#sorry I didn’t think I’d yap a lot about this (=´∀`)
bonsiii-art · 7 months
Random question; what do you think of the new update; Shadow milk cookie?
To be completely honest, Beast Yeast Chapter 2 was good but at the same time, a little disappointing for me ε-(´∀`; )
(Putting a read more here because I know the story details are super new and don’t wanna spoil anyone accidentally.)
- Spoilers for Beast Yeast Episode 2 -
The ending with that amazing cutscene of White Lily outsmarting Shadow Milk was hype, I’ll not deny that. And Elder Faerie giving her that one bit of courage was very sweet too qwq
I think how Shadow Milk acts and what he does in the story has a lot to do with my disappointment with this part of the story. :0
When Shadow Milk was introduced with the other Beasts in the teaser vid, I was like oh shit, powerful mastermind character whose a jester, this is gonna be good. And so I was ready for him to really mess with the characters’ heads, either by unveiling some new truth or turn people against each other!
So when I read through this chapter, I realized I may have expected too much. ε-(´∀`; )
He messed with them alright, specifically Pure Vanilla, but instead of an experienced puppeteer, he came off more as… a sore loser :P I’m saying this as someone who like him, btw!!
I mean it makes sense, considering everything! His play gimmick was fun but felt more like Shadow Milk taking the opportunity to puff up his own ego and finally make fun of people. Which would be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that our heroes’ reaction to it was “Oh, don’t believe his lies! He likes to cause confusion and chaos! He takes the truth and covers it in lies!!”
Like…he’s not really lying, he’s just retelling the story in a way that makes him and his friends look good in the most blatant way possible. Like they act he’s manipulating them in some grand way when reasonably, them and us, the audience, know what’s truth anyways.
I hope this makes sense, I’m not great at explaining stuff ( ̄▽ ̄;) I just think the pure vanilla mental conflict was the closest to what I wanted to see for Shadow Milk but even that has some lost potential.
I think that’s a good way for me to summarize it- missed potential.
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seasirengirl · 5 months
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pairing: leo valdez x reader (godly parent not specified)
a/n: sorry for the super duper slow updates, my life has been a mess🫶🏼
ೀ friends to lovers is a trope owned by leo valdez and no one can change my mind
ೀ he’s such a shameless flirt
ೀ nicknames in spanish.
ೀ i repeat
ೀ nicknames in spanish.
ೀ he’s such a fun person to be around
ೀ always cracking jokes and all that
ೀ but
ೀ hold up
ೀ he doesn’t crack jokes at times when you don’t feel like hearing them, even though he’s known for doing that to others, you’re his exception
ೀ you two went everywhere together
ೀ quest? together
ೀ spending nights at bunker 9? not without you
ೀ he felt guilty for making you stay there though
ೀ but then you started ranting about how much you loved staying there
ೀ and he just couldn’t say no to you
ೀ or your pretty face
ೀ but we all know that you didn’t really think bunker 9 was the most comfortable place to sleep in
ೀ you just wanted to stay with your repair boy
ೀ after being two idiots who were very much in love but would never admit it
ೀ your friends got sick of it
ೀ y’know what that meaaannssss
ೀ at first percy and annabeth started talking about it
ೀ apparently piper and jason also had discussed it before (mostly piper)
ೀ frank and hazel are just there yknow
ೀ chilling
ೀ with no clue about what’s going on
ೀ anyway
ೀ doing very couple-ish things all together
ೀ there were eight of you.
ೀ obviously meaning that
ೀ you and leo had to be dragged into all of that
ೀ which neither of you complained about
ೀ but you wouldn’t say it
ೀ going on carnival dates <3
ೀ well they weren’t technically dates for you and leo
ೀ but they felt like dates
ೀ the other six ditched you every second
ೀ and you two still managed to be clueless
ೀ smh
ೀ honestly thank the gods for piper
ೀ when you AND leo both found out about your feelings at the same time
ೀ you were both ranting to her
ೀ cause she’s the daughter of aphrodite
ೀ ykyk
ೀ and also a great friend
ೀ but she needed a break atp
ೀ hearing both of you yap about each other not knowing that the other feels the same
ೀ until one day she had ENOUGH
ೀ bro was tired fr
ೀ so she decided to make both of you a bit jelly
ೀ not a bit tbh, a lot
ೀ yk, telling leo that the new guy from cabin 7 was talking about asking you out
ೀ or telling you that one of her sisters were going to make a move on leo at the bonfire tonight
ೀ leo couldn’t let some guy try to make a move on his girl
ೀ and you couldn’t either
ೀ so
ೀ both of you decided to confess at the same time
ೀ leo walked up to you just as you were about to find him
ೀ “can we go somewhere private?”
ೀ such a simple sentence left you speechless, only managing a nod
ೀ “i don’t want you to go out with him” leo blurted out
ೀ “with who?” you asked, did you have a date you forgot about?
ೀ “andrew, the new guy from 7?”
ೀ “i’m not going on a date with him, oh wait- piper...”
ೀ silence. total silence.
ೀ “i have something to-“
ೀ “i have to tell y-“
ೀ you couldn’t help but laugh at that, “go ahead.”
ೀ“i would say ‘ladies first’, but i have to say this, ever since i stepped a foot in camp, i’ve had a crush on you, so will you do the honors of being my girl?”
ೀ “i’d love to.”
ೀ “so would it be okay if i-“
ೀ “shut up, valdez”
ೀ and he did shut up, because his tongue was too busy being down your throat
ೀ ok what.
ೀ anyway
ೀ after that night, your friends wished they never set you two up
ೀ they were just jealous that you two were a better couple than them
ೀ or that’s what you thought
ೀ leo was actually the best boyfriend you could ask for
ೀ he would make you the coolest gifts ever
ೀ any kind of jewellery a girl could dream of
ೀ he made it
ೀ flowers that never die, all yours
ೀ honestly you can’t recall a night that you haven’t slept without leo in winter
ೀ slept.
ೀ he kept you so warm when it was cold out
ೀ cause he’s your fireboy
ೀ he’s so touchy and always has to have his arm around you somehow
ೀ but he wouldn’t be much of a pda guy
ೀ especially it it makes you uncomfortable.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 2
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
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Roger: …Yeah, last night was pretty hot, wasn’t it lil’ lady?
(N-no way…Me and Roger?)
Just the thought of what could’ve happened in bed set my face ablaze.
Kate: Thank you for bringing me back. I’m sorry for the trouble… But…to make a move on someone drunk
(Sure it’s my fault for not remembering what happened last night, but still…)
Unable to deal with this embarrassment, I scowled at Roger.
Roger: Sorry for any outrageous expectations you had, but I didn’t do any of that to you.
Kate: Right, I let my guard down and was eaten up…what? You didn’t…?
Roger: Yeah. The moment Ellis and I brought you here, you threw up.
Kate: …I threw up?
Roger: Yeah. Violently.
I froze, eyes wide, as I realized that something even more shameful happened.
Roger: But don’t you worry. Ellis had the sense to call a maid to undress you.
Kate: …Then why are you dressed like that, Roger?
(Also earlier…)
Kate: Didn’t you say that “last night was pretty hot”!
Roger: I was gonna leave after you fell asleep. But you grabbed my shirt like it was your favorite stuffed toy and wouldn’t let go. So I had no choice but to sleep here. It was “hot” last night ‘cause of your high body heat.
(Um…so that means I got drunk and caused trouble for others?)
Kate: I am so terribly sorry…!
I bowed on the bed while still wrapped up in the sheets.
Roger: …I thought so.
(You thought what?)
He suddenly grabbed my chin and our eyes met.
Kate: …??
Roger: Had been thinking about it, but…you’re like a dog.
Kate: Dog?
Roger: You’re just like my corgi back at home. He barks and yaps, digs his own grave, and makes himself sad. Just like you.
Kate: Wha?!
Roger: Haha, show me that pitiful face. I couldn’t see well without my glasses on.
Kate: Then put your glasses on?! Or rather, you’re too close. Please let go of me, now.
Roger: I get more fired up when someone tells me no or says they don’t want to.
Provoked, I was about to start whining like Roger’s corgi…when someone knocked on the door.
Liam’s voice: Kate, are you awake? I made breakfast that’s easy to eat after drinking if you want it?
Harrison’s voice: No response. I wonder if she’s lying dead inside right now. They say that the day after drinking a lot is dangerous.
Liam’s voice: What?! Kate, Kate, are you alive?!
I could hear Liam and Harrison from the other side of the door.
(They came to check on me because they were worried. B-but…)
I wanted to open the door, but I wasn’t wearing anything.
Worse…Roger’s here.
Roger: You’ve only been here a week, but everyone already likes you.
Kate: Now’s not the time for that!
(What sort of misunderstanding would they have if they saw Roger half-naked in my room…)
Liam’s voice: If anything happened to Kate, I’d…Sorry, I’m coming in.
Kate: Ah.
Roger: Haha. They’ve seen everything.
(...This is the worst)
To be honest, I wish I could forget everything that happened after the door opened.
When Liam and Harrison saw Roger and me on the bed, they froze like statues and I spent half an hour frantically explaining that “nothing happened last night between us.”
—Finally clearing up the misunderstanding, we sat down for breakfast.
Roger: Glad everything was cleared up, lil’ lady. The way you tried to explain yourself was adorable.
Kate: …And whose fault was it that I had to explain myself.
Roger: I wonder. Let me know if you find out?
(Ugh, he has a comeback for everything)
(I’d like to withdraw the thought that he was a mature older brother with common sense…)
And correct it to…Roger’s an extremely egotistical person who’s a bully, pushy, and treats people like dogs.
But it’s definitely thanks to Roger that this fruit sandwich I’m having for breakfast tastes delicious again and that I have the energy to argue.
(I don’t know if I should feel happy or frustrated)
Kate: Huh? Now that I think about it, it’s rare to see everyone together today.
Elbert: Yeah…Because Victor called us.
At that moment, light footsteps were heard coming into the dining room.
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Victor: Good morning my beloved Cursed Ones and Fairytale Master!
Harrison: You’re too loud.
Victor: I’ve gathered you all here today to discuss something important.
(Discuss something important? What could it be…)
The usually cheerful Victor looked serious.
Victor: Am I making Kate work too hard?
Kate: ……Excuse me?
Victor: I’m the one that made you Fairytale Keeper and asked you to record Crown’s evil deeds! But I can’t possibly imagine the burden it must be to record all nine members. It was a huge oversight on my part. So we’re now going to have a contest for the rights to an exclusive Fairytale Keeper. Yay!
Kate: Exclusive Fairytale Keeper…contest?
Harrison: That topic came out of nowhere that it’s hard to keep up. In short, you’re going to be the personal Fairytale Keeper to one of us.
Kate: I see. Thanks for the simple explanation.
Liam: I want you to be my exclusive Fairytale Keeper. Then I’d always be with you.
Ellis: If you become mine…will you be happy? I’ll do my best then.
They each had their own motives, but were all interested and fought over the kind of contest.
Victor: Tada! I made this just in case something like this ever happened.
(This is…)
Victor: A fair and square ladder lottery*.
With the lottery, it was decided that the contest was going to be arm wrestling— 
Victor: And the winner is—Roger Barel!
Roger: Well, it was bound to happen. Their muscles are just for show. The only one looking bony was Ellis.
The tournament became everyone else vs Roger, with the goal of beating him.
Despite never taking a break, Roger won one game after another, winning them all.
Also Jude was given a forfeit since he disappeared half-way through.
Roger: Now then, lil’ lady. I wanted you to be my exclusive Fairytale Master no matter what, you know?
He looked at me so passionately that my heart skipped a beat.
(What reason did Roger want me to be his exclusive…)
Roger: Organizing materials and helping me with research and investigations…Research is a lot of work. I’m in a situation where I’m gonna a hand from a dog. I’m counting on you, Kate.
(Hm? …Dog?)
Kate: So you’re saying…you need a dogsbody?
That sly grin gave a clear answer…
(You are the worst…!)
A few hours later, Roger was in the palace office with investigation reports in hand, along with Victor and William.
Roger: Victor. These are the results of the analysis on the illegal marijuana seized during a recent mission that you asked me to do.
Victor: Thank you. Your quick work’s always a big help.
Roger:  By the way, I wanna ask why you rigged the lottery to arm wrestling so that I’d win.
William: Haha…see Victor. Roger’s a sharp man. It’s best to confess.
Facing blood-red eyes full of amusement, Victor held his hands up in defeat.
Victor: I surrender. I’ll confess. To tell you the truth, I’m still wary of Vogel. They publicly claim that they want to deepen our friendship, but I’m certain that they have other motives. Should they plan to harm us in any way… You know who they would go after first, right?
Roger: …Our lovely Fairytale Keeper.
Victor: Yes. Therefore I thought you’d be the best to protect her. You always keep your composure and you’ve got a strong arm.
Roger: Thanks. But in the end, it all depends on the person themself. I can only do so much.
William: Is that a no then?
Roger: No…I’ll look after her for the time being. Been needing a dogsbody you know?
With some sort of hidden meaning in his words, Roger agreed to their proposal.
Roger: Oh right, you can transfer the remuneration for the report later. See ya.
A steady man never forgets to mention that before leaving.
Victor: Roger really is a shrewd and rational man.
William: Vic, like Vogel, you haven’t revealed everything yet. …What’s the “other purpose” for having Roger and Kate work together?
Victor: Roger’s a strong man. Not just physically and mentally, but he’s also someone that can survive all on his own.
William: Perhaps. I’ve never seen him distressed or depressed.
Victor: It’s wonderful to be unshakeable. However—Unpredictable chemical changes is what makes life so interesting.
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William: So you paired the two to satisfy your own curiosity? Ahahaha, you’re as terrible as ever.
Victor: You don’t need to tell me that. You know I’m not a good person.
William: Yes, to your very core.
After becoming Roger’s exclusive Fairytale Master, I was assigned to organizing his basement lab.
Kate: I don’t think this is in a Fairytale Master’s job description.
Seeing the books scattered everywhere and piles of paper on the desk, I glanced at Roger.
Roger: A Fairytale Master should get a variety of perspectives so that time isn’t wasted.
That’s a stretch
Are you trying to win me over? 
That may be true +4 +4
Kate: That…may as well be true.
Roger: Your honesty’s a virtue.
Kate: Did you say something?
Roger: Nothing. Come one, let’s get to work.
The lab was filled with an extensive amount of medical books, equipment, and chemicals that I’ve never even seen before.
(It’s pretty amazing…)
Roger used to be a doctor and had been treating the members’ injuries since joining Crown.
He still continued with his research and trials, and some of the books had difficult to understand titles.
(...What exactly is Roger researching?)
One by one, I picked books off a stack and shelved them by subject.
(Um, this is anatomy so…it goes here)
The moment I reached for the shelf, I felt a presence behind me.
The warmth on my back was obviously his pecs…
Kate: Roger, you can’t just go around touching someone just because no one’s around!
Sandwiched between the shelf and Roger, I wobbled around in place to face him. His eyes were narrowed in displeasure as he placed a hand on the top shelf.
Roger: You know you can stop treating people like starving beasts like you did the other day. I just wanted to get this book off your head.
(Um…so I misunderstood?)
Roger: Well…you do look pretty good though.
Kate: …
I gasped when Roger took advantage of my confusion and closed the distance between us.
…But then stepped away.
Roger: I quit. It’s gonna be too much trouble.
Kate: Future trouble?
Roger: Kate. Do you think romantic love exists in this world?
I’m sure every adult has thought about love.
But I’ve never thought about its “existence”.
Kate: I think there are people who don’t fall in love. But if you’re asking if it exists, it does, doesn’t it?
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Roger: That’s the general consensus. However, I believe that romantic love doesn't exist in this world. What you call romantic love’s just a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire.
I suddenly remembered the book I had picked up earlier, “Functional Anatomy and Maturation Process of the Brain”.
(Love can be explained through the brain’s structure, right…?)
Kate: But if romantic love’s not a dysfunction or misunderstanding…
Roger: There’s no rational explanation for it at the moment. You can’t separate love from human society, but it’s never been proven. I don’t believe in or value anything that can’t be proven through science or medicine.
Kate: So, then when you…
Roger: When I do it, it’s for release. Once it’s done, that’s it. We mutually agree on no repeats.
Kate: T-that’s to the point.
(But that’s typical of Roger with his rational mindset that doesn’t like pointless things)
Roger: Well, having said that, I’ll play with you for as long as I can if you’re fine with it. Ah, but you’ll have to keep it a secret from the rest of Crown.
His somewhat seductive smile sent my heart racing.
Kate: I’ll pass.
Roger: Haha, how boring.
Currently, my goal was to complete my job as Fairytale Keeper safely. There was no time to think about love.
(No one can predict how people fall in love with each other)
(Meaning it’s not impossible, but)
There’s no way Roger and I would fall in love…I think
—Yeah, biggest and only goal at the moment was to complete my job as Fairytale Keeper safely.
The day after I became Roger’s personal Fairytale Keeper was when my job started.
My first assignment…was to infiltrate a “death party”.
*Stealing a tears of themis ladder lottery example
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Dogsbody is British slang for someone who does menial tasks. Not related to a dog itself, but still kinda fitting?
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yuzurins · 1 year
# reluctant to love
desc: in which rin writes a long essay proclaiming his long suppressed love for you
warnings: not proofread… lots of rambling, maybe ooc, itoshi brothers are not estranged, minuscule amount of angst but majority is fluff, some curse words here and there, rin is still at blue lock btw!
rbs and interactions are appreciated !!
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‘dear y/n,
i am writing this letter to inform you that i have taken a liking to you for a while now and would like to—‘
rin grumbles to himself as he scribbles out the complete trash of a confession that he had just wrote.
he doesn’t even know why he decided to take this approach at all. it all started because isagi and bachira told him that, “he was beating around the bush,” and “he’d probably win the world cup before being able to utter a word in front of them.”
so of course, rin said some very harsh words in response, leading to isagi challenging him to confess to you before the next match (that was in 72 hours) with his football career on the line.
which is how he found himself sitting at his desk after practice, spinning his pencil around trying to write a stupid love letter for his best friend.
because in the words of bachira, “everyone loves poetic men!”
despite immediately denying the words of his friends, deep down he knew damn well that they were completely right. if he wasn’t forced to, he would probably quit football before ever speaking about his feelings out loud.
but because the itoshi rin can’t risk his ego and pride, he’s reluctantly willing to write a silly letter.
turns out writing that silly letter was harder than any football game he’s ever played.
‘dear y/n,
i remember the first time we met.
it was first day of junior high, and you were sitting on a bench in front of the school with red puffy eyes, fiddling with the little kumamon plush on your bag.
i was late to class that morning, and after seeing you i purposely tried to walk faster in order to avoid any human interaction. but you saw me and grabbed onto my blazer, refusing to let go even though i didn’t spare you a glace. you asked for help getting to your classroom, and because i didn’t know what i was getting myself into, i lead you there (like the kind person i am) expecting to never see you again.
but i guess the world had other plans, because it turned out we were in the same class. you stuck to me like a parasite, annoying me every chance you got and never shutting the fuck up. but i enjoyed the company, though younger me would never admit that.
fast forward a few years and nothings changed. or has it? you’re still yapping your mouth off all the time and clinging beside me in every class. except something’s different, and i don’t know what it is. you laze around at my house after begging me for homework help, we occasionally go get food, sometimes fall asleep together and— [this part is illegible because rin drew over it too hard]
i don’t know. i think around this time i started distancing myself from you because i always felt uneasy around you. my heart was always beating rapidly, my stomach felt uneasy, and i just felt anxious. all the time. nii-chan told me it was because of you, so i just stopped talking to you. i’m sorry.
i’m sorry i didn’t tell you i was leaving. that i’d be gone for a while because i got scouted by blue lock. i didn’t mean to because i thought i’d be okay before i left. sorry i’m rambling now. i know i don’t speak a lot in person so i’m writing my thoughts down for you to understand me better.
i was a kid in denial, and sometimes i still am because even now i don’t understand that part of myself. to be honest, i would’ve never confessed these feelings of mine if my friend didn’t push me to. it sounds like a dick move but i swear on my career that everything i’ve written on this stupid paper is genuine and sincere.
and what i am certain of is that i want you to be by my side. i want you to be there cheering for me when i win a game, i want you to be there beside me when i wake up, i want you to spend your afternoons lazing around me, i want you to tell me all about the small unnecessary details of your day,
i just want you
because you make me feel safe
rin’s biting his lower lip now, feeling super embarrassed about how vulnerable he just let himself be on a piece of paper. he doesn’t read over it at all and shoves it into the envelope immediately. doesn’t even check whether he wrote your address right or not because he’ll chicken out if he looks it over at all.
he’s super anxious about this letter, to the point where he’s fucking up his plays, so imagine his surprise when he sees you sitting on his porch the day he finally gets to go home.
you jump up immediately at the sight of him and run to hug him. rin stiffens at the sudden impact but drops his bags a second later to sink into your embrace.
though as if that wasn’t enough of an answer for him, he’s still uncertain about your feelings. you hear the rapid beating of his heart and look up to give him a lovesick grin.
“i love you too, itoshi rin.”
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“i can’t believe you forgot to sign off a letter confessing that you’re head over heels for me.” you giggle as you walk over to your boyfriend, who was staring at his letter that you pinned to your pegboard. “what if i ended up responding to the wrong person?”
rin huffs and turns away, embarrassed that you caught him reading that. “shut up, you have no other friends anyways.”
you smile teasingly at him as you notice his ears turning red. “you never thought about the possibility that someone could’ve liked me during the 10 months you ignored me for?”
he frowns, though you can’t see him, and droops his shoulders down. you know he still feels bad about it, but it’s fun to tease him because in your eyes he looks so adorable, like a big puppy.
and as he still stares at the floor, he turns around and walks over to envelop you in his warmth, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
an endearing smile finds its way on your face as you hug rin back. he’s not a words person; this was his way of expressing his apology.
“it’s okay, you big baby, as long as you’re here with me now.”
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mushroominaforest · 12 days
Time for some frustrated rambles lol sorry 😅
(Under the cut so anyone who sees this can just scroll past if they don’t want to listen to me yap lmao)
Having a reputation as a whiny crybaby sucks so much 😭 I swear I haven’t complained about being in pain to my parents when it’s not actually that bad since I was like eight, but it’s this whole stupid boy who cried wolf thing and UGH it’s so frustrating!!!
I fractured my arm a few months ago and when I came home and I was like “hey mom my arm rlly hurts I think I did something to it” I just got the usual suck it up it’ll be fine in the morning response, so I was like okay fine, whatever, it isn’t that bad and then like a week later my tennis coach made me get an x-ray and it was fractured lmao
like dude I was walking around with my arm dangling at my side for about six days, pretending that it didn’t hurt and after all that I actually had a valid reason to be in pain??? I didn’t need to steal a bunch of Tylenol and hide the bandage I’d wrapped my arm to try and brace it??? (Look, idk how that works but i could tell something was up and I mean doctors normally put those sort of injuries in casts, right? I tried my best lol) like dude it’s so annoying
You whine about being tired one too many times as a five year old and then suddenly no matter how bruised and swollen your arm is ppl think you’re just making it up for attention it drives me crazy lmao
(Sorry for the frustrated rambles, I’ve just finally found somewhere safe to vent where someone isn’t gonna find it (I hope) and turns out I have a lot more to say then I expected lmao)
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wildflowerdoeeyed · 4 months
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𝑀𝑜𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝒪’𝓈𝒽𝑒𝒶
the character overlook part 2!!
this is going to be shorter but i still want my yap (spoilers it’s not im passionate about this), spoiler heavy for chapter 4-6
i’m not really proof reading any of this so sorry if anything’s wrong please tell me
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🪞before i say anything i want to point out a bit of dialogue between sean and molly
m - i dont have much opinion on you
s - ah but you don’t like me, i can see it in your eyes
m- i don’t know what you’re talking about mr macguire
s - but you look down your pretty little stuck up nose at me
m - i guess i didn’t come to america to meet boys who crawled out of the local bog. when i could have paid them to sweep my chimneys at home
s - i knew it. you’re a snotty nosed little west briton
m - i am no such thing
s - ‘course you are, i see it now. you probably have a family with a big farmhouse and titles
💋 i want to bring this up for a few reasons
1. sean is one of the only characters in camp proud of his heritage, molly is quite superficial and she doesn’t talk much about it, kieran doesn’t know much about his heritage and doesn’t know how to pronounce colm even though kieran was with the o’driscolls
2. he calls her a “little west briton” which usually means an irish person who greatly admires England or Britain, thinking them superior to Ireland
3. i said in my last post that i assumed molly became well off from. a family business in agriculture
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💋now i don’t have much to say about her outfits here because of the fact that they stay the same so i’ll talk more about her and dutch
💋from shady bell onwards molly really starts to loose it and there’s more and more arguments between the two of them at one point she screams that he ruined her life
💋molly starts getting really paranoid, she sits at one of the docks by herself and karen even tries to comfort her in her own drunken way even when molly approaches her and confronts karen about talking about her (i’m not entirely sure if she actually did) molly smacks karen, karen hits her back harder and molly storms off to behind the house
💋i feel molly starts to realise she is the fool that everyone calls her for falling for dutch, and there’s a held sentiment that dutch probably never loved anyone more than annabelle and molly was more of a distraction with a pretty face
💋walking around shady belle, molly is usually found sulking in the corners of the house on her knees with her head down, i’d also like to put out there that in their room one one side of the bed is disturbed
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💋i think kieran’s death was a way to put into perspective how the gang was falling apart molly asking arthur how this is allowed to happen
💋molly is absent at the end of chapter 5 and i’m not entirely sure that people really questioned it at all (i was obviously trying and failing to find my wife)
💋now let’s get into the deep shit of the start of beaver hollow
💋molly is clearly drunk back in her casual outfit with her blue shirt, which i think personally is how she felt more comfortable in
💋she curses out dutch and says that she told milton about the saint denis robbery
💋i think she went through the realisation when she was away of dutch’s complex about himself, calling him “your majesty” or “master” when she makes fun of him
💋dutch talks a lot about loyalty and having faith and him and miss grimshaw carry the sentiment that she broke the rules
💋miss grimshaw shoots molly, and i think, though i love molly, she is my wife, it was the last nail on the coffin that when molly died she sees dutch, the only person she thought liked, even loved her, looking disappointed in her
💋she also didn’t get a proper burial and got burned
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(only doing positive ones bc that’s what my baby deserves)
💋 karen’s the most aggressive after mollys death as she holds a grudge to miss grimshaw, calling her a filthy murderer and saying that she probably liked doing it, karen had seen (imo) that molly just wanted dutch’s attention and she was blinded by love
💋 i personally hold a grudge too but she seemed remorseful that she did it because she had to
💋 abigail feels guilty but they’re still under the pretence that she ratted on them
💋 charles says he feels bad even though he didn’t know her well
💋 strauss, though i think he probably did not gaf he actually includes molly in him saying the camps falling apart
💋 marybeth just feels guilty about her, saying that she doesn’t believe it, she probably said that in the way of she couldn’t believe that mollys dead but i’d like to think she also didn’t think that molly did it
💋 swanson says she’ll be in his prayers
💋though i’d like to add dutch’s reaction to yknow the supposed lover of him saying that he shoulda cut her off ages ago
💋i feel like people forget that milton tells arthur they couldn’t get anything out of molly , if you know micah is the rat you have to know molly isn’t
💋 off topic but i want to say i also saw someone say mary (linton) was one of the rats, i feel like people forget that mary knew arthur was never going to change for her, her missions never affects the plot, she’s always going to send the infamous letter at the start or beaver hollow, she never changed the ending you can not help her and never talk to her again and there’s still the same ending it’s all micah
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@lovearthur since you got tagged in the last one 🫶🏼
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ejzah · 4 months
Suggested by @mashmaiden to continue the Houseguest Drabble Series. It’s quite long.
Deeks: This is getting ridiculous.
Kensi, in a soothing tone: I know, baby, but it won’t be that much longer.
Deeks, not soothed at all: Really? Cause it already feels like it’s been forever. Look, you know I love Anna and Callen, and at any other time, I’d probably love to have them here, but I we have no room, it’s been two days, and the twins are starting to babble in Russian.
Kensi, putting a hand on his arm: Sweetie, calm down. I don’t think babies can learn another language in 48 hours.
Deeks: Callen is very determined. *he takes a deep breath and rub s his hands over his face* I’m sorry. I’m just tired and need some caffeine. Donut and Croissant were feeling extra social last night.
Kensi, grimacing: I know. I heard you get up a lot. Let’s go see if there’s any coffee left.
They find Callen, Anna, and Rosa in the kitchen.
Anna: Good morning. Thank you again for letting us stay another night.
Kensi: You’re welcome. I hope the twins didn’t wake you up too much.
Anna: I brought ear plugs.
Callen, pouring them each a coffee: And you know I don’t sleep much.
Deeks, nodding: So…any updates.
Callen: Arkady’s not answering my texts.
Deeks, in exasperation: Alright, that’s it.
Kensi: What are you doing?
Deeks, halfway out of the kitchen: Taking care of this once and for all. *then on reconsideration, he grabs a bottle of alcohol on the way out*
Deeks: Arkady! Open the door.
The door pops open a crack and a sliver of Arkady’s face appears.
Arkady: Deeks, what are you doing here?
Deeks, shouldering his way in: Here, I brought you a housewarming gift.
Arkady, quirking an eyebrow at the wine: This is not my house.
Deeks: Exactly. Where are Yuliana and my mom?
Arkady: They are in back. I believe they mentioned something about lunch. Though I have not been considered in a plans.
Deeks, heading for the back door: Wonderful.
He finds Roberta and Yuliana happily chatting and relaxing on lawn chairs.
Yuliana, instantly wary when she sees him: Berta, who is this?
Roberta, sitting forward: It’s my my son, Martin. Marty, what’s going on? Is something wrong?
Deeks, holding up a hand: No, mama. Nothing’s wrong. Well, assuming you consider seven people sharing one bathroom not wrong. Did you notice the homeowners of this home are missing in action?
Roberta, shrugging: Hey, I didn’t make them leave.
Deeks: No, you just made them extremely uncomfortable with your fighting and death threats via sewing needle.
Arkady, from behind Deeks: Yes, they fight like—like shrews. Or yapping dogs, nipping at the defenseless.
Yuliana, stands up and instantly begins berating him in Russian.
Arkady, to Deeks after retorting in Russian: See, this is reason we did not marry.
Roberta, hand on her hip: Excuse me, what did you call me?
Deeks, whistling sharply: Alright, that is enough! In two sentences or less, explain your top grievance with this man. *he gestures to Arkady and then Yuliana* You go first.
Yuliana, haughtily: Arkady told me he had been tasked with a very important job for US government two weeks before our wedding. I never saw him again. And he took my engagement ring with him.
Deeks: Not a good look, man.
Yuliana, warming up now: He also lies! All the times with the lies and the stories. He told me—
Deeks, interrupting: On any other day, I would love to pull up a chair and listen, but right now I’m on a tight schedule. So, if you wouldn’t mind. Mom?
Robert: Well, I suppose it’s not that bad, but last week he never showed up for our weekly dinner at my house. *she glares at Arkady and he cowers a little* I’m also not a big fan of some of the things I heard about you from your ex. I’ve dated jerks before, Ari.
Deeks, nodding: Ok, so now we have the grievances. What type of reparations do you think are necessary for you both to get over this Russian scoundrel and vacate the premises?
Yuliana glances at Roberta and they shrug a couple of times before nodding.
Yuliana: A sincere apology would suffice. Otherwise, I will never leave.
Arkady: Apologize? For what? I have done nothing! Ok, perhaps I tell a few lies. But these are nothing.
Deeks, leaning close to him: Arkady, you either apologize to these ladies with the best of your con-man abilities or I will have you arrested for trespassing on private property.
Arkady: You are not agent anymore.
Deeks: You forget I’m friends with your son-in-law, Sam Hanna, and several other law enforcement agents who would happily put you behind bars.
Arkady: You would not dare. *Deeks raises an eyebrow and Arkady puts on a contrite expression* Yuliana, my former love, I am deeply sorry for abandoning you on our wedding day. I don’t deserve your love. Roberta, my dear, my feisty woman—
Deeks: Speed it up.
Arkady: Roberta, I promise to never treat you so poorly again. Will you forgive me?
Roberta: What do you think, Yuliana? Should we forgive this pathetic man?
Yuliana: It was satisfying to see him grovel. Why not? Roberta, do you have plans?
Deeks, as they wander off, making plans to go shopping: Oh, thank god. Maybe I can finally get some sleep.
Arkady: But first you just drive me home since I ride here with your mother.
Deeks, talking to himself: A jury would accept a plea of insanity.
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caram3lla · 6 months
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I just couldnt merge the two series so I made separate ones. To be fair, I haven’t really read 4koa so my opinion may be misguided but whatever (and I also haven’t watched 7ds in a while also, so…) PLEASE hear me out anyway😭🙏
I don’t have much to say about favorite character, I’m literally in love with Howzer and I’ve never loved a character as much as him. for Chion, he’s just an asshole and that’s enough for me. He has a lot of potential as a character and I’m really excited for him in the series, I would not be his friend IRL though because he would literally be the worst person to be around. And you know what, everyone can hate him but I will always appreciate him😚💖Gilthunder, Diane and Donny are runner ups for fav character!
To be honest, I don’t TOTALLY dislike Ban but…idk. I don’t like him very much, but not only for the very obvious Elaine related reasons. Something he did at the beginning of 7ds kinda stuck with me, when he tried to kill Meliodas to get Elaine back. I guess it’s supposed to be, like, heartbreaking that he wants his woman back so bad he’d kill his best friend???? Mid battle???? Like girl this is not about you rn😭 Idk if my friend tried to kill me to get her boyfriend back, I think I’d have to kill her idk that’s just me😭 and I’m really sorry to the Ban fans because I know he’s a good character and I get that he becomes a better friend later, that scene just stuck with me though
I feel like this might not be a super unpopular opinion but I didn’t really like Escanor at first. Ig I just didn’t really care about him. I like his night time self, he’s very sweet and dorky. The thing I like about SUPER confident and cocky characters is them getting taken down a notch, which he was, twice, so it’s fine. For Tristan, I’m so sorry but I really didn’t care for him at all😭 Before I read most of the scenes with him in it, I thought he was SOOOO bland and boring. Like, he was just nice, and loved, and that’s it. He seems like a character that thinks everything is his fault, which isnt a problem with him or his character, I just don’t really like characters like that. I like that he looks more like Elizabeth, I think that’s nice. Anyway I like him now and I think he’s more complex than I thought before!
I dislike Guinevere for the obvious reasons that everyone hates her for so I don’t have much to say😭I guess to cover the least favorite ship category, I don’t like her and Lancelot together and that one scene was super weird. I like her design tbh, she’s super cute, but yeah…
I honestly don’t dislike Veronica, I just like her design more than her herself😭She’s super caring and sweet, and loyal, just very abrasive sometimes. When she interacts with people and her family especially, you can tell that she really cares, even if she’s kinda mean. Anyway I love da bob and her dress, it’s very cute😌 on the flip side, I like Tioreh herself WAY more than her design. I honestly cannot pin down what I don’t like about her design, I just really really don’t like it😭 I’m sorryyyyyy
For the fav ships, I don’t have too much explaining to do (I’m gonna keep saying that and I’m lying every single time). For Gilthunder x Howzer, I just really love the friends to lovers trope. Although a One-sided! Howzer x Gilthunder is probably more realistic. Anyway I love their friendship as it is :) To be honest I never liked rivals to lovers until this Chion x Donny phase I have going on right now, I have no explanation for this I just think they’re cute.
Elizabeth is super sweet, and honestly I don’t mind her voice, she is such a caring friend. Jade is just like, the most normal character I think ever so I would be his friends irl, probably😭
I would NOT be friends with Gowther, I feel like he would expose me so often, and like, one of my biggest fears is that someone is reading my mind, so he’s literally my nightmare, and I don’t wanna know him😭
Anyway I’m done yapping now, thank you for reading this if your at this point lol
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Major spoilers for MadK!
Dantenshou is one of my favorite characters, so I will yap about him! This isn’t a formal analysis by any means, (sorry!) I’d love to do an in-depth analysis one day though!!
The first time we meet Dantenshou is in his brothel, saving Makoto from being assaulted. He’s quickly shown to be motherly, given he’s birthed the incense children he has a soft spot for kids. 
In the next chapter, we see a conversation between Dantenshou and J with Dantenshou saying “...Of all the people you brought here thoughtlessly, not one of them…! It all ended with them going insane!” With J retailing saying Datenshou he didn’t, mocking him for being obedient and worrying when he was once a prince from a minor clan before leaving. Datenshou lashes out, muttering, “What are you dissatisfied about? I keep delivering don’t I…” befitting the worrying J mocked him for.
Dantenshou’s need, almost craving to please J is shown more than once. Many of these characters, if not all of them, could be described as tall children. They have power, status, and more, but at the heart of it, they are children forced to grow up too fast, unable to process their pain.
It’s a while before we see Dantenshou again, with him having lost his mind after betraying J, him being the first person to only add to his guilt. There’s a flashback with J and Dantenshou, looking quite young as J tells him, “What a good, obedient boy. Grow up into a powerful, influential demon and entertain me, okay?” Before this Dantenshoou exclaims, “I..I just did everything he wanted..” It’s made clear falling in love is fatal for demons, and I find this ironic because Datenshou uses scent to smother humans in love, becoming whoever they wish to make them addicted and unable to bear being away from him.
Chapters later after a client leaves Dantenshou and Fjord (another character I absolutely adore!) talk. Fjord brings up a past client who promised to free Datenshou if he was allowed to rip D to shreds, with Dantenshou replying with, “When people are sympathetic I just…” He’s often referred to as being nice, so human for a demon, clearly unchanging as he was as a child. In another flashback, it’s once again shown he was docile, loving J since he was young, letting J make him cry, and always doing what he was told. “You were so dedicated to J's expectations.” as he’s described by Shax, an old friend of J’s.
The moment Shax tells Dantenshou Makoto wasn’t bluffing about destroying J, he becomes enraged, immediately wanting to go see J with Shax stopping him. Dantenshou blames himself, proclaiming he wished he’d never been born.
There’s more to this scene but I want to talk about what happens after when Makoto is heading home while talking to Kiernan (another character I would love to yap about!). Makoto says, “...Talking with you guys makes me think about how alike you demons are to humans.” Kiernan asks what they look like to him. Makoto responds, “Fragile things bound by love.”
This applies to practically every character in this godforsaken manga, this masterpiece has so many quotable lines!! Ahem, almost done!
In the end, Shax and Dantenshou seem to be living peacefully, with little rafflesias joining them (the incense children) in quite the domestic scene.
You could argue he was the only one with a happy ending in that way.
As much as I want to do a Makoto analysis next, I’ll admit the thought is.. intimidating! He and J are two characters I love and want to do justice to, so if I ever do write an analysis for them it’s far off in the future unless I gain a surge of confidence one night! 
If you’ve read this far thanks for indulging in my rambles, it means a lot to me <3
Not sure what I’ll ramble about next, maybe Brutal? It’ll probably be another MadK post, hehe
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stagehunt · 4 months
get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog.
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NAME:        vos AGE:         23 PRONOUNS:         they/them YEARS OF WRITING:          that  definitely  depends  on  what  you  classify  as  writing  but  i  discovered  rp  as  a  concept  in  2010  which  was  probably  just  a  bit  after  i  got  into  writing  little  short  stories  and  things  as  a  kid.  i  was  writing  them  by  hand  in  a  little  notepad  that  somebody  in  my  family  handed  over  to  a  school  teacher,  extremely  mortifying  ordeal  to  me  at  the  time  lmfao       
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i’m  pretty  sure  i  first  started  by  writing  shitty  warrior  cats  fanfics  actually,   and  i  didn’t  know  that  fics  or  fandom  in  general  was  even  a  thing  at  the  time  so  u  could  say  i  was  destined  for  this  sort  of  brainrot   fgdjkh   little  nine  year  old  me  also  encountered  rp  for  the  first  time  by  searching  for  warrior  cats  flash  games   (i guess??  idk  what  i  actually  thought  i’d  find)   and  instead  wound  up  on  some  random  webpage  with  a  chatbox.  moved  on  from  there  to  writing  awful,  horrible   (but  very  fun)   naruto  oc’s  on  a  website  that  i  think  was  called  chatango  some  years  later,   dabbled  a  little  on  imvu,   and  started  writing  on  tumblr  around  2015  iirc
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          i  wouldn’t  say  so?  sometimes  i’ll  listen  to  like…  instrumental  interludes  from  certain  albums  or  smth  that  i  won’t  enjoy  too  much  because  i  find  music  very  distracting,   not  just  for  writing  but  in  general,   and  sitting  in  silence  is  a  weird  feeling  to  me  too.  when  it  comes  to  other  things  i  need  a  podcast  or  video  essay  or  something  similar  to  be  at  all  productive  but  it’s  hard  to  focus  on  writing  with  someone  yapping  in  your  ear.  i  used  to  save  writing  for  nights even  when  i  have  free  time  throughout  the  day,   because  i  tend  to  feel  bad  about  sitting  at  a  computer  screen  all  day,   but  with  my  activity  in  its  current  state  i  have  to  sit  down  and  get  it  out  the  moment  inspiration  and  energy  align  themselves  for  me.    
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         sorry  to  steal  your  answer  but  i  def  have  to  agree  with  what  layla  said  re  the  community  aspect  of  rp  actually.  it’s  so  nice  to  be  able  to  just  click  with  someone  over  a  shared   (sometimes  niche)   interest  and  love  for  certain  medias/characters/dynamics/genres  etc.  the  feeling  of  finding  someone  who  shares  your  vision.  and  also  stemming  from  the  same  thing,   i’ve  always  felt  that  my  favorite  and  most  “solid”  muses  are  the  ones  that  i’ve  gotten  the  chance  to  develop  alongside  another  through  plotting.  love  shared  canon,  love  affiliated  oc’s,  love  group  verses.  allllll  that  good  stuff.  
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         gonna  break  the  format  we’re  following  here  because  i  have  to  ramble  and  idk  how  to  break  all  this  into  three  titles,     so  obviously  being  succinct  isn’t  one  of  the  answers  here   kfdjghd
i  always  try  to  capture  a  different  flow  and  style   (???)   of  prose  depending  on  who  i’m  writing,   and  i’m  never  sure  if  that  really  comes  through  for  others  or  if  i  just  seem  inconsistent,   but  whenever  i  look  back  at  old  blogs  i  can  see  it  for  myself  and  that  at  least  keeps  me  content   :)   i  want  to  read  my  writing  back  and  feel  that  it  has  character  outside  of  just  the  spoken  dialogue.
i  like  to  spend  a  lot  of  time  with  a  piece  of  writing,   which  realistically  is  not  to  my  benefit  in  terms  of  activity,   but  i  do  just  really  enjoy  drafting  and  redrafting,   rearranging,   nitpicking  at  everything  until  it’s  as  close  to  being  what  i  want  to  be  as  i  can  get  it.  so  that’s  more  about  the  writing  process  than  the  writing  itself,   but  i  think  it’s  still  important  to  allow  myself  to  have  fun  with  it  fkjghd
pulling  a  blank  on  a  third  thing  bc  this  is  actually  a  really  difficult  question  but  i’ll  come  back  and  edit  it  later  if  something  pops  into  my  head  kfjgdh
A question for the next person
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          for  sure.  one  of  my  dearest  friends  in  this  world  is  not  a  writer  but  someone  who  i  met  as  a  mutual  friend  of  my  first  rp  partner.  i’m  not  really  in  touch  with  that  person  who  introduced  us  anymore  but  i  simply  couldn’t  live  without  my  bestie  and  i  consider  writing  the  only  reason  we  really  met and she gets to kinda "beta" some of the things i do write   dfkgjhd   i’ve  also  traveled  to  the  states  a  couple  of  times  in  my  teens  to  meet  a  rp  buddy  who  i’ve  known  since  i  was  around   ,,   twelve  or  so  i  believe.  
wouldn’t  be  right  not  to  shout  out  @ohchosen  here  either  because  i  was  very  close  to  leaving  tumblr   (and  also  probably  rp)   for  good  when  we  became  friends,   and  writing/plotting  tmkz  together  has  been  one  of  the  best  experiences  i’ve  ever  had  on  this  website,   where  friends  and  mutuals  tend  to  come  and  go.  you  never  did.  you’re  probs  the  funniest  person  i’ve  ever  spoken  to,   craft  the  most  beautifully  written  responses  imaginable,   you  put  a  world  of  effort  into  developing  your  muses  and  you  let  me  derail  every  single  one  of  conversations  to  talk  about  music  instead   gfjhdg   sorry  i’m  so  mean  to  you.  ily  a  lot.
there’s  also  a  handful  of  mutuals  who  i  don’t  necessarily  talk  or  interact  with  very  much  anymore  but  have  been  around  for  years  at  this  point  and  i  have  fond  memories  with  too.  always  so  so  so  glad  to  see  you  pop  up  on  the  dash,  it  makes  me  smile  every  time  so  i’ll  use  this  as  an  opportunity  to  wave  at  you, you know who you are    <3
NEW QUESTION: where  do  you  draw  the  most  inspiration  from  when  writing?  music,   other  medias,   ur  fave  author,  a  dream  you  once  had  etc.
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tagged by @oneireth tysm <3 tagging val take my love letter as ur tag, also hi @heliador @loetise @tiderider @yeonban @pearlcure @deathsmaidens @sungracd !!!!!
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toons-and-doom · 2 months
Okay now I’m just craving craft siblings angst😭
Ask I may try to provide
So many ways you can go about it
Put under read for me a whole lot of angst + yapping + death mention + ichor / blood mention?… idk rather be safe than sorry
1. It’s clear from dialogue alone that scraps means a lot Goob. Let’s have scraps die! :D! The toons are running to reach the elevator. They are down to five seconds. Goob is in the elevator. Scraps is making the finale stretch towards the elevator. It’s clear she isn’t gonna make it. Desperate, goob uses his arms to grab scraps. He misses- wildly so. His arms return to him. The doors close before scraps can made it inside. At first there is silence. Then goob wails- he rarely ever cries-. But the elevator continues downward, not caring scraps is now alone on that floor with all those monsters, uncaring the two will likely never see eachother again. (Alternatively, the craft siblings were the only two left and now goob is TRUELY alone)
2. Based on Scrap’s dialogue, she feels some sort of protectiveness to goob. The two are extracting ichor machines and gathering research when one or both of them accidentally set off Twisted Rodger. It’s hard to get out of his line of sight with slowness- especially since both of them are on their last heart- but scraps manages to get out of sight, she reaches to grab Goob. She didn’t process the beam- she only processed the explosive of ichor that was once Goob. She is frozen. So many things are happening in her head at once. Most importantly, it’s that she failed she failed she failed she failed goob is dead and it’s all her fault
3. Goob is slowly turning into a twisted and it’s becoming increasingly dangerous to have goob around the other toons because he’s getting increasingly violent. But he will never hurt scrap. After a long discussion which goon was asleep for, it is concluded Goob needs to be left behind or else they will eventually all die. Scraps is left with the task of getting rid of Goob since she is the only one he will listen to. So she leads him off into a quiet, safe room. She tries to explain what has to happen as calmly as she can- her voice is horse. Goob… doesn’t understand at first, he’s scared, he doesn’t want to be alone! For a moment, he finds himself angry at the other toons… but that anger slowly fades. Acceptance comes over Goob. He understands. He knows the others are scared of him now and this is for the better. But it still hurts, he’s still scared- of what he’s becoming. They’re honestly both scared. But it’s not fair both of them die. I’d imagine the two share a good long cry and hug- maybe even scraps prepares a little crafted necklace for Goob to remember her by!! When it’s time to leave, Goob is still deeply hurt but he tries to be happy for the others for one nice goodbye- scraps is shaking. Part of her wants to run out of the elevator. A toons puts a hand on her shoulder, comforting her as the elevator shuts.
Several floors later… a twisted goob can be seen wandering about, a poorly constructed necklace around its neck.
4. Alternatively, scraps is slowly getting twisted but she knows what’s ultimately going to happen.so when the elavator opens she’s like ‘ you need to go ‘ and goob is all like ‘ not without you’ then the two get into a argument because scraps knows she won’t be able to hold herself back when she gets fully twisted about goob doesn’t want to leave her alone, which culminates in scraps accidentally lashing out and goob running off in fear- and thus never get a proper goodbye
5. On a lighter note, when scraps has nightmares about losing Goob she wakes up and goes looking for him. When she sees he’s still asleep she is relived and then goes to try and go back to sleep.
6. The two of them are twisted and see eachother. They want to go hug eachother but they can’t control their bodies anymore :3
That’s all I can think of at the moment :D!!!
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meenatranslates · 10 months
[SSR] Taichi | What's Wrong with Being a Ghost
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The Arrival of Lord Jiangshi Taichi!? - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
ーStorage Room (Day)ー
Taichi: Director-sensei! Should I put the boards here?
Izumi: Yes, it’s better if you lean them against the wall! Omi-kun and Banri-kun, please place the desk over there!
Omi: Got it.
Let’s place this down on the count of three, Banri.
Banri: Roger that. 1, 2, 3-.
Sakyo: Are you done tidying up?
Izumi: Yes, that was the last item!
Everyone, thanks for helping me carry all the stage equipment! It really helps a lot.
Juza: No need for thanks.
Omi: He’s right. They’re all stuff that we used, so it’s a given that we do the clean-up.
Taichi: Besides, there’s no way we can let you hold something heavy and go back and forth so many times!
Banri: Second that. You can always count on us if you need help.
Izumi: You guys...! Thank you so much!
Sakyo: Hurry and get out if you have nothing else to do here. I’m going to close the storage room.
Taichi: Oka-y!
Izumi: What’s wrong, Taichi-kun?
Taichi: There’s something like a talisman stuck on the wall over there.
Izumi: What? Oh, you’re right.
Omi: Was it there before...?
Banri: Who knows? I didn’t notice it until now.
Juza: First time seein’ it. What about you, Sakyo-san?
Sakyo: No clue, I don’t recognize it either.
Taichi: Eh... Even Sakyo-nii doesn’t know? T-that’s a bit creepy...
Banri: Come on, it’s nothing to be scared of.
Izumi: Ah!
(He tore off the talisman...!)
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Taichi: EHH!? B-Ban-chan! You’re gonna get divine retribution, you know!
Izumi: Yeah! I also think you should just leave it be...
Banri: Both of you are scaredy-cats. Everything’s fine~. I’ll show you proof right now.
Taichi: ...B-Ban-chan, why’re you coming closer towards me...?
Banri: Here ya go!
Taichi: --!
Izumi: What the-! What are you doing, Banri-kun?!
Banri: I’m just demonstrating that you won’t be punished merely by one talisman. Look, nothing’s happening to Taichi when I put it on him.
Izumi: Y-you’re right, but...
Juza: You coulda put it on yourself, not him.
Banri: Hah? What’re you sayin? It’d be easier to understand if I tried it on someone who’s scared.
Sakyo: Hey, stop fighting. Come on and get out of the room already.
Izumi: Y-yes, sir. Sorry.
Taichi: ......
Banri: Taichi? What’s gotten into you?
Taichi: ......
Izumi: (I feel like something’s off about him...)
Are you okay, Taichi-kun? Do you feel unwell...?
Taichi?: Cease making a fuss, human woman.
Izumi: Eh?
Taichi?: I have just awoken, so refrain from yapping in my ear.
Banri: ...!?
Izumi: EHH!? T-Taichi-kun?!
The Arrival of Lord Jiangshi Taichi!? - Part 2
Taichi?: ...Hm, quite plain-looking this couch is.
Izumi: (Something’s wrong with him...)
Sakyo: Why’s Nanao acting like that...
Omi: It’s not like the usual Taichi at all.
Taichi?: Nanao? Taichi? Whom are you speaking of?
Banri: It’s you! That’s your name!
Taichi: Hm, so it was I whom you meant. Hear me, you insolent lot. I forbid you to call me that hereafter.
I am a noble being; therefore, you shall now call me ‘Lord Taichi’.
Banri: Wow, what a pain...
Juza: It’s your fault to begin with.
Banri: No one ever thought this would happen, dammit!
Sakyo: Shut up, you brats! Or else we can’t get to the main topic!
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Juza & Banri: ...Sorry.
Izumi: Umm, Taichi-kun.
Taichi?: ‘Lord’ Taichi.
Izumi: ...Lord Taichi, we removed the talisman that was on you. So, um... Are you not returning...to your usual self...?
Taichi?: Usual self? You say the strangest things. I have always been like this, am I not?
Izumi: I-I suppose so...
Taichi?: More importantly, my throat is parched.
Omi: Would you like some tea?
Taichi?: Does the tea you brew taste exquisite?
Omi: Hm... Well, I’d say it’s pretty normal.
Taichi?: In that case, you are permitted. You should feel honored to serve me tea.
Sakyo: ...Damn bothersome. He’s being unnecessarily pompous.
Taichi?: That four-eyes over there. Did you say something about me?
Sakyo: Hah? What’d you just call me?
Izumi: S-Sakyo-san! You need to hold back!
Sakyo: ...Tch. I didn’t say anything.
Taichi?: If that is so, then good. You must always pay respect to me.
Sakyo: ...I’ll give him a punch if he ever goes back to normal.
Izumi: Please don’t! The original Taichi-kun didn’t do anything wrong!
―Lounge (Evening)―
(Hmm, I can’t think of any good idea...)
...Oh, it’s already this late. I gotta go buy some groceries...
Taichi?: Hm? Human woman, are you planning to head out?
Izumi: Ah, yes. I need to buy some ingredients for our dinner.
Taichi?: Hm... Very well, I shall accompany you.
Izumi: Oh, you want to come along too?
Taichi?: It seems like exactly what I need to relieve my boredom. Or do you feel dissatisfied with me?
Izumi: N-no, I don’t! Uh, well, let’s go together then.
Omi: Should I tag along as well?
Juza: It’d be tough to deal with him alone.
Izumi: Thank you. I appreciate the thought, but it’s okay.
I rather want everyone else to think of ways to bring back the usual Taichi-kun while we’re out shopping.
Sakyo: ...You’re right, it’s better we do that.
Banri: Take care, Director-chan.
Taichi?: Hey, what are you whispering about? Make haste and guide me to the outside.
Izumi: Right, sorry for the wait. Alright guys, I’ll be going now! Bye!
The Arrival of Lord Jiangshi Taichi!? - Part 3
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Taichi?: ...I wonder how long it has been since I walked down the streets.
Izumi: Do you know this street, Lord Taichi?
Taichi?: No, it is very different from the one I know of.
Izumi: (So he’s not a resident of Veludo Town...)
High school girl A: Hey, hey! Doesn’t that guy look cool!?
High school girl B: I get you! The way he acts is like, so manly and dreamy!
Taichi?: Hoh, I see those human children are smart enough to understand my greatness. Good, good. I shall let them praise me all they want.
Izumi: (He sure looks very happy...)
Taichi?: Hey, human woman. Why have you been staring at me for a while now?
If you have something to say, let it out. I am currently in a good mood, so I will listen to what you have to say at the very least.
Izumi: Oh, um, well...
🌸 Choice 1: Ask him about the street he knows
Izumi: What kind of place is the street that you know of? Taichi?: Let me think... It was beautiful and solemn, befitting the noble me.
🌸 Choice 2: Ask him who he really is
Izumi: Who exactly are you? Taichi?: That is quite a nonsense question. I am none other than me, nothing else.
Izumi: (Hmm, I still don’t get him after all..)
Taichi?: Are you done questioning? Then let us move along and be done with the ‘shopping’.
Housewife: Oh my, what a dashing boy. Are you helping the girl with the groceries?
Auntie: Fufu, you’re quite a charming man. I wouldn’t have taken my eyes off you had I been 20 years younger.
Izumi: (Wow, he’s surrounded by women in no time at all. It’s almost the same as Tenma-kun...)
Taichi?: What is the matter, human woman? Are you feeling jealous? Fret not, as you are the number one for me.
Izumi: Um, I’m sorry, but I will have to say no to that.
―Lounge (Night)―
Izumi: We’re home~!
Banri: Thank god, you’re back!
Omi: Are you alright?
Izumi: Yup, thanks for worrying about me.
Taichi?: You are supposed to greet me first, you fools. Quite rude servants, I say.
Sakuya: Woah, they’re right! He’s acting very different, just like what I heard!
Yuki: True, it’s not the usual dumb dog.
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Taichi?: ...? I see new faces here.
Muku: Finally you're here, Taichi-kun! Well then, it’s time I use this amulet!
Izumi: Amulet...?
Sakyo: Sakisaka wanted to try using the amulet that he made to break the curse. Though I doubt it’ll work.
Kazunari: Well, you’ll never know unless you try!
Muku: Here I go-! O wandering soul, free yourself from the body of the living...
Izumi: (He started chanting a mysterious incantation...)
Muku: ...And may you take the path to Heaven at once!
Taichi?: Urk-!
Izumi: Taichi-kun! Are you okay?!
Taichi: ...Mm... Huh? What happened, guys?
Sakyo: !?
Kazunari: That’s crazy! His amulet really works!
Taichi: W-what’re you guys talking about...?
Izumi: Well, it’s kind of a long story... Anyway, I’m so glad you’re back to normal!
Taichi: ???
Sakyo: Brace yourself, Nanao.
Taichi: HUH!? W-why!?
Izumi: Hey, Muku-kun. What kind of amulet did you make?
Muku: One that will chase off Jiangshi!
If the amulet made him turn back to normal, then that means a Jiangshi possessed his body!
Izumi: A Jiangshi!? But why is such a thing in the storage room...?
Taichi: Nevermind that, Director-sensei! Please save me! Sakyo-nii’s being super scary~!!
Sakyo: Think of this as your punishment for the trouble you’ve caused!
Taichi: Ueeehh! Anyone~! Save me~!!!
Story Clear!
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fallstaticexit · 5 months
I have a story question this time (sorry for so many asks). The answer to it may be that I need to keep reading, but anywho I’m curious about Simon’s parents’ relationship.
Did his father know his mother was part faerie? If not, how did she hid the wounds from her wings from him? If yes, was he okay with it? I’d love to know more about their dynamic. 🤔 🧚
Great question ✨ 🧚 I actually didn’t expand on it a whole lot in Fallen Angel and it’s yet to come up in COTF (only because I have a bazillion plot points going on currently and I didn’t want to congest the story too much early on so I’ll use this moment to yap ✨)
His father, Nathaniel, did know she was half faerie but he still encouraged her to clip her wings. Corina only hid what they are from Simeon in hopes he would live a life free of prejudice, especially since he was being raised to become a Sage.
Their backstory is: during Nathaniel’s term as a Sage, he met Corina at party (Sages are famous for their big lavish parties). Corina had already been clipping her wings prior to meeting Nathaniel, bc her biggest fear was being outcasted by society. Other than her black eyes and hair, she didn’t look fae at first glance. But she did grow wings that she clipped regularly, which is a very painful and draining experience and after doing it for years it eventually lead to her becoming very ill and eventually passing away when Simeon was a teenager.
Even though Nathaniel was a bigoted idiot like every other person of high status in the Upper Realm when it came to Faeries and their magic, he still fell in love, married and started a family with one. As long as Corina looked the part, no one would know their secret. And I’m actually glad this ask came up and I can talk about it because I feel Simeon’s upbringing really shows in who he is today.
He’s a traditional man with very non traditional views on magic and magic society but sometimes they contradict. I think he gets that from his parents. The part of him that still wants to uphold a good image and look the part when attending meeting and engage in formalities is all his father. The part of him that seeks liberation and freedom and justice is the part that makes him fae, which is his mother. His life was always an internal battle of wanting to do the right thing and wanting to do what’s expected of him, kinda like that one boomer uncle that’s like almost there with his open minded world views but still acts like a boomer when ordering at restaurants? 😭 lol
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minato-division03 · 3 months
ARB Birthday Special: Reiaki Suzubayashi
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~ June 14th ~
“Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.”
Login Lines
“YAAAAAAAAHOO! Hell yeah, it’s my birthday yet again! I’m a whole ‘nother year older and I’m still somehow not dead yet! BOO YEAH!”
“Sometimes a day to kick back and chill is nice… but gotta admit! A day to be productive and get a whole lot of work done is the way to go! Now that’s a real self-pamper on my own birthday!”
Voice Lines
“Okay! So I think for the day, it looks like I’ve gotta head out to one of the luxury resorts out here! I, uh… I needa double check which hotel it is, my squirrel brain just doesn’t remember, ha! Her Majesty’s filming today so I gotta get her all dressed up for TV! Today’s a good day to be celebrating with other employees, some of my favorite people in the city! I had a video edited and all ready to go on this epic day, so it’s gonna be an ultra productive day today!”
“I just loved, loved, loved reading through all my fans’ sweetest birthday messages! It felt like I was just being showered with nonstop love! I did receive some early presents in my P.O. Box, and I don’t think that’s gonna be the end of it… oh well! I’ll never say ‘no’ to presents! Lots of fan letters, little spoopy plushies, and lots more!”
“Gah!! Holy shit, Your Majesty, you scared the dark soul outta me! I know! Can you believe it?! Pffft! The hell’re you talking about, Your Majesty? You on something? Fuck, nothing gets past you, huh? What does it matter, anyway… you probably can read what’s on my mind anyway… hah! I… it happened again. Truthfully… I received a letter from… him yesterday… Reminds me to wonder what the hell whatever afterlife entity is out there must be thinking— since they let me of all people live… like, why me? What’s even worse… I feel like I’m going to kill someone very important to me one of these days… Because I can’t control myself…! Hah! I’m pathetic, aren’t I… Sorry, I didn’t wanna dump all this on you… But I guess I do feel a bit better yapping on and on like that! Sniff!”
“‘Hold out my hands,’ you say… I don’t know if I trust you all that much when you’re like this… ugh, okay fine, I’m closing my eyes… The hell is this? A frame with a clown hand…is this Pennywise from the movie ‘It’? You made this?! Ohhhh my god, how do you find the time to make stuff like this all the time? I mean, I guess… Hehe… I think my roommates love it already…! And I definitely think it’s cute, too! Thank you, Your Majesty… Man, I wouldn’t trade being with you and Miku for anything in the world…”
“Oh, Miku-chan! It… it’s nothing! Sniff! Anyway, did you need something? Awwww, thanks! You got me something, too? Ooooo lemme see lemme see!”
“Oh, that’s cute! It 100% fits in with my room! I’ll bring these into my room and then we can all set out for today’s activities! Dang, you’re not usually this expressive! Thanks a bunch Miku-chan, you really made my day! Thank you… Can I hug you? Awww!!! Really, thank you so much… I don’t know what I’d do without you or Her Majesty… Thank you for still putting up with me…”
Queen Card Lines
“Dear me, is it your second birthday as an esteemed member of R.I.P Märchen already? Heavens, how time has passed. Though it would seem you are not exactly in a celebratory mood. Talk to me, my dear, what’s the matter? Reiaki-chan… That may be so… however, you will surely feel relieved to release what is on your mind. I see, tell me more. Did something happen to warrant this most recent case? So it bothers you to this extent… It would seem that before we embark on the drive to the hotel, I have matters of my own to take care of, my dear…”
“I may have the thing to lift your spirits. Hold out your hands, my dear. Tis but a simple frame crafted with my own two hands. Just the same way you craft all of your prosthesis yourself rather than going out to buy pre-made ones. Hang this up in your room along with the thousands of other ornamentations you possess. And I to you, you are a valuable asset to this team, no… all of Tokyo. Thank you for being you.”
Miku Lines:
“Hey, Reiaki… Happy birth— Your eyes are red and puffy… are you okay…? O-okay, then… just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, that’s all…”
“You’ve been collecting the candles I’ve been making for you, but they’re just… there. So here’s something you can use to hold them. And since you’re a big fan of all things cooky and grim, I think this fits your room just fine. And it’s made out of jesmonite, so it’s totally sustainable. Aish… you’re welcome… Happy Birthday… Ugh… just this one time…”
The colors that surround you… they’re tainted. Dull… grey… that vividness I see on you all the time isn’t there now. You haven’t been this tainted since…
Is it because of that person? How fucking dare he… This is the one day Reiaki should be full of life and surrounded by the most beautiful of colors… I hope he’s proud of himself for this… I’ll kill him one of these days…
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asordinaryppl · 4 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 28: Welcome Home
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Itaru: (No good. The line is too long and there’s no more taxis… All I can do is find a rental nearby–)
Sakuya: Itaru-san! Welcome back!
Itaru: ——
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Masumi: You’re late.
Citron: We came to pick you up~!
Chikage: You did good.
Tsuzuru: To think this plane would be delayed too, what a disaster.
Itaru: Huh? What? Why are you here? What about the performance? Why did all of you come here!?
Sakuya: We were going crazy with worry, so we made a bit of an unreasonable request.
Chikage: We had to practice our lines during the ride, because we'd be wasting precious time otherwise. 
Masumi: The Director was supposed to be the first person I’d drive somewhere…
Tsuzuru: As one would expect from him, Masumi’s a careful driver, so there’s no need to worry.
Itaru: Why would you all come together… Aren’t you lot being a bit too reckless?
Chikage: It turned out alright, didn’t it?
Tsuzuru: You couldn’t catch a taxi, could you?
Itaru: I mean, you definitely saved my butt with this.
Itaru: Pause, rewind. I didn’t realize your faces are so tan… What did you guys eat?
Tsuzuru: There’s nothing we can eat that will make our faces tanner! We just got our makeup on already!
Masumi: To save time.
Itaru: I C.
Citron: Itaru, now is not the time to be fooling around!
Itaru: Having Citron of all people tell me this is kinda…
Chikage: Guess there’s no need to worry about you if you’re this carefree.
Sakuya: Let’s hurry! Everyone is waiting for us!
Manager: Thank you very much for coming to today’s performance of “Romeo and Julius ~Rosso e Blu~”, by MANKAI Company’s Spring Troupe.
Manager: The performance will be starting shortly.
Towa: …
Audience A: I wonder what the sequel will be like?
Audience B: I hope the members are the same as last time.
Audience A: This is the first time MANKAI Company does a sequel. I don’t know if I’m excited or scared…
Audience B: I know, right! RomiJuri was the first performance I saw, and I fell head over heels for Romeo…
momo has entered the chat shiki: hi? i thought you were going to the opening day performance today? Iv: you were yapping about it earlier momo: i had to make sure i don’t butt in on other people’s conversation, so i came here Kar: that’s some thinking w Iv: yeah you’d look sus momo: i was also shocked when they announced the romijuli sequel. i understand why they’d be both excited and anxious and tbh i feel the same way momo: i can’t stop thinking about what i’d do if they announced a sequel to my fav play. i think i’d kms if they changed my oshi’s role tho Iv: woah woah woah  momo: also bc i went on the stage itself during the workshop, i think it looks even brighter now that i’m here to watch a performance momo: i think about all the people working bts and i’m overcome with emotion before the performance even starts, i don’t even know if my heart will last till the end Kar: momo the yapper is back shiki: isn’t it starting soon? have fun!
Towa: Whew…
Towa: (I think I’ve calmed down a bit.)
Audience A: It’s almost time, are they not starting yet?
Audience B: They should be ready around this time. Did something happen?
Towa: (Eh, is there some kind of problem? Are they okay??)
Audience A: This reminds me of that time the Autumn Troupe took too long to prepare, and the Summer Troupe had to make a really long introduction.
Audience B: Ah, I watched that on stream!
Audience A: They’re probably doing their best backstage right now.
Audience B: Stay strong…!
Towa: (Good luck, Spring Troupe, everyone on staff…!)
[Door slams open]
Sakuya: We’re here! Sorry for the wait!
Izumi: Thank goodness! Welcome back!
Yuki: You’re late!
Azami: You’re late.
Itaru: Three combo…
Azami: I gotta do your makeup, so hurry and sit.
Tsumugi: I’m glad you made it in time.
Itaru: I really troubled you this time. I didn’t think something like this would happen…
Izumi: But it all turned out okay, didn’t it?
Itaru: Pretty much. And my body’s still tingling from all the passion the overseas fans showed.
Itaru: It made me feel like there’s still lots of this world left for us to explore. All that’s left is for me to pour all this enthusiasm into this performance.
Izumi: That makes me happy
Itaru: Ah, but my stamina stats are lowered because of my fatigue and jet lag. TY for the support.
Tsuzuru: I’m pretty sure there’s barely any time difference, though?
Citron: It's better than fumbling and freezing up on stage because he hid it~!
Masumi: Like in the debut performance, huh?
Itaru: Pretty much.
Manager: The show is starting soon!
Itaru:  kk.
Chikage: Seems like we made it in time, somehow.
Tsuzuru: Doesn’t change the fact that we were all over the place this time, too, though.
Sakuya: We each took on new challenges in preparation for the New Fleur Award, so I feel like we can return to this stage with new feelings.
Sakuya: Although we can only stand on stage for the first time once, we can have many other “firsts” from now on.
Sakuya: We can remember those feelings again and again. That courage we had when leaping into a brand-new world–
Sakuya: Let’s take all our “firsts” in a positive light and have fun together!
Citron: Yeah!
Tsuzuru: Yeah.
Chikage: That’s a good way of putting it.
Itaru: All set over here.
Masumi: Let’s go, Romeo.
Sakuya: Yes! Let’s start our journey!
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hey I was hoping I could get a cod matchup? Sorry in advance for the yapping
Umm as for appearance I am 5’4” in my early twenties. I have layered curly brown hair that comes to just above my shoulder, blue eyes, freckles pale as hell, a few scars here and there that I’m kinda proud of (from various causes) I don’t really have a specific style it can range from a tank top and sweats to t-shirt and jeans or something completely wild, color coded decked out in jewelry, skirts, layers the whole bit. Relatively active build, used to be a gymnast until an injury now I just workout twice a week w a friend. Interests; I like movies top five rn probably Scream (1996), Spiderverse, 10 things I hate about you, the last unicorn, Dead poets society, +Star Wars cause I can’t leave it out. I like playing chess every now and then, I’d say I’m pretty good but I still have a ways to go. I’m also an artist, and I like music I can’t do anything music related I just like listening to it, all kinds. I like baking when I’m stressed, typically cookies during finals week at 2 am. My future prospects, or at least what they are currently, is just going to law school, after that I’m not really sure, I’ve thought ab going the military route, both of my parents served/are serving, so I’ve thought ab the possibility of being a military JAG or something in Intel, but I’m still feeling for it, I mostly like law cause I’m pretty good at it and I like knowing more than people. I’m Bi so my taste in Men/Women varies. As much as I’d like to say I don’t have a type, hot people are hot, there have been patterns in the past few fictional guys. Tbh my taste in men is shit, like I don’t have daddy issues, I have a great relationship with him, but my past fictional crushes say other wise. But basically, capability is HOT, if they’re good at something to the point of mastering it I’m entranced. Women are just pretty, there’s not much there. I’m relatively paranoid, even describing myself like this online is strange, I think it’s just growing up around military but I’m typically just cautious. That and trust issues. I’ve done some martial arts/self defense and I think sparring is really fun I just need someone to teach me. Also I am a huge simp (with shit taste as my friends say) I’m an ambiavert, so I like to be pretty adaptable depending on who I’m around. I’m also German/American but definitely more American than anything else, I ‘grew up’ in south Germany and we still have family there but since we moved here I’ve forgotten most of  the language. JFC in hindsight I am SO SORRY about all this I got carried away. I hope it didn’t come across as self absorbed 😭😅 thanks 
Sorry again 
🤔 I'll pair you with...
Captain John Price 🚬
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Price might be the one to fall for you
If you ever decide/decided to join the military, him and Laswell will look through files and find you
He can't help but feel that you would bring something to the table
Recruiting you, along with many others, he'd be watching you
Through the tests, he'd be silently hoping you'd pass
When he asks to see you, you think you've done something wrong
Instead he just tells you that you've done a good job with all the training and tests he's put you through
"I admit, I thought you would call it quits anytime soon... but... you're determination surprised me."
"You've got guts, spirit. I like that"
He wants to take you under his wing and train you
He was right about you; there was something special there
Though he didn't know just how special you would be to him later on 🤭
After many months and near death experiences later, he'd come to realize he cares about you... a lot
When off duty, he will take you somewhere to talk
Price doesn't play games, you know that
So... he tells you that he really likes you
All this time he'd spent getting to know you, he felt something he hadn't in a long time
One time, when he looked like he was about to fall asleep he was surprised that you showed so much concern for him; You wanted to do something, anything, for him
His hand gently held yours, showing how gentle he can be
"If you'll have me, love, I can make you happy... even if it takes my whole life to"
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