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sandplague · 2 days ago
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IPL's statement
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sandplague · 5 days ago
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Renata's tweet link, translation tweet link. the translator is right, Renata has been through an absolute living nightmare at the hands of IPL's head Dybowski. It's March now and I haven't seen anything from IPL in english regarding this, just posts about the new game, not that this would change his obscene and disgusting behavior that has already come to pass but it would at least be some sort of acknowledgment, removal or something. they seem to have someone skilled in english working PR lately so this should not be a barrier. there's really no excuse. i'll post it if they write anything but who knows after this long. ok here's the rest of the thread
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sandplague · 6 days ago
sorry i was in the hospital for quite a while so i'm just seeing all this disturbing news now, i'll repost it here in a bit
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sandplague · 3 months ago
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screenshots from the Steam page for Pathologic 3: Quarantine
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sandplague · 3 months ago
Pathologic 3: Quarantine is a narrative-driven adventure about a young scientist in search of immortality and a mysterious plague outbreak in a small town. Learn how your story began and what drove a celebrated academic to leave his acclaimed lab. Examine patients, uncover strange secrets, and make first steps towards defeating Death.
Bachelor Daniil Dankovsky is a celebrated young doctor from the Capital. The Powers That Be do not appreciate his search for immortality. The rumor of an immortal man who lives in a faraway steppe town may be exactly the breakthrough he needs… if he can get to him.
Bachelor’s story is told through his subjective lens and through the lens of his persecutors. Did he really do — or fail to do — all the things he is accused of? Can he fix his own story by going back in time and making different choices? In Quarantine, watch how this non-chronological storytelling begins.
Fight the Sand Plague by examining patients and diagnosing them, but also investigating their life situations to find out the unpleasant truths they may hide. To save more lives, issue decrees based on your research. Face the horrifying personification of the Plague in the burning flesh.
Dankovsky is a sharp mind in search of the truth, willing to do anything to find it. Anything you see can tell a story and become a piece of your mental map of the world. Look at everything around you, connect the dots, and read the world!
Pathologic 3: Quarantine "About this game"
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sandplague · 3 months ago
Ice-Pick Lodge's post on Steam:
Hi everyone! We’re finally ready to share a little mischief with you, called Pathologic 3: Quarantine.
Quarantine is a free prelude to Pathologic 3 that you’ll be able to experience before the main game’s release. It’s akin to a demo version, but not quite. Our longtime followers might recall The Marble Nest—a playable teaser released before Pathologic 2. Quarantine follows a similar format but with slightly different goals: unlike The Marble Nest, which was a completely separate story, it will showcase fragments of gameplay mechanics, set the stage for the story, and pull back the curtain a bit for those curious about the game’s world.
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This free prologue ties directly into the main game and partially overlaps with its intro, but has several unique scenes as well. For the first time in the series, we will see the Capital — where Bachelor’s poor lab is located. (Telmann is a traitor.)
Stay tuned for more details about Quarantine coming next year! Don’t forget to follow us on social media to grab front-row seats. And please add Quarantine to your wishlists: a small step for you — but it means a lot to indie developers like us.
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sandplague · 4 months ago
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just going to slap this on every post I make now
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sandplague · 4 months ago
Devlog #01: Sound and Atmosphere
Does the Bachelor hear the sound of raindrops hitting the bulls?
Hey friends!
Today, we’re sharing a video from our sound design team, put together for Save and Sound.
Consider this a controlled gameplay leak of sorts, with plenty of hints and mini-teasers. We won’t be explaining everything just yet, but stay tuned for more details in December. :)
Today, we want to dive into the atmosphere we’re building. Atmosphere is nothing without sound – Ressa, Vasily, Natalia, and Arthur will walk you through the sound elements that make up the game’s ambiance, how they’ve organized the sound production from a tech perspective, and how the sounds of Buenos Aires somehow snuck into the Town on the Gorkhon.
Thanks for tuning in, and we hope we’ve sparked some discussion!
See you soon!
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sandplague · 4 months ago
pathologic 3 save & sound 2024 presentation
this is a quick attempt at a transcript of the presentation. I think I got most of it but there are some words I was unable to hear, I can't say I have a lot of practice doing this and that's on me so if any of you guys can help me I'll edit it asap
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Ressa Schwarzwald: I'm Ressa from Gameowdio. Our team has been working on Pathologic 3 with Vasily Kashnikov and his apprentice Nikolai. This video will feature some of the audio stuff we've made together.
Our goal regarding audio direction was to give the real experience of being in the epicenter of an epidemic. Fully realistic, no bullshit. So we are obviously shooting this video in The Town. We realized pretty early that the game was quite different from the original Pathologic 2 because of the time travel mechanics. So for the prototype we built a time travel machine [the date November 1924 shows on screen], which appeared to be quite useful to record some source sounds, and [date changes to November 3024] make this video in just half a second using existing technology.
Let's start with the music.
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Vasily Kashnikov: Hi, I'm Vasily Kashnikov, audio director of Pathologic 3 project. I'll tell you how our music is structured. We were already thinking about how the Bachelor's game would sound when we were working on Patholgic 2 and writing music for Haruspex. In Pathologic 2, the music had more ethnic and real motives (motifs?) and instruments. Since the city and its customs are familiar with Haruspex since he was a child, he is involved in the traditional way of life. In the case of Pathologic 3, this is the view of an outsider who evaluates everything from the point of view of rationality and science. Therefore, we are trying to make the Pathologic 3 soundtrack colder and more detached from the steppes and ethnicity in character. There is more synthesis, guitars at the same time, the Bachelor communicates with those in power so the soundtrack contains a large share of minimalist so-called furniture music that could sound in the beginning of the last century. Piano etudes and references to composers of that time: Satie, Debussy, etc. The soundtrack is a rather eclectic mix of dreampop, downtempo, and (?) minimalism.
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In the city when the Bachelor is alone with himself, we emphasize the cold mind of the rhythm section: less emotional harmony, and sometimes electronic timbres. In the rooms where we need to separate the main character from those he interacts with, we use more expressive harmonies and more classical instruments: piano and guitar passages.
When we designed the interactive music system, we assumed that time is finite, and the music had to change depending on the amount of time the Bachelor had left. However, we later abandoned this system and now the music changes depending on the state of the Bachelor himself, who can fall into apathy or psychosis. To emphasize these states, we apply filters and effects to different layers of our tracks and get a slower, muffled sound in the case of apathy, and wired (?) nervous, glitchy in the case of psychosis. In the infected quarters, there are interactive systems that... [screen begins to distort] oh my god, Nataliya! Please stop this!
Nataliya Radina: Whoops, hehe, sorry. But yeah, basically the other system we created reflects everything you hear in the game. Such as... If we use our gun when dealing with the local thugs, the longer we aim the weapon at the people, the less sounds of the outside world we hear and the louder becomes the heartbeat. To add to the intensity, sharper tone was used along with a high pitch tinnitus sound. If the psychosis level goes to the maximum, it starts to damage Bachelor's health, which is accompanied by flashes on the screen, as well as low heartbeat and short breathing sounds.
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Vasily Kashnikov: In the infected and rebel's quarters, there are also interactive systems that change the character of the music by adding or disabling instrument layers depending on the state of the world or the Bachelor's equipment to fight the plague. As a result, we have 12 tracks for each day spent in the city. they can freely switch between each other and several dozen themes for locations and characters, and all the music is subject to change depending on the state of the Bachelor.
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Nataliya Radina: Since the game has a weather changing system, we also wanted to reflect that in our audio feedback as well. The game has global wetness parameter that shows how intense the rain is. The more it rains, the more squishy and muddy are the steps of the outside surfaces. Moreover, if you come closer to the window, you can hear the rain pondering on the glass. Even in the middle of the plague, we always have room for cozy moments, right? My favorite part of that system is involving cows. [cow moo]. So, when it's raining, you can actually hear very very soft sound of raindrops dropping on those bovine butts. And I personally think it's beautiful.
Artur Ramanouski: Hi, my name is Artur, and I was also involved in creating some sound assets for the game.
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Probably the hardest thing to record were the footsteps. I had everything planned out: bought the equipment, got every type of surface, but...there was one small thing I overlooked: I live in a city with over 12 million people. Noise everywhere. The solution was simple and ingenious: I recorded everything on a Sunday, because in Buenos Ares, Sunday is the one day when no one does anything.
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Nataliya Radina: One of the most important places in the game is the cathedral. There we have a system of ladders that control the speed and direction of time. Direction wise, we can have it flow normally, or reversed. [entire presentation is rewound very quickly so it's back to Ressa]
Ressa Schwarzwald: She is super professional.
Nataliya Radina: As for the speed, we can make it stand still, go twice as fast, or half normal speed. We created an audio system that has to (?) understand what is actually happening around (inaudible). When we reverse time, spatial effects are added to the surrounding sounds. Ambience, steps, and the mechanism itself. When time stands still, we increase the low frequencies in the ambience, and all the other sounds are muted to zero. Now lastly, when the time goes twice as fast, or half the original speed, the pitch of the surrounding sound changes accordingly.
The coolest part of this system is that it's been actually implemented into the game engine using only one parameter.
Ressa Schwarzwald: Thank you for watching. See you here, later!
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sandplague · 4 months ago
now that the livestream is over, you can go straight to the Pathologic section around 4hr 10min to see it ☑️
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sandplague · 4 months ago
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here's some screenshots from the save & sound presentation i took quickly, I'm assuming IPL will upload the video and/or make a post about it, there was a lot of exciting info regarding sound and game mechanics.
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sandplague · 4 months ago
pathologic is finally on
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sandplague · 4 months ago
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sandplague · 4 months ago
(i'll just copy & paste the text here)
Pathologic 3 FAQ #1
Answers to frequently asked questions and a few hints about what’s coming next!
Hey hey!
Very soon, we’ll be sharing the first details about the game, starting with the soundtrack: on November 4th, we’re taking part in Save and Sound, an annual event dedicated to sound design and soundtracks in video games.
We know the wait has been long, and we want to thank you for the warm reception of the announcement. Today, we’d like to clarify a few points that we often see coming up in community discussions about the Pathologic 3 announcement.
So, let’s get started!
Q: What happened to the route for Pathologic 2? Has it evolved into a sequel?
A: Yes, that’s exactly what happened: the game simply grew beyond our concept of DLC—it will have different gameplay and entirely new features. Instead of one game with three playthroughs using the same gameplay but different storylines (as in the original 2005 release and the Classic HD remaster), we’re creating three fully developed games with distinct gameplay and significant differences in narrative.
Now, these are truly three separate protagonists with unique worldviews, perceptions of reality, and distinct tools. From a gameplay perspective, this means three different approaches and a complete rethinking of the original scripts.
One storyline was released in 2019, centered on the Haruspex. It was a large game that took much more time and work than initially planned. For publishing reasons, it was titled Pathologic 2.
Pathologic 3 is a new, full-fledged game focused on the Bachelor. The title was chosen to avoid confusion, making it clear that this is not a DLC but a complete game with a similar playtime.
Q: What about the Changeling?
A: Finally, there’s the Changeling, but we’d prefer not to make promises prematurely, so we’ll return to her when there’s more to share.
Moving forward, we plan to stick to this approach. We understand that premature promises about the previous Pathologic led to unfulfilled expectations. We apologize for that and don’t want to mislead you in the future. The developer should not be an unreliable narrator—unlike his characters.
Q: How do Pathologic 2 and Pathologic 3 differ?
A: The protagonists! And that’s only half-joking. The main idea and reason for dividing these games is that the Haruspex and the Bachelor are very different characters. The further we developed the Bachelor’s story, the clearer this became. We didn’t want to compromise by making the game a “safer” rework of the original script, so we reimagined the core gameplay loop:
The Haruspex needed to survive, fight, scavenge, rummage through garbage for scraps of bread, and try to save those he held dear along the way. The Bachelor is a man of intellect. Survival is not his primary concern; his goals go beyond what one lifetime could contain. He needs to think, formulate theories, and gather evidence. Ultimately, he must issue commands and observe the results. This distinction will be emphasized through gameplay, mechanics, objectives, soundtrack, and so on.
After Save and Sound, we plan to return later this year to show you what we mean. As they say, "Show, don’t tell."
Q: Who will receive game keys?
A: We remember our commitments to those who supported us during the fundraising stage nearly ten years ago, so we will provide keys to:
Kickstarter backers and other platforms where support for the game was available during the fundraising stage
Backers from 2014 and 2015
Also, backers entitled to two copies will receive two keys. We’ll share details on how to claim keys closer to release.
Q: Will the new game have its own artbook?
A: At the moment, we’re not planning a physical one, but we might create a digital artbook for the Supporter Pack. We're not sure yet!
Q: Which languages will the game be localized into, including text and voice-over?
A: We definitely plan to localize into English and Russian, and we’re considering Brazilian Portuguese, German, and Simplified Chinese. We’ll confirm languages closer to launch.
Q: Will the Russian title of Pathologic 3 remain?
A: Yes, we’re still considering options. Current ideas include “Finally,” “See, You Didn’t Believe Us,” and “Sorry for the Long Wait.”
Q: Will the game be available on GOG and other stores?
A: We’ll know closer to release, but it’ll likely be available on all platforms where Pathologic 2 can be found.
Q: Will preorders be available?
A: No.
Q: What platforms other than PC are planned for release?
A: We’re planning releases for PS5 and Xbox S/X, likely following the PC release.
Q: What engine is the game being developed in?
A: The same engine as Pathologic 2: Unity.
Q: Will the same voice actors return for Pathologic 3?
A: Yes, we’ll bring back the same actors from Pathologic 2, or at least, we’ll do our best.
We’ve prepared a big surprise for you in the coming months, so please add us to your Steam wishlist!
Until then, we’ll see you on November 4th!
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sandplague · 5 months ago
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post from IPL's twitter
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sandplague · 5 months ago
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just realized it's been over 10 years of this blog being up now, not that it's updated regularly or anything though. i started my main account in 2010 when my friend in art school told me to get one to look at zines for our bookmaking class... girl where does the time go lol
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sandplague · 5 months ago
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this bitch thinks he's in yharnam
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