i don't like it when there's no feeling. when i get the feeling, it's right away. i have nothing to hide. i have nothing more to avoid and i don't think about anything else. this moment right now is what's important. please, stop telling me what to do.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a black, venti americano toted in hand, bodhi bobbed & weaved through person after person making his way to his next appointment. his art – his career, was taking off & it was only another simple thing for him to be thankful for. it was if the numbers & commas reflected by his bank account had no overall effect on his emotional & mental state… like people with way less often said. ‘money goes to your head’ or ‘money isn’t the root of all happiness’ were just some of the things the average person was accustomed to hearing in their daily life. as the dark-haired male approached a store decorated to the nines for halloween, he stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes met the sight of familiar chestnut hues. ❝ vanessa. ❞ he said sternly, but cordially. ❝ always the one to point fingers, regardless of how much time has passed, huh ? ❞ this was a side of himself, very rarely shown to the outside world… a side that no one brought out but the person standing in front of him.
"always is a bit exaggerating, don't you think? it’s not my fault that you’re just intolerable, bodhi." mostly, all vanessa could see in him is 'stay away', it was just his appearance that made her think what if things were different, but then she’d also think about what happened between them and would be back on earth. “besides, not a lot of time has passed yet. so there shouldn’t be anything wrong with me being upset. i’m sure if we switched places, you’d feel the same way. anyway, what are you doing here? i’ll be surprised if you say you’re going to look for a costume. only because i don’t think i’ve ever seen you that excited for halloween. or any holiday.”
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TEMPTATION WAS WRITTEN ON EVERY CURVE of the young woman’s body. it was a curse to be entertaining in every facet of one’s life, and yet, layla embodied that ideal to a tee. “plans for halloween?” the repetition was purely due to the fact that his focus hadn’t been entirely on her words. get it together, man. “ i’ll be in the studio filmin’ the show that night until 1.” his wide frame relaxed into the bench to allow the man a more comfortable stance. one arm swung around the back as his thought went full circle to her own halloween planning. “about this sexy witch costume…doesn’t sound like you’re sold on it. maybe y’need another pair of eyes t’help ya decide?” despite pearly whites skimming his lower brim, chance didn’t ENTIRELY mean for that to be as suggestive as it sounded. keyword being entirely.
just the sound of chance's voice brought a smirk to her lips as she faced him and tilted her head upward to look at him properly. "well, doesn't that suck for you? i'd hate to stay at work till 1 in the morning, but i guess i could stick around my tv to watch you," she teased with a shrug. although, she really did watch his show time to time. crossing her arms, the brunette tilted her head to a side as she kept her eyes on him. it seemed like every time they met, he just became more good-looking and at times, she did wonder who he was with, but other times, she fine with just being sexual. "yeah? and were you thinking you’d be my second pair? ----because if so, i wouldn't mind."
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sorry for not being on the past few days! i just had a really busy schedule, but i’m here now and ready to reply to my replies as well as starters~
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Who would my muse rather kiss: Send two names
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50 questions
1: What would you name your future daughter?
2: Do you miss anyone?
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
5: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
6: Did you go out or stay in last night?
7: How late did you stay up last night?
8: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
9: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
10: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
11: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
13: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
14: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
17: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
19: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
20: Who did you last see in person?
21: What is the last thing you said out lot?
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
23: Have you ever been to Paris?
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
25: Do you use chap stick?
26: Who did you last share a bed with?
27: Are you listening to music right now?
28: What is something you currently want right now?
29: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
30: How is your heart lately?
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
32: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
33: What do people call you?
34: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
36: What are you listening to right now?
37: What is wrong with you right now?
38: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
39: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
40: What is on your wrists right now?
41: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused/waiting for the unexpected?
42: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
43: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
44: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
45: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
46: What were you doing at midnight last night?
47: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
48: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
49: Have you ever been to New York?
50: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
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[ @bodhisaint. ]
going on a shopping spree, vanessa was mainly in search for a halloween costume. she had several ideas in mind, but none of them truly stuck out. the more she explored for some, the more she felt like they weren’t good enough. “i guess i’ll just have to stick to online shopping,“ she muttered to herself as she exited the store. however, when she was going in the direction of starbucks, she soon found a familiar face and rose an eyebrow at that. “of course i had to run into you.” the brunette shook her head as she stared at bodhi. “i’m just so lucky.”
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DIANA: i have news my ep is coming out very soon
DIANA: it’s lemonade meets melodrama but kind of gay
DIANA: #buytoughchickonitunesnovember10th
LAYLA: oh?? i can’t wait to hear it then LAYLA: is one song about me at least? LAYLA: otherwise i’m not buying it oops LAYLA: kidding

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“i’ve gotten maybe three hours of sleep in the past forty-eight hours. i’m running on nothing but coffee and self hatred today.”
“hey, at least coffee’s better than nothing. am i right or what?“
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“please, tell me i’m not the only one who’s unprepared for halloween. i don’t even know what to go as. i mean, now that i’m thinking about, maybe a sexy witch will do,” she said with a shrug. usually, layla would always be excited, but after hearing about her mom and soon-to-be step-dad, she wasn’t quite her usual self. nonetheless, she was hoping to attend a party or few. “anyway, do you have any exciting plans for halloween?”
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@MTVteenwolf: When you find good lighting and wind @shelleyhennig 💓#TeenWolfSDCC
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hello, hello! i am slowly starting to get my pages done. so far all i did was work on connections though. which i thought was good enough for now (i’ll just finish when i’m done typing out this intro). aNYWAY, hello to you all~ my name’s hazel, i’m currently 21 yo, i live in est, and i love dogs (and cats, but i prefer dogs over cats). i’m reeeaallly excited about this rp, except i applied kinda late bc i totally forgot the rp was opening up for apps around 2pm and was like welp. but i’m still glad to be here!! and i’m rly happy to be playing layla again as well as a new chara. if you’d like to know more about them, just go ahead and click the read more.
now, if you’d like to plot, pls like this post & i’ll IM you!
Keep reading
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hello, hello! i am slowly starting to get my pages done. so far all i did was work on connections though. which i thought was good enough for now (i’ll just finish when i’m done typing out this intro). aNYWAY, hello to you all~ my name’s hazel, i’m currently 21 yo, i live in est, and i love dogs (and cats, but i prefer dogs over cats). i’m reeeaallly excited about this rp, except i applied kinda late bc i totally forgot the rp was opening up for apps around 2pm and was like welp. but i’m still glad to be here!! and i’m rly happy to be playing layla again as well as a new chara. if you’d like to know more about them, just go ahead and click the read more.
now, if you’d like to plot, pls like this post & i’ll IM you!
LAYLA MADISON EVANS (death tw & child abuse, but i don’t go into much details).
• she has lived in New Haven, CT for most of her life and everything was normal and okay, but her father passed away when she was eight years old. • after that, her mom began to treat her differently, more terribly such as ignoring her. and the only thing her mom would say as an excuse was because layla reminds her of her father. so essentially, layla had to learn to take care of herself. she eventually learned how to cook and get a job once she was old enough, but she’d also clean around the house. • continuing on with her younger years, she liked doing ballet and taking lessons, but soon stopped after her father passed away because it would just remind her of her dad and it would make her sad. nonetheless, layla still enjoys dancing, she just rarely does anything with ballet. • as she grew older, she became more sad that she never really grew up with a parent to look up to and was sad to feel that she didn’t have that person to talk to when she got home. all she felt like she had were her friends and a childhood friend’s family. • due to the sadness, she began to drink at a young age and partied out a lot to the point where she was almost expelled. • sooner than later though, she cleaned up her act and studied hard to do something with her life. which she became a yale student and graduated in journalism because of how much she likes to write. what she wants to become is something within writing. whether it’s becoming an author, writing articles for a newspaper, or writing for a magazine. even all three would be great for her. • other than that. she really enjoys the beach. she loves the sand, the water, swimming, and surfing. and she also likes trying out new things. one thing she doesn’t know how to do though is ride a bike. whereas she took boxing lessons instead. • while her most prized possession is a necklace her dad gave before he passed away. • there’s more about her past relationship, but that story’s for another day • oh, she also still loves to party and drink, but doesn’t do it often. she also likes having sex 👍
• how did she get to new york, you ask? well, her mother eventually moved away from new haven because she didn’t see much around town and decided to step up to new york. that’s where her career and step-dad comes into the picture. • originally, i wanted them to be married, but decided that they’ll be engaged for now instead because i’d rather play through layla’s feels on how the wedding might go since she’s not fond of her mother. • her step dad wanted to meet layla, so a reason why he asked his fiance to bring layla to nyc. at first, layla was unsure about it, but became curious and agreed then realized how rich he was. • as for career, layla’s mom later became a famous fashion designer and takes pride in it. which, unfortunately for layla, she doesn’t care much about her mother still and is bitter about what she did to her. • but taking everything in, that’s probably going to be difficult for layla considering her mom wants her to do this and that while layla isn’t used to being told what to do and would rather not be told. plus, after being told by her mom, layla has a great desire to not do it and go against her mom’s wishes • so she’s been on the news once already for being wild at a dinner party before. she knows it’s childish, but she can’t help it. • basically, layla new to this rich life because she’s just been used to being in the lower class and likes the rich life, but doesn’t like being told what to do.
• she is my bby and i adore her • also, her sexuality is heterosexual, but she’s also open minded
• sibling-like friends: basically someone she can look up to as an older sibling or someone she treats like a younger sibling • partner in crime: since layla loves causing pranks in general and causing scenes to her mom, maybe she sometimes involves a partner in crime to her ideas • childhood friends or enemies: i know her being in new haven might be a bit difficult for her to find childhood friends or enemies, but maybe this childhood person could have traveled a lot and somehow they met when they were young? • love/hate: a person she basically argues with, but also really cares about • friends with benefits: p self explanatory • exes on bad terms: okay so, this can go multiple ways, but one way in particular is that layla’s cheated on one of her exes (a boy, specifically) • unrequited love: self explanatory. it could be maybe shes not into someone but that someones into her or vice versa • enemies with benefits: also p self explanatory • friends turned enemies: maybe she betrayed someone or they betrayed her?
more connections can be found here!
• she’s a new muse so i’m still thinking of how she’ll be played out • father is a ceo (haven’t decided the company yet) and owns multiple properties • mother is a famous model • has trust issues • tends to distance herself • is v flirtatious and also enjoys sex, but prefers hook-ups rather than fwbs • tends to fight with her mom and is more close with her dad • doesn’t rly have a clue as to what she wants to do bc she’s thought about taking over her father’s work, but has also thought about becoming an actress • will work on her more in the future • she’s also bisexual
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brb while i type my intro
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I just want to crawl in bed with someone I care about and have my heart feel at home again and watch movies and talk about random stuff for hours
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tag dump.
#⌞☆ | ooc — curtain call.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — musings.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — visuals.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — attire.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — imessage.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — tweets.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — tunes.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — musings.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — visuals.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — attire.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — imessage.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — tweets.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — tunes.⌝#⌞☆ | got mail? — inbox.⌝#⌞☆ | layla — convos.⌝#⌞☆ | vanessa — convos.⌝
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i’ll post my intro soon. i’m just fixing things still uvu
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