#soren is so innocent
madou-dilou · 1 year
TDP writers watching The Hobbit: "Yeah, the citizens of Lake Town kinda deserved it."
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lioness-of-the-seas · 2 years
The title 'Mystery of Aaravos' gives the same vibes as 'The Crimes of Grindelwald'.
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kradogsrats · 2 months
Now we know What Viren Did(tm), and...
My personal side-eye aside, that denouement is actually an incredibly elegant application of the story's themes, within the scope of restrictions imposed by this particular medium (i.e. a cartoon targeted for pre-teens and younger). Like, I personally assumed for a long time that we would simply never find out the details, because it would be either too grim and/or violent for the story's intended rating or... kind of a let-down. On the surface, what we got seems like the second.
Most of us have looked at Claudia killing the baby deer to heal Soren's paralysis and went "well, it was obviously that, but y'know... worse, somehow," which is a completely reasonable assumption to make. It was definitely what was narratively implied, which makes the supposedly-damning ingredient being "your mother's tears" instead of like... idk, "your mother was pregnant again and I used the life of that unborn child to save you" or something kind of "... oh. Okay, then."
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To be fair, that might also be why they went so hard in the IMO inadvisable male-dominated writer room direction of "so I held her down and took what I wanted" to convey the requisite "he's doing A Bad," which is what all my side-eye is toward. But here's the thing:
On some level, dark magic is about violation—of nature, of others, and of the self. Even violation by Aaravos, ultimately.
But it's also not just that.
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Dark magic also sits at the center of one of the primary themes of the whole story, which is the evil of denying others' personhood. We see it again and again from the angle of the heroic cast: "You keep calling it a monster," "You knew he was a person, just like you," "She's not 'the elf.' She's Rayla." The evil they do not allow to take root is seeing people as things, the place where all other evils begin. (GNU Terry Pratchett, IYKYK.)
So Viren's damning crime, the crime that is dark magic, is this:
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In that moment, he looks at his wife, and sees only a source of what he needs. One that he can take from as he wills. That's why Lissa leaves—Viren has pulled the circle he draws around "people" versus "abstractions, things to be used" in so tightly that she has found herself suddenly on the outside of it. That's not something you come back from, in a relationship.
As for it all being over something as innocent as Lissa's tears, as opposed to something like her blood, her unborn child, her heart, her last breath—that's also, I think, part of the point. It's a renewable resource, harvested without doing permanent physical harm, but it's still a violation of her. This is the ultimate refutation of the "but what if ethically-sourced phoenix feathers" argument as being, for the final time, bullshit.
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When Viren bursts in looking like he walked straight out of hell and demands use of her tears, could Lissa have given them freely? Sure... but she didn't. Could he have talked her around, if he invested the time and respect for her that would require? Probably, but again, he didn't! He took what he'd decided was necessary, did what he decided he had to do, because he could.
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And like, he knew, even then. Because while dark magic twists your perceptions and reasoning, dragging you deeper each time—it can't twist you so much that you no longer have a choice. It will do everything it can to make you rationalize making that choice, over and over, but it can't erase that it is a choice.
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Like, I'm honestly kind of emotional about it because while the surface level watching experience is kind of hmmmmm, it delivers so well on a thematic and meta level that I'm just like idk. Fuck. It's good.
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raayllum · 2 months
She Must Pay the Price, or A Drop of Mercy :: A Rayla and Leola Meta
You're a young elven girl, and you show mercy and compassion to a human that you definitely weren't supposed to. When it's found out, you're punished, with elves even calling for your execution (6x09, book 1 novelization). Your father does what he can, but there's only so much. You're put on trial. You're found guilty regardless of intent, and only by association. You die for this; you die for them. You're a star. A guiding light. There's even a Great Fall off a precipice (though only one of you hits the ground).
Your name is Leola, or Rayla.
You're the beginning and the end, respectively.
So let's talk about it.
Tests of Love
For years, I had wondered where Aaravos' assessment of "Those who fail tests of love are simple animals. They deserve to be motivated by fear" (2x09) came from, cause you don't drop in a line like that if it's not going somewhere. It's quite a statement and worldview, after all. Now, with Leola's trial, it seems we know.
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We can see, then, perhaps that Leola's gift giving was the first test of love — are you willing to break the Natural Law, the Natural Order of things? — to help another? To show another a source of power in order to share, to be compassionate, and in Rayla's case, to be merciful (though we'll get more to that in a minute).
We also know that the love Leola had was powerful and all encompassing:
She didn't care to follow the order set in the stars. Though she was born an immortal being from the Heavens, she loved this world... and all its flaws. Her heart was warm and open.
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And she befriended mortals. Animals, elves... and humans.
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ETHARI: Who I love, where I love, what I love, are all specific. But to Runaan and those like your parents... love is rooted in all families, all creatures. Souls like that feel called to protect everyone as fiercely as those they hold close. (Bloodmoon Huntress)
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Okay, so Leola and Rayla both have big compassionate hearts and befriend creatures from all over the place. So what? So do Callum, Ezran, Soren, and most of our other main good guy characters. Even Claudia to a degree (though she could work on not using magical creatures for spell parts).
Well, specifically, it's because of how they intersect currently more with anyone else on the concept of
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KOSMO: Daughter of the Moon, yours is a wondrous heart. In a moment of mercy, you sent ripples out into the ocean of time. Ripples that have not yet stilled. (6x05)
Rayla sparing Marcos, as noted in multiple interviews by the creators and by myself in previous metas, is ultimately the inciting incident / lynchpin of the entire series. Without it, there would've been no soulfang proposal or Ez running away to find the egg or any of the number of other elements that had to come together to make achieving peace possible.
While we still have details to discover regarding Aaravos' Fall and development of dark magic, we know that a lack of mercy was ultimately what sent him on his path of vengeance. Leola was not shown mercy, and while it seems there were already "flaws" for an imperfect world, things were (probably) better than they currently are in Xadia in a variety of ways. Then, to kick off the entire Saga, we have Rayla sparing Marcos in a soundtrack literally titled "Mercy" and have Kosmo, seasons and seasons later, spell out directly what a big deal this was for well, the ocean of time.
None of this is to say Rayla can't act out of revenge — she did ("when I first came here, I was on a mission for revenge") and she has ("but I became so obsessed with revenge"), much like Aaravos ("he isn't doing anything out of love, he's doing it for revenge") — but that her general compassion and love for others has always been stronger than her grief or rage, and that even when she had every social and personal reason to, she was and is fundamentally unable to hurt someone innocent.
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Even when she's shamed or punished for it by herself or by others. RAYLA: The human looked up at me, and I saw the fear in his eyes. RUNAAN: Of course he was afraid, but you a job to do! (1x01)
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EZRAN: Yeah, but then you saw he was scared, and you knew he was a person, just like you. RAYLA: That shouldn't have mattered. I had a job to do. (1x08)
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The Cosmic Council — and to a degree, the Silvergrove — say that the reasonings or motivations, the intentions, behind Leola and Rayla's actions do not and should not matter when it comes out to doling 'Justice'. So Leola faces her justice, being literally killed in the one manner that can kill a Startouch elf, and so does Rayla, being metaphorically Ghosted / 'murdered' by her community, regardless.
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Neither are enough to ultimately quell their light or their love/power, however.
A Star
RAYLA: That beautiful shining star you just pointed out? We call it Leola's Last Wish. (5x02)
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So both Leola and Rayla are stars in season 6, literally and metaphorically respectively. Leola's is more self-explanatory, whereas Rayla's is mostly about the role she has in Callum's life as a guiding light and star. I don't think it's a coincidence, though, that just as Rayla placed Callum on his path of being a primal mage, though, that Leola did the same for humanity. I also don't think it's a coincidence that Callum's love for Rayla restores Callum's own light and agency amid Leola giving humanity the same through light and fire.
It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters. Eventually, for the audacity of their fire, they were hunted, and—though they looked to the stars for salvation—the stars, too, looked down upon them with disdain. Humanity had been given something it was never meant to have. (TDP shorts, Ripples)
In this way, we see the manifestation of a repeating parallel of Rayla representing Leola, a gift giver of life, magic, light, unjustly punished/killed, and Callum representing humanity, looking to the kindest brightest star for guidance, magic, restoration, and salvation if he's just given the chance to grasp it. After all, presumably, Leola's last wish would have something to do with primal magic and humanity, and who represents that better than Callum, with two arcana under his belt and possibly more on the way? With that in mind, I want to return to another quote from earlier but with a different focus on
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Daughter of the Moon, yours is a wondrous heart. In a moment of mercy, you sent ripples out into the ocean of time. Ripples that have not yet stilled.
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The wisest of the humans looked upon the water. His own reflection smiled back at him, and he dared to imagine what such power would feel like in his own hands, should he be allowed to hold it. Imagine, he thought, if I were more than what I am. With a trembling hand he touched the surface of the water. Ripples spread from his fingertips. [...] I hope the stars were watching. I hope they saw it: the moment their perfect reflections turned warped and ruined, churned to chaos by the touch of a single human hand. In this, the humans taught me another lesson. And so I touch the surface of the water. I watch the ripples spread.
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Water in TDP is a strange beast, symbolically speaking. There are some more straight forward motifs (reflections, "don't try to control where the river [of life] goes, there's one thing you can know and control: yourself"). For Aaravos, it's connected to deep loss but also his own sense of patience in playing and winning his game, as illustrated above. For Rayla, it's linked to shame, self-reflection, bravery, and loss. Aaravos weeps and creates a sea upon losing Leola; Rayla says goodbye to her family by the lotus pond times three.
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We don't know what water represents for Leola. Not distinctly, anyway. The best we can figure though, is that by following the through line of the Rayla and Leola parallels, that the ripples Leola wanted to send out or did send out — not the distortions caused by her father and his grief — are ones that Rayla received, and then continued.
Rayla has always been a foil to Aaravos, and this hasn't changed. She is the one who set Callum on the path initially of being a mage, which put him in Aaravos' machinations as prey; she retrieved his Key; and she's the reason Callum's done dark magic, twice. At the same time, much like the moon, Rayla carries Leola's light as much as she shoulders Aaravos' dark. She literally represents light in Callum's life, helps lead him through the darkness, and him being a primal mage and it's possible growth to other humans is the best possible thing that could've ever happened to Xadia.
Sol Regem says that "no one can save" Xadia or fix what is deeply broken. The Cosmic Council said that Leola had broken the Cosmic order and had to pay the price. Rayla has repeatedly been willing to pay the price for both hers and other's actions in hopes of making things right, of sparing others' pain. Sometimes to her detriment, but—if Rayla as Callum's one Truth could fix the darkness within him, if she's the lynchpin for breaking the Cycle, for bringing back Runaan and fixing her family's souls, in opposing and presenting mercy amid the Council's lack of mercy, in the face of Xadia's violence—
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Then Rayla's act of mercy in 1x01, and potentially beyond in S7 with Callum, will be what fixes Xadia.
Leola's gift of magic is what 'broke' Xadia, and her execution is what literally did so, leading to the division of the continent. She wrongly paid the price in the absence of mercy and love. Rayla is therefore her thematic successor — welcomed this time as Light and Truth — as the carrier of Mercy and Love, and she will 'fix' Xadia through her ripples and dynamics. She will mend them back together. There will, at last, be no price to pay.
Misc. Thoughts / Predictions
One thing I was always curious about going forward into future seasons was the prospect of a 'trial' or reunification of the Silvergrove. It felt like a no-brainer the Silvergrove would have to change in order to reflect Runaan's character arc, much the way we see Katolis and the Sunfire elves change to better accommodate the new, more compassionate world order. Pre-S4 a trial felt a little strange as an idea, though post-S4 the parallels it could provide to the Lucia tribunal made more sense about why include either (or both).
However, Leola's trial seemed to hammer home the almost necessity (as this is still a prediction, after all, that may not happen) of Rayla and/or Runaan saying their peace to the Silvergrove leaders. This would be a great opportunity to provide a contrast to the Cosmic Council, reaffirming that Xadia is ultimately better than them because the Moonshadow elves and everyone else can change, and the Cosmic Council seemingly cannot or will not. But I guess we'll have to wait for S7 or beyond (#GiveUsTheSaga) to find out if this'll come to fruition or not.
I also wanted to touch on what we see with Leola ("I'm so scared!") and the repeated emphasis on "recognizing fear as a moment of empathy and personhood" and the horror that can come if you don't have that moment of recognition. This is something I've touched on before most notably as a striking difference between S1 Rayla and S5 Claudia, but I thought it was worth mentioning as S6 added to it specifically with Viren towards Soren and Lissa. This is another point in the "Rayla is an inversion of the Council's lack of mercy" column, as Leola's — a child's fear, and Aaravos willing to pay the price and take her place — earns her no mercy. Rayla, meanwhile, sees someone innocent that she has 'every right' to execute is afraid of her, and that strays her hand; it steadies her sword, and she spares him. Because if someone is afraid of you, it's worth asking yourself why, and what you might want to do instead.
Last but not least I wanted to talk about Leola's parallels to Callum and Ezran as well, since they are very much there (though yet not perhaps to the same extent).
Ezran has Leola's friendliness to animals and soft heart. He too is a child whose death is called for as a means of Justice, and he is granted mercy through Rayla and the discovery of the egg, able to live and grow and help usher in peace. He is, I think, what Leola might've been allowed to be if she'd lived in different times. Callum, meanwhile, carries the gift giving motif through his cube, staff, and tokens he both gives to (moon-phoenix bracelet) and receives (the moon opal necklace) from Rayla, and previous 'human-Leola' magic dynamic. Callum being able to break free fully from Aaravos' and dark magic's control in S7 and turn his eye instead to primal magic will be what helps bring true justice to Leola and hope for humanity / Xadia in righting the Cosmic Council's fundamental wrongdoing. Hopefully, anyway.
I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into some parallels and potential narrative goings-on between Leola and Rayla as characters. TDP loves its historical and ironic layers in TDP (Ez and the Orphan Queen, Viren's arc from S1 to S6) and I think this layered thematic dynamic between the two merciful young girls was a good, brilliant choice by the creative team. I'm excited to see where this thematic thread goes in the future and how it may continue to be woven into the story. As always, thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next one.
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I started reading puzzle house, and I noticed something. There seems to be an age mismatch... In S6, soren looks about 6 ish. Claudia about 4... in the flashback that Lissa leaves. Which is preceded by kppar's disappearance. Soren is shown that young when Viren saved him. (Image credits : @raayllum and @stuck-in-jelly ) look how young soren is! Abd claudia is teeny weeny!
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BUT IN PUZZLE HOUSE.... there's a scene between King Atticus (What a lovely man) and Viren.... he asks Viren how he is doing out of genuine concern!
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(Pardon the picture quality my camera is not so great)
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Now it is very much possible that the puzzle house happens very much later. Like after a time skip.
Also to note: claudia was given kppar's spellbook. Tge kids had been to his house multiple times atleast to mention "he never let us entertained his tower". Also Atticus asks the question as if it all happened fairly recently. Means tge flashback of s6 happened pretty close to the time of puzzle house no? But soren and claudia look older to me...
Wouldn't it make more sense if soren and claudia were a little older than how they are shown in s6 flashbacks to have known kppar! If soren is saved at an older age it would still work.
I don't know if it was a mismatch between the two departments handling the production of the season and the graphic novel. But their ages don't line up... like if all of those flashbacks of s6 happened with a little older claudia and soren, they would remember that incident much more strongly, and that is fitting for character!
I see three possibilities...
A) This is truly a mistake and there was a mismatch between the teams that made the season and the novel.
B) This is deliberate! They showed the flashbacks through Viren's POV. And maybe its the "to parents their children are always young" or this is just how he is seeing them in the memory of that incident now. Memories become distorted over time... we don't remember details and when we recall, we fill their place with details of how we felt that incident to be like, which is sometimes not what it actually was.... Viren's guilt makes him look at himself like the terrible man who hurt his two innocent children. And what better way to make a child look innocent than to literally age them down! Look at this image of claudia from one of the short stories... here she looks about her puzzle house age, seeing Lissa leave.
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So it is true that the puzzle house ages are reality and the flashback ages are Viren's projections of his children as how innocent they were when he hurt their family. I AM ONTO SOMETHING HERE, I REALLY WANT THIS TO BE TRUE!
C) I could be wrong at judging character ages too (in that case it would be a bummer cuz what sort of animation student am I then?)
But what do you guys think? I am leaning towards the ages being shown that way is deliberate...
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numptypylon · 3 months
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“Rayla is… not my lovebug.”
“Oh ho, now?" Nyx leaned obnoxiously close, her eyebrows raising. "Have you told her that?”
“She told me," Callum said, angry all over again suddenly that... she actually hadn't told him that and yet they weren't- "So I’m tentatively assuming that she knows.”
“Oh ho? So she broke up with you and yet you’re still adventuring together, risking your lives for each other, making love eyes at each other at every opportunity… ah, to be young and in love and a garbage fire of collective awkwardness of such radiance as to light up the heavens-”
“Yeah!” Ezran agreed, walking up to them. Oh no. Hopefully Nyx would tone down the… everything… around an 11-year-old, but… considering he had been 14 himself when he’d first encountered Nyx, he didn’t have high hopes. “It’s gross and they’re so dumb, and here I am, a doomed onlooker!"
“You got the family braincell, I see,” Nyx said, winking at Ezran.
Ezran nodded sagely. “My blessing and my curse, ‘tis true.”
Really?! Did Ez really have to form an alliance with every new person they met to tag-team roast him?!
Nyx turned away from Ezran, her unwanted attention firmly back on him now. “I still need the full status update on my favorite dysfunctional lovebugs!” Nyx would keep prodding, and Callum didn’t want her to prod Rayla- “You know there’s another ex-lovebug who could tell me-“ Did he just curse that idea into Nyx’s head?! “But you’re currently the less puke-smelling option, so…"
Nyx really didn't subscribe to the idea of sensitive subjects you should keep your trap shut about.
“We… broke up. Like you said.” One way to say it. But he wasn’t giving Nyx any ammunition to use against Rayla. “Then made up. Kind of. We’re friends, just not… lovebugs.”
“Friends with benefits?”
“What friends do you have?” Ezran asked, all wide-eyed, vicious innocence. “Do you not consider friendship a benefit?”
“Hey!” Nyx looked insulted. “I thought we were allies against yon magus of maladroit you tragically must call brother?”
“My allegiances are many and inscrutable!” Ez stuck his tongue out at Nyx.
“’Allegiances’? ’Inscrutable’? Sheesh, kid, how old are you? And what awful, terrible company do you keep?!”
“11. And… politicians.”
“Oh no, you’re serious?! Oh kid, the depths of my condolences is one of them yawning chasms of endless screaming-“
“Oi?!” Villads yelled. “Matey? Riggin’ snagged!”
“I don’t hold court with betrayers, anyway,” Nyx said, incredibly hypocritically for someone who’d stranded them in a desert, and she pushed off the deck and was airborne, heading off towards the center mast.
“What is the benefit of being ‘friends with benefits’?” Ezran asked, looking around to Callum and then Soren, who had just arrived with Hat perched on his head. “The friendship is pretty obviously a benefit of being friends without having to say it, so I know it isn’t that, I just said that because Nyx was being mean.”
“Oh, I know!” Soren said, eagerly. “It’s s-“
“Sandwiches!” Callum cut him off. “Sandwiches, Soren! Remember?”
“Riiiiight!” Soren winked, exaggeratedly. “Sandwiches. Got it. Corvus makes the best bread sandwich, extra mayonnaise-“
“Please, Soren,” Callum choked. “Please, let’s… talk about something else. Anything else. Please.”
Excerpt from an upcoming chapter of my S4-6 between-canon-episodes fic, Downtime’s Up (successor to my S1-3 between-canon-scenes fics Downtime in Wartime and Upside Downtime)
It’s wednesday and I have many wips I want to work on and no time, but I DO also have a lot of stuff written and not posted, so… hope you enjoyed some overgrown pigeon time and depraved sandwich innuendos. Once I get past the next 4 chapters of Downtime’s Up, I have most of the rest of the story written, just… it’s been rough going to write anything lately
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manikas-whims · 7 months
26/02/2024: Nina and Matthias’s son asks Kaz if he’s a bad person
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“Uncle Kaz, are you a bad person?”
They were walking down the bustling streets of Little Ravka.
Unsurprisingly his four year-old nephew, Soren, had acquired the same love for waffles as his mother. From his father, had merely acquired the sparkling blue eyes which he weaponized quite a lot whenever he needed to coax Kaz into doing his bidding.
And so, after ignoring Soren’s adorable pleas and big, blue, sparkling eyes for hours, Kaz had agreed to take him out for a snack. As such, they were heading towards this famous local diner in the area to try some ravkan-styled waffles.
Kaz had expected the child to show his excitement over it. Expected the little one to constantly persuade him into buying delectable sweets on their way. But questions about his morality were the last thing he had imagined. And from a child at that.
“Why do you ask?” He spoke in an even tone.
The child replied without a beat. “Cause a lot of people in Fee-eda say so.”
“I see.”
It’d been years since the Ice Court Heist. Despite never being able to prove it, there was a common tale spread around the Fjerdan folk about a sinister Demjin named Kaz Brekker who had come from the land of Kerch and broke down the formidable walls of the Ice Court using his dark powers. That he had peeled off his gloves inside the court and cast a sinister enchantment with the devious motions of his fingers to corrupt the sacred tree. That he was a mad man who had stolen the Shu child on a whim, and then decided to sell him off to the highest bidding nation for further entertainment.
“Wanna know what I think?” Soren asked, waving his hands in excitement.
Kaz smirked. “I honestly don’t care but you’ll tell me anyway, won’t you?”
The boy giggled. “I will! I will!”
“Well..?” Kaz waited patiently, both gloved hands now resting on his crow head cane.
“I think you’re a good person.”
The words stupefied Kaz more than they should have.
“And what makes you believe so?” He asked. He was expecting some sort of innocent and childlike response such as: because you spoil me with candy, because you show me magic or because you defend me when Papa gets mad.
The boy however, tilted his head, cheeks puffing up as he collected his thoughts and formulated a response.
“Because Aunt Inej likes you.”
Once more Kaz was left stunned. And a little flustered by the child’s words. He could only hope no one else heard it for the mere idea of someone liking Dirtyhands could stir the entire barrel with some spicy rumors. And he would not want to deal with them when his little nephew was around.
Soren’s eyes twinkled as he went on. “Aunt Inej likes me too! And, and..she told me she only likes good people. So that means Uncle Kaz is good too!”
“Alright then, ” Kaz coughed to compose himself and offered a gloved hand for the boy to hold. “Let’s get you those damned waffles.”
Soren bounced with joy at that and accepted the proffered hand as they continued their walk.
» 15/? of Manika's Mini Fics «
Read my previous mini fic with Kaz and Soren HERE
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meret118 · 1 month
I just finished the latest season of The Dragon Prince earlier. Wow! I cried. So good!
The Elder said startouch elves were immortal. Their physical form can be killed, but they can regain flesh and blood bodies when the stars align. So Leola would come back. Aaravos could have been with her in the heavens, (I'm assuming she is the star called Leola's Last Wish. I wonder if the primal stones were her last wish, or something we don't know yet?), and then they could have come back together. I've only viewed it once so far, but I think I have that right.
Viren killed his mentor to save his child, while Aaravos didn't care how many innocents he killed as long as he got vengeance for his child. Whom he could see again anyway. Not that I blame him for being enraged, but the vast number of people his manipulations got killed had nothing to do with it.
Why are the so many mothers dead or missing in TDP? Soren and Claudia's, Leola's, Callum and Ezran's. Perhaps the woman we see briefly with Aaravos when he was crying was Leola's mother? Which makes me wonder if she rejected her daughter because she was autistic.
Great diversity on the show otherwise - trans, queer, disabled, and now neurodivergent. I hope we get to see more Leola next season.
I love series where the creators care as much as the fans do, and reward close watching. From the Sea of the Castout to Leola being the star they use to guide them, to the comparisons of Viren and Aaravos telling the truth or not, and more. I love how it all tied together. :)
ETA: Something I really liked was that Viren and Soren don't reconcile. So often that's seen as the happy ending, but Soren wouldn't be taking care of himself if he did, and Viren realizes that. He burns the letter because he knows it would only make Soren feel worse for multiple reasons.
ETA2: I don't understand why the hell Netflix doesn't promote this show.
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The boys reaction to finding out the mc in dating someone
Hello! Thank you for sending in an ask!
Apollo's reaction to finding out that the MC is dating someone else would be a whirlwind of emotions. At first, he wouldn’t believe it—he’s too delusional to think the MC could actually choose someone over him. He’d laugh it off, assuming it's a misunderstanding or a joke. But once reality sinks in, Apollo would start to panic.
His initial response would be to smother the MC with affection, trying to outshine their new partner in every possible way. He’d constantly show up, calling them pet names, giving them hugs, and acting like everything is fine. If the MC doesn’t immediately drop the new relationship, Apollo would start to break down emotionally, bursting into tears and pleading with them. He’d cry, saying things like, "Why would you choose them over me? I love you so much! Can’t you see that?"
If that doesn’t work, his delusional side would kick into overdrive. Apollo would convince himself that the MC is only dating the other person because they’re confused or being manipulated. He’d do anything to "save" them from this false relationship, even if it means intervening directly. Apollo might confront the new partner, either by guilt-tripping them into breaking up with the MC or threatening them in a childish, desperate way.
In his mind, Apollo would still believe the MC loves him, no matter what, and he’d stop at nothing to make sure they realize it too. He’d likely make grand, dramatic gestures, like publicly declaring his love or trying to sabotage their relationship by creating situations where the MC "needs" him more than their current partner. His emotional volatility would make him a force to be reckoned with, and he’d never truly give up, no matter how far gone the MC seems to be.
When Soren finds out that the MC is dating someone else, his initial reaction would likely be a mix of shock and denial. He would probably act like it doesn't bother him at first, putting on his usual sweet and playful demeanor, but internally, he would be fuming. Soren has a tendency to treat those he loves like possessions, so seeing the MC with someone else would trigger his possessive side.
He might "innocently" approach the MC and their new partner, making passive-aggressive comments under the guise of compliments. He might say something like, "Oh look at how cute MY Mc is!" He'd likely cling to the MC more, becoming overly touchy and affectionate in an attempt to assert his dominance.
Behind the scenes, Soren would be plotting ways to make the MC leave their new partner. He might manipulate the MC by crying, acting pitifully, or playing up his innocent charm, making them feel guilty for choosing someone else. If that doesn't work, his darker side would surface—he could resort to sabotaging the relationship, spreading lies, or even threatening the new partner without ever laying a hand on them. In the end, you'll always be Soren's.
Xenos would be devastated if he saw the MC dating someone else. His obsessive nature would take over, and he'd spiral into a jealous fit. At first, he might stalk them more intensely, trying to figure out everything about the new relationship—where they go, what they do together, every little detail. He’d likely start to sabotage their dates in subtle ways, like "accidentally" breaking something or spreading rumors.
Eventually, his jealousy would boil over into a full tantrum. He might lock himself away, crying and screaming in frustration, before coming up with a more drastic plan. Xenos would want the MC all to himself, and he might even confront the MC in a desperate, emotional state, demanding to know why they chose someone else. He might try to manipulate them by bringing up old memories, telling them how much he knows about them, and even threatening to expose their secrets if they don’t leave their new partner.
In the end, Xenos wouldn’t be able to accept it, and his obsession could drive him to extreme lengths to win the MC back.
Lynx's reaction to finding out that the MC is dating someone else would be a mix of anger and arrogance. At first, he’d scoff at the idea, not believing for a second that the MC could truly want someone else over him. He’d likely say something dismissive like, "Oh, them? You’re kidding, right?"
As the reality sets in, Lynx’s temper would flare. He’d become openly insulting toward the MC’s new partner, calling them unworthy and belittling everything about them. "That loser? What could they possibly give you that I can’t?" His jealousy would be barely concealed, though he’d act like the whole situation is beneath him. He might mock the MC for their "poor choice," saying things like, "I thought you had better taste," all while seething internally.
Lynx would also become more demanding and possessive, ordering the MC around even more than usual, as if to remind them who’s really in charge. He’d expect them to drop everything for him, ignoring the fact that they’re with someone else. If the MC doesn’t comply, his arrogance will quickly turn into frustration. He wouldn’t hesitate to openly punish the MC with sharp insults or passive-aggressive behavior, making them feel guilty or stupid for even considering someone else.
Despite his outward confidence, Lynx would be deeply insecure underneath it all. He might secretly stew in jealousy, even going so far as to spy on the MC and their new partner to see what they’re up to. Lynx would never admit it, but he’d be hurt, and his way of dealing with that would be through lashing out. If he ever felt truly threatened by the other person, Lynx might go as far as trying to break them up through manipulation or creating situations where the MC is forced to choose—something he’s convinced he’d win.
Ultimately, Lynx wouldn’t accept the situation. He’d see it as a temporary inconvenience, fully expecting the MC to come crawling back to him because, in his mind, they’re his and always will be.
Kaine’s reaction to finding out that the MC is dating someone else would be a mix of amusement and subtle malice. At first, he’d play it off like he didn’t care, probably flashing his signature grin and teasing the MC with something like, "Oh, so you found yourself a little plaything? How cute." He’d act like it was a game as if he wasn’t really threatened by the new relationship at all.
But beneath that playful exterior, Kaine would be scheming. He’d find the whole situation thrilling in a twisted way, seeing it as a challenge to bend the MC back to him. He would take every opportunity to flirt with the MC right in front of their new partner, subtly undermining the relationship. Kaine might say things like, "I’m surprised you settled for someone like them when you know how much fun we could have together," with a wicked smile, daring the MC to react.
As time goes on, his teasing would grow more intense, and if he noticed any signs of fear or hesitation in the MC, he’d pounce on it. Kaine would make it clear that their new partner can’t protect them from him, saying things like, "Do they know who you’re really dealing with? I bet they’d run if they saw what I could do." He’d start to corner the MC in vulnerable moments, using his charm and intimidation to plant seeds of doubt in their mind about their current relationship.
If Kaine’s playful taunting doesn’t shake the MC’s resolve, his darker, sadistic side would come out. He might start scaring the new partner on purpose, giving them a reason to leave the MC. He would enjoy watching the tension build, feeding off the fear or discomfort he causes. In his mind, it’s only a matter of time before the MC realizes that Kaine is the only one who can truly "handle" them, and he wouldn’t hesitate to break them down to prove it.
Ultimately, Kaine wouldn’t see the other person as a real threat—just an obstacle he’s going to enjoy removing. He wouldn’t mind playing the long game, waiting for the moment when he can claim the MC as his own, and he’d savor every step of the process, knowing he’ll get what he wants in the end.
Nox’s reaction to the MC dating someone else would be quiet, subdued, but deeply emotional. At first, he wouldn’t say or do much, keeping his feelings hidden due to his curse which limits his ability to speak. However, inside, he’d be torn apart by the idea of the MC being with someone else. Rather than confronting the situation head-on, Nox would likely withdraw even further into himself, silently observing from a distance.
He would start avoiding the MC, spending more time alone or in quiet places where he can think. Nox might leave subtle signs of his sadness, like unfinished poems or sketches he would normally give to the MC, now discarded or tucked away. His way of coping would be retreating into his own thoughts, trying to protect himself from the pain of seeing them with someone else.
Nox’s realization that no one, including himself, is good enough for the MC would create a quiet but powerful shift in his behavior. He’d begin to question whether the person the MC is dating is truly capable of keeping them safe, as he knows he is. In his mind, only he is strong enough to shield them from the dangers lurking around them.
This thought would eat away at Nox, making him even more vigilant. He would start following the MC more closely, always watching from the shadows to ensure their safety. His internal struggle—between feeling unworthy and knowing no one else is strong enough—would drive him to protect the MC in ways they might not even notice. Nox might quietly intervene if he senses any danger, stepping in at just the right moment, though never asking for recognition or thanks.
At the same time, Nox would feel a growing resentment toward the MC's partner. Though he wouldn’t act out aggressively, his thoughts would be consumed with doubt: "Can they really protect you like I can?" He might begin to subtly test their strength or reliability, all the while convincing himself that the MC deserves better—deserves him.
In the end, Nox's internal conflict would push him to the brink. His love for the MC would remain pure, but his protectiveness and need to keep them safe could lead him to make more drastic decisions, especially if he starts to feel their partner is putting them in danger.
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
I've pushed this off for a bit even though I've really liked the idea because of CONSTANT DISASTERS??? in my life!!!, but I'm here now!!! 😂
Thanks for tagging me, @the-letterbox-archives (X) and @the-golden-comet (X)!
The Arcane Rifts:
DISABLED kid RUNS CIRCLES!!! around the cops!!!
Making my new BFF SELL HIS SOUL to the devil too lol. I had to, so HE DOES TOO!!! Will he accept??? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!!!
Devil's errand-boy makes A GIVEAWAY!!!!!! (not clickbait) (This time, when Tazin points the camera at him, Adilzhan promptly yanks it from his hands and shatters it like a foam cup.)
TOP 10 REASONS why you should NEVER live in Kavo. The sixth may SURPRISE you!
ACCIDENTALLY discovering a GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY!?!? (not clickbait)
purposely EXPOSING a GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY; starting a REVOLUTION; CLICK THE LINK IN THE DESCRIPTION to sign a PETITION and JOIN OUR EFFORTS rn!!! (NOT CLICKBAIT) (Gene aggressively yanks the phone from Tazin's hands and deletes everything Tazin just set up before they can get tracked down through it)
I am just now realizing how much of a menace Tazin would be with an internet connection... 🤣
Sun and Shadow:
Getting ENGAGED because my fucking dad thinks it's a better idea than being part of my life!!! (not clickbait)
Getting engaged to a princess soon, lol
Ula heiress WANTED for ATTACKING Lynsmouth's NOBILITY??? 🙊 😱 GUILTY or innocent?? FIND OUT the FACTS!!! 🤯
consulting with the creepy detective because I have literally no other choice lol (crying rn; live on stream)
oh Levebolg it's the detective's kid, they're LITERALLY CURSED, he sent them to HELP me, and they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING! i'm so fucked. (not clickbait)
The Ember Masquerade:
Best part? That's something I'd already made. 🤣 😱
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Seriously, though, I had a lot of fun with this! And my mind is still kinda in clickbait mode, haha.
Maybe I'll eventually (def not rn /gen) work on making another one of these for RFtA and/or adding more for one of these three? Idk, haha!
Tagging (either as part of taglist or for you to join, no pressure!): @honeybewrites @illarian-rambling @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @urnumber1star
@mysticstarlightduck @paeliae-occasionally @darkandstormydolls @huewrite
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hi. mentally ill about soren and claudia. the siblings in tdp all make me insane but soren and claudia are so. viren's daughter claudia and her brother soren (he doesn't like soren). the fact that at first claudia seems like the nice one but soren questions when he's doing the wrong thing and claudia digs herself deeper every chance she gets. that one scene where to protect ezran (?) (it's been a while since i watched this bit) he threatens claudia and she just looks so heartbroken and determined. they both do. because they still do care so so much about each other, it's just that they've taken such different paths and neither of them is willing to bend, not even for the other. <- not normal
OMG A TDP ASK FOR ME??????????????
Who doesn't love Soren and Claudia.
Like, Soren was willing to kill his father in the name of what was right, and Claudia was willing to bring her father back from the dead ignoring what was right ("I did things...I never imagined I would be able to do"). Claudia in s2 wants to "use [her] words not [her] muscles" but when it comes down to it, she's always going to use the strength dark magic gives her to get what she wants, and Soren has since learned that forgiveness and friendship are powerful things. Claudia has only distanced herself from the personhood of the creatures/people around her further and further (which is part of the danger of dark magic), while Soren has only become more and more aware of it.
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Soren would jump headfirst into the sea in heavy armor to save an innocent baitling, whereas Claudia would try and squeeze her former friends to death for the sake of her goal. They both have a completely different understanding of the value of life, at all different levels, with Viren learning that value later:
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And I think Soren learning to value life more and more over the course of his arc 1 er, arc, only adds to the fact that he's willing to kill his father at the end of s3.
Had Soren been down in the ocean with the rest of the gang in 5x09, I think he wouldn't have hesitated in killing Claudia either, despite how much he cares about her.
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While Claudia's followed the dark path of her father ("Daddy look! I'm following in your footsteps!") Soren's been trying to walk a different path. To follow Ezran and his efforts for a brighter future.
I just think they're neat!
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(For context, these scenes take place right after one another. Soren staying on the surface to look after their creature friends VS Claudia who sinks bellow to the ocean floor using the corpse of a pentapus)
Bonus "My eyes for truth" and seeing personhood comp:
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whataboutsimple · 20 hours
I can just see domino effect play out starting from when Gabriel meets Hadrian and Romeo. Romeo’s got no admin powers but he’s still an evil gremlin and Hadrian just escaped with Mevia. In walks in Gabriel who helps them and tries to get them to go good and then they both fall in love separately (Mevia is totally teasing Hadrian). Gabriel then reunites with Ivor, the two catch up and Gabriel talks about the people he met and formed a crush on and the names mentioned made Ivor spat out his drink and do a double take; “S-sorry… I think I misheard or perhaps I’m mistaking someone else who shares the same name. You said that you like Hadrian and Romeo?” “Yes, I did. Hadrian is a skilled builder, it amazes me how fast he can build with the resources he has and while Romeo is quite dramatic, he’s also funny at times.” “… Gabriel?” “Yes?” “THOSE PEOPLE ARE DANGEROUS!!!” “What? But they’re very nice and give great hugs. Sure they can be violent at times but they’re not too bad.”
Ivor flips his cauldron in sheer anger shock and disbelief and the protective instinct he thought had died in him cracked up through the roof. He’s shaking Gabriel, trying to convince him that these men are people he should stay away from but poor Gabriel and his darn optimistic golden retriever personality thinks that they’re alright and can improve which only makes Ivor panic and dread even more. He knows for a fact that this is a result of the order because Gabriel wasn’t like this and now that he’s left without supervision he got mixed into a bad crowd and Ivor is berating himself for thinking that Gabriel would remain the sanest, he was so wrong.
And so Ivor drags Gabriel to Beacontown and calls an emergency meeting with Ellegard/Magnus, Jesse’s gang, Harper, Otto and Xara to discuss the problem and needless to say, everyone lost it. Petra is in disbelief and denial, ready to shank a man, Axel and Olivia are completely baffled because why Gabriel?! Why those two?! There are better fish in the sea that give better hugs! Lukas is watching this all unfurl, gobsmacked and shaking unable to get everyone to calm down, Jesse’s trying to stop the old order from going on a killing spree, Harper and Otto are worried and Xara who started believing that there’s food in the world again, took one look at Gabriel, the man who somehow reminds her too much of her friend Fred and goes, “Alright, screw it. I’m going to murder Romeo. Who wants to join me?”
“I’m gonna make them regret getting close to my innocent boy!”
“Ivor I’m around the same age as you!”
“No, no, absolutely not! I am not letting those guys even lay a hand on my dad!”
“Wait, dad?”
The commotion gets so loud other people hear it and subsequently started freaking out because what the heck Gabriel. And later on, in the depths of the end Soren has been training the enderman to pick up more blocks, picked up a paper from an enderman who brought it alongside the block and screamed across the dimension, “GABRIEL HAS A CRUSH ON WHO?!?!”
Dear Anon, I don't know who you are, I don't know why you doing with, and I don't know what did I do to deserve this, but two things I know for sure: THIS IS PURE PERFECTION AND I LOVE YOU!!
My poor pillow got beaten up while I was reading this bc it's freaking funny, hilarious, silly and so on, and on, and on!
At this point I really think that Hadrian and Romeo are the ones who's in danger because- look at the gang. They aren't joking. Someone's going to be murdered.
It's also funny how I've come from talking about RomeoXGabriel with @yourdarlingwarrior to talking about polycule between Hadrian, Gabriel and Romeo with you. When I joined the fandom, I couldn't imagine I would have a chance to even open my mouth abt something like that.
And Soren's screams in the End are pick of humor. Old man hoped at least one of his friends kept his mind, but no, no he didn't. Oh gosh, what have he done?
You know what else is funny? How those two gremlins probably will do everything in their power to annoy each other. They both have "god-complex" and whole Gabriel is someone who gives them "admiration and attention they deserve", for each other they are more like.. "Who is this fool trying to imitate my greatness? And what is he doing near MY diamond admirer?"
But since Gabriel loves them both, they can't hurt each other bc he'll get sad. What now? Of course they will piss each other off.
"Wdym your house was blown up? Idk watcha talking abt."
"Huh? What was that? You fell into the hole full of slimes? Aw, poor thing."
And so on.
So our golden retriever wet puppy dog Gabriel sits there, pets his doggy (who's name prob Lucky or smth) and talks to Nurm cause he's the only one who kept his sanity unlike others (Jack lost it after Petra told him what's going on cause "THIS? THIS RED MAN? GABRIEL, I THOUGHT YOU WERE A SMART WARRIOR-").
Pure chaos. We can see here pure chaos of a big and strange family, chat. I will never get tired of talking abt them.
Anon, have my best wishes, good day/night, luck of life and ect. because I love you!
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naaami · 8 months
its been so long since ive done any fire emblem meta commentary but here i go (ranting about micaiah incoming)
people have for years come at me with "uhmm micaiah is a good person ackshually" no what makes her so interesting as a protagonist is that she isnt. she straight up says "If that's what it takes to be just, then I want nothing to do with justice. I'd rather be hated and feared like Mad King Ashnard. I'd rather the dark god take my soul. I'm going to save my people, Sothe. If the rest of the world paints me as a beast to be reviled and hated, so be it.”
she is, on paper and beyond, willing go to any lengths for daein including committing atrocities against anyone who's against daein, even when daein is in the wrong (which is usually is lol). and she does.
sure she feels bad about it but that doesnt make her a better person than say soren (who to be clear is also not a good person) who is openly willing to go to the same lengths if needed. micaiah stands for a country thats straight up racist and bloodthirsty towards innocents just bc those same bloodthirsty racists are nice to her and revere her.
and she enjoys that reverence (see: her conversation w/ sothe where she expresses terror over losing the people's adoration of her if they find out she's branded).
of course theres a degree of murkiness even then because to a point you can see her justification - as far as she knows, everyone in daein will die if she doesnt support begnion's racist-ass campaign against the laguz. so there is some understandability to her course of action even while its still, when you weigh out the options, largely wrong (imo and debatable [do not debate me on this i dont care what u think lol]).
anyway micaiah being morally questionable despite her ostensible "kindness" is, again, what makes her so interesting and what makes radiant dawn so compelling. to have a protagonist who can be kind in manner and feeling but also amoral in action is fun!! she does not have to be a "good person," she makes it clear she doesnt even care about being a good person. and in fact its more interesting that she's not.
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djljpanda · 2 years
Hello May you please write about Wednesday’s shy sweet gf who loves cute things but has a soft spot for her even thought she despises that kind of stuff such as affection and being madly in love ( and added jealousy lol pls 😩🥀💗🖤
No worries.
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Wednesday was so protective over you as if someone could just think one thing bad about you Wednesday already planned to dump their body.
Wednesday loved how innocent looking you were and how sweet you are.
It still amazes her on how she grew to love the thing she hated.
But to her displeasure shw isn't the only one who loves you sweet shy charms.
Many students in the school were also in love. Her jealousy grew more during the next dance that was going to happen. Many have tried to ask you out to the dance but you turned them all down with a sorry.
But as the dance was coming closer Wednesday had came up to you during lunch and led you outside where she had started to say that you and her are still going to the dance. "We still are but if you don't it us alright-" "No need to tell me all that nonsense I just had to make sure that you know we are going to the dance". "Well don't worry, we will go together I promise", you had said with a sweet smile in the end.
At the dance you both came in as total opposites you dressed out in pastel pinks and whites while Wednesday was in all black. That whole night you both talked you even got Wednesday to dance with you.
But as the night was close to ending you were getting some punch for you and Wednesday as siren student came up to you asking if you had wanted to head to their dorm after the dance.
"Oh sorry I was gonna go with my girlfriend and her friends after this, sorry" "But are you sure", said the siren student as they started to get pushy. Once you saw they were about to use their ability Wednesday came in taking you away from the scene after sending a death glare towards the siren.
Wednesday had taken you and her into the halls of the school. "Are you alright I saw that filthy siren near you" "No I'm fine dear, really I am" "You have to stop this whole shyness as what if I wasn't there they would have use there siren call on you" "I know and I'm sorry. I promise I'm trying but-".
As you went on tears had started to build up in your eyes. Based on being scared of what the soren could have done, being talked strictly by Wednesday, the felling of being useless and weak, and the fear that one day because of your shyness something bad will happen.
Wednesday notice your tears as she put her hand on your shoulder giving you a signal that you can go in for a hug. You hugged her tightly as tears streamed down your face. "Mi amour you are to cute cry, it is also not your fault this is who you are amd I love you for that but don't feel like your shyness is pushing you back. I'm sorry for making you feel that way" "I forgive you Wednesday but is there anyway you can help me become more confident?" "I will help in anyway you need but don't feel like i'm pushing you to do this" "No but for tonight let's just enjoy this" "Alright" "But we should be going your friends are probably trying to figure out where we are". "They are not my friends" "Really Enid would not like to hear that".
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raayllum · 8 months
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screaming crying throwing up. gnawing my leg off as we speak
But in all seriousness like, the layers?
Soren being so sad and gazing almost with aversion from the mirror, whereas Callum is far more fixated and always standing closer to it.
The double meanings of "magic can change people" holding negative connotations, even though Soren doesn't clarify that it's definitely leaning more towards dark magic. And even while Soren is cautioning Callum because of his family ("You saw what Dad turned Kasef into, what - what Dad's turned into. Claudia, you're changing too") but also that Soren nearly let magic turn him into a literal monster just because he wanted to please his father, and refusing to do so was his breaking point in finding the strength to leave. Which nicely foreshadows the corrupted dark magic creatures and elves that Janai and Amaya mention in S5 ("The corruption of the Sun Orb infected innocent creatures and changed them").
And Soren being the only one at the castle left who really knew any other mages that well and being worried that Callum could be like them of his own accord. Even if I don't think Soren has to worry so much about Callum changing (and caring less about his loved ones) the way Viren did, or caring too much quite the way Claudia did - but something brutally, beautifully, still horribly in between
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
LMAO that anon is SO innocent bc my first thot when i heard about the train system is which yandere oc would definitely fuck their darling on the train
a/n: hey u kno sometimes it just be like that lmaooo! this is the anon post that they're talking abt
not a lot of them would ill be forreal with you for one reason or another (the biggest being only theyre allowed to see you like that) but have these two idiots who i think would be the most likely out of all my ocs
warnings: reader is gender neutral but leaning feminine becos they're wearing a skirt, but gender neutral pronouns! and no mentions of specific parts, public sex but like incognito LOL word count: 922
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yeong-bae kigal ★ soren kumar
You frowned as you were pushed flush against Soren's chest with Yeong-bae pressed against your back. It wasn't uncomfortably hot or unbearable but the way your body kept bumping back and forth between them was a tad irritating.
You knew what it meant to date a couple of famous performers so you didn't complain when they had to 'go incognito' sometimes on dates. However, this was just pushing it.
They explained that they couldn't take any of the cars because they were too identifiable, that the fans and the paparazzi could easily find you just from the make and model alone.
So, that was why the three of you were stuck on a train car that was stuffed to the brim, everyone pushing and pressing against each other.
You could at least be thankful for the fact that both your partners were overprotective and that they preferred you blocked away from the crowd by their rather tall and lanky bodies. You were sandwiched in between them, as far away from any strangers as possible.
That eased a bit of your annoyance but not much.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt Yeong-bae's arms wrapping around you a bit more tightly. You also felt them nuzzle their face into the crook of your neck, their lips ghosting over your skin at first before pressing a bit more firmly.
Then, just as suddenly... Was that his teeth?
You made a questioning noise in your throat.
"Y-You… uh…" Yeong-bae muttered against your neck and you raised an eyebrow. However, when the train car rattled a bit and you pushed back into Yeong-bae, you understood completely.
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You had been so focused on the crowd that you hadn't realised that you had pressed your ass against Yeong-bae's groin. You could feel their cock, hard and insistent, pressing against the crack of your ass, even through his pants and your underwear.
The noise in your throat immediately turned understanding. Both noises, of course, attracted the attention of your other partner. Soren turned away from the window behind you to you, his curious expression much more devious than yours.
"What's this?" Soren chuckled, his free hand cupping the back of Yeong-bae's neck, his fingers threading through their hair and gripping it tight "Something happened?"
Instead of answering, Yeong-bae just gripped onto you tighter, his hips stuttering as he tried his best not to grind against you. Because of the shaking train car, however, the only thing he succeeded in doing was rutting against your ass.
"Well, looks like you're giving our sweet partner a hard time, baby." Soren brushed his lips against your jawline, his velvety voice smooth in your ear "Why don't we help him out a bit, hmmm?"
Soren's other hand, which was settled on your hips, reached out behind you. You didn't hear anything but you felt the vibrations of Yeong-bae's zipper being pulled down.
Your eyes widened and you turned your head a little to stare at Soren, silently begging him not to make a scene in the middle of such a crowded train.
"Don't worry, nobody will notice." He chuckled, his chest rumbling against yours.
Yeong-bae apparently didn't have it in him to protest because all he did was sigh in relief against your neck, lips still tickling your skin.
You didn't know if the relief was because Soren would do something with their problem or because their cock had been released from where it was confined in their skinny jeans.
In any case, you could feel the heft of it in between your ass cheeks, even through your underwear. Understandable; you knew how big Yeong-bae was after all.
That thought didn't assure you though because the fear of getting caught was still burning in your veins.
Still, you tried your hardest to relax, knowing full well that there was nothing you could do once Soren made up his mind about something. The man was the most stubborn person you knew and, though Yeong-bae usually reeled him in, Yeong-bae's brain notoriously shut down pretty fast when they got horny.
All of that aside , you immediately tensed back up when you felt Soren's same hand move from Yeong-bae's cock to your underwear.
You huffed, squirming a little as if that would deter him, your hands on his upper arms gripping tighter and tighter. You muttered his name under your breath in warning but all you got in reply was a huffy laugh.
Before you could do anything else, you felt the tip of Yeong-bae's cock pressing against your entrance, the head parting your walls both painfully and deliciously.
"Fuck." Yeong-bae let a small punched-out moan, his voice sounding a bit too breathless for somebody who was just standing with his partner on the train.
You, on the other hand, hid your face into the crook of Soren's neck, whimpers leaving you a bit more freely than Yeong-bae's lips.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh." Soren pressed a kiss against your temple. "Nobody'll be able to see anything because of your skirt, baby, but they'll definitely think something's up if they hear you."
You nodded hastily, trying your best to hold back your noises. Part of you needed Yeong-bae to stay as still as possible. The other part of you wanted him to jack-hammer his cock into you until both of you came.
The latter was the smaller part, of course.
"Don't worry, baby. You'll just cockwarm Yeong-bae a little, hmm? Then we'll find the nearest love hotel, I promise."
You didn't know if you'd get that far.
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