#sorry for the shitty screenshot but. HELLO
cheridraws · 1 year
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tteokdoroki · 2 months
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hello everyone!! i wanted to join the writing project ficsforgaza with the intention of raising more awareness and hopefully donations for the ongoing cause. i am a little slow on writing but hopefully this will motivate myself and others for a good cause <3!
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rate: $1 USD per 100 words !
instructions: please follow this link and donate to a vetted fund of your choosing. after doing so, send an off-anon ask to myself including the following: a redacted screenshot as proof (hiding any personal information), a link to the fundraiser you’ve donated to, the name of the wip you’re sponsoring.
example: hi aali! i have donated to help mashael and her family. i would like to sponsor an alternative to grief [ screenshot showing $5 usd has been donated - equivalent to 500 words ]
i will not be publishing asks, but for transparency, will be keeping a record of evidence to send to @ficsforgaza — this is to ensure individuals are not reusing screenshots sent to myself or other writers. the wips will be updated regularly.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 wips disclaimer ! - they are below the cut.
there will also be a donation goal for each wip just to ensure that I don’t get overwhelmed! i work full time and write a little slow, but the main goal is to raise awareness and donate to an important cause. there are various lengths available, subject to change but dont worry if i don’t have anything you fancy! please check out the other authors who are apart of this project!
note: minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact. sfw, nsfw and dark content is included in the wips below.
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🍉 current wips available !
an alternative to grief; katsuki bakugou.
tags ! pro hero!bakugou, nurse!reader, strangers to lovers, dating after loss, children, therapy, grief, hurt comfort, fluff, angst, smut + part one of three.
with the sudden death of your husband, you find yourself alone with a son, angry at the world and in the corner of a therapy group specifically for grieving spouses of pro heroes. it isn’t until you lock eyes with a familiar, formidable red that you come to realise… there is happiness after death and alternatives to grief.
current word count: 5,991/10,000+
donation goal word count: 0/5,000
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my doll; eijirou kirishima.
tags ! pro hero!au, soft dom!kirishima, dumbification, dollification, smut + dark content.
eijirou kirishima was born with an innate desire to protect, to give, to dominate and perhaps that is why he slowly begins to take over your life, treating you as though you’re some dainty little doll…belonging only to him.
current word count: 2,647/3,500
donation goal word count: 0/1,000
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something i thought belonged to me; izuku midoriya.
tags ! pro hero!au, college!au, strangers to friends to lovers, coming of age, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut.
after abandoning your dream school to start anew and get away from your shitty ex, you adopt a stray l cat to cope with your lonesome…only to find out the pro hero exchange student next door has had the exact same idea.
current word count: 134/15,000+
donation goal word count: 2240/5,000
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swingsets; yuuji itadori.
tags ! college!au, small town!au, summer romance, coming of age, first loves, self discovery, misunderstandings, fluff, angst + smut, part one of many.
everyone always says you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. but life moves quick and yuuji itadori has only one year left of his degree to figure out what it is that he wants. making it big in the big city of tokyo isn’t all what it’s cut out to be, so he decides to return to his roots, and indirectly, return to you. OR a jjk small town!au where each sorry connects to another. this is the story of yuuji itadori, reconnecting with his first love.
current word count: 0/20,000+
donation goal word count: 1820/5,000
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other ways to help can be found here and here.
— all rights reserved © TTEOKDOROKI 2020-2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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candyskiez · 10 months
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hello hello! I know this has probably been done before and I am possibly not the only one making a list for this this year, but ah well. here's my prompts for it!
you can do this as writing prompts if you want, whatever floats your boat. some specification:
by underrated I mean anything from the show you think is underrated, by the fandom or the show! a character, a scene, a bit of lore you would've loved to see more of, etc etc. anything you want to see more of content wise. by sport I mean any magical sport on the isles, established in canon or you making it up. fake screenshot is a fake screenshot of a scene that didn't happen in canon, imitating the style. and by demon I mean one of the demons on the isles! these prompts are vague so you can be creative, I'm sorry if they aren't the best haha. and for the shitty image quality I'm not the best at formatting.
you can only do a few prompts, or late submissions, or if you find this list way after october ends feel free to do it! no time limit. just have fun! also, you can start early!
happy drawing! tag your works as candyskiez tohtober if that's ok so I can find and reblog your work! excited to see what you guys make :D
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a-faggot-with-opinions · 11 months
Hello! Person who runs the transandrophobia-archive blog here! Today I came home to 99+ notifications. Most were positive, denouncing the people in the screenshots, but reading some of the negative ones really made me realize how much transandrophobes really don’t care about trans solidarity. Like, at all.
I post transandrophobes, not transfems. A lot of the screenshots I have posted are from transmascs as well as transfems. And yet, I still get called a horrible transmisogynist for documenting this stuff.
I clarify and make numerous posts about how my blog should not make you fear transfems. I talk about trans unity and sticking up for each other. And yet, I am still a horrible transmisogynist.
Archiving is important. I don’t want these people to get off scot-free when this is all over. I don’t want transandrophobia denial to be seen as “not that bad” when people talk about it years later. Archiving is important, but god does it sometimes infuriate me.
You are doing a very good public service, anon. I'm sorry that people are being so shitty to you! I wish I could say I wasn't surprised.
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vaspider · 2 years
hello i am sending a ask about the post you made that showed a screenshot that said something like “jesus never introduced himself using pronouns” and another person responded with “yes he did”. you said that we shouldn’t respond to those kinds of statements and i wanted to ask for more of an explanation of that? i always thought it was good to try to explain to people if their reasonings are incorrect (of course in a nice way). but i understand if you were saying they just do it for attention or something. sorry this is really long. i would have asked in the comments but they’re not working on that post. again i am just curious and would love to know more of your thoughts
If you genuinely think someone is just uneducated, sure, give it a go. Try to educate them.
That exchange was between an incredibly bigoted right-wing blue check account on Twitter and a "liberal" account who makes more of his activity/likes/retweets off of this same sort of bon-mot "dunks" on bigots. They're both kinda part of the same shitty ecosystem, but for now let's talk about the bigot.
That person is in Congress, elected by a gerrymandered minority, and keeps herself in the news by saying bigoted things loudly. You can't change her mind. She's made a career out of saying this shit. She doesn't actually believe no one used pronouns 20 years ago, or that Jesus didn't use pronouns in an introduction ever. And she's counting on someone dunking on her for being wrong. As soon as someone dunks on her for being "wrong," she gets a free platform from lots of people who oppose her, bc y'all will share the dunk. You'd never share her words otherwise, but now you're doing it bc someone corrected her, and you've spread her message for her, boosted the thread, made her more important to Twitter's algorithm. She gains more followers who agree with her. She wins.
If you must respond to some dumb shit they say, screencap it and blot out the name. And most importantly, don't respond to the argument they're supposedly making. She doesn't care if Jesus ever introduced himself with pronouns or not. The only thing to really respond to there is "this person is openly saying she hates trans people." That's it. Don't let her pretend she's "really" saying anything else.
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themaiden05 · 1 year
Fate ( part 2)
pairing : kartik aaran x fem reader
part1 ; https://www.tumblr.com/themaiden05/714953202326437888/fate-part-1?source=share
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kartik couldn't stop thinking about her. Y/n , Y/n , Y/n it was all he could think about. how could he love someone he doesnt even know so madly? he didnt have an answer for that . she was making him feel all kinds of emotions and not just love, she was making him anxious at time , what if she believes all the kriti x kartik shipping going around the internet? what if she ships them too? what if she has a boyfriend? what if she has a fiancee? no no that cant be ,she's can only be y/n aaryan tiwari ! he wouldnt let any duffer's surname even get close to her. what if she's already married ? what if she is out of his reach already? His thoughts were getting ahold of him. He even called his sister Y/n once , good thing she didnt pay attention . he searched her up on instagram , facebook , twitter but there were a million women with the name Y/n, Not knowing her surname made it worse. a lot of public profiles , and profiles with a Dp was out of the way , kartik knew what his y/n looked like, he didnt even need to look at the screenshot he took, her face was imprinted onto his heart . but then there were a lot of profiles with no profile pictures or random profile pictures . he wasnt even sure if her name was her account name so social media was a fail
"any lead?" kriti asked . she was as dedicated in finding kartik's dream girl as he was
"nope, nothing yet"
" what if we just ask the principal of the college for some info?"
"and what are we gonna say? hello sir! I am in love with one of your students , so can I get her instagram id and biodata. he would kick us both out"
"yeah! youre right. did you get anything else from the college website?"
"NO , what we found before was the only thing about her in the entire website"
" you know what Im hungary, lets go eat something . Ive heard there's a new chinese restaurant in town" kriti said standing up from her chair
"no yaar , Im not hungry!"
" I heard its near lourde college"
kartik jumped up from his seat
"what are we waiting for? lets go , Im so hungry!"
kriti laughed at his newfound excitement
"ya lets go"
kartik and kriti had done their best to disguise themselves. they dont want the pap to spread yet another rumour of them being heads over heel in love with each other. the huge glasses , beanie ,mask and hoodie were certainly doing there job . no one has recognised them yet. they find a table and sit facing each other.
"oh my god kartik"
"what is it kriti?" kartik asks .
kriti didnt even have to finish . kartik could sense the familiar scent . he could hear someone sitting on the chair behind them. he turned around. she was right there. His y/n . In a satin green dress, her hair opened and flying slightly in the wind. Her eyes are searching for someone. kartik's heart drops once he sees the guy walking towards her , smiling . he sees her smiling back . The smle he always imagined shed give him when he says how beautiful she is to him , The smile she'd give him when he gets her flowers and give her a pecks on her cheek before leaving for shooting. But he isnt the one getting that smile from her right now and it breaks his heart . He isnt some kabir singh to go out there to force her away from him. she looks happy and thats what he'd want the most , for her to be happy
"sorry , I'm late "
"its ok adi"
kartik hears them talk. kriti is ranting about something but kartik can focus only on what you are saying.
"ehh, youre wearing this green dress again?
"its my favourite dress adi "
"it looks shitty"
what kind of a man is he ? who talks to their girlfriend like that? if he doesnt like the dress why doesnt he just tell it to her nicely? why is she letting him talk to her like that? a million question runs over his head
'' Im gonna use the restroom real quick"
"ya ok but dont take ages. I have to go soon after this , i cant be stuck with you for too long"
stuck with her? where did she even find this douchebag from ? who can't even spend some time with her? Is she hurt from what he said ? has she gone to the restroom to cry?
"im gonna go check on her kriti"
"what!? kartik but-" kriti doesnt even finish before kartik jumps over the chair and walks over to the restroom.
as kartik walks in he sees y/n standing in front of the mirror. she doesnt look like she cried but what if she's really good at hiding emotions
"y/n" kartik calls out.
"who are you?" she looks terrified . thats when kartik remembered his glasses mask and beanie , he looks like a goddamn serial killer. he takes off his glasses and mask
"kartik aaryan?"
"you dont have to call my entire name like that! just call me kartik or koki"kartik ranted out . he could hear his heart beat out of his chest. he could see her blushing
"what are you doing here?"
"oh my friend wanted to try out this restaurant!"
"The restaurant or its women's restroom?"
"oh shit ! this is the women's restroom? great here we go again . I swear im not a pervert , fate just brings me into women's restrooms sometimes"
"fate?" y/n starts laughing . she looks so pretty to him doing so
"this is yours i assume?" kartik takes out her badge from his pocket. good thing he takes it everywhere with him to remind him of her
"oh yeah ! i had lost it the day i met you at another women's restroom"
they both chuckle and walks out kartik puts his glasses and mask back on . he wants to say and ask a lot more but the fact that she has a boyfriend waiting for her stops him. he still muster up the courage to ask her full name but before he could finish they are interrupted by someone. its adi he is still looking down at his phone as he speaks
"i have to go now "
"but we didnt even order yet"
''oh come on man, we'll do this some other time and besides i promised riya from office a movie together"
kartik is on the verge of losing his shit . how can he talk to his girlfriend like that and choose another women over her? why isnt she saying anything?
adi takes his eyes of his phone and looks at the man in front of him
"who's this duffer?"
kartik loses his shit completely and punches him on his nose. adi stumbles back in pain
"thats what you get for treating youre girlfriend like that "
"bhaiyya!!!" y/n runs from kartik's behind to adi
"bhaiyya?oh fuck" kriti always told kartik he's dumb and now it was as if he has realised it
"what the fuck man? who's girlfriend? what girlfriend?" adi asks while covering his nose with his hand
kartik runs over to him
"im so sorry bhaiyya! there was a huuuge misunderstanding"
"whaaaat!? who the hell are you man and why the hell are you calling me bhaiyya"
"you are her bhaiyya , youre my bhaiyya why does it matter bhaiyya?"
y/n chuckles at kartik's remark and their eyes meet . kartik is so relieved that this man he just punched is no one other than his future brother in law but it really was kind of a bad first impression but he'll make up for it
"y/n ask this guy to leave" adi grunts in pain
"koki ! leave"
"koki? so no more kartik aaryan"
y/n blushed and looked down
"ill get going now bhaiyya do put some ice on it itll be alright"
"get outta here dickhead before i punch you back"
"ok ok" before he left he leaned closer to y/n
"you know where to find me" and he walked away from his y/n who was now a blushing mess and her brother a bloody mess.......
(bhaiyya: brother)
to be continued......
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Hi, very nervous system here.
Listen our father is 100% a narcissist. He was our main abuser. (NOT SAYING NARC ABUSE IS REAL BECAUSE IT ISNT)
We have tried SO HARD to explain to him why the shit he did is abusive and not acceptable. We tried fighting back, talking with him, writing to him so he can't cut us off and yell, sending him screenshots of mental illness symptoms of ours and how they're disabling.. like we've tried everything. We don't have NPD but we have ODD so I get hating criticism or being told something if it isn't done right but we've tried being gentle, writing professionally worded letters... and he still thinks he's in the right and we're just an ungrateful confused little shit who doesn't deserve anything nice. I mean he's a shitty person anyway but I want him to understand us.
We want to try and explain why he's in the wrong.
Coming to you because I'm hoping you might have some answers as to how I might be able to get him to sit down and listen to me when I speak! When any of us speak!
I'm sorry if I didn't word anything write and any of it sounds shitty I don't mean it to! Fully support cluster PDs! I just think it's his NPD that's causing him to ignore our voice because he's stated he feels bad for some of the things he's done, which means he understands! He just won't listen to what we have to say and why what he did is entirely wrong and not justified and how if effected us.
I hope this makes sense.
Our mother was also very neglectful and she's definitely a narcissist too but she's done way more listening and learning than he has. She's gotten much better and even apologized. I want to help our father too and maybe even mend our relationship since he's apparently upset that we never speak to him and didn't wish him a happy father's day and he can't seem to figure out why. If we can get him to finally stop cutting us off and speaking over us I think we can make him understand! I just don't know how to do that.
Hello. This isn't the usual thing I do. If you want more further things, please go to @fluffy-clusterb-paradise. But I will answer. Anyone who sees this, please see the tags before clicking.
As someone with NPD, I will answer to the best I can. First off, I appreciate you being as respectful as you can. But remember, don't throw that word around if you don't know. But if your father has been diagnosed with it, then it's fine. And it's good he shows some remorse. I'm gonna try my best to explain and give some of my points of view.
People with NPD gain that due to childhood trauma. So he most likely went through something and never properly had a father, which caused him not to know how to be a proper father. Which is understandable.
Here's where my advice comes in. I think he should go to therapy. And maybe you could convince him too. But other than that, here's what I got to say. Have you ever heard of the talking stick or feather? Maybe try that exercise. Get a random object, and the person holding that object can only talk. You start first, then give him the object so he can talk. And the cycle repeats? Will this work? Maybe and it may not. But if it doesn't. Walk away. Make it obvious that you won't listen if he won't. But don't speak, that might make it worse. Just walk away.
Disclaimer: I can't say what it will work. And I am not always in the best headspace. So, my writing may act dramatic or irrational. But please also keep in mind that I've been abused badly most of my life. So I'm used to taking high measures and cutting people off.
What can I say, though?: I recommend asking him if he learned how to be a father. Asking him what he thinks about you. How he feels about his actions. If he knows how to help. Feel free to use any of these or add on. These are only suggestions.
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heart-shaped-chains · 10 days
Hello Tumblr I'm not dead. Life has sucked ass but I'm too mad and it's too much to describe so somewhat NSFW and cringe COD OC art dump under the cut. Came up with this in a day. This entire sketch was cause I was bored, waiting for my phone to charge and it took FOREVVERRR to even come to life so I decided to sketch/jot down ideas 4 my Little Army Dreamers Fallout (only the show cause I'm weak) inspired AU which. Is a lot.
So I will post screenshots of a synopsis and make a separate blog to post my stuff unless the COD ppl are rocking with me. Anyway um. Here's some doodles out of the way. Shitty ones first 2 build up expectations cause I'M SOO out of practice but anyway pls give me attention I need it m so proud of myself I wanna put these on the fridge....(NOT THIS))
Actually nvm here's an example to hopefully entice u....
Mr stick figure Riley. Ugh. Not very happy with the face but basically. 19 year old rookie goes through shit within a three year span, gets drunk at a banquet hall 2 weeks after a grueling mission bc Price dragged my super cool, war criminal self insert there 2 cool off. Kid goes off on a room full of Generals and royalty and corporate oligarchs and then while he's drunken and coked up and he can barely move and shit, he starts WWIII. In the fucking hall. And the BIG goal is to blow up the Pentagon (IN COD, FBI AGENTS IN COD) to stop them from dropping the big atomic bomb and they have FIVE DAYS to do it!!!.
And this is AFTER the NPD, OCD Autism and more ridden Sargeant goes from fuckin. Scared rookie, to respected team player, to a fierce Sargeant, to the most hated man in the WORLD. All because he didn't wanna go to a stupid fucking party. Anyway here it goes hope this is at least interesting. I **will** make a series. Whether it's an OC/self insert or a reader insert or even new characters to make it super my own. But I hope you guys like it. I'll shut up now and please be nice about any constructive criticism lmao.
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LAMEEEEE BOO-HOOO. Not awful like. An artist DIDE draw these and this was my first time drawing Riley so I'm sorry that he's so weird. I hope y'all like my other designs cause they're so good. Gonna stfu let the pics talk and see where it goes from here
But I'll shut up and give my detailed thoughts either in the reblogs or I'll edit them in later. Here it GOES!!!!
This took under 2 hours. Arthritic hands didn't do SHIT!!! Not a fan of everything but considering it was just a bored sketch and not actually meant 2 be anatomy practice, I hope y'all like it. Thank the Lord for big, buff men who could kill me. I NEED. Bf soon man. Any of these body types are fuckin awesome. Please feel free to comment and be as annoying as you want about this bc I want it to b enjoyed.
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caladamn · 16 days
I'm not even gonna venture onto DR twitter rn cause I know the Plane hate will piss me off. Like... I completely understand not liking what she said or agreeing with it! But it pisses me off when people call someone racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic (you get the idea) for no reason when whatever they said just doesn't warrant that reaction?? I don't know much about Chappell and I'm sure she's a lovely woman, and PJ deffo (just for her own sake tbh) shouldn't have posted that cause, well... we now know how people react and she probs should have just sat in silence with it for a while longer (also idk if i'm not understanding fully, but did pj say she's heard some drag queens say that chappell is rude or did that not happen? cause i've only seen one screenshot of plane talking about it, but some are saying that PJ said that other drag queens have had been interactions with Chappell) ANYWAY, sorry for this ask - you don't have to answer it cause its so messy and all over the place lmao but it genuinely rubs me the wrong way... I think most of the people getting super angry over what she said are people that don't like pj, haven't from the start, and just kinda followed along with the overall fanbase when they started opening up to her, and they've been waiting for something to set them off (cause i remember people being set off during the lip sync smackdown episode when pj joked about amanda and quite a few people started calling her a bully again on twitter) i think everyone should just take a deep breath like i understand why people are mad or annoyed but it's the people REALLY going in on her that are pissing me all the way off like... fucking relax you're acting like she said something horrific
i 100% agree anon !
at first I was mostly annoyed by the fact that people just blew everything completely out of proportion (imo-- cause I really don't understand how "I don't vibe with this person" becomes "I think this person and everyone similar to this person is not valid"- ???). but then they started calling pj things that she's clearly not (there's multiple videos of her saying she loves women and lesbians, hello?). and I somewhat understand why seeing someone who's a white cis gay man being skeptical of a lesbian artist feeds into the narrative of gay men excluding queer women from queer spaces--- but that's literally not what pj did. and you're right, she did mention that she heard from local queens that had worked with chappell in the past that she wasn't the nicest (not sure how true this is, but if that's what she heard who am i, or anyone, to deny that).
and the worst part is that now they're using this to bring up past FALSE allegations against her. it's pretty obvious atp that these people don't actually care to defend the reason this whole discourse started for, they just want pj cancelled and gone. I've literally seen people just go on and on about how shitty of a person (they think) she is instead of defending lesbians or queer women who do drag. they don't care about queer women.
also, everyone's entitled to an opinion (!). all pj did was give her (albeit uninformed/incorrect) opinion/criticism on chappell. she never talked about lesbians as a whole. and even if she did. WHO CARES. there's more important things in the world and a person's opinion is not going to change anything or have any true impact on anyone's life. this is such stupid discourse imo.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Hey Huey zoomer, I had to get my meds. About the mess that is my generation
Tbh well…look how late Gen x and millenials in media act like? Hello the society of magic negroes?
“The most dangerous animal on the planet is white people!”- well does the Jews run the world too?
And not a funny joke, especially since the movie said that a black guy wanting to get with a white girl is going to destroy their magic
Isn’t that what the term, ESPECIALLY racist?
Also the Velma show, Mindeyyyy, yes there a lot of rich annoying white boys. We can check wiki and found out that you are from a white collar family
Also your ass is handling one of the most famous kids cartoon in history
That privilege right there
But back to “royal zoomers” i remember a screenshot pointing out that a lot of people were tolerated and not raised. They were thrown in front of the tv
And this happens to my generation, for some goddamn reason a lot of Gen x decided to throw the tablets at their kids to shut them up and not raised
And who they got their personalities from? Toxic millennials and Gen x who think white men are the root of all evil and such.
So when you have zoomers thinking that millennials and Gen x who still have unresolved parental issues into their goddamn late 20’s-40’s controlling media
Yeah my generation need to be held responsible for their actions…but they are told by Gen x and millennials who treated fictional characters like real people and real people like shit. That their shitty behavior is a okay
I’m an autistic abuser survivor that was abused by my white stepmom. And even at 13 I knew racism against white people was bad.
Oh right right that bitch is a millennial too…let just a whole bunch of late gen z and alpha gen are going to point out that current society enable their late gen x and millennials female relatives toxic af behaviors
Especially boys, like holy FUCK don’t be surprised how many men in the upcoming decades are weary af around women
Sorry for this essay, make sense?
Glad you got your meds, that's good news right there.
Magical Negros movie thing kinda dropped off the map from what I could see, which is good because it's not something we need out and about right now.
Looks like it's coming out to wide release in March so discourse will likely resume, sad.
As for Velma I think mindy kaling figured out it was garbage while she was making it but also realized it's a carer killer to admit that out loud so the shift to 'call them racist' happened and then quality is irrelevant so she just kept going.
Wild how we went from promoting tolerance to forcing people to adhere to specific dogmas.
Don't like the show, you don't watch it since it's made for people who will enjoy it, live and let live, and now we're here with opinion pieces telling us not liking it is a terrible thing somehow.
So when you have zoomers thinking that millennials and Gen x who still have unresolved parental issues into their goddamn late 20’s-40’s controlling media
I think it's still boomers at the top making the big decisions, but the crossover is happening, people on screen ya it's gonna be gen x and millennials.
Gen-X doesn't really have the parental issues though we're fairly self reliant, call it a positive or negative of the 'latchkey kid' life however you like, 2 income families were a newer thing and they didn't know what to do with us so we worked it out on our own.
Uber boomer sounding rant I'll put under a cut that actually is fairly accurate.
Still funny, not sure what the point of doing that particular movie was but if it was to showcase strong black women, yes it did that but it also forced a reckoning for people that have been dismissing any accountability for the various African kingdoms that captured, catalouged, and sold the slaves
related tangent, was waiting for one of these asks of yours to pop in because I've got a nice link for you that I've been holding on to for ya.
Great African Kingdoms
This collection presents a small sampling of the many great African kingdoms that rose and fell from the ancient period when Punt traded with Egypt up through the common era. Each kingdom developed a distinct culture and corresponding art and religious belief that continues to influence people around the world in the present day.
Went through a few of the articles linked in there, interesting stuff and it's not just different kingdoms either despite the title of the page.
Carrying on
Yeah my generation need to be held responsible for their actions…but they are told by Gen x and millennials who treated fictional characters like real people and real people like shit. That their shitty behavior is a okay
I blame a lot of that one the early gen-x who birthed the early millennials, tail end boomers early gen-x gave us the participation trophy.
I’m an autistic abuser survivor that was abused by my white stepmom. And even at 13 I knew racism against white people was bad.
Puts you leagues ahead of loads of people who have trouble with that concept. Very positive knowledge to have.
Especially boys, like holy FUCK don’t be surprised how many men in the upcoming decades are weary af around women
We're there already, it's looking like it may get worse though, sadly. The ideological divide between men and women is getting weird too I didn't expect the left right thing to go the way it has, it's a push back on the various abuses of the system that have happened though I'd guess.
Sorry for this essay, make sense?
little jankey but I got it fine since that's how my brain do too.
Again, glad you got your meds and are taking them that's a very good thing, another Gen-X thing we still have the stigma associated with "Prozac Nation" sitting in the backs of our heads no matter what we try to bash in to the normal bit.
Hope you enjoy the African Kingdom links and now it's a boomerish Gen-X rant under the cut time.
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that last line is cringe, lol
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sandplague · 1 year
Hello! Sorry to bother (and for refollowing? I accidentally clicked unfollow instead of the inbox button the first time ;-; ) - I was wondering whether you had any tips for patho classic beginners! I'm planning to Finally start my first playthrough over the holidays, but I'm so bad at keeping track of multiple things at once + easily anxious that I'm not sure where to look first. I do have my mind made up to play and will be looking at multiple guides (empty brain vs. story completionist tendencies... Fight!) but any small tips would be much appreciated! If not, no worries!
hey that's fine I honestly just skim the notes this blog gets once in a while anyway so most of the time I don't notice if people unfollow or follow me lol. If you're going to be looking at guides you should be fine honestly, when I replay it to chill whenever I have a gap of time I will look at that old guide translated by theLxR occasionally and it's pretty thorough. So I'll try to add here more personal tips which won't be main walkthrough type things...
When the day starts I check the things that need to be done (main day's quest, sides, etc) plan what order they need to be done in and map out the route where I can pick up the most garbage/fill up the most water bottles/engage in trading(extremely important)/pick herbs etc. Never forget to check the garbage cans or to fill up your water bottles, it's easy to get lazy about it but the water is gold for trading with drunks for bandages. If you see any kids check what they're trading. At night if I had free time & good enough health I usually would kill bandits for money and loot. Stockpile everything. You can survive on kinda shitty sleep and food if you need the money. In Pathologic 2 I would absolutely not advise to buy the gun, just keep your knife sharp, but in Patho HD the guns are not as bad. I'm advising this because of some of the quests you have to do and also because the bandits can literally throw their damn knives at you in this game. Klara she's fine straight up killing with her hands most of the time which is very economical. Make sure you keep your weapon in shape, save often (seriously), buy the infected map every day. I would have a map you can mark up or an already marked up one of where all the shops are and for the haruspex and changeling scenarios make sure to get the herb map. If you want to fuck around and fly to see some nice views of the town you can use console commands, I would suggest trying to see the Theater performance every night...Take screenshots and write down some thoughts during each character scenario so you can compare what you were thinking each time when you finish all 3 maybe? I can't really think of anything else that wouldn't already be in a guide... I hope it's helpful!
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When I started this blog back in May, it was with crappy Viki/YouTube screenshots, no idea what I was doing, and, like, three followers. But that was then and this is now, and as such, I think it's time to circle back to some of the very first things I did on this blog.
So let's take another look at Mirror Girl's Bathroom!
Of new note:
Green marble counter. It's just so green -- and green in a way that nothing else in the bathroom is. In fact, between that, the grey-blue wall tiles, the grey trash can, and the terracotta floor, this bathroom has a lot of ideas about what colors it should be, and none of those ideas line up with any of the others.
The llama ... air freshener? At least, I think that's what it is? This is the ceramic purple thing on top of the shelf with all the piles of fabric that probably aren't beach towels. It looks friendly.
All that floor space. Okay, I mentioned this before, but I'm still on it: This bathroom is nicely big, but not usably big. There's a whole lot of unused space in there, such that I find myself pondering what the bathroom equivalent of a kitchen island is. It's still giving me converted warehouse vibes (even if the real vibe is "room enough for a camera crew").
Pink metal lantern. This one's over on the shelf by the tub, inside the shower cubicle. It's got little filigreed cutouts in the metal that a candle could shine through. Add another random background lantern to the list!
Right-side-up trashcan. It simply has a foot pedal that opens the lid. I'm sorry I misunderstood you before, trashcan.
Hello Kitty basket. Hello, kitty!
Set continuity. The bathroom, the main room, and the bedroom are all clearly the same set While we never see through the door between the main room and the bedroom, we do get shots looking into the bathroom from both those locations. And in case folk are having trouble making sense of the layout, I made a shitty MS Paint map of the apartment!
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It's a cute little set, even if it does leave little things like food storage and prep a complete mystery.
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rottmntliberation · 2 years
Greetings, everyone. Or, well, hello. I should really stop using shitty nerd lingo, huh?
I had few hours long call with Mikey and Mod Leonardo, and first and foremost, the one thing I want to say is that I'm sorry.
I know, I know.
"He's probably just doing this to save his ass or get attention!"
And you have every right to think that way. The manner in which I've been acting ever since I opened this blog is unacceptable. In the process of looking for validation for my shitty takes and feelings, I hurt one of the people I care about the most, and to make matters worse, I put Mikey in danger by bringing on a dangerous individual so that I could have an "edgy" and "controversial" Tumblr blog.
I've since removed Mod Leonardo and apologized to Mod Mikey. She forgave me, but I don't deserve it. I've caused her so much stress over these past few weeks and I wish I'd seen the light sooner.
Regarding the first (lesser) Mod Leo, it's true that we were best friends for five years. We met in the seventh grade and we are now juniors in high school. We live in a pretty bad town when it comes to *any* kind of diversity, and I was raised to believe that being gay or "different" was a sin, and that I would go to Hell just for watching cartoons or playing pretend. When Leo came out as gay, I panicked, and I tried to push him out of my life when he needed me the most. He did nothing wrong, and I hurt him, and that is something that I can never take back or make alright. So, Leo, I'm sincerely sorry once again.
I thought I was homophobic because that's what I've been taught to believe. The truth is, I'm only uncomfortable with homosexuality because I thought I was, which I'm now seeing doesn't make sense when I surround myself with people from the LGBTQ+ community. I believe it's true that I have been overcompensating. 
I feel an attraction towards masculine presenting people.
I think I always have, and I think my parents knew too, because they sent me to Hoosier Youth Challenge Academy last year with (greater) Mod Leonardo. That’s the camp where we met and became friends. For the record, we’re not friends anymore, as their aggressive behavior towards Mod Mikey on call was completely unforgivable. Hoosier wasn’t a bad camp at all, it was great, but my parents made it clear that I was to come home compliant or not at all.
I was scared, and because of that, I tried to make myself seem as anti-queer as possible.
I now understand that my actions have caused harm not only to my friends, but to those who had to witness my childish behavior. For that, I apologize. I’m sorry for making you all witness this and I’m sorry for causing such a disturbance in the Rise fandom. I truly love this show with all my heart and it was wrong of me to taint its legacy.
I’m going to try to work on myself. I’m also bringing Leo back on the blog, because it was stupid and hypocritical of me to kick him off in the first place. He’s really been my rock through all of this and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. 
Here are some screenshots from the first fight we had:
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Here's the screenshots from when we made up:
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I'll be around to answer questions.
~ Mod Donatello
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lutawolf · 2 years
Hello Ms Luta,
First of all, I would like to clarify I'm not an english native speaker, so I'm sorry if I commit any misspellings and I'm also sorry for coming here to ask for advice, but I can't talk about this with no one irl and since this is something related to bdsm, maybe it wouldn't be too outrageous to tell it to you? The thing is yesterday I was at home bored and I went to a chat page (where I have found some nice and funny people to talk to) to pass the time and I found myself talking with a guy who said that he was in search for a submissive slut and I said if he didn't have one already in his life and he said yes but he likes to have an harem and I rolled my eyes but I thought anyways let's play along for my amusement, so we continued talking for like an hour where we said some things and kinks that we would like to do together (I'm in my twenties but I have never had sex with anyone yet, so the bdsm things I said were only things I think I'd like in the realm of fantasy) and then he asked me for my instagram because he said he didn't want to lose such a good sub slut, I hesiated and he said it would fine if I didn't want to, respect is first and if I didn't want to continue talking to him I could block him and that's all, then he said if I would be more comfortable if we continue talking while I think about it I said yes so he gave me his ig and asked me to talk to him there when I wanted to, so we talked some more, until I talked to him through a landscapes ig account I have where there are no pics of myself, we continued talking there and he told me to do things and send (temporary) pics to him, periodically asking me if I was alright and comfortable, he sent me a pic of his face but I didn't want to send my (ugly) face to him which he said it was fine, we continued talking for far too long for my taste, I have another guy on ig who is happy to see a pic of my tits, is very affectionated when I do it and he finishes quickly but this dude have been dirty talking and commanding me for hours but doesn't finishes and doesn't praises me, only said I have a perfect ass, which I don't believe I have but whatever, and that's all which leads me to think that I'm being boring and he is not affected by anything I say nor do, so I end asking him if we could end talking for tonight since I need to get up early in the morning, he agreed and asked me to do a videocall because he needs to see my pussy to finish, I did it just for him to finally shut up and leave me alone, I was annoyed by his cold attitude by them, he finally finishes and wishes me a good night and asks me again if I want to be his regular sub slut, I don't want to but I said I wanted to have time to think about it and he accepted. Now, Ms Luta, after making you lose time of your life with my stupidity, my question is how do I say no to him when he next talks to me without getting him angry enough to do something like screenshot our conversation and send it to my followers, which is something I shouldn't be worried about except I commited the grave mistake of talking to him through an account where some friends of mine follow me and the possibility of him sending them screencaps of our conversation is stressing me out. I don't want any pity, only some advice on how to manage the situation I got myself into because of my temporal lack of judgement, but I understand if you decide to ignore and delete this bullshit, thank you for reading this anyway ❤
Hey Hey baby sub🐤,
Oph, little girl. I can tell you are a baby. You got yourself into a pickle. Which is going to be your lesson learned. He played you. This is exactly why I preach, know yourself, know other subs and research before talking to a Dom. You got manipulated right where he wants you. He put you right where he needs you, in order to black mail you.
BDSM in not something you do because you are bored and want to have fun. That's how you meet shitty Doms. Congratulations, your consolation prize is embarrassment. I'm not saying this to be a dick. I'm saying this because you need to get comfortable with your punishment. It is far better to be embarrassed than end up in a situation where you are killed, sexually assaulted, or both. Which, is where his black mailing ass is headed.
Followers and friends are not worth your life and happiness. A minutes embarrassment is not going to be the end of your world. Even though it might feel like it. You will survive and go on to do fun and amazing things but to do that. You can't be manipulated into going further. Then learn the lesson of, if you can't handle the consequences of playing in the kitchen. Then get the fuck out. BDSM lifestyle is not all play and no responsibility.
Don't go looking for him. Wait for him to come to you. Tell him politely that you are a one sub to one Dom kind of girl. That you have a Dom who has indicated interest in that and you'd like to give it a try. If he is actually a Dom, another Dom in the picture should have him back up. If he pushes, do not back down. If your country has blackmail laws, don't be afraid to use them should he bring up showing pictures. Regardless of what he says, stand firm. If you let him blackmail you, you gonna end up in a harder situation to get out of. Trust me, I've seen it.
Wishing you the best of luck. 💜💜💜
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
they deleted their ocs but i have reblogs of them and screenshots of all posts (not reblogs they are just genshin fanart from popular artists) https://tamos-reblog-account.tumblr.com/ admittedly she isnt as bad yet this time self hate minorly sinophobic (it was pretty sneaky i almost didnt notice it) like why is it necessary to make your two black ocs with vitiligo hated by the people of liyue (nation based/inspired from china)specifically and then have both move to mondstadt (nation based/inspired from Germany...) her age was 15 this time lmao the way she has the trans flag all over but doesnt include trans in her bio is... sus? furthers my belief shes faking. well i mean... ofc she is she does it all the time. with every blog. they would have been fine if not for that like i was just scrolling the genshin tag and saw the character card for delilah and thought she was the cutest fucking thing. (im a sucker for vitiligo im sorry) was bored as FUCK tho so i didnt bother to read her stuff but then a few posts down i saw mila and thought oh hey shes similar to delilah so i decided to check out the blog when i tell you my heart dropped and then started RACING i saw the behavior and "hate asks" i looked at the pfp i read the ocs texts im loosing my fucking mind THE REST OF THE STUFF ABOUT HER OCS WAS ACTUALLY DECENT FOR ONCE BUT SHE /RUINED/ IT
they did some stuff with twst but i'll leave that to yall to discuss its just another copy of mulan and tiana
she never changes *sigh*
Hello!! Terribly sorry to everyone for the prolonged radio silence :sobsob: I work full time these days and can't keep as vigilant a watch as I used to, but I have time this morning, so I want to update everyone.
I'm using Tamo's ask as a jumping off point, both to say thank you to them for making the official callout post for Jordan/Ray's newest blog, cutemermaidprincess (now deactivated), and to talk about a couple of things that I'll get to in a moment.
To start, I believe you and I had the same idea. I was mainly leaving her alone to see what she would do this time around. I had no doubts that the blog was her yet again, but I didn't want to start something without having proof and end up throwing some poor rando under the freight train. (Sidenote: one of my mutuals recently had something like that happen to them, being falsely accused of something pretty heinous by a callout account and it scared the life out of them. I didn't want to be the cause of something like that.)
But, now that this blog is gone, I think I can start talking again. Here are the screenshots I took before it went down:
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In regard to everyone who sent in asks with this blog's username, thank you! I appreciate what you are trying to do, but please understand that I didn't answer anybody publicly because I have a sort of method to approach this person's habits with. I cannot, in good conscience, take speculation as evidence of a new Ray account, but now that I have the screenshots and the blog is deleted, we can safely assume that it was her again.
While I wasn't crazy about the idea of letting her go after seeing her post the OCs, I was content to just leave her alone to do her thing if she didn't start trouble again, because there's no realistic chance of getting an apology out of her. But she ruined it for herself again, as Tamo said. I only skimmed the chara bios so I didn't catch the Sinophobia this time, I suppose I've gotten careless.
Also, it's extremely shitty of her to use a trait that many people have, vitiligo, as a jumping off point for her fake pity party. She's just adding to the list of reasons why she needs to be perma-banned with every iteration of her nonsense.
It's obvious it was her; I don't know what exactly she's hoping will happen. If she keeps posting in the tags, people will figure out who she is every time. She's better off just giving up at this point, she's made an enemy of nearly everyone in the TWST fandom and I don't think people care enough in Genshin to give her any attention.
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batmurdock · 1 year
3, 7, and 13 lmao honestly i’m curious to know your answers because i sure do know mine!
o hello there
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
lmao I don't think I saved any screenshots [much like I don't hatewatch things], but something that comes to mind is the people who adamantly insist BBC Sh*rl*ck was the pinnacle over Elementary [you can enjoy both] and those who handwave Martin Freeman's shitty racist comments about Lucy Liu for the sake of their beloved show. Yes I'm still angry about it.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
IIIII am drawing a huge blank here I am SO sorry. Genuinely if fandom gets loud about something my knee-jerk reaction is [windows shutdown noise] to tune them out LMFAO
we'll say Jughead I guess. I fell off R*verdale but I did like that little freak. People did get super fucking weird about him for a while though before I peaced out of being interested in that mess of a show.
13. worst blorboficiation
there are so many who receive terrible blorbo treatment, but for just $0.02 a day, you too can kick the actual writers of S*P*N* for woobifying C*stiel.
and now I've hit 2/3 triangulations of the OG Three so that's flying a bit too close to the sun. tally-ho and off I go~ LMFAO thank you for your ask.
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