#sorry for all english errors
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laisrinel ยท 29 days ago
Earendil has a dragon-horn bow
+ implications
In the poem named Earendil we have this part where Earendil is described before going to Valinor (timing is important for the following) :
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The fifth line gives us some informations :
Fact 1 : at least one bow made in dragon-horn exists.
Conclusion 1 : Tolkien's dragons have horns.
Fact 2 : this happens before the War of Wrath, before the releasing of winged dragons and Ancalagon. Dragons, at this time, were mentionned two times : Glaurung and wingless dragons of Gondolin.
So there is two theories (with multiple options) :
Theory 1 : someone looted Glaurung probably Haleth's people or sindar or wandering noldor.
Theory 2 : some wingless dragons were killed during the fall of Gondolin or at least some wingless dragons lost some horns during the battle. And someone had gone back to the fallen city and looted wingless dragons. We already know Gondolin was probably looted because of the presence of Glamdring (and Orcrist and Sting?) in the Hobbit/Lotr. So maybe dragon-horns were part of it.
Theory 2.1 : different looters were present maybe at different times. Loot was separated and some gone to the haven (dragon-horn) some gone to the wild (obscure path of Glamdring and co)
Theory 2.2 : only one group of looters but they were attaqued before giving away their butin. Pillard took all what was precious (swords and others) and let some unidentified objects (horns).
Theory 2.3 : Glamdring were inherited to some survivor before the fall of the city. Turgon fall without his sword. Then the sword was lost during some peripeties between the fall of the city and the departure of Earendil for Valinor.
Theory 2.4 : Glamdring were inherited before the battle. Earendil has it during some time but choose to give it to another elf before/during/after the war. This potentially requiere some contact between Earendil and elves/mortals after being in Valinor (with the silmaril upon his brow). Or he gave it to a messenger like Eonwรซ or Finarfin ?
Conclusion 2 : In any case, there is at least one legendary bow made in dragon-horn in Tolkien's world (And we haven't any name for it). You can add this to the dnd list of your Legendary weapons in Middle Earth.
Fact 3 : This poem is allegedly written by Bilbo. And everyone knows how Bilbo's stories are reliable.
Conclusion 3 : this description is a nonsense approved by Aragorn.
Link to history and how to confectionate horn bows in real life because it was really interesting !
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poorly-drawn-mdzs ยท 2 years ago
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Why would youโ€”That's notโ€”I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
[First]ย Prevย <โ€“-> Next
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icantdothistodaybruh ยท 11 months ago
oh, are you familiar with the BoM side story? where arthur dreams of different characters in different fairy tales? iโ€™ve become so! obsessed! with the snow queen versions of sebaciel. ciels outfit is so pretty on him!! but i love a ciel that left everything behind to stay with sebastian.. and sebastian, heโ€™s been so lonely for so long that when he gets a pretty boy he canโ€™t let him go. when someone tries to save him they not only get a โ€œnoโ€ but get forcefully snow-blasted right out the door. they understand each other because no one sees the beauty in desolation like they doโ€ฆ so of course they stay isolated in a castle together.
thereโ€™s the panel where sebastianโ€™s wrapping his coat around ciels whole bodyโ€ฆ sebastian acting so smugly to ciels rescuersโ€ฆ the line where ciel says he belongs to the devilโ€ฆ i could live here foreverโ€ฆ please consider this cold angle of sebaciel
The implication that the whole dream was of Sebastian's doing (which he is very capable of judging by GWA) brings out such an interesting twist to it - we can see a glimpse of Sebastian's actual opinion on other characters! But I'm of course going to talk a little about Ciel solely for today hehe
I might be wrong since I only have ru and eng translation at hand, but the way Ciel talks about his heart being frozen and eye belonging to the devil makes me think of these acts as essentially same thing, especially given that he "adapted beautifully to the world of Ice" by Sebastian's words. I mean that his heart being frozen doesn't equal to death or inability to feel, but rather just that, adaptation and belonging.
Now I know it sounded far-fetched, but the reason It caught my attention in the first place was the mentioning of the heart at all. It's a dream made by Sebastian, the 'emotionless' and 'unfeeling' demon, with clear analogy to the contract built on power, revenge, and hunger for one's soul, or at least that is how it always was portrayed before. So why would his made up dream-Ciel suddenly bring a heart into equation?
You should've seen my face when I got to the chapter were Elizabeth escapes to rCiel. Call me delulu but it suddenly made so much sense when Sebastian started talking how "human hearts are mysterious, complex things" and "no matter if you are demon or god it is truly and utterly impossible to shackle another's heart." Before that I wouldn't even think he'd have any opinion on the matters of the heart, let alone it be a stated fact to him that he can't have it in a way he can own souls or bodies.
And so that man, in his made up dream, with a made up Ciel, made that Ciel say that not only his soul (eye) belongs to the devil, but heart too. Knowing for a fact it can't belong to him in reality. I'm speechless.
Also when I got your ask yesterday I thought I should make a fanart or a redraw of that scene, and once again, you should've seen my face when I found the page:
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and if you don't know why I was so surprised I'll gladly explain with two more pics:
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My head exploded.
Three pieces. Representing their change of masks and roles. Yet each is the same in it's core. And one of them is character's fantasy while other two his reality. I'm so done with this show.
...could it be that Arthur's dream made by Sebastian is yet another lie becoming truth?...
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indigo-flowers09 ยท 2 months ago
Question about your Gradient and Paperjam variants, how did they go from dolls into actual skeleton monsters? :O
my best explanation is that they just sorta. did :|
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Something I donโ€™t think iโ€™ve mentioned yet is that the reason Gray and Pj could absorb souls! Their dolls were sewn by Error and painted by Ink, said paint containing/being made of magic! Itโ€™s because of that magic that they were able to absorb a soul and take on a form similar to the soulโ€™s original form (being Sans) and to the magic item they possess (being the doll)
thatโ€™s why the other dolls havenโ€™t come alive too! They donโ€™t have that magic so they canโ€™t absorb a soul :3
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let-me-scream-to-the-void ยท 6 months ago
One thing that for me showed the minecraft movie was going to be just a cash grab, is how un-mincrafty it is.
Like even if the movie looked good (it doesnt) making it in live action and ignoring the simpler art style the game is built upon is already weird,
Then you have staff like trees and flowers that aren't from minecraft.
The blue portal or Tessrac like thingy that they made up.
The landscape that isn't even close to minecraft world generation.
The nonsensical crafting recipe that isn't even on grid making an entirely new item.
The Piglings that can somehow be in the sun (and yes i know that its like that in Legends too, but this a Mincraft movie, not a Minecraft Legends movie)
Jack Black looking nothing like Steve.
And I'm sure there will be many more examples in the rest of the movie.
This movie isn't made from a love of the game, and that's sad, but looking at it I would be surprised if anyone who made it played minecraft for more then half an hour.
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aricr ยท 7 months ago
My thoughts on TED (the planet) and its people (just headcanons)
I had some thoughts/headcanons about TED (the planet + its people).ย  (Slight spoilers for s2 of Midnight Burger?)
Itโ€™s been established that:
An algorithm rules the TEDs. They trust it, and (allegedly) have no real leaders.
They worked on this algorithm for a long time until it learned to improve itself
The education system is geared toward peopleโ€™s strengths, and the algorithm and presumably authority figures steer kids in the direction of a fitting career, and that will help push the Empire forward.
There used to be rainforests like the ones on earth
THEREFORE (and this is where my headcanons come in)
I think maybe industrialization took hold. They were the Earth before Earth in that way.
The difference is that because theyโ€™re a much more advanced civilization, it looks cleaner. They clean up nice and decorate their cities with artificial (and maybe electric/mechanical) trees, plants, etc.ย  This helps keep the younger population's morale up, while the workforce works to find a solution for their rapidly depleting resources. The algorithm works to train the younger generation and push them toward what they do best individually in a way that helps the workforce continue.
NOW we get into the good stuff
The TEDs got desperate and started looking for....more questionable solutions.ย 
Eventually, someone gets an idea. It's drastic, and they do some small tests. But it works.ย 
They start working on a larger model immediately and announce their success to the population; a way to connect their planet to others like it. An age for diplomacy and cultural exchange. Of planets helping each other. A bridge of sorts. My guess is that they were very open about their system of scanning for life on different systems because the corruption hadnโ€™t taken hold yet, at least not completely. Everything would be okay if they followed protocol. If they stuck to the plan.ย 
A team had already departed to get a head start on construction.
MY THOUGHTS ON THE TEDs AS A PEOPLE/SPECIES (based on my Ted (singular) design and my inspirations behind it)
Building and tech have always been a lot easier for TEDs. Evolutionarily speaking, they can transfer small shocks of electricity from one place to another simply through touch. They're an electric bunch, like electric eels.
My good friend @mostdeviouswizard asked if the shocks are affected by emotions, and the answer is YES! So in my Ted design, his scales/freckles light up, along with sparks from the ends of his antennae. This also applies to other strong emotions and is a defense mechanism (evolutionarily speaking, against prey and such).ย ย 
Becoming an Earth expert was a great way for the TEDs to use his expertise to help find resources. He always loved the forests of his planet (or what was left of them). When he realized humans were chopping down their forests and burning through their natural resources, he could see them going the same way they were headed--only they didn't have the advancements of the TEDs. They would doom themselves, and those beautiful resources on their planet. That would explain why he has such strong feelings about life on other planets, especially their forests & other flora.ย 
I was just drawing and had the cute idea of possible small electric shocks bc I made his little scales/freckles glow blue and then went "......Why do they do that tho."
So naturally, I IMMEDIATELY came up w this lore.
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rahabs ยท 1 year ago
The Tudors ran so Wulf Hall could shuffle awkwardly around reiterating the same tired old Tudor stereotypes while claiming to be something new.
#It's so funny but as a historian I will genuinely defend 'The Tudors' to the death even with all its problems#Because it did was so few other Tudor shows/movies/media have ever done#And that is: it focused on things BEYOND just Henry and his wives.#Yes Henry was the focal point which makes SENSE but that's just it:#HENRY was the focal point. Most other Tudor media pieces have one of the wives (usually Catherine/Anne) as the focus and doesn't delve muc#Into the history or what was happening in England beyond the King's Great Matter.#The Tudors went ALL out. Yes they didn't get everything right but the fact that they tried and spotlighted so many other#Historical characters and events? The Pilgrimage of Grace? Actually LOOKING at the religious issues even if they weren't always accurate?#(Like with Aske for example. BUT AT LEAST THEY INCLUDED ROBERT ASKE like good lord it's like other Tudor media forgets everything else)#Focusing on Cromwell but also the Seymour brothers? The politics behind Henry? Even Brandon as annoying as his storylines could get.#Even smaller characters like Tallis and Gardiner and other Reformation and Counter-Reformation figures.#The fact that they featured the Reformation and Counter-Reformation AT ALL let alone tried to dive into the complexities of England's#religious crises. The burning of Anne Askew even? People having to navigate England's increasingly unstable religious situations?#The series hit its peak after the CoA/Anne stuff was over imho. Yes Cranmer and Norfolk annoyingly vanished despite being major figures in#the R/CR and they combined Mary and Margaret but god the Tudors did SO MUCH that NO OTHER PIECE OF TUDORS MEDIA has EVER DONE.#It looked BEYOND Henry BEYOND his wives and tried to paint a comprehensive pictur of a deeply troubling and divisive time in English histor#And it did so without demonising one side and it was just so good for so many reasons that I forgive its errors because damn did they TRY.#Tried in a way no one else ever has (no Wulf Hall did not I'm sorry)#(Wulf Hall was just the same old stereotypes rehashed and branded as something 'original' because it was from Cromwell's POV but again.#Same old stereotypes. Nothing actually original about anything else.)#The Tudors is so underrated for what it tried to do and what it achieved and I am reaching the tag limit but UGH god. Amazing.#Not even getting into how wonderful they were with Mary Tudor/Mary I herself and showing figures around her#Because that would be another tag essay considering the subject of my thesis.#Flawed but wonderful.#text#chey.txt
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alflis ยท 1 year ago
Hi I want to say that I love your game, love Orlam and love you too @just-a-carrot you're such a sweet person โœจ
I'm suck at speak well or expressing my feelings but I rlly want let you know that your game wonderful and it's on my "favourite stories" top now :D
Thank you for your game and charactes I like all of them ๐Ÿ’– (Orlam just my favourite hehe~)
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jojotranslates ยท 3 months ago
Earlier today I got an ask explaining that there was a pretty big timing error in my subs for Varning fรถr Jรถnssonligan. (One line showed up long before it was supposed to and got stuck on screen for ages, all because I had messed up while writing the starting time and somehow hadn't noticed during the correction process.)
The error has now been corrected on both the Opensubtitles and Dropbox uploads.
So, quick relevant request: if you are watching something with fansubs and notice a significant technical error, let the subber know just in case!
(And of course, big thanks to @hickapostsart for notifying me :D )
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sparfloxacin ยท 1 year ago
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hiiiiiiiii have a great Sunday!! ๐Ÿฅฐ here to manifest a new Sunday stream (and new Olli smiles) from Aleksi tonight ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธโœจ๐Ÿ’–โœจ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ๐Ÿคž
I'm mad at how insanely hot Olli looks here ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
helloooo! ๐Ÿ’—
oooh a Sunday stream (with some Olli smiles of course) would be nice ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ
also kinda irrelevant to the ask but I actually saw this pic of Olli yesterday and noticed the shirt and thought about how we havenโ€™t seen that in a long time and then of course the first thing I do is browse through Aleksiโ€™s Instagram and I noticed he was wearing the same shirt around the same time as well (and yes itโ€™s the same shirt and you actually CANโ€™T concince me otherwise) ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ’ž
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hope you have a great Sunday too! ๐Ÿฅฐ
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cinnasaur ยท 1 year ago
no but like google translate would actually be more accurate:
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this isn't a canadian product, you can see the kazakh label underneath, so i think the importer translated that to english and then the english directly to french. they even misspelled provence and added extra grammar (i dunno where "ร  l'oignon" came from, but everything has "the" in front because that'd be "proper" french syntax in a full sentence).
"soleil de fleurs" is really getting me, i feel like that takes some kind of manual effort. the word order isn't consistent with anything else, and modern translation software would take "sun flower" and give you "fleur de soleil" or correct to tournesol, so they would've had to translate and arrange each word independently, or else actually type "sun of flowers" in english?
this just looks like someone who isn't a professional translator attempted to translate word-for-word into a language they're not fluent in and didn't check their work, and that's kinda interesting. it would've been even easier to actually just run the whole list through translation software, but hey, you tried??
anyway this literally doesn't matter and i didn't need to write an essay i just think the logistics are interesting
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iโ€™mย โ€œthe petrol of sun of flowersโ€ย 
#sorry i saw 2 million 'google translate' comments and it made me feel insane because you can literally check#i know most of those are tongue in cheek but some of it borders on misinfo just enough for me to become The Actually Guy#this reminded me of like middle school french class#am i actually the only one curious enough to verify what machine translation gives you#i am always having thoughts and typing them out like this but i rarely send it because literally who cares#but also i think sometimes enrichment is to simply allow oneself in earnest to be autistic as hell (and i care about information .)#ni li musi tawa mi#the mistranslations are all pretty specific to north american english turns of phrase#don't get me wrong โ€œblack pepper dirtโ€ is like classic mt funkiness#but these are simple phrases and english-french is one of the easier language pairs to parse#so it's like actually difficult to get modern mt to be this inconsistent#maybe if this was from before 2016???#mt improved since then and 2020 is too early for this to plausibly be a gpt model#to be fair i wouldnt necessarily rather people be ridiculing a non-professional for not meeting a professional standard#maybe it'd be good to Hire a professional but this probably says more about the supply chain than the individual#(answers rhetorical questions informatively)#also thinking about the inclination to deflect responsibility for human error onto technology but that's a whole other--#anyway. kid named basil:
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rapha-reads ยท 8 months ago
So I've decided to ignore sleep tonight (though it's already 6am so whatever), because several reasons I won't get into. Anyway I'm reading Prince Lestat and I am LOVING it. There is just so much lore?! So many new characters, fascinating characters?! A whole world of vampires whose stories are connected or totally not to the Coven of the Articulate?! There's just so much.
In my last post, about how I skipped quickly Blackwood Farm and Blood Canticle, I wrote that I was finding it academically fascinating to read several decades worth of an entire literature world in the span of a month only. To continue in this vein (pun intended), reading PL after having binge-read the original VC books is a deep dive into how history has sped up since the 80s.
I'm not just thinking about because I'm reading Gregory's chapter and that's what he's observing, and also because the changed world and what it means for vampire society ("the tribe", and how I adore that terminology) is the big main theme of this final trilogy. It's something I've been thinking about since TVL at least. How for how these novels pertain to the horror and the fantastic genres, they are also a mirror of the society and time during which AR was writing. And because she kept writing decade after decade, and kept observing the world around here, each new book is its own little observation about the early 80s, then late 80s, then first half of the 90s, second half of the 90s, and now we're right smack in the middle 2010s and these immortal characters are feeling the weight of this rapidly changing world.
And it makes me think of actual human beings born in the 40s or 50s, or even 60s, or my own grandfather born in 1931, and how, just like a lot of these vampires recounted in PL, they sometimes can't follow all the changes brought in the last three decades (the biggest thing is technology, intradiegetically Lestat himself saying he keeps forgetting how to use his smartphone, but extradiegetically, it's how AR writes "to go on the computer" and other phrases like that, that sounds weird to the ear of someone who's grown up with this tech). And AR was over 70yo when she wrote PL, so I'm imagining that she was also writing her own impressions of this 21st century world that she saw developing under her eyes.
And in light of all the historic events we live week after week these past handful of years only (the 2020s want to bury us), it's quite interesting to apply that way of thinking to our generation too (millenials and younger, the 80s-90s-early 00s kids). Saw a post earlier saying "do you think one day we'll get to live in precedented times", in answer to the classic "we're living in unprecedented times", and I think of how the VC are the stories of one handful of characters in a world full of other characters who are not or relatively not concerned by these big stories. And how the Coven of the Articulate is considered as legendary amongst the rest of vampiredom, while they themselves don't really realise their fame, or when they do, they reject it. And how in the actual world, there are still a huge percentage of the world population that's not concerned at all by things that here make us all go frothing at the mouth because "omg we're witnessing history". Yes, "we" are witnessing something that will appear in the history books, but it is so because we have decided to put ourselves in the narrative. So many people are not even caring a little bit about big news that seem so important to us, because their lives have other matters to care for. And it's not that they're wrong or we're wrong, it's not about that, it's mostly about how the rapid changes of the world in the 21st century has made a category of people (all ages all nationalities alike) the Main Character, concerned by the narrative and trying to control it or change it (voting, protesting, activism) while so many others are still going on about their lives as usual, maybe seeing the same things as the first category, using the same tools, but not seeing the connection between it and them (the "mavericks" as AR calls them), or others starting to realise and not knowing how to join the narrative (Antoine, Gregory), while yet others have picked up a whole other way of being part of the narrative while not being part of it (Fareed).
I don't know if that makes sense. Maybe I do need to go lay down for a couple of hours after all.
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brawberryz ยท 1 month ago
the other family
Batfam Yan! ร— Negleted Coraline! Reader
Note: English is not my first language, sorry if there is any translation error
Pt: 1 2
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This sucked
This family was the worst, you would have preferred to be in an orphanage than here.
You had been living with this stupid family for almost a decade and at no point did it seem like they cared about you.
You didn't know them that well, ever since you came to the mansion you didn't get along with anyone
Everyone seemed so focused on their responsibilities that you could never talk to any of them.
And you weren't going to beg for their attention, if they didn't give you attention you weren't going to give it to them either
You still had a little dignity and you swore to yourself to never beg anyone, you were much better than that.
Putting that aside, your life was pretty boring
You didn't go to school and you were homeschooled, plus the mansion was pretty creepy and no kid would ever come near you so you could say you didn't have any friends.
Even if you went to school you didn't think you'd have any friends either, people always said you were weird so you didn't think you'd be lucky to have any friends
Unless they want to be friends with someone as weird as you
You could say that the only one you had on your side was Alfred, he was like the grandfather you never had
He was the only one who noticed you among all the darkness that surrounded this mansion.
Your father and your brothers weren't the best, you couldn't say they were bad people.
They were just too busy dealing with their own problems that sometimes they ended up ignoring many things.
But deep down inside you wanted them to notice you.
You would like to be able to share those family moments with them, but that wish was only possible in your dreams.
You were walking through the halls of the mansion as usual, most of the time you spent outside walking through the gardens in the company of a strange black cat that for some reason had managed to enter the mansion
As you continued your tour you noticed a strange door, you had never seen it before which was strange since you swore you had discovered every place in this mansion
With curiosity you approached the door and opened it, it looked like a normal room
Maybe it had a little dust and cobwebs, it seemed as if no one had entered this room in years
You saw a small trunk next to a piece of furniture, those two things were the only thing in this strange room
You approached the trunk first and opened it, there was not much just some old books and trinkets
But there was something that caught your attention
A doll
But it was not just any doll, it looked too much like you it was as if it were an identified copy of you
Surprised you grabbed the doll and You examined it, it didn't look old which made it seem very strange that it wasn't dusty
It was too well preserved, you thought that maybe it was just a coincidence that it looked like you
But, you were surprised that it was wearing the same clothes that you were wearing at that moment
You tried to convince yourself that it was just a coincidence, it shouldn't mean anything
You were just overthinking things again, right?
You got up from the floor and left the doll on the small piece of furniture in the room, you began to inspect the room more closely looking for something else interesting
A few minutes passed and you found nothing, only small spider nests and the occasional rat skeleton, god, this place needs to be cleaned urgently
You were going to leave the room after not finding anything but something caught your attention, the wall looked very strange
You approached to touch it and you felt that something was out of place, as if something was inside those walls
Your curiosity was stronger and you decided to tear the wallpaper off the wall, Alfred's scolding for breaking the wall would be worth it if what was hidden between the walls was worth it
After completely tearing the wall your eyes opened in surprise, it was a small door
You crouched down to be able to better inspect the strange door, it was too small the only way to get in there was by crouching or being too small
You tried to open the door but it was locked, you frowned and let out a sigh of defeat
But then an idea entered your mind, maybe the key was between the drawers of that small piece of furniture
You quickly got up and went quickly to the small piece of furniture in the room, you started to search through all the drawers for a key but you only found buttons, needles and small blurry polaroid photos
You opened the last drawer hoping it was a key and when it appeared today you were very lucky because you found a small key, it was a little worn and had a strange shape but you didn't give it any importance
You approached the door again, you put the key in and the small door opened
You couldn't believe what you were seeing, when you opened the door you saw a small narrow hallway full of blue colors, you were very surprised and you thought that maybe it was some kind of dream but you knew it wasn't, this was real
You didn't know whether to go in or not, your instinct told you that it could be dangerous But your curiosity was too great, what kind of secrets that you still didn't know was hidden in this mansion?
You let out a nervous sigh and decided to enter this mysterious place, it may or may not be dangerous.
You really didn't know, but you were going to find out.
After entering the strange door and having to crawl to get to the other end because the space was too small, you finally reached the other side.
After a few seconds you were able to reach the other side of the narrow hallway, you slowly opened the door until you could get out of there
You stood up and looked around confused, it was the same room just a little more tidy and clean
Was this some kind of joke?
You decided to take a risk and leave the room, you began to slowly walk through the halls of the mansion
The mansion seemed more colorful and full of life
Your body stopped dead as soon as you felt arms around you from behind
You quickly turned around to hit whatever was behind you but you were surprised to see Richard
He looked the same but at the same time so different, it was the first time he hugged you like that and he was so affectionate
He had always been good and affectionate with the whole family except you, and that made you feel a little jealous of the others
"It's good that you came back, little sister, I was so worried!"
He said as he hugged you tightly, he had that worried yet sweet tone he used with everyone
You could barely process everything that was happening, you stared at him for a moment and your eyes caught something you had never seen in the original Richard
His eyes...
You stood in shock for a few seconds with your mouth open as you looked at him, you couldn't believe what was happening this couldn't be real But it felt so real
Too real
"Your...your eyes"
You said breathlessly looking at him in surprise, he just let out a small laugh at your surprise
"What's wrong with my eyes?"
"Your eyes are...they're buttons-"
Before you could finish speaking he interrupted you
"Buttons? Oh yes, it's just a small, unimportant detail"
He said without paying much attention to that detail
Your brain could barely process everything that was happening
What kind of crazy dream was this?
This was the best thing that ever happened to you!
Apparently Richard wasn't the only family member in the mansion, they all looked so different but at the same time so similar to their original versions
If we take away the fact that everyone's eyes are buttons, they were what you always wanted
They treated you well and were kind to you, even Damian who in your original world hated you and despised you in this world was very sweet and treated you like a real older sister to him
You did activities that you never thought they would do with you, everything was perfect
This was what you always dreamed of and you wouldn't change it for anything
You didn't remember how much time had passed since you came to this other world but you didn't care, if it was by your own decision you would stay here forever
And they wouldn't mind having you forever
You found yourself walking through the gardens as usual, accompanied by the black cat that you had met in your original dimension, it had appeared the first day after you came to this world
The best of all He could talk, he was a kind of guide for you and you were grateful for it
It seemed that not only your family had changed but all of Gotham
"You should be careful with them, (name)"
The cat said as he swung between the flowers and bushes in the garden
You just raised an eyebrow at the cat's comment
"Why do you say that?"
You asked curiously, since you had come to this world the talking cat had become too attached to you
And for some strange reason he distrusted your new family too much, whenever one of them tried to get close to you when the cat was near they received a hiss and also showed their claws
"Just don't trust them too much, they are plotting something that I don't like, trust me, my cat senses never fail"
He said seriously, you thought he was just exaggerating too much besides your new family was very good
It wouldn't make sense for them to want to hurt you
"You worry too much, if something was wrong I would have noticed it already just relax"
The black cat just stared at you without saying anything, he felt sorry for the fate that awaited you in the claws of that family
He just hoped it wasn't too late to convince you to leave this world
The whole family was gathered in the dining room, they had thrown a surprise party for you, it was a kind of official welcome and you were very excited
Your original family had never thrown a party for you and this was all just new to you
Next to the cake was a small gift, this was the best thing that could have happened to you
"What are you waiting for? Open the gift now"
Jason said handing you the gift, you nodded happily
But as soon as you opened the gift your smile disappeared
You said confused looking at the strange gift
"You don't like it? You can be like us and stay here forever, don't you want that?"
Richard said approaching you, you could feel a bad feeling when you saw him near you and instinctively you got up from the table
"It's not that... it's just that..." You tried to find the right words, you couldn't believe what was happening, sewing buttons on your eyes? You wouldn't let that happen! "I don't want to... I'd better go to-"
Before you could continue speaking your body collided with Tim's, he was there behind you
"Why do you want to leave? You said you would stay with us..."
Tim said in a sinister tone, grabbing you tightly by the arms. You tried to get out of his grip but your strength was nothing compared to his.
"I didn't want to use force on you, (name), but you leave me no choice."
Before you could say anything, you saw Bruce approaching you with the water and the buttons. You screamed, cried and kicked but nothing was enough.
Tim's grip was very strong and you could barely move.
They forced you to sit in the chair while Jason and Richard held you so you wouldn't move.
"Calm down, (name), it will only hurt a little."
Richard tried to calm you down but all you did was cry and scream for them to let you go.
It's too late to regret it now, but don't worry!
You don't have to worry about your old family anymore, now they will take care of you forever
Forget about everything, the only important thing is them and only them
Bruce was going crazy, he hadn't seen you for months
He wouldn't have even noticed that you disappeared if Alfred hadn't come to his office saying that you weren't at the mansion
He thought that you had simply left but after days without hearing from you he started to worry
He felt like the worst father and he knew that title suited him very well, he had ignored you for so long and now you were lost somewhere
The entire batfam was shocked, everyone felt bad about themselves for having ignored you and left you aside
Days passed and no one knew anything about you, it's as if your presence had disappeared from the earth
The only thing left of you were old photos and blurry memories in everyone's heads
But they was going to do everything possible to bring you back home, They made a lot of mistakes but they were going to fix them
Or maybe it was just an excuse to not feel so guilty
The clock keeps turning and time is running out, maybe when they find out everything it will be too late
Too late
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I know I said I was going to upload other stories but in my defense...
I have no excuse, I just did it because I just saw Coraline and I was inspired๐Ÿ”ฅ
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2K notes ยท View notes
vanteguccir ยท 11 days ago
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SUMMARYใ€€::ใ€€Where Y/N can't take a shower alone after watching supernatural videos, and now Matt has to stay with her in the bathroom.
FEATURINGใ€€Matt Sturniolo x readerใ€€REQUESTED?ใ€€No.
WARNINGSใ€€::ใ€€Mentions of supernatural.
AUTHOR'S NOTEใ€€::ใ€€that is my work, I DON'T authorize any form of plagiarism; copy, "inspiration" or translation! | english isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/Nยฒ: I had this idea yesterday after spending the whole day listening to supernatural stories and making my best friend stay on FaceTime with me while I showered ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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The bathroom was filled with the sound of rushing water, steam curling against the mirror, making everything look hazy and soft. Y/N stood beneath the shower, arms wrapped around herself, shampoo barely lathered in her hair. Her heart pounded just a little too fast, and her mind raced with the worst possible scenarios.
She knew - knew - this was her own fault. Matt had told her so many times that watching scary videos late at night, alone, with the lights off, would mess with her head. But did she listen?
Because she loved that eerie, spine-tingling feeling. The adrenaline rush. The way sheโ€™d clutch her blanket and gasp when Sam and Colby on YouTube suddenly heard something, or the guys who explored abandoned places on TikTok suddenly saw something.
It was all fun and games until she was here, alone in the shower, vulnerable, eyes closed, and suddenly convinced that if she dared to tilt her head back and rinse the shampoo out, sheโ€™d open her eyes to see something - someone - standing in the corner of the bathroom.
Her stomach dropped.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
She blinked, body rigid, the water running down her back, making her shiver despite the heat. Her mind was running wild. What if she wasn't alone in here? What if something was watching her right now, peeking from behind the steam in her shower door like in those cursed Reddit stories?
Panic bubbled up in her chest. And before she could second-guess herself, she cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled.
In the living room, Matt was sprawled on the middle of the couch, manspreading, one arm slung over his stomach. Nick sat beside him while Chris was practically hanging off the side of the couch, eyes glued to the TV. They were watching some random movie chosen by Nick, and Matt was only half paying attention.
At least, until Y/Nโ€™s scream ripped through the house.
His whole body jolted.
"What the-"
Nick and Chris both turned their heads toward the hall that led to Matt's bathroom.
Chris smirked, looking at Nick.
"Bet you fifty bucks she forgot her towel again."
Nick huffed out a laugh.
"Easiest money of my life."
Matt was already getting up.
"Hold on, hold on, I'm coming!"
Chris called after him.
"If itโ€™s the towel, tell her she owes me fifty bucks!"
Matt ignored him, crossing the small space between the living room and their bathroom in a couple of steps. The door was shut, steam curling out from the crack beneath it.
Matt pushed it open a little, peeking his head inside while keeping his body outside.
The steam made his hair frizz slightly as he squinted through the haze, his eyes finding Y/N standing under the shower, arms hugging herself.
His brows furrowed.
"Babe? You good? You need a towel or something?"
Y/Nโ€™s eyes darted to him, and her voice came through, desperate.
"Can you come in here?"
Matt frowned deeper.
"Matt, please."
With a sigh, he finally pushed the door open fully, stepping inside and closing it behind him.
The heat hit him immediately, steam wrapping around his body as he turned to face the shower properly.
And there she was.
Standing directly under the water, arms still clutching herself, her hair up, full of white bubbles from her shampoo, looking at him like he was her last hope for survival.
Matt blinked.
"Angel, what the hell are you doing?"
Y/N let out a frustrated whine.
"Iโ€™m scared!"
Matt squinted.
"Scared? Of what?"
"Something is watching me!"
A beat of silence.
Then, he snorted.
"Oh my God."
Y/N groaned, stomping one foot on the shower floor.
"Matt, Iโ€™m serious! I canโ€™t even close my eyes to rinse my hair! I swear there's eyes everywhere."
Matt was grinning now, crossing his arms as he leaned against the marble sink, watching her like she was the most ridiculous person heโ€™d ever seen.
"I told you not to watch that shit."
Y/N pouted.
"I know."
Mattโ€™s grin widened.
"But you just had to, huh?"
She huffed, turning away from him dramatically.
"Shut up."
Matt shook his head, still very much amused, before sighing and plopping down on the closed toilet seat.
"Alright, go on. Shower. Iโ€™ll sit here so the demons donโ€™t get you."
Y/Nโ€™s whole body relaxed instantly, turning the front of her body to face him again, smiling softly.
"Thank you."
Matt leaned forward, elbows on his knees, still grinning like an idiot.
"Can't believe you're literally scared of shampooing your hair. This is crazy."
She shot him a glare, grabbing her vanilla-scented shampoo bottle and squirting some more into her palm.
"I hate you."
Matt chuckled.
"No, you don't."
She rolled her eyes dramatically.
"I really do."
She rubbed her palms to spread the product, finally closing her eyes, but before she could reach for her hair again, she peeked at Matt one last time. Just to make sure he was still there.
And he was.
Sitting on the toilet seat, arms crossed, bright blue eyes eyeing her like she was the most ridiculous, adorable, overdramatic person in the world.
And maybe she was.
But at least now, she could wash her hair in peace.
ยฉ vanteguccir
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1K notes ยท View notes
kitimeq ยท 4 months ago
surprise encounter ๐Ÿค sylus ็งฆ
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pairing: sylus x reader
summary: Youโ€™ve been playing love&deepspace ever since the game came out and it became your comfort place now. You like all of the boys, but you have the highest affinity with sylus, who had your heart in a grasp ever since the beginning. Who wouldโ€™ve thought that he shares the sentiment? And after your monthly absence from the game, he decides to pay you a little visit and finally confess to all of it (and maybe kind of try to kidnap you in the process too oho).
tropes: fluff, angst to fluff, fluff to angst to fluff? fluff to angst to fluff to angst to fluff???? idk angst with happy ending!
word count: no idea, it goes on for days sorry. (7k!!)
warning!: i apologize for any mistakes, i am not a native speaker of english!! if you see any errors you can write me a dm and i will correct them for sure โ™ก and i think it gets better later! i canโ€™t write for shi, especially the beginnings, and the second part was fueled by my delulu so it is probably much more fun to read ๐Ÿค
โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™*หšโบโ€งอ™โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™*หšโบโ€งอ™โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™*หšโบโ€งอ™ โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™*หšโบโ€งอ™โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™*หšโบโ€งอ™โบหš*โ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™โœฉโ€ขฬฉฬฉอ™
You liked days like these: quiet days, lazy ones, when you didnโ€™t have any errands to run, meetings to attend, or people to please. You could just stay inside for the whole day, reading your favorite books and playing cozy games, spending your time however you wanted. Today was Saturday and you didnโ€™t have to go to work until Monday and you decided that you finally deserved to have some rest after the last couple of weeks of almost working yourself to the bone due to the amount of the assingments you had to complete at work. You often had to stay after hours or work from home to complete everything in time. Your work was not usually that challenging, but there were certain times of the year when everyone at your job had their hands full and when it happened, you were almost completely cut off not only from your social, but also personal life. However, you never complained, because you actually liked what you were doing, and even if the occasional hard times were inevitable, your work brought you so much fun and satisfaction.
And today was a good day! You finally finished everything you had to do, so you could go back to your favourite game. You didnโ€™t have time to play recently due to the amount of work, up to the point that you didnโ€™t even bother to check in to grab some stamina. Usually, love&deepspace was an important part of your day - you logged in there at least twice a day, completed every task thrown your way and had a blast doing so, but these couple of weeks were so hard for you that you almost forgot about it completely. But even if you were too busy, you thought about the boys from time to time, as well as about the events that you were probably missing out on. You really hoped that if some new events had taken place during that time, that they did not involve Sylus, because if you had missed them, you would be slightly devastated.
Sylus was your favorite. Ever since the beginning, there was something about him that caught your attention. You downloaded the game after his announcement and havenโ€™t looked back since. You played with other boys as well, but your time with Sylus was always the most memorable. Not only was he extremely attractive in your eyes, as well as the eyes of other players around the world, but you also understood his character, adored his little jokes and mannerisms, and could safely say that he made your life a little more exciting. You knew that it probably sounded lame to someone who didnโ€™t play such games, and you were aware that he wasnโ€™t real, but you enjoyed yourself regardless. In your real life, you had some experience with men and were pretty popular among them; however, you never felt comfortable enough to form more serious romantic relationships.
Here, with Sylus, you didnโ€™t have to worry about such things. You were aware that he was only a game character and maybe that was why you were so honest with him from the very beginning. You knew that he wouldnโ€™t judge you, misstreat you or make you miserable - he was created in a way that was supposed to make your playthrough enjoyable so you didnโ€™t have to worry about your responses in the messages for him or your real life reactions to everything he said or did. You could just be yourself. And you loved how freeing that felt.
That is why you felt so excited ever since you woke up. Because you knew that today you could finally go back to playing l&d, and you could meet up with your Sylus after so much time apart. You quickly did your chores, spent some time on self-care to slightly relieve the fatigue from the weeks before, you put on your favourite cozy outfit and finally clicked the โ€enter gameโ€ button.
And there he was. Sylus was standing in the cafe, wearing his extremally attractive biker outfit and you caught yourself sighing dreamily at the sight of him. You missed him so bad, you missed the little memories you shared and the sound of his voice. You missed playing kitty cards with him, catching plushies together and even looking for that bastard Tobias again and again. You couldnโ€™t help but smile brightly at him.
โ€œHi Sylus, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.โ€ You said cheerfully, feeling kind of dumb for it but you couldnโ€™t help yourself. You often talked out loud to him during your playtime.
You watched him blink slowly once, then twice, and you started to think that there was something wrong with the server because his response should have already been uttered. But then the look on his face changed. At first, he appeared really shocked and relieved, but then a little frown appeared between his perfect little eyebrows.
โ€œWhere the hell have you been?โ€ He responded quickly and it shocked you. You didnโ€™t know that they could swear in the game, but after connecting some dots you figured that it had to be included in the special responses after the player was away for some time.
โ€œAt work mostly, been so busy lately but now Iโ€™m back and ready to defeat some Wanderers!!โ€ You fist bumped the air above you, you couldnโ€™t contain your excitement.
You also noticed that his expression stayed the same. He was silent, looking at you through your phone screen with bewilderment, and he looked almost hurt. In an attempt to provide some comfort to him, you swiped your finger gently through his hair and across his cheek. However, when you touched his cheek, he closed his eyes and nuzzled into your finger, which made you widen your eyes in surprise. Was that always a thing? Was he always so responsive to your touch? It had to be a new feature; you didnโ€™t remember him being so lively.
โ€œNext time you decide to leave me without a word, I think Iโ€™m going to take more drastic measures, sweetieโ€ He said while opening his eyes. You couldnโ€™t help but notice he did look different than usual. Moreโ€ฆ realistic? Even the way in which he moved his body looked so smooth.
โ€œIf not for Mephisto, I would have worried sick about your safety. You can't do this to me every time you have more work than usual; you have to visit me, even if it's just for a minute. I won't exaggerate when I say that I almost went insane after the first week of your cruel silenceโ€ And at that you were completely stunned. Should he talk this much? He never talked this much. And how could he know that you had more work than usual? Was that a lucky guess on the studioโ€™s side?
โ€œThatโ€™s so weirdโ€ฆโ€ You whispered and touched his hand to trigger some kind of reaction that would appear more usual than what was happening right now.
โ€œIs that your way of catching me of guard? If you wanted to hold my hand so badly kitten, then you would have visited me sooner. I will not let myself be distracted by your cute little behaviorโ€ He raised the hand you touched and crossed his arms at his chest, while continuing to frown. And you were still so, so confused.
โ€œPromise me that you wonโ€™t leave me again, I know where to find you now.โ€ You raised your eyebrows and bit your lip gently. You started to feel a little bit out of place, you knew that he was not real, but he sounded kind of scary. His voice was demanding, and the part about him finding you? You shivered involuntarily.
โ€œWhat happened? Cat got your tongue, kitten? Or did you finally understood the selfishness of your actions?โ€ Sylus continued and you opened your mouth in awe. ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝPromise. Me.โ€ He said slowly, his gaze unnerving. Suddenly you heard a series of loud caws outside on your balcony. The sound made you jump in place, and you dropped your phone on your bed. Was that a freaking crow?? Outside your apartament???
You quickly picked up your phone and cursed softly. You were going insane. You got scared just because the game had an update you did not know about. You almost wanted to laugh at how stupid that was. Almost. Because Sylus walked up to the front of your phone screen and spoke to you again.
โ€œWhy are you hesitating? Are you really planning to leave me again?โ€ You swore you never heard him so hurt.
โ€œNo!โ€ You said before you could think.
โ€œNo?โ€ He answered immediately, which scared the hell out of you. โ€œI am not sure I believe you. And I canโ€™t stand it. I canโ€™t stand being away from you anymore.โ€ He took two steps back and closed his eyes.
That was when the game crashed. Your phone appeared to be broked too, after the colourful lines appeared on the screen, flickered a couple of times and the whole screen turned black. You threw the device away from you and your heart started beating so fast you could hear the blood pulsing in your ears. You were so confused and genuinely scared. Was there an update that switched the genre of the game to horror? You were stunned.
And then you heard the knock.
You almost jumped out of your slippers. You brought your hand to your heart in order to calm yourself down and you started taking slow, deep breaths. Itโ€™s just a game. Itโ€™s just a game. Besides, how did Sylus, of all people, managed to scare you so badly? You adored that character, and you should know that he was prone not only to exaggeration, but also to intimidating behavior. That was literally one of his characteristics. So you forced yourself to calm down and opened the damn door, because it was probably either a mailman, or one of your friendly neighbors, and here you were making a scene like some kind of a delusional psychopath.
One. Two. Three.
You opened the door, and at first all you could see was a huge cloud of black mist. You closed your eyes in order to keep the mist from clouding your vision and then you felt wind pushing you gently further into your apartament. You heard the door close and the sound of the key turning in the lock. Everything happened so fast. And when you opened your eyes your knees almost buckled.
Sylus was all you could see. He was standing in front of you, in your own apartament, looking so out of place that you wanted to laugh. The first thing that you noticed about him was that he was huge, you couldnโ€™t really see past him, and the more you looked at him, the more real he appeared to be. Soft-looking silver hair, rugged skin, that perfect nose and those piercing eyes. They looked into yours now, and at first they seemed to be searching for something, and after one quick second they visibly softened. You could also see how his handsome, oh so handsome mouth started to display his signature little smirk. And that was when you started to tremble.
โ€œW-whaโ€”โ€ You tried to say something, anything but your mouth was not working. You have never been so confused and scared in your entire life. โ€œWhoโ€”W-who areโ€”โ€ He was starting to close the distance between you and that is when the panic finally took over your body. You flinched and went to take a step back, but you slipped on your soft carpet.
Yet you didnโ€™t fall. You felt the gentle caress of the mist that managed to caught you before you hit the ground, and it streightened your posture so that now you stood tall in front of the man.
โ€œCareful kitten, I do not think that falling on four feet applies to you.โ€ He spoke out loud for the first time and the voice was so familiar to you. It was the same, deep, husky timbre that you loved to hear, the same voice that made you squeal in happiness, that lulled you to sleep countless of times. You couldnโ€™t believe it.
โ€œOh my god, am I dead?โ€ He laughed softly at your reaction and looked at you through his lashes. โ€œThis canโ€™t be happening.โ€
โ€Oh but it is. I knew that I would find my way to you, I just needed time.โ€ He said and tried to close the distance between you, but you didnโ€™t let him. Every step forward he took, you took one back. โ€œIt was so hard to find you. But after you disappeared without saying a word I think I got desperate.โ€ Something flashed in his eyes. You recognized it as determination.
He stopped walking when he noticed that you were getting too close to the balcony. He straightened his posture, and you almost released a gasp. He was huge. And he was real. Alive and so, so real, that you had trouble breathing. You were so scared, but at the same time, so happy to see him, that your body didnโ€™t know how it should react. You just looked at him, taking him in, trying to assess whether it wasnโ€™t your mind playing tricks on you, or if it wasnโ€™t some random man breaking into your apartment and your brain had created a new, fantastic defense mechanism. But no, the longer you took him in, the more similarities you managed to notice: the scar in the corner of his eye, his unevenly clipped fingernails, strong but dry hands, olive skin, slim lips, long, slightly furrowed eyebrows. The not-so-hidden gentleness in his gaze as he was taking you in himself.
โ€œItโ€™s really you.โ€ You managed to breathe out.
โ€œYouโ€™re so beautiful.โ€ He answered and his voice was slowly starting to make you feel these familiar butterflies. โ€œSo, so magnificent.โ€ He continued. You felt your cheeks heat up and he seemed to drink that reaction in. โ€œWill you talk to me more? You sound angelic. I did not think that you could sound even better than you did through the phone but I guess you will never fail to surprise me, sweetheart.โ€ He did not move an inch. He just looked at you, and you still didnโ€™t know how to react, but you were slowly coming to terms with the fact that it was not a weird dream. He was here and he didnโ€™t appear to have bad intentions. At least you wanted to believe that.
โ€œYouโ€™re still trembling. Are you really that scared of me?โ€ He pressed his lips into a line.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry. I justโ€ฆ Iโ€™m just not sure what is happening. I had no idea you wereโ€ฆ real.โ€ He laughed softly at that.
โ€œYou wound me, kitten. Is that your way of unleashing your little claws?โ€ He continued with a small smile on his lips and you couldnโ€™t take it. He lookedโ€ฆ stressed. And you thought that was new for him. You spend so many hours playing with him in l&d but you have never seen him so stressed.
Everything that came out of his mouth was slow and precise, not a word was spoken without a purpose. However you could see by his appearance that he was uncertain.
โ€œOf course Iโ€™m real. And all the time we spent together is real too. Was it so wrong of me to expect that you would be at least a little bit happier to see me?โ€ He was starting to look hurt. But not angry, not displeased. More concerned than anything, and that was when most of your worries started to disappear. He was your Sylus. He really was.
โ€œI am happy to see you. I really am.โ€ You said truthfully, the fear slowly dissolving. โ€œWhat are you doing here? How did it happen?โ€
โ€œWhen you left me, I was worried to death. I had to come see that you were alright for myself.โ€ He said, not taking his eyes off of you. โ€œI found a path between our worlds, and first I sent Mephisto after you. And that was how I knew you were fine, just busy.โ€ He started explaining slowly and put two fingers at the bridge of his nose. This gesture was so familiar that you felt a slight pang in your chest. โ€œWhich l understand. But you stopped visiting completely and I panicked that I lost you. And that you lost your interest in me. And when you logged in today I guess I just lost control over myself.โ€
โ€œI had to see you. I had to feel you. I needed to know that you will never leave me like that again. But how could I be so sure if you thought I was not real, sweetie?โ€ His voice carried a hint of a ridicule. He smirked slowly and you allowed yourself to relax. You spend so much time with him on your phone, that you knew when he really needed reassurance. And it was the first time you saw him being so honest about his own feelings.
You decided to step closer to him and his eyes widened slightly. His body tightened because of the sudden change in proximity, and when you gently touched his hand bringing it to your mouth, he appeared to be rendered speechless.
โ€œI would never leave you, Sy. At least not without saying goodbye first. You are my safe space, remember?โ€ You said quietly and smiled at him brightly, reminding him of what you had written in your game bio. And then you brought his knuckles to your lips and placed a soft kiss upon them. His hands were much warmer than you expected them to be. They felt harsh, but gentle.
The next thing you heard was a soft grunt and you felt yourself being suddenly lifted in the air. You yelped and found yourself pressed against his big, solid chest. Sylus hugged your body to his by wrapping both of his arms around your torso, and when he realized that you werenโ€™t comfortable, he put one hand under your thighs and brought your body to his by your waist. You let your arms wrap around his neck and squeezed, and he buried his head in the crook of your neck. You heard him inhale your scent and his breath became rigged, as if he could not contain his excitement. You also became familiar with his scent. He smelled so manly and comforting, you could catch some notes of wood and leather, and something surprisingly sweet.
โ€œYou smell divine. Youโ€™re so soft, so warm.โ€ He breathed against your neck and you felt goosebumps spreading throughout your whole body. You were so embarrassed, you felt like you needed to release some tension.
โ€œI did not expect you to be so open with me. Youโ€™re usually the teasing type.โ€ He chucked deeply and put his forehead against yours, while closing his eyes. Your cheeks burned. You couldnโ€™t believe it wasnโ€™t a dream.
โ€œThere will be a time for teasing you, kitten.โ€ He rubbed his forehead against yours slowly. โ€œRight now let me enjoy you for a bit. I canโ€™t believe I finally got to see you.โ€ He squeezed you harder to him. You reciprocated the hug with all you had. You were actually kind of scared that your grip was too hard, but he seemed to bask in it. โ€œCommunicating through that small device was not nearly enough for me. I could always see you and I heard your little responses to everything I was saying. But it took me some time to figure out how to change some things up.โ€ Your eyes went wide at the mention of your reactions, you knew that a lot of times there were beyond embarrassing, but you decided your blush to speak for itself. But what truly caught your attention was how he managed to appear in your home.
โ€œChange things up?? You must have made such a mess, will it really be okay?โ€ The concern in your voice made him look up and find your eyes with his. You were now looking at his beautiful red ones, so full of adoration and determination. You could see that the consequences of his actions did not matter to him at all.
โ€œSweetie, I would gladly burn the world down for you, even if it meant that I could see you just once.โ€ You swallowed audibly and proceeded to shy away from his piercing gaze. You started to feel unworthy of such attention, you couldnโ€™t quite grasp what exactly made him care about you to such extend. โ€œFortunately for everyone, the process did not involve starting an intergalactic war.โ€ He smirked slowly, his eyes finding your lips and staying there for much longer than necessary. โ€œYet.โ€
You chuckled at that and proceeded to bury your fingers in his hair, stroking the strands with care. They were so soft to the touch, they reminded you of silk. He closed his eyes and let you touch him to your heartโ€™s content. Your hand quickly found its way to his forehead, and then to his cheek, stroking the skin delicately. You couldnโ€™t believe how someone so handsome could really exist.
โ€œSee something you like, kitten?โ€ He said and nuzzled into your palm, pressing a kiss right there. โ€You will have all the time in the world to touch me when we arrive in the N109 Zone.โ€ He seemed so peaceful, so content with himself, but the mention of the N109 Zone stopped you in your tracks. You tensed visibly and he opened his eyes, noticing the change in your posture.
โ€œThe N109 Zone?โ€ You asked puzzled. โ€œAre you taking me away for a weekend?โ€ You took your hand from his face and he used his Evol to bring it back to his cheek. The mist around your fingers felt weird, but not unpleasant.
โ€œFor a weekend? No, no.โ€ He locked his eyes with yours, his head slowly closing the distance between you. He licked his lips and looked at your mouth once again. โ€œI am taking you away forever.โ€ And before his lips managed to touch yours, you flinched. Your hands quickly pushed him away and the panic returned to your features.
โ€œWhat do you mean by that?โ€
โ€œI meant what I said. Pack your bags if you believe there is something that I cannot provide for you quickly enough, and we will be off shortly.โ€ He said matter of factly, kind of annoyed by the distance you decided to put between you. โ€œLuke and Kieran have already prepared a room for you, although I think that you will have more than enough space for your belongings in mine.โ€ His eyes brightened with excitement that you unfortunately could not share. Instead, you lightly pushed his torso, making him lower you to the ground grudgingly. His brows were once again furrowed.
โ€œI canโ€™t go with you Sylus. At least, not for foreverโ€
โ€œYou can. We can stay together for the rest of our lives and no one would have any objections. I took care of everything.โ€ He reached to grab your forearm and stroked it softly with his thumb. He was so sure of everything he was saying that you could feel how much he let himself get lost in his fantasy. It did make you feel wanted, loved even. But no matter how happy you were that he was real, and apparently shared your feelings, you couldnโ€™t agree to his plan.
โ€œNo, Sylus. I need to stay here, I have built my whole life in this place.โ€ You could feel how much your words shocked him. He was looking at you so puzzled as if he didnโ€™t think that you declining his offer was even an option. โ€œI canโ€™t leave everything that I managed to achieve, I really am content with my life, despite how complicated it can be.โ€ You said truthfully. A part of you wanted to go with him, to feel safe and cherished for, for the rest of your life but you knew that was not realistic. You wanted to achieve more, you wanted to have your own life and your own space. You needed to be independent, to feel that you were perfectly capable of caring for yourself and your own needs.
โ€œI do not understand. Donโ€™t you want to be with me?โ€ It pained you how quickly he jumped to that conclusion. And you hated the look on his face - it made you feel like you were betraying him.
โ€I do want to! Oh my godโ€” I really, really do want to Sylus. I donโ€™t think that I can live without spending time with you anymore.โ€ You smiled at him, and took hold of his huge, rugged hand. โ€œBut I canโ€™t live with you in the N109 Zone. I canโ€™t leave my whole life behind.โ€ And the fact that he wanted to make you do that somewhat scared you. Made you feel distressed.
โ€œI see.โ€ He sounded deep in thought. Then, he broke the eye contact for a second, looked at his hand in your hold and before you could even react, he grabbed your body gently with his Evol and picked you up. Your whole body was above ground and although you felt secured, you looked at him with surprise.
โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ You wanted to get free from the hold of the mist, but it was impossible with how tight it was. โ€œSylus, you have to let me go.โ€ You tried not to panic, you knew that you werenโ€™t in danger. But he looked relentless, unforgiving as if his mind was already set in stone.
โ€œNo. I canโ€™t. Not now when I finally got to have you.โ€ He looked up at you, with his eyebrows still furrowed, and you could hear a hint of a growl in his voice. โ€œIf you do not wish to go with me, I guess I would have to take you by force.โ€
It was then that you felt a sense of panic. You knew him, and you knew that if he wants something, he always gets it. It just did not cross your mind that he would ever go against your own wishes.
โ€œNo. No, no, no, Sylus, please calm down.โ€ He narrowed his eyes and stood motionless before you, his face devoid of almost any emotion. Almost, if not for the desperation shining through his watchful eyes. โ€œYou cannot take me away. At least not for now. But I will do anything you ask me to! You can also stay here for some time, and visit me whenever you want to, I swear, I would be so happy to have you.โ€ You just needed him to listen. You knew that you could change his mind, he always listened to what you had to say, he just needed a little bit of persuasion. Maybe he didnโ€™t even think about alternative options?
โ€œAnd I would make you happy in the N109 Zone with me.โ€ You laughed with disbelief. He was completely missing your point. You decided to once again yank your hands from the grasp of his mist, and then hissed with pain when it did not loosen up its hold. โ€œYour struggle is futile, please stop, I do not wish for you to get hurt.โ€ He was annoyed with you and your disobedience. He did not think that you would have any objections, he started loosing his cool.
โ€œYou would never let me get hurt.โ€ You answered, wanting to assure yourself of it as well. You didnโ€™t like how commanding he sounded.
โ€œYes.โ€ There was no doubt in his voice. โ€œYes, you know I would stop at nothing to protect you.โ€ His gaze never wavered from yours. He truly thought that what he was doing was for the best. And you just had to let him know how wrong his approach was.
โ€œYes! Yes I do know that! Because I know you, Sy.โ€ You started to sound as if you were pleading. Deep down it scared you, send uncomfortable shivers down your spine. โ€œI know you, and I know that you also know me.โ€
He placed his hand on his heart.
โ€œAnd I adore every single piece of information. And I still wish to know you much, much better.โ€ You tensed when you noticed that his right eye was starting to glow. You did not know if that was intentional, or just a trick of the light.
โ€œThen you MUST know how much this life means to me. How much I like my stupid job, and how much I love the people that are here for me. My friends, my family.โ€ You noticed that your reasoning started to get to him when he clenched his fists and avoided your eyes for a second. โ€œAnd you have to know how much it would hurt me if you were to take me away from them.โ€ He appeared taken aback. It seemed that his longing for you clouded his judgement, and now he started to notice the faults in his plan.
โ€œBut I cannot stand to be apart from you anymore, sweetie.โ€ In normal circumstances that would be so touching to you. But nothing about this situation was normal, and you guessed you just had to show him how normal looked like.
โ€œYou wonโ€™t be. You can visit me anytime you want. Stay for how long you want.โ€ You wanted that too. So bad.
โ€œBut that is not ENOUGH.โ€ It was the first time you heard his raised voice and you started to tremble. His outburst mustโ€™ve thrown him off guard too, because he wavered and the grip he had on you loosed. You acted instinctively. You freed yourself from the mist and started to run towards your door. And although he was stunned by your reaction, he quickly teleported so that you ran straight into his chest. His hands grabbed yours in order to protect you from falling due to the impact.
He gently caressed your now slightly red forehead and sighed loudly. You could hear that he was hurt. You cried out from frustration.
โ€œIf you really thought that you could run away from me then you must be a total fool.โ€ He tucked your hair behind your ear and lifted your chin up with his finger. โ€œUsually I like playing cat and mouse with you, but I do not like the fact that you appear genuinely scared of me right now.โ€ He hugged your waist and brought you closer to him, lowering his head at the same time. โ€œAnd that you tried to run away from me when I only want to offer you my protection.โ€
โ€œIt doesnโ€™t sound like protection, it sounds like imprisonment.โ€ You used strong words, but you sounded so small. You did not know what to do with him, you were so scared. โ€Iโ€™m just scared. I tried to run away because you scared me, Sylus.โ€ You sounded desperate for him to understand you. To look past his own clouded vision.
โ€œYou do not have to fear me. I just want what is best for you. For us.โ€ His grip on your waist tightened, and he also proceeded to grab your wrist.
โ€œNo. You only want what is best for you. You are not listening to me. I do care about you Sylus, but I cannot leave this place.โ€ You tried to stand your ground but you two never argued before. It was an unfamiliar ground to you, especially when it was the first time that you had a conversation in person. Everything felt more intense and dangerous when you remembered the extreme measures he was always willing to take to achieve his goals.
โ€œYou can. And I will make you leave.โ€ He almost growled and a cloud of black and red mist surrounded both of you, and that was enough to bring tears into your eyes.
โ€Sylus, no, please, I donโ€™t want to. Please, just listen to me, please.โ€ And it was at that moment he started to came into his senses. Your quiet voice and your eyes full of tears made his breathing stop. It was the first time he was seeing you react like this. He hated how broken you sounded. How small. โ€œIโ€™m so scared, Sy, please stop scaring me.โ€ Your voice sounded choked and you could feel that the tears started streaming down your face. Every single one physically hurt him. It was your first meeting and he already made you so miserable. He wanted to scream. โ€œPlease.โ€ You tried once again and it shocked you that it finally worked on him.
He tensed and released you from his grip. The mist also dissipated as he took a step back from you. You could hear him breathing deeply.
โ€œI cannot do this." He sounded panicked. โ€œI did not want to scare you, and I cannot listen to your little broken pleas. They break my heart.โ€ He hidden his face in his hands and curled in himself. He felt as if someone pierced his heart with a knife and twisted it. He could not bring himself to look at your beautiful heartbroken face again. โ€œThey really do. Please, just stop crying. You won.โ€
You sniffed softly and touched your wet cheeks. You tried to calm yourself down, he finally listened to you.
โ€œIt does not feel so good this time for some reason.โ€ You answered, referring to your Kitty Card battles. You wanted to relieve the tension somehow. You knew that he didnโ€™t want to hurt you, you understand that he lives in a different reality where danger awaits everywhere. You could understand why he wanted to have you beside him at all times. But it scared you how insistent he was, how brutal and final. โ€œDo you really understand why I got so scared?โ€
He nodded helplessly. โ€œI wonโ€™t steal you away. Not when I know how much you despise the idea of spending the rest of your time with me.โ€ You noticed how hard he was pressing his hands to his face and you grabbed them in your own. He let you uncover his eyes and you saw how much it hurt him to let you go.
โ€œOh, Sy.โ€ You whispered and hugged his hands to your chest. โ€œYou know thatโ€™s not the reason.โ€
โ€œStop calling me that. It drives me crazy.โ€ He breathed and met your eyes. โ€œYou drive me crazy. What am I going to do with you? How can I make sure you are safe now?โ€ You took his hands and made him follow you into your bedroom. You sat on your bed and urged him to do the same. This way you could finally talk with him more comfortably.
โ€œSylus, we have to talk about it.โ€ You squeezed his hands and he looked at yours and took notice of how much smaller they were in comparison to his. So fragile, so breakable. He couldnโ€™t stand it. His whole body longed to protect you. โ€œI do not despise the idea of spending my time with you. I just canโ€™t randomly leave everything I know and love. And this world is different from the one you know, we have our dangers but no one wants my head.โ€ You explained to him slowly. โ€œThere are no Wanderers. No protocores.โ€ He looked conflicted.
โ€œI already know that sweetheart. I do. But when you disappeared for such a long time I couldnโ€™t help but think that something bad happened to youโ€ he gritted through his teeth. โ€œI nearly lost my mind looking for you everywhere. It was terrifying, that thought in my mind and the idea that I would never have another chance to speak with you. To see you.โ€ He touched your forearms and brought you a little closer to him. โ€œAnd when Mephisto found you safe and sound I thought that I never want to feel that fear, that helplessness again. And the only way to do that is to keep you beside me at all times. To guard you with my own body and soul.โ€ He took your hand and rested it on his chest. You could feel the fast and steady rhythm of his heart. You could feel his desperation, his complete devotion. And it almost made you tear up.
โ€œI-Iโ€™m so sorry that I made you worry this much.โ€ He studied your face with intention and you shake your head. โ€œBut I didnโ€™t even know that you were real. I really thought it was just a game that made me feel less alone and nowโ€ฆโ€ You swallowed audibly. โ€œNow I know that everything I built with you during our time together was very much real and Iโ€™m still having trouble to wrap my head around it to be honest.โ€ You smiled at him softly and he nodded with understanding.
โ€œAnd then you came in and wanted to kidnap me to a world much more dangerous than mine where I do not have my close ones andโ€”โ€œ
โ€œI did NOT mean for that to be a kidnapping I though that you shared my sentiment, and also wanted to spend some timeโ€”โ€œ
โ€œSOME time?? Sylus you wanted me to switch literal worlds and live with you in your freaking villa in the middle of nowhereโ€”โ€
โ€I live in an apartment that has a fantastic location, mind you, and you would feel so comfortable inโ€”โ€œ
โ€Apartament??? You cannot possibly be a freaking leader of Onychinus and live in an apartment complex, are you being serious with me right now??โ€
โ€œHave you ever heard of a saying that the darkest place is under the candlestick, kitten? Besides there is no one in the whole N109 Zone that would pose an actual threat to meโ€”โ€ He cut off when he met your eyes full of laughter, and then he heard that beautiful sound. You burst into giggles right in front of him and you touched him by the bicep and brought his forehead to yours. He couldnโ€™t help but chuckle too, understanding the absurdity of the situation. Feeling your forehead against his, hearing your adorable chuckles and inhaling your sweet scent made him feel so at peace that he closed his eyes to embrace the moment completely. He couldnโ€™t believe that he almost ruined your relationship by being so selfish.
โ€œI missed this. This back and forth with youโ€ You said and he chucked deeply. โ€œI really am happy to see you, Sy. And I swear that we will be able to talk and spent time with each other more often now. And actually see each other in person.โ€ He nuzzled into your face more and you caught his smirk by the corner of your eye. โ€œWe can stay in touch at all times, so that you wonโ€™t have to worry about my safety so much.โ€
โ€œSo bossy, kitten.โ€ He answered, but the small smile did not leave his face. He couldnโ€™t make it go away even if he tried. โ€œForgive me for scaring you earlier. I was not thinking straight. I was just so elated to finally have you in my arms that I let my selfishness get the best of me, and for that Iโ€™m sorry. I did not want to ruin our first meeting, sweetie.โ€ You hugged him by bringing your arms around his chest and he closed his eyes drinking in the proximity. You were too small, too adorable, too attractive for him to take it. Too honest. Too lovable. Made just for him to adore. To protect.
โ€œYou did not ruin anything.โ€ You said into his shirt, hugging him tighter. โ€œI understand you, Sylus. And I like you a little selfish if it means thatโ€™s what brought you to meโ€ He smiled into your hair and reluctantly let go of your fragile frame. He touched your chin and delicately lifted your face up to face him. His eyes were once again drinking you in, committing every single one of your features to his memory. He sighed contentedly.
โ€œSelfishness was not the reason of my visit.โ€ You could see how his eyes softened and you felt your chest squeeze. You brushed his cheek, loving the way how he seemed to relish in your touch. His eyes wandered to your lips: pink, plump and so inviting. โ€œAdoration was. The complete love and devotion that I have felt for you for quite some time now.โ€ You gasped quietly and opened your lips slightly, which didnโ€™t go unnoticed by him.
โ€œAnd I guess a little emotional push was what made me finally find my way to you, my beloved.โ€ He half-whispered, leaned in, and pressed his lips to yours, locking you in a sweet, passionate kiss that went on and on, seeming to deepen with every minute you spent in his embrace.
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backinmyphase ยท 4 months ago
Are we still friends? - G. S.
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Synopsis: There were many times your friendship with Satoru was hanging on a tight string. You had always worked through it. But this time was different. Even if you loved Satoru... - It would be hard to forgive.
wc. 11.2k (I'm sorry :'))
Content warnings: Satoru is a bit of an ass, leaving someone alone in an unsafe environment, SFW, mention of alcohol, Angst, Angst MUCH Angst, comfort to the end, year long pining, Satoru is an idiot and I mean an IDIOT
A/n: Happy birthday Satoru Gojo, my dumb idiot <333 (I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar errors. I also want to thank everyone who said they wanted a whole part of this drabble, I'm happy for every comment)
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Fall 2005
"Why are you avoiding me?"
You finally got him alone, without all his new friends surrounding him and making you feel small. Right here behind the sport gym of this old place you had to call your school. Finally you had a moment alone, to talk to him, after days of silence between you. Finally you could get this weird tension out of the way that had infested itself since the beginning of the school year.
After all it was just Satoru, right?
Just Satoru, who rolled his eyes, while turning his head away. "I'm not."
"Stop lying, you are." You followed his gaze, trying to read his expression. But there was no need for that, since he snapped his head back to you after you spoke, looking at you with that terrible expression which hid nothing.
"Oh my god, just because I am not running after you every day, does it mean I'm avoiding you!" He groaned, a hand in his hair making it messy.
"Jeez, you are so clingy."
You stared at him. Blinked to see if you just imagined that. Blinked again. Nothing changed. "Excuse me?"
He didn't say anything now, which only made your anger grow. "I'm trying to make sense out of your childish actions, Satoru! You are the one who just stopped talking to me, leaving me alone in English, even though we have a project together. And now don't tell me that's not avoidance!"
You were breathing heavily, while glaring at him but he only scoffed with a smile on his face, a smile you didn't know.
"Oh please, if you need help and attention that bad run after your little boyfriend!"
"What?" your voice rose a whole octave. "What are you talking about?"
"You know, Rayo or Ruya, whatever." he waved with his hand, pronouncing every letter of the name with almost disgust.
"Ryu? He is my partner for a physics project, for God's sake!" While shaking your head out of shock, you couldn't help but huff. Of all people, Satoru should know.
"Please." He chuckled with such a cold tone. You have never heard such a tone fron him. "Everyone knows you two are hooking up."
"What?" everything seemed to stop. Slowly you searched his gaze, but Satoru looked away.
"Who says that?"
You have never seen him acting that way. So detached. Why didn't he even look at you? Where was the Satoru who watched sad romance movies with you? Where was the honest Satoru?
Where was your best friend? Where was the Satoru you... Knew?
"Satoru, who is talking about me?"
He kept his head low, but you could still see a small glint of guilt in his eyes.
"Is it your friends?"
Something inside you was panicking at his lack of answer. At the lack of denial. What was also said about you? What did he gossip with them about?
"About what are they talking?"
You could see him gulp. But he still didn't say anything. Why wasn't he saying anything? If he let them talk about you, he at least had to tell you what it was about. Especially since he knew.
You had talked with him about your fear of high school and the way people gossiped and the rumors which ruined the reputation one had to uphold.
You had talked with him about trying to keep your head low.
"Satoru, what are they saying about me?" You couldn't help it, your voice rose.
And then he just started moving. Just walking slowly away. Didn't even look at you before. He could talk with these people about you but couldn't look into your face?
"Satoru if you just walk away now, I swear I will never talk to you again."
He stopped in his tracks.
"Satoru -"
"God, can you shut up?"
It was an ugly scream. But not as ugly as the expression he gave you as he finally looked at you. That was a look of disgust. And with an awfully calm voice he added;
"You are so noisy."
You blinked at him. One time. Two times.
That was not your best friend. That was a boy who was hiding whatever distain he had towards you for years. Years you thought he was the only person who understood you.
People change. People fall out.
"Forget it, Gojo."
Fall 2009
"You are avoiding Satoru."
It's like being pushed into cold water in warm clothes.
The stirring of the kettle is the only sound in the kitchen, helping to keep the awkwardness away. Shoko sat at the kitchen table with a glass of juice, her look remaining on your back, as you made yourself tea.
"I'm not."
Only after the kettle rang you allowed yourself to move again. Carefully, you took the kettle, pouring yourself the hot water into your cup with the teabag.
"You are." She took a sip.
You watched as the water changed its color to light brown.
"He is worried, you know?" you heard the shaking of her head. "Can't stop pestering me."
You couldn't help but scoff as you turned around to her, hot teacup in your hands. You placed it down gently and took a seat opposite of her. "Of course he is."
She was staring at you with that stare you knew. The stare which was contemplating what to do and what to say. You stirred your tea with a small spoon and placed the used teabag on a small tissue. The tea was still way too hot. But you still took a sip.
It burned.
"What did he do?"
You looked at her face. Her eyes were gentle and for the first time since a while she wasn't just Satoru's good friend, she was your roommate. Your friend.
You couldn't help but smile. Even if it didn't reach your eyes.
"What did he tell you?"
And that's when you saw it. Her eyes twitching, glancing at her phone on the side of the table. Just that small glance was enough. You knew. Knew, he had made her start talking to you. Knew, he wanted her to push you to answer. Knew, of course, he sent his friends to ask you, instead of just leaving you alone.
"Just that you are mad at him for no reason again. His words not mine."
Satoru Gojo was such an asshole.
"Sooooo... she didn't tell you anything?"
Satoru would be lying if he said he didn't wait the whole day to meet up with his friends. He had waited in the cafe for roughly an hour now, even though it wasn't the discussed time. But he just couldn't keep waiting. Waiting to get any possible news, any updates of what you could have said. Especially from Shoko.
But she just rolled her eyes at him.
"No Satoru, you should probably know what you did. If she is that mad at you, it's probably something big."
He shook his head, trying to think of anything he did that could've pissed you of. He glanced down at his hot chocolate - his third since he got here - and wondered why you just wouldn't tell him what he did.
After all, communication is key in a friendship, right?
Suguru shook his head at him. "Since when is she avoiding you?"
"Since 9 days." There was no need for math, Satoru had counted down the days since you wouldn't even glance at him, when he tried to talk to you. How you just walked past him in your own apartment, when he met up with Shoko and Geto. How you locked yourself in your room.
"I don't get why she is acting so childish now." he mumbled to himself.
No nod, no wave, no glance. It was crazy. It was dumb. It was just like five years ago when he was the one who shut you out of his life.
The loud sound of Suguru sipping his tea snapped him out of his thoughts. Suguru placed his teacup down on the table and tilted his head.
"Didn't you go out together nine days ago? That Friday?"ย 
There was a beat of silence in the room. Only the sound of the coffee machine in the background and the new customers ordering. Satoru blinked at his friends. One time. Two times.
"We did?"
Geto and Shoko shared a look. "Oh Satoru..."
You couldn't help but groan when you woke up. Your body seemed so heavy as you stood up, like every morning. Well every one since that one.
You glanced around your room, feeling horrible as you saw the dirty dishes you used yesterday. But you just didn't want to eat anywhere else anymore. You didn't continue talking with Shoko yesterday, for all means you started to avoid her too.
You knew, to all your friends you seemed unreasonable. You didn't go out, didn't leave your room and of course ignored Satoru. You worked on your psychology major online, the professors also accepting your work. Overall you tried to avoid any contact with your friends.
Because you just had realized; all of them were also Satoru's friends.
And who of them would put you before him? Before the golden boy Satoru Gojo? The boy who you had held so dearly to your heart.
Too dearly.
Your phone went off, making you sit up. It was already 8 am. You had to go to work or else your boss would be mad.
With one push you got out of bed, making yourself ready. Your phone lit up again. The last days you had started to ignore it. But still you took it everywhere you went.
You tiptoed your way into the kitchen, hoping to avoid running into Shoko. And you sighed relieved, - lucky you - she seemed to still be asleep. No used glasses or dishes. Just you and your kettle.
A coffee machine was too expensive so tea had to hold up.
While the kettle was working, you made yourself a slice of bread, with butter and cheese. Tea and bread, the breakfast of the winners. You took your first sip out of your teacup, sighing at the hot feeling, which warmed you. It was starting to get really cold, you needed the warmth.
It was mornings like these, which made you like fall.
The walk to your workplace was beautiful, the trees all in different colors, painting a picture worth of drawing. But unfortunately you were no artist. You were just a college student working as a part time barista. So you had to hurry up, to please your manager.
The woman wasn't happy with you, since you took the last couple days off. You knew it was hard in this environment, since it sorely relied on the broke students nearby, which were as employees really unreliable. Or at least that was what she was always complaining about.
But you needed the break, or you would have come to work with tear streaks on your cheeks.
You opened the door to the small coffee shop, met by the annoyed look of your manager. She stood at the counter with her arms crossed, her face only lighting up by a small bit as she saw you.
"There you are! Hurry up, we open in 10 minutes. So change into uniform!" she went into the backrooms, her voice echoing in the room. "Hurry, I said!"
You couldn't help but sigh, as you retreated into the small changing room.
There was something so heavy, when you started dressing in the apron. An uncomfortable feeling, a feeling telling you you are sick and should head home. But you had to pay to have a home.
You made your way back to the counter, leaning on it, while hoping there wouldn't be as many customers as usual.
You turned around to look at the menu and you were surprised, there were a couple of new additions on it. Macchiato and Flat white, which you have never made before. You hoped it could just be made by the expensive coffee machine next to the menu.
There were also new teas added to the menu. Lemon and Mint were new kinds, but personally you wouldn't drink them.
A ring behind you startled you. Great. You glanced at the clock next to the big menu. 9:05. Insane people.
You kept your look on the coffee machine, searching for the buttons you will have to use, trying to calm yourself that it was only one person. Even if their steps to the counter were very determined, surely they were just a normal person, wanting a normal coffee? Not a big order, you had to triple take to get right, surely?
You turned around. "Good morning, how can I -"
You stopped as you saw the white hair.
There he stood, leaning forward on the counter, white hair standing a bit up and those ocean eyes staring up at you.
" - help you."
That's why you needed a break. Because he knew where you worked. And you knew he would show up, distracting you, making you furious with just his smug face.
"You haven't answered my texts."
While squinting your eyes, you said again with a firmer voice; "How can I help you?"
He frowned, taking his arms off the counter while standing up straight again. But as he studied your expression, he seemed to get what you wanted to get across. He sighed.
"A hot chocolate please."
You nodded, while pretending to type things into the Cash register to keep your eyes down. Avoiding his piercing look.
"Here or take out?"
"Here. I will sit over there." he pointed at the small table, which was probably the nearest to the counter, making your inner self groan, which was hoping he would just get his drink and leave. But no, this was Satoru and of course he had to pester you even here.
"Alright, take a seat, your drink will be there in a second."
You waited for him to go to his table, but he didn't. No, he just stood there before you, like he was waiting for something.
You went over to the machine and started working it, but he still just stared at you. Making no effort to sit down. Even the sound of the machine pouring milk into the cup didn't fill the awkward silence.
"Is there something else you need?"
You could hear him clearing his throat. "You weren't here the last days."
And you were? Well good, you took the last days off. You took the finished cup of hot sweet delicious browness and placed it on the counter in front of him, while still not looking at him. "No, I wasn't. Is that all?"
He continued to stare at you. You were watching his hands, which were slowly engulfing the hot cup, while he still looked at you. You waited for him to finally go to his seat. He didn't. "Why won't you tell me what I did?"
"Is that all?" you raised your voice, leaning a bit back and turning your head a bit so you could glance at the back rooms. "If so, please let me work in peace."
"It was that Friday night, right?" he was whispering. "What did I do? What did we do?"
You froze. There was something so surreal of him asking what he did wrong. Like that was a reasonable question. Like you were mad for a small forgettable reason, something one could just forget about.
Like someone one could just forget about.
"Is there an issue here?" the head of your manager popped out of the backrooms, staring at the two of you. Well, at least someone listened to what you were saying.
"Not at all." you looked up and smiled at Satoru. "The young man here was just about to sit down at his table."
His face hardened at your words. But with a lot of self control, he also formed a smile, while starting to move. "Yeah, was just having a lovely chat with the barista about the new menu."
Your boss nodded and went back into the back rooms while Satoru finally sat down at the table. Your rapid heart beat, which you hadn't even noticed slowed down by the larger distance between you and him than just the small counter.
But there was still the tension between you, since no one else was in the shop, just you, him and your annoyed boss.
And his gaze was locked onto you while he drank his hot chocolate. Why was it so hard to avoid his piercing eyes? They were like magnets you really wouldn't want to be hung up on because just one look and a panic inside you rose, making you want to lock yourself up in the bathroom. And even though he had his laptop set up before him, he didn't spare it a glance.
Why did Gojo Satoru have such a presence?
You glanced at the clock. 9:36.
Would he stay here for the next 6 hours of your work? No, that would only one insane person do. Right? You dropped your gaze on the cashier register. Why couldn't you just be left alone?
God you needed a break.
A ring of the door made you look up again and you saw a soaked Utahime coming through the door, cursing at her broken Umbrella. Huh, you didn't even notice it had started to rain outside. Even though now, the sound of the water falling against the windows seemed so loud.
"Of course it starts, when I try to get to work..." Utahime muttered while placing her umbrella near the entrance. But her face lit up when she saw you.
"Oh, thank god you are back, it was hell without you! I had to deal with -" But as she looked at you her gaze dropped to Satoru, who was now really interested in his laptop.
"Oh. You are also here Gojo." Her face changed into a frown, while she walked close to the counter. She looked at you with a grimace. "What a surprise."
Satoru just huffed, but kept his gaze on his laptop. "Always a pleasant one, Utahime."
"Utahime?" The voice of your boss was coming from the back rooms, now louder than before, in the tone which meant trouble. "Get here immediately!"
Utahime looked at you and rolled her eyes, making a couple of gestures to illude to throwing up. But her voice was still kept professional. "Coming!"
"Someone is in trouble..." Satoru was grinning to himself while he typed something into his program. Utahime just scoffed while she went to the back rooms door.
"Well, I am not the only one, am I Gojo?"
Oh god, he didn't like that, you could see it in his falling grin. And while Utahime disappeared into the back rooms, you hoped he wouldn't open his mouth. But of course your hopes were for nothing.
He stood up and went to the counter with his now empty cup. Placing it with a bit of force on the counter. "Okay, I get it you know. I fucked up."
"But you could at least give me a chance to talk it out."
Just one look at his oh so deep eyes, made you avert your eyes to his cup. His words making you feel alone, exposed and so so uncomfortable. "Do you want to order more?"
He groaned and his hands found their way into his hair. "Please, drop it and just talk to me! You are making such a big deal -"
"Are you even listening to yourself?" your voice was much quieter now, barely a whisper. "You are already belittling me even though you don't know what my problem is. You already assume it's something small and stupid."
You looked up at his dumbfounded face. He blinked at you. You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief. "This whole time you are talking about making things right and that you need to talk to me, but not once have you thought about giving me space this last week!"
You pointed at the small room around the two of you. "I mean you are even now here, at my workplace!"
His voice was filled with uncertainty now. "Yeah, because you wouldn't talk to me or Shoko -"
"Which should be sign enough to leave me alone, Satoru. How would you say it?" A small scoff left your lips. "I think 'Stop, being so clingy?'"
A silence filled the room. The quiet talking of Utahime and your manager could be heard, but the words to unclear to understand. Satoru held his head low now, almost averting your gaze.
"But-" your voice was shaking and you wanted to hit yourself for it. "If you want so desperately to know what I am mad about, I guess I can freshen up your memory."
Still silent. You guessed you should keep going. "Last Friday, we went to that club, you wanted to show me, you remember?"
"The one where you ditched me for all these other people?"
You looked down at the cashier register and hoped hoped you could hide the vulnerability in your voice. The room was completely silent. The only sound the falling raindrops against the window.
Until he laughed.
The sound of the little chuckles made something inside of you turn, you felt like throwing up. You looked up at him to see a relieved face. A. relieved. One.
"What are you laughing about." it was hard to speak while your teeth were pressed together with more force you had ever used.
Satoru stopped but the little smile remained. Your hand was itching at that smile.
"Sorry, sorry." he cleared his throat. "But I mean we can spend more time together, if you want that? I mean you still mean much more to me than thes-"
"Satoru." you raised your hand signaling him to stop speaking. "Why do you think I was avoiding you?"
"I - I don't really get...?" he was stopping mid his sentence, now looking confused. "You know it's okay if you were jealous, I never meant to make you -"
"JEALOUS?" You gripped the counter so hard, your fingers were turning white. "You think my problem is jealousy?"
He shut his mouth, blinking so clueless like again. It was exhausting.
"No, Satoru, my problem is not that I was jealous you spend time with other people." you gritted out, while typing in his hot chocolate, to distract your hand before you were hitting him. "My problem is that you abandoned me. Alone in a club, I didn't know."
"You left me drunk and clueless alone at a club with no one I knew. Miles away from my apartment. Left me to ask strangers where my ride was, while they pitied me, because the great Gojo Satoru had already left."
You dared to look up into his eyes, hoping he could finally see your mental state. Finally getting why you were so petty. Making such a big deal.
"That's why I am mad."
His look turned wide and blank. You couldn't keep looking at it and broke the eye contact. He didn't move, just stood there before you. But you could see his hands gripping the cup, he was holding.
Just as you saw him open his mouth again, Utahime came back, now with her uniform on. She had a blank smile on her face and a sharp glare on Satoru. "Do you want to order? I can take yours."
He gaped a bit at that but his face quickly turned stoic. "No, thank you. I was just about to pay and leave."
You nodded took the cup he was just holding on. It was warm. "That will be $4.30."
With a bit of force he pressed a $5 dollar bill on the counter and turned to his seat. While grabbing his things, you could see his eyes focusing on the floor. And you knew there was no reason, but you felt bad. Something about this felt like it was your fault. Like you were overreacting. Even though it was just how you felt.
The door shut softly behind him. He disappeared just as fast as he had appeared.
"Thank you." You whispered to Utahime, and she smiled at you gently.
Truth be told, you wouldn't call her a close friend. You just knew her through Shoko, since she was your roommate and Utahime was a couple of times over. Thus you knew her still over Satoru.
But she did help you get this job and was always a pleasant coworker.
"No problem. You want to share it over a cup of coffee?" she winked at you while leaning on the counter.
"Are you working over there?" the voice of your boss echoed through the room. "Get to work!"
Utahime rolled her eyes. She spoke now in a careful whisper. "I guess after work?"
Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a person who wasn't so close with Satoru, would it?
"I would like that."
Spring 1995
"Come on sweetie, say hello to Satoru."
You held onto the leg of your mother as you stared at this strange boy. There was something ominous about his eyes and his white hair. You had never seen someone like him before. And he had that intimidating look...
Your mother placed a hand on top of your head, laughing a bit as you tightened your grip on her. "Good job. Now go play with him, while we make the cake ready, okay?"
You looked up to her and nodded. She smiled back and gave you a small nod, signaling you to let her leg go. With a heavy heart you let her go into the kitchen with the other woman, who she called Mrs. Gojo.
You looked back at the boy, who was still staring at you with those intimidating eyes. Why did your mother bring you with her again? She said something along the lines, it would be important to fit into the new neighborhood and greet them properly. But right now?
You just stood there awkwardly, trying to understand this strange boy.
He would probably never speak to you, you just hoped the time would pass as quickly as possible. You wanted to eat the cake Mrs. Gojo made as a welcoming gift...
He opened his mouth and closed it again. His eyes now focused onto the ground before he started to speak;
"Do you like Digimon??"
He looked at you with big eyes, which suddenly didn't seem intimidating at all. He fidgeted with his hands, while tilting his head.
"I guess... But I don't know much about it."
His eyes lit up and he smiled so excitedly. "That's not a problem! I can show you!"
And just like that he took your hands, pulling you with him into his room. The room was big, much bigger than your own. There were a couple of posters, of what you guessed were some mons, you didn't know.
He let go off your hand to pull out a big box. And when he opened it, there were a couple of cards inside, which you had never seen before.
"What are these?"
"I will tell you, just sit down." he let himself fall down next to the box, now going through the cards. He took a couple of them out and looked at them each individually.
You carefully sat down, while watching him. His big blue eyes had an excited glint in them and his white hair was shining under the light.
Satoru Gojo was a strange neighbor...
Fall 2009
"And he just left you alone at this club?" Utahime frowned, while placing her cup of coffee down. "And he forgot about it?"
You shrugged, glancing outside the window. It had stopped to rain in the afternoon. You were free now, since your and Utahime's shift had ended and you were glad Satoru didn't come back.
"I guess he did."
She shook her head and scoffed. "And now he comes to your doorstep-"
"Well actually, it is not mine but the coffee shops-"
"-asking why you are ignoring him? The nerve!"
A loud sip later she continued; "Gojo has to be humbled, my god!"
You couldn't help but smile at her antics. It was kinda sweet how she got so worked up over your business. You were glad she wasn't just on his side. You watched her sip again and sighed. "If it wasn't for that guy who drove me home, who would guess what could've happened?"
She huffed.
"If I'm being honest I wouldย reflect upon the whole friendship. It just shows how self absorbed he is."
You sipped on your bitter coffee.
"Yeah, well he is still Satoru."
Summer 2003
"Wait for me outside later, okay?"
You smiled as you read the note Satoru had left on your windowsill. There was just such a feeling of excitement every time you read one of his notes, it made your heart race and your face hot.
That was normal right?
"Mum!" you ran into the living room, hoping to catch her before she went to get groceries. "Did you get me the kimono for the festival??"
She way already ready to leave as she sighed at your question. "Yes, sweetie I did. And I also told you that yesterday."
"Can you help me lat-"
"Yes, I will help you get it on, now shoo." she laughed and pointed towards the kitchen. "Young madam, you can worry about the firework after you did the dishes!"
You gasped as you remembered the mountain of dirty dishes you had to clean before the evening and started rushing towards the kitchen. "Already on it Mum!"
You heard her laugh as the door shut behind her leaving you alone. You let the water run into the sink, while organizing the dishes. You took a sponge and started cleaning the plates, which never seemed to end.
Oh, how excited you were for later! It was your first real festival here and Satoru had promised to show you around. And there would be fireworks, now; in summer! Your first own kimono, and your first time visiting a festival you would spend with a friend.
You placed the finished plates next to the sink, taking a towel to dry them. After you finished them, you sat down before the TV and watched what was on.
You didn't even notice how fast the time passed, til you heard the door click from the keys from your mother. You looked at the clock to see it was already 18:30 and shrieked.
"Mum, mum, can you help me now!! Pleaseee?" You jumped out of your seat on the couch and sprinted towards her, looking at her with the eyes you put on when you begged for something.
"Yeah, you can go into my room while I organize the groceries, okay? The kimono is in the closet." she took of her jacket while smiling at you exhausted.
"Okay!" and just like that you turned around and ran into the small room of your mother.
Her closet was always something magical, if it were the high heel or the jewelry you tried to put on while she was away. Your heart was beating fast as you opened it slowly. As you saw it you gasped.
The kimono dress was so pretty. Almost to pretty. You gently took it between your fingers, gasping at the soft fabric. You liked it. You really did. But...
Was it maybe to pretty for you? To fancy?
"Alright, sweetheart." your mother clapped one time as she stepped in, a soft smile on her face. "Let's make you ready, okay?"
"Yeah.." you took a look in the mirror on the cupboard of your mother and tried to imagine, just imagine, what Satoru would say if you were completely overdressed. You tried to shake it off, trying to get as excited as before, but you just couldn't. The excitement gave a bit of space away for the growing doubt and fear.
Maybe you should play sick...
"Alright, firstly try to put the under dress on and i will help you with putting the kimono dress over and so on." she chuckled and took the kimono out of your hands, eyeing it. She placed it onto her bed gently and went up to the door again. "I will go outside while you change. Just call me when you need help."
You sighed as she closed door, eying the under dress you had picked out. But even though you didn't feel comfortable anymore and the ball of doubt in your stomach was eating you up, you still took of the other clothes and slipped into the under dress.
You didn't like how it fit you anymore. Your stomach hurt. Why did it suddenly hurt?
"Everything alright, sweetie?" the voice of your mother was filled with a slight tone of concern.
"Yeah, you can come in." you glanced at the pretty kimono dress on the bed and feared how it would look on you.
"Okaaay-" she stepped back in and smiled as she saw you. "Perfect! Then let me put the kimono dress on."
She helped you into the kimono dress, watched as the ends of the dress fell onto the ground. Focused, she took the ends and checked something before she tightened it.
"What are you doing, mum?"
"Hace to check if it is above your ankles. It shouldn't touch the ground while tightened." she stood up and patted your dress a bit down. "It's supposed to be a bit big up here."
Her concentrated face was a sight to see, while she adjusted how the dress was sitting. She took a step back and gently placed the obi on the rope which was tightening the kimono. After it was sitting she took a step back again and whistled. "Such a pretty lady!"
The dress was comfortable, even if you felt a bit out of place in it.
"Soooo-" your mother turned you to the mirror, making you sit down on the bed. "Now your hair."
Fall 2009
You threw your bag onto the wardrobe as soon as you stepped into your apartment, groaning from exhaustion.
"Someone's grumpy." a playful laugh rang softly. Shoko poked her head out of the kitchen watching you take your jacket and shoes off.
"You could've warned me that he will visit my workplace, you know?" you grumbled while pushing softly past her to get into kitchen. She huffed with a small smile on her face.
"I would've, if you talked to me."
"God, I need a hot tea..." you shook your head while turning on the kettle. "It's raining cats and dogs outside. And of course it only started again, after I left the shop."
Shoko chuckled a bit, now making her way over to the fridge. "I wanted to make noodles today, do you want to eat with me?"
The kettle rang again, making a smile steal its way onto your face. "If you have enough for two?" You poured yourself a cup of tea, the water changing its color to light red.
Today you chose fruit tea.
"Yeah, don't worry." she opened the fridge and took her orange juice out of it. "Just missed eating and talking with you."
You took a sip out of your tea and sighed at the heavenly warmth flooding you shortly after.
"You're not going to talk about Satoru, are you?" you turned around to her, to see her sigh as she closed the fridge.
"Only if you want to." She took a glass and poured herself orange juice into it. "But I don't need to. I mean, if I'm being honest, it wasn't the nicest thing of me to pressure you to into talking about it."
She sipped a bit, smiling a reminiscing smile. "Was just worried about you and him, since he was constantly texting and venting to me about his worries."
You sat down at the table, cup of tea in your hand and just warmed yourself. Shoko sat down at the opposite side, tilting her head a bit. "Utahime texted me a couple minutes ago. Asked if you made it home safely."
You couldn't help but smile at that. "Greet her from me and you can reassure her that I made it."
Shoko nodded and started typing on her phone. A couple of seconds later she began to smile at her phone and looked up at you. "Hey, Utahime and I wanted to meet up here tomorrow to watch some movies. You wanna join?"
"Yeah, sure." you watched as she typed a new message and hit send.
"Great!" Shoko rested her head on her left hand, while she held her phone in the other. "Oh, and I can give you her number if you want to? She told me that you had a lovely conversation."
You laughed a bit before pulling your phone out. "I would love to have her number." And just after a couple of minutes you had Utahime's contact and a meet up tomorrow.
"Alright." Shoko put her phone away and stood up, making her way over to the stove. "Enough with that, the noodles don't make themselves!"
You watched as she cooked, a comfortable silence making it's way into the room. Something inside you had changed after you had spoken with Utahime. Something inside you was happy. Happy you weren't alone in your frustration and anger towards Satoru. That your feelings were valid.
Summer 2003
You waited a long time.
You stood alone before the entrance of the festival, waiting for Satoru just like he had asked you to. People were going by, most of them older than you. Some of them stopped to ask you if you were okay, only leaving if you reassured them you were alright.
You felt anxious like never before. Satoru was late.
"Hey, are you okay?" a boy probably in your age stopped by, just like the people before him.
"Yeah, I'm just waiting." you smiled at him, trying to convince him, but he frowned.
"For what?"
"My friend." you muttered, trying to keep your calm. You didn't want to think about what your long wait could mean.
"But I have seen you standing here an hour ago, are you sure your friend is still coming? If they aren't and you keep waiting, you will miss the fun." the boy pouted.
You watched the next people going by, a couple walking by while holding hands. You heard some whispers about the fireworks and you couldn't help it, tears were starting to build up.
You knew it was dumb. But today you had wanted to say it. You had wanted to say it to him during the fireworks. You had wanted that, but he seemed to have forgotten you were waiting for him...
"I've to go, my parents are calling for me." the boy looked behind him, before he turned to you again. "Try to enjoy your stay here, okay?"
Then he just ran away.
Just like that you were standing there alone again. You felt so stupid for getting dressed up, to care so much about this. Why did you care so much?
And even though you didn't feel like it, you followed the boys advice and walked into the festival.
The stands looked fun and they had cool prices. You saw an older guy win a plushy for his friend, shoetly after placing a small kiss on his cheek. You looked away shortly, feeling like a creep for watching them.
And even though it all looked fun, it didn't feel like it when you were walking here alone.
"Hey, do you want a candy apple?" A woman called out behind a stand, smiling at you.
"Oh, no thank you, I don't have that much money." you apologized but she shook her head, waving fo you to get closer. So you did slip through the people in your way to the stand.
"Don't worry, it's on the house." she winked as she gave you one candy apple.
With a bit of hesitation you took it from her. But you weren't hungry, so you just kept it in your hand while continuing to walk.
And after a long walk you finally reached the watch place of the fireworks. It was under a hill, there were already many people, sitting and talking with each other. And after you saw that you couldn't keep the tears in.
You cried hot tears, because you felt so stupid.
While sitting down on a bench on top of the hill, you gripped your candy apple. The ugly sobbing just didn't stop, didn't matter how much you tried to stiffle it. Oh god, why couldn't you stop-
"Hey." His voice startled you. But even though it was loud because of the people you knew it was Satoru who spoke from behind you.
"Please don't cry." he walked up next to you, sitting down next to you onto the bench. But you couldn't look at him. Not when you still had tears in your eyes.
"You are late." your voice was hoarse, god it was so embarrassing.
He was silent for a couple of seconds. Then he spoke;
"I know, I'm sorry. I wanted to get you flowers but-" he stopped and turned to another direction. "The flower shop was closed and I didn't know. So I - Well, I -"
You blinked at him, the last tears flowing down. And then he turned to you and you saw them. Daisies. He hold onto just a few of them. They weren't fresh, most of them already hanging their heads.
But that somehow made them even prettier.
"I wanted to bring you Daisies." he muttered and looked down at them.
You couldn't help but softly laugh, the sobbing dying out. Your cheeks were drying, and your candy apple didn't seem like your last holding point anymore.
"Thank you, Satoru." you whispered with still a hoarse voice. "But why Daisies?"
That's when a loud bang made you look up into the sky. The first firework was raining upon the sky, the red lights illuminated the sky, painting a beautiful picture.
"They make me think of you."
You turned to Satoru and for the first time tonight looked him in the eyes. His beautiful eyes. The fireworks somehow made them even more gorgeous.
"I'm sorry I came late, I really am." he glanced at the candy apple in your hands. "You probably enjoyed the evening more without me."
Another bang made you look up again. The new firework was a yellow one, looking like it was raining gold from the sky.
"Do you want it?" you held the sweet apple in front of him. "I don't really want it."
He blinked at you, his face going from guilt to embarrassment. "You can't do that!" He muttered. "You can't just give me your candy apple."
A purple firework lit up the sky again. You tilted your head as you looked at him. "Why is that? You like sweets."
He wanted to say something, but only seconds after, he did take your candy apple. He handed you the Daisies, which were changing color through the lights. Just like his hair.
He hesitated, but bit into the candy apple, while holding it with one hand. It looked a bit clumsy but also endearing.
You felt tired but something inside you was so happy. Yeah, he was late. So what? He still cared about you. And that was what counted in the end.
You could feel him glance at you as you looked into the sky watching the different colors exploding and painting the dark night. And then you felt it.
His hand engulfing yours.
"You look pretty in that kimono."
Fall 2009
"Satoru, stop drowning yourself in the shower, I have to shower too!"
Satoru groaned at the voice of his roommate and friend. The cold water was so relaxing, like it was washing a bit of his uneasiness away.
Of the girl he made out with that Friday.
"Chill, I'm almost finished." he called out while going through his wet hair again, while the water rained down.
God, the weekend was awful. You just hadn't left his head, he couldn't believe that he did what you accused him of doing. He didn't remember that Friday precisely. He had probably drank too much. There was only one thing he surely remembered.
There was this guy who had flirted with you while you were working in the coffee shop that Friday. God, the way he looked at you made him want to-
The rest of that day was vague. He remembered that girl that was clinging to him. She wasn't really his type but he was drunk so he had let her kiss him. But he didn't know what else he did. But to just forget you? That didn't sound like himself.
"Satoru!" Suguru called out again.
"I'm coming!" Satoru turned of the shower with a huff. He took his things and dressed himself in sweatpants and a hoodie.
"Someone has to make sure you don't do something stupid." Suguru muttered as Satoru stepped out of the bathroom.
"Well, it's not you, you do equally stupid things." he grinned at his best friend and stepped to the side, to make space for him. "The shower is yours."
"Yeah, yeah, Satoru."
Suguru disappeared into the bathroom, lifting a heavy weight of Satoru's shoulders. He didn't want to keep worry his friend. Yeah, he felt shitty but he didn't have to make it everyone's problem. Oh well, he tried not to.
His room was dirty. He hadn't left it the last three days, only to shower and to get food and water. He had watched every comforting movie, but even those weren't helping, since he just remembered they were always comforting because he had watched them with you. Whose reactions can he watch when he is sitting alone in his room?
Normally Satoru would call himself as a rather put well together person. But when it came to you, he acted irrational, dumb, stupid, overall he was just not thinking. With you the emotions were always stronger, didn't matter if good or bad. And he knew that wasn't healthy.
But he didn't know how to change it.
He didn't want to have bad things between the two of you. He wanted to make it right, to make you look at him again. But he also didn't want to push your boundaries anymore. Even though it was itching in his fingers to get up and go to your work to apologize.
But that wouldn't work, he knew that. So he had to apologize differently.
His phone buzzed and for a slight second he hoped it was you. But it wasn't. It was that privat unknown number that kept calling him, even though he ignored it.
And he knew he shouldn't, but his energy was low, so he just answered. "Hello? Who is there?"
There was a bit of rustling on the other side and a gasp could be heard. "Satoru, I gave you my number, didn't I?" It was a female voice he couldn't quite decipher. "Didn't you safe it?"
"I'm sorry, -" he felt a bit uneasy at the tone of the voice. "But who are you?"
There was a second gasp. "You wound me Satoru! After we had such a lovely evening..." Her voice went a bit lower. "Oh, wait... Did you forget me?"
Her giggling after that made him confused. "Anyway, I'm Haoka, silly!"
"Well, I don't know you, so please stop calling me." He was already on the button to end the call as she called out; "Wait! You really don't remember? We were together that Friday, in the 'Crying Angel', that club."
Oh god, he wanted to face-palm himself. Why did he give anyone there his number?
"We shared some glasses of wine and some of the fun stuff the bartender brought..."
Slowly some memories came back. Pictures of him sitting in that uncomfortable couch, but feeling so at peace...
"And then you pulled me onto your lap and kissed me-"
He remembered vaguely how he felt something big and warm against his chest as he had zoned out. He knew he had made out with some girl beforehand, but that he gave her his number...
"Haoka, was it? I'm sorry but I was literally drunk out of my mind, would you stop harassing me?" He heard her be quiet for once. "Thank you."
"Wai-" he stopped the call and sighed.
Well, he had to apologize to you somehow.
A week later
"L/n!" you flinched as you heard your manager call out to you from the door of the coffee shop. You sighed to yourself while walking to your workplace. It was 8.30am foe God's sake. Couldn't you just walk to work in peace without being told to hurry?
"I'm coming!" you called out, and walked a bit faster. A couple of seconds later you were on the doorstep of the little shop.
"New flowers came for you." your manager shook her head while pointing to the counter. "That's nice and all, but if you can, tell the one who is sending them, that they should send them to your address and not to ours, okay? I'm not always here to get them for you."
There on the counter they were. Fresh, healthy daisies, waiting for you.
"Yeah, sorry." you muttered and disappeared into the changing room. Behind the closed door you wanted to sink into the floor. And you wanted to die from embarrassment, because there was also a bit of giddiness in side your stomach.
After you changed you walked behind the counter, the white flowers were shining up to you. And of course there was a small note attached, just like with the rest. The last days, there was written:
I'm sorry. I know I was an ass.
Is there something I can do? I don't want us to fall apart.
Can we talk?
They were always small notes and you wished you didn't, but you did keep them with you. The last nights you always read them again and wondered if you should call him. Taking your phone and staring at it for half an hour. But in the end you always chickened out.
The coffee shop door opened and Utahime came in, yawning. "Good morning."
"Good morning." you smiled at her as she came up to you. "Slept well?"
She scoffed while taking of her bag from her shoulder and placing it behind the counter next to you. "Don't even start."
She was already turning to go to the changing room, when she stopped in her tracks. Her look hanging on the new flowers in the small vase. She rolled her eyes and scoffed again. "He's still sending them?"
"Yeah." you kept your gaze on the white flowers.
"You know, I don't want to influence you too much. You know I was never a fan of Satoru." Utahime was whispering now, her voice gentle. "But don't let him pressure you with these gifts, okay? If you want to talk to him, do it, but don't forget what he did just because of some pretty flowers."
There was something big in your throat. You tried to swallow it, you really did, but it just didn't succeed. So you spoke with a hoarse voice; "Okay, I won't."
She smiled softly before she turned and went into the changing room.
You knew there was a new note. But you were so scared to look at it. Because even though he wasn't here, it was still a confrontation with Satoru. And you were scared of talking to him right now, because you knew how sentimental you can get when it came to Satoru.
You didn't want to keep thinking about him. Especially at work when you were alone with your thoughts and the coffee. But with these flowers beside you it was impossibile to think of anything or anyone else.
You wanted to know. Wanted to know how he responded to your lack of response.
Carefully, you separated the note from the flower it was attached to. The flower was the only one whose head was slightly hanging. The paper felt like fire in your hands. You heard Utahime's steps towards the counter and you knew she had seen what was in your hands. But she didn't act like she saw, she just turned to the door waiting for a costumer to come in. So you opened it.
You couldn't help it. You've got to know.
Are we still friends? - G. S.
Your eyes were starting to burn, your vision blurring before your eyes. You couldn't, you shouldn't but you did. You started to tear up.
"Hey, you okay?" You heard Utahime's soft whisper next to you. You wanted to answer, you really did, but your mouth didn't let you.
Utahime started to move again as she heard you sob one more time and went into the back rooms. You didn't hear it loud and clearly but you could decipher the words she spoke to your manager.
"L/n isn't feeling well. She-" The door shut completely behind her and you didn't hear more.
You tried to catch your breath, however it seemed impossible. Slowly you took a breath in, a breath out. In. Out.
It was 9 am. You were at work. Everything was okay.
"Hey." You didn't notice Utahime was next to you again, missing her steps towards you. "I spoke to her, you can go."
"What?" you looked up at her in surprise.
She sighed. "I hate to say it, but it won't get better if you don't talk it out with him. You don't have to do it today, but you are obviously not in the right state to sit here next to these flowers for hours, or are you?"
You slightly shook your head head. She smiled softly. "Then get going."
For a second you just blankly stared at her. But then it hit you. You could leave. Should leave. And today you would do it. You would talk to him and speak your whole mind. Yeah, you would tell him how you felt after the last confusing years, where he treated you like the sun one second and like shit the next. Not tomorrow. Today.
"Thank you." you hurried to the changing room, poking your head out before closing it. "Thank you!"
You heard her laugh, while you hastly changed. The apron was off in seconds, you had to stop and take a breath, before you opened the door again.
You hurried to take your bag and as you arrived back at the counter, your gaze fell onto the flowers on the counter. It was dumb. But you took them out of the vase and held them dearly to your heart.
"Get well soon." Utahime winked at you as you stood at the door. You gulped, but smiled back.
"I'll try.
-------> At home
The door was shut fastly behind you, you hurried to the kitchen to get the flowers a small cup as a vase. There was a small blue one, which was also not too small, so you took it. Filled it with water, as your eyes fell onto a note on the fridge.
Will be away for the whole day, medicine exam is eating me up - Shoko
Oh. Shoko was with her study group. Medicine was a hard major. But to be honest right now you didn't really think much about it. The only thing in your mind was the phone in your bag.
You placed the little cup-vase onto the kitchen table. The daisies were smiling at you, just like they were six years ago.
You wanted to smile back but it didn't feel like the time for that.
Your hand took your phone out of your bag. You watched as you fiddled with it. Wondering if maybe you should do it tomorrow, since you were pretty exhausted-
No. Today.
Your fingers were shaking as you typed his number. Hesitating before the dialing button. But in the end you did press it.
Your anxiety rose by thousands as you heard the dialing tone. And by the third time it rang you wanted to hang up, until -
His voice was a bit hesitant and quiet. You were shaking, wondering why you called him, without thinking what words precisely to say, why did you just call him without any plan-
"Stop sending flowers to my workplace." your voice was slightly shaking, just like your hands. "My manager can't keep picking them up."
"Oh." it was very quiet on the other side. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you trouble with them."
A silence made it's way into the call. You heard him breath and you were sure he heard your anxious breathing too. God, this whole idea was a mess.
"Hey." he spoke again. "Do you want to talk about it? Are you ready to talk about it?"
"Yeah, I'm ready." your voice was a whisper.
The second silence followed, this one even a bit more tense.
"Can I come over, or is that to much?"
Your breath hitched, suddenly this seemed so real. You were stupid for it but you did miss him. You wanted to see him.
"It's okay." you muttered and heard a relieved sigh from him.
"Good, because I am almost there."
And just like that he hung up. Leaving you standing dumbfounded in your kitchen, the realization slowly settling. Wait, he meant immediately? You didn't think he would be already on his way, you still didn't know what to say!
God, you needed a tea.
Today was a green tea day. You worked your kettle, trying to keep your cool. But it was near impossible. How could you remain calm, when Satoru was coming over? Satoru, who was usual never wanting to have a serious talk?
You looked at your kettle, only to realize it had been the doorbell. Okay. It was time.
You opened the door of your apartment, to see a soaked Satoru standing before you, breathing heavy.
"Sorry for the rush, I didn't want to intimidate you." he muttered while his eyes were locked onto the ground. "I just had to see you in person."
"It's alright." Well, he still intimidated you, but in the end you wanted to see him in person too. At least you think you did, when you look at his wet, but still gorgeous hair. At his blue ocean like eyes. It was just Satoru.
You let him into your apartment, hurrying to your kettle, who was now ringing too. You heard him shut the door, as you poured yourself a cup of tea, watching as the water turned green.
His steps echoed through the apartment, until he stood there, in the doorframe of the kitchen. His eyes now locked onto you as you glanced at him. You took your tea cup and sat down at the table. Gesturing with your hand that he should sit down too. He did.
You saw him gulp, but he kept quiet. You took a long sip.
His eyes widened a bit. Then he cleared his throat. "I wanted to apologize to you. Like, really apologize. I know I messed up."
You could see his hands fidgeting but he still kept his eyes on you.
"I don't remember what I was thinking. And I mean that literally, I drank so much that I didn't remember even going to this club." he shook his head. "Not that that excuses anything. My first mistake was drinking carelessly. And I'm so-"
"Why did you?" you stopped him. He tilted his head a bit as you looked at him. "You treated me horrible that evening. You left me alone at the entrance of that club, drank your brain away and then disappeared. Why did you leave me alone at the entrance, why did you drink so much?"
His body tensed up and you knew you struck a nerve.
"And you know that's not the first time." you muttered. "It's like three years ago, when you suddenly made that shift to treat me horrible and then dropped me as a friend."
Silence made itself into the room.
"And then you come back to apologize and want everything to go back as it were, but it doesn't." you whispered. "I can pretend that it does, but it doesn't. Because I just don't feel appreciated as a person. For you I'm always-" Your voice broke a bit.
"For you I'm always just the safe backup. Because I always forgive you and you know it."
"That's not true." Satoru tried to grab your hands on the table, but you pulled them away. Any form of contact right now would kill you.
"Then what is it, Satoru? It feels like you never told me."
His eyes faced the table, now looking like he was sick. His posture was stiff as he fidgeted more with his fingers.
"I'm an idiot, you know?" he was mumbling. "A coward and a selfish idiot."
"What are you talking about?" you gripped onto your warm teacup. He looked at your hands, a nervous chuckle escaping him.
"It's just -" he stopped. While looking at you he shook his head and abruptly stood up. Speaking with his hands on his face, his voice a bit muffled but still understandable. "I want you to know that everything I will say is not me trying to justify my behavior, okay? I just - I own you an honest explanation."
You looked at him, as he seemed to hide himself behind his hands. You were scared. Scared of what he will say. But you knew you also wanted and needed to know. "Alright, then tell me Satoru."
It's silent again, the only thing you heard was the sound of a neighbor's key falling outside of the Appartement. Satoru was messing with his hair, while he avoided to look at you. You could see the gear wheels in his head working, trying to make out what to say. He took a sharpy breath.
"Every time I notice that we are growing more together or become closer, it's just so, -" he shook his head. "It's so scary. Because I notice how I start to feel and act and I -, well I get cold feet and try to push you away. Because I know, that it's stupid for me to feel how I feel, and I don't want to lose our friendship and-"
"Wait, wait, wait." you raised your hand. "You're pushing me away because you don't want to lose our friendship?"
He groaned. "It's stupid I know and in the last years I have become better, but it's just-, god, every time I see someone flirting with you and you look so happy, my emotions become so big and I get angry with everything."
"Satoru what do you mean? Why would you - I don't understand." now it was your turn to hide your head behind your hands.
"That Friday, before we went to that club together. I have seen you with that guy, who bought you a drink at your workplace. And you laughed so much, I just felt so shitty because I realized-" his voice is shaking. "I realized that I still have feelings for you."
The world seemed to stop spinning. You raised your head in slow motion and looked at him. His blue eyes were locked on you, showing vulnerability. You couldn't help but just stare at him.
"And I got scared!" his voice got a bit louder as he started pacing down the kitchen. "Because I have been in the friend zone my entire life and I thought I could live with that. But everything was so much, I saw red and just wanted to hide. I wanted to snap out of that feeling so I left you standing at the entrance."
He stopped pacing, his back now turned to you. "It's the same every time. I want to keep our friendship, but push you so far away that we become strangers."
"You really are an idiot."
You didn't notice until you spoke, that you were crying. Ugly sobbing filled the room, you felt like suffocating. "Not once did you ask yourself how I felt. You just wanted to keep yourself safe, didn't you?"
You could see his back tensing. You shook your head. "You made me feel like I was the friend you only kept in touch with, because our parents know each other. You made me feel so dumb for wanting to spend time with you. That's not how you treat someone you have feelings for!
You could have just told me."
He scoffed, now turning around. "Would we be still be friends if I did? "
You looked at the green tea in your cup. "We would be more."
You could hear his breath hitch. And in seconds he was standing in front of the table again. You felt his gaze on you. "What do you mean?"
You laughed while tears were streaming down your cheeks. "Satoru it was so obvious for everyone else. Why do you think I have forgiven you every time, no matter what you did?
I have feelings for you."
The silence came back. And with a silent sigh he sat down before you again, hwad in his hands again. "Why did you never tell me?"
"Why did you never tell me? Because I was scared of ruining our friendship. And you always seemed to have zero feelings for me that we're not platonic." you sobbed again, making him flinch. You saw his hand twitch, but this time he didn't move it.
"Please, don't cry." he was whispering with such care in his voice you wanted to cry harder. "Not over my stupidity."
A small try of a laugh escaped you. "I'm always crying over your stupidity, Satoru." you shook your head. "But also mine. I could have confessed too, but I didn't because I was scared. I'm sorry."
He moved a bit closer, his chair now as near as possible. "Don't apologize -"
"But I am sorry. Because now I don't know how to feel and..." you stopped, trying to catch your breath. "I want to forgive you, but I'm just so scared and -"
That's when Satoru stood up again. You watched through your blurry vision how he made his way to you, going around the table. There he stood looking at you with something so big, something so mighty in his eyes.
Carefully his hands made it's way next to your face, drying your tears and caressing your face.
"I know that I will do everything to deserve your forgiveness. No pushing away, no riddles."
He wiped your hair out of the way and placed a soft kiss onto your forehead.
"But I don't think I want to be friends anymore."
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Deleted scene:
"I thought I should stop sending them." Satoru had his signature grin on his face, while looking at the daisies on the table. "But you do like them!"
"I didn't say you should stop sending them, I said you should stop sending them to my workplace." you kept your gaze on the white flowers in front of you, even though you felt him staring at you. "And I didn't want you to think that you could buy my forgiveness."
"Oh, I never thought that! I just wanted to you to know that I thought of you." his close body raised a hand to take on of the daisies. "You remember that day at the festival?"
"Of course I do." you snorted. "I thought you were stupid for bringing daisies and claiming that they remind you of me, when they are white flowers."
He gasped dramatically. "Stupid? That was my heart laid out in front of you!"
You couldn't help but laugh at his playful 'hurt' face. "Then why do they remind you of me?"
"You were always new beginning."
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