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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 8 months ago
that moment when your complex antagonist is starting to make too much sense so you twist the narrative or make them do something truly vile out of nowhere, so that the audience doesn't begin questioning your morals.
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lolabearwrites · 2 months ago
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my favorite part of s7 was how the dragaang learned of Aaravos' past, realized he's a broken father and used that to get through to him to, make him stop his plan that made 100% sense cuz they knew they couldn't stop him with force since he's an immortal being that is all powerful and couldn't possibly be stopped with silly things like fire arrows and tripwire for example hahahahaha
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madou-dilou · 7 months ago
I am sorry but why did Lissa refuse to give her tears to save Soren. What mother does that
I get the whole "dark magic leads you to see animals and people as mere resources, to break them down into components to exploit and denying by this the inherent value of all lives" but it's just tears. It's not like he had to beat her to the tears, she was already crying all the time because their child was dying. I genuinely don't get why Viren is the villain here. He only had to pull her hair to get her tears into the vial, she already was crying.
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bibibbon · 4 months ago
Hey. I want to ask is it weird to create a oc just for the sake to make someone who love Izuku so much they take his responsibility from him as being all might successor. There is a whole plot reason why OC is doing it not just for love but I am a huge sucker for hero being saved metaphorically and literally by their love interest.
Nothing makes me happy to see a self sacrificing hero being saved by one person who love them so much they rather change the fate of the world themselves if it mean to let the hero be return to bliss.
Like I say, it is your rewrite, so do what you want with it!!!
I don't think it's a bad thing to create a character for another character. I mean, horikoshi did it with Toga and ochako, didn't he?
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However, it very much depends on your execution.
For example, I think the execution of toga and ochako in this sense is okay. It had some problems like how the ship itself revolved around a male character or other aspects of the two characters really lacking a lot of parallels between each other.
I have talked about my opinions on this pairing, and honestly, it could have worked had it been executed differently.
Another example of a writer creating a character for another character is the dragon prince. This, in my opinion, can be seen with claudia and Terry.
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This is definitely my opinion, but from what I have seen and heard, the dragon prince writers were thinking of giving claudia a romantic partner early on in the series. Some speculate that it was supposed to be the protagonist callum, but it ended up being a character introduced in season 4 called Terry.
A few minority of people hold onto the belief that callum was supposed to initially be Claudia's love interest for a huge number of reasons, one of them being Terry being quite similar to arc 1 callum especially in mannerisms.
An example is the "trees to meet you" line.
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Now, the problem isn't that Terry may have been created for this reason but how his character was used.
Terry, for the most part in the series, is literally just Claudia's boyfriend. That's exactly what he is in the series. He kills for claudia. He watches claudia kill for her father, and he is the comedic relief in his group.
He is a one-note character, and while I don't think it was intentional, it is true. Due to the lack of information and arc for Terry as a character, he ends up being a plot device type of character.
From what we know of Terry, which is implied in season 4, the earth blood elves didn't accept him for being trans so it does explain why he isn't connected to them or why he doesn't mention them much as that must of been scaring for him.
I would assume that the earthblood elves abandoned Terry and some time during the two years that viren was dead and Terry was stranded alone without anyone claudia and Terry found each other. Both alone and desperate for some source of interaction and companionship, they quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend.
For Terry, claudia is everything he has. She is his only companion, and in a way, she became something he depended on during the dark (his light in the darkness, who knows 🤷‍♀️). The same thing barely applies to claudia herself as her mission was focused mainly on viren and resurrecting her father no matter what it took.
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Claudia DOES love Terry, yet their relationship is toxic at that. From what we see in season 4, claudia is seen to hold the type of belief that all elves are bad and that Terry is "one of the good ones."
Now obviously mixed with Claudia's own experiences pre season 4 with an elf being the one that is responsible for her father's death or an elf being responsible for king harrows death, that combined with what she previously was told about elves and what aaravos told her about elves and dragons it is understandable that she would develop the idea that "ALL elves and dragons are evil until proven otherwise."
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While I did say it and will say it again claudia does love Terry yet due to the way she was taught how to love which in season 6 she claims that it was her father viren who taught her how to love (not a good look)we can come to understand that her love can have quite the toxic nature to it.
It is after all her feelings of helplessness that caused her to abandon Terry because she didn't want anyone she loved to abandon her again, so he chose to abandon him.
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Now, enough talking about claudia going back to Terry, he is someone who is seen to have quite the optimistic outlook in things. While his love for claudia and overdependence on her (to a certain extent) is toxic that it's caused him to do actions such as killing ibis and watching sir sparklespuff be killed which he is seen to actively show signs of remorse about. Terry still seems to love claudia. He accepts her for who she is, and a part of this can definitely be linked to his trauma surrounding rejection from the earthblood elves (which I wish was explored more, we need a Terry backstory!!)
Now, in season 6, we see Terry actively oppose aaravos, which is definitely going to cause a strain on both his and Claudia's relationship. I definitely see Terry leaving, which would be a huge moment for his character, but due to the lack of information and backstory for him pre season 4, I fear that it may be underwhelming.
I guess what I wanted to say from this huge ramble is if you are going to make a character to be the other half or to be there primarily for another character please give both characters equal level of nuance and don't make them one noted.
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hikaaa-bi · 1 year ago
probably a hot take but i don't really like ezran. i don't dislike him, he just feels like such a 2d character. maybe it's his voice acting (i'm sorry but it's so.. soulless?) or maybe it's the fact that his personality has no depth. like i get it, he's a child but i've seen a lot more interesting characters who were around the same age as him.
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madou-dilou · 1 year ago
The Dragon Prince in a nutshell
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can we stop doing this trope
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lolabearwrites · 16 days ago
"I wish that even in the dark. Sad, afraid, alone. That every child should know... You are loved"
im sorry what. You can't convince me in Leola's final moments, that's what she's thinking.
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at best, I would think her last wish would be something like "I don't want my dad to be forever sad" or "I wish for my daddy to find happiness again"
because she could see how distraught he was even as he tried to hold himself together
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Yes, her last wish is very touching, but in context it makes NO sense imo. I don't think she-a very young child- who is sobbing while being pulled into the stars from her fathers arms, knowing she is about to be killed, has the capacity to take a step back and reflect and be like"You know what, situation aside. I have a pretty great dad who loves me. I wish that every child could feel that love too <3"
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madou-dilou · 11 months ago
If Dark magic is set up to be morally wrong no matter what, we ought to be shown that anything is better than using it.
That Viren *should* have let Soren and the hundreds of thousands of people die starving, that Callum *should* have let Pyrrha and Rayla and Soren and himself and Ezran and Zym be tortured.
The characters must choose to not use it knowing what horrible consequences this choice will bring, and these horrible consequences have to actually happen and have dreadful long term repercussions, and NOT to be Deus-ex-machinaed away.
So no new Arcanum somehow unlocked or dragon somehow showing up just in the right time or anything like it. Just the plain consequences, however horrible.
The closest we got was Harrow's death way back in season one, and even it's consequences were Deus-ex-machinaed via the egg and the frankly insane gamble that Zubeia would agree to stop the war to thank the protagonists.
So far, every time someone used it, it was framed as wrong and unjustifiable no matter the circumstances.
So, okay.
Show us why not using it to save your kid, your friends, your people, and let all of them die, is actually the right thing to do, the right, moral, "no shortcut" path.
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bibibbon · 6 months ago
Basically, Megatron in Earthspark is a diet coke version post redemption Endeavor. And as a cherry on top, the humans still angry at the destruction that the bot's are still causing from their battles, the high casualty numbers of human lives lost from the bots' war, and the harassment from the Decepticons are painted as prejudice for wanting these highly advanced, giant robots of mass destruction to go home! Also, the show treats Optimus Prime the way the fandom treats All Might. 3/5
Part 1 part 2
Wow ok I thought it couldn't get worse but it just did. So the show goes out of its way to try and say that the humans being rightfully angry about what decepticons did is painted as the victims being in the wrong and wrongfully discriminating against the decepticons. Yeah yikes however this does sound vaguely similar to the dragon prince and the lack of proper criticism towards the elves and dragons actions and how the humans are demonised a whole lot more.
It feels like a cheap and unequal bit of both sides are wrong but you can kinda tell that one side is worse than the other and the narrative never tries to address that (properly that is)
I don't really know who Optimus prime is but from the description of him being treated as fanon all might than Iam assuming that he gets over hated by the fandom for reasons that aren't really his fault. I mean this because while the fandom can hate on all might and bash him too harshly I still do think that all might is an incredibly flawed character and it still bugs me that the manga wouldn't actually delve into that or any other interesting part of his character instead we get the whole iron might ordeal.
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 8 months ago
if you want a mutually toxic and messed up relationship that isn't romanticized by the narrative:
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if you want a relationship where both people make mistakes, but they actually work through their issues together:
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if you want an actually good enemies to lovers sapphic ship (with actual fighting and almost killing each other and everything):
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you don't have to settle for cat/radora :)
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lifblogs · 6 months ago
Some people for some reason: Rayla so wasn't Callum's one deep truth. I know because the creators said so during a period where they were trying to save us from getting spoilers. The art:
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rayllurn · 7 months ago
Me screaming at tdp YouTube like, “Rayllum never broke up!! They never broke up! They never broke up!!” *is getting dragged away* “Listen me! They never broke up! They never bro-“
Seriously every time I hear someone say they broke up I lose brain cells. She left because she loved him so much she thought it was the only way to keep him safe.
Even Callum acknowledges this!!
Lujanne: “So this is a thing again? You two?”
Callum: “It always was.”
It always was!!! They never STOPPED being a thing, from their perspectives.
And I get that there’s a lot of feelings about Through the Moon and that it should have been incorporated into the actual show (and I agree with that to some degree) but like…where would have they put it? It doesn’t fit in season 3…it would be an anticlimactic tag on to the big finale. It would be weird to start season 4 with it and then have a two year time skip between episodes 1 and 2. It just doesn’t fit in the canon storyline. The only thing I can think of is that they maybe could’ve imported more pieces of it as flashbacks (I would have preferred this I think, but this is the story the creators gave us and I love it regardless!!!).
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lolabearwrites · 2 months ago
Literally set a perfect moment to talk about Leola
"then I'm sure you're well aware of my dear Leola" Ez should have done a follow up question, because no he didn't know. And I would think he would want to know.
Honestly, besides Ez, Claudia and Terry did anyone else even know she existed? (I'm hesitant to even add Ez to this small list tbh) I'm pretty sure Callum didn't? Maybe I'm not remembering correctly?
Did a brisk scrub just so I can at least be ready for disappointment so yeah. Disappointment. Gonna be brisk
Zym has rainbow road powers I guess
Claudia's up again
oh damn Aaravos just taking it???
But. Seven year time skip?
Sparklepuff hi???
"I will not watch another daughter die"
"I'm still me" Oh Claudia...
Domina Profundus, it is a bit late to be doing big stuff
But hey. Zubeia went out. Saw that coming.
Yeah...disappointed they didn't' go the mercy route. Fucking hell.
ZYM TALKS NOW. That's...quite a voice
Aw the bridge is all green now
Seven years to make a world Aaravos is gonna be more hesitant destroy
Hello Zuko Terry here
Dang they build FAST
Aww black and white flowers
Runaan really opening up to the things he's caused
BIRD THEORY REAL!!?!?!?!!?!?!?
Had a feeling Leola's Last Wish would be something to that degree, but I wish she had more of a center in the story...
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stardust948 · 2 months ago
Wow. Rayla talked down a giant rampaging monster and vengeful grieving father. Surely this skill will come in handy in the future.
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lolabearwrites · 2 months ago
If the writers are just going to give Rayla everything she wants can they give aaravos the one fucking thing he wants please
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madou-dilou · 9 days ago
Gagged that the archdragons got an entire memorial in the cemetery of their victims after doing one good thing.
Viren saved these kingdoms, this city and the king... and isn't even mentionned.
Like. Imagine the Sunfire Elves's faces once I put a giant statue of Viren in the middle of Lux Aurea.
I would love it however if it were debated among the Katolis council for it would be a reflection upon how history is written by the victors.
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