#sora and hikari interaction
hikari-m · 4 months
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{D i g i m o n Adventure:} (2020 Reboot/Spinoff Anime) ~ {DIGI-GIFT} for: Jun. 2024 + (2020!) S O R A Takenouchi & H I K A R I Yagami
This is from a series of calender months-based artworks featuring various characters from the various series. Last year also showcased previous Leader characters, along with some others, including from other series. This is the very first image featuring "Adventure:" designs {from the 2020 series}, specifically! It features Sora and Hikari during June, which is during Japan's rainy season, viewing Japanese hydrangea flowers in bloom. If you look closely, you'll see a rainbow behind Sora...!
{Shared from the official account here!}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
me: *takes deep breath*
me: I LO-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love the DIGIMON ADVENTURE CHOSEN CHILDREN a.k.a ""DIGIDESTINED"", we get it okay, you love ADVENTURE CHOSEN, /ADVENTURE CHOSEN/ are a brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking ADORE THEM, yes okay yes, you love THE ADVENTURE CHOSEN, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE THE ADVENTURE CHOSEN AS A TEAM AND IT'S OK FOR YOU TO LOVE ANY OF THEM!!!!!
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 5 months
I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this Utada Hikaru quote in regards to both Hikari and Passion before:
In an interview, Utada said, "It's like... as if 'Hikari' was the dawn, and 'Passion' has a concluding or 'dusk' feeling to it. The lyrics of 'Passion' show how phases of the past, present and future of the character in my song relate to each other."
This came from the KH Fandom Wiki, which I'll link below in the comments. I've seen the Nomura quote mentioned all the time about how Passion is about Sora and Riku's reunion, but I think a part of Nomura's quote that often gets overlooked is when he states:
I wrote stuff like "An image of a reunion, a happy moment in a way" and "Like a Hikari 2" in there.
Italicized part by me for emphasis and the main thing I want to talk about here. The quote from Nomura can be found over at Kingdom Hearts Insider (which I will also link below in the comments).
We have Utada mentioning how Hikari is like the dawn and Passion is like the concluding dusk, thus connecting the two songs to each other in a sequel like way, just like Nomura mentions in his interview when he states that Passion is "Like a Hikari 2." So, in my mind, since Nomura states that "Passion is about Sora and Riku's reunion" and Utada uses the phrasing of dawn, as well as how the song highlights how past, present, and future relate to each other for the character in the song...I think it's pretty safe to say that Hikari is about Sora and Riku as well.
That seems to be what both Nomura and Utada are implying with their answers here. Now, I know that some people really like to say that Simple & Clean and Sanctuary are their own songs, which they are. The lyrics are different. But the thematic elements are still the same and there are still similar through lines (like the backward lyrics being the same in both Passion and Sanctuary for instance).
The lyrics of Hikari really fit Riku's views on Sora and the bond they have/had - the desire for it to remain unchanged. The person they are singing about being their light (Sora being Riku's light, something we know Riku views Sora as via things like the DDD Novel Side Riku). Simple & Clean's lyrics definitely fit Sora as a character and his voice more.
With Passion and Sanctuary it almost seems like this is reversed though. The English version, Sanctuary, has more lyrics that fit Riku and his perspective on Sora and their reunion. Meanwhile, Passion's lyrics fit Sora a lot more. The line: "I heard my old crush is having a baby in the wintertime" is quite interesting in various ways. The whole last set of lyrics in Passion aren't really directly related to KH, but more to general ideas of things that denote changes and passages of time (people having children, getting New Years cards, etc.).
It's also so interesting that Hikari is mentioned as being the Dawn (the time of day associated with Riku) and Passion the Dusk (the time of day that is often associated with Kairi). In KH2 is when we start to see a shift in Sora's feelings and interactions with Kairi (distance, drifting apart, change) and a reconnection happen with Sora and Riku (reunion, airing out feelings, better communication, reinforcing their friendship and bonds to each other, etc.).
We get games that focus more on Sora and Riku's bonds (Re-coded, BBB when they are little kids, and DDD) and Kairi is sadly neglected by the narrative and both Sora and Riku in a way. Something that we see her taking note of in KH3, more obviously through the novelization.
I don't know. To me these quotes just make me think it is very obvious that both Hikari/Simple & Clean and Passion/Sanctuary are all songs about Sora and Riku and their bond with each other. Of course, since KH3 is meant to be a conclusion to the Dark Seeker Saga, of which KH1 and KH2 are both a part of, it would make sense that Oath and Don't Think Twice are about them too.
Sadly, we don't really have anything remotely official to really solidify that interpretation though, not that official recognition of things like this are necessary - they aren't - but they do add more validity to interpretations and theories. Maybe some day we'll get a comment about Oath / Don't Think Twice from either Nomura or Utada. But until then...I'm still going to think that those songs are about Sora and Riku.
Anyway, these are just rambling thoughts on a topic I've talked about before (the KH themes like Oath / Don't Think Twice and their connection to Sora and Riku). But I was thinking about this all again with the new Hikari re-recording by Utada that came out recently. It's a beautiful re-recording that I definitely suggest every KH fan check out. I'll link that in the comments as well, lol. Also, feel free to add this via reblogs or in the comments! I might not respond right away, but I'll read everything that gets commented, added, etc.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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Character/Headcanon analysis: Koushirou Izumi and his parental tendencies
I like to call Koushirou "parental" when it comes to his 02 self - and I'm aware that may also be a very self-indulgent headcanon of him taking after Kae, even though she is more into soft parenting, whereas he himself is pretty occupied to make sure that his children are not blowing themselves up...
But of course you can also just call that him being a naturally supportive and caring person - always has been, ever since Adventure, even if certain events had to trigger him to not only be theoretically but physically helpful (such as whenever it comes to saving Mimi, Sora and Hikari - or telling Taichi to take it easy for once). The same attitude can also be found in Tentomon - though in his case, it's being protective on one hand and quite literally parental on the other (particularly in Tri).
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Koushirou being thoroughly protective is the reason why like to parallel him to Sora (and Hikari and basically Taichi too and thus Team Light validates me again), because them having self-sacrificial tendencies towards the others has ALWAYS been a thing - to various degrees. Again, Koushirou was ALWAYS taking on responsibility to make sure that others are safe (which is literally 90% of how his interactions with Hikari go, heck, Atlurkabuterimon trying to protect Angewomon is the biggest metaphor for that!). Unfortunately, my art did not become canon, but yes, I still maintain he was cut out of The Beginning (even as support) to give the spotlight to others for once. They still couldn't fully ignore him, hence why the "If Koushirou-san can't figure this out, how are we supposed to?" quote exists - the 02 kids have always relied on him and looked up to him, so it makes perfect sense. And Takeru acknowledged his support in his fanfiction as well! But they naturally didn't want him to get the spotlight, because it was about the 02 kids. 100% valid.
But then you also have the show vs. tell problem. Mimi says Koushirou is ignorant - and a lot of people take that at 100% face value. Taichi even defends him since he is pretty much aware of his quirks - and the scene above pretty much implies that Mimi herself knows how Koushirou is (= getting into hyperfocus mode and becoming ignorant towards everything he doesn't deem important in the process, hence being ignorant in urgent situations, but NOT in general). Stageplay!Kou is in a league of his own anyway, because he was allowed to voice his frustrations with "not being allowed to help by Taichi" again - and because he made everyone question how they really felt (like a good parent would always encourage their children). There are tons of examples, but to sum it all up: He is a connector, he is basically second in command, he is protective. His way of phrasing that may be awkward and not always understandable by others (hence why Yamato needs to explain it to Kae and Taichi to Meiko, IT'S A PATTERN), but...
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Again, I just feel like 02 made him incredibly paternal in how he watches over the 02 kids, every time he talks to Iori, Miyako or Ken, he's kind and reassuring - yes, he does scold them and his potential suitors, ahem for being reckless, but also knows when to give praises.
(It also makes sense that he also mainly gets angry whenever he is being left out of things - especially if he knows he could have done something to support.)
We also all know that he has a very loving mother himself and, as mentioned, even if their parenting style might be rather different, he knows what is important, so... How can I not think it's because their relationship got better and he takes after her? Yes, Tri onwards didn't maintain the mom/dadness in him the same way, but he still feels responsible for everybody's safety, he gives advice and guidance all the time and that doesn't change.
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tutituticafe · 11 months
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Finally I'm finished making the 2 others dream team. I know the interaction between Old digidestined especially Taichi is really low towards Ken. I hope if they making reboot let them making more interaction between them, since Ken and Hikari can see Dark Ocean.
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IDK this is the my favorite drawing. I also love the dynamic between these three. Sora will be mom with two children who likes to arguing each others since they have high curiosity.
My commission is open, you can commission me here
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digitalworldbound · 4 months
the chosen playing stardew valley headcanons
listen, im obsessed atm. please ignore this incredibly specific headcanon post okay love u
taichi - he only started playing bc hikari insisted. idk he likes the fishing, tho!! he eventually marries abigail bc she, like agumon, will eat most anything.
yamato - he plays a bit in between his classes and thinks that the farming is really relaxing. he eventually marries penny bc he thinks she is sweet. (his character coincidentally looks like sam)
sora - she is gradually getting addicted to stardew valley and spends waaay too long picking out names for her farm animals. she initially tried to romance sam, but switched to shane bc she felt bad and wanted to help him!!! (her blue chicken is named “frosty”)
koushiro - koushiro knows of stardew valley, but he definitely doesn’t have time to play it. plus, watching his friends develop parasocial relationships with pixels is a little concerning. he does help miyako create mods for it, tho!!
mimi - she is obsessed!! she wishes the flower dance were every month and that the pretty colors of spring and summer could last forever. every festival, she spends all of her money on decorations. as soon as possible, she bought the furniture catalog at robin’s and spent HOURSS decorating her farm, house, AND the town. (linus has a little sitting area now!! the mines have flowers all in the entrance!!) she will marry haley every single time. they have two beautiful kids!!
jou - he literally has no idea what the hype around stardew valley is about, but he has seen the harvey thirst traps on tiktok and is happy the public are appreciating healthcare workers!!
takeru - npc interactions are his favorite, tbh. he does his best to give everyone gifts they like, except demetrius. he doesn’t like workaholic fathers for some reason. also, he wishes he could talk like elliott in real life without sounding like a sociopath.
hikari - she has played for over 300 hours. she has a fully functioning farmstead on ginger island and explores skull cavern for FUN. she has well over twelve save files- one for each bachelor and bachelorette she wants to romance. (elliott has been her fav so far - his poetry!!! his rizz!!!)
daisuke - he yearns for the mines.
ken - ken enjoys stardew valley, but only plays casually. (he just wants to have something in common with the others so that they can all talk about it.) he likes maru so far and has formed an attachment to his in-game cat named “miso”.
iori -he likes watching over daisuke’s shoulder as he plays, laughing whever a slime kills him in the mines.
miyako - a leah stan for life. the only thing she loves more than her wife is the DRAMMMAAAA and LORE these characters drop on a random tuesday afternoon. abigail’s heritage?? miyako is SCANDALIZED. alex’s entire exsistence? she is SAT, tissues in hand.
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firstagent · 10 months
Since you enjoy questions ranking between seasons, here’s one:
Assume the concept of Digimon never existed. Rank the main cast of each season in order of how cohesive the friend group would be if they met under mundane circumstances (with 1 being the group that would still easily be a tight-knit group of friends and last place being the biggest dumpster fire)
Wavered over this a few times and realized how crucial it was to define the circumstances better. Even if they're mundane, everything changes depending on if they signed up for whatever brought them together (like a club), how long they were stuck together (like camp), and if they had to accomplish anything as a team (like a group assignment). In the end, we're going with the most mundane of the mundane scenarios, and guaranteed to get diverse groups of kids interacting... if 80s movies are any indicator:
Saturday Detention
Just the characters stuck alone in a library for eight hours. Other than pre-existing relationships and friendships, they have never met before. They have no obligation to meet after this. They're supposed to be silent and doing their own busywork, but lol no.
No weed. Probably.
Frontier- If any group could benefit from eight hours of group therapy *without* something trying to kill them every five minutes, it's these guys. Takuya's not going to keep his mouth shut for long, Junpei's going to try (and fail) to flirt with Izumi, and as irritated as Koji is with everyone's antics, everyone's going to open up fast when Koichi pipes in with "hey I think you're my brother." They'll get a lot accomplished and won't forget it afterwards.
Zero Two- Absolute madness for the first hour or so when Daisuke and Takeru get into some stupid argument that Hikari has to mediate. This will get Miyako joining in trying to get them to shut up, with Iori jumping in when he finally gets sick of it. That'll calm everyone down and get them to realize that the way Miyako interacts with Hikari and Daisuke makes her a perfect fit in their group, dragging in Iori by force. Despite sitting in the back trying not to get noticed, Ken will get roped into their antics before the end of the day, and Daisuke will insist on inviting him to all future hangouts.
Adventure: (2020)- Two key reasons this version finishes ahead of the '99 team: this Taichi and Yamato don't argue that much, and Taichi's going to insist on everyone getting involved in whatever stupidity they invent to pass the time. Some will protest. Not just Joe: Koshiro will be awkward about it and Mimi may consider their goofing off beneath her until she can't resist joining the fun. They're not baring their souls or anything, but everyone will enjoy the nonsense too much to want to give it up at the end of the day.
Adventure- There's a clear line of demarcation between Taichi/Hikari/Sora/Koshiro, Yamato/Takeru, Joe, and Mimi. With nothing pressing on them, the streams aren't going to cross as easily. They'll slowly turn around once Hikari and Takeru start playing and Joe or Sora grow receptive to Mimi insisting on socializing with them. Yamato or Sora might accidentally let something meaningful out to somebody and a few new individual bonds will certainly be forged, offering some hope that the entire group of eight becomes a fully fledged squad.
Tamers- What are they supposed to do in detention if they're not writing poignant goodbyes to their frazzled teacher? You'll definitely see Takato, Hirokazu, and Kenta properly welcome Juri into their group longterm, but the others might be more of a struggle. There won't be as much of an impetus to bring in Jianliang, and he'd be content to keep to himself while keeping his sister out of trouble. Ryo might be welcomed in if the boys don't fanboy too hard, and approaches will be made towards Ruki. It's hard to say she'd be too receptive from anyone other than Juri, who's already a bit of an outsider, so it's an awkward fit going forward.
Xros Wars- Taiki and Akari have a good bond. Yuu and Nene have a good bond. But at some point these two pairs will get snippy with each other and start co-mingling. They will barely tolerate Zenjirou, but he's attached to them whether they like it or not. Kiriha's a wild card, since Taiki's going to try to include him once the other five are established. He'll probably cave after a bit, and enough pestering might get him to reveal something deeper that makes them consider staying friends in the future. But without anything meaningful like that, they probably can only stand each other in small groups and limited doses.
Appmon- Haru is perfectly content ignoring everyone except Yuujin and his stack of books. Rei is perfectly content ignoring everyone period. Eri and Astra will attempt to strangle each other at least once in the first two hours. But you'd hope they'd settle down and at least have a conversation where they gain a begrudging respect for each other. And they're both so damn gregarious that they'd at least try to get to know the other kids in the room. Haru and Yuujin are receptive and pleasant to talk to, but not really interested in hanging out afterwards. Wildly, this team shoots up multiple spots if we let in Ai as her instant rapport with Haru, Yuujin, Eri, and Rei would create a lot of meaningful connections in a hurry.
Hunters- First instinct is to put them at the bottom since none of them even come to like each other even with a world-threatening event they need to work together to prevent. But similar to Frontier or 2020, some of them just won't shut up. Tagiru is already friends with Taiki and Yuu and will absolutely try to suss out Ryouma, Ren, and Airu. And since those three may not have known each other prior to the Hunt, it might actually work. Not becoming friends with Tagiru so much, but in coaxing them out of their shell so that they talk to the others. Ryouma and Taiki could absolutely have a conversation contentious enough that they both appreciate the candor. Yuu and Airu will still turn into Yuu and Airu. There's every reason to expect everyone to end the day counting the minutes until they never have to see each other again, but there are enough pockets of potential that they all may get together as an excuse to exploit those nuggets of interest even though they all kind of hate each other.
Savers- Touma's happy to keep to himself and Yoshino's going to feel like she's babysitting Masaru and Ikuto. Those two will be absolutely insufferable breaking every rule they can, and Touma getting annoyed and rising to Yoshino's aid could well lead to a proper fistfight. Once Yoshino doles out the icepacks, there's a glimmer of potential if they can calm down and talk through their baggage, but even if they can come to some sort of understanding and appreciation for each other, they're all very different people at different stages of their life and unlikely for it to be more than a fleeting moment.
Ghost Game- Bottom for Ghost Game? But they made a pretty cool team, I hear you say. But like Appmon, they were forced into it! And judging by how much their friends comment on how weird it is that they hang out, they're probably not doing so under normal circumstances. This scenario brings them together, with one problem: Kiyoshiro's going to be a stickler for the rules and insist that they keep to themselves. And Hiro's just going to go along with that because he's Hiro. Ruli of course will be incensed about not getting to socialize, but again Hiro's not inclined to rock the boat. As a consolation, this may be the most likely team to feature some closet action as she'd absolutely drag Hiro away from Kiyoshiro for a chance to talk. But even if they strike up some sort of manipulative friendship, Kiyo's not a part of any future plans.
Oh, and since I've been thinking about this since the 02 movie...
Honorable Mention: The Movie Triplets- Maybe not quite as potent without their partnership challenges, but try sticking Wallace, Meiko, and Lui in a room together. Lui's got an awful past, Meiko has a deep compassion for broken things, and Wallace can meet them both halfway... plus willingly starts conversations! Eight hours will forge these three into an incredible friend group... or the most uncomfortable three-sided love triangle. Or both. Probably both.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Word Count: 525 Prompt: & Sora A/N: I honestly think I'm a little bad at writing interactions between Taichi and Sora. Maybe it has something to do with my personal attachment to him, or maybe it has to do with the fact that I (admittedly) don't think of them often. I'm always worrying about his interactions with Yamato, Hikari, Koushiro... but not Sora. I hope to rectify that here, even if it rehashes some of the same pain I touched on in the Yamato drabble. Here's to you, Sora! @taichiyagamiweek
There had been a time when being in the same room as Sora had been as easy as breathing. Another part of himself, someone he could rely on, always. Of course, he could still rely on her, and he always would be able to, but something had changed over the years. He was well aware that part of it was his fault, the way he let his feelings dictate his every move, but he also knew that Sora would tell him they were both at fault. Even on the days when he wasn't sure if he knew her, he understood her all too well.
"You, too, huh?" he murmured, noting the distinct lack of a certain pink-feathered bird. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Sora bowed her head, some strands of her hair falling over her face. "It hurt too much."
"Yeah. I get that." He tapped his fingers awkwardly on the table, trying to find something to say. It had been a while since they'd last seen each other, long before either of them had faced a greater loss than they were willing to go through. Taichi thought perhaps it would bring them closer together, as it had for him and Yamato, but maybe it was bound to drive them further apart.
"Taichi," Sora said quietly. When he looked up, she was giving him that look of sheer compassion she'd always been a pro at directing his way "I'm so sorry."
He blinked, and suddenly they were both in tears. Across the table, their hands sought each other, curling into each other as they had back when they'd played soccer together. Instead of congratulating each other on a job well done, however, they were sharing in a pain neither of them had imagined they would feel. For so long, the Digimon had simply been a part of them. Why did they have to be taken away so soon?
Bent over themselves, they cried out all the pain they'd been bottling inside for the sake of the others. Taichi had thought that perhaps their bond could never truly return to what it had been, once upon a time. He wasn't so sure of that anymore. Funny how the Digital World was still bringing them together, even as it tore their hearts out.
It took a while, but Taichi eventually straightened and squeezed her hand. "We should go get some water. I feel a headache coming on."
She smiled as she got up and followed him out of the room. "And here I thought I was the group mom."
He laughed guiltily. "You look after us, but you gotta let us look after you, too, sometimes." Meeting her brown eyes with his own, he added, "Besides, the three of us only have each other now."
Sora just stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. "That's not true. We still have five other friends."
"There she is," he said to himself as she entered the kitchen ahead of him. It would always hurt—that was the thing with losing your literal other half. But maybe, just maybe, some of the old Sora would still be around.
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curedigiqueen · 4 months
Mimi notably never directly refers to Yamato over the course of both adventure and 02. However there IS an implication of interactions in the first half of the show.
Mimi is one of the youngest in the group. Though she and Koshiro are the same age, Koshiro's quiet serious nature and computer skills often lead him to be treated more seriously while Mimi's penchant for complaining (no matter how justified), makes her treated a little more like a junior. There's a hierarchy of protection, that Mimi sits only above Takeru for. Mimi, being on the younger side, is more free to complain about her situation. Sora clearly looks after Mimi as the senior girl, as does Joe as the oldest over all, but Yamato also seems to look after her, at least in the first half of the season, as an extension of looking after Takeru. For instance, very early in the series, Yamato advocated for taking a break, presumably on behalf of Takeru, but it was both Takeru and Mimi who were struggling. And in episodes 5, 7, and 19 Yamato seems to be tasked with looking after the younger kids, Takeru and Mimi, Koshiro sometimes, even if I don't think it was necessarily purposeful in 5.
As such while we don't see much of Yamato and Mimi directly interacting it does stand to reason that they get along and do work well together. Yamato is generally rather considerate of people's negative emotions, such as with how he treated Sora's breakdown in episode 26 and how he handled Mimi's graves early in the dark masters arc. I would imagine that Yamato is relatively tolerant of Mimi's complaining. Conversely I would imagine Yamato is someone who Mimi holds a lot of respect for.
As a side note, the fact Taichi leaves Hikari in Yamato's care I think also speaks to Yamato's unspoken role of "babysitter", the complimentary shield to the role of sword Taichi plays. Yamato's tendency to prioritize the group's well being, over Taichi's tendency to take initiative and confront enemies. It also of course makes sense in the context of their crests, Taichi is courage (to do things), and Yamato's is friendship (to look after people).
And of course on the other side we get Joe Taichi and Sora as a group, the initiative takers, the ones who are more likely to do a dangerous job. Joe who went out in episode 7, Taichi and Sora who went to find him. Those three were the ones dealing with Andromon while the others looked around the factory, and the ones who went in for Sora's crest. Koshiro goes either way depending on if his skills are necessary or not.
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redthreadoffate · 9 months
the gift of communication
happy holidays to you, dear @citrus-cactus. i was your secret santa and i am very sorry this is so late. i was supposed to post this after one more check once i arrived but my parents told me that there was no need to bring my laptop, so here i am posting it using my ipad and i hope it still looks okay!
anyways, backstory aside, i do hope you enjoy this little thing i wrote! and i'm really sorry if this isn't what you had in mind. i had to re-watch some hurricane touchdown scenes to get wallace's character as good as i could, i would've watched the movie if i had the time so i super apologize if this isn't to your liking. i had a lot of fun writing it and i would really love to know your thoughts if you get the chance to give them :)
just a few notes in case you want to run ; editing mistakes here or there [there better not be…] // timeline is more on adventure 02 in between the ending and epilogue // this is not set in the same world as my other fics due to inspiration reasons // i will post this on ao3 soon // i tried my best to give the digimon feel and i think I achieved it, so…
…without further ado, i present to you this little fic. enjoy! have a merry christmas and a happy new year! 🥰
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the gift of communication | main characters ; wallace, terriermon, lopmon, daisuke motomiya | pairings ; slight wallace x daisuke (if you squint), mentioned takeru x hikari, mentioned taichi x sora, mentioned yamato x mimi | genre ; friendship | word count ; 3,598 | rating ; g
Terriermon and Lopmon were enjoying the company of their fellow digimons. They told each other stories, laughed, and even played a little. At some point, they fell asleep next to each other after consuming most of the food and drinks that Miyako had brought for them for the day. Terriermon had his head rested against Chibimon who was snoring softly while Lopmon was a few inches away from them.
The Chosen Children were gathered around in a circle, sans Ken who had told them that he would be late but promised to come as soon as he could. He mentioned something about helping his mom with some gift-giving in an orphanage.
“So, Wallace,” Daisuke started, his head turned to him. “Since when did you like coming here to Japan?” It made him suspicious as he remembered that Wallace had kissed Hikari once. He kissed her cheek, and Miyako’s as well, but it was still a kiss. “Are you here for anyone in particular?” But Daisuke also knew he was in denial about the fact that Hikari and Takeru had had some sort of unspoken romantic feelings for one another. “I heard there are more women in New York.” 
Wallace shrugged, simply ignoring Daisuke’s obvious accusations. “It’s a nice place to be in during the holidays. The spirit of Christmas is really taken seriously. Back in New York, people tend to be busy and get caught up with one another.”
“Looks like New York isn’t as cool as people say it is,” Iori said. “I’ve always thought it was a white Christmas there.”
Wallace nodded. “It sounds nice and it looks nice when you see it on tv and the movies but it isn’t spectacular or anything.”
“Nothing for you is ever spectacular,” Daisuke muttered. This made Hikari nudge him without much force and in turn made Takeru chuckle. “Either way, I’m glad you're here, Wallace. It’s been a while and I actually do miss you.”
Wallace’s eyes widened and his eyebrows raised. “You miss me?” he echoed. For him, that was a first for someone. “You. Miss me? You?”
“Am I not allowed to?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow.
Wallace smirked.
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Don’t push it.”
Miyako laughed. “Don’t mind him, Daisuke. It’s just Wallace being Wallace.”
“You don’t know much about me,” the American-raised boy defended. It was an absolute surprise to hear that from someone he had not had much interaction with in a while. “How could you say that?”
“We know enough,” Takeru spoke. “Like how you consider us as your friends. After all, you accepted our invitation to this gathering.”
Wallace did not reply. His mind was wondering how this group of friends suddenly thought that they were somehow close. It was not as if he did not like the group, he liked them a lot, especially after they helped him with Kokomon. But he needed to figure out how to handle this.
Hikari smiled at him. “Onee-san is throwing a surprise birthday party for Sora-san the day after tomorrow. You should go, it’d be really fun. We’ll be there, and I’m sure Terriermon and Lopmon would enjoy the company of being with more of their friends.”
“I’ll think about it,” he replied, still a little lost in thought. This invitation to her future sister-in-law’s surprise birthday party was, for him, a big step. He had not known much about them, yet they were thinking highly of him here.
What went into his head when he called Daisuke Motomiya yesterday to tell him that he was in the country, visiting for the holiday and seeing the sights with his mom.
He had called his home’s telephone, which made him feel anxious because he was not so sure what to say if it had been someone else who would answer. Luckily, it was Daisuke who took the call right away.
Was it because he was indebted? Because they helped him get Kokomon back? He did not think so, it could be more than that.
Just then, the door of Daisuke’s room opened and Ken appeared with Wormmom beside him. “I’m sorry for being late,” he said, bowing.
“Ken!” Miyako grinned. “The food’s almost gone, help yourself to what’s left, Wormmon.”
Ken chuckled nervously. “I’m sorry, Wormmon. I’m sure there’s still some good food somewhere there.”
“Of course! I always choose the best of the best,” Miyako said proudly.
Wallace watched as Ken walked from the door and sat down in between Miyako and Iori. They had briefed him of the former Digimon Kaiser. He felt the anger boil inside him as they told him the story, how could someone do that to digimons?
But they had assured him that Ken had changed and was very much on their side. He was a little skeptical, and truth be told he still was, but he told himself to watch out for Ken before he could make his final judgment.
“Hello,” Ken greeted. “You must be Wallace.”
He nodded. “Yeah. And you’re Ken, right? Ken Ichijouji?”
Ken nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, raising his hand.
Wallace blinked a few times before shaking his hand. “And it’s great to finally meet you.”
“Ken!” Wormmom called him. “This is Terriermon and Lopmon!”
The group all turned back. Ken had a smile on his face. “I hope Wormmon treats you well.”
Everyone laughed.
Iori said, “Try the new chocolate drink, Wormmon. I told Armadimon to hide one for you.”
“Here it is!” Armadimon held up the box.
“Thank you, Iori and Armadimon,” Wormmon said happily as he began to consume the drink.
Wallace watched as they looked at the worm-like digimon drink. Despite what had happened before, they welcomed Ken with open arms. It might take a while but he hoped he would fully forgive Ken and replace the thought of the poor digimons with happier faces. It sounded easier in thought but perhaps interacting with him more will be good for them both.
“This is so good, Miyako!” Wormmon exclaimed. He then dug into some snacks. “It's a good thing I didn’t eat before coming here.”
Wallace laughed. “That’s true, the food you brought really did make me feel full.”
Miyako grinned again. “I told you all! Wallace does like Japanese food.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll like the food that will be prepared for the party,” Hikari stated, smiling. “Please come.”
“I’ll think about it,” he repeated. But to be honest, he was very keen on going. “I’ll have to ask Terriermon and Lopmon first,” he added. “And my mom, of course.”
“Yes!” Terriermon and Lopmon shouted at the same time.
Hikari giggled. “I hope your mom says yes, Wallace.”
‘I hope so, too,’ he thought. He smiled at them. “Yeah, let’s see.” 
On the way back to the hotel, Wallace carried Lopmon as Terriermon sat on his favorite spot, Wallace’s head. Wallace had not spoken to either of them as they walked. This did not go unnoticed by his digimon partners.
Both Terriermon and Lopmon were looking at their human partner, then they would look at each other, then back at Wallace, and then make eye contact again, and the cycle repeated a few more times before both sighed.
“What’s got you thinking?” Lopmon asked, looking up at his partner. He touched his cheek and patted it a few times. “You’ve been quiet since we left Daisuke’s house.” He tilted his head. “Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun, Wallace. I know you did, everyone could see it.”
Wallace sighed and looked down at the brown digimon. “I’m just wondering about the party they invited me to. Invited us to.”
“What about it?” Terriermon questioned. “You want to go, don’t you? I saw the way you smiled, you seem excited about it.”
“I do,” he admitted. “I do want to go and it does seem pretty exciting.” But as they left the Motomiya residence, he had a sudden reflection about the other Chosen Children. “But what about the others? I don’t know much about them, they don’t know much about me. I’ll feel left out.” He was never really scared of being alone, but he found this situation different. Maybe because they all had something in common. “I don’t think it’d be fun if that was the case.”
Terriermon and Lopmon looked at each other.
“We’re sure Daisuke won’t leave you alone,” Terriermon said. “And neither will the others.”
“You can’t be sure,” Wallace said.
“Sure we’re sure,” Lopmon said. “They like you, Wallace. They won’t let you feel left out. I’m sure they’ll even introduce you to the others.”
Wallace bit his bottom lip. “I’ll ask Mom if we can go. It won’t be until the day after tomorrow, I don’t think it’ll be too sudden.”
“And besides, your mom will be happy you have friends here,” Lopmon added and Terriermon nodded in agreement.
That made Wallace smile. “Yeah, I think she will be.”
“Cheer up, Wallace.” Terriermon smiled. “I’m sure everyone will be glad if you go.”
He nodded. “Let’s go ask Mom then.”
Both Terriermon and Lopmon grinned. “Yay!” they exclaimed.
“You two do seem so excited about this,” Wallace said, chuckling.
“We want to see you happy,” Lopmon told him. “And we’re glad that you have friends here.”
Wallace smiled and nodded. Then, it dawned on him that in a few days, before Christmas day, he would have to leave the country and head back to New York. He had not told them this—they had not asked—but he would have to soon and it made him feel sad knowing that he would leave them behind. “Just when things were brightening up,” he murmured.
“What was that?” the two digimons asked in unison. “What did you say?”
Wallace shook his head. “It’s not something I want to talk about right now, and I don’t want to think about it yet either. Let’s just enjoy the rest of our stay here while we can. Japan is a nice place, let’s not ruin the vacation. Okay?”
The two digimons looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding as they shifted their eyes to Wallace. “Okay.”
As Wallace and the twins expected, his mother was very happy that he had made friends. “I didn’t expect this,” she admitted.
“They’re the same friends I told you about before,” he said. “I…missed them.”
“Is that why you wanted to come here for the holiday?”
Wallace nodded slowly.
His mother grinned. “I’m glad you’re finally letting yourself out there.” Then she tilted her head. “But how did you find them?”
“I asked for help from Mimi-san,” he answered. “You remember her.”
“Oh yes, that pretty girl you met back home.” She smiled.
“She’s in a relationship,” he immediately said, knowing where that smile was headed.
She giggled. “Alright then. When is the party again?”
“The day after tomorrow,” he replied. “A lot of people will be there. My friends and their older brothers and their friends as well. And Terriermon and Lopmon’s friends, too.”
“My, isn’t that a big party,” his mother said. “And you don’t know the others?” Wallace shook his head. “You won’t feel out of place?” Again, he shook his head. “You won’t be in the corner alone?” He let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head once more. He was suddenly so sure, surprisingly, that he would not be left alone by the group. Terriermon and Lopmon really do have an effect on him. “But you’ll have fun, won’t you?”
“I will,” he assured. “I know I will.” He knew very well that he would have a lot of fun. ‘I know I will,’ he repeated in his head. ‘I know I will.’
“That’s good. That’s all I needed to hear.” His mom grinned. “So what’s the theme? What will you wear? We’ll need to make a good impression on them. I know how you can be, Wallace.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s like you have no faith in me.” His mother frowned. “I don’t know much. I’ll call Daisuke and ask for more information.”
“Okay. But remember to just tell me if you need anything. Anything at all.”
“Yes, Mom.” He smiled.”You’re just as excited as Terriermon and Lopmon.”
“We’re just very happy for you, Wallace.” His mother leaned to kiss his forehead. “My sweet boy, I’m really happy for you.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
When she straightened her body, she added, “I would very much like to meet your friends one day. Maybe invite them after the party. Perhaps the next day or the day after that?”
Wallace nodded. “Yeah, I’ll ask them. Will you be cooking?” He had always loved his mom’s cooking and was very proud of how others liked them as well.
“Of course, I need to make a good impression on them, too.”
They both laughed.
The day of the party had arrived and Wallace was quite nervous about it. He had kept himself composed and ready for the event the past day but he did not think about what would happen as he was on the way to the Takenouchi residence.
“Aren’t you excited?” Terriermon asked cheerily.
“I am!” Lopmon answered. “What about you, Wallace?”
Wallace put on a smile. “I am. I am excited. But I’m a little nervous, but I guess that’s a normal thing to feel when you’re about to meet a bunch of new people.”
Lopmon nodded. “Don’t worry, you’ve got us. We can leave anytime you want.”
“Thanks, guys.”
They continued to walk and then finally arrived at the condominium. As they entered, having made sure that Terriermon and Lopmon had returned to playing as stuffed animals, he walked to the receptionist and informed them that he was there for the surprise party in the apartment of the Takenouchis.
Just as the receptionist gave him the floor and room number, an unfamiliar voice called his name. “Wallace?”
He turned around and recognized the man in front of him. “Koushiro.”
The redhead smiled at him, his digimon partner in his arms. “That’s me.” He walked closer to Wallace and stopped just a few inches away from him. “Takeru-kun said you would come.”
“I was a little hesitant,” he lied, not wanting to sound too eager. “But I thought it would be fun to make new friends and, you know, hang out with them.”
“I’m glad you think so. I’m sure Taichi-san and the others would love to meet you. Mimi-chan is here already. I know you two are acquainted with one another.”
“Yes,” he said. “We met in New York one time, she recognized my partners.”
Koushiro nodded. “This is Tentomon.” Then he paused. “Let’s get going,” he said as he looked around the lobby. There were not many people but they still had to be careful.
The two, with their partners, rode the elevator going up. Wallace was getting a little more nervous now. He got a warm welcome from Koushiro, yes, but what about the others?
‘What’s got you hot and bothered by this, Wallace?’ he questioned himself. ‘This shouldn’t keep you on your toes.’
“They’re really nice,” Koushiro said, as if reading his mind. “My friends are really nice. You don’t have to worry about them. Not even Yamato-san can ruin your mood.”
“What do you mean?”
Koushiro smiled. “He’s been a handful before, but he’s become very mellow over the past few years. He smiles a lot more, too, ever since he started dating Mimi-chan.”
Wallace looked at him.
“I didn’t read your mind, if that’s what you’re thinking,” Koushiro added with a soft chuckle. “I just saw it in your body language.”
Wallace raised his eyebrows. He was always so calm, not once had he shown people his true thoughts and feelings. How did Koushiro know about this?
“I was like you before, back when I was young. Even before I met Taichi-san and the others. I hid myself behind my laptop, not once showing emotions. But when I started hanging out with them…it felt good, it felt nice. I felt like I belonged. That’s how great they are.” Koushiro looked at him. “Chosen Child or not, they’re nothing to be afraid of.”
Wallace grinned. “Thank you.”
They reached their floor and they quickly walked to the apartment. Not everyone was there yet but when Daisuke saw that Wallace had arrived, he grinned and walked over to him. “You came! You’re here!” 
Terriermon and Lopmon grinned as well. “Are the others here, too?” Terriermon asked.
“Of course,” Daisuke answered. “They’re at the back.”
Terriermon and Lopmon leaped from Wallace’s arms and ran down the hallway.
“They’re excited,” Koushiro said as he let Tentomon fly away. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Wallace gave him a nod while Daisuke’s eyes followed Koushiro’s steps. When he was in the kitchen, Daisuke grabbed Wallace’s wrist and dragged him to the living room. “You have to meet Taichi-san!”
Wallace’s heartbeat raced. He was about to meet the highly talked about Taichi Yagami.
They stopped in front of a young man whom Wallace knew all too well just basing it on pictures. “Taichi-san!” Daisuke greeted. Taichi looked back and gave Daisuke a questioning look before looking at Wallace. “Taichi-san, this is Wallace.”
“Oh, so you’re the Wallace Hikari-chan talked about.” He raised his hand and said, “Taichi.”
“It’s so great to finally meet you.”
Meanwhile, in the background, they ignored Daisuke’s question about Hikari talking about Wallace to her older brother.
“Sora will be here soon, I suggest you find a place to hide. Daisuke can lead you around. I’ll get to know you more later, alright?”
Wallace nodded. “Okay.”
Daisuke narrowed his eyes. “Hikari-chan talks about you.”
Wallace could not help but laugh. “Let’s find a place now. As Taichi said, Sora will be here soon.”
The surprise party was a success. Sora arrived with her mom and was shocked to see her friends surrounding her and shouting “happy birthday”.
Sora’s eyes teared up but she was smiling from ear to ear. “And I wonder who came up with the idea,” she said, giggling.
Taichi went up to her and intertwined his fingers with hers. “Take a wild guess.”
She giggled some more and gave her fiancé a kiss and everyone clapped. Then, Sora went over to hug and thank everyone in the room, including Wallace.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” she said when she stopped over to hug and thank him. “I’ve heard good things about you.”
For some reason, that made Wallace’s cheek turn pink. “I hope so.”
Sora smiled.
The party was still in full swing—that is, everyone was chatting with each other and the food and drinks needed refilling—when Wallace headed over to the balcony for some fresh air. He was just overwhelmed with how friendly the others were, how they welcomed him with open arms, and how comfortable he was with them. He hated that he would be leaving soon.
He has instructed Terriermon and Lopmon to play with the other digimons as he wanted to be alone for a while. The twin digimons seemed to have sensed it as they did not object to the request.
Just then, someone stood beside him, holding up two drinks, and offering one to him. Wallace did not bother to look up as he took the cup, he was actually thirsty but was not yet ready to go back inside. “Thank you.”
“If you just want to stay silent that’s fine with me, but let me stay here with you for a bit.”
Wallace nodded. “The party’s a success.” He looked back at the gathering behind him and then back to the horizon. “Taichi really loves her.”
“He does,” Daisuke said. “They’re in love.”
“How are you and Hikari?”
Daisuke sighed. “I’ll give up soon enough. She and Takeru have a lot of stuff going on, going around each and all. They have a history. They have the present. And,” he paused. Wallace could see how heartbroken Daisuke was about this. “And they have a future.”
Wallace pursed his lips. “There’s someone else out for you, I promise.” He placed a hand on Daisuke’s shoulder and rubbed it. “I know it.”
Daisuke smiled. “Thanks, Wallace. You’re a good friend, you know that?” He raised his hand and rubbed Wallace’s shoulder. “I know Mimi-san is missing a lot.”
Wallace shook his head. “Why does everyone think I’m into Mimi?”
“Uh, because it’s obvious? The way you keep looking at her? The way Yamato-san looks as if he’s about to start a fight soon.”
Wallace felt like he was shrinking. “I didn’t notice.”
Daisuke laughed. “Anyway.” He regained his composure. “I don’t want to ask but it’s bound to happen. When are you leaving?”
“Three days from now,” he answered, his head bowed down. “I don’t wanna leave,” he admitted. “I’m…having a good time.”
Daisuke nodded. “Yeah, I know you are.”
They stayed quiet until Daisuke ended it by asking, “What do you want for Christmas?”
Wallace cocked his head to the side. “What?”
“What do you want for Christmas?” Daisuke repeated. “You’re leaving three days before Christmas Day and I want to give you something before we part ways.”
Wallace was silent. Then, he took out his phone and handed it over to the man in front of him. “Can you give me your email?”
“My email?” Daisuke echoed.
“Yeah,” Wallace nodded, “I’d really like it if we talked some more. Even when I’m back in the US, I want to be able to communicate with you guys properly.”
Daisuke grinned. “You read my mind.”
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Let me tell you something that many people may not have discovered. As a Digimon fan, the Japanese version of Digimon Adventure has the least interaction between characters, and they also rank who is the worst. One very interesting thing is that Yamato and Mimi have never been the same in the Japanese version is not a word was said.
I didn't want to post this, but sometimes their behavior is disgusting. ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWDZO-Lfres
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he top five with the worst relationships among them are The fifth place is Jou and Hikari The fourth place is Yamato and Hikari The third place is Mimi and Hikari The second place is Mimi and Takeru The first place is Mimi and Yamato
Those not on the list represent good relationships and communication. This is the Japanese version, not the English version.
He also posted about his relationship with Sora, and I would do so when I had time. ​
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akinojam · 6 months
[English Translations] SHOOTING DELTA / VΔLZ 🔺
song credit
Artist: VΔLZ
Lyrics, Music: Genzuki Tojiro, Kaida Haru
Arrangement, Gt.: Okamura Daisuke/OD (PHYZ)
Ba: Natsume Yuuki (PHYZ)
Dr.: Yuumao
Special Thanks: PHYZ
Japanese romaji English
[Kaida Haru Nagao Kei Genzuki Tojiro]
過去も 今も 超えて
sou sakebu yo! omou ga mama ni sa
kako mo ima mo koete
ai ni iku yo
yes, scream it out! to your heart's content
surpassing both the past and the present
we'll go meet you
突き抜けてく 光 のその先へ
どこまでも 未来目指してく
背中を預けた その仲間と
koko ni iru imi(wake) sagashite
tsuki nuketeku hikari no sono saki he
doko made mo mirai mezashiteku
senaka wo azuketa sono nakama to
finding the reason(excuse) to be here
break through and to beyond the light
wherever it is, aim for the future
with those comrades that you leaned on
chigau iro doushi demo
majiwatte najindeku bokura
hoshi wo sorezore tsunagete
sora ni hanete
ookina deruta uchiagero
even if it's the ones with different colors
we interact and become familiar to each other
connecting the stars one by one
release them up to the sky
let's shoot up a big delta
mou hashiru kono kodou ha tomerarenai!
itsuka no akogare daite nemuru
ano hi no yume motomete
these already running fast heartbeats can't be stopped now
holding the admiration from sometimes ago in our arms as we fall asleep
in searching for the dream from that day
きっと最初から出会う 運命だったんだね
過去も 今も 超えて
sou sakebuyo! omou ga mama ni sa!
koko ni ikiteiru riyuu wo
kitto saisho kara deau unmei dattan dane
kako mo ima mo koete
ai ni iku yo
yes, scream it out to your heart's content
we want to convey it
the reason we exist here
we're sure it was fate for us to meet each other since the beginning
surpassing both the past and the present
we'll go meet you
kaerarenai jibun jishin
koko de naraba hitsuyou na piisu ni naru
sukima darake no hohaba sae mo
bokura ume atte kasanete kita
the oneself that cannot change
if it's here, it'll become an essential piece
even the strides filled with gaps too
we make up for each other one time after another
dono iro de kagayakeru ka
jibun ja wakaranai dakedo
naze ka kowaku ha nainda
kiseki egake
doko made mo koe hibikazero
in which color will we shine
we don't know it ourselves, but
somehow we're not scared
paint miracles
let's make our voices be heard everywhere
mou hajiketa bokutachi ha tomerarenai!
itsu demo akogare daite susumu
sono shunkan motomete
The us that already burst opened can't be stopped now
holding the admirations we've always had in our hand while going forward
in searching for that moment
あの日迷子の僕を 救ってくれたんだよ
sou kagayaku! omou ga mama ni sa!
shime shitain da
koko de utaeru riyuu wo
ano hi maigo no boku wo sukutte kuretan dayo
dakara mae wo muite iraretan da
yes, shine! to your heart's content
we want to show you
the reason we're singing here
you saved the me that was a lost child that day
that's why I was able to stay looking forward
zutto mite kita yo
koukai mo shousou mo
mite kita kara tsuyoku areta
kono saki de nani ga atte mo heiki sa
tonari ni kimi ga iru kara
we've always watched
both the regrets and the frustrations
watched them so we could be able to stay strong
even if there is anything from now, it's okay
because you're right next to us
そう燃やすよ この命果てるまで
sou moyasu yo kono inochi hateru made
itsuka no akogare daite nemuru
shounen ja irarenai
nee mitete yo! kimi dake no seiza wo!
tsutaetain da
koko ni ikiteru riyuu wo
kiite yo
yeah, burn it, this life, until it's exhausted
holding the dreams from sometimes ago in our arms as we fall asleep
we can't just stay the young boys like that
hey, look at it! the constellation that is only yours!
we want to convey it
the reason we exist here
listen to us
mou hashiru kono kodou ha tomerarenai!
itsuka no akogare daite nemuru
ano hi no yume motomete
these already running fast heartbeats can't be stopped now
holding the admiration from sometimes ago in our arms as we fall asleep
in searching for the dream from that day
きっと最初から出会う 運命だったんだね
過去も 今も 超えて
sou sakebu yo! omou ga mama ni sa!
tsutaetain da
koko ni ikiteiru riyuu wo
kitto saisho kara deau unmei dattan dane
kako mo ima mo koete
ai ni kita yo
yeah, scream it out! to your heart's content!
we want to convey it
the reason we exist here
we're sure it was fate for us to meet each other since the beginning
surpassing both the past and the present,
we came to meet you
Happy 4th Anniv!!!
Translations might not be 100% accurate, if there is any mistakes please dm me on twt(@ nnire_chu)
I used "we" as the main pronoun here as most of the pronouns in th JP lyrics are "we/us" except for the one I used "I/me", also because I'm interpreting the song lyrics as message from VΔLZ to listener more than individual to individual.
If the template looks weird, I'll fix it once I get back home and have access to pc!
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atsoraasayoma · 2 years
All right, this has been a long time coming.
The criticism that Tri has received is ridiculous. Let’s face it most of the criticism is against yeeting the 02 newer digidestined.
And then you have the complainers who attack the personalities of the Digidestined because they are ‘not true to character’ or ‘it’s character assassination’
Saying stuff like that just drives me nuts.
I believe that a lot of people say this for the sake of continuity between the series for consistency. But in doing so They miss something so obvious it’s easy to just condemn it instead and walk by it.
So what do I mean?
That, for the most part people do not stay the same forever. Don’t get me wrong personality wise the continuum stops with Tri otherwise they are the same, but it’s not a matter of personality or character consistency.
No, this is a matter of teenage adolescence.
We saw a different side of the Digidestined that I am very grateful for. With all the angst and emotion of the teenage years it was great to see the Digidestined at a degree for the worse.
Let’s kind of list a couple shall we?
Taichi instead of being headstrong is wishy washy at times, an ass at other times and just comes across as unsure.
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Yamato is cold and aloof, jagged and sharp. Not much different honestly. Maybe a little bit colder though.
Sora is…how can I put this lightly? Emotionally supportive but emotionally unstable at the same time even though she seems like the most stable one at times.
Koushiro is so analytical to the breaking point of having a melt down and he has a couple times especially prior to the reboot.
Joe is so distracted like crazy but not really changed that much. He just wants to go back to the real life and who can blame him?
Mimi is a straight up savage who forces her way into getting what she wants without being considerate of others. Even when she thinks of being considerate it’s still her feelings primarily the source of offense.
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Takeru is more evolved I should say, but he lies and messes around far more than he should. But again he’s a teenager. We all have to learn.
Hikari is developing even more as an empath but struggles more to release her feelings in a healthy way which triggers physical distress like unleashing Cthulhu type monsters from twisted digivolutions.
Meiko is everything you could expect her to be. She’s been isolated, socially awkward but people have some kind of strange expectation from her to just jump on the same level As the other digidestined as far as personality or likability. She is a defeatist for sure but I enjoy her growth and regression back and forth this whole time.
As for the story I thought it was good, not great, but they left out some information we have to figure out for ourselves or make inferences. Gee I wonder when In the digimon adventure series we did NOT have to do that? Mystery isn’t it?
I also wondered about the digivolution fight choices as far as the level they were at. They are either going way too lax like champions fighting ultimate meicrackmon or way too op sending three or two Megas against one. (Rip machinedramon.)
But again the teenage years are unstable. It makes sense as the Digidestined find out who they are they fluctuate between the levels. They were after all afraid to hurt meicrackmon but ruthless against everyone else.
The part I liked most about Tri were the relationships. You could see how they naturally interacted with each other and unlike some of the digimon digivolutions they were NOT choppy (looking at you plastic gattomon).
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For example and this is not the takari fanatic enthusiast within me speaking (ok, maybe it is) I enjoyed watching the takari chemistry in dialogue but also body language wise. Don’t ask me how many times they were there for each other.
But also aside from all of that I really enjoyed how for the most part each digidestined interacted with Meiko. And although she is normal and dare I say a bit bland it’s that blandness that really makes the personalities of the Digidestined pop.
Takeru’s heart to heart about Patamon’s infection.
Taichi telling her to shut up but apologize and lead/handhold her along.
Yamato saying a sharp word and the man performing a daring action to express those words.
Mimi’s dress up uniform and encouragement.
Koushiro grilling her about information to save the world.
Meiko relating with Sora about a digimon partner that won’t play nice.
Hikari bringing all of it together helping her understand her place with gentleness, tact, and just reading the atmosphere and between the lines.
You see? Digimon adventure is good if you can look past a few things. And it’s really good if you decipher everything that is going in like I did.
In second place is the relationship with digimon on full display, each digidestined experiencing the negativity or ‘opposite’ of their crests and overcoming the negativity to unleash the power of Megas. (That deserves its own post. More on that later.)
I could go on and on even about the vagueness of both homeostasis and yggdrassil being expressed by their representatives but I wanted to make this post about the Digidestined.
Any comments or questions? Let me know as always!
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Multi Interactions (02x02)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 2 showing: (1) A shot from behind as the group looks at newly digivolved Digmon and Holsmon. (2) Miyako on Holsmon's back in the middle of the group. (3) Takeru, Hikari, Sora, and Koushirou all standing with their partners beside them. (4) The same but they're all now looking at Sora. (5) The Zero Two kids plus Koushirou and Sora all in a pile in the computer room along with the zero two kid's partner digimon. Everyone looks disheveled. (6) The same but all of them are looking at the computer screen. Miyako is also now holding onto Poromon. End ID]
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not.
Look, I've made the poll about these ship analysis posts in February 2024. And even though I had already seen The Beginning at this point, I am still entirely grateful that I took that long to get to this analysis, because I wouldn't have been able to take a screenshot like this. This is the first time that, through the course of me writing Digimon relationship meta, we got a significant boost towards a ship from official sources - and, dare I say it, they actually did a good job this time in my opinion?
But let's start at the beginning, shall we: Through the course of 02, Miyako's stance towards Ken changes drastically. At first, we see her gushing and swooning about him being that "smart and attractive" boy that is all over the media, as she is very prone to crushing on various people at the time. Then, upon finding out that Ken is the Digimon Kaiser, her view obviously changes to 180° - she curses him, gets, understandably, very heated up about the whole issue... And even when he tries to redeem himself after everything he has done, she is among those who struggle to accept him the most. She is torn, overthinks the whole situation a lot - but after seeing his actions and through the course of getting more chances to interact with him (and Hikari too), she grows more understanding, accepting. She still struggles to interact, awkwardly trying to engage in conversation, even though she may not feel very capable to do so - but as mentioned, she is actually trying and starts to discover more and more of his good sides.
Ken on the other hand, prior to his redemption arc, didn't really notice Miyako before - and only starts doing so while trying to repent for all his sins. He is often seen taken aback by her brash, loud attitude, unable to really respond to her, but, just like with the rest of the group, he is relieved to see her slowly but steadily accepting him.
As I haven't consistently watched 02 back to back for a while, I may have forgotten one or two scenes between them, but the overall verdict here AND up until Kizuna's events is: They are on good, friendly terms. We always knew more about Miyako's stance towards Ken than about Ken's stance towards Miyako - and yet, a good chunk of people, me included, still found themselves BAFFLED when 02's epilogue told us that these two eventually got married with three kids.
While it didn't feel completely out of place - we did know about Miyako's rollercoaster of feelings and her tendency to crush on people, including Ken, so there was some kind of subtext after all -, for the longest time, it didn't feel like the most plausible outcome after all this time. (Especially because one may argue that 02 used to push different relationships much harder, especially in regards to Ken's focus on Daisuke and Miyako's focus on Hikari. However, you gotta take that with a huge grain of salt, because Jogress compatibility was never meant to be equal to romantic compatibility.)
Digimon always had its fair share of problems with canon romantic relationship portrayal. There are certain ship teases and crushes that never went anywhere, there are official (or semi-official) relationships that didn't appear plausible... And then they decided to do something about Ken and Miyako.
In November 2023, The Beginning aired - and I don't exaggerate when I say that people who did ship Kenyako/Miyaken before absolutely rejoiced. And for absolutely valid reasons! Unlike before, the creators managed to capture the spirit of how 02 handled these two before - and it actually portrayed them in a believable way after all these years, while leaving them and the audience enough room to breathe. As pointed out in the post above (and in this one here), it wasn't exactly subtle, but it was still tastefully done without exactly hitting you on the head. What's the set-up, you may ask?
Through the course of the movie, Miyako is focused on Ken; to get his attention, to respond to what he is saying, to encourage him when he falters - and to actively flirt with him by the end of it. The girl who had such a hard time sorting out her feelings for this guy when they were still children/young teenagers seems to have come to terms with what she wants as an adult - and tries to pursue him now. In the meantime, she still acknowledges that Daisuke is playing a huge part in Ken's life, she even teases them a little about it... And it's all good-hearted, gentle and fun. Ken on the other hand, still seems to be a little oblivious and taken aback - but not exactly opposed to the attention. So the main takeaway here is: We're getting actual justification. We see them slowly but steadily working towards a potentially romantic relationship as they're already adults - and it's beautifully done, hands down.
Whether I think why and how they’d work.
Whether I think they'd work is still an entirely different story. Granted, we saw the course of the series now portraying Miyako as more of a career-oriented person, actively studying abroad and learning about other cultures - so we can be assured she won't JUST end up as a stay-home mom as depicted 24 years ago... And I think that is important because Miyako IS a person who, similarly to Mimi, cannot stay still, she needs to have goals to pursue. We also see that she IS into romance and her trying to get closer to Ken is, as mentioned, wonderfully depicted, because it absolutely fits her outgoing personality... However, it's still difficult to estimate how Ken plays into all this, because, on his behalf, we can only really guess how he feels.
To go into speculation mode again: Miyako and Daisuke actually have a lot of things in common, they're both loud and opinionated, they'll tell you when they don't like something, they're passionate about the things and people they like and may suffer from more or less elaborated inferiority complexes at times - and without trying to undermine Miyako's impact on Ken, you can absolutely see that Ken would have a point in actually liking Miyako back BECAUSE of Daisuke. Because without a doubt, Daisuke, as mentioned, must have had such a great impact on the person Ken grew into and chose to present himself as an adult... Long story short, Ken would not be Ken without Daisuke. And since Daisuke and Miyako have so much in common - you can see Ken has a type. He needs someone who pulls him out of his head, stopping him from overthinking too much. Miyako may be prone to overthinking too, whereas Daisuke just goes straight for what his heart tells him - but The Beginning!Miyako has learned to channel the overwhelmingly loud thoughts in her head. And that is something Ken is obviously VERY impressed and encouraged by. Probably even attracted to.
Again, I still believe the movie brilliantly depicted that dynamic between not only Ken and Miyako but also the role Daisuke plays for both of them, so... Yes, a part of me still thinks they would do brilliantly in a polyamorous relationship and I will stick to that - because these dorks need each other and play off of each other beautifully.
Either way, with or without Daisuke, you see Miyako and Ken being not only soft and supportive, but also both very career-driven as young adults. We have yet to see if Koushirou they manage to find a way to make gate-hopping work again, but I can see them trying to figure their relationship out through the course of the next years, finishing their studies, going on exploration dates, teaching each other languages and talk about coding and psychology and what-not... Ken will still be tied to very tight working schedules and there will most likely be arguments about prioritization - but that's also what Daisuke is there for to mediate between them. Hehe. And through all that, Miyako may eventually want to juggle the whole "career-woman with children" thing if they work out. I can see that for them, they just have to work on their prioritization - as mentioned!
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship.
Personally, I still believe Ken and Miyako should have been very clearly depicted as bisexual, both of them - but I am already glad that we got Daisuke acknowledged so heavily, that is more than I could have hoped for! I must admit that I have never been the biggest fan of Kenyako/Miyaken, simply because a.) I always wanted Daiken to be the first canonically confirmed mlm relationship in Digimon and b.) it always kinda felt a little one-sided on Miyako's behalf to me - but The Beginning really made me like their dynamic and the potential behind them there, so I can appreciate it a lot more by now. Again, my most preferred outcome would be an open poly-relationship with Daisuke, but I can absolutely appreciate the course this ship has taken at this point.
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
{Blog P.S.A} For New Followers
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