#sorry folks I forgot about able oops
minty-sweet-art · 3 months
Wake up my fellow nerds!! it #mintysillyart edit compilation time🚨🚨🚨🚨
✨carnival au addition✨
Carnival au and drawing by: @sm-baby
Yea this is 2 minutes long (save my soul i had to add everyone somehow for some reason)
Warning for: loudish tv beeping sound/car honk/yelling, cursing, emoji knife& Japanese Ogre mask, real gun photo, explosion gif
Gummigoo was harmed im sorry y’all
But no gloinks where harmed
Link to most of the drawing used here
Link to where the player drawing came from
Link to pomni pic
Link to caine pic (warning for violence and blood)
Link to zooble pic
And finally link to gloinks
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bumblebeerror · 3 months
oops i forgot to check if you responded, i only saw your answer to my ask just right now.
you sound kinda mad. did my advice annoy you? i'm just trying to be helpful, as someone who has a good chunk of medical knowledge and experience. i'm not cisplaining, if that's what you think i'm doing. i'm sorry if i came across as patronizing.
i think i did not receive coddling, but the culture which i live in is very androcentric and patriarchal, so boys on average are coddled and given special treatment compared to girls.
you can be bullied by your peers and coddled at the same time. because coddling is not something given to you by your peers. you get coddled as a child/teen by the adults in your life (most commonly by older female family members if you're a boy).
you can be bullied by your peers for lack of hygiene, while at the same time be praised and excused by the adults in your life. in fact, your family members being too nonchalant with how they treat taking care of your body when you are a kid is often the reason a lot of these teens suck at taking care of themselves. because of improper parental guidance.
yes, you're not their parent. yes, you don't have to lecture them. yes, you don't have to scold them. but we should encourage their parents to teach them when they are kids or even for them to teach themselves when they are teenagers. make this information readily available in schools or online. and make hygiene products free.
ugh, i hate axe body spray. most disgusting smell of all time. i'm getting flashbacks to junior high.
another problem is that some boys won't practice proper hygiene even if they know how to because they think taking care of their bodies is "gay" or "for girls". so they'll let themselves stink because they'd rather stink than be perceived as "gay". the same way some grown men will refuse to wash their ass because they think it's "gay".
oh, i know all about how kids bully each other. i was bullied myself for years. and this sort of lack of hygiene makes kids such an easy target for bullies. we should inform them on how to practice proper hygiene from a young age in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment and humiliation.
maybe it's because i'm only 20 so i don't have as much life experience as you, but idk i just don't see much of a point in being nice in every situation. being nice is so hard... being mean is so easy (and sometimes fun).
Idk how to explain that everyone deserves kindness even if you don’t like them, man. Like. Treat others how you want to be treated, all that. You get what you give.
Being mean’s easy because it doesn’t require the effort to think about what you say before you say it. That doesn’t ring as a glowing endorsement to me. It rings as the kind of thing that gets neurodivergent folks heckled for being “weird”. It rings as the sort of shit that gets poor kids teased for not being able to afford new clothes or hygiene products. It rings as the sort of assholery that results in gay folks being labeled as pedophiles.
Being kind isn’t the same as being nice. I’d work on thinking about what you say before you say it.
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alloutofgoddesses · 8 months
PJO TV Thoughts
(There will be book mentions/spoilers)
Can’t lie to y’all im on my second week of this semester and already just so eepy
Okay the first line does tell you exactly what’s happening in this dream but I was so confused by it being Percy’s headmaster from Yancy
Anyway omg I swear you can see Luke in the reflection like it’s gonna be so obvious it’s not Clarisse on rewatches
WE GOT “Little Hero”
Cracker Barrel! What o would give to eat at a Restaurant rn
(I am aware others have made that joke)
Omg hi Luke
Good not being sus Luke
ARREST HER?!?! Percy wtf
Luke I’m positive you would know what Ares is like
OOP if Luke picks up on it IMMEDIATELY…
The episode is titled “A Zebra Takes Us To Vegas” AND WE INLY GET A SECOND OF A ZEBRA ON SCREEN?!?!
Anybody else see the Geia fashion billboard or just me
Way to be obvious about it
“I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm/where the music don’t stop for life” I think that Levitating was chosen WITH INTENTION for these lyrics only
Graphic novels do count
Oh besties… the lotus eaters have upgraded darlings
The fact that they haven’t shown Grover eating garbage yet… cowards. COWARDS.
I do think that them knowing takes tension out of it but they think that it’s okay unless they eat something
A Saytr?? I’m saying that TV screen image is a sun so APOLLO MENTION
A gay satyr?!!! The subtext
Oh? I’m compelled certainly what kind of magic does the Lotus have to convince satyrs Pan is there
Like you can see extras wearing dated clothes but it’s just not the same
Also I’m waiting for others to find the di Angelos, I know I’m not gonna be able to find anything
(If they cut it out I will lose it)
Are the employees also under the spell? I would have to assume so
Uh oh Grover is forgetting
The way his face fell… I’m afraid LMM is eating as Hermes
BTW I saw someone say LMM was a bad choice as Hermes because canonically Hermes has the most children and they don’t think LMM is sexy enough for that… girlie do you not remember what happened when Hamilton came out be SO FOR REAL
At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to seperate actor from character but he’s doing such a good job that’s Hermes I’m sorry (no I’m not)
ORPHEUS MENTION (I’ve helped others [get into the Underworld] before)
Are the fields Italy? Once again folks I’m not gonna be able to find it so I’m reaching out to
Someone looks back I’m guessing
Oh babey the lore the tension
My guess is something to do with Gabe or as one brilliant Twitter user said, Percy’s first time at boarding school
(Also how the fuck can Hermes do that)
Sure buddy see you next season
“This was all just a waste of time. We don’t have time to waste.” Oh Annabeth I’m so sorry for what you’re about to learn
I love all the helmets and stuff really lets you know what’s going on
Oh noooooo oh boy oh buddy oh wow that hurt
Sorry he’s making Hermes feel so empathetic which is exactly how he is in the books. He’s good!
Were those the di Angelos? They were brunette and small (still reaching)
Oh so that’s why they mentioned days earlier I see
Are George and Martha on there are they wondering what’s happening
Oh no Percy’s forgetting too
Just rip him out and leave besties
Oh geez they’re never leaving at this rate
Damn there’s that fatal flaw again Percy
RIP Grover playing a human hunter game I will never forget you
Annabeth it was good it really was but you’re right. He is the god of thieves.
Oh boy now we know why they let him drive though
Me when I first started learning how to drive standard
Just in case you forgot Percy is a New Yorker
Oh NO bestie got distracted looking at the princess (his words not mine though I agree) next to him
What did I just say. What is happening on screen
Oh boyyyyyy
He’s just three apples tall
Oh it’s so much worse underwater
Wait… were AFTER the summer solstice? WHY
Exactly Percy you gotta finish it
Four?!?! What about ‘you will fail to save what matters most in the end?’ He better lose one I stg
Next ep trailer
Okay so who’s eye is in the credits what do we think
Desert and terrible forest?
Okay yeah he definitely loses one or uses one to trick someone or something he said said “you guys leave with my mom”
Oh wait what if he uses it on Crusty… Disney let Percy actually be violent
SWORD FIGHT NEXT EP? At least the beginning
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BONUS: Hermes in cat form
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“A Beginner’s Guide to Hiding a Body. Written by Griffith A. Johnson.”
Someday in your life, you will find yourself in a situation that may not be preferable to others.
Many have met the same situation, and many meet the same fate as the last because they don’t understand the art of hiding something.
I’ll be your mentor for this, and, if you are to find that you have killed someone, whether it be on accident or on purpose, you may be able to find this guide helpful in the near future.”
11/20/23 UPDATE (The long awaited second update!)
suppppp. back at it with another intriguing update for you indie game folk.
(little fact- i accidentally posted this BEFORE it was finished. thank GOD this page isn't too popular.)
we have here... that's right! we have here 3 new characters!! comin' straight outta the fiery puts of hell!
as you all know, we have 3 of the 6 main characters (that i can show that won't spoil much) down, and i've recently started typing up the plot... so you all know that means i have the last 3 done, right?going in order now, we have...
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Griffith Johnson. we all gotta know this fella by now.
he's stoic, sketchy, tired, and probably a minimum wage worker. really important character here, being the main one and stuff. (fun fact #1- griffith's design is based off of the elsens from OFF, having the work attire and such.)
another character you probably know...
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Archur Willow, who i personally enjoy.
he's a nervous wreck and a paranoid denialist, who denies everything bad, even up to his own emotions. he rejects the idea that he's not doing fine, although he DEFINITELY ain't ok. he's also just generally scatterbrained, and not organized. (fun fact #2- archur is a british man, which means he has a british accent.)
ok people... drumroll please?!
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*ahem, ahem...* ... excusez-moi.
Sage Perdita, she has been dubbed. she is a veeeery angy person. and i mean it. i mean, like, she definitely WOULD bash your head in over the last oreo in a box of oreos. she is overprotective and territorial (of mainly just objects or places). she, on top of all that, is fairly reserved and only trusts, like... one person. and, for THAT SPECIFIC PERSON (who will be mentioned soon), she has a huge soft spot (y'know, figuratively and stuff).
alright, alright, done rambling now. she might be one of my favorite characters i've made for this game, too. then again, i love all of them.
oop, almost forgot. (fun fact #3- this character took by far the LONGEST to think up a design for our of all of them.)
okey, next character. you know this guy (probably), and so do i...
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Mickey (or M.K.) Green. yes, i have decided to give him the nickname M.K. cuz why the heck not?
he is an items merchant and a beggar (like, he'll get on his knees and beg for you to buy his stuff sometimes). he gets into fights often, and is overall sort of narcissistic. he has his good moments, don't get me wrong, but it's hard to overlook the bad.
(fun fact #4- M.K.'s design was based on guy fieri. no reason why, just felt like it.
he isn't as complex of a character, so there isn't much to talk about here.
alright, next one. (might this one perhaps have a spot in the heart of someone who is rather cold?)
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mhm, that's right. the embodiment of depression, AKA Rehema Cora (please call her by her actual name, not the embodiment of depression).
as stated, she's a sad one. veeery sad one. very sleepy, slightly nihilistic and very paranoid, too. she only REALLY feels safe around one person, which just so happens to be... that's right, you guessed it, sage! it seems like a very unlikely friendship, because... well, sage is very angry, and rehema's very sad... those don't really work well... but it seems like something just clicked with the two down the road! (fun fact #5- uhhhh... i can't think of much. sorry, my brain is tuckered out.)
ok, nothing much to say there, tbh... maybe im just tired.
anyways, last guy.
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Charles Jeffroi be the name!
charles is a full-blown nihilist, and also a full-blown narcissist. he's also quite a popular dude. he thinks that life is meaningless, so you might as well have all the fun with it you can. he occasionally switches from speaking english, to speaking french for, like, a sentence, then back to english for a while. y'know, just for the fun of it. he's all dressed up and fancy-shmancy, too. (fun fact #6- very fancy and rich dude here. he has the power and authority to tell an entire audience to do something, and they WILL do it.)
ok... no more characters. cool.
other updates? right, uhm... i have finished the epilogue section of the game's plot.
also, here's the unfinished beta version of the title screen music:
pretty cool, huh?
that's it.
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 15: Trapped - Adulting: But Ghostly
Screwing up in the Fenton Lab was a pretty normal regular thing, but screwing up in such a way to botch someone’s age and humanness without actually changing said we and humanness was a weird one. This is totally definitely Tucker’s fault. Danny caused it, but it’s still Tucker’s fault.
Tucker chuckles at his two friends, “honestly, helping clean up the lab is a weak ass punishment”, shrugging, “all things considered”.
Danny glances at him while pointedly picking up some very sticky and slightly mouldy, touching it with as few fingers as possible, “you sure about that one?”.
Tucker waves him off, “only makes sense for you to clean up the nasty shit. Unlike us, that won’t get you sick”. Danny flips him off while dropping the soggy piece in the garbage bag. Sam just smirks.
Not even five minutes later Tucker knocks some spray-can thing onto the ground, which in typical fashion explodes. Danny eyes the pink mist and sighs, “whelp, now there’s more mess, thanks Tu-”, cutting himself off at feeling a slight tingling across his skin. Turning to glare at Tucker, “oh fuck you”.
Relenting in said glaring at noticing that Tucker and Sam are both glowing now, glancing to his arm and groaning over the matching glow.... Great, just great. Quirking an eyebrow over watching the skin on his arm slowly stain a pale blue and increase in muscle mass? Looking up to his friends and gapping slightly. Jet black skin patching over Tucker’s face and pale green on Sam’s.
Tucker sounds slightly in awe but also worried as he flips over his clawed hand a few times, “okay, might have fucked up a little”, and blinking at the echo to his voice.
Sam grabs at her hair, seemingly made of vines now and with purple flowers popping open, “ya think?”.
Then both of them turning to Danny and grimacing, while he’s having a slight crises at definitely recognising the feel of ecto-flames where there should be hair. Immediately moving to check his pulse, the other two quickly following suit with wide eyes. Sam snapping, “if we just got offed, I’m gonna be pissed”.
Danny’s the first to sigh in relief, being the only one who very frequently checked his pulse normally. He could do without being any more dead, thank you very much.
Tucker snorts, “awesome, so I didn’t just accidentally kill us”.
Danny points at him, “meaning the labs death toll is still only half”, pausing, noting the deep baritone, and touching his throat, “woah”. Then grabbing his much larger than normal hands around his forearm with a quirked eyebrow. Looking up to his friends who are effectively copying him. Both a bit taller and more muscular. Both had longer hair too, though Tucker’s was barely past his ears and dreaded with gold caps on the ends, while Sam’s was nearly past her waist and looked like long vines of purple asters. Their faces were kinda different too and Tucker even had facial hair. They looked... like adults? adult ghosts at that, minus still being in their regular clothing anyways; which definitely didn’t fit super well anymore. Moving his arm a little and actually cringing slightly over the strain his shirt was under; okay, it’s good he wore baggy clothing or he would have ruined his clothing entirely. He might ruin them as it is.
Sam pointing to him, “you sound like Dan”.
Danny shrugs a bit awkwardly, “sound different to myself”. And thank the Ancients for that. He could do without hearing Dan’s voice every time he opened his mouth. Does feel slightly bad for his friends though.
All three make their way over to the back wall mirror and poke at their faces. Blinking eyes and baring fangs. Tucker chuckles, “I have fucking facial hair”, and starts hopping around on his feet, “and what am I? Like six feet tall?”.
Sam and Danny roll their eyes. Danny crossing his arms and looking down at Tucker. Who pauses just to shove Danny, “hey, we all already knew you were going to be a tall bastard”, then going wide-eyed, “dude holy shit! That stuff turned us into adults! Awesome!”.
Sam points at him, “and ghosts”, pulling at the corner of her eyelid, “though yes, green eyes are pretty wicked”.
Danny points at her, “and your skin’s such a pale green than your eyes don’t blend in”. Sam just smirks at that. Tucker pats him on the back though, “well at least yours aren’t red”.
“Amen to that”.
Sam shakes her head a little, putting her hands on her hips, “okay, as cool as this is -though it is kinda curious we’re not displaying powers- I think we should, I don’t know, fix this?”. Danny rubs his neck while nodding and Tucker snatched back up the can before flopping into a chair, “I got this. Hold your ecto-knickers”. Trying to lean his head back only for the headrest to not be up high enough, muttering, “man that’s weird”, as he readjusts it.
Forty minutes later finds Tucker groaning, “okay, I officially really screwed up. Completely screwed the pooch”. Earning loud groans from his two friends.
Sam pushes herself up, “alright, Mr. Bad Luck, the fuck’d you do?”.
Tucker sticks out his hands, smashing one on a table, “ts not what I did! It’s what the Fenton’s didn’t do! Also, ow”.
Danny and Sam sighing, “let me guess, no reverse option and they didn’t write the formula down?”.
Tucker snaps his fingers at them, “bingo. Man, it’s like you’re psychic”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “more like my parents are just predictable... and kinda incompetent”. Everyone cringing a little over that.
Sam rubs her eyes, “alright, so now what are we going to do? We can’t go anywhere like this and we-all-know-who will shoot us the second they get home”.
Danny taps his chin, “well, I’m not in my jumpsuit so I don’t look blatantly like Phantom so I think I’m in the clear for that. And we have planned for a situation where I couldn’t change back human. So I’ve already got makeup, wig and contacts. But Wig and contacts only work for me and I’m definitely not your guy’s colour”.
Tucker snorts, “you don’t say you pasty-ass fuck”.  Sam rolls her eyes, “excuse you?”.
“You’re pale, he’s pasty”.
Sam nods curtly with a smug grin. Danny just chuckles.
Tucker claps the chairs armrests, “whelp we should probably at least get you looking human, before we run out of luck or something”. Sam grumbling, “you’re gonna jinx us”. Which Tucker, of course, waves her off as they all get up.
However when they walk into the living room just as the front door opens, Sam and Danny glare at Tucker who laughs awkwardly, “oops?”. All three snapping their heads towards the pair of hunters as said hunters immediately, and predictably, draw ecto-weapons, “hold it right there spooks!”.
Danny holds his hands out, “wait! Wait! We’re not ghosts!”.
His mom doesn’t let him continue, “can it, we know what ghosts look like”. His dad nodding, “you might be able to trick some regular joes but not the Fenton’s”.
Sam mutters, “wow this is awkward”. Tucker just nods slightly at her while gulping.
Danny makes pacifying motions, “but wouldn’t we be floating and stuff if we were newly formed ghosts. We’re not even glowing properly”, it was true, their glows were so small they practically weren’t glowing at all, “so could you put the weapons down, mom, dad”, putting his hands down and shrugging loosely very intentionally, “I’d really rather not get gooped”.
His parents actually look to be considering this, not dropping their weapons though. Figures. His mom readjusting her grip as she goes to dig in her pocket. Producing a chunk of ectoranium seconds later, “well if that’s the case and you’re not ghosts then you shouldn’t have a reaction to this”, and moves to poke Tucker’s arm with the tip, gun staying trained on them all the while. Everyone watching as absolutely nothing happens.
Tucker grins almost apologetically while Danny speaks, “see?”.
Both his parents look puzzled at the ectoranium and Tucker’s arm before Maddie blinks and looks at each of them, her eyes widening, “Danny? Tucker? Sam?”. Which the three of them nod rapidly at. Thankfully their moods do a complete one-eighty at that.
Jack practically bounding over to Danny and actually having to look up at him slightly, laughing and patting his head, “ha! I knew someone was going to get my Fenton genes!”, and pats him on both shoulders like he was measuring how wide he was. Maddie smiles sweetly at him before giving the group of teens who don’t look like teens a puzzled look again, “what I don’t get is, how’d this happen?”.
Danny and Sam immediately pointing at Tucker, but wind up smacking him in the face. Danny chuckling, “shit sorry man, ain’t used to the arm length”. Tucker predictably waves both of them off, though rubbing his cheek from Danny’s hit because well, getting effectively smacked by someone with super-strength and hands that look like pure muscle hurts.
Sam rolls her eyes and explains to Maddie, “that idiot knocked over a spray can looking thing that sprayed pink mist everywhere”.
“Hey, at least I didn’t do it intentionally”. Everyone ignores that.
Maddie taps her chin, “I don’t understand. It shouldn’t have been able to do this without something ectoplasmic around”. While Jack is off in his own world wrapping his fingers around Danny’s biceps.
Danny chuckles at his excitable dad before looking to his mom, “mom. My contamination?”.
That gets both his parents attention, them blinking and going wide-eyed, “oh”.
Sam huffs and crosses her arms, “and really, you’d think you guys wouldn’t have teens, especially Danny, cleaning up down there if you even think you have stuff that can go off like this. It’s irresponsible”. Tucker chuckles, “I’m just glad we only look like ghosts“. Everyone, especially Danny’s parents, nod rapidly at that.
Tucker nodding his head at the lab doors, “I tried to find a reverse or the formula and back engineer it, but you guys forgot to do that... again”. Making both parents cringe a little, Jack rubbing his neck awkwardly.
Danny nods at Tucker before looking back to his folks, “so on that note, do you think you could fix this? Because you didn’t recognise us and I don’t think that Red will pause long enough to hear us out”. Sam scowls and rolls her eyes over that. Danny adding on, “something to at least get us looking human again. We can probably handle the adult-looking thing”.
Tucker chuckles and strokes his facial hair, “it is pretty neat”, smirking at his friends, “I bet the ladies will dig a guy with facial hair”, glancing to Danny’s face, “that isn’t on fire”. Both Sam and Danny predictably hit him.
“No trying to pick up older women, you pervert”.
“Hey, you can barely tell it’s flaming and you’re still you so don’t count on that”.
Tucker pouts at both of them, “why do you have to be so mean”, but obviously doesn’t mean it.
Maddie and Jack smile at the threes antics, if they hadn’t already been sure they would be now. Maddie smiles sweetly at Tucker, “you’re a minor. So please don’t do that”, shaking her head at him waving her off though knowing he probably won’t actually chase after an older woman. Looking to the three of them, “how about we get you three back down to the lab and see what we can do? Alright?”. The three look to each other, exchange shrugs, and following the pair of hunters down to the lab. Jack immediately bounding off and picking up the can.
None of the trio are really surprised that Maddie gets them to sit down and starts examining them, leaving the can to Jack. Her putting a stick in Danny’s mouth and blinking at the forked tongue, “well sweetie, you make for one very intimidating ghost”. Her continuing when the trio all cringe, “technically that’s a good thing. Ghosts are supposed to be scary, you wouldn’t want to be like the Box Ghost now would you?”, all three cringe way more over that, so Maddie gives a satisfied curt nod. While Danny starts fiddling with his tongue.
Maddie pokes at Sam’s flowers, “can you feel this?”.
“Yeah”, putting a little bite in her words, which sounds more than a little threatening with the echo, “so maybe don’t go ripping them off”. Maddie nods while Tucker chuckles, “man the echo sure changes the way we sound. I doubt you meant for that to sound like a threat”. Sam just huffs at that, making Danny and Tucker chuckle at her expense. Maddie, however, smiles slightly, relieved that she hadn’t actually been being threatened; it could always be hard to tell with Sam.
Maddie stares at and inspects Tucker’s skin quizzically, “we’ve never even seen a ghost with pure black skin before. Wonder why”. Everyone shrugs at that, except Jack who’s off in his own world tinkering away. Tucker snickers and elbows Danny, “well we’ve all seen ones with blue, isn’t that right”.
“Do you want me to punt you through a wall? I’m pretty sure I could very easily”, Danny flexes slightly for emphasis but facepalms at ripping sounds, “damnit”. Everyone else snorts and starts laughing at him.
Jack makes a hum that sounds more unhappy than anyone wants to hear, him grabbing Maddie’s arm to drag her over without even looking at her. The trio exchanging glances, all three muttering, “fuck”. Maddie turning around and looking a bit apologetic, “well, it seems that Danny’s contamination sort of... messed with things a little”. The trio groan. “Or rather, bonded with it. Even now the ecto that he sheds off is feeding into the chemical that’s in your systems. If you stayed away from him for at least a week you’d go back to normal on your own. But there doesn’t seem any way for us to artificially force this to revert”, sending Danny a very sympathetic look, “and I can’t see any way to fix this for you sweetie, sorry”.
Danny leans back and groans, before giving his friends awkward looks and rubbing his neck. They don’t even let him get a chance to say anything before Sam snaps, “not happening then”. Tucker nodding and smiling, “yeah, we’re not avoiding Danny-dude. And we’re especially not leaving him to put up with this by himself”. Maddie can’t help but smile at them, “you guys are probably the closest friends possible”. Which all three beams over, even if Danny still looks pretty apologetic.
Everyone turning their heads at Jack shouting, “ah-ha!”, and spinning around in his chair, “alright, so we totally can make another spay that could hide all this ghost-looking stuff!”, muttering at the floor, “won’t fix the aged up thing”, looking back to them, “but! It’ll get you looking human! All of you”. Earning grins all around.
Maddie looking back to the trio, “we’ll work on that, you three go upstairs and play games or eat. I don’t think any of us want you down here in case the prototype malfunctions”. Which all three laugh at.
“Yeah wouldn’t want to make this worse!”.
“Besides, Danny needs to change”.
“Hey. But yeah”.
Maddie shakes her head at the three as they head upstairs.
Danny flops down on his bed, having changed into a very stretchy sweater and sweats, “so I guess we’re stuck like this huh?”.
Sam giving a very apathetic, “yup”, as she flops down in her beanie, before wincing and sitting up, pulling her hair out of the way. Grumbling, “this is why I keep my hair short”. Tucker shakes his head around, making the dreads and metal on them smack his face, “I don’t know, it’s kinda fun”.
“Grow it to ass length and see how you feel then”.
“Naw, I’m a guy so”.
“Are you saying only girls can have long hair!”.
Danny snickers over what sounds like a mild slapping match. They’d be fine. School though, ho boy that was going to be a fucking trip. There was literally no way in all the infinite lands of the Ghost Realm that people wouldn’t freak over them looking like adults. Zone, he could see people asking to get sprayed too. Because honestly? Who wouldn’t want to automatically know how they’d look when they’re older. Danny gets that it’s a little less novel for him due to the whole Dan thing, but still. Adding in the ghost thing. Tilting his head, though it was kinda funny Sam wound up with flowers in her hair and wait... wasn’t the area around Tuck’s eyes a bit darker? Glancing at his friends and squinting, yeah Tuck looked like he kinda had makeup... on... wait a second. “Guys”, pointing at the two of them, “Pharaoh. Undergrowth”.
They both blink at him before Sam grabs at her hair and shoved a pocket mirror at Tucker to poke at his eyes. Tucker blinks and hands back over the mirror, “huh, well let’s not point this out to your folks. Like seriously dude”. Sam nods and frowns, “you don’t think this’ll give Undergrowth some control over me?”, looking between the two boys, “and should we really be surprised? We already knew the stuff that happened those times wasn’t really something that just goes away. Undergrowth adopted me”, pointing at Tucker, “and your soul is still T. Duulaman’s, sceptre or no”.
Danny hums and taps his chin, “I don’t think we have to worry about being controlled. We’re not actually ghosts. We just look like them. But fair point. And not like we can really do anything about it”. The two sighing, “yeah”. Danny points at them again, “but if this does start negatively affecting you guys, like our kind of negative, then you guys are staying away from me to get this to wear off. I’ll go hide at the ClockTower Citadel if I have too”. They both roll their eyes at his typical overprotective antics but they do nod.
Tucker points at him and leans forward, “honestly, you should visit ClockWork over this, I’m not sure if this ‘aged up’ thing would count as messing with time. Especially for other people to see”. Danny hums and nods at that. Sam nods herself and gets up to flop on the bed next to him, “and maybe ask them how to fix you. Because you being stuck ghost-looking in both forms screams bad news”.
Tucker joins them on Danny’s other side as Danny replies, “yeah. As it is when I’m an adult ghost my parents are so definitely going to put the pieces together now”. Both them snort at that, pointing out that that was ridiculously obvious. Tucker smacking him, “first, you need a bigger bed. Second, it’s not like you intended to keep this from them after Highschool anyway”.
Danny snorts, “true, on both accounts”.
It surprisingly doesn’t take long for Danny’s folks to barge into the room. Jack presenting a little perfume-looking bottle dramatically, “it’s done! And was surprisingly easy!”.
The trio blink, Sam muttering, “huh, that never happens for us”. Making them chuckle a little as they go about getting up. Danny asking, because he has to ask, “and it’s good for me? You checked it against my stuff?”.
Maddie nods at him reassuringly right off the bat, “no worries sweetie, that’s the first thing we did”. Which he grins over as the three stand to let themselves get a good spray down. Everyone watching in fascination as their skin starts patching back to their normal human skin tones. Jack actually whispering, “that looks so cool”, and Maddie patting him on the arm.
The first thing Danny does is pat his hair, sighing over it no longer being fire. “Awesome”, and puts his hand to his throat, “huh”.
Tucker blinks at him, “you know, without the echo you actually sound kinda sexy”. Everyone looks at Tucker with disbelief; Sam smacking him over the head. Everyone starts laughing after a bit though.
Danny giving his mom a hug, which is weird with her being so much smaller than him, “thanks mom”. She leans up to ruffle his hair, looking slightly apologetic, “of course, Danny. And we’ll try to keep the volatile stuff put away from now on”. Sam and Tucker snicker knowing that won’t even last a week. Never did. Danny just laughs, “appreciated”, even if he also knew it wouldn’t last.
Jack laughs, hands on his hips, “well you kids’ make for pretty fine looking adults!”. The three all grinning at him. But that gets Maddie to tilt her head and squint at Danny. Him quirking a sharp eyebrow at her before she leans forward and sticks her fingers in his mouth, “uhhhhh”.
Jack and Maddie both blink at him, though Sam and Tucker bend over laughing. Maddie speaking up, “you have fangs still”. Danny leans back to get her fingers out of his mouth, “ah well, my contamination was bound to affect me, right?”, and rubs his tongue over his teeth. At least his tongue wasn’t still forked. That was something.
Tucker leans over and flicks his ear, “ears are pointy too”, and snickers. Danny batting away his hand.
Maddie frowns a little but nods, “yes, I guess that would make sense. Can’t say I like it though”. Jack waves her off, “oh it looks manly on him! And people intentionally get their teeth and ears pointed sometimes! Right Sam?”. Sam nods but is frankly surprised he’s waving this off. Honestly, so is Danny.
Maddie purses her lips but nods, “you do have a point”, looking to Danny, “well I guess you better get used to it. You’re stuck with it”.
Danny shrugs, “eh I’m not complaining. Didn’t even notice”, baring his teeth, “are they that noticeable though?”. Sam rolls her eyes, “yes”. While Tucker snorts, “Vlad would be jealous”.
Jack tilts his head, “Vladdie has fangs?”. All three blink at him in disbelief and speak in unison, “you didn’t notice?”. Jack shakes his head and shrugs, while Maddie taps her chin, “now that I think about it, yeah I’ve noticed. But it’s been so long that I don’t think I really notice any more”.
Sam mutters, “that tracks”, to herself. Danny rubs his neck, “ah well hopefully you’ll get used to mine then too I guess”, he seriously can’t believe his dad’s never noticed though. Vlad flashed them threateningly all the time. Or maybe Danny was just more likely to notice thanks to heightened vision and ghost instincts.
Maddie hums, “well anyway, you kids should get some rest before school tomorrow. I don’t doubt that will be a bit hectic”.
All three giving matching deadpanned, “obviously”’s. As the couple turn to leave, not without Jack patting Danny’s head excitedly though.
The three stare at the door for a beat. Tucker clapping Danny on the back, “I think your dad likes the height”. Sam rolling her eyes as she moves back to the bed, “only because someone’s finally taller than him”.
Danny shrugs as him and Tucker move to join her, “eh, can’t say I blame him. It’s just like how being around ghosts that are actually stronger than me makes me feel less overpowered”, squinting at them, “and no, I don’t just mean ClockWork”, which earns laughs from the two.
Sam sighs into the blankets, “you know, when you’re an adult, an actual adult ghost, ClockWork probably will be the only one”. Danny grumbles, “don't remind me”. Which she snorts at.
Tucker rolls over and watches the ceiling a little, “at least being stuck as adults will really only be weird for a few years”, fiddling with his hair a little bit, “think I should keep the dreads?”.
Danny just grunts while Sam actually answers the boy, “they suit you. Keep ‘em. Why do you think I went and gave you fake ones when you tried the whole goth thing”. Now it’s Tucker’s turn to groan, “now don’t remind me”. Making them all laugh.
“Hey, nothing could compare to Sam’s pink get-up when I un-half-died”. Sam hits Danny for that one. Sam smacking Tucker for good measure, “you’re never going to live down hitting on me”.
“More like never going to not wish you hadn’t said yes before I realised you were you”. Sam shoves him off the bed with a scowl for that one.
Danny mumbles, “sleep sleep time”, and sticks his arm over the bed to physically drag Tucker back up, “come here pillow”, and wraps his arms around both of them tightly.
Tucker chuckles, “your hands are fucking huge now. Seeing that coming for my face was mildly horrifying”. Danny just grumbles incoherently into the bed. Sam sighs, “you’re not going to let us up, are you?”.
Danny grins into the bed, “nope. You’re trapped now”. Earning fond sighs from the two as they settle in to sleep.
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elementalsight · 4 years
okay same anon lmao sorry MKDHXS but i remembered a question i had about some lore in the spirit universe: how do spirits pick a charge? is it random? i’m just curious why/how mizuchi, being an ancient god, would set his sights on eri. also interested in tamamo-no-mae + aizawa as well! aka team izuku™
Ohh yes! (And no worries about anon though you’re welcome to submit off as well <3) Spirits pick charges in a number of ways. Some of them are legit random - ‘oh hey I want a human, hrrrrm, this one!’ Some are through family lines - ‘others of my kind have taken up this bloodline / I looked after this child’s grabdfather, I shall take him as well’ And some are really a sort of feeling. Some spirits look at a child and just know it’s going to be the right sort of fit for them, that they’ll increase their power. That’s what happened with Mizuchi and Eri. It’s also why quirks can manifest anywhere between birth and age four. Spirits don’t always grab kids right away, but there’s a limit to how old a kid can be and still be able to accept a spirit’s power. Running with the meta theory that not all areas have the same ratio of quirked to quirkless folks, Japan is dense with spirits of all sorts, and spirits with the ability to move a lot more freely than some in other areas might - all those shrines, for example. All that latent belief. So Japan has become a lot more quirk heavy, and kids are far, far less likely to be quirkless, than say, America.  And yes, this does mean that somewhere in America there is a person with The Babadook as a spirit, and someone else has Mothman. (Kids who get spirits right at birth are more likely to be mutation types as well....) OOPS I ALMOST FORGOT As for Tamamo-no-Mae? She saw Aizawa’s soul, so to speak, and it felt like home, so she claimed him when he was only a few months old. She 100% expected him to end up with a light power, as almost all of her charges/bonded humans have had. He surprised her with his sight erasing quirk! 
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alwaysforyouscully · 5 years
My X-FEST 2 Experience!
Friends and followers this was truly a pleasure. I was only able to go on Saturday but my X-Files heart is full with great memories!
Here's my recap on one excellent day, we (my daughter and I) got our passes and went to the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast. I heard Mitch before I say him. He was at the table next to us and about 15 minutes later Nick came down and joined him. I never thought the back of their heads would be exciting but...
Anyhoo... we go inside the hall and everyone is in their booth. This was really well organized, plenty of space and easy access to whomever you wanted to see. Everyone when straight to the Gunmen and Nick so I went to Sheila:
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I was her first autograph of the day and she was sorry she only had a black pen. She asked her assistant if she should have a lighter pen. I said it's no problem just meeting her was great. She said "I hate this picture." I said oh no, it's how I'll always remember you and she said "You know I still have this jacket in my closet." I was like really, do you ever wear it? And we both laughed, I'm not sure why? Lol 😂
Next I went to see Annabeth:
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There were a few folks in line and when it was my turn for an autograph, she looked up and saw my shirt. She said "That's me! Where did you get this?" I told her off the internet and she grabbed her phone and told her assistant to take a picture. Just a note, she is lovely! And from this point forward we will have the 'That's Annabeth' count. This is 1.
When I walked into my photo op she grabbed my hand and said "It's you! I sent our picture to my husband and he said where did she get that? It's great!" Again she is a freaking gem!
Okay next was Mitch. As most of you know in April of 2018 I went to South Texas CC to see Mitch and he got the flu and cancelled 😣. My daughter felt so bad for me that she sent him a message on Twitter. He sent her a PM back and said he would send me some cool stuff...he did and after his last message to her he deleted his Twitter. So on to current day.
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I get in line and my daughter is at a side table organizing my pictures. The lovely @jenniferalarza painted a piece for me plus I had JJ Lendl's "Kitten" poster for him to sign. When I got to the table I showed Mitch the envelope of all the things he mailed me last April. He was shocked and said "You came all the way here from Texas?" (He remembered 🤗 ) I told him I had to meet him and pointed to my daughter and said she's the one that sent you the message, then you quit sm. He was looking at the painting and without looking up he said, "Yep, she's the reason I quit." He laughed and I said she really thinks it's true. He came around the table and without slowing down, he headed towards her saying "I'm going to tell her it was because of her that I quit" He got to her and I couldn't hear what he said but she flushed and kind of teared up. Next he pulled her into a hug and headed back to the signing table. He signed both pieces then stopped. He said "She really thought she was the reason? Damn, I'm so sorry." Now I was tearing up. 😥
Mitch was the last photo op on Saturday and I still had 3 tickets left. My daughter and I decided to each take one individually and one together. Mitch saw us and we did the group pic first. He put his arms around us and said "We finally made it!" Yes Mitch, we did. Thanks 😘
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Mark Snow was next to Frank Spotnitz and both of their lines were consistent but not too long. I owed the beautiful @dontpointdownthere a favor so we went to Mark next.
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The favor was to ask about the song playing on the jukebox in "Dreamland ll" when Mulder and Joann, then Morris and Joann are at the bar. I asked Mark if he knew the song and he couldn't remember so he called over to Frank and asked him. I described it as best I could but Frank couldn't remember either. Sad news for @dontpointdownthere . 😥
I went to Mark's panel and I got the lyrics in the mean time. Frank was at the panel too so I showed him the lyrics and he took a picture with his phone. I met back up with Mark later and showed him the lyrics and along with the folks in line we tried to jar his memory. No joy but it was fun trying!
After the lunch break it was off to the Lone Gunmen. Again @jenniferalarza did a beautiful piece for me, so on to the signing:
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Tom was first, he was very sweet and loved the painting. After folks in line heard it was fanart, they all wanted to see it. Everyone was very impressed!
Bruce was next and he was, umm, more like Byers than I thought he would be. First words upon seeing my shirt, "That's Annabeth" (that makes 2) He looked at the picture then asked my name. He said "This is really good, lots of fan art isn't, lots and lots are terrible." He started to sign and put my name at the top then stopped and signed his name at the bottom. "Oops! I forgot what I was going to say." Oh well, guess we'll never know Bruce!
Dean was last and his line had been the longest most of the day. I heard him talking with a fan while I was waiting for Mitch and he was telling her how he does pet portraits now. He even pulled out his phone and gave her an impromptu art show! Lol When I walked up he said "Hi! Is this Annabeth? (#3) and I said sure is. So I handed him the painting and he was about to sign then asked "Is this a print on canvas?" I told him it was the original and he was upset about signing it. I said no, please sign it, that's why my friend painted it for me so the three of you could sign it! He was just floored and started asking how much it cost, was it commissioned, how much was shipping from Spain and on and on. He said "I'm doing portraits now so I need to know these things."
His photo op was the last of the Lone Gunmen. The lines for the photos went super fast. Each person was given a 15 minute slot and none used all of the time. I went in and he said "That really is Annabeth!" No joke (this was 4). And just before we took the picture the photographer said hold up a second we're moving a little fast. Talk amongst yourselves. Dean said "So, Annabeth huh? You got this off the internet? I don't know if this really looks like her. Look at that chin, her skin is too dark, the forehead is all wrong. You know it doesn't really look like her at all." (I'm counting this as 5) I laughed and said, I guess not but she liked it. "Oh gosh, she's seen it?" Yep and she took a picture of it too! By now the photographer was ready and off I went.
Nick's photo op was after the Gunmen:
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I walked in and I shit you not he said "That's Annabeth!" (Up to 6) Yes, she really loved it. He put his hand out to shake mine "What's your name, we haven't met today" I said, No not yet, you've been too busy. "For you? Never." I did swoon, just saying because the gray scruff is working for him.
While I waited for the photo my daughter went to his table to wait in line, when I got there she was the only one there so perfect timing. He showed up about 10 minutes later and we walked up. He greeted my daughter and there was a card on the table for the 'I wanna believe' X-Files parody show and she asked if he'd seen it. He said "Not yet but it's going to be on YouTube so I'll watch it later." My daughter told him it was worth his time and really funny. I told him Krycek had an important role so he needed to check it out 😊! He signed my picture and called over to Annabeth, she was next to him, "Hey, you saw this?" pointing to my shirt. She said "Yes, isn't it fantastic!" (I'm counting this as 7)
Chris Owens was my last autograph of the day:
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This guy is priceless, so warm and funny. He was telling a story about David to another fan when we walked up. He told them that David had called him to come back for S11 because he wouldn't have to put all that shit on his face this time! Lol I guess that worked 😂!
I picked the Postmodern Prometheus pic for him to sign and said I know it's not your best face but I loved this episode. He laughed and said "don't be so sure, this was one of my best." He got up from the table and gave me a hug. I was just in shock by his kindness!
That's finally it folks. A great day all around and an Annabeth shirt that will never live down it's fame!
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Thanks for a great day X-Fest2!
And don't forget to check out @iwannabelieveparody 's YouTube channel to see this awesome show!
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iamdeadlocked · 5 years
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When I arrived at Aunt May’s funeral it was a regular, normal arrangement.
Some people chatted quietly with one another, others sat quietly in the seats provided, and a few people went up to the body for one final goodbye.
Some people I recognized as her friends would come up to me and give me the usual spew about how sorry they were and how they were going to miss her, how they haven’t seen each other in X amount of years, how much he’s grown, how she’d be so proud of him, and other things that he didn’t want to hear at that moment.
I guess they all forgot about the falling out Aunt May and I had.
I didn’t.
Neither did she. It’s the reason why we haven’t spoken in almost a decade. It’s the reason she died alone.
It was nice gesture for them to invite me to the funeral and to try to include me in the conversations but I honestly just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to say good bye to the “dearly” departed and be on my way. I had a nice fast food made burger and fries sitting at home in my refrigerator calling my name.
I suppose I should feel some type of empathy and be a little bit upset that my aunt is no longer alive. We weren’t as close as we used to be mostly because of Uncle Ben’s death but I just can’t find it in me to feel more than a spoonful of bitter sadness. I suppose when the one person you thought you could trust and love tells you that “you are nothing to me and that a robbery gone wrong is your fault and that you should have been the one to die, not my Ben.” You lose all sorts of kinship and respect for them, who knew?
Anyway... everything was fine, the last of the guests arrived and the pastor begin a slideshow of Aunt May while retelling her life beginning to end. I settled in and got comfy because the bitch -oops! I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead- the lovely lady lived a good 79 years.
As her life unfolded on the screen and through the words, a few people would laugh here and there and and an occasional person would wipe away tears every few minutes. One person blew their nose loudly into a napkin causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust.
About halfway through the pastor’s talk, he went quiet. I didn’t notice at first to caught up in daydreaming about the food at home.
When I noticed I looked around the room to see if anyone else had notice the weird behavior.
Apparently not seeing as they all were completely still much like the pastor.
It was like they all were frozen.
Everyone but me.
I looked around trying to see what the problem was but as far as I could tell nothing in the room was causing this strange occurrence. The video on the screen goes from Aunt Mays tenth birthday party to a black screen with a man in a red and black mask sitting in a spotlight right in front of a piano. His hands carcasses the keys as if they were his lover. He softly patted the lid of the piano as if it was his pet. Even stranger than that he leaned down and kissed the piano. When he sits back up he cracks his knuckles breaking the silence with the loud painful cracks startling me a bit. I look round the room and the people are still frozen. The only difference is their eyes are on the screen with the man in the mask.
The man rolls his shoulders first the left one, then the right.
Three times.
He sets his fingers which I just noticed are covered with black gloves on the keys and begins to play.
I wish I could name the song but I’m not one for classical music. Even if I was something inside of me says that this man created this piece.
The song is beautiful.
It’s hauntingly beautiful.
I know this doesn’t make sense but I think this type of song is something you would hear only in your nightmares.
As of in a trance the people in the room all stand up simultaneously. That honestly would have been fine and I would have just accepted that everyone was a robot in this moment but there were at least three men and two ladies who were wheelchair bound that stood up and walked with the rest of them. I would call it a miracle but I’m pretty sure whatever is happening here is not a god given miracle.
The women work together to move the chairs out of the way while the men work to push the old, dull, hasn’t worked in thirty years piano to the center of the room in front of the screen.
Sweat began to form at the top of my forehead.
This is weird. I know this is weird. I should go but something keeps me rooted to my own seat in the corner.
After they finish getting everything situated the people pair up and begin to dance to the dramatic, powerful and eery melody. As they dance Pretty a strange fog started pouring in from the cracks of the windows and under the doors. It moved as if it had a mind of its own, swirling this way and that in attempts to cover the whole floor. Slowly it works it’s way to the middle of the room, covering the feet of the elders dancing around the piano.
The piano begins to play the same creepy music from the screen.
There was absolutely no one sitting on the bench, so once again that shouldn’t be possible but what do I know?
The smoke lifts up and over the seat of the piano bench and settles on top of it. A spotlight appears on the piano. (Funeral home doesn’t have a spot light but whatever.) The man from the screen slowly fades out as the fog takes shape of a man. His fingers gliding over the keys matching the same song as on the screen perfectly until the spotlight on the screen goes out and the video player shuts off. Now it’s just the man giving a live performance.
He sways with the music.
I finally find some sense and decide now would be a good time to just nope the fuck out of here and take the what the hell train to fuckthatville.
I slowly stand as to avoid any attention. I quietly and slowly make my way to the end of the aisle. I take care to look where I am going. I don’t want to be that person in the movies that trips and falls causing a loud disturbance and getting killed because of their stupidity.
The best thing I can hope for is that’s there’s nothing on the ground because this stupid fog is thick and covering everything up to my ankles.
As quiet as a mouse sneaking around a sleeping cat I tip toe my way to the end of the aisle.
I quietly walk to the back of the room praying to a god I don’t believe in that I make it to the door. I kept one on the mysterious figure and the dancing old people surrounded and the other eye on the fog. It was able to make a man appear out of thin air so I wasn’t above thinking it could make a man disappear as well. I walk backwards as I eye up the supernatural one man concert playing before me.
Not one person turned to look at me. No one even noticed I was the only one not in a trances. I guess I need to send a thank you note to Flash for helping me perfect my silent walk and being the perfect invisible man.
I only stop walking when I harshly bump into the door causing a soft thud to resonate loudly though the room.
The beautiful notes the man is hitting quickly goes sour as he slams his hands down onto the keys.
The air goes several degrees cooler causing a deep shiver to race through my body.
My blood freezes and my fear spikes.
My mind says to just quickly open the door and run. Bolt out of here and into the dying night. Everything will be fine if you run. You’ll be fine when you run.
My body will not listen to the sound advice of my brain. Instead it takes a step forward and away from the door.
I tried to fight what ever was controlling my body, since I need to blame something I blame the fog.
I fight with all my might pleading, begging, demanding and bribing my body to stop moving all in vain.
I take another step forward,
And another
And another
And another
And another.
I get closer and closer to a place I really would not like to be. Closer and closer to the man I don’t know. Closer and closer to the no longer dancing old folks.
My nose begins to bleed as I fight the otherworldly pull on my body. I bring my hand up wipe away the blood.... ain’t that a bitch. I have free lotion over my hands by not my legs. This definitely means the fog is controlling me. I should have played the floor is lava. That might have saved my life.
I lose the fight with my legs mostly because I’m not even strong physically let alone mentally.
I close my eyes as my body finally comes to a stop directly next to the piano man.
I hear shuffles as if people are moving to surround me. I hear a loud freak in the silent room as the masked man stands or at least I assume he stands. I refuse to let my curiosity get me killed.
I flinch hard to my left as I feel breathing into my right ear and a warm body standing directly behind me. A gentle hand steadies me by grabbing ahold of my hips.
The man whispers into my ear.
“Open your eyes little one.”
The voice sounded like sandpaper feels. Rough and dry as if the person hadn’t spoken in a very long time or as if they hadn’t had any water in months and their throat was dry. Yet somehow the voice sounded seductive and sweet. It was like he wanted to scare you but only a little. I don’t know how to explain it.
All I can say for sure was that it was a dark voice.
It was scary.
It was dangerous.
It was inhuman.
I didn’t hate it. Kind of want more of it.
Ignoring all red flags, flashing lights, and loud abort mission sounds my eyes open one at a time. Dirt the right one then the left.
My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was that I was in fact surrounded by my aunts friends.
The funeral guests all were standing in a half circle around me and the piano. Their eyes were black. I blinked a few times and wiped my eyes just to make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing.
I was.
There are were straight up black. I’ll admit I was extremely scared and damn near close to wetting myself from fear but nothing was worse than looking into the small crowd of wrinkled skin and liver spots to see her. By her I mean my aunt.
The same aunt who was and should be as dead as a door knob (that metaphor literally makes no sense... focus!) was standing there behind owner of the funeral home Mr. Stan Lee. She was standing and staring directly into my pure-ish soul.
How is she standing there? She’s been dead for two weeks. (No one knew she died in her home for a week and a half. How messed up is that...Peter focus!)
Was she alive again? I can’t see her chest moving but also no one else’s but mine is sooo is everyone dead like her?
Why do they all look so angry? Well I’d be angry to if my dancing music was shut off.
Despair and hopelessness take ahold of my body, pulsing through it with each beat of my heart.
I slowly decide to turn my head and look behind me at the man.
The first thing I notice is that his mask is gone. The second thing I noticed was that he wasn’t going to win any beauty contests... and omg this man is horrible to look at. I’ll be honest he’s lucky I was raised previously with live and had manners because otherwise the chances of me throwing up on this mans shirt and feet would have been a lot higher. Be that as it may I was so I swallow the bile in my throat and gulp.
Words couldn’t describe the horror of how horrific the man looked. He face was riddled with scars. The only places that didn’t have acres were completely missing. Chunks of flesh look rotted in some places, missing in others, and scarred on the rest. His eyes were pretty to look at and he smelled nice which sent me into a very conflicting state of fear and arousal.
His hands are still on my hips soothing me causing my fear to lesson just a bit. Maybe his wouldn’t be so bad? Perhaps I was just judging a book by its cover and this may not be as scary as it seems. He smiles at me as if he can hear my thoughts. It’s a gruesome and terrible sight but I find myself hesitantly smiling back. He brings up his hand, which is in the same terrible mangled mess as his face, from my hips to my face and strokes it with just a hint of pressure. It felt as if a feather was being running over my face. I place my hand on top of his and just feel his skin. Despite it being a horror fest it wasn’t that bad when you got used to it.
Suddenly he stops smiling and his eyes somewhat pretty eyes flash red. His grip on my jaw turns harsh and bruising. I can feel it begin to break as he allies more and more pressure. The hand on my hip pulls me hard into the front of his body and wraps around my mid section tightly as I begin to struggle. He pulls me tighter and tighter into him causing my bones to feel like they were point two seconds away from snapping as well.
His strength is out of this world although I already knew that. I look from him to the people in front of us. I plead with my eyes for help hoping that one of them comes to their senses and tries something.
I hear the demon laugh as if once again he can hear my thoughts... who knows maybe he does here them.
Everyone smiles at me. Ms. Al smiled so wide her dentures fell out.
The man leans down as he is quite literally breaking my bones and whispers into my ear,
”There’s a price to pay for breaking the sound of silence.”
Next thing I know my hip bones and my jaw are both shattered.
I scream the best I can with a broken jaw as the man releases me. My body drops to the ground like a broken doll. I see him place his mask back over his head and places his gloves back on his hands. He sits back down at the seat, hiding his upper body from my sight. I can see his feet and legs and I hear him begin his chilling song again.
The people around my broken body get closer and closer stooping down as the reach for my body.
I close my eyes as they draw nearer.
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fusion-ego · 5 years
So... 2019, huh?
((LONG post ahead!))
This year has really been something, hasn’t it? I had to quit my second job ever because of my back problems (along with other shit lol), I hardly wrote anything all year, and I started in on my Bachelor’s degree. I moved 1600 miles cross-country to Arizona and I’ve been down here for six months now! I had to leave my Markiplier Nudes Calendar™ back in Illinois because I forgot to take it off my wall before I left and it probably got thrown away by the landlord :c, I let my parents borrow a credit card for the move down here and went into debt as a result of almost single-handedly financing the move, had several breakdowns, and despite my best attempts I haven’t been able to get a job yet, but I’m still trying!
A lot of things happened this year.
I turned 20.
I started liking myself again after years of literally hating myself and that quickly advanced to me loving myself again. Turns out I’m pretty cool, even if I am annoying as fuck.
Turns out that having primarily depressive episodes and not having the motivation or desire to take care of myself doesn’t make me any less of a person. It doesn’t make my struggles invalid just because I’m the one not taking care of myself. It turns out, taking care of yourself is fucking hard sometimes, especially if the combined symptoms of your mental and physical ailments put you in a position where everything feels like too much.
It also turns out that taking care of yourself is difficult when you’ve spent your entire life (or at least the parts where you actually had friends) putting all of the wants and needs of your friends and loved ones above your own.
Taking care of yourself is hard when you were raised to be The Strong One, who doesn’t break down and who doesn’t have any issues, thanks. The one who, sure, they haven’t showered in a week and they feel like crap because they haven’t eaten, but you don’t need to know that! You just go eat and take a shower, hun, The Strong One is okay.
It took until this year for me to learn that being The Strong One didn’t mean I couldn’t break down sometimes. It didn’t mean I couldn’t take time for myself and that I had to be available all the time for my friends. Setting boundaries has been a learning experience for me and everyone else in my friend group, I think. I think I’ve cried more this year than I have since I was a kid, and you know what that is? Growth.
And honestly, I’ve really gotta thank my lovely fiance @goreyglitches for some of that. I am petrified of crying when anyone can see or hear me. I was raised to be The Strong One and The Strong One doesn’t cry. I conditioned myself to not be a “crybaby” and to never, ever, ever cry. And I know that’s bad - repressing negative emotions just makes it worse in the long-run. I figured that out with anger and tried to fix it long before I tried to fix the crying issue, and this year? This year Tobi’s helped a lot. I trust him, and I feel safe with him, so when he shuts the door and pulls the covers over us and holds me and tells me it’s okay to cry, I cry. And I am so grateful to him for that I don’t think I even have words.
And @ashencreations has been a wonderful friend this year, as always, even if both of us have been having issues this year. They’ve, I think, been one of the people I vented to the absolute most and they’ve been a real peach about it and even if I don’t have a whole lot of energy to talk sometimes (most of the time) they still love me and are accommodating of my issues. That’s pretty cool! I know a lot of people who can’t talk to people they’ve dated in the past and I have to admit I wouldn’t have been surprised if we fell out this year, but here we are - finishing another year as best friends. They let me have my space and they check in to make sure I’ve eaten and slept and showered. And I try to do the same but my check-ins have been a little lackluster this year while I find my boundaries so oops for that. I’ll try harder next year!
And really, I have to thank everyone who’s stuck with me through this year. My friends and my followers and even just folks who know me because I’m mutuals with someone they’re friends with - all of you. I know this year has sucked and I’ve been really annoying and I’m constantly asking for money, so thank you for sticking around. I’m trying to get back into the old swing of things and I’ve put in about a billion applications and I’m in University, can you believe that? You guys being patient even when I’m annoying has been really helpful. This is especially true of the folks in Lexi’s server who have to see me venting all the time. Y’all are darlings and I’m sorry I keep dragging my shit in there lmao I’ll try not to so much next year.
I’m especially thankful, though, I think, of the people who are still with me after so many years of knowing me. Like Ran and Ness and Zare and Comedy and even Em, even if we don’t talk. I mean, Em probably the most - she knew me when I was such a shithead that it’s kinda laughable now and yet she’s willing to be mutuals with me now. That’s pretty funny. (Hey, Em, guess who’s still trying to figure out how to write that TMNT thing and make it as interesting as the original idea was?) And of course I’ve known Comedy since elementary school but we didn’t really get close until high school and then I dropped off the face of the earth for like a year lol but she’s been a peach the whole time I’ve known her. And Ran’s been around for a while, we’ve known each other long enough that he probably still remembers when I went by Al. And Ness, who doesn’t have tumblr to my knowledge, well I’ve known her since diapers and she’s going to be the Maid of Honor at mine and Tobi’s wedding when we have the money to do a real ceremony - I would have filled that place at her wedding, too, if her sister-in-law wasn’t a needy bitch who had to have that position or she’d pitch a fit and ruin the entire wedding. And like, don’t even get me started on Zare, who was there when I was the worst shithead I’ve ever been and somehow still likes me even all these years later. I introduced myself to this man as Prussia, y’all. I introduced myself to him as a fallen kingdom because it was easier to pronounce than my legal name.
(It may have also been because I was into Hetalia and projected onto the character really hard because of all the “I’m awesome!” and thought it would help me be more confident, and also perhaps because my legal name being mispronounced led to a lot of people knowing me as a different fallen kingdom so it was a haha funny joak to me)
Also, this year, a certain vine-man turned youtube-man made a video that really, really spoke to me. Thomas introducing Remus and having an entire episode about intrusive thoughts and ‘bad’ creativity was - it meant a lot to me. Because since 2018, when I started writing Ego stuff, I haven’t... Well, I used to write a lot of dark stuff, y’all. I wrote violent shit because I wanted to and it was kinda just my Thing™. But after I started writing Ego stuff I started feeling like that was problematic, like it was a bad thing that I wanted to write nasty stuff like that. No one did anything to make me think that! It was just that, well, that kind of violence just... Seemed out of place. I’ve been in the process of writing a 146K+ word, 43 chapter fic containing ritualistic cannibalism, murder, unsafe sex, and various other nasty things since 2017 and I spent a terrifying amount of time feeling... Bad for that last year and this year. I’ve had to re-learn that it’s okay to write nasty stuff (no matter the moral issues other people take with it) because exploring not-so-great things in fic, especially to cope, is one of the many points of writing fic. And I’ll be honest, my dumpster fire fic was something I was writing to get through my associate’s degree because it was a new and terrifying experience and the prominent theme of running away was a feeling I was dealing with in tandem at the time. Remus’ introduction reminded me that dealing with intrusive thoughts and exploring the ‘bad’ creativity doesn’t make me a bad person, it just means I have nasty ideas and even the best people can have those. At least I can turn them into something I’m proud of writing.
So, going forward, I’m not going to shy away from writing my nasty stuff, and in 2020 I’m going to try and finish Trial and Error. I haven’t updated it since August, 2018, guys, it needs a new chapter.
And on that note, I don’t usually make New Years’ Resolutions. I never saw the point in the past and it wasn’t something super encouraged by anyone around me, so it never seemed important. But I’m making a resolution this year.
Over the years and years of writing, I’ve encountered something I think every writer encounters - I stopped writing. Now, I’m not saying I don’t write. Obviously I do, and have been, for a long time. I’m saying I don’t write like I used to. In 2013/2014 I wrote a 36-chapter Sly Cooper fic featuring an OC that still gets hits to this day, and I wrote it over the course of three months. I started it in November 2013 and it was done and put aside by the third of January 2014. It’s still one of my favorites! But the chapters are short, the storyline needs work, I didn’t spellcheck anything or even remotely try to keep my timeline completely straight. It was the first multi-chapter story exceeding 10 chapters that I ever finished. I wrote a chapter a day, as long as I was capable of doing so, I posted it, and I never looked back. It’s not a great story, but it’s one of my favorites. I loved it then and I love it now. And that’s something I don’t do anymore! When a fic doesn’t live up to my expectations, I don’t love it like I love that old fic, which did not at all live up to my expectations. My perfectionism has developed over the years and it has killed my creativity. I can still make cool stuff, can still make things I like, but it’s not the same anymore.
So my resolution is, in 2020, I’m going to write.
I’m going to write like I used to, but I’m going to put all of my experience into it.
I started writing in 2008 or 2009, maybe even before that - if I can recapture the love I had for it then, then I will be in great shape. I didn’t spellcheck back then and frankly I kinda sucked at writing even in 2013/2014, but if I can love writing like I did then and put all of what I’ve learned into it? Holy shit. I mean, I’ve been rewriting that old Sly Cooper fic for the past couple weeks, so it’s not exactly a mystery how much better things will turn out if I pour my much better spelling and grammar, my better ideas, my better commitment, into my fics going forward. All I need to make them great is to love doing it.
So in 2020, I’m going to write.
2019 has been a wild ride, and I’ve written less than half of what I wrote in 2018, not even counting all of my Ego requests for either year. I’ve spent the last three days in a mad dash to reach 100K written this year on AO3 by writing 30K before midnight tonight. I have 5K left! But even breaching 100K I won’t be halfway there. In 2018 I wrote 225.6K on AO3, not counting Ego stuff. And I think that’s because I haven’t loved doing it like I used to - the fact that I’ve loved the fic I started in order to make my “30K by tonight” goal and I haven’t let myself have enough time to agonize over whether it’s “good” or not has a lot of effect on how much I’ve written. My wordcount per hour has, like, doubled because I actually wanted to work. So I’ll reach my goal by tonight and still have time to celebrate at midnight.
So, again, thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me through this crazy year. Things haven’t been great, I’ll be honest, but I’m hoping next year will be better. They’re already off to a good start - my dad and I have a plan for him to start paying me back for how much money we spent moving here, and if I can get a job it’ll only get easier and it’ll only get better. And on top of that me and Tobi have plans to legalize our Marriage™ in September. It won’t be anything big - we’re waiting to have a real ceremony until we have the money to make sure Zare and Ness and Ran can come. But if all goes well, on 9/20/20 we’ll have the legal shit sorted out and Tobi will officially be my husband so that’s just another thing to be looking forward to.
Happy New Year, y’all! Hope you all have a good one. I speak a good 2020 into existence and I won’t stop until I get it.
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The Portrait of Afuro Terumi (06~10)
! Double Gods
! Unfinished
What's an appropriate response upon being addressed by a literal painting?
Among countless of possible eloquent answers, Hiroto selects the simple and to-the-point “What the fuck?”
Afuro Terumi- the portrait (Don’t call it by a name. Calling it by a name dignifies it as a consciousness.) seems unfazed. “I guess the more correct term would be that I am the curse.”
It’s beginning to feel too much like a fever dream so Hiroto backs out of the room and calmly goes back to his room where he sleeps for a good twelve hours.
Hiroto knows what’s in the room. It’s a dusty old painting that talks.
Or maybe he doesn’t know what’s in the room and his memories of the previous afternoon are just the result of his delusions.
There’s only one way to be sure.
Before he can psyche himself out, Hiroto marches up to the room again, and barely gives the knob a twist before it springs open.
“You’re back.” Afuro Terumi greets him.
Hiroto stiffens. Fuck. So it was real. He conversed with a painting, which is the opposite of what Haizaki warned him about, and now he’s probably cursed, but he can’t even tell Haizaki about it because he doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“You act like you knew I was coming.” Hiroto asks cautiously. “Did you know I was coming?”
“I had an idea.” Afuro Terumi’s eyes gleam mysteriously. “It has something to do with the curse, actually.”
“Right. The curse, because that’s definitely a thing that’s… what? Placed upon me?” Hiroto rubs his forehead, hoping that if he willed it hard enough, his migraine would disappear.
“More or less.” Afuro Terumi hums vaguely, concealing any and all sorts of emotion form his tonal voice. “Leaning towards more at the moment.”
“Are you going to explain yourself at some point?” Hiroto sighs.
“I don’t know where to start!” Afuro Terumi only smiles cheerfully. “Why don’t you ask me questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them?”
“Sure.” Hiroto deadpans. “Why not. I don’t suppose you’d like a nice cup of earl grey with that as well.”
“I have my own beverage.” Afuro Terumi gives the wine glass a whirl. The liquid swishes but doesn’t spill. “Even though I can’t actually drink it, since it’s not substantial.”
“Okay.” says Hiroto. “Okay.” he says it again, just to reassure himself. “First question.” His voice sounds a little scratchy. “Are you male? Female? Neither? Little bit of both?”
Afuro Terumi blinks, a slip of confusion seeping out from the painting’s mask. “Seriously? Of all the more pressing matters, that’s your first question?”
Hiroto frowns. “It’s not like I have a limited amount of questions.” he grumbles. “I just… don’t know what to refer you as in my head.”
“Ah. You think about me often?” Afuro Terumi’s face brightens marginally. “That’s very sweet of you.”
Don’t react. Don’t react, Hiroto. “Just answer the question.”
“I am a guy, if you’ll take my word for it.” Something akin to amusement dances in Afuro Terumi’s languidly musical voice. “Or do you want actual proof with that?”
All the blood in his system rushes up to Hiroto’s cheeks, and he curses at himself for being so easy to play. “If it’s not a birth certificate you’re showing me, I’m leaving.”
“You have no sense of humor.”
“You have a twisted sense of humor.”
Afuro Terumi laughs, and it’s a very boyish laugh. “Next question?”
Hiroto points to the plaque underneath his frame. “It says here that your name is Afuro Terumi. Is it?” he asks. “Just to be clear, though. Even if it isn’t, that’s how I’m going to call you for the rest of my life.”
“So you plan on spending the rest of your life with me?”
“Would it kill you to give a clear answer on the first try?”
“It wouldn’t.” he chirps joyously. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve had the chance to converse with other people. Let me have my fun.” He tilts his head slightly to the right. “But yes. That is my name.”
“Afuro.” Hiroto tests it out on his tongue for the first time. It rolls oddly.
“At your service.” Afuro replies smoothly. “But aren’t you going to offer me your name?”
Hiroto makes a face. “Would that potentially endanger my existence?” He’s read a lot of stories about how never to reveal one’s true names to mythical folk. He’s not sure if Afuro applies, but better safe than sorry goes the saying.
Afuro seems to consider about it. Then unsurprisingly, delivers an utterly disappointing answer. “As far as I’m concerned, your existence is already endangered, so you needn’t worry.”
“That’s comforting.” Hiroto mutters under his breath, but obviously there’s no point in arguing, so in a louder voice he says. “Kira Hiroto. What’s the deal about me being cursed and my existence endangered?”
Afuro clicks his tongue thoughtfully. “How do I explain this?” he sets his wine glass down and links his fingers together. “I would start with telling you to stay away if you cherish your life but for a variety of reasons, I will not waste my breath on that speech."
Hiroto stares at him, unimpressed. “That explains absolutely nothing.”
Afuro rolls his bottom lips between his teeth. “I guess there’s no easy way to put this, so listen clearly, Hiroto-kun.” Hiroto’s eyes twitch at the overly friendly title, but doesn’t comment.
Afuro is deliberate and clear when he talks, like every syllable holds a weight. "The moment you entered this room, you're trapped. Not physically. You're able to leave this room at any time, but you'll always always inevitably feel the urge to come back. And when it comes, you won't be able to resist it. That's how my curse works."
Hiroto's lips twitch. "That doesn't sound too bad."
"Right. I suppose I forgot to mention the fact that every time you come in here, I suck a bit of your life away."
"You what?"
Afuro falls silent again. He seems to be struggling with how he should arrange his words. It's not a good sign when talking to someone about a very grave and very serious problem, Hiroto should know. He is raised as a corporation heir.
But it's no use ushering Afuro to hurry up either, so he takes a seat on the dusty floor and waits with an erratic anxiety spiking in his arteries.
"How old do you think I look?" Afuro asks after moments of hesitation.
"At a time like this? Really?"
Afuro stares insistently. A hard line sets on his jaw.
Hiroto sighs defeatedly. "I don't know, okay? I'm not some renowned… art inspector. I just know that you're old."
Afuro shakes his head. "My painting is old, but me myself as Afuro Terumi, I'm only in my teens."
"You lost me."
"Time doesn't really work like that for me. When I'm alone, it's like I cease to exist." Afuro explains, resting his chin on his left palm, where he's propped his elbow on a raised leg. "I'm only alive when life approaches me, and that's because I draw the life from living beings. That's why they call me a curse."
"Haizaki said a bunch of people have died here before."
"Your friend is right." Afuro shrugs. "I did that. I mean, their lives were sucked dry, not that I jumped out the picture and shagged them with a dagger."
"You can do that?"
"No. I'm trapped between these four pieces of wood." He gestures at the beautifully carved frame walling up the canvas. "It's a very small world."
"Your life is on the line here. By entering this room twice, you've already greatly sabotaged your chances of surviving. If you keep this up, you will die. It doesn't matter to me one way or another, but if you value living, please refrain yourself from coming again."
"You sure are full of yourself. So you have a pretty face, you're not that irresistible." Hiroto rolls his eyes.
Afuro simply laughs, and bids him goodbye.
Despite being informed directly by the curse's source, Hiroto hasn't been completely convinced about said curse until his feet carries him to the same door three days in a row without thought.
I am in a post new series haze so like... I really don’t have that much motivation for Ina Eleven atm oops. (If anyone’s curious, current obsession is Hidamari ga Kikoeru by Fumino Yuki. Slow burn romance. Big rec. Ongoing.)
Also I’m starting year three of high school, so that means I’m about to become very very busy. Activity is going to be undoubtedly wonky. Still, stick around if you’d like. I might drop by with a shitpost of fic once in a while.
For the time being, I await part 3 of TPOAT with you.
Hang in there buddies, and remember to stay hydrated.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... I found a Zi-O raw!
More thoughts below! Warning: this is ESPECIALLY long! (please do not feel at all obligated to read the whole thing)
Sougo driving the bike off the road and then ducking beneath the curb to hide from Geiz reminds me of Emu, in full golden-dreadlock mode, hiding behind a corner from the people-turned-bugsters and peeking out like a little kid.
The small twelve year old--er... Sorry, sixteen year old--is playing hopscotch w/ the dead guy. That they just... Left there? I guess Geiz popping up did distract everyone.
And... As I suspected, he’s back. Well--suspected bc preview images, but... Ya know.
Woz! That actor is having a lot of fun and I appreciate it. I’m wondering if they had to do that scene multiple times bc he had trouble pulling the hood up smoothly.
The fact that he disappeared from the outside the temple just to appear immediately at Sougo’s house is both unnecessary and hilarious.
Also: ‘I Woz-proofed my house, but he still got in!’
Aw, Geiz is a good boo. I guess maybe he and Tsukuyomi were going back to find Another Build when... Another Build found them.
And another aw, she’s worried about him! They’re cute. I love friendship.
Oh! Baseballs this time! Does that mean he found a Best Match?
And Sougo’s here! Yeah, thinking about it, saving his life is probably one of the best things you could do to make Geiz pause about killing you--given that future you tried to kill him, it’s an antithesis, so... Did that make sense?
On that note, I think Woz told him were they were/that Geiz was fight Another Build? I know he said Geiz’ name while invading Sougo’s house. Where was Junichiro in that scene, anyway?
On that note, apparently Sougo is vaguely okay at baseball.
Oh my god, the dramatic music, and then the damn eye shine... If we could have seen Geiz’ face, I’m sure it would have been ‘WTF???’
Oop! He Rider Kicked! Congrats on the first one, Sougo! Though... It may not have stuck.
And then he just runs off, in full transformation. Oh, my baby, my loser. Well, Geiz and Tsukuyomi can keep it busy so there are no new victims.
Wait. Did he just run... All the way to Nascita? I guess... I guess they’re in the same city? Huh. ... Do all KR series take place in the same city? Is this all just supposed to be Tokyo? ... No, that can’t be it.
I love how he just kinda tried to dive into the fridge.
Aaaaaaand.... Here are the dorks! Wait... Shouldn’t Misora and Souichi be here? Eh, maybe they couldn’t get the actors back (or couldn’t afford to w/ everyone else they were planning/wanted to bring back).
You know, while I do mostly agree that maybe they coulda waited an ep before diving into the Build cameo, I think they may have been trying to use it to establish the ‘schtick’ of the season so to speak (at least the beginning schtick--like how w/ Build it was ‘find and fight Smash’ and w/ Ex-Aid it was ‘find Bugster Virus patients’) using a Rider that, as it had just finished, everyone was already familiar w/. Though in regards to that, obviously they start w/ Build bc he’s the most recent. But the point is, I’m thinking it may have been meant to be the ‘tutorial’ or ‘introduction’ incident of the series. I could be wrong ofc, and like I said, I do think would probably have behoved them to wait an episode, I think I get why they did it this way. That... May have made no sense. I’m sorry.
God, even in this small scene, the chemistry between these two remains amazing. Glad Eiji and Atsuhiro seem to be having fun.
So... I accidentally paused it at a moment where Sento looks like a scared rabbit and Ryuuga looks like he’s being protective. Cuties.
Also, I guess the Time Jackers are stealing the powers long-distance? Speaking of Evil Cutie Baby Boy (that’s his name, right?) there was a shot in the trailer of him freezing Build and Cross-z in time to harass Sougo. Wonder if that’s in this ep? (it probably is, and then I’ll be too lazy/stubborn to delete this bullet point later)
Oooooooo! And we get Geiz’ Rider Kick! That was interesting!
The teleporting Ride Watches strike again! Seriously, who made those things? They get around faster than mosquitos! ... Maybe.
So... What, it just had to get double-Rider Kicked, or just Rider Kicked twice to die? I am the confused.
Pfffft. Sento and Ryuuga screaming when they realise they’re hugging. Well, half hugging.
Oh! So... Something just rewrote time? So Sento giving Sougo the Build Ride Watch in 2018 creates a stable time loop for something that’s going to happen in 2017, which 2018 Sento remembers bc it’s his past, but that Sougo doesn’t understand bc it’s his future. Time travel.
Wait... Are we just completely nixing Sento’s actual first meeting w/ Zi-O? Bc even if it’s from Sougo’s future, it’s from Sento’s past (the movie), and the Sento of now should remember it. Maybe. Though maybe that got retconned so he forgot. Again. Time travel.
Oh! It did come back! Wait... Why did Sento and Ryuuga’s memories change when Geiz kicked it? Or... Maybe they just ‘reset’ like that every time it’s destroyed, and then when it respawns they get rewritten again. Or maybe talking is a free action.
Aw, poor Geiz has Rider Kicked too many times and worn himself out.
Oh. So they have to use the power of the Rider that the power was stolen from to destroy it?
Sougo correctly identifying Geiz as his secondary and handing him the Cross-z Ride Watch. Love them.
Speaking of which--have I mentioned I love Geiz?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said I would stop doing that. I just really love secondaries, okay!
Geiz is taller than him and he’s gonna be the grumpy big brother and it’s cute! Fight me.
No, no, again, please don’t. I’m a mess rn, I’ll cry.
Aw! They ran Fast Like Sonic together! I think Sougo saving their lives is what’s making Geiz willing to work w/ him temporarily--not to mention the, er, Another Rider attacking people. Geiz is a good boy. But I’m sure he’ll get more hostile again once the situation is over.
It’s is Time Majin! I feel so deceived.
Oh! Hey, it’s the Best Match Boys again! Can they transform? Maybe. I honestly don’t care anymore. Not in a negative way, though. I’m more not bothered bc I’m enjoying this--if that makes sense?
So the format seems to be--they meet the Riders somehow (be it in the past, or in the present). A Time Jacker, meanwhile, goes back in time and creates Another Rider. So what our heroes have to do is find the Rider in the present and fix their memories--even temporarily--to get the Ride Watches from them and create a stable time loop of some kind, then go back to that time period (again, if they’ve been there before) and destroy the Another Rider there to set things to rights. So maybe more like the Riders are lending them a portion or piece of their power rather than it being ‘taken’ or anything, and they’re not really effecting the original flow of the previous story, just adding a scene were ‘monster that wasn’t a MOTW showed up and then some time traveler folks did, too.’  Ofc we’re only part way through the ep, so there could be other effects, I don’t know yet.
OH. MY. GOD. Another Build sees Ryuuga and then just... GLOMPS him. And shouting ‘BEST MATCH!’ While Sento just kinda is like ‘WTF?’
But oh boy is he probably gonna be mad at Ryuuga for rejecting him...
I guess the guy also got... Connected to Build’s memory somehow? Bc he was able to identify Ryuuga as Cross-z w/out any outside clues, and I don’t think it was common knowledge? After all, he was still a wanted criminal at that point, right?
Oh! They can transform, but it’s glitchy as hell. I see... But why is Ryuuga being glitched? I get Sento being effected, bc Another Build is, well, right there, but there isn’t Another Cross-z, so what’s happening w/ Ryuuga?
Well, either way, it’s still nice to see Cross-z’s original suit again. Shoulda said that last ep, too. That was a damn good suit. Glad they were able to keep it active, even just for these few eps. Might get scrapped after though. Still grateful, however.
The other dork boys! Are here! Yay!
Ah! Evil Cutie Baby Boy! Also, hey, there’s that scene I was talking about. No, I’m not going to delete that bullet point out of spite. Spite for what? Don’t ask me.
Geiz is like ‘... Oh. You.’ at Uhr. Like, that’s his expression. I love it.
Meanwhile, Sougo has no clue what’s going on.
I should note that I don’t actually know if Geiz knows who Uhr is, bc he didn’t say anything like Tsukuyomi did w/ Woz. I just drawing conclusions from my reading of his expression.
This boy has the cutest damn smile I wanna hug him to pieces I’m dying here. He’s clearly a shit but he’s got such a baby face and he’s just a kid and I’m feeling parental for evil murder children someone help me.
I thought only Schwarz could freeze time, though? Well, maybe he can just doing over a wider area for longer.
Well, Sougo’s response to Evil Cutie Baby Boy seems to have won him some points w/ Geiz... You’re doing a good job making up for your poor communication in ep 1, honey.
Actually, one thing that bothers me about Uhr’s appearance is that the strand of his hair w/ the feather in it (that all the TJs have--yes, they’re TJs now) just cross right across his forehead and never moves and it’s kinda distracting.
Aw, look, boys, you’re already synchronised in putting your Drivers on. Ya’ll are gonna be friends whether you like it or not!
Four Riders, no waiting!
Oh, no... They got de-Ridered!
Well, we now know that Sougo can’t swim, I guess. Or... Maybe just not in the suit? Also, awwwww, Geiz pulled him out.
Woz here on par w/ Kogure for unexplained abrupt entrances. If there’s a crossover between Zi-O and LuPat, I really hope there’s a scene where they do it to each other or something.
Sougo looking around like ‘Ah! Where’d he come from!’ is really funny, too. He even looks up at the damn sky.
Also, I’m just gonna assume he’s got a Time Majin hidden somewhere. Unless there’s another way to jump through time they haven’t shown yet.
He did it!
Ah, so this is the memory that Sento had earlier.
Oh and, hey, Woz smiled! Not sure if that was a good thing, but he’s got a nice smile.
And... There he goes again.
Oh, wait... Are we gonna get Geiz’ reaction to Woz? Admittedly, Tsukuyomi only got to act surprised and ask what he was doing there (and got no answer), but Geiz hasn’t seen him yet. Does he know him, too?
Okay, I’m really liking the trend of people ignoring Woz’s speeches to do other things. Like the first time when Sougo was wondering at his transformation, and here where Sento whispers to him. It’s funny and I hope they keep doing it. I’m also hoping one day (if Woz shows up to do this every time Sougo gets a new Ride Watch) that some day someone (probably Geiz or Tsukuyomi) is gonna shove him aside or at least tell him to shut up and he gets offended. Double funny if they cover his mouth.
Sento and Ryuuga just watching the math move slowly along. Sento doesn’t seem pleased. Ryuuga just looks confused.
Oooooh! I see! Now this adds to the formula. They give the Riders the Ride Watches in the past, so that they carry them w/ them and it... I dunno, learns about their power, or is just there and ready in the future present/when they’re needed. And that’s why Sento and Ryuuga had them in their pockets! Rest of the proposed format still holds.
Eh? Katsuragi? Though... His personality doesn’t seem different at all? And he’s still on good terms with Ryuuga... And... I don’t see how what happened there would change him into Katsuragi? Maybe... Something went wrong w/ the Another Build power return? Plus, when Sougo went to see them at Nascita earlier in the ep, it seemed like he was Sento then, didn’t it? I could have sworn Ryuuga called him that? So it’s not actually that big a change? I’m confused.
Geiz is just like ‘Tsukuyomi, I literally saved him earlier, I think it’s pretty clear I’m taking a pausing from being terminator for the moment.’
Hm. So he’s going to try and investigate why the alterations are happening? So maybe he figures it out and that’s why Sento is still Sento in the present? You know what, I’m not gonna worry about that stuff, it’s just gonna give me a headache.
Oh god, he comes downstairs and they’re both in his house, I love it. I guess Geiz saw the sign at some point, and when he decided to hold off on the killing Zi-O plan was like ‘oh hey, that could be useful!’
Tsukuyomi, nailing the fake introduction. Geiz here being a grumpy bear (though he still nails the fake introduction, just as a grump). I love this so much.
Sougo has the ‘I just woke up’ excuse for any nonsense he might accidentally say.
Tsukuyomi denies the handshake and Geiz is just like ‘hi, I’m gonna threaten you now’ (I assume that’s what he’s doing).
And then Geiz and Tsukuyomi reacting to the food (I guess it’s not what they’re used to--can’t tell whether it was a positive or negative reaction though).
Oh, hi Woz! are you the narrator?
EMU! So you’re a full-on paediatrician! Good on you!
Excited for next ep! Looking forward to seeing my grouchy emo surgeon son and his gamer ray of sunshine again! Seems he’s calling Emu ‘paediatrician’ instead of ‘intern’ now, hee hee. More primary-secondary friendship, give me more, MORE! Ahem. I also just really loved that particular relationship and I hope they get friendship interactions. Though I don’t think there’s been a Brave Ride Watch? Maybe there has and I missed it.
Sorry for the long post! Imaginary cookies and a hardy handshake for anyone who actually read to the end.
... Have I mentioned I--JK.
15 notes · View notes
zichqec · 3 years
Scene Sunday #53
Omega watched for a moment as his target finished signing some papers, tapping them on his desk to make them neat and setting them aside in a tray. Now was the perfect chance, it was go time. He eased himself into the timeline, just outside of the skeleton's view.
The skeleton jumped, knocking his pen off the desk and to the floor. "Ah-! Oh, Omega, it's just you." Frost gave him a tired smile. "Couldn't you give me a little warning before you do that?"
Omega moved himself behind the counter before Frost could lean down, reaching to pick up the pen himself. "Nah, I gotta entertain myself somehow." He set the pen down on the desk, along with a warm travel cup of hot chocolate. "Brought you something, thought you might be cold."
Frost blinked at the cup. "For me?" He took it with both hands, gently pulling off the lid to observe the contents inside. After a moment he seemed satisfied, giving Omega an appreciative look. "It smells lovely, thank you."
Omega smiled, stepping back out to lean on the other side of the counter as the skeleton took a sip. "So how've things been tonight?"
Frost snorted faintly. "Chilly, you were right about that. Any idea when they're gonna get those doors fixed?"
"I've got some folks coming in tomorrow, they should be able to get it sorted. Gotta wait until the sun's up though." Omega sighed, letting himself slide forward across the tidy countertop. "Sorry about all the hassle, I'll try to get folks here for regular maintenance more often."
Frost waved a hand. "Don't worry about it, a couple chilly nights ain't gonna kill me."
"Anything else I can get for you tonight?" Omega asked, still feeling bad. Frost just shrugged.
"Nah, I'll be fine. Thanks for looking out for me, though."
Omega stood, sighing again. "Alright, then. I gotta head back out, but I'll check up on you again later."
Frost took another sip of his hot chocolate, then waved. "See you around."
Omega raised his hand in farewell, then let himself slip back into the space between timelines. One task for the night checked off, now to make his usual rounds...
First of the writing-only Scene Sundays, late in the day because I forgot XD oops
0 notes
ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: Open Mike Nite
WARNING: This may not post in time as this is suppose to take place on the last week of August.
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Hiya, folks! Welcome to Day 2 of Dream FES: Open Mike Nite! This year’s Open Mike promises to be spectacular... And a bit short. First up, we have some lovely ladies who are about to prove just how strong they can be.
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It’s just something a friend of ours wrote for us sometime ago. I know most people wouldn’t think she could do it, but she has more heart than any of us.
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Yeah. If it hadn’t been for her, there are somethings we wouldn’t be able to do.
MC: She sounds like a great person. Does she have a name?
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If you please, she wishes to remain anonymous. For certain reasons.
MC: So she’s shy? Okay, I won’t pry into it. Don’t want you Women of Power to beat me to a pulp.
>The audience laughs.
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Oh well. I guess they wouldn’t believe an AI could be capable of writing a song.
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I’m sure you’ll be getting credit someday. Just be patient.
MC: After that, we have Ryuji Sakamoto and his boy friends. So, this is the famous Skul5 I’ve heard about?
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I wish. But I already have other guys in mind. My friends are just fillin’ in. We don’t even have a fifth member. But I ain’t givin’ up.
MC: I see. Hope you succeed.
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Though I’m hopin’ Renren would consider joinin’ for real.
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Sorry. But I think if I joined, Skul5 wouldn’t make sense since you’re suppose to be the leader. Besides, I still like to try other things.
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As do I. Though, I’d like to try my hand at being an idol myself. But I think I have enough admirers to last me a long time.
>The audience laugh.
MC: A little too late for that, Akechi san. Although, one of your friends here might be showing what you mean.
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(trying to back away from some girls trying to get on stage) No doubt.
MC: Sorry, ladies, but you have to keep off stage. Partly for health reasons. You don’t want to give our performers the coronavirus... Okay, bad joke. But seriously, stay off the stage. You should control yourselves.
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Besides, he’s taken.
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Indeed. My heart is already yours, Ren.
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You heard ‘em: Access to Inari: Denied.
>All the girls whined in disappointment.
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Don’t be sad. I’m sure, if Yusuke would agree to it, you can commission signed paintings. Is that okay?
Fox: I’ll see what I can do.
MC: Looks like you dodged a bullet there. And after the Substitute Skul5 performs, we have a special treat for all of you. A performance by one of the world’s newest superhero teams, the Future Avengers!
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I don’t know how I got talked into this. I know I sang that song, but this is embarrassing.
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Hey, this is Bruno’s idea. Any complaints you have now, direct them to him.
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I just thought about doing this. I just wanted to see what it was like to be up here like this.
MC: So you signed in on a whim? (laughs a bit) Oh, man, I hope you know what you’re doing.
Bruno: I’ve watched enough of these concerts and previous Dream Festivals to know what to do. So I think we should be fine.
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It also helps that Ryuji and KUROFUNE have been coaching us for this. We owe them thanks.
Skull: (a bit proud) You bet. We’ve done a lot.
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We’ve also had help from a friend of ours online.
MC: Really? Who?
Kei: (nervous smile) You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.
MC: Try us.
Kei: ...
??????: Is this proof enough?
MC: Wow! I didn’t know you could throw your voice. Is that another power besides summoning kaiju?
Kei: No.
??????: I’m right here. Or, did you forget about us.
MC: (shocked) Oops! My bad. I forgot to introduce our co-hosts who will be joining us via video phone. First up, all the way in Paris, France, teen model and heart-throb, Adrien Agreste!
NOTE: I’d like to apologize in advanced for the following image.
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Konnichi wa. I hope you all have a great show for us.
MC: By the way, Adrien san... Is that a sock floating over there?
Adrien: ... My cousin’s a great magician. I thought I’d try a trick of my own... Now watch me make the sock disappear.
>With that, the sock floats away off screen.
MC: Amazing! A model and a magician? Is there anything you can’t do, Adrien san?
Adrien: Well, the only thing I can’t do right now is actually go to Japan to enjoy Dream FES. Me and some of my friends were really looking forward to it. Especially if it were to take place at the Summer Olympics.
Skull: We actually didn’t think we were gonna have it this year because of the Summer Olympics. But D-Four said that we coulda still have performed there.
Adrien: And we all hope you will.
Skull: We will... If I could properly get Skul5 together.
Adrien: I’ll look forward to it. Me and my friends.
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Thanks. We’ll look forward to it, too.
MC: Though distance separates them, their friendship holds them close. If this were the Love Meets Bonds Festival, this would be an even bigger tear jerker. Now, all the way from America, a rocker who who’s rocked New York even more than the virus or an alien invasion, sensation Ross Caliban!
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What’s up, Tokyo! This is Dream FES!
>The crowd cheered.
Ross Caliban: Alright. I just I wasn’t trapped at home and have to watch this on screen. But no matter the distance, nothing can stop the beat. I bet even Spider-Man would agree.
Crow: I’m sure he will.
MC: Next, who decided to show up here in person, famed enka singer, Misuzu Hiiragi!
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Thank you all for having me here.
MC: Now, Misuzu san, I know it’s going to sound like I’m prying, but I just herd you just got remarried. I guess that mean you and Taro Namatame really are through.
Misuzu Hiiragi: Pretty much. Though to be honest, even before the affair, Taro and I were pretty much drifting apart what with our jobs. But, we worked it out in the end and now we’re still good friends. He even introduced me to the man who is now my husband... Unofficially, of course. We’re still working some things out. He’s in the audience right now. How are you enjoying the show?
>Someone stands up.
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Real fine. It’s no End of Summer or Summer Olympics, but it’s still a great show.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I’m glad you think that.
MC: (a bit surprised) Whoa! The King of Stride? Guess that makes you the Queen of Stride.
Misuzu Hiiragi: (laughs a bit) No, I think my stepdaughter’s claimed that title. Sorry.
>The audience laughs at the joke.
MC: Well-
>Suddenly, a stagehand rushes to the MC and hands him a note. He reads it.
MC: Well look at this! It appears we have a couple of last minute guest hosts.
Ross Caliban: Are you serious? Who?
MC: (reading the note more) I’m not sure. They say they wishes to remain anonymous. They’re even sending a couple of guys with personal computers because they don’t want to be traced.
>Suddenly, two men come up to the host table, each with a couple of laptops.
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We’re here on behalf of our employers. They apologize for the sudden appearance.
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They’re even willing to make a donation to make up for wasting your time.
MC: Well that’s very generous of them, but Stark Enterprises backs us up. But I’m sure it’ll be fine... It’ll even raise my pay check... (laughing) I’m just joking.
>The audience laughs as the two men set up the laptops. They turn on.
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We apologize for the sudden appearance. You may refer to me as “E”.
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And me as “H”. We just wish to enjoy your Dream Festival.
MC: So what have to mysteries on our hands. This Dream FES is really getting more and more exciting.
Adrien: I know. Now I really wish I was there.
MC: No doubt. Anyway, aside from our first two acts, we have plenty more... Including a mystery entry. Now, without further ado, let’s get on with the show!
Panther: We’re the first to go! Are you ready?
Queen, Oracle, Noir, and Violet: Ready!
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Then let’s do this!
>The Women of Power begin performing You Are Stronger.
>After the song.
Adrien: Amazing! That performance was so cool! I bet even Clara Nightingale would be impressed.
Ross Caliban: No doubt. I’ve seen girl groups perform before, but wow... You girls really stole my heart!
Misuzu Hiiragi: You girls are no Rise Kujikawa or Kanamin Kitchen, but you five really show promising talent.
E: Yes. You all dance so beautifully. And that song about how people can be stronger than who they are? Sounds like an absolute inspiration.
H: So wonderful. I bet even the hard-hearted would be moved.
Panther: Thank you. And we thank our friend who responsible for it.
Sophie: (happily whispering) Thank you.
MC: Now on to our next group. Substitute Skul5?
Skull: It’s just the song I did last Dream FES. I hope you all like it this year.
Joker: Because it’s important to continue perusing what is in your heart.
Fox: Beauty exists in dream and your dream will not wait.
Mona: Though they may seem out of reach, this song will keep you going.
Crow: So let us sing and you will reach your goal in the speed of light!
Substitute Skul5: So, KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheer!
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Let the race begin!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Let’s cross the finish line together.
Catch Your Cheers!
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I’m flattered by your good cheer!
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Such a wonderful feeling you have given me.
Catch Your Cheers!
Cheerful Jam Coord
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Your cheers will unlock the mystery of your dreams.
REMINDER: The following images are not in violation of the Tumblr policy as they do not actually contain sensitive or adult contain. They only show the upper half. Please do not flag.
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>We change clothes.
Cheerful Jam Series! Complete!
>With that, we perform KEEP RUNNIN’ DREAM. Skull was right. If we could, we could become a real Unit with him instead of substitutes... But, we already have our paths set. Though they still go side by side, they are different, but our bond is unbreakable.
>After the song, the audience went wild.
Adrien: That was so cool! Even a close friend of mine agrees that you guys ere great.
Ross Caliban: I think you guys are awesome together. I know you guys are just armatures filling in, but wow!
Misuzu Hiiragi: My thought as well. It’s remarkable on how the song goes.
E: Yes. If my own friends could see this, they would love it.
H: Indeed. I think there may have been someone who may have had his heart touched by this... Despite him claiming that he didn’t have one.
>I can sense that’s right. But hearing about someone touching the heart of someone who claims to not have a heart does sort of remind me of Sophie creator... So why does my thought keep turning to Boss?
MC: Now, on to our next act! You know them as superheroes, but tonight, you will know them as stars. Give it up for the Future Avengers!
Bruno: I know Makoto is the leader, but are you ready!?
Makoto: We’re with you all the way, Bruno!
>Adi, Chloe, and Kei agree.
Bruno: Then let’s do it! This is a song I’ve been working on. The only down side is that we didn’t have time to pay for the Dream Festival System.* Now, let’s do this! Our song, Storms of Glory!
NOTE 2:* Actually, we forgot to add the Future Avengers act. We didn’t have time to use the Dream Festival System and I’m having trouble saving things on Tumblr, most likely due to how long this post is. But we’ll see if we can put up the song. Also, we like apologized if it sounds a bit rushed.
Bruno Little did you know, we’re not just some punks We’re what fly the air
Makoto You’ll never see it coming, you’ll be sunk Then you’ll know we’re there
Adi Don’t bother looking up, you’ll be down We bring the justice right now and here
Chloe Power and the sky will not let you frown The storm of glory is near
Kei Let’s go
Future Avengers Storm of Glory, blow your winds this way Your flight will lead us to victory No darkness will stand this day The day we shine and see
>After the song.
Adrien: It sounds a little rushed. But I suppose you deserve an A for effort.
Ross Caliban: But you do have a point, the song doesn’t really connect. But it was a good try. I’m sure you’ll get it next time.
Misuzu Hiiragi: I can tell that you have potential in the music depart ment aside from being a hero. Perhaps a little more pactice would be good for you.
E: I agree. It pays to practice. How about if things calm down, I can help you?
Bruno: You really mean that?
H: I believe she does.
Bruno: ... Thank you.
>A few acts later.
MC: And now for our last act. A mystery act because she wanted to surprise us. Now give it up for...
>Suddenly, the lights go out. Then, a spot light shows on stage... We were surprised by who was in it.
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Surprise, everyone!
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A- Akane!?
MC: Wow, Akane chan. I guess you had the Phantom Thieves in mind for this, huh?
Akane: Yeah. My friends helped me out with it.
Panther: I was in charge of the long socks and shoes.
Queen: The skirt, belt, and corset were me.
Oracle: I did the coat and gloves.
Noir: I commissioned the mask and top hat.
Violet: And I did the make-up.
MC: So it was a team effort? You have some great friends, Akane chan.
Akane: Pretty much. Sorry, Dad. I just wanted this to be a surprise.
Wolf: ...
MC: Looks like your pops is still having a hard time processing this. I’d explain why, but that would be entering some thorny territory. So, is the song also after the Phantom Thieves?
Akane: That’s right. This one’s for you, my Thieves!
>With that, Akane performs He’s a Trickster⭐.
>After the performance, the crowd cheered loudly. Even Wolf couldn’t resist... Then he mouths something to her.
Wolf: We’ll talk about the highly inappropriate outfit later. Right now, you did great tonight.
Akane: Thanks.
Adrien: I can really feel the Phantom Thief vibe. And I thought Cat Noir appears to be the mysterious type... Or especially Ladybug.
Ross Caliban: Well, I think the outfit’s a bit of an overkill, but it definitely shows your devotion to the group. Believe it or not, I’m a bit of a Phan-boy myself. Don’t worry, Spider-Man’s still number one in my book.
Misuzu Hiiragi: But I agree, the outfit’s overkill. However, red is definitely your color.
E: Yes. You really put your heart into this. Believe me, I know.
H: I sense it too, even though I am not there. You wanted to show your appreciation to your heroes.
Akane: Thank you.
MC: Well, that about wraps it up for tonight. Tomorrow night, we will see which Idol will make it to the Top Three and become True Idols and get a music deal. We’ll see you then!
>The audience applauded.
>Later back stage, the MC was taking some coffee when he heard someone talking in the shower room.
WARNING: Some nudity ahead, but nothing will be shown. Just the upper half. Please don’t flag.
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I think tonight was rather exciting. I think that’s the first time me and Morgana have ever used the System.
Mona: (no picture available) I know. I hope Lady Ann was watching.
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Are you seriously thinking about that? We know about your infatuation with her, but asking if she saw your magical boy transformation? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?
Crow: Can you blame him? It’s a whole new sensation. Is this how it always feel when you use it?
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You bet. It feels like you’re bein’ empowered by the fans and everyone else who believes in you. Kinda like our Personas.
Fox: They say clothes make the man, I think this takes it up a level.
Crow: Yes. But of course, we shouldn’t forget the actual performance. Singing and dancing our hearts out. We’ve come a long way since Dancing in Starlight.
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We sure have. It seemed not too long ago when we did that. I know we were told that it was just a dream and that we would forget about it when we woke, but the experience will always be in our hearts.
Mona: That’s right. We’ll never truly forget.
>We all smiled happily.
Skull: It’s just a shame the others weren’t here. Oka, Nobu, and Ichiro. And we still haven’t even found a fifth guy. Because of the virus, we can’t have any auditions.
Crow: You could try hold online auditions.
Skull: ...
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FOR REAL!? You coulda said so earlier!?
>We all laugh... Even the MC couldn’t hold it in... And he got an idea.
Crow: Is someone there?
Joker: (using Third Eye) I have something... It’s the MC.
MC: (nervous) Sorry! You just had the door open and I couldn’t help it. Don’t worry, I didn’t peek. But I have thought about what you said about Skul5 needing a fifth member. I know I shouldn’t be saying this because it may seem like favoritism, but... I think I might know a guy who might work out.
Skull: For real? Who?
MC: He’s this really nice kid I met while I was staying at this nice little pension... in Karuizawa...
>To be continued...
APOLOGY: Sorry. We know the MC said this would short, but it wasn’t.
Also, the Joker sprite is by Hex.
0 notes
bmgmw · 7 years
Homecoming (chapter 2)
I finally reunited with my computer so I could write chapter 2! Apologies for any grammar/punctuation errors. I’m running on 4 hours of sleep after a long work day, so…
Anyway, I think this thing may end up being more like 5-6 chapters instead of the 3-4 that I initially planned…..oops! 
Thanks for all your lovely comments on the first chapter (chapter 1). I don’t really (aka ever) write fiction, mostly just research or poems, so this is all pretty new to me!
Chapter 2: Observer of Humanity
The harsh city streets of Greenwich Village softened as the autumn leaves speckled the asphalt in shades of red and gold. The wind provided an encouraging nudge to the throngs of people moving about with their own individual rhythms to form the city’s unique collective cadence. Mid-rise luxury apartments, renovated 19th century row houses, and NYU’s signature purple flags encircled the downtown neighborhood, inflicting architectural warfare on the ghosts of the Village’s bohemian past. As Riley made her way down MacDougal Street, she passed one such ghost, the cornerside club Cafe Wha?. Home to one of Bob Dylan’s earliest NYC performances, the club still stands today–although rising cover fees and the changing neighborhood landscape have slightly diminished its once bohemian atmosphere. 
But as Riley gazed at the club’s quirky signage over the door, her train of thought wandered to the club’s lesser known history. Observer of humanity, the phrase formed in her mind. Her great-grandmother Rosie McGee was a frequent patron of the club in the 1960s, and although the two had never met, Rosie’s story came to life every time Riley passed by Cafe Wha?. Riley pictured Rosie in a cozy booth feverishly jotting down poetic fragments in her journal, about the nomads she encountered passing through, about the folk artists attempting to get their music and message to travel beyond those four walls, and about the love she found–and then lost–there. Observer of humanity, the thought echoed once more. Riley was fascinated by her great grandmother’s intuition regarding others and her uncanny ability to tap into previously unbroken ground in order to connect so deeply with people. As Riley thought about the people in her own life, she desperately hoped she had inherited even just a small fraction of that talent.   Riley crossed the narrow street, weaving her way carelessly between taxis stalled in traffic, and descended the stairs into the courtyard of Topanga’s. She eyed Farkle and Smackle tucked away at the corner table seated across from each other and deep in quiet conversation. With their eyebrows furrowed and their backs slightly hunched, they emanated a sense of gravity that Riley did not want to intrude upon despite her natural curiosity. From the corner of her eye, she swore she felt them glance in her direction. I’ll say hi later, Riley thought as she made her way to the entrance.
Riley continued on through the door, and the warmth of the bakery enveloped her as she took her place on the orange sofa next to a very relaxed Maya. Maya dropped her feet to the floor from the coffee table and turned to Riley. “So how’d it go? Did Ranger Rick finally show up?” she asked. “Yes,” Riley replied. “You were right. He didn’t forget about asking me to homecoming!” Well, of course I was right. I did help him with this after all... Maya thought to herself. She smiled and revived her best terrible 1950’s educational video accent. “Well, golly gee whiz! Riley Matthews asked to the homecoming dance by that swell lad Lucas Friar! Cheese souffle!” she joked, with accompanying gestures. “Did he bring ya a Yogi on skates, Sally?” The joke had long worn thin, but Riley didn’t have the heart to say anything. Instead, she forced out a slight chuckle.  "No, no Yogi on skates. But lots of my favorite candy.“ Riley tossed a handful of chocolates from her bag to Maya. “I got some for you and Auggie”.
“Thanks,” Maya said, losing both the ‘cheese souffle’ accent and enthusiasm. She couldn’t help but feel weird taking the candy that she had told Lucas to buy, unbeknownst to Riley. Maya slowly unwrapped one anyway, hoping the sweet chocolate taste would overpower her discomfort. “So are you excited? It’s only a week away,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m excited! But I still need to pick out a dress! Want to go to Demolition later?” Riley asked as she took out her mountain of textbooks, grasping them tightly in order to keep in place her scattered notes burrowed in the pages. “Sure. I guess I should get a dress too.” Maya didn’t have a date, but that wasn’t going to stop her from having fun with her friends.  “But I can’t stay long,” she added casually. She glanced at Riley with slight apprehension, hoping Riley wouldn’t ask for a more detailed explanation that Maya wasn’t ready to give. Luckily, Riley was already buried deep into página 72 of her Spanish textbook, trying her best to memorize the long list of verbs for the upcoming quiz. “Caminar…..cantar…..conseguir…..cambier…” “Cambiar”, Maya corrected. “To change.” “Cambiar”, Riley repeated intently. Spanish was not her strong suit and she was glad to have Maya to help her. Riley giggled as she went through the vocabulary list one final time. “Even when I get them right, I still think I sound like Chewbacca.”  She uttered its cry and Maya laughed. “Well if you’re Chewbacca, then does that make me that Han Solo guy then?” Maya asked. She had never seen a Star Wars movie, despite telling Riley otherwise, but she had read enough of the Wiki page at least to pacify Riley when the subject came up. “Sure,” Riley answered, her eyes glued to her textbook. Sudden silence grew between them, teetering the fine line between comfortably studious and tensely awkward. As it slowly evolved into the latter, Maya pushed a tuft of her soft, blond waves out of her eyes and picked up her strawberry smoothie.  "So why do we always order these things when it’s not even warm out? I’m much better at pouring them than drinking them anyway,“ Maya stated, hoping the self-deprecating humor would lighten the mood. She wasn’t quite confident in its success, but it was her go-to method in awkward situations. Riley looked up from her book. "Out of habit, I guess,” she replied. Maya smiled and stretched her feet back out on the table and began to drink her smoothie. Feeling deserving of a study break already, Riley looked over at her friend and did the same. “Ya know, life’s pretty good right now,” Riley said in earnest. 
“It’s–,” Maya began, before she was interrupted by the bakery door being swung open with urgency. Smackle and Farkle stood at the door in tandem. Their expressions had softened since Riley had seen them, although neither looked entirely comfortable. They stood in front of the girls and took a deep breath. “Riley. Maya,” Smackle began, turning towards each girl as she addressed them. She continued on, quick and undeterred. “Farkle and I were just discussing homeostasis— how variables are actively regulated in order to remain constant……like how the plasma ionized calcium concentration level is controlled in our blood via the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, as well as the parathyroid gland.” Smackle paused and looked intently at the two girls. They stared back. Unsure of what to say, they said nothing. Farkle took a half step back and listened silently as Smackle continued. “Sorry, I forgot we’re not all in AP Bio. Let me rephrase.” Maya and Riley exchanged a glance before smiling back at Smackle. They were neither angry or offended, but rather, slightly surprised that Smackle didn’t call them amoeba brained or some other colorful description.  “Yes, Smackle, explain to us lowly peons, please,” Maya said in slow exaggeration. The girls loved Smackle, refreshing honesty and all, and Smackle was used to the girls giving as good ­­as they got. Smackle looked at them warmly and continued. “In biology, an organism being able to regulate and remain constant despite outside changes allows it to maintain life.” The girls nodded. “Okay, that makes sense,” Riley replied. “Yeah, yeah. Science and stuff. But what about it?” Maya chimed in. She knew they were going around in circles to get to a point, and she wanted them to arrive at it sooner rather than later. Farkle straightened his shoulders and looked up towards friends, still avoiding eye contact.  "Smackle and I were talking not just about homeostasis at the molecular level, but at the human level as well.  When the external variables of this world make us go haywire, who is the one that helps us return to homeostasis? Who helps us maintain our true selves even as we grow? “ he recited. For a boy whose eyes typically gleamed when it came to science, there was a dullness to them today. An unusual reluctance replaced the typical ardor in his speech. 
Riley and Maya’s eyes remained fixated on Farkle, expecting a further explanation, or at least some type of follow up. This wasn’t the first metaphorical science speech Farkle and Smackle had given, and the girls were waiting for the pair to answer their own question as they usually did. But Farkle offered no answer. He turned to Smackle, who stood up and announced simply, "If we are not each other’s regulating factors, then we cannot achieve homeostasis. Based on this scientific fact, Farkle and I have decided it is in our best interest that we separate ourselves on amicable terms. We wanted you to be the first to know”. Farkle nodded silently in agreement, keeping his eyes glued to the floor and his hands glued to his jean pockets. Before either Riley or Maya had a chance to process the bomb that had just dropped in front of them, Farkle and Smackle nodded and left the bakery as quickly as they had come in.
Maya finished the last sip of her smoothie, still not quite sure of what had just occurred. Smackle and Farkle were the most stable relationship of anyone in her class. “What the…? Well Riles, I definitely did not see that coming, did you?…”
Riley absentmindedly shook her head as Maya continued on. But Riley wasn’t listening. She had scooped up her books and bag, and before she knew it, was halfway out the door. I have to go talk to him. She wasn’t sure exactly what to say, or what she thought talking would accomplish, but she could feel every instinct in her body screaming at her to go. This isn’t the Farkle I know, she thought as she entered the courtyard. He was holding something back, though Riley had no proof nor any inkling of what it could be. As she brushed passed the round tables on the way to the stairs, flashes of conversations past rang in her head. “We don’t lie to each other, Riley.” 
Riley accelerated as she went up the stairs and onto MacDougal Street. The evening sun was reflecting off the windows and for a moment, it almost felt like the Village was glowing.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Maya appeared at the foot of the steps, puzzled.
“I’ll be back soon and we’ll go to Demolition, I promise,” Riley replied, eager to keep moving.
“Okay, but what about Lucas?” Maya shouted as Riley walked down the street. 
Shoot. Lucas was supposed to meet them at Topanga’s in fifteen minutes once he finished his baseball practice. Riley fiddled with a strand of her hair as she thought about what to do. She had already not watched his practice, and the thought of ditching him at Topanga’s made her feel worse. She didn’t want him to think she wasn’t excited for homecoming. Feet frozen on the cement, Riley bit her lip. “Tell him, I’ll be back in half hour!” she replied. Pivoting, she continued down MacDougal and unlocked her phone. 
‘hey. can you meet me @ the arch in ten?’ she clicked away with her thumbs with ease. 
The purple doors to Cafe Wha? peered at her as she made her way north towards Washington Square Park. The doors were closed, but she could picture Rosie’s booth clearly. She paused and gazed at the doors for a few seconds longer, hoping this feeling in her gut about Farkle wasn’t just her imagination. She hoped she read him as well as Rosie read the people surrounding her.
Observer of humanity. Riley repeated as the arch of Washington Square Park began to emerge in the distance. Or at least…so I hope.
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ts-seychelles · 5 years
EP. 11 - “I Was Able To Dodge That Bullet” - VILMA
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I literally look like the biggest boo boo the fool right now. Like I’m so cocky and stupid and tumblr survivor makes me want to eat glass
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Okay honestly, after that tribal, I feel fucking awesome, and so many people still have no idea what happened First off, Jared I am so sorry that you believed my PMs during Tribal that I thought I had the votes to get out Nicole.. I knew one of you would play something, and I high key would not be surprised if Nicole ended up actually having another big ticket advantage sitting in her pocket from ghost island, but im going to wait on that concept for now until i see something from them. Maybe we can flush another advantage out of their pockets? lmao I am protecting Jared's role in this for as long as I possibly can, and Roxy's too. I had Dan hammering me for who told about the plan, and then ofc Alex wanted to know too, but he can eat a dick for all I care (in the context of the game of course.... love him to death as a person), and I'm just not going to tell anyone. I want Jared to maintain all the relationships he has on a 100% trust basis, so that way if he feels like he's gotta tell me something, he's going to be able to have that information I had to fill Regan in, and I know she is still 100% on my side because she is being VERY open about who she wants out after what happened this round. Dan? I really really want to trust him again, and I think I cut a huge tie of his removing Ricky from the game, and now I have to give him a little bit of what he wants.. I want to pick his brain and really see his top choice of who he wants to go this round, and I am going to try to help him be successful in that move, so that he can trust me. I really want him to say that he wants to go for someone, and for me to 100% support him on it. It's going to be one of the biggest leaps hopefully, in his eyes, that I trust him again and I've got his back.. As for Asya, who was another one who I was surprised about.. She doesn't know that I know yet, that she spilled our alliance to Ricky, and that Ricky dished that information back to Dan, and THAT is another reason as to why Dan didn't trust me, so I'm keeping my eye on that for now, but I really just want Asya to trust me also. I knew I needed Asya and Dan back on my side the MOST after this entire debocle, and by getting rid of Ricky, which cuts off both of their ties with a strong player, I draw them closer to me, and them seeing me as one of their bigger options. The best thing with Asya too is that we had a legitimately genuine conversation about how we could get closer and we should open up more about our personal lives and not even get to know each other on a game level, just because this is our second game going deep together, and I want to get to know her y'know!!! I think my position is definitely a million times better than it was before tribal, but I'm definitely not out of the weeds yet. Dan and Asya seem to be back and genuine with me, and I know Jared isn't going to just save me one round, and then take me out the following round. It'd be foolish, so i think I've got that relationship too, along with my strong allegiances with the people I've already been working with, knew about every facet of that move, and still trust me (i.e. Augusto, Roxy, Vilma, Regan). I know that my chances of making it to the end are getting smaller and smaller because what I did to protect myself, and HOW I pulled the move off really impressed my closest allies, and I know the gold medal is a lot more appealing when there's 6-7 people left in the game than loyalties, so I know my chances are already shot, especially because the only people I think would actually want me to go to the end with them are Augusto and Vilma, and even then is a bit of a stretch, so now it's just a game of how deep I can get and how well I can play off everything that's just happened....... As for my next move? Literally chop Alex's head off with a machete until he's into a million pieces, cooked in the shitty ass pot we've been using for 34 days, and then be gone :) 1. Telling me at tribal that we weren't going to rocks LIVE to try to get me to change my idol play was a MOOD. Alex is dead ass one of the worst liars ever, and if you know you can't let things come out of your mouth and be 100% confident you're being convincing with what you're saying, then leave it over text.. like lol 2. Looking like his dog fucking died when I played my idol was priceless, but also extremely telling of how badly he wanted me out 3. Lying to me the entire day and not telling me about the vote...... bitch bye 4. Saying "ha ha" when I said "final two my ass" when the votes were being read 5. RE ENFORCING THE F2 WE HAD FOUR DAYS BEFORE THIS TRIBAL COUNCIL HAPPENED...... literally such an lol So yea. I think I have more. I definitely would have to go back in my host chat, but in the realm of the game, everything Alex has done has made me want nothing more than for him to go, and the best thing about this entire concept is that I think there are people on "the other side" who would not mind voting out Alex either because his social game kinda sucks and he's a liability to keep around because he is the entire reason the Dan blindside got blown up, and I know Jared was pissed about that.. The reasons are too good, but now it's just if I can pull it off. At the end of the day, I'm on cloud nine after that last tribal, and it's time to go to work to see if I can make a thing or two more go my way.. I'm just trying to survive as long as I can and continue to have fun playing the game, bc tbh, I'm having a fucking blast right now lmao
THIS IS ALSO ANOTHER REALLY FUNNY MOOD BIG PRO OF RICKY GOING HOME WAS THAT I DIDN'T HAVE REGAN COME BACK TO RICKY SAYING "oh yea johnny said in the main chat that you wanted me out by accident" BC I DID DO THAT, BUT NOW RICKY ISN'T HERE TO TELL THE TALE Hopefully Regan isn't mad at me and finds out about it at some point, but Ricky said he didn't even pick up on it when I said it the first time lmao oops? Ready for this auction tomorrow!!!!!!
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I stan trying our best to win things in the auction, only to win absolutely nothing. I am laughing so hard haha my life Is falling apart, I can't even get an idol, Nicole goes to Ghost Island. I am literally shook. It's not really bad for my game? And I feel like I'm good at Touchy Subjects? Idk, I'm just hoping I make single digits. As far as my game goes, I'm gonna try to be super social this round and make up some time. I want to get back with Johnny and Augusto and really form a bond with them again because I feel kinda bad about the last round, but also not at the same time?? dflkjdaslkfdj idk? I feel like this game is picking up and I really like where I'm sitting.
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that auction sucked
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I forgot to make a confessional again. Anyways, so the true tea is I have no clue what is going on in this game at this point. I’m pretty sure I’m the weakest competitor here? Which is fun because nobody will go for me heh heh heh heh, and this round they can’t anyway because I am on GHOSF ISLAND! It’s very lonely here and Isaac has not yet let me play the game but it’d be super cute if I got something else that I could will to Jared because I think he might be in trouble this round. We are going to hang out with Johnny today in person and I CANT talk about the game with either of them which is a blessing because I feel like it’s all they would talk about with me. Anyways I think everyone knows....I’m not giving my 100% effort to this game right now. But once I tackle this depression and my hair grows out and I lose ten pounds and get my ghost island game and get an idol and idol out Johnny even though he’s immune and Johnny drags Vilma and Dan out with him so I don’t have to ever vote Dan out, it’s over for your bitches. Straight up.
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This round should be interesting? I kinda feel good? But I’m not entirely sure obviously. I feel like I have no other play but be with Augusto, Johnny, and Vilma. I feel like I could get closer to Jared, but I’m tired of playing the middle. I feel like I’m doing okay for not even doing well in any of these challenges. I’m trying not to be too much of a comp threat this game. I love my edgic being INV this round probably bc I’m not doing shit
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I think my name has been completely worked out of the discussion for this round. I hope that's accurate, if not... good on everyone. Now I just have an important game altering decision to make. Augusto or Alex? Well, it turns out Regan might be idoling Augusto? Which is good I guess, but if Alex plays an idol too, THEN WHAT. So I could throw my vote on Dan, with the potential of it going to a tied vote. If I got rocked out because of that?? Never forgiving myself. I don't know what I'm going to do quite yet, but I have less than 40 mins to figure it out. The other thing is that I could be getting votes and look like an even bigger idiot for making this confessional. Oof. Okay let's take a look-see at the numbers. Johnny, Augusto, Roxy, *Regan- Alex Alex, Asya, Dan, Vilma- Augusto * = unsure. I could weaken Dan tremendously here by taking out Alex, but I'm also taking out someone who I've been loyal to the whole time. I have built a lot of trust with Johnny by leaking last rounds vote, and I literally met him and Ryan from Mykonos with Nicole today in Times Square. And then Disney Amanda and Steffen showed up. Iconic? I am partial to testing Johnny's trust, but, I don't really trust him at all. I really really trust Roxy though, which could be a huge mistake. I see her and Asya as frontrunners at this point. Anyways this is getting rambling but this game is a MESS and I feel like a sapphire-idoly boii Tune into tribal, it could very well be a good one folks.
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Aaaaalright last round was such an emotional rollercoaster I had to skip confessionals to avoid having to cringe at them afterwards. Here's a recap: Earlier I was told rumors that Johnny had been talking around telling several people that Dan and I wanted to vote Nicole out, which I don't ever recall telling to anybody so when I heard about the rumors I was obviously suuuper confused. Days went by and I had heard from multiple different people that Johnny was the one to start those rumors but I remained suspicious, because I couldn't really see a good enough motive for Johnny to do that. People kept telling me that he has a tendency of wanting to play the puppet master and wanting to shake things up and cause drama between people. I didn't want to believe it but since nobody ever came forward to deny the rumors I decided to keep my eye on him. Next tribal I heard Johnny was getting targeted, and originally I was trying to see if there was any way I could save him from going home, but I knew Dan was unhappy with the Johnny rumors and would likely flip to take him out, so I decided it would be smart of me to go along with the majority and sacrifice him. I also saw him as a big threat, so even though I genuinely like him, I didn't think it would have been a horrible thing from my perspective if he went home. But a little over an hour before tribal Johnny comes forward to tell me that he has an idol! Plus he asked me permission to pretend it was the idol I found from Takamaka. I WAS SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK because I ended up somehow unwillingly positioned in the middle of this whole mess and whatever I decided to do I would end up backstabbing someone and making them angry. I was having a major breakdown in my host chat but let's not talk about that. Then Johnny asked me to actually vote HIM so people wouldn't suspect we were working together....... O-M-G. That plan sounded perfect; I wouldn't have to backstab anyone and I would have a chance to get out of a shitty situation without too much blood on my hands. Johnny tried to make me change my vote to Nicole last minute but I refused and voted Johnny anyways to keep on everyone's good side, whoops. I was also pretty happy Johnny decided to idol Ricky out, since I never talked to him too much and he was close to Dan and Asya, who I hope will now more likely rely on my help if they ever need extra numbers to make a move. After the vote I tried to clear things up with Dan, Asya and Johnny and I think nobody is too angry at me anymore which is nice. I was afraid I'd end up in the middle of a huge drama and I'd like to consider myself a drama-free person so phew I'm so happy I was able to dodge that bullet. Okay this confessional is already super long I think I'm writing a separate one about this round see you soon HEHE.
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I’ll make a more in depth one soon but some people are trying it tonight and like... where has this trying energy been all game (@Alex) because it jumped out all of a sudden! If I do go home tonight, I think I’ve played a solid game thus far and had a pretty good experience as people such as Johnny, Vilma, Regan, Dan, Roxy, and even Jared sometimes have been awesome to me and made things fun! ❤️
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okay uhm confessional time i----- I won immunity, which was awesome. The killer touchy subjects strategy of putting what you think the majority is going to say both times came in CLUTCH In terms of the touchy subjects answers? nothing really surprises me. being predicted to be voted out next just makes the most sense since seven people just voted for me.. so I understand why i got that one. I should've put myself too tbh, but I think I got the more intuitive ones correct, so that made me feel kinda good Tonight's tribal? I'm praying Alex goes home.. The kid still hasn't come to me about voting for me, after swearing up down left and right a f2 with me, and I find it kinda shookening, especially since his name is going around tonight, and I'm genuine when I say that if he just approached me, I probably wouldn't have been so hellbent on wanting him out, but oh well.. i hope he goes I know Augusto is getting the other bulk of the votes? I'm not SUPER sure who is voting where.. i've heard dan is being a dickhead again and he might go for augusto. I know Regan might be playing her idol on Augusto at tribal, which would be #dramaaaaaaaaaa and I really hope that this is alex or asya maybe playing a vote steal to get the numbers on their side, because then regan would LEGITIMATELY have to play the idol.. oh well, we'll see. she said she'd play it on him also in other news, I hungout with Jared and Nicole IRL, and because we RESPECT the game that's going on, when we were walking around the city, I spent a lot of time talking to Jared about today's vote and how arbitrary it's been for us to be on opposite sides, and guaranteeing that if we joined together that there'd be nothing stopping us, and then he offered me a 100% f3 with him, that we'd try to get to the end of the game together. I am 100% planning on accepting it with the intended purpose of keeping it true. I just hope that it isn't one of those things where he's like "oh yea we're not going to vote you" but then votes out all of my closest allies instead and im stuck in the game getting dragged to finals via jared's strategic play, but honestly, I believe the man. He seemed very genuine, and if he isn't being genuine, then he's a snake and it is what it is anywhom.. praying augusto stays and nothing bad happens to him. alex going would be best for my game, especially because I just think he deserves what's coming to him after how last round went with him and I, and the excuses he made for breaking our f2
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I trust no one but Johnny fuck everyone. Fuck wasting my idol. But I have to  Jared and Johnny both told me to play it so he res to that
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