#taichi yagami week 2024
ashxketchum · 2 months
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taichiyagamiweek · 4 months
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Hello, everyone! Thank you for your patience! Apologies for the delay in this announcement:
We are happy to announce that the dates for Taichi Yagami Week 2024 will be July 7th to July 13th!
This year, we're mixing things up. The prompts follow a theme - "Ft. The Chosen"! Therefore, all of the prompts center around Taichi's friends, the other Chosen Children!
As such, the prompts will be as follows:
July 7th: Taichi & Yamato
July 8th: Taichi & Sora
July 9th: Taichi & Jou
July 10th: Taichi & Takeru
July 11th: Taichi & Mimi
July 12th: Taichi & Koushiro
July 13th: Taichi & Hikari
Since the votes were split on the month & the theme for prompts, I used random generator methods to decide the timing and theme for the event. Regardless of month, most votes wanted the second week of whichever month!
A note: I will be away during the week of the event, and as of right now, I am rather unsure about my access to Internet. Theoretically, I should be fine to reblog entries during a certain time each day, but I will not know for a while. It is entirely possible I will need to recruit someone to help manage the blog while I'm away. Stay tuned for that announcement!
Thank you all for your patience and your excitement!
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 2, July 8th 2024: Taichi & Sora
I'm not exaggerating when I say that Sora is unbelievably vital for Taichi's character development, especially in Adventure. They start off as the sporty duo of the group who are close friends and mutually protective and supportive football club companions - even if Sora has to act as the voice of reason to hold Taichi back sometimes. At other times, she is a driving force to keep him going - to make up for his mistakes, to save her by overcoming his cowardice and to understand his personal idea of courage. They have each other's backs, are on each other's minds - and even if they don't always have the means to communicate their feelings and intentions to the other properly, even if there may be periods of (growing) physical distance between them as they grow older... Their bond never fully vanishes. They may have their arguments at times, there may be misunderstandings and insecurities here and there, but when it comes down to it - they never stop caring, supporting and wishing each other the best of luck. Because: What's a few raindrops between friends, right?
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Beating Hearts
Word Count: 547 Prompt: & Koushiro A/N: As the years go on I find something new to love about the relationship between Taichi and Koushiro. Romantic or not, these two have a lot of potential stored in them, and I don't think I completely did it justice. Continuing on with my personal theme of pain for myself, this one nearly did a huge number on me. I hope Koushiro and Taichi would have liked it. @taichiyagamiweek
The office looked empty without Tentomon buzzing around. It filled Taichi with a certain unease that somehow hadn't been following him in every other instance of this. Maybe because of the specific way Koushiro and Tentomon complemented each other, a singular unit of technology and science that functioned better together than they did alone. Taichi had always considered them one person, at least subconsciously.
Before Koushiro could begin whatever conversation he intended on having, Taichi bowed low, practically bending in half. "I'm so sorry."
He could hear the gears whirring in Koushiro's brain, hear the way he blinked once, then twice, then a third and fourth time, trying to process the reason for the apology. Finally, the younger boy said, "Why are you apologizing?"
Straightening up, Taichi tried not to meet his friend's gaze, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "We sped up the process, didn't we? And now you're alone."
Koushiro didn't answer at first, turning away and walking over to the window of his office. Taichi's brain inserted the image of Tentomon buzzing beside him, chattering away while Koushiro smiled that soft smile of his. The more he witnessed these cruel separations, the broken hearts left behind by a decision that was never theirs to make, the more Taichi's heart hurt. Whereas he felt the emptiness Agumon had left behind, he felt the hole beside his friends. It hurt so much to see what the Digital World had wrought upon them.
Lightly, Koushiro touched the window with the pads of his fingers, sighing. "There was bound to be something like Eosmon," he pointed out. "That's the way of our two worlds. Something is always at stake, always threatening the status quo. This was no different." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Do you regret any of it?"
The man who used to be a boy with goggles shook his head, grinning wryly. "Never. I'll never regret it."
"Neither will the rest of us." Koushiro turned fully to face him, backlit by the setting sun. "We had one last battle together, all eight of us. Including Sora." His mouth twitched; when he had become aware of what happened to Sora, he had been stricken, and Taichi wondered if perhaps Koushiro shouldered the guilt for not knowing what had afflicted their friend earlier than even Yamato or he. "All we can do now is watch over those who still have their partners and hope we'll find a way to see them again."
"If anyone can find the way, it's you, Koushiro. You were always the greatest of us that way." Taichi fingered the goggles in his pocket, his mind supplying memories of all the times Koushiro had literally and figuratively saved their butts, even when he was not directly involved in the fight at hand. "I'd say you're at the height of your potential."
"Aren't all of us? This isn't the end, Taichi." Koushiro placed his hand over his heart. "As long as our hearts are beating, I know we'll find a way."
Smiling widely, Taichi made his way over to his friend and held out his fist. Koushiro formed a fist with his own hand and bumped it lightly against Taichi's. A promise made between those who had always shouldered more than was fair. 
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taioraweek · 5 days
We keep our promise and bring you the announcements and dates for our Taiora Week 2024. This time we do it well in advance (2 months) so we can organize ourselves better.
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- We accept: fanfics, fanarts, headcanons, and coloring as long as they are all created by you.
- NSFW content is allowed.
- The week is focused on Taichi and Sora! But you can also include the rest of the Digimon characters.
- Mention our account so we can repost it or use the hashtag #taioraweek or #taioraweek2024
- Late submissions are welcome.
- Comment here if you have questions, or by PM.
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hikaritakaishi · 1 month
Takari Week 2024 - Day 1: First Summer
Dias: [ 1 ] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: Mnemosyne [Prologue I] (First Summer)
Characters: Takeru Takaishi
Summary: The world performs in mysterious and strange ways. He didn't even understand the meaning of destiny at that time, but in the subsequent years he was grateful for every force in the universe that had made them reach that place together. Right when they needed each other the most.
Note: A collection of stories that gives us an insight into Takeru and Hikari's relationship over the years. It was really hard to put all the prompts explicitly in the story, so I tried to metaphorize some of them, in order for them to make sense at the end.
It is composed of two prologues, one for Takeru and one for Hikari, exposing events before 1999. And a final epilogue, summarizing all the feelings exposed in the previous chapters. In the intermediate chapters, we follow all the challenges that a long-term friendship has to face when it becomes a romantic relationship, and how we form solid and permanent bonds with the ones we love the most.
His little hand gripped the pencil tightly. He didn't know what to write. In front of him, a piece of paper with the word family written in computer letter on top. And nothing more.
He couldn't think of anything good enough to write. His restless legs gently tapped the floor, again and again, impatiently.
In his poor understanding of his own emotions, he felt frustrated. Confused to say the least. Maybe a little scared even.
He just wanted to get away from there.
Not exactly going home, because home felt a little bit empty now. He didn't want to be alone, either. He felt alone most of the time lately. Even though he had friends at school, he knew they didn't understand what he was going through. And didn't want to talk about it. Despite all his mother's efforts to play it normally, he knew that even for her, it was a complicated situation to live with and to adapt. Everything was different, and there were no expectations of change.
"Why don't you write something about your mom or dad? "
Said the boy seated next to him, noticing the blank page in front of Takeru. "They are your family, aren't they?"
"I never saw your father, Takeru, is he alive?" 
Asked the girl who was sitting in the desk right behind him, trying to have a glimpse of his schoolwork. That statement was something that came naturally, unconsciously, that little girl did not think about what she said.
His voice sounded insecure and lower than usual. He tightened his grip on the pencil even more. His little feet began to circle under the table.
"He just... doesn't live in the same... house, as me and my mom..."
"Is it just you and your mom?" Continued the girl. "That must be fell... lonely."
"Sometimes...But I know my mom loves me."
"Write that then!"
He couldn't.
He couldn't write that he felt alone in a text about his family that his mother could eventually read. The teacher would be uneased. And she would question him about that. And he didn't want to talk about it.
"I am writing about my brother and my sister!" The boy broke the brief silence that came upon them. "They are my heroes!"
The boy's tone of voice created a certain envy within Takeru's heart.
He missed his brother. They hadn't spoken in a few days, and he was afraid to ask to call again. He didn't want to be annoying or bother anyone. But what if Yamato forgets about him?
"It must be horrible to be an only child, right?"
He didn't know. Because he was not, an only child. But somehow, it felt horrible that it seemed like it for other people. Almost embarrassing.
What kind of siblings live apart?
And why couldn't he have a normal family?
Why did his parents have to hate each other?
He felt his head start spinning.
Slowly, placed the pencil on the table and raised his hand. His heart was beating hard, he felt like it would burst at any moment. He held back his tears until the teacher finally noticed his presence.
"Is everything ok, Takeru?"
"I just... need to go to the bathroom!"
"Oh... ok. "The teacher seemed surprised at first but then smiled. "You can go, but don't take too long!"
"Thank you..."
He left the classroom in complete silence, while he heard his classmates' pencils tapping on the table, and small, almost inaudible conversations going on in the back of the class. Were they talking about him? It didn't matter, he just wanted to get out of there for a few moments.
He walked to the end of the hallway and went down the stairs. The bathrooms were on the first floor, and he had classes on the second.
He started running when he reached the first floor straight to the bathrooms, noticing that no one was aroud.
Entering, Takeru closed the door softly so no one could hear him. He then sat in one humid and cold corner and hugged his legs. Lowered his head and rested it on his knees. Sighed. He could cry without anyone seeing him.
You can also find it in: Fanfiction.net & Wattpad
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taikouvember · 4 months
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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you to all 30 participants of the interest poll, it was very interesting to see how another ship week would be perceived! Considering that the majority of voters confirmed to be happy to participate or enjoy the event, we shall dive into the third year of Taikouvember! (Title picture + new icon by @seventeenlovesthree)
November is the last month of autumn, right before Christmas time begins. It’s a time that can be filled with light and coziness, gloominess and melancholy, inspiring us to reminisce about our best, most precious qualities - and those of the ones we love. So, November 4th to November 10th shall be dedicated to the platonic or romantic relationship between Taichi Yagami and Koushiro Izumi (Taikou, Koutai or mainly known as Taishiro(u) in the English speaking fandom). Of course they're known for their courageous and knowledgable traits - so this time, let's shed some light on their potential other qualities:
Day 1, Monday, November 4th: Friendship
Day 2, Tuesday, November 5th: Love
Day 3, Wednesday, November 6th: Sincerity
Day 4, Thursday, November 7th: Reliability
Day 5, Friday, November 8th: Hope
Day 6, Saturday, November 9th: Light
Day 7, Sunday, November 10th: Kindness / Miracles
You can interpret the prompts however you like. In addition, you are absolutely free to use the same prompts for 2022 and 2023 if these are more to your liking! If you want us to reblog your posts, please tag everything as #taikouvember, #taikouvember2024 or #taikouvember 2024 and we will be happy to share your content, let it be fanart, fanfiction, edits or whatever comes to your mind.
@digievents If possible, I would love for the event to be added to this year's calender!
Please check our Rules & FAQ and a more detailed Prompt Guideline for more information. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!
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sorato-fan · 4 months
Sorato Week 2024 - Day 2: Costume
Days [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: Mimi's Birthday Party Pairing: Sora/Yamato Characters: Sora Takenouchi; Yamato Ishida; Taichi Yagami; Mimi Tachikawa. Summary: Sora makes Yamato's costume for Mimi's birthday party and things heat up between them.
Warning: Explicit content English Version | Brazilian Portuguese Version | Spanish Version
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 1, July 7th 2024: Taichi & Yamato
Yamato is usually depicted as some kind of foil for Taichi - a rival, a complementary ideal (Blue vs. Orange! Ice vs. Fire!), someone who challenges his sense of courage. What makes their dynamic so interesting to me is that, despite everything, they still have tons of things in common. They're brothers to younger siblings they are incredibly protective of and feel responsible for, they both can be quite stubborn about their viewpoints and both know the importance of fighting - but, at different points of the series, they also need to remind each other of that and discuss whether it's the right thing to do in that exact situation. Which is why their quarrels aren't even really a classic "anime protagonist vs. rival" situation, but more of a signifier that they're basically unstoppable whenever they set their differences aside and work together. Because - Taichi also challenges Yamato's sense of friendship. They may get into arguments, they may annoy each other sometimes, but mainly because they care - and because they understand and relate to each other better than they're willing to admit (and able to communicate) at times. It's thanks to their growing trust in each other that literal miracles are happening through the course of the entire series time and time again - that's why their bond shall never be underestimated.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 6, July 12th 2024: Taichi & Koushirou
If you're familiar with my preferences, you know that Taichi and Koushirou's relationship is my absolute favourite topic to talk about. They're your typical "brawns/brains" combination at first glance, the courageous protagonist and his knowledgable right-hand-man, who support each other through thick and thin and drive the plot forward - but to me, it has always been deeper than that. They're constantly enabling and complementing each other in their strengths and weaknesses - without Taichi's encouragement, Koushirou would not have gone to Summer Camp to eventually become a lot more confident in his abilities and usefulness; and without Koushirou's input, Taichi would have been stuck at various points, unable to save Sora or to solve the card riddle to get them all back home. There is a sense of loyalty between them that persists through the years - so them getting together to stop a rampaging Digimon from causing havoc on the net or their high commitment to parent support the 02 kids are no accidental feats. Neither is the fact that Koushirou continues to create distortion-tracking devices in the shape of goggles specifically. And even though there seem to be periods of increased physical distance between them, they won't stop getting in touch, believing in and trusting each other in times of emergency, even as the years go by. It's no surprise to me that their careers end up being the ones most intertwined with Digital World affairs - and I'm convinced that these two best friends won't stop having each other's backs through it all.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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@taichiyagamiweek, thank you so much for hosting the event of 2024! I had a blast trying out something new this time; I absolutely adore my little dolls and was happy to use them to recreate some of my favourite scenes involving Taichi interacting with all the other original Chosen Children. Taichi himself is incredibly important to me, so I enjoyed shedding some light on his relationships with the others - and I really hope that everyone else had fun participating, looking at and reading the entries as well!
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 3, July 9th 2024: Taichi & Jyou
Taichi needed some time to gain respect for Jyou and Jyou did not like Taichi's brash, irresponsible attitude at first, but they did develop a lot of respect and admiration for each other through the course of the series. It's actually quite a heartfelt theme between them; Jyou, initially the self-proclaimed leader of the group, is the first to vocally acknowledge Taichi's abilities and strengths and rightfully calls him their leader, affirming his trust in him and causing everyone else to follow his example. They couldn't be more different types of people at first glance, and yet, especially as they grow older, it becomes clear that their fears of the future and responsibilities are somewhat similar. It's why Taichi also strongly relates to Jyou and defends him when he temporarily stays away from the group, understanding that there are some truths, duties that aren't "easy to face". There is an underlying theme of mutual adoration and trust between them, as they both also constantly need to overcome their boundaries - but they can also be quite the chaotic goofballs together that should never ever be given microphones at a Karaoke night.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 5, July 11th 2024: Taichi & Mimi
Taichi and Mimi appear to be quite the “hero saving the princess trope” on surface level; Taichi is the brave main protagonist - and despite him “saving” several other characters throughout the series, Mimi seems to be the one who fits the description best. I keep saying “seems” and “appears”, because it actually doesn’t happen that often - Taichi does tease her about her princess-ly attitude and they do have their moments of physical, protective closeness, but it is not made into a big deal. Taichi does, in fact, not treat Mimi like a girly-girl and Mimi, following up on the mentioned princess episode, actively opposes being treated like porcelain, even if she does have her moments. Their interactions are rare, but there is a gentle familiarity between them whenever they do. Mimi may not be a main fighter like Taichi is, but she supports wherever she can - and is not afraid to call him out or tease back when he does/says something upsetting, especially as they grow older. When in a positive mindset, they share a very charismatic, encouraging, contagious outlook on things - and they both jump when their friends need help, even if that means taking the earliest flight from America to Japan to attend a football match.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 months
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@taichiyagamiweek Day 4, July 10th 2024: Taichi & Takeru
Taichi and Takeru are sharing, quite literally, a brotherly connection with one another: Taichi, who is famous for taking the younger ones under his wing, doesn't pamper but instead encourages Takeru by giving him responsible tasks, such as taking care of Hikari. Takeru on the other hand greatly looks up to Taichi, wants to impress him - and actually doesn't shy away from letting him know that he sees him as a brotherly figure. They're undeniably caring for each other, having fun and being dorky together and even though they may not remain as visibly close years after their adventures in the Digital World, an underlying sense of fondness between them still persists - and Takeru may still figuratively look up to Taichi, even though it's likely that he has sliiiiightly surpassed him in height as an adult.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Word Count: 525 Prompt: & Sora A/N: I honestly think I'm a little bad at writing interactions between Taichi and Sora. Maybe it has something to do with my personal attachment to him, or maybe it has to do with the fact that I (admittedly) don't think of them often. I'm always worrying about his interactions with Yamato, Hikari, Koushiro... but not Sora. I hope to rectify that here, even if it rehashes some of the same pain I touched on in the Yamato drabble. Here's to you, Sora! @taichiyagamiweek
There had been a time when being in the same room as Sora had been as easy as breathing. Another part of himself, someone he could rely on, always. Of course, he could still rely on her, and he always would be able to, but something had changed over the years. He was well aware that part of it was his fault, the way he let his feelings dictate his every move, but he also knew that Sora would tell him they were both at fault. Even on the days when he wasn't sure if he knew her, he understood her all too well.
"You, too, huh?" he murmured, noting the distinct lack of a certain pink-feathered bird. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Sora bowed her head, some strands of her hair falling over her face. "It hurt too much."
"Yeah. I get that." He tapped his fingers awkwardly on the table, trying to find something to say. It had been a while since they'd last seen each other, long before either of them had faced a greater loss than they were willing to go through. Taichi thought perhaps it would bring them closer together, as it had for him and Yamato, but maybe it was bound to drive them further apart.
"Taichi," Sora said quietly. When he looked up, she was giving him that look of sheer compassion she'd always been a pro at directing his way "I'm so sorry."
He blinked, and suddenly they were both in tears. Across the table, their hands sought each other, curling into each other as they had back when they'd played soccer together. Instead of congratulating each other on a job well done, however, they were sharing in a pain neither of them had imagined they would feel. For so long, the Digimon had simply been a part of them. Why did they have to be taken away so soon?
Bent over themselves, they cried out all the pain they'd been bottling inside for the sake of the others. Taichi had thought that perhaps their bond could never truly return to what it had been, once upon a time. He wasn't so sure of that anymore. Funny how the Digital World was still bringing them together, even as it tore their hearts out.
It took a while, but Taichi eventually straightened and squeezed her hand. "We should go get some water. I feel a headache coming on."
She smiled as she got up and followed him out of the room. "And here I thought I was the group mom."
He laughed guiltily. "You look after us, but you gotta let us look after you, too, sometimes." Meeting her brown eyes with his own, he added, "Besides, the three of us only have each other now."
Sora just stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. "That's not true. We still have five other friends."
"There she is," he said to himself as she entered the kitchen ahead of him. It would always hurt—that was the thing with losing your literal other half. But maybe, just maybe, some of the old Sora would still be around.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Here is a masterlist of the works I contributed to the 2024 iteration of Taichi Yagami Week, hosted by myself over at @taichiyagamiweek . Thank you to everyone who participated, as well as everyone who liked and shared my content!
“Weekly Meeting” (Day 1: & Yamato)
“Sharing” (Day 2: & Sora)
“Dream” (Day 3: & Jou)
“Thesis” (Day 4: & Takeru)
“Plush” (Day 5: & Mimi)
“Beating Hearts” (Day 6: & Koushiro)
“Light & Courage” (Day 7: & Hikari)
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