triangle romance if that trope wasn't being avoided'.#And to be honest - thank the stars above that is the case. I do not know any good love triangles in media.#We are skipping some of the sad Jiang Cheng content because I really want to finish season 2 before May.#Sorry JC emo moment lovers...I'll deliver another time.
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fairyroses · 2 months
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Tulips look great. Yeah, you cleaned us out. Mom said if you want some more you’d have to call Holland.
— SMALLVILLE, “Shimmer” (1.10)
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lost-in-fandoms · 4 months
This is inspired by my own post. Don't even look at me.
It's a long shot, and Daniel is perfectly aware of it as he rides the elevator up to Max's room, but he refuses to think too hard about it, afraid he will reconsider the sanity of it and turn back.
You see, they used to have this...thing, back in the day. It didn't happen often enough to give a name to it, but when Daniel got pole or won a race, Max would find him and get on his knees for him.
It had started in 2016, Max fresh faced and wide eyed, pulling him into the bathroom of the club they were in. Not in Monaco, not even Max was bold enough for that, but in Malaysia. It had been hot and wet, and Daniel had tangled his fingers in Max's sweaty hair, pulling hard enough to make tears spring in his blue eyes, before coming down his throat.
Their thing had always been one way only. Max had been the one getting on his knees, and Daniel had never offered to get him back. It had been a relief, when Max had started winning more than him, he didn't want to owe blowjobs that often. Not that Max would have hold him to that if Daniel didn't want to, but it would have been a matter of pride, and justice, or whatever.
Daniel has spent a lot of time in the last couple of years thinking about it. Not much about the act itself, even if he has gotten off to the memories of Max's mouth more times than he can count, but about the whole concept of it. He had started wondering if it had been Max's first (debatable, kid had been too sure of himself, but again Max always was), if Max had wanted more (probably, he had seen the looks he would get on his face sometimes), why Max had never tried to talk to him about it. Why Daniel, arguably the more mature of the two, hadn't done it. If Max still thought about it too. If he thought about it as much as Daniel did.
The last time they had done this it had been Monza, in 2021. Max had shoved in his motorhome, flushed and furious, and had sucked Daniel off with such a passionate drive it had felt like maybe he was trying to get Daniel's soul too. Or like maybe he was trying to suck Daniel's P1 out of him through his dick. It had been one of the best blowjobs of his life, had left him dazed and panting on the couch while Max had bit out a congratulations and stormed out again, his shoulders just marginally less stiff.
And now Daniel is in front of Max's door, with a P5 that feels like a P1, feeling like he's going to be taking a step right out of a plane.
He hears shuffling when he finally knocks, and it's only when he hears Max open the door that the uncertainty hits him in full force. He has not thought this through at all. Or well, he has, just not further than this. How do you ask someone "hey it's been almost three years but I would like to cash in a blowjob"??
Max looks...soft. He has a pair of sweats on, one of his white tshirts, hair freshly washed and unstyled. The blank expression and small polite smile he's sporting when he opens the door, as if he was expecting to have to send someone away, immediately morph into a blinding smile when he spots Daniel. It's always been so easy, at least for Daniel, to make Max smile like that.
"Daniel!" he says, eyes crinkling, moving to the side to let Daniel in without having to be asked.
"Hello, Max."
His room is fairly tidy, his luggage open in a corner with a few team shirts spilling out just as it had always been, but the blankets on the bed are all askew, a comfy little nest around Max's open laptop.
"Am I interrupting something?" Daniel asks, motioning towards it. He never knows when Max is working, watching something, or playing with his friends, but he hopes it's nothing important. If it's something important and Max sends him away, Daniel knows he will never find the guts to do this ever again.
"No," Max starts, then turns, smiling more, "well, yes. I was watching Lando's onboards. But they are not important now."
It hits him unexpectedly hard, the casual acknowledgement that Daniel's presence is more important than whatever Max was already planning for his evening. It's nothing new, but it's been a while since Daniel has felt it, the way Max loves him so simply. Since he has felt deserving of it.
Something must show on his face, because Max's smile turns soft as he sits down on the couch near the window, patting the space next to him for Daniel to join him.
"Why are you here?" From anyone else, it would sound rude, but Daniel has been used to Max's bluntness since day one, misses it sometimes these days, now that he's a little more careful with it, so he knows Max only means exactly what he's asking.
Daniel also knows this could be the moment to bring it up, his request, but it feels wrong to just barge in on Max's evening, get an orgasm and leave. Back then he would have done it, but they're both different people now.
"I wanted to see you, Maxy," he says, aiming for joke and hitting fond instead. It's not a lie, but the way Max goes all pink and pleased feels too dangerous for his heart, so Daniel redirects. "P2, yeah?"
It's enough to set Max off, talking about corners and turns and steering and this car. Not my car, Daniel notes. He's not surprised by the difference, but he wonders if Max means to make it so obvious, how he feels about this year's car. Or maybe Daniel is just really versed in Max-speak.
He also notices the tension around his eyes a couple of times, when Max mentions the team, and if it was another night he maybe would have asked; it never took much for Max to tell Daniel things, especially when he was unhappy about something. But today he got P5, and something about the blush growing on Max's cheeks as he gets more and more animated, making his eyes looks even more blue, firmly sets him back on jumping off the plane and send it plans.
He waits for Max to slow down a little, then nudges his calf with his foot, enjoying the way Max immediately reacts by jabbing a finger into Daniel's side, tension disappearing from his face.
"P5 is not P2, but it's still pretty good, right?"
Max's smile is his best one yet, all bright and proud as he nods, reaching for Daniel again to squeeze his shoulder.
"Of course, you have been very good today, Daniel! I am glad you are again feeling the car right."
Always so sweet and earnest. If he hadn't already teared up a little before press, face hidden in Blake's shoulder, Daniel would have probably done it now. As it is, he just smiles back, lets Max talk through his lap, quietly pleased by the knowledge that Max had obviously watched his onboard already, before Lando's. Maybe, if he dares to hope it, even before George's.
It's probably that, feeling like he's still important to Max, what gives him the confidence to throw things into motion.
"Feels like a P1, mate."
For a split second, he doesn't know what to expect. Will Max understand what he means? Maybe Max has not been thinking about their past times together, maybe saying P1 will mean nothing to him, maybe he will just go on another rant on how different P1 is of course from P5. Or maybe he will understand Daniel, and he will just slide off the couch and onto his knees, and Daniel won't have to say anything else.
Max, obviously, because he's Max, does neither thing.
His expression changes, something focused and pinched, as he tilts his head a little and stares at Daniel, lips slightly pursed.
"You want to feel like P1?" he asks. To someone else it would sound like a perfectly normal question, but Daniel knows that Max has understood, because somehow Max always gets him, even now. He also knows that he will not get out of this without talking about it at least a little. They're both different people, he has to remind himself. He's not the only one who's changed.
He nods, because he's not one to go back on his steps when he's already decided to send it, but he doesn't say anything else.
Max still looks deep in thought.
"We..." he starts, then immediately changes trajectory, "I can. If that is what you want."
As if Daniel might have walked all the way over without wanting this, without wanting Max. He nods again, watches as Max shifts a little, eyes flicking down to Daniel's lap, then to his own hands. His ears are red.
"Why now?" he blurts out, fingers twisting together. "You have of course got P5 before, but you have never come to me."
For a second, Daniel feels breathless with the knowledge that this whole time, Max would have been willing. This whole time, he could have asked and Max would have said yes, even after all these years, even after his championships, even after 2022.
"It didn't feel the same," he answers, before adding in a whisper, a belated confession, "I missed you."
He sees the way Max's shoulders jolt, his head snapping up again, eyes wide and surprised. Daniel doesn't get it, they have said it before, but he doesn't get time to dwell on it before Max is smiling again, grabbing a pillow and gracelessly following it on the floor.
Suddenly, just from seeing Max on his knees, Daniel is half hard. No wanking memory could hold a light to the real thing, to Max, broad and solid and real.
He lets Max get his hands on his legs, spreading them gently and shuffling forward, fingers sliding up to his thighs. It's hard to swallow now, the air in the room suddenly heavy with anticipation.
"I have missed you," Max rasps, kneading at Daniel's legs, not even reaching for his waistband yet. "I have missed doing this for you."
Daniel closes his eyes, lets his head fall back, but he regrets it immediately when he realizes it means not looking at Max anymore. Max, who's now looking up at him, pupils blown and lips red. For a moment, Daniel wishes things were different, wishes this thing was one where they kissed too, where he got to drag Max in his lap and get to touch him, feel all the way he's different now.
"Up," is all Max says, breaking his dangerous train of thought, and Daniel just obeys, lifting his hips and letting Max take down his pants, leaving them pooled at his ankles.
He's sure he's imagining the sigh Max lets out, the way his fingers are trembling a little when they reach just barely inside his underwear, grazing the top of his thigh.
And then Max leans forward and licks over one of Daniel's tattoos.
The sound Daniel lets out is a mix of a yelp and a moan. He can feel the little shit smiling against his skin, right before he does it again, adding a bite at the end, followed by an apology kiss, and this too is different from how they used to do it, quick and dirty, straight to the prize. Daniel is not going to complain.
Max takes his time, kissing and licking his way up his tattoos, until his nose hits the side of Daniel's clothed dick, now well on its way to fully hard.
"Hello," Max whispers, like a nerd, flashing a cheeky smile up at Daniel, who's tempted to swat at him until Max opens his mouth and wraps his lips around the head of his cock, underwear and all.
Daniel barely has time to squeak out a curse, hips bucking up in surprise, before Max steps back, smile gone. When he looks up again, he looks so intensely hungry Daniel struggles to swallow, and for his next revelation of the day, he understands that the gangly and overenthusiastic teenager who had drooled all over his dick in a club in Malaysia must have gained quite a lot of experience since then.
He refuses to analyze how that makes him feel, at least for now.
Max doesn't waste any more time, luckily, since Daniel is now hot and straining, making quick work of Daniel's boxers and of putting his mouth on him. For a second, with Max's lips around his tip, Daniel gets thrown back in time, and maybe things are not so different after all. Then Max takes a breath and sinks all the way down.
"What the...shit!" Daniel swears, scrambling for something to hold onto and finding Max's shoulders, as his brain goes completely blank, fuzzy with static and pleasure.
Yes, Max has definitely gotten more experience, because what the fuck is this. He's still enthusiastic, moaning and drooling around Daniel, tongue swirling as if his dick is some sort of delicacy, but the technique is different now. It's like he graduated in cock sucking or something, like he's trying to prove he's not only a racing champion, but a sex champion, or maybe like he's trying to kill Daniel. Or all three together.
Daniel knows he's being loud, moans and swears tumbling from his lips without hope of being restrained, but it seems to only spur Max on, as he fucking deepthroats him again with no sign of gagging. What the fuck.
"Max, Maxy, babe," Daniel tugs at Max's hair, struggling to string enough words together to let him know that, embarrassingly, he's already close, but all that does is make Max moan, the vibration of it feeling like sparks up Daniel's back.
Luckily, Max seems to still get the message though, because he lets up a little, gently suckling at Daniel's tip, pressing a kiss to it before pulling back completely to look up at Daniel.
He's like a vision, cheeks red and eyes bright, mouth spit slicked and a bit swollen, hair falling on his forehead, and Daniel's desire to kiss him comes back in full force. Again, almost as if he was reading it on Daniel's face, Max stops that particular train of though.
"Can I swallow?" Max asks, voice rough, as if it is a totally normal question and not a way to make Daniel feel like he's going to die on the spot.
"Do you want to?" Somehow, Daniel's voice is worse than Max's, all breathy and fucked up, and he can see Max being pleased about it. Menace.
"I always want to."
Max always used to, even back then, but Daniel had never questioned if it was because he thought that was how it was supposed to be or because he wanted to. Having the answer now is devastating. He groans, letting his head fall back and nodding weakly, hoping Max will just have mercy on him and finally kill him, but it doesn't seem good enough for the other, who reaches up to grab Daniel's chin, gently but firmly pulling his head back down.
Daniel is acutely aware he had never explicitly asked for consent before, and neither had Max.
Things are different now.
It doesn't take long after that, Max throwing himself back into it like a man starved, and Daniel falling apart under him, unable to control his hands, his hips or the volume of his voice. He swears Max moans when Daniel finally comes down his throat, shaking and twitching as Max sucks him through it. He's still dazed and out of it while Max helps him back into his clothes, fondly patting his dick before tucking it in, and he can only watch as Max hauls himself to his feet again, wincing slightly, and dropping back on the couch next to Daniel.
"Good?" Max asks, because he's a nerd and a little shit.
Daniel limply hits him with his eyes still closed, feeling himself smile in response to Max's laugh.
This is different too, he distantly thinks. Usually it was Max coming to him, and he would always leave immediately after, never hanging out for Daniel's comedown. Now, when he finally opens his eyes, Max is curled up next to him, still looking flushed and happy. Still obviously hard.
Things are different now, Daniel reminds himself, checking with himself for a second as he reaches forward to tap on Max's knee.
"Want help with that?"
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tomlhardy · 1 year
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The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. You're in a conversation and everybody's agreeing with what you're saying - even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you don't want to hear. - Alfredo James Pacino
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hey so I just learned that my building has transport chairs available during emergencies that can go up and down stairs so people who are disabled or otherwise unable to move on their own will still be able to evacuate. I do believe 2 people have to assist you depending on the chair but I'm gonna ask for more info from the emergency response person.
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I had no idea these existed, and if they aren't already why the fuck aren't they required in every building with stairs???
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oyeicher · 7 months
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Ge. What? You're not alone.
Unknown Episode 2
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While the original subs say Qian, Yuan is actually saying Ge which means older brother in Mandarin (more info here). In fact, so far, Yuan has only ever addressed Qian as Ge. As @thisonelikesaliens pointed out, when Yuan does switch from Ge to Qian, it'll signify that a significant boundary has been crossed.
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chaosxcrushed · 6 months
There's a certain CCCC summary video that we really, really like. We think it is a great video for people if they want to grasp the story more clearly, if they're confused, or if they're listening to the album for the first time.
That video being Chonny Jash and the Weight of the Mind on Youtube by W3tBl@nk3t. We think they cover it really well.
However, I'm sharing this for a different reason; they say few certain things that really struck with us until now, that I'd like to share with the fandom. Sometimes, we see people really just.. Miss the point of CCCC entirely, and I'd like to shine a light on what was said here. If you'd like to hear this for yourself on video, the timestamp is 35:57-36:45.
“..I bet we all could relate to that, they are the prime example of the side of you that suffers and the side of you that hates yourself for suffering:
The side of you that just wants to slow down and feel everything even to the unhealthy extent of not being able to do anything else(1), but also the side of you that so desperately wants you to get over it(2).
Sure, laying in bed all day every day to rot isn't healthy, but neither is boiling things down and invalidating your own emotions. Both are paths to inevitable disaster, and that's what Chonny is doing here. Keep in mind that the idea behind this album is being whole, and that means neither of these sides are entirely in the right or the wrong; this album is about inner compromise and acceptance(3).”
1.) The side of you that suffers; Heart. He is representative of Whole's emotions, he holds them. Your emotions can go haywire, especially when one's mentally ill and has no way of their feelings being validated. An emotional person like Heart suffers under the weight of crushing, devastating feelings. He wants to feel things out, have time to just process everything, even if it takes them days or weeks to get over it. It's not healthy, but feeling is what he does, and he wants to help because he knows he has importance. Solely focusing on just your emotions isn't the best thing to do, however.
2.) The side of you that so desperately wants you to get over it; Mind. Many people have been there, have wanted themselves to stop wallowing in their own emotions and just do something else, even to the point where you think feeling things out is unnecessary. This is also unhealthy, but not intentionally. Like Heart, Mind just wants to help, everything he does is in best interest. This is what he thinks will get them to move on the quickest; to leave behind emotions and focus on anything BUT that. Also not the best thing to do.
3.) This album is about inner compromise and acceptance; About being whole. Neither of Heart and Mind are right nor wrong. They have their own ways of doing things, of what they think will help their whole self out the most, but both are unhealthy despite the good intentions. They fight over who's wrong or right, when they shouldn't even be doing so in the first place. It's your thoughts against your emotions, basically; your feelings contradict your thoughts, and it leads to an inner war of sorts. This won't make things better, which is why you can't have Mind over Heart or vice versa; you'll need both of them. In the album, they are only able to be whole when they get along. They harmonize, they 'combine', they see eye to eye with each other and work together instead of fighting over and over. Inner compromise is achieved with this, and acceptance can lead them away from any disaster that there's to come.
What we're trying to say is that mental health is a large thing tackled within CCCC, and yet we see a lot of people who overlook it; thus, end up missing the point of the whole album. We see a lot of people believe Mind's perspective a little too much and treat Heart quite harshly, or the other way where people demonize Mind and say that Heart is perfect, when it's not really that in the slightest.
This is not a hate post towards people's interpretations of CCCC or how they view characters, I'm just saying that people can tend to overlook what's in the very narrative, and we see a concerning amount of people do such.
Anyways. Stream CCCC and put your Hearts and Minds in the get along shirt. Have a nice day.
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pix-writes · 1 year
Been watching old movies lately and came across basil rathbone's sherlock & that awakened in me the remembrance of watching granada holmes, oh, ages ago, as a tween & now I've fell down into my love for Sherlock Holmes again! (acd/Victorian decidedly, no m*ftiss here tyvm)
I. am. obsessed. with Jeremy Brett's version of holmes 😍 he's simply the best screen version there's no question {and the fact that now I know he's bi & nd (I am too!) makes it all the better viewing 💜} - but I also am really enjoying watching burke and hardwicke's portrayals of Watson this time around, I don't think I really took notice of just how well they play our good friend & colleague ☺️ Dr John Watson the first time around and looking kinda hot while doing it, I think.
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fruitypie-daydreams · 11 months
Halloween/Autumn Themed Selfship Ask Game!
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I wanted to try to include asks for multiple types of F/Os specifically as well as romantic, since I feel like non-romantic ones don't tend to get as much love sometimes :3 I know a lot of them work for more than one F/O type but I tried my best, so feel free to just use whichever for whoever lmao
If you reblog this I'll try to send you one! Feel free to send me some too if you want, but no pressure! 💖
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Multiple/All F/O Types:
👍 - Do they like Halloween, or do you have to force them to participate?
🎃 - Do you enjoy carving pumpkins together?
🕷 - Do they enjoy being scared? What scares them most?
🍫 - What is their favorite candy/treat?
🤠 - What is/was their very favorite thing to dress up as?
🏠 - Do you enjoy decorating for Halloween together? Do you decorate inside and outside, or just one? Neither?
📚 - Do either of you enjoy listening to/telling scary stories? Who does the listening and who does the telling?
👻 - Do either of you believe in ghosts/the paranormal?
😈 - Whats their favorite scary movie? What's yours?
🪱 - Do they celebrate Halloween in their canon? Is it called something else?
🖼 - Have you ever drawn/commissioned Halloween themed art of them before (selfship or just in general)?
🎭 - This is probably uncommon but, do you have any Halloween themed merch of them? Official or fanmade, either count!
Romantic F/Os:
🎈 - Do you enjoy watching scary movies together? Do you end up cuddling by the end?
🤡 - If you HAD to do matching couples costumes, what would you pick? Would you both enjoy it?
📌 - Would you two be the type to make a date night out of one of those murder mystery case solving games?
🏚 - What would you two think of a haunted house as a date?
🏢 - Would you two ever spend a night in a haunted hotel?
🍽 - Would either of you go all out and make a Halloween inspired meal for the other? Or do you just keep it simple?
Familial F/Os:
🍬 - Did you ever trick or treat together when you were younger?
🗝 - Do you have any family Halloween traditions you like to do together?
🎢 - Would you or have you ever taken a family trip to a haunted amusement park?
🥧 - Do you enjoy baking pumpkin pies or apple pies together? Maybe something else?
🏵 - Do you enjoy going to the pumpkin patch together?
🌽 - Have you ever gotten lost in a corn maze?
Child F/Os:
🍭 - Do they enjoy trick or treating?
👨‍🚀 - What will they be dressing up as this year?
1⃣ - Is this their first Halloween?
🖍 - Are they the type to enjoy Halloween crafts?
🍥 - Do they enjoy trading candy, or do they usually enjoy keeping what they already have?
🥤 - If they're older, do they enjoy Halloween parties? Do you let them go?
🔪 - Are they old enough to watch scary movies? If they enjoy them, which one is their favorite?
Platonic F/Os:
🎉 - Do you enjoy going to Halloween parties together?
🧻 - Would either of you be the type to TP a house?
🍎 - Do either of you enjoy going apple picking together?
🥸 - If you two had a costume contest, who would win?
🍿 - Do you enjoy having scary movie marathons together?
🍂 - Do you like making piles of leaves just to jump in them?
Pet F/Os:
🌾 - Do they enjoy autumn walks?
🍁 - Is autumn their favorite season to be outside, or do they prefer a different one?
🐈‍⬛ - Would you dress them up in a silly costume? How would they react?
🥮 - If they're a species that can safely eat pumpkin, do they enjoy it?
🍩 - Do you give them a special treat on Halloween?
🥩 - Do they have any Halloween/autumn themed toys?
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Dividers by firefly-graphics
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pass3ra · 3 months
cressida's storyline was genuinely shameful tbhhh it's like they started rewriting it in the first half of the season then completely forgot about the changes they'd made to make it fit the book plot and it just ends up making everyone else look bad😐 every character in the second half got a "penelope did nothing wrong" lobotomy so we ended up with eloise completely ignoring cressida being sold off to an horrible man (when she made every effort to support her in the first half of the season) and for some reason resenting her for pretending to be lady whistledown? Then they somehow frame her ignoring colin's offensively bad pleas as it being her turning away from redemption when all she's trying to do is escape being trapped in the country with her likely abusive aunt... and it ends with her meeting her horrible fate and it still being framed as tragic only to immediately juxtapose it with the bridgerton family winning the idgaf war while gleefully seeing off francesca and her future dead husband. The bridgertons were the villains of the season frfr
#bridgerton#almost as bad as marina's plot in season one. every horrible decision in this show revolves around penelope meeting no consequences ever#this is not an anti post or anything idc about the fandom ill forget about this show tomorrow but i need to get this off my chest#they had to give penelope a fairy tale ending WHICH IS FINE but they somehow did it by surgically removing everyone's personality#INCLUDING HERS#benedict's bi storyline was bad also im sorry. paul literally has like 4 lines of dialogue and he was really cool#i love tilley but she should have been cut😭 if they wanted to establish he was bi (given we know theyre not genderbending sophie)#they should have made the whole subplot about him being attracted to a man instead of a 5 minute footnote in the last episode#i liked francesca and her husband whose name idr but it felt like they were framing it as him not being her 'great love'#considering what happens to him i fjnd it childish and meanspirited soul mates aren't real and he deserves a lttl respect considering.. lmao#what else. the dialogues were horrible. especially the ones between penelope and colin in the second part im sorry#they need to fire the make up and hair department. every reference to queen charlotte felt like a wahh pls watch my show ad#i miss anthony they should change the books to make him the villain of every season bb please come back to ruin your sibilings relationships#portia and philippa were peak as always. violet deserves her own season. we need to put eloise out of her misery pls leave her in scotland#rant overrr#publishing it on my sideblog actually i feel like im gonna lose followers just for having watched this show lmaoo
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pro-memoriia · 3 months
Here asking for Mountain hcs….Nsfw or sfw tbh
AHHH I've only posted HC's about him once but I was so proud of them. NSFW below cut
Deathly scared of toasters </3
He's like Snow White and a pacifist when it comes to animals
Will die if he tries to walk in heels
He rewards Phantom with Scooby Snacks for completing simple tasks
Awful posture. Slumped shoulders with a crook in the neck
Snores like a monster
Likes to lay on top of people like a lap dog but forgets how large he is
I still think he gives very ghoulish head. Purring and chirping and tail wagging and shit. He loves it.
Has jacked off behind his kit numerous times
Shoe fetish
Loves being on the bottom but usually gets too scared to ask because he's ginormous
Loves shot gunning
Has participated in activities involving aphrodisiacs before, maybe or maybe not with Swiss
Can never shut up while he's jerking it :(
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wolfiwonderer · 2 months
Tonny is sus
In honor of the new chapter and questionable decisions, I'm going to deep dive on Tonny and why I think his innocent look is a front.
He believes he's the good guy (which honestly, confidence in one's righteousness is a red flag that Julia (prev), Tonny, and Sahed all share). The Tonny that he presents cares about each member of the circus, hates taking their lives at the beginning and end, and has sweet innocent thoughts about Julia. I think he really believes that.
I love Tonny as a character btw, super excited to see where this goes.
Tonny does not really care about the people in the circus.
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The oldest history we've been told is that they were in a castle. An old woman knew about them and funneled people there for money. Tonny gave them an offer to tie themselves to the castle for eternity to protect them from pursuit.
Okay, but everyone in the castle is miserable. Tonny looks miserable. The people around him do. He clearly isn't too worried about the woman directing people to him. So why is he signing them up when he has been shown that they will break down?
It seems like there must be some kind of compulsion that means Tonny needs to add people to the pact continuously. If he's really burdened by giving them happiness, then he wouldn't sign up for more work.
2. Tonny is not that bothered by taking people's lives.
Okay, first of all, I don't know how you could keep killing people twice and not prove that you don't actually feel bad about it. He has many options other than killing people.
Most of this being bad is predicated on Tonny knowing that there's a cost after their second death, but given how hard he claims to be working to stop people ending their lives (particularly to people who have been around for a while), I think he knows something of it.
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Mr. Finnegan is the epitome of Tonny's immoral sign up practices. I have no doubt that Tonny thought he was doing the right thing, but a good 30 second think on Finnegan's motivation shows that it's a terrible idea. The entire reason that Finnegan wants to sign up is to spend more time with his wife. What exactly did Tonny think was going to happen when the wife died? It was going to happen, since he didn't sign both of them up (also, why not?). He had to know that Finnegan was a short term stay.
Mr. Finnegan is the 'youngest' of them all, which makes me wonder how many people have come and gone in the last hundred years. Sahed would probably be somewhere around his age if he aged normally, so he's the next youngest we know outside of Camille and Julia.
Speaking of Sahed, we also know that he made some kind of promise to him that convinced him to sign up.
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Sahed has had the same goal for a long time and he thinks Tonny betrayed him. I'm inclined to believe him - even if I'm sure the details of what he asked for were impossible. Tonny agrees with him that Ah'kon deserve equal rights. He also seems sad about the hate against them in a way you don't see from other characters. But, his logic that it is too dangerous to taken them in seems weird when he also took in Dotty while police were after her. Sahed's intake couldn't have been risk free considering he's a legendary level escapee.
I could see this being a savior complex. He 'solves' the problems presented to him with the hammer he has. He signs up to fix problems he can't and then when he doesn't deliver, he hides behind all the other promises he's made. But it's like he' s a married man with a secret family and it's somehow the family's fault he wasn't faithful when they find out about the other.
3. Julia is not safe with Tonny
This is full on theory/prediction and I want to talk about some phone fast pass episodes, so putting it under the cut.
Honestly, Camille kind of called this out in the last episode. Julia has said that Tonny is keeping her close and he has a certain possessiveness. He shows signs of feelings (for no apparent reason than chemistry though? Like do they have much in common? Julia wants to not die but also not be a bad person. Tonny wants ???), and that could be explanation. But I get antsy about a guy who wants a woman to center her life around him. But if that was all, I wouldn't be quite so suspicious of him.
Tonny has admitted that Julia is in the middle between him and someone else, but then, like... doesn't explain. He's said full trust, but she's just hoping he will make her not die, when he has a history of breaking promises (other than killing people, he's got a good record on that, seems to be the go to solution for everyone at the circus). I can't help but think that the reason he hasn't elaborated on the true details of anything to Julia, and likely to everyone, is that it is something horrible.
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