#sorry for the quality just really wanted to gif the improv scene
yaeggravate · 1 year
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My dear audience, I ask you this: Do you believe in fate? If fate decreed that your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?
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dangopango00 · 7 months
Abyss Razor x gn reader
Pt 1 | Pt 2
A/N: I was gonna do loser so hcs but i keep getting annoyed bc i wanna improve my writing but dk what to do bye ANYWAY I JUST CAUGHT UP WITH THE ANIME AND OUEUEU 😭😭😭😭 Im down bad even more they animated the scenes so well hes so kewt
Mostly not established relationship outside of the “as you get closer” sorry im a sucker for the slowburn also oh my god i have to make this two parts why is it so long ill write part two laterrer
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GIVING From best to worst (more utc)
1. Acts of Service:
This is his specialty for sure; he just feels as if he has to be useful to you and if he isn’t then you won’t want him anymore. Acts of service are the only thing he can do without stammering or messing up in some way and it’s the only one he’s confident with too. It comes naturally to him tbh he:
- Reminds you of things you need to do even if you only mentioned it to him once in passing
- Brings extra materials or snacks with him if you often forget to bring those things
- Organizes your stuff if he notices your bag and/or your room is messy
- ALWAYS asks if you need help with anything and will do that even if u just tell him to relax he’d instead start trying to help YOU relax
Even as he gets more comfortable with you, excessively partaking in acts of service is something he just can’t shake which isn’t a bad thing! Its his love language afterall, but you just wish he’d stop worrying about if he’s being useful enough and just do what comes naturally. With more reassurance and time he will eventually start to slow down more though.
2. Gift Giving:
I think his gift giving usually comes with his acts of service like bringing snacks. He also just gives you a lot of small gifts because he wants you to know how much you mean to him but he really can’t put it into his words and even if he could theres no way he could articulate it out loud. Some things he gives you includes:
- Origami— I feel like origami is sth he does when he’s bored but even so, he puts the utmost love and care into each of his creations so giving them as gifts is sth reserved for the people closest to him
- Snacks— This one is simple he just cares about u and gets concerned if it seems like u aren’t eating enough or if ur hungry but without food
- A Deck of Cards— ODDLY SPECIFIC but I feel like he’d want you to have one so you and him can play cards even if he forgets his. I think even though he usually plays for Abel he does really enjoy physical games like cards and dominoes etc. like playing cards is how he bonds with people
- Accessories— Now this is RARE bc to him this is reallll bold but under the right circumstances he will give you things like earrings if your ears are pierced or a bracelet or charm (MOST likely the far latter). He sees a lot of accessories that remind him of you and its a little ridiculous, he’ll buy them but because it’s very bold he either won’t give it to you and wait for the “right moment”, give it to someone else to give to you or just leave it somewhere in your room when he’s there
As you grow closer Abyss will get more comfortable with giving you bigger things and will lean more into the accessories when gift giving. He might even feel bold enough to give you the plush he won while koala snotting with Mash.
3. Quality Time:
I was gonna put this one at #2 but I had an epiphany. I fear in the beginning stages Abyss would definitely try to keep you at arms length because of his eye. Oh especially if you met him while he was wearing an eyepatch and didn’t know about his eye; in fact, he feels guilty because he feels like he’s tricking you by being around you at all. Not only this but he has to split his time between you and Lord Abel as well so. However he does feel a little selfish with you and he really does like you so he spends time with you when:
- In the Forest— Just being alone with you in the forest takes the weight of social pressure off of him. It’s almost like the forest is keeping a secret between you and him. He doesn’t have to worry about whether or not people would avoid you seeing you with him nor does he even have to think about his eye or if you’d accept it, he can just live in the moment and enjoy reading with u
- In Classes no one else he knows attends— Similar to the forest it’s like keeping a secret but this time it’s specifically because none of his friends are here to see him acting so selfishly.
- He’s Jealous— Now he wont say anything buttt when he’s jealous Abyss will stick to you like a bad habit although still keeping you at a short distance. He just feels like he needs to be with you atm don’t mind him.
- You Reassure Him— Similarly, when you assure him that you don’t mind his reputation or eye (if you know) it makes him want to be around you more and all of that day he’ll be around you more than usual. He’s so grateful just to have met you and for you to say all that? He’s over the moon; he almost feels like he can finally breathe freely
As time goes on he definitely gets insanely good at this considering he loves being around you and the only thing holding him back is his insecurity. I def think that once you’ve been dating a long time or married he clings to you like crazy and even in the beginning stages once he’s gotten comfortable with you he’d follow you like a lost puppy even though his behavior is more catlike lol
4. Physical Touch:
He’s not very good at touch I’m ngl he can barely form words around you let alone touch you 😭. BUT. He does sometimes put the moves on you without noticing and he does try his best. This would include:
- Playing with ur hair when you’re alone or fixing it if he notices it got a bit messed up
- Fixing/Tidying up ur clothes between classes if he notices sth wrong like you tying your tie wrong or if the way you tied your bow was a little crooked (idk why I just think he’d be insanely good at tying bows/ties I bet he ties Abel’s for him too that boy can NOT tie a tie without it looking a little goofy)
- Resting his hands on your back or shoulders when you hug him. Now this seems like normal behavior but its A LOT for him ok his heart is pounding but he really does enjoy being in your arms
- Patting your head awkwardly or holding your face (if he’s feeling bold) when you’re upset bc he doesn’t know what to do but all he knows is he wants you to feel better and that he misses your smile
As time goes on he slowly gets better with physical touch but honestly he gets better VERY slowly like even if he can handle your advances I’m not sure he’ll be able to initiate things like kissing until marriage LOL ok well thats a bit much but you’ll have to have been in a relationship for a while
(Also a silly little tidbit when he initiates physical touch he gets it from you. For example he holds your face because you’ve held his face before and he never felt more at peace so he wanted to give you that same feeling)
5. Words of Affirmation:
Well. Speaking words isn’t one of his strong suits especially to someone he’s infatuated with. HOWEVER his sincerity is unmatched when he does manage to say something. Usually when he speaks words of affirmation they aren’t direct words of love like “I love you” or anything like that but it is always very sweet. He says things like:
- “Thank you.” — He never stops thanking you and apologizing 😭😭 He just needs you to know that he knows he’s so lucky to have you and that he would never EVER take you for granted
- “It’s an honor” — He says this OFTEN everything he gets to do with you is an honor because he feels as though he doesn’t deserve you; he can’t give you all that you deserve yet you stick by his side with no hesitation? He feels blessed; even wonders if The Lord (tm) Abel has something to do with this. He’s just so happy and most of all, grateful
- “I’m so glad to have met you” — This is one that he often mumbles under his breath when you’re being sweet to him; his feelings just swell in his heart at that moment and he lets it slip from his mouth
- “I need you” — He only said this like one (1) ☝️ time but im running out of words ok ANYWAY he’d say this to you only in critical moments like in the heat of the moment if you had been badly injured and you’re just barely hanging on. Besides this under normal circumstances, he’d say this while asking for your forgiveness after he had been avoiding you for a long time out of insecurity and you’re mad at him
As time goes on he gets MUCH better with words of affirmation and has been consciously making an effort to say more because he doesn’t want you to ever think that he doesn’t love you or isn’t proud of you. It’s so often in your beginning dating stage that he’ll stutter something incomprehensible and then give up and try again later going, “A-about earlier…(incomprehensible stuttering)” (he’s trying to say I love you or I’m proud of you or something similar but he couldn’t quite find the words)
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starwriterulia · 1 month
Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon - Chapter 6
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(Long A/N before cutoff, sorry!)
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Bat divider by @violetbudd
Sun and moon divider by @saradika
Scene cut and creator support banner by @cafekitsune
Latest update: August 18, 2024. Added scene cut and "Support your creators by reblogging" banners. Added ⏭️ emoji below end of chapter banner with text explaining its function as a navigational button.
Chapter summary: Jason joins morning training. Wonder Woman, Zatanna and Damian arrive with Batman, who begins to scold the process before the Batkids remind Batman that they're working with a disabled person. The heroines talk with Faith about the asteroid belts that appeared when Faith came to Earth-33 and disappeared when she fixed the loophole she briefly explains, and how it was fixed, referring to Thalassic Space as a toy. Faith begins to age-regress when thinking about how she was unhappy due to her adoptive mom constantly taking away and breaking her favourite toys. Her favourite, a rabbit plush named Mr. Bunny, was the one tht was never taken away, but Faith herself threw him away when she was confirmed to be moving out; it was the toy she couldn't find online, and she shows the two closest pictures to the heroines and Batfamily.
She cries herself better in Batman's arms, then the group go to Faith's Dragon Tomb, inspired by Saarthal, to obtain her other two Relics and magic Astral Jester Costume. Faith successfully gains her full demigoddess powers and is given her items in a satchelbag, but afterwards, when one of the cat anthros guarding the final room exposes Faith's desires, the Batkids rightfully shout at Faith and leave, Batman leaving after speaking his mind in the way that only a father could. Martian Manhunter speaks to Wonder Woman and Zatanna over comms, offering to take Faith, but the heroines reply that they have another idea. Faith has delusions in the darkness left by Batman's cape as Wonder Woman and Zatanna walk Faith outside and through the portal, back to the Belfry, where the Batkids punish Faith on her way out. Batman gives Faith her belongings at the door, saying that he hopes she improves, then Batman slams the door. The heroines ask Faith if she'd like to be taken to a homeless shelter, or if she wants help. Faith, stuttering out of terror, asks for help. They ask Faith if she's OK with talkin to Oliver Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance, and Faith nods, then screams, as it was only 8 AM. They take to the sky for Star City, Washington.
A/N: (The night of writing this chapter:) Holy shit, I actually fucking went there!
(The day after writing this chapter, lightly revised the day after:) Y'all, I put my whole pussy in this chapter. It's got a lot of angst. PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND CONTENT WARNINGS! THIS CHAPTER GETS SUPER FUCKING REAL! 95% of this chapter is unedited, which I think speaks to its quality, and my skill as a writer, sorry to even imply towards having an ego, aaaaaa. But, yeah. I needed to confront myself about this. I've always been trying to just live, move on, and it was working until I started this fic, and I realised why I've been so passionate about it. It was time for me to talk to myself about that memory, and walk away from it, for good, and forever. In other words, I've literally punched my own face asdfsalkfj. What can I say? Things happen when you have too much brain juice at 1:30 AM!
Next chapter, another fandom will be added to the list!
That being said, I really hope this chapter is a good read! I think it's the best one I've written, so far. Thanks for reading, liking, replying and reblogging, everyone!
Also there's a spider in my bedroom, and I'm just like, please stay there, at the corner up the wall between my bed and the window, eat the flies, and don't come over here, otherwise you will die, thank you.
Fandoms: DC Comics, Batfamily, no Batcest, Thalassic Space (OC; takes inspiration The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and other sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles, as well as original concepts, such as the science and lore of the galaxy.)
[In order of appearance] Characters: Faith Lawson (TBA; self-insert), Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler), Jason Todd (Red Hood), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Damian Wayne (Robin), Zatanna Zatara, Diana Prince (Wonder Woman), Dohannar Salmpho (OC), Wysherah Sōnā-Salmpho (OC), Ashanti Salmpho (OC).
Content warning: Depressive, age-regression episode in which Faith talks about how her adoptive mother took away her toys, being more specific this time, and describes her favourite toy, Mr. Bunny, while showing similar pictures; fictional religious sermon in which Dohannar gives Faith all of her demigoddess powers; huge rational reaction from the Batkids following Tim's translation of Dohannar's offer; as Wonder Woman and Zatanna bring Faith out of the Dragon Tomb, Faith has a delusional panic attack in the darkness left by Batman's cape; the Batkids bully and mock Faith as she leaves with Wonder Woman and Zatanna.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
Monday, February 12, 2024. 7:30 AM.
Faith and Stephanie, in daytime clothes, Faith wearing her olive green shirt with leggings, took turns using the toilet, the other brushing her hair or washing her hands and face. They descended, and Faith gasped, smiling, as she saw that Jason was loitering near the computer area, Dick, Barbara and Tim also present. "Oh my God, hi!" Said Faith.
Jason gave a warm smile. "Hi, Faith. Nice to finally meet you."
"Finally had a moment to spare?"
"Yeah. 'Should be fine until the evening. The others have been telling me that training's going well."
"Yeah, I haven't dislocated my knee yet, and I've still been having knee pops, but it's been going good."
"Good. Are you OK with going against me today?"
"I mean, I could try, sure!"
"All right, then."
"You should get some food in your tummy first, hon." Said Barbara. "There's eggs, bacon and toast for both of you, still on the stove and counter."
Stephanie said, "Oh, did Faith not tell y'all that she prefers sausage?"
"Oh, you do? Well, sorry, hon, we'll get some for you, for tomorrow."
"I mean, I'll eat it," Said Faith. "But yeah, that'd be nice, thanks." She and Stephanie filled a plate for themselves and sat at the table, eating quietly.
"'Thought you said she's a chatterbox." Jason said, sweeping his gaze among Dick, Barbara and Tim.
"Oh, she is," Said Tim. "But she can be quiet. It's not always time to ramble." Jason hummed.
Faith said, "Yeah, sometimes I've just got no loud thoughts, which is weird, 'cause there usually is. My brain is usually screaming. I have good mornings and days, sometimes, and sometimes it feels like they're really rare."
Jason hummed again. "Barbara said you take medication."
"Yeah, 75 miligrams of Quetiapine, and 25 miligrams of Quetiapine XR."
"Ah, OK. Do you do anything else to help with your mental health?"
"That isn't a distraction? Yeah, sometimes I make crafts or go outside. But it's winter, so I can't, right now."
"Eh, that's fair."
"Spring never comes fast enough, in Canada."
"Oh, that's right, you're from up north. How are you liking America?"
"Well, I've been to Texas for Easter of 2008 or '9 to see my adoptive dad's family."
"Oh, OK."
"She also hasn't been outside to actually experience America." Dick said, chuckling.
"Right. Well, you'd be screwed if we just let you loose now, even as a civi."
"Yep." Said Faith. She and Stephanie finished eating, then joined the group.
Dick said, "So, you've got the basics of how to prepare your body for combat, and how to react defensively. We're going to practice that today too, but we're thinking of teaching you how to land a proper blow, with accomodations for your little arms and hyptonia until Bruce has your gear ready, if you're willing to be really sore by the end of the day."
"Sure, that sounds good."
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Batman entered the Belfry, accompanied by Robin, Wonder Woman and Zatanna. As they approached the Batkids, they watched Faith moving around Jason at a decent pace, who batted away her arms and legs with his own limbs and hit her ribs and appendages from time to time. Batman thought, 'No, no no no.' "Stop." He said.
"What's she doing wrong?" Jason replied.
"She's struggling to keep her eyes open and on her target because she's in pain, so she isn't hitting you as hard as she could be, and she isn't moving around you in an optimal way."
"Bruce, this is only her second day." Said Dick.
"If she keeps this up, it's going to become a habit, and that's not what we should be looking for."
"We're working with her, not against her. She's also not wearing any armour, so of course she's moving slower because of pain. In two days, she's been caught thirty-nine times, and had twenty-four falls from her knees popping. She's used to two pops with a possible fall every week, just from walking around and doing her job."
"Ow!" Faith cried, her right knee rotating and her leg flailing with it, momentum she used to distance herself from Jason, landing on her right leg, making Faith give a stuttered whimper as she held her left arm out and her other in front of her chest. Jason grabbed her left arm and pulled her close, and Faith put weight on her legs to move with Jason and swing behind him. "Ow, ow, ow!"
'She's letting him pull her muscles just to be able to move a little, that's not good. She shouldn't be doing that.'
Faith couldn't pry her arm from Jason's grasp. "Your enemy would have broken your arm by now." Jason said.
"I know! And they wouldn't let go of it, so I have to either not go behind and possibly fruitlessly work the front or sides, or take the beating, and losing is not what I'm trying to do here!"
Batman said, "What are you trying to do?"
"Get him down! 'Cause if he's on the ground, and he's not going to move, then I've won, and I can move on to the next!"
"Yes, but you should be fighting in a way that preserves your body and energy."
Barbara said, "Bruce, we've gone over this with her. We talk about her options while miming for at least fifteen minutes before we actually get moving. The only issue is that she's fragile. If you want to help, then give her something to wear already! We're doing all we can, and so is she!" The others hummed, nodding. Jason let go of Faith's arm.
"Ow." Faith shook out her limb, and massaged her muscles.
"Sorry, Faith."
"You're good, mmph."
"She's not the problem, Bruce. Her disability is." Said Jason.
Bruce quietly sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I was thinking about her like she's physically able, even though I've known from the beginning that she's not. You've all been doing the right thing." He opened one of his belt pockets, and pulled one end of a tailor's measuring tape with his left hand, the rest of the tape in his other hand. Faith's cheeks rose in a smile. It spread to Batman, a little. "How about we take your measurements now, and then I'll get out of your way?"
"Oh, you're not in the way." Faith said, approaching Bruce. He began to measure her right arm. "I just don't think you've had a kid with a disability like mine, before."
"No, I haven't."
"Hi, by the way, Wonder Woman and Zatanna!"
"Hi, Faith." Said Wonder Woman, she and Zatanna stepping around a little to get into Faith's field of view and Jason retreating to the desk area. "Would you mind chatting with us about Thalassic Space?"
"Sure, what are you wondering about?"
"You're able to make it exist and not-exist based on your faith on it, aren't you? That's how you manifestated your Animus, and why it vanished, right?"
"Yeah. They're my toys, but it's not always appropriate to play with them, so I pretend to be normal, like when I'm at work, and other times I'm too depressed to play with my toys. Did you find out that Urania's Celestial Globe is a Stage Prop when my faith is low?" Faith said. Bruce moved on to measure Faith's shoulders, chest and torso.
"Well, not just that." Said Zatanna. "The obisidian and goshenite asteroid belts appeared when you entered our world, though the ones near our sun had no magic, and they disappeared around five o'clock, last evening."
"Oh, that's because our sun isn't a magic sun."
"And they disappeared when Dick urged me to make a change so Ra's couldn't abuse the loophole."
"You made a loophole?" Zatanna sounded concerned.
"So, because Ra's is a demon, Platonia, the Nero Spirits and the Umbrella Man left him alone. He was allowed to enter Platonia whenever he wanted. And that could have, no, sorry, would have led to him finding out everything about Red Storm Earth and me, and learning about the Invitation of Nerobzal."
"Yes, Urania informed us, after you burned part of the forest behind Wayne Manor." Said Wonder Woman.
"It's awfully grim." Zatanna said to Faith.
Faith sounded defeated. "Sorry, I thought it made sense as a way to tie demons and monsters in to the lore of Thalassic Space."
"Oh, it does. Don't remove it just because you were made aware that you shouldn't let happen here so easily, OK?"
"I just want to be a good writer, is all."
"I didn't mean to say you're bad at writing." Zatanna said. Bruce started to measure Faith's hips, legs and feet, accounting for her deformed right foot.
"She's had a rough life." Said Stephanie. "Writers do this sorta thing all the time."
"That's true. I'm sorry, Faith, I really didn't mean to offend."
Faith sounded a little more confident. "No, you're fine. Ra's can no longer access Thalassic Space or its knowledge. He'll just see me as a girl with dragon powers and etcetera, relating to my Relics and magic Costume. Dick made me aware of the loophole, and now Apopis is blocking Ra's for good. There's no punishment, it's just a ban order."
Faith sounded defeated, again, but her voice sounded child-like. "Are you here because you want me to end the story due to something bad happening elsewhere?"
"Oh no, is she about to age-regress?" Stephanie half-whispered to the other Batkids.
"I think so." Said Dick. Barbara nodded, she, Dick and Tim looking at Faith with pity.
"Oh, no. No, sweetheart." Zatanna said, holding Faith's wrists in her hands. "We need your faith! Otherwise, we can't observe the asteroid belts, and you won't be able to help us and the world, or yourself, in the future. We want you to succeed. And I know that your new friends in the Batfamily want you to be happy."
Faith's cheeks rose, but she looked sad. She said, monotonously, "I've never been happy before." Bruce paused, then resumed measuring Faith's left shin.
"Oh, that can't be true."
"All I remember is being alone," Faith began to cry. Zatanna moved her hands up to Faith's biceps. Her voice went full regression to that of a chlid's. "And my mom taking away my toys, like my dress-up lace fan that I was playing with one night that she broke in front of me, my Littlest Pet Shop collection that I apparently grew out of, like my Barbies, and I had Erica, and she's worth five hundred dollars now, and I'm sorry that I drew on her face, and then i had to throw away Mr. Bunny-hee-hee." Faith sobbed and lowered her head. Bruce stood, and put away the tailor's measuring tape.
"But that was because we'd just confirmed I was moving out, but I never got to take care of him, he hadn't been washed in years, and his neck was torn, but he was my favouri-ite, he was my friend and my roleplay buddy through all of the media I ever liked. When I put him in the garbage at the homestead, I," Faith pulled away from Zatanna and began to mime. "I laid down with him on my mattress on the floor in the cold room, 'cause I wasn't supposed to still be living with my parents, but I was so sad and scared of seeing Todd again and starving, and I knew I couldn't work a job because of my disability, wh-which I can, but it's really hard, and I," A pillow came flying from the bedroom upstairs into Faith's arms. "I kissed him and hugged him, I really hugged him." Faith did this to the pillow.
"And then I went out into the main room, I lifted up the lid, and I put him in the garbage. And my dad looked at me, I don't know what kinda, I-I think it was a face of concern, and then I went into my room to my laptop, and he opened the blanket that was the door for the cold room at the time, and he asked, "Are you OK, sweetie?", and I said, "Yeah, I'm OK. It's time." And he quietly told my mom, and she said, "Wow." And other things I didn't hear, but, but I just wi-hi-hi-hish!" Faith cowered to the floor, sitting on her knees. Zatanna and Bruce came down with her. Wonder Woman crouched as well, the next second.
"I wish I was allowed to take care of him! I wish Mom hadn't said that fourteen is too old for Barbie, and I wish she had told me why for all of the shit I did as a kid, 'cause I've always been better with more words, and now I'm just here! I'm here, with no Mr. Bunny, and no Dad, and even Milo is gone, my mom's Chihuahua is gone, and the trailer house we lived at is in shit condition, and I just wanna go home!" Faith wept loudly. Zatanna tsked and hugged Faith. Barbara wiped tears, Dick and Tim pouted and looked at each other, Stephanie sighed, staring at Faith's sad face, and Jason had a sympathetic expression as he looked at Faith.
"I'm sorry." Said Zatanna.
Tim said, "Mr. Bunny is new."
"Yep." Said Dick.
"I found a "Mr. Bunny" in one of the dumpsters outside." Jason said.
"Ew, Jason, no!" Barbara hissed.
Zatanna asked, "What did Mr. Bunny look like, Faith?"
Faith sounded normal. "Well, I tried finding him online, but I couldn't quite. I saved two pictures on my phone that, if put together, would be him, though." Stephanie picked up Faith's phone from the table and brought it over. Zatanna removed her hands from Faith's arms to let Faith unlock the phone, opened the Photos app, and go to Favourites as Batman and Wonder Woman stood behind Zatanna to look. She opened a picture of a blue and white floppy-eared 14" rabbit plush with black bead eyes, a pink nose, the framing of the toy implying a sewn smile, a pink bow with red stripes and a yellow border around its neck, white front paws, a white face and inner ears, and embroidered blue toe beans on its large hind feet.
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"This one's got the toe beans Mr. Bunny had, and the inner ears, face, stomach and feet are all white, like his was." Faith swiped right. The next image was a pink and white floppy-eared 14" rabbit plush with the same black eyes, pink nose, white front paws and belly. The sewn smile was visible in this photo. The toy's hind paws were pink, the upper white area gathered into three toes, its inner ears were pink, and it had a pink ribbon bow around its neck. "But this one is the right colour, and has the right bow. But the bow was made of chifon, not silk."
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"May we see too, Faith?" Said Barbara. Faith nodded and offered her phone to the air. Barbara came forward and took the phone, and looked at the photos with Dick. "Aw, I bet he was cute!"
"Yeah, cute." Dick said. Barbara gave the phone to Tim for him, Stephanie and Jason to look at.
"Huh, OK." Said Tim.
"Aw, I want a Mr. Bunny, too!" Stephanie said. Faith giggled.
"He looks cosy." Said Jason. Faith nodded, smiling softly. Tim locked Faith's phone and put it back on the table.
Faith looked at Batman , a tear falling from her left eye, and sobbingly said, "I miss him." Batman crouched with Faith, Zatanna and Wonder Woman joining a moment later. "But I can't find him, so I have to try and fill the space. No fictional person, no other toy is Mr. Bunny. He's why I love soft things. He's why I collect plushies. I have other friends, but I don't have him."
Batman hummed. "You had a very special friend."
Faith nodded, a tear falling from her right eye. "I did." Batman sighed and pulled Faith into his chest. Faith wailed. She cried for a whole minute.
'Zatanna? Wonder Woman?' Batman thought, as Faith cried.
'Yes, Batman?' Replied Wonder Woman.
'I think we've all seen, and from her stories gathered that Faith needs to cry badly.'
'Mhm.' Wonder Woman replied, she and Zatanna nodding.
'The two things she wants to cry about are her dad and Mr. Bunny. Because of the lectures she recieved from her adoptive mother, she feels that crying for herself is inappropriate, and considered a pity-party. She's only ever been able to cry alone.'
'Poor girl.' Zatanna thought.
'She likely knows that a therapist would understand and have the right thing to say, know the right actions to suggest. But she's been living this sad life for so long, with her body, that she can't believe in that advice, or begin on that path. That is, when she was alone, and had no friends.'
'Right.' Thought Wonder Woman. 'So, she's on the right track, now that she's got all of us.'
'Yes. We should go through with our plans for you to help her with her mystical arts,' Zatanna and Wonder Woman nodded. 'While my family helps her physical condition improve. We'll all do our part to help her mind and heart heal. Her visit to the group home only did so much. She came home to a family that loved her, yes, but they didn't talk to her, didn't ask questions that needed to be asked years ago, didn't apologise and amend for things that happened years ago.'
'It's time.' Thought Wonder Woman. Zatanna and Batman nodded. Faith sighed, panted twice, and burped.
"Better?" Batman inquired.
Faith nodded. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Oh, you wanna do that now?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"You want to get your Relics and Costume." Said Zatanna, as Stephanie picked up the box of chalk from the desk and made her way over. "That's a great idea." Faith nodded, standing to recieve the chalk. Batman, Wonder Woman and Zatanna rose to their feet, as well.
"Oh, wait. I'm too short to draw a door. It doesn't have to be fancy, just tall enough for us to walk through."
"May I?" Said Zatanna. Faith nodded, a smile on her cheeks. They went to the wall opposite of the Belfry's entrance, Wonder Woman and Stephanie close behind, Batman a little father but also following, Dick, Barbara and Tim walking over to watch, Damian and Jason staying where they were. Zatanna drew a door on the wall with the chalk. Faith extended her right hand, palm towards the floor, and a drawer of the kitchen rattled. "Wait!" Faith closed her hand. "You'll hurt yourself, and not in the way you mean to!"
"Yeah, that's a good way to stab yourself, or lose your hand, Faith." Said Dick. Barbara and Tim nodded, humming different tones of agreement.
"Here." Batman closed the distance, and pricked Faith's right index finger with a needle.
"Oh, thank you." Faith wrote in the door: Tot thoe Checkpotinat otut'si'de otph thoe Totmab otph thoe Gotsihoenaite Sitafrgafzer Drafgotna, Laittlae Paftho, Thoafla'si'ic Sipafce.
"To the Checkpoint outside of the Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon, Little Path, Thalassic Space." Batman read aloud.
"Yep! We're playing Skyrim, baby!" Faith laugh.
"Skyrim, baby!" Stephanie echoed, she, Barbara, Dick, Zatanna and Wonder Woman laughing with Faith. Faith knocked on the wall eight times. The chalk outline became a portal, oulined in white-blue light, to a snowy hill overlooking a hole in which scoffolding led down to a pair of Nordic iron doors.
"Behold! Saarthal, but it's different inside!" Said Faith. "No need to worry about the portal, this area of Little Path is deserted, except for wildlife. The only thing that'll maybe come through are rabbits, foxes and Pixies. This hill has no hostile enemies." Batman heard the doors opening again, and two pairs of footsteps.
"OK." Said Zatanna. "Let's go, then." Faith nodded, and led Zatanna, Stephanie, Wonder Woman, Batman, Dick, Barbara and Tim inside. They walked the scaffolding, and Faith opened the doors. They crossed the first half of the excavation via the remnants of stone bridges of the pillars and the wooden ramps that had been built to access the second chambers with connected passageways.
"Wow, this is literally Saarthal." Said Tim.
"Yes, it's exactly Saarthal, until the last room." Faith said.
"Garf!" "Grr-arf!" Said the four large, amorphous, earthen masses of brown slime shuffling about below.
"What are those?" Asked Jason.
"Slicks. SCP-999, but they eat waste, and they're made from dirt, sand and clay."
"Ha! Nice." Said Tim.
"Depending on what you feed them, they give things back, or make fireworks, gemstones or copper, silver or gold coins, which are called Gore, Grief and Guilt. Left-wing things."
"Right." Said Wonder Woman.
"They're commonly placed in dumpsters and outhouses, and are used by organic-favouring mages and alchemists as vacuum cleaners. Their natural habitats are sewage lines and landfills."
"So you've got both helpful and harmful creatures, OK." Said Zatanna.
"Yeah! Like, there's also Wicks, which are furnace slimes, often used by blacksmiths and also used to keep houses warm." Faith entered the passageways with scattered alchemy ingredients. "Even poor families are allowed one, so no stories of people freezing to death happen unless the Wick has been eaten by a Wyrm, spelled with a y. Wingless dragons with long tails. They're exactly the ones from The Lord of the Rings Online."
"Ah, OK. So you really have put a bunch of things that you liked from other stories into your own. I like that."
Stephanie said, "Yeah, isn't it cool?" Zatanna nodded, humming.
"Aw, thank you. Um, there's also Shifts, which are literally danger brooms." Faith pressed her hand to the wall where the Amulet of Saarthal would have been, a Double Eight in its place. It hummed and shone at her touched, and the way forward opened.
"Danger brooms?" Wonder Woman chuckled.
"Yeah! Imagine a stickman, but covered in sharp bristles. And they shake like nuts, and they pierce through anything weaker than chainmail." Faith said, reaching the lever and opening the gate into a circular room with ten vertical coffins. "Oh, and don't worry about the draugr. They can smell me, so they're assuming you're with me until I call for help." She led the others inside and around the right side of the room. "Shifts are technically insect demons. You know those really spiky caterpillars?"
"Yeah, they're inspired by those, weird colours and all." Faith stopped at the door to Saarthal proper. "Uh, and those are like, the basic four monsters of Thalassic Space. Most of the rest are literally or inspired by mythology, or some kind of animal that's been mutated." Wonder Woman hummed. Faith pulled the chains to open the door, and led the group into the antechamber.
They passed the draugr, and Faith crouched and touched the fire rune trap at the first turn, causing it to break with the sound of falling ashes. They walked on to the iron door, strode past the burial niches, and Faith walked the north wall, touching each stone pillar as she went to display Eagle, Snake and Whale. "Tim, do you have the pillars along the south wall?"
"Yep." Tim replied, turning the other three pillars to show Whale, Eagle and Eagle. The group stepped past the puzzle gate and down the stairs into a large room. Faith waved her right hand in front of the cobwebbed doorway, and the webs disappeared. She crouched to deal with a shock rune trap along the way, and another at the entrance to the next room, which had four pillars and a lever in the middle. The heroes noticed three feline people lounging on a dark blue chaise and a matching long sofa in front of a fireplace in the next room.
Faith said as she walked, "Southeast." She touched the pillar. The felines looked at each other, and began to cry.
"Northeast." Tim touched this pillar. The grey tabby feline rose from the chaise, where a calico feline sat. The other, a white feline, was seated on the couch.
"And northwest. Who wants to pull the lever?"
"May I?" Said Barbara.
"Sure!" Said Faith. Barbara pulled the switch. The gate forward opened. "Woo hoo!"
"Faith?" An alto voiced grey tabby feline gingerly said, approaching the doorway. She was 5'7" tall.
Faith moved her eyes and head from Barbara to the feline, and sounded like she was going to cry. "Wysherah." She whimpered, stimulating her little forearms with excited shakes, and hurried into the arms of the cat as the other felines rose and came over.
Wysherah hugged Faith kindly, purring into the girl's head. "Yes, hello, Starwriter. Welcome back."
"Phafitho." The tenor voiced calico said, his voice distorted by the strain in his throat. He was 6" tall.
"Dohannar." Faith was smoothly released from Wysherah into Dohannar. His hug was firm, and he desperately nuzzled his neck over Faith's head, and his face over hers.
"Mayl thoird qutafrter, mayl siutna."
"What's he saying?" Stephanie quietly asked.
"'My third quarter, my sun.'" Batman translated.
Wysherah said, "I am his first, his faith in Vishnu is his second, she is his third, and our daughter," She looked to the third cat, who was 5'1" tall. "Ashanti, is his fourth. Ashanti would not have been born again after my murder if Faith, as Faina, had not found my kitten as she laid alone, in the Ninth Circle's Perimeter, when Faina was hiding from Nero Dionysus, as he was chased by the Demon Hunters." Dohannar stopped nuzzling all over Faith, and held her as he purred.
"Mothers and children are precious to all worthy gods, and so when I and Ashanti died, we were to be reborn. But because Nerobzal was in Yahweh's mind, we could not reach our bardo, and our karmas were pulled through space. Eighty-three years passed before Dohannar was freed from enslavement to Nero Ba'al Berith by Canon Michael, and then he summmoned Faina, and that led to Ashanti's and my freedom." Wysherah said. Dohannar ended the hug, gently playing with Faith's hair starting from her scalp, Faith giggling.
"But I was scared to be pregnant with Ashanti again, as Kaleido was still active. Dohannar and I gave our memories of Ashanti, when she was in my womb," Dohannar removed his hand from Faith's head, and the two stood and listened to Wysherah. "And her soul to Faina, who I am sure you know is the third incarnation of the O-type star's spirit, and a Soul Fragment of Faith representing autumn, a season of harvest, cool weather, and festivities regarding thanks for Gaia before Old Man Winter comes to cover the cold lands with his white robe. As I was days away from my due date, so was Faina, when Dohannar laid with her using the Cult of Asherah ritual Faina had found in the Deep Sea City of Yotutrnaeyl, one of the secrets Nero Dionysus had been hiding and using to abuse the merfolk of Yotutrnaeyl. Ashanit's birth led to Nerobzal's defeat, and Faina, and through her, Faith, overcame her fear of pregnancy and childbirth. Ashanti, and the idea of her, is a promised child with great love, kindness and courage, born at last with the power of trust, friendship, and the divine grace of Asherah, a life born to remember who Yahweh is supposed to be to men, women and children."
"Wow." Said Barbara.
"Faith wrote that, too?" Said Stephanie.
"Yes." Said Wysherah.
"Damn, that's fire!" Stephanie said. Wysherah chuckled with Barbara, Dick, Tim, Batman, Wonder Woman and Zatanna.
"I think it's easy to surmise that you're named after Asherah and the word 'wish'." Said Wonder Woman.
"Yes, but wish is spelled with a y." Wysherah made eye contact with Faith. "You're here to retrieve your birthrights and recieve the sermon to officiate yourself as Ulia-Ønske, yes?"
"Yes, and return my tooth, as my powers are awake now, so it can be where it belongs until I die again and am reborn or resurrected." Faith summoned the tooth out of the air into her right hand.
"Very good. Let's go together. Guests: when we arrive at the island, please do not pass the golden tiles in front of the double-coffin and altar, unless you want to fight the Dragon Priests." Wysherah walked through the next room, Dohannar and Faith behind her. Ashanti meowed and lunged into a hug, Dohannar holding Faith steady as Faith laughed and hugged Ashanti.
"Hi, baby girl." Said Faith.
"Hi, Mama!" Said Ashanti, a soprano-range teenager. Faith walked with Ashanti attached to her, Dohannar just behind to Faith's right. The heroes noted several chests with treasure, near the door to the puzzle, three dressers and wardrobes and two beds, a queen and a double, to the upper left, the lounge area to the lower left, a table set with four chairs to the upper right, and an empty space with a beautiful purple, blue and magenta carpet to the lower left.
"This is room much bigger and different than the one in-game." Said Tim.
Faith said, "I had to make a little home for my cats, my," She looked at Dohannar, redness in her cheeks. "My wish family." Dohannar smiled softly, and caressed her right cheek with his left paw-hand. As they approached the door, Wysherah pushed it open.
"Holy mega structures. This room is three times as big, as in Skyrim." Said Tim. Before them was a very long arching bridge surrounded by water, and at its end an island of stone with ten standing sarcophagi and an open coffin made for two, and a stone altar. The stone walls were given depth and colour by the gold painted vines, some parts unpainted as moss and mushrooms had grown with the flowers.
"This bridge is 287 paces." Batman thought aloud.
"Correct." Said Wysherah.
The first thirty paces was built with smooth grey stone that became clay bricks with unique rocks, held together by wet dirt and coloured by yellow sand. Along its railings were many candles, some melted and the wick folded into the wax, others close to nothing and the wick barely alight, more halfway burned and more yet seemingly new and tall. There were flowers, perennials and annuals, and wooden vines painted gold strewn about the stone floor and draped over the railing. Pages with children's drawings of a golden tree read 'At'fman Lawbzal' and sometimes also 'Farewell and warm wishes for the next life of the Last Son of Bartholomew, Argophael, Animus of the Lost Daughter, Ulia-Ønske, Ego of that Animus and First Life of the Great Little Starwriter, who shall both rest here until Ulia-Ønske is reborn by the grace of the pantheons as Faith Lawson', written by older children or adults. Other pages had letters to Argophael and-or Ulia-Ønske, the golden tree drawn somewhere. Gemstones and polished rocks scattered about the pages, sometimes buried in the wax. Dirt, sand, and clay gave natural texture to the bridge from the thirty-first pace until the 287th.
Batman said, "Slicks and Wicks are made from dirt, sand and clay. They made the bridge longer, as the years went on."
Wysherah said, "Yes. They come here to die, sometimes. They live for two years, if they do not return to planet Grace for a week every other month. Grace is where their mother, Darisela, a canine earth elemental, lives. Their father is Decelep, a sea and sky serpent, and the only son of Mother Mermaid, who needs no man to procreate, and who terraformed planet Grace after the O-type star collided with the M- and G-type stars. The magic of the Slicks and Wicks ensures that this bridge, and all of the notes and flowers, do not weather, and allowed the bridge to expand as the pantheons and their children, and their followers, told the story of Argophael and Ulia-Ønske to Thalassic Space. The planet we occupy now, Little Path, is where Father Dragon lives with the Dragon Kin, away from the blades and cruel magic of Kaleido, before Kitsch was corrupteed to be so, and after it was reclaimed as Kirei."
"Italian vampires to Japanese vampires." Said Dick.
"Yes. Little Path and its moon, the Realm of Tree Peoples, were created by Father Dragon. While you now have context about who sculpted Grace, it might interest you to know that Bafsina was molded by the Tree Peoples, who travelled to the planet when they bulit spaceships, twenty-one years after they had spawned from the departed of Earth in the early 1600's. Bafsina is mostly water with islands, Plains and small continents, of course, and because of this is more of a water planet than Grace is, with two large continents and numerous islands and Plains, but not as many as Bafsina hosts."
"Huh." Said Dick. "So who terraformed planet Sia and Judge?"
"May I suggest you reverse the order, when listing them in the future, as sia means six?"
"Oh, yeah sure, sorry."
"It's not a worrysome thing, just a note. Judge was terraformed by the earliest citizens and lucid dreamers who visited the Dream World on Paper. That's why Krampus took hold of it so easily."
"Oh, Krampus did more than slaughter the Snow Elves and Astral Elves?"
"Yes. Judge is the place he occupied, afterwards. And no one was brave and foolish enough to challenge him until Bafsina was united after the Palette Civil War, and now Krampus lives in Platonia with his father, Nerobzal, and so does Bartholomew, who brought evil to both Grace and Yotutrnaeyl, as the transgender pirate captain Arles led the sea efforts to damage the Naglfar enough that the dead spilled into the ocean and were devoured by the corrupted merfolk that the Cloud Casters had lured from the Deep Sea City of Yotutrnaeyl, where Nero Dionysus had used his powers of debauchery to control Canon Poseidon. This feast upon the dead cancelled out the evil that Nero Dionysus had bloomed in the Five Mortal Qualities of the merfolk, who were immediately called to action by the Mermaid Mage Celia Nacre from planet Grace, and together, with the pirate ships and the natural winds, rain and dangerous tides of the squall, the Naglfar sunk into the ocean of Thalassic Space until it reached the space of Thalassic Space, to be there and be impossible to reach or summon ever again."
"Wow. That's really good stuff, Faith."
"Thank you!"
"As for Sia: it's a planet of dark forests, treacherous mountains and ravines, and rivers and lakes of dark magic coloured waters sculpted by the Passerine Sisters, Nero Spirits so powerful that they were declared as demons by Canon Lucifer and the Flytower Gods. Their Bird Personas, seen by the Oracles in dreams, were fated to be the houses of Cedillo Imagination Magic Academy, and the behaviours of each bird inspired the personality and life of each sister and the kind of student that the school phoenix, Illumine, would assign to each house. The Lightless Realm and Lightful Realm are Sia's moons, but are only visible when traversing Platonia."
"How did the room itself expand?" Asked Tim.
"Dohannar and I did the work. The candles melt, as they do naturally, and are replaced if the worshipper who placed it still lives. This bridge was only fifty paces, when Argophael and Ulia-Ønske, died. 687 years have passed, as you for sure know."
"Wow." Said Barbara, breathily. "This is all so much more than you described to us, Faith."
"Well, I was trying to be brief." Faith replied.
Wysherah said, "Were you told that the waters are from Pierian Spring?"
"Yeah." Said Barbara.
"Did Faith, or perhaps a visiting Urania, mention to anyone that they have healing properties?"
"Yes," Said Wonder Woman. "Frejya and Freyr brought Ønske to the spring, after she was severely wounded by a beast."
"Yes, that's right." Wysherah said. The group eventually came to the island. Everyone but the cats and Faith stopped in front of the golden tiles. Faith paused and glanced left, at the open coffin. It was made of stone, and the left side was lined with blue satin, the other side with white satin.
"What does he look like, Faith?" Stephanie asked. Dohannar and Wysherah proceeded to the altar, Dohannar standing in front and opening the closed tome bound in white and blue dyed leather, and Wysherah standing at the left side of the altar.
"Nero from Devil May Cry." Faith said.
Stephanie failed to not laugh, stifling it in her throat. "Sorry."
"No no, you're fine. Him, but cuter. With my round face, and my nice, round cheeks, and big, round eyes, but with Nero's jawline, white hair and blue eyes."
"I thought that, if I could be a boy, I would want to look like that."
"Aw, that's nice."
"Thank you. Flashing lights and eye-strain warning, by the way." Faith said. She continued, and stopped at the altar, in front of which stood Dohannar, Wysherah to the left. Ashanti broke away from Faith and stood to the right of the altar. Faith knelt in front of Dohannar with both knees, her head bowed and her hands flat on her stomach, left hand over her right.
"If you would all please kneel, on one knee or both, in respect to the pantheons and the O-type star's spirit that is within Faith, and Argophael, who is resting yet shall also contribute to the ritual in that he is her Animus." Said Wysherah. Stephanie, Barbara knelt with both knees, Dick, Tim, Wonder Woman and Zatanna knelt with one knee, all readily. Batman did with one knee, the next second, and several seconds later, so did Jason, also with one knee. "Thank you. Batman, since you seem to understand Neofom, you are welcome to translate Dohannar's sermon, which has Four Declarations." Batman nodded. Wysherah and Ashanti raised their arms to the ceiling and began to chant At'fman Lawbzal repeatedly with two seconds between each repetition.
Dohannar removed the white ebony dagger and scallop seashell necklace from the altar, where there was also a closed tome. As he spoke, he placed the necklace over Faith's head for her to wear, and cut a shallow cross with the dagger on her upper chest, Faith's closed eyes wincing. Dohannar placed the dagger in front of Faith, on the floor. He said, "Utnaresitinag eylesi otph thoe pafnathoeotna, wae cotma'afnad ylotut tot lot'k aft thoisi waotma'na, afnad remaemaber thoaft sihoe wa'si Ulia-Ønske, dafutghoter otph Víðarr afnad Skuld, photsitered byl Frejya afnad Freyr, maenatotred byl Urania afnad Uriel, afnad thoaft sihoe isi thoe otnoe afnad otnalayl vesi'ela afnad ma'naiphesitaftiotna otph thoe Ot-tylpe sitafr'si sipirit, phorever afnad ever, ina eafcho laiphe, ina eacho yleafr, afnad ina eafch gafla'xyl afnad utnaiversie."
As Dohannar spoke, Batman translated. "Unresting eyes of the pantheon, we command you to look at this woman, and remember that she was Ulia-Ønske, daughter of Víðarr and Skuld, fostered by Frejya and Freyr, mentored by Urania and Uriel, and that she is the one and only vessel and manifestation of the O-type star's spirit, forever and ever, in each life, in each year, and in each galaxy and universe."
Dohannar paused after the First Declaration, and Wysherah and Ashanti pumped their arms in the air, saying. "At'fman Lawbzal!" With a little more volume, not quite a shout.
Dohannar said with a kind tone, "Utnaresitinag hoafnads otph thoe pafnatheotna, wae cotma'nad ylotut tot blaesi thoe Phive Maotrtafla Quaflaitiesi otph thoisi waotma'na, afnad waho'la'yl maerge thoema waitho tho'sie otph Ulia-Ønske siot thoaft sihoe ma'y' phulafphila' hoer Rotlae afsi Pla'ywarighot otph thoe Rotnadot Thoeaftre afnad Greaft Laittlae Sitafrwariter, waitho afla' otph hoer Persiotna'si: thoe Gotsihenoite Sitafrgafzer Drafgotna, Skinne, si'red byl Skjør afnad birthoed afnad besitotwaed byl Frodig; Solas thoe Phafiryl Persiotna' afsi besitotwaed byl Duna; Ønske thoe Maerma'id Persiotna' afsi besitotwaed byl Urania; afnad hoer Nerot Persiotna', Odeya." Faith suddenly shone bright white-blue. "Ma'yl thoesie potwaersi prot'ect hoer afnad phrienads photr thoe got'd otph laiphe afnad af'terlaiphe, phorever afnad ever, ina eafcho laiphe, ina eafch yleafr, afnad ina eafch gafla'xy' afnad utnaiversie."
"Unresting hands of the pantheon, we command you to bless the Five Mortal Qualities of this woman, and wholly merge them with those of Ulia-Ønske so that she may fulfill her Role as Playwright of the Rondo Theatre and Great Little Starwriter, with her Personas: the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon, Skinne, sired by Skjør and birthed and bestowed by Frodig; Solas the Fairy Persona as bestowed by Duna; Ønske the Mermaid Persona as bestowed by Urania; and her Nero Persona, Odeya. May these powers protect her and friends for the good of life and afterlife, forever and ever, in each life, in each year, and in each galaxy and universe."
Dohannar paused again, and Wysherah and Ashanti pumped their arms again, saying, "At'fman Lawbzal!" At a controlled shout.
Dohannar raised his voice, but did not shout. "Utnaresitinag voticesi otph thoe pafnathoeotna, wae cotma'nad ylotut tot si'nag," Feminine and masculine voices began to fill the air with beautiful sounds. "Wae cotma'nad ylotut tot siho'ut," Voices joined that shouted with courage and pain. "Wae cotma'nad ylotut tot cryl," Voices sobbed, calling for Ulia, Ønske, Argophael, and others the heroes didn't recognise, but soon realised were the names of loved ones. "Photr thoisi waotma'na hoafsi retutrnaed tot hoer ho'mae afmaotnagsit ylotut, afnad wae cotma'nad ylotut tot laofve hoer totdafyl afsi sihoe wa'si laofved ina thoe pafsit byl ylotut afnad ylotutr peotplae," A truly massive stargazer lily, pink, yellow and white, suddenly bloomed from the center of the ceiling, releasing delicate golden sparkles that showered the cat anthros and people below. Jaws were dropped and smiles were shown by the Batkids, and Wonder Woman and Zatanna smiled and chuckled. The two heroines looked at Batman and saw a little smile on his face as he looked down from the big flower at Faith. "Afnad byl thoe peofplae thoaft thoe Ot-tylpe sitafr birthoed afnad givesi ho'mae, lfighot afnad ma'gic tot, afnad ylotutr bafrdsi afnad Pla'ywarighotsi, ylotutr choiladrena afnad thoeir photla'otwaersi, enatertafinamaenat afnad cotma'utnaityl, lotversi afnad phrienadsi, maeafnainag ina laiphe afnad ina afphterlaiphe."
"Unresting voices of the pantheon, we command you to sing, we command you to shout, we command you to cry, for this woman has returned to her home amongst you, and we command you to love her today as she was loved in the past by you and your people, and by the people that the O-type star birthed and gives home, light and magic to, and your bards and Playwrights, your children and their followers, entertainment and community, lovers and friends, meaning in life and in afterlife."
Dohannar stopped, and Wysherah and Ashanti repeated their motion and shouted louder, "At'fman Lawbzal!"
Dohannar shouted loudly, "Utnaresitinag Phlayltotwaer! Cotmae! Cotmae afnad siee thoisi choilad, cotmae afnad siee thoisi waotma'na!" The ceiling opened up to space as Dohannar called for the Flytower to come and see, and many eyes of different colours and shapes attached to different faces took the place of each star. "Cotmae afnad grafnat hoer afla' thoaft sihoe hoafsi ma'de," Seven magic circles, familiar to Batman and Tim, appeared over seven particular pairs of eyes, identifying each deity. "Afnad afla' thoaft sihoe cafna ma'ke, afnad laet ylotutr pafsitsi afnad phut'utresi ina pafrt be expresi'ed thorotutgho hoer breaftho afnad afrt," Three pieces of construction paper, blue, purple and pink, appeared and flew around Faith. "Thorotutgho hoer botdyl afnad ma'gic," The white-blue shine around Faith merged with her body.
"Unresting Flytower! Come! Come and see this child, come and see this woman! Come and grant her all that she has made, and all that she can make, and let your pasts and futures in part be expressed through her breath and art, through her body and magic,"
"Afnad laet it be reyoticed afnad resipected byl everyl bafrd afnad Pla'ylwarighot,"
"And let it be rejoiced and respected by every bard and Playwright,"
The sky shouted, "HOORAH!"
"Byl afla' choiladrena afnad photla'otwaersi,"
"By all children and followers,"
"Photr enatertafinamaeant afnad cotma'utnaityl,"
"For entertainment and community,"
"Afnad photr laotversi afnad phrienadsi, tot deiscribe maeafnaiang ina laiphe afnad afphterlaiphe!"
"And for lovers and friends, to describe meaning in life and afterlife!"
"AT'FMAN LAWBZAL!" Wysherah and Ashanti screamed, beams of white light bursting from their hands and phasing into space, and collecting every eye, magic circle and voice above until the ceiling had returned, and, with shouts of great endeavour, released all of the light, space, divine eyes, sounds and colours into Faith, who flashed the colours of the magic circles eight times, Batman counted. Faith sighed and opened her eyes, her hot breath white-blue. Dohannar applauded, an proud smile on his feline features, and Faith stood, meeting Dohannar's gaze with love. Wysherah and Ashanti lowered their arms and applauded with adoring smiles too, and Faith looked at them lovingly as well.
"You may applaud too, if you would like." Said Wysherah.
"You may now also stand." Ashanti quickly said.
"Faith has now fully become a demigoddess!"
"Woo hoo!" Said Stephanie and Barbara, immediately clapping along and getting to their feet, as did Tim, Dick, Wonder Woman and Zatanna, Batman standing and clapping a second later, Jason barely a second afterwards. Damian did not applaud, but he did stand.
"Yay!" Said Tim.
"Yay, Faith!" Dick said.
"Congrats." Jason said.
"My eyes hurt, but that was sort of cool." Said Damian.
"Damian." Said Batman.
"Sorry. It was... it was pretty freaking cool." Damian clapped along, Batman noting that it was with normal energy, which made him thankful. "Very fancy. I imagine this entire scene has increased the word count by seventy-five percent."
"Yeah, that's about right!" Said Faith, bending down to pick up the dagger. Dohannar draped leather satchelbag with a white leather sheath over Faith's right shoulder. "Thank you." Faith said, sheathing the dagger.
"Thank you, Damian." Batman said. The applause ended.
"Thanks for even coming through the portal, Damian." Faith said, looking at the boy. "You didn't have to. Thanks to you too, Jason. I know you don't like magic."
"Well, it's not every day you get to see, well, this." Jason said. He pointed at the ceiling. "That," He spung his finger around. "Was really impressive. I really wanna read how you described it."
"Thank you. It is on Tumblr. My account is @starwriterulia. He he."
Stephanie giggled. "Self-shout out!"
"Shameless plug!" Faith and Stephanie laughed. Barbara, Wonder Woman and Zatanna giggled, and Dick and Tim chuckled.
"Hey, Dad?"
"Yes, Tim?"
"How big is that flower?" Tim pointed with his left hand.
"8.26 m, or 27 ft 11⁄4 in."
Faith said, "I looked up 'world's biggest dump truck' and was given Belaz 75710. That's it's height."
"Mhm." Batman nodded to confirm.
"Holy Gigas Liliaceae, that's a big flower!" Dick exclaimed. Faith laughed, joined by the other Batkids, Jason nodding and chuckling, Damian rolling his eyes but sort of nodding, Batman nodding with a hum in the cursive way a parent would say, 'Yes, what a distinguished specimen!'. Wonder Woman and Zatanna laughed. too.
"I like Stargazer Lilies!" Faith said, during the laughter.
"Well, you may all now return to, uh Earth Prime, is it?" Wysherah looked at Dohannar, who nodded. "Yes, Earth Prime. You are welcome to visit again using the chalk door portal Faith undoubtedly drew in a trusted location, which, I will clarify, may only be used by people who either Faith trusts, or who any of you trust."
"How do we close it?" Asked Barbara.
"You knock eight times on the portal without your hand passing through. You may simply wash away the chalk door with water. Ah, but to enter this place and not only leave the draugr asleep but to walk with the Great Little Starwriter is a blessing."
"We are blessed to have her in the family." Said Batman. Faith blushed and turned her head down, diagonally, as the other Batkids nodded, humming different tones of agreement.
"Thank you." Faith said, meekly. Then, confidently, "Let's go." The group walked back over the bridge. As the group moved to leave the house chambers, Dohannar gently took hold of Faith's right bicep, and gave a mew. Faith instantly looked Dohannar in the eye. "What is it, my quarter?"
"Si'nace ylotut afre naotwa si'blainagsi afnad dafutghoter tot thoe peotplae ylotut waotutlad hoafve warittena ylotutrsielaph tot hoafve siex waitho," Faith's face became bright red, and she hid her face with her left hand connected to her forehead. Tim's jaw dropped as he looked at Batman, who looked at Faith with his head tilted forward and a burning frown, then Tim stared at Faith. "Except phor thoe ylotutnagesit,"
"Mhm." Faith tone was very embarassed.
"Faith, what the hell?!" Said Tim.
"Waotutlad ylotut laike tot sitafyl thoe naighot afnad ma'ke laotve tot mae?"
"What did he say?" Said Dick, a brief pause between his words. The Batkids had paused in the mouth of the previous area, Batman at the doorway, Wonder Woman and Zatanna to the left of Faith. Wysherah and Ashanti sat down on the couch, Ashanti resting her head on her mother's lap, and they watched.
Tim said, "I've got this one, Dad. He said, um," Tim cleared his throat. "'Since you are now siblings and daughter to the people you would have written yourself to have sex with',"
"OH GOD!" Barbara and Dick exclaimed, and turned to face the floor and the wall, Dick pressing himself to the left wall and Barbara to the other.
"Faith!" Barbara scolded.
"Faith, what the heck?!" Dick commented. Jason had furrowed his brow and bowed his head, making a subtle noise of fury. Damian tried to keep walking. Dick grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"Oh. Oh, so Ra's messed with that too, huh?" Said Stephanie. She had not moved, when Tim translated.
"'Except for the youngest'," Tim continued.
Damian said, "Oh, well, thanks for not being a pedophile, but still insinuating that you would participate in incest, or force it upon others."
"It technically wouldn't be, if Ra's hadn't brought her into Bruce's house, and etcetera." Barbara said. Batman hummed, nodding twice.
"Yes," Wonder Woman said. "If he had, say, just brought her home, she could have been intercepted by someone else, such as the League as a whole."
"I'm- still- not go-ing to, by- the way." Faith said, clearly afraid.
"GOOD." Said Dick and Barbara.
"Thanks for adding nothing to your excuse." Said Jason.
"Oh yeah, we get it, Faith, totally." Said Stephanie. "You think you're cool, y-you think you're OK for that."
Tim said, "I hope that half of Tumblr who insta-blocks Batcest blocks you, after you post this." Faith frowned, moving her eyes from Tim to the floor.
Batman sighed, looking from his children to Faith he stood at the doorway, where he had been when Tim started translating. "Is this true? Would, would you have agreed to, or tried to convince all of them but Damian to have sex with you, if things had gone differently?"
"If we got along and there was consent, yes." Faith said. Barbara sighed loudly, into a growl, gripping Dick's right arm and pulling him along and away. Dick gave no resistance. Damian turned and left, fast enough to pass Barbara and Dick. Tim shook his head, and also left.
Jason stared Faith down. She looked scared. He looked pissed, as he should have been. "Get your fucking bag and get out of the Belfry. And then, get out of Gotham. If we see you again, you won't just get an earful, you hear?"
"Ye-s, I h- ear y- ou." Faith stuttered, trying not to be quiet and clearly about to cry, quiet overall out of terror. Jason shook his head and turned, leaving.
Batman stood himself directly in front of Faith. "The rest of what Dohannar asked you, that Tim didn't translate: 'Would you like to stay the night and make love to me?'. Would you have done that?"
"Yes. Because I knew that, as soon as Ra's brought me into your house, I had to control myself. And I was going to. Not just out of circumstance. But because it was right."
"Right for who? Right because of why?"
"Right for everyone. For you and the others, because that's what's morally right and respectful, it's what normal families do. For the Internet, because you know I'm still on Earth-33, and that's why I brought up Tumblr, and etcetera, how Damian reacted. I don't want people to hate me. I want to write stories that people like, not to be a people-pleaser, but to make good stories, and to be a better artist, and know what to-do and not to-do. And for me, so I can be a better person."
"You have a niece, right?"
"You have a niece?" Said Wonder Woman and Zatanna.
"Faith, you have a niece!" Said Wonder Woman. "And is that a younger brother or sister, or an older sibling?"
"Younger brother."
"Oh my God." Wonder Woman turned herself away, pinching her nose with the fingers of her right hand as she held the elbow of that arm with her other hand.
"I only told the story to Stephanie, and Barbara heard 'cause she was outside with dessert, and I assumed she told it to Dick and Tim."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Batman asked. "Were you going to assume the others would share this with Jason, Damian and I, and it would just blow over, and be fine?"
"No, I expected to be confronted about it more than Barbara did."
"What did she tell you?"
"She told me it was in the past, and that my brain remembering it the way it does is my reminder of why it's wrong. And yes, I thought they would have shared the story already, but I would have shared it with you three, too. That's the only story I've been hiding out of shame."
"Did you force your brother to have sex with you?"
"No." Faith said, firmly. "We only took off our clothes. Mom heard us, asked what we were doing, shocked, and I got the most spankings. My nightmares remind me of this. But it's twisted, and I hate that nightmare."
"Your nightmare makes it so that your brother starts it."
Tears began to form in Faith's eyes. "So that he wants it. And he's a teenager instead of ten, and I'm an adult instead of twelve."
"And what is that to your morals? What is that to your desires?"
"It's all wrong, kh," Faith choked on her breath, trying not to cry, but the tears fell anyways. "I'm sorry, it's all wrong, and I wish that I had at least asked my mom about it and she had taken my 3Ds away before I went in his room. I wish I had gotten myself in trouble one minute sooner. It would all be fine. I would have learned without having my subconscious beating my ass because I remember my childhood too much. I'm sorry. I'll leave as you all want because I've betrayed your trust, and I'm genuinely sorry."
Batman was silent for a few seconds. He inhaled and said, "I already made my decision when Dohannar said what he did. Your confession just now has made no difference. But it sure explains why you let Stephanie hit on you, outside of queer reasoning." Faith lowered her eyes.
"Look at me." He said, angrily. Faith lowered her shoulders and looked Batman in the eyes. He noted her trembling lower lip, her firm gaze. "Right now, your body is telling me that you're angry at yourself, and scared of what people think of you. You like attention, we all know that. You tried to get help, but even you know that you have to help yourself, first by admitting your wrong, which, yes, you have done, but second by doing better. But you haven't done that, even when you were offered help in the past, and when you were offered help by the kindest, most forgiving and understanding kids in all of Gotham, and me, Faith."
"You've kicked us all in the shins, 'cause you can't reach our asses, and now you're sitting on the floor because you can't aim worth a damn. You're not a bad person, but you're not a good person, either." Batman turned his head and eyes to Wonder Woman and Zatanna. "Take her wherever, I don't care." He meant that, in the anger of his heart. He looked back at Faith, saw that she had lost all the colour from her face, her lips parted, and she wobbled, leaning forward and to the left. Zatanna and Wonder Woman were frozen, knowing not to attend Faith until Batman was gone.
"Attend to you." Batman mumbled, as he moved his eyes from the heroines to Faith. He raised his voice so that Faith could hear. "You want people to attend to you, like the spoiled little princess you've been since your foster parents first hooked you on sugar and junk food, and didn't give a damn about you afterwards." Faith exhaled, her body leaning forwards more, and her feet stumbled, her legs buckled, her hands found the floor, the end of her right shoulder and the crook of her neck, her head coiled into her body as she vocally trembled and whimpered.
"You can go, you can just go now, yes, please go, please, please go." Faith rapidly sputtered. Batman stepped over her, his cape taking the light of every candle and leaving darkness as he moved through the passageways. "Per- fect." Faith murmured, staring into the black.
Martian Manhunter sighed into Wonder Woman and Zatanna's comms. "Bring her here."
Zatanna hummed, thoughtfully. "I have another idea."
"Me too." Wonder Woman said.
"Very well. I shall trust your judgements. My offer still stands."
"Thank you, J'onn." Wonder Woman said. She put her right arm under Faith's left armpit and lifted her to her feet, straightening Faith's neck so she wouldn't be sore. Zatanna removed Faith's seashell necklace and gave it to Dohannar, who shook his head.
Wysherah said, "Place it in her satchel. Those are her birthrights, regardless of her words and actions. Their effectiveness, however, depends on her faith."
"Thank you." Said Wonder Woman. Dohannar went to sit on the chaise as the women walked Faith through the darkness. She whimpered and panicked as they went, shedding tears.
"Jeff, an', an'... an' Freddy, an'... m-me, Odey-Odeya, aaaa!" She spoke gibberish, escalating into yelps of "No!" and "Aaaa!". Wonder Woman and Zatanna said nothing. They didn't look at Faith. Only forwards.
When they left the Dragon Tomb, the portal was still there. They crossed into the Belfry, and Tim was waiting there. He knocked eight times, and the portal closed. Dick threw a bucket of water on the wall to wash away the chalk. Barbara dumped a different bucket of dirty water onto Faith's head, Zatanna gasping. Faith cringed her face.
"Dishwater. From the pan I cooked that bacon you were so picky about eating. With extra soup, for your disgusting mouth." Barbara hissed. As Faith was walked to the exit, they passed Stephanie, who spat on her face.
'That's not going to be all they're going to do to her, is it?' Zatanna said to Wonder Woman, who shook her head while making eye contact with Zatanna.
Jason handed Faith a horribly damaged 12" white rabbit plush with floppy ears, covered in black chewing tobacco, yellow cat piss stains, and brown shit stains that smelled like dog shit. "Here. Found your Mr. Bunny." He said, using his tone in just the right way that he knew would remind Faith of her mom. And it did, and she didn't let go of the rabbit because of her fear of Jason and her mom.
'Oh, tch, really?' Zatanna thought.
'That affected her, a lot.' Wonder Woman commented.
Dick had come up behind, and he whispered in Faith's right ear, "Oh, and you're blocked from the group chat." Faith curled her bottom lip up and looked at the ceiling, and Dick stopped following, marching back to the computer area, where Barbara, Stephanie, Tim and Jason had quickly gathered.
'Yes, that makes sense.' Wonder Woman thought. She and Zatanna gasped as they stopped in front of Damian.
"Eyes here." Damian said. As Faith looked up from the floor at him, she saw Damian had drawn his sword. She had to tear her eyes away from it to meet his eyes.
"Damian, no." Batman said. "Just use your words."
"Well, I was going to carve a frown on your stupid face. I figured you'd have liked that, psycho. You try to be cool, you try to do something, to be someone, but you're a failure. And that's why you're unhappy, along with all the other trash you've got. I hope your trauma heals as ugly as it has been." Damian sheathed his sword, and stomped towards his siblings as the heroines continued with Faith, eyes on the floor again. Damian jumped into Dick's arms and sat on his lap, panting in anger as he watched Faith with the others near the computer as Dick combed his fingers through Damian's hair untli Damian's breathing slowed.
Batman handed Zatanna Faith's dufflebag as they came to the door. It was already opened. Faith saw Batman's boots and tried to look up, but it hurt. Batman noticed and raised a hand. The heroines stopped.
"I hope you improve, Faith." Batman said. Faith nodded, stiffly. The heroines came outside with Faith. The door slammed shut before Wonder Woman and Zatanna had forced Faith to take her first step after they had already taken theirs. They walked to the sidewalk, and then stopped.
"So." Wonder Woman said, in a mother's voice, keeping Faith afraid, but Faith painfully raising her eyes to look into Wonder Woman's. "Do you want us to leave you at a homeless shelter, or do you want help?"
"H..." Faith was stuck on the sound for three more times. "Help." It was said clear enough, afraid but trying to be light-hearted.
'Bear with me a second, Diana.' Zatanna quickly communicated.
'Of course.'
"From who?" Said Zatanna, in a softer mother's voice, but still in a scolding tone. Faith blinked, moving her eyes away from Zatanna to the street and buildings ahead.
"I... I don't know who would... be willing to take... someone who has always, and keeps betraying people that... she sets out to have the trust of, and... wants to have in her life."
Wonder Woman sighed, Zatanna as well, but quieter. "That's why you're always alone, Faith." Wonder Woman said, Zatanna nodding. Faith nodded too, tiredly. "We know where to take you, if you'll trust us."
Faith lifted her head to look at Wonder Woman and mumbled, "Ow." She smiled, a little, with her cheeks. "I trust you."
"Thank you."
Zatanna asked, "Have you ever been in the air, Faith?"
"Only once. Airplane to Vancouver for a foot specialist, who couldn't do anything."
"Well. Now will be your first with superheroes."
"Are we going across the country?"
"Yes, to Washington."
"Oh, I know who you want me to talk to."
"Are you OK with talking to Ollie and Dinah?"
Faith nodded, then suddenly cried, "Oh Go-hod, it's only 8 A-M!" She whimpered, her whole body shaking. She laughed for a moment, then sobbed, full volume. Zatanna sighed, looking from Faith to Wonder Woman.
"Let's go." Said Wonder Woman. Zatanna nodded. Faith did too, with limited movement. The women lifted themselves with Faith into the air, eastward.
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Click emoji to navigate to next chapter. ⏭️
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imagine-fight-write · 2 years
Random - Review of Dark Side of Dimensions
Hello everyone!
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So I’m working through my planned posts, except now I’m going to take a sharp turn to left and talk about YuGiOh! Movies - Dark Side of Dimensions.
*I was going to add Pyramid of Light to this, but this is so long already & it’s been awhile since I watched both movies, so - this is what you get. For now! There will be another post focusing on Pyramid of Light someday hopefully!
I forgot I hadn’t posted this. I am so sorry.
2nd sharp left turn: I just found this thing / video. Hope you enjoy!
Also the 2nd video, because I left the road of plans already.
Also YuGiOh! Millenium World is the perfect (bang up to the elephant worthy) end to a series + it is so pretty, both the anime & the manga. Just, so pretty. All the lovely gold & Egypt-esk setting & plot . . . it’s really great.
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I love Yami’s crown so much.
Now on to YuGiOh! movies. Dark Side of Dimensions 1st.
Neither are perfect movies - I’d honestly take elements from both & mesh them together - but I did enjoy watching both.
Also, they both have great titles & basic plot ideas are great.
Writers take note!
Both also take place after the series has ended, Pyramid of Light I think happens sooner than Dimensions. 
I highly recommend you watch them before reading this.
I’ll try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but I will gush. BE PREPARED.
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Dark Side of Dimensions
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Good Things & Plot Related Stuff
Of the two, I like Dimensions better overall (the plot moves faster & more naturally & the anime was better quality - Kiba’s tech & duel with not!Atem was such a lovely fan's dream (also the whole basic plot)+ the comment about Atem/Yami/The Pharoah’s hair. (more on that later)
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1st, I want to point out, keeping with all the good stuff this movie has to offer, which is a lot -
I really like the character designs of most everyone (apart from 2 which I’ll talk about in the “needs to be improved” section. (I am so angry / disappointed I can’t even.)
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(running away from their teacher, LOL.)
Yugi’s character design is great - he looks more similar to Atem!Pharaoh yet still keeps his more gentle aura.
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I also liked the designs for Tea / Anzu & Joey / Jonunichi & Tristan / Hiroto.
Anzu’s design & Jounichi’s particularly stood out to me for some reason.
The bright pop of every day scenes really helps, and again, apart from set up from the Aigami (the bag guy) & the puzzle’s discovery by Kiba, it’s mostly giving a quick refresher on who everyone is. Yugi’s goal of running his grandpa’s game store & designing his own game is a great idea, and I really wish we could’ve seen more of it.
Yugi also duels on his own for a good portion of the movie, and it is wonderful. I especially like a lot of his Egyptian themed cards.
Also, Mokuba, much like Tails in Sonic SatAM, is now helping design Kiba’s tech (he also does in Pyramid of Light.) Again, I like this addition to the character.
(And yes, there’s a reason why I haven’t mentioned Bakura or Devlin. Just wait.)
Action scenes were great. Everything was pretty. There was an epic rain scene in the city that set such a mood.
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Seriously, the tech is this is lovely & cool. Shout out to the “deprevation mask” Aigmai is forced to wear at one point. If it didn’t deprive a person of most of their senses & had eye openings, I’d wear it.
For a detailed look at the animation, here’s an AMV - there are spoilers, so again, try to watch the movie first.
I also like everyone’s Japanese names better 
(Joey’s is prob. my favorite of the English names, but I still prefer Jonouchi). Also note for anyone who hasn’t read the manga - everyone has stronger personalities in it. I especially like Anzu. She has guts. Reminds me of most of the side female characters in Yu Yu Hakusho.
We’re introduced to the “bad guy” quite early, which helps keep the tension. His powers are activated with a cool cube thing, are super chilling, and involve lovely and creepy animation. I’m not sure what the ring of ghosts is for, but it’s certainly “I want to run away now.”
“And this is why you must vanish.” - Aigami
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Funny, I actually like his fake name Aigami (he pretends to be a student at their school) much better than his actual name - wait for it - Diva. That’s his name.
I just. I just can’t. Can’t take him seriously when he’s named that.
I really like his design, especially how the longer parts of his hair move when he walks and when he switches to his true form they’re bound with gold rings.
He’s very pretty.
Terrible real name aside, there’s a scene where he takes care of some bullies to establish his powers, and it’s suitably creepy.
Also a weird scene where none of the main cast can remember his name or that he’s in their class, and then promptly forget their puzzlement. It’s very creepy.
Not only are his powers creepy, he means to flat out kill Yugi to prevent the Pharoah from returning (which would take his powers away.)
 Or worse yet, he’ll send Yugi to a dimension created by Yugi’s own memories, which will slowly fade away until Yugi himself vanishes. He also refers to Yuigi as the “vessel of the Pharoah” which is both fascinating, rude, & creepy.
Aigami’s cube creatures in his deck are fascinating in terms of design & animation & certaintly fit him. However, I think combining it with an ancient civilization / Ancient Egyptian theme would help make his character stronger. (More on that in the “Could be Improved” section.)
I also put “bad guy” in quotes because, while he does some horrible things, he’s meant to be sympathetic. It’s not a bad character arc but rather forced, I guess to make room for the real bad guy, your favorite, the Millenium Ring Electric Hair Bakura.
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Anyway. Some dialogue gems:
“I certainly didn’t go through all the trouble of bringing you here to dance.”
- Kiba to not!Atem before their duel.
“Pharaoh . . . You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to duel you.”
-Kiba, thinking to himself.
“After all, my scars of defeat run deep, Pharaoh . . . Inflict on your enemy an even greater wound - a defeat so resounding it leaves their soul crushed!”
- Kiba, being his typical melodramatic self, to not!Atem
“You can’t stand up to my power.” - Kiba to not!Atem
Atem - “I beg to differ.” (smirks)
“It’s true, I went through a great deal of trouble recreating the Pharoah’s deck, strategies, even his perfectly coiffed hair. In fact, that part is what took the longest . . . [But] it wasn’t the real Pharoah, so I didn’t beat him. And until I do, my scars of defeat continue to burn!” - Kiba, being a Drama Queen again
“Quiet, you sniveling sycophants!” - Kiba, to his poor, hard working staff / research and development team 
*I want to say he isn’t this rude in the original series, but I could be wrong.
Kiba crunches a KibaCorp made water bottle, flings it.
“Fire whoever designed that water bottle. KibaCorp products shouldn’t bend so easily.”
“I’m just sending him away to a dimension he might not enjoy.”
- Aigami
“Good cannot grow from evil.” - Sara, sister of Aigami
“There are no limits when you’re as brilliant as Seto Kiba!”
- Kiba, after he defeats magic through sheer force of will, arrogance, & tech (also, he’s an incarnation of an Egyptian priest)
“You cower from power . . . while I . . . embrace it!”
- Kiba, to Aigami
(perfect encapsulation of Kiba - complete melodramatic-ness & obsession to be the best)
“It’s no monster . . . it’s a god.” - Seto Kiba
When the Pharoah does appear, it’s truly epic. Had this movie combined more ancient Egyptian feels with the slick high tech, + a bag guy with actual evil plan, it’d have been a complete bang up the elephant / perfect in my book.
Seriously, almost everyone was on point. But no movie’s perfect, which brings me to:
Except what on earth did they do to poor Devlin and Bakura’s character’s designs? Seriously, they look awful, and they’re 2 of my favorite good looking YuGiOh! characters.
Also, “Plana” is a silly sounding word & should’ve been changed to . . .
IDK, something sounding more harsh, powerful, & / or related to the cube / memory / dimension changing themes going on.
Plana makes me think of plants, or the planet Earth.
Maybe it sounded cooler in Japanese?
IDEAS FOR A GRAND MIXED PLOT OF BOTH MOVIES - Dark Side of Dimensions + Pyramid of Light
Aigami is an ancient enemy kgosi (king) from another empire that often warred with Egypt (Syria? I have to research) & is dressed appropriately.
Aigami wants to drain Atem’s life force to revive himself. Locks Yugi & co. in the Millennium Puzzle. Possibly possesses Kiba. OR Kiba goes in the Puzzle too (has Kiba ever been in the Millennium Puzzle?) Mia flies a helicopter.
OR Atem gets locked inside the Millennium Puzzle & everyone else has to rescue him.
Are Yugi & good!Malik friends?  Because I’d love for a chance for good! Malik to show up.
Pyramid of Light’s evil guy has a long term plan failure.
Actually, the final bad guy in Dark Side of Dimensions does to.
To the tune of, let’s cover the entire world in darkness / destroy it.
Why? Wouldn’t that make it impossible for you to keep existing? And even if it didn’t, wouldn’t such a life be boring?
Like I said, long term failure when it comes to evil plans.
Far better to drain a person’s life force or soul & inhabit their body instead.
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panandinpain0 · 2 years
I am so sorry, you’re going to get so many requests now. Loved the 2nd part of Letters. Could you perhaps do a Cedric x Slytherin Male Reader and the reader is like really shy and awkward?
Token of Good Luck
You have no idea how happy seeing this made me- PLEASE SEND ALL THE REQUESTS I LOVE GETTING THEM!
Also tysm for reading my stuff!! It means the world to me
Sorry I'm just really excited.
Requested by: Anon
Cedric Diggory x Male!Slytherin!Reader
I'm literally so pumped to do this- maybe it's because it's 1:26 AM and I should be asleep.
(E/C) = Eye Color
It's the Triwizard Tournament and stuff. The read is half-blood cuz I said so and it works for a scene in this.
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The Great Hall was practically bursting with the visiting students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, and (Y/N) positively hated it. He wanted his calm Saturday mornings back, when only a few students were sitting at their tables and minding their own business. Not even the Slytherin's would be out, then, but the Durmstrang students dragged them out almost every Saturday morning.
(Y/N) walked towards his table slowly, trying to squeeze around a crowd of students coming his way. He should've just stayed in bed like he had contemplated doing before coming down here.
Sitting down at the only free space at the table; the end of it, he grabbed his preferred breakfast items and started eating, sipping from his cup every so often but just generally zoned out on his plate. Because he was zoned out he didn't really notice when the students around him went quiet, and were looking in his direction.
Well he didn't notice until someone cleared their throat- that person being Cedric Diggory. (Y/N) looked up at him, glanced at everyone watching, and promptly turned tomato red. Cedric smiled a bit and just kept looking at (Y/N).
"(L/N)," he greeted.
"Diggory," (Y/N) responded, surprised at himself for not stumbling over his words as he so often did. He supposed it was just one word, but with this amount of people staring he usually would've stuttered.
"I was wondering..." he paused and looked around himself at the crowd. "What're you looking at?" Everyone looked a little shocked but quickly returned to what they were doing, the first years that had previously been sitting in front of (Y/N) scurried away and left an open space for Cedric.
(Y/N) bit his lip as his leg started shaking, channeling his energy as he tried to process what was happening. This was not at all how his normal Saturday mornings would have gone.
"I was wondering how you were this morning," Cedric finished, getting himself his own breakfast and making it clear he intended to stay sitting in front of (Y/N).
(Y/N) cleared his throat a bit and gulped, pushing his food around on his plate and having trouble gathering the courage to look up at Cedric.
"Fine," he settled on answering, nodding a bit too fast. "And you?" Short responses were good, just don't stutter in front of him and it'll all be over soon.
"Good, yes, thanks. Man, they really have better morning biscuits over here at Slytherin table, don't they? Or maybe they just improved the food quality because of our guests," Cedric speculated, smiling brightly at (Y/N) before bringing a piece of biscuit up to his mouth.
"I always did like the mixed jam," (Y/N) quietly peeped up, motioning to a nearby jam as a recommendation. Cedric inspected the glass, glanced at (Y/N), then proceeded to smear a glob of it onto a slice of toast. After tasting it he seemed impressed, nodding with a smile.
"That is very good."
"Please, call me Cedric." His pearly whites had charmed their way into many other student's hearts, but at the moment the sun hit them just right so that a glint shot right into (Y/N)'s eyes, making him blink a bit.
"What are you doing, t-talking to me?" (Y/N) whispered, looking around and then quickly looking away as Draco Malfoy locked eyes with him, not wanting to be teased later.
"What do you mean?" Cedric asked, taken aback by the abrupt question.
"I- I really don't mean to be rude, but..." (Y/N) licked his lips as his eyes darted around again. "I'm the most boring Slytherin here, not to c-count for the fact that I'm Slytherin, period. What is Cedric Diggory: the 'Golden Boy' of Hogwarts and current Hufflepuff Champion doing talking to me?" (Y/N) explained further, pushing around his food again to occupy his hands and eyes after his bout of talking.
Cedric sighed and looked at (Y/N) with gentle eyes.
"I wanted to spend breakfast with you. I've heard that you're kind-"
"Who told you that?" (Y/N) asked incredulously, looking up at Cedric with creased eyebrows. He hardly talked to anyone long enough for them to tell if he's kind or not.
"Susan Bones," Cedric responded with raised eyebrows.
(Y/N) nodded in understanding- Susan sometimes sat at the edge of the library table across from him, and they occasionally helped each other with homework.
"You just seem very interesting to me, (L/N). I wanted to get to know you better. It seems that Susan is the only one who knows much about you, which isn't much at all." Cedric smiled at (Y/N), trying to gauge his reaction.
"So, what- I mean... I- What exactly do you want me to do?" (Y/N) was still red but grew warmer as he stumbled over his words, making Cedric realized that he thought (Y/N) was absolutely adorable.
"I was wondering if you'd cheer me on for the first task," Cedric admitted, leaning on his elbows on the table.
Looking up in surprise (Y/N) ducked his head again, a small sarcastic smile paint his face.
"I don't cheer," he mumbled, taking a bite of his food that was growing cold.
"You don't cheer?" Cedric questioned, eyebrows creasing unbelievingly.
(Y/N) shook his head hesitantly in response, still not looking Cedric in his eye.
"Well then..." Cedric thought. "How about a token of good luck?" He smirked.
"Token of good luck?" (Y/N) repeated, glancing quickly at his eyes before realizing his mistake and bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck, placing his fork on his plate and then taking both hands in front of him, fiddling with his fingers.
"Your scarf, for example," Cedric was now whispering, though he knew (Y/N) heard every word. "Or a piece of jewelry. Fabric, a charm, maybe even something physical..." he was teasing but wasn't sure if (Y/N) picked up on it.
He didn't seem to, seeing as Cedric could basically feel the heat from his face from there.
"I have something," he quietly confirmed, thinking of the bracelet he wore on his wrist. Maybe it was silly but he believed it held good luck, meaning he wore it everyday. Not that it worked, but believing didn't hurt.
"Brilliant! You can meet me before the first task and give it to me then, yeah?"
(Y/N) slowly nodded, glancing into Cedric's eyes again. This time he managed to lock them in, staring into (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes. (Y/N) felt as if he could get lost in the deep brown of Cedric's, the way the sun reflected off of them and how it felt as if there were a million secrets tucked away behind them.
"See you?" Cedric asked faintly, as if in a trance.
"Yes," (Y/N) confirmed with a quick nod, watching Cedric walk away before realizing his classmates were staring again. He ducked his head and focused on his breakfast.
"Dragons?" (Y/N) hissed in a moment of hysteria.
Cedric, who found the outburst amusing coming from the quiet Slytherin, smiled and nodded.
"Dragons," he repeated back.
"Are you daft?" (Y/N) burst again before reigning himself in, calming his breathing and looking around.
"See, you are kind. You care about me," Cedric observed.
"I care whether all of you champion's survive. That's not kindness it's just human decency," (Y/N) dismissed. He felt more confident with his words seeing as he and Cedric were the only two in the hallway just before the outside entrance.
"Still," Cedric objected.
"I'm going to be honest..." (Y/N) bit his lip for a second. "I have no idea why you would ask me to give you good luck. I'm possibly the only one in our year without balance or some sort of strong social relation, so it makes no logical sense to me, but here you are anyways." He untied the black leather bracelet with three metal brackets across the top and motioned for Cedric to hold out his arm, which he did.
(Y/N) pushed up his sleeve a bit and put on the bracelet, tying it was concentration to make sure it didn't come off. Cedric, meanwhile, wouldn't take his eyes off of (Y/N)'s face. The way his tongue slightly stuck out, his eyebrows creased. Cedric could look at it forever; (Y/N)'s face.
"I believe it to be good luck, though I'm not sure it is. But... 'Fake it until you make it', is what my American cousin says." (Y/N) shrugged and gave an awkward smile, stepping back and letting his arms fall a bit stiffly to his sides.
"You have an American cousin?" Cedric asked, looking at the bracelet on his wrist.
(Y/N) nodded and looked out at the stadium that was built for the task. He shook his head and mumbled to himself, "Dragons?"
With a smile Cedric stepped closer to (Y/N), catching his attention.
"Can I hug you?"
(Y/N) blinked in surprised but nodded slowly. "Yeah, sure..."
Cedric wrapped his arms around (Y/N), making him slowly return it with stiff arms, patting his back a little.
"Thank you for the good luck," Cedric whispered as he rested his cheek against (Y/N)'s hair.
"Don't die," came his response.
The most surprising part for (Y/N) wasn't the hug, it was the comforting, safe feeling it brought him. (Y/N) didn't get hugged a lot, his parent's not being very physical people and with his lack social life. He quite enjoyed it, at least Cedric's hugs.
Cedric was carried into the healer's tent, laid down on the table and tended to by Madame Pomfrey, who was muttering about unnecessary dangers. Just then the flap of the tent opened a bit, (Y/N) appearing there. He was rubbing his hand, looking around with wide, darting eyes until they landed on Cedric.
Walking; well, more like shuffling, (Y/N) made his way over to Cedric and watched Pomfrey apply burn cream to his exposed chest. The fact that his chest was exposed was something (Y/N) was trying to ignore, but clearly failing seeing the heat creeping up his neck. Cedric noticed this and tried to hide his growing smirk.
Once Madame Pomfrey had finished she nodded to (Y/N), who nodded back in thanks, and walked away. (Y/N) got closer to Cedric's bed and looked at him blankly.
"What is wrong you?" (Y/N) interrupted, playing with his low-hanging green and silver scarf tassel's. Cedric looked away, a bit ashamed. "Well, no, less you. More what is wrong with the adults running this." He sighed aggressively and rolled his eyes, sitting down in a nearby chair. "How... are you feeling?"
"Alright. I'd feel better if you were over here." Cedric patted the bed beside him, sticking out his bottom lip teasingly.
(Y/N)'s face turned red again, making (Y/N) shove his face in his hands.
"Stop!" he whined, muffled by his hands.
Cedric laughed and threw his head back a bit. "I'm sorry, Love. It's just so easy and your reactions are priceless," he admitted.
The pet name didn't help (Y/N)'s current state and after threatening to leave and then debating about who would see, (Y/N) climbed in next to Cedric and awkwardly laid there; though Cedric didn't seem to mind.
(Y/N) had visited Cedric in the hospital wing a few times until he was well, bringing him some breakfast before classes, but tried to avoid interaction other than that. He didn't want any trouble for interacting with the popular Hufflepuff.
Sighing, (Y/N) sat down in his usual chair, happy for at least a taste of normalcy as he sat in the library. The one thing in his schedule that hadn't changed; afternoons in the library in the hidden corner.
Seeing a glimpse of a yellow and black robe (Y/N) opened his book, expecting Susan to sit in front of him. But it wasn't Susan.
"(L/N)?" Cedric whispered.
Jumping in surprise (Y/N) looked up at Cedric.
"Cedric? I-I mean, Diggory. What're you doing here?"
"Susan said I could take her place today."
"Is she alright? When did you get discharged?"
"She's fine. And I told you you're kind." (Y/N) rolled his eyes in response. "I got discharged just an hour ago."
(Y/N) sighed and assessed the situation, his nerves getting the better of him and making him shuffle around in his chair.
"Well, since you're here you can grab a book and read with me. Only if you want! Of- of course," (Y/N) rushed to say, jumping all around the place verbally.
Smiling with amusement, Cedric pulled a book out of his bag and opened it to the first page.
"(Y/N), you grew up knowing about muggle things, right?" Cedric asked quietly, looking at (Y/N)'s from over his book.
"Uhm... yes. Why?" (Y/N) responded, looking at him in concern.
"This is a muggle book that Susan insisted I read today, but I don't think I understand it very well," he admitted, chuckling nervously.
(Y/N) looked at the cover and lit up, recognizing his favorite book.
"I love that book! I could help... if you'd like?" he hesitantly offered, smiling a bit.
Cedric nodded and moved to the chair closest to (Y/N), scooting even closer and opening the book in front of them both. Cedric pointed to what he didn't understand and (Y/N) started to explain it for him, not really noticing the way Cedric slid his arm around (Y/N)'s chair behind him.
They spent the rest of the afternoon like that; close together and going over the basics of the muggle book.
As they packed up for dinner, Cedric took a deep breath. There was no time like the present.
"Hmm?" (Y/N) hummed, standing up and looking at Cedric expectantly. It just clicked for (Y/N) that he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, which was an odd experience. Welcome, but odd.
"Would you..." Cedric's breath was shaky as he breath in, messing with his bag strap and shoving a hand in his pocket. Was this his way of being nervous? "Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"
Speechless, (Y/N) stared at Cedric with a dropped jaw. Cedric was sweating bullets, glancing around looking back at (Y/N).
After quite a while of silence (Y/N) spoke up, "Like... like as your date?" His voice was croaky and faint.
"...Yes." He nodded once.
(Y/N) a deep breath, a smile growing on his face. "Yes. Yeah, I-I think I'd like that."
The tension visibly leaked out of Cedric's shoulders, letting out the breath he had been holding.
"Brilliant! That's just- thank you. I'm so excited," Cedric gushed, hugging (Y/N) quickly before saying goodbye and running off.
(Y/N) stood there, smiling after him. Not only did he get a date for the Yule Ball, but it was The Cedric Diggory. How had he tricked Cedric into asking him?
Cedric stood outside of the Great Hall with many other students, waiting for their dates. He took another deep breath and messed with the cuffs of the sleeve's of his dress robes. Looking around again he stopped when he saw (Y/N) walk in alone, looking around at all the students.
Raising his hand to catch his attention, Cedric smiled as (Y/N) started walking towards him.
"(Y/N), you look great," he greeted, taking one of (Y/N)'s hands and kissing his knuckles.
"You look wonderful too, Cedric." He looked around at everyone staring at them and realizing two things: 1) he wasn't a fan of PDA and 2) he signed up to dance with the most wanted boy in Hogwarts, in front of Hogwarts.
Nerves shot up (Y/N)'s arms and his heart sped up.
"Are you alright?" Cedric questioned, noticing the quick change in his date.
"Oh, just... just peachy," (Y/N) said, taking yet another page out of his cousin's book.
"What's going on?" Cedric asked again, taking gentle hold of (Y/N)'s arm.
"There's just a lot of people... a lot of people that stare at you. And if they're staring at you, tonight they'll also be staring at me," (Y/N) explained breathily, eyes darting around as he tried to catch his breath.
"Hey, hey, hey," Cedric whispered as he guided (Y/N) out of the crowd and against the wall as Professor McGonagall went around to check on the champions. "Take a minute. Deep breaths, in and out. Just look at me."
Those brown eyes work magic. Or maybe it was the breathing, but (Y/N) soon calmed.
"It's just me and you," he whispered to (Y/N), holding his hands. "When we go out there to dance it's just me and you, okay?"
(Y/N) nodded back, gulping and taking a deep breath.
"Mr. Diggory, Mr. (L/N), are you ready to go in for the first dances?" McGonagall asked as she walked past the two.
"Yes, Professor," Cedric confirmed as (Y/N) nodded, the two walking to the line of champions.
"Hello, Harry, Cho," Cedric greeted, waving to Cho Chang, who went with Harry after not being asked by Cedric.
"Cedric." Harry nodded back, looking you up and down suspiciously. "Who's this?"
"(Y/N) (L/N), my date." Cedric smiled and pulled (Y/N) in a little closer by their linked arms.
"It's great to meet you," (Y/N) said with a quiet voice, smiling softly.
Harry, apparently concluding that this wasn't one of the bad Slytherin's, nodded and smiled back, turning to look forward again.
"We've got this," Cedric mumbled to (Y/N), squeezing his hand before they entered.
(Y/N) knew how to dance, very well, actually. But in private. Cedric was fully taking the lead as (Y/N) was just trying his hardest to not let the shaking in his arms show.
"Remember, just you and me," Cedric mumbled under his breath, staring (Y/N) in the eyes.
It was most definitely the eyes that calmed (Y/N). Looking into them (Y/N) imagined they were dancing alone, music playing in the background- or in the rain, dancing the waltz without a care.
Once the world faded away around them they swept across the dance floor with the other couples, lost in each other's smiles.
People started joining the dance and several other songs followed after, tiring (Y/N) out and making Cedric guide him to the drink table.
"So, how are you feeling?" Cedric asked as he got him a cup, portioning out some of the drink they had and getting himself his own.
"Wonderful, actually." (Y/N) sounded surprised with his own response. Cedric handed him the cup with a smile. "What even is this?"
The two laughed and (Y/N) took a sip, shrugging to show it wasn't that bad as the two took a seat.
"You have wonderful eyes, you know," (Y/N) commented, taking a sip of his drink.
"So do you. But I particularly like your facial expressions."
"My facial expressions?"
"Yes, just like that one." He motioned to (Y/N)'s face, making (Y/N) force his face to be blank. "It's not a bad thing," Cedric laughed. "I love watching you express yourself in a way that you don't in public."
"Cedric, can I ask you something?" (Y/N) asked, looking at his cup.
"Why'd you ask me? You could have your choice of any classmate, really, yet you choose me? The one who can barely function?"
Cedric shook his head as if (Y/N) just wasn't understanding.
"Because you're you. O-other classmates aren't like you," he stuttered, trying to find the words. "I can't get the conversations we have- or the feeling I get when I look into your eyes. And sometimes your lack of ability to function is just downright adorable." Cedric looked at (Y/N) while saying this, trying to get through to him.
"Even if I don't do public well?" (Y/N) asked quietly.
"Even if you don't do public well," Cedric confirmed, reaching across the table and taking (Y/N)'s hand.
The snap of a camera light surprised both of the boys, looking over to the source of the distraction.
"Oh, young love!" Rita Skeeter loudly cooed (more like howled). "Cedric Diggory, what can you tell me about this young man who's your date tonight?" Her floating quill stopped right before the paper, waiting for Cedric to say something.
"Nothing. Please leave us be," Cedric spoke strongly, catching Harry and Hermione's attention.
"Ms. Skeeter, have you seen that couple across the room, there?" Hermione called, pointing vaguely across the ballroom. Rita trilled and ran off, trying to find juicier gossip then Cedric and (Y/N).
Hermione and Harry walked up to the two boys.
"Thank you so much," (Y/N) breathed out, putting his face in his hands for a moment.
"Of course, that woman is awful. Are you alright?"
"Yes, thank you. I just don't... public, well." Cedric and (Y/N) shared a look.
"I'm Hermione Granger, I'm not sure we've met before. I'm in Gryffindor." Hermione held out her hand and (Y/N) shook it.
"(Y/N) (L/N), Slytherin," he responded.
"Really? I would've never expected!"
"You'd be surprised," Cedric responded, smirking at (Y/N). "Where are your dates?" he turned to Harry and Hermione.
"Viktor is getting us some drinks," Hermione responded.
"Viktor Krum?" (Y/N) asked with raised eyebrows. After Hermione responded with a smile and nod (Y/N) held out his hand and received a high five.
"Cho's off dancing with some other guy," Harry admitted with a sour look on his face, hands in his pockets.
"The dancing was fun but can get so tiring," Hermione changed the subject, waving at Viktor.
"Would you like to go get a breath of fresh air, (Y/N)?" Cedric asked, standing up and holding his hand out, giving (Y/N) an escape from the crowded room.
"Please," he responded, taking Cedric's hand and standing up with him. "Pleasure to meet you, Granger."
"And you!"
Once they had gotten into the grassy fields outside of the castle (Y/N) sighed and sat down, not worrying about if his dress robes got grass stains.
Cedric laughed quietly and sat down next to him, the two laying down and looking up at the starry sky.
"Thank you," (Y/N) whispered.
"For what?" Cedric asked incredulously.
"For giving me a better Yule Ball then I ever expected to have."
"Well, you know one way you can repay me?" Cedric asked, sitting up, making (Y/N) follow.
"What is that?"
"A kiss, of course." Cedric tilted his head.
Blushing harder than Cedric had seen him do in weeks (Y/N) leaned forward but stopped halfway.
"Come on, I can't do all the work," he whispered urgently, not having the courage to go further.
Cedric quickly swooped in and sealed the kiss, the stars above them twinkling.
"Mr. (Y/N) (L/N)," Madame Pince asked, approaching Susan and him at their table.
"Madame Pince?" (Y/N) asked, standing up with his book in his hand.
"Professor Dumbledore is requesting you in his office," came her monotone reply, turning and walking back to her desk.
"What's going on?" Susan asked, shutting her book as well.
"I have no clue," (Y/N) admitted, gathering his things and bidding farewell to Susan.
On his way down the hallway he saw Hermione walking the same way as him.
"Granger?" he called hesitantly.
"(L/N)! Where are you off to?" Hermione looked over and started walking towards him.
"Dumbledore's office, strangely enough," he responded, falling into step with her.
"...So am I," she admitted, a look of confusion settling on her face.
The two shared a concerned glance but walked together the rest of the way anyways.
Ron and Gabriella Delacour stood outside the gargoyle on the wall.
"Ron, Fleur's little sister?" Hermione called out as they approached.
Suddenly the gargoyle shifted along with the wall it was attached to, and a staircase appeared. Ron went up first and everyone else followed behind. It felt like (Y/N)'s stomach was tying knots around itself as he walked in behind the group, standing a bit to the side.
"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione asked as they entered, wanting more information to what was going on.
"Be calm," is all he said before (Y/N) saw black.
It was as if the sun rose all at once when (Y/N)'s head came out of the water, making him gasp for air and cling to the only thing he could comprehend at the moment, which was Cedric.
"Shhh, it's alright. I've got you," Cedric reassured him, one arm around his waist and the other pushing it's way through the water. He quickly reached the doc and some students helped pull you out, Cedric next.
"Cedric Diggory seems to be the first out of the water with Mr. (Y/N) (L/N)!" the announcer roared, the crowd cheering. Cedric didn't even look in their direction as he wrapped a towel around (Y/N), holding his face as he shivered.
"Are you okay?" he asked as he took a towel from someone else, both him and (Y/N) still on their knees in the grass.
Nodding, but never fully, (Y/N) shook in the grass. Cedric sat back against a nearby tree and took (Y/N) in his arms, rubbing up and down his back and arms to warm him.
"Are you?" (Y/N) asked, looking up at Cedric through his lashes.
"I'm... fine. I never want to see you like that again, though," Cedric admitted, brushing back a few pieces of (Y/N)'s wet hair.
"I don't plan on blacking out unwillingly anytime soon," (Y/N) responded, making Cedric laugh. (Y/N) put his head down in the crook of Cedric's neck, falling asleep. Who knew being tied up at the bottom of the lake would be so tiring?
"I'm going to win," Cedric said with determination, looking up at his father who nodded with a smile. "But before I go in there, I need to introduce you to someone."
(Y/N) approached the two after Cedric motioned him over.
"Mr. Diggory? I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) held out a hand for him to shake, which he did.
"Nice, strong grip," Amos complimented, smiling at his son.
"He's my boyfriend," Cedric elaborated, making Amos throw out his arms.
"Well, why didn't you say so?" He wrapped his arms around (Y/N) and suddenly (Y/N) realized where Cedric had gotten his hugging abilities.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."
"None of that 'sir' business, call me Amos. Now I best get on, but I'll see you later. Good luck, son."
"Thanks, dad!"
He walked away, leaving the two alone together. Cedric saw the look on (Y/N)'s face and pulled him into a hug.
"I don't have a good feeling about this, Cedric," he insisted, Cedric's robes clutched in his fingers.
"Don't worry. I'll win!"
"Not about you winning- look, Cedric. I know winning is important to you, but it's okay to lose sometimes. I need you to promise me, you'll stop thinking about winning as the only good outcome of this." (Y/N) looked deeply into Cedric's eyes with a serious stare.
"I- fine. Okay, I promise. Whether I win, or lose, we'll still end up dancing barefoot in your room this summer," Cedric teased, brushing his nose against (Y/N)'s cheek, drawing a giggle out of him.
"You've got the bracelet?" (Y/N) asked, checking his wrist.
"I do, and it's helped all the other times so no doubt it'll work for this task too."
"Don't die. Don't be the hero," (Y/N) whispered, pulling Cedric into a kiss.
"I'll be back," Cedric assured, going back in for a second kiss.
"Champions, line up!"
Cedric pecked (Y/N) one last time and ran off to the other champion's, leaving (Y/N) to walk to the stands. Once he climbed up Hermione waved him over, patting an empty seat beside her.
"Hello, (Y/N)," Hermione greeted with a smile.
"Hermione." (Y/N) nodded briefly before his leg started bouncing, gulping and looking around.
"It's alright to be nervous," Hermione comforted, patting (Y/N)'s shoulder.
"They should be out by now, shouldn't they?" Ron asked, looking down as (Y/N) was pacing in front of the maze where they had been told to wait.
(Y/N) shook his head and kept walking, trying to focus on breathing and not Cedric's absence or the crowded stands looking down at them.
Just then Harry and Cedric appeared, both standing up with wide, blank stares. They were panting and covered in dirt, wands shaking in their hands.
The Professors and Dumbledore rushed over, hiding the two from view as people in the stands erupted in cheers, the ones on the ground panicking.
"(Y/N)?!" Cedric shouted as he was dragged away by Professors, leaving a sad looking (Y/N) behind him.
A knock came from (Y/N)'s empty dorm. Why was it empty? He didn't really know. He assumed his dormmates, who barely knew his name, had gone off to bunk with the other boys for the night. Everyone needed a bit of comfort after the events of today and the rumors going around.
(Y/N) stood up from his bed, not being able to get any shut eye anyways. His thoughts were preoccupied with a certain champion. Where he'd gone, why the teachers had forced him to go to his dorms instead of wait for Diggory. Opening the door, expecting to see one of the dormmates, shock spread through him when he saw the very boy who occupied his thoughts.
"...Cedric?" (Y/N) whispered with a very concerned look.
Cedric said nothing, just walking forward and taking (Y/N) into his arms and holding him there tightly, like he was Cedric's life source. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around Cedric's shoulders, his hand combing through Cedric's curly locks as he whispered sweet nothings in to his ear.
"Shh, it's okay Cedric," he cooed as Cedric started to cry, shaking in (Y/N)'s arms.
"I listened to you," Cedric squeaked, voice thick with tears. "I heard your voice in my head when that awful portkey landed us in that graveyard. 'Don't be the hero'. I dove to the side before the spell could hit me but I was an inch from death."
(Y/N) led him to the edge of his bed and wiped his tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
"Thank you," (Y/N) whispered, smiling gently at him, trying not to think about the fact that he could have lost the first person who ever meant something to him. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" (Y/N) willed him to say yes, stroking the side of Cedric's head as he looked into his eyes.
Cedric nodded and pulled (Y/N) close again, breathing him in and holding his head to his chest. He was just so glad he was here, with the person he cared for most.
I can't say for sure whether this is actually good or not, but... I think it is?
I really hoped this somewhat lived up to your standards, Anon 😅
-Author Max <3
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iamherefortheships · 3 years
HCCC: I came for Kim Seon Ho playing the romantic lead, but I stayed for Shin Min Ah’s Hye-jin - Part 1
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Hye-jin is such an archetype of a modern women that it’s not surprising that she was a polarizing character for the online fandom. Predictably everyone had an opinion on how she should behave coz 21st century is here, but we don’t get tired of judging female fictional characters on their fictional behavior.
Noticeably the same criticism didn’t extend to the male lead. I love Du-sik and Kim Seon Ho’s acting talents can lift any character off the page, but Hye-jin & Du-sik meet-cute was based on presumptuous behavior on both their parts. They were both quite appalling, yes sparks flew but if you were stranded in a town without a car, shoes, and money, would you really want to clean squids?? I think not.
Hye-jin is the modern working women representation that I ache to see on TV and here’s why (and I will ramble…sorry)!
A woman in STEM
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Hye-jin being a dentist is an easy obvious win for the character and not just because it’s a tick against the feminist checklist. It’s important because its central to the story. Yes, Hyejin needed to move to Gonjin for character growth, for self-discovery, to stay employed. But also, the people of Gonjin needed her. Her profession allowed her to meet everyone and heal them..her credibility came not just from who she is but what she did. She was a great dentist, and we need to see how successful women in STEM can impact their communities!
Introvert & the kind of women who people often complain about “not smiling enough”
Another great trope inversion where the leading lady is not the chirpy, outgoing person holding the community together. The first few eps are really people of Gonjin baffled why this girl was not returning their big bright smiles (and people online on chats going why is she being like this? she is so mean!), Honestly, if anyone complains why is a girl ‘not nice enough’ one more time..I can't even...!!
She is very guarded, an introvert and understandably a city snob. Also, if you are single women living in a large city, I expect you tend to look at everyone with a little suspicion. I think SMA nailed that slightly wary suspicion of everyone being too friendly and kind. (My favorite scene when she accuses Du-sik and Ha jwong of scamming her into renting space from them!)
Do I approve of her casual snobbery at the senior citizen party when everyone was trying to make her feel welcome? No
Do I believe and relate to it? Hell, yes.
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Not being perfect, but seeking perfection
Hye-jin listens, introspects, and learns. She is not perfect, but she is open to improving and adapting.
This is a great human quality in general but very often I see this woman more than in men. Women are hard on themselves, and they are constantly pushing for improvement.
Even smart, successful women do that all the time - they listen, learn and change. Which is why I think it’s so cool that Hye-jin has that trait. It shows refreshing maturity that is truly representative of real women!
Wow...this post is already longer than I thought....so turning this into a two-part post!
(PSA – All the ups and downs of KSH scandal notwithstanding, I know that Kdrama world continues to be divided on Kim Seon Ho. I wasn’t planning to cancel him when initial facts were known, because while the matter was morally reprehensible it did not appear criminal. Disappointing- yes. Damning, not clear. As more facts revealed itself, even the original story became shrouded in doubt. I don’t typically cancel artists that I admire, as literally my only expectation from them is they be good at their craft. I don’t hold their behavior to any specific standards, and I really don’t care about celeb personal lives (of course, there are always exceptions to the rule).
In most cases, I can separate the art from the artist…if I didn’t half my bookshelf will be empty and there will be no rock music from the 70s ...sigh! But I also understand and respect that not everyone wants to make that choice.
This is long winded way of saying that on this blog you may find posts/reblogs on KSH, the actor and the work he is in. And I get that it may not be okay for everyone, which means, read at your own risk.)
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calkestis · 2 years
hey! i was wondering how you make your gifs? they're so clean and captioned so well!
Hiii! Omg, thank you so much 🥹! I actually follow pretty much the same process every time when it comes to the first steps. I'm gonna detail it a bit under the cut:
It's really important to start with a good quality video - I download the shows / movies on 1080p and try to look for HD and UHD versions. Then I open them with VLC and use the recorder from the app to capture the scene I want to gif (sorry, I know it's in Romanian, but the order is the same):
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Then in photoshop (I have the 2022 version installed) I use the import video frames to layers feature (for video games, which are different from TV shows and movies, I usually also select the limit to every 2 frames option, so I get the proper speed - otherwise it looks in some kind of super slo-mo).
Depending on how big is the gif I want, I keep between 30 to 70 frames (I don't like how the shorter ones look - this is just a matter of preference - and the longer ones tend to be too big when I export them). Then I set the delay to 0,05, no matter which video I use.
After that I crop and resize the gif and then comes the sharpening. I first use a smart sharpen filter with these settings:
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After that I add an extra filter of gaussian blur with 0,2 radius.
This is how it looks at this point:
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The colouring part is a lot of trial and error for me, but the layers I use all the time are curves, saturation/vibrance, selective color, color balance, brightness/contrast and exposure (not in this particular order and the last one especially on dark scenes).
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Here for example I wanted to get rid of the greenish hue and to improve the lightning, so I started with a curves layer, the I used selective color to change the greens in the gif and increase the blacks, the color balance to decrease the yellow tint remaining, then added some vibrance, saturation and contrast and at the end I used a cooling filter and set its blending mode to lighten (I'm starting to play more and more with the blending mode of the layers because you can get some really cool effects by testing stuff).
Then I export and these are my settings (most of the time I use that preview option from bottom left, to see how it actually looks on the web):
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And then there's one last step before I publish. After I export the gif, I open it once again in photoshop and fix its frame delay back to 0,05 because for some unknown reason, the app messes this particular setting and if you don't change it, it looks kinda glitchy.
And this is it:
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I learned all of this stuff from the amazing tutorials available on tumblr actually and then by adapting stuff to what I like. I do recommend this blog for all sorts of tips and different processes.
Sorry, I turned this into an almost tutorial, but I really hope it helps, even if my process is a bit messy 😇 I don't use the science of photoshop at its fullest like many creators here, but I test stuff and get frustrated and then try again and it really helps if you have enough patience (this was my first gifset posted here, almost 3 months ago and even I can admit the improvement).
Have fun and I hope you tag me in your stuff if you decide to post it here!!!
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0ryza13 · 3 years
Can I just. Take a second here? To appreciate, for the entire internet to see, this quality development.
(To preface: I am not saying that the quality of the actual show was bad at first, I am purely speaking about the animation here.)
Season 2 (same quality as season 1, and I found this first)
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It's kinda clunky, and you can really tell that they're just playing HALO and moving the controls a lil so you can tell who's talking when.
Then there's season 5.
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They're doing the same thing, but the quality is higher. The HUDs of the helmets reflect light, just little things like that. There might be a bit here and there where they actually freeform animate some of it instead of just "playing HALO and moving the characters heads".
Moving on to season 9, the Freelancer stuff. They had to get creative with this season, since the usual method was Not going to work for the badass Project Freelancer fights.
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You can really see the jump in quality starting to happen here. But to get the extra motion and details on things like natural movement throughout and people occasionally taking off their helmets and actually having faces underneath with expressions and stuff, they had to cut back on fine details on the armor and backgrounds and the like. It's a massive quality jump, but there's still some improvements that could be made.
Next: season... uh I think 10? Yeah.
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It's really loosening up here, there's fight choreography, there's things happening simultaneously and in the background, the camera moves around for dynamic perspective, it's pretty quality. But they managed to keep armor detail and stuff too! This came at the cost of all natural movement all the time and people's faces showing (conclusion of that arc notwithstanding).
Next up, season 12 (this is when I got caught up with the show the first time, and thus I stopped shortly after and I'm just recently getting back into it, as you do).
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(First of all: eat shit, Felix, haha!)
(Second of all:) This looks. So. Natural. (Aside from the framerate of the gif itself. Sorry bout that.) Look at it. It's great. Obviously there's still tiny details you could nitpick, but overall? Holy hell. But no helmets come off at all ever. There's an in-universe explanation for that, but yeah. Think that went towards having a larger cast and Hella Plot. And the s13 finale animations. Anyway.
And then jumping from that to the most recent stuff (bc i haven't actually seen the stuff in between and don't want to spoil myself, but I ran across the intro to the new stuff on YT and that's what got me back into this): Behold, Red Vs Blue Zero. Apparently gifs of this don't exist yet, so have a still frame.
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The HD. The detail. The colors. The natural poses. The movement is just as natural, throughout the entire episodes from what I've seen, rather than alternating between higher quality and the (previously) usual "we're playing HALO and bobbing our character's heads so you know who's talking" method used for most scenes.
Apparently the quality for the intervening seasons 14-17 that I haven't seen slowly but steadily tick up into what you see in Zero.
I just keep getting stuck on this every time I think about RvB lately. It's just so incredible to me. Hope sitting through my post was either enjoyable or not horribly annoying.
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tessisawriter · 4 years
Tell Him (Andrei Svechnikov ft. Braden Holtby)
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Request: Imagine being [Holtby’s] sister and dating Andrei Svechnikov but [Holtby] doesn’t know
A/N: Text messages are in bold. The original request was for Y/N to be Ovechkin’s sister, but since he is on my “Players I Don’t Write For” list, I switched it to Braden Holtby.
Warnings: Two swear words, angst
Word Count: 2.5k
It was hard enough being the Capitals’ star goalie Braden Holtby’s little sister, but try that while secretly dating superstar winger and member of the rival Hurricanes Andrei Svechnikov. That’s hard on steroids.
Things would’ve been a lot easier if you had fessed up to Braden already. But alas, you were sitting in primo seats in the PNC Arena in Raleigh three days after Christmas, watching your boyfriend’s team shell your brother, who of course had to be in net tonight, with quality shots. Braden wasn’t playing all that well, and you were on the edge of your seat, anxiously watching the action.
“Five minutes left.” Your sister-in-law, Brandi, was sitting next to you, and from the look of her shoulders, the tension was obvious.
“I can’t tell him tonight. He’s going to be so pissed!”
“I hate to say I told you so, Y/N, but: I told you so.”
As you turned to glare at her, the goal horn blared and everyone got up out of their seats to celebrate. You whipped your head back around in the direction of the Capitals’ net and saw Andrei in the middle of a group hug with his teammates. He was pointing at you and grinning widely. Braden took his helmet off and stared at the scene playing out in front of him.
“Looks like you don’t have a choice, honey.” Brandi patted you on the shoulder.
“I told him not to fucking do that, and what does he do? He does it!” you groused as you watched Andrei high five his teammates.
“He clearly agrees with me.” You didn’t answer Brandi because she was right.
You met Andrei eight months ago while his and your brother’s teams were playing against each other in the first round of the playoffs, but you didn’t start dating until you started school at Duke. While you weren’t that far away from your brother and Virginia, you were homesick, and you got Andrei’s number when you met him in the spring, so you ended up calling him during your second week at school and asking him to hang out.
It was nice hanging out with Andrei. While he didn’t live in Durham, he was only 30 minutes away in Raleigh, so he knew the area well enough, and he helped you settle in to life in North Carolina while you helped him improve his English (he was from Russia, and while he spent some time in the States before joining the Hurricanes, his English still needed some work). Within a few weeks, you were dating.
It scared and amazed you at the same time how fast you fell for Andrei. He was spontaneous and knew exactly how to cheer you up, making corny jokes that sucked so badly they were funny. Andrei was tired of hiding your relationship, and while you wanted nothing more than to shout it from the rooftops, you were afraid of disappointing Braden.
Braden was both your older brother and a father figure of sorts, since he was 12 years older than you. You moved to the States for high school and lived with him, his wife, Brandi, and your niece and nephew in Virginia. You loved your big brother and always confided in him about your problems, so it felt weird keeping such a big secret from him, but you did because you didn’t know how he would react. While Braden never explicitly told you to not date a hockey player, Andrei was a star player on one of the Capitals’ biggest rivals. And he just killed any chances of Braden’s team winning the game tonight.
Tonight was the worst possible night to drop the bomb on him, but Andrei just made it impossible to stall any longer.
You sat with your head in your hands for the remainder of the game, even when Panik cut the deficit from 6-3 to 6-4, because the game was effectively over. Besides, you had to figure out the best way to break the news to your brother about your relationship with Andrei, and fast.
You were quaking in your boots as you stood in front of the Capitals’ dressing room, waiting for your brother to come out.
“Whatever happens, Y/N, I’ll be there,” Brandi reassured you. “He’s going to be mad at first, but he’ll forgive you. He loves his baby sister.” She ruffled your hair.
“I’m glad you figured it out: I would’ve gone insane if you hadn’t known, either.”
“I was a teenage girl once too, you know.”
You smiled at her. Brandi figured it out on Christmas Eve when Braden asked you and Brandi to accompany him to Raleigh for the second half of the back-to-back, and you initially said no. When Braden asked you why not, you made up a lame excuse about being tired from a long semester, and while he bought it, Brandi didn’t and pulled you aside after Braden went to bed. Telling her about your secret relationship lifted some of the weight off of your shoulders.
“And you made a smart choice wearing his jersey,” Brandi added.
You looked down at the three white stars and navy letters on the front of your red jersey before glancing at the white number 70 on your sleeve. Little did she know that you weren’t wearing an ordinary black t-shirt under your jersey, but instead Andrei’s shirsey that he gave you earlier this afternoon as a belated Christmas present. You might’ve told Braden and Brandi that you were taking an Uber back to campus to see some of your friends when in reality, you went to Andrei’s apartment. At least it wasn’t a complete lie: you took an Uber.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, and you jumped, not knowing who it was until you turned around and found your victorious boyfriend smiling at you.
“Hi, babe.” He peppered your cheeks with kisses.
“Andrei!” you whined, but you liked having his undivided attention.
Your moment of bliss was interrupted when you heard someone clear their throat. Still in Andrei’s arms, you turned to find your brother scowling at you, arms crossed against his chest. “Bray, I can explain—”
“Explain what? That you’ve been clearly been dating him and sneaking around behind my back to do it?” Braden rarely raised his voice, but the raw hurt in his tone made you wish he did. “I thought we had a better relationship than that.”
“Brandi, I’m booking us another night at the hotel and I’ll make arrangements for us to fly out tomorrow. I don’t want to see her until we go to the airport.”
You started to cry. “I’m so sorry, Bray, I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“I can’t deal with this right now. Let’s go, Brandi.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall and away from you while you sobbed into Andrei’s chest.
It was a silent drive back to Andrei’s apartment. Since you had nowhere else to go for the night, he insisted you stay with him.
Andrei parked the car in his space and as soon as you got out of the car, your phone chimed with a text.
“Is it him?” Andrei asked.
You shook your head as you looked at the screen. “It’s Brandi.”
Her text read: Are you staying with Andrei?
You shot a quick Yes back before walking into the building, Andrei following you.
While you were in the elevator, three grey dots appeared on the screen. You and Andrei watched as they disappeared and a text popped up in its place: I’m sorry about Braden. He just needs the night to calm down/process.
You swallowed before typing back: I get it and the elevator doors opened on Andrei’s floor.
The grey dots appeared again when you were settled on top of the bed, Andrei’s arms wrapped around you, and the next text read: We have a private plane leaving at 2PM from Raleigh. Be at the airport at noon.
Followed quickly by another one: And bring Andrei with you.
You looked at your boyfriend. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to. I’ve got to face him at some point, and besides, we should tell him together. Properly, I mean.”
You smiled for the first time since you saw Braden outside the locker room. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my love.” Andrei gently kissed you on the lips before pulling away and saying, “You should answer her.”
“Oh, right.” You typed out the text and sent it—We’ll be there—before realizing something. “Shit. My carry-on is with the Caps’ bags!”
You hurriedly texted Brandi, and she quickly replied: Don’t worry; I have it. You’re good with the clothes you have on, right?
You cringed. “This is not good.”
Andrei leaned over to read the text. “What do you mean…? Oh.”
“Yeah, oh. I’m wearing your shirsey!”
“You can borrow one of my other shirts.”
“Do you own any non-Hurricanes related clothing?”
“Of course I do!” Andrei huffed.
“Wait, let me rephrase that: do you have any shirts not related to hockey in general?”
This time, Andrei paused. “I do…somewhere.”
“It’s all right, we’ll worry about it in the morning. I just really want to go to sleep.”
Andrei got up off the bed and went over to his drawers while you texted Brandi to say good night. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a Hurricanes t-shirt for you to wear and tossed them to you. You smiled and went into the bathroom to change.
When you came back out, Andrei was already tucked into bed, and he was shirtless.
“Come here, babe.” He held out his arms to you, and you collapsed in the bed next to him. “I’m really behind on laundry, so I don’t have another clean shirt. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, babe.” A moment of silence passed before you continued: “You were right, you know. I should’ve told him earlier. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I get where you were coming from.” He kissed your cheek and you snuggled further into his arms. Before you could fall asleep, though, he added: “A private plane, though? Really?”
You chuckled. “Leading your team to a Stanley Cup has its perks. Not that he uses them often; leave that to Ovi.”
You could feel the vibrations of Andrei’s laughter as he pulled you even closer to him than before.
You were so tense on the drive to the airport, not even Andrei’s bad jokes could make you smile.
Brandi texted you earlier that morning, telling you Braden was still in a bad mood but that she expected him to forgive you. You weren’t so sure he would. He had never acted like this before, and you were scared you ruined your relationship with your brother.
Your stomach churned as you and Andrei walked up to the terminal entrance.
“Are you okay?” Concern was written all over his face.
“No. But there’s no turning back now,” you said and grabbed Andrei’s hand as you walked through the doors.
Brandi and your brother were waiting on the other side of the door.
“Hey, Bray,” you said, trying to sound as casual as you could. “I—”
“How long?” Braden cut you off.
You gulped. “Almost five months.”
“Five months.” The last part came out like a whisper, so he cleared his throat before continuing. “Wow, okay. Look, I’m sorry about last night. I should never have left you in the arena like that. But I was really upset, and I still am.”
There was a terrible silence before Andrei blurted out: “I’m the one who insisted we keep it from you. Don’t blame her; it’s all on me.”
Braden regarded him for a moment. “I know for a fact that’s not true, but I like that you’re defending my sister. If you don’t mind, though, can I talk to her alone for a moment?”
“Sure, I’ll just—”
“You don’t need to leave, we’ll talk over there.” Braden pointed at the big windows, and you followed him.
“Y/N, I want you to know that I’m not mad about you dating Andrei. I mean, it upset me at first, but it’s because so many changes have happened: you went off to college, and now you have a boyfriend…but I’m over it now. You have to live your life.” He cleared his throat. “There is one thing, though: I’m hurt that you felt you couldn’t tell me. Why did you feel that way?”
You felt a tear fall down your cheek. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“Why would I be disappointed?”
“Andrei plays for one of your biggest rivals.”
Braden scoffed. “I couldn’t care less about that. I care about the way he treats you, and from what I’ve seen so far, he’s good to you. I think he might even love you.”
You blushed. “I think I might love him, too.”
“Then that’s all that matters. Nothing could ever make me stop loving you, Y/N.” Braden wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight. You held on as if he were going to disappear.
“I love you too, Bray.”
You pulled away from the hug, only to find Andrei and Brandi standing right behind you.
“Are you guys good?” Brandi asked.
“We’re good.” You smiled.
“Thank God, I don’t ever want to see you two fight again.” She came over and hugged you.
“As for you, Andrei,” Braden turned his attention to your boyfriend. “Just because I live in Virginia doesn’t mean I won’t come down here and kick your ass if you hurt my sister.”
“I wouldn’t dream of hurting her.”
“Good. Now I know you’re an adult,” he shifted his attention back to you, “but promise me you’ll stay in the dorms on weeknights and not take your focus off your studies. You’ve worked so hard to get here, and you’re going to graduate from college.”
“Yes, Dad,” you joked.
“Okay, I think we’ve covered everything. I’ll give you two a moment.” Braden grabbed Brandi’s hand and walked over to the ticketing counter.
“I’m so glad it went well,” you said.
“I knew it would: he’s just protective of you.”
You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. “Thanks for coming with me.”
“Anytime. When do you come back?”
“Nine days.”
“Ugh, it feels so far away,” he whined, and you laughed.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” You leaned in and kissed him.
“Ahem! No PDA around me!” Braden shouted, and you and Andrei pulled away from each other laughing.
“Call me when you land?”
“I will. See you soon.” You kissed Andrei on the cheek before joining Braden and Brandi at the ticketing counter to go back home.
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yossariandawn · 3 years
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I posted 1,302 times in 2021
53 posts created (4%)
1249 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 23.6 posts.
I added 4,506 tags in 2021
#fdtd - 855 posts
#kate fuller - 611 posts
#seth gecko - 604 posts
#dj cotrona - 565 posts
#madison davenport - 538 posts
#gifset - 478 posts
#sethkate - 305 posts
#richie gecko - 215 posts
#zane holtz - 187 posts
#art - 148 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and i never thought about it before but maybe the fact that i chose the overworked minions even as a small child does say something about me
My Top Posts in 2021
NOTE: click the number if you want to see the full posts, I had to cut them down to post since it was giving me an error. There's a 10 image limit that doesn't account for having a few of your top five be posts with more than 2 images apiece. Oh, Tumblr. Good job with the attempt I suppose.
#5: FDTD CRACK: Richie gives Seth a demerit vid
Inspired by a conversation with @alwaysupatnight. I had no choice, I had to make it, sorry not sorry. I just really love the faces they make, alright? Best faces ever.
45 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 20:41:22 GMT
#4: Screencap Meme: Faceless
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screencap meme // From Dusk Till Dawn + Faceless
↳ requested by @astarkey 💖💖💖
47 notes • Posted 2021-09-27 02:12:06 GMT
#3: Seth Gecko and Kate Fuller Scene Packs
All scenes of Seth and Kate in From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series. Together, separated, or possessed by the Queen of Xibalba, feel free to use however you want! Pardon the titling, this is from my personal files so the summaries all make sense to me. Possibly only to me.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
Full episodes can be found at LogolessDesires on Twitter, just give them a follow. They have tons of other great tv shows and movies available in great quality too! 💖💖💖
Link down, file not playing, incorrect or incomplete? Message me and I'll see what I can do.
53 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 02:28:54 GMT
#2: Angsty Mexican Honeymoon Snippets Gifset
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Playing around with scene coloring and lighting matching, and I ended up with a few snippets of Angsty Mexican Honeymoon. That last one is a much better version of a clip I used in my Beautiful Crime vid, so I'm pretty happy with how I've improved!
83 notes • Posted 2021-06-07 17:41:58 GMT
#1: Favorite Vampire Fiction Gifset
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No, I don't believe in vampires. Well, neither do I, Richard. However, setting aside the sheer absurdity of this conversation, they have fangs and they die when you stab them in the heart. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Mexican Dracula.
Vampire Appreciation Week 2021
↳ Day One: Favorite Vampire Fiction → From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series (2014-2016)
105 notes • Posted 2021-10-24 08:09:15 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft Edition, Dementlieu Arc part 2
Alright, it's night. Jonni: “The best time for arson!” Jonni, you are up spending some quality time with Vesh. Jonni: “The best time for arson!” "YOU COME INTO MY CITY WITH A PARADE, PUTTING ON A FARCE FOR THE MASSES, YOU FOOL THEM BUT YOU DO NOT FOOL ME. NOW FACE MY JUDGEMENT." They point a bony finger at Vesh and....nothing happens. They point a few more times, expecting something to happen. Vesh sighs. "You done?" “Hey, buddy, I told you, she’s a Princess. Maybe not of a big nation, but a Princess is a Princess.” "...Well I guess she is. Sorry for disturbing you." And the spirit then awkwardly shuffles out. "That reminds me, I will visit Semprini, warn him of this Red Death." “Or, hear me out, we don’t and hire a bard to follow him around and then show us what happened later in moving pictures.” "Come on, you know how well I can fit in with high society, Steve. I can speak Snob." "Steve... He really moved up in the world after he died. I'm proud for him." "Social gatherings...I can be nice and polite, but high society tends to leave me cold. It all seems so...fake." “Yeah. But I usually get to fork some ashholes [sic] trophy wife in the cloak room, and the food can be good.” "Look it's easy, you go to some parties and dinners at some places, see the sights, smile and laugh, and we're golden. "And if anyone gives us any shit, we just grin and take it, and then track them down after the party and light them on fire." "We've come on behalf of a young lady whose parents have been afflicted with a curse..." “We need that lifted before we have to adopt again.” "None of the rest of you better pull an Edmund on us." Gorbash: "Okay Marshal's not allowed to speak for the group without approval. Jonni was already not allowed to speak for the group. God... am I the diplomatic one here? How the hell am I the diplomatic one?" Jonni: “Hey, I can be diplomatic. In a skeevy way, sure, but diplomatic.” Jonni: “Back of the line, new Eddie. Gorb’s in charge unless I have a better idea.” "Some specters showed up while you were out, but Kyra and Simone drove them off....Where's Marshal?" Jonni: “Getting ready for me to kill him when he gets back.” Seoni sighs, "Of course he did." Gorbash: "Yeah, he's joining Jonni in the 'not allowed to make decisions without group permission club'." Jonni: “Wait… Marsh is gone! No one will stop me from killing Semprini!” Gorbash: "I am still here." Jonni: “I’ll bring you his mustache.” Gorbash: "You may continue." Gorbash: "...Gods, I'm the leader... How is the guy who spent a year in a fracking asylum the one people look to for leadership?" OOC: Gorbash is going to be referring to this kind of epic stupidity as Pulling an Edmund for at least as long as it takes us to save Edmund. OOC: I haven’t seen a robot do something that dumb since Optimus’ Primes comic death. And his brain fits on a 3x4 floppy. Gorbash: "I've been to Blutspar. I don't need eyes to see horrors everywhere. Give me the tour." Nyx: "I would like to go some place without horrors for once. I'm guessing that is too high an order around here." Gorebash:
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Yeah she had a holy symbol of Asmodeus on her armor. “Oh, hey, we got that douche canoe back home” Jonni says, very loudly. “Demon Prince of tiny dicks.” Jonni: “I don’t go to plays with ‘king’ in the title after the incident. “Course, most of the plays I go to have titles that are parody’s of other plays. They usually involve some kind of food delivery that can’t be paid for.” Gorbash grabs Irost by the collar. "Entire city. Mass suicide. Rivers of blood centuries later. GIANT MAN MADE OF BUGS!" Irost: "....That could possibly be classified as urban improvement..." Irost: "But then we'd miss the ball, and the excitement, and the chance to make names for ourselves." Jonni: “New Eddie is dumber than old Eddie.” Gorbash: "My old crew and I once infiltrated a gods damned apocalypse cult-a-polusa! I damn well know my apocalypses." “We’ll get you a red snapper, it’s okay. The things beyond the veil aren’t going to tear your soul out and wipe their ass with it tonight.” The stall has three barrels around the stall, and a large crate with a sign that says "Stikk hand in fer big serprize." [sic] Gorbash: "This feels like a trap. Hey Jonni, come here!" Jonni: “Want me to light it up?” Upon you saying that the crate grows a mouth and begins inching away. The crate and the three barrels, as well as the sign, all get up and move towards an open manhole. The lead mimic turns and spits at you, "Damn adventurers, this used to be a nice neighborhood." Jonni: “Hey I know where you can find a really dumb guy. I’ll tell you if you bring us his mustache.” "How dare you, we are not vagrants nor tramps. We are guards for a traveling merchant caravan. And adventurers who solve problems and help others." "Right! They're Hobos!" Jonni: “Cool. Cool. So you’re a colossal asshat, your god sucks, and virtually no one I care about will mind if you die. In fact, the nicest member of my party thought about doing it herself.” Jonni: “Hey! One last thing? Go fuck yourself with a cactus you racist piece of devil-worshiping pig fart.” Linxia takes a deep breath. "We will settle this another time I think. But keep in mind;" she reaches out, grabs a caterpillar from a tree, and crushes it in hand. "Vermin always get crushed in the end." Gorbash: "B!+ch, we're Pest Control experts." He is wearing a "I survived the Organ grinder" TY shirt over his armor, and is also covered with popcorn, soda and other stickyness. In one hand he holds a handful of balloons, and in the other a large stuffed purple teddy bear. On his head is a hat with cat ears. Jonni: “We met new people to kill and you’re not allowed to tell me no anymore.” Gorbash returns the favor that Marshal did for him back in Hazlan and tightly hugs his metal friend. Irost would hug him from the other side as well, squeezing tightly. You are stuck fast to Marshal now, he is very sticky. "Uhm, do we need to get out the special scrubbing alcohol to clean you guys off now?" Marshal: "Fire." Jonni casts the “create campfire” cantrip. Irost: "WAIT! Wait we're still-AHHHHHH!" Marshal ties a blindfold around his helmet's eyeholes and sticks a cigarette in just in time. Jonni: “Sorry, reflex.” Marshal: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe." Jonni: “I’ve fucked things you wouldn’t believe. Anyhow, walk it off. We got crime tonight.” “It’s that or wait for the play that pinged Gorb’s 'end of world' alarm to finish.” "What you did Marshall... Sainthood should be being considered." “If they gave out sainthood for being a moron Semprini would be a living god.” You guys become aware, that there things watching you. Or rather watching Marshal. You see countless tiny stuffed animals of varying types: bears, foxes, rabbits, but with horrific twisted features. Some have obviously human eyes or teeth, others are bulging with strange contents. Gorbash: "How is it, that Marshal is the one with the most Stalkers?" Marshal: "Co-workers on break." Jonni: “They forming a union?” According to Vesh, the boat will be arriving at Midnight with cargo, among which will be the box. It will unload the cargo in the shipping company's warehouse. where it will stay until it is shipped to the D'honaire estate on the night before the ball. The docks are silent. No one on them. The niight is clear, with stars in the sky and a huge moon. So what's your plan? OOC: Fireballs. You see the bizarre scene of a bunch of demonic beanie babies smoking. After about fifteen minutes, the bay is rocked by a massive explosion, as the galleon bursts into flames. "Jonni!" Jonni: “Gods I wish that was me.” OOC: Great things happen when Kreuz has a Paladin Moment. OOC1: This other crew is going to find we aren't harder to deal with than most adventurers, we fight smarter, not harder. OOC2: Also, we are more mentally unstable and prone to dickery. OOC: To be fair, the rules don’t say I have rocket feet. The power gamer in me says no, but the nerd in me says “ROCKET BOOTS!”
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tuiyla · 3 years
So i'm expecting A LOT of changes to atla for the live adaptation. In a perfect world there wouldn't be any changes ,but what are some adjustments or additions to the series that you wouldn't mind seeing? Like something you would like to see more of or less of. ?For me I would love to see more of Tophs and Zuko's friendship. Also would love to see a scene with Katara talking w sokka or someone admitting that she blood b for the second time. Maybe in this scene is where she finally decides that she never wants to to blood bend again maybe a little bit of foreshadowing because she eventually makes it illegal later on
So hey Anon. I know it’s been two months and I’m really sorry I just straight up forgot about this but I’m really hoping you’re somehow reading this.
I’m gonna be honest and say part of the reason I forgot about this is that the Netflix live-action series kind of just left my mind. I’ve been growing distant from it ever since Bryke left the project but then Avatar Studios was announced so I was like “Netflix who?” But like, I’m still hoping the live-action will be at least decent.
I actually think that even in a perfect world there’d be changes, if for no other reason than the medium change. Also, as much I believe ATLA is the pinnacle of television there for sure are changes that would improve it, especially in season 1. I’ve been wondering about what episodes they’d do since the Netflix show was announced since I think it’s fair to say they won’t do 20 episode seasons. I expect episodes to be longer than 25 minutes but the adventure of the week nature of book 1 means they’d still leave some stuff out. Given that there isn’t a single episode of ATLA that doesn’t get referenced in some way or another later on it’s a tough call but I think we can all live without “Great Divide” lol.
A general rule of thumb with adaptations, imho, is that characters come first. There was that (probably baseless) rumour about making Katara the elder sibling. That’d be a great example of not understanding the source material and the characters so I do hope that doesn’t happen. The thing about every single change is that, especially with a story that as carefully constructed as ATLA, it can change everything. It’s a ripple effect. For example, change Jet in a substantial way and it would change Sokka, Zuko and Katara - that’s three out of the five mains! So while I’d welcome some changes, pretty much ones like what you listed, I’m wary of them.
Seeing more interactions between characters is always good but there has to be a point. I love me some quality time between Zuko and Toph but, contrary to popular belief, they didn’t need a life-changing adventure. If any additional scenes between them serve the characters, such as highlighting thematic parallels then yeah that’d be good. Glob knows I adore the water sibs and the one thing I’d probably elaborate on is bloodbending but again, this is very tricky. Bloodbending is one of the most cohesive and thematically consistent aspects of the whole franchise and there’s a part of me that thinks any more scenes would dilute that.
That said I always did feel like Katara’s moment of darkness should have been reflected upon more. Part of the reason she’s so misunderstood in the fandom, imo, is that her arc is a lot more subtle than e.g. Zuko’s and some acknowledgement of “The Puppetmaster” and her bloodbending in “The Southern Raiders” could have changed that. I’d probably have her reflection at the end of the episode be primarily with Sokka and include an honest conversation about trauma and how they dealt with it differently. It doesn’t have to be too on the nose as that would go against their dynamic but Sokka deserved a bigger part in that story. Ngl I kinda dislike that the end of “The Southern Raiders” is used to introduce Aang’s moral dilemma. This is my favourite episode ever but the very beginning and very end feel somewhat disjointed from the rest. Understandable since it’s so close to the finale and the last “serious” ep before Sozin’s Comet but I think the adaptation could introduce that dilemma earlier and allow TSR to be entirely about Katara (and also more about Sokka). Katara can still have that moment of forgiveness with Zuko and it’s still a life-changing field trip between them but, yeah.
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Going back to bloodbending, I do think that even just one impactful line about it would be a good addition to the story. You know, like when Toph says “he’s lying” in “Lake Laogai?” Yeah like that. Just a small gut punchy moment. Because Katara’s reflection on bloodbending, as is now, is more implied than anything so I think that final decision on her part to reject it would be good, and you’re right, foreshadowing her outlawing the practice.
Surprise surprise I got carried away with bloodbending, again, but yeah there are a few small things I’d change but it’s always tricky. As it stands now, I honestly don’t trust Netflix to make the good kind of changes. Transforming book 1 into something more cohesive could be interesting but that adventure of the week format is part of its charm and makes sense for the story of that season. I fear that they’ll make the same mistake as the godawful movie did in that Zuko’s arc will be much more on the nose. I fear a lot of things about it, actually. And maybe I’ll talk more about this as we get closer to actually getting any news from this project or as I inevitably do my annual Avatar rewatch. For now, I’ll say that there are things that could be changed but I don’t trust the production to make the right choices so I’m very happy Avatar Studios will most likely overshadow whatever Netflix does. And I hope Avatar Studios dares to come up with new content! But that’s another discussion.
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antons-yelchin · 8 years
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Letters to Anton 2017
Here is a copy of my letter to Anton for this year’s Letters to Anton event. Hopefully we can make this a yearly thing. It was four pages long on regular notebook paper, so be prepared to read, a lot! If you want to participate in this this weekend, please use the tag Letters to Anton 2017 on all social media sites so all of us fans can see your letter. Yes, the word has spread to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. So feel free to post there as well. Thank you all for having such a positive reaction to this and for those of you who participated. I know Anton would be proud to see a community coming together and uniting for such a sweet cause. And heck, maybe this tag might even reach his parents and they can find some peace and a bit of closure through us. So here goes nothing:
Dearest Anton,
I know it is strange writing you now, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.  I know you are not with us anymore and I'm so truly sorry for that. You were taken from us at such a young age, at the cusp of your career-changing move to director. You were so very talented, be it acting, music or your photography, and it hurts that such a bright star was put out much too soon. As a parent myself, it rips my heart out knowing your parents are still hurting. I am sure they have healed some, but with this being the first birthday you won't be celebrating, it's just re-opening the wound. And for the accident to have happened on Father's Day, I know your dad feels some kind of guilt even though he had absolutely nothing to do with the accident.
Honestly, I have a weird fascination with death for years now. So I did go over your 'Death Certificate.' It puts me at ease somewhat knowing the whole incident was very quick and that you did not really suffer. I can not even imagine the final thoughts that ran through your mind. I do not want to think about you being in pain or scared because that makes me cry just thinking about it. I remember a month or so before Star Trek Beyond was released to theaters, a promoted Facebook post was a clip of the movie where the escape pods were setting off away from The Enterprise and it showed a quick clip of you as the adorable Chekov with an expression of such distress. I remember making the comment that "This clip is making me anxious because if anything happened to Anton, I don't know what I'd do," and then tragedy struck. To say I was devastated is a severe understatement.
The day you were taken from us, I remember thinking it was some kind of spyware program, kinda like those weird quizes that use your Facebook profile to give you results, but it would use your recent search results instead, to create some kind of fake article. Then I just thought it was a hoax because it was so early in the morning and at the time only TMZ was reporting it and I couldn't find any more information about it. But within an hour or so, more legit news outlets began reporting on your death. And of course, TMZ was the first to post pictures of the scene of the tragedy. Seeing the crinkled fencing and the villain of this whole ordeal, your Jeep....that's when I broke down. I was crying and just repeating over and over "Anton's Gone!" and "Why?" I cried so much and so hard that I ended up vomiting and my lips started swelling up to where I looked like a Kardashian. I don't know why my lips do that when I cry a lot, but they do. I had only been home from the hospital for my heart condition for a little over a month. My chest hurt SO bad and it was hard to breathe at times, even when I stopped crying for a moment or two. I knew why this was happening so I did not go to the hospital for the pain. I just let it pass. Plus, they would probably lock me up in the mental part of the hospital for getting so manic over someone I did not even know. Even my psychologist now looks at me strangely when I mention it.
But that's the thing...I felt like I did know you. Through interviews, articles, etc, you were just so genuine, humble and down to earth. I felt like we all got to know you. It felt like you were so open with us, your fans. Know that we really, really appreciate that openness. I'm sure other fans will agree with me. Some would say myself and some other fans are obsessed or strange, but someone on Twitter put it into words perfectly: Thinking about how we mourn artists we've never met. We don't cry because we knew them, we cry because they helped us know ourselves.
Now for the tougher part of this letter. (WARNING: SUICIDE TRIGGERS) A few years ago, I tried to kill myself via overdose. As you can tell, I was unsuccessful. I don't see how between all the different medications I took and the large quantities that I took. But it was you who became my anchor and helped me through my recovery. I did not go to the hospital because there's always a stigma surrounding those type of hospital visits in my family. Two of my older siblings we both admitted to the mental facility at the hospital and they still haven't gotten rid of that stigma, even a decade later. So it took my body about a week to recover and during that time, I watched the first Star Trek movie and saw you as Pavel Chekov and I was hooked (On you and Star Trek). Then I grabbed Odd Thomas from a Redbox, not realizing you were in it, it just had paranormal stuff in it and that's my kind of thing. I fell in love and started going through your filmography and also retreated into the Odd Thomas book series. The only person who knows about this ordeal in my real life is my husband. But whenever I watched you, I would instantly feel better and you would keep the 'bad thoughts,' as I call them, away.
Skip to February 2016 and I'm admitted to three different hospitals over a month's time. I was diagnosed with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Side Heart Failure at the young age of 31. Pulmonary Hypertension is a terminal illness with no cure, just medicines that help improve your quality of life. I was the youngest case the doctors at all three hospitals had seen in their careers. Usually it hits around the ages of 50-60. It was so depressing being in the hospitals for so long. The first two weren't so bad because they were only 45 minutes away from my home and I knew my way around the areas they were in. But the third one was over two hours away and I did not know anything about the city and was definitely out of my 'safe zone' so my anxiety was peaking during that stay. And that hospital was the one I stay at the longest. I stayed in the NICU of Duke University Hospital in the same wing that heart and lung transplant patients are recovering and they have to stay there at least six months. I couldn't do that. The nurses told me they weren't used to a patient that was so self sufficient. But back to you. Luckily, I had several of your movies on my computer to keep me company and I found the movie Rudderless and between the awkwardly adorable Quinton and the music, it has become my favorite film of yours, followed by Star Trek, Odd Thomas, Hearts in Atlantis and Fright Night. I even purchased Cymbeline because Ethan Hawke was in it and he and Keanu Reeves are two more of my favorite actors after you, and finding out you were in it as well was a definite bonus. And it definitely made me blush with that one scene. The same thing happened with "Only Lovers Left Alive" and I had honestly rented it just to see Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston and then you pop up in it and I literally squealed with excitement. Man was I lucky. The movie with you co-starring with Robin Williams I have yet to watch because I took his death very hard as well. I had just barely recovered from that to where I could finally watch his movie again without tearing up.
I hope wherever you are, you are safe and happy. It may be a bit morbid, but at least you are in good company. 2016 was not a good year for celebrities. I hope you are having a blast with David Bowie, Prince and Alan Rickman, just to name a few artists in your company. Hopefully, you've reunited with Robin Williams and he's making you smile with his comic relief.
That is what I am really going to miss is that we will never see a new smile or laugh from you. But thankfully, we have a large archive to look back on. You had such a variety of films to choose from, and I'm so grateful for that. So many things to make me smile. I even have a life-size and mini cardboard cutout of you to keep me company when things really get bad. I've been trying to find someone or something else to get engrossed in, to be my anchor, but I'm not having any luck.
Some days are better than others. Some days I smile and laugh when I talk of you and some days I can't even think of you without breaking down. I know you would want us fans to be strong and to celebrate your life instead of being sorrowful over your death and I am trying to be strong. Truly I am. I have made several friends through my Anton Yelchin blog, one who has gotten very close with me, and I think you would be proud that we have come together on your birthday to celebrate your life, from all different ethnicities and backgrounds and social media sites. This day is your day, and always will be.
I don't know what to expect from the afterlife, but I think some how, a piece of you is watching over me, kind of like a guardian angel. And when times get really bad, to where I start thinking about suicide again, I turn to you to help me get away from those thoughts, because if I did do that, I might not ever get the chance to meet you. My lifespan has already been shortened as it is. And that doesn't bother me. Everyone dies, some sooner than others. But you shouldn't have died so soon. I found a stone that was on someone's grave online and it read: If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. And I truly believe that. Between myself and all these other fans I've met, we would have made you immortal.
Thank you so much for being there for me when no one else was, even though you did not know it. I will forever be grateful for that. Thinking back to the final lines from Odd Thomas: This life is a boot camp and we must persevere to earn our way into the next life. If I live an average lifespan, I'll have another 60 years before I see you again. That will be a long wait, but I am a patient woman.
So until next time, rest well my dear Anton.
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