#writing chara is hard and im probably not great at it
damiel-of-real · 8 days
that fucking flower i hate
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first-only · 2 years
i'll probably regret asking since league of legends is known to be Not Good™ but now i'm curious. how is light and darkness treated in league of legends lore? (i've seen arcane but apart from that i know nothing)
(referring to this post and my tags on it)
ok so to answer this first a glimpse into what even "league of legends lore" is, as in the material principle of it. Best part of the entire ordeal is that literally nobody cares about league lore. The dudebros playing dont even know it, it has no active fandom (in the definition of tumblr/ao3 of 'fandom'), there's little cancelling, barely analysis, it's free. Which is great!! bc the authors took this to mean they can do literally whatever they want without scrutiny (or w very little of it) from either side. And they did good, oh did they do good. There's been gay characters since the beginning. There are /so many/ now. There's a trans character! She is referenced as such in-game and her bio tells her writing process and decisions! there's no drama over that! bc nobody knows despite all that lol. And im actually grateful for league's natural toxic defense systems because even the boom of arcane did not get the toxic fandom culture into scrutinizing and nitpicking. in short, there's like 5 of us who care abt this shit.
now the way league lore is conveyed is infinitely better than any other franchise with similar storytelling (looking at u overwatch). it's compact, the company actually puts it all in one official place, there's no word-of-god-ing whats canon is clear. side projects are easily referenced and accessible. did you know one of the trailers for the card game in the same universe kinda gives a hint as to the future of one of the main arcane charas? you could go look at it! (or ask for a link/explanation id be happy to). now, the way we learn about the universe beyound the explicitly shared things about regions and factions (and oh lord there's /so many/ of those - arcane was set in its specific regions because they were underdeveloped before!! imagine how the others are); is through the characters themselves and their personal lore. everyone has at least one (and usually many more + videos and stuff) short stories that explain their origin, connection to other characters, strives and moral dilemmas and relation to their faction and/or region. so we get to learn from a first-person account and. well. there's 162 characters to date. yeh that's /a lot of lore/.
And there's more!! The skins in the game, and especially the skin lines (ie skins for different champions with the same theme) are /canon/. Well, they're AU, in the sense of "what if this character was from this other faction/region/nation instead?" or "what if X had happened in this universe instead?" but the lore behind them is solid and applicable. So from all this we have learned a few things about the universe:
-The world they live in, Runeterra, is technically a "planet", but the universe itself is /definitely/ not like ours. It's not the kind of space we see in our physics and studies. It's a magical world! It's filled with beasts and mythological concepts, not hard mathematics and logic. Which is to say the 'void' of space is, in fact, a place for magical creatures to live! It's alive! it's livable, no concept of oxygen, it's travellable (with the right technology and/or magic to get there). The stars are little creatures that sometimes get lost or weak and 'fall' to Runeterra! there's a whole ass faction devoted to helping them grow and get back up. There's space dragons and 'gods' (which is a complicated concept in this universe but to abbreviate here lets call them that) that /create/ those lil guys!
Look at them!
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those lil beasties ARE the stars! being shepherded! The darkness of the night sky is alive! its full of tiny creatures and scary space dragons and adventure and benevolent or mischievous celestials! (girl with the horn is one of them!)
-There /is/ a concept of the actual Void, which is a different... spacetime? Sure let's go with that. It's all consuming, the threat to all living beings, on Runeterra and beyound. It's looking to eat and consume everything, ever expanding. Some characters dont believe it even exists (its kinda on a cooldown, waking up atm); others devote their lives and turn into villains to protect the world from it. The kicker? Not only is it /alive/ itself, made of undulating flesh, but all its monsters and messengers are grabbing hands looking to grapple and drown the world as we know it inside of themselves. It's True Darkness, alive and breathing and looking to Consume.
-the concept of light is a little bit different. it's treated as good and righteous by some factions and characters, as blinding by others. the biggest fans of it, as it were, are however the nation that looks to purge everything unclean and magical, to subdue mages and any expression of things non-physical. their battlecries are 'for the light' (which is often called out by other charas as /magical itself/ ironically lol), as they slaughter and purge the lives they deem unnecessary, leaving the emptiness magic leaves behind it as a remnant. ofc this isnt as clear cut a moral lesson - the lore loves its ambiguity. an angel splits in two (simplifying lol) to 'righteous justice' (=light, punishment, purging) and 'compassionate justice' (=dark, support, helping humans with what they need so they would be kinder). the star shepherding region itself is split in sun and moon warriors. protectors of supposed invasions, shields of the light that let nothing in. and nighttime secretive warriors who do what they can to improve the lives of the little guys, who want to fill the sky and the earth with (moon)light - reflected and thus gentler, subtler, /fuller/. and the leaders of these factions are lesbian lovers who were sisters in the old lore 👀
and honestly thats not even my fav part of league lore lol. the political intrigue, characters seemingly crafted to suit me personally. there's ninja-likes who move in smoke and darkness to preserve peace, opposed by light-shining spirit walkers who seek complacency, control, subjugation! you know i never thought /too/ much abt the whole way it treats lightness vs darkness apart from the more obvious space and void faction, but damn the more i dig into it, the more obvious it is this seems like an intentional thing. there's a shining sun emperor and his servants literally made of light(ning), who created creatures called Darkin in their hubris, and who are being opposed by underground factions clad in black. damn.
(for the record league lore got a rewritten some years ago - before, the game was actually canon and the characters were competing to win the League of Legends in-lore for an ultimate price. since, the writers have decided that the characters tell stories that cannot be contained in those limits, and have turned the game into just a backdrop [it and most other games in the same universe] for the bigger story they're telling in the background. i did grumble abt the decision at the time, but now i see that it's taking a very interesting path and i love following it)
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Baizhu, Zhongli, Xiao, Dainsleif, and kaeya (separately) x reader who has the same element or powers as them? Like for xiao another adeptus and for zhongli another immortal geo user , Dainsleif could have a reader who is also immortal and used similar powers to his? Fluff plz
Also how are you ?
a/n - I'm doing alright!! I started a job so that does monopolise my free time now since it takes up the slots I'm not using for classes but it's going well! I hope you enjoy the read - im still learning how i wanna write these charas so its probably gonna be ooc :D - also, i totally made a reference to my "series" Eternity is a Little Warmer With You bc i just had to aejiofwajw also crying shitting screaming this has been living in here for FAR too long i dont even know when it will be posted im SOBBING the same way i was when my coworker tried to put [REDACTED] in my face to fuck w me (i think shes great no worries shes so funny oawejfwaiod)
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I don't think he expected to see another Dendro user in the area, much less one with an unfamiliar face. He makes it his business to know everybody in the harbour in case they require his services.
But, when you show up one day with a minor illness and the Dendro vision hanging from your clothes it piques his interest, which led to his continued visits to you under the pretense of taking care of you.
When things begin to develop further between the two of you I think he'd love to experiment more with your visions!
I see him using his vision in conjunction with his research and when he sees how different the way you use your powers he decides to experiment a little himself and see how effectively he can mimic it.
Overall, he would be fascinated with your abilities and would love to mess around with it a little! Even more so since you're doing it with him.
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He had a lot of reservations when he first met you.
You were a terrifying anomaly to him, stirring emotions deep in his chest that he could never understand. However, with time you taught him he was allowed to embrace such thoughts and feelings,
It was terrifying to imagine a single day without your smile, but he knew that he would never wish this curse of immortality on you. He could never hurt you like that, force you to bear a burden that he was cracking under.
But when he told you about his curse the tears that slipped from your eyes matched with a happy smile made him take pause. He had no idea why you were reacting that way and only held your hand silently, brushing away tears with his other hand.
His hand stopped as you told him you were the same, your grasp tightening around his fingers as the realisation sunk in.
He was so afraid to hope for some sort of dimly lit future that could have you in it, intimately aware of the trials and tribulations you had to go through.
Now, with your hands joined together he can only think that eternity will be a little warmer at your side.
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Xiao was aware that not all of the Adeptus perished in the war. He's only heard of a few of the others, less famous than him but still just as deserving of the title in his opinion. After all, you both worked hard to serve your Archon and were continuing to do your best.
When the two of you first met it was simple. A nod of your heads and you were both on your ways.
Once your patrol routes began to intersect it only took time and a few conversations under the light of the moon for him to find himself endeared to you.
It was easy with your smile and lack of pretense around him, and fortunately it seemed that the humans really were capable of protecting themselves.
Both being Adepti made it easier for him to understand why you said or did certain things what with your shared background. If anything, it helped make your bond stronger because the moments of silence were filled with an innate understanding he didn't feel like he had to explain.
At its core, your relationship is full of trust and unexplained pauses that fit comfortably between the space of your bodies. He feels fully at peace with you and knows that he can trust you with his heart and life.
He's still worried his karmic debt may stain you but the soft words of reassurance you whisper into his ear calm the thundering rush of his heart.
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When Morax decided to live as Zhongli he knew that there would be things he would have to grow accustomed to as a human but also lots of things to learn.
When he first met you he didn't think he'd learn about love.
But it came so naturally to you, what with your natural curiosity and penchant for charming in the most innocuous of manners. To him, it seems human to explore the feelings you give him and so he does.
It won't stop the nagging voice in his head reminding him not to get too attached lest you slip from his fingertips far earlier than you should.
When you confess to him that you're immortal as well he does a bit of a double-take. Sure, he doesn't personally hand out visions but he thought he would have at least been familiar with a fellow immortal Geo user.
Regardless, he discloses to you a bit of his own truth with a kind smile, hugging you tightly to his body when he sees your body slump forward with relief.
Maybe one day he'll be able to disclose the other half of his secret but for now he was more than content to know that you two were going to be spending a lot more time than initially thought.
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Cryo users aren't exactly rare so that wasn't what caught Kaeya's eye.
Instead, it was the fact that you pushed him out of the way when a hillichurl came barrelling towards him so fast he barely registered it.
The cold blast of ice against his skin made him think somehow he triggered his own powers without thinking until he heard the clinking of your vision against your clothes.
From there on he decided that he'd have to return the favour, deciding the best way to do that would be training with your visions.
Paradoxically, the chill of both your cryo visions does nothing to abate the warming of your bodies as you find some sort of rhythm while sparring together.
In fact, it only serves to make you both warmer when he pins you down underneath him. His cold hands hold your wrists in place over your head with a cocky, albeit out-of-breath smirk as he tries to think up what he wants to ask of you for his prize.
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
ok so I read your view on GX rivalshipping and how things would get messy when johan shows up because I was curious about another GX rivalshippers opinion, and holy you and I have the EXACT same thoughts.
Ive went on and on about how manjoume as a rival (and as someone who could have had the ability to support judai) was tossed aside as soon as johan shows up + turned into the comedic relief chara and nobody ever really knows what the hell im talking about LOL. a big thing for me is just how DIFFERENT that would be for manjoume as well? in the seasons before johan shows up judai is so clingy towards him, always busting into his room and being in his personal space...
then mr. buff arms big smile shows up with his frilly lilac blouse and homo dragon and suddenly judai is like. smitten. which like youve pointed- out who could blame judai? johan is hard to hate and hes kind of perfect in every way. I always imagine what that would do to manjoumes self esteem in particular, because as we all know it IS a bit fragile at times, especially when it comes to being the best he can be.
I think having johan around would make him feel absolutely insignificant not only as someone who LIKES judai, but even just as judais friend. is he really so horrible at being a support that judai needs a stranger to lean on? even though he never asked for judais help much, is he really such a burden when he needs to be saved? why is judai acting like hes never been able to connect with manjoume, who can also see duel spirits, before? whoever said opposites attract obviously havent seen judai and johan! thoughts like that.
I could go on and on but I dont want you to have to read my 2746373 word long ask about them. id love to hear any thought or analysis you have on GX rivalshipping because its my favourite and the shippers are so rare, so I encourage you to post them whenever you feel like it!
Dear anon.
You can't ever know just how happy receiving this in my inbox made me. I can't fully express how grateful I am at the simple fact that you read my long rambles and reached out to me. I respect your anonimity if you want to keep it, but honestly, DM me whenever, if you want to. I think I'd like to talk to you if you're comfortable with it? I really do want to read your "2746373 word" essay on them. For the rest of my life.
I might get a little personal in terms of my view on this, so just... be aware.
The thing is that the way Manjoume is cast aside is just... a big fear of mine. "Sure, we might be friends now, but I'm not all that good and you know it. You won't mean any harm by it, but you'll find someone you like better and I'll be alone again." That kind of line of thought is probably something that goes through Manjoume's mind? He doesn't really... have friends outside of Judai. Maybe Fubuki. And Daichi? Except he disappears into nothingness very quickly. But that's it. And he certainly had none before that: just lackeys who pretended to like him because he was rich and perceived as promising. He lost that and suddenly found himself isolated.
It's nice to think that he bonded with the other members of the gang, but... he didn't. Shou certainly never really stops disliking/making fun of him. You could say it's meant as like... friendly teasing. But it doesn't read that way because there is nothing to indicate actual affection. Kenzan, Aster and the transfer students just... barely interact with him? Like have they actually ever spoken to eachother? I doubt it. Ryo is just the admirable upperclassman. Again, barely any interaction. Asuka is... a mess I don't want to get into, but again, she would probably file a restraining order if she could.
So yeah. Manjoume has one friend and the taller and cooler guy just kind of takes that away. Of course Johan is not aware of this! He wouldn't have been able to do much to change it, either way. It was Judai's own choice and that's what hurts the most, to me.
If shifting the focus and making minor changes to canon is something you like to do, here's a thing I think about a lot. "Teardrop", the Season 3 opening, except it's what Manjoume feels when seeing Judai's suffering and desperation. You know.
As you hang your head and smile, a single tear lands on your cheeks
You pretend to be strong, but underneath You’re hiding sighs; your smile is cloudy It sticks into me Like shattered glass
It’s OK to talk about the pain in your heart
Your smile Has always saved me You can cry now I’ll stay here with you
I can't bring myself to blame Judai or Johan for it, but I think Manjoume- if he'd been written like an actual character past a certain point- would have been quite devastated by this.
As you said, it's not just being abandoned, it's also being indirectly told that he was never truly someone worthwhile, that he is little more than extra weight. What of his supposed status of equal rival and all that? Nothing. Judai is just... on a different level than him. So Manjoume is simply left to stagger behind in a desperate attempt to chase after greatness. He wasn't good enough for his brothers and Judai stood up for him. But in the end he wasn't good enough for Judai either.
I like to think that Manjoume made an effort to get along with the others. He just didn't quite know how and couldn't just... switch off his more prideful persona. And he ended up paying quite the steep price.
I know I'm extra melodramatic when it comes to my favourites, but it's something that bugs me. I understand why the manga decided to approach Manjoume's character in a completely different way and it's the reason why I like to read Manjoume's personality as a mix of manga and anime canon. I really have to mention this- how can one even pretend that the writers gave a shit about Manjoume when they joked about how stinky he was in a scene that could have been... emotional in some way. Judai frees Manjoume from the influence of the Society of Light by reminding him who he really is (I don't want to talk about Kenzan being too strong to be manipulated because that is fucking stupid and besically the equivalent of saying "ahah, the light got you because you're not strong willed enough @ Asuka @ Manjoume. Get rekt"). And like... great! They are actually showing off how much they care for eachother as friends despite the rivalry! But no. Judai ends up basically saying: "You smell and your coat has stains on it!" and Manjoume's just: "Oh yeah, I'm goth I hate wearing white, nvm."
... I swear someone on the writing team looked at Manjoume and went: "Let's bully him!" Ugh ;; Can you tell I'm hyper biased towards Manjoume yet?
This was hilarious to read, by the way: "mr. buff arms big smile shows up with his frilly lilac blouse and homo dragon"
But yes, this mess is now officially over. I will be spouting gx rivalshipping nonsense left and right because we were robbed of their dynamic and I'll never get over that. Also I really want to draw them, so that helps.
Ending this post by saying that this ask made me feel like I didn't waste time writing all that, that someone can get something out of it. I'm really glad.
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simptasia · 4 years
character number ask game thingy!!!!!! let's do jack and or ana lucia and the numbers areeee 2, 4, 7, 11 (doesn't have to be a specific song just like. music genre or smth idk) , 15, 16, 24, 25. as always you dont have to do all or both charas just what you want :) OH bonus since we're both reblogging supernatural maybe a cheeky cas + 10, 15, 16
ooh wasn’t expecting jack and ana lucia (me making lost headcanons not involving the sci trio requires using at least 4 extra braincells, as you know)
thanks lisa!
[cracks knuckles]
fave colour: blue
fave movie: the breakfast club (it was the first thing that popped into my head and i was like “...yeah, that feels right”)
fave pizza toppings: pepperoni and cheese
song they dance their ass off to: jack does not dance, he shuffles happily or awkwardly. you said i can do genre, so, like technically you can dance to anything but jack doesn’t dance to rock. he bops his head. jack “dances” to billy joel, some beatles songs, and whatever pop/punk/country music kate has put on
my first impression of this character: i can’t remember specific feelings about jack right away, i was sort of just cautiously judging the show (i didnt know it’d be good). i remember in his first proper scene, being taken back by his voice because it’s higher than i expected. i do remember early in the watch i didn’t like him though. i think that applies to most lost fans. i bounced back and forth between “okay i do feel bad for you” and finding him insufferable. i found his first centric episode REALLY engaging. this sounds all over the place but thats jack for ya
my thoughts on this character now: well it was a slow burn but over time i grew to like jack and then love him. i acknowledge he isn’t easy to love, but he got me. fucker got me. so love/hate? like i love him but when he’s bad it’s painful (and it’s worse because i know he’s a good boy!). even when i didn’t like him i always found him endearing and sympathetic. and my headcanon that he’s autistic really helped him make sense to me
are they a good cook or bad cook: technically he’s an alright cook, he just won’t ever flavour the chicken. nice omelettes and pancakes tho (in case you shouldn’t tell, i see jack as having the most generic taste in food and drink ever. it amuses me and hey its in character)
signature dinner dish: beef, macaroni and cheese. beefaroni!
ana lucia
fave colour: black
fave movie: i’ve decided ana loves action movies but the problem is i don’t, so i have no idea how to discern what would be a good pick for her. think stuff with shoot outs and car chases and explosions from the 80s and 90s... (MY fave action movie is con air, but i can’t just pick that, i dunno the genre well enough to know if she’d like that one)
fave pizza toppings: ham and cheese most of the time, sometimes a full on meat lovers with chili if she’s in the mood for it
song they dance their ass off to: i think its fair to assume this girl loves rock, yeah? guns & roses and bon jovi come to mind. i can see her screaming along to “living on a prayer”. beyond that, i’m afraid i find myself lacking in broader rock genre knowledge (like, how the kinda music an american puerto rican lady grew up with is probably different to the music i, a white australian, am familiar with or associate with Rock). i stand by living with a prayer tho because thats a good song to lose your fucking mind to in my opinion
my first impression of this character: its hard to recall. i’m not remembering any strong feelings one way or another, besides recognising michelle rodriguez from other things. i think i was neutral at first. i am happy to say i never went thru a “i hate ana lucia” phrase. oh its coming back to me, i was neutral but then i very quickly grew to like her. her tempestuous but secretly soft demeanour + her butch energy = <3
my thoughts on this character now: i fucking love ana lucia so much. it’s a shame she wasn’t around much, and i’ve started to notice that even in the one season she was in, she’d disappear for long stretches of time, which is a poor use of a new character [grumbles] i love her. i love her. she’s a bitch but she’s my bitch! (...more likely, i’d be hers...). last time i watched season 5, i knew ana’s ghost was gonna show up and i bit my knuckle to stop myself squealing ahead of time. i think i’d put her in my top five lost ladies. like the writing wasn’t perfect, i feel like they wasted her, but i still think she’s a great character anyways
are they a good cook or bad cook: she is, her mom made sure of that, but she doesn’t cook often, sticking to take out most of the time
signature dinner dish: i had trouble thinking of what she’d cook. so heres a little scenario instead: let’s say ana’s got a girl over for a date and she’s thinking “i like this chick, so im gonna actually make something for her” and at first she plans to make some sort of well prepared chicken-based meal and then she looks in her fridge and is like “ah...” so long story short she ends up making spaghetti bolognese (but she wants to try harder so she actually makes the sauce instead of using store bought)
do they like roller coasters: i thought about it and i’ve decided i like the idea of him not being as affected by roller coasters as humans so he’s like “huh. i don’t see how that’s supposed to be fun”. to which dean calls him a “friggin’ robot”
my first impression of his character: two things, “holy shit his voice??” (nobody prepared me) and “i ship him with dean”. literally the second he spoke to dean i shipped it. such a wham. yeah, as far as i recall, i’ve loved cas since the start. it’s an inherently interesting concept, and misha’s performance and oh my gosh the autistic energy off this bitch
my thoughts on this character now: cas is my favourite supernatural character and i love him so much. it’s hard to put into words, he’s just a really good character. eps focusing on him (or at least a b-plot are always are delight). now, i stopped watching half way thru season 8 and i’ve only seen chunks of season 9. but from what i gather cas has remained my lovely autistic-coded boy. tho i have noticed from the brief bits i’ve seen of later eps, he does emote a looot more. it’s a tad jarring but i’d adapt if i was like, actually watching the show. anyways cas good. love him. oh and the fact that he’s canonically queer brings me joy
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wizardmarriage · 4 years
no one is awake so ill blab abt first character impressions for triangle strategy
serenoa: he has an okay design (i actually like that he kind of looks mundane, feels down-to-earth as opposed to lofty/unapproachable). i like that he has counter moves!
frederica: okay design, the pink hair used to set her apart from her siblings is nice, though i wish there was more visual intrigue. that flame counter buff is useful, but her basic magic being short range takes some getting used to.
roland: i keep wanting to call him randolf bc roland is hard for me to remember and feels weird to pronounce. his design is nothing to write home abt. i like that he not stoic! i expected him to be boring lol
benedict: buff moves make me happy :) i like his design. its obvious that his past in the previous war contributes to his wary demeanor, and thats a little sobering to consider
geela: cute cute cute design! but its a little worrying that the only darker skintone chara is a lady-in-waiting. i hope im just being overly suspect and that it doesnt mean anything
hughette: sucks abt ur name, maam. cool hawk tho! unorthodox cavalry are always welcome in my home!! okay design.
anna: okay design. that cloak ability is probably way useful when u know how to use it lol. i keep forgetting she can act twice......
erador: i just think hes neat :) i dont think i quite have a handle on using him yet, but i like him well enough. i cannot voice him for the life of me.
corentin: i keep calling him "constantin" instead. ranged magic makes me happy :) i think ice wall will come in handy for the second sortie
medina: a cute design. rogue medics r always a neat archetype. i havent used her yet, but distant item usage sounds great
ezana: character design is a bummer (literally, there are viking seers that u couldve easily based her off). havent used her yet, but she seems v useful
i keep forgetting attack ranges and junk. im not so good at this so far lol
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knifehecker · 5 years
undertale day [long post]
it’s the 15th!! happy 4th birthday undertale!!! normally i try to do a little art or something but this year i decided to do something a little different. there’s a lot of content that’s become core tenets of my experience with the fandom -- changed the way i thought about the characters, how i engage with the fandom, opened my eyes to new ways of writing -- and i thought it’d be neat to compile some of those into one post to share with other people. so without further ado!!!
40-minute Deltarune Piano Medley - FaceImplosion [MUSIC]
ok, i know this is deltarune and not undertale, but this medley incorporates songs from both games so i’m gonna say it counts. and honestly, i could say a LOT about this piece!! i’ve watched and listened to a lot of ut/dr medleys, and this has to be the most lovingly crafted of its type that i’ve ever seen. Ever. a lot of care has been put into the order and combination of the songs (some funny, some sad, some mindblowing, ALL amazing) and the art is so good that every time i listen i find myself watching along. there’s a lot of easter eggs, especially for the attentive listener/watcher, and this medley deserves far more than the 6k views it’s gotten so far.
Undertale Album Project - Various Artists [MUSIC]
Songs From Mt Ebott is a collaborative album project that contains dozens of tracks from a score of different artists. i have a lot of favorite tracks from this album, not to mention the individual track art created for each, and if you’ve never heard of this project before, i really recommend giving it a listen! (FaceImplosion also did a piano track for this album, by the way, which i’m linking separately because it’s one of my aforementioned favorites.)
Chara - tigerblossom [MUSIC]
im not gonna lie. this was my favorite piece of fan music for a long time. it’s a medley mashing a few different songs together, short and sweet, but it comes together in such an incredibly heartfelt way at the end that whenever i end up listening to it i find myself wishing the track was about five minutes longer. they also have an underfell version of your best friend that i recommend giving a listen!
Photographs - FuriousPoplar [FIC]
in terms of “post-paci everyone lives au”s, there’s been a lot of ground covered by a lot of different people, and after a while the concept feels almost a bit...same-y? but this fic covers a sorely-needed conversation between an alive chara and asriel in a way that i’ve never seen approached by anyone else before. it’s cathartic, it’s extremely well written, and it doesn’t shy away from the ugly sides of trauma and recovery, which is so greatly appreciated. it also hit me...REALLY hard, which i think is a testament to how amazing this piece is.
Turn Back - foxsgloves [FIC]
i read this one pretty early on in my time in this fandom, and it’s continued to influence me long after. the premise: frisk keeps loading over the brief time asriel has his body in the epilogue, and simply spends time with him as they both prepare to move on towards the end. it’s sad. it’s cute. it’s amazing. it’s something i go back to reread sometimes late at night when i want to reread something friendly and familiar and a little sad. and its been one of my favorites ever since i read it.
You Wear Your Grief Like a Badge - Draikinator [FIC SERIES]
how do you even TALK about ywyglb? do i talk about nate’s impeccable voice in their writing? how true to character they are with the kids? how they set the scene of a post-pacifist world still shaking with the echoes of the past? the series starts with flowey taking frisk’s soul captive while chara and sans form an uneasy alliance in order to get them back, and then spirals into a tense, sweet, funny, awful, heartbreaking experience that reshaped how i viewed the boundaries of my own writing. draikinator’s writing has been and continues to be a huge inspiration to me, and i heartily recommend giving any of their stuff a try.
A Numbered List of Things That Aren't as Badass as They Sound (ex. Monsters, Suicide, Burning in Hell) - rosyy [FIC]
a brief glimpse into chara and asriel just before It Happens, While It Happens, When It Happens. the prose here is the sort of flowery delirious feverdream you’d expect from a kid dying of buttercup poisoning, and i love it to bits. i also want to mention a dr who crossover by the same author, because it has kris as the doctor and frisk as the stray they adopt, and its also the perfect antidote to the angst the first fic provides.
Risen Up (or, Of Fallen Children and Mountain Kin) - paradoxpangolin [FIC]
oh jeezums, how do i even start with this one? post-paci, frisk comes to the conclusion that the best way to ease the tensions between human and monsterkind is to put on a musical about their time in the underground!!!!.....except this leads to its own host of complications, and things get a bit Messy. this fic hasn’t updated in a bit, but it contains so much in its 140k of already published writing that i feel the need to urge you to read it anyway. i’m really partial to autistic frisks, and this fic has what’s got to be my favorite portrayal of that in ... probably the entire fandom? honestly, most (if not all) of the characters in this fic are autist, and it’s just. very good. i love.
you’re like a mirror, reflecting me - batterytriplicate [FIC]
a daemon au exploring what frisk and chara’s journeys might have been like with the extra distinction between monster dust and daemon dust. i completely forgot about this fic until i was trawling through my ao3 history for this post, and i’m really really glad i found it again. i think i was in the middle of trying to figure out this exact au when i first found this fic, and it did everything i was thinking of (and more) so much better that i felt more than content leaving it at that. so if you like his dark materials and want to see a fantastic little daemon au, give this a shot!
soulless-pacifist - vsemily [ASK BLOG]
soulless-pacifist..... if you’ve never heard of this askblog, you’re in for a treat. i wasn’t with it from the very beginning, but i started reading towards the  middle of its main story arc and stuck with it to the end, and suffice it to say, it has to be my favorite fandom askblog to date, purely for how well its written, how well its drawn, and how it’s one of the....only askblogs i’ve ever seen come not only to a FULL conclusion, but to a satisfying one! the mun also worked with a programmer to create a fangame for its final arc, which is so above and beyond that im still kind of in disbelief. in short: this askblog followed frisk and their passenger after the events of a soulless pacifist route, and continues on with them as they grow together and find their place with a whole host of twist and turns in store.                also, memes.
Shine your light with me, chase all the dark away - FancifulRivers [FIC]
this au follows frisk and chara after the events of the game. unlike most post-paci runs, though, chara has their own body back, while they and frisk are hiding back in mt ebott after the monsters have left to avoid the complications of being runaways and also.... incredible guilt and trauma. things don’t really work out like that, though, and i really recommend this read. fancifulrivers has also been an incredibly prolific writer who’s uploaded a lot of really good ut fics, so this is a great starting point to jump off of for their other stuff!
repercussions - proximally [FIC]
this fic... i think this one fic is the one that’s impacted me the most during my early days of this fandom. it’s short, and sad, and is a twist on the soulless pacifist ending that i was left thinking about literally for months after i first read it. instead of saying any more and risking spoiling it, i’ll just leave the author’s desc:  “You made a mistake, and you pay for it with your life. “
The Great Boondoggle - Masu_Trout [FIC]
the premise of this fic is pretty simple. post paci, frisk is walking home. they come across a Bad Guy. hijinks ensue. but what sets apart this fic from others for me is the way frisk is written here. when this fic was published in early 2016, most frisks i came across were the...sweet harmless woobies that were pretty typical from the fandom. this is one of the first frisks i came across that was kind of mean, and a little cold, and had very obviously had a long upward climb to being the sort of person who chose mercy instead of fight. this portrayal is a lot more common nowadays, which i’m super grateful for, but since this is one of the first fics i came across that really nailed this portrayal, i felt i should leave this here. i also recommend their pokemon/ut au, which is toriel and frisk centric and i also love to bits.
and....well, i was gonna say “that’s it”, but i honestly had to cut quite a few things from this list to keep it from stretching the dash too much. there’s been a lot of incredible content created by this fandom over the years, and this is by no means a comprehensive list of my favorites. but these are some of the ones that impacted me in a really special way, and if you were kind enough to check them out and maybe even liked them, please consider leaving a kind comment for the creator! if you’re the author of one of these pieces reading this right now: thank you so much! im looking forward to finding even more favorites in this year and the next.
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red-sterling · 5 years
thanks for answering!! i hope you don't mind if i send more charas...how about green and/or lillie?
fhgjkfdg aw yea thank u!! hopefully this doesn’t publish before i’m done typing lol
also this definitely needs a readmore bc i got emotional abt Green oops
favorite thing about them
first of all: the fact that Green canonically has a rivals to best friends arc with Red fills me with so much joy and YES they are on their alolan honeymoon you cannot convince me otherwise
okay like. gen 1 Green just perfectly encompasses what it’s like to be a ten year old in a way? like ofc he’s written like a kid bc he is a kid, but i feel like the writing on him just feels so genuine as compared to some of the other 10 yr old rivals you get in other regions. even though he’s kinda a brat at the start, he kinda eases up a bit as you go along your journey and starts giving you progressively nicer/more praise-y end lines when you beat him (going from “i picked the wrong pokémon!” to “so, you are ready for boss rocket!”) but still retains this childlike rivalry and competitiveness and i love that about him
and like. fucking beating him at the Indigo League still completely breaks my heart because even after he did become the champion at age 10 the first thing that happens is you beat him and Prof Oak just yells at him for being bad at things and like. ow. 
this is why i headcanon that Red actually took awhile longer to get to Green like please. please give my boy a chance to be happy and proud
also Red was caught up with Team Rocket anyway so i imagine he must’ve fallen a little behind at some point? anyway
the development on him across regions is so choice!!! he’s so much more mellow and even kinda melancholic when you find him in gsc/hgss, like he’s calmed down over a few years and he obviously misses Red so much but like, it’s clear that Red is kinda the reason Green does settle down and he seems to have worked on his character and become a nicer person - and he still has that sassy flair to him! he’s just got that gradual slope from asshole rival to kinda aloof gym leader to friendly/sassy battle legend and aaaaa i love my boy so MUCH
also huge point: he’s so fucking driven??? he’s got the most drive and the most passion for battles/pokémon in general out of all the rivals i feel. he’s only closely matched by Silver, but Silver seems to be more aggressive than passionate, and somewhat out of necessity too (like, Giovanni abandoned him what was he to do), whereas Green just really like. he genuinely just cares so much about battles and about pokémon in general! he literally calls you in hgss and just rants about how many different kinds of pokémon there are in the world!!!
also in Alola he’s like???? just so sweet?????? he congratulates you and is like hey you’re really strong lets battle like!!!!!!!!! supportive boy!!!!! he has come so far over so many generations and i cry
also on Four Island when you play frlg he legitimately says “Be smelling ya!” when he leaves and how do you not love this idiot
least favorite thing about them
i mean. while i get that you beat Green right after he becomes the champion in the kanto games i feel like there should’ve been more pomp and circumstance for him and i’ll never forgive gamefreak for giving this boy his dream, then making you rip it away from him, and then watching his own gramps yell at him for fucking up like. again it’s that drive, i get why Red keeps such good pace w Green but i just feel like he worked so hard and he deserved so much better than that
also while i’m very biased towards him bc Big Emotions, i feel like if i knew this boy irl who was constantly i’m so great and you’re a loser i would probably punch him eventually lmao. in theory it’s kinda endearing but as a real person that’d be grating 
favorite line
on one hand, “smell ya later” is so fucking iconic, but on the other - 
“I’m Blue. Man, this guy called Red brought me down in a heartbeat. I haven’t seen him in a long time…I wonder where he is and what he’s up to… Come to think of it, you look a little bit like Red. Yeah, you do. Just…Just a little bit. Whatever…”
my namelessshipping heart
for long elaborate headcanon reasons, i see him as being a good brotp with Kris - i headcanon her as also being really driven the way Green is, but more quiet about it, she’s kinda a good balance to him and they probably do pokemon research together. i also feel like she kept him sane while Red was still missing/before they found him on a fuckin mountain
do i really need to tell you that i’m 100% namelessshipping
like they perfectly balance each other. Green has all this energy and all this spunk and Red is just like… so opposite of him y'know? he’s quiet and he’s more measured in his behavior i feel, he doesn’t really rush into things as much, and yet they both really just took Kanto by storm when they were kids, and i like how they have this foil dynamic and are both still so successful? they’re so different and they complement each other in that way, and they both find success in their own ways
like one of the reasons i hate that Green’s championship gets undersold so much is that he did beat you to the punch, and he has been one step ahead of you, and there’s so much passion there and it’s so loud - and yet you as Red are just as driven, you take down Team Rocket, you’re always right on his tail, so close but not quite there, you’re the only one who can keep up with him and you’re the only one he cares enough about to slow down for
so like. idk with even all my headcanons about namelessshipping aside (and i can infodump those another day lol), i feel like the in-game representation of them just works. they just work so well together, they balance each other without ever holding each other back, and there’s something really beautiful about that in a relationship y'know
…..i feel bad abt not putting as much infodump about isshushipping now but oh well
i don’t really have a notp with him? i kinda like. i basically just do namelessshipping, but i don’t get a visceral eugh when i see other ships with him, just kinda a well it’s not nameless so i’ll be on my way. idek what other ships w him are popular?? i’ve been in nameless hell since 2012 so 
random headcanon
while Red is still living on Mount Silver, Green is not coping well with having him so far away, and so Green massively overworks himself to the point that he keeps just not being in his gym sometimes bc he’s bouncing between the gym, training multiple teams, pokémon research, and ofc going to visit Red whenever he can. this leads him to be kinda temperamental after he’s been working on 2 hours of sleep a day for like a week until he just has an emotional meltdown and crashes, and then he gets right back into it because he has no self preservation
…….. nicer headcanon; Red can only cook two (2) foods, so Green cooks all the food for them when they move in together. he has attempted to teach Red how to cook, but Red pretends not to understand so Green will keep making him food. Green knows Red is faking it and doesn’t call him out bc he thinks it’s cute
unpopular opinion
look i’ve played through classic red version a few times and when i say he wasn’t that much of a jerk, i do genuinely mean he was not that much of a jerk. he’s like ten. ten year olds are just Like That. i guess this isn’t too unpopular anymore but it was Back In The Day and in some parts of the fandom he’s still seen as a jerk and like Bro He Is Ten In RGB/FRLG cut him some slack
also genuinely unpopular - Green is taller than Red. i know namelessshipping has fallen into the bara Red and twink Green trope but i refuse to let go of tall Green/short Red fuckin fight me why dont you
song i associate with them
a lot of the Pray For The Wicked album by Panic! at the Disco gives me Green vibes, more for the sound than for lyrics necessarily, but for some reason Roaring 20s just like. has the sound of Green to me. it’s somewhere between flamboyant pride and underlying insecurity that i think really encapsulates Green (or at least his subtext)
favorite picture of them
i genuinely love his let’s go concept art he’s such a sweet good boy?? 
and for the life of me i cannot find the op source on this but this is my fave pic of Green/namelessshipping in general that i’ve had saved since like 2012 maybe???
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yeah if anyone can help me source that i’d appreciate it bc reverse image search only brings me to pinterest and random wattpad links :/
update: source seems to be the artist くる (pixiv id=982894) on pixiv, even though the original post got taken down (ty anon!)
favorite thing about them
by now i guess you know im a sucker for character development, but i think they did a really good job with her!! i feel like her turn is a bit more in moments than it is with Green, who gradually evolves (lol) over the course of Kanto/all the gens overall. you see more discrete moments where Lillie starts to shift and gain confidence in herself and i am so proud of her ???? like the way she gets excited when she sees Olivia doin’ her z-move stuff, she starts buying her own clothes and getting ahead of you, etc etc
and like, she still has moments where she’s scared, there’s still some fundamental Lillie in there yknow? you don’t lose any of that softness that characterizes Lillie, she just like… she gets better, she develops without losing her Lillie vibe and i love that abt her. she overcomes a lot of the shit she had to deal with when she was stuck with Lusamine, she stands up to Lusamine eventually, and ghfdkjsg gah she’s a sweet gorl i love and appreciate her
also like. the writing on her backstory is so subtle in-universe. like yeah she literally looks like Lusamine’s daughter and you see her in the opening cutscene leaving Aether, but as the protagonist - like as Selene lets say, there’s little hints about where Lillie came from, and if you suspend your disbelief and put yourself in the pc’s shoes, there’s subtly to her character arc that i like 
also like. when she changes her outfit and starts being more protagonist-y, like more confident and kinda bubbly instead of shy??? love that shit it’s so cute can i have custody of this child pls
least favorite thing about them
i like. sometimes feel like she’s too soft of a character for me to really get into? like i love her and Hau, they’re sweet good friends, but i tend to personally gravitate towards characters that create a little more tension (ie Green and N)
(though on that note, Hau can be kinda savage. he just calls Faba out and sarcastically calls Gladion “a ray of sunshine” at some point i think?? Lillie is just very tender and i will support her forever, but i think that also makes her almost too soft to keep me fixated on her yknow. it’s not even a flaw in her character but just not something i fawn over as much)
favorite line
“I’m so glad I got to meet everyone. I’m so glad I got to meet you.”
like that ending kills me but that line almost feels like. I Feel That So Much like i feel so happy to have met all these new characters and to have played these games, and i feel like some of the player’s energy and enjoyment of the game is channeled into this last line of hers 
probably her and Hau?? idk, i don’t have a specific brotp for her but i like her just hangin around w the other Alola kids, so like her, Hau, Gladion, and the protag kids. they’d raise hell together and Lillie continues to be the only one with some impulse control
(Gladion also has some impulse control but keeps getting annoyed by Hau and so he gets dragged into their nonsense anyway)
Selene and Lillie is. Good. idk what the ship name is but it’s canon
i dont even know if people ship her with Gladion but incest is a big no-no in my house
random headcanon
when she goes to Kanto, i bet she’d pick Bulbasaur as a starter if she was given the opportunity - and if not, she’d probably catch a wild Vulpix 
unpopular opinion
idk if have any unpopular opinions for her?? 
song i associate with them
i have no reason to associate this with her but the Rainy Day theme from acgc just. has a vibe about it. i think a lot of ac music feels like it suits her
favorite picture of them
i found this art of her through a lofi remix of her theme awhile back and it’s so pleasing to look at? her hair is nice and the colors are so warm n happy gjhkfdgf
if you read this far, congratulations!!! and i’m sorry
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saoildorcha · 5 years
Yunji:  Really just. Yunji/cute girls. Yunji/Natasha is super cute though.
Naoto:  Naoto/Kanji. IT’S CUTE LET ME LIVE.
Kaenea:  I think I have only ever seriously shipped her with two people, both of whom are OCs. At the moment I have a difficult time picturing her with anyone who isn’t Salrion.
Rohan:  have i ever told y’all about rohan and hana/d.va’s long and ridiculous romance because it’s a thing on discord and also the only ship i have ever written for him. otherwise i ship rohan/getting punched in the face
Guy:  Guy/Marian is fun when it’s not awful. Guy/Robin is just hilarious. Guy/Robin/Marian would solve a lot of problems in canon.
Fenris:  Fenris/Wine Hahah no just kidding it’s definitely Fenhawke okay. But really I just ship him with being happy. Let broody elf be hAPPY.
Jack: I ship Jack with getting his fucking act together.
Really depends on the age of the characters, because a ten year age gap between a 30 and 40 year old is not as big a deal as, say, the difference between an 18 year old and a 28 year old. Context is everything. Most of my characters I try to ship with people closer to their own age.
Yes, for lots of reasons. I really need someone to just click with me before I can write it, I guess. Also some characters (esp. people like Rohan, Fenris and Kaenea) are REALLY hard to write romantically with a bunch of people. And the one person who isn’t (Jack) is just hard to write in general so. Why do I do this to myself.
Touchin’ butts is probably a good place to fade to black I’m sure. Idk I don’t have to worry about people looking over my shoulder and I don’t write smut threads on Tumblr so WHO KNOWS.
OH GOSH YEAH. Listen I am very open with stuff for the most part, so.
UHHHHHHHH i’m not sure??? The only that springs to mind off the top of my head os Josuke/Rohan, which exists for some reason.
Often. I know I said I find it hard to write ships BUT I DO LOVE WRITING THEM.
Yes. There might be instances where I decide to singleship at some point, but for now everyone is multiship.
im in at least 3. yu/rise, solevellan (SHUT), and aiden/clara. god.
"hi sionn, i see u write this chara,,,,,,, and i think,,,,,,,,,,, it’d be great,,,,,,,,,,, if they smooched mine,,,,,,,,,,, js,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
TAGGED BY:  @circlefled
TAGGING:   everyone
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bokuroaka · 5 years
akaashi + oikawa!
under a readmore bc its long jldghsd
favorite thing about them
his snark kdhgsdhf its very funny but also i love his dedication n how he expresses it, hes def more of an ‘actions speak louder than words’ person
least favorite thing about them
idk ksjdfgsdjklfg i think hes neat... n we also havent seen much of his character besides fukurodani match
favorite line
wait i have like. a doc full of this... from 331.. but if i had to pick: “but it wasnt like i chose to go to fukurodani with great ambition in my heart. i am glad i could be at fukurodani.”
“no matter what people may say, we are the protagonists of the world.”
akaken fjghjklsdfg i also like akaashi’s dynamics w the rest of fukurodani... and my kageyama has a crush on akaashi hc
WELL. i mean. bokuroaka
idk akaashi/iwaoi?? i never saw the point ... also ig akaken too i just cant see it
random headcanon 
he LOVES stationery like urs truly. v lowkey abt but he as a collection of pens + pencils. his favorite pencil is the uni kuru toga bc its my fave. abhors writing notes in blue ink
unpopular opinion 
i dont like fanon akaashi :/ and his portrayal of being like too fed up w bokuto n stuff and!! this was proved by fukurodani arc... i think he also (perhaps inspired by bokuto) gives everything his all when he does anything and that cld b applied to love too.... yk... i jst think he has a lot in his heart but he expresses it through actions
favorite picture of them
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favorite thing about them
i love his determination and his resilience!!! hes like. a weed JHDSFGHSDFJK no but fr i rlly admire that its also like the core of his chara and i read a meta somewhere thats like oikawa is very appealing bc hes very realistic in the way when u work incredibly hard but u still fail and i think of that whenever i think of oikawa... and yet despite that hes still kicking!!! yk!!
 least favorite thing about them 
ah yes... i for one dont rlly like how he lashed out to kageyama in middle school and his pent up anger towards kageyama i think its just. very misdirected and the way he dealt w it :/
also side note fanon rlly ruined him for me even before reading hq, idk i didnt rlly get attached to him until like way later bc i had to grow out of my urge to punch his face
favorite line
DEFINITELY the worhtless pride one
“listen up, ushijima. not once have i considered my choice to be the wrong one. my volleyball career is far from over. you’d best never forget this worthless pride of mine.”
oikuro fans make some NOISE 
iwaoi......... ive seen some other ships that i like too but i forgot them dfhgjsd
ushioi. ew
random headcanon
he probably likes white chocolate :/
 unpopular opinion 
hes a straight up bastard and a shithead JKDFJKGS idk im jst rlly not into the fanon perception where they over exaggerate his façade yk what i mean?
favorite picture of them
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luelllas-blog · 6 years
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hello hello!! my name is sunny ( she / her ) and this is my dottir lulu! im v excited to join and rp with u all and if you wanna plot reply w ur fav emoji and ill hit up ur ims! lil facts abt lulu r under the cut!
— &&  ( lulu allerton + cisfem ) sure looks a lot like ( lily james ) ! they were born ( twenty-three ) years ago and blow out their candles on ( july 7th ). ( she ) just moved in, and they seem pretty ( loyal & convivial ), but they’re also ( finicky & impressionable ) on occasion. they love to ( bake & watch romcoms ) when they aren’t working as a ( hostess ) at Malnati’s Pizzeria & Gelato Shop. you can find them in apartment ( 401 ). they are played by ( sunny, nineteen, she/her ) in the ( cst ).
she is a natural born people pleaser. she will go to great lengths to make sure people are happy with her. she will completely change who she is if it ensures positive feelings towards her ( which ? is a problem she needs to work on )
being alone is almost unbearable for lulu. she loves going into work because she’s guaranteed to be surrounded by others. shes always trying to make plans so that she doesn’t have to be alone. she’s always broke because she’ll always buy extra tickets to the movies or smthn like that just to guarantee someone could go with her
she is the QUEEN of having fomo. she is always stalking snapchat, instagram, and twitter to see if her friends are out without her. she is only slightly hurt when she sees duos out, but if she sees large groups she gets really upset.
she’s not the mom friend, but she’s definitely a mom friend. she makes sure she’s always got snacks in her bag and in her apartment, probably carries those mini bottles of water in her bag. 
she loves reading and writing. she isn’t very good, but she loves writing down how she’s feeling. romance novels are obviously her favorite, and she would really die for each john green novel. she likes finding characters to relate to, and she likes reading about the perfect relationships. it’s what she does when she’s alone. it gives her an escape from reality and puts her into a seemingly perfect reality.
she believes she’s the master of birthdays. she’s always planning them in advance to make sure they’re absolutely perfect and enjoyable for everyone in attendance. 
she doesn’t really know what she wants to do for a career. she spends too much time worrying about minuscule things that she doesn’t know what to do with her life in the long term. she’s convinced herself that malnati’s is just a stop on her life path, but she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.
she would die for all of ur charas. i only provide facts
she’s v bad at dealing with her own emotions. she hates thinking abt them and doesnt know how to deal w them. queen of bottling shit up until she explodes! 
shes v dramatic and its hard to tell if shes joking or not. sometimes she doesn’t even know.
she was adopted when she was v young and she always wonders why her original parents never wanted her ( in this house we luv that cliché! ) so she has slight abandonment issues? that’s why she likes to spend lots of time w everyone
her zodiac sign is cancer and she’s truly? the stereotype of that sign. needy, emotional.... all of it!
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squatlord-draws · 7 years
┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛
hey everyone how yall been doin lol, been sittin on a lot of these nice messages for a while now
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it’s okay take your time
anonymous asked:
I've never had any interest in Star Trek or (sci-fi in general tbh) and I figured I'd probably never watch it but like... Ur undertrek au... It's filling me with Temptation. Also I love love love how you portray Chara. Or well I love how you portray literally everyone tbh you're just amazing holy shit?? I hope you have a nice day
undertrek is such a self indulgent thing and i would absolutely LOSE it if someone started watching ST because of it. i mean let’s be clear here, the original show is such a vastly different beast than the following series’ (TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, STD) and im primarily a fan of ToS--though when i started drawing undertrek, i hadnt seen the original series? in retrospect i’d like to go back and change some of the toning, to leave behind the more grounded feel of the post TNG-verse, and do more of the romanticism of ToS
god what a choice fuckin ask, thank you for submittin this
anonymous asked:
Would chara ever actually admit that they actually real love sans and sees him as family?
they see him ...... as a real pain in the ass
anonymous asked:
God I love how smug charas and sans relationship is
they’re the actual best
anonymous asked:
I see charas and sans relationship like rons and aprils in parks and recreation
ron from aprks and rec: rat piss
grabnok-destra asked:
Are Chara and Asriel ever happy? :( I want them to be happy.
i’d say they’re happy a lot, actually
anonymous asked:
I would fight your chara in a darkened alleyway
god you’d fucking win
Anonymous said:
While chara is possessing frisks body where does frisk go?
spectral chuck. e. cheese ball pit
Anonymous said:
You are the squat lord, lord of those who squat
i am no lord. i am only a simple jock. i pump iron like everyone else, one arm at a time, at the same time
Anonymous said:
I'm so split against either having sans and chara get along because they are super similar or them hating each other because the "fuck that stupid ass skeleton" and "haha fuck u too :)))" trope is my favorite
you dont gotta be split . it can be both. you can have it all. we can all have it all
Anonymous said:
I've probably said this a thousand times in my tags but I just??? Love your style so much it brings a smile to my face every time I see it, the way each character looks is just absolutely fantastic and floors me every time, not to mention your oc's are so much fun to look at and I love them? And your humor is always so on point.... thank you so much for sharing ur art with us
Anonymous said:
You are one of my favorite undertale blogs ily
thanks i have a comic where sans calls me a horny baby
@georgetheblob​ said:
You're one of my biggest expression inspirations. Your work is all so fun and entertaining and I hope to someday achieve what you do with your work with my own work.
this is so wonderfully kind of you to say ! it always makes me happy to know others enjoy my stuff < 33
Anonymous said:
love your awesome art by the way, alphys, sans is spying on you and gathering science information. trust me.
he’s stealing all your really good kissy cutie headcanons & posting them as if they were his own, the unforgivable bastard
Anonymous said:
God I love your chara they are so true to character it's scary
i was gonna make some kind of stupid joke to deflect how genuinely happy i get when people call my chara writing in character, but i’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time researching different veins of meta & also reading a ton of childhood psychology books, and there’s no amount of deflection that can erase that bizarre aspect of myself
Anonymous said:
I want your chara to brawl with a random pedestrian
good news there’s a guy in an alley that just fucking killed them
Anonymous said:
I always thought your username was squad-lord
what’s a squad to a lord?
Anonymous said:
I really adore your character designs dude. You use strong basic shapes in a way I don't see artists do a whole lot and their personalities (and the way you characterize them in your comics) just comes across so well, I'm a big fan of all of it.
im really glad ! it’s all a learning process and im really tryin to do what i can to have fun, and make (hopefully) good stuff
Anonymous said:
I will always see chara as a lovable shit head till the day I'm lowered in my grave
sans: why have you killed everyone
chara: im just quirky like that
Anonymous said:
Asriel!!! Is!!! A!!!! Good!!! Boy!!!!!
marv0 said:
you...you talented...
you.... you thank you............
Anonymous said:
I would fight 10 grown men for chara
well there’s a guy in the alley & another guy who’s watching so you could always go fight them
Anonymous said:
Can I just say ur amazing
oh thank you !
Anonymous said:
your art is amazing and i really like it!!! i hope you have a good day/night!!!
Oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! two really nice ones in a row im diggin it lmao
grabnok-destra said:
Wait...did you ever make a Frisk for your Star Trek stuff?
hell yeah my dude, i love em. love to draw em someday
Anonymous said:
Mmmm those are some good toes squat, nice big ol Toes
i fucking know it’s you sans
@talifu​ said:
Your Chara is the best Chara I've ever seen (Also your expressions give me life)
Anonymous said:
Lord your depiction of Alphys is the absolute greatest no one else captures her quite as well
she’s really fun ! i feel like she’s the one ive improved the most on as far as her visual appeal, my stylization on her face wasnt ... like ... super great for a while there. im really happy with the general look ive got for her, though. she’s also super fun to draw as a ferengi too lmao
grabnok-destra said:
I actually would like to see Adult Frisk again. Maybe harassing Chara and Asriel by making them join family bonding time/doing healthy exercises or some shit. I dunno, you've always drawn Adult Frisk like they're a huge ball of positive energy and I'd like to see more of it.
it’s been awhile since i’ve drawn adult frisk, i just didnt realize that people care all that much ? tbh i dont really care all too much for them ... i like the design and all, but i just think kid frisk is a lot funnier, and i have more fun drawin their amorphous kind of shape anyways. 
im generally pretty insecure about what people think about how undefined all my art decisions are anyways, and adult frisk i always kind of assumed people thought was ... shitty ? maybe a bit too self indulgent ? i dont know. i should draw em again. they got great hair
Anonymous said:
You're a legend, you know that right?
did this ask get sent before or after i tweeted about sans suckin toes
Anonymous said:
I LOVE your Asriel, he is a good boy but also a bit snarky and has some flowey traits still, I love him
asriel as i like to write him is an asriel who wants to believe it was the flower thing that made him such a shit head, but he was always kind of a shit head, the flowey thing just sort of aggregated it
Anonymous said:
sans + blue belly
Anonymous said:
I love how you draw sans as a shoe with a face
please do not ever email me pictures of your shoes because they sound horrifying
Anonymous said:
Can we see more flowey? I missed the edgy piss child
honest to god you are so right . why dont i ever draw him ? he’s literally perfect? he literally did nothing wrong, ever?
Anonymous said:
JESUS SQAUT.,,...every time you post a bunch of happy stuff I know it's a build up to some sads and I'm still never prepared when you post it
it’s like a mob psycho counter w/ posts about horny sans until i post a picture of chara’s horrible corpse bleeding out on the ground
@luptaccos​ said:
Toriel wearing a Snail! Heaven! Now! shirt is the most genius and in-character thing I've ever seen, congratulations I love you
i think probably toriel listens to a LOT of podcasts, and references them constantly.
Anonymous said:
I love the way you portray undertale characters tbh- you're really good at giving them a lot of personality in a simple looking style! Not to mention your take on them in general being A+ :D You've been one of my favorite fanartists since the fandom was young, and even though I'm not particularly active in it anymore myself, I still really enjoy the things you draw!
it’s gonna be like 5 years from now and im still going be drawin flowey sayin “piss” & i really am not going to have a good explanation for anyone for why its like this
thank u tho im glad you like it <3
@hadjiiembercolgatenerdmctillhawk said:
i accidentally misspelled your name as squadlord, is that okay
god there are so many missed connections goin on in my ask box its wild
also hell yah . i think im just essentially squadlord by proxy at this point anyways
Anonymous said:
In loving that spooky eye on the left
i took too long to respond to this so now i dont know what this was in reference to, so now im just, stuck with this eye mystery . eye just dont know what theyre talkin about
@maple-maypole said:
Aahh, your art is awesome. Please don't let that just slide, I mean it. You have one of the most unique and easily recognizable artstyles I've seen in the few years I've spent in The Webz(tm), so alive and stylized but also so grounded and sharp. Your lines are amongst the best I've ever had the joy to look at, they are without a doubt my favorite thing about your art, only coming close those simple and yet so great characters designs and shapes. I could go on and on. Thanks, really. Ur cool.
oh thank you so much !! one of the greatest pleasures ive had in my art up until this point is improving on my linework, and it always means a lot when people say they like it ! it’s so hard being an artist because i always want to draw in the style of other artists, so its always good to know that others like this weirdass style ive got lmao
Anonymous said:
Pom Farr Chara
ch... chara horny ....
actually i cant be all that sarcastic about it b/c star trek really DID just have it be a thing where vulcans gotta fuck or they die, like that’s a goddamn universal fact. chara is technically vulcan so i guess they also gotta fuck or theyll die
god undertrek is such a fucking good au
Anonymous said:
What's the kids favorite music??
chara: bad youtube edits of the hotel mario theme
asriel: paramore, paramore adjacent
frisk: also the hotel mario theme
Anonymous said:
Your glutes must be hella toned o lord of squats
i had pretty major knee surgery over the summer so a lot of my leg muscles atrophied pretty badly, actually :(
i’ve been pretty bummed about that. i’m able to walk now, but the strength still isn’t quite there. i’m at the point where i can get back into weightlifting, though, so i just need to actually sit down & write down my fitness plan for the week. 
i’ll be honest the name squatlord is partially ironic but i’m not kidding about how good, important, and helpful squatting is as an exercise. it really targets those major leg muscles that are vital for just about any physical activity we engage in as humans -- and since my goals are primarily strength training & some amount of bulking, it’s pretty important to have squatting as a major aspect of that training. it’s just been months at this point, though, and getting back into a regular exercise routine is always difficult. it took years for me to even have a schedule at all. totally worth it tho, i fuckin adore bein a full time jock lol
also “squat” is a god damn hilarious word and my domain IS this fuckin leg flexin, i was lyin before, i am absolutely the lord of this horrible sweaty realm, i fucking own these legs & i fucking own these squats
Anonymous said:
I love you're Azzy so much no matter how you draw him
i love him too i always feel so guilty im drawin him in a way people dont like lol ... i just want everyone to love my beautiful goat son, and his beautiful longface
Anonymous said:
i seen your twitter account. I know how deep the horny sans well goes.
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wildniqht-blog · 7 years
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hello, hello! i am slowly starting to get my pages done. so far all i did was work on connections though. which i thought was good enough for now (i’ll just finish when i’m done typing out this intro). aNYWAY, hello to you all~ my name’s hazel, i’m currently 21 yo, i live in est, and i love dogs (and cats, but i prefer dogs over cats). i’m reeeaallly excited about this rp, except i applied kinda late bc i totally forgot the rp was opening up for apps around 2pm and was like welp. but i’m still glad to be here!! and i’m rly happy to be playing layla again as well as a new chara. if you’d like to know more about them, just go ahead and click the read more.
now, if you’d like to plot, pls like this post & i’ll IM you!
LAYLA MADISON EVANS (death tw & child abuse, but i don’t go into much details).
• she has lived in New Haven, CT for most of her life and everything was normal and okay, but her father passed away when she was eight years old. • after that, her mom began to treat her differently, more terribly such as ignoring her. and the only thing her mom would say as an excuse was because layla reminds her of her father. so essentially, layla had to learn to take care of herself. she eventually learned how to cook and get a job once she was old enough, but she’d also clean around the house. • continuing on with her younger years, she liked doing ballet and taking lessons, but soon stopped after her father passed away because it would just remind her of her dad and it would make her sad. nonetheless, layla still enjoys dancing, she just rarely does anything with ballet. • as she grew older, she became more sad that she never really grew up with a parent to look up to and was sad to feel that she didn’t have that person to talk to when she got home. all she felt like she had were her friends and a childhood friend’s family. • due to the sadness, she began to drink at a young age and partied out a lot to the point where she was almost expelled.  • sooner than later though, she cleaned up her act and studied hard to do something with her life. which she became a yale student and graduated in journalism because of how much she likes to write. what she wants to become is something within writing. whether it’s becoming an author, writing articles for a newspaper, or writing for a magazine. even all three would be great for her. • other than that. she really enjoys the beach. she loves the sand, the water, swimming, and surfing. and she also likes trying out new things. one thing she doesn’t know how to do though is ride a bike. whereas she took boxing lessons instead. • while her most prized possession is a necklace her dad gave before he passed away. • there’s more about her past relationship, but that story’s for another day • oh, she also still loves to party and drink, but doesn’t do it often. she also likes having sex 👍
• how did she get to new york, you ask? well, her mother eventually moved away from new haven because she didn’t see much around town and decided to step up to new york. that’s where her career and step-dad comes into the picture. • originally, i wanted them to be married, but decided that they’ll be engaged for now instead because i’d rather play through layla’s feels on how the wedding might go since she’s not fond of her mother. • her step dad wanted to meet layla, so a reason why he asked his fiance to bring layla to nyc. at first, layla was unsure about it, but became curious and agreed then realized how rich he was. • as for career, layla’s mom later became a famous fashion designer and takes pride in it. which, unfortunately for layla, she doesn’t care much about her mother still and is bitter about what she did to her. • but taking everything in, that’s probably going to be difficult for layla considering her mom wants her to do this and that while layla isn’t used to being told what to do and would rather not be told. plus, after being told by her mom, layla has a great desire to not do it and go against her mom’s wishes • so she’s been on the news once already for being wild at a dinner party before. she knows it’s childish, but she can’t help it. • basically, layla new to this rich life because she’s just been used to being in the lower class and likes the rich life, but doesn’t like being told what to do.
• she is my bby and i adore her • also, her sexuality is heterosexual, but she’s also open minded
• sibling-like friends: basically someone she can look up to as an older sibling or someone she treats like a younger sibling • partner in crime: since layla loves causing pranks in general and causing scenes to her mom, maybe she sometimes involves a partner in crime to her ideas • childhood friends or enemies: i know her being in new haven might be a bit difficult for her to find childhood friends or enemies, but maybe this childhood person could have traveled a lot and somehow they met when they were young? • love/hate: a person she basically argues with, but also really cares about • friends with benefits: p self explanatory • exes on bad terms: okay so, this can go multiple ways, but one way in particular is that layla’s cheated on one of her exes (a boy, specifically) • unrequited love: self explanatory. it could be maybe shes not into someone but that someones into her or vice versa • enemies with benefits: also p self explanatory • friends turned enemies: maybe she betrayed someone or they betrayed her?
more connections can be found here!
• she’s a new muse so i’m still thinking of how she’ll be played out • father is a ceo (haven’t decided the company yet) and owns multiple properties • mother is a famous model • has trust issues • tends to distance herself • is v flirtatious and also enjoys sex, but prefers hook-ups rather than fwbs • tends to fight with her mom and is more close with her dad • doesn’t rly have a clue as to what she wants to do bc she’s thought about taking over her father’s work, but has also thought about becoming an actress • will work on her more in the future • she’s also bisexual
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dev-hub4fixfict-ut · 7 years
Know & Determinate: II- the surface and a lame witch; chap 1
/racism, /hate crime, /physical assault, /alcohol, /c slur, /unsanitary, /witchcraft, /panic attack, bad writing. like, really bad. i wrote this when i was in a bs brainspace in highschool to cope.
a self-insert fanfiction where i write what happens after my runs of undertale. written in google docs and idk what im doing. Frisk is 12, use they/them, has a bullshit life, Chara also uses they/them, and is still here, and never meant for all this to happen, they hate each other, and Sans is still, and forever will be, a mess.
here we go with that stuff !! im pumped enough to not collapse of stage anxiety ah ah.
please do not confuse my complicated style for pretentiousness. im but a wordy insecure fool. with a super touchy soft spot for a small fat skeleton. and lots of imagination.
this isn’t something for fontcest and frans shippers and gross ppl who villainize and misgender kids and call gay couples “hawt sin” tho. u guys are uglies and i hate you, go away. ;U
“Sans” i deadpanned.
He perked up a little, his forever-fucking-smiling expression mirroring my tone -with his eyes. Eyes’ sockets. Those were the only hints of what he was actually thinking. Because his fake smile -fake, i’m so sure of it, so fake smile, it only ever dropped when Frisk’s puppeted body struck him down, the very only moment he stopped- wow getting sidetracked. Anyway.
“Sans.” i repeated. i need to repeat myself a lot. Verbal dyspraxia i think. He didn’t seem to know that and squinted a bit more, indication of his annoyance/suspicion/mistrust/wariness. ‘s what his squinting usually means, directed at me. Can’t blame him. “i…” Truth is, i don’t actually know what to tell him. ‘s just. i love him, and i know it sounds crass and misplaced blurted out like this, but as a consequence, i’m worried about him. A lot. Constantly. i hope bpd isn’t blurring my judgement too much. ‘m not sure he does take care of himself as well as he deserve. And look who’s talking, right ? But he is surrounded by loving friends and family. And has his brother. He could get help. Good help.
Damn my hesitance was making him unnerved. I could see it in how he turned to me, bone hands switching in and out of his pockets. I only hugged myself tighter, hands vaguely gesturing.
“i… Could i offer you to crash on my couch sometimes ? Or bed even, i don’t use mine a lot, actually. Since it’s, y’know, closer to a good part of your odd jobs than your house and Papyrus isn’t home then ?” Dang that was weirder out loud. i kept a blank face to show i was serious. i was- the guy looked even more tired than me. Tells something.
“uh. kid, you got something going in the back of your mind ?” Damn he took me too seriously. Squinting hard at me now, he was the perfect studied statue of calm judgement. Damn he was good at those.
“Well, safe from letting you get a good deserved rest more easily, not much !!” i made sure to answer jovially, doing the whole ‘punching the air round and low in excitement’ thing. We could be two playing the happy clown game.
i had found him at Grillby’s, like usual. his food was getting cold. like usual too. what was less usual was the tense manner he held himself when i came in, and how he “straightened” up, like he had forgotten himself, when i greeted him, pat on the shoulder. he would have flinched but he wouldn’t have wanted me onto him about it. so his eye socket had violently twitched -violently as in, noticeably, by his standards, and...uh lost myself again, fuck.
What i mean is that he was having a harsh day, probably after a harsher even night, his ptsd acting up (‘m not supposed to know ‘bout that. He himself doesn’t even know it. i just read. and relate), and i wanted to help him. now, maybe i had been presumptuous thinking i could…
So that’s why i insisted, vigorously,
“And uh-we can watch some trash movies and stuff, anytime, and like you can just stop by during your in-between shifts, even if i’m not home, i’ll give you a spare key and-” sudden stop. oh no. He gave me The Hand.
He indeed did, holding it up, like he wanted me to slow down. i did, obviously, but uh. did that mean i was overwhelming him, or annoying ? Was there a difference ?? Did it matter ???
Not now, because he was talking, and internal anxiety mini attack made me split focus, and i wanted full focus on what he said, on him.
“look kid,” i hate he calls me that “i appreciate whatchu tryin to do here” meh.liar. spill it. “but i can’t accept. paps would be upset if he knew i was squatting-”
“No he wouldn’t !! He would call it ‘GREAT FRIENDLY HANGOUTS OF REST’ and be very happy we uuh spend time together and stuff-”
“ok” glaring at me now, probably pissed i used his bro’s good nature to shot down his excuse. Heh. Two play at that game. “but here’s the thing.” he advanced himself up to me, nearly out of his seat. i held my ground. uh oh. “we a r e n’t f r i e n d s.”
Ouch. i mean i knew this but. Ouch. His eyes hadn’t blacked out on that last part, but nearly, too. Could be that his already hazy eyelights had just dimmed in exasperation but um. That didn’t feel any better. i gulped. Just a little. Just to keep down the new forming clog in my throat. Just a little one. i knew this.
“i know this !! but look, we could be, if we hanged out !” i didn’t dare say more. My eyes stung a lil bit too much for my liking and while never embarrassed by my tears, didn’t want to embarrass him.
‘s not like i was seriously hurt. i knew where we stood, and that my crush was going to stay that, a crush. what really stung was the utter lack of trust and the hatred-like suspicion he had of me. that and also feeling like i’m watching someone drown, but can’t help, because when i reach out they swat me away in fear i would be the one pushing them further. That’s probably more of my saviour complex dramatizing everything, but it’s bad to be helpless when you know someone, and you’re the only one to notice where they’re headed, because they’re great at pretending, but it’s like looking at yourself in a mirror for you. Get me ?
But. That’s fair. We hadn’t started well off. At all. Oh boy we hadn’t…
Seems like now would be a good time to make a small recap, uh ? ‘bout how i ended up knowing that dude, falling in love, analysing his mental shit and all that jazz. Yeah.
me, some lame girl who won’t eat for days and forgo sleep just because, who doesn’t shave but my actual hair, doesn’t do makeup, who doesn’t smile when I’m told to and who grins for no apparent reason whenever a new daydream pops up, because i’m kind of stuck in my own head because it’s better in here. because of… trauma crap. i get by by drawing and playing games where i can just save everyone.
i don’t know if you get what i mean. i sorta hope you don’t. Because it hurts. But at the same time it’d be awesome if you did, because y a y let’s relate about crap !
Don’t know if it matters, too.
Could help to get a few friends. But being  an asocial, asexual, kinda aromantic mess kinda throws that out of the window. You’d think so many A would get me higher in life eh heh heh heh heeeeeh… not funny. i’m not funny. My life is not funny. The way i react to it can be, though.
Like, that one time i was hanging out on my own, outside the bar i had first entered with classmates, as i tried to be less of a hermit, in a bar street and fled because i can't stand alcoholic jerks, and then saw this crowd of tough guys ejecting a small and stout person in a blue hoodie from said bar by fucking throwing a chair at them through the fucking window, and seeing that this little dude is a monster, and knowing they’re gonna get busted down to a puddle of dust by the mastodont looming over them if nobody intervenes ?
i reacted funny.
“Yoo-ou ffffffuking cunt, I-I’m gon’ mash you to the dirt yo motha shitted after getting fucked by yooour d-d-dog of a oold man-”
As he spits the words, an obviously very drunk dude stumbles closer and closer to the monster, his hands shaking like he wants to grip their head and smash it.
Freak it. This son of a bitch may be slurring like he drank the whole city, but he’s for sure all out to kill him ! Get up and run, little dude !
“c’mon man, “fucking cunt” , fun king or earl, it’s still a bit early to speak ‘bout mothers isn’t it?”
[i recognize him]
Pfft- what ? i snort loudly from my spot.
Okay, this is a gloriously  bad, stretched pun -but now is not the time for goodness’ sake ! Run, dude, run -wait, is that a skeleton ?!
[i recognize him]
Oh my fuck, how dumb is that dude, going out in a popular bar at what-the-heck-hours in this stupid city ! There were shootings and assassination attempts on the monster gym leader not even two blocks away yesterday ! And you just go in there with a face that screams “LOOK AT ME” ?! Are you stupid or do you just lack of basic preservation instincts ?!
The brute keeps advancing, spouting shit, a sort of gang backing him up, toward mc comicbonedude, a guy i assume, given the voice, but with monsters you never know, gender’s a myth but not them- who’s still on the ground, backtracking, crawling with a grin it didn’t drop the whole time, is it stuck or something and doesn’t look like getting up holy crap he can’t get up, the more hatred a monster is confronted with the hardest it hits he must be low on hp or something he’s gonna get killed
[i recognize him]
mc comicbonedude cracks another joke or is it his ribs cracking under the viscious kick he just got he’s thrown nearer the spot i’m chilling in. Another kick. Nearer. They can't see me, i’m well hidden in the shadows. Another kick.
This time, mc comicbonedude gags out a pun about sole-ution to the problem being-
FUCK OFF!! a gun is being drawn out.
Screw this i’m not witnessing a murder, fucking racists fucking xenophobics fucking city full of fucking shitheads there are other people around here why isn’t anyone but i don’t want to die either that's how it is, eli, always strive for yourself.
i get up fast and sprint to the monster, screaming about cops and a monster attack and insults, anything to spark a bit of panic, deck a scrawny fucker the one who.was.going.to.shoot.him. and aim for the skeleton, who yells.
[i recognize him]
i grab him by the hood and run in some narrower streets, hearing yells after me, and the anxiety is building up a little too much for my usual adrenaline numbing spell to work-
i trip on some trash and my own feet -same difference, fall over, roll, get up that’s how you do it eli, hit and roll, but back on your feet. And keep running, holding the monster close to my chest he’s warm that means he’s still alive and ok, right, left, dodge the you whore you bitch get back here you bitch and the bullets yup i’m good at thiiiiiiis- a bullet still grazes my ankle, I stumble, nearly faceplant, and it hurts but like a sting and I’m still alive. The adrenaline keeps pumping and i feel so light, i sprint into a shabby alley, panting like a dog, i think i’m crying, and drool is mixing with it. i can feel the headache coming, and mc comicbonedude is heavy enough to slip in my arms why won’t he move ? Is he dead ? Is he in shock ?
[i recognize him]
i run to a staircase, you know, the rusty and slippery metal kind outside buildings for fire escape ? Exactly what i need, as the assholes keep firing at me, huh. I climb, to the top, jump to the next building am i really doing this as me for real and run. i don’t know if they’re still after us, my ears won’t stop ringing, and i can’t tell it apart from sirens. I’m on a four stories building running to save a skeleton who
who starts emitting blue and yellow light and what the hell is happening why am i floating holy fuck i’m two inches away to be totally out of not-looking-near-enough-at-all- concrete to fall on.
[i recognize him]
[*focus insufficient]
[*procedure fails]
He’s silent. Sprawled two meters away from where I’m hanging
h-how did i
Looking exhausted and furious, like a cornered dog who has already taken on a tiger in the past, and from his left pupil there’s a cyan blue and yellow flame ? crackling, or bubbling ? or is it just flashing. can’t tell eyes too blurry. and dark blue is surrounding me at my sternum is that monster magic it’s beautiful, did i get headshot i can’t thing straight no. i can’t breath. It’s holding me in place. i can’t breath properly. i try to call out for him, he’s just overreacting in an understandable alarm but
please don’t crunchy crush the goofy girl on the cracking hard ground but when I try, I look at his eyes. One is glowing a fiery but disturbed cyan and yellow, with shards of red here and there, and the other is blank dead. Black. i’m terrified. He pants and that’s the only sound for a while. He’s alive. Good. Am i going to still be alive after this ?
“wha- ghh- !” He flinches like waking up. He lets go- lets go of meeee-
“AAAAAAAAAH NO !” He gasps and grasps again. i only slipped a meter into nothingness “Oh please please please i really don’t wanna die, and not falling, it looks like suicide i don’t do that i managed not to so don’t spoil it all ok i-”
“what- kid no stop r-”
“ kiiiid please” he’s clutching at his skull now.
“shut. up”
Ok. Not talking.
Whimpering and sobbing a bit, but he better take this because i’m having an anxiety attack and it will escalate into a hyperventilation fit if he doesn't lower me on the ground and I can't calm down.
“Please don’t kill me.” blurts out anyway of my gritted teeth.
A white light bulb alights in his empty eyes socket, and the glow in the other dims. Could he not see me before ? Hey, is that a crack across his skull ? Augh that looks like it s t i n g s.
“ H-hey, there. You- ah, fffuck this hurts. You okay ?” i try.
Nothing. He stares at me, as if watching out for something. I can feel the power around me wavering. He needs to come to his senses before I go kiss the dirt.
“P-please don’t leave me hanging.” He snorts, but keeps scrutinizing me, shaking. ‘s like he’s half understanding the pun, half not there. Silent.
“Woah, that was bad, even for me; guess i’m just that high.” i attempt a feeble finger gun.
He holds back a laugh “pffft- what the hell, kid- oh fuck.” He starts, realizing what i’m hinting at. He drags me back to the ground. i still can't move, but breathing is easier. i whimper again -heck i’m surprised i didn't piss myself- and draw out a looong sigh.
Now we stare at each other awkwardly is not strong enough to cut it. And i observe, that i m may be sweaty, tired and teary, but he looks bad.
His skull is definitely cracked across his left eye, he won’t stop shaking, sweats profusely and seems to have troubles breathing so monsters skeletons breathe and pant. Ok. Do they cry too ? Cuz that weird red stuff oozing from his damaged eye doesn’t look like tears but that can’t be blood… right ?
He looks horrible, if only physically. But the way his eyes sway, with this grin I can’t find the reason for, it worries me more. Is he ... having an episode, or something ? i mean he could be and be totally inoffensive, but ? Was he the one attacking first back at the bar ? is he really having an episode of some sort ? i’m not too nice when i’m having an episode either.
Should i cry for help ? i can't budge from his grasp.
And i know i shouldn’t but i’m feeling an attack coming up- the restraint is triggering my ptsd ridden ass…..
Let me go y-you there c’mon i can’t take this not my shit nuh uh lemme go lemme go lemme go
“ lemme go…” woah not pathetic at all. “Let me go.” no reaction, try again “LET M-” i can’t move my mouth.
The pressure fucktupled, and it’s like my lungs and my muscles are being crushed.
“ok buddy, pal, chum, whoever you are, what the fuck ?”
i can’t answer you, you dumbfuck you just muted me
“i mean, nice save and all. thanks i guess. but who the heck and what on earth are you up to ?” both of his eyes went black oh my god what did i do to your highness Hecate like seriously now how did i end in such a mess.
“H-how about we both calm down first, and talk next ?” i seem to break through the mute. ok good, deep breaths, count backward from ninety to zero, relax, we’re both freaking out, he’s as spooked as you-which is funny cuz he’s the skeleton- focus on breathing.
Still no answer. “Look, i, i get it, bad freak out, i interrupted you back there, i get you’re fucked up-” nothing but his eyes narrowing “ but i’m cool. Swear i am. i’m cold and m’name is uidelsib. you can call me sib ! Cool enough ?”
i extend my hand, ready to give him a strong good ole handshake, but he doesn’t take up on it.
Instead he stays frozen, “Not cool, dude,” hand still extended, but lowered, as if he could grab me again “ r e a l l y not cool,” i insist, and his bones are, he’s. shaking ? Yeah. Shivering violently, like he’s super cold too, which is pretty normal given he’s what. Up with me on a high building, one, two hundred meters in the sky, exposed to the icy wind ? Figures.
His bones are making this clattering clickety sound, stresses me out damn. He’s studying me. But it’s also like he can’t focus. Shivering too much. Shock, probably. His eye socket’s still oozing that red shit. Not thick enough to be blood, and too scarletish, but what do i know ‘bout monsters.
[oh, what do i don’t]
He takes a step toward me.
“ not fucking cool, not in the least-” i let out, jaw still clenched.
His bones rattles one last time, on the cement ground. His knees buckled under him the next moment he moved. His arms couldn’t support him.
i approach him, concerned. Once the pursuit’s adrenaline and the near death experience done with, my mind is settling, and i can think more clearly. He, on the other hand…
He stirs as i come closer. Tries to growl something i can’t decipher, but it comes out as a whimper, pained. My heart constricts in my ribs. Fuck, i hadn’t meant shit to go down like that. i seem to have a talent to fuck up, but i only wanted to help.
i tell him that. He grunts, doesn’t acknowledges me further, and quivers as he tries to stand up. He can’t though. I see it from where i am, he shakes enough to make a dr.pepper bursts.
i snort at the image, a skeleton shaking a bottle fixed on his spine, then flies away with the pressure- w o w i’m gone far. Need a bed. Asap. Concentrate on the situation at hand.
He, though, doesn’t react well to my laughter. He immediately stiffens, and
goes slack. Unmoving on the ground. He fainted ? i go on a hunch and inch closer, on the tip of my toes, hunched over myself, because i can’t tell if he’s dead or if i’m going to be.
[i recogni-- --- [REDACTED]]
i shake my head furiously. i can’t let those thoughts take my attention away from what’s taking place here and now.
i’m close enough now. something like a meter away, i can see him still shivering, and hear him rasp some breaths out. So he can breathe-
[i knew tha- [REDACTED]]
Not Now. i need to focus, i got a seemingly dying monster mere steps away from me.
i crouch down, slowly. My leg muscles burn enough i’m trembling too and i’m pretty sure my teeth are chattering, the noise mingling with his bones against the asphalt.
He’s still face down, arms limp on his sides, and i spy his eyelights peeking at me, way less sharp than when he had me pinned in the air just. one minute ago ?
i creep closer, he tenses, i stop.
“You’re ok.” i whisper. “We’re ok and we’re leaving.” i try to keep my voice from wavering but meh. ‘s not like there’s much face to save, for both of us.
i reach my hand toward him. He doesn’t move. i put it on his back, barely pressing, he tenses. And then disappears with a ping.
[ (*did you think i was going to stay here and t--- -- -) [REDACTED]]
He’s back right where he was. He basically just blinked in and out of existence. And he’s looking even more exhausted, if that’s possible, sweating bullets and heaving noisily, before he quiets himself. He’s also glaring at me, but meekly, and i’m not too scared anymore to be honest. He looks more frustrated than anything, although i can guess he’s actually scared to death. HAH.
“Hey you’re ok, i said, i just. Need to get us somewhere safe. Yeah. Not here.” i croak out. i’m starting to feel the freezing wind more, too. i can’t afford to stall and give him time to think. i can still hear the sirens. They’re looking for someone. And i don’t want the police on my back, even if i didn’t do anything reprehensible in the end.
So i slide my hands under him, still making sure i don’t touch any possible sensitive areas, and decide to go for the armpits, and hey i might get a tickle out of him ! ...ahah no. As i try to heave him up on his… surprisingly tiny feet ? did he lose his shoes or. Whatever. He just stays as silent as he is limp. And boy is he limp as a rock. Not quite as heavy though, good.
“You’re lighter than you look-” might as well try to make some conversation “and uh, can you walk ?” Or at least i can try to fill the heavy silence. Let’s just forget the “tried to kill you” thing. We’re both in deep crap anyway, and i can understand having baggage.
He really won’t walk though. He barely makes a sound too. If i hadn’t heard him sooner i’d think he can’t talk or something. i barely get a grunt out of him as i put him on my hip, which isn’t hard given he’s like. Half my size. Fun sized boney menace.
And i begin to trudge down the stairs- not the ones i came from, i don’t want to get caught if the cops are back there and it’s too far anyways. i want a bed. Now. A lone pillow would do.
He doesn’t seem much different, dangling on my side barely sparing me a glare as i look down at him, checking if he’s not dusting yet. He stopped “bleeding” at least. He still got that nasty huge scar.
i can feel him staring when i’m not looking. He’s still wary. Probably only lets me pull this only because he can’t not. Heh, at least he doesn’t seem to mind that i’m carrying him like you’d do a toddler. i just, need my other arm to grip and grab at the staircase bars when i slip.
Nah he looks more disgusted to be touching me than anything. Everytimes we get into more contact, because i’m bumping a wall or stumbling on my own feet again, i can distinctly feel him shudder, and try to get away. It’s just a little distracting, and unbalancing, and a lil tidbit hurtful. But i can’t blame him. i’d be throwing a fucking fuss and dishing fists if our places switched.
At least it’s relatively calm. We didn’t meet anyone, maybe a few rats rummaging garbage, and some monsters hurrying home, Whimsuns i think ? No one that paid us any mind at least.
So we’re still walking slowly when rain hits us hard, and nearly sends me on my ass. Doesn’t help the shivering, but now it’ll clean the streets out for sure. It’s something past midnight, i don’t wanna find anyone out at this hour.
But i’d kinda appreciate finding my way to somewhere because
“Aaaaaaaaaaa a h ahhh i got no idea the fuck i’m g-going…” Ah fuck. i said that out loud. And now my passenger's giving me his best ‘are u fuckin kiddin me’ stare. He’s. Very unamused.
“L-look, this isn’t, this isn’t my part of the city, okay?? i’m- i’m tryin’ to g-get us to the monster neighbourhoods, but i don’t know the fuck where it is, alright ?!” My tone escalates with my pitch, and i nearly slip again as he flinches away from me. Damn it, not helping eli, still in an episode or something. Don’t yell.
“Y-y-yeeah okay, look. ‘m sorry i cried but i’m in shock and still lost, kay? S-so maybe help or som’thin’ ?” Indications would help yeah. And now he’s listening, he’s also less shaky and putting his weight on me in a way that hinders our progression less. Good.
He nods. Good.
“Good. Gooood good good good.” i’m on autopilot now, following the skeleton’s grunted directions. i take a few wrong turns every now and then, but what can you do with nonverbal advice, and we end up in a part of the city i recognize, because i’ve seen it on tv and wanted to come look around anyway.
The gym stadium. A big building, at least big for a monster building, given the prices get surprisingly higher when they’re buying, stylized like a Japanese dojo, with anime advertisement posters (whether for the dojo or the animes i got no ideas) on the walls and- oh my gosh are those- fish, dolphin, shark and starfish stickers on the windows.
“Perfect !” i half yell, significantly lighting up. Mc comicbonedude looks at me like i’ve grown a second head, and i give him a big manic smile, obviously stressed out. My right eye might be twitching a little too. Does that when i’m under pressure. He decides to go back to slumping against me and questioning his life choices, and i take that as an ‘okay GO’ to proceed with my genius only just made up plan.
i march up quickly, -i want this DONE WITH. NEXT TIME i GO ON AN IMPROMPTU RESCUE MISSION I’M TAKING MY LEAD UMBRELLA AND A CHANGE OF CLOTHING- to the tall doors, who thanks fucking gods are under a porch, that saves us from being drenched anymore, and pound it with all i got.
Skeleton is googly eyeing me like the second head i’ve definitely grown started reciting the ten commandments to belzebuth themselves,
[and he’s not too far off]
but i don’t care my dude i am d o n e. If i get welcomed with a fist to the face i don’t give a diggly doogly dang fuck so long i can get inside and lay down. Even on the cold ass tile floor. i’m don-
Ah, right, i’m still hitting that door. Ouch, that’s gonna swell. Oh welp.
But the voice came from...up?
i step backward some, under the rain, ugh, and look up to see, yup, a noodly armed blue fish person with bright scarlet red hair pulled up in a bun, all sweaty, a poor guy in a chokehold, peeking out of the second floor window, taking in the pouring rain with gusto. A gigantic lightning bolt, quickly followed by loud ass thunder, comes to compliment her boisterous apparition, and she grins- smirks? wide locking her single eye on me, the lighting making her golden teeth flash.
She comes down to greet my miserable form fast, not taking the stairs, but jumping out of the window (much more graciously than mc comicbonedude previously), having let go of her victim- sparring partner previously, good gods, and lands at my feet like nobody’s business, to then bolt up, eager to see the intruder to her night sessions.
And Undyne, former Captain of the Royal Guard of Monsterkind Underground, all steel like blue scales, glinting golden slitted eye and sharp mouth, now renowned Master of Fights in her stadium, among monsters and humans even more, already black belt of more martial arts than i know of, and fresh survivor of one of the biggest terrorist hits on monsters yet, is staring me down, from her easy two meters height, like i’m her next meal.
i gulp. i’m so fucked.
i’m so fucked and not just for the fact that i am royally gay and all, but also cuz…
[i recognize her]
[she was so hard to f---- [REDACTED]]
[couldn’t figure out that all we had to do was to run and then ---- -- ------- [REDACTED]]
“Uh ?” Her gaze has finally caught on my now bundled up passenger, who’s shivering in cold rather than fear, on my hip, who only lazily grins a
[i know him]
i follow hollowly the orders and get inside, feel a weight leave my side-kinda miss that already, to then feel a big fluffy towel drape over me. Then i sit down. In the hall on the ground, probably. Wooden floor is in my direct line vision. Uh. Thing is well taken care of, all waxed and clear, who would have guessed.
[i know them both. very well actually]
[Chara would be nervously giggling if they were here]
[wonder what they’re up to]
[and Frisk too, obviously]
[what about Flowey though. no idea what the lil shit is up to in pacifist endings]
i’m so f UCK E D.
Aaaand that’s how i ended up rocking back and forth in Undyne’s dojo’s main hall for half of the night, muttering about video games and fucking witchcraft gone wrong again and shit fuck damnit, i guess it was denial all along those last two, six months ? And oOH WELP, guess i did cradle like a toddler my fictional crush for the last, what, half hour ? Whoopsies.
fuck that ink witch status, that was not planned.
When i finish my flashback, and it’s been something like six months again since, got to “meet” his super cool great bro, not on his account though, Undyne just had to introduce Papsy to the dweeb that “saved his big brother” and also Asgore, Toriel, for a quick ‘thanks you’, even a small interview with Mettaton, that made a hit on the Undernet, and mingled a bit with monsters- i’m friend with Chesty Brun now (Burgerpants), and Alphys, because we’re following the same mangas-
he’s already gone, burger nearly untouched, ketchup covered fries half eaten and drink finished, and i’m tempted to ask Grillby, who is hovering close behind his bar, fretting a little, in front of my frozen form, if “you’re gon throw that out ? sure i can’t finish ?”  Because it’d be a real shame to let all that delicious grub go to waste. But that’d be creepy as fuck, even moreso taking my feelings for the small dude, and his against me, so i don’t, and he’ll probably feed it to his pet lava rock anyway, so i stop hugging myself and rocking back and forth and go back to my seat, waving him off with a sorry smile, and go back to sullenly sipping my vanilla milkshake.
Can’t blame Sans.
He’s cautious. Understandable.
i know what he’s had to put up with.
[and so do all of you]
[dirty brother killers ?]
[i hope not]
[i really wonder how’s Chara doing…]
AAAAAAAaaaaaaah how do i turn this shit off ?? Let me pretend i’m normal in a normal situation stupid brain thing !!
...ah. screw it. this magic milkshake is fabulous. That’s totally what i’m crying about.
“Don’t worry Grillby.”
ye don’t worry my dudes. can i call y’all that ? ‘s gender neutral. ‘m a demi girl, and you can call me “my dude”, my dudes. wow what a bull of crap i pulled here, sorry trans girls and enbies
this isn’t beta read cuz i’m on my own and english isn’t my native language, i’m french, so plz forgive mistakes.
i had some drafts lying around my google docs for a year now, mostly about bugging and kissing snas, put them together and thought i’d do an actual Thing with it all. this isn’t good, i know it.
lest to say i have no idea what i’m doing !
and don’t know when this’ll update, it it does. i had the motivation to finish this cuz there was no clients at the restaurant i worked at back in july. blah blah blebs blah. 
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seedofcreativity · 7 years
thougts about zutara/kaatang and characters in general (stop this fucking shipwar please)
so im sitting there and scrolling through atla tag and there's like a shit ton of posts about how zutara/kaatang is bad, character regression, blah blah shit goes on and i just want to make some points considering things poeple've been writing about the development of these ships, about characters and stuff, no hatin', just a humble opinion from a humble blogger - srl kaatang had really big development that wasn't just "oh my poor baby brother" thing katara was always there for aang, we could see that she was concerned about him more than about the other charas from gaang, there were a lot of hugs, mutual understanding, sometimes chemistry, and during important moments in a plot she was intrested in him - bUT HOHOHOO that doesn't mean that zutara is completely out of mind because it's a pretty good piece of shmexy ship right there strong character of zuko and his big development goes along with katara's change and her maturing during a series also they are pretty much in a vey difficult time of their lives and they find comfort in each others presence - also, zuko has a really complex personality, he's a teenager with problems and it gives impression how incredible the relationship between him and katara would be, considering her intresting traits as well - i think that's the problem with kaatang mostly and why so many people disagree with writer's choice about hooking them up, because aang, even as a main chara haven't had a chance to completely change himself because i think he didn't need to he IS a child at the beginning of the series and he still IS a child after the ending of it, but with more experience yet it doesn't change the fact that he was the wiseset of all of gaang, he had his peaceful nature, his vegeterianism, his restraint from fight, his cheerful nature and many other things that made him a beautiful person on the other hand zuko had like a fucking character rollercoaster and we could see how profound his personality was and how he could change and show his true nature aang did not had this chance to reedem himself, because he didn't have to, that's why his pure and innocent feelings for katara are considered by the fanbase as immature or idk not strong enough - and maybe that's why katara is with aang and not with zuko because it wasn't about changing and maturing but endorsing these pure feelings aang had for her from the beginning and showing that his personality was worth something even without these major changes and because she was the only person who would encourage him to express his nature, his goodness and sincere need to help the others because she wasn't mocking him or trying to change him but she was just there always when he'd need her and he was also protecting her from any harm and even as a child he could impress her with his wiseness and with his right choices - yet zutara is a beautiful thing because we can see how their relation exposes a whole new level of personalities we can see that katara can struggle and have doubts and be not as nice as she seems we can see zuko that can sacrifice his good opinion among the other gaang members just to help her get revenge their relation is rocky but at the end of the day they seem to get along with each other - also zuko is older than aang and he can really prove himself, how dedicated he can be, how his will of not giving up is powerful and that is a really good start of a zutara love story, because we see a big development of two incredible characters - aang didn't had to prove anything because he was dedicated to katara since the beginning and that's also a good thing and she finally grew up to the idea she can be with him - it's like zutara would be a really great pair if they were really meant for each other but there wasn't enough development between them, their bonding and stuff were purely platonic but since their relationship is so ambivalent at times we can see it as a pretty realistic representation of a mature relationship that could've happen in a real life their feelings are like a mountain you need to climb on, sometimes you''ll slip, sometimes you'll climb faster, but still, in the end, you'll be so satisfied after you reach the end - with kaatang the problem is, that their relation is like a flow of a river, it's so soothing and at the same time kind of boring, because we do not see many obstacles on the way they had plenty time to develop their relation, there wasn't and major problems with that aside some of aang's overthinking and it had completely different base than the zutara zutara is more about finding love in understanding each other through problems and obstacles, about forgivness and giving second chances and kaatang is about finding love in living in each other's presence, in exsisting next to each other and working together to achieve something great, without sadness or despair (ok there were moments but mostly it was fluff ok) - and both of these ships show different values, one shows that perfection doesn't exist and the other one proves that yes, it exist but you need to work very hard and long to achieve it and probably it won't last for a long time -so pls stop hating each other (i was born as kaatang shipper but i fucking adore zutara and there could be so much said about them but im a bitch for this pureness of aang's) - we can find something incredible and astounding in both of these relations and we should express it by apprecieating it, not by calling people fags because they ship something you don't like we can apprecieate how aang could experience his first love and express it in a childlish but cute way how zuko could show that katara is only a human but has a big heart how katara could show that she really cares how aang could be himself in the presence of katara and how katara could be relaxed and happy in the presence of aang how katara have shown how zuko and aang were dedicated to their goals how zutara is a great ship with interesting possibilites, different levels of mutual understanding and rough connection (in a good sense) how kaatang is showing pureness, careness and deep, slowly built-up affection, but at the same time is mature, because it shows that every little thing can matter so yeah that's it idk i wanted to write some of my thoughs, it's messy and i can't speak english and it's late at night (and also about "love" jokes in atla, their fucking jokes, this show isn't about love jesus and this deep analysis of the prophecy of an old lady and freaking out when toph mocks other ppl by making fun of love is just ridiculous like, they're fucking jokes, it's a show for children) bye love u
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