mbblanco · 4 years
8 Benefits of CBD Oil and Its Uses
CBD is short for Cannabinoid and is a non-psychoactive chemical compound found in marijuana or cannibis plants.  It is used for relief from pain as well as other syptoms without the mind-altering effects of pharmaceutical drugs or marijuana. CBD oil is derived by extracting it from the cannabis plants and diluting it with a carrier oil, mainly hemp oil or coconut oil.
Below are the many benefits of using CBD oil:
1) Pain Relief: Marijuana has been used to treat pain for almost 5000 years and just recently it was discovered that the components of CBD contribute to pain relieving effects.  Chronic pain may be significantly reduced by reducing inflammation and interacting with the neurotransmitters in our bodies. Many types of pain have been studied with positive results, including; multiple sclerosis, arthritis, muscle and joint pain as well as spasms.
2) Alleviate Cancer Symptoms: Many symptoms or side effects from cancer and its treatments may be greatly reduced using this method for pain, vomiting and nausea. A few studies have even concluded that CBD could contain anticancer properties as well as killing breast cancer cells in animals.
3) Reduce Depression and Anxiety; these mental health disorders can have devastating impacts on ones health, quality of life and all around well-being. These disorders are generally treated with pharmaceuticals with several side effects including; sleepiness, insomnia, agitation, irritability, headaches and sexual dysfunction; many being additive. The proper dosage of CBD oil significantly reduced anxiety in a group of individuals that were tested in a public speaking environment.
4) Heart Conditions: these oils have been linked to the benefit of heart and circulatory systems including lowering ones blood pressure. High blood pressure has been connected to a variety of health conditions, including heart attacks and strokes. By lowering one's blood pressure, the probability of heart conditions and other health concerns are decreased, adding to a greater quality of life.
5) Reduction of Skin Conditions, such as acne.  The anti-inflammatory components found in CBD oils have been found to reduce the unsightly acne breakouts.
6) Diabetes has also been tested and has shown signs of reduced incidences as well as inflammation reduction.
7) Epilepsy in children as well as adults; CBD oils have the ability to reduce the number of seizures that an individual may have and in some cases end them altogether.
8) Sleep Deprivation; oils combined with melatonin have been shown to help individuals fall asleep quickly as well as stay asleep all night.  Insomnia contributes to all kinds of health issues including lowered immune system, irritability as well as overall mental and physical well-being. Using this type of product is a much safer alternative to sleeping pills, that have dangerous side effects such as daytime drowsiness and dizziness and can also be addictive.
There are few known side effect of using CBD which include; fatigue, diarrhea and possible weight gain or weight loss.  Always check with your physician before indulging in the CBD oil market, as some prescription drugs do not mix well with the oil and may cause complications.  These are a natural alternative to the prescription and illegal drug markets and are becoming legal in more states across the United States all the time. It is non-addictive, does not give you a "high" and your body does not build up an immunity to the oils.  Studies have shown that they are safe, but be cautious and purchase product that are extracted from whole plants and not synthetic. Purchase items that the hemp is grown in the U.S. and the oils are produced in facilities known as "food-grade." Some states require the manufacturers to register with the Health and Environmental department and are required to meet specific standards.
Do your research and enjoy life!
<p>Anna Summers has always been interested in growing plants and watching them flourish. She currently helps run a website where they sell a variety of Grow Supplies to fit every need.  Many brands and styles for every business venture or hobby. Shop their selection today; you can visit their site at <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/">https://BuyGrowSupplies.com</a></p>
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mbblanco · 4 years
The History of Hydroponic Gardening
The history of hydroponic garden is bot interesting and inspiring. The concept of gardening without soil has been around for many centuries.
One of the first hydroponic gardening type system was thought to be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; existing around 500 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar II built the garden for his wife. The garden was believed to be approximately 400 feet wide by 400 feet long and 80 feet high; some say the garden might have stood as tall as the outer city walls, which were believed to be 320 feed high. With the lack of rain at the time, irrigation was an obstacle. Water needed to be sourced from the Euphrates River to the top of the garden wall, in order to hydrate the plants and trees. A possibility that has been in question is some type of pump system created by using buckets or screws to carry the water to the top and fill a reservoir, which would then be released as needed to flow down the tiers of plants in the garden, to keep them consistently watered and help the root systems to flourish.
Several techniques were used during the 1600s to help protect horticultural crops against the cold weather. Some items used included hot beds covered with glass, cold frames, lanterns and jars.
The 1700s brought in the portable wooden frames that were covered with oiled paper that helped to warm the plants' environment, much like the hydroponic grow tents of today. Later in the century, slanted glass roof tops were put in place, called a "glasshouse" and were mainly used to grow fruit crops as opposed to vegetable. The reasoning was that the fruit crops appealed more to the wealthy and privileged at the time, when fruit crops were out of season.
In the mid to late 1800s, the three main building block for the plants to grow was discovered. These elements are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK). The first nutrient solutions was created and used to demonstrate how plants could grow and flourish to maturity in the nutrient solution alone.
Then along came the 1900s when the term "Hydroponics" was first used. A grower first tested systems with tomatoes that reached heights of over 25 feet, which spawned the growth of commercial hydroponics around that time. Another mixture of nutrients was discovered and produced at that time, which are still used in our modern day solutions. These are considered micro nutrients and contain the following; magnesium, sulfur and iron. In the 1950s scientists began experimenting with hydroponic gardening, bringing the invention of the drip irrigation systems in the 1960s.
General Hydroponics was born in the 1970s as large chemical nutrient suppliers began. This launched the hydroponic "gardens of tomorrow" at the Epcot Center in Florida.
The 1900s is when gardening via hydroponics took off with many advances in the soil-free arena were launched including aeroponics and aquaponics. Aeroponics is a fine mist of nutrient solutions that are constantly sprayed on the roots of the plants for extremely vigorous growth. Aquaponics combines farming with fish (aquaculture) and hydroponics by raising fish in a reservoir, which feeds the plants with the excretions.
This brings us to the massive industry of today with hydroponic growing for every serious gardener or hobbyist. The cannabis industry has expanded this type of gardening as well as allowing others to grow year round in the comfort of their home.
<p>Anna Summers has always been interested in growing plants and watching them flourish. She currently helps run a website where they sell a variety of Grow Supplies to fit every need.  Many brands and styles for every business venture or hobby. Shop their selection today; you can visit their site at <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/">https://BuyGrowSupplies.com</a></p>
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mbblanco · 4 years
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Makes you smile!
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mbblanco · 4 years
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Victory Gardening - during Coronavirus; see full article here!
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mbblanco · 4 years
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mbblanco · 4 years
Gardening Activities During World Quarantine
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Gardening can be a very rewarding activity for the whole family to participate in during the unfortunate world quarantine.  The Corona virus which has overtaken the world, has put a halt to life as we know it.
There are many benefits of gardening and now with hydroponics the timing and space needed is endless. Whether you would like to be outdoors or indoors, your choices are never ending. Gardening indoor can be fun while decorating your home in the process.  There are many varieties of planters, grow tents, gardens and pots of all sizes and colors. Surely you will be able to find the right fit for your space. There are so many creative and planters to choose from as well as hydroponic gardens that have all you need for the perfect plants.
First of all, gardening is a great activity and can be equated to a brisk walk or time spent at the gym. Pulling weeds, digging, rota-tilling and mowing the lawn are all great ways to exercise while getting and keeping your garden in tip-top shape. Raking leaves or grass can burn over 100 calories.
Second, if you are gardening indoors using a hydroponic system, you will not have as much strenuous activity, but will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor, just the same.  Hydroponic systems allow you to grow any type of plant, fruit, vegetable, herb or cannabis plants.  Growing without soil; there is less mess and the maintenance is checking the nutrients and keeping the levels at the optimum level for the best yield. Outdoor gardening can always begin inside, by planting your seeds early in a household item such as; egg cartons, eggshells, paper towel or toilet paper tubes, yogurt cups or paper coffee cups.  Many products are also available in stores or online. Then, when your outdoor garden is ready and the weather is ideal, move your seedlings to your outdoor space to flourish.
Third, you should involve your kids in the gardening process. Adding fun activities will keep your children engaged and raise their interest in the growing process.
-Create a journal with them that they can help maintain and enter their observations throughout the year. Help them learn about what you're growing by writing, drawing and recording their thoughts, feelings and experience in the garden.  Another great idea is to have them press leaves or flowers that they have grown into the pages of their journal.   -Making a scarecrow for the garden is always a fun activity for the whole family.  An easy way to construct a scarecrow is to take 2 narrow boards and nail them together to make a cross.  Stuff an old T-shirt for the head and band it around the top of the "cross."  Have your kids finish dressing and accessorizing him and then give him a name.  Don't forget to say "hello" when you pass him to get to your amazing fruits of your labor. -Have your kids create note cards out of construction paper and add dried flowers or leaves on the front as decoration.  Allow them to write notes inside to their favorite people (Grandpa, Grandma, a favorite Aunt or friend).
There are so many benefits to gardening at all times of the year, whether you need to start indoors, stay indoors or enjoy the outdoors from beginning to end. Appreciate the time you have to revel in your harvest and savor the flavor of your crops.  Adding your children to the activity will just enhance the experience as well as family bonding. Enjoy!
<p>Anna Summers has always been interested in growing plants and watching them flourish. She currently helps run a website where they sell a variety of Grow Supplies to fit every need.  Many brands and styles for every business venture or hobby. Shop their selection today; you can visit their site at <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/">https://BuyGrowSupplies.com</a></p>
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mbblanco · 5 years
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One of the top 10 Botanical Gardens in the US - NY
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mbblanco · 5 years
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Creative and true!
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mbblanco · 5 years
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Cannabis Won’t Cure Coronavirus, but It Can Ease Certain Symptoms…
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mbblanco · 5 years
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Smokin’ Bud
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mbblanco · 5 years
The Best Hydroponic Growing Planters
Do you have limited space indoors to grow your plants, fruits, herbs, vegetables and marijuana?  Finding the proper planter for what you are growing is key.
There are many different types, sizes and purposes of planters available on the market today. Using hydroponic planters is an effective way to grow plants with water that contains nutrients instead of soil. Many planters offer the greenhouse benefits while using up to 80% less space than a soil garden.  Many hydroponic planters and kits are available or if you are creative and resourceful, making your own is also an option.
Let's take a look at a few options: 1) homemade growing systems can be very simple and there are 2 main types; flood and drain and the reservoir method. First, the flood and drain method consists of using five gallon plastic tubs with lids opaque in color to help keep the light from depleting the nutrients in the water. Place individual plants into their own small plastic planters. Cut holes in the lid of the tub, just the size of the smaller planter and drop the plants into each hole. Use a 2nd tub with a lid as a reservoir, but in this tub cut holes in the side of the tub.  Run your waterline between the two tubs. Use waterproof caulk to seal around the holes where the tubes are running through the tubs. Placing the reservoir tub level with or above the tub with containing your plants, allows the water solution to flow through the waterline from one to the other, flooding or watering the plants. Reversing the tubs will drain the water from the plants, this should be done several times a day for maximum results.
The second method or reservoir method also uses the same five gallon buckets or tubs but the plants sit in a reservoir filled with nutrient solution that covers the roots.  An air pump provides the constant, gentle flow of bubbles containing air to the solution, providing the roots with oxygen.  
Once your homemade system is constructed; you will also need to set up the proper lighting for your plants.
The next option is to discover the many hydroponic planters available online. There is such a vast array of options; many of them have everything that is needed to get you started from beginning to end. Grow kits often come complete with the container, seeds, pumps, lights and whatever else is needed to have the success with the plants you choose to grow and enjoy. Many grow systems are very attractive pieces to add to the decor of your home. Unique and beautiful planters for herbs, vegetable, sprouts or marijuana may be made of many diverse materials such as wood, plastic or conduit.  Some look like tubes that circulate the water, nourishing your plants for healthy edible, topical or plants that you can smoke. Prices can range from the mid twenties to well over one hundred. If you decide to purchase a grow planter, look for the kit with all of the items you will need to be successful growing your plants the hydroponic way.
We carry a large variety of planters, sprouters and kits that are great for every level of skill from beginner to advanced. Small countertop gardens to large grow tents, the choices are endless.
<p>Anna Summers has always been interested in grow tents and products. She currently helps run a website where they sell <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/c/pots-planters-grow-supplies/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">grow planters</a>. Shop their selection today, you can visit their site at <a>https://BuyGrowSupplies.com</a></p>
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mbblanco · 5 years
How to Choose the Best Botanical Garden to Visit in the United States
There are botanical gardens in almost every state in the United States as well as countries across the globe.  How would you choose which one you would like to visit during your travels?  Botanical means "of, pertaining to, made from or containing plants." Garden is "a plot of ground, usually near a house, where flowers, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, or herbs are cultivated. A piece of ground or other space, commonly with ornamental plants, trees, etc., used as a park or other public recreation area: a public garden. A fertile and delightful spot or region." (both definitions from :dictionary.com)
Things to consider when looking at a garden to visit:
1) Location; are you heading to a dry, desert climate or a more humid, green climate.  There are many botanical gardens in dry climates; such as: Albuquerque, NM and Phoenix, AZ.  There are also many that are in more humid climates; including, but not limited to: Richmond, VA, Columbus, OH and St. Louis, MO.  Picking the location that spikes your interest and is in route to your destination if the city is not your destination.
2) Calendar; checking the gardens calendar for events. This can be important if you want to attend an event that is taking place or avoid it during that time.  Each garden has a website that lists events and the dates that they are happening. This would also let you know if the garden is closed on a particular date as well as Hours of operation. Many gardens will offer classes and tours.
3) Price; cost to enter the garden. This is always something to consider when going to a botanical garden.  Some parks can be pricey while others maybe free or offer discounts.
4) Size/Terrain; consider the size of the garden you are visiting.  Some span over a few acres to over 100 acres and the terrain maybe flat to difficult at times.  Many of them also have a variety of sections to visit, depending on your interests, but may have additional costs to enter.
5) Time to Spend/Refreshments; depending on how much time you have to spend in the garden, you may want to see if they offer refreshments or have restaurants or food available.  Several gardens have food available for purchase as well as refreshments and snacks. If you plan to stay all day or make it more than a one-day adventure, this would be a big consideration.
These are just a few of the items to consider when picking a botanical garden to visit.  Each website has a myriad of information to browse through and discover what most intrigues each of you.
This week I will highlight one garden (Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO – Week 1) and give you a few highlights that you would not want to miss.  The "Gateway to the Garden" offers a beautiful Visitor Center, allowing them to advance their role as a global leader with the primary focus in plant science. This garden spans 79 acres of garden displays; 14 acres are dedicated to a Japanese garden. They celebrate Black History Month throughout the month of February, honoring George Washington Carver and other African-American Botanists.  Once-a-year the Orchid Show takes place between February 1 and March 22, offering the freedom to view hundreds of blooming orchids. Another popular attraction is the Anthuriums; "any tropical American plant belonging to the genus Anthurium, of the arum family, certain species of which are cultivated for their glossy red heart-shaped bract surrounding a rod like spike of tiny yellow flowers." (taken from Dictionary.com) This plant produces a noticeable scent that is pleasant to the senses.
Hope you will venture out and enjoy the beauty that the gardens of our county offer.
<p>Anna Summers has always been interested in <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/blog/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">gardens</a>, plants and beautiful places to visit. She currently helps run a website where they sell grow supplies for every need or hobby.  Shop their selection today, you can visit their site <a href="https://buygrowsupplies.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p>
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mbblanco · 5 years
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For more information on this beautiful Botanic Garden
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mbblanco · 5 years
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Seeds of Today
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mbblanco · 5 years
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Cleaver ~ Cute
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mbblanco · 5 years
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mbblanco · 5 years
Don't Panic It's Organic
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