#sorry for going off under your ask like that i just feel like i needed to get this off of my chest
bbyobbyo · 3 days
seventeen as dads headcanons
content: reader is married to svt, normative(?) family structure, literally just unhinged thoughts, not proofread lol
note: was trying to write an actual fic but then got distracted sorry, dadventeen brainrot is so real
Super protective “don’t touch my family” dad outwardly
All of his kids’ friends are straight up SCARED of him
But within the household he's the one sneaking ice cream when you say no, albeit guiltily
Shopping trips with him will always result in buying something for them and he is very willing to be taken advantage of
“Babe if I can’t spoil them now, they’re gonna grow up and move out before we know it!”
Tries his best to be handy around the house, but probably makes it worse, ends up calling Mingyu to come fix it
DEFINITELY a “go ask your mom” dad
This man not only powerless, he doesn't even want the power, he's just here to have a good time and if you say they can't, then sorry kiddo
You can’t tell me that he doesn’t bring up becoming a family prank channel at least once a week
LOVES bragging to everyone else about his kid’s achievements, cannot shut up about them to anyone in a 5 foot radius tbh
His kids definitely talk to him about everything, which is great because he is SO nosy.
Has a list of all their best friends, enemies, and crushes at school somewhere on his notes app for future reference when they come to him for advice
The REAL practical joke dad, admittedly made them cry a few times when they were younger and felt really bad about it
Perfect sweet husband and father in image, all of his kids know he’s actually lame af
Dominates the summer barbeques, UNDISPUTED GRILLMASTER
Super dependable, will drop everything if his family needs him and never goes back on his word
Gives surprisingly good fashion advice
Definitely walks around the neighborhood with his baby in a sling carrier strapped to his front, POINTS AT EVERYTHING OF INTEREST
When they start learning how to speak he adopts all his baby’s weird mannerisms (it started off as a cute joke but then realized he couldn’t stop)
Cries at every baby milestone until they’re like 10
Will not stop bringing up embarrassing childhood moments, especially in front of their kids’ friends/significant others
Cuts fruit for them instead of apologizing
Will fully ally himself with his kids
Like legit would do anything for them. ANYTHING.
I’m talking borderline go to his kid's school to beat up their hypothetical bullies himself sort of dad
The kids can always count on him to say yes if you say no
Absolutely DEVASTATED when they grow out of the tiger stuff he buys for them and become angsty teens
“What do you mean tigers aren’t cool? Do you not love your old man anymore?”
Quiet doting dad
Definitely more affectionate when the kids are younger but gets into the awkward advice-giving stage when they grow up
LAME DAD JOKES GALORE, groaning is a regular activity in this household
Tries to google basic algebra every time his kids ask for help on math homework because he doesn’t want to admit he forgot everything
Chaotic af unsupervised. “Guess we’re having pizza again tonight kiddos” kinda dad because he cannot and should not cook
Another quiet dad, but make it savage
I feel like he would just love roasting his kids (affectionately of course)
And always overwhelmingly acts of service so his kids know they are loved
Allowance randomly appearing under their pillow, their favorite foods magically stocked in the fridge, always relenting to one last bedtime story no matter how tired he is
Would let you have final say but he makes it really clear he’s on their side and empathizes with them but its out of his hands
“Next time just don’t get caught, okay?” *winks*
Loves loves loves just spending time with his babies
Doesn’t matter what he’s doing he just wants to be in the same room as them or cuddling and holding them
Emphasizes equality in your relationship so his kids can grow up with those values and learn to respect others
Doesn’t believe in allowances but will cave and literally buy them anything they want if they ask
Would rather die than miss any important event (competition, speech, recital, talent show, graduation, etc.)
Absolute super dad, what can’t he do? Nonstop home improvement projects, cooks anything his kids are craving, offers to drive everyone everywhere
But also the whiniest dad ever lol constantly complains about people “ruining his system”
Absolutely FUCKS at the school bake sales, earns them twice the target fundraiser amounts because he's dilf material and knows how to get the moms to spill their pockets
Likes to have the final say, but you’re both usually on the same page in regards to discipline so his kids aren’t getting away with anything
Just the most supportive dad in the universe, the kids learn to never take him for granted
You already know his kids are gonna be spoiled rotten. He will be the favorite parent by default sorry I don't make the rules!!
His arms are the very definition of a safe space
Leaves all the discipline to you because he cannot keep a straight face when delivering a lecture (one time he made them cry and also ended up crying because he felt so bad)
Does so much embarrassing shit just to cheer his kids up when they have a bad day, acts surprised when they tell him he's cringe
Such a pushover that they are probably gonna make fun of him when they're older, but that's okay because they know there's no universe in which their dad will stop loving them
As long as he can pick them up still, his kids are never on the ground for too long
Two words: SPORTS. DAD.
He could practically captain the cheerleading teams at their school with how many events he's been to
Knows all of his kids’ friends parents, they all get together and have coffee once a month actually
Nags nonstop and complains about everything he has to do for them, but is always diligent and does it without question
Gets so pouty when they start getting embarrassed to show affection, he WILL get his cheek kisses if it's the last thing he does!!
Chillest dad in existence?!?
Literally as long as his kids are safe he doesn't give a single fuuuuckkk
“Sleepover? Yeah, call me when you're done and I'll pick you up.”
He WILL argue with you if he doesn't think there's a good reason to say no to them
So cute and encouraging to all their weird hobbies and phases throughout the years. “Lemme see” and “Really? Show me” are regular phrases in his vocabulary
His kids are definitely gonna inherit his legendary facial expressions afnngjdg
Super affectionate and doting, but also quite strict with them at times
“I just want the best for you, I want to see you succeed”
HAS A PHOTO OF THEM READY AT ANY TIME, lockscreen is a different shot of his kids every day and is eager to show it off even if no one asked
Not so subtly signs his kid up for dance lessons
Just the most encouraging dad ever, makes sure that they know making mistakes are a part of life and that he will always love them no matter what
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 21 hours
Aaron having a rough day because of too much paperwork and asks reader for permission to hug her at work?
Like super cute and special little moment - totally interrupted by someone walking in or saying “aww” / “finally!”
༉‧₊˚. 𝐚 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 || 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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— pairings: aaron hotchner x plus size!reader
— summary: though things between you and aaron weren't official yet, he was in need of a hug (yours of course).
— warnings: literally nothing honestly besides aaron being overworked and tired + fluffiest fluff!!
— wc: 725
⋆ a/n: to me fluff fics are like the light at the end of a very smutty tunnel, so here's this one to balance out all of my aaron smut that i've written 😭
masterlist | AO3
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Aaron’s head was throbbing.
The space between his eyes rang dull and his body felt weak, his needy joints craving the sweet release of his bed back home, but most importantly, he needed you. He needed to hold you, needed to feel your plush body warm his harder one. 
He casts a lazy glance to the stack of paperwork before his eyes gazed out of his open blinds, and seeing you sitting there with headphones in your ears working leisurely on case files caused a feeling of contentment to settle in his gut.
Aaron couldn't just go down there and wrap you in his arms; things between you were too… confusing. You were lovers but not at the same time; he held you sometimes, texted you, and got lunch with you, but there was no label. It was like there was an unspoken agreement. As old as Aaron was, he was pretty sure this was a “situationship” – cleverly and knowledgeably put by Penelope.
There was no way around this without using his ‘boss’ card.
Your workflow was interrupted by a paper ball being thrown at the back of your head.
“Real mature, Morgan.” You grunt, bending over at the waist to reach down and grab it. “I think you got more things to worry about than a ball of paper, sweetness.” Morgan's head cocks forward a bit, gesturing at Hotch’s office. “The boss man’s already said your name once.”
You look up to see Aaron standing there with that familiar scowl on his face as he stares right back at you. “Could I see you in my office for a moment?” Aaron repeats once more. “Oh shit.” You mutter to yourself with a sigh.
You practically scramble up the stairs to follow him when you see him disappear back into his office without a casting glance behind him.
When you step through the door, Aaron has both hands planted on his desk, his head hanging low and eyes pinched shut.
Your tense demeanor melts and you approach him with concerned eyes and furrowed brows. “Aaron?” You ask and place a hand on his shoulder. You could feel his body relax under your touch, and he sighs. “Are you okay?”
He looks almost hesitant, but he turns his head so he faces you.
“I - forgive me if I’m being inappropriate, but can I hug you?”
The question catches you off guard. He had never been so forward before.
“Yeah, yeah of course,” 
Aaron searched your face for any lie or hesitancy, but he found nothing but your soft smile looking back at him.
The first thing that you notice when he wraps you in his body is that he’s warm, so warm and he smells delightful. You bury your nose in his neck and shyly inhale his cologne. It’s pine and cedarwood and completely him.
He relaxes into you, his arm wrapped securely around your waist, the other cradling your head in his hand. 
“I’m so tired.” Aaron murmurs into your ear, and the warm air of his breath sends a shiver down your spine and your grip on him tightens. You frown at his words, your own fingers reach up to stroke through the shaved part of his neck, gently massaging the area. “I know, I know, and I’m sorry.” You say quietly.
Holding you makes Aaron really start to regret the limited amount of sleep he had been getting recently. 
The air in his office was calm, the only thing you could hear was Aaron’s occasional sighs and two shy hearts hammering together nervously.
“Sir - Oh!” Penelope stopped before she even began, the woman almost tripping over her heels in shock. 
Aaron and you all but jump away from each other; there’s a bashful smile on your face while Aaron just looks plain old irritated. He doesn’t mean to glare at the technical analyst.
“I uh - there’s a case.” Was all she could say before shuffling over to put the case file on his desk. 
When she leaves, there is a moment of quietness shared between the two of you before you hear a resounding ‘I told you!’ ring throughout the Bullpen below. You gaze out the window to see Penelope at Derek’s desk.
You can’t help but laugh all the while Aaron just grumbles.
A fine contrast if you do say so yourself.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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Sweet Sickness
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Hi guys!
This is a short one from a sweet request that you can find here :)
I hope you will enjoy it, it was great to write for Mariona ♥
TW : Sickness, throwing up
You're not feeling well. It had started yesterday night while you were falling asleep, a strange feeling in your stomach had wake you up and before you knew it, you were throwing up everything you had eaten some hours before.
You thought that it was a gastroenteritis at first, but it seems like it finally is a food poisoning. You went out with several teammates to eat something sweet after the diner last night and it wasn’t really a good idea.
You managed to call the duty nurse during the night, who came to help you. She wasn’t able to do a lot to be honest, she just gave you something to stay hydrated, took your fever and look after you several times during the night.
You finally fall asleep when the sun starts to wake up and you missed the breakfast. When you wake up several hours later, your girlfriend is sitting on the side of your bed in her kit, probably ready to go to training. When she saw that you are up, she strokes softly your face.
“Why didn’t you call me?” she whispers, her eyes full of empathy.
“You needed to rest” you mumble softly.
You put under silent the fact that you didn’t want your girlfriend to see you puke all the night. With you playing outside of Spain, you aren’t able to see Mariona as much as you wanted. You were looking at that camp with impatience, you couldn’t wait to pass time with your girl again.
“I still could have look for you”
“I didn’t want to make you sick. And I feel gross”
She rolls her eyes and keep looking at you. You are under the cover of your bed; you have sweat a lot during the night and now you are cold. As you wonder silently if someone could give you clean sheets to change them, Mariona boop your nose.
“Let me help you to take a shower and I’ll ask someone to come to change your sheets yeah?”
“Don’t you have training?” you frown.
“Madre Mia Y/N. Stop your questions and let me take care of you.”
You put but let her grab your hand to help you sitting on the bed. After checking that you are alright, Mariona grabs your other hand to help you to get up and take you very slowly to the bathroom.
You look at her starting the shower and after checking the temperature, she turns to face you.
“Will you be okay alone several minutes? I’ll just ask for the clean sheets.”
You nod and smile softly at her. You are not used to have someone to take care of you like that, Mariona is the sweetest when you are together but it’s usually on holidays or during your free time. Mariona smiles back and after having close quietly the door, she's out.
The hot shower makes you shiver, but it’s really appreciated. You don’t hear any noise outside of the bathroom, but you are in a semi-coma under the hot water when Mariona comes back almost fifteen minutes after having left you.
“You alright here?”
“Yeah” you smile, feeling a lot better now that you are clean too.
You turn off the shower and grab gratefully the towel Mariona hold you. You let her wrap you in the towel and smile at her in the mirror. Her smile is affectionate and you feel a rush of love for her.
“Come on, let dress you up before you catch a cold.”
She helps you to put a shirt and an underwear on and you take advantage of being in the bathroom to wash your teeth too. You are relieved to find your bed back just after. You now feel comfortable and clean, way more relaxed than earlier.
“Thank you for coming for me” you say while Mariona lies next to you.
“Of course. I was worried not to see you in breakfast and when no one could tell me where you are. Until I ask one of the staff.”
“I’m sorry Mario” you mumble, cuddling against her.
“It’s ok” she kiss your head softly and stay silent some minutes. “I have to go to training now, but I’ll come to see you when we are finish yeah?”
You knew it was coming and you wasn't really in love with the idea of having your girlfriend with you in this state before, but now you can't help but feel a little sad.
“Ok. I hope they won’t make me go home”
You are really scared; you were so happy to be here. And to be here with your girlfriend, of course.
“I don’t think they will. You will be ok soon and can start the training again. But message me if you need anything, yeah?”
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You sleep almost all day, waking up in the late afternoon. You look at your phone and answer Mariona’s texts when you wake up. She asks you to tell her when you are awake, which you did just before getting up to open the windows to change the air in the room.
You don’t know if you are really hungry to be honest, but you still drink the beverages the nurse gave you. You realize that someone went to change them and are happy to find fresh bottles.
When someone knock on the door, you go to open the door to face a smiling Mariona. This time, you are able to give her a real smile back.
“You look better than this morning” she smiles, looking at you.
“I feel better” you confirm.
She gives you a hug and kiss your head several times before coming in the bedroom and closing the door behind her.
“Isn’t it the movie night tonight?” you ask Mariona.
“It is.”
You have tradition during the camp and at least once a week your little group come to watch a movie together. Laia, Alexia, Misa, Leila, Irene, Jenni, Mariona and you are in this group, and you love having time with them.
“You will have a better time with them rather than me. I’m okay if you want to go” you assure her.
But your girlfriend shakes her head and smile at you again. You love her smile, it’s sweet and makes you warm inside.
“If you feel better enough, I thought that we could come here to watch it. Misa can plug her computer on the TV, and we can look it that way. We can put the single beds together to have a big one and take some of the bean bag to put them in the ground to have enough space. What do you think?”
You could literally devour her with kisses right now, but you are sick and not sure that she would love kisses from you right now. So, you just gave her a big smile and nod happily.
“It would be awesome!”
She takes her phone to send a message and when you hear your phone vibrate on your nightstand, you understand quickly that she sent it on your WhatsApp’ group.
“Don’t you dare” she warns you when you want to help her to move the bed.
You don’t have time to argue though, because there is another knock on the door, way more energetic than Mariona’s. You aren’t surprise to find Jenni right in front of you when you go to the door. Laia and the others are following when she enters, Alexia closing the procession with a meal tray in her hands.
“From the medical staff” she tells you. “They want you to eat what you can without forcing yourself.”
“Thank you Ale” you smile gratefully, looking at the tray.
There is bread, dry meat, banana and some granola.
“How are you feeling Nena?”
“Way better”
She smiles and tap your cheek with affection, before going in the room too. There still have a free spot on the bed so you settle on it with your tray, just next to Leila. She smiles at you too and hug you briefly, while Misa and Mariona are preparing the computer.
You start to munch your granola, but when Mariona turns in your direction, you see her frowning deeply. Before you are able to swallow and ask what’s happening, she comes on the bed and makes Leila get out of it.
“My girlfriend, my spot” she growls, taking you possessively against her.
You ignore Jenni’s teasing and the others’ laugh to look lovingly at Mariona. You are together for two years now and you are still surprised sometimes by the amount of love and affection she can gives you. Which is totally stupid, because Mariona is the most simple and loving person you know.
You feed her with some granola while the movie is beginning and finish with a tentative kiss.
“What’s that kiss?” she whispers, not to drag the others’ attention. "Are we in our teenager era again?"
“I’m sick” you point.
“I don’t care” she rolls her eyes.
Without letting you the time to answer anything, she takes softly your face in one hand and drag your face close to hers. She then kisses you again, far from the butterfly kiss you gave her several seconds before.
The kiss didn’t last long though and you know that it’s because she won't have to deal with more teasing right now. But you cuddle against her again, half lying on her.
“I love you so much” she whispers in your ear.
You smile and raise your eyes on her, kissing her jaw.
“I love you more” you whisper back.
The grimace she makes makes her nose wrinkle and you can’t help but laugh softly when you see her. You then kiss the tip of her nose and when you cross Laia’s amused eyes you lye again on your girlfriend, sticking out your tongue at her.
You pass out in the middle of the movie, but when you will wake up tomorrow morning, Mariona will still be here, cuddling you from behind. You will feel better enough to get out of your bed and go to the training ground, even if you didn’t follow all the training. But at least you are able to watch your girlfriend playing and that’s more than enough for you.
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moody-alcoholic · 1 day
Making them feel good
Hello to my American readers cos it's 3:30 here and I'm tired.
MDNI +18 content
Summary: Ghoap x Reader, throuple. Slow burn (sorry but not sorry). 2.7k words. Reader is female (she/her), army nurse, non descript physical features, names used: Ashe. CW: MDNI + 18 content. Smut, multiple blowjobs, oral (M receiving x2), kissing & licking, cum swallowing, little bit of Mdom, tiny bit of hurt/comfort. Look they're expressing their feelings what can I say.
Previous parts - masterlist - next part
Enjoy ya filthy animals <3
You feel your body be moved, there are more then two hands now. Your head is on Simon’s lap the blanket still wrapped round your body. You force yourself to keep my eyes closed not wanting to cause a bother. 
“You let me sleep too long” You hear Johnny say. 
“You needed it.” Simon replies. 
“What about you?” Johnny says sighing. 
“Don’t worry about me.” Simon says his hand falling on your shoulder. You feel Johnny move closer to Simon leaning over to kiss him, you hear their lips smacking together. 
“I always worry about you.” You hear Johnny say quietly. 
“I know.” Simon says as they pull apart. You feel like you’ve just invaded their privacy, maybe you should have moved to make them know you’re still there, or something. Simon’s hand is rubbing your shoulder as you feel Johnny move off the sofa. 
“Want anything to eat?” You hear Johnny ask from a distance he must be in the kitchen. 
“What you making?” Simon asks.
“We don’t have anything in.” Johnny says, you hear the sound of a fridge door close. “What time is it?” 
“7,” Simon says. 
“Lets order in, what do you think she’ll like?” Johnny asks you can hear him making his way back to the couch. 
“Let’s order from that Mexican place that does the super stuffed burritos.” Simon says. You hear Johnny tapping on his phone. 
“40 minutes?” He asks.,
“Yeah that’s good.” Simon says. You try to convince yourself you’ll let them know you’ve been a wake but you can’t help yourself keeping your body still and your breathing steady, you doze off again. 
The doorbell jolts you awake, for a second you think you’re in a hospital and it’s a respiratory alarm going off. When you see the darkness outside you remember where you are.
“You okay?” Simon asks his hand on the small of your back. You nod letting yourself wake up properly the smell of fresh cooked food filling your nose. 
“We got some food if you’re hungry?” Johnny asks as he puts the delivery bags on the table. Your body’s stiff as you sit up straight the blanket falls to the floor. 
“I need to pee.” You say pulling yourself to your feet. Your body still feels sleepy as you make your way to the bathroom. You lock the door making your way to the toilet. ‘You should always pee after sex to decrease the risk of UTI’s’ your nurse brain tells you, bit late for that. You look in the mirror as you wash your hands. The bags under your eyes are getting heavier, you need to get a good nights sleep. When you leave the room you see Simon and Johnny on the couch, Johnny with his arm around Simon’s shoulders munching on a wrap. You make your way back over to the living room, feeling guilty for eavesdropping on their conversation earlier. 
“There’s chicken or pork which one do you want?” Johnny asks taking food out the bag. 
“Chicken sounds good.” You say and he hands you the wrap you sit in the recliner next to the sofa pulling your knees to your chest. The news is playing, you pretend to pay attention to it as you pull the foil off the wrap taking a bite. It tastes good, salty and oily exactly what you need after today. Simon and Johnny talk about whats happening on the news, you’re half listening to it as you eat the burrito.  
“Looks like it’s all kicking off.” Johnny says. Simon replies with a grunt. All of a sudden the Burrito feels stale in your mouth. You put it down on the coffee table. The pit of guilt is not going away. You try to rack your brain to why you’re feeling like this. All you can think about is Simon. Johnny got to fuck you, Simon didn’t get anything, Johnny said he was rough Simon didn’t seem rough. 
“Simon,” You say as you turn to look at him, Johnny is laid up against his chest. His eyes fall on you as you slip out the chair crawling on your knees toward him. “I want to make you feel good.” You say as your hands find his knees.
“Oh yeah? How you plan on doing that?” He asks playfully, his legs parting so you can run your hands down his thighs. 
“Let me suck your dick?” You ask. He chuckles and you look at Johnny who winks at you stroking Simon’s chest. Simon’s hand reaches down into his sweatpants pulling his cock out. You were right he’s bigger then Johnny, of course he is, and he’s not even fully hard yet. 
“Think you can take it?” He asks, his voice low as he strokes himself in front of you. You don’t care if you can or not now it’s a challenge. You look up at him nodding, Johnny is smiling as he nuzzles his face into Simon’s neck. Your hands reach out as you move your body between his legs making sure you’re comfortable on you knees and take his cock in your hands. You rub up and down using your thumb to push into the underside. Simon’s head tilts back as Johnny licks his neck. You take a breath in pulling his foreskin back so you can wet his tip with your tongue. 
“Fuck-” he moans his free hand resting on the top of your head. You just go for it locking your mouth round and forcing yourself to take the whole thing. You hold your breath letting him fill your mouth up all the way down to the back of your throat. You gag your mouth filling with saliva, Simon’s fingers run through your hair. Your head bobs up and down as you make sure to take every inch of him your tongue pressing into the underside of his cock as it grows bigger in your mouth. 
“Like the way she makes you feel?” You hear Johnny ask between kisses. Simon just murmurs in response, you could never imagine him letting himself go like this especially when he’s walking around with that skull mask on, the one that sends shivers up your spine when you see it. Right now he’s at your mercy, his body twitching with each stroke of your mouth, each kiss from Johnny. Simon grips your hair helping your head move up and down, he’s rough just like Johnny said making you take him all the way to the hilt as tears form in your eyes. You don’t mind though this is your time to make him feel good. You move faster pressing harder with your tongue, Johnny’s moaning sweet things into Simon's ear making your body crave touch too. You move one of your hands into your underwear rubbing your clit, you don’t care if you get off but it feels good and it makes you more eager to please. Simon’s hand moves from your hair to your face, gently tapping your cheeks. 
“Hey, look up at me love.” He says, you force your eyes open without stopping your pace. Johnny’s mouth is burred in Simon's neck, his hand under his shirt rubbing his chest. “I want you to look me in the eyes when I fill your mouth up.” 
Holy shit the tingles travelling through your body are almost electric. You keep your eyes on him letting him thrust in and out of your mouth, your fingers circling your clit as you keep in time with his thrusts. He’s moaning as he gets closer to the edge, you don’t take your eyes off him. He pushes deep into your mouth and you push your head as deep as you can as he cums, his hot seed fills you up as his cock throbs in your mouth. You wait until you feel him relax before pulling your head back swallowing his cum.
Johnny is still stroking Simon’s chest whispering in his ear just quiet enough so you can’t hear. You don’t care though you made him feel good. You feel the pit go away in your stomach as you move your body from between his legs taking your hand out your underwear. You watch as Johnny kisses Simon his hand stroking his cheek. 
“Johnny you have to let her do that to you.” Simon says as he pulls away, his hand gently touching himself. You look up at Johnny with needy eyes, the prospect of making him feel good too has got you all worked up again. Johnny seems to pause for a second looking between you and Simon. 
“I don’t mind.” You say trying not to sound greedy. Johnny smiles pulling away from Simon spreading his legs so you can move between him. He’s already hard as he pulls his cock out. You look up at Simon who’s eyes have glazed over and he moves closer to Johnny. 
“You sure you’re alright lass?” Johnny asks as you take him in your hands. You nod, your tongue licking the bead of precum off his tip. He’s not as big as Simon, not that you’re complaining you’re going to make him feel good just the same. You lock your mouth around him taking his cock all the way to the hilt. His moans are just as good as Simon, the ache between your legs intensifies as you enjoy each inch of him filling your mouth. 
“Shite, Si, she’s almost as good as you.” Johnny says. You don’t have time to processes what Johnny is saying you just move faster looking up at him as his eyes roll back in his head. Simon pulls Johnny’s chin to look at him their lips locking together. Johnny twitches in your mouth causing you to close your eyes and moan on him. He likes that and you  work faster hearing him pant trying to keep his cool composure as he gets closer to the edge. Simon's voice reverberating off Johnny as he tells him how good he’s being. It doesn’t take long before he’s coming too, you take him deep just like you did with Simon making sure you feel every spasm and throb until he’s twitching from over stimulation.
You pull away swallowing your second load of the night watching as Johnny sucks in deep breaths Simon stroking his face. You smile at them getting up picking your glass up from the coffee table and heading into the kitchen. You run the tap for a few seconds then fill the glass up drinking it down then leaving the glass in the sink. When you walk back to the living room you see Simon’s head on Johnny chest. You decide not to interrupt them heading to the bedroom and crawling into bed. You close your eyes exhausted but satisfied, you can still taste their cum in your mouth as you drift off to sleep.        
You wake with your arm spread on Johnny’s chest, light is coming in through the bedroom window. Simon is behind you snoring softly, you don’t even remember them coming to bed. You slowly and quietly slip out from between them leaving the door ajar and heading into the kitchen. You’re craving a coffee and after searching through the cupboards for a while you find some and boil the kettle. Your eyes keep flicking to the bedroom door hoping you’re not waking them up. You decide to take the coffee out to the balcony grabbing the throw from the couch on your way out.
The sounds of busy central London fill your ears as you breathe in the frigid air. You make your way to the chair pulling the blanket round you and watching the activity on the Thames. The sun is still low in the sky covering everything in a burnt orange hue. You relax back in the chair sipping your coffee. You think back to yesterday and how natural everything felt. Johnny and Simon being so accommodating, you’ve never felt anything like this before, you’ve never had boyfriends or one night stands treat you anything like the way Johnny and Simon seem to fawn over you. The coffee burns your tongue as you swallow it down.
There was something different with Johnny and Simon, you knew this time it was going to be different. Not just because it was a three way relationship but the fact that it felt like a relationship and not just a fling or a few month fling. Holy shit you were actually falling for them, falling for them both. There was no Johnny without Simon and there was no Simon without Johnny. You smile as you sip the coffee watching the sun rise over the London skyline. 
“You okay?” Johnny makes you jump as he sticks his head out the door, your free hand flies to your chest. 
“Jesus, sneak up like that on everyone?” You ask as he walks out the door. 
“You think I’m quiet you should hear Simon.” He says smiling. “Or I guess you don’t hear him.”
 You smile at him get up drinking the rest of your cup as you walk towards him. He moves aside to let you in as you drop the throw on the couch heading to the kitchen. Johnny follows you the whole time as soon as you’ve put the cup in the sink his arms are around you. You turn to look at him as he pulls you closer to him. His lips moving to yours, you sink into his embrace as he kisses you moving his tongue round your mouth. 
“Yesterday was amazing.” He says as he pulls away your arms locking round his neck.
“Oh yeah?” You say in a desperate attempt at praise. Johnny just smiles at you his lips moving back to yours, it’s slow and sensual the type of kiss that makes your knees shake, your body warms up as he presses you against the sink. 
“Johnny,” You say breaking away from the kiss. “Johnny, I think I’m falling in love with you, you and Simon.” You wait for the laugh, or maybe he’ll be angry that you say you love his husband. You hold your breath waiting for the inevitable let down of being the third wheel. Instead his hand cups your cheek pulling your face up to his. 
“You know how long we’ve been waiting for that.” He says, you look confused but he pulls you in for another kiss. 
“This isn’t a fling, it’s not about the sex, its about a relationship.” Johnny says as he strokes your cheek his forehead on yours. You feel a wave of emotions come over you, suddenly you feel like you’ve said the wrong thing. Johnny seems to pick up on your change in body language his hands finds your waist and he moves you back to the bedroom.
“I don’t want to wake Simon.” You whisper as he pushes you through the door. 
“Just trust me.” He whispers as he guides you to the bed you get in with your back to Simon, Johnny laying next to you. He reaches over you grabbing Simon’s hand pulling it over you and onto him. 
“See this, feel him behind you, this is real and this is want we want, it’s not a fling.” You nod listening to his words. You feel Simon stir behind you as his hand grips Johnny’s side. Simon nestles his head in your neck kissing you. Your body is frozen hoping he’ll go back to sleep and get some rest.  
“Relax baby,” you hear Simon say sleepily, your eyes are still locked on Johnny as he strokes you cheek. You let your body relax. 
“We love you too.” Johnny says quietly kissing your forehead. 
It’s not just a fling, it’s a relationship. 
Next part
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luvvsim · 2 days
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 nishimura riki x f!reader genre. fluff, tiny angst. synopsis. in which riki gets super jealous, which unfortunately means he also gets super cranky! 𝑤ord count 𐙚ㅤㅤ 776. 𝑤arnings ‎⸝⸝ not edited, kisses, skinship, cursing, insecurities. ୭ৎ 𝑙una notes ⋆.˚ we love leehan here!! 🫶🫶 — 𝓵𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝔂 ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱
if you enjoyed ‎⸝⸝ please reblog and like !! <3
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THE ROOM WAS FILLED WITH CHATTER AND GIGGLES, you and riki threw a little get together at your house as you had it to yourselves this weekend.
you couldn't help but laugh, feeling tears leave your eyes as your friend leehan told another one of his ridiculous jokes.
the two of you had been friends for years, long before you had even met riki.
you enjoyed leehan’s company; he was like an older brother you’ve never had, as you grew up as an only child. — more under cut !
he was always looking out for you growing up and teasing you often, and also makes you laugh.
however, not everyone found your friendship with leehan as amusing.
riki, your boyfriend, was sitting across the room, his eyes fixed on you and leehan with a huge frown painted on his face.
you could feel the tension radiating off him.
you tried to ignore it, hoping he would understand that your relationship with leehan was purely platonic after reassuring him multiple times already.
as the evening wore on, you noticed riki becoming more and more withdrawn.
when leehan had finally left, along with the rest of your friends you walked over to riki, who was now staring out the window, his jaw clenched, refusing to look your way.
"riki," you say softly, caressing his arm.
"are you okay, ki?"
he turned to look at you, scoffing as his eyes were filled with a mix of frustration and hurt.
"do you really have to ask?"
you sighed, knowing exactly what he was feeling, you felt this way before with one of riki’s dance partners but you didn’t get mad at riki, he was being stubborn.
was it bad that it gave you a bit of butterflies? knowing that riki liked you that much to the point where he’s this jealous!
"riki, leehan is just a friend. you know that."
riki ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh.
"i know baby, but... i can't help it. i still get jealous, y/n. i hate seeing you laugh and smile with him like that. it makes me feel like i don’t make you happy enough.."
your heart ached at his words. you reached out and cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you.
"riki, you’re more than enough for me. i love you, and nothing is going to change that. leehan is just a close friend, and he means nothing more to me than that. you are the one i want to be with, you don’t need to be jealous, my heart belongs to you and you only."
riki searched your eyes, looking for any hint of doubt. when he found none, he let out a shaky breath as he felt tears running down his cheeks, wiping them harshly in embarrassment.
"fuck- im sorry, i just... i don't want to lose you."
"you won't, ki" you whispered, cupping his cheeks and leaning in to kiss him softly.
"you're the only one for me, riki. i promise."
he kissed you back, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you close.
the tension and sadness of the evening melted away, replaced by the warmth and comfort of being in each other's arms.
when you finally pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, your fingers gently stroking his cheek.
"do you trust me?" you asked softly.
riki nodded, his eyes filled with lovestuck gaze.
"i do. i'm sorry for being so jealous. it's just... you're so important to me, i can’t control myself, it’s childish."
"it’s not riki, i get it.”
“and you're important to me too,"
you adding, a pink blush painting your cheeks as riki cooed at your adorability, pulling you into his arms smiling.
"now, how about we spend the rest of the evening together, just the two of us? no more jealousy, no more worrying. just us."
riki kissed your cheek and leaned his blushing face into the warmth of your neck, the tension finally leaving his body.
"i'd like that."
you spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch, watching 2000s romcoms and gossiping about everything and nothing.
riki's jealousy faded away as he realized just how much you loved him, and you made sure to remind him every day that he was more than enough for you.
but oh, how he was still so jealous of leehan!
you grinned lazily as you felt yourself falling into a deep slumber in riki’s arms, your heart swelling with love.
"night night, ki. i will always love you."
you mumbled as you fell asleep, leaving a red faced riki with big eyes and jaw slacked open, wide awake.
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© luvvsim 2024
taglist open <3 @luvlyhee @sjyunnsworld @shawnyle @suneng
send an ask or lmk in the comments if you’d like to be added !!
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peachsukii · 22 hours
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₊✩‧₊ ⎯  Decorating Sakura’s Room 『 ♡ sakura haruka x reader 』
content // after seeing sakura's empty room for the first time, you're determined to make him feel more at home with a few additions.
note // tumblr decided not to post this yesterday for softie sunday lol so here it is!
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Sakura's always deterred you from coming back to his place for your date nights, avoiding the topic altogether by offering to meet up at Pothos or to watch movies at your place instead. For the first month or so of dating, you didn't question it much, but now? It's getting suspicious. What did he have to hide from you?
"C'mon, we always go to my apartment. Why do you never have me over?"
Your demand has Sakura sweating, unable to come up with a logical excuse to keep you away any longer. He knows damn well that you can see right through his lies...and he has a terrible poker face around you.
"Fine, but don't expect much," he mutters, stomping passed you and continuing down the street. When you approach his front door, he takes a deep breath before twisting the handle.
"Do you not lock your door?!" You exclaim, noticing he didn't have a set of keys on him. "Saku, that's dangerous as hell!"
"S'not a big deal," he mumbles before kicking his shoes off into the corner, completely ignoring the shoe rack behind the door. "Don't have anythin' to steal, anyways."
You're confused by his words until you get a decent look at the apartment. It's...bare. Not a single decorative item in sight.
"Did you just move into this place?" you ask, confused. You're slowly making your way back to his bedroom, awestruck by the lack of evidence that anyone lives here.
"Nah, been here since I got to Makochi."
You turn to face him, a sad glint in your eyes before shaking your head. It makes him swallow nervously, the tips of his ears warming by the second. You don't say another word about it for the rest of the day.
A couple days pass until the two of you have plans again. You insist to meet at Sakura's place, and after lots of begging, he begrudgingly agrees. When you finally arrive to his place, you can barely knock on the door with how full your hands are with numerous bags of gifts. He opens the door as your mid-swing with your foot to "knock," immediately overwhelmed by the amount of stuff on your person.
"Th' hell is all this?!" Sakura shouts while attempting to grab a few of the bags from your hands. "Yer like a walkin' target with all this! Get in here already!"
"Sorry, Saku. I couldn't help it."
Sakura places the bags on the floor, slowly peaking through them to investigate just what the hell you've unloaded into his space. There are tons of essential items in neutral tones - a few sets of towels, a bath mat, two pillows and silk cases, a 4 set of plates and bowls, silverware, a pair of black house slippers, a brand new reusable water bottle, a water filter for the fridge, and a picture frame.
"I might've went a little overboard," you say sheepishly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "I felt bad you didn't have anything to make your home feel like your own. So I got you some things to warm it up, make it feel more permanent and a place you like, not just one you sleep in."
Sakura's speechless - devastated, even. He can't comprehend what he did to deserve your sweetness, biting his lip to keep his emotions caged. His cheeks are ablaze as he picks up the picture frame, noticing the plastic film is missing and there's a familiar set of pictures behind the glass.
"I went ahead and put in the pictures we took at the photo booth from the theater on our first date, you don't need to keep⎯ "
Your silenced by Sakura's lips capturing yours, his shaky hands cradling your face. Your squeak of surprise makes his heart skip a beat.
"Thank you," he whispers as you part, moving to wrap you up in a tight hug. "Yer...always so warm, like bein' under the sun on a hot day. I'm still getting used to that feelin', but this helps more than you know."
Your heart swells as you lay your head on his shoulder, absorbing all of his affection in the moment.
"Of course, Sakura. You deserve to be happy and feel like you belong."
His grip tightens on your shirt, a shiver running down his spine at your words. One day, he'll be able to tell you how you've made him feel at home for awhile now, and that the material possession are a nonfactor.
You pull back from his hug and pat him on the shoulders. "I'll help you put everything away and whatnot."
The two of you spend the next hour unpacking all of the goodies you've bought, leaving the picture frame for last. Sakura grabs the frame and paces the apartment a few times, pondering where exactly he wants to put it until the perfect spot pops into his mind.
Right above the shoe rack so you can welcome him home every single day with your bright smile.
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『 #reis softie sundays 』
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freshxsturniolo · 1 day
shes the one - chris sturniolo x fem!reader
chris was in awe. complete awe.
and he was completely and utterly in love with you.
he told you, every single day. he wasn’t afraid to tell you either. if you were alone together, if you were in the company of others, if you were not even there he would text you.
but right now, back at his childhood home in boston, he couldn’t believe his eyes. he couldnt believe he had found someone like you. the way you sat on the sofa with his dad, feet up and tucked under your legs, drinking a beer with him as his dad chatted away to you about everything and anything.
the way you would ask his mom if there was anything she needed help with when she was cooking or washing up. the way you jumped out of your seat when mary-lou announced she needed to run to the grocery store and you wanted to go for a ride with her.
you had met his family many times before, but there was something about this specific visit that felt so different.
he’s watching you now, finishing up drying your hands after you demanded mary-lou go sit with jimmy after cooking you all food and you said you’d wash the dishes.
“get the boys to help” mary lou had said once you had argued back and fourth about who would wash them, and you simply laughed, telling her to go and sit with jimmy AND the boys and to enjoy some time together.
but chris couldn’t handle it when his mom walked into the sitting area and she said, “that girl of yours, don’t be a fool and lose her.”
he had smiled and laughed, but he got up off his feet to come and see you and his heart swell at the sight of you washing up. you had given him a smile as you saw him enter, and a quick kiss as he walked by you before he started taking the dishes off the drying rack and washing them with a towel. you had shook your head with a laugh and continued on in silence, just grateful for his presence.
“i could have done this myself” you said now, drying off your hands. chris takes the towel from you and throws it into the laundry basket not too far away.
“i haven’t seen you all day” he says, and you roll your eyes as you lean yourself back against the counter, arms outstretched at the side of you.
“so dramatic, christopher owen.” you say with a smirk, and he can’t help but smile with you as he comes close to you, hands on your hips as he presses his hips against yours.
“if you’re not with my mom, you’re with my dad” he says, and you laugh as you bring your arms around his neck.
“i’m lucky enough to live with you back in la, im sorry that i want to spend time with your parents”
chris smiles. “never apologise. they love you”
now you smile. “good, i love them too”
he closes the small gap between you now as he lips reach yours in a soft but gentle touch. you can feel the shift in energy. you yourself knew that this trip felt slightly different. jimmy and mary-lou had always been so lovely to you, and they never had ever given you a reason to fear they didn't like you, but something about this trip felt different. your conversations with them felt easier than ever, you looked forward to sitting with jimmy on the sofa or running to the store with mary-lou. it had also felt different with his brothers too. you had lived with the triplets for the last 6 months, matt and nick where your best friends, but you felt the difference with them too. the way you and nick would just lay in his bed in a morning chatting, or you'd sit on his bedroom floor whilst you got ready for the day to listen to your shared playlist together but you knew chris wouldn't like it. or the way matt would pull you away from whatever you were doing to go get iced coffees. it was lovely, and comforting, and when you pulled away from chris right now you saw in his eyes too that something had shifted.
you're about to say something when jimmy enters the room.
"hey kids," he says. not an ounce of change or show of being bothered that his son was wrapped around the arms of his girlfriend in the middle of his kitchen.
"hey, dad" chris says, but he doesn't move away from you. your heart swells. chris was not afraid of public affection but you know full well the last trip here, he'd have pulled away from you now. would have probably given your waist a small squeeze and given you a small smirk but you'd have each pulled away. chris stayed put. his eyes hadn't left yours.
"i hope you helped with those dishes" jimmy says, walking over the fridge and pulling out a soda can. you peer over your boyfriends shoulder to look at him.
"he did" you smile, and jimmy laughs, but he's cut off by mary-lou.
"y/n, i feel so awful. is there anything left to wash?"
you look to your side as chris' mum comes walking over the both of you, looking into the empty sink and drying rack. she smiles as she places a hand on your arm, an arm thats still wrapped around her sons neck, and she gives it a small squeeze.
"thank you" she says, and you nod.
"of course!" you exclaim, and its you who's the first to unwrap yourself from chris. once mary-lou lets go of your arm, you slowly unwrap yourself from chris' neck, and when you look back at him, he lets out a small groan.
"chris" you laugh, running your hands down his arms just slightly and he eventually lets go. "im going to change into some comfies."
chris smiles at you. "okay."
you smile as you step to the side of him, squeezing slightly past mary-lou as she goes to grab a cup from the cupboard not too far from you, and you exit the kitchen and off to chris' childhood bedroom.
when you're gone, chris sighs and leans back against the counter you just removed yourself from, folding his arms across his chest before finally diverting his eyes to his parents. his mom is busy making herself a drink but when he diverts his eyes to his dad, he's leant against the island in the middle of the kitchen and he's staring at his son deeply. he gives him a smile, and chris smiles too before walking over. chris grabs himself and you a pepsi from the fridge, before joining his dad in the exact same position. chris knows once you're in your comfier clothes you'll come back into the kitchen for a drink, so he wants to wait for you. jimmy looks down at the two pepsi cans, and the thoughts that were just running through his mind as he was watching the two of you surfaced up to his lips. he can't help himself.
"you really love her, dont you?"
chris scoffs slightly, not a conversation he imaged to be having with his dad, but also never feeling so strongly about anything in his life. he looks up at his dad and a smile comes over him.
"yeah. so much."
jimmy shoves his shoulder with his son, a feeling in his chest. the first of his sons to find someone. the first son to bring a girl (or boy for nick ofc) home, properly. chris laughs as he takes a sip from his pepsi can.
"we can tell" jimmy says now, before he looks up to find his wife has joined them. mary-lou looks towards chris with a smile on her face.
"something feels different this visit. she feels like part of the family. properly." his mom says, and chris can feel himself wanting to open up. he swallows his own salvia that has built up in his mouth before looking between his mom and dad. but when his eyes reaches his dad, he knows he knows already. he gives him a nod and chris can't help but laugh.
"shes the one, dad. i know it."
chris doesn't need to look at his mom to know she's smiling from ear to ear, but his dad nodded in understand, a smile playing on his lips and hes leans into his sons shoulder, before ruffling up his hair.
"i know, kid. i know."
theres a nice silence then, gentle and comforting before the sound of your scream is heard. all 3 of them stand directly up before your laughter is heard.
"nick!" the 3 hear you scream, before laughter erupts from matt and nick. chris looks at his mom and dad with a confused expression as you and his 2 brothers can be heard laughing throughout the house, before you all enter the kitchen to join them. mary-lou and jimmy erupting into laughter as they see nick carrying you over his shoulder. you're clinging onto his waist for dear life as he walks you over to chris, putting you back down directly at his side.
you're changing into your favourite tracksuit bottoms and from the waft of chris' aftershave that enters his nose, he knows you're wearing one of his fresh love hoodies and not your own, and as you whip your head around and fix at your hair he sees your cheeks are flushed. you let out a deep breath of air before turning to mary-lou.
"you deserve a medal for putting up with these boys for 20 years." you laugh.
"we want ice cream" nick says now, coming behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders, giving them a shake. you dramatically roll your eyes before matt leans forward and swipes at the unopened pepsi can chris had got out for you.
"hey" chris says, taking it back. "thats for y/n."
matt looks at you directly in the eye before opening the can and taking a deep sip. you gasp, pretending to be offended before matt rolls his eyes and moves towards the fridge, getting you out a fresh can and placing it in front of you.
"thank you, bernard." you say, and matt groans.
"your girlfriend is insufferable." matt says, before grabbing his car keys from his pocket. "ice cream?" he says, before walking off and heading towards the front door.
nick finally lets go of your shoulders and walks off to follow matt, and jimmy and mary-lou laugh as they walk off back into the direction of the living area. when you finally turn around and face chris, he looks at you softly.
"you okay?" you say.
he smiles. "never better."
you stand on your tip toes to give him a kiss, which he accepts, before you grab his hand, your free hand grabbing the pepsi from a moment ago, and drag him out of the kitchen. he laughs at your eagerness, his mind going over the comfortableness you clearly felt around all his family. nick carrying you on your shoulder, matt jokingly stealing your drink, and he's about to tell you he loves you when you dead stop at the sitting area door. jimmy and mary-lou look up at you both, and a smile illuminates your face.
"do you two want some ice cream bringing back?" you say with a smile.
"no thanks, honey. thank you so much for asking" mary-lou smiles.
"are you sure?" you say.
"absolutely. go enjoy yourselves."
all whilst the small interaction, jimmy is watching his son stare down at you dotingly. when you carry on walking and drag chris with you, his son catches his eye just slightly, and jimmy gives him a nod of understanding.
when you reach outside, matt and nick are already in the car, but you dont get chance to get to them before chris stops dead, pulling your arm back. you spin around quickly, looking to see whats wrong.
"what's up?" you say, but chris pulls you in even closer and plants a kiss on your lips. you're shocked, but it doesnt take you long before you melt into him. when you pull away, you look up at him with a smile.
"what was that for?"
chris smiles. "i love you, thats all."
"i love you too, silly."
"no," chris shakes his head. "i really really love you."
you smile. "you are everything to me, chris. my everything."
"that feeling is mutual."
"will you two hurry up?" matt shouts from his car, and you giggle as you turn around and hurry over to the car.
chris watches you with a smile, wondering how he got so lucky.
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ahsokaismyqueen · 2 days
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Conversations On Top of an Elevator
Pairing - Steve Harrington x HendersonSister!Reader
Summary - Well, your brother has gotten you and Steve into another mess, this time on top of a Russian elevator. While Steve stresses out, you reassure him that you've gotten out of this shit before, you can do it again.
Word Count - 1.4k
Warnings - Language
If someone had asked you how you thought you would be spending your extra long holiday weekend, being stuck inside of a Russian elevator was not an option you would have come up with. Yet here you were. 
Letting out a sigh, you glanced around the elevator again, as if some way to exit would magically appear before you. Erica was slumped over in one corner using her backpack as a pillow while Dustin was snoring against your shoulder and Robin was pacing around the room, moving things around and trying to find another exit. From above you could hear the sound of Steve also walking around, also trying to come up with a plan, but every few steps a curse word would join the noise. 
“You should go check on him.” Robin spoke up when she noticed where you were looking. 
You bit your lip as another loud cry of “Fuck!” sounded from above. “You’re probably right.” Carefully, trying not to wake your brother, you eased him off of you and to the makeshift steps you guys had made to reach the opening at the top of the elevator. 
Peeking through, you watched for a moment as Steve walked around, muttering under his breath, looking panicked and irritated until you cleared your throat to get his attention. “You doing all right up here?” 
“Oh, yeah, just fucking dandy.” He said, kicking the wall half heartedly. 
You raised your eyebrows at the sassy tone directed at you. “Oh you sound it. I can hear you dancing around up here. Sounds like you’re having the time of your life.” 
But Steve was clearly not in a teasing mood. He turned to you, frustration clear in the set of his jaw. “Really Henderson? You think it’s the right time for your sarcasm?” 
Ouch. He hadn’t directed that sort of annoyance at you in months now, and you had to admit it hurt a little bit. You held your hands up in surrender. “Sorry. Heaven forbid I try to check on you Harrington. I won’t bother next time.” You started to back down into the elevator, but before you could, you felt his hand on your arm. 
“Shit, wait, I’m sorry. I’m being a dick.” He admitted, running a hand through his hair. 
Rolling your eyes, you responded. “Tell me something I don’t know.” 
He didn’t hesitate. “That I’d feel a lot better if you were up here with me.” 
That made you pause. The words were spoken so sincerely and honestly that you couldn’t help a small smile forming on your face. You hoisted yourself up the rest of the way on top of the elevator and sat down, glancing up above you until the walls of the elevator faded to black. “That’s really fucking high.” You said. 
He plopped down beside you, his thigh pressed against yours even though there was plenty of space. “A lot higher than that rope in gym class.” 
“I hated that damn thing.” You admitted. “And I don’t think even you have enough body strength to get us all the way up there.” 
Steve didn’t deny it, instead he leaned over covering his face with his hands. “I don’t have a fucking clue what to do.” 
You didn’t like to see him like this, but you understood why he was. “Hey,” You placed your hand on his back, rubbing it. “We’ll figure it out. One way or another this elevator is going to end up either opening down here, or opening up there. I think we just need to be ready for it when it does.” 
He lifted his head and stared at you, his expression unreadable. “How are you so calm about all of this?”
You hadn’t realized you were feeling calm until this moment, but you knew the reason. You shrugged, sending him a small smile. “When we got stuck in shit like this, we found a way out last time right? I guess I just have faith we’ll do it again.” 
“But what makes you so sure?” Steve asked, his eyes not leaving yours for a second. 
“Because I trust you.” You said, the words flying out of your mouth before you even really had the chance to consider them, but you wouldn’t take them back anyway. “Plus Dustin and Erica are pretty smart. I’m sure they can help us come up with a plan once those doors open. Not to mention Robin who is also smart as -”
Warmth exploded through your side as you felt Steve’s arm slip through yours so that he could grab your hand. “You trust me, huh?” 
You tried not to show how flustered that made you, but you could still feel the heat gathering on your cheeks. “Well, you have saved my life so . . .”
“I’ve done that like once -”
“Once is all it takes.” You said, bumping his shoulder playfully. “Do you trust me?” You asked, your tone was curious, teasing, but you found you actually wanted to know the answer. 
While your tone had been teasing, his was serious with the tiniest hint of disbelief, almost as if he couldn’t believe that you had to ask. “Of course I do. I don’t tell just anyone my hair care secrets.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, which made him smile at you. “Did it.” You said, once your laugh had died down. 
His brow furrowed as he looked at you, but the slight smile didn’t leave his face. “Did what?” 
“Made you smile.” You admitted, heat rushing to your face once more as Steve, instead of gripping your hand like he had been, entwined your fingers together. “I - You - you really needed to chill out, Harrington. I can’t have you and everyone else panicking on me at the same time.” Once again, you tried to hide how much this gentle touch was affecting you, but you knew from the grin on Steve’s face that he saw right through you. 
“That was all it was, huh? You wanted to make me smile so I’d calm down?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“What else would it be?” You countered as your heart sped up to an almost unbelievable rate. God, you were practically begging him to say something with your eyes. Give some sort of indication that you hadn’t imagined everything that had happened this summer. That even if you had never in your life imagined being in love with Steve Harrington, he was feeling the same about you. 
The two of you kept looking at each other, waiting for the other one to say something. You could feel the tension building and your grip on Steve’s hand got tighter as he finally said your name in the softest tone and began to lean forward - 
“Ow, shit!” 
You both jumped apart in time to see a yellow “Camp Know Where” hat disappearing back into the elevator. 
“They were having a moment, dipshit!” You heard Robin hiss. 
You let out a sigh, realizing that the moment was over as Steve settled beside you once more, his back against the wall. However, he didn’t let go of your hand, and after a moment’s hesitation, you found yourself leaning towards him until your head rested on his shoulders. “Hey, Steve?” You said after a couple of seconds of silence. 
“Yeah?” He said, his voice soft even in the silence of the elevator shaft. 
“If I had to get stuck in a Russian Elevator, I’m glad it’s with you.” You admitted. 
His head settled against the top of yours, and you smiled at the gesture. “And your little brother, Lucas’s little sister and Robin?” Steve teased. 
You let out a little chuckle and eased yourself even closer to him. “Yeah, but mostly you.” 
“I’m glad you’re here too. It’ll keep me from murdering your little brother after he dragged me into this shit again.” He admitted. 
At his words, you remembered the conversation you had overheard when you were coming to pick Dustin up from the mall, and couldn’t help but tense up slightly. “Oh really? I thought you wanted to be dragged into it so you could impress girls and be an ‘American Hero’.” 
Steve’s thumb brushed the side of your hand, the gentle caress sending your heart into palpitations as he responded. “Yeah, well . . . There’s really only one girl I’m trying to impress.” 
You sat up at that, wanting to see his face. The look in his eyes told you exactly who he was trying to impress. “Maybe you don’t have to impress her.” You said, your voice as soft as his touch. “Maybe she’s been impressed by you for a long time now.” 
That smile you loved appeared on his face again. “You think?” 
You found yourself mirroring his smile. “I’ve got a hunch.”
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doumadono · 3 days
I’ve never sent in an emergency request but things have been… hard recently. My birthday is coming up soon and every year it seems to get harder, you see I lost both my parents 11 years ago and I’ve been breaking down more. I’ve been sent home from work because I can’t focus, I haven’t done any of my hobbies because none of them have been helping me feel the slightest bit of happiness, and I just want to cry all time. I miss my parents so much and things sometimes just never seem like they are going to get better.
So I was hoping maybe you would write something like Bakugou comforting reader who is in a similar situation I am in.
I’m sorry if this is a heavy ask and I understand if you don’t answer it. I know a lot of people deal with this kind of thing so again I’m sorry if this is to much🧡
Dare to believe - Bakugo x Reader
A/N: losing your parents is incredibly difficult, and anniversaries can make it even harder. It's okay to feel overwhelmed and to grieve deeply. Please do remember you deserve kindness and care, especially from your own self
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The late autumn evening air is crisp as you sit on the balcony, staring at the horizon where the sun has just dipped below. The orange hues have faded into a deep, dark blue, and the first stars are beginning to twinkle in the sky.
You pull your knees to your chest, feeling the weight of another day pressing down on you. It’s been eleven years since you lost your parents, and as your birthday approaches, the grief feels as raw as ever.
You’re lost in your thoughts, barely noticing the sound of the sliding door behind you until you hear a familiar, gruff voice.
"Oi, what’re you doing out here?"
You turn to see Bakugo standing there, his hands shoved into his pockets, a concerned look etched on his face. He steps out onto the balcony of your shared flat, the cold air making his breath visible in the twilight.
"I just needed some air," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just stands there, looking at you with those intense, fiery eyes of his. Then, with a sigh, he sits down beside you, the wooden floorboards creaking under his weight. "You’ve been off," he states bluntly, but there’s a softness in his tone that you’ve come to recognize over the years. "What’s going on?"
The dam you’ve been holding back all day starts to crack. "I miss them," you admit, your voice trembling. "I miss my parents so much. And with my birthday coming up, it’s like… it’s like I’m falling apart all over again..."
Bakugo’s expression softens. He’s never been great with words, but he’s always been there for you in his own way. He reaches out, placing a warm hand on your back, rubbing slow, comforting circles. "You’re not alone," he says quietly. "I know it feels like shit, and nothing I say can fix that, no doubt here, but you’re not alone."
You take a shaky breath, feeling a tear slip down your cheek. "I just… I don’t know how to keep going sometimes. Everything feels so heavy."
Bakugo’s grip on your shoulder tightens slightly. "You don’t have to do it alone. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere, dumbass."
You turn to look at him, surprised by the intensity in his gaze. "But I feel like I’m burdening you, Kats. I can’t even focus at work, and my hobbies… nothing makes me happy anymore."
"Hey," Bakugo’s voice is firm but gentle as he slips his rough index finger under your chin, tilting your head so you can look him in his eyes. "You’re not a burden. Everyone has their moments, and this is a big one. You’ve been strong for so long. It’s okay to lean on someone else for a change."
His words hit you harder than you expected. You’ve always tried to be strong, to keep your grief to yourself, but now, with Bakugo here, offering his unwavering support, you feel a small sliver of hope. "Why are you always so nice to me, always so patient with me?" you ask, a small, sad smile playing on your lips.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes in that familiar Bakugo way. "Because, idiot, I care about you. And you’re worth it. Worth every damn second of my fucking time. Don’t you dare think otherwise."
You chuckle through your tears, the sound bittersweet. "I just feel so lost."
Bakugo moves closer, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his side. "Then let me help you find your way."
His warmth is comforting, and for the first time in a while, you feel a little bit of the heaviness lift. You rest your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes and letting the tears fall freely. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice barely audible.
"Anytime," he replies, his voice a gentle rumble in the night. "We’ll get through this. I promise."
The two of you sit there in silence, the stars shining brightly above. For the first time in what feels like forever, a fragile sense of peace washes over you, and you dare to believe that maybe things will get better. With Bakugo by your side, you dare to believe it.
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d1s1ntegrated · 10 hours
I really like your headcannons! I’m curious on if you’d be willing to do some for sleepy Shigaraki?? Like maybe what he’d be like in the morning or just how he’d act in general while in desperate need for a nap lmao
yes yes omfg thank u so much for the ask!!!!!
sleepy shiggy hcs
﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⋮ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀☆⠀⠀⠀ ⋮ ⠀⠀⠀ ☆⠀⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋮⠀⠀⠀⠀☆ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ☆⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⋮ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ☆
hes a night owl, so he stays up well into the break of dawn most nights. only once the sun starts to crest will he drag himself off his game and tumble into bed.
he gets really whiny when he's tired. you notice that if he stays up too late, he speaks a lot less and when he does, it's mostly mumbling.
drinks a LOT of monster/redbull to keep himself up all night
he likes to deny he's tired, but if you ask him to nap with you, he'll immediately stop what he's doing and lay down with you (he always falls asleep first)
doesn't really snore but talks in his sleep sometimes, usually saying things as if he's talking to an animal? he says "fetch", and "baby" a lot. (im so sorry for this one)
takes a lot to wake him. even with the loudest alarm setting, he'll sleep right through it.
extra clingy in the early morning. he'll keep grabbing at you if you try to get up, grumbling about "five more minutes" and "cuddles" :-:
always asks you to rub/scratch his back.
prefers being little spoon, because he feels safer that way.
sleeps in the weirdest fucking positions. one time you woke up to his feet in your face and his head hanging off the end of the bed.
blanket hogger for sure. he gets cold at night
has frequent nightmares and will wake up multiple times, only to see you sleeping there, and he'll move right in and lay on you to comfort himself.
before you, he had an anime body pillow, but you made him throw it out (he was only slightly mad).
has a secret stash of plushies under his bed of his favorite video game/anime/cartoon characters (your personal favorite is the bmo plushie) (you make him put it on the bed)
has minecraft pjs and actually loves them
however he rips his clothes off after about twenty minutes of laying down because he starts to "feel tangled".
when hes reaaaaally tired, he'll go silent and just make weird hand gestures at you. youve learned what each gesture means by now.
his sleepy voice is raspier, but also higher pitched. he also says some WEIRDO shit when hes tired.
definitely gets zoomies pre-bedtime
okay this is all i have for now!
hope this sparks joy <3 tysm for asking love
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httpdwaekki · 10 hours
tired | b.c.
summary: overwhelmed and exhuasted, you text your boyfriend to make you feel better.
wc: 793 | ss: 1
warnings: mentions of dissociation, exhuastion, and stress. nothing too crazy. the reader has a studio apartment. unedited.
a/n: once again self indulgent, shocker! just a lil drabble but i hope u guys like it and maybe even relate and find comfort in this. i hope you all enjoy, remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3.
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it was truly your breaking point.
you felt hopeless, stressed, beat down, and just tired. tired of your shitty job, your shitty apartment, your shitty desk everything. it felt like you had too much stuff and not enough space, literally.
the desk is what broke the dam though, your little $90 desk from amazon had bit it (shocking), the leg somehow become detached. the realization that not only did you have to pay for a new desk with money you didn’t have, but you have to figure out how to build it in your tiny little apartment.
you just couldn’t do it anymore, all you wanted to do was curl up in bed with your boyfriend and cry. which is exactly why you texted the aussie boy about 20 minutes ago. you had already changed into comfy clothes and were snuggled up under some soft blankets and plushies.
you dissociated as soon as you cocooned yourself, causing you to not hear the sound of keys or the lock turning. you saw the light pour in from the hallway outside, revealing chan, making him look like an angel, your savior.
once he took a step in, taking in your appearance, the dam broke once more. a pout present on your lips, hands out reached to the man in front of you. “channie.” you whimpered. 
he made quick work of locking the door while kicking off his shoes, dropping his bag to the floor. “i’m here, i’m here.” he repeated as he made his way to you, pulling you to sit up as he sat down.
“come here sweetheart.” he wrapped his arms around you as you did him, shoving your face into his shoulder. your tears soak his jacket, but he couldn’t care less. all he cares about it making you feel better.
he keeps his arms wrapped around you, hands rubbing up and down your back, lightly scratching as he goes. he whispers sweet words to you, planting the occasional kiss to your hair. “you’re okay, i’ve got you.”
as your breathing evened out a bit, you pulled away, feeling even more tired from your emotional outburst. “i’m sorry, i just really needed you.” you fiddled with the blanket in your lap before he placed a gentle hand toy our cheek, lifting your head.
“baby, never apologize for reaching out when you need help, okay? i’m glad you texted me, that’s what i’m here for okay?” you feel your eyes fill with tears once more, nodding in agreement.
“hey now, that wasn’t supposed to make you cry.” he laughs slightly as you shake your head, wiping your tears before looking at him. “i just really love you.” you bring your hand up to his soft cheek, giving it a soft rub.
he turns his head to place a kiss to your palm. “i love you too, my baby.” he gives you a love sick smile, his dimples on full display. you mirror him before quickly moving to attack his face with kisses.
“yah!” he exclaims, laughing as you squish his cheeks, bringing him closer to you. “okay, okay come on, lets lay down.” his giggles die down as your attacks slow. you giggle before finally laying back, making grabby hands to him.
he quickly rounds your bed before lifting your blankets, opening his arms to you. you quickly slot yourself between his arms, relaxing into him, inhaling his scent. 
“do you wanna talk about it?” he asks once you settle against him. you ponder his question for a moment. “can i tell you tomorrow?” you mumble, trace shapes against his chest.
“yeah, that’s okay, i just wanna know what’s going on and help.” you nod understanding his words, leaning up to places a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “thank you, i appreciate that.” he squeezes you tighter, placing a kiss to your temple.
“do you wanna watch lilo and stitch?” he asks before leaning over to grab the remote that was sitting on your bedside table. “yes please.” you hum, pulling the blanket over your shoulder, sinking furthermore into the aussie below you.
“comfy sweetheart?” he asks, glancing down at you as you give a slight nod. you yawn as you hear the opening music to hawaiian roller coaster ride, sleepily humming along as he wraps his arms around you once again.
“goodnight baby, i love you.” he places a final kiss on your temple, causing you to let out a content sigh. “goodnight channie, i love you too.” you mumble, pressing a kiss right above his heart. 
and that’s exactly how you both stayed the rest of the night. cozy, watching your favorite comfort movie, wrapped in each others arms before the sleep welcomed you both with warm, open arms.
do not repost
feedback and reblogs are always appreciated but never expected!
(p.s my taglist is open, just send me an ask if you would like to join!)
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I actually find it kind of funny that we collectively almost always think that in Zosan/Sanzo fanfics Sanji is the homophonic one and in denial of his own feelings. When Zoro has so much potential as well! Maybe not in the “internalized homophobia” kinda way, but in the “no one ever said something good about gays when I told them I’m gay, so I just assume everyone hates gays…and I have to pretend to hate them, too, to get accepted” kinda way.
Picture a very flamboyant Sanji, kinda open about his sexuality in ways of “I’m bi, I love guys as well, but I don’t really talk about it because no one ask me. I just assume everyone knows…I mean look at me”.
And one day Sanji is at a bar and a guy comes over to flirt with him. Sanji enjoys it, because it’s been a while since a guy showed interest in him. Being stuck on a ship with the same guys doesn’t bring much opportunities. It’s always something different than flirting with women - yes it’s sweet, too, most of the time. But there is this raw undertone and the promise of a rough time (in a good way) that he only gets with men. The guy gets a little touchy and Sanji likes it, goosebumps starting to wash over his body as he feels the callous fingers tracing up his back under his shirt. He smiles at the guy, placing a hand on his shoulder to pull him in and…
The guy gets yanked backward, stumbling and only catching himself on a table right before he can hit the ground. Zoro standing between him and Sanji.
“Get lost,” the swordsman growls and the guy practically flees from the bar.
“I didn’t know…” Sanji starts but gets cut off by Zoro.
“You need to tell those sissies to get lost; otherwise, they won’t leave you alone.”
“Excuse me?” Sanji’s shocked voice goes completely over Zoro’s head.
“Yeah, those bastards won’t leave you alone. You need to be a bit more aggressive and direc…”
A smack echoes through the room as the conversations around them die out. Zoro holding his hurting cheek, looking shocked at an angry Sanji - are those tears in his eyes? What the…and right at that moment Zoro’s mind clicks.
“Shit…sorry! I didn’t…I‘m…”
“Shut up, you big asshole!”
And then Sanji proceeds to literally kick Zoro out of the bar. Landing face-first in the dirt outside, Zoro is a bit disoriented because he hit his head on the cobblestones. Sanji storms out after him, grabbing the swordsman by the back of his shirt and pushing him down the street.
“Cook, let go…I’m…”
“I said shut up, Zoro!”
“But I…”
Sanji shoves Zoro into an ally and pushes him up against a wall - hands fisted in the fabric of his shirt.
“I don't mind you being rough and an idiot; I really don't!” Sanji yells in Zoro’s face.
“But say those words again, and I will kick your head in!” He gets nearer to Zoro’s face as he talks.
“Let me…”
“I don't know if you’re aware of it.” Sanji yanks Zoro toward him only to crash his back against the wall again.
Zoro tries to talk again, but Sanji’s hand makes harsh contact with his cheek for a second time. He realizes he’d overstepped one of Sanji’s boundaries so far, Sanji is barely able to hold himself back.
“But I’m one of those people you call sissies and bastards. So…”
Suddenly, Zoro launches forward, pressing their lips together and shocking Sanji into complete silence. Another smack sounds as Sanji tries to hit Zoro again, but this time, Zoro can grab his hand, yanking Sanji toward him and turning so the cook is pressed against the wall.
“Can I finish my sentence now?” Zoro growls without actual bite behind his voice.
“I don't want to hear it! What’s even the matter with you?! You insult gay people and when I confront you, you’re kissing me?! What…”
Another press of Zoro’s lips against his shuts Sanji up again. This time Zoro stretches the length of their kiss, trying to deepen it but Sanji finally pushes him away.
“Please?” Zoro mumbles, looking like a beaten dog.
“Fine…but if you kiss me again, I’m gonna kick you from here back to the Sunny!”
Zoro nods and takes a deep breath.
“I don't have anything against gay people,” he holds up a hand as Sanji wants to interrupt. “Would be a bit of a hypocrite, to be honest.”
“The fuck you mean?!”
“I’m gay, cook! Always knew it…It’s just…growing up, every time I told someone, I lost friends or got kicked out from groups I was traveling with…I got beat up - at least they tried. And the amount of times I was told to kill myself, that it’s abnormal and unnatural…”
He shakes his head and looks apologizing at Sanji.
“I know I shouldn't have done what I did in the bar…I know I made the day of that guy so much worse, and I hate myself for it because I know how it feels! But I thought when I go over and “help” you, I wouldn't have to listen to you rambling about how a sissy tried to get touchy with you and how disgusting it was…I’m so sorry…”
Sanji shakes his head and grabs Zoro’s ear to tug on it.
“And you actually never caught the fact that I’m gay…or actually I’m bi. You really never saw that?!”
“You never said something…” Zoro poutes.
“Well, I thought it was obvious! Everyone in the crew knows…except for you apparently!”
“You know I’m not good at this stuff, and reading people is also not my strong side, so…Also, you’re one to scold me for it! You never caught on the fact that I’m gay!”
“I actually thought you weren't interested in anyone, to be honest…”
“Na, being ace is Luffy’s part,” Zoro grins and shakes his head.
Sanji scoffs and grabs Zoro by the front of his shirt, pulling him in. His blue eye fixed on Zoro’s grey.
“You ruined my evening of fun with that guy,” Sanji licks his lips while staring Zoro down - he is almost cute with blushing cheeks. “I think it’s only fair if you take his place. What you say?”
“I…fuck…I’ve never done anything with a guy actually,” Zoro stammers, blushing a even deeper red.
“That’s not gonna stop me, Marimo. But I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
And then Sanji walks toward a motel, Zoro tagging behind him like a dog running after a treat.
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hyacintheros · 3 days
Brand New City
4. Art Is Dead
|| (Marauders Era Characters x Fem!Reader)
Series Masterlist Previous Chapter
Pairing: Marauders Era Characters x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mean James
Word Count: 2.1k
P.S: I'm sorry it’s been awhile, going through writer's block :c Anywho, let me know what yall think!
“Y/N, darling? You look flush..” Cissa asks her, as the girl is falling into her breakfast. Cissa quickly props her up, feeling her head. “Oh you're going to need some Pepperup Potion, what happened?” The older girl pulls her up and supports her on the way to Madam Pomfrey. She thinks back to last night. 
Running into James, her parchments and books fly everywhere. “Sorry, let me help you with tha-”, James’ eyes scans over who he bumped into, retracting his helping hand with a disgusted look.
“You look stupid down there, just where you belong.” He says with a sneer, glaring while she picks her books up.
Standing back up with her things in order, she asks, “What is your issue? No matter how nice I am to you, it's like I've cursed your bloodline with the way you're acting!”
“You're my problem! A Slytherin! How could you call yourself a good person being in that godforsaken house? Don't you know what your house is known for? What they did to my family?” He pours out to her, anger glistening on his face.
“I have don't nothing wrong! My family has done you no wrong. You hang out with my cousin for Merlin's sake! Why does my house make me different? Why do the colours I wear change your perspective?” She yells out, pent up anger spilling with every word.
He steps forward, getting in her face. “Your house, your people, hurt my family, my parents! You and your cult of Death Eaters! Have you no shame?” He huffs in her face, pushing her back.
“Well if you haven't noticed, I'm a muggle! Why would I tangle myself in those ideals? You're literally best friends with my cousin, who is also a muggle, if you haven't noticed!” She pushes back, trying to move away from the wall.
In a burst of impulse, James pulls his wand out, “Aguamenti”. A jet of water douses the girl, soaking her to the bone.
Before she can retaliate, the boy runs away, likely back to his common room. The water-drenched girl heads to the Dungeons, her own common room awaiting her after curfew.
Padding her wet feet into the dorm, she keeps quiet, in hopes of keeping her roommates asleep. 
She's too tired to run a bath, instead opting to change into her pyjamas and sleep with a tower on her pillow to dry her hair.
“Oh look at you dear! Come sit on the bed, I'll fetch something to make you feel better.” Madam Pomfrey instructs, running off to her medicine cabinet.
Narcissa helps sit Y/N down, her shaking and shivering preventing her from denying help. “I'll tell your friend Remus so he can tell your professors that you can't come.” The sickly girl nods haphazardly.
The black haired girl leaves back to the Great Hall, making sure to tell Remus at the Gryffindor table before heading back to her own table.
Madam Pomfrey sends her off with a Pepperup Potion to her dorm, telling her to sleep away the cold. 
She wobbles and trips, using the wall as assistance back to the dungeons. Upon entering the common room, it's empty with the fireplace lit. The girl heads up to her dorm, drinking half of the vial.
“Well what do you mean she's sick, Remus?” The redhead persists, not noticing any signs of the cold or flu yesterday.
“I'm not sure exactly, one of her friends told me so I could tell the professors, but that's it.” Remus picks up his bag from under the table, waiting for Lily to follow along to class.
“I guess it makes sense why she told you first, you share most classes with her… should we visit her after classes are over?” Lily asks, her eyes glossy, never having seen her cousin sick before.
Remus ponders, wondering if they should give her privacy today. “We'll see after class? Let her rest a bit.” The two part ways to their respective classes, Remus let's Professor Sprout know that Y/N can't attend.
Madam Pomfrey had given the girl some Pepperup Potion, sending her down to the Slytherin dorms to get some rest, sending her Professors a notice for her absence. Pomfrey assumed the girl she came with, Narcissa, has already told some friends.
In bed, she feels worse than before, telling herself that you have to feel worse before you feel better,  which in hindsight, probably isn't the right mindset. She pulls the jumper tighter, puffing up her blanket more to get some warmth.
She shakes and shivers, restless and hungry, having not eaten as Cissa caught her right before she could grab breakfast when she sat down. That being said, she's too jello-like to fetch any food. Instead, praying that she'll be able to fall asleep soon.
Turning over to the nightstand, the girl rummages through the drawers, hoping to find any muggle pain killers she'd brought with her. Grabbing the case of painkillers and a small vial of night-time cough syrup, she takes it in hopes of feeling a little better, risking the unknown side effects of it being paired with a magical Potion.
Finally, thirty minutes later, the shivering stops and her mind at ease, falling asleep with a jumper on and two blankets resting on her. A dreamless nap overtakes her, soothing the girl mentally and physically.
Severus had heard the news from Narcissa, gathered notes for her in the classes they shared, telling himself to visit her after classes are over. 
By lunchtime, Remus had told Lily, Sirius, and a boy named Peter who had recently joined their little group of friends. James had heard through Lily, a twinge of guilt was felt in his stomach, seeing Lily worried for her cousin. He stuck to his act as a comforting friend for Lily, not wanting to see her too worked up over it, knowing he caused the girl to feel sick.
Sirius and Lily had shoved small snacks into their pockets, waiting to visit Y/N after class, while Remus took notes for her in class, grabbing a book he thinks she'll like from his collection. The three Gryffindors meet up in front of the Slytherin common room, now a little stumped as they don't know the password.
“What are you lot doing standing like duc- Ow!” Lucius gets a good smack on the arms from Narcissa. “Here to see Y/N? I'll let you in.” Cissa says with a charming smile. She looks to the portrait, “Anguis”, the portrait opens up, revealing the common room.
Cissa drops Lucius at the couch, then looking towards the red-robed kids. “Come on then. I'll take you to our room.” She grabs Lily's hand and walks to the girls dorms, the two boys following suite.
Pushing the door open, the sound of gentle, yet disturbed snoring filled the room, like something was blocking her nose. They pile into the room, approaching her sleeping form. Cissa opens the door, hearing a knock.
Severus walks in, parchments in hand, scanning the room of its guests, eyes landing on Lily. “Oh Severus! It's so good to see you.” The red-head says, not having seen him in a while. The Raven haired boy smiles, then greets her. 
“Have you taken notes then? I think you're in some classes that I don't have with her, do you think we could combine notes then?” Remus says to him, seeing the stack of parchments the Slytherin boy carries. 
“Some notes are overlapping, but I think we've got everything.” Severus tells Lupin, knowing they have one or two classes together. They sort through both piles, placing them carefully on her desk.
“Do you think we should let her sleep? Don't want to wake her up..” Lily says to Narcissa, wanting her opinion. “Honestly, I think she's slept about three or four hours now.. We should let her sleep more, heard her rustling in bed all night.”
The older girl let's them stay a little bit to leave some snacks for her, Sirius had munched a little through his during class, so it was mainly Lily who put some food on the bed-side table. They leave her dorm, thanking Narcissa for letting them in.
Cissa toddles back to Lucius, “They're not that bad, you know?” The blonde headed boy scoffs, rolling his eyes at her statement, going back to reading his book. 
Feeling terribly warm, being covered and layers of heat, she wakes up sweating, pulling off blankets and jumpers in the hopes of feeling coolness on her skin. Panning around the room, she spots a bun with some spreads. a teeny jar of strawberry marmalade and butter.
It's just past the evening, still an hour or two before dinner. She gladly takes the bun, not having eaten since dinner last night. As she munches, she looks at the desk, seeing a stack of parchments. 
Getting up, the girl surveys the parchments flipping through, obviously being done by two different people. Skimming through the notes and titles, she realises it's class notes. Recognising Severus’ cursive, yet not being able to pinpoint the other person's handwriting, yet still feeling a sense of familiarity.
She goes back to the bed-side table, finishing up the rest of the Pepperup Potion- oddly tasting like strawberry cough syrup.
Bella enters quietly, unsure if the ill girl was still asleep. Gazing at the bed, the curly-haired girl perks up, “Darling, how do you feel? Cissy told me you weren't doing too well..” Y/N smiles, grateful she has people who care, like Cissa and Bella.
“I think it was just a small fever, feel almost better now.. D'you know who left these?” She says, referring to the snacks and parchments. “Cissy said she let your Gryffindor friends visit, plus Severus!” Bella responds, not being in the room when they visited.
The girl hums in acknowledgement, a sort of warmth spreading through her chest at the thought of her friends. Although, the reminder of the red house gives her a bad taste, thinking of how she got sick in the first place.
“What time is it? S'it time for dinner yet?” She pouts, still terribly hungry after munching the small bun. Bella nods and grabs her hand, pulling her to the Great Hall.
“Now, you look much better than this morning! Keep this extra potion just in case you feel a little tingle of the cold left, right dear?” Madame Pomfrey hands her a small vial for safe keeping. She thanks the nurse, heading back to her dorm.
Travelling through the halls, a few students still linger before curfew, chit chatting with their friends. Behind her, someone calls out for the girl, “Hey! Did you get the parchments?” Remus, looking oddly dishevelled, says.
“It was you! I did, thank you so much by the way, don't know how I would've know about Uric the Oddball… Are you alright?” She points out how in a hurry he looks.
He shrugs it off, attributing it to a late night jog. “You look much better, glad you're doing well.” Y/N chuckles, thanking him once again for the notes. They quickly catch up about the day, Remus telling her about Sirius’ newest adventures.
Remus looks at his watch, his eyebrows pinching a little, “You better head to the dungeons, curfew is about to hit. Have a goodnight Y/N” Remus quickly says, rushing off.
Confused by his behaviour, the Slytherin instead chooses to think about how he wrote the notes for her.. her cheeks flush pink at the thought! Would he think she's slacking off just because she's sick? How troublesome. She goes back to the dorms, promising herself to study the topics before tomorrow's classes.
Briskly walking back to her dorm, she doesn't want to have another encounter with Potter, fearing he'll make her more than just sick. She ponders on what he said last night. ‘Death Eaters?’ What would make him think that she, a muggle born, would be a Death Eater?
Reaching the common room, she sees Lucius and Narcissa first. Plopping down, Lucius tells her the newest drama of the Slug Club, how terribly artificial the cherry pudding tasted. She laughs, finding his choice of topic amusing. 
Spotting a long, raven-haired boy, she greets Severus, thanking him greatly for the potions notes. “S’not like you needed them.” The boy snaps back. In turn, she pats his shoulder, returning to her dorm to get some studying done. He waves her off, going back to his book. But deep down, he feels his head go lighter at her recognition…
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toastsnaffler · 1 month
ykw actually I am angry + disappointed w them. I've been pushing how I feel aside and trying to make it my own fault so it's all contained but I think theyve just been mean. and they really should know me better ik I try to pretend I don't expect more from them so I feel less hurt when they do things that upset me but we've been friends for years by this point. like come on.
#just got home and went to put my shit away but my flatmate was in the kitchen and i got suddenly so mad i had to walk back out#not going to do or say anything while im this upset. i need to be a lot calmer before i can even be in the same room as her#like okay. so originally it was just the two of them getting drinks and theyd rather it was just them bc i dont drink. thats cool#it wouldve been difficult for me to join them after work bc travel. and ik theyd done this before just the 2 of them and had fun#i can fully respect that its why i said no and stuck by that decision when she asked again#but to not mention she was taking the day off work and btw i just found out that BOTH of our other old flatmates joined in too#to not mention that they were travelling that entire distance and that it wasnt just drinks it was a whole day out together#thats just mean. why wouldnt you tell me that why did none of them say anything.#and the fact they did the exact same fucking thing last weekend too i didnt know about that at all#like i need to stop trying to justify it. im allowed to feel unwanted and excluded bc thats exactly what theyre doing.#im tired of feeling like other people dont want me around. i know i can be difficult and annoying sometimes. but im really not that bad#and we're meant to be friends!!!!!! like youre supposed to like your friends. and want to spend time with them. or at least i do#and yeah everyones annoying sometimes thats just part of being alive ur supposed to tolerate it if ur friends#im allowed to want to feel like im wanted. im allowed to want ppl to care abt me. that shouldnt be too much to ask for#but the overwhelming message im getting at the moment is they dont want me around. and when i am around them i feel like they dont listen#to me and that they dont really care how i feel unless it directly involves them or theyre responsible for it#i feel like they dont see me as a real person that exists. only a version they have in their heads and they base all their assumptions and#decisions off that version instead of directly communicating with me. and constantly avoid me under the guise of 'giving me space'#when im upset or having a difficult time and most need support from other people. i just feel really unseen#and ik that part of how i feel IS exacerbated by insecurity and depression. like they do care to some degree#but also a lot of it is evidenced in the way they act towards me. mainly my roommate bc shes the person i interact with most#and personally i find the most direct ways of showing u care abt someone are showing up for them. and making them feel seen#and maybe not everyone feels the same way. but thats how it works for me anyway#so to repeatedly exclude me and avoid acknowledging that ive been having a difficult time is the opposite of that to me#which is the point im trying to arrive at... sorry ik ive probably said similar things repeatedly the last few weeks but i feel like its#crystallising a bit like this is the core reason why im so sensitive and reactive atm and why i got so upset by it#idk. not tonight bc im still very emotionally raw but maybe tomorrow if im calmer i should explain that i was upset + why to her#i avoid doing that so often when im upset bc i dont think theres much point in having a conversation abt it unless u expect some kind of#resolution from it. or if you want an apology but idrc abt being apologised to the crucial thing is what theyre going to do different#and i love her but shes very resistant to changing her behaviour bc of other ppl being upset by it. and like i said before she has
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zilodak · 1 year
okay might sound a bit dumb but like are some of your characters turkish??? im kinda new to your account but i never really see people make turkish characters so thats really cool! also are you going to make a comic or something with your characters/story because id love to see that.
Yes most of my ocs are Turkish (especially outside of Sim Spring) because I am also Turkish! And yes I'm planning on that!
On that note please don't take these characters as "representation" though. I don't like generalization.
I always struggle with writing Turkish characters because i like writing flawed and bad characters but there's always a voice in my head telling me to not do that because we're 'under-represented' already outside of the country. Most Turkish characters I know are either outright villainized or an extremely Orientalist depiction that further fuels hatred and bigotry or even fetishization against us.
I like giving my characters nuances. And you'll see with Sim Spring my mantra going into it is "you can empathize (or not) with these characters' struggles, but they do not justify their actions"
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surpriserose · 2 years
the day people stop analyzing the shit out of anything britney spears does and calling her crazy for goddamn anything will be so wonderful i will not be forgiving people for treating her like a different goddamn species tho ✌️
#Sorry got like actually pissed reading posts had to get this out because like oh my god??? Oh my god are you fucking serious#If you need context britney went to jack in the box and some random worker saw her crying in the car and went like#Awwww 🥺 everythings gonna be okay 🥺🥺🥺#And she didnt like that so she...posted about how she didnt like some random guy coming up to her and taking pity on her??? You know like#Anyone would? Like ive been in that situation and if youre crying in public youre already NOT having a good goddamn time and probably just#Want some peace to eat some goddamn burgers???????#Like sorry thats so gross to go up to a stranger and be like awww its gonna be okay like??? I dont know you fuck off ???#Obviously your opinion might vary but like Obviously britney felt that way#But because shes britney its not a normal response its proof she needed to be under a conservatorship??? Proof she cant control herself and#needs her license taken away??????? Like all fucking real responses i saw btw#She didnt even say anything to this dudes face she just posted about it????????.?????????#And if being mean to service workers was a goddamn crime you know the first people up are the ones currently calling britney out#With the SAME self serving condescending pity!!!!!!!!!!!! Like!!!! Die!!!!!!!! You didn't give a shit about britneys situation or mental#Health or ableism or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#Sorry i really needed to get that out....feels good#Ableism#Ask to tag
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